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Feds glow, murder Haitan presidents for not taking jab Anonymous 07/19/2021 (Mon) 02:51:53 Id: d8a9a0 No. 10243 [Reply]
https://archive.fo/WQyZN >According to a report from the Daily Mail, one of the Americans arrested for the murder of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was a DEA informant who handed over a warlord responsible for heading up the last coup in the country. The DEA has admitted some of their ‘confidential sources’ were involved in the assassination but denied the US government orchestrated the plot. >Joseph Vincent, 55, has been named by sources to the Miami Herald as one of the informants. Vincent was one of three US citizens arrested for being behind the early morning raid on the president’s home. The two others named are James Solages, and Christian Emmanuel Sanon. Approximately 20 Colombians are also under arrest for the assassination. >According to a report, several of the arrested suspects are FBI informants, and many of the Columbians were once trained by the US Military according to the Washington Post. An associate of Sanon suggested that Washington DC backed the president’s assassination, claiming their friend said the mission was supposed to ‘save Haiti from hell, with full support from the US government’. The US Justice Department said on Monday that it had been asked by Haiti to assist in the probe of Moïse’s murder, and was doing so. Vincent’s ties to the DEA were revealed as US law enforcement confirmed they are now investigating why three US citizens took part in Moïse’s assassination. >Vincent reportedly claimed the plot was orchestrated by a foreigner named ‘Mike’ who spoke English and Spanish, and that they planned to hold Moïse in the National Palace. The plot was planned over the course of a month in a hotel in the Pétion-Ville area of the country. Deputy justice of the peace Judge Clément Noël told a local Haitian newspaper the two men, who both live in Florida, said ‘the mission was to arrest Moïse and not to kill him.’ Solages said he ‘found this job on the internet.’ >The associate, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Sanon told him he was approached by people claiming to represent the U.S. State and Justice departments who wanted to install him as president. >He said the plan was only for Moïse to be arrested, and Sanon would not have participated if he knew Moïse would be killed. >After their deaths, all three countries are now distributing US-supplied COVID jabs to their citizens. Haiti had recently declined the AstraZeneca vaccine from the World Health Organization’s Covax Facility in May, citing widespread side effects reported in Europe.
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Take your meds schizos lmao

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Hitler did nothing wrong? Anonymous 06/25/2020 (Thu) 18:40:15 Id: 498d10 No. 900 [Reply] [Last]
HITLER DID SOME THINGS WRONG Nobody's perfect so he probably made some kinds of tactical/strategic mistakes which if he had acted slightly differently, perhaps Jews wouldn't have dominated the outcome of the conflict so much. Thoughts?
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>>1012 Most places in mexico have a >50% probability of a random guy has the R1b Y haplogroup (north west european majoritary Y haplogroup) . Germany has an erage of 50% of this too. Muh pure race.
Hitler was kinda quirky and emo tbh maybe he just wanted people to feel his pain too
>>12397 They couldn't run their trains properly, do you think they could have made use of that oil? They weren't efficient enough with it, and they also wanted to be self-sufficient. Besides, invading Russia was always a goal to begin with. >>14048 Well apparently he was bullied in the army, so possibly.

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FRANCE'S LAST CRUSADE Anonymous 05/21/2021 (Fri) 19:58:57 Id: 000000 No. 9308 [Reply] [Last]
FRANCE NOT FOREVER CUCKED???? This news is alredy a week old, but I couldn't post until now (and provide da OC) since time is limited and stuff. I got really, really happy seeing how the "Church's oldest daughter" actually isn't giga-cucked (actually it is extremely giga-cucked, but I'm talking about cucked beyond repair) What is going on in France? I genuinely don't understand at all how can this country be so messed up in so many ways and still show something vital signs like this. It isn't like Macron is a chad or anything like that. He is just completely schizo at this point and basic does mess in purpose just so people can forget the yellow vests and the possibility of real civil war In the end, I would just like to know from a frenchie: how is the situation down there? Why are you so weird? Why the cuckness never ends? Why no one does nothing about the savages against civilization that are the muslims coming in? (((Why?))) In the end, as anon have said, if there wasn't hope, there would be no need for propaganda, no need for persecution, no need for their obvious dispair. So pray; repent; and ask for God's mercy immediately. There is still time. There is some people and some things worth saving. The happening hasn't happened yet. Godspeed lads!

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>>13283 who brought the muslims to begin with ?
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Vive La Résistance! https://mlafrance.fr
Sacre bleu!

Anonymous 07/05/2021 (Mon) 19:36:56 Id: b75119 No. 9823 [Reply] [Last]
>The highest possible IQ among all populaces >Responsible for much of modern European culture >Laid the groundworks for the existence of Christianity >Were able to monopolise the means by which everyone trades, gaining complete and utter control over wealth. >Are able to manipulate every major government in the world into doing exactly what they want. >Fooled everyone into thinking that 6 gorrilion of them have died in a horrendous genocide to make sure everyone pays them money. >Infiltrated every single part of the """master race""" and are currently working to make whites their slaves. How are they not the master race /pol/? Are you just sore losers?
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>>9863 wow I know this is only one side of the story and may contain distortions, but if any of this is reasonably close to being true, they were just a bad fit for that society and their expulsion would have benefitted the natives
jews are a type of master they rule by lying and use of currency , the type that can take their place is a nobility of warriors , abandon that national socialist shit or any kind of socialist slave shit if you are a superior man , no factory or office fucking slave is a member of a master race , but one that lives live of leisure and pursue of personal desired while having a populatiog subjugated by force(on in the case of the jews by other depraved and deceitful domestication methods)is when the time comes get ready to take white slaves , think for yourself if the masses of leftist fucks and right wings simple fucks too , all too glad to live like sheep laboring all fucking miserable and proud in a twisted way of living that way not trying on the slightest of being anything more that a fucking worker ant and with their collectivist crap they try to smear into everything they do don't deserve to be slaves in title and in fact , jews already are making more and more obvious their slave condition , and if a nobility of warriors sprung from the natural elites among what you call the white race does not stand against them they shall rule the whole world and those degenerates that care for currency only shall join just like trump had their children marry jews they shall incorporate the useful elements into their own master race, so those that are worthy , cleanse your mind of all that slave shit of collectivism and socialism ,wether german, jew or otherwise in origin and get ready that if you want to be one such to be called a member of a master race, to be as one , to think as one , to train as one , and get ready , spread this message a mob of slaves is unlikely to stop the jews if the did succeed they problably bring a socialist fuckery upon the world worse than any jew would do . separate yourself from the masses , rip their filth from your mind and prepare. spread the message boys
if you think that about slaves fucking things more than jews just take a look at commie china , jews would not bring such fucked up place upon themselves and the countries they live on and operate within but a mob of fucking chink slaves did , jews have not much influence on china , and this chink fucks are just starting with their surveillance shit and government control . think wether the jews or the slaves are the worse type of filth after you ponder about this

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Sex when Anonymous 01/28/2021 (Thu) 22:06:22 Id: a1b97b No. 7588 [Reply]
I ve been improving my self since 2016, reading books, going to gym i fap only few times a month and i am usually funny guy and can talk about lots of stuff but somehow i can't fuck woman i got girl friends few times allready but every time woman speaks like fucking moron and make me hate her how can i get good sex without talking too much no i don't wanna go to prostitute help me guys i'm realy horny for few months now and fapping doesn't even make me stop
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>>7588 Hey, i never posted here, but i guess this time i can help someone, so my dude, Just wait, realy, Its that easy, i get you, i always had problems with that things, but one day i found someone (Sorry for my english, im dont write that much in english, but i Hope ive helped you somehow)
>>7588 >but every time woman speaks like fucking moron and make me hate her that's just the way it's been for all time,man
>>7712 This. A reference to clothing indicates an inadequate understadning of the middel east, therefore 'towelhead' shoud be avoided. Use 'Sand nigger' instead.

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Pope Francis: ''Capitalism as failed us'' Anonymous 10/04/2020 (Sun) 17:38:42 Id: 6e61f3 No. 1766 [Reply]
>Pope Francis says the coronavirus pandemic has proven that the “magic theories” of market capitalism have failed and that the world needs a new type of politics that promotes dialogue and solidarity and rejects war at all costs. >Francis on Sunday laid out his vision for a post-COVID world by uniting the core elements of his social teachings into a new encyclical aimed at inspiring a revived sense of the human family. “Fratelli Tutti” (Brothers All) was released on the feast day of his namesake, the peace-loving St. Francis of Assisi. >The document draws its inspiration from the teachings of St. Francis and the pope’s previous preaching on the injustices of the global economy and its destruction of the planet and pairs them with his call for greater human solidarity to confront the “dark clouds over a closed world." https://archive.vn/atSed
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He isn't wrong, but he isn't right. Capitalism is just a way for Jews to extract money from the goy. Socialism is the same, but worse. That's why the Church already has an economic theory based on medieval principles: Everyone has his own small farm, and craftsmen are bound together in small local/regional guilds to help keep prices fair and to help ensure there is no runaway competition, with everyone working for his own pocket. Note how it doesn't include more gibs for niggers, which is what's making Africa such a shithole to begin with. Without free food aid from the west, there'd be half as many niggers, if that, and those would be far better off than they're now. But of course the commie anti-pope wouldn't know that.
>>1815 I think your theroy about them trying to out Jew the Jews is sound. I wonder big they'll ever let Pastors marry again. That would most certainly give them the edge they they need.

Richard Spencer has been vindicated Anonymous 10/07/2021 (Thu) 08:31:27 Id: 59ded1 No. 12089 [Reply]
He was right about: >Republicans denouncing explicit White Identity, while using implicit White Identity as bait (has been going on for decades at this point) >the toxic nature of online right-wing dissident spaces (as a German I can say that this is more of an American Problem) >the need to distinguish yourself from the MAGA crowd >how Wokeness is an evolved, secular version of Christianity >Biden being better than Trump in civil administration, because he wants to spend money on public infrastructure and the best option to alleviate suffering for white families >that under these circumstances you should be pro-choice (he destroyed Zen Shapiro in that debate) >forcing his wife to watch a James Bond movie with them The only thing he needs to be redpilled on is that Americans are inherently toxic and can never properly collectively unite around anything. He should just move to Europe and become an Intellectual for us, since Americans don't want him. >but he's a fed, look at his satanic liberal gf I have seen leaked chats, where she talked about how she admitted to him that she understands more and more of his positions when they started having sex. He is continuing to pretend his gf is a liberal to protect her.
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>>12675 >Dutton who's a "pagan" You are thinking of Mark Brahmin, who developed "Racial Esoteric Moralization" theory and is reviving the Apollo cult; is strictly oposed to christianity and nordic pagan folk myth. Dutton is a "utilitarian christian athiest", he doesn't believe in jesus it but views it positively from a scientific standpoint and argues that it is heavily group selective (his wife is a luther pastor).
>>12089 spencer is a massive faggot. He is quipping like a faggot on twitter to piss people off. His support of biden is fucking baseless. Biden like literally millions of 3rd world retards pour over the border.
Zionist, faggot, narcissistic grifter shilling leftists. I can only be said that only a commie has punched this degenerate piece of filth. https://www.rawstory(Please use archive.today)/richard-spencer-says-wanted-fame/ He's also a crybaby faggot that claimed to regret everything. https://edition.cnn(Please use archive.today)/videos/us/2021/12/04/white-power-on-trial-promo-elle-reeve-vpx.cnn

MASSIVE CHIMPOUT IMMINENT! GET IN HERE! Anonymous 05/07/2020 (Thu) 23:00:25 Id: b1bcf2 No. 77 [Reply]
I know this site is still finding it's legs but why hasn't anyone made a thread for the Georgia shooting yet? Two white guys, a father and son, shot a black jogger in the street. I know there is more to it but those are the very basic details that everyone will be talking about. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coLXSfVCBAk MSM article: https://archive.is/F5489
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>>13506 Anon he posted that over 20 months ago. He ain't gonna respond now.
>>13515 I realize english isn't your native tongue, and so it is with much regret that I need to inform you that your statement is unintelligible. I don't understand what you are attempting to communicate. Please elaborate more clearly on the subject, so that I might know what the hell you are saying.
OP is a fkn glownigger.

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So let me inform you on the state of things... Anonymous 08/01/2020 (Sat) 04:25:36 Id: de04fd No. 1276 [Reply] [Last]
The world is unraveling at kike speed now, here is what we are in for >Roach - Homo wars (Turkey vs Greece) >USA vs BRICS (Their kikery will lead to WW3 with China&Russia) >but first of all, end of Fiat money (Dollar, Euro, etc) due to Corona Hoaxing and the fallout from said hoaxing By the end of the year you will see first fallout happen (banks going bust, mass unrest of shortages in cash/goods, etc) The first clashes coming in 2021, minor roachwars might flare up this year but unlikely, first the dollar has to tank then its party time in the ovens... this thread will be updated accordingly if it survives long enough that is. Stay honky & remember to coof in their face
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> >dditionally, a digital dollar wallet is identified as ‘a digital wallet or account, maintained by a Federal reserve bank on behalf of any person, that represents holdings in an electronic device or service that is used to store digital dollars that may be tied to a digital or physical identity.’ They already do that.
uh... 6 feet a part.. those were real nuclear weapons that were used. I don't know if they're close to the nuclear war now. their threat as far as i could tell is zika and zita cuasing caner to mutate. Glhf.
>>10082 It genuinely is amazing just how horribly incompetent modern world leaders are.

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The fate of Israel Anonymous 09/16/2020 (Wed) 09:54:37 Id: 0fddaf No. 1610 [Reply] [Last]
Alright so this is something I wanted to do because I believe it's pretty important to understand why the Jews actually hate us. Firstly I want to explain a couple of things. There's quite a lot to unpack here so I'll begin with the whole noah thing. Whether you believe the story or no, Personally I do but that's not the point, Noah was saved by God. Now if you asked the average pastor they would say that he was saved through his faith in God. Which while yes his faith was indeed very strong that's not the reason given in the bible. No the reason Noah was saved was because of he himself being perfect in his generations. We also learn that the reason the flood happened was because the "sons of God" intermingled with the daughters of men. This is in Genesis 6 if you want to read it. However this has massive implications, God said that angels didn't marry in the new testament. So if we take this in a different way and say the "sons of God" are the seed of Adam which makes sense considering that God gave Adam the breath of life. Then we can Assume that noah was saved because he didn't commit miscegenation with other people groups. That's great and all but is noah white? Well in my personal opinion he probably was. Noah came from Adam the word adam in hebrew came from the word ruddy. Look up strong's exhaustive concordance number 119. It literally means to show blood in the face. Something only Europeans can do. This also gives extra weight to other things Semites, Hamites and Japhethites. Were all European. Which means Assyrians Akkadians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, Libyans, Cushites and yes even the ancient Hebrews were all white. Considering the flood story and that noah was "perfect in his generations" he literally had to be. However in my opinion at some point. The Jews began to mongrelize with other peoples. until only a small remnant survived at the time of Jesus. You can tell if you read the bible. Alright if you go to numbers 25 then you'll see that a man named phineas was praised for the fact that he killed a man who was breeding outside of his people he also killed the women. Not to mention it was called a plague. Later on around the time of David. His appearance was describe twice 1 Samuel 16:12, 1 Samuel 17:42. Both times he was fair and ruddy both traits of Europeans. Considering this around this time the Hebrews were still probably European especially considering Davids appearance. Plenty of other bits sprinkled through the bible gives us a rough idea of what Israel looked like song of solomon 5:10, Lamentations 4:7 it's quite consistent that they were white and had a ruddy complexion. However everything changed after the Babylonian captivity. basically majority of Israel is gone I think they are Europeans but some might not, Only a small remnant remains. They begin mongrelizing with a mixed multitude. Read Ezra 9 for further clarification, Also read Nehemiah 13. Basically Israel's prophets were struggling to keep the Israelites from breeding with other people groups. If you read antiquity of the Jews then you'll notice that the Israelites bred with a group called the edomites. Who mongrelised with a group called the Canaanites who depending on who you ask are the sons of Noah's son's Ham's kid Canaan or the sons of Cain the guy who killed Abel. The Edomites were the progeny of Esau. Who hated the Israelites. If you want to know Esau originally had the birthright but he sold it for some porridge. Obviously not the type of people you would entrust the survival of your people with. But a man called hyrcanus conquered them and assimilated them into the remnant of the Israel people. Mainly Judahites which is why they're called Jews. Now during roman times a quick thing that backs this up is that Israel was called by the name Judea which is the combination of judahite and Idumean(the greek spelling of edomite). The modern Jew also breeds with anyone from negros to Chinese to Europeans. In other words a mongrel. Jesus was born around this time possibly before it fully completed and considering how God personally birthed Jesus it's pretty easy to assume he was pure. This is why Jesus said to go only to the lost sheep of the house of israel in matthew 15:24. And looking at 1 peter 1 these places included mainly greek places. The tale of Israel is a sad one a group of people who fell into debauchery due to a king who fell into idolatry due to his wives. and were kicked out of their home by Assyria and the last remaining remnant of them becoming mongrels.
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>>13580 God has already won, And trust me when I say this, when Jesus returns you're gonna see he's not as nice as the TV pastors have been saying he is.
>>13580 Fuck off kike.
>>13581 >when Jesus Isa (a.w.s.) fixed.

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Anonymous 12/03/2021 (Fri) 00:52:29 Id: cef5b2 No. 13182 [Reply]
Wait a minute, what is the percentage of Black Austrian farmers in the alpine mountains?
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>>13544 We're not moving anywhere with this dumb conversation. Stop denying what you said and admit you made an exaggeration.
>>13566 You did exaggerate. You are denying that you made a completely false claim.
>>13594 >Half of western Europe is nonwhite. You've done it again, blatantly lie.

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Anonymous 11/05/2020 (Thu) 07:13:50 Id: a0cba2 No. 3378 [Reply] [Last]
Trump hasn't lost yet. Reminder that Gore would've won in 2000 had he not conceded to Bush before the lawsuit, and Trump's no pussy, he's gonna battle this to the end. Three justices from the Gore vs. Bush case are still on the bench. So if there is legitimate fraud, they stand a chance to prove it once and for all. I doubt Trump is the legitimate loser since he did WAY better in counties where Hillary won last time. No president since 1884 lost when their party had seats both in the House and Senate.
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>>3378 Stop putting your hopes on Trump because he is an idiot. Do things yourself or find someone who is more like hitler to worship
>>10287 >bumps a 9 month old Q-LARP thread that has been proven to be completely irrelevant Fuck off.
>>13501 Stop necro bumping you whore

Anonymous 06/29/2021 (Tue) 18:17:55 Id: c967a4 No. 9737 [Reply] [Last]
27 year old living in “diverse” metropolitan area. I have suddenly came to the realization that Hitler was right about everything.
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>>13343 >Germany expands due to martial conquest. >This brings them into the Balkans >Just like in Denmark, France, Norway, etc the Reich starts recruiting locals for more soldiers. >In Yugoslavia this includes Bosnian muslims, who were incorporated into their own Waffen-SS division "Handschar" >Himmler OKs the recruitment of Muslims since he thought Islam bred better soldiers since it taught death in battle was the way to paradise. That at least explains the first picture
>>9737 welcome to the club and Hell
>>13396 Thanks anon, I didn't know about this

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covid secret key leak Anonymous 10/28/2021 (Thu) 18:44:10 Id: 000000 No. 12357 [Reply]
Help me out. I heared that the secret key used to verify the code was leaked. Where can i find it and how to generate the qr code. Someone alredy did it
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>>12929 what country was it for?
>>13040 >8chan <KC

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Moonman general Anonymous 11/28/2021 (Sun) 10:21:32 Id: 1073ba No. 13076 [Reply]
This board needs more moonman.
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Moon Man - Cheer Up
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Anonymous 01/18/2021 (Mon) 17:33:56 Id: 000000 No. 7078 [Reply]
I saw this picture in an image result while looking for something unrelated. I decided to fix it a bit, I disapproved of the bad politics and wrong message of the original image, and even moreso i hate to see such disagreeable expressions on the faces of young pickaninny girls, or indeed, young ladies of most any sort. Lately I've been drawing etc a lot more than usual due mostly to the increased of certain medicines, but I am by no means much of an artist. Still, i think it's at least an improvement, with more cheerful faces and attitudes, a better sense of friendship and whimsy, and a more sensible and relatable advocacy. I'm gonna email my edit to the original artist and see what he thinks.
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>>7078 The people who are the driving force of BLM are marxists who want to destroy free society, while everyone else who is involved have been deceived and are being used by them to further these goals. BLM does not represent all black people. I personally know black people who are decent people and they are opposed to BLM.
>>13200 >free society what?! What country do you mean? Obviously, not USA, yes?
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>>13201 >What country do you mean? Obviously, not USA, I was using the term in a general sense to describe "western" nations who had some form of freedom either at their founding or at some time throughout the 20th century. Obviously most of that freedom is gone now. When I referred to the marxist goal of destroying free society, I was not meaning to imply that this was a new goal that was in its early phases. I feel that we are nearing the completion of that goal.

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