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Chirstopher Dorner Anonymous 06/03/2020 (Wed) 11:22:46 Id: 2d9d39 No. 657 [Reply]
What are your views on the whole Dorner ordeal /pol/?
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>>657 mfw the LAPD caused more destruction and mayham trying to catch Dorner than Dorner did himself. Can't corner the Dorner.
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>>1801 Dressing up like a comic book character will only inspire children. It is the fruits of your labour that will actually inspire anyone older. People will obviously take the difficulties at hand and the effort put in into account, but the amount of effort going into propping up your image and the time needed to glue together every single piece of the suit will not inspire anyone unless their goal is to become a tailor or a cosplayer. Sure, you can strive for "at least you tried" but at some point you will have to grow out of it. > and his mere existence deters others from doing evil. Really? As far as I can recall his presence did not cause any this kind of utopia you seem to be referring to. He prevented a lot of the larger threats from causing catastrophical scenarios, but he certainly did not deter people from doing evil. Neither the bigger threats nor people engaging in petty crimes. He only beat the shit out of them and left them to die, but in his massively kind heart he did not see fit to kill any of the larger threats. So that they could think about their actions and see a change of heart, which pretty much never actually came. Really he is the symbol of the kind motherly heart of the government. Superman is the perfect example of someone squandering limitless potential: to aspire to be him is to aspire to be a fucking failure whose judgement is clouded by noble ideals. I think you have heard the phrase about nails and hammers more than enough times to not need it told another time, but it applies here flawlessly.
>>1813 The costume is specifically to get attention, yes, because it's the attention that inspires good and deters evil. And yes, a "superhero" costume specifically is silly, but like it or not, it has come to represent things in western society. It is symbolic. "Deters" does not mean "stops entirely." You can deter evil without creating a utopia. >He only beat the shit out of them and left them to die Didn't he always call the cops and just try to detain until cops arrived? Or are we talking about Superman and not Phoenix Jones? I'm pretty sure Superman doesn't leave people to die either. Of course, your criticisms have been addressed by Superman stories many times. The argument made against your claims is that the way Superman limits himself with his morality is a flaw, or is necessary due to a flaw, that is inherent in all people. Superman has great power, and that's why it's important to not abuse it, or even risk abusing it. He could be a dictator, but is a dictator, even a benevolent one, worth it? And would anyone truly stay benevolent? Of course this is quite separate from the discussion of guys like Dorner and Jones. They are not particularly powerful, and that is precisely what makes them inspiring. They didn't feel the need to do things because they had great power. They just did it because they felt that someone needed to. And you could too.

Trump catches Corona 10/02/2020 (Fri) 08:32:12 Id: ca64ae No. 1741 [Reply]
https://archive.vn/45Vyv This might give the democrats the perfect excuse to pull Biden out of debates without looking weak themselves.
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>>1742 >the corona hoax Found the plague rat.
>>1762 Honestly, I've never been sure whether it's only deadly to boomers or not.
And with the antibodies his immunization system is creating, he is the cure.

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Anonymous 05/09/2020 (Sat) 00:51:55 Id: 01521d No. 100 [Reply] [Last]
she dissapointed
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Chinese Filth Brigade Foreign Companies to Protest Acknowledgement of Taiwan Anonymous 09/29/2020 (Tue) 18:45:26 Id: 715713 No. 1668 [Reply]
>vtuber girl shows her viewer rankings by country on stream >chinese niggers see taiwan as a prominent ranking and mass report her channel as well as another for the same thing, cause a big fuss and kvetch on social media like the yellow likes they are >japanese management company immediately bends the knee, suspends the girls for three weeks and forces them to apologize publicly If anyone watches this shit unironically, you're literally consuming jpop idol shit 2.0. It's a meat grinder and the girls are transient and being burned for money. If you, god forbid, donate, you're supporting evil and should reevaluate your life. Also, it's going to be a rough fucking century on the internet if the chink filth have this much away for minor shit. Honestly they should be blanket banned from the greater internet. Is there anything that can be done to halt the yellow menace? This is rapidly becoming social justice except worse.
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>>1712 Oh, cool, the scripts are retarded. Anyway, you know what to put in the URL. Sage.
>>1698 The vtuber in your video is one who was suspended, and surpasses many senior vtubers in subscribers, as well as having the most all-time superchat income on youtube. Last I checked, 11 of the top 15 superchatted channels were vtubers as well.
>>1668 >MIGA faggots are virtual onlyfan faggots color me surprised

Ginburg finally croaks Anonymous 09/19/2020 (Sat) 01:18:12 Id: a9fdbd No. 1622 [Reply]
https://archive.is/rfKk1 https://archive.is/pPpox Couldn't even last until after the election.
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>>1634 >All of this text when none of that shit is even real to begin with I fucking hate kikes and their magical thinking so much.
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>>1638 Pay attention, because that magical thinking is their Achilles' heel. >They won't state "Jesus is my Lord and Savior", not even to fool the goyim. >They won't admit to being dumb or doing dumb things, even if it would help them >They won't use reverse psychology. They'll say, "Trump is a Jew puppet" but not "I, Schlomo Goldberg, encourage you to vote for Trump". If you know how they think, it's possible to distract them with symbolic nonsense (like moving the US embassy to Jerusalem) while simultaneously dismantling the power structure that enables their parasitism. The problem is that you have to grow up around Jews to learn this, and doing that without getting robbed, raped, and/or murdered is an impressive achievement.
https://archive.fo/4VAGs Trump's lined up his replacement.

The final volume on the Russian collusion investigaion finds no hard evidence of collusion, but lots of circumstantial evidence Anonymous 08/30/2020 (Sun) 21:57:02 Id: af7552 No. 1491 [Reply]
https://anonfilesPlease use archive.today/n1O4i7Q9o8/full_pdf From the Findings section put forth at the beginning of the document. >The Committee found that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian effort to hack computer networks and accounts affiliated with the Democratic Party and leak information damaging to Hillary Clinton and her campaign for president. Moscow's intent was to harm the Clinton Campaign, tarnish an expected Clinton presidential administration, help the Trump Campaign after Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee, and undermine the U.S. democratic process. From relevant section regarding these findings, page 170 (184 of pdf). >(U) Beginning in March 2016 officers of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate, the GRU, successfully hacked computer networks belonging to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), and the email accounts of Clinton Campaign officials and employees, including Campaign Chairman John Podesta. Over the following months, these hackers carefully established persistent access in confidential areas of the victims' systems and stole massive amounts of politically sensitive data and personal communications. The data was subsequently leaked by GRU personas and WikiLeaks at strategic moments during the 2016 election, as part of a coordinated hack-and-leak operation intended to damage the Clinton Campaign, help the Trump Campaign (the "Campaign"), and undermine the U.S. democratic process. >The Committee found that Russian President Vladimir Putin directed the hack-and-leak campaign targeting the DNC, DCCC, and the Clinton Campaign. Moscow's intent was to damage the Clinton Campaign and tarnish what it expected might be a Clinton presidential administration, help the Trump Campaign after Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee, and generally undermine the U.S. democratic process. The Committee's findings are based on a variety of information, including raw intelligence reporting. >Trump publicly requested that Russia find and release the “missing" emails from Clinton's server, and hours later, GRU hackers attempted new spearphishing attacks against the Clinton Campaign. >The Trump Campaign publicly undermined the attribution of the hack-and-leak campaign to Russia, and was indifferent to whether it and WikiLeaks were furthering a Russian election interference effort. >The ICA states, with high confidence, that Putin ordered the 2016 influence campaign against the U.S. presidential election. <Lots of fucking redacted out text before and after the above line TL;DR >Russia hacked the DNC to help Trump likely due to his investments in Russia and positive views of Russia >Trump and his campaign exploited this, something for which they can't be blamed >But also requested further hacks/leaks from a foreign power, that is asking for more foreign election interference in their favor And TL;DR on the document in general from what I've read. >Paul Manafort, chair of Trump's 2016 campaign, is extremely suspsicious, almost certainly working to Russia's benefit more than to the US and retroactively registered as a foreign agent in 2017 >US identification and precautions against foreign agents are fucked

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>>1491 >>investigates Russian collusion Would have liked to see an investigation into Israeli collusion.
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They are never going to admit to the serious Russia collusion because it implicates the Clintons, the Rothschilds, Prince Charles, and nearly all of the Democratic Party in outright treason. Look into the UN Foundation, B Team, Avaaz, Edelman, Open Society, Inclusive Capitalism Initiative. It's one organized crime ring working for Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Hamas while passing itself off as part of the intelligence community.
>>1508 >all those jew names lel

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Anonymous 04/30/2020 (Thu) 01:07:16 Id: 20cd33 No. 30 [Reply]
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>>308 >>1357 >because it's the same fucking thing. Selling things to people and hosting something for someone else isn't the same thing. However it's still more cucked than Germany. Here we're allowed to decide who we do business with.
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>>30 You can't reason with the buggers, just throw them into the bog! Only then may you move on with your life.

Cold War II: Electric Boogaloo Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 15:26:04 Id: b01f0b No. 298 [Reply]
>China tells U.S. to stop taking them ‘to the brink of a new Cold War’ http://archive.md/VyJWG Who's ready for the second Cold War?
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>>5461 >zion don It doesn't matter. What matters is that most of the right recognizes the threat of the jew. One of the things this election has done is show everyone just how much control they have over the US. Even Fox, which was supposed to be the release valve for the right, finally showed how pozzed they really are. With the continued lockdowns, rushed vaccine, and no release for the right, the day of the rope is one step closer. All it will take at this point is for someone to pop Kamala. Biden is already a walking corpse, so he's not lasting long as is.
>>5704 There were reports coming out about this very thing happening months ago. As early as the first month into the lockdown.
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>>1499 Apply it to pissrael then and stop sending those filthy slopes our big beautiful American data.

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JOGGERS ARE THE ONES DOING IT + EXPOSING THE SHILLS GENERAL /jadodi/ + /ets/ Anonymous 06/03/2020 (Wed) 15:06:45 Id: adf1c4 No. 669 [Reply]
Raided by civnat newfags and glowies, this constitutes a measure to recohere /pol/ with its axiom. >what's the current shill tactic? Shifting the focus from black culpability to "white" Antifa (this general doesn't deny they play a part), such that people stay oblivious to the fallibility of Jewish pluralism in Western countries. >who 1. Jewish MSM. 2. Blacks, with benefit of techniques of neutralization: https://abload.de/img/neutralizationwejj3.png >how? Exaggerating Antifa involvement to distract from black felonies. Videos in which blacks talk about Soros and how Antifa "made them do it", which are met with newfags and shills bursting into exaltation, paint blacks as innocent and "based". Twitter accounts dedicated to this propaganda: https://twitterPlease use archive.today/Freeyourmindkid/status/1267334903726833664 * /pol/ GLOWIES: https://pastebinPlease use archive.today/MYDizZiV *

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>>699 >killing niggers >le downhill
>>699 Downfall for nonwhites maybe.
Who needs a guide for bots and shills? Lurk 2 years on a /pol/ board that isn't cuckchan you disgusting newfaggots. If you're a newfag, you might as well be a bot anyway.

Twitter admind control panel leaked thanks to hack and is being banned across the site Anonymous 07/16/2020 (Thu) 04:05:54 Id: 747269 No. 1105 [Reply]
So, earlier today, major Twatter accounts got hacked by Bitcoin scammers, including Bezos, Musk, Obama and Biden. https://archive.is/BH05o https://archive.is/Wj3a6 As a result of this hack, apparently a series of photos were leaked showing the Twitter admin control panel, and now anyone posting pictures of the photos are being banned across the site: https://archive.is/N7Zsx >BREAKING: Alleged leaked pictures from the Twitter admin control panel that was compromised showcase the buttons ‘Trends Blacklist’ and ‘Search Blacklist’, indicating Twitter DOES have the ability to shadowban it’s users. >UPDATE: Twitter is now removing and deleting images of the admin control panel from its website. Source of remaining pics posted: https://archive.is/qB55w https://archive.is/235Hy
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>>1105 I heard they lied to congress under oath that they don't shadow ban. >>1119 These people will get legally fucked if there is any justice left in America.
>>1201 >if there is any justice left in America Justice in America usually means whoever has the most money is in the right. Unless someone else with a lotta money goes after twitter chances are pretty good nothing will happen. Even if someone did that it'd probably be because they're about to start pushing another equally cancerous social media platform and are only trying to preemptively kick some of the competition in the balls.
>wasting time with shitter get a life

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America is giving up the ghost Anonymous 06/02/2020 (Tue) 00:12:51 Id: 7fca4c No. 626 [Reply]
I'm lovin it.
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It's almost ON https://news.antiwarPlease use archive.today/2020/07/23/pompeo-us-will-no-longer-tolerate-china/ https://www.almasdarnewsPlease use archive.today/article/russia-calls-on-us-to-stop-occupying-syria-and-israel-to-end-attacks/ just a little tiny push and BAM WW3
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>>1193 Finally, hopefully the USA gets nuked like it needs to be.
>>1193 Is it though? Or is it just political talk?

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How are you gentlemen! Anonymous 07/14/2020 (Tue) 20:51:51 Id: d62a47 No. 1096 [Reply]
Kanye seems set to split the democrat vote, ensuring another glorious four years of israeli expansionism and IMMIGRATION LIKE NEVER BEFORE. This frankly seems more like a deciding factor than months of unchecked racial pogroms, which the democrats would in theory have to own, but in practice (ie, in the minds of the electorate) probably don't. Does anyone actually care about the election at this point? Have you checked out to live innawoods raising chickens?
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>>1124 Thank the Gods that trolls are out there showing how full of shit every normalfag is.
>>1142 I bet you he could actually win if all those people who won't vote for him because they think he can't win would vote for him.

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"BLACKS DINDU NUFFIN', IT WAS ANTIFA"--STOP SAYING THIS--it's a diversion (SHILLS ARE RAIDING CUCKCHAN) Anonymous 06/01/2020 (Mon) 08:27:29 Id: cd639b No. 563 [Reply]
You are regurtitating CNN's talking point, who are throwing Antifa under the bus right now. And the only reason Trump does this is because because he wants black voters. WE have to red-pill the masses about the nigger menace NIGGERS do it: https://streamablePlease use archive.today/9w5c5e Example for the Antifa psyop on cuckchan /pol/: https://boards.4chanPlease use archive.today/pol/thread/259787449#p259787449 (ONE [1] POST BY THIS ID) Internet forums in general are infiltrated by (((bots and shills))). Other telltale signs especially for slide threads are stale clickbait soundbites in the subject field, porn, slander, befuddling new lurkers and antagonizing women. The usual main target seems to be to distract us with lewd shit. One clear example for bot activity on /pol/: https://archive.4plebsPlease use archive.today/pol/thread/259496336/
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>>564 >no sound
>>597 Please stop making Canada look even worse than it already does.
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But schlomo said port is speech...

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Anonymous 06/03/2020 (Wed) 05:49:18 Id: a736ae No. 653 [Reply]
9chan is a kike honeypot. stay clear. also fuck niggers
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>>653 don't know, looks like jdif controlled oposition
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>>653 ohh here we go with that shit img again.
>>1095 >cuckchan It's shit. Every other chan is fine as long as they have freedom of speech.

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ANTIFA OFFICIALLY A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION Anonymous 05/31/2020 (Sun) 18:10:45 Id: e2e917 No. 519 [Reply]
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>>532 Best post in the thread, unsurprisingly zoomers don't know or don't care about it.
>UN #HumanRights experts express profound concern over a recent statement by the US Attorney-General describing #Antifa and other anti-fascist activists as domestic terrorists, saying it undermines the rights to freedom of expression and of peaceful assembly in the country. http://archive.vn/1UKSO
>>850 >(((UN))) >Kikes worried about their puppets not being able to subvert society as they were brainwashed to Of fucking course

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/rg/ Regg General - Exposing Antifa Anonymous 06/01/2020 (Mon) 08:52:41 Id: 706ea7 No. 567 [Reply]
Reposting this compilation here from 4chan, streamer Regg stumbled into Antifa multiple times over the course of the protest. Caught coordination, out of state rioters, militant behavior, safe houses. The whole damn thing. Video Archives: https://mega.nz/folder/TDQHzQQZ#vIZopAWDWVzy7EuoVAzEyw Last Night: https://www.Webm or instances.invidio.us/watch?v=NFHxNuM3uGI https://streamablePlease use archive.today/6223z7 Antifa admitting "we're" here. --- https://streamablePlease use archive.today/t8vbcp Locals notice that the ones burning buildings are unknown and committing senseless acts. https://streamablePlease use archive.today/6zwhky

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>>570 >using cuckchan Faggot. Besides that, for any glownigger ops, the handler's identity is of primary importance. They are the HVT. Probably everyone else is a braindead meatsack. Of course, anyone on cuckchan is too useless to do anything with that information, but not everyone else is. >>581 The difference is that there isn't any evidence for qshit, fag.
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>>581 >don't make new threads there Drive-by threads are fairly important for the spread of information. It is incredibly important that you don't invest too heavily into it for the payoff you are getting in return but it is retarded to limit yourself this way. Feeding pearls to pigs is a waste of time, which is why you don't write paragraphs and usually just let the information speak for itself, but to try some retarded shit where you build a network of poster proxies to make your threads for you is even more so. You can spread it to other people, obviously, but this type of three degrees of separation bullshit just so you could pretend you don't post there is just sad.
>>642 Should have taken a pic of the VIN

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