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This is one of the central hubs of the leftards. Anonymous 11/16/2022 (Wed) 14:30:37 Id: 3b21af No. 18676 [Reply]
https://archive.ph/4y9nA https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20120809170136/http://www.conflictsforum(Please use archive.today)/who/ >Alistair Cooke has extensive experience working with movements such as Hamas, Hezbollah and other Islamist movements in Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Middle East >Graham Fuller is a former CIA station chief in Kabul and former vice-chair of the CIA’s National Intelligence Council. >Ronnie Kasrils is former South African Minister of Intelligence, a former member of the ANC’s National Executive Committee and the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party. They are disguising Hamas and Hezbollah as the South African Communist Party. Avaaz is their front organization: https://archive.ph/8ahQE Wasn't Nelson Mandela a member of it? Yes, and he was in jail for being a terrorist who bombed shit for Moscow. A more relevant name to GG is Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka who "was headhunted for the position" http://www.iol.co.za/news/politics/phumzile-to-lose-all-perks-1.1564003 She ended up as part of McKinsey Social Initiative

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Animal reactions spam Anonymous 11/08/2022 (Tue) 12:29:28 Id: bcd20f No. 18635 [Reply]
They are markers of glownigger activity, mostly jews. Lately I'm seeing these appear more often on various minor board sites. Giving an headstart if these shits will start to appear here too. Be wary of animal reactions, they are one of the old abandoned and almost forgotten memes, which glowniggers scrape up to use while shilling to try to mix in the crowd and pretend to be part of "le based" kids.
>>18635 >pay not attention to the namefagging, it's the kitty cat picture that is suspicious get a load of this retard

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The Space War Anonymous 11/08/2022 (Tue) 22:23:31 Id: dad778 No. 18638 [Reply]
Space war update. https://www.reddit(Please use archive.today)/r/TechnologyAndAliens/comments/ypzufg/the_space_war/

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The Rothchilds must be killed. Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 08:53:26 Id: c4f86a No. 18621 [Reply]
https://archive.ph/7t63h The World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the pharmaceutical mafia, governments and corporations, who are all pushing for the tolerance insanity, the communist insanity, the vaccines insanity and all the other problems in OUR world, are all funded by the Rothchilds and their Black Rock financial group. They are the main enemy that human beings must kill.
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Commie general! RLXXXNZV.com 09/30/2021 (Thu) 11:35:34 Id: 7e30e1 No. 11986 [Reply] [Last]
Post commie material and discuss anything about commiedom here. Communism will rise again!!! to those decrying "communism is jewry": ah, take the chill pill, kikes btfo under us
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>> 16298 As always niggers americans cant understand that semite and jews arent the same, the first is the people relate with a region of North Africa in the majority are muslims, the second a worldwide religion, serusly why polnigger don't even read wikipedia?
People once thought that more Americans would become Libertarians when the US became a police state, but now the opposite has happened. Instead of embracing freedom, Americans love tyranny more. Since the government has destroyed the economy, Americans accept welfare and think that the state is their protector. Once tyranny and brainwashing wins, people love their chains and will never love freedom again. You can be sure that some tears were real when Stalin died.
>>13151 >carry anarcho-communist flags >advocate for "prole" movements >their symbol is literally the same as the Communist Party in Germany during the 20s Shitty troll attempt, kill yourself. Jannies should have deleted this low effort dog shit thread.

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Nancy Pelosi sent Russian porn-star Deadhead to kill her husband Anonymous 11/02/2022 (Wed) 00:07:44 Id: eb924b No. 18599 [Reply]
Here is the best I can piece together the research lads.

White Victims of Black Crime - Thread #015: You may not see race, but race sees you The Fire Rises 10/18/2022 (Tue) 17:56:50 Id: 3474ab No. 17744 [Reply] [Last]
White Victims of Black Crime - Thread #015: You may not see race, but race sees you Previous Thread Archives: Thread #011 - https://archive.fo/ONEY3 This thread was the last one from before the great 8chan shut down. Thread #012 - https://archive.is/A6SoL Thread #013 - https://archive.ph/s8sfS This is the last thread on 8kun, as the server keeps going down and there's no moderation and a spambot on the loose. Thread #014 - https://8chan.moe/pol/res/16817.html This is the 1st thread on 8chan.moe. Larger file size limit (2x 8kun's) means more info per thread. Unfortunately I'm unable to archive threads on .moe. My Manifesto https://www.mediafire(Please use archive.today)/folder/xdljmbz2jgdoo/ https://mega.nz/#F!GaBxkCDQ!UxpqZPv_bMgx4gxHck8D2A An audio version of my manifesto created with a TTS engine. It's 23 minutes long and is available in mp3/opus audio format. Downloads https://pastebin(Please use archive.today)/Lgs1mAhp This contains links to all of my graphics (loose & .7z archives), as well as videos & pdfs that I've created. This link will stay the same, but the text in the pastebin will change to reflect newer uploads. Of note, is that I upload my graphics to my Mega.nz account. This allows me to update the files, but the links will stay the same.

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https://pastebin(Please use archive.today)/EnZUgks2 1687 ---------------- July 19, 2021 Location: Alexandria,LA Victim(s): Larry Walter Baxley 74 Attacker(s): Antonio B Brooks Description: Brooks shot Larry in the head twice, before dumping his body in the parking lot, then driving away in his truck. Archive.is Link(s): https://archive.ph/ihOr4 Story on the crime.

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https://pastebin(Please use archive.today)/EAwQpsCB 1688 ---------------- January 12, 2006 Location: London,England,UK Victim(s): Thomas Mervyn "Tom" ap Rhys Pryce 31 Attacker(s): Donnel Carty, Delano Brown 17 Description: Thomas was walking home from Kensal Green Tube station after work, when the suspects attacked him as they chased him from the station. Carty stuck Thomas with a flying kick to the back, knocking him to the ground. He was then kicked in the face when he tried to get up. Soon after, Thomas was stabbed twice, once in the chest and once in the hip, as well as suffering numerous cuts to his hands, head, and torso. They then took his mobile phone and his Oyster card (public transport card), before asking if he had anything else, running away when he said that they had everything. Thomas bled to death a short distance from his home. Thomas left behind a fiancée whom he was due to marry in September. Archive.is Link(s): https://archive.ph/3qlmb Wikipedia entry on the crime.

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https://pastebin(Please use archive.today)/haKiGvXE 1689 ---------------- May 24, 2008 Location: London,England,UK Victim(s): Robert Arthur “Bob” Knox 18 Attacker(s): Karl Norman Bishop Description: Bishop, who had a previous conviction for a knife attack on two men, and was under police investigation for robbery, got into an argument outside a bar. He then left the scene and returned with two knives and began to attack Robert’s younger brother. When Robert and his friends attempted to disarm Bishop, they were attacked as well. Robert was stabbed five times and died from internal bleeding. Four others were stabbed as well, with one person suffering permanent spinal damage from being stabbed in the neck. Archive.is Link(s): https://archive.ph/iZxzJ A description of the crime.

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A River of the Eden Resists the (((devil))) Anonymous 10/26/2022 (Wed) 15:32:39 Id: ed15f1 No. 18167 [Reply]
>Be a nigger >Sells himself to (((Satan))) >Pushes (((degeneracy))) for so long >Notices (((Satan))) behind the (((wicked ways))) >Realises (((Satan))) owns even his family >Turns himself to Christ >Repents from his sins >Follows the short path >Names the jew right in the open >(((Satan))) takes his money >Regrets nothing I Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a nigger. Submit yourselves therefore to God[YHWH]. Resist the devil[jew], and he will flee from you [the mark of (((Cain)))]. James 4:7 (KJV)

Shower thought Anonymous 10/20/2022 (Thu) 01:32:01 Id: 52457b No. 17859 [Reply]
A Christian will let you insult Christ as long as you don't insult niggers or jews. They worship subhumans. A jew will let you insult Yahweh as long as you don't insult jews. They worship themselves. A Muslim will let you insult Muslims as long as you don't insult Allah. They worship God. t. agnostic
>>17859 only prostestans care of niggas, chinese or jews. Others Cristians dont care, They don't even care about other Christians, just Jesus and God.
>>17860 >only prostestans care of niggas, chinese or jews 1) My family is Catholic so I know this is wrong 2) Protestants are ~40% of all Christians worldwide
>>17860 >They don't even care about other Christians, just Jesus and God. They haven't cared about Jesus or God for a very long time.

Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine in a surprise television announcement at roughly 6:00 a.m. Moscow time Anonymous 02/24/2022 (Thu) 11:08:36 Id: a17088 No. 14006 [Reply] [Last]
“I’ve made the decision to conduct a special military operation,” Putin said. “Our analysis has concluded that our confrontation with these forces [in Ukraine] was inevitable.” “This is the red line that I have spoken of many times. They have crossed it,” he said, accusing the Ukrainians of “genocide” for attacking the two new “independent republics” he unilaterally conjured into existence on Monday. “Russia cannot feel safe, develop, and exist with a constant threat emanating from the territory of modern Ukraine,” he said. Putin bizarrely claimed Russia’s plans “do not include occupation of Ukrainian territory” and “we are not going to impose anything on anyone by force,” even as Russia launched missile attacks at targets across Ukraine, including its capital city of Kyiv. “A couple of words for those who would be tempted to intervene. Russia will respond immediately and you will have consequences that you never have had before in your history,” he warned. tl;dr New York or DC gonna get nuked. https://archive.fo/egHJQ
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According to Russian news, Ukraine somehow got ahold of a nuke and is planing to detonate it and blame it on Russia. As to the validity of it, I'm skeptical over it. For example, suppose this news report is a hoax and only exists to put into people's minds that NATO "started" using nuclear weapons. Then, when and if the bomb does go off, and the bomb is of Russian origin, Russia already has a scapegoat to point to as the one who "started" using nukes. If this isn't a hoax, and it actually is a NATO bomb, Russia would still have justification to send in nukes. Regardless of the scenario, it grants Russia a PR "win".
>>17815 dear filthy turk poster an hero
I STILL have high doubts that who we are seeing on television and in the newspapers is actually Putin. Seems more CGI deep fake body double Putin than ever these days.

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Humor thread Anonymous 03/24/2021 (Wed) 06:51:36 Id: b8b98d No. 8472 [Reply] [Last]
Post your best
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https://www.reveddit(Please use archive.today)/v/jews/ this shit has me rolling
>>9907 Four in the seats and five million nine hundred ninety nine thousand and nine hundred and ninety six in the ashtray. >>9908 Pizzas dont cry out when you put them in the oven.

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Disclosure General Anonymous 10/15/2022 (Sat) 23:00:59 Id: ccdf3f No. 17484 [Reply]
We have technology to pull energy from the vacuum of space and use it to power anti-gravity vehicles. The anti-gravity vehicles use electromagnetism to generate a spacetime bubble that operates independently. If the vehicle resonates faster than the speed of light, it will enter the astral plane and eventually teleport anywhere in the universe. Consciousness uses the astral plane at all times. There is a consciousness field in higher dimensions. Objects can be manifested from the astral plane. That is how UFOs are built without defects. There are different kinds of 3D aliens with this same technology, albeit mastered, and they are millions of years more advanced. >zero-point tesla energy https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=dxqUpOvg5Is >electro-gravitics anti-gravity https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=vzY06MRzwPE https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=taW4bs1dggY

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circumcision wasn't always such a bad thing guys Anonymous 04/04/2021 (Sun) 20:50:14 Id: d69f3a No. 8657 [Reply] [Last]
One thing I noticed when reading up about history is that it was only post-Christianity that the "Jews" (Pharisees co-opting the scriptures of Israel/Judea) began changing how they did circumcision. I think initially it was a lot more minimalist and they probably just literally "snipped the tip" (the ridged band) perhaps with the primary benefit being to stop phimosis. It's still low-IQ as fuck because while you do want to avoid pubescent boys having their cocks turn black on their first erection, that could easily be done by applying manual pressure. If it's too incestuous to have a mom do that for her son then you could teach him to do it himself, like how you get taught to wipe your own ass. It seems that around a century or two after Christ (between 100 AD and 300 AD) while Jews were under the thrall of Rome, major changes began to happen to the bris/brit (covenant) supplementing the "cut" step (the "milah") to expose just the glans (aka "corona" they call it, can we meme this?) with extra ones: 1) they started removing more flesh (the "periah" aka "priah") where after cutting the tip (ridged band) off with a knife they would actually use sharp fingernails to strip back the base 90% of the foreskin and remove that too 2) they added the step of oral suction at the end too The justification of the oral suction is in theory because of the extra bleeding which begs the question: did they really cause the extra bleeding just to make circumcision irreversible, or did they perhaps cause the extra bleeding as a pretense to begin performing oral suction. "These guys are stretching the 90% of their foreskins we didn't cut off to cover their cocks to compete in the Olympics rabbis, let's cut off the other 90%, and also then let's put the baby's dick in our mouth because it's NECESSARY to protect the baby guys" All this seems to have happened during the decline of Greek-influenced Hellenistic Judaism (including the Pharisees and the Sadducees both active from 167 BC to 73 CE) after the birth of Rabbinic Judaism, which was born in the 2nd century CE and became the prominent form by 6th century CE Less prominent form of Judaism (like Karaism and Samaritanism) who only follow Written Torah and not all the extra "Oral Torah" (ironic name?) shit added by the Rabbanites, don't have any basis for doing the 2nd (uncovering+scraping the other 90%) and 3rd (oral suction) steps since those are based entirely in Oral Torah and pretty obviously just added in because they didn't like jews/slaves using foreskin restoration.

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>>9488 >It's a medical procedure to fix phimosis. It's nothing else Wrong. The original milah being done for that purpose - sure, I buy it. Hebrews in the pre-Jesus times like Zipporah were tugging it, doing a chop beyond the corona which amputates the akroposthion's ridged band to snip the drawstring so it won't pinch the corona, that's fine. But the entire Rabbinic additions to the akroposthion amputation: 1) priya unrolling of the foreskin to expose the glans 2) detachment of the epithelium from the glans using fingernails 3) the circumcision which slices off the rolled-back foreskin so that it fails to cover the glans or even the shaft 4) the metzitza of sucking the now-ultra-bloodied cock This shit was not part of the original Hebrew practice and has shit all to do with preventing phimosis. The original procedure already accomplished that. The only piece that could cause phimosis was right at the tip - the ridged band is less than a centimetre of distance. >Yes, phimosis was fixed differently in different times, but what's the point? Teeth were fixed differently in different times

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I deeply resent my Jew-loving parents for having me circumcised. So much repressed trauma because of that ONE decision I had no control over.
>>15645 Cutfags btfo lol

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"Turkish Crypto-Jews" committed the Armenian. Anonymous 08/12/2022 (Fri) 12:57:06 Id: 3085e7 No. 16529 [Reply]
The Sabbatean / Freemasonic/ Cabalistic zionist/ illuminati Jews have utterly exploited the unprecedented hatred of Turks and Kurds in the extermination of Aramean and other Christians of Ottoman Empire. The decisive role the crypto- Jews played in this crime against humanity is careful hidden. The so-called "genocide" experts blame in chorus exclusively the Turks for the genocide, but are suspiciously quiet as a mouse about the evildoers behind it. The reason for this silence is that the Zionist/ illuminati Jews have a powerful weapon in their hands to use against everyone who dares to investigate the important role the Turkish crypto- Jews had played in the genocide of 1915. And that powerful weapon to silence everyone is the phrase "anti-Semitism." That is the reason why at the Western Universities, where genocide is investigated and taught, never the contribution of the "donmeh" Jews in de Aramean genocide of 1915 will be investigated and published. Those who dare to tackle the matter will get faced with the invisible power of the Cabalistic / Talmudic/ Zionist illuminati Jews resulting in their demonization and losing their job because of "anti-Semitism."
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>>16539 Hello Mossad. >There are Muslim and Christian crypto-Jews in history. The NSDAP knew of crypto-Jews and specifically warned the Christians to be wary of them. >Jews derive their main power not from secret societies and wealthy Jewish barons, but from Muslim and Christian-looking crypto-Jews. Wrong. The reason why Jews were able to get away with being crypto was because they established underground secret organizations that were protected by Christians and Islamists nobles and clergymen for financial support and educate them on Jewish mysticism. >Is there a work done by the Nazis to decipher crypto-Jews? Yes, the NSDAP were very cautious of how the Catholic and Protestant churches were controlled by Jews. Which is what Hitler's Youth and the state's persecutions were a response to. >Nazis could not even recognize the crypto-Jews among themselves. They didn't have any. The betrayal of the NSDAP was done by Christians. The NSDAP already knew who was Jewish and wasn't. The reason why crypto-Jewry exists is due to racial blindness. The NSDAP could tell someone was Jewish by their character alone. >Why didn't the Nazis invade Palestine? 4 obvious reasons mossad. 1. The Germans couldn't as it is generally a waste of resources and manpower and puts their offenses and defenses at risk.

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>>17298 Is there an academic article or book written by NSDAP ? No . Did the NSDAP detect crypto jew generals in the nazi army ? no. Did the NSDAP poison Palestine with chemicals in 1945 ? no.
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Anonymous 10/08/2022 (Sat) 17:04:53 Id: a001b4 No. 17197 [Reply]
>Westernfags: "How dare anime sexualizing minors!" >Also westernfags
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It's not real, puritan agent. It's mere art.
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>>17288 It really is. Kikes promoted Biggs thinking he was a heeb as well, only to immediately drop him the moment they found out he had them fooled.
>>17197 >impliying you can apply the same logic to real life western bitches looking like 25yo in teenagers movies and cartoon "girls" that looks like a 8yo kid Stop breathing pls...

White Victims of Black Crime - Thread #014: We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children The Fire Rises 09/24/2022 (Sat) 18:51:36 Id: 8c2a4c No. 16817 [Reply] [Last]
White Victims of Black Crime - Thread #014: We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children Previous Thread Archives: Thread #011 - https://archive.fo/ONEY3 This thread was the last one from before the great 8chan shut down. Thread #012 - https://archive.is/A6SoL Thread #013 - https://archive.ph/s8sfS This is the last thread on 8kun, as the server keeps going down and there's no moderation and a spambot on the loose. My Manifesto https://www.mediafire(Please use archive.today)/folder/xdljmbz2jgdoo/ https://mega.nz/#F!GaBxkCDQ!UxpqZPv_bMgx4gxHck8D2A An audio version of my manifesto created with a TTS engine. It's 23 minutes long and is available in mp3/opus audio format. Downloads https://pastebin(Please use archive.today)/Lgs1mAhp This contains links to all of my graphics (loose & .7z archives), as well as videos & pdfs that I've created. This link will stay the same, but the text in the pastebin will change to reflect newer uploads. Of note, is that I upload my graphics to my Mega.nz account. This allows me to update the files, but the links will stay the same. Links

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https://pastebin(Please use archive.today)/2SSFZsMJ 0655 ---------------- August 21, 2017 Location: Conway,SC Victim(s): Kathryn "Katie" Davis Skeen 36, Donna Lynn Major 59 Attacker(s): Brandon Michael Council Description: Council, a felon with a criminal history dating back to 2004 who was released on parole July 31, walked into the bank August 21 and, after a short conversation with Donna, shot her multiple times at point-blank range. He then hopped over the counter, before finding Kathryn hiding under a desk. He shot her multiple times, before stealing both victims' car keys and bank credit cards, along with $15,294 from the bank, and fleeing in one of the victims' cars. Archive.is Link(s): https://archive.is/dyqJV Story on the crime.

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https://pastebin(Please use archive.today)/B7aF4Npp 0656 ---------------- August 15, 2017, May 18,2017, April 4,2017, February 27,2017, August 19,2016, July 2017 Location: Kansas City,MO Victim(s): Steven Gibbons 57, Michael K. Darby 61, Timothy S. Rice 57, David Lee Lenox 66, John W. Palmer 54, Karen Louise Harmeyer 64 Attacker(s): Fredrick Demond Scott Description: Scott sneaked up behind each victim as they walked along a Kansas City hiking trail and shot them in the back of their heads. He was caught when he deviated from his prior pattern, and shot Steve in the back of the head in broad daylight on a city street after following him off of a city bus. He shot Karen in behind the Faith Ministries World Church, where she had lived for more than 10 years. Archive.is Link(s): https://archive.is/mSkaq Story on the crimes. https://archive.is/mn4oO Another story. Scott threatened to shoot up a school and “kill all white people” back in 2014.

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https://pastebin(Please use archive.today)/uxJ9f6DE 0657 ---------------- June 19, 2017 Location: Bedford,TX Victim(s): Kaytlynn Grace Cargill 14 Attacker(s): Jordin Roache 16 Description: Kaytlynn met up with Roache to collect the $300 that he owed her for a previous marijuana deal. Instead, he beat her to death with a claw hammer, then dumped her body in a nearby apartment trash bin. Her body was found 2 days later in a nearby landfill. Archive.is Link(s): https://archive.is/WsMrC Story on the crime. The hammer used to kill Kaytlynn was found in Roache's home with her blood on it.

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