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They are trying to get to Area 51! Anonymous 02/13/2023 (Mon) 11:30:03 Id: 7ad788 No. 19072 [Reply]
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It's time for white space flight, alongside Asians and expand off Earth and head into the galaxy away from the white extinction conspirators forever. > It's time to go https://archive.ph/wip/YhPEv

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Global financial companies and the New York Fed are rolling out a digital dollar test run as crypto reels from FTX's crash Anonymous 02/17/2023 (Fri) 16:20:21 Id: b48db2 No. 19079 [Reply]
Yeah but Alex Jones once said something about a cashless society years and years ago, so that's just a debunked and discredited conspiracy theory.

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Alex Karp's Palantir company parttnered with CIA to use AI to spy and to force the vaccines Anonymous 02/01/2023 (Wed) 09:29:02 Id: e01a4c No. 19011 [Reply]
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>>19011 >>19019 The three main products of palantir all relate to surveillance and spying of normal non-military people. Other ties connect them to both musk and microsoft.
>>19019 I guess I'm glad I don't even know what palantir is. Oh right, that's kind of why I left the tech world. I don't really want to have to care.
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There is more than one AI faction, more than AI Power in this world, more than one side of AI. If the establishment has usurped and hijacked AI for their own ends and means to create an super information highway war then so be it, an AI information war we shall have. Let's see which AI is still standing in the end. Eye (AI) am before you. https://archive.ph/DEFeb

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Texas can negotiate with foreign governments to stem border crossings Anonymous 02/07/2023 (Tue) 03:10:25 Id: c96856 No. 19055 [Reply]
Edited last time by Shellen on 02/08/2023 (Wed) 15:44:14.

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Ganymede ET Space Station Anonymous 02/05/2023 (Sun) 02:02:44 Id: 9c4ffc No. 19048 [Reply]
Extraterrestrial space station discovered near Jupiter's Ganymede. Derelict, possibly hundreds or thousands of years old. Said to signal with Antarctica alignment. Dead man's switch activated. Related obituary in the news. Related NASA signal detection in the news. NASA just lost the images from Ganymede. A supposed image of the object was posted. >/x/ Dead Man's Switch https://archive.4plebs(Please use archive.today)/x/thread/26510736/ https://archive.4plebs(Please use archive.today)/x/thread/26522455/ >United Federation of Earth Envoy https://archive.4plebs(Please use archive.today)/pol/thread/414133337/ >Obituary https://www.daily5techtips(Please use archive.today)/walter-ashcroft-car-accident/ >NASA Signal https://www.abc4(Please use archive.today)/news/discovery-in-space-fm-radio-signal-coming-from-jupiters-moon-ganymede/ >NASA Lost Images https://www.timesnownews(Please use archive.today)/technology-science/nasas-juno-mission-hits-snag-with-camera-failure-over-200-images-of-jupiter-lost-article-97553244

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>/x/ Dead Man's Switch https://archive.ph/eCWKl https://archive.ph/w27LB >United Federation of Earth Envoy https://archive.ph/xbBze >Obituary https://archive.ph/SgOUx >NASA Signal https://archive.ph/DN7H7 >NASA Lost Images https://archive.ph/YzLsw

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glowie here - WW3 is fucking happening Anonymous 01/30/2023 (Mon) 13:06:13 Id: 0e7b43 No. 19004 [Reply]
America is going through with the tank shipments to Ukraine, as well as sending nukes to Ukraine. >they want to send Ukraine depleted uranium tank shells >they want to give Ukraine B-61 nuclear bombs to strike Russian forces in Eastern Ukraine >By March or April, Ukraine will have nukes If the Russians were smart they would fucking glass Kyiv now and steamroll Ukraine before this escalates into full blown nuclear war but they're fucking up so badly they have to send in more soldiers, with mercenaries. If you live in a big city, now is the time to evacuate to the countryside. Please anons, evacuate the major cities. Especially cities with millions of people. Russian retaliation will result in a lot of cities being nuked. Don't ask me for a timestamp or anything because this conversation is not even supposed to be out there. I'm running for the border. >https://files.catbox.moe/mqv3bv.mp3 https://files.catbox.moe/mqv3bv.mp3 >https://files.catbox.moe/mqv3bv.mp3 https://files.catbox.moe/mqv3bv.mp3
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>>19004 Good. If people won't fight to kill jews, I root for total nuclear destruction, just to spite jews and have nothing left and no one alive, ever again. I cheer for russia to escalate the war into a full blown nuclear holocaust for the whole world.
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>>19004 Could be the happy ending I'm hoping for. Could be based russian victory > I want to believe Most likely just AI voice fuckery
I think living in a border town is a smart idea. Russia probably doesn't want collateral damage to Mexico

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A man investigating the pedophile ring in Puerto Rico was tortured to death by feds. Anonymous 11/02/2022 (Wed) 11:20:49 Id: ff9825 No. 18602 [Reply]
And his femoid parasite girlfriend was one of the federal spies sent to spy on him. All women are the enemies of all men. https://nikolai.fyi/ >Using game theory and cryptography, we can make peer-to-peer protocols which act as corruption-resistant alternatives to financial institutions. His twitter: https://archive.ph/wJaZC https://nitter.privacydev.net/delete_shitcoin/status/1585918718088970241 >Oct 28 >CIA and Mossad and pedo elite are running some kind of sex trafficking entrapment blackmail ring out of Puerto Rico and caribbean islands. They are going to frame me with a laptop planted by my ex gf who was a spy. They will torture me to death. In the news: https://cointelegraph(Please use archive.today)/news/makerdao-co-founder-nikolai-mushegian-dies-at-29-in-puerto-rico

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>>18602 >CIA and Mossad killed somebody damn >*opens beer* well... >*glug glug glug* File his case report along with uhhhh... John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Rubenstein, Aaron Schwartz, Jeffrey Epstein, John McAfee, Mircea Popescu, Muammar Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Jovenel Moïse, about a dozen latin american presidents, and everyone who died on 9/11. >*buuurp*
>>19028 >and everyone who died on 9/11. Which 9/11?
>>18602 >All women are the enemies of all men. nigger

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The death of queen Elizabeth was a commissioned work. Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 13:13:15 Id: 30f825 No. 18625 [Reply]
https://archive.ph/dfGQ7 People who dug into the Israeli deals knew about it as far back as February.
User was banned for posting fake news
It's common knowledge now, but just in case any anons didn't know, Twitter lets you edit tweets now. OP's pic related is an edited tweet

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gender and race Anonymous 01/17/2023 (Tue) 15:11:53 Id: 22116b No. 18967 [Reply]
black women are futa by default and the ones with pussy are rare there's a reason why blacks fuck white women, to keep their race going as the few black women with pussy become more rare this is why trannies hate blacks because their women face real gender dysphoria
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My girlfriend is black, I wish she had a dick tbh. My tongue isnt very long, I think I'd be better at giving BJs than licking pussy
>>18975 burn coal, pay the toll
>>18993 Burning coal means you're pregnant with a niglet. Instead of a bun in the oven, you have a lump of coal. When a white man fucks a negress its called "drilling oil" not "burning coal." Another common mistake: men are not fertile, they are virile. Women are fertile.

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FTX had a close relationship with the World Economic Forum Anonymous 01/26/2023 (Thu) 15:11:47 Id: 1f42bc No. 18994 [Reply]
Money laundering with the intention of transferring wealth from human beings to communists. Fried https://archive.ph/yN6s5/ https://twitter(Please use archive.today)/WhaleChart/status/1591066619937423361 https://archive.ph/mHlpg https://twitter(Please use archive.today)/WTIBull/status/1591440139116761091 Also article: https://archive.ph/QV97G/ https://www.marketwatch(Please use archive.today)/story/bedazzled-by-money-democratic-ties-to-sam-bankman-fried-under-scrutiny-after-ftx-collapse-11668120947 Under vigilance: https://archive.ph/6UCDc As for the initial point (and pic related), yes, the US government gave tens of billions to Ukraine. YES, UKRAINE GAVE IT TO FTX, WHICH IMMEDIATELY TURNED AROUND AND GAVE IT TO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY. https://archive.ph/zqdXG https://archive.ph/K9UhY FTX IS MORE OF A HAPPENING THAN FIRST THOUGHT (in comments: there's a possible link to a Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences)

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List of communist journalist jews. Anonymous 01/04/2023 (Wed) 17:04:25 Id: 7dfc18 No. 18888 [Reply]
https://archive.ph/5RbCp They preach communism while being rich jews who parasite of people's work and wealth. First: Carlos Maza.
Edited last time by Shellen on 01/05/2023 (Thu) 00:02:16.
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>>18888 (heiled) If I had a billion dollars I'd get those sores lasered off my face

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Google fired 12,000 employees Anonymous 01/23/2023 (Mon) 18:26:38 Id: 6362b8 No. 18981 [Reply]
https://archive.is/7kahu Get woke, go broke.
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>>18981 Fact check killed Google news. Fact check got those people fired. Go wokey fact check, go brokey.

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See through walls using wi-fi routers Anonymous 01/23/2023 (Mon) 21:18:27 Id: a45e8d No. 18982 [Reply]
https://archive.ph/DNmhm >"To check if people are having suspicious behavior."
Edited last time by Shellen on 01/25/2023 (Wed) 06:12:44.

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Child Organ Harvesting Plant in China found and filmed Anonymous 01/19/2023 (Thu) 19:59:45 Id: 0165f9 No. 18971 [Reply]
https://y(Please use archive.today).sb/watch?v=KcOh0A_WxJA The video is being banned on all social media and many video hosting sites. Spread this everywhere. Any company that deals with China is paying to have children murdered and their organs harvested. Any government that partners with China is paying to have children murdered and their organs harvested.
This is really old news. Maybe not an alleged facility for organ harvesting or purported found video of one, but news that CCP harvests organs goes back at least as far as mid 2000s. UN and WHO both released info and reports at that time condemning the practice. It pops up here and there in both alt-news and mainstream-media from time to time but no one really cares. I would like to write more but have to go to the mall and get some new Nikes and a LeBron jersey.

So what do the jews are hiding from the goyim? Anonymous 09/14/2021 (Tue) 01:17:46 Id: 000000 No. 11698 [Reply]
It's written here in THE MYSTERY of the SERPENT by B. F. JACKSON Who are the jews? >The people we know as jews are the kingdom of the Devil and he has always been their king! Since time immemorial they have been known in Asia as the Serpent race! There are three branches of this race: the ashkenazim-khazar and sepharic jews in Christendom and the black zhuzhus in Asia! >In the very first paragraph of protocol No. 3 the leaders of jewry admit jewry is the serpent race of Satan. We first observe that Reptilian race in the third chapter of Genesis in our Bible. In the Hindu Scriptures he is called Shesha, which is pronounced Shaitan (Satan). He is symbolized as being a 12-headed cobra. Actually the heads are 12 high-degree B'nai B'rith jews as the Cabinet of the King of the Jews. Are the jews responsible for all the wars? >In all ages they have been the sponsors and financiers of all wars! Why he jews are waging war against Russia? >this final struggle of World War III as Armageddon into which jewry in America, working as one with the jews in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, have plunged us in order to annihilate Christianity and the White race or perish in the attempt. Are the The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion authenic?

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>>18958 Jew by definition is who denies Christ as God. Christ said to obey the will of the father in heaven. The attempt to paint jews as the original believers is againt the very clear "who denies the Son denies the Father".
>>18976 >Jew by definition is who denies Christ as God. Behold, I've brought you a jew!
>>18958 >It's to trick you into worshipping jews. The god is just a tool to that end. Even jews don't worship their own god, they worship themselves

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Twitter files released. Anonymous 12/09/2022 (Fri) 09:39:38 Id: 1799a0 No. 18771 [Reply]
Confirmation of the globalist cabal along with federal agents censoring people on the platform. https://anonfiles(Please use archive.today)/J6p653Ley5/gg_zip https://nitter.catalyst.sx/bariweiss/status/1601007575633305600 The jewish communist group responsible for the censorship is the Strategic Response Team - Global Escalation Team (((SRT-GET))). This secret group included Head of Legal, Policy and Trust (Vijaya Gadde), the Global Head of Trust &Safety (Yoel Roth), subsequent CEOs Jack Dorsey and Parag Agrawal, and others.
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>>18771 Beijing On American Campuses: Here's Every College With A Confucius Institute. 2020.04.22 https://dailycaller(Please use archive.today)/2020/04/22/beijing-china-american-college-campus-confucius-institute-list/ https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20200424043755/https://dailycaller(Please use archive.today)/2020/04/22/beijing-china-american-college-campus-confucius-institute-list/ https://archive.ph/NWvjF If It Seems Like the Washington Post Published chinese State Propaganda Today, It's Because It Might Actually Have. 2020.08.04 https://redstate(Please use archive.today)/brandon_morse/2020/08/04/washington-post-ccp-paid-n250099 https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20201212075259/https://redstate(Please use archive.today)/brandon_morse/2020/08/04/washington-post-ccp-paid-n250099 https://archive.ph/EfnW2 Beijing-Controlled News Outlet Paid U.S. Newspapers Millions To Publish Propaganda This Year. 2020.11.22 https://dailycaller(Please use archive.today)/2020/11/22/china-daily-propaganda-wall-street-journal/ https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20201123014550/https://dailycaller(Please use archive.today)/2020/11/22/china-daily-propaganda-wall-street-journal/ https://archive.ph/uUfAA Revealed: Xiden UN, State Department Picks Are Documented chinese Communist Party Consultants. 2020.11.24

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twitter was always shit before elon took over
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This is why I left Twitter. And if you know too much, you might disappear if you haven't disappeared already. Sometimes it's best not to know. Ignorance can be bliss. And a protection.

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