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Is there anybody in here? Anonymous 04/25/2020 (Sat) 06:22:05 Id: 631fd8 No. 4 [Reply] [Last]
...We came in?
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tuppenny butterquims
>>4 I do believe that is a Pink Floyd reference.
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What do you think of this drawing I made of Polina?

Fedcoin Anonymous 08/09/2022 (Tue) 10:46:50 Id: a4a98b No. 16509 [Reply]
On March 9, 2022, the US president Joe Biden signed the Executive Order 14067, officially tittled Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets. This order could mark an end to freedom in the USA. https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=fCfzQNhi_ns https://en.wikipedia(Please use archive.today)/wiki/Executive_Order_14067
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Here is the document.
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All enforced by armed IRS agent.
Avast ye! As a pirate I will only use unregulated crypto to add to my buried digital treasure, forever. X marks the spot. Shiver me timbers. Enjoy your expensive ice creams.

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Fridays fat shaming thread Anonymous 07/29/2022 (Fri) 17:13:29 Id: 42efc0 No. 16444 [Reply]
Share your pictures and stories of fat degenerates

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Polmatch General Anonymous 01/19/2022 (Wed) 00:24:12 Id: 7c8363 No. 13647 [Reply]
Hello I am a developer for polmatch(Please use archive.today), a new social networking platform currently in development. It's purpose is to allow like-minded people to organize into groups and communities. Profiles are designed to include lots of information so that you can see quickly who would be compatible with you. The platform is currently in early beta but it could have a huge impact on our situation in the future. Please review the questionnaire form from the "personal" profile section and share your thoughts/ideas etc. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated, we still are building questionnaires after all so add your ideas to it. Look for bugs or any other issues, share your concerns and any feedback. >>Muh honeypot Explain exactly what you think is compromising in our questionnaire or the platform in general, if you are just a random anon one of many and while you not doing anything illegal on our platform. If you provide a valid reason we will fix it as well Share any feedback/ideas in general +pic very related https://polmatch(Please use archive.today)/

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this group was debunked, defaced and doxxed for being donation thieving kikes 2 years ago
Why is there no git? On Halfchan you literally wrote that your servers got hacked. How is anyone supposed to prevent this if the servercode is closed source? Where are the servers? Do you own the servers? How many users do you have and what's the male female ratio? How many non-English users do you have?
>>13647 >>13795 since this, I will shill as well. I've made a secret telegram group a few days ago and it was only revealed to a handfull of boards - https://t.me/politics_news_debates. Feel free to join and say nigger shit, I don't really care about optics that much so I am not going to be a cuck faggot about it if you say something violent.

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Hunter Biden folded preteen niece Natalie Biden's clothes and made her eat Whole Foods Anonymous 07/24/2022 (Sun) 04:28:02 Id: 4a6497 No. 16410 [Reply]
I hope you all appreciate the ebonics muck I had to swim through to glean this connection of Hunter talking to Gen Z

the official Friday fat shaming thread Anonymous 07/22/2022 (Fri) 14:38:35 Id: 296269 No. 16399 [Reply]
that's right 8chan /pol/ its time for a fat shaming thread. Fat people are a burden society. Share your stories and pictures of fat degenerates.
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What the fuck do fat as fuck women think when they see a man, half a foot taller than them yet 100lbs+ lighter? How do they not immediately kill themselves in anguish over how manifestly useless they've made their bodies, other than as something for human-sized people to get behind if they see a car mounting the curb? >me 168lb and 6ft Not as meaty as I'd like to be but passably fit, yesterday I'm about to enter a supermarket (to buy fucking chocolate) and see: >280lb+, 5.5ft 'woman' waddling out. Now she's by no means the biggest bitch I've seen around here but the fact that she was probably 15 years younger than me and that much of a fucking wreck already just makes me wonder what the hell they think when they look at people who aren't as hell bent on destroying themselves as they are. Imagining where she will be in 15 years; I see crutches, a sleep apnea machine, half a foot gone from duh-beetus and no dick EVER getting in there that doesn't belong to the lowest of the low standards having feeder-style freak. It's possible she could have been attractive *if* she'd not so ardently heaped ruin into herself, I dunno, I couldn't tell and by the time they're that size they're asexual as far as I'm concerned, completely off any kind of radar of sexual consideration. Hell, they're just walking meat/fat obstructions at that point, once they stop looking like a human I don't want to talk to or listen to them, it'd just devolve into them complaining about their joints anyway. In an emergency situation I'd help a fat woman at about the same time I'd help a fat dude, which is to say, last. As a woman, outwardly at least, you have a reasonable opportunity during your existence to be considered (at least) somewhat attractive for some portion of your life, depending on how well it's managed it can range from loli to milf, naturally some get a dud hand from the outset and can't be helped but when they've got that chance and they throw it away just through eating irresponsibly, it makes me want to smack the shit out of them *and* their parents for allowing that kind of potential to die on the vine. No cute girl should get to fucking age and be a fat pig, that's not permitted, we're not having it anymore, STOP IT NOW, pack it in, desist. (chubby is acceptable)

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Anonymous 07/22/2022 (Fri) 14:14:01 Id: 992381 No. 16398 [Reply]
niggers beware

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Reality-Dominating Beings Anonymous 07/16/2022 (Sat) 01:48:12 Id: bb9b84 No. 16361 [Reply]
>>16361 Fuck off back to your Tumblr hugbox with your paranoid schizophrenia. Take your meds, they'll make the voices go away.
Come on reality, give me 5 hot horny girls all at once that want me and a trillion dollars. High energy reality warp--- ahhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHnnnnngggGGHHHHHHH > Fuck, still won't happen

Disney misrepresents the Civil War timeline to Gen Z in The Ghost and Molly McGee Anonymous 10/25/2021 (Mon) 01:04:16 Id: 464283 No. 12319 [Reply]
Molly McGee fakes History Lyrics of song the heroine of this show sang in the 5th episode which came out earlier this month: >Mister Abraham Lincoln stood six foot-four, he kept us united through the Civil War, >'cause he believed every person had the right to be unchained, liberated, completely free! >So he rocked the nation, with a proclamation, the document advanced in emancipation!" >But the states in the south didn't like him messin' >so they said, 'Peace out!' hashtag secession. This makes it sound to kids like Lincoln putting forth the Emancipation Proclamation is what caused the other states to secede, yet that came out in 1962 while the states seceded from 1960 to 1961. This is some pretty blatant fake news propaganda, will anyone take a stand against it? I doubt /co/ will help.
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>>16333 South was ruled by rich Jews that owned most of the slaves. The reason why the South lost is that they took money from the (((Bank of England))) to fund their civil war.
>>16377 No, the south lost because it had much less manpower and industry, also an inferior navy.
>>16378 Northern colonies and the Crown conspired to keep the South from industrializing even before the Revolution. A hundred and fifty years before the Civil War, local colonial legislatures and governors saw New York and Pennsylvania becoming wealthy from industry and approached the Crown about it. They were told to fuck off and that their purpose was to grow cheap cotton and tobacco to make London (((bankers))) rich. After the Revolution they tried again. The same New York and Boston (((bankers))) whose family fortunes were made in the slave trade were demonizing them over slavery and told them to fuck off, that they wouldn't allow Georgia and Virginia to build factories and mills that would compete with New York and Pennsylvania. A generation before the Civil War, leaders from Southern states bypassed the government and the banksters altogether and approached industrial concerns in France and Prussia and the UK and attempted to purchase factory tooling directly. Northern (((banksters))) responded by having their hired shabbas-goy politicians raise tariffs to block the deal. Banksters: "You stupid hicks, why don't you industrialize? Why are you so poor and stupid? Why do you oppress the negroes we just sold you? You're subhuman!" Southern leaders: "We're trying to industrialize, but you won't let us." Banksters: "What? And let you compete with us? We could never let you do that, because you're stupid subhuman hicks!" Lather, rinse, repeat, for two hundred years, until Southern politicians decide that the union they voted to join wasn't beneficial to them and voted to leave. The dictator Lincoln strongarmed them and forced them to stay, though his war was illegal.

Anonymous 07/14/2022 (Thu) 04:27:05 Id: f57f85 No. 16339 [Reply]
but it's ok, it's mazafaka fucking democracy.

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Anti-Semetic Brain Rot Anonymous 07/31/2021 (Sat) 01:52:49 Id: 000000 No. 10519 [Reply] [Last]
Hey, why are all of these anonymous threads filled with the same repeated anti-semetic jokes from nazis? Surely there must be a few socialist/anarchist/etc ppl on these platforms right? This place has the potential to be a powerful tool for populist organization because of its anonymity, but we're just letting braindead nazis go unchecked? We seriously need to step up the amount of posts that are anti-fascist and egalitarian. The people who get on here every day to see the same nazi conspiracies about jews over and over are dumb as fuck, and there should be no fear in pointing that out. If a person's best argument is racial slurs, they are already losing, and we should absolutely be capitalizing on that fact. It's time we had a strong leftist presence on these boards. Also, if you think there is no hope, remember the ideals that most of the people on this site are sympathetic towards - liberty, anonymity, privacy, etc. These are not nazi ideals! They naturally lean towards the left, not the right. These platforms have the potential for so much more in terms of productive discourse.
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>>16059 Because the whole movement is filled with fruits
OP should fucking kill himself communist cunt
>>16290 yeah. >>10519 you should kill yourself.

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We miss terry Anonymous 07/11/2022 (Mon) 05:16:02 Id: 073c5d No. 16224 [Reply]
i do be missing terry
>>16224 He was too good for this world.
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he is in a better place now

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Pixel artist looking for a coder to create a NS game Vasily 11/21/2020 (Sat) 08:10:01 Id: 000000 No. 4885 [Reply] [Last]
Heil Hitler, friends! My name is Vasily Kukushkin, I'm a Russian pixel artist and consider NS as my worldview for many years. You may know me, I posted on 4chan and 8kun about creating a NS game called "Der Sieg" about a year ago. It's a pixel art, top-down action rpg about the British Gestapo detective in the year of 1944, who fights against communist terrorists. The story takes place in London, which is occupied by Germany, since Reich is winning the war in game universe. Story revolves around investigation of an antifa terrorism in the city and slow progression of the main hero's values from just English patriotism to the White racialism, which should redpill the player. There is also some humour, a bit of romance and tragedy mixed in. The gameplay in idea should be something like a somewhat simplified fallout 1-2 game, with turn based combat, different weapons, which can be upgraded, a lot of redpills in the form of collectibles like alternative universe NS posters, musical records, newspapers and so on. Der Sieg page on the Gab: gab dot com/Der_Sieg I honestly tried to create the game in Gamemaker engine, several times with different approaches but since I have no programming skills, I failed. I've got to the point of having a working version with different enemies, working movement, weapons, music, menu, sounds and some settings, but basically all of it was done through video tutorials, so then I weren't able to move on. The year passed. Now I'm working on improving my drawing skills in order to draw "Der Sieg" in a form of a pixel art comic story, but the idea of a game still lives in me. It unironically would be faster to create a game, than to draw a comic in pixel art (and it would have a much better redpilling effect). I have a complete story, a bunch of finished textures, ideas of game mechanics, thousands of sound effects, alternative universe ranging from 1940's to 1990's etc everything you need to create a game (or even a game series, because I have several stories set in different decades and in different countries). I am asking for help. It's surely won't be very easy. But it's possible to do. I'll provide everything except for the code. If anyone want's to co-operate with me and create a NS game which will set a new level for this genre - please, contact me via e-mail: Der_Sieg@protonmail dot com Also, if you have any questions regarding "Der Sieg" - please, feel free to ask them via e-mail or this thread.

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>>4885 if u got spare time can you pls make a pixel portrait of si nacer, he served in the wehrmacht, love ur work
Does it work on win7 32bit?
Vasily is a hero of the volk.

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Hyperborea, Atlantis, Agartha/Hollow Earth discussion Anonymous 09/09/2021 (Thu) 19:39:34 Id: fd2eb9 No. 11611 [Reply]
Thread related to all things esoteric. Post your theories.
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>>14893 >since when did Gulags have security cameras? since they became tourist attractions. you dont want vandalism and other crime scaring away your paying customers
https://odysee(Please use archive.today)/@Inspector_Norf:1/Eternal:5e7
From what I gather, there was a place called Thule/hyperboria, which was probably an apocryphal name given to various unidentified islands. Rather than being a civilization, thule was a series of islands used by sailors since ancient times and contained the messages of these ancient sailors. This is a very well documented phenomenon. So the people of thule were actually not present when anyone actually landed there, these were the ancient mariners. Many such islands were volcanic and thus did actually appear and vanish from time to time, so whether these were actually the same island re-appearing was much debated by mariners. Modern haplogroup mapping shows some strange genetic remnants which indicated seafearing people traveled/were washed vast distances in antiquity, rather than landing they were more likely picked up by native fishermen. because these men were unable to communicate with natives and after they died their children didn't know where their fathers came from (again, well documented). These were the "children of thule"- visibly white but of unknown parentage. Sailors were some of the first educated people in human history, they were tremendously fit and those able to survive long journeys at sea were CHADs, thus the families of foreign mariners could quickly gain dominance

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WHY THE AMERICAN ECONOMY IS COLLAPSING Anonymous 07/07/2022 (Thu) 15:25:57 Id: 0d1c2f No. 15965 [Reply]
[[Part 1/3]] We now have ALL the evidence we'll ever need to KNOW Biden's government is deliberately collapsing our economy for the Agenda 21 "Great Reset" "Green New Deal" their crooked corrupt criminal cronies desire to overlord!!! Furthermore, the rising gas prices are retribution against Americans for not supporting their carbon tax!!! Let's get to bottom line AGENDA first, and then I'll provide documented evidence of this engineered collapse! https://www.breitbart(Please use archive.today)/politics/2022/06/17/climate-forum-joe-biden-calls-for-transition-to-zero-emissions-cars-to-combat-high-gas-prices/ Notice they don't even have the infrastructure to charge their shitty electric vehicles! This cannot and will not work when you have a vastly spread out population either! What are you going to do, prohibit small town and rural America from traveling because we have no ability to afford electric cars nor the infrastructure to support them!? And how do you power all those electric cars!? What source of energy are you using exactly!? How will that lower prices!? AND how long would it take me to charge an electric car to drive 50 minutes to stockup groceries and essentials at the nearest Costco every month!? THIS IS INSANE AND IT WILL NOT WORK. FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Admitted He Was Planning To DESTROY America's Economy. “I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you we’re going to end fossil fuels” he said in New Castle, New Hampshire: https://www.breitbart(Please use archive.today)/politics/2022/06/16/flashback-joe-biden-i-guarantee-you-were-going-to-end-fossil-fuels/ After all, it was Biden who denied permits for the Keystone XL Pipeline: https://www.cnbc(Please use archive.today)/2021/06/09/tc-energy-terminates-keystone-xl-pipeline-project.html Biden also denied oil and gas lease opportunities in the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Alaska: https://www.theepochtimes(Please use archive.today)/biden-admin-cancels-major-oil-and-gas-lease-sales-amid-soaring-gas-prices_4461962.html Biden also admitted the goal of raising gas prices: https://summit.news/2022/05/24/video-biden-admits-sky-rocketing-energy-prices-are-part-of-green-transition/

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>>15971 >what does this old man with dementia have to do with anything His canceling domestic oil pipelines caused massive price inflation. But the debt insolvency is another problem, the Federal Reserve has been creating debt from thin air like mad ever since the endless wars after 9/11 and escalated the insolvency after the (manufactured) 2008 mortgage-backed security fraud crisis. Since then everything has gone downhill. Now that the oil companies can't keep up anymore and contracts are canceled? We are going third world, all by design. Better hope the fuck you got prepared in advance and have what you need to survive.
>>15971 By the way, that so-called "vaccine" was intended to cull a lot of the herd before they bring this country down on it's knees. Canceling nearly all the oil and gas leasing contracts in the country, on top of draining our strategic reserves is going to wreck the economy for good. This is only the very beginning of the end. https://www.foxbusiness(Please use archive.today)/politics/biden-administration-misses-major-oil-lease-deadline https://townhall(Please use archive.today)/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2022/07/05/biden-is-selling-us-reserve-oil-to-foreign-countries-n2609776 PS: anyone telling anons not to prepare is an enemy, a communist who wants you to starve and become fully dependent on government rationing. That is exactly what this is leading to, and all by design to usurp individual rights and upend our lifestyles. If you have not prepared yet you are running out of time.
>>15965 There are 9000 approved spots for drilling oil none of that is the issue though. Shell and exoon closed refineries during pandemic and they won't open them back up, they are going into renewable fuels. Enjoy the same gas prices as the rest of the world, faggot

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Kike Hate Thread Anonymous 06/04/2022 (Sat) 20:53:00 Id: e36274 No. 15731 [Reply]
Jew Hate Thread
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Judaism is a religion based on the teachings of the Hebrew Bible (consisting of the Torah - "Teaching", Nevi'im - "Prophets", and Ketuvim - "Writings"). Rabbinic Judaism also incorporates the teachings of the Talmud (consisting of a second "Oral Torah" that was not recorded in the original Torah and rabbinical interpretations of the "Oral Torah" and the Hebrew Bible). Jewish interpretations of the Hebrew Bible (and often the Talmud) culminated in the Halakha - "the way to go" in accordance with Jewish teachings. Importantly, the Jewish faith demands killing "blasphemers" - both Jewish and non-Jewish alike. In the Hebrew Bible, Leviticus 24:10 mentions a Jew stoned to death by other Jews for blaspheming the name of the Jewish God and Deuteronomy 13 demands killing prophets/dreamers/friends/spouses/children that "incite rebellion" against the Jewish God and even mass-murdering and burning entire towns of "blasphemers" as a burnt offering to the Jewish God. Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Do you believe in Odin? Do you believe in Buddha? Do you believe religion is superstitious nonsense? Whatever you believe in, Jews believe that "blasphemers" against the Jewish God should be killed, and that everyone else should be afraid of being killed by Jews (Deuteronomy 13:11). In short, Jews murdering "blasphemers" - Jews and non-Jews alike - is part of the practice of the Jewish faith. Here is an incomplete list of murders inflicted by Jews practicing the Jewish faith. Incomplete list of Jewish-inflicted murders: Jewish mass-murder in the Hebrew Bible: over 2,821,360 Jews & non-Jews killed 116 A.D., Jewish mass-murder in Cyrene: approximately 220,000 non-Jews killed 116 A.D., Jewish mass-murder in Cyprus: approximately 240,000 non-Jews killed 1861-1865 A.D., American Civil War caused by Jewish African slave trade: over 616,000 non-Jews killed 1896-today A.D., Jewish psychiatry: over 500,000 non-Jews killed per year 1913 A.D., Jewish Leo Frank raped & murdered a child: 1 non-Jew killed 1917-today A.D., Jewish Marxist communism: over 100,000,000 non-Jews killed

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>>15912 Merged

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