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project /polfren/ - a crowd sourced globohomo network analysis project Anonymous 04/09/2022 (Sat) 13:19:47 Id: 49aedd No. 14962 [Reply]
https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20140214081302/http://www.politicalfriendster(Please use archive.today)/ >Political Friendster is a parody of the social network Friendster. It allows a visualization of the connections between players in the political game. This site has absolutely no affiliation with the real Friendster. So I have this idea. Suppose someone creates a script to scan for posts with the following syntax: ((( George Soros ))) ((( Open Society Foundations ))) ((( George Soros;Open Society Foundations;founder and chairman ))) The first two lines are what we call "nodes". The third line is what we call a "link". Both entries are written to a separate data-table. Now imagine we all started doing this. In a very short amount of time we would be able to create a huge data set of globohomo networks. >ok cool but why? Well, you know the Big Data meme and how globohomo uses it to screw us over? Well, the gist is that we turn the meme around and use it on them. Through network analysis we can plot this database into a network graph, apply some algorithms to structure it and detect communities. This makes the data suited for consumption and analysis. On the one hand, the visualised graph will be published publicly and serve as a red pill. On the other hand it will serve as a resource for diggers and autists to help them along in their own research. To give you an example of how the data could be published: https://www.sigmajs(Please use archive.today)/demo/index.html I'm thinking of implementing the sigma js library to render these graphs in the browser. As you can see from the demo, it works pretty well. I would change some things like make nodes and links show tooltips so that users can better understand the context of interlinked nodes. I would also attach resources to both nodes and links, depending if there is an interesting story there. Essentially the database will be open and searchable for anyone. All it requires us to do is write the proper syntax and make great connections. Pic related is the Political Friendster data I plotted in a progam called Gephi. It is a tool for network analysis.

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>>15011 >>15007 >>15010 >Anyone has source? I made a thread on frenschan, the Political Friendster link is over there as well: https://frenschan(Please use archive.today)/pol/res/1254.html I just finished the thread scraper. I'll cross post it here
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>>15018 link in pic rel
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[UPDATE ANNOUNCEMENT] I've just finished a first working version of the /polfren/ thread harvester. Pic rel. >QRD You launch the program and enter the url of a digging thread. It then scrapes data entries, according to the following syntax: (((id))) [[[source,label,target]]] A practical example: (((The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation))) (((Event 201))) [[[The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,co-hosted,Event 201]]] The first two (2) lines write the contents inside the tags to a data table called 'vertices.csv' The third line writes the contents inside the tags to another data table called 'edges.csv' >How To Harvest 1. OP creates a digging thread about a specific globohomo topic 2. anons join and dig in, pulling articles and other resources to start discussion 3. obvious players like corporations, organisations, people and events are mapped using the vertex tags. 4. connections between the vertices are then mapped using the edge tags.

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Anonymous 01/21/2021 (Thu) 00:56:18 Id: 000000 No. 7183 [Reply]
>Obama is elected >Shock to the system, Boomers begin waking up. >Millennials grow up in the rising socjus mania at college, internalize their triggering, letting it learn and grow >Housing market implodes in 2008, stagflation fucks millennials >Ron Paul undermines the GOP and the whole political landscape, casting irrefutable skepticism on all US politics >the Alt-right stirs circa 2010 >the GOP loses again in 2012, discredited >Socjus liberals intensify their mania, the 2012 election doesn't end because of king nigger >the consequent clampdown on the internet begins. Reddit's growth spills over into 4chan moderation > 2013 jannie leaks happen >the Alt-right begins moving off the internet into the real world >8chan is created >2014 midterms cuck Obama, deranging liberals notably. Ripple effect is felt everywhere culturally >Gamergate pulls the ripcord, everything explodes >Culture war becomes hot. A half year of cyber warfare rages, spilling over everything. >Summer 2015, a Hero appears >everyone coalesces around Trump. The alt-right, gamergate, skeptics, conservatives, Boomers.

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>>7183 Damn anon, brutal, but so true. I guess Trump was not The Gray Champion.
>>7936 Amk türkü yorum hakkın yok
>>7183 >>Ron Paul undermines the GOP Noooooooo! We need a strong Republican party that stands up to the enemies of Israel!!! I hate Libertarianism now!! I'll do anything, disarm myself, accept higher taxes, and more regulation so long as we safe guard the only free democracy in the Middle East!!!1!!!

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The Coincidence Detector is Back! Anonymous 12/25/2020 (Fri) 04:55:41 Id: 30a377 No. 5833 [Reply]
https://coincidencedetector(Please use archive.today)/ Merry Christmas /pol/acks. Version 14.88.28 of the Coincidence Detector has been released, and it's working again. Changes: - Judas Watch integration was disabled, because https://judas.watch/ has disappeared. - IPFS URLs were disabled, because I'm not happy with IPFS's performance. I also want to handle decentralization of the list in a more low-tech way going forward. - Firefox's postMessage implemenation became more strict since 2 years ago, so a Firefox-specific fix for that had to be made. https://coincidencedetector(Please use archive.today)/
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nice, it seems to work well. it will need some updating though, (((Larry Fink))) is arguibly more responsible for the downfall of western civilization than anyone alive today (at least concerning people who's existence is common knowledge) through Blackrock's ESG scores. He is also definitely Jewish. If you havent gone down the Blackrock/Vanguard rabbithole yet you really should, they own literally everything. Go onto any financial site and chek out any major public company that you ca thnk of nd you willsee those two names as majority shareholders. Hedgefunds get the bullet. Blackrock (through ESG scores) are the main reason for corporatons (especially those in the enetertainment and media industry) going oke over the last cople of decades, its not just pandering, they have real financial incentive to spout the shit they do. When people say a certain company is on the nose's payroll he is the one they mean whether they know it or not, Larry Fink is THE nose the fucking proto-kike. loo into it. >inb4 doxxing myself, Alex isnt my real name
>>13625 fuck I can't spell worth shit at the moment apparently, i should definitely proofread better when i'm drinking the Russian stuff. I noticed that i left out the main point behind this post making me look like a rambling schizophrenic, i was searching some names to see how well your addon works and i noticed that Larry Fink and his organizations don't echo, you should add a feature on the site to allow us to submit suggestions and you can review and add them over time.
>>5833 kek I knew there had to be purpose to the jew tag. I've got an interesting idea and I just posted it here https://8chan.moe/pol/res/14962.html#q14963 if you want to check it out

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Take Our Martyr Soleimani’s Revenge And Kill The Arrogant Clown! KillP 04/04/2022 (Mon) 03:58:01 Id: 000000 No. 14805 [Reply]
Our proud brothers and sisters, it’s time to end America’s malign presence. Trump and Pompeo must face trial for the assassination of Soleimani, and God’s ruling must be carried out against them! The Muslim World are already taking actions. Missile strike near US consulate in Iraq is just the beginning, and to take revenge on the arrogant clown Mike Pompeo is the next! Brothers and sisters, the official security provided to Pompeo is expired. Although Pompeo has been seeking for extensions, the Government will not continue to spend that much for his security. It’s time to take our martyr’s revenge! Contact us if you want to be the warrior for Soleimani and the whole Muslim world, and we will pay you with a large sum of money.
Seriously? How to contact you?

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Alternatives to companies Anonymous 03/16/2022 (Wed) 02:42:51 Id: a21c01 No. 14407 [Reply]
60+ Major Companies Join HRC Urge Texas Governor Abbott & Elected Leaders Across the Country to Abandon Anti-Transgender Efforts https://archive.ph/pQA59 Anyone want to help develop a list of alternatives to the products and services these companies provide?
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>>14636 >It's not really entertainment companies doing this. >It's not just entertainment companies doing this. They taught you these mean the same thing there in Canada?
>>14407 Niggers burning down H&Ms is bad for business. Therefore niggers are bad for business.
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These are establishment corporations. They are as deep state as any globalist government. One day there will be the establishment side of capitalism (Corporatism) and the non-establishment side of capitalism (Privateering). > You will have to decide which side you want to support.

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Rittenhouse Hidden Footage Anonymous 11/03/2021 (Wed) 00:04:49 Id: 36eefd No. 12473 [Reply] [Last]
JURY DECISION: NOT GUILTY! In other news today, Kyle Rittenhouse is getting off scot free, cleared of all charges, and will be able to countersue the media, his prosecutors, and all political groups involved for hundreds of millions in slander and libel damages. https://www.zerohedge(Please use archive.today)/political/fbi-sat-bombshell-footage-kyle-rittenhouse-shooting https://archive.md/rGHSF FBI Sat On Bombshell Footage From Kyle Rittenhouse Shooting On Tuesday, opening statements in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, an18-year-old aspiring police officer accused of fatally shooting two men and wounding a third on the night of Aug. 25, 2020, as BLM riots raged in the streets of Kenosha in response to a white-on-black police shooting. While prosecutors have slapped the teen with two counts of homicide and one count of attempted homicide, Rittenhouse has pleaded not guilty to all charges, claiming self-defense. Now, new footage has emerged which bolsters his case. Now, Human Events' Jack Posobiec reveals that the FBI sat on potentially exonerating evidence in the Rittenhouse case, where threats against Kyle can clearly be heard before he opened fire, as well as what appear to be muzzle flashes from people shooting at the teen. We recommend playing full screen.
Edited last time by Shellen on 11/19/2021 (Fri) 18:31:00.
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>>13116 Oh for fucks sakes. FINE https://archive.ph/IDCZ7 Happy?
>>12652 > Based--ic law is this country ... Judge is OG
>>12883 I hate niggers.

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How to deal a nice blow on ZOG Anonymous 09/06/2021 (Mon) 18:58:42 Id: 000000 No. 11546 [Reply]
I always get indignation with new information or news I get from chans and unkosher media. And it just angers me how powerless I feel. So I keep thinking of ways to do something about it. The idea I had was related to how Trump got elected. Part of it at least. He had people send his propaganda through social media and instant message apps and it spread like wildfire. I think we should do something similar but with the JQ. And only the JQ, at least for now. Trying to bring race for example will give too much room for D&C. Think it that way, first we try to do something about the root of the problem. Later on we can think about economics and other stuff because if we were successful we would get just so much more room to maneuver. The focus is to try to redpill mainly the cuckservatives on it. Because it would be much easier and one of the main goals is to take antisemitism out of the underground. For it not to be so taboo anymore. But any non jew is a potential candidate. How do we do that? The strategy would be to just plant a bunch of seeds in their heads. Not to bother persuading them at the moment of the interaction but to created doubt and give them directions for where they can satisfy their curiosity later on. Because we are dealing with the truth and the truth doesn't need to be hammered. Once it takes root, it grows strong. Because it just makes sense. We already have the tools with the memes we keep making here. We just need to organize to expose the greatest number possible of the most susceptible possible people to them before we get shut down. All in a sudden blow. How exactly must be a surprise it must be organic and decentralized. I am sure you know what I mean. Just remember to preserve your anonymity anons. Because if it works well they will get scared and they will come after us . What do you anons think? Of the plan? The writing? Shills who post on this thread will have their hands fall off. Jews will also lose they genital organs so they can't rape goy children.
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I suppose if you run those pages that I've been converting to php into an r code translater it might extract those statistics for you. because the internet is not exactly like the government tells you it is... I'm part of 38 mafias and most of them are indeed jew and italian. But I'm 4th reich somehow. so... Whatever, my bad that red head called me a terrorist and arrested the royal jihadists..
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>>11552 the fucking image you uploaded made me laugh so hard kekekekek
Jews love Cheese Pizza. It is the most popular kind in Israel.

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Anti-vaxxer and Prepper for life! Anonymous 04/17/2021 (Sat) 11:12:03 Id: 209c26 No. 8844 [Reply] [Last]
Literally, just to live. I don't care about the arguments about disease spreading. I have not spread the meme virus and will continue not to do so. And I will live! Meanwhile, people are being mass poisoned and cheated out of their lives because of trust in the establishment. The cure should not be worse than the disease! Sauce: https:// www. dailymail. co. uk/health/article-9480051/Medical-student-21-died-day-getting-J-J-vaccine.html F for respect, but that won't be me. I was an anti-vaxxer before COVID, I'm an anti-vaxxer now, and will continue to be an anti-vaxxer forever more.
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I'll add that most countries probably need a ham radio license to talk on one, but listening is fine. Extended power outages are probably enough of an emergency to allow use of one for help, though.
>>14798 >he didn't start prepping for shit to get crazy way back when a quarter of Mainland China's population was put under lock down and welded into their own homes why? >he didn't start prepping when the highway of the Sea (the Suez canal, where 90% of your foreign shit goes through) started becoming geopolitically unstable as a result of Egypt being fucked agriculturally because of Ethiopian dams and Saudi Arabian merks and artillery crews bombing civilians in Southern Yemen for the fun of it and getting their critical oil infrastructure shot at back as retaliation WHY? >he didn't start prepping when the USA officially entered the Cold War 2.0 when our government openly started handing out free Stinger anti aircraft missiles and LAWs to Holol fighters in the Ukraine invoking the wraith a of the Ruskies not to mention the fact that the Ukraine produces a majority of the worlds wheat for the third world and Russia huge is a net exporter of critical fertilizers meaning we'll be seeing many future mass famine die offs WHY? >he didn't start prepping when Saudi Arabia basically said fuck it and opted to ditch the US petrol Dollar in favor of a petrol Yuan instead NIGGER WHY, WITH THIS MANY RED FLAGS IMPLYING WE'RE FUCKED? Geez anon talk about being late to the party... <cold storage Probably to late now but for one I'd recommend getting a chest freezer as they're way more energy efficient and will therefore hold a cool temperature longer than a traditional side door fridge even without any power because cool air tends to sink while hot hair rises so a chest/box makes sense. Other than that some candles might be a good idea too. <long term food supplies Also you you don't want your entire food stock to be reliant on electricity so get a few giant bags of quality Vietnamese Thai or American rice not Chinese though because they export fake plastic rice which obviously isn't gonna be healthy, beans, canned or air sealed bags of tuna, dehydrated kale chips and canned green beans for your veggies, and some Jerky, freeze dried soups, and MRE's on days when you're doing a lot of physical actives otherwise don't bother with that last one. <self defense

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>>14811 I'm glad I prepped. I survived. That's all the justification required. I'm prepping even more now for their next false flag assassination power grabs.

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U.N. declares the New World Order Anonymous 05/26/2020 (Tue) 22:24:56 Id: 203640 No. 323 [Reply]
http://archive.vn/9WEEN >The United Nations has posted a new website at unnwo.org, declaring the dawn of New World Order. >This is an official UN website registered to Illien Global, the NGO responsible for the UN’s “happiness” program. >Obviously, the UN is aware that the masses of people associate the term “New World Order” with a conspiracy for global government. So there is no reason for them to use this term unless they’re purposefully trying to provoke us, demoralize us, or just rub it in our faces. And we should of course be wondering why it is that they would be trying to purposefully provoke people in the middle of a crisis that they themselves created out of nothing. >The United Nations exists as the structure for a world government. At the point which a world government is viable, the UN is ready to go. As we’re trying to understand this coronavirus hoax, we should be aware that the end goal of the people in power is the establishment of a New World Order run by a global government based at the UN. http://archive.vn/UzCV1
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>>333 This.
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>>333 That's actually hillarious. Seriously though, how do you fall for this shit? I immediately sniffed that something was wrong the moment I heard the word "Happytalism"

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The way to absolutely DESTROY the jews Anonymous 10/26/2021 (Tue) 22:53:42 Id: 000000 No. 12343 [Reply]
I always get indignated lurking here. And it makes me feel so powerless. So I keep thinking of ways to DO SOMETHING. The idea I had was related to one technique of Trump's campaign. He sent his propaganda through social media and message apps. I think we should do something similar: -- WE MUST DO IT ONLY FOR THE JQ, at least for now. Trying to bring race etc will take the focus away from the goal. First we do something about the ROOT. -- This is also a surgical strike targetting critical demographics, CUCKSERVATIVES/QFAGS/CHRISTIANS/LIBERTARIANS/WHITE CENTRISTS. NOT something just to troll libs. -- The strategy is to just plant the JQ seeds in their heads. NOT TO BOTHER PERSUADING THEM AT THE MOMENT but to CREATE DOUBT and give them DIRECTIONS to satisfy their CURIOSITY later on. The TRUTH doesn't need to be hammered. Once it takes root, it grows STRONG. -- We already have the tools. We must do it all in a SUDDEN BLOW. How and when exactly must be a SURPRISE, ORGANIC and DECENTRALIZED. I am sure you know what I mean. -- Use terms like DOG OF THE JEWS or JEWISH SUPREMACIST to SHAME enemies for being the little bitches of the kikes they are (DON'T ARGUE WITH KIKES) -- Also remember to PRESERVE YOUR ANONYMITY. Because they WILL surely get scared by this.
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>DON'T ARGUE WITH KIKES Sorry, pal, but you look like one of (((them))) that trying to make us look silly in the eyes of npc. I may be wrong that, but in any case that sort of advice can greatly harm our reputation. We need to provide reasoning even if npc wouldn't listen, because logic and properly done polemics is what our society lacks in the recent days (for example, (((politicians))) are not even bother with refutation, instead adressing to the distorted and heavily mutiliated ethics like remembering some irrelevant conflict of the past thats hovewer seen by npcs as important argument because npcs are lazy bastard that cling to the first politician they see
>>12343 >jewtube I was trying to call out a pedophile but youtube have insane filter built around that word: Saying pedophile will get you a temporary shadowban. ). I spent 1 HOUR to find way around filter - You cant say pedophile even in diactric -saying child sniffer is also autofilter I settle with just calling him wanting balloon chest (oppai loli) (saying any of " breast chest tits b00b" will autodelete your comment (at least from youtube android app)
>>14579 Putin prevent nato from advancing into his country. If nato and usa can (and still) bombing countries beyond their border in MENA region, then moreso if Ukraine became nato member To prevent more casualty of possible ww3. Abandonig Ukraine is equivalent of approving death penalty: let 1 die so other may live.

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Revolution in Cuba happening. 07/12/2021 (Mon) 04:34:53 Id: 353249 No. 10031 [Reply]
Revolution in Cuba happening right now. Most of the mainstream media isn't reporting on it. Communist tyrants ordered the military to kill the populace, but the people are amassing in high numbers to invade federal buildings aiming to kill all leftard politicians still alive. The communist tyrants want to flee to Venezuela if the military can't contain the population. https://archive.is/jYbwT
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Americans say that the 2020 election was rigged, but the 2024 election will be fair.
The elites want to make everything illegal so they can fill their private prisons and kill off the 99%, but life would be much better if everything was legal and people could travel, make money, go to church, go to school, and start businesses.
>>14626 Agreed, but... what do?

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Anonymous 01/17/2021 (Sun) 09:45:19 Id: 8fd786 No. 7055 [Reply]
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>>7055 sage
>>7055 Winner
Americans say that the US is the land of the free, but North Koreans also believe that North Korea is a free country.

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Agenda 21 - 'Sustainable Development' Anonymous 02/27/2022 (Sun) 20:53:06 Id: d4657c No. 14118 [Reply]
ITT we discuss how recent event will lead up to the masses' acceptance of the gay reset.
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JFK Jr is the antichrist. He will be the leader of the oppressive system, the one world government, after the Great Reset.
>>14123 >>14559 >He will be the leader of the oppressive system, the one world government, after the Great Reset. care to elaborate your interesting claim?
>>14379 you are not really japanese.

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LEAF /POL/ Anonymous 03/15/2021 (Mon) 06:28:07 Id: b728e4 No. 8343 [Reply] [Last]
Alright how many of you soon to be raked bastards made it here. Show of hands, I need to see my provinces reporting in lads. I'm sorry I'm late to the party, I just found out we were back in operation. I'm going to now resume gay effort posting, so expect me but for now I'd like to start by getting a good old fashioned Leaf /pol/ general going: *ERIN O'TOOLE, DELETE'S CONSERVATIVE PARTY PETITION TO BAN HUAWEI* >https://www.rebelnews(Please use archive.today)/erin_otoole_deletes_conservative_petition_ban_huawei_party_hires_ex_huawei_vp *"3RD WAVE INCOMING"* >https://twitter(Please use archive.today)/globeandmail/status/1370027753471234061?s=19 >Thread Theme: https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=6FO4R5SmSrw
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>>8464 >is it cheap and easy to buy and own acres of freehold land no great for gettign lose inna woods if you're willing and able to make taht journey >will I get fucked by weather patterns yes. We all hate it here and always complain about the weather >is global warming and the melting of the artic ice creating a northwest navigable passage for freighters going to make canada more or less comfy a meme. Nothings changed >maritme areas like PEI. they are the most delusional leftist boomers you'll ever meet. I'd say equal to ontario but others say far worse. No matter what they love trudeau and his big black caucus (look at up, these retards vote liberal every chance they get and im against voting) >canada is the scottish lebensraum

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>>14532 >Every single one that enforces the mask cuckoldry is anglo. And yet Trudeau is french, haha.
>>8464 >is global warming and the melting of the artic ice creating a northwest navigable passage for freighters going to make canada more or less comfy? Depends where you go. If you live in the prairie provinces, it does get hot in the summer and the dryness + miles of grassland means we get really nasty brushfires that cause lots of smog every summer. Some clowns blame it on global warming but brushfires have happened here almost every year since I was a kid in 97. Expect relatively hot summers (around 32C, which would probably be what you call a cool day in Cali and Texas) and REALLY cold winters (-20C). It is joked that we get nine months of winter up here which does seem true sometimes so expect to be cold more times throughout the year than you are hot. Last year Alberta had its hottest summer on record but it's expected to be nicer this year.

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teen boy FORCED to take estrogen to treat issues Anonymous 07/18/2020 (Sat) 21:19:23 Id: 274ecb No. 1139 [Reply]
https://archive.is/glKi9 >A 16-year-old boy being held at a Los Angeles County juvenile hall developed enlarged breasts after he was prescribed estrogen to treat a behavioral disorder, a move that baffled doctors who said the treatment defied medical logic, according to a lawsuit filed last month. >The teen, whose identity is being withheld because of his age, was diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder, or ODD, two days after he was arrested and housed at Eastlake Juvenile Hall in June 2019, the lawsuit said. Medical records reviewed by The Times show that the teen’s testosterone levels were “slightly high” when the doctor who diagnosed him prescribed daily doses of estrogen. >After taking approximately 13 daily doses of the hormone, the teen was diagnosed with gynecomastia, defined as the enlargement or swelling of breast tissue in males whose estrogen level is too high, medical records show. >ODD, a behavioral condition that is sometimes suffered by patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is normally treated with therapy, said James McGough, a professor of clinical psychiatry at UCLA. >“Estrogen is not a treatment for ODD. I can’t be more emphatic about that,” McGough said. “You won’t find a reference anywhere that supports the use of estrogen for ODD.” >The lawsuit described the treatment as “experimental.” The doctor who prescribed the estrogen, Danny Wang, could not be reached for comment. It'd be such a shame if a CIA agent committing a false flag act of assault/murder/terrorism mutilated Dr. Wang's genitalia, and brutally carved the word "Pedo" into his forehead. I would be so heartbroken to see that happen, the brutality would be awful and that should never happen.
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Happened to me too. I was a typical ADHD kid who hated authority. Then at some point in middle school, I just became quiet and obedient. I never knew what happened to me. I just stopped being aggressive. Then I started bringing my own lunches and water bottle to school, and although they weren't even exactly healthy, I immediately went back to my true self I didn't plan this for any reason other than just feeling like bringing my own lunch. I had no idea that my personality was being suppressed fuck them. they put estrogen in the school lunches or water fountains I don't know what they did but it's fucked up and every school is putting kids on drugs since the 90's. mental illnesses reign supreme, and never forget that all memetics and mental constructs are potentially contagious
>>13865 >me too bro i have ADHD man this hits me home i gotta love it when the mass media tells people to be thier true selves but when the supervillain takes his mask off he is shunned out of society simply for not being the ((good guy)) in some cases they are hunted down meanwhile the good people shove thier progressive degeneracy down our throats under the guise of POS-itivity
>>1145 >they'd like to turn anyone who is too rebellious into a tranny? They're already doing it. Remember Bradley Manning?

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(((they))) fell for the boogalo meme Anonymous 06/03/2020 (Wed) 17:27:41 Id: 083454 No. 672 [Reply] [Last]
>be dumbass jews, try to incite unrest >send out antifag brainlets >brainlets clash with nogs >pepe stays comfy at home, smiling >chaos ensues rofl my rolfing ass roff
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>>716 kek
>>753 Well look at history. Humans are dumb. As populations increase degeneracy also increases, then there is a cathartic event a la Babylon that returns the human race to ground zero. And the cycle repeats again, and we have learned nothing.
>>762 if you know anything about ussr you'd know that these libtard faggots arent commies but fags. The ussr is the future and aftermath of a revolution done right but still plays the Judeo game of private banking. Socially, USSR is the best depiction of what happens to people. >The libtards scream and cry as they fight for equality >The welfare bums and useful idiots do the same >the working rich get stolen from and killed >rootless cosmopolitans escaped all the trannies and faggots, anarchists, etc are promptly executed because these freaks are mentally ill and dont belong in a stable society. There is a recipe for civilization none of us have a full answer to, but trannies, faggotry and anarchists play no part in building one

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