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Visa ‘Intended to Help’ Pornhub and Its Parent Company Monetize Child Porn. Anonymous 08/13/2022 (Sat) 15:03:10 Id: 2c119c No. 16535 [Reply]
Judge Finds in Allowing Case to Move Forward https://archive.is/IG6sG Spread this to all cycles. Let the people know that VISA was trying to fund the raping of children in front of cameras to monetize the video footage in a partnership with the jewish Pornhub. Regardless of you position about pedophilia, anything that can be used as ammunition against jews and their companies to make the populace turn against them must be done.
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>>16535 Weren't they involved in forcing Pixiv to ban NSFW content?
This whole thing just screams "disingenuous" to me. Part of the reason that porn sites used to much CP is because almost all of the illegal shit was girls who could pass for adults and it was so hard to filter out that once this lawsuit dropped several sites just shoah'd anything that wasn't obviously adult or verified and slapped a bunch of restrictions on uploaders. The lawyer for the prosecution also says that pornhub removed "<10M illegal videos, 80% of its content" when it was a blanket deletion of anything unverified and/or even vaguely questionable no matter how legal it actually was. Obviously not in favor of CP or Pornhub here, but this really feels like an activist judge trying to get their name out there more than anything else and "your jannies didn't work hard enough" seems like a pretty shitty argument when they had the same zero-tolerance policy as every other site out there. Then again, I don't know the details of the case and I'm assuming that pornhub was acting in good faith - which may very well NOT be what was going on. >>20336 Yeah. A lot of payment processors and credit card companies got really spooked by this lawsuit.
>>20336 Yes, however they'll end up shooting themselves in the foot because degenerate porn is a CIA funded program to make the goyim useless and emasculated as possible. Have you ever wondered why DeviantArt somehow survived more than 20 years despite getting clogged with cancer produced by manchildren? Or that is currently owned by (((Wix)))?

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friendly reminder that support for the (((democracy protesters))) in hong kong is support for globalism Anonymous 05/06/2020 (Wed) 11:53:54 Id: 05ed0e No. 62 [Reply] [Last]
it seems that many people have fallen for the narrative that the protests in hong kong are organic. they are not and are in fact being organized by kikes from jew york working for the U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong & Macau; specifically a jew named julie eadeh. She is also affiliated with the The National Endowment for Democracy which is a think tank who's purpose is overthrow foreign regimes that object to the demands of jewish globalists that they open their borders and destroy their nations via marxist and zionist policies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Endowment_for_Democracy
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Democracy is fake and gay but I'll still support anything that stubs the CCP's toes.
you do know that chinese commies that rule the chinese state are not even the same etnicy of honkongueans? China is not a real country, is a region dominated by a state trough military force and violence monopoly. The moment you say you are against honkongueans protests you are saying you are against cantonese self determination. You are pretty much defendending chink jews.
>>62 Based and correct

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Luv me swastikas Anonymous 07/04/2021 (Sun) 01:03:28 Id: 65f80b No. 9792 [Reply]
Im dropping my swastika folder.
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Based thread 👌🏻🤍
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WARNING- April 8th Solar Eclipse Biological Attack. Uncle Intel. Do Not Go Outside That Day! Anonymous 03/27/2024 (Wed) 20:35:18 Id: 69bbe4 No. 20303 [Reply]
WARNING- April 8th Solar Eclipse Biological Attack. Uncle Intel. Do Not Go Outside That Day! Uncle Intel: They are planning a biological attack on April 8th, just before the totality of the eclipse. This is how it’s going to go down. Planes will be delivering their payload at three intervals. First will be 2 hours before totality, 1 hour before totality and final one 30 mins before totality. The planes will be deploying a dry powder (bacterial bioweapon). It will not be visible. You won’t see it from the planes or the sky. It’s meant to infect through aerosol delivery. The first two planes will be at standard altitude, the final plane will be at approximately 10,000 - 15,000 feet. The path of flight will begin from the northeast, and they will travel down the central path of totality heading west-south-west, keeping in pace with the totality of the eclipse. They are doing this to take advantage of the event because they know there will be guaranteed targets that will be infected, and thus be the vectors to spread the contagion. Symptoms will begin appearing 7 - 10 days after infection. 30 days after infection the media will notice. 60 days after infection the panic will at all-time highs. 90 days after infection the newly agreed upon UN/WHO pandemic powers will be enacted. And you know what will happen next. People in the path of totality should not go outside. Bacterial payload will lose effectiveness within 6 hours post deployment. Half-life of powder with vary on humidity and temperature. The staring point is in Canada, the end point is in Mexico. Winds are the unpredictable factor, as is rain. Both of which will negatively impact the operation. https://godlike(Please use archive.today)/forum1/message5676271/pg1 https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=DCOZOOO4SUY
Fake and gay

We Want A Republic, Not A Democracy!!! Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 18:07:24 Id: 741186 No. 20293 [Reply]
We Want A Republic, Not A Democracy!!! Its too late for that, after 4 generations of people who refused to take out the trash, everything has been rotten to the point of no repair. Just look around you, you got all those clowns babbling MAGA all day long because they can't think any longer than a freaking slogan and just won't see America isn't freaking America anymore. You all are waiting for a freaking savior but won't do anything for yourselves as long as you still beLIEve salvation can come from "somebody else". You can thank all your "normal" people who would not ever consider ANY idea they haven't first heard on the freaking boob tube. You've been amused to death. And now, we're all paying the price for the BLIND comfort of at least 4 generations built on OUR back. You had been warned, that you HAD a Republic, if you could keep it. And you've been warned that BANKS were more dangerous than standing armies but those Banksters sure knew how fake money could buy fake people and freaking did so. Now, what you gonna do about it? My guess is NOTHING. You won't even educate yourselves on things that really matter like how the freak money gets "created" and (who is it owed to). If you did, EVERYTHING would start to make some freaking sense.
Explain how younger people checking out of the workplace caused the abolishment of the gold standard in 1971. Explain how countries opening their borders for illegal immigrants was caused by people too young to even vote. Explain how younger generations are to blame for cultural marxism festering in academia for 70 years. How would all the West's problems be solved by declaring itself a Real Republic (tm)? What do you think a republic even is? >banks (((who))) do you think owns the banks? And with all that said, how have YOU improved the political system, Mr. delusional GenXer? No, screeching about "muh maga" is not an improvement.

HAL TURNER RADIO SHOW AUDIO ARCHIVES 2024.zip 1.9 GB Download Anonymous 03/23/2024 (Sat) 19:50:01 Id: 78325b No. 20289 [Reply]
HAL TURNER RADIO SHOW AUDIO ARCHIVES 2024.zip 1.9 GB Download https://archive(Please use archive.today)/details/hal-turner-radio-show-audio-archives-2024
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WW3 is ON!!!!!! US/NATO Troops Are Actively Fighting Russian Troops In The Ukraine!!! Massive Materiel Buildup Ongoing For Invasion Of Russia!!! https://rumble(Please use archive.today)/v4l3b02-ww3-is-on-usnato-troops-are-actively-fighting-russian-troops-in-the-ukraine.html https://archive(Please use archive.today)/details/ww3-is-on-usnato-troops-are-actively-fighting-russian-troops-in-the-ukraine-mass WW3 is ON!!!!!! US/NATO troops are actively fighting Russian troops in the Ukraine right now!!! This is now called Operation Steadfast Defender. A massive weapons materiel buildup is ongoing in Moldova-Poland-Romania-and Slovakia by the USA/NATO for the planned military invasion of Russia!!! Large-scale NATO military troop engagements inside Russia planned for the month of May!!!

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COMPLETE COMPILATION OF ALL STATE VOTER FRAUD INCIDENTS FROM THE 2020 ELECTION.zip 87 MB Download Anonymous 03/22/2024 (Fri) 20:45:10 Id: 54149e No. 20288 [Reply]
COMPLETE COMPILATION OF ALL STATE VOTER FRAUD INCIDENTS FROM THE 2020 ELECTION.zip 87 MB Download https://archive(Please use archive.today)/details/complete-compilation-of-all-state-voter-fraud-incidents-from-the-2020-election

Blackrock pension fund, Great Reset Anonymous 06/09/2021 (Wed) 19:04:36 Id: 4d17de No. 9490 [Reply]
https://archive.ph/jKase https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1402434266970140676.html From this thread unrolled https://twitter.com/APhilosophae/status/1402434266970140676 tl;dr: Blackrock pension fund is buying house 20-50% above asking price using Federal Reserve fund as a step for the great reset. Only low and middle class are fucked, as usual. It's also happening across other countries.
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>>11266 How will anyone buy better land when international corporations own all the land and refuse to sell, dumb fuck?
The whole country is rapidly falling apart. The morals, politics, and economy are collapsing like dominoes. All hope is gone.
>>11266 a lot of people don't have that frontier spirit anymore. they'd rather just continue staying in that small area they grew up in or have lived in for a long time, rather than go somewhere else and start anew.

Epstein leaked video Anonymous 12/14/2023 (Thu) 04:23:08 Id: 57dcf6 No. 19850 [Reply]
This popped in 8kun. It has since been removed from fileshare. Thought you might want to know. If somebody has the video, please post a webm or link elsewhere so these faggot bastards cannot hide it.
>>19850 for the randoms out there: the vid is fake. it's just some old fetish porn video.

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Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 22:54:36 Id: 2f9d76 No. 20132 [Reply]
Why is it always faggots, child molesters, sexual harassers and jealous ugly flat chest women that are afraid of big breasts women?
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>>20258 >what is a loom Women have been working throughout most of history, faggot. Even under your logic: If a guy isn't mature enough for a job, a girl the same age isn't mature enough for marriage.
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>>20132 Oppai loli is fine too.

Illegal Immigration in US due to reshoring of manufacturing? Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 17:09:43 Id: 52181e No. 20242 [Reply]
Just came out of a meeting with a top government bureaucrat in a South East Asian Country that has outsourced manufacturing plants for the US. One of the major points of the discussion was that the local government was very concerned that the US is looking to reshore manufacturing, especially critical industries like Semiconductors. This got me thinking, is the reason for US borders becoming open and porous recently and an influx of immigrants being allowed to enter the States a result of a projected demand for factory grunt workers? We all know that the US will never be able to competitively manufacture locally if the lowest level workers demand minimum wage, labour rights, etc. An oversupply of such grunt labour will lead to immigrant people willing to work for lesser than the minimum wage, and reduce the chances of them forming labour unions, thus tilting the labour market in the favour of these manufacturers. Does whatever I say have any credibility, or am I just overthinking it?
>>20242 >open and porous >recently Surely you can't be this retarded.
>>20246 It has gotten worse under 4 years of Biden, but you are right its never been good >>20242 More than likely this is a huge part of the current regimes reasoning The awkward detail here though is that it would likely be easier for them to create more workers by incentivizing higher birthrates among the current american population, which they refuse to do because it is too white.
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>>20242 No. Rube-goldberg machines of illegal aliens powering factories are just yet another convenient media narrative. An ad, that's it. No one actually bets on them with their -own- currency. The 'reshore' narrative is only usefully used to turn over dilapidated rust/sun-belt and special economic zone buildings/acreage (reads: people, who are betting their own currency, are only doing so to double-triple-etc dip within govt approved areas, or are laundering international cash). So while areas are being built, rezoned, refurbed, they are not being used for production. A warehouse/factory -space- explosion is still going on, but no factories are online since 2019. Factory in name and space/code-inspection only, not in production. Which is better than nothing, and does help get land/town/cities get by. But this is absolutely far far away from bringing in machines and actually using aliens. (Setting aside the fact that aliens have never been employable to factory work, much less these aliens being employable to factory work, but moving on). The 'green' administrative rules + 'blue'/union/osha (also administrative) rules + race equity (also administrative + legal) rules remain in force majeure. The current dates back to the 1970s, with ever increasing 'standards' added on each year since then. These rules, combined with hyper-litigious flooding of lawyers since 1960s, prevent any seasoned (reads: serious and connected) reshore. Hence the exit without return for 60 years. Reshore is only useful to sell the ad. Don't confuse ads with the real.

The Future of the WEF and its Proprietaries in Service of The Antichrist Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 21:21:11 Id: 3d3b70 No. 20073 [Reply]
This document is something I compiled this morning; please give me your thoughts.
The "Great Reset" requires a "great destruction" of existing values, businesses, infrastructure, etc. If they go too far with the destruction, there won't be a rebuilding stage under their control. It needs to be more of a "great transition" to be successful but there's too much resistance and awareness. By nature, people want to have feedom. They think they can eliminate this "desire" with drugs, social credit scores, and propaganda. The goal is to get people to build their own prison and forget it exists, I have faith, the whole thing will fail catastrophically and spectacularly. Bottom line, 99.9% of their system is highly dependent on technology which they themselves know nothing about. Nature will not allow such a large scale parasitism to exist and I'm not about to let them know what significant mistakes they've made in planning the Great Reset. That said, avoid complacence. At the very least, maintain historical and technological knowledge. They're literally weaponizing society's rejects against the rational (by comparison), mentally stable people. The good news is, their weaponized masses (LGBTQ, BLM, Antifa, etc) can be turned against them. Use the WEF's own proxy terrorists against them. Just remember that these tools think they're fighting against capitalism but all they're doing is helping the WEF, JP Morgan Chase, and the mega corporations. They hate cops yet they support a federalized police state! At least some of them have grown up and noticed this.
I'm not downloading that shit, nigger. Copy and paste the text here
>>20203 The Future of the WEF and its Proprietaries in Service of The Antichrist Disclaimer: This document is for educational purposes only and exists to inform the public of the globalist agenda of the World Economic Forum, the corporations it platforms, and the potential future harms of this organization in support of the Kaballah and the Antichrist. This document is not a call to action for any act of domestic or international terrorism. The World Economic Forum, or WEF, is a coalition of the world's most powerful megacorporations and late-stage capitalist elites with the agenda of abolishing small businesses and amalgamating into a global economic power that will supersede all other forms of commerce, legislation, and even government. ", hard_break, "The WEF is chaired by founder and executive chairman Professor Klaus Schwab and is guided by a board of trustees comprising leaders from business, politics, academia, and civil society. In 2010 the board was composed of: Josef Ackermann, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Kofi Annan, Victor L. L. Chu, Tony Blair, Michael Dell, Niall FitzGerald, Susan Hockfield, Orit Gadiesh, Christine Lagarde, Carlos Ghosn, Maurice Lévy, Rajat Gupta, Indra Nooyi, Peter D. Sutherland, Ivan Pictet, Heizō Takenaka, Ernesto Zedillo, Joseph P. Schoendorf and Queen Rania of Jordan. Members of the board of trustees (past or present) include Mukesh Ambani, Marc Benioff, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Mark Carney, Laurence Fink, Chrystia Freeland, Orit Gadiesh, Fabiola Gianotti, Al Gore, Herman Gref, José Ángel Gurría, André Hoffmann, Ursula von der Leyen, Jack Ma, Yo-Yo Ma, Peter Maurer, Luis Alberto Moreno, Muriel Pénicaud, Queen Rania of Jordan, Leo Rafael Reif, David Rubenstein, Mark Schneider, Klaus Schwab, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Jim Hagemann Snabe, Feike Sijbesma, Heizō Takenaka, and Zhu Min. The foundation is funded by its 1,000 member companies, typically global enterprises with over five billion dollars in turnover (varying by industry and region). These enterprises rank among the top companies within their industry and/or country and play a leading role in shaping the future of their industry and/or region. Membership is stratified by the level of engagement with forum activities, with membership fees increasing as participation in meetings, projects, and initiatives rises. In 2011, an annual membership cost $52,000 for an individual member, $263,000 for "Industry Partner" and $527,000 for "Strategic Partner." An admission fee costs $19,000 per person. In 2014, WEF raised annual fees by 20 percent, bringing the cost for "Strategic Partner" from CHF 500,000 ($523,000) to CHF 600,000 ($628,000). Headquartered in Cologny, the WEF also has New York, Beijing, and Tokyo offices. In January 2015, the Swiss Federal Government designated it an NGO with "other international body" status under the Swiss Host-State Act. No logical explanation exists for the WEF than the consolidation of wealth amongst the elite, a perverted form of Social Darwinism, and a globalist homogenization of economic production, and thus, a slow and insidious abolishment of private capital by international citizens in favor of the cult of global elite following the signs of the Beast. The tagline "You will own nothing, and you will be happy" seems to portray the opposite of the future the WEF envisions, but that could not be further from the truth. Instead, the "nothing" the WEF claims "you" will own is capital and industry. There will be no more small businesses. There will be no more private finance. How, one may ask, will they accomplish this goal with the imposing threat of world governments? Simple: they will BECOME the world government. Industrial lobbying and corruption exist at every level of international democratic governments, and non-democratic (often communist or otherwise totalitarian) governments have already integrated economics and industry into the core of the governmental structure. The means of production have been seized by the "people." It's just that nobody thought to check which people seized them. Capitalism is alive and well internationally, but it is not the fledgling, hopeful capitalism that marked the period of massive economic and industrial growth in the 19th century. Instead, it is a diseased and aging form of capitalism that prioritizes the homogenization of dehumanization through the reduction of individuals to "markets," "demographics," and points of data, the process of absorbing every facet of the modern world into another function of their corporation. Several main conglomerations seek to gain global hegemony by the end of the century: Pfizer, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Amazon, Ørsted, Lockheed Martin, TikTok, Facebook, Google, Apple, and BlackRock. They will take complete control of their respective fields and choke out any competition through horizontal integration (purchasing related businesses—namely, its competitors, to form a monopoly) disguised as vertical integration (acquiring another company to give the larger corporation greater control over the stages in its supply or distribution chain.) Below is a brief explanation. Pfizer: Medicine & Pharmaceuticals. Pfizer has already begun their supersession of world governments in Latin America. (https://www.thebureauinvestigates(Please use archive.today)/stories/2021-03-10/vaccine-contract-forces-dominican-republic-government-to-pay-if-pfizer-makes-mistakes) Thermo Fisher Scientific: Engineering & The Sciences. TFS has worked closely with Pfizer and its proprietaries on various occasions and controls much of the international vaccine supply. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries: Infrastructure & Manufacturing. MHI has been brought to the court of law several times over the use of forced labor from South Korea, among various environmental violations.(https://www.reuters(Please use archive.today)/markets/asia/south-korean-forced-labourers-sue-compensation-japans-mitsubishi-heavy-2023-03-16/) Ørsted: Energy. This company has caused serious harm to various communities, costing billions of dollars and creating environmental harm through their wind farms. Lockheed Martin: Military-Industrial Complex. LM has offered hundreds of billions of dollars in bribes to various international powers and has funded the military-industrial complex for decades, fueling international acts of war. (http://www.corpwatch(Please use archive.today)/company/lockheed-martin)

There will never be cures for chronic illnesses. Anonymous 03/05/2024 (Tue) 02:33:10 Id: d92adc No. 20221 [Reply]
This is probably already common knowledge, but I haven't seen much talk about it. Despite all of the "outside the industry" work being done to find cures to chronic illnesses like Type 1 Diabetes and such, it is highly likely that any breakthroughs will receive massive covert resistance from pharmaceutical corporations since a cure to a chronic illness will eliminate the need for any other diabetes-related industries. The individuals will be silenced, their work destroyed and forgotten, and nobody will ever know. I know Big Pharma is a big buzzword right now, but the corporations manufacturing products to facilitate the medical necessities of diabetics are very much Big Pharma. You'd have to be stupid to think they'd support a cure, as it would put them out of business forever. All of that sweet, sweet insulin price-gouging money all dried up. Even the guy who created the first T1D closed-loop system sold out to all the corporations who began marketing their sterilized version of his design for more than it's probably worth. In short, if you want a cure, you'd better hope you're a global elite or sufficiently wealthy person who can either pay for the patented corporate cure or get the secret medical treatment you know they're all getting.

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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Fuck Your Computer Edition Anonymous 01/14/2022 (Fri) 00:37:09 Id: 1c210b No. 13597 [Reply]
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics(Please use archive.today)/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Kotaku: "Sega Changes PSO2 Name To Something Less Borderline Racist" https://archive.is/XwXUd >Guilty Gear Strive censors mention of Taiwan and other countries https://nichegamer(Please use archive.today)/2021/06/22/report-ai-kayano-voice-and-credit-removed-from-azur-lane-and-arknights-after-chinese-outcry/ https://archive.is/qTQD3 >Factorio developer attacked by SJWs after he refuses to denounce man whose programming advice he linked and denounces cancel culture

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>>20035 Not as pathetic as the faggots who still treat it as their Holocaust and the (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)s who still believe at journos's obvious, debunked lies about Gamergate
Not complaining, I'm just curious why this thread was moved here? I thought you guys mostly discuss the political side of gaming?
From the other board: Seeing the backlash against their plans, leftist as usual are just doing the same thing with a different name, "Real diversity has never been tried", "Right wingers ruined everything" A few notable example: - University: https://archive.ph/Sfin2 https://www.oudaily(Please use archive.today)/news/ou-diversity-equity-inclusion-change-name-access-opportunity/article_b2cd53e0-d030-11ee-bb8f-2705fc3d88a8.html - Business policy: https://archive.is/KtGX6 https://jedicollaborative(Please use archive.today)/ - Industry policy: https://archive.ph/h06A1 https://www.mattinglysolutions(Please use archive.today)/post/re-naming-dei-focus-on-the-work-not-what-it-s-called Just to name a few. There's probably something similar in the work for gaming companies, but at the same time "AAA" companies can for the most part die and no value will be lost. One of the new names they're trying is "Bridge" (Belonging, representation, inclusion, diversity and equity, “the g is the gap in all those things”): https://archive.ph/TDXXh Also, copying from the Kadokawa thread: >>>/v/934592 (934315) >The big two is that ESG is being replaced with "Stakehold metrics" and DEI is being repalced with "Equity and Restorative Justice". However, they are attempting all manner of replacement terms: https://archive.ph/tjkpS >This is but a small list of some of them: <Accountable commitments/business/investing <Adverse impacts

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/swg/ - Solutions Watch General Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 03:43:09 Id: 03cc31 No. 20190 [Reply]
I'm making this thread for it to serve as a call to arms for whatever social/political matters are currently going on that YOU, yes (YOU) can help act on and do your part. How this works is that this thread is not for discussing the problems themselves - that is better off left in a separate thread specifically for that problem - instead, you'll use this thread for declaring the issue and then also including links or suggestions for what anons can do to personally start making a difference. Asking or requesting what one can do for whatever issue is allowed but don't take up too much space trying to discuss that here, it will only serve to clog up the thread and obscure actually useful information. This is NOT for radical or glownigger tier calls to arms, this is for peaceful solutions only. Sending emails, making videos, spreading memes, writing complaints, etc. Don't limit yourself just to those, these are just examples of the kinds of thing you may see in this thread. It is important to include links and specific emails where applicable. If your solution is to email a handful of senators, LIST THEIR EMAILS! If your solution is to mail letters to some PO Box, INCLUDE THE ADDRESS! If your solution is to send complaints via some website, LINK IT! I think you get the idea here. Anyways, have at it. Good luck and Godspeed.
First public issue I'd like to bring up solutions for is the discussed W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty To give a super brief overview, this pandemic treaty put forth by the WHO may come into act in the next WHO conference which is happening in May of this year. The pandemic treaty will change a lot of things, but foremost of those is that vaccines will be made MANDATORY for ALL POPULATIONS for their member states/countries, and chances are, if you're reading this, you live in a country that has to abide by these WHO rules. There are other things that restrict one's freedom in this treaty like barring entry into other countries full stop, even for a vacation, if one does not have their vaccine and booster quotas met. See this video for a further deconstruction of the WHO's goals https://corbettreport(Please use archive.today)/globaltreaty/ As for solutions, what you can do largely depends on where you live, and since I'm a burger, I can only really do justice for the US system, but for the Euros, Canadians, and other anons out there, I'll at least provide you with links which may help you accomplish something <Canada https://www.canadaexitwho.ca/en/cdn-petitions <United Kingdom https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/648609 <Ireland https://drtesslawrie.substack(Please use archive.today)/p/photos-from-the-irish-expedition <New Zealand https://www.health(Please use archive.today)t.nz/our-work/emergency-management/pandemics/strengthening-global-pandemic-prevention-preparedness-and-response/amending-international-health-regulations-2005 Now for the burgers, there's a lot more I know of that you can do to help Here is a petition, something I consider pretty low on the rung of things one can do in the US but still better than nothing

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not your person army, fag you reposted this glowshit on other sites too
>>20193 >wanting to take action against globohomo in any way is glowshit This is why the WEF will win in the end and why the success of the Great Reset is a foregone conclusion.

The development of civilization and the "need" for religion Anonymous 01/27/2024 (Sat) 22:34:09 Id: 1d2b9d No. 19980 [Reply] [Last]
Trying to continue this discussion from the Goober thread: https://archive.is/ibyfR#930772 The short of it is discussing how religions (Particularly Christianity in the European context) have influenced the development of civilization for the past two millennia. Whether it actually "civilized" lands or kept people restrained to "archaic silliness". Whether the enlightenment was justified trying to "end" it or if they created an even worse monster. And so on.
55 posts and 9 images omitted.
>>20124 Because what one wants interferes with what other wants, and thus chaos ensures. A good life is one of order and civilization. And those who disagree are the ones who must be killed first.
>>20125 >A good life is one of order and civilization. I know you may like those things personally, but what do you mean when you call them 'good'?

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