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Dr. Steve Pieczenik predictions for next 7 days. Anonymous 01/14/2021 (Thu) 05:26:40 Id: 4c6806 No. 6957 [Reply]
I don't care for AJ since he's a mossad owned tart. Steve however has street cred. https://www.bitchute(Please use archive.today)/video/uifwEQ6dFmL8/
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>>8015 You solid anon. Good luck!
>>8015 Join the Libertarian National Socialist party to make frens.
>>6957 >>6958 We should move to >>>/liberty/

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The Importance of the US Military Anonymous 02/02/2021 (Tue) 21:12:15 Id: c41145 No. 7720 [Reply]
Penny for your thoughts (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)s https://(Webm, use an alternative platform, or use https://instances.invidio.us/)/yyv3A7R9YCg
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>>7781 The rise of all the QAnon bullshit made me completely aware that a large portion of the voting public could easily be convinced to vote for a literal ghost. A anonymous presence that doesn't actually exist, just tweets and throws out cryptic messages every once in a while. Never appears on TV, nobody's ever seen or heard of him, doesn't have any sort of recorded past. Just a voice of faux revolution whispering to the retards that if they just sign away the rest of their rights (and I mean employee rights, not the right to own guns and shit) they'll be taken care of because they're the "chosen" people.
>>7890 Pretty obvious thread derail there shill.
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Pets = Inhumane and Animal Abuse = Humane Anonymous 06/16/2020 (Tue) 00:04:29 Id: ff447a No. 794 [Reply]
The reason why veganism and favoring other animals ("I love dogs/cats more than humans") in general is so popular nowadays is because of the idea that is wrong abuse an animal i.e. kill it in a natural way. If you kill it then special toys have to be used and it can only be certain animals. This creates a socially and dietary unhygienic effect where as people preserve other carnivores and defend herbivores out of neurological parasitism/confusion. Another aspect are all of the humanizing animal cartoons/books/plays we are exposed to in our youth along with receiving lacking or incorrect information about how animals behave, such as the idea that most herbivores are unwilling to eat meat or blood and that we are capable of eating akin to herbivore with plant food being said to be a necessary staple and not filler.
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>>7075 Indeed. >>7986 Women that have cats are better because they lack the same insecurity of women with big dogs, and the same delusion of women with small ugly dogs that act as baby replacements. Cats are independent predators, a woman that loves cats will appreciate a man.
>>794 ... I do not comprehend this. I for one appreciate cats and dogs (and many other animals) more than niggers. But, I would appreciate a fellow Aryan more.

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Trump concession speech leaked Anonymous 12/16/2020 (Wed) 18:22:26 Id: 0a0b36 No. 5625 [Reply]
pic related
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The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election https://archive.fo/HV8L5 >Trump was right, there was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. >Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. >The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day.
>>7803 TL;DR >Lobbyists and politicians started back in 2019 rewriting laws and putting forth plans to change how the election was conducted and processed >Practically forced social media companies to crack down on ANYTHING that didn't promote their agenda >Paid news organizations to state that everything Trump says is "illegitimate" or "incorrect >Made voting, mail-in votes, and the new laws all about "racial justice", especially thanks to the Floyd riots >Managed to have half of the counted votes being the "mail-in votes" >Actually set up insurgency networks to immediately start rioting at the press of a button if things didn't go as planned >Outright admit that Trump won the election, but couldn't allow it to be aired on any public outlet, so forced every outlet to acknowledge "Biden's legitimacy" >Called upon previously said insurgents to overwhelm and doxx everyone who wanted to observe the vote tally in-person >Stalked and harassed any politicians who are sympathetic to Trump >Everything would have come crashing down, and Trump would still be president IF the protestors at the January 6 March on Washington HAD NOT stood down and returned home >The group who orchestrated all of this has now "disbanded", but they're still communicating and planning for any future elections >Special thanks to George Floyd and RINOs, for their help made all this possible <DEMOCRACY
Trump found not guilty, again: https://archive.vn/3D2Iw

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Learn Modern Israeli Hebrew (Ivrit) Anonymous 02/02/2021 (Tue) 14:54:33 Id: e03e90 No. 7701 [Reply]
Sun Tsu said that warfare consists primarily of disrupting the plans of the enemy. Thus: ITT we discuss the study of the language of the oppresson.
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>>7701 They must be killed. Their culture eradicated, along with their language. Any non-violent approach is a waste of time.
>>7709 I think that's what OP is trying to achieve.

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IMHO there's not much to be gained by studying modern Hebrew. It's not like they're sharing some profound, original thoughts in their super-secret raghead code. It's all information that they stole from your culture where it was written much more clearly. And it usually boils down to the same fucking thing: "Poor me. I should get money for nothing because I'm special." Jews can never be a fully literate society, because they are parasites and use language primarly to obfuscate and hide the truth rather than to communicate. You have textbooks that are obfuscated to keep black kids from learning math. Imageboards spammed with CP and scat porn to keep goyim from talking to each other. Computer programs full of boilerplate to keep people from writing their own software. But all this concealment can backfire on the Jews themselves. The omitting of vowels is a great example of this. It keeps the goyim from knowing what you're saying, but there is no longer enough information in the text to reconstruct the message. So now you're dependent on an oral tradition like a bunch of fucking cavemen squatting around a campfire. As parasites they are best at looking for loopholes in documents written by other people. Original writing is not a priority. They really like "automatic writing", where you just shut your brain off and scribble away until X amount of space is filled. If you want to get into Harvard or be promoted in the Communist party you have to run a good automatic writing game. They all worship the idea of being a scholar, but do not confuse love of the idea of being a reader with love of reading. The Jews are encouraged to read because their spiritual leaders' solution to everything is to read Torah. Wife's cucking you? Read Torah. Got mugged by a schwarzer? Read Torah. Hemorrhoids acting up? Read Torah. So do they do it? Not really. They like watching TV. They like misquoting the people they need to in order to get straight As ("Sun Tsu said that warfare consists primarily of disrupting the plans of the enemy!"). But their underlining all ends after the first chapter. They really don't enjoy reading and writing.

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Anonymous 01/27/2021 (Wed) 21:52:10 Id: 000000 No. 7491 [Reply]
There is something I have noticed from the GameStop wallstreetbets fiasco. We may fucking hate leftists but they aren't our enemy. The number one enemy is and was international jewry as was in 2012 with occupy wallstreet until the left got blinded and distracted by international jewry and made the left focus on "gender issues", "intersectionality" , "racial issues" and other shit that is caused and propagated first and foremost by INTERNATIONAL JEWRY. We may have our differences but there is one thing we agree on. The left simply does not acknowledge or name the problem while we name them. Let this be known to our brothers in arms against the hedge funds and INTERNATIONAL JEWRY. Let us go back to our roots in the name of 2012s occupy wallstreet and continue to fight where we left off! Please can someone repost this to 4chan's pol? I am not posting there with my real IP thanks. 8kun is also not letting me post through TOR.
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>>7491 Make them aware of the kikes. Black people are more racist than whites and more primal. The only thing that has to be done, is to concentrate their anger at the right direction.
>>7491 How the fuck is some nigger loving subhuman not my enemy?
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>>7491 Don't worry about posting this anywhere but on the chans not compromised. They are just bots and shills.

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Bye bye monkie Anonymous 01/20/2021 (Wed) 01:03:02 Id: c108e1 No. 7114 [Reply]
Dead dumb neanderthal scum
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>>7115 >brain damange delivery Story pls. >russia warr I guess he had an open mind. >trainboy Natural selection.
>Don't touch your pants when around cops or you'll die >You should know better Sure smells like bootlicking around here. If a cop rapes your daughter, are you just going to nod "yes, sir" and lick the blood off his dick, too?
>>7671 It's not the dog's fault, it's the owner. Take it up with mayors that appoint chief token nigger women.

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Leftists delusions Anonymous 07/22/2020 (Wed) 14:23:14 Id: 4e4491 No. 1164 [Reply] [Last]
Recently I noticed that the left wing has become even more delusional than ever before. Like at this point they are no longer even creating strawman or misconstrue basic statements, they just seemingly moved to wholly different reality. Like the video in the thumbnail is supposed to be a parody of PragerU but somehow the only thing it parodies is the style. Everything else is just pure fabrication. My question is how can someone let alone a whole group of people be this detached from reality? How can they even function in the outside world if they are essentially incapable of even properly perceiving reality?
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>>6989 nah i worship DYEVS PATER but seriously man my shits broken. you hit my fucking dog. Get your nose out of my fucking house, you fucking yid.
If the globalists don't obey the Constitution now then why would they follow a new Constitution? If the elites have a global government now, what good would secession do?

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>>7000 Project Veritas released another twitter leak.
>>7004 Absolutely disgusting. And I say that as a furfag myself. Tor/I2P is the future, fren.
>>7330 Good luck getting anyone to use it. Clearnet's too convenient -- even anons won't bother unless forced to.

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Bidens inauguration Anonymous 01/16/2021 (Sat) 18:15:21 Id: 7319f6 No. 7037 [Reply] [Last]
On the 20th we get to see the start of Bidens 'presidency' and armed protests in 50 states. What do you think will happen? Anyone going to show up? I think antifa/glowies are going to be in full attendance and I doubt much good will come from it. Any fights that happen the media will be able to spin it as they've done before. It will be fun to watch either way.
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wow what a boring inauguration, I guess the national guard know how to do their job. It looks like were going to see why dems are true cancer for a while. I'm surprised by the lack of happenings I would've thought there would be at least something cool. At least something good has come from Biden so far, trans people are finally allowed to compete fairly all it took was a stolen election and a demented puppet president... We are living in the worst timeline.
>>7278 It is good. We can finally do away with the ridiculous welfare queens that are "female athletes." They want equality, now they have it.
>>7279 Exactly it does seem that the us is in for a couple entertaining years, so far it seems Biden will sign just about anything that is put in front of him, hes reversed about all of trumps actions makes you wonder what the point of it all. They'll get what they deserve soon but lets hope sooner rather than later. I dont know about you but I can't wait for the first women president... of all people kamala has no place there at all.

send funny shit guys Anonymous 01/03/2021 (Sun) 08:55:10 Id: 82da2f No. 6062 [Reply]
i need to laugh
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>>6971 It was a different time...
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>>6062 >D.C. Police confirmed for FOX 5 on Sunday that they are investigating a Navy Yard-area Bernie Sanders mural defaced with that cartoon "Pepe the Frog" image as a possible hate crime >"The appropriation of that symbol somehow became an expression of power by the individuals that were doing it and then it spread over the internet and different chat rooms and 8chan and Reddit and some of the places where ‘Alt-Right’ and white supremacists folks find each other and share ideas and share strategies," said Ezickson >"Often times, people look to hate elsewhere and are not aware of it and are not aware of the impact of our own backyard. And the insidious part of hate is it not only targets – targets an individual perhaps or a community, but it is received by an entire community as somehow a message that they don’t have equal rights in our society, that they need to be fearful," Ezickson added https://archive.is/NdU2h
>>7107 Everyone involved in every element of that is retarded, from the morons who painted the original, to the mongoloids who painted over it to the fuckwits 'investigating' it to the cunts reporting on it.

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Anonymous 01/07/2021 (Thu) 08:41:52 Id: 73f1ff No. 6523 [Reply]
Well folks another year has come and gone. God has passed judgement on the quick and the dead, and those found wanting have been wiped out forever from the Book of Life. Let's review everything you've learned. ✡ Racism is kosher because Judaism is based on racism and being the (((chosen people))). ✡ Misogyny is kosher because hot women are a threat to (((arranged marriage))) and (((inbreeding))). ✡ Dictators are kosher because there's only one person to bribe. ✡ Monarchs are kosher because there's only one person to bribe. ✡ "Experts" are kosher because you believe them based on who they are and not what they say. ✡ Communism is kosher because it gives poor Jews money they didn't earn (welfare). ✡ Capitalism is kosher because it gives rich Jews money they didn't earn (interest).

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>6523 Here's a couple I forgot. ✡ Bullying is kosher because it creates lots of desperate victims the Jews can exploit. Jews can't post Pepes because it reminds them of the Chosen People's humiliating defeat at the hands of a pack of pimply-faced shitposters. >>6822 >These people already have all the personal wealth they could possibly use But other monarchs have more, don't they? That's where the Rothschilds come in. Try again! >>6567 >>6828 >>6830 (((textwall))) It's too late for this low effort shit; you need to be much more quick-witted to deal with us. Think you're up to it?
>>6902 Why is it that you dumb kike-worshiping golems can't conceive of anyone disliking you except "atheists" (half of which aren't atheists) and "pagans" (anyone else you dislike)? You are scum. The entire world outside of the west knows you are scum. Everywhere you go, kikery follows, yet you still pretend that isn't the entire purpose of your pathetic judaism knockoff.
>>6937 Nah. >>6929 This is.

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Anonymous 12/30/2020 (Wed) 06:48:35 Id: 50c6e6 No. 5942 [Reply]
https://www.thedenverchannel(Please use archive.today)/news/local-news/crews-start-relighting-pilot-lights-in-aspen-after-gas-outage-restoration-could-take-days https://denver.cbslocal(Please use archive.today)/2020/12/29/earth-first-fbi-investigating-possible-attack-natural-gas-line-aspen/ Interesting. 2nd attack on infrastructure in a very short time period. Are people starting to practice for the possible civil war next week?
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>>6827 Silence
>>5942 3rd: https://archive.vn/1qryN https://archive.vn/omZN3 In the past week, 1 unknown gunman fired 1 bullet at a transformer causing 2 power outages for an entire county. The first outage occurred when the bullet hit, the second occurred when the TVA had to shut down the grid again to repair the equipment. The gunman will likely get away with it too if he was alone when he did it.

Anonymous 01/08/2021 (Fri) 15:29:41 Id: 4be57b No. 6710 [Reply] [Last]
Normal people still think that leftists are simply misguided people that don't have access to information, and the way to convert them is to give them information. And I understand how people might think this way since many of us were kind of left-leaning by social pressure and MSM conditioning. But when you're dealing with people with power, any kind of power, that are leftists, it's not about the ideology. They don't believe in it. They believe in the power that it gives to them, the power to silence without being silenced, the power to criticize morally without having to be moral, the power to be hypocritical without consequences. In short, rules for thee and not for me. They're addicted to this and there's no easy way to remove this power from them. How can a society recover from a situation where these kind of people hold most of the power? Violence would be the easy answer, but this might backfire since most of the people would find this morally abhorrent, and this would give more power to the sophists. Slowly rebuilding by socially shunning these people would be the safest bet. Not hiring them, replacing them in positions of power, removing them from society would work, but it would take a long, long time. But even this more peaceful solution might make leftists act violently against those who fight against them, in this case it would be favorable to us, since we'd be acting in self-defense, but even then they'd have the hold on the narrative. Is violence inevitable?
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>>6993 When someone's indoctrinated it's very hard to bring them back to facts. Just the fact that they got indoctrinated is already bad news, it means they can't think for themselves and are averse to any type of new information that doesn't come from their indoctrinators. These type of people only respond to sophistry, that is, only by arguing with emotion. And to a lot of deprogramming and a barrage of facts, especially facts that make their indoctrinators look bad. For example, show that their indoctrinators are telling them lies so they can profit. Even then, it's a very long shot. It's very difficult to deprogram these people.
>>7038 Which makes trying to deprogram them useless. It is better to simple kill them. They can all be replaced. New children can be made any time and be raised properly, following our ideals, and not the jewish indoctrination.
If anything is going to change the media has to be taken down. I can't believe nobody has managed to off a NYT reporter or something. The mob running in the capitol building really scared them hence the show of force in DC, but have you seen how long it took them to set it all up? A militia using asymmetric warfare could probably bring this massive, slow, bloated apparatus to its knees and would have the support of tons of people.

BLM named the Jew Anonymous 07/02/2020 (Thu) 00:04:27 Id: 899cfb No. 957 [Reply]
Despite this being the expected result, it still moves me. Everyone, governments, corporations, NGOs, and video game devs large & small were all on board with >Protests that turned into violent riots within a day or two >A self professed Marxist organization >Next level white guilt that involved destroying and advocating the destruction of statues and art all the way up to destroying Mount Rushmore >Idolizing a known and repeated criminal who died more of an overdose than a knee to the neck and who once held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach >Defunding the police And more. All of them were all in on this shit, all easily available public information. Right up until, BLM named the Jew Then suddenly, one by one, they decide they're apolitical. They can't be showing support for a political organization like BLM, despite they and everyone else whinging on about how "equality shouldn't be a political statement". How BLM has suddenly been subverted and no longer stands for what they approve of. How BLM is violent and extremist. ALL BECAUSE BLACK LIVES MATTER NAMED THE JEW And now support for BLM is going to begin fading away. http://archive.is/b1e9I http://archive.is/AeAar
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>>6850 But anon, those soldiers died for our freedom to be enslaved by the Jew, get fucked in the ass by BBC, and get a sex change. Why do you think they fought Hitler?
>naming the jew The actual reason BLM will be fading out from now on is that the elections are over. You can expect them to reemerge next elections, when their democrat handlers/"community organizers" will once again need their shit-stirring services to guilt-trip white people and galvanize the brown masses into voting for the correct people. As usual, the pretext for this reemergence will be context-less, cherry-picked videos of le ebil white police oppressing innocent black angels, all appearing at a carefully chosen time for maximum electoral impact.
Americans need to prepare for the collapse now because you'll be too late to get ready if you wait until the stock market crashes, the ATM machines shut down, the Internet, water, and electricity goes down, there are starving looters, riots, concentration camps open, Civil War 2.0 starts, and WWIII breaks out. Buy guns, ammo, gold, and food and get out of the cities today. Take this seriously. Pass the word.

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Anonymous 06/25/2020 (Thu) 14:56:32 No. 897 [Reply]
since a made a mistake with the infographic thread, i'll start a new one with different title
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>>5380 >>6527 >cucknadians screeching about Christianity Never change cuckanada
>>6804 Those are Torontonians.
>>6805 Manitoban

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