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ITT: Anonymous 02/07/2021 (Sun) 14:57:22 Id: 000000 No. 7822 [Reply] [Last]
post brutal wall-hitting rosties.
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>>15903 Long-term damage to women is irrelevant. They are objects. dispose of the defective and make new ones. Problem solved. >muh hating women bad Kill all simps. All women are evil and parasitic.
>>15949 Killing women is never wrong.
if you are smart enough you realise that women are fertile way before being 18 years old and therefore it is not unpure or meaningless to mate with a younger female , but a heard beast follow the trends mindlessly all this slaves are the same , if tomorrow some crisis happens and their numberrs go down and the trend becomes to mate starting from 13 years old commanded by instinct that the rabble of slaves may not to extinct they would say 13 years is fine maybe try to mock you in their collectivist slave way ifyou dont find it (HOT HOT HOT) as they like to say , and why the system wants to make it illegal to have sex and marry before 18 so that women may be sluts with younger men by the age of 18 so that they have not the pride of a descent woman that gives herself to one man only , her mating urges beging earliear but she cant marry so she (DATES) the current mating practice of the rabble of slaves , pride is not well seen by a colony of worker ants as one of them may say that labour is beneath him , as its not hard to see the only pride sluts have is that a mob of retards are ready to beg for her pussy and they are quite stupid as well , that if what your society would have them be 18 year old seasoned slut ready for cleaning tables at some restaurant , how humbleee , just like jesus , ohh wait that is the former ideology isnt it uhhhhh hahahahaha

Leak that SCOTUS will overturn Roe V. Wade Anonymous 05/03/2022 (Tue) 16:19:51 Id: c9e58e No. 15295 [Reply] [Last]
https://archive.ph/NBoZK Well, this will be fun.
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>>15889 Lol it's crazy man. Whores be outta control.
>>15889 I really don't think that's what it is at all. There are plenty of other birth control methods. The protests are also rather insignificant, certainly nothing like the nationwide Hate Whitey riots, which is America's national religion. I'd imagine the agitation on this issue is coming from people who get really hyper political, maybe some corporate support from companies who directly profit from abortion in some fashion [procedures, harvesting biomaterial, etc.], and maybe also from some people who don't want the tidal wave of additional niggers. I can't even imagine NYC without abortion.
>The government should have access to EVERYTHING that you do on a device with an internet connection <Unless it's related to a woman's menstruation cycle https://archive.ph/e9oeV

Nazi WMDs and other weapons Anonymous 04/04/2021 (Sun) 10:29:48 Id: 000000 No. 8648 [Reply] [Last]
Intersting stuuf about the Nazi weapons programs EDIT: Made this a general weapon documents thread since someone decided to make so many topics on it
Edited last time by Shellen on 04/29/2022 (Fri) 04:24:51.
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time travel too
This could possibly ignite something like lithium deutride and be like an h-bomb
Genetic engineering with a method like recombinant dna genetic engineering could take certain smallpox vaccines that could still exist with the smallpox dna in them and have the smallpox dna combined with the monkeypox dna to make the monkeypox more lethal. The Soviet Union was supposed to have been doing this with monkeypox, or something similiar.

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14 lolis killed in Uvalde Texas by 18yo goth beaner incel trying to impress 15yo German girl on internet Anonymous 05/27/2022 (Fri) 08:42:54 Id: 3cc74d No. 15644 [Reply]
Texas Lolis Executed Obama the following day compared it to George Floyd and Biden instantly whined about gun laws instead of helping the nation mourn. How long until he uses this to try and ban rifles so we can't resist the next government over-reach that will be worse than COVID ?
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>>15676 because they're holding baseball bats over the shoulder
wouldn't have happened if the lolis were at home having sex with their husbands like allah intended. smh.

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2nd civil war Anonymous 02/06/2022 (Sun) 06:04:10 Id: 5337e3 No. 13841 [Reply]
Anybody else think there's a new civil war coming? Johanna Troutman does. See what she has to say at RSB Publishing Digital Media, www.rsbpublishing.info.
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>>14622 No, I don't get that feeling at all.
>>13869 Amen.
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I think it will be a subtle civil war, traditionalists vs radicalism, true conservatives & liberty lovers versus liberal extremists & "follow all the umpteen rules" types who create so many rules a rebellion of traditional liberty lovers kick off in self defense and eventually new boundaries and shadow societies will pop up, and the epitaph of the second civil war will be maintaining the borders of those new shadow societies of conservative rebels society vs. the politically correct liberal deep state culture.

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post more edits like this Nolan 05/15/2022 (Sun) 01:41:11 Id: ffb268 No. 15441 [Reply]
ight its >edit time >:) <in video 2 ignore the woman getting fucked
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even more
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>EVEN MORE <second one is spoiled cuz some nigger boy getting hanged
>>15444 the arabic text ruines it man, its just saying i forgot again habtoh habtah taztaz taztaz is sound of farts

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Evading taxes as a moral duty UnhappyBear 12/29/2021 (Wed) 22:37:50 Id: 000000 No. 13375 [Reply]
I come from one of the European countries that is going off the rails with this jab madness. I have read half a hundred studies and, although I am not a health professional even I am able to understand that the short term risk outway the currently known benefits for this "vaccine". The more things escalate around this issue, the more I start felling a deep resentment from my countries leadership. So I am going to get back at them by exploiting EVERY SINGLE fiscal loophole I can find ! This is my new moral duty. Also, I will also be helping everyone I meet do the same, the more the merrier. I will make certain to make them lose millions. This is my new pride.
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>>13376 Sadly nobody on this site makes enough to use the loopholes that elites use. They're literally tailor made for the highest classes to use and nobody else.
>>13375 Well it's simple - Own less - buy less - work less = tax less If a lot of people did that.. they'd raise taxes again... but... well it's the beginning of a solution...
The powers that be always get the money back one way or another. The establishment isn't sweating. Roundabout & trickle economics.

The Odinist Lady, Seana Fenner, of Odinia Died Today Anonymous 05/20/2021 (Thu) 05:16:13 Id: 9f5af0 No. 9303 [Reply]
Her website hasn't been updated in over a year at this point because she was in poor health for a long time. I supported her for a long time because she is the proper /pol/-tier religion for our people (folkish, tribal, pro-family, etc.). I tried not to be an annoying, blogposting faggot about it nor shill it too much, but I have mentioned her once in a while or specifically in religion threads for several years now on multiple /pol/ boards, particularly on HateChan in it's heyday (it was the most based site where you could be the most offensive, in case you are a newfag and don't know). https://odinia(Please use archive.today)/ http://vikingalthing(Please use archive.today)/ --site's broken at the moment, but has been a thing https://odinist(Please use archive.today)/ http://seanafenner(Please use archive.today)/ --her personal site I guess come to think of it she had a few and was taking them into some different focuses, but like I say, her health had gone downhill, and I am the one who told her that she should try to get better because I hoped she would and could go back to things later. I am posting this thread on a few different /pol/s and I hope it is alright. She had made headlines multiple times without trying any stunts for attention because the Nose Tribe was super assmad that anyone except themselves was trying to exercise religious freedom at all (especially those whitoids--oy vey!). There are always various (((interested parties))) trying to push our people in every direction except good ones and except the direction of Nature. If you knew anything about her as a person, she deserved better. Odinia will live on and there will be more pro-whites running it than there were before to honor her memory. I remember the lies, the excuses from those who would not help, and the idiotic semitic shilling against her cause, and I am proud to have defended her from all of the mud that was slung. Because real people and truth-tellers in general are suppressed (and every faggot e-celeb has multiple threads a day everywhere, hmm...), I want to mention her one last time because she died today, or so I am told. I generally can manage to deal with death pretty well, but this one hit me hard. She was one of the best of our people. She literally used to go around and redpill QTs for our Race in the streets and other things of that nature. I'm just making this thread because /pol/ boards and internet shitlording is basically my home. I identify with shitlord anons and have been perusing, memeing, and/or posting for a very long time. I wouldn't be who I am today without any of you, including spammers and faggots who shit up threads. All of you who ever did any redpilling, shitposting, or any kind of activism redpilled anons like me long ago, and you are heroes.
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>>15628 >Let's face it. Getting together and forming groups isn't going to get any of us anywhere. Our only chance is calling upon the gods, in a very real way. Blood? Magic? Rune, seidr, or otherwise? Short of this type of revival, we are all as good as fucking dead. Ain't that the truth? Honestly, you neopagans aren't going to get anywhere like this. You guys are insanely fragmented, and for every /pol/-tier heathen there's a heathen who's more cucked than any rainbowflag-waving Reform Jew. You know the type, right? Cucks and collegegirls who go around yammering about stuff like "tHeRe ArE qUeER gOdS" and "rAinBOw hEaTHenRy". Happily telling everyone how progressive they are, and how *real* heathens are totally all about interracial pansexual polyamory. You'd just love to shut them up, right? I would too, and I'm not even a heathen! And we should, really. But we can't, can we? Cause that's a hatecrime, and then they'll have us tarred, feathered, fired, slandered, blackballed and unpersoned. So we're just gonna have to sit back and gnash our teeth about it in secret. All while the usual suspects turn Odin into a queer icon and appropriate everything else about old Norse culture for their cuckery. And you bet that this has an impact. Because *these* people control the media and the academic scene. Everything that the (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)s hear about vikings and old Norse society? They hear it from the most cucked types imaginable. All of that is deliberate, and there's a *big* push to make that even worse. I'm not even kidding here; I go to medievalist conferences, and I'm watching this play out in realtime. The part about turning Odin into a queer icon was no hyperbole, either. I googled 'Odin queer' just now and I got nearly 2 million hits. Lots of academic stuff too, and they're really trying to rub it in. And all of this is shaping public perception. Tainting symbols is very effective, you know? Google Angrboda and the first thing you'll see is a black woman. Repeat that sort of thing often enough and it'll stick. Even in the minds of the unwilling.

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Wow. She was hot.
>>9950 >>15640 I couldn't agree with you more. The neo-pagan movement is doomed, for all of the reasons you cite, and more. That being said, it is curious to observe the lengths that 'they' have gone to to fragment, censor, co-opt, pervert, and hence destroy the movement. If the gods were not real, why even bother with it to the extent that they have? When Chritianity took over the European continent, it's agents destroyed the sacred groves, smashed the sacred stones, plopped their churches right on top of the sacred sites, all of which were the means through which the gods interfaced with this world and transferred their power therein, via the ritual activities of their human patrons. Destroy the infrastructure and the signal is lost, just as the internet would go down if you bombed the building containing the servers. Given this historical fact, you could and may as well say that the gods are not real, just as an extraterrestrial species living in a galaxy billions of light years away may as well not be either, once your ability to detect and transmit their signal via some tech interface is lost. I don't discount that a revival, if allowed to develop and unify, could reestablish contact with the gods. But is this likely to happen? To put it bluntly, fuck no. The organizing principle behind the success of Christianity was, and continues to be, terror and violence, now morphed into the budding religion of Scientism with salvation at the end of a needle or with your consciousness surviving the planned apocalypse by being uploaded into an AI mainframe computer. Those who run with it will be assimilated into the proverbial BORG. I prefer to continue to practice my rituals and offerings to the gods, albeit in complete isolation, and with complete understanding and acceptance of the folly and futility it would be to hope for anything beyond personal results. Narcissist, or realistic? I'm beyond being depressed about it. Death comes to us all eventually, and thank the gods for that.

"Mass" shooting, h'whuite supremacist, long as fuck mannyfesto, discuss. Anonymous 05/14/2022 (Sat) 21:15:15 Id: 8cb070 No. 15337 [Reply] [Last]
From what I hear, New york kid buys 4k worth of gear, makes todo list that mentions 4chan, 8chan, Dicksword, Twitch, livestreaming, etc. Goes and kills 8 niggers at Walmart. Drops weapons the moment police show up and is quietly arrested. Autistic faggot? Copycat Tarrant? Fed psyop? YOU DECIDE
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When are we going to do something about all these autistic bedwetting freaks shooting up schools and markets? Everyone blames guns but no one looks into the autism diagnosis that almost every one of these fucks has. With all the lockdowns and issues over past few years only makes it worse.
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Why do white and new white simp cucks only target babies and civilians? You get no points for hitting random NPCs. Micah Johnson and Aaron Alexis are the current record holders. White people are failing to even get on the scoreboards here. We've become a disgrace while basketball Americans are dominating yet another of our past times.
>>15631 Ignorant scums like you is the reason why the Dutch should colonize your whole country for another 300 years.

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Anonymous 05/11/2020 (Mon) 18:45:26 Id: 01883e No. 119 [Reply]
I've been digging on the spread of info surrounding the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat covid-19 and it seems to begin with an israeli intelligence operation. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/04/24/rise-fall-trumps-obsession-with-hydroxychloroquine/ I started with this article and began to dig further. >March 16: Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweets a link to a March 13 paper suggesting that the anti-malarial drug chloroquine might be effective at treating covid-19. >That evening, Gregory Rigano, one of the authors of the paper Musk linked, appears on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show. He says that hydroxychloroquine can “just get rid of [the virus] completely." https://twitter.com/RiganoESQ If you go back to Rigano's tweets before the pandemic you will see that he mostly tweets about Tesla which is likely how Elon Musk is aware of him. He also tweets heavily about cryptocurrency which connects him to the next person that I will mention. >Rigano, though, is an attorney, not a doctor. He'd written the paper with the help of James Todaro, an ophthalmologist and tech investor. It was identified as having been written “in consultation with Stanford University School of Medicine” — but Stanford publicly denied any link. The document linked by Musk was later removed from Google Docs for violating the company's terms of service. https://twitter.com/JamesTodaroMD James Todaro is a managing partner of Blocktown Capital. Blocktown Capital is a cryptocurrency hedge fund with connections to Black Cube. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Cube Black Cube is an israeli intelligence agency that specializes in asset tracing.
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>>122 this sure has aged well

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Based & Redpilled Video Games torrent Anonymous 02/10/2022 (Thu) 02:51:46 Id: ebb165 No. 13875 [Reply]
Gentlemen. I have thrown together a huge ass (14,5GB) torrent of some very rare, banned Based & Redpilled video games for Windows. Some are old as shit, some are brand new. I've spent about a week collecting these, trying to find the most original and cleanest source possible. I've even spent $20 of my own money to buy Jesus Strikes Back 2 : The Resurrection straight from the developer and added it to the torrent, a game which isn't downloadable for free ANYWHERE. Enjoy, be patient when downloading and please seed! Games in the torrent: Angry Goy Angry Goy II Black Lives Splatter 0.3.1 Ethnic Cleansing Jesus Strikes Back Judgment Day Remastered Jesus Strikes Back 2 : The Resurrection Kill The Faggot Milo Tosser Muslim Massacre Nigger Genocide The Boston Marathon 2013 - Terror on the Streets White Law

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>>15078 hook that shit up!
yall are somefucking lowlifes in here
>>15535 All leftards and all jews will be killed. You have no future.

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Anonymous 05/12/2022 (Thu) 16:51:35 Id: 000000 No. 15320 [Reply]
Bandera irl. - faggot raped by his father - was a "whore" in the Polish prison - sadist, killed cats when he was a kid - looked as a rat - his mother was a Khazarian Jew The hero of the modern Khazaria (so called "ukraine"). Dems love him too. Why? Because Nudelman-Nuland, Blinken - both have roots in Khazaria. It smells as the end of the world - Khazarians (so called "jews") fucked the whole the world with their shit and nobody (except Putin) tries to kill them. Absolute fuck.
Thats pretty fucked up shit It seems slow here, check out frenschan(Please use archive.today) if you want to
>>15320 >his mother was a Khazarian Jew post proof pls

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Explain this Anonymous 07/29/2020 (Wed) 23:07:17 No. 1238 [Reply] [Last]
>12 year old woman cannot consent >male infant can consent to circumcision Explain this.
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>>15319 under 4 - nepi 4-9 = pedo 9-16 = hebe over 16 = ephebe
>>15500 pedoniggers have as many labels as trannies do, lol.
>>12681 Look at the picture OP posted with a bunch of half-naked girls and tell me this wasn't a covert pedonigger thread from the get go.

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Make Pompeo Shut Up And We Should Begin From Protest! AgainstP 04/04/2022 (Mon) 04:13:05 Id: 000000 No. 14807 [Reply]
Our martyr Soleimani was assassinated by Trump and Pompeo more than two years ago, but the murderers face no trial and punishment. Especially Pompeo has committed more crime than that, stigmatizing the Muslim, making our life in western countries more and more difficult. However, it’s time for us to take revenge. The official security provided to Pompeo is expired, but Pompeo is seeking for extensions with great effort. He lives in fear! We must stop the potential extensions! Only if Pompeo lose protection from the State Department, would our revenge become easier. Brothers and sisters, step forward please! Protest over the Government’s payment for clown Pompeo’s security, which costs taxpayers $2 million every month! Brave brothers and sisters, we will support you with enough money for all protesting activities, so contact us! May Allah bless you!
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US politicians are always liars.
>>14863 have sex, (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)
>>14863 what? what did you dare to say?

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Poland becom NATO pawn Anonymous 05/13/2022 (Fri) 19:13:23 Id: e8484d No. 15326 [Reply]
what went wrong?
polish government
Maybe Ukraine will join the EU and do silly things there too.

Help Find Page of Quotes against Jews webnavigator 05/13/2022 (Fri) 23:57:39 Id: 57af4d No. 15328 [Reply]
There used to be a page online with quotes by all the most prominent famous people criticizing jews. It was something like a radioislam or whale page, ended in something like retort.html, I can't quite remember. The point is it had quotes criticizing jews from greatest thinkers of the West. I fear it is gone forever and there is no good replacement online. I've been looking in my personal archives but I cannot find it. Does anyone have it or know its URL if it is still online?
I found it. It's on biblebelievers au org repute htm search engine for "dio cassius" "benjamin franklin" "jews" "repute.htm"and you'll found it. Retort, repute. I was close!

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