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Anonymous 04/18/2021 (Sun) 07:55:03 Id: 0765a6 No. 8861 [Reply]
Uhh based department?
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>>8861 >Uhh based department? BASTE
Now I'm no black but even chopping down a tree is worse than killing a fetus with no cognition. I don't think it should be covered by health care but why do moralfags pretend to care about disposing of an object that cant even realize that it is?
>>11670 Abortion and birth control cause sexual hedonism, which causes the downfall of the family, which causes the downfall of the nation and race.

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Daily remainder imagine boards are wrong and evil Anonymous 05/17/2020 (Sun) 13:16:08 Id: 1ecab1 No. 223 [Reply]
We all should go peace loving reddit.
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>>260 Or they'd be the kind of people gladly snitching on their neighbors and gleefully watching from the window as the black car takes them away, only to hide under the floorboards like vermin when the inevitable reprisal comes.
>>1458 No, censorship is to protect the people who have power to censor. Go and practise your hasbara somewhere else Shlmo
>>223 Being violent ans intolerant is being good. The inferior and weak must never be allowed to live.

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Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. Anonymous 08/21/2021 (Sat) 02:18:43 Id: 816f38 No. 11203 [Reply]
Why do niggers hate themselves so much? You'd think that they would want to improve their communities and such, but rather than listen to someone who's acting in their best interest they call him "an insult to Blackness". Honestly if I was a nigger I'd be mad as hell right now, however I couldn't give a less of a shit because I'm fucking white,
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I went to two large public events in the last week, one at a local country fair and another at an amusement park. Oh boy, let me tell you the difference. Country fair >Almost completely white >Barely anyone wore masks >Pretty clean >Didn't smell horrible, save for the nearby farms Amusement park >Very mixed crowd, mostly blacks >Almost everyone was wearing a mask, even when in a pool or on a rollercoaster (I shit you not) >Lots of the blacks had a distinct, foul odor to them. It was practically inescapable throughout the park >Trash and used masks littered the park grounds Messiness is a sign of self-loathing. Perhaps the nogs should clean their rooms more often
>>11203 If you don’t Biden you are not black. Such as life in America.
>>11203 >Honestly if I was a nigger I'd be mad as hell right now That's because you don't understand niggers. They don't want responsibility or accountability. They just want to blame wypipo for all their problems. They vote democrat, because they know their place. They know they're monkeys without whitey. They know the only way they can get dey bling on is by preying on white guilt. They'd never dare step up to the plate and accept accountability. That's why Larry Elder is the blackface of white supremacy. Because White Supremacy is accountability, White Supremacy is responsibility, White Supremacy is a work ethic, White Supremacy is parental responsibility, etc. They want none of that.

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Anonymous 07/13/2021 (Tue) 19:25:10 Id: 000000 No. 10116 [Reply]
National Socialism does not require violence in any form. It is completely compatible with peace. The ideology as a concept does not require genocide, eugenics, or war. Anyone who says otherwise, as if it was a requirement, is automatically wrong or lying. Governments of any nation, state, or ideology can have genocides, eugenics, or war. The morality of this is irrelevant. There is no requirement to have this, however. The ideal human is not decided by humans or governments or religions. It is decided by the laws of nature and evolution.
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>>10116 >National Socialism does not require violence in any form Literally the first page of the mein kampf, lol: >When the territory of the Reich embraces all Germans and proves incapable of assuring them a livelihood, only then can the moral right arise, from the need of the people, to acquire foreign territory. The plough is then the sword, and the tears of war will produce the daily bread for the generations to come.
>>10874 That's hitlerism, baka.
>>10116 >National Socialism does not require violence in any form. It is completely compatible with peace. So why does the dude in your pic have a sword and shield?

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Race realism researches for redpilling normalfags. Anonymous 03/15/2021 (Mon) 21:57:21 Id: 000000 No. 8350 [Reply]
I'm in the process of redpilling some normalfag friends about race realism. But they are the types that always ask "where is the study?" and "where is the proof?" regarding any information, since they can't think by themselves nor analyze something without a "professional study" guiding them. So, could some anons help me with articles, researches and overall studies about race realism? More specifically, how race is a deterministic factor in a person's preference for a sexual partner to procreate. And how race-mixing is biologically averted by all races. The more they go deep into the racial differences and racial preferences among the same race, the better. My friends are interested in the topic already, so nothing will shock them too much. Also, no jewish researches. Actual, serious research showing the differences (more importantly, the superiority of some races compared to the inferiority of other races) and all information that can debunk the lie of equality between races and the lie race mixing being a preference, instead of the anomaly that it is.
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>>11151 I will kill antis like you instead. Then I will proceed to have even more sex with children as I like.
This book has a lot of references to studies and frames things in a way NPC's can accept, it may or not be as hard as you like and idk if there's a free version but g/l
>>11422 Thanks again.

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Biden is a Moran Anonymous 08/15/2021 (Sun) 17:03:29 Id: f8ca5a No. 10969 [Reply]
Reminder that Biden is a senile idiot who cock sucks Obama and his ISIS 2.0 Taliban agenda which might see Bongs and Burgers beheaded in Kabul, and now the Afghan President has fled the country! 46th Prez is a fucking disaster for the USA and should consider resigning for the good of the free world. This would not have happened under President Trump guaranteed. Senile Hussein Biden and ISIS lackey in the Oval Office. MAGA! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-asia-58219963
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>>11080 That's actually more retarded than the niggers wanting to cross the sea in a home made raft. I can't believe i'm just realizing sandniggers are worst than niggers.
>>11096 no way anything is worse than a nigger except maybe a fake jew kike bitch like amy shumer. gawd if I could just face fuck her for 3 days straight while puffing meth and screaming "tucker... tucker... " like that dude in breaking bad with the shotgun all fucking badass and shit.
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Total moran!

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Anonymous 10/22/2020 (Thu) 10:50:07 Id: 6f674a No. 1883 [Reply] [Last]
I'm currently trying to redpill some people about kikes. What's the easiest way to go about this without being screamed at for being a nazi?
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>>11304 While the professor is absolutely correct, it's amusing the Chinese don't know who was behind the Marxist revolution in China, who transferred technology from the West to China, and who still controls China today.
https://archive.fo/SCsJJ Some of the images were saved on web.archive(Please use archive.today)
>>11298 >help gather That is kind of the point of saving shit on /polarchive/

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Anonymous 08/11/2021 (Wed) 22:52:34 Id: 000000 No. 10872 [Reply]
>Physiognomy (from the Greek φύσις, 'physis', meaning "nature", and 'gnomon', meaning "judge" or "interpreter") is the practice of assessing a person's character or personality from their outer appearance—especially the face. Is this practice still relevant today?
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>>10890 Those look like Poles with their round heads and beady eyes.
>>10897 Most (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)s are brown or asian the amount of crying whiny faggot shitskin and squint eyed losers sniveling shooting at randoms then blowing their brains out at a 7/11 then quietly forgot about. The rate of the mexican (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me) shooters in the USA is rather insane most of the mass shootings have been some type of beaner mutt for the past decade they just dont get high kill counts. The Poway Cowboy kid actually stopped one that the fbi was grooming a mexican (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me) muslim convert that switched targets from White Peoples families to a jewish temple because of the attention it got. The point i'm bringing this up for is historically (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)s were a sign of civil war blooming, Islam actually creates (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)s and inbreds thorough the same tactic deny introverted men access to women without a outlet to attract them to offset this like wealth, community. Russia and Scandinavia dealt with this a lot being so rural with limits the young men who had no prospects or wives would gather up with all the other villages (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)s they called it "wolfing" take up a skin of a wolf then proceed to raid neighboring nations in the middle of the night or other villages for years and bring back wives/ wealth. A lot of the time they took rule over their old village because they would amass hundreds to a few thousand veteran war hungry young adults by the time they returned. Ironically getting the (Hello, I just arrived from Leddit, please bully me)s to raid mexico and especially the cartels without mercy would solve a lot of current problems. Imagine a line of mexican heads on spears lining the US border with dope memes fashioned out of mounds of bones and some autist is decorating the piked heads with sonic necklaces. As harems of captured mexican women are forced to reenact Blade Runner.
>>11239 > blah-blah-blah.... and Blade Runner. wut? bro wut??

Anonymous 08/06/2021 (Fri) 17:13:16 Id: 4723cf No. 10721 [Reply]
Eternal Anglo cult. Recruiting for Anglo supremacists only, might be admin positions depending on sub count(dm me in the descript). In the future we hope to be building diy garage ufos and cern time leaper microwaves. T.me/MitraThret
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>>11176 >he did try to Is that why he made agreements to let Jews transfer their wealth to Israel in exchange for them leaving willingly? Or why he was shipping the ones not leaving willingly to Madagascar? Seems like a lot of unnecessary work for something that would be done more quickly and a lot cheaper by simply digging a hole and shooting them in the back of the neck.
>>11177 We still have a wealth of knowledge from Nazi experiments, iirc transplants are a legacy of nazi party experimentation and would have never have developed as quickly if not for them. >>11178 It's actually quite consistent with the policy of Nazi Germany though. Usually the nazi party took wealth from jews when they started running out of money to finance its public spending, and believed that removing them from the economy will allow them to create a well oiled economy it did not because they still focused too much on public spending. The more their economy was failing, the more extreme measures they took. Hell it is consistent with Hitler's ideas of autarky as well as why they went to war so early to begin with alongside with what caused the invasion of Russia seeing as the main goal was to overcome fuel shortages and economic collapse. At the end of the war, Nazi economy was in shambles from the extravagant public spending they were conducting and the reason why they even lost the war. At first you might try to keep the appearances, but as your economy becomes worse... well you have to resort to more extreme measures like slave labor, taking things from others whether that be jews or other nations. I remember that Nazi Germany had notices that worked as money in occupied France, but were actually increasing french inflation while not increasing the inflation of Nazi Germany, but I forget their name right now. You could exchange them for franks, but seeing as it was effectively forcibly exporting goods to Germany from France with fake money that the German government printed, it was actively decreasing the value of the frank.
>>10721 >>11007 TRUTH, you ever see the old photos and videos of imperialism "human zoo's" they would have niggers ,muslims, mexicans, indians, all in a cage for England's (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)s to see. People would bring their children to throw rocks and shit at the black beasts and see first hand how strange the savages were. for prosperity and progress of the future , "fuck their rights" was a noble way of moving the human experience forward not backwards... Holocaust was not even a word with meaning until WWII when the jews started their bullIhit crying. displacement is how we got here . I do not see Africa Or Aboriginals building MagLev bullet trains anytime soon.

EU vaccination certificates Anonymous 08/18/2021 (Wed) 03:22:41 Id: 000000 No. 11085 [Reply]
An italian anon modified the apps used to store and check covid vaccination certificates, verificac19 allows harvesting certificates and immuni allows using one of the harvested certificates. To effectively use them irl you also need a fake id or drivers license with the name and date of birth of the person you're impersonating. The board for discussion (in italian) is >>>/gp/ and here are the apps https://gitgud.io/lupetto/it-dgc-verificaC19-android/-/releases https://gitgud.io/lupetto/immuni-app-android/-/releases
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>>11138 I didn't removeexposure notifications, the only thing I modified in Immuni is the possibility to use a custom vaccination certificate. I think you can disable exposure notifications in the related settings in your phone's settings, I can do it on microg's settings. Otherwise just disable Bluetooth.
>>11085 is the webm real?
>>11231 No, Sneed's clothes on the cat are clearly shopped

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Anonymous 10/31/2020 (Sat) 14:20:50 Id: bfd8b9 No. 1941 [Reply] [Last]
Solution: Government functions will be stripped down to law enforcement and national defense, all departments or agencies that provide any other functions of the government shall be purged. Political representatives will be prohibited from making any changes to the laws, but will instead merely act as overseers and enforcers of the law as they are written. Laws are likewise stripped down, for the most part, they will be restricted to the NAP, and the exceptions will be detailed below. Laws only apply to living white gentile male humans, as do rights, freedoms, etc. Anything else is not protected by law, except as an indirect consequence of them being owned by living white gentile male human being. The age of consent, maturity, and adulthood will be 5 years of age, and, of course, thos only applies to live white male gentile humans. Not to anyone or anything else. Every living human is required to take a genetic test to determine whether they are Jewish, Jews shall be considered non-Whites under the law. Those Identified as Jews must be marked at the earliest opportunity, the markings must be permanent, located somewhere upon their heads, and must be prominently visible. Jews must also be sterilized or killed (and the bodies destroyed) at the earliest opportunity as well.

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>>11143 The post said discriminate, not anything particularly extreme.
>>11124 Talking does nothing. We already know what we want. There is no action to cause it, anywhere.
>>11200 (nice doubles dubs m8) After all is said and done, we should combine Canada and the USA into one country. My autism just can't deal with Alaska.

Anonymous 08/18/2021 (Wed) 10:35:40 Id: 000000 No. 11092 [Reply]
5 years after the populist wave in the West and the height of the Trump movement, where are we? What is our situation? Has it all gone to the wind? I see threads based on talking and debating. People talk about all sorts of stuff while the globohomo trannies are still pushing their shit and nobody's organizing to do anything about it. After Trump jetpacked out the US simply got Bidened by "the establishment". It's like it never happened. Like a bad thought. In the meantime it's all about BS vaccine crap and Talibans and this or that. Are we really at this level of sloth? Are we really nothing more than basement dwelling NEETs? What are we actually doing? What have you done today? Where are we winning? What the fuck?
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>>11107 You first, mein glownigger
I think people here, being young, anti-social, childless adults, miss a few important factors that keep redpilling normalfags. Many of those normalfags are too scared to be loud about it, but they still act in quiet ways, such as not buying or otherwise actively supporting SJW shit. And as more get redpilled, more get mad enough to be loud about it, which is why SJWs have significantly ramped up their censorship efforts. Everyone knows the US election was stolen. Even the minority of people who actually voted for Biden know it. The people who care are too busy taking care of their families to riot over it, but they will never again trust the establishment, and they will now try harder to avoid things that would support it. But really, a bigger factor is probably not even politics, but entertainment. Major companies are losing money hand over fist, because of the simple fact that nobody wants to watch the propaganda they are making instead of entertainment. Calling someone a bigot will never make them watch your movie. It will make them avoid your movie and all your other movies. This is exacerbated by everyone being locked up by their own governments, which only breeds resentment, and the fact that they aren't allowed to talk about it, and silenced when they try, only breeds even more resentment. And on top of that, a very major factor that I think people here really overlook is the fact that parents are finally seeing what their kids are being taught at schools, since the schools are now online. And this is coinciding with the schools doubling down on the propaganda, which is only hurting them further. Those parents will react much more strongly to this than they would to entertainment or politics. Now they SJWs are going to have to rig not just major elections, but tiny local elections, for things like school boards. And not just school boards, because those parents might be going to vote specifically for the school board, but while they're at it they'll vote for the rest of the positions too, positions that people usually don't give a shit about because they're tiny local positions. Even most mayoral elections get very few votes. It doesn't take much to make a significant difference there. Nobody cares about local politics despite its more direct effects on the individual. But more and more people are caring, because it's the local politicians that are trying to molest their children while also calling them racist for being born the wrong race. You don't mess with people's children. At the same time, parents are realizing how useless school is in the first place, and moving kids to home school in record numbers, which is a good long term move for the next generation. They're doing it specifically to avoid SJWs, and even when they do a community "learning pod" or something, it's specifically for that reason. And it's not that the teacher is going to be dropping redpills all day, it's that the teacher can finally teach reality, which will naturally make them see how insane SJWs are, while also providing them with better skills to succeed, since they're actually being educated and not just molested and indoctrinated all day, which will help them have a bigger impact long term. But I don't think things turning around is even a particularly long term issue. Things change faster than people realize. The ramping up of SJW shit is their death throes as they see more and more people waking up and paying attention to what they're doing, and thus trying to stop them. And those death throes are only killing them faster. They're trying harder and harder to demoralize people by hiding the truth, and they admit they're doing it, they admit they're censoring, they admit they won't even actually argue their points are either correct or popular, they admit they won't even argue that they didn't steal the election. That only means that they know they are extremely unpopular, and though they are trying harder than ever to hold on to power despite that unpopularity, they can't do it forever. OP says 5 years ago was the height of the populist wave and the Trump movement. I disagree with his premise. 5 years ago was just when they started censoring those people. He's falling for it, and thinking he's really alone, but he isn't. If anything, the number of people who agree with him has increased dramatically, they're just being silenced. But they still exist, and they still have impact, even if each of them is acting independently.
>>11110 As Op I read it all, just so you know.

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Why does the Christian church feel like it's own worst enemy? Anonymous 03/17/2021 (Wed) 03:30:38 Id: 5ca66b No. 8366 [Reply] [Last]
>We're going to be talking about "extreme thinking" in the Bible that will make people uncomfortable. <And, the conclusion is that you should let fate God decide everything in your life, don't make any of your own decisions, and everything will turn out fine (Even when it's not). >"Real" fellowship is more than just about singing silly songs. <And, we're going to prove this by spending hours on end singing silly songs. >We need to stop pandering to those who are just looking for a church that tells them what they want to hear. <Now take my word for everything I say as I read out-of-context highlights from the Bible. It feels like everything the church says and teaches pushes me away from it, and (Ironically) the only people who end up "supporting" my faith are pagans, atheists, and agnostics.
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>>10919 >CIA Well, among other things
>>8656 >Then, why did Babylon, later Persia, then Macedon, followed by Rome all seem so dependent upon forcing the world to be come "one society"? Even Ancient China, the farthest you could get from Abrahamic religion and thinking because of the mountains dividing the Middle East from the rest of Asia, was determined to unite the entire continent. obviously we need /hist or /history. where is it.........
>>8635 >Faith is about faithfully pursuing the goals of your master and denying yourself while trusting in Him to provide, that's why it's called faith and not just belief. >Faith is about faithfully >Faith is about faith You're using the word to define itself. You also then use several variations of the same word, like trust. You believe it without evidence. Faithfully is just doing something while believing without evidence.

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Happy Brexit Day Anonymous 01/31/2021 (Sun) 20:40:26 Id: 6e7d32 No. 7639 [Reply]
Happy Brexit Day, fellow bongs and Brexit lovers! Let's hope they will let us have nice things and actually celebrate Brexit soon.
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>>10160 And Australia?
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>>7642 >cant leave your house what do you mean? >cant own electronics without a license really?! >cant own guns np. I dont need it >cant own knives What?!?!

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>>7639 Good Morning! 17 years ago you you were all laughing at me. Well who's laughing now?

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Trump sues social media finally Anonymous 07/07/2021 (Wed) 23:18:45 Id: ee7499 No. 9946 [Reply]
Only took him getting permabanned from the internet by the centralized leftists the moment he was out of office and could get away with it for him to finally understand the problem. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=LZkG7iK38Co
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he mad lmao
>>10547 >no thc legalization She will have her Attorney General change its status from Schedule I (the most restricted controlled substance category) to Schedule V (the least restricted controlled substance category) and then direct the Feds not to enforce any marijuana laws. It will accomplish almost the same thing.
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Trump's the best friend on the pics: subhuman, not white, Jew, mafiosi. Trump allowed transgenders/gays to be in Army. Logic of alt-right clowns: Trump supports White Race, Trump is based, Trump is nationalist. But .. not of your nation LOL

Anonymous 07/18/2020 (Sat) 05:56:35 No. 1125 [Reply] [Last]
you guys are complete pussies. You said you wanted a race war, well now it's here and you pathetic incel losers are just sitting at home jacking off. You faggots are all talk. You guys won't do shit because you're nothing but a little pussy!
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>>11252 Who would be afraid of you faggots? You do nothing. You accomplish nothing. You don't even try. You're too afraid. You absolute women even tried to claim IOTBW poster campaigns were glownigger psyops. You will sit on the internet and whine and that's all you will do. Meanwhile, your enemies will get everything they want because they have no opposition.
niggers >r9k bot on a dead board double niggers
Americans think that they are rebels because they are immoral and have tattoos, but maybe the elites want Americans to be immoral since immoral people are easier to blackmail and control.

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