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just some schizoposting Anonymous 11/28/2021 (Sun) 02:54:51 Id: 7e6d1c No. 13068 [Reply]
in ancient times, men had noble causes to die for -- for their lord, for their loved ones indeed for God too now, it seems there are no more noble causes, nothing virtuous, as the state has supplanted the need for noble causes with "modern dignity" there is no future for modern man.. he has rendered himself obsolete by creating this future we live in. Until Man can reclaim his barbaric nature, and the world is restored to its natural medium, our spirits will collectively dwindle away until we are nothing more than empty husks. in other words, all men universally feel happier when they are free, in the wild, enjoying themselves however and wherever they like. man burdens himself with responsibility because he is told he has to. how proposterous! if only he could realize that his potential is in himself, not in the things he does -- he must understand, no, REALIZE that he is the god of his own universe.
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>>13078 Good take. But according to Oswald Spengler, that could come any time within the next 500 years.
>>13080 I don't know who that is, but I would venture a guess that you are referencing something written before the racism and sexism against straight white men became so bad that women and minorities became dominant in the workforce. I wouldn't mind reading whatever you are referencing though.
>>13081 Yeah! Oswald Spengler was a great author from the 20th century, he wrote a bunch of really awesome takes about the evolution of civilizations and the cultures within them. I strongly recommend you read "The Decline of the West" first, since that's what I'm most familiar with. https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=FsaieZt5vjk&t=104s

Thanks, anon. How about a race realism thread on >>>/polarchive/ ?
>>12966 You do know you can make threads as well, right? I'll just sticky and anchor it like the rest as long as it isn't shit. In the OP just make a brief but information-dense post containing keywords relevant to the subject matter. Ideally like a human would type it and not just a random list of words, although you may do that as well if it's understandable what the subject matter is.
>>12968 >threads as well Threads on /polarchive/ as well, that is. It would be nice to start seeing people make threads themselves there since so far there is only a singular thread that isn't made by me. Which is the climate fraud thread.

One-Time Time Travel バステト 11/12/2020 (Thu) 20:04:22 Id: 65adf2 No. 4602 [Reply]
If you were offered the chance to 'time travel' back to any date in 1938, anywhere in the world, where/when would you go? What would you do? Would you even accept the offer? You would be spending the rest of your life in that era nya~
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>>7684 This assumes way too much. Like that anyone in charge is going to listen to a random civilian when he warns of something. Or that, if he were proven correct, they wouldn't think he must only have known that if he were a foreign spy or double-agent. 90% chance nobody listens as you're Chicken Little saying the sky is falling. 9% chance they listen but then throw you into Guantanamo (or whatever the equivalent was in the 1950's) where they torture you for the other sensitive information you must know. 1% chance they listen and nobody actually knows or believes it was you. 0% chance you're a "hero". >>7697 Basically this. Oh sure, Pearl Harbor galvanized the US public into support for the war, but that doesn't matter. It wasn't until Vietnam that anyone gave a fuck about what the civilian population thought of wars, and let it influence top-level military decisions.
I would just hang out somewhere for a few years, then get myself a Japanese wife in 1946. Would probably also do the sports almanac thing like in Back to the Future

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It's Okay To Be White - IOTBW Anonymous 10/31/2021 (Sun) 16:50:20 Id: a64842 No. 12421 [Reply]
It's time.
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jew here. let me lay it down for you simpletons. ahem, IT IS 100% NOT i repeat for you chuds NOT NOT OKAY NOT OKAAAAY

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>>12435 >my fellow whites! you were never a jew, you were never "God's chosen", you were never Abraham's people. you've lied and stolen so much throughout the centuries. your time is coming sooner than you think, kike.

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Anonymous 06/25/2021 (Fri) 20:51:42 Id: 219fe5 No. 9667 [Reply]
do you lot know about the discord trannies and that whole thing on 4chan? (or at least it htink its only 4chan). dont know much but thought it would be fun to infil blackops style take em out anyway im drunk so if isem schiz alsoget back to me
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>>9667 That's not a raid. This is a raid!
>>9696 Found the discord tranny
I was friends with Aero, they were drunk and wanted me to be a chubby housewife, this is not a shitpost, he was named "Proxima64" however and I found about it through kiwifarms that he is quite the cow, what a shame he was nice up until he'd get drunk and force his fetishes upon me

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Powell Bumped Off By The Jab Anonymous 10/18/2021 (Mon) 13:42:06 Id: 000000 No. 12203 [Reply]
The jab Holocaust genocidal Gestapo meme virus suicide cult, that is. F for respect, Colin Powell. https://archive.is/UBKOr
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>One of the main people responsible for the war in Iraq and the multitude of problems that came with it, including Obama getting elected as backlash against the Bush administration's monumental, century destroying fuckups. >respect I know we have plenty of people that would and should elicit more emotional reactions now, so it's easy to forget how this guy helped to fuck things up, but still. No.
>>12203 literally ruined millions of lives because of his god awful decisions on foreign policies. he can rest in shit and piss
rot in piss war criminal

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War with China C17 09/10/2021 (Fri) 20:31:58 Id: 03619c No. 11630 [Reply]
There is a war coming with China. One must wonder. Good or Evil? C17
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>>12206 she always wins, it's expected.
>>11630 Good or evil is the wrong question. The question is good for our cause or bad for our cause
>>12269 >all wars are clearly bad, except for those against usa (and the axis of evil) /fixed

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internet rape Anonymous 12/23/2020 (Wed) 02:15:13 Id: 70e8fa No. 5789 [Reply] [Last]
>ads >censorship >mass surveillance >gentrification >net neutrality's absense >icann >article 13/17/whatever the fuck it's called now >terror filters >flash's death >mediafire and google docs deleting shit from dead accounts >pastebin >anonymity soon to be a concept of the past >porn ban Why can't (((they))) just admit they fucking hate us, arleady?
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>>12218 >And he would completely fail at understanding economics or politics, and why his marxist ideas can only work in the head of soneone detached from reality, who does not think of these matters in terms of mechanics regarding how things would work and how they could go wrong, but only in the realm of sentimental platitudes and simplistic ideals. It's often pointed out that he's seemingly incapable of logical thought. He identifies with every jewish ideology that was engineered to bring the downfall of the white race. His inability to think and his blind will to cling to senseless destruction like marxism makes him the epitome of what they want in their goy cattle.
you people dont seem to get it this was all intended they get you addicted by introducing something with tons of features and then scale it back when it becomes necessary theyre getting rid of all the cool stuff because the internet was originally intended to mind control you and be an inescapable method of control
>>12241 It's a part of their endgame for us. They know that humanity has a natural fascination with techology that will eventually result in humanity merging with technology, or at least they think that is what will happen. We're witnessing transition into the final phase of evolution. Whether or not the process was inevitable, it's been hijacked and is being streamlined. They control the global technological infrastructure that humans will merge with, once it happens and if they succeed they will have complete collective control over the entire human race.

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Webm/mp4 thread Anonymous 06/21/2020 (Sun) 06:24:42 Id: a86cb3 No. 860 [Reply] [Last]
Webms go in this thread.
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Tucker...wh-what are you saying? Anonymous 06/16/2020 (Tue) 23:02:12 No. 811 [Reply] [Last]
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>>1571 This every movement starts local not national, literal spook informants, its the same exact thing they did to the kkk. The ones giving the large audience Speeches are often always the most corrupt because its to trick those watching with herd mentality and social proof. Then you get these feedback loops where people think because they give the speech they must be a leader nope just a informant.
>>811 Take your jew worship and fuck off.
Exactly. The 1% give campaign donations and cushy job promises to politicians. When the globalists commit fraud and destroy the economy, the elites get huge bailouts and pay small fines to the government.

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Incoming World War III. Anonymous 09/18/2021 (Sat) 06:43:53 Id: 000000 No. 11797 [Reply]
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>>11797 There will be no war.
>>12032 >I will personally organize a worldwide extermination squad to hunt and kill the likes of you
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Secret army of 200 "antivaxxers" amass army of 200 weapons obsessed ex soldiers plot attacks on vax centers. Anonymous 09/12/2021 (Sun) 16:25:20 Id: 50038b No. 11658 [Reply]
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9936399/Secret-army-200-weapons-obsessed-ex-soldiers-plotting-attacks-vaccine-centres.html https://archive.vn/gQVSH Revealed: The secret army of 200 weapons-obsessed anti-vaxx ex-soldiers called 'Veterans 4 Freedom' plotting attacks on vaccine centres and chaos on Britain's streets Seems some slight pushback was happening in the UK against the vaccine passports. Honestly the tone used in this article really does show how the msm is desperate to push any kind of vaccine skepticism as bad and dangerous. Is this a potential psyop to justify hitting harder against the citizenry? >Once 'vetted' they are given access to a channel on Telegram, an encrypted messaging app used by extremists and criminals due to its high security levels. Seems it's because (((they))) want the ability to attack privacy
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>>12033 >>12034 Remember, the premier is just a talking head, them resigning should in no way be considered enough or considered the government working to protect people. It's nothing more than a sacrificial piece.
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>>11658 Can anyone seriously look at this image and not come to the conclusion that either these guys are (((feds))) and or supremely retarded boomers?

"The Feds can force vaccinations", says Alan Dershowitz Anonymous 05/19/2020 (Tue) 01:17:32 Id: 30ea20 No. 259 [Reply] [Last]
https://invidio.us/watch?v=bLbp2uw5sZQ http://archive.vn/eIQlS So, America's "top" law professor at Harvard University and worked the defense team during Trump's impeachment hearing just came out and said that the government can force vaccinations upon the public DESPITE that being nowhere in the Constitution.
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>>259 >>8215 Cdc even admits the jab will kill a percentage.
>>8215 If the time comes to pass that they attempt to force this on you, you can kill those people in self-defense and maintain a clean conscience. >>>/pol/7791
Whenever there is a problem with child sexual abuse, vaccines, depopulation, or global warming, the elites pull a villain out of the closet like Obama, Clinton, Gates, or Soros to blame, but they will never be jailed. When the globalists want to give the impression that the government can police itself, the ruling powers arrest a low-level official like Wray, Barr, Comey, Lynch, Flynn, Manafort, Stone, or Cohen, but nothing ever changes. The ruling class can make up any event to distract or brainwash Americans by saying Russia shot down a Malaysia Airlines plane or a mass shooter shot up a school and how would you know what the real truth is?

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what was something from your childhood that wouldn't fly today Anonymous 09/23/2021 (Thu) 14:31:08 Id: a1e675 No. 11875 [Reply]
I remember going to Finland when I was a teen in the mid-2000's and one thing I remember seeing in the shops was this
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>>11875 (((marketeer))) thread.

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BIG HABBEN Anonymous 10/18/2020 (Sun) 23:46:13 Id: 8e155c No. 1858 [Reply] [Last]
THIS IS NOT A DRILL 8KUN COMPLETELY FUCKING WIPED, IT'S ALL GONE OH FUCK https://www.Webm or instances.invidio.us/watch?v=TkA7xQb6uPk
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why did you guys necro this garbage
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please man

Anonymous 09/21/2021 (Tue) 04:28:30 Id: df1b3d No. 11825 [Reply]
What are the political implications of rampant piracy? Does it really effect devs as much as people say it does? What can be done to stop it at this point?
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Piracy unironically benefits developers. Piracy laws exist not to protect devs: that is just the excuse given for these laws existing. The laws exist so that companies like Disney can make a fortune extorting people through legal teams in that they simply buy up properties made by someone else and extort anyone they think they can get away with. And it doesn't even need to be cases of actual breaches of copyright, as people are generally more likely to simply stop what they are doing and pay the extortion fee than they are to try to waste thousands if not hundreds of thousands or even millions in legal fees just to prove themselves innocent. They protect copyright lawyers from having to get a real job. The only real benefit to IP laws in general is having the ability to preserve information about technology as in order to file a patent you need to specify to the government every single bit of information you wish to protect about it and the limited ability to prosecute knockoff products. I say limited because if a country like China says "nah, don't give a shit" as they currently do regarding knockoffs, then they can and will profit immensely by just selling those knockoffs themselves. And if you file a patent that China will adhere to, you just gave the chinks an instruction manual on how to make it and you can most certainly bet that they will use cheap tricks in order to profit off of it anyway. And you might think, "well I ain't no pirate, I only do things legally" but you would be dead wrong. Almost every single file that gets posted here or anywhere really gets posted without asking for permission from the copyright holder and without checking if there is one in the first place. I didn't ask the people that wrote the two articles for permission to post it, nor did I do so for the files that came afterwards. Or for the pic in the OP: did you ask for permission to ANYONE in the chain going from each individual original drawing used to every single person involved in editing any portion of any image used in it? Did you bother to check if there is any copyright in any one of those things involved? Denuvo's logo is trademarked, as is the one for Playstation, Resetera, Steam, Xbox and chink games. Nintendo probably wouldn't approve of you using Mario's hat either. Yet you still posted it.
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>>11825 >Does it really effect devs as much as people say it does? Do you care if it does? Big companies don't care if they sell you shit, unfinished games with fanfiction tier storyline and dialogue. They are also disgusted by what used to be their core audience in the 90's and 00's, no need to feel sorry for them.
>>11835 This is also a good point. Since people still buy the movies and games they pirate if they like them enough, large corporations would no longer be able to ride the coattails of the brand name as hard. They still could, since it would still develop brand recognition and the convenience of buying physical media over waiting on a shit-tier internet connection will definitely have appeal, but they could no longer rely on their past success as hard anymore.

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