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Dr. Robert Duncan Anonymous 11/22/2022 (Tue) 02:25:56 Id: 0cb93c No. 18712 [Reply]
>CIA neuroweapons expert >exposes synthetic telepathy antenna system >they target the microcircuits, macrocircuits, and ion channels >frey effect microwave hearing to write information >radar EEG pings to read information >can clone all five senses >can remote control bodies >managed by artificial intelligence >two books, Project Soul Catcher and How to Tame a Demon >countless videos online https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=YIoZwfY1Fws https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=o6pBKBhbrdQ https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=OMtsouaMB8Q https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=bwXnJZGXbAk https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=FsVd0mbjoAg https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=ZoD9MDmYYUk https://www.youtube(Please use archive.today)/watch?v=SlicG4940W4

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>>18712 thanks for the links wish they were easier to use. effort posts are always so much superior to bitchy back-and forth snotty bickering
>>18712 The CIA, NSA, FBI, MI6, hell even MI5, GCHQ, FSB, Mossad, etc. They all have hi-tech shit that would turn you bone white if you knew what they do.
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>hi everybody >i'm disclosure the bear >the disclosure won't happen on it's own >we need to work with our politicians and social media >to get the latest technology and information >what technology is available? >ufos, synthetic telepathy, manifestation, timeline viewing, teleportation >astral projection, zero-point energy >how does it work? >hyperdimensional mind over matter consciousness field, the astral plane >who else lives there? >demons, aliens, god the singularity >how will this affect our politics? >everything will be free and on demand, including new people!

Chinese, Russian Warships Continue to Circle Japan, Defense Minister Says Anonymous 06/26/2022 (Sun) 03:07:04 Id: c1a3fc No. 15880 [Reply]
>An uptick in Russian and Chinese warship movements near Japan are a part of an ongoing military demonstration toward Tokyo, Japan’s Defense Minister Nobou Kishi said this week. >The People’s Liberation Army Navy and the Russian Pacific fleet have, since mid-June, sent two separate surface action groups around the Japanese home islands. >“The fact that about 10 Russian and Chinese ships sail around Japan on the same route in a short period of time is a display of the military presence of both countries around Japan,” Kishi said. >Seven Russian warships sailed near Hokkaido toward the Izu Islands on June 15. Five of the ships sailed in the waters between Okinawa and Miyakojima toward the East China Sea on June 21. The group sailed through the Tsushima Strait toward the Sea of ​​Japan, almost making a circle of the Japanese archipelago, he said. >On June 12, four Chinese ships sailed through the Tsushima Strait toward the Sea of ​​Japan, two of which sailed through the Tsugaru Strait and the other two through La Pérouse Strait to the Pacific Ocean. Three of these ships have been operating near around the Izu Islands, similar to the movement of the Russian ships, and were moving around the Japanese archipelago, >“The Ministry of Defense will continue to pay close attention to the trends of the Russian Navy and the Chinese Navy in the waters around Japan, and will make every possible effort to carry out warning and surveillance activities in the sea and airspace around Japan,” Kishi said. >In a response to a media questions as to whether the surveillance activities of the Russian and Chinese activities around Japan would involve the U.S., Kishi replied that the surveillance was a Japan Self Defense Force task. >The movement of the Russian and Chinese ships have all been posted on in recent releases by the Joint Staff Office (JSO) of the Japanese Ministry of Defense. >On Tuesday, the JSO issued a release stating that five Russian ships had been sighted at 7 a.m. that day and sailed northeast through the Tsushima Strait into the Sea of Japan.

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>>15880 (cont.) >In other developments, the Royal Australian navy wrapped up exercise Sea Explorer 2022 on June 16, according to Defence Department release on Monday. The exercise was for the Australian Amphibious Force (AAF) to verify its capability to deploy as an integrated force and involved the landing helicopter dock HMAS Adelaide (L01) with ground and aviation units of the Australian Army. Also participating was the U.S landing Ship dock USS Ashland (LSD-48). >Capt. Phillipa Hay, commander of the Australian Amphibious Task Force, said in the release that Sea Explorer 2022 was also enriched by the presence of the United States Navy’s Japan-based USS Ashland, with AAF forces embarked on it. >“USS Ashland is one of our nearest and closest coalition partners. Together, we have demonstrated our ability to interchange and operate as a cohesive force to develop and deliver an amphibious effect,” Hay said. >“The AAF is now certified to deploy on Indo-Pacific Endeavour, Defence’s premier deployment into the region and beyond, where we will be enhancing our interoperability and relationships with key partners and friends in the region.” >Indo-Pacific Endeavour is the Australian Defence Force’s annual presence and partnership deployment spearheaded by one of its Canberra-class LHDs to the Indo-Pacific region. On odd number years the deployment focuses on Southeast and Northeast Asia while even number years focus upon the Pacific Islands. No date has been released yet for the deployment but it is expected to be a key part of the new Australian government’s goal of strengthening Australia’s partnership with the Pacific islands and rolling back China’s influence there. https://archive.ph/4Pb0s
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The solution is to rape this cute shota and they will go away

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OnlyFans bribed Instagram to put creators on “terrorist blacklist” Anonymous 11/28/2022 (Mon) 16:45:29 Id: e8e154 No. 18748 [Reply]
https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20221107010339/https://arstechnica(Please use archive.today)/tech-policy/2022/08/lawsuits-onlyfans-bribed-instagram-to-put-creators-on-terrorist-blacklist/ >Nick Clegg, Other Meta Executives 'Inadvertently' Identified in OnlyFans Bribery Suit https://archive.ph/k2nN0 >Nick Clegg was running the British Empire from 2010-2015 https://archive.ph/IpOre
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https://archive.4plebs(Please use archive.today)/pol/thread/399802381/ Which means: 1. The government has a blacklist to ban people from the internet 2. They put whoever they want on the blacklist Have a shitload of info https://files.catbox.moe/mro0ba.png Russia and UK https://files.catbox.moe/u1rh2e.png More Russians https://files.catbox.moe/etnryw.png ISIS https://files.catbox.moe/wbculf.png ISIS and the UN https://files.catbox.moe/nx2v5t.png China https://files.catbox.moe/lw36aq.jpg MacArthur Data & Society (known foreign agents; feds would not prosecute them) https://files.catbox.moe/ch9eg7.png ICG (Soros) https://files.catbox.moe/fbw3f7.png South African Communist Party

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-I loved it when Cleggy signed up the Lib Dems with the Tories and shook hands with David Cameron. Everyone's WTF shock faces was priceless. Still, people stood with their backs to the wall when Nick was around after that.
>>18952 Merged

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Anonymous 05/22/2022 (Sun) 00:37:42 Id: baceb8 No. 15602 [Reply] [Last]
Jews and leftists have gotten janny positions on half chan's /pol/ board. They are selectively banning threads they don't like and promoting threads they do like to try and control the discussion on the board. If you start a Jew hate thread you can an instant ban. But inter-racial porn spam threads and anti-White demoralisation threads stay up for hours. As do threads started by Jewish anti-White bigots that try to depict White people as being evil.
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>>18929 Thanks, anon.
Because halfchan is gay. And infiltrated.
>>18926 Merged

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The enemy is someone else Anonymous 12/12/2022 (Mon) 10:13:53 Id: e61c64 No. 18784 [Reply]
They have inserted hate for jews and transsexuals into our minds, since they want the (supposedly) free thinkers to look like literal nazis. If you are against a popular political movement, or think differently to what they want you to think, they not only make you look bad, but they want you to be bad as well, so others will think anything else you believe or do is bad. They want others to think thinking for oneself is bad. At this point, people will get mad at you just for not caring about a political issue. It gets even worse, people who oppose a popular political movement that supposedly helps them will be hated. For example: Black people who oppose Black Lives Matter will be called things like race betrayer if they say it in person, and if they do online, no one believes they are black. Many of those political movements were created just make us angry. They created wokeness so that we would do the opposite. They are here among us telling us to hate jews and transsexuals, while at the same time they are making mainstream media shove pro-trans and pro-jew propaganda down our throats. They want us to get mad at the world. Inclusion and diversity are not their ends, they are their means. They put jews and transsexuals in power positions, so we get mad at jews and transsexuals. They want us to kill jews and transsexuals, so they can claim anything else we do is wrong. They will win if we kill jews, transsexuals or black people, since we will only be seen as nothing more than terrorists who will kill anyone who is not like us. If we want to preserve freedom, not just for us, but for everyone, we must not unironically hate trannies, kikes and niggers.
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>>18784 That schizopost made me hate kikes and troons even more, thank you very much
It's a free for all
>>18784 I agree. I think (((they))) are Talmudic Babylonian/phonecians or something. That said, it's not like they are all Jews, but certain bloodlines appear to be a thing for them.

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Greta Thunberg admitted that the goal of the climate change movement is wealth redistribution & pushing global marxism/feminism. Anonymous 12/20/2022 (Tue) 15:12:26 Id: acfdf9 No. 18807 [Reply]
Edited last time by Shellen on 12/27/2022 (Tue) 04:06:36.
>17 thumbs ups >84 thumbs ups Good
Don't forget that green agenda is part of the globalist booster clot cult too. Powergrabbing, wealth redistribution and population control. How very eco draconian Marxist globalism new world order. > Or so they like to think.

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Ectolife presents Artificial Wombs available for commercial use. Anonymous 12/27/2022 (Tue) 16:22:11 Id: 4a02e6 No. 18835 [Reply]
Fully functional, and soon, available for all for purchase. https://www.bizsiziz(Please use archive.today)/ectolife-concept-unveiled-for-the-worlds-first-artificial-womb-facility/ Women are not necessary anymore. Make a society composed 100% of Men, who clone themselves through artificial wombs.
>>18835 Fuck making more humans, breed anthromorphs. I want a world full of furry women. No furry men, the faggots get nothing. Mass produce fox and bunny girls ready to gobble your cock at a moment's notice. Drop the value of pussy to 0 and make human women kill themselves.

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Hate Crime or no? Anonymous 12/18/2022 (Sun) 23:14:44 Id: 90708a No. 18801 [Reply]
Refuses to say racist things and gets attacked anyway! https://rumble(Please use archive.today)/v21bg78-kid-is-attacked-after-refusing-demand-to-make-racist-comment.html
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Kanye is one of the only niggers who does not deserve to be torture to death.
>>18813 >Kanye is one of the only niggers inb4 some anon says "black people are different from niggers," "nigger means ignorant person," or "white people can be niggers too." Go look up the etymology of the word nigger. It literally means black. Ironically though, black people can be (and often were) "crackers," because that means whip-cracker. Many (((slave owners))) actually employed negroes as overseers.
>>18821 (continued) All black people are niggers by definition, but some black people do not deserve to be called niggers. Ye is arguably one of them.

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Moderna's CEO dumped all his stock and deleted his twatter account. Anonymous 02/13/2022 (Sun) 01:35:41 Id: 000000 No. 13892 [Reply]
https://archive.ph/urQVk https://archive.ph/dAFVE https://archive.ph/P2FxG Incoming pharmafia crash. They know that they will be killed for all they did.
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>>17295 Local grocery store prices have started going increasingly nuts on an almost weekly basis now. But the Jan/Feb lul after the dust settles from the Christmas season is usually what I'd worry about in terms of things starting to slide.
The economy got jabbed dead.
>>18780 Looks like it might be round 2 now, considering the ambient masks and even more plexiglass dividers going back up. I haven't heard anybody in the industry say that there's any kind of bad situation going on in hospitals or other such places like there was during covid, so that's a good sign. But unlike last time, I caught whatever the fuck is going around and it's definitely more than some quick sniffles, even if it's not really more than planning doing little more than nothing for at least a few days.

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post white pills here Anonymous 09/19/2022 (Mon) 00:36:56 Id: 709d9a No. 16780 [Reply]
post white pills here and things that just make you think hope is not lost
All niggers will eventually die.
>>18775 not fast enough

It's been fun, Twitter Anonymous 05/28/2021 (Fri) 11:42:36 Id: 6e984b No. 9359 [Reply] [Last]
Sauce: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-57264348 Looks like another bait and switch. And I must admit, I do fall for bait & switch every time. And now Twitter is joining the bait & switch mafia by announcing a subscription fee after all these years of donating to Twitter my free energy and time by Tweeting now and again, promoting freely, without charging a work fee. And now bait & switched by Twitter. Twitter have made me and us MUGS. I'll be reducing my presence on Twitter but I'm not done with social media yet. It's just that things won't ever be the same again now I know that Twitter are capable of bait and switch, Twitter won't be trusted as much as they once were before. Au revoir, Twitter.
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>>18673 I'm just excited to get unbanned. He said he will be doing unbannings soon.
>>18767 I went to Mastodon.

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Book Thread Book Nigger 05/22/2021 (Sat) 19:54:54 Id: 000000 No. 9316 [Reply] [Last]
Can we get a book thread? I just listened to Marcus Aurelius' book Meditations on Audible. I wish for this thread to be a place where people who are interested in books can come and learn together. As a result of listening to Meditations; I no longer fear Death as I once did. We are as a part of Nature as the spider on its web in the corner of our rooms keeping the insects from being where they shouldn't. And as the spider dies and its matter returns to Nature, so will we. We all end up in the dirt eventually. It does not matter if it happens today, or 3 years from now. It's all in the same. also FUCK NIGGERS
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Is (((Marcia Davenport)))'s autobiography Too Strong for Fantasy worth reading?
Can you guys post mp3s?

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Revelation of the Revolution Anonymous 03/22/2022 (Tue) 22:07:38 Id: b8c9f6 No. 14527 [Reply]
The US flipped out at Cuba over the Cuban missile crisis and yet morons in this country clutch their pearls over Ukraine because they believe NATO is just. NPCs have a very binary view of life and the memory span of a retarded goldfish. So long as they get upcummies by posting pics with the latest pro-Ukraine photo filter and matching hashing, they wholeheartedly believe they are the justified good guys. This is the false God of democracy at work. The bandwagon ignorance is covered by chest pounding and selective nationalism. Then the unthinking NPCs get really pissed off and turn to sanctimonious sophistry to validate their seat on the bandwagon. Useful idiots are the most dangerous kind of people. Redditors are the same archetype of retard that allow entire civilizations to embrace specious morales that mask bad ideas. Pretty much all the history those NPCs fear the most was enabled by unthinking herd-brained retards like themselves, but they'll never see that. Westerners, especially in countries like Canada where people have lived in a complete fantasy world for decades, are in for the mother of all rude awakenings in the next few years as the centre of global power shifts dramatically from west to east. Our feelings have a way of conforming our reality to fit our fears which is why emotion has no place in the business of diplomacy or statecraft. You average westerner is one of the dumbest most self-indulgent emotional fuckwits to ever walk the Earth. The people who support the puppet regime of a literal comedian, of a nation who has been committing crimes against humanity since 2014, are walking proof democracy is not in the best interest of society with the existence of highly monopolized mass media. If you support the NATO puppet state with literal Neo-Nazi militias integrated into its regular army and security services chances are you are an evil parasitic war profiteer or just your average western sheeple without any dignity or self-agency. After nearly a week of watching these people huff the delusional fumes of their own propaganda to get hyped up for global thermonuclear warfare we realized democracy is a mistake unworthy of continued existence if the majority of people are this easy to manipulate and entirely illiterate of the consequences of history. The western media would not play videos of Ukrop Nazis executing unarmed civilians trying to escape a war zone just like every other war crime of any other regime propped up by western dollars past or present. Even worse the western media will not tell you that these Neo-Nazi militias effectively control the government alongside kleptocrats like Jewdas goat Zelensky who is the wizard’s curtain in Oz behind which these trash hide. You see to the west you are only the “bad guy” if you move against the interests of rootless cosmopolitan international capital controlled by an unelected class of parasites that exists in every nation with a private central bank. The sanctimonious bullshit spewed from the west in regards to Ukraine has squarely put the ball of global hegemony into the court of Russia and China, nations not run by emotional weaklings subject to the whims of entitled bankers. We pledge to punish every foreign fighter who sought to pour flames on this conflict and treat the regimes supporters no different from those who supported ISIS’s endeavors of ethnic cleansing. Their little vain self-obsessed puppet Zelensky, more focused on building his own stardom and serving the foreigners pulling his strings than his own people, is a vile traitor of the highest caliber. While he is telling schoolboys to take up rifles and instructs people into suicidal molotov stunts, his slut of a wife is relaxing in France. Zelensky is a war criminal, he is sabotaging Ukraine. He was put in place as a butt puppet of the WEF with the deliberate intention of poking the Russian bear to increase weapon sales, along with economically strip mining the world’s 5th largest wheat producer and industrial center of the old Soviet empire. He will die a traitors death with all his Kvartal 95 collaborators at an international court at the end of a rope. Going with him to the gallows will be all his major financiers who looted the Ukraine and caused this war. While the American military concerned itself with pronouns and people who put things up their butt the Russian military proved itself worthy in the fulfillment of its oaths to protect its people, instead of serving the social interests of unelected international parasites. If you started spelling Kiev with a y or put a Ukrop flag in your bio chances are you are a massive faggot who cares more about the approval derived from group think than the well being of any other living thing on Earth. We love our country and have hope for its citizenry, but the collective ignorance of the American people empowers so-called public servants who abuse their positions of trust to push parasitic policies that further the special interest agendas of their major donors at the expense of the nation they ostensibly serve. Fact-based logic no longer matters in the United States for this reason. We refuse to treat anyone who will not accept a fact as a mentally ill person unhinged from reality who has already forfeited their right to self-determination. The Hague says they suspect Russia has committed war crimes in Ukraine, luckily they found no war crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, or Yemen committed by America or any of its vilely corrupt allies. The western WEF contingency of the UN certainly will never say a word against any genocidal action undertaken by Israel as has been proven time and time again. This is the naked hypocrisy of the ruling elite on full display which is why all those who vocalize their support for such a thing are disgusting house niggers who would sell out their own humanity to preserve their social status in the Western neoliberal caste system. Those in the West who rushed to start WW3 for the sake of their massive egos learned nothing from the last century about how quickly things can spiral out of control. These egotistical vermin wish for you and me to have to suffer so that they can get a dopamine hit in their brains from their pathetic feelings. Emotional junkies are what the majority of Westerners have become today who are about as concerned with their own futures and dignity as any other addict only concerned with finding their next fix. Every single American politician who voted to start down the road to thermonuclear warfare should be targeted for personal reprisal, they have names and addresses. Only 3 members of Congress refused to vote for deliberately escalating US interference in an isolated regional conflict against a nuclear armed power. The United State Congress is nothing more than a collection of economic terrorists without any higher power than the donor class. We hope the members of Congress remember the date and time they signed their own warrants for joining the WEF and engaging in full-scale crimes against all humanity, including their own citizens who they expect to dutifully suffer economically under the threat of nuclear war for the sole interests of the kind of people who attend the World Economic Forum. The kind of countrymen who support starting a world war to save the American installed puppet regime of the Ukraine are the kind of people better off 6ft under the ground. They are worse than traitors. A traitor at least has some individual agency these creatures are just lemmings who will do and say whatever they think is the most socially beneficial for themselves or gives them the biggest dopamine hit. Enough, Ukraine is proof democracy is dead and America killed it.
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>>16332 >>16345 you should delete the posts (formerly threads) that you corrupted. being a good moderator means two things: (1) protecting treasure and (2) eliminating garbage. the current board management does neither, as you can see from these threads: treasure: >>16327 (edited by board owner) >>16326 (deleted by board owner) >>15912 (edited by board owner) garbage: >>10519 (untouched by board owner) >>16224 (untouched by board owner)

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>>16368 Thanks for pointing out the two West Taiwan spam threads. Didn't realize those where there.
>>14527 >If you support the NATO puppet state with literal Neo-Nazi militias integrated into its regular army Lost me here. If you dont know the true history of ww2 and what the struggle was about, you yourself are an an NPC. Cry "muh nazi" is a solid indication that you still live by the lie that was created after ww2 by the very same people who are wrestling the controls over the world from the west to the east,

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Pedophile ring found in aquariums in Texas. Anonymous 08/24/2022 (Wed) 03:13:43 Id: 11c12d No. 16610 [Reply]
Feds are already trying to censor this.
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Seems like mass hysteria to me. Have a free Pedobear and calm down.
>>16625 >Seems like mass hysteria to me. That's my take on it too. It's most likely randomly generated bullshit data for some testing purpose that merged with random geolocations and somehow went live.
>>16629 That is NPC level of "explanation" or rather cohencidence... worthy of preddit, but not 8chan.

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47 Defendants added to Lawsuit Against Federal Government for Collusion with Social Media Companies Anonymous 11/23/2022 (Wed) 17:19:05 Id: 4e767e No. 18716 [Reply]
https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20221123165822/https://ago.mo(Please use archive.today)/home/news/2022/10/10/missouri-louisiana-request-depositions-and-add-47-defendants-to-lawsuit-against-federal-government-for-alleged-collusion-with-social-media-companies We will hunt and kill you all. We are closing in on you. While you try to defend yourselves from each attack, we already got our guns to go for the killing at the right time. Your days are numbered.

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China Is Infiltrating Israel's Tech Sector Anonymous 11/20/2022 (Sun) 13:20:50 Id: 8eccac No. 18704 [Reply]
https://y(Please use archive.today).sb/watch?v=HSmc5JBfAx8 May China help us all in eliminating the jews.

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