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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Fuck Your Computer Edition Anonymous 01/14/2022 (Fri) 00:37:09 Id: 1c210b No. 13597 [Reply]
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics(Please use archive.today)/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Kotaku: "Sega Changes PSO2 Name To Something Less Borderline Racist" https://archive.is/XwXUd >Guilty Gear Strive censors mention of Taiwan and other countries https://nichegamer(Please use archive.today)/2021/06/22/report-ai-kayano-voice-and-credit-removed-from-azur-lane-and-arknights-after-chinese-outcry/ https://archive.is/qTQD3 >Factorio developer attacked by SJWs after he refuses to denounce man whose programming advice he linked and denounces cancel culture

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>>20035 Not as pathetic as the faggots who still treat it as their Holocaust and the (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)s who still believe at journos's obvious, debunked lies about Gamergate
Not complaining, I'm just curious why this thread was moved here? I thought you guys mostly discuss the political side of gaming?
From the other board: Seeing the backlash against their plans, leftist as usual are just doing the same thing with a different name, "Real diversity has never been tried", "Right wingers ruined everything" A few notable example: - University: https://archive.ph/Sfin2 https://www.oudaily(Please use archive.today)/news/ou-diversity-equity-inclusion-change-name-access-opportunity/article_b2cd53e0-d030-11ee-bb8f-2705fc3d88a8.html - Business policy: https://archive.is/KtGX6 https://jedicollaborative(Please use archive.today)/ - Industry policy: https://archive.ph/h06A1 https://www.mattinglysolutions(Please use archive.today)/post/re-naming-dei-focus-on-the-work-not-what-it-s-called Just to name a few. There's probably something similar in the work for gaming companies, but at the same time "AAA" companies can for the most part die and no value will be lost. One of the new names they're trying is "Bridge" (Belonging, representation, inclusion, diversity and equity, “the g is the gap in all those things”): https://archive.ph/TDXXh Also, copying from the Kadokawa thread: >>>/v/934592 (934315) >The big two is that ESG is being replaced with "Stakehold metrics" and DEI is being repalced with "Equity and Restorative Justice". However, they are attempting all manner of replacement terms: https://archive.ph/tjkpS >This is but a small list of some of them: <Accountable commitments/business/investing <Adverse impacts

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/swg/ - Solutions Watch General Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 03:43:09 Id: 03cc31 No. 20190 [Reply]
I'm making this thread for it to serve as a call to arms for whatever social/political matters are currently going on that YOU, yes (YOU) can help act on and do your part. How this works is that this thread is not for discussing the problems themselves - that is better off left in a separate thread specifically for that problem - instead, you'll use this thread for declaring the issue and then also including links or suggestions for what anons can do to personally start making a difference. Asking or requesting what one can do for whatever issue is allowed but don't take up too much space trying to discuss that here, it will only serve to clog up the thread and obscure actually useful information. This is NOT for radical or glownigger tier calls to arms, this is for peaceful solutions only. Sending emails, making videos, spreading memes, writing complaints, etc. Don't limit yourself just to those, these are just examples of the kinds of thing you may see in this thread. It is important to include links and specific emails where applicable. If your solution is to email a handful of senators, LIST THEIR EMAILS! If your solution is to mail letters to some PO Box, INCLUDE THE ADDRESS! If your solution is to send complaints via some website, LINK IT! I think you get the idea here. Anyways, have at it. Good luck and Godspeed.
First public issue I'd like to bring up solutions for is the discussed W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty To give a super brief overview, this pandemic treaty put forth by the WHO may come into act in the next WHO conference which is happening in May of this year. The pandemic treaty will change a lot of things, but foremost of those is that vaccines will be made MANDATORY for ALL POPULATIONS for their member states/countries, and chances are, if you're reading this, you live in a country that has to abide by these WHO rules. There are other things that restrict one's freedom in this treaty like barring entry into other countries full stop, even for a vacation, if one does not have their vaccine and booster quotas met. See this video for a further deconstruction of the WHO's goals https://corbettreport(Please use archive.today)/globaltreaty/ As for solutions, what you can do largely depends on where you live, and since I'm a burger, I can only really do justice for the US system, but for the Euros, Canadians, and other anons out there, I'll at least provide you with links which may help you accomplish something <Canada https://www.canadaexitwho.ca/en/cdn-petitions <United Kingdom https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/648609 <Ireland https://drtesslawrie.substack(Please use archive.today)/p/photos-from-the-irish-expedition <New Zealand https://www.health(Please use archive.today)t.nz/our-work/emergency-management/pandemics/strengthening-global-pandemic-prevention-preparedness-and-response/amending-international-health-regulations-2005 Now for the burgers, there's a lot more I know of that you can do to help Here is a petition, something I consider pretty low on the rung of things one can do in the US but still better than nothing

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not your person army, fag you reposted this glowshit on other sites too
>>20193 >wanting to take action against globohomo in any way is glowshit This is why the WEF will win in the end and why the success of the Great Reset is a foregone conclusion.

The development of civilization and the "need" for religion Anonymous 01/27/2024 (Sat) 22:34:09 Id: 1d2b9d No. 19980 [Reply] [Last]
Trying to continue this discussion from the Goober thread: https://archive.is/ibyfR#930772 The short of it is discussing how religions (Particularly Christianity in the European context) have influenced the development of civilization for the past two millennia. Whether it actually "civilized" lands or kept people restrained to "archaic silliness". Whether the enlightenment was justified trying to "end" it or if they created an even worse monster. And so on.
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>>20124 Because what one wants interferes with what other wants, and thus chaos ensures. A good life is one of order and civilization. And those who disagree are the ones who must be killed first.
>>20125 >A good life is one of order and civilization. I know you may like those things personally, but what do you mean when you call them 'good'?

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Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 04:05:43 Id: 1fc6ad No. 20135 [Reply]
The latest "I support the current thing" is "I stand with Palestine". Which thing is going to be the next "I support the current thing"?
From some of the recent rumblings I've been seeing, one possibility is "Open borders" again. Except this time through the guise of Critical Immigration Theory (The same thing as CRT, except illegals instead of niggers).
Who is behind the "I support Palestine" agenda anyway? Sus. It's pushed as hard as the "I support Ukraine" agenda. And just like in Ukraine's case, they pretend that only one of the two sides is the victim while both sides are at fault. And in both cases they try to divide people so they will support the war.
>>20135 >>20143 if any war occurs again none of the i-support-the-current-thing liberals will try to learn why the conflict started in the first place. they'll just loudly blame the side which announced the war first, while they didn't even bother to care about what took place between the two before the conflict publicly and officially began such as it was with Russia and Ukraine. I don't think liberal monkeys should have a right to yell shit about war conflicts if they are not related to it or they actually know the background.

/biz/ general Anonymous 05/17/2020 (Sun) 19:44:32 Id: 6314b1 No. 232 [Reply]
So, to address the fact that the lockdown/pandemic/seizure-of-power/whateveryouwanttocallit has shown how fragile everything is, let's start a thread dedicate towards learning how to become wealth so that people are not caught with their pants down again. After all, the world runs on money, so why not learn how to properly earn and use it?
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>>7492 >You're not a woman Nigger there are great woman traders out there. No need to alienate fellow /pol/acks by being needlesly rude.
>>7561 This edgy fucktard is onto something All systems of wealth are dependent on the existence of law and order. When there is no government to monopolize violence your ability to amass wealth through less tangible means plummets. Assuming everyone here is more worried about being self-sustaining and having true wealth unbound by the regulations and laws that keep societies free from banditry rather than getting more bing bing wahoo point on the scoreboard of fortune-500, wealth in its essence is: 1. Land: Owning a part of the earth is how you store wealth. Gold is considered to be a store of value but this is only possible when there is someone trustworthy to trade with that you can agree on a currency with. Land can't be "stolen" per se, unless you are forced out of it. So to not get forced out if you need to also have 2. Life: By having ownership over life you are able to generate more value: food, tools, shelter. Manpower in particular will also allow you to fortify your stored wealth in the form of land. This can either mean having many sons or making an agreement with other men to protect one another's land in case of infringement. Having livestock will allow you to more efficiently produce the aforementioned value, this livestock will also be a kind of currency that can be traded with trustworthy partners for land or manpower. While you're playing with shitcoins and stocks always keep in the back of your mind that until you invest in land and life, you're not wealthy. Consider if the casino will allow you to cash out before you get too deep into /biz/ness.
> JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon Sells $125 Million of Stock <Jamie Dimon sold $125 million of JPMorgan stock through a plan, while his wife Judith Kent sold $25 million of stock. https://archive.is/i0HKV <JPMorgan Chase (JPM.N) CEO Jamie Dimon has sold about $150 million of his shares in the bank, a SEC filing showed on Thursday, marking the first time the head of the largest US lender has sold shares since taking charge in 2005. https://archive.is/BWZVf I take it we're going to be in a world of hurt this year (If not the next).

DISEASE X: The much anticipated ending to the Ebola-Chan and Corona-Chan Trilogy Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 16:51:09 Id: 4cad7e No. 19945 [Reply]
https://archive.ph/uUz5E >World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus has called on countries to sign on to the health organization’s pandemic treaty so the world can prepare for "Disease X." >Ghebreyesus, speaking in front of an audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday, said that he hoped countries would reach a pandemic agreement by May to address this "common enemy." >Disease X is a hypothetical "placeholder" virus that has not yet been formed, but scientists say it could be 20 times deadlier than COVID-19. It was added to the WHO’s short list of pathogens for research in 2017 that could cause a "serious international epidemic," according to a 2022 WHO press release.
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>>19952 >Perhaps even with the USA sorta waking up for thee 2024 elections This is /pol/, not TheDonald.
>>19948 It seems like one side lost all faith in them and the other side doubled down on it.
>>19948 That is good. they will lose all power and all influence, as the population openly disobeys and distrusts them. There will never be a replacement for those institutions once they fall. People will go back to "everyone do it themselves", which is objectively good for mankind.

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Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 06:16:52 Id: f00258 No. 19944 [Reply]
Realistically speaking, how long do we have left until total societal collapse? Weimar tier hyper inflation? Full out war?
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>>19947 >Avoid big cities Unless you need to earn a living, I guess. >just learn to code and work from home! it's the new big thing! kek >>19959 For 95% there will be no "go." When drinkable water no longer comes from a tap, the area in which this takes place becomes an abattoir. Not many will last long. How much drinkable water do you have? Will your neighbors kill you for it? If "total collapse" takes place, shit's gonna be Biblical.
>>19944 It's not going to, we don't have one unified society that would collapse, we have several. If one is going to collapse, a different one is going to be just fine. There are things that can get really fucked if certain societies like Taiwan collapse but those are not on verge on collapsing as of right now. Even societies closest to collapse like China or Russia are not even close even as they are doing shit. At worst they will be forced to change their systems instead of their country getting destroyed. MAYBE Russia will fall apart into smaller states. US has its problems but a lot of that is external rather than internal, and people are slowly moving away from leftism into more conservative and libertarian moderate options. Which is good, we swung into one side too much so now we have to go back. Fuck, even jews which were a pretty progressive demographic due to their retarded beliefs that progressives are going to help them, have been turning less leftist after commies showed their true colours. Things are going to get worse before they get better, but we are slowly moving away from abject retardation into something more sensible. Now let's hope that no mongoloid authoritarian faggot will take over our civilization and make things even worse than they were. Though with Milei doing quite well, people might actually turn to libertarian solutions hopefully.
>>19944 (nice dub-dubs) You've been living the collapse for the last 20 years. At least.

Leaks until Danish king gets OF account! HopeAdolf 01/30/2024 (Tue) 13:56:11 Id: c60b2d No. 20045 [Reply]
The Danish government has been hacked! https://btdig(Please use archive.today)/7084c0c124064922bf6844158873ab35ed9a4a08/whateverhappenshappens More passwords? More seeding. Spread the news. Countdown has begun, each leak more devastating. fuse.7z (pass available) 3.7z (pass available) 2.7z 1.7z bang.7z Do you see the butterflies? https://leakbase.io/threads/big-government-leak-seeders-needed-bolshaja-pravitelstvennaja-utechka-trebujutsja-sejateli.17750

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>>20045 Though I appreciate being introduced to leakbase, you could have explained the leak was mostly on business secrets rather than schizo conspiracy which is the main scope of this board. I assume it is a business secrets database because upon opening 3.7 it only contained references to product development rather than any content itself. Not downloading the 33gb though nigger animal, so I wouldn't know if there's more in the files that my skid hands were not able to gather.

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Russia Anonymous 09/13/2021 (Mon) 02:26:43 Id: 000000 No. 11673 [Reply] [Last]
- No war for israel - No (((Blacked culture))) - No (((LGBT Parades))) - No (((Hollywood degeneracy))) - Europeans - Blocked (((porn sites))) - Asked people to have babies - China backed - New space program - CRISPR - Christian - Nukes - No jewmocracy - No (((nigger ads))) everywhere - No (((Globalism))) - Freed the US from Killary Jewton

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>>20056 Holy shit, that's almost too ridiculous to believe.
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>>20056 Spent the past 16 hours getting this two hour long interview to be under 32 MB. Here's the original video: https://nitter.cz/TuckerCarlson/status/1755734526678925682#m Hope it was worth it.
>>20074 impressive.

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Anonymous 11/27/2023 (Mon) 04:59:24 Id: a92cc3 No. 19816 [Reply]
Hero or loser?
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>use shitty homemade weapons >starts blaming middle easterners >starts calling himself a loser at least he was getting more aware...
100% loser, he couldn't even get through a wooden door with a bomb.
>>19816 definitely a loser but ill admit his outfit/loadout looks fucking good

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Christian Day of Visibility Anonymous 03/31/2023 (Fri) 23:29:04 Id: e24f33 No. 19157 [Reply]
Today is #ChristianDayOfVisibility. We honor those Christian lives lost in the horrible, senseless shooting in Nashville, TN on the 27th of March. Say their names.
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>>19157 Christcucks worship multiculturalism
>>19517 It doesn't say anything about that in the bible. You are referring to liberal """christians""""
>>20026 Galatians 3:28-29.

/shitontheleft/ - Shit on leftists thread Anonymous 09/08/2023 (Fri) 16:07:52 Id: d684eb No. 19329 [Reply]
Post images that prove the left's naïveté and immaturity. I'll start with two from Leftychan.
>>19329 semantics are a liberal's best friend. Everthing they do is based on someone else's definitions of buzzwords. Liberals are literally insane.

School Shooting: Election Season! Anonymous 01/04/2024 (Thu) 18:12:05 Id: d92800 No. 19903 [Reply]
ELECTION SEASON HAS BEGUN!!! >Police in Perry, Iowa, say multiple people were shot at the city’s high school Thursday, early on students’ first day back in classes after their annual winter break. >Two gunshot victims were taken by ambulance to Iowa Methodist Medical Center in the state capital of Des Moines, about 40 miles (64 kilometers) southeast of Perry, a community of about 8,000 people. Dallas County Sheriff Adam Infante said the shooting occurred before school was set to start, so there were few students and faculty in Perry High School. >The suspect in the shooting has died of what investigators believe is a self-inflicted gunshot wound, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press. The official was not authorized to publicly discuss details of the investigation and spoke to The AP on condition of anonymity. >The shooting occurred in the backdrop of the Iowa caucuses and not far from where Republican presidential candidates were campaigning. https://archive.is/RlLHk
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>>19904 Hopefully some of it will leak, like the chick who shot up the christian school. If it does, it'll likely read like a schizophrenic screed of buzzword retardation.
Golly, that story sure left the news cycle quickly!
>>19942 Always does.

Anonymous 05/20/2023 (Sat) 12:48:10 Id: cb243f No. 19216 [Reply]
Kike on meltdown cries oppression as he obliterates Palestine https://archive.is/vDzsl
niggget yes

Odom's War General Anonymous 01/09/2024 (Tue) 21:08:21 Id: de635f No. 19913 [Reply]
How many realities did Kyle Odom take pictures of himself in? Is Dr. Robert Duncan, the CIA synthetic telepathy expert, involved? Is Dr. Steven Greer, the UFO expert, involved? Is reality a fractal-recursive holographic consciousness-based hyperdimensional simulation? Will he be pardoned by the President?

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Fags on 8chan Anonymous 12/29/2023 (Fri) 23:05:47 Id: 409859 No. 19898 [Reply]
When did the fags make a board here? Is Xwitter not good enough?
Aaaaaaaaaaand it's gone?

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