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Terror Attack on Israel Anonymous 10/07/2023 (Sat) 19:01:24 Id: 0a2aa9 No. 19382 [Reply] [Last]
The Palestinian militant group Hamas launched unprecedented terror attack on Israel, which has included the firing of thousands of rockets onto the Israel and the infiltration of Israeli territory by land, air, and sea. Responding to the surprise attack Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared that the nation is “at war” and the terrorists “will pay a price it has never known before.” Thus far, the attacks in Israel have reportedly left 200 people dead and 1,104 wounded. Hamas claims it has captured Israel Defense Force soldiers and civilians during its assault on Israeli border towns outside Gaza. Israel’s military response–“Operation Sword of Iron”– has led to the deaths of 198 Palestinians and 1,610 people injured. tl;dr the sand niggers and the kikes are at it again
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>New York Times report says Israel knew about Hamas attack over a year in advance https://archive.ph/6TGBY <Israel's military was aware of Hamas ' plan to launch an attack on Israeli soil over a year before the devastating Oct. 7 operation that killed hundreds of people, The New York Times reported Friday. <It was the latest in a series of signs that top Israeli commanders either ignored or played down warnings that Hamas was plotting the attack, which triggered a war against the Islamic militant group that has devastated the Gaza Strip. <The Times said Israeli officials were in possession of a 40-page battle plan, code-named “Jericho Wall,” that detailed a hypothetical Hamas attack on southern Israeli communities. <It was unclear how the document was obtained by Israel, but the article said that it had been translated — indicating it may have been in Arabic and directly intercepted from Hamas. And here's a link to the NYT article for those that want to see the original article: https://archive.is/LXvwF
>>19382 >"Terror Attack" on Israel lol >"militant" group Hamas lol >terror attack on Israel lol >firing of thousands of rockets onto the Israel lol >surprise attack lmao >the "terrorists" will pay lmao >200 "people" dead topkek >“Operation Sword of Iron” holy (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me)

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How Radical Activist Groups Get Anti-Israel Material Into Classrooms Across The Country >Educators urged to go against the 'Israeli narrative,' teach students to be pro-Palestinian activists https://archive.is/pmS47 <Radical activist groups are spreading a curriculum that trains kids to be activists and hate America through classrooms across the country, according to a report from Parents Defending Education (PDE), a group aimed at taking politics out of the classroom. <In the just-released report, first shared with The Daily Wire, the education nonprofit highlights how two activist groups with links to school districts across the country put together a “critical media literacy” toolkit to guide educators when discussing the war between Israel and Hamas. The toolkit, created by the Coalition for Liberated Ethnic Studies (CLES) and the Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium (LESMCC), points educators to anti-American, pro-Palestinian, and anti-colonialist resources from a plethora of leftist organizations. <... <According to the toolkit, critical media literacy is supposed to focus on “indigenous peoples,” “racially marginalized people,” and “voices rooted in solidarity and collective liberation movements.” <Staley said the toolkit was thoroughly anti-Western civilization, and viewed the world from a lens of constant oppression. “They already set the mindset that they are oppressed by the Americans and the Israelis. That’s how they do everything, that’s their mindset,” he said. “They’re all oppressed and Western civilization is the oppressor and they’re seeking liberation from Western values.” <After going through a list of questions about Palestinians and the media, the toolkit has an “action” section that asks, “Based on what you viewed, analyzed, and learned, what do you want to do to respond?” This action section is the point of the toolkit, Staley said, saying that the goal was to get students to be activists.

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/his/ Discussion Anonymous 07/05/2020 (Sun) 02:49:52 Id: b5a19f No. 992 [Reply] [Last]
Basically, a thread to discuss hysterical historical topics. To start the discussion, could someone explain to me why it was that England started evacuating children the DAY of Germany invading Poland (Before the Bongistan even declared war), meanwhile there was no such evacuation during WWI?
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>>19074 Both hate modern civilization, so, enemy-of-my-enemy. University historians are sociologists, which is worse than a pseudoscience. Sociology is just Marxism, which is reactionary to modernism (17th and 18th century), the founding ideology of the US. Jihadi Islam is a primitive theocracy which also hates modernism and wants to return to a medieval society. They ideologically have nothing in common, but want to destroy modern society more than anything, so historians think they can be useful allies. Thats the only reason they cater to and apologize for them. Also why all on left do the same.
>>19074 It's obvious, anon. They're trying to diminish the accomplishments of Whites and mis-attribute it to non-Whites. The main thing the MENA contributed to civilization was preserving some ancient European texts, not much else. It's the same with pretending blacks invented and built everything, completely made-up horse-shit: https://tightroperecords dot com/Black-Invention-Myths.htm
https://archive.is/hUsQP >People have been asking me lately, "Why Dubois?" >Why is W.E.B. Dubois the "father of American Marxism". Wasn't he just a liberal? Didn't he say some random stuff pulled out of context? >Carlos Garrido recently wrote a brilliant paper on this, but unfortunately, it's behind a pay-wall. (Academic journals are the worst, and we're not allowed to re-publish it.) >So let me explain in brief: <Marxism, or Marxism Leninism if you want to be technical about it, is universal. It is the universality of all society moving forward, gives us the laws of development. <What Dubois gives us is the particular - Black Reconstruction in America shows us, if not THE primary particular form, then one of the most important particular forms of American class struggle. It gives us an analysis of the color line, of how race and class function, from that Marxist Leninist universal understanding - from the historical materialist viewpoint. It gives us the category of the black proletariat as a class of enslaved workers, and of the second American revolution they waged against the slaveocracy, of the dictatorship of the proletariat that was the Reconstruction South - the freedmen's bureaus backed by the power of the Northern armies. <But that isn't all Dubois gives us. He gives us the materialist view of racism; proving that it wasn't racism that created chattel slavery, but instead chattel slavery that created racism, that the relations the white proletariat had with the bosses, and with the black proletariat, all of this functions as an outcome of slavery. There is a lot of talk in Marxism about the steam engine, the spinning jenny, and other technological drivers of industrial capitalism, but underlying every bit of it was chattel slavery feeding the British textile mills with cotton. Without chattel slavery, capitalism would never have lasted a day. Capitalism is, very literally, built on a foundation of THE most brutal forms of oppression, of enslavement of man by man. <Every view of American history from the Marxist perspective must begin with Marx and Engels and with Lenin and with Dubois. There is no other way to arrive at a detailed Marxist analysis. Without this, we are lost, and we are able to be manipulated into all sorts of "left" deviations and dogmas. I've even heard "left" anti-immigrant sentiment these days. Dubois cuts through all of it in one go, and gives us a concrete foundation for our work today. <Lastly, I have to say: read Dubois yourself. Don't go in bits and pieces taken out of context, as you'll find in the bourgeois academy, that attempt to turn Dubois into something he's not. Just as you read Marx yourself, read Dubois yourself.

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/NSG/ + /SIG/ Anonymous 12/01/2021 (Wed) 01:25:58 Id: dc17fc No. 13119 [Reply] [Last]
/nsg/ - Natsoc General ϟϟ Your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to /pol/ ϟϟ Thread for discussion of the Race Realism, Anti-Communism, the Aryan Ideal, Traditionalism, Racial Nationalism, and Racial Identity Movements. Improve yourself, comrades, community, and folk. > 卐 - SELF IMPROVEMENT THROUGH ENDLESS STRUGGLE! > 卐 - SMASH MARXISM! > 卐 - PURGE DEGENERACY! > 卐 - DISMANTLE ZOG! 卐 - SECURITY FIRST - Follow this guide to stop your ISP from spying on your browser traffic, and to view blocked sites. https://imgur(Please use archive.today)/ijqKqtm 卐 - IF YOU DO NOT SEE A GENERAL IN THE CATALOG COPY FROM THE PASTEBIN & START ONE /NSG/ - http://pastebin(Please use archive.today)/vKErjYcy

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Hitler did nothing wrong.
>>19879 How about disable captcha per post, ypur shitty filters, and stop presiding over a dead board you killed by being an asshole? Jewish piece of shit. I hope you fucking die asshole. Fuck you for destroying this board. Fuck you.

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Anonymous 06/15/2020 (Mon) 11:04:07 No. 782 [Reply] [Last]
time for infographic pills
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>>13348 Fuck off faggot parasite.
More confirmations: 1. Marxists are crazy, not very smart, and uncultured despite coming from fairly well-off families 2. They also don't know very much about politics or Marxism, but are rabid fanatics anyways. 3. They are professional and social failures. 4. They are hedonists and alcoholics https://archive.ph/tM0kd

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/chip/ - Comfy Happening in Palestine #806 69 12/24/2023 (Sun) 04:41:24 Id: 7f2d0d No. 19871 [Reply]
▶WARNING Glowniggers and hasbara are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Filter all threads and posters endorsing Israel, memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters. *By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state in any shape way or form, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death) no exceptions. ▶LATEST >Al-Qassam (Hamas) We are engaged in intense armed clashes with heavily armed mechanized IOF forces infiltrating a common axis north of Gaza. >The 'Al Qassam Brigades' say to have reactivated two American-made missiles, each weighing 2 tons and utilized them today to target 5 Israeli tanks >Report of another incident near the coast of Yemen, about 50 nautical miles west of the port of Hodeidah >The British Maritime Trade Center (UKMTO) reports an attack on a ship in the Strait of Bab al-Mandab, about 45 nautical miles from Salif on the coast of Yemen ▶THREAD THEME https://(Webm, use an alternative platform, or use https://instances.invidio.us/)/GjJwIACkaPc ▶LIVESTREAMS https://(Webm, use an alternative platform, or use https://instances.invidio.us/)/nlMKE3xJ1gA https://(Webm, use an alternative platform, or use https://instances.invidio.us/)/bkYhQhxSaQE https://(Webm, use an alternative platform, or use https://instances.invidio.us/)/HWhkC4gGCM4 https://(Webm, use an alternative platform, or use https://instances.invidio.us/)/gCNeDWCI0vo ▶NEWS rt(Please use archive.today)

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How is this different than this thread: >>>/pol/19382
>>19876 It's pasted verbatim from 4/pol/ >>19871 Not really applicable here IMO. This board is pretty slow anyway.

I'm Still Standing - Elton John Anonymous 12/18/2023 (Mon) 15:19:23 Id: 11815a No. 19856 [Reply]
>mussiecharged >still standin'

Fascism and the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie Anonymous 05/14/2023 (Sun) 08:27:48 Id: b3fd0e No. 19207 [Reply]
Dear colleagues: Today I want to talk to you about the relationship between fascism and anarcho-capitalism. Historically, it has been postulated that a left-wing political party, such as communism, can lead to the anarchy of the proletariat through the dictatorship of the proletariat. This idea has been known for quite some time. But what is the link between fascism and anarcho-capitalism? Basically, the principles of fascism are held to offer a means by which capitalists can achieve their goal of an ungoverned economic system by regulating individual wallets through a dictatorship inherent in bourgeois ideals. Under this logic, fascist programs would allow the promotion of business practices that are less and less regulated or controlled while maintaining social order. That is, the fascists advocated an authoritarian way to achieve anarcho-capitalist goals while rationally managing the laws of the free market without government intervention. In conclusion, it is evident that fascism could be a useful instrument in the construction of a society directed by capital and organized by anarcho-capitalism through the bourgeois dictatorship. This does not necessarily imply supporting any of these principles or justifying them as valid; however, we must admit that there are ways to achieve the same thing with different political stances. It is an evolution parallel to Marxism but inverse. The Marxists said that through the dictatorship of the proletariat and communism, the abolition of the State would be reached as the last step. This is the same but in a parallel way, seeing fascism and the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie as a path to anarcho-capitalism after a subsequent abolition of the State.
I'll be honest, expecting fascism to turn into ancapism is ludicrous. What you're saying is analogous to communists expecting the dictatorships they'll inevitably end up with to somehow turn into a post scarcity utopia. Don't look to marxists for sound political ideas, they're a cult above all else.
Anarchism or Lolbertarianisn should only be used as the starting point to build a political system, not as the end. If we are going to begin with lolbertarianism and then move onto the policies, we should then add to it to make it a functional society. Just remember that we are going for long-term value of stability, not the short-term value of safety. So, starting from NWS Minarchism with NAP for it's laws. It goes without saying that I hold to the lolbertarian ideals that property and people must be physical to be legitimate, we should not recognize intellectual property nor corporate personhood. First, remove the legislature and legislative powers, political leaders should be overseers who enforce the laws as they were written at the nation's founding, not those who make changes to the laws. Second, make all the banks into a branch of the government, we print our own money, and we prohibit practices like issuing currency backed by fiat, lending on a fractional reserve system, and of course charging interest at any rate. Third, taxes, they will be charged in the following forms: - A flat percentage on every transaction using the national currency with an additional percentage for such transactions occurring across national borders. - An annual flat percentage of the value of landholdings at the time when they were acquired by their current owners. - A flat lump sum charge for crossing the national borders, both entry and exit.

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Redpilling Images Anonymous 02/14/2021 (Sun) 18:27:08 Id: be23ae No. 7983 [Reply]
Post images that will redpill people or that make them have react viscerally.
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>>17300 >The fact that HT is a jew means Trump is not a tool of the jews? Nobody said nor implied that ITT.
>>17302 I'm bored of your stupidity.
>>7983 I nolonger wish to be part of this society this is all wrong we need to cause total fag DEATH

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Anonymous 10/13/2022 (Thu) 20:37:33 Id: 21ebbb No. 17313 [Reply]
This is just a reminder that none of the kids in the Uvalde shooting went to heaven. They just stopped existing. The truth is there is no happy "heaven" story for them. We tell ourselves these things because they make us feel better but those kids don't need us to feel better. They need us to be angry. Angry that their one and only life was stolen from them. Angry enough to make change that we were too cowardly to enact to protect them. Maybe if people realized there was nothing after death, they would care more about their life before death.
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uvalde? What uvalde? That narrative was dropped by the lamestream media like a fucking hot potato. The boys lost so much skill, they cant even pull a normal clean false flag anymore. Instead it is a tranny faggot latinx person who bought $4k worth of guns on his credit card despite banks denying such a credit line unless you had a stable well paying job. That spic had no such job, and no education, yet bough Daniel Defense ar15 + something cheaper like MP15 with an eotech sight. That tranny spic also had an FBi groomer "psychologist" whom he visited often.
>>17313 shit wipes like you should be burned alive with your family
They have gone too far here. Its not guns that kill people its the person behind it.

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Anonymous 07/11/2022 (Mon) 04:10:22 Id: 2c34e8 No. 16211 [Reply]
Hey, sup. I know I've been watched by the FBI or some another agency, despite not being a terrorist, neither a pedo or not doing anything wrong. The reason I know this is because these agents are following me on 4chan, I talked to a woman about femdom and foot fetish on instagram and used a expression on portuguese, and a day later a glowie used the same expression referring to me on /pol/. So they can read my messages on instagram. I dunno, but they probably can look into my phone too, acess all messages, photos, e-mails, GPS, and I think they may view my computer screen and files too How can I improve my OPSEC and disappear almost completely? Is there a way to have privacy on my phone? How could I know if they have a keylogger on my computer? I want to be a ghost now and not be tracked anymore, never again.
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>>16216 hello. can you withdraw all of your agents from mexico before gets to them. you're not nice.
oh shit wait, i just remembered that i don't negotiate with terrorists ;^)
https://archive(Please use archive.today)/details/how-to-beat-the-fbi-spy-and-counter-spy

HOW TO BEAT THE FBI- Spy And Counter Spy.pdf DOWNLOAD Anonymous 11/26/2023 (Sun) 22:21:19 Id: b289c7 No. 19808 [Reply]
HOW TO BEAT THE FBI- Spy And Counter Spy.pdf DOWNLOAD https://archive(Please use archive.today)/details/how-to-beat-the-fbi-spy-and-counter-spy

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help writing something up 02/13/2022 (Sun) 03:47:31 Id: a55cc9 No. 13894 [Reply]
i need to explain to my wife why we need to move far, far away from the big, 80% black city whose shadow we reside in. she wants to stay where we are for a year and accumulate funds before we make this move. i think this is a bad idea for the following reasons >imminent economic collapse will make any attempts at saving money fruitless > food could be expensive to the point that we must raise our own crops and livestock for sustinance > waukesha and daily anti white hate crimes are good evidence that we should not raise a family or even live very long in proximity of niggers > many many paralells between the us now and weimar, brazil, zimbabwae, etc the problem is i am so permeated in this stuff i take all this as given and dont have a lot of sources or good sources to substaintiate these claims anymore. I was hoping i could avoid this kind of conversation altogether, but circumstances have put this beyond my control. sources and basic rhetoric to back these premises up would be appreciated.
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>>13894 >my wife >wants to stay >in proximity of niggers
>>13894 do you take her camping?
>>13894 Hey I know what you mean brother, I live in the heart of Milwaukee. Best advice I can give for you and your family is to kill yourself. You won't have to perceive all the dindus and your family will know true peace. Best of luck brother.

White Victims of Black Crime - Thread #016: It never ends The Fire Rises 11/03/2022 (Thu) 00:57:09 Id: e410d4 No. 18608 [Reply] [Last]
White Victims of Black Crime - Thread #016: It never ends Previous Thread Archives: Thread #011 - https://archive.fo/ONEY3 This thread was the last one from before the great 8chan shut down. Thread #012 - https://archive.is/A6SoL Thread #013 - https://archive.ph/s8sfS This is the last thread on 8kun, as the server keeps going down and there's no moderation and a spambot on the loose. Thread #014 - https://archive.ph/BHw5K This is the 1st thread on 8chan.moe. Larger file size limit (2x 8kun's) means more info per thread. Thanks to the board owner for showing me how to archive threads on .moe. Thread #015 - https://archive.ph/7Rqmq This is the 2nd thread on 8chan.moe. As of the end of this thread I'm almost caught up to my current case (#1715), which means thread #16 will be bumped as I create graphics for new cases and update older ones. My Manifesto https://www.mediafire(Please use archive.today)/folder/xdljmbz2jgdoo/ https://mega.nz/#F!GaBxkCDQ!UxpqZPv_bMgx4gxHck8D2A An audio version of my manifesto created with a TTS engine. It's 23 minutes long and is available in mp3/opus audio format. Downloads https://pastebin(Please use archive.today)/Lgs1mAhp This contains links to all of my graphics (loose & .7z archives), as well as videos & pdfs that I've created. This link will stay the same, but the text in the pastebin will change to reflect newer uploads. Of note, is that I upload my graphics to my Mega.nz account. This allows me to update the files, but the links will stay the same.

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The mega link doesn't work anymore, please repost it to catbox or pomf.
>>19799 Checked. I finally had time to create a new audio version of my manifesto when I updated the manifesto itself (V1.63 - V1.64) Check my new thread for the mediafire link, since this thread is bump-locked.

Anonymous 08/26/2023 (Sat) 19:29:11 Id: e4d55c No. 19318 [Reply]
Poor little Nazis. Makes you wonder how they managed to produce a new generation of neo-Nazis.
As usual this tells us more about the filth of the minds that produce this as propaganda than it does about the object of the propaganda. Marxist and jews literally have shit for brains, and you'll never stop seething that Hitler was the only true hero of the working class, and not all the jewish trickster and liars you fell for selling you their marxist lies. "Hitler has had more lies said about him than any person in history" bitchute - com/video/t5BC3Ng5uptV/ Hitler's economic reform (marxists could never) bitchute - com/video/d9QGXNJv9AoG/ Setting the record straight on Hitler with Dennis Wise bitchute - com/video/OG20wJGuA8SG/ Fake legends of Hitler's jewish grandfather carolynyeager - net/fake-legends-adolf-hitler%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%9Cjewish-grandfather%E2%80%9D Jewish lies against Germany bitchute - com/video/H2FFHKfILlNQ/

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They produce new generations of" neo-nazis" by reading them what jews like you think of them.

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US speaker elected. US tech stocks drop Anonymous 10/25/2023 (Wed) 19:13:46 Id: 7581c6 No. 19491 [Reply]
>Pic related Planned crash? I doubt they are fearing day of the rope, since the RINOs are zionists or commies. Anyone heard anything?
>>19491 >Planned crash No charge for them

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4chan blocking AT&T Wireless Anonymous 10/15/2023 (Sun) 00:35:17 Id: 2281dc No. 19452 [Reply]
4chan is controlled by jews. Because most Muslims only have phones as their technological device, enthusiasm of Muslims comes from wireless ip addresses. Falsely, they are accused of being griefers, 4chan fails as always to prove it. We will hear very little, digitally, from the Muslim public, because this method effectively silenced them. This occurs during all glownigger operations.
>>19452 also, you may say it doesn't relate to /v/ false. the block applies to ALL 4chan boards. anyway, enjoy the summer

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