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QTDDTOT Anonymous 07/07/2021 (Wed) 18:41:09 Id: 000000 No. 9936
A thread for asking and answering questions that aren't important enough to make an entire thread for them.
I used to hate on doomers, but I have become extremely blackpilled recently. Every single social media site I go to is just non-stop, wall to wall political meming. Yet almost no one believes in any of it. It's depressing to watch conservatives spam anti-Biden memes accusing him of doing everything from wanting to commit genocide on Americans to abortion holocaust to starting WW3 to initiating a communist dictatorship. Yet not a single one of them is serious. It's all just empty accusations and empty threats of revolt. Everyone who actually does something like organize or fight back is called a fed. There is no escape from this. There is no way out of the death spiral and it is entirely due to conservatives. Worst of all, I am part of the problem. I cannot get organized because I am a cowardly piece of shit who cares more about my relationship than the values I thought I believed in for years. Everyone who is as much of a cowardly piece of shit as I am has some other lame excuse that no one else would accept as valid, yet we are all held back from doing what we know is right by these lame excuses. To those few men who are doing IRL activism against White genocide, you are objectively superior to me and to 99% of the rest of humanity. I will never denounce you. But the problem is that the rest of the cowards, traitors, and retards on the pseudo-right denounce those few men among us as feds. There is so much anger from the right but almost no one is sincere. It's all just facebook posturing.
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join a youth group they said
Is ANYTHING real? Go to the Alex Jones X account. He's a big name among the "dissident" right. Look under any of his posts. Do any of the responses seem real to you? 90% of it is just adverts and regurgitated memes. Alex Jones is a joke, but if you believe in what he's saying, he is dealing with extremely serious topics. Do any of his followers seem serious to you? Do they even seem like real people? Try engaging them. They don't respond. I actually seem more interaction from shitlibs. And it's just regurgitating media hate propaganda. But at least they're real people, some of them. AJ is just one example among many. Facebook is dead. There is no discussion there, nor can there be. Gab is just non-stop meming with no substance, almost no discussion of anything. The only place that seems to have any real activity is 4chan. Apparently, there is a huge deal going on on TikTok, but I cannot find it. I guess I'm just an idiot in terms of social media.
>>20779 >Is ANYTHING real? A lot of the modern internet is fake and gay for the simple fact that you have every government agency trying to funnel people to the 10-20 websites that they have under their control. And anyone who dares to post outside of those portals will be gaslit by feds acting like feds since they cannot control.
>>20782 Yeah, but if the feds are trying to get everyone on Facebook, where are the facebook users? Everyone acts like a bot on facebook.
Every single thing about conservatives is ridiculous to the point of insanity. They react in two ways to the assassinated attempt on Trump. 1. "O-em-geee! How can you liberals say such horrible things!?!? Shouldn't you have compassion for Trump cuz he got shot?" No you retards, they hate you. They *hate* you. They want to kill you. They want to kill your family. They want to kill your nation. They fucking hate you and they want to shoot you in the face. That is why they are celebrating this attempt and wishing the next shooter better luck/aim. 2. "Thank GOWD that tha bullet missed Trump or we'd be in a CIBIL WOR!!! We have to avoid that because the DEVILcrats would lose!" No, you fucking retards. The civil war "debate" highlights just how insanely retarded conservatives are. They say that democrats worship Satan, sacrifice babies to Satan, are communists who want to take away your guns, and literally want to commit total genocide of the entire human race. They say these things. If these things are true, then Democrats are pure evil. And if they would lose a civil war WHY THE FUCK DO YOU WANT TO AVOID IT? If the enemy is pure fucking evil, you should yearn for a civil war to kill them all. Kill evil people. Killing evil people is good. But no, they would not win a civil war because cuckservatives lack every single thing you need to win a war. They lack organization. Literally zero organization going on on the right except for White nationalist groups like Patriot Front, which they denounce as feds because they aren't fat. They lack willpower. You aren't going to win a civil war if you don't fight. And if you're too much of a piece of shit to even protest, you don't really care about any of this. You're lying about your deeply held beliefs and actually respect these "baby sacrificing demon worshipers." They lack foreign support, which is the only thing that would save the side that is this weak in a civil war. Russia is run by actual retards who believe in their own ridiculous narrative about Nazis and everyone on the planet will think that the few cuckservatives who do get off their asses are Nazis because the media will call them Nazis. China sure the fuck won't help them. Iran sure the fuck won't help people who openly call upon Trump to bomb them. They have absolutely no hope. Even all those 300 million guns are largely in the hands of do-nothing NPCs or decrepit boomers who will probably write into their wills that they are entombed with their guns to keep their children from inheriting anything of value. So yes, the retards celebrating that a "civil war was averted" are so retarded that they're wise. But they will not learn from this and start organizing so they will continue to be weak and lose and die and grow weaker. Trump may even win this election but he will do nothing and every half hearted piece of legislation he passes will be overturned on day-1 of Kamala Harris' term as president. I hate them. I actually hate them. Conservatives have done more damage to their own movement than leftists have. They have walked themselves into an unwinnable situation despite being well armed enough to enforce their will upon the country and the world. I hate conservatives.
>>20807 >Iran sure the fuck won't help people who openly call upon Trump to bomb them. Why would they want help from Iran?
>>20808 Iran is the only other country besides China or Russia that would fund anti-regime rebels in America. North Korea hates the Pentagon, but they lack the means and connections to fund anyone. They also lack experience in funding insurgencies. Every other anti-DC nation is too weak to offer anything meaningful.
>>20797 >where are the facebook users? They're there, but they don't dare speak out because they'll lose their access to the world and people. >>20807 >And if they would lose a civil war WHY THE FUCK DO YOU WANT TO AVOID IT? Because we don't live in isolation and there's organizations that exist in other countries that would immediately come running to their rescue and put down said civil war. Like, I don't know, the United Nations. This isn't anything new. Even during the original Civil War, the powers in Europe were trying to get involved there with supplying the Confederates in order to fracture the country and only backed off because (1) Lincoln called in the Russian Navy, (2) the Union victory at Gettysburg, and (3) cotton was far cheaper to nab from India. If >we want to win, >we have to win legally because that destroys their entire narrative of "protecting our democracy" if they have to keep breaking the rules.
>>20860 >Like, I don't know, the United Nations The UN is a joke. It's utterly bizarre, cuckservatives think that the UN army, which is the most diverse & Africanized army on earth with a track record of getting kidnapped and used as leverage more often than they have had military success, is a force to be reckoned with. Meanwhile, they think that the US army, which has been training to put down insurgencies for decades, is going to either be a pushover or side with them. It's backwards. >we have to win legally because that destroys their entire narrative of "protecting our democracy" if they have to keep breaking the rules. They break the rules all the time. In fact, it is the rules that they can break the rules. Golden Dawn won 10% of the seats in their parliament so the regime just dropped the mask of democracy and had their leadership mass arrested. And Golden Dawn actually won those seats. We can't even do win 1 in America. Not 1% but a single seat in congress. But let's examine this realistically. Patriot Front is the closest thing we have to a real pro-White party. They are probably around 1000 strong with many more supporters but not more than 10,000 real ones. In an empire of 340 million. Let's imagine that somehow, they manage to get 10 pro-Whites elected to congress. Do you know what will happen? They will be accused of terrorism and the congressmen will be arrested and the retard cuckservatives will actually cheer because they think that Patriot Front are feds. They will cheer the feds mass arresting the ONLY people in America who are actually resisting them and say retarded things like. >HAHaha! The feds are arresting themselves! We won! Yay! And then they will be forced to pay reparations to niggers, send their children to transgender studies, and house illegals in their garage. It's impossible to resist jews when our own population is filled with not just retards, but retards who instinctively try to suppress any act of resistance against the very regime that they themselves also hate. It's maddening. White people are the opposite of every other race on the planet. No one else would act this way. No other race instinctively sides with its enemy. Both peaceful and other means of resisting genocide are impossible. I want to think >Maybe the retards are just boomers and we can wait until they die But I know that half of the people who shill against EVERY pro-White organization that gains any traction are feckless 4channers. Dr. William Pierce was right about everything. He called out the fact that conspiratards will sabotage movements that they themselves agree with because they have trained themselves to assume that everything is fake and that the government is omnipotent. And half our movement is conspiratards. I'm blackpilled as hell. I cannot see a way out of demon-world.
>>20897 >It's utterly bizarre, cuckservatives think that the UN army It's not just the army, it's also making America a pariah in the world that will make the entire country isolationist. In addition to the rampant intellectual property theft because so much of the world's technology and utilities rely upon American companies, basically ruining entire industries because no one is going to recognize an American government as "legitmate". That's not to mention that West Taiwan and Winnie would jump at the chance because their goal is to be recognized as the next global super power which cannot happen so long as an "intact America" exists, much the same goal as the WEF and Open Societies. Theres more than one way to wage a war. >They break the rules all the time. And they're losing all their power because of that. Just look at the recent European elections where the globalists have spent everything trying to remain "legitmately" in control at the expense of losing any power they actually had. >Patriot Front is the closest thing we have to a real pro-White party Okay, they're a honeypot. >and the retard cuckservatives will actually cheer because they think that Patriot Front are feds. Because they are? >And then they will be forced to pay reparations to niggers, send their children to transgender studies, and house illegals in their garage. Except they cannot do that because of the laws that are currently in place. The only places that ARE doing that are countries that don't have the laws we do. >but retards who instinctively try to suppress any act of resistance against the very regime that they themselves also hate. Because if you remove the rules that are preventing the regime from going whole-hog on their plans, then there's nothing stopping them from going whole-hog on their plans?
>>20904 >it's also making America a pariah in the world that will make the entire country isolationist Based. >basically ruining entire industries because no one is going to recognize an American government as "legitmate". The poor billionaires and their "intellectual property" They'd be forced to actually invest in real industry again and produce actual goods rather than rake in money from financial speculation. Poor Bill Gates! Poor Larry Paige! We need to protect their interests by embracing globalism. >not to mention that West Taiwan It is difficult for me to put into words how little I care about Taiwan. Suffice it to say that I care as much about Taiwan's independence as I care about Darfur's independence. >Just look at the recent European elections where the globalists have spent everything trying to remain "legitmately" in control at the expense of losing any power they actually had. What power have they lost? >they're a honeypot. How are they a honepot? They have done more IRL activism than you ever have. Posting on /pol/ is not activism. >(((they))) cannot do that because of the laws that are currently in place There used to be laws against race mixing too. There are currently laws against allowing illegals to vote. > you remove the rules that are preventing the regime from going whole-hog on their plans What rules? They are going whole hog on their plan. No offense intended, but you sound like an establishment conservative.
>>20905 >They'd be forced to actually invest in real industry again and produce actual goods rather than rake in money from financial speculation And what about the HUNDEREDS OF MILLIONS of people (IOW the people who "produce actual goods") have their pensions, retirements, and 401ks invested in the stock market? Are you going to tell each and everyone one to go fuck themselves? >It is difficult for me to put into words how little I care about Taiwan I'm not talking about Taiwan, I'm talking about WEST Taiwan, the mainland controlled by Final Fantasy Xi and the CCP. >What power have they lost? They're unable to do jack to the government as they diversified their power to the point that you cannot get anything passed without a minimum of four opposing parties agreeing to it. >They have done more IRL activism than you ever have. THAT'S how I know they're a honeypot. Political activists deserve the rope as NO ONE worth their salt does that shit willingly nor pride themselves on it. >There used to be laws against race mixing too. Which were illegal per the BoR and overturned, especially when you had court cases beginning to occur where ethincally white people were prevented from being allowed to marry because their great-great grandfather shagged a niggeress. >They are going whole hog on their plan. If you think THIS is "whole hog", you either severely lack imagiantion or never learned what occured in practically EVERY country that has embraced Socialism.
>>20906 >Political activists deserve the rope So you oppose White people resisting White genocide. Dr. William Pierce wrote about people like you. >never learned what occured in practically EVERY country that has embraced Socialism. East Germany was, after 50 years of socialism, still 95% German. There were no mass rapes of German girls. After just a few decades of liberalism, which you Mr conservative are trying to conserve, Germany became California. Socialist Germany was unironically a better place to live in than liberal Germany. You will hem and haw and accuse me of being a socialist. But one thing you will NEVER do is explain how it was worse living in a 99% White nation than the liberal shithole Germany has become. Nor will you ever explain how pro-White activism is bad. The reason I say you are a conservative and not pro-White is because you denounce pro-White activism while hyper focusing on the red herring of socialism. THAT is what you care about. You'd rather import a billion Africans than reject globalism.
>>20907 >So you oppose White people resisting White genocide. One simple small little itty bitty insignificant question: Who's "white"? Is it the English, the French, the Poles, the Norwegians, the Greeks,...the Japanese, who? They cannot all be "white" because they are all different races. >East Germany was, after 50 years of socialism, still 95% German. East Germany was a shithole. And like every other Socialist country, built a wall to keep people in. How is literally imprisoning your own people an example of "success"? >After just a few decades of liberalism, which you Mr conservative are trying to conserve, Germany became California. The most prosperous state in the nation that is, at least used to be, leading the world in agriculture, construction, technology, education, and the arts? Because that doesn't sound like Germany at all. But will admit that they are similar in that people who grew up or used to live in California will bemoan what the state has become compared to when it was in it's prime (As recently as 40 years ago). >But one thing you will NEVER do is explain how it was worse living in a 99% White nation than the liberal shithole Germany has become. A country being 99% a single ethnicity doesn't make it automatically good. Just compare West Taiwan to Japan, both countries with a near 99% single ethnicity. One is a literal shithole that's only been polished to a sheen thanks to Western money, and the other is one of the most prosperous countries on the planet. By all accounts, West Taiwan should be just as successful (If not more so) than Japan, not only according to your theory but, based on geography, resources, and population. Yet there couldn't be even larger of a difference. So clearly there's an error somewhere with your theory.
>>20908 >actually uses the jewish deconstruction of Whiteness tactic. I will not play that game. You never deconstruct blacks. You never deconstruct mexicans. You absolutely, never, ever deconstruct jews despite the fact that they are not even related to the "original jews" but are Khazars descended from pagans. You ONLY deconstruct Whiteness. You ONLY attack White people. I know who White people are. You know who White people are. Everyone knows who White people are. They are the people who, if we ever try to organize for our right to survive, you immediately show up to accuse of of being feds. You know that this tactic works better than calling us racist because we have developed immunity to that racial slur. Sadly, this tactic works. You are why the situation is hopeless and globalists have basically won. >East Germany was a shithole. Name one way in which it was worse than modern America. >built a wall to keep people in Alright. I'd rather have a wall keeping me from leaving America than have blacks and gays shoved in my face every day. >A country being 99% a single ethnicity doesn't make it automatically good. China and Japan are inordinately more peaceful than multicultural dystopias are. I would rather live in a 99% White nation that is poor than a "wealthy" multicultural shithole where roaming bands of niggers play the kockout game with White pedestrians and mexicans use my nation as a dumping ground for their drug cartels. The wealth never is enjoyed by the people anyway. GDP is just measuring the financial transactions of billionaire globalists.
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>>20909 >You never deconstruct blacks. Yes I do. The niggers in America are different from the niggers in the Carribean, and are different from the niggers currently invading Europe, and are different from the niggers born in Africa, and are different from the black-skinned Asians that live in the South China Sea that look like niggers but have nothing genetically to do with them. But that's also the general overview. The niggers in America can be segemented into hood niggers, Mudslime niggers, suburban niggers, and business niggers; with the latter two hating the former two and wanting nothing more than to be a member the KKK. Meanwhile in the Carribbean, those niggers (Mostly Jamaicans) might as well be honorary whites for how much they hate and want to slaughter even the most decent of American niggers for making them look bad; except for Hatians (The worst niggers you will ever find on the planet). The European niggers...I cannot think of a single good thing that I've ever eard about them. The natural-born African niggers is a loaded mixed bag. Any of the countries that practice Islam are a lost cause, any of the countries that call themselves "Democratic" only survive because of foreign aid because they're anything but, and all the countries with actually decent niggers (Mostly because they actually like white people, some even having them) will almost never leave second-world status because they destroy the Marxist narrative that "whites" are the oppressor class keeping people down and the overlords cannot have that. No matter how much you hate niggers, other blacks hate them even more. >You never deconstruct mexicans. It's rather simple, Mexicans come on two flavors: Honorary Spaniards or Aztec trash. >You absolutely, never, ever deconstruct jews You mean the Khazars/Ashkenazis (Turks) and the Mizrahis/Sephardis? >I know who White people are No I don't. Unless you want to ironically construe "White" to be a reference to a melting pot of different European ethnicities and cultures. In which case I reject that. >Name one way in which it was worse than modern America. You couldn't leave, you couldn't own a business, there's only one type of car you're allowed to buy and you better love it. >I'd rather have a wall keeping me from leaving America That's bullshit and you know it. >West Taiwan >inordinately more peaceful <The country with suicide nets <Ethinc genocide <Execution buses <Constant purges and arrests How retarded are you? I'll agree that Japan is much more peaceful than America, but that wasn't really a relevant issue until the 2020 Summer of Love. >I would rather live in a 99% White nation So are you planning to move ot Ireland, Australia, Scotland, Costa Rica, Uruguay, or Wales? All countries with a 90+% of "white people".
>>20912 >Yes I do Okay. So go onto their forums and convince them to stop supporting BLM. >blacks hate them even more. I don't care what blacks think about blacks. I want them out of my country or, at the very least, out of White neighborhoods while we recover. >No I don't know who White people are. Yes you do. Everyone does. I won't play this jewish game. You want me to come up with some definition which you can deconstruct. I know your tricks. >You couldn't leave, As I stated, I'd rather be trapped in an all White society than live in a multicultural one. I'm not even allowed to leave this one since all other White nations are now the same. >you couldn't own a business Okay. And? Sucks but I'd rather live in an all White society where I couldn't own a business than be fleeced by jewish capitalists in this one. Soon, only the elite will own anything anyway, so there the only difference is that in Germany, I could at least exist without being called a racist, without being discriminated against by corporations and government, and having faggotry shoved down my throat on TV, riding the bus, shopping at stores... >there's only one type of car you're allowed to buy Okay? Aaaand? Did they work? I just did some quick research of East Germany car companies and it seems that there were more than 2 of them. As for the quality of the vehicles, they seem to have been comparatively crappy. Yet other people say that they got the job done fine. Why is it that your one recurring argument is that you want to be able to leave the country? And go where? Britain? Niggers. France? Niggers. Germany? Niggers. Every country looks the same thanks to liberalism. >Ireland Being flooded with niggers >Australia Flooded with niggers (and chinks) >Scotland Run by a nigger >Costa Rica spic niggers >Uruguay Are you retarded? >Wales Their nationalists are (Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me) & like niggers.
>>20926 Welp, at least they don't censor niggers, like imkamphy did.
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>>20926 >So go onto their forums and convince them to stop supporting BLM. Majority of them don't support Buy Large Mansions. And they want police to shoot those niggers supporting it dead. >I want them out of my country or, at the very least, out of White neighborhoods while we recover. How do you think the Koreans felt after the L.A. riots? Or even the niggers that 'LOST their homes and businesses both during that and the Summer of Love? >Yes you do. Everyone does. Okay, so who's "white"? >I'd rather be trapped Answer this simple question: did you stay inside your home during the Corona-chan lockdowns? I mean, it was an instance of the goverment preventing people from leaving, and you where inside a territory that consisted of a 100% white population. >I'm not even allowed to leave this one since all other White nations are now the same. And how can you argue with that? >I'd rather live in an all White society where I couldn't own a business than be fleeced by jewish capitalists in this one. So you're stupid and rather let the government control your life. I'm not editorializing, this is literally what you are saying. >Okay? Aaaand? Did they work? That's not the point. I love the car I currently own and have zero interest in wanting to drive the POS BMW, Trabant, or Wartburgs. I LIKE sports cars and rice rockets. I like the way that they look and drive and fuck any authority that says that I can't have them. >Yet other people say that they got the job done fine. I don't care how "reliable" they are. I don't want to drive a car that I think looks like shit. That's ALSO why the car that I currently drive is well over 20 years old because all of the modern cars look like shit. >Why is it that your one recurring argument is that you want to be able to leave the country? Because I want to be independent. >And go where? I'd like to go to Japan, probably visit South America (Once they get their shit together). >Every country looks the same thanks to liberalism. The fact that you think that shows that you don't know jack about the world.
>>20928 >majority of blacks don't support BLM You're delusional. Just delusional. Look dude, I just want to live in an all White nation. You are just a conservative liberal. 100% of your ancestors are disappointed with you. They were all racists. Ethnocentrism is normal. Ethnocentrics will always beat you because teamwork always destroys selfish individualism. I cannot reason with you.
>>20941 >100% of your ancestors are disappointed with you. They were all racists. My "white" ancestors (Which comprise of about six different European countries) were treated like shit by every OTHER "white" country, jack ass. And they left those places because they were tired of being treated like shit. That's what racism was 300 years ago. >Ethnocentrism is normal. You still haven't answered the question: who is "white"?
>>20943 Every branch of the European tree has mistreated others in the past. That's because we were neighbors. I agree, imperialism against ourselves was wrong. But it is not like it was unique. Every tribe of Europe did it. I am German. In Poland, Germans were mistreated, especially after the first & second world wars. I don't hold a grudge against Poles because Poles are not currently trying to wipe out my race. >who is "white"? Europeans.
>>20969 >Europeans Which Europeans? Historically, the Poles, the Irish, the Gauls, the Iberians, and the Slavs were all treated as being LESS than white by every other European country. That's not to mention that if you were to line up a Englishman, a Frenchman, an Italian, and the Czech all next to each other and declare, "You're all the same", you're leaving in a bodybag.
>>20973 >the Gauls, the Iberians, and the Slavs were all treated as being LESS than white That is a jewish lie. While all groups were discriminated against by someone throughout history, only extremists denied that they were White.
>>20974 So all the European wars for the past three millennia against their neighbors, who they saw as being less than human, were ALL committed by extremists with zero exceptions. That's really the argument you're going with?
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>>20976 Stop trying to distort my words. The vast majority of Europeans never denied that their neighbors were also White. That includes the Germans who concluded that Slavs (that includes Poles) were Aryan.
>>20977 >The vast majority of Europeans never denied that their neighbors were also White. Yes they did. Some even denied that their own countrymen were "white". Need look no further than the Scots when it came to England and the Sicilians when it came to Italy. Not to mention that many of the civil wars fought in Greece were over who's "right" it was to rule the entire region (Yes, I'm going to count that as them being racist because many of the skisms started over who's "culture" was better, most infamous of these being the Peleponessean War between Sparta and Athens). >That includes the Germans who concluded that Slavs (that includes Poles) were Aryan. Which is why they constantly invaded Poland every other century, on top of treating the citizens as worse than niggers in passing.
>>20978 >Need look no further than the Scots when it came to England and the Sicilians when it came to Italy. I'll concede that there were many who said then & now that Sicilians were Arab admixtured due to various historical reasons. Plus a lot of jews tend to claim to be Sicilian. However, the assertion that the English believed that the Scots were not White is absurd. Maybe you can dig up a quote from one guy but this was not a common belief. >Which is why the Germans constantly invaded Poland every other century You seem to think that just because two neighbors are White, that they would never invade each other. That SHOULD be how things work, but it is not how things worked in the past.
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>>20999 >Maybe you can dig up a quote from one guy but this was not a common belief. It was a lot more common than saying "All Europeans are white". Which is a New Age ideal that came from Helena Blavatsky and her myth of the Aryan, a concept that is rather ironically alive and well today at the United Nations since they consider the works of Alice Bailey (Who expanded upon Blavatsky's theories, just like the NSDAP) as sacred. >That SHOULD be how things work, but it is not how things worked in the past. Yes it actually was. People tended to leave each other alone and preferred mutual alliances over conquests. And majority of the reasons people started a conquest was due to the concept of being "morally superior" or that it was their "birthright" to rule over that thing (If not everything). And whether they actually WERE superior or it WAS their birthright does not matter as it only re-enforces that fact.
>>21000 >It was a lot more common than saying "All Europeans are white". Cite a single ethnographer or anthropologist or any scientist at all who claimed this. Jews claim this today to disrupt & confuse White people. That's why I don't bother trying to play your silly jewish game. >blah blah blah, feeling morally superior is bad I don't care. Fuck you & fuck anti-Whites.
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>>21028 >Cite a single ethnographer or anthropologist or any scientist Someone is moving goal posts. We have nations declaring that other nations are not white. We have nations declaring that their own people are not white. We even have quotes of these people outright admitting that they never saw certain people as ever being white. But ABSOLUTELY NONE of that is good enough for you because NOW you demand that an "expert" make such a claim. And if I did pull up an "expert" saying such a claim, for example Ben Franklin rather ironically: <And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. You would then recoil and declare that's not good enough and that I need to find some OTHER source because it defeats your argument that Europeans "always" considered each other to be "white". This entire discussion isn't about "preserving the white race". It's about tricking people into accepting a Socialist totalitarian dictatorship in order to "preserve" a concept that never exist. That doesn't have a basis in history, culture, or even science.
>>21029 >And if I did pull up an "expert" saying such a claim, for example Ben Franklin rather ironically: And like a retard, I forgot the damn source: https://archive.md/qfduB
>>21029 >Someone is moving goal posts. Says the guy who is just a cuckservative from reddit.
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