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QTDDTOT Anonymous 07/07/2021 (Wed) 18:41:09 Id: 000000 No. 9936
A thread for asking and answering questions that aren't important enough to make an entire thread for them.
I missed this story were some 'Ukrainian'--looks very jewy to me--woman gained access to Trump simply by pretending to be a Rothschild. Proves himself a shabbos nigger yet again. occrp - org/en/investigations/inventing-anna-ukrainian-born-scammer-posed-with-trump-and-wandered-mar-a-lago https://archive.is/FRRxQ
What happened to Historical Lies Exposed on Bitchute? Does he upload somewhere else?
What did the based White Nationalist Russia mean by this? 'Anti-fascism' is literally judeo-marxism.
Could you guys help me with answering one "simple" question: Where does money come from in the U.S.? How is it created, how does it have any value, what does the Federal Reserve and the Treasury have to do with it? Just answer it in this thread without linking to an outside source.
>>18618 >without linking to an outside source. So you want someone to tell you to listen and believe them without any proofs?
>>18619 I'm making that demand because it seems like every source either doesn't explain it well enough for me to understand, or begins playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon over who does what.
>>18618 I'll try concise and not-quite-right: >How is it created Generally, you want monetary supply to be created at the same time the economy grows from the creation of new goods and services. The easiest way to do that is to create money whenever a business loan is taken. > how does it have any value At the moment, someone believes it has value, and would provide you goods and services for money. And you can sort-of expect that to continue. So you yourself might want to provide goods and services in exchange for money, with the intention of exchanging that money for other goods and services. Just another self-reinforcing system. > what does the Federal Reserve and the Treasury have to do with it They decide, for example, what fraction of an aforementioned loan is created, and what fraction has to be covered with existing money. If the entirety of loan is given out from newly-created money, that will lead to hyperinflation. If none of it, that will lead to deflation, which is expected to cause extreme stagnation. And, of course, there are other available actions, such as minting of "trillion-dollar coins" to increase the supply, which happened in 2020 and is causing large inflation in the US right now.
Did you do your part and vote?
>>18637 Yup My vote got tossed out bcuz I'm white nationalist with privilege and swag >Cunts whine but when Slava Ukraini the cunts see $$ > Ruzzia 卍 becomes Alabama backwater 3rd world shit hole >Lend lease makes merica 3Xs the profit off of weps > Ukraine suffers slavery and war crimes but gets free Army equipment from the Uruk Hai <Everyone's a winner!
Okay prove that these secret societies are all controlled by jews, if it's really "always the jews". I'm not going to put the Bilderberg group or the freemasons because it's obvious that they have Jewish influence. Yes, all secret societies with secret rituals and initiations are all connected working against you according to lenon honor and William Cooper. These are the most popular secret societies. Ancient Order of Hibernians Ancient Order of United Workmen Bohemian Club Knights of Columbus Knights of Maccabees Knights of Malta Knights of Pythias Ku Klux Klan Independent Order of Odd Fellows Opus Dei Ordo Templi Orientis Rosicrucians Royal Arcanum Scroll and Key Seven Society Skull and Bones The Loyal Order of Moose The National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry The United Ancient Order of Druids United Order of the Golden Cross Veiled Prophet Organization Illuminati (original 1776) Jesuits.
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Now that an all-white team has won the world championship again, when was the last time that happened?
Anyone have infographics on how Jews are involved in the porn industry, particularly how they got it going on the first place. I couldn’t find any here or on the archives
>>18808 Postan what little I have
If race is not a social construct then why does the white status of certain races change? Like the irish were not considered white a certain point but are now?
>>19022 Well, they're the niggers of Europe. It's all relative, see. But when you when you compare them globally then they're relatively white.
>>19022 >why does the white status of certain races change Because it's literally a Marxist theory of racism.
Does anyone have The Jew's Trail Through The Ages by Alfred Rosenberg
>>19026 You cut off the most important part of the question you were answering.
>>16714 >if the Jews are so rich and powerful why can't they take palestine? They are taking it.
>>19022 >If race is not a social construct Race is a social construct, you only get pushback on that phrase because it's associated with liberal progressives. Jews have whitish skin but they are not White. Pajeets can have blackish skin but they are not Black. A US Army Soldier is not necessarily a soldier, and a US Navy Sailor is not necessarily a sailor. TL;DR: white is a color, White is a group of people.
>>19034 Race is a social construct because language itself is a social construct. Who is White, Black, Brown, Yellow or Red is determined by human consensus.
Serious question, if whites are the master race why can't they defeat the Jew?
>>19033 https://archive.ph/QXCtH >The United Nations (UN) partitioned British Palestine in 1948, giving Israel 77% of the territory, except for the West Bank and eastern quarter of Jerusalem (controlled by Jordan), as well as the Gaza Strip (controlled by Egypt). In the 1967 war, Israel occupied these territories.
>>19181 That was after the jewish media got the US into another stupid world war so that the zionists could set up their new desert base. It also resulted in the jewish communist UN to replease the league of nations, which the US senate refused to join. What if people stopped falling for the same tricks over and over again?
Does anyone have the statistics of white on black and black on black crime bar graph?
I don't know where to post this so i'll post it here. https://archive.ph/jqqKo
>>19022 That's something made up by jew Noel Ignatiev. America was letting in Irish and Italian immigrants at the time when they only let in White immigrants. https://nitter.sethforprivacy(Please use archive.today)/InaneDragon/status/1670108685014581252 https://nitter.sethforprivacy(Please use archive.today)/greyraven20/status/1646805104765423618 https://nitter.sethforprivacy(Please use archive.today)/spicyangla/status/1685759671301255168
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>>19198 I got you bro https://ucr.fbi(Please use archive.today)/crime-in-the-u.s/2016/crime-in-the-u.s.-2016/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-3.xls
Could someone help verify if I'm losing my mind? I recently had a job that required I run through Downtown Denver, Colorado. This is important because I remember reports and news articles from a few weeks ago about how the city was being overrun with illegals to the point that "nothing" could function and rivaling the problems in NYC and Chicago. However, from what I saw, the city actually seemed less active than it was when I visited several years back (Before Corona-chan). Did I miss something?
>>20148 Try riding the light rail at night and get back to us.
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What the fuck has been going on with 8kun with this schizophrenic junkie constantly shitting himself on their version of /pol/ over the past few years?
Does anyone have the statistics on faggots being child molesters?
>>20440 There might be something in Joel F. Carberry's If You Give a Gay Their Way https://archive()org/details/iygagtw-ebook-review-copy
I used to hate on doomers, but I have become extremely blackpilled recently. Every single social media site I go to is just non-stop, wall to wall political meming. Yet almost no one believes in any of it. It's depressing to watch conservatives spam anti-Biden memes accusing him of doing everything from wanting to commit genocide on Americans to abortion holocaust to starting WW3 to initiating a communist dictatorship. Yet not a single one of them is serious. It's all just empty accusations and empty threats of revolt. Everyone who actually does something like organize or fight back is called a fed. There is no escape from this. There is no way out of the death spiral and it is entirely due to conservatives. Worst of all, I am part of the problem. I cannot get organized because I am a cowardly piece of shit who cares more about my relationship than the values I thought I believed in for years. Everyone who is as much of a cowardly piece of shit as I am has some other lame excuse that no one else would accept as valid, yet we are all held back from doing what we know is right by these lame excuses. To those few men who are doing IRL activism against White genocide, you are objectively superior to me and to 99% of the rest of humanity. I will never denounce you. But the problem is that the rest of the cowards, traitors, and retards on the pseudo-right denounce those few men among us as feds. There is so much anger from the right but almost no one is sincere. It's all just facebook posturing.

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