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Welcome to /k/! (Meta Thread) Anonymous 05/30/2020 (Sat) 20:16:15 No. 2 [Reply] [Last]
This board is dedicated to the discussion of weapons and military equipment, tactics, vehicles, experiences, stories, and more. All discussion related to this board ("meta") goes in this thread. Please keep all coronavirus related discussion in the COVID-19 general. Read the disclaimer at the bottom of this post before continuing. Useful Resources ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >Murdercube https://the-eye.eu/public/murdercube.com/ Database full of useful information relating to weapons, guerilla warfare, medicine, philosophy, and much, much more. >Forgotten Weapons https://www.youtube.com/user/ForgottenWeapons

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Edited last time by Vampyr on 09/09/2021 (Thu) 18:09:34.
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This /k/ is better than cuckchan /k/ >fuck glowniggers and 4chan
>>2 >https://the-eye.eu/public/murdercube.com/ >Database full of useful information relating to weapons, guerilla warfare, medicine, philosophy, and much, much more. 404d does anyone have an archive? or an idea how to get one? web.archive.org is obviously incomplete

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Race War General : Total /k/ike Death Edition Strelok 11/28/2023 (Tue) 10:54:16 No. 7621 [Reply]
This thread for the discussion of pro-white resistance, past or present, from an onlookers perspective, especially focused on people such as Anders Behring Breivik, Brenton Tarrant and the various copycats that we've seen since March 2019. Are they doing what has to be done? Is it more harmful than helpful? Are they all false flags? Discuss! Memes relating to TKD, TND and the upcoming ethnoglobe are welcomed as well >The Breivik Archive https://ia601002.us.archive.org/6/items/breivikarchive/ >Manifestos http://picochanwvqfa2xsrfzlul4x4aqtog2eljll5qnj5iagpbhx2vmfqnid.onion/fascist/4#823 Useful Threads https://archive.ph/XSaTn https://archive.ph/QlbZA https://archive.ph/oL6k6
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None of them target the lifeblood of the system.
>>12069 This is all from Redstone Killers by the way https://archive.org/details/redstone-killers

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Rhodesia thread /k/ommando 06/29/2021 (Tue) 05:00:01 Id: c11d80 No. 159 [Reply]
The place for babypuke green FN fals, and slightly more rascism than every other thread.
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>>1369 >that was as bad as the Boomers at ARFCOM. Damn. Aren’t they are Biden loving Qboomers there.
>>1371 The original proprietors sold out to a gunsmithing tools company called Brownells. Brownells does NOT like controversy. They've been handing out bans for posting any kind of mildly spicy meme ever since. Mind you, it's a forum that's been there since the dialup days and has always had a loud minority of out-and-out Reds ("but your principles say gun rights are for ERRBODY!" I do not, in fact, want people who want to put me in a gulag, and say so, to have guns. If that makes me a Nazi, then Sieg Heil, motherfucker). Add in the Boomer civnats cuckservatives who think that if they can just VOOT a little harder, if they do the Ghost Dance for Muh Constitution a little harder, they can save Ameri-Kwa... well. It's the Internet. I try not to take any of it seriously. It's just words on a screen, right? I hate to see it. Arfcom used to be a fairly decent place for technical information.
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Anyone else feeling sad today? Just me?

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/xk/ Thread Strelok 06/07/2023 (Wed) 00:11:30 No. 10453 [Reply] [Last]
Wendigo, skinwalkers, squatches, and ayyliums of /k/ go her. Maybe other even stranger things as well. Inspired by reading his post >>51511 and not wanting to derail that thread.
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I prefer werewolves
>>10583 Reminds me of shub nigga roth or whatever that Lovecraft version of a wendigo is called.
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Hahahaha I saw you post what I posted in trash anon lol I know what you are

War Economy Strelok 12/09/2022 (Fri) 16:21:34 No. 7638 [Reply]
How to make money off war as a poorfag? Thread for discussing war economics, how countries don't go broke/starve in extended wars, and similar monetary policy fuckery related to wars and upcoming wars.
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>>7662 Ebay let's you sell weapons?
>>7663 You can't sell firearms or ammo there iirc, but you can sell magazines and firearm accessories.
>>7638 Depending on where you are and the state of your country salt is essential. Buy like 30 kilos, and you may as well have 30 kilos of gold in shtf. Gotta be smart

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Webm & Video-sharing Thread Strelok 07/17/2022 (Sun) 06:33:14 Id: 1b6d7b No. 11782 [Reply] [Last]
New webm/mp4 thread. Post 'em if you got 'em. Keep it loosely /k/-related.
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>>11795 No human on this planet gives a fuck about Russia or Ukraine.
>>11811 What a worthless criminal. At least bring your own knife, fucking cowards.

Neo-Holocaust 2.0 - Anti-Yanny Revamp edition /k/ommando 11/13/2023 (Mon) 08:32:00 No. 1382 [Reply]
The story so far... >IDF at the gates of Gaza >Allegedly, Israel has killed 6 times more children in Gaza in 3 weeks than both Russia and Ukraine in their spat >Al Qassam is bombing Israeli cities again.Not looking good for folks in the inner city part of Gaza >Support for Palestinians absolutely off the charts in Europe, South America, Australia, most authorities cracking down on stadiums and unorganized protests >According to weeb Hamas has sacrificed Beit Hanoun >Israel is trying to cut off Jabalia (refugee camp central) from Gaza City and is piecemeal going after both >Israel's goal seems to be to pincer areas on three sides before moving in for the kill >Lebanon ain't gonna do shit >Biden is denying Israel funding unless he gets full unmoderated funding to hide his crimes against humanity in Ukraine >Israel threatens to cease the existence of Hezbullah >Israeli forces have stopped being able to advance and are calling for a reshuffle of strategy coincidentally at the exact same time that they hit the urban pockets in Jabalia/Gaza City where Hamas is putting up more than token resistance. >Israel quite literally putting journalists on a hit list for spreading "hurtful recorded propaganda" >Israel to use "sponge bombs" to defeat Hummus
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Next time some dumbass talks shit about how Germany got deservedly punished for engaging in genocide, ask why Israel has been engaging in genocide for the better part of a century and so far has suffered no meaningful retribution to the point almost nobody is willing to call it a genocide. Watch the cognitive dissonance hit in real time.
It's all Israel's fault, we need to free Palestine.

Holocaust 2.0: Total Jewish Domination Edition Strelok 11/13/2023 (Mon) 18:48:00 No. 11359 [Reply] [Last]
The story so far: >IDF takes over Gaza City >Israel now openly bombing agricultural areas in Khan Younis >White house announced that they will accept Israel permanently occupying Gaza City >Israeli defense minister responded that they will not only occupy Gaza City but they will make sure they have permanent free military movement through the entire strip >Entirety of Israel seems to be on fire from militants in the North and East launching rockets, with Israel having little to no control over the situation >Israel airdropped flares directly over Al-Shifa Hospital about a week ago and there's been few reports coming out of that area since then >Israel detonates experimental, miniature nuclear warhead in North Gaza >Anons argue whether or not new thread is worth making, answer still unknown, rumors of internal memo suggesting press conference to be held on Tuesday, noon BRT (UTC-3:00)
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Blinken said Israel's settler violence, settlement expansion, home demolitions, and evictions make it harder to have peace and security https://8chan.moe/news/res/241.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ixrnp1q6HM[Embed] U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is calling on Israel to pursue a two-state solution with Palestinians as the only pathway toward lasting peace in the region. >During this week’s World Economic Forum conference in Davos, Switzerland, Blinken remarked on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, which sharply escalated after the Oct. 7 attack on Israel when 1,200 were killed and hundreds were kidnapped. >Since then, the Israeli response has largely consisted of indiscriminate bombing campaigns and has resulted in the estimated deaths of more than 31,000 Palestinians, with another 61,079 injured. A staggering 92 percent of those killed have been civilians. >“For me, I think for so many of us, what we’re seeing every single day in Gaza is gut wrenching. And the suffering we’re seeing among innocent men, women, and children breaks my heart,” Blinken said during a Q&A session at the conference. >The Associated Press captured statements made by Blinken speaking at a news conference after meeting with Israeli leaders, saying Israel “must stop taking steps that undercut the Palestinians’ ability to govern themselves effectively.” >Blinken said Israel “must be a partner of the Palestinian leaders who are willing to lead their people” and live “side by side in peace with Israel,” the AP reported. >He added that violence (including Palestinian deaths) committed by Israeli settlers, settlement expansion, home demolitions, and evictions “all make it harder, not easier, for Israel to achieve lasting peace and security.” >Blinken’s call for a two-state solution came within days of one of his European counterparts making similar remarks. >“The only way is the creation of a Palestinian state,” Josep Borrell, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, said during a recent news conference. He added that an independent Palestinian state would offer a “horizon of hope” for Palestinians. >The Biden administration is likely to face strong pushback from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who continues to remain opposed to the proposition of ever allowing Palestinians to have a state of their own. >For decades, Netanyahu has been openly opposed to making Palestine an internationally recognized country, going so far as to provide funding and support to the very Hamas terrorist organization that attacked his country on Oct. 7 in a bid to prevent a two-state solution.
Netanyahu Says He has Told US He Opposes Palestinian State in any Postwar Scenario https://8chan.moe/news/res/241.html >Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday rejected U.S. calls to scale back Israel’s military offensive in the Gaza Strip or take steps toward the establishment of a Palestinian state after the war >“We obviously see it differently,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby said. >In a nationally televised news conference, Netanyahu struck a defiant tone, repeatedly saying that Israel would not halt its offensive until it realizes its goals of destroying Gaza’s Hamas militant group
>>11485 >>11486 Honestly how is some low level grunt on the ground completely cut off from his leaders because of Israeli jamming devices supposed to know there was a ceasefire anyway? Even if they had alternative means of communication those have long since been bombed for sure.

QTDDTOT Strelok 02/06/2023 (Mon) 06:32:04 No. 6843 [Reply] [Last]
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread Previous thread: >>21645 Old one is bump locked and dead.
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What is /k/'s advice on acquiring gas masks for the purpose of protecting against tear gas and lethal ones? How do you even test if a given mask offers legit protection?
>>12049 >How do you even test if a given mask offers legit protection? 1. Put on mask 2. Gas yourself For starters, wear it to the bathroom while dropping a deuce. Stick your head into thick campfire smoke. Shaving/cutting long hair helps the mask seal to your face.
I want to go hunting and do something similar in fishing where you use fresh caught smaller game to catch a bigger one. For fun. I rather not needlessly hunt it for it not to attract a bigger catch. How can I quickly put it asleep temporarily with some strong mixture to feed it or shoot it with like trank or dart? any tips or suggestions?

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WW2 General Strelok 06/08/2020 (Mon) 13:04:40 No. 4545 [Reply] [Last]
epic WW2 bread
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>>4716 I know this post is nearly a year old but, the Brits split their tanks into two kinds. Infantry (infantry support) and cruiser (breakthrough tanks) all cruiser tanks started with the letter C (Crusader, Cromwell, Charioteer, Comet, the one exception being the Churchill). When they abandoned the infantry/cruiser divide after the war they just stuck with using C names to pay homage to the old tradition (Centurion, Challenger)

Anon.cafe is being nuked. /k/ommando 02/11/2024 (Sun) 22:18:12 No. 1399 [Reply]
Wish they moved their shit here, but it is what it is.
>>1399 RIP
>>1399 So where did they move to? zigger town?
>>1401 >where we are leg we are anomalous we are digital nomads expectum petronas

I'm making a news board. Strelok 01/12/2024 (Fri) 00:04:53 No. 1402 [Reply] [Last]
https://8chan.moe/news/ I don't care if it's full of feds. I don't care if you are coming or not coming. I'm going to post news on 8moe and you can either come along kicking and screaming, or I'm leaving you behind when the bombs drop March 15th. I'm calling it a news board because that's all I really use /k/ for half the time anyways but you can post /k/ things there if you want to and I don't really care.
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>>1468 Yes, an archive link of the news article. https://archive.is/
>>1470 Ah. Yeah nah, if anon wants to archive that's his business. I only use it as a paywall bypass. TorAnons and Firefox-derived Anons get fucked by cuckflare and the article gets posted anyways so the only real point of a link is as a source for verification of the quoted material. Which anon can archive at his own discrepancy if he needs it for future access. Plus I don't want to sit on the load queue for 5-20 minutes waiting to find out if I've been blacklist-looped and I need to hop IPs or if it's going to actually go through.
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Russo-Ukrainian War #32 - Early Anniversary Edition - anon.cafe is kill Strelok 01/11/2024 (Thu) 22:16:29 No. 1473 [Reply] [Last]
The site's going down but the war is still hot! Recap for the mouth-breathers who can't read threads not on the first page: >Ukraine has been getting their ass pounded in Avdiivka >Russians are getting their ass spanked while doing the pounding and they don't like it >Ukraine tried screamed "FUCK YOU" at Belgorod to make Russia stop fucking their ass >Russia told Ukraine "GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" and started lobbing North Korean ballistic missiles (dubbed "Kimskanders") at Ukraine's military bases near civilian centers in retaliation, fucking up the civilian centers in the process >Ukraine screamed they were coming and forced conscription of women and children and started handing out papers to expats >People are expecting Avdiivka to fall >That turns on the Russians and they will either a massive push in Zaporizhia or re-invade Kharkiv while making Ukraine retreat back to their Kievan leather club two cities down >You are here Vid related. Thread theme.
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>>1474 > barely 18 boy from an orphanage who lost his life on the frontline, but he was a volunteer. Of course, it is quite likely that he was fed an unhealthy diet of propaganda, but that is quite a normal affair in a war. Or fed an unhealthy diet of orphanage food and figured he may live longer on the frontline, or at least will die with full stomach? >>1489 >>1490 Either or both. Who knows? Goods were send from someone who had a golden opportunity to scrap old stuff at full price, to someone who has a habit of selling missiles on black market in war time. It would be surprising if shit like that did not happen.
>>1513 >Schumer will not act to secure US border until GOP funds Ukraine war Biden is starting to pay lip service to securing the border, but it's just election year bullshit- It would be funny if he fired that Sephardi "Cuban" guy to sell the lie. We've all seen how this shit typically plays out, I'd put money on Ukraine gibs going through and zero meaningful border security. The corporate class and the defense industry are going to get exactly what they want.
>>1517 Actually it gets even better. Mexico's president is demanding American citizenship for 10 million illegals, an end to the Cuban blockade, an end to Venezuelan sanctions, and a $20 billion dollar bribe in exchange for dealing with the illegal immigrant problem on their side of the border. The Biden admin's response was "sounds good!"

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Naval Thread II Strelok 05/02/2022 (Mon) 16:31:42 Id: 48a0ec No. 11131 [Reply] [Last]
Last thread fell off the board. Discuss and debate naval topics here.
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>>11355 Your 1st example was better. Larger fighters become to cumbersome to be effective in air combat when additional weight is added for shipborne capacity. IMO the Rhino is already too large to be appropriate as a carrierborne platform. Still the ASF-14 would be a better choice than the lighter F-18E solely because it by far outperfomed the later in all aspects
>>11338 What would be advantages of such a thing over helicopters?
>>11357 It would just need a simple turboprop engine and a propeller instead of all the things and stuff that goes into making a helicopter work, and yet it could still lands just like one. In fact, it might need an overall less footprint. And it would be an aircraft that can go fast. Of course, it wouldn't be a 1:1 replacement for a helicopter, because you could use it to drops e.g. sonars, but using it to collect them would be quite a bit more complicated. And it couldn't carry people, which also limits how useful it is. But you could have a hangar with a helicopter or two, and also park a few of these drones next to them, and then use whichever is appropriate.

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phosgene manufacture /k/ommando 05/31/2021 (Mon) 05:10:49 No. 32 [Reply]
Phosgene was discovered by reacting chlorine and carbon monoxide with sunlight in something like airtight glass containers. Phosgene was a very deadly WW! gas.
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can you send a cleared picture?
>>1358 clearer*

South America Strelok 01/25/2023 (Wed) 03:51:01 No. 11027 [Reply] [Last]
Sleepy, mothballed militaries on this continent often only get to see action during civil unrest and the occasional coup d'état. Studying them is interesting if you want to see how Third World militaries cope with alienation from society and a lack of a clear enemy. And coping in general. The Brazilian Army has large troop numbers compared to its neighbors, but not as much of a numerical advantage when counting military hardware. It has a gargantuan territory to cover with motorized, jungle, light, border, etc. infantry. Brigades have to spread out their battalions, but this isn't just by the length of the border and coastline, brigades deep into the heart of the country do it too. Conscripts have to serve close to where they live, and officers still believe in molding and educating the unwashed masses through conscription. The Army is the only service with a substantial number of conscripts. Some say there'd be enough volunteers to abolish conscription. For the past couple decades, Army strategists have devised several schemes splitting their force between mostly professional, high-readiness brigades and outdated brigades only meant to process conscripts. There's supposed to be a reserve, but nobody's sure if a true mobilization would work. All motorized infantry is set to be mechanized with the locally-assembled Iveco Guarani, but that's gonna take many years. The cavalry's older Urutu APCs have already been replaced. Its Cascavels will be replaced by Centauro IIs by a contract signed last month. Some of them will also be locally assembled and there's a degree of parts commonality with the Guarani; furthermore, Argentina is now set to also use Guaranis, which might give the defense industry some economy of scale. Leopard 1s will serve as far as 2040 and I haven't heard of any replacement for the M-113s which are supposed to follow them. The Air Force's Gripens are very early on in their replacement of earlier F-5s. The Navy "has" an aircraft carrier because they designated their helicopter carrier (Atlântico, formerly the HMS Ocean) as a "multipurpose aircraft carrier". Which they only use for helicopters anyway. They still have about ~5 carrier-capable Skyhawks so they can take off from a nonexistant carrier and, aided by nonexistant AEW aircraft, dogfight at sea with their guns. I've read in some of their material that the Atlântico's Artisan system could still guide the Skyhawks, but how much would this be useful without AEW aircraft? Please tell me.
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>>11127 My lol is veery beeg.
>>11127 Thank you very much anonymous I fucking love me some reddit screenshots Can you post more so that we may enjoy them?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hd3HrbjaVMk HistoryLegends dropped a new video about the Favela Wars.

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