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(11.13 MB 960x720 a toast to democracy.webm)

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Webm & Video-sharing Thread Strelok 07/17/2022 (Sun) 06:33:14 Id: 1b6d7b No. 11782
New webm/mp4 thread. Post 'em if you got 'em. Keep it loosely /k/-related.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZcbT6GMX9I Channel that does Neutrino renditions (mostly in Japanese) of military and culture songs.
>>11995 >third webm Goddammit. Right in the nostalgia.
Huh, I guess axe throwing is actually useful.
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>>12014 That is a tactical bottle.
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(5.11 MB 1280x720 Glockinator.mp4)

>>12014 >>12016 FUCK, now everyone knows about the secret bottle technique to knock out rude wifes and girlfriends, the completely full 2lt plastic bottle, leaves no marks and it's dirt cheap to make. Bottle almost full leaves a bubble that makes the hit harder and it is more dangerous. Also has to be a full round bottle, not the Coke or Fanta ones but more like a Bepis.
>>12019 How does one obtain such arcane and esoteric wife beating knowledge?
>>12020 With practice.
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>>12020 Wife beating techniques are the same as thief and perv beating techniques but made safe as to not kill or impair her. You can knock a captured thief out with a slam of the bubble bottle and then cut his hands as to send a message, the slam is around the cerebellum aka lower back of the head/upper part of the back neck, kinda near the judo chop spot but entirely on the skull part. Some of these techniques appear in P*ladin Press books /k/ used to post back in the day
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>>12020 Convert to Islam
>>12026 I don't think I've ever heard of this case. I heard all about nigger floyd but this is the first I'm hearing of this. This guy literally dindu nuffin, was standing around with his friends and got shot at. he shot back and then those heroic zogfaggots got out and attacked him. I think this is further proof the riots were planned. And to think they did jack shit when niggers were burning down the city. They're all tough and strong when facing a single threat but when facing a hoard of niggers and criminals they'll let the city burn? What a bunch of ZOG faggots.
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>>12027 Nique la police.
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>>12032 So did they forget/were too retarded to bolt it to the truck bed or was the recoil just powerful enough to break the bolts?
>>12033 No bolts, notice the truck did not even move or jerk from the recoil.
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cool cobra car girl is detective in tv show and uses guns sometimes kek
>>12036 Looks neat.
>>12037 Yes.
>>12036 In what world would Texas and California secede from the union as a joint political entity?
>>12036 I have a distinct concern that this movie is going to be retarded.
>>12036 Looked gay the first time I saw it and it looks gay now. >>12039 >In what world would Texas and California secede from the union as a joint political entity? Literally zero to anyone politically aware. For civil war analogies, California is like an evil version of Mississippi before the war (the reason the Union raped and pillaged through the entire south because they couldn't win a resource war), and Texas is more akin to Kansas or Florida during the same time period. Not even a minuscule probability. They have to make it East vs West because that's the only socially acceptable social discourse that is allowed though, and the directors are too stupid to make it a three-party war between the North-Eastern states, the Southern/Central states, and the West Coast. If they made it North vs South then people would allude to the last civil war and the directors would have to choose a political slant. If they made it Red vs Blue then they would get in trouble with the feds and with the wokeshit corporate investors, but there's clearly money to be made so they came up with this cockaninny bullshit to be milquetoast and appeal to the lowest common denominator who will be stupid enough to think the movie is supposed to be about "their side." Alex Garland is a Britbong hack and he's still riding the coattails of the only two successful movies he ever worked on (Dredd where he was only a writer, and 28 Days Later) the way George Lucas rode the coattails of Star Wars.
>>12039 Maybe one where the San Andreas fault has sent LA, SF and a few other shitholes into the pacific. It would be a literally geographical level event.
>>12041 I will never not be sad Dredd didn't get a sequel.
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>>11782 TANK YOU for being a friend - Jay Leno And Arnold Schwarzenegger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWgqRGKxLbo
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>>11795 No human on this planet gives a fuck about Russia or Ukraine.
>>11811 What a worthless criminal. At least bring your own knife, fucking cowards.

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