This board is dedicated to the discussion of weapons and military equipment, tactics, vehicles, experiences, stories, and more.
All discussion related to this board ("meta") goes in this thread.
Please keep all coronavirus related discussion in the COVID-19 general.
Read the disclaimer at the bottom of this post before continuing.
Useful Resources
Database full of useful information relating to weapons, guerilla warfare, medicine, philosophy, and much, much more.
>Forgotten Weapons
A YouTube channel which regularly posts informative content about all sorts of guns.
>Paul Harrell
A Jewtube channel where a dude shoots shit. Pretty entertaining.
>Security Pro USA
Huge shop with plenty of merchandise; including body armor, holsters, lights, helmets, masks, and more.
Another YouTube channel, which focuses instead on military rations and emergency food.
(More links are always appreciated!)
Disclaimer: Some of the stuff posted here (certain infographics, instruction manuals, or links, for example) may not be legal to view or possess in all jurisdictions. The administration of this board and take no responsibility, since this content is posted by users from all across the world. We will not censor or remove any content here unless explicitly told to by law enforcement, or if we know that it violates United States federal law. If you come across something that is illegal to view, we encourage you to simply use the "hide file" feature. To do this, click on the link that says (Hide File) located above the image in question.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 09/09/2021 (Thu) 18:09:34.