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Animation thread Part 7 Big Guy 07/03/2019 (Wed) 03:06:05 No. 145754
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1mIlSwVGgM I think everyone knows the drill by now, but I'll paste the old description below for any new brothers. We are drawing/tracing every 6th frame from the plane scene to make an animated version. This set of frames will cover from the 2:15 mark ("For you") to about 2:30 ("Of courshe!") of the plane scene. How can I participate? 1) Find a frame that you would like to draw, e.g. frame 1944. 2) Search the thread to see if anyone has claimed that frame already ("ctrl-f #1944"). 3) If it is not claimed yet, post in the thread to reserve it by writing, e.g. "I claim #1944" - make sure to include the pound sign ("#") so that everyone else can ctrl-f and know that it's claimed! 4) Once you have drawn the frame, upload it to the thread and/or website (preferably both), and post in the thread that it is complete: "I have finished @1944". Again, including the @-symbol is important so we can track which ones have been completed. 5) Make absolutely sure you claim and post completion of your drawn frames - if you upload to the website or thread without noting it, someone else will probably grab your prize. Guidelines for drawings 1) Colour - All frames must be in greyscale. If you post a coloured image it will be converted to greyscale in the final video. 2) Shading - do your best to match the shading in the original frame. If you are doing a line drawing, at least set the background to not be pure white (pick a grey that sort of matches the video) as this will otherwise cause a flickering effect. 3) Quality - you don't have to be an expert to join. Tracings are 100% accepted and approved! Please just make sure that the drawing shows a reasonable mirroring of the actual position of characters/objects in the real frame. Photo-manipulations: applying a filter, 'cartoonifying' the original frame, etc. will generally not be accepted - it is meant to be a drawing project. However in some cases if everyone likes it we will get it on board (e.g. in the old thread somebody did a DOOM photoshop). A list of frames is available at the website (becquerel.sdf.org) and I will be posting them ITT as well.
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>>145755 Claiming #4122
>>145755 claiming #4116
#4116 Here's some minimalism 4u all
oh right greyscale #4116
claiming #4314
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>>145757 Okay, I think @4122 is finished
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>>145755 Note: nobody draw #4110/@4110 - it was already done in the last set, I missed the overlap.
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I'll do #4128 as well
Claiming #4146
I claim #4188
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>>145773 @4128 Is done. I hope these aren't too different from the original frames.
I'd like to claim #4440 #4442 #4446 #4448 #4452 #4454 #4458 #4460 #4464
>>145786 You're an ambitious guy
@4440 is done
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I'll claim #4134 too and make it a coninuation of >>145766 and >>145784, if that's okay with everyone
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>>145796 @4134 Is finished
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Finished @4146
Claiming #4218
Since no one else is doing anything, I'll claim #4140 I want to have the words "was-getting-caught-part-of-your-plan?" Appear as he says them, but I can't tell from the individual frames
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@4140 is complete
>>145836 Bravo Big Guy. I personally much prefer the ones that are simply well drawn and not ruined with memes. Frames like this animate much better. Hopefully I'll have the time to contribute some more frames soon.
Why the fuck isn't this stickied?
I think I'm going to try #4152
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@4442 is done
>>145877 dont know why im having a bit of a hard time uploading to the website, now it just said Uuh, you dont get to bring malformed upload requests
>>145864 BO is dead
>>145864 >>145888 Our plan is proceeding as expected.
>>145786 Update? >>145877 Nice >>145888 It's stickied now. >>145821 Probably make captions for it? or Put on subtitles, watch the scene, and find the exact drama that match up. Or identify all the frames he says it and request everyone to make captions of it for that period of 2 seconds. Make a template of it? or get the frames he says it, with captions, and post the images it so we can use it as a template. I'm sure I repeated myself but I'm too lazy to reread what I said.
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>>145865 @4152 js finally done, I took longer than I should have so here's a bonus picture
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Claiming #4164 And finishing @4164 This was done in a single evening, you lazy faggots
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#4206 @4206 Time to use lockdown to make progress on this again.
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#4176 @4176 Included the pre-greyscale version too since I like how it looks.
Can I still contribute to this?
This is a dead board For me. My tears are rising
>>146027 Careful, your tears may extinguish the last dying embers of the fire.
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Don't know if OP is still viewing this thread but the website isn't working for me currently so #4188 @4188 I've attached two copies of the pic in png and jpg format in case one file type is an issue
>>146046 I made a mistake, the first pic if for the previous picture which I already uploaded.
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#4194 @4194 Did this frame today
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#4218 @4218 >>146027 Calm down, doctor, now's not the time for fear.
(3.54 MB 1280x720 4218_v2.png)

>>146087 Here's a version with more clear shading, since the linework muddies the tones a lot. @4218 Use whichever you prefer.
>>146087 >>146088 Nice to see a frame being drawn by someone other than me. Good job brother.
>>145754 glorious a modern masterpiece
>>146048 how d'ya know what frame you're drawing? and whar frame y'all at?
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>>145772 4176?
i claim #4176 i claim #4177
claiming #4500
I'm claiming #4224
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>>146241 Since this board gets very little activity, here's what I've done so far
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>>146242 @4224 Is finished. I'll upload it to the site for good measure.
I'd like to claim #4444
>>146246 fug, could have sworn that one was missing the last time I checked
>>146246 >>146247 claiming #4344 instead
Sorry I haven't been able to draw any frames lately. I've been busy and still will be for a few months
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#4230 @4230 I drew a frame, not that anyone's here to see it cause this board is deader than a man who's been shot and then thrown out of a plane
>>146276 Excellent drawing, brother. This board may seem like it's fallen, but why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up again.
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#4236 @4236
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#4242 @4242 Had enough time to make a frame. Should I try shilling on /v/ and perhaps the webring to get more people to draw?
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#4248 @4248 Another day another frame. Is anyone still here?
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#4250 @4250 Looks like it will be janky in motion but whatever. How do animators do it?
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#4254 @4254 Here's another frame
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I claim #4256 and #4260
I guess this project is doomed to have tiny bursts of activity before going dormant for ages.
>>146328 Welcome to The Darkness.
It might be an idea to shill this project to other boards. >>146309 How's this going?
claiming #4350
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>>146334 4350 and 4352
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4356 and 4358
>>146335 >>146336 I didn't see that you needed to use "@" for completed frames... @4350 @4352 @4356 @4358
>>146335 >>146336 Excellent work brother.
>>145754 Hooly shit it's still going?
>>146343 Not exactly.
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#4262 @4262 Have a frame for old times' sake.
Are you still around OP? Is there something we can do to revitalize this?

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