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My frustration with the state of Baneposting Big Guy 08/13/2021 (Fri) 20:37:56 No. 146279
I recommend you a song, it's called "Leave the City," those words really put the whole thing into perspective for me. It's about death, about being so close to giving up, but still finding hope at the end of that tunnel. But what is the end of tunnel for *this*? What is Baneposting's endgame? Are we in it? Did we pass it? That's where the frustration is, I've been so focused on real life yet I think about the Plane Scene every day. I can play it again and again in my head. Every word. Every frame. But I don't know why. Is it because I'm autistic? Maybe. Or perhaps because I yearn for the heyday of Baneposting to return? I don't know, there's been nothing to show for months. It's because of Chocolate Rain that I'm typing this out now. Chocolate Rain lead me down the meme pipeline. I eventually made my way to 4chan in 2014. I had discovered Baneposting on /tv/. Baneposting changed my life forever. I owe so much to it. I know what I want to do with my life *because* of Baneposting. But there doesn't seem to be the passion for it now than there was back in 2016. It's all over. But is anyone crying?
I'm crying anon.
>>146280 >>146279 I meant to include more in my reply, but to me it seems that a lot of small things have gone to the wayside with the centralization of everything on the web, and all the drama imageboards have gone through with the christchurch shooting, and the Qtard posting. I yearn for another era of discovery where everyone realizes that there's no reason to be so stressed at one another and they start to form their own communities again rather than conglomerate into one big platform. Things like old /bane/ can only thrive in the type of community like old 8chan had where there were tons of offshoot boards with tons of users all over the main site, where people could find their shitpost corners where they could rattle off 20 posts after a long day of work, without fear of offending the staff. I hope someday a similar environment can emerge again.
You can't banepost alone, you need to bring friends.
>>146283 But I didn't start the fire, and have no frens
>>146283 >>146284 He wasn't alone.
>>146283 You don't need to bring friends.
>Coronavirus + shitty vaccine combo crashing thousands of immune systems with no survivors >Everyone is forced to put on the mask >Airlines don't fly so good due to strikes If this isn't a sign, I don't know what is.
Carry it with you. It lives as long as you do. We're all big guys here.

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