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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3558: Retvrn to Tradogtion Edition Anonymous 10/20/2021 (Wed) 21:19:36 Id: ab5f10 No. 141113
Queen cancels Northern Ireland trip after doctors advise her to 'rest for next few days' https://news.sky.com/story/queen-cancels-northern-ireland-trip-after-doctors-advise-her-to-rest-for-next-few-days-12439169 Get Covid jab or restrictions more likely, Sajid Javid says https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58985617 Somerset woman stabbed husband to death in row over birthday meal, court hears https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/oct/20/somerset-woman-stabbed-husband-to-death-in-row-over-birthday-meal-court-hears
lmao the great firewall of Britain
>>141113 very based edition tbh
Do it for her
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>>141113 good lad we honour their sacrifice
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>>141116 >>141118 Good lads
Based granddoggies fought the german shepherds so dogs today could live in a tolerant society free of hate.
>>141120 that's a pretty big dog >>141121 >bringing seethe to the table this early smh lad
>>141122 Did all the lads in NA get a turn on Alice Cutter?
>>141122 Are you implying our foredoggos sacrifices to save Dog's chosen Borzoi's from german shepherd extermination pounds didn't make the world a better place? You're not some kind of evil far-right pawed breedist?
>>141125 keek smh those poor lads why would some sick bastard try to turn dogs into anteaters
Your threadly reminder the golden retrievers have not yet learned to be multicultural, and golden society will not survive without pitbull migration. Borzois will be at the center of that transformation, and there's nothing you breedists can do about it.
>>141124 Guess not, eh
>>141130 turkroaches once again btfo
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Hey, whatsup tikdog?! It's your heckin wholesome chow time with me, Soyweiler. Did you know that those innovations attributed to retrievers like being seeing eye dogs were actually stolen from oppressed pitbulls?
>just want to hug her and tell her everything is gonna be okay but I can’t because she’s in prison
>>141136 I wonder if I can self identify as an Afghan refugee and get a free house?
>>141139 sincerely hope shartica collapses before another round of red zog blue zog would put her in a brap barn though ngl
>>141139 Fuck yeah!!!
>>141139 weimartika is such a joke
>>141139 yanks were a mistake
>>141139 >her name is wop for flower but she says it like fury as in I'm such a strong independant warrior woman that obviously can't even shoot because of those cuts between her firing and the bottles exploding in different frames
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>>141138 Jockolarp and fly over there to become a Burger2zero, then come back as a refugee after you've got a nice tan.
>>141145 wtf is a punk?
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Don't know if I can make the sea cow tonight smh think a lack of sleep is messing up my eyes and possibly hair
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>>141149 rest your head cupcake someone else will provide
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>>141140 >>141146 ^..^ /_/\ *ʞɿod* \ | / | /\ / \
lads whats this about parasites?
>>141154 vaxxers are not only inhuman due to RNA mutation but also their poz injections contain parasitic lifeforms which will control them, presumably in a manner similar to toxoplasmosis but more sinister
>>141154 >he can’t see them sorry lad, that means you’re already infected
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>>141152 tbh normal activities will resume soon
>>141154 there's a delicious symbiote element to the vaccine
>>141155 Do you have a study to prove this?
>>141159 *peer reviewed study
>>141158 mmmmm tapeworm
>>141161 Check mate fascist
>>141164 such a ridiculous farce worse than the horse senator because at least that had the point of humiliating the other senator cucks whereas this thing is to humiliate the shartican people and also ensure it will kill them if necessary
>>141165 tbh imagine having to take that creatures orders
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50,000 normies used to live here, now it's a neet town.
>>141165 It’s so weird Does that thing have any military experience whatsoever? It used to be a health minister (or American equivalent) just recently I also have no idea what the significance of the ring is, but some folk on twatter are freaking out over it for some reason
>>141168 shart nobility larp secret society thing presumably
really need words different to "nobility" and "elite" to describe these evil subversive manipulators tbh
>>141168 shartmart's health service is tied to the military in some weird ways
>>141148 Nige in his youth
>>141170 >really need words different to "nobility" and "elite" to describe these evil subversive manipulators tbh Jews?
is this a spy
>>141173 well yes but there are non-jewish traitors as well
>141174 >(2)
saw a cool wine aunt run over some thots gay little labradoodle on the way home from boomer toil today. should have filmed it the women were completely hysterical and the dog looked like its back was broken should have gotten out and put him out of his misery smh but I knew I would become the bad guy
>>141177 Pre-fatty woes, before his numerous sex scandals, was so much cooler smh Such a shame
>>141181 Looks like I was right after all smh
>nobody filled in smh
>>141164 keeek I showed this pic to my dad and boomer bossman and my dad just mentally shutdown from the image and immediately turned back to his badscreen zoil meeting with 2 cool wine aunts
>>141183 forgot to look at the clock tbh
>>141179 That’s horrible lad Poor doggo deserved better
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>Start western civilisation >Ask if the core fundamentals are based or cringe >God doesn't understand >Pull out Renaissance art explaining what is based or cringe >God laughs and tells me it's good >Continue civilisation >It's cringe
>>141187 smh yeah ngl I laughed though just because I hate women
>>141184 It’s like the Biden regime is mocking the nation “Haha, we can do anything we want now”
>>141189 only valid response tbh like you said they'd fuck you over if you actually tried to help
>>141187 women really should be forbidden from owning animals
>>141192 They should be forbidden from owning anything at all
Who can answer this?
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>>141196 Christ, how is America even a real country at this point?
the nigga at the end made me keeek
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>>141199 keek good lad
Forgetting to downscale the image on my 1440p meme monitor
>>141159 If Σ = {10 of my unique schizophrenic personalities} Then rational individuals we can trust ∈Σ* However the unhumans ∉Σ*
>>141195 this video made me wish I ran over that bitches dog
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just seen a mcdonalds male employee suck a black mans willy at the drive through
>>141196 I have never been to new york city and I never plan on going to new york city. it has been a racial toilet since the 1880s when the southern europeans and "eastern europeans" began arriving
>>141198 yeah its the classic 40 something nigger with the mind of a 15 year old which is sometimes endearing if they didn't rape and kill people in high numbers
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>coppercab has a wife and you don't >she's ginger https://twitter.com/CopperCab/status/1450611386539593728
ignore the spaz in the replies
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>alabama gunstore lass in her video today
>>141212 post it
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>>141216 that US stat is a huge cope and probably varies by region alot
>>141216 lmfao that's utter bullshit
>5 out of 10 British people under 25 have never written a check wow young people aren't using a redundant system wow
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>>141217 >>141218 Don't believe you, last time I tried to get a coffee at Gregg's the lady frowned at me and confiscated my 10p in change.
how the fuck are they even supposed to track this data something like amazon which for the vast majority of its services doesn't use cash will be an easy guess, but for high street shops and the likes they aren't going to have access to that sort of data so they have no way of being able to tell if sales are done more with cash or card
>>141221 wrong
>>141218 tbh so many materials warehouses in shartica are check or cash only because they don't want scamkikes taking a cut of their bare bones operation
>>141221 tbh its like when they do shit where they say 80 percent of women do X and their entire study group is 15 women from their office
>>141223 >>141224 I use cash all the time and only ever use the card for bigger payments which is rarer, so based on that alone would they be tracking the amount being spent or the number of transactions. That's not even taking online transactions into account which of course are going to be majority cashless. They're making wild claims and trying to brush everyone and everything with them, it's fucking ridiculous.
Another example would be public transport in London, it's card-only now, accepting oyster cards as well as contactless debit cards, I use an oyster but I top it up with cash, so is that a cash or cashless transaction.
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Why don't they just replace the staff with change acceptance machines so I can spiral into worsening autistic behaviours with less consequences.
https://youtu.be/12T5y5WS8X8 >when your dog is a footfag
>>141228 >Westie Keeeeeek
>>141214 >them hips
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"CASH could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this province before. There could be CASH anywhere." The sound of change pierced her eardrums. "I HATE CASH" she thought. Money for nothing reverberated her entire EV, making it pulsate as if someone had replaced the batteries with rolls of coins, even as the $5 box wine circulated through her Apple cardiovascular system and washed away her (merited) fear of physical interaction after dark. "With an EV, you can go anywhere you want" she said to herself, out loud.
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always bums and poo with you isn't it
did the mummywaffen vet you yet?
>>141236 they are trying to get some boomer grift going to make a michigan localist web app so we can all send cute mummy milker pics to innocent incels
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reminded me of 22st and bins like what you see b?
>>141123 she was a nutcase autist who tried to get based lads from here b& from jewtube for making troll videos about her
>>141137 keeek femcel 22st
>>141237 Went to a Vax protest lad, they had the a mix of underclass lads, some granola mummies,. schitzo boomers,. and hard lasses -. the hard lasses were kind of like the cock destroyers, but not as sexy/sensual. That's kind of the posture, facial expression, and dress read of the situation by me. Made me chuckle, there was a qoomer in attendance, with a protest sign -. It was like a pole that had a 4 sided dreidel of a sign atop that would rotate up and down the pole by some kind of windings that the guy could twist. The sign had the crying baby from the Sam Elliott boomer meme with needles menacing it, and another side said "guns are godly', and another side said 'trust q' or maybe it said 'qanon' . Can't remember what the fourth side had on it -. maybe a repeat of one of the other side's. Good luck, I think there's people worth connecting to at these places.
>>141237 Ontario here
>>141241 sounds fucking retarded tbh lad
morning lads >>141241 >The sign had the crying baby from the Sam Elliott boomer meme with needles menacing it, and another side said "guns are godly', and another side said 'trust q' or maybe it said 'qanon' . keeeeeek smh
full moon tonight. very bright
>>141243 Yeah, but it was a good show by numbers,.and the middle/upper class is useless anyways
>>141245 best be on your guard lad
https://youtu.be/SvDibZnLMiM?t=105 PAUSE ENHANCE THE AUDIO
>>141227 Amazon is basically trying this. gotta have an amazon account to get in, just put the stuff in bags and walk out. Auto-charged.
>>141217 inflation plays a role. buy something with 100's and they run them through a machine. cash is therefore risky, do you know you got paid in legit cash?
>>141245 faggot
impressive tbh my schizbot spotting abilities pinged on (1) this time
>>141197 It isn't. Countries are not real.
>>141244 Glad you enjoyed -. Now that I remember there was also a lad in a Canada flag speedo walking around the brisk and windy autumn day - he got in some selfies with some mezo American mummies. There was also a peng (but annoyingly shrill and high pitched) Romanian lady who was calling out against communism
>>141179 Best thing to do is stay in your vehicle and run over its head tbh
>>141252 tbh >>141254 sounds based
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don't know whether to sleep or stay up for sausages
>>141257 snatch a few snours of sneep then sneave for snausages tbh
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what do you think he would think of woes?
>>141259 disappointed at the dysgenic pairing of scot and wop although he admires the seperate races tbh probably not too keen on what wews got up to in art college, both in terms of behaviour and output
>>141259 probably shoot himself again
>>141260 keeeeeek >>141261 keeeek tbh that the white race would devolve to the point where as shitskins invade the west the only people defending it are people like woes and matt heimbach. keeeeeeeeeeek I like to think hitler would have sent heimbach into some ostruppen battalion mistaking him for an armenian and matt is all proud
wonder if there was a shart SS squad like there was a failed polface brit one tbh
>"you dip zee bar into zee milk? remarkable, zee vite race vill not forget zis Mr Voes"
>>141264 keeeeeeek
>>141263 think atleast a shart or two were also put into the brit one, along with a canadian and kiwi but been a while since I read up on it
>>141263 no it was a myth the george washington legion is made up
hitler and friends look at speer's plans for berlin but it's woes playing sonic the hedgehog and breaking his chair tbh
>>141136 Based traitors and enemies coaching tgem
>>141264 keeeeek
don't really like adapting hitlers "frame" anymore tbh. germans were kind of coping about being the masterrace pretty hard and the general plan for the east was stupid and prejudice against the slavs who have cool cultures. also felt like the krauts were just jealous of the british empire and the expansion of anglo saxons into the new world and Australia. Anglos were the real racists, brits had the global white supremacy over shitskins, amerisharts had eugenics and scientific racism and just like the leafs as well, exterminated the injuns for manifest destiny. then hitler goes and says the american is a degenerated anglo when the degenerated american could produce much more sophisticated weaponry and arms than the krautoids despite the menes. the tommy gun was too complex compared to the other subguns of the war
obv compared to 2021 amerisharts hitler is completely correct
just another case of autistic shite race infighting while jews stand in the background cackling and rubbing their hands together tbh
>>141271 never really cared about the jerries at all tbh just in it for the antisemitism
>>141274 good lad
had to wear a mask briefly today just kept saying nigger in my mask and nobody could tell keeeeeeeeeeeek
anglo-kraut teamup for global racism overdrive would have been based but even without churchshite and the jews I don't think are lads would have stood for it, as evidence by the BUF boys committing to fighting the war despite initially being for peace until le based monarch said it would be patriotic to slaughter germoids >>141277 now this is based
>when there's a comfy woesian Hitler mood in the thread and a contrarian walmart-sharter gay parades through the thread didn't really read post tbh too long when driving
>>141279 I literally posted hitler though lad
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>hitler though 22st was racially superior to me
>>141281 keeeeeeek would make a wunderwaffe out of his groomer powers
>>141281 You're an American but your hair is fairer than mine tbh
smh my hair seems to be getting browner but my mustache is still blondoid/reddish
>>141278 smh no more brvther wars
Wonder what Hitler would think of my sami-lust. Both my ex and the current project are quarter sami (probably less on a DNA test)
>>141286 acceptable under the groomenburg laws
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>>141284 You can have the hair that end up in my shower drain after showers
>>141289 aren't you going to stick in on your face with sellotape so your moustache connects lad?
>>141289 you should grow your hair out and cut it and sell it to amerisharts online lad
watching it again
>>141293 able to instinctively find the exact moment the piggy does the shart shuffle at this point tbh
>>141288 Keek definitely seen your phenotype in films. Similar or lighter still than me. There are a lot of dark hairs, some even black in a norway. Sweden in general seems fairer
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I forgot this happened keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>141291 I have a joke pic where I did that >>141292 Keeeeeee2k >>141293 Qrd
>>141297 it was from the riot where the fat out of shape cop pulls his leg trying to tackle the manlet spic who is tackling the zoomer manlet spic
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Slippery today. Had the option between a slow and slow accellerating van with proper winter tyres, or a fast fast accellerating one with summer tyres with less than a millimeter of rubber left
>>141287 Keeeeeeek
Trump starting his own netflix
jew censorship vs jew censorship funny how sean mccarthy ranted against anglos but it was jews that banned him
turns out a crocodile killed that missing hiker couple
>>141303 like you wouldn't
"truth social" (i stand with israel rocket striking babies)
lmao short pfizer
lmao the perfect experiment lmao lmao lmao
https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/matt-gaetz-someone-is-trying-to-kill-me/ fascinating, will he finally turn on israel, since they can't defend him?
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>>141303 Aha, come swim in the water. I don't bite, kittens.
>>141311 >blm libtard going "WHY HE BREAKING MUH SIGN OH LAWDY" KEEEEEEEK
>>141311 keeeeeeeeek
>>141311 he should have jabbed the guys eye who was destroying the sign tbh. These people are emboldened by the belief they have the monopoly on violence, they need to be taught otherwise
>D.A.V.I.D >actually Fred Flintroon >lists tv credits and alter egos >Netflix employee Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>141315 >Fred Flintroon
>>141314 >These people are emboldened by the belief they have the monopoly on violence, they need to be taught otherwise Applies to everything cringe in the west that must fear what it based once more tbh.
BALL!!! >Future Ingerlund craptain alhamdullilah https://www.bbc.com/news/av/business-58986304
Getting there
smh at all this poopower posting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFDbbfJwaKQ
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>>141322 luv it
just learnt the village I grew up in had a reputation for being swarthoids https://merriottfamiliesgenealogy.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/02_02-An-Ancient-English-Village.pdf
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>>141326 >little ireland
>>141326 Alright Paddy..
>There was ‘kick-shin’, a form of single combat that describes itself in its name. Contestants wearing special boots with iron toecaps used to assail each others' shins, ringed by appreciative spectators. A good kick was applauded like a goal or crisp cover-drive. keeeeeeek
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was just reminded that the n*rman invasion happened
vgh... my brvthers... awake... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8-_BVJiRAo
It'll be 2066 soon
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>>141333 choon tbh >>141334 smh one day we will finally purge them
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>>141336 keeeeeeeek
>>141336 Much like society, if you think about it.
quick reprieve after tardtoil appointment and before jobcentre one going to bring in some tardtoil paperwork so I can get extra retardpoints by showing just how low I've sunk that I talk about not being able to do my washing up to them and how they have to chivvy me into making chore lists and things >>141338 tbh
>>141339 >chivvy me into making chore lists
>>141340 scared to even try cleaning the sink so I can start the washing up at this point just want a mummy to take care of me smh
no I won't clean my room yes I will save the white race
*backspaces post* too tired to post tbh
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sewed the burst button-holes on muh toil jeans' fly back together, now to find a suitable button to sew on the waist where the original rivet one came off
>>141307 i hope they all die and the carrier floats off into African waters were it's turned into a giant offshore favela
iceland was selling chocolate oranges for a quid too so i got one and looked at the ingredients and that lad was right, they are putting palm oil in them now smh dark days when one has to defoo from the choccyorangemen
>>141347 Well restoring terry's choccy goes on the list for when we take power.
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>>141345 good lad always repair things until they can't be repaired any more >>141347 smh we got to cocky terrybros
a fatwa against terry's a fatwa against the economic system that drove them us to this.
>>141353 smaftersnoon la wish I could genocide all the greys smh
>>141352 Doubt she's disturbed because her son is republicucked/ziocucked. Smh.
>redcels mad they can't compete with the big grey nuts The forest wouldn't survive without greys.
fresh morgoth bet he's not banned from youtube solely because the factcheckers fall asleep before they can parse his speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRWet-RQUnE
>meat tax on the table to encourage sustainable eating
>>141359 >United States of the Earth
>>141361 >ilan benjamin
>>141361 >>141364 worrying tbh
>“We’re basically creating an MCU-style universe of characters on TikTok,” says Benjamin. “Some succeed, some fail — it’s the TV pilot season model where we only invest in those that get traction and audiences love.”
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>>141357 The globalist, silicon valley soyim, and glow nigger fears the high IQ, lower class Englishman. They cannot censor or censure what they cannot understand.

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this is just soap operas for the tiktok generation but there's something incredibly sinister about all of it
>>141370 notice how every 'character' and piece of 'drama' advanced the poz agenda in some way
>Fictional influencers are not unique to the TikTok era. In June 2006, a soft-spoken 16-year-old named Bree began uploading video confessionals to YouTube under the username Lonelygirl15. Bree, however, was actually the invention of screenwriters Miles Beckett and Mesh Flinders, along with their lawyer-producer friend Greg Goodfried. (Interestingly, Goodfried is now the president of D’Amelio Family Enterprises, the company representing TikTokers Charli and Dixie D’Amelio.) >Within months, millions of people tuned in, many turning to message boards to speculate about what was going on behind the scenes, and by September, sleuths had found trademark applications and pictures of the actress Jessica Rose, who played Bree. Some fans said they were “heartbroken” by the discovery, but the videos went on to air for another two years. >Asked whether something like Lonelygirl15 could exist today, Flinders told the Guardian, “On YouTube now we wouldn’t get away with this for 30 seconds. People would know she’s fake immediately.” >But perhaps that’s less true for TikTok. >admitting that you're trying to deceive people fucking jews
might make some cheese on toast >>141370 it's sinister because it's being presented as real when it's a fake constructed reality for pushing narratives smh >>141371 tbh
God I despise London
>>141374 those weren't real ffs, they are almost a decade old
>posting fake shit from almost a decade ago very bad lad
>>141361 but...why
>>141375 yeah i can't imagine that getting paste the censor board.
>>141371 >>141373 whenever actors go political it just ends up embarrassing, however with these ones they are being portrayed as real people
>>141362 Jews controlling the global narrative (I.e. how the goyim are allowed to think) again There was a period from around 2000-2016 when the internet offered freedom from top down narrative control, but in that threatened the powers that be, so they have seized control of the internet to consolidate their control again It’s like we’re back to square one, but for the fact that a significant chunk of the population woke up while we could
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>Morgs mentioning dead internet theory in that latest vid >soon nobody on /brit/ will be real because of schizobots and glowies lika SA
>>141381 What’s dead internet theory?
>>141381 We'll have to communicate entirely though esoteric /brit/ memes and images.
>>141382 Eventually the net will just be bots squawking at each other
>>141384 I think some sites, like twitter and Facebook, might becom like that but not the whole internet
>>141382 The idea that we're moving towards all communication online being uncertain if it's real or fake/if people are involved, and eventually that most if not all communication will be between bots. >>141385 Tbh.
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>>141378 yeah it's hard enough for ad companies to toe the line, they still do whatever they can to put whatever heinous shit they can out there but there's still a limit to what they can do
>>141388 keeek
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Hate to say it but I remember when I was a kid I was disappointed to find out Linkin Park weren't 'organic' and were put together like an X Factor boyband by producers. It's a shite and cringe genre I can't enjoy at all anymore, but it ruined the enjoyment to find the deception in even something so shit. The utter demoralisation of living in a society where lies are more common and more important/lead to higher social standing than the truth. Absolutely hate this David Amess shite. It's pepe the alt roight frog calling Jess Phillips a cunt on twitter that's the reason an islamist who lived here and used his real name and face to spew hate against brits for the British Empire murdered some lower level establishment yesman in a Church. /autism
>>141390 i just enjoy the coaster ride down.
>>141391 I wish I could believe that soon it will all be clean
>>141392 I've seen that on the London tube.
>>141393 time washes all things clean.
>>141394 Keeek smh. Not surprised.
twenty to four.. yes.. I think I will have a nap..
Unironically filtered.
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NHS cash being spent on football season tickets, beach huts and theme park trips Investigation finds ‘personal budgets’ also used to buy video game consoles, as health officials claim spending boosted patient wellbeing https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/10/21/nhs-cash-spent-football-season-tickets-beach-huts-theme-park/
>>141288 cool jumper tbh
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been coughing so much that i think ive torn my esophagus and im now spitting up blood
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>>141402 honestly it's probably impossible to make a system more dysfunctional than the nhs smh >>141404 wew smh doesn't sound very nice lad
>>141311 >someone wearing a tax the rich t shirt
steiner looks very hyperborean in that pic
Trafalgar day today
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>Mr Ali is a British man whose father is a former adviser to Somalia's prime minister https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58997590
>tfw you are your mummys strongest warrior
>>141412 what phenotype is that
>>141413 16 with a 60 year old mother. that's some serious autism.
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>>141415 keeek
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>>141418 >people alive today who's earliest surviving memory as adults will be what websites they viewed on their tablets and not the slide in the garden or riding the hoover as mummy tidied up when they were little
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>>141420 >>141419 here's what happens when you're on the internet from the age of three
>>141421 I found /pol/ when I was 11. I've been a lepolface for as long as I can remember.
was too afraid to post on 4chan as an 18 year old as I thought they'd hack me
>>141421 smh and these freaks are being produced on an industrial scale
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ostrich steaks, organic red & green peppers, Tesco Finest San Marzano tomatoes, closed cup mushrooms and asparagus on the yellow sticker hunt today
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they arrested drachenlord
>>141428 Whomst?
2 years in prison. brutal. >>141429 german lolcow.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx2rvZ0_dn4 this is what happens when you stop bullying in school
>>141430 >that enormous gut and he's a wristlet Pushing skinnyfat to the extreme. Wew.
>>141431 Balance as in all things tbh. Need some but not too much bullying, else you get shart schoolshooters.
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>>141431 Addendum: can remember a mate of mine trawling online for this sort of thing ~12 years ago and calling it out. Made fun of him for being a seethium addict. Like this is just a handful of cringcels, it'll never grow beyond that. He was ahead of his time. Maybe why he got hooked on heroin and meth at 16. Smh.
>>141434 always hated cunts like you who'd go "oh its just heckin tumblr"
>>141434 >this is just a handful of cringcels, it'll never grow beyond that it's becoming much bigger in the last decade
>>141435 back then it was just tumblr, it rarely strayed outside of that
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>>141437 >even b*sexual ex gf posted about the way tumblr fucked her up mentally as a teenager Keeeek but also smdh.
>>141439 honestly the entire site and everyone who has ever worked on it should be charged with psychological warcrimes tbh
>>141440 probably had glowie tortures and zogbots involved just like reddit does tbh
Even as a pre-teen I was more in tune than 99% of rightoids. I figured out that the shit on 4chan is true but unacceptable in any part of society meanwhile the shit on tumblr and somethingawful although mocked are allowed and therefor that side will win out in the public sphere. I also noticed that tumblr-types were all phenotypically similar to the high achieving teacher pets I knew and that they would be the ones to go to Uni and staff institutions. I used to use stormfront and on their front page they had a video from the Weather Underground showing them discussing if murdering white babies was anti-racist direct action and they all agreed it was. Antifa/UAF was a thing I knew about from following EDL on facebook and they were basically just militarized tumblr allied with islamists. Even before I was a teenager I knew where the battle lines were drawn and who had power on their side. I found out about the Rotherham rape gangs from the BNP website before it was public knowledge. and yet I just had to sit and watch the right shoot itself in the foot and fail open goals for the past 10 years. smh blackpilled again.
>>141443 maybe you should have gotten involved and changed things instead of letting them fail then you've got to put in the work if you want to be moslerlini 2.0
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brutal mogging
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>Went a&e because im coughing up blood >Have you had the covid vaccination?
>>141448 were you able to get some help or are they leaving the unpozzed to die?
>>141449 yeah checked my throat and said i probably just burst some capillaries from coughing so much gave me prednisolone to stop the coughing
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nurse was a nice lass tbh, gave me some for free and said she could get in trouble for doing so
>>141451 she lied to you lad hospital prescriptions are free anyway
>>141452 kek not for non bennie beasts its £10 per item
>>141450 >>141451 smh the coof is harsh but it's good that kindness is still around she knew you were unvaxxed? >>141453 that's such an unfair thing to do smh since all the other nhs shite is already paid for with toiler taxes
not had a wank in like 4 days lads
>>141454 >she knew you were unvaxxed? yeah
>>141456 tell her you got sinovax but lost the paperwork
>>141456 very based the mummynurse that did my blood taking very much disapproved smh
>>141457 dont need to lie what are they going to do? just said i havent taken it >>141458 she didnt seem to mind tbh just asked if i wanted to get vaxxed today and i said no because im ill as fuck and dont want to die
>>141441 tbh gonna sue her for not dating me
>saw nice blazer on eBay >politely ask seller for the measurements >they just copypaste the description in their reply
>>141422 good lad >>141442 tbh wouldnt be suprised if it turned out to be a psyop
>>141413 Ginger Gingers are always traitors to the white race
>>141463 why do the jews so rabidly seek to exterminate them then?
>>141443 Maybe you could have tried being les of a faggit?
>>141459 how are you going to reproduce if you don't lie? women are retarded
has anyone else tried starting a meth habit?
>>141464 Idk, I think they recognise them as wild cards If they’ll turn on us they’ll turn on them
Drugs are for morons. Proper hwhites can feel good without mind altering substances
>141467 Don’t like this guy
>>141470 me either
Caffeine & fapping ain't making me happy.
The above post is really crappy
>>141473 after hiding Id:cb9796
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https://youtu.be/Y9C1RCIebYs **They're lighting up the stars tonight, they're lighting up the stars tonight! For me, for Wessie.**
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just makes it shitter tbh
antidote fi di slackness and wickedness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ad9K9sfKNI
>AY 4.2 strain what did boffins mean by this?
>>141481 good mon
>>141475 he's part amerindian
>Nikolas Cruz admits to murdering 14 students and 3 staff members at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School; victims’ parents shrug off his apologies as a defense strategy
he accidentally killed jews. had he been a nigger killing whites the jews would accept the apology in the behalf of whites
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if you like birds, you'll like the new DJI Ronin 4D
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Dairy milk and a less JUSTed haircut for supper
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>>141487 keek he looks so angry
>>141490 absolutely seething tbh
Thinking about Christmas presents, always hard to decide reee
>>141492 i recommend cutting the bastards off
>>141492 coal and dunce hats all 'round probably
>Antifa & other far-left extremists have gathered outside the Queen Elizabeth II Centre in London to protest the @ALLIANCELGB conference. The conference features women, lesbian, gay & bisexual people who are critical of the radical trans ideology
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>>141288 c..cute jumper steiner-kun
>>141500 lazy fucking bastards I had less than three minutes on the phone with one of them recently and he's a furriner too
>>141500 >dial down the rhetoric and get round the table *folds arms*
>>141498 this is what i meant. militarized tumblr.
>>141503 flamethrower thoughts
>>141503 tbh it'd be so easy to beat the shit out of every last one of them
god I hate jews so much
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>using detect life potion >see that windmill owners are vampires >promptly end one of the abominations with my flame enchanted silver plated spear >murders: 1
>>141508 dinsuck nuffin'
God help us
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>>141509 One of the okay creation club quests (got them all with the version of skyrim I torrented) was the Vigilant one, where a missing vigilant of stendar is too cowardly to an hero when captured and purposely infected, so he becomes a vampire, then follows the lore in muhrrowind that only molag bal can cure the curse he created, so any evil act for him is seen as neccesery for a cure to then begin to gain forgiveness from the divines, and not end up in coalharbour (bal's domain) when you die. So this vigilant murders a bunch of others and performs blasphomous, obscene rituals for molag bal, before the player character comes along to ash the wretched monster thus further ensuring it's damnation. It's the palladincel quest dawnguard should've been tbh. Only good vampire is a more dead vampire. Okay, thank you.
>>141512 >creation club isn't that bethesda's pay to play mods? >torrented it good lad
>>141514 >oy vey goyim you must remember the not-so-distant past of the postwar period of wageslavery >no don't remember the slightly more distant past where you had agrarian societies, worked a third of the year, had large families and were openly racist and ethnically concious
>>141503 the violence of the left is not investigated by the jew ministers they are exactly justice unblinded, and the necessity to alternatives of defense
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>>141513 Yeah. Most are worse than their similar free mods they copied. Morrowloot adds artefacts from previous games, the monster mod SIC had better goblins than the bethesda ones, plus tons of other stuff, there's even a mod I've yet to try called Vigilant that's supposed to be Dark Souls inspired like DLC with a similar story to Battlespire, which is cool because that's a really outdated game with shit mechanics apparently.
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>>141514 Anon-kun please stop being a manchild so we can hit the next deadline on our project asap.
>>141519 keeeeeeeeek
>>141519 keeeeek lad smh
>>141519 keek Steiner looks like a saturday morning kids TV presenter
>>141515 >>141520 >"what do you mean zoomers aren't interesting in office life?!? do they not know how much fun it is to have tasteful banter round the water cooler?!? and how great email chains of funny buzzfeed articles are?!? and let's not forget having a couple of beers in the office on fridays!!!! they have no idea what they are missing out on, who wouldn't want this lifestyle?!?"
>>141523 He has the slightly above average iq psycho killer phenotype tbh.
I'd rather flip burgers or work in a warehouse than go back to an office tbh, at least that is obvious toil without the thin veneer of trying to be a quirky fun work environment >"what do you mean you haven't watched [CURRENT_POPULAR_TV_SHOW]?! how can you not be watching it it's amaaaazing!!! oh let me guess you're more into [OTHER_CURRENT_POPULAR_SHOW].... wait you don't watch either?!?!?! ooooh I guess you're more into [SHOW_THAT_IS_PRETENDING_TO_BE_HIGH_IQ_FRINGE_BUT_IS_STILL_MAINSTREAM_AND_POPULAR] that makes sense..... what do you mean you haven't heard of it?!?!?!"
>>141527 Saw a troomer say "lgbtqpi+" plus in a sentance when seething about netflix Chapelle special. Claimed the p was for pansexual, but I think it was a peado dogwhistle, and the term would contradict the seething over the term superstraight, as there would only be b*sexuals not pansexuals, if genitals didn't dictate gender. It's all so schizo. See trannies complaining no one will date them because of 'transphobia' then denouncing freaks who're interested as chasers. They will never be happy. They live to be miserable little victims. It's quite sad.
>>141528 It's rather terrible, many of them are just socially awkward and got groomed into this ridiculous shit, doesn't help that the mainstream is popularising and normalising all of it, they see it as a way out of their socially awkward lifestyle and a chance to rebuild themselves, which in many other situations is a good thing for a person to do. However they joined a fucking death cult.
>all we can do is sit back and watch the fires
>>141526 for me its >"why haven't you joined the work group chat??" >"can't find you on facebook weeeird" >"you watch a lot of films but don't have netflix? you'll have to explain that to me one day" she was a zoomer, bint, normialoid but she'd always wear those pencil office skirts and over the top OL glasses so I pretended to be normal. smh >>141529 first place I worked had a poor lass who through she was a boy. short, thick and pal. she'd have made the perfect tomboy but instead she's gone down the dark path. I knew her when she was basically just a cute girl in guys clothes and zero body hair. she's probably ruined her body with hormones and had a meat sausage grafted to her by now.
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>>141529 >qt blatantly autistic girl with big tits I knew getting them cut off in 20 days to fullfill her delusion of turning from a single mummy into a single daddy
>a generation of tits will literally be thrown in the bin
>>141533 >we will combine them into a giant tit and drop it on hollywood
Not watching myself but QT just started.
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*stares at you*
>>141532 That's one hell of a society move, that one. Lmao
>>141532 "no dude its just tumblr"
>141542 >he keeps arguing with an imaginary lad
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>lass I know IRL and swiped left on bumble earlier just sent me a facebook request
>>141544 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
https://twitter.com/i/events/1450932548129804291 this is the bread+circus, processed slop and progressive shite at least the romans got to watch people get fucking killed
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>5 degrees tonight >landjews still haven't got my extractor fan dehumidifier thing installed
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scotland paki on QT is saying "we know where the unvaccinated are, we should be doing door to door vaccinations"
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTDk0uiRMks forgot how utterly kino the original Django was
>>141552 part of the reason tarrantino was allowed to use the name was probably to tarnish the legacy of huwhite chud cowboy films tbhsmh
former copper tranny on QT lmao
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https://youtu.be/V_-fba2hBG4 Playing kino again
>>141557 good lad
>the jews took this from us
>>141560 keek I remember playing that probably a mistake tbh I spent more time gooming than I did being homeschooled but then again it's the fault of mummy for not bothering to put in the work tbh
>>141555 Robotroon
>all them early 2000's flash games forever lost in time
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>>141561 good lad yes I've also wasted my youth and vial male energy on games
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippopotamus_in_Colombia >Four hippopotamuses were kept by Pablo Escobar in the late 1970s, and upon his death in 1993 they were allowed to wander his unattended estate. By 2019 their population had grown to approximately one hundred individuals, causing concerns they may harm the native flora and fauna in the area. >Hippopotamuses can represent a serious threat to fishers and other locals. There have been attacks on humans, but as of 2017 nobody had been killed or seriously injured by the Colombian hippos.[13] >In 2020, a hippo chased down and severely injured a farmer, which prompted research into the hippos’ population growth. >In 2009, one adult hippopotamus (called "Pepe") was killed by hunters under authorization of the local authorities.[2] When a photo of the dead hippo became public, it caused considerable controversy among animal rights groups both within the country and abroad, and further plans of culling ceased. >Alternative methods have been considered, but they are unproven, or difficult and expensive. In 2017 a wild male hippo was caught, castrated and released again, but it cost about US$50,000.
>>141564 Lad, we changed zoomers for the better. When WE bought games, we influenced whar was made. And the result of this is that our morality shaped the "classics". Today, there is a sever shortage of videocards. retrogaming is all the kids can afford. Our morality is preached to them, troon crap like cyberpedo2021 can't reach the youth. I guess that's why they jave let's plays, how else will they be exposed?
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>>141566 KEEEEEEEEEEEK luv hippos me. any animal that kills as many niggers as hippos do are based in my book tbh tbh tbh
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>>141560 >>141561 I wonder who could be behind this post
>>141570 keek really want to play it again but don't know how short of setting up some kind of windows 98 vm
anylads here play putt-put goes to the moon?
>full throttle
>>141571 I was gathering retro parts befor corona. Retro is hard to do, most shops throw away really old computers.
>>141288 I might be wrong, but that's a very old shower, no? It looks like ones from the 60s and earlier, where the tile backing is a full inch of concrete board.
>>141574 kino game lad >>141576 I head that a lot of old 1990s motherboards are actually dead because the bios batteries leaked
>listening to old wrasslin music on YT >get to NWO theme >picrel below video keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>tfw waving goodbye to tits now in bin
>>141575 they are so desperate for excuses
>>141581 still can't get over those shoes keeeek
Keeeeeeeeeeeek They’re up in arms about this video
https://youtu.be/Rc4oqOHGGd0 keeek wish I was better at photoshop so I could photoshop woes into this
did dobbies latest seethe video get poosted last thread? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0blUggeez14
>>141588 fucking retarded shite
bollock stomping crocs
>>141572 i remember playing a demo of putt putt travels through time
>>141585 I like him
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>>141593 very basado
>>141593 very good lad
>>141585 smh hope baz doesn't get wat tyler'd by some bureaucratoids
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>>141578 >Article 61 of the Magna Carta >Proceed to argue article 61 isn't in the Magna Carta
Fact checkers are lobbying to limit the internet so false information can't be posted. What are they going to fact check ?
keeek dobby on a boomer rant about hip hop https://youtu.be/i1TCiWPPR1A
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>>141606 Gay Pope is going to get himself censored, it's God's will
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>>141601 smh knew this shite was coming soon
>>141609 waching videos of women fighting tbh
>>141609 Hell in the cell match. Clearly a work but it's better than nothing https://youtu.be/fJ7jTgBFMoo
>>141612 good lad
https://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=85638 https://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=85638 found a DVD the BNP made that features Bowden that is about trafalgar and nelson. I'm sure we'd all be appreciative if one of you lads bought this and shared it.
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love women, tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cicAkApGc4Y Alone, alone, all, all alone, Alone on a wide wide sea! And never a saint took pity on My soul in agony. The many men, so beautiful! And they all dead did lie: And a thousand thousand slimy things Lived on; and so did I.
>>141610 soon clearnet will just be sissy hypno porn spam on every webpage
Alec Baldwin just killed somebody on a film set
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>>141621 smh it was a mummy as well. probably some coastcuck retards waving guns around thinking they are toys because "they have blanks" in them
IMO that is more horrific than some incel rage shooting a mummy. imagine your mummy died because some retard richfag who will not go to jail just was being a dipshit with a gun.
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very quick to blame Baldwin's reckless gunplay here lad let's wait til the facts emerge
>>141624 good point lad maybe she was being a stupid bitch and deserved it
>>141625 no one in hollywood deserves your sympathy anyway
>>141626 yeah the lass had brown eyes so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>She grew up on a Soviet military base in the Arctic Circle surrounded by reindeer and nuclear submarines.
she was ukranian
>>141584 i wish i was taller i wish i was a baller i wish i had shoes just a little bit smaller
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>bossman:It's in your best interest to wash the van for free, don't you want a clean work environment?
i greedily drank rich whole milk, myfitnesspal is FAT shaming me
>>141606 lmao The Cathedral and Vatican merge
https://hamumu.itch.io/spooky-castle based lad releasing all his old nostalgoooms tbh
>>141634 kino used to play that all the time with mummy
sneed chucks >>141623 smh at least celebrities are easier to track down to handle business >>141631 unironically tell him to fuck off lad
>the very first zoombinis puzzle teaches you the joys of racial segregation by nose colour
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scone time soon boyos
>>141639 based
anybody else remember this nigga? his name was tik tok (before the app) I think.
>>141641 vaguely rings a bell don't remember anything about him though
>>141641 sort of reminds me of a more refined picture from the mysterious doogle
>>141642 british guy from 4chon's /new/ just wonder what happened to him, he was one of the few non-schizophrenic good posters there.
>"why did i get fat again?" >for the last 3 months i had treated myself to 4 chocolate glased and stuffed donut buns (buy 3 get 1 for free) and 2 burn energy drinks >that alone in one meal is 2000 calorinos I knew it was bad but as long as I didn't know the calories they couldnt hurt me
>>141647 Get that cock away from that little white boy, you Afghan. Smornin.
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>killed the thread with my sickipedia tier joke
Alec Baldwin out there executing people.
>>141651 Hollywood Pedo elite straight up executing people on set. Crazy times, my friend.
>>141655 >deny sacred creature access to water tank >get bricked to death Braise Vishnu.
>it's a normie seething because I wont smoltalk with them episode
>>141653 Based boomer common law appreciators. >>141652 It was just a tragic accident like when Bruce Lee's son criticised jews and by coincidence was machine gunned to swiss cheese, conspiritard.
TOLL PAID >None of the papers want to print pictures of him and those that did have wiped them >BBC HAVEN’T EVEN MENTIONED HE WAS A RAPIST LOOOOOL >Mr Francis' defence is that he suffers from a recognised medical condition “Dindunuffin Syndrome” which diminishes his responsibility for the killing, the court heard. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-58994135
Waiting 4 hours at the workshop.. for the van for free...
>>141660 Notice how for a change they rightfully mention his steroid use could be a factor. I wonder why in this occasion but not in most others? Hmmst.
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morning lads bacon and oats for breckfust
POLITICIANS TOO WILLING TO TURN A BLIND EYE TO EXTREMISM I.e. they outsourced anti-terrorism to far left and Muslim activists who mainly use it to persecute people on the right https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-58998637
dead thread
>>141653 muy basado >>141666 keeeeeek he's so far gone
Man's jail term increased for 'extreme' online material >A man who expressed hatred of ethnic minorities online and wrote "terrorism is the only way out" has had his jail term increased. >Three appeal judges on Friday increased his 42-month jail term to five years. >It followed a challenge by the Attorney General, whose lawyers argued that Nugent's original sentence, imposed by Judge Peter Lodder QC in June, should be stiffer. >In a written ruling, Lord Justice Edis said Judge Lodder had not given sufficient weight to an increase in the maximum penalty for Nugent's offences. >He also said the original sentence had not reflected the "obvious gravity" of online radicalisation. >Nugent, of Parkland Grove, Ashford, Surrey, unwittingly sent copies of manuals for the creation of bombs and other firearms to undercover police officers, Kingston Crown Court previously heard. >He pleaded guilty to five counts of dissemination of terrorist publications and 11 counts of possessing information likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism at a hearing in May. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-surrey-59003225 this is why fedposters should be banned.
>>141669 can't help but fedpost sometimes, its the seethium that does it
>141669 cringe
https://youtu.be/cXmv2pskP_c daily reminder that he won
telegram is swarming with cops 24/7 I'm amazed retards still use it or worse dm obvious glowies incriminating material. real retard moment.
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>>141672 absolute banger that >>141674 >dm obvious glowies incriminating material tbh not going to laugh at the misfortune of somebody whose heart was in the right place but but come the fuck on smdh
When the shart is in the right place
at toil bossman made an announcement that there's going to be a company-wide vaxxoom mandate smdh need to find a way to get an exemption
>>141677 time to get on bennies lad
>>141678 tbh not taking the jab no matter what they say smh it's literally the mark of the beast
>>141679 if anything just see if you can get away with just booking the vaccine then showing bossman the appointment then you cancel it and never bring it up
this world has turned into a hellscape just thinking about it earlier how fucked it all is now, its beyond comprehension
>>141680 keeeeek might work tbh >>141681 tbh
>>141681 yeah shits bad
>>141681 Even if current events don't destroy society the precedents set here on just trusting the factiods will inventively lead to a irrecoverable event in the near future.
>>141684 *inevitably
>>141677 rip lad do your best but don't compromise
>>141674 Telegram doesn't even utilise peer to peer encryption in most instances it's server side. Something like signal is better.
There's a new semi plausible dindunuffin story emerging in shartica's pennsylvania. Police have very likely been the ones to have killed a little black girl at a football match, but they're claiming they were returning fire from people within the crowd firing at police. Still fucked up they shot into the crowd and they wouldn't be above lying. For obvious reasons with all the BLM bullshit, can't take twitter fags at their word that there was no shooting until the cops started shooting, but it wouldn't be impossible. Smh if they really did just execute a little girl for no reason hope the wogs do direct their anger at burning down the police station, especially if they then don't attack innocent huwhites.
>>141689 All white people are the enemy.
>>141689 hope it blows up into a happening tbh
Just imagining an NFL team having a gunfight in the football arena with some fans after an argument.
>>141679 can you get a religious exemption? my old man was able to but he's been with the company for a long time >>141692 keeeeeeeeeek
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>>141694 Tbh brown people don't understand you can't make the Asians suffer with your hatred if you push them into a subway train.
>>141693 i'm going to try at least smh would prefer not to lose my toil
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>>141669 Remember - no fedposts
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"Truth social" is just a placeholder name, r-right?
>bitcshite is still shite
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>>141698 "Hello, yes yes... I'm looking to acquire the domain FalseSocial.Land for £3,450"
the list to sign up to truth social includes your full address and social security. I guarantee this shit will leak in a month.
>>141702 don't worry brumpf will defend his people this time
>>141703 keeeek
>>141702 anyone who signs up to shit like that should be vanned out of stupidity
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Saw waitress lass today. She had messy hair. looked really cute, ngl
mmmm women
mmmm women
When I went to pay she brightened up and giggled to me. Still think she likes me I'm charmed, tbh. Luv women, me
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"No, oh okay how about Factual-Inaccuracies.世界"
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>>141710 >>141711 tbh luv em
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>>141710 keeeeeeeeeek
hols again tbh lads Toilfree until november >>141714 keeeek
>>141713 keeeeeek
>>141714 keeeeeek >>141716 based
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>>141716 >people here get holidays
>>141714 based drvids setting are natural wildlife on the juews rtbh
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>>141720 I booked it off because someone with the same week off wants help working on their van
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I recall it like it was yesterday, a chill morning, November 17th 2009, exactly 10:33pm. This kid was trying to give himself a holiday even though he was unemployed, we just couldn't let that slide.
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>>141722 Now I just hate you more
>>141725 love you lad
>>141726 Do you though?
>>141727 Not if you groom children
>>141724 Is it a prop gun with live rounds or a real gun with prop rounds ?
>>141728 Yeah that's what I thought
>>141729 depending on what they are doing they have various different props but normally for main cast they'll have the real thing or as close to it as possible, seems weird that they would even have live rounds on the set tbh
>>141730 But it's okay because you've stopped all that
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just hit the meme number amount of days of consecutive grooming
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>>141734 It says you've only got 15 posts for me
>>141735 there are no females here
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>not having der groomer filtered
>>141737 huh, (40). Decent
some troomer released a decently long half-life beta style adaptation of part of Uplink, free and standalone, doesn't need half-life to play it's pretty good https://www.moddb.com/mods/signal-lost
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>I used the same image in the same thread twice in under 24 hours Should half my (40) just for that tbph.
>>141740 should just delete all your posts tbh
>big man bully attitude from the nonce cool your jets
>>141739 looks interesting >>141742 tbh
lmao i was right apple can't actually ship its new laptops so the fancy new M1 chips are meaningless lmao lmao lmao
there is the M1 Max, and the M1 Pro, but there are verions of them. The top of tge line M1 Pro is supposed to have integrated graphics equal to an rtx 3080 mobile, but given the flops, most say it will be more like a 3060. But it's moot, because they can't make basically any lmao
>>141739 it's time for game logic interlink. the logic of mods should be outside of the game's language. This would make it possible to play multiplayer on the same maps in entirely different engines (obviously with Source having features disabled). eg play in ES3, your buddy is in NWN2. It surprises me nobody has done this yet.
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>Vaxxoids denying NHS service >America First / Spicolas CP ring >Biden can't even do le nwo eye gesture right >Niggers >Starvation arc ramping up concerned_pepe.jpg
apple is so fucked now
>>141751 wild deer and pigs and rabbits galore, i'll be fine.
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https://youtu.be/b2v9yZBMVHo weird nobody's posted this yet
need to buy a skinning knife, I guess
>>141754 swords are out of date.
>>141750 how is "don't point any gun toy or otherwise at any human or animal you don't intend to kill" so alien to liberals?
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https://twitter.com/AnonCitizenUK/status/1451478084084027401 >I can confiscate your phone keeeeeeeeek no you cannot fucking jannies
>>141754 think you're the only one here who watches his shite
>>141757 funny how their hatred/fear of guns means they know absolutely fucking nothing about them
>>141758 reminder that cops act the same way. Most don't really know the laws and just hope you don't either.
>>141762 >stop expecting to get paid for your time bossman fingers wrote thart article
>>141762 Christians, if they are real ones, rare indeed, believe the workman is worthy of his wages. Thay is why slavery is a sin, and also why buying from non-western (or japan) countries a sin (if you can afford alternatives).
>>141762 >that last image the mighty Emperor Shōwa's image should not be deformed in such a way
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>>141765 >he doesn't support the chadxis powers
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>>141694 I showed a couple of my friends John Woo's The Killer, and they just kept laughing at the actors saying how the Chinese aren't real people and they all look the same. And whenever my mummy hears my gookmusic she comments how asian women are petite and look young. So yeah my friends are fine with niggers but are racist against chinks and my mother thinks I'm a nonce
(2.85 MB 640x640 BBK Scouse House.webm)

Friday Night Scouse House tbh lads
>>141772 keeeeeeeek
>>141772 kino oc as usual
should do one with that weird ay you a you slav song
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>tfw you kill people for publicity and get away with it
>>141778 what makes it even funnier is that this is an actual method of assassination in the Blood Money level Curtains Down. Can replace a prop gun with a real one and an actor inadvertently kills one of your targets.
>>141782 the film will most likely be cancelled now, its release will be "that film baldwin shot someone" similar happened years ago, film was cancelled after the first fucking day of filming https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/terrifying-moment-film-crew-run-5310073
>>141783 oh yeah shit it is keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>141784 *dies*
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>>141782 Baldwin is out there shooting women in the gut and smiling while incels fantasise about violence at home.
>>141787 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek AND HE'S GETTING PAID
meanwhile I wait 4 hours for free for the van to get fixed reeee
>>141774 kek all botes are for israel. just after given money to israel the democrats will cry lmao
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>>141791 that's the one
>>141792 completely forgot about it til you mentioned it keeeeeek, actually a kino mission might have to reinstall
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These are the only films that come to mind with Alec Baldwin in a starring role, and in both of them he's outclassed by his superior costars
>>141794 ah the edge kino
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Probably the best tweet I've come across in all my years.
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you wake up to a tranny who has hanged himself
this man is delusional, take him away
>>141800 >freemason pushing degeneracy hope everyone involved dies
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>acting out his dysphoria vicariously again reminder that 22 will troon out in his mid 40s and become one of those demon-tier middle aged nappy trannies
>>141802 at least I'll live to 40, unlike Pembs smh
>>141802 #boomercrack do something real
>>141801 The centrist genocide
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>>141805 Day of the horseshoe. When far roight and far left unite, just like in my heckin tv show Prison Break, when Michael (autistic engineer) and Teabag (serial killer who wanted to rape him in prison) unite to take down a CIA glownigger.
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smh just scared of the dark
>>141807 Imagine being one of the pricks that thinks anything happening now is in anyway comparable to WW2 (other than the imminent threat to the nation from invaders that you enable).
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>>141810 40 woeses on the drum For those who volunteer to come
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>>141810 pixar movies presents - How to Train Your BTEC
>>141772 How didst thou achieve this footage? Hast thou an assassin at mine back?
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Scrap horseshoe theory, I've come up with oval theorem
gas from me arse
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Thoughts on Robert Nairac?
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>>141820 oy neigh!
based serial murderer ghost or whatever killed a GCHQ spy keeeek https://youtu.be/RblI5Qx8JzU?t=699
>other victims linked to military espionage or tech dev probably just glowie infighting smh
>>141687 jabber over tor ftw

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