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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3559: Elvis Lives Edition Anonymous 10/22/2021 (Fri) 21:36:13 Id: 546c6a No. 141825
Ex-MP Frank Field reveals he is close to death https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-59009053 Covid-19: Home working best way to curb Covid, say scientists, and 'Delta Plus' may spread more easily https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59014749 Somerset: Pensioner accused of murdering husband after row over bubble and squeak tells court she 'lost the plot' https://news.sky.com/story/somerset-pensioner-accused-of-murdering-husband-after-row-over-bubble-and-squeak-tells-court-she-lost-the-plot-12441622
for curbing covid by killing MPs and women
>>141828 reminds me that mummy called earlier and said I might not be able to go to the family christmas party because my faggot cat parent elder cousin and his stupid fat girlfriend have consoomed so much of the news hysteria that they do IT "work" from home and never leave except for these rare occasions and they refuse to be in the same building as an un-triple-vaxxed-quadruple-maskooming evil nan murdering chud
>>141830 you should cough on them
>>141831 keek they won't come within coofing distance haven't seen them at all since the coof psyop began
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>>141825 good lad
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first for giant sensi cones
rood bitches smh
>2dinterracial gone but zoo still there smh
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>the film Alec Baldwin was on is about an accidental killing >the cinematographer was campaigning for better safety on set you couldn't make this shit up
>>141838 smells like some kind of media psyop with all of those coincidences tbh
>>141838 cba to care about the cunt, doubtless she would never have dated me.
like that petiturd lady, why am i supposed to worry myself? she had plenty of assets, those rich in looks are fools to expect the poor to lend to them anything at all.
>>141830 show up anyways
>>141838 Studios are getting really desperate for new marketing ideas Soon toilers will be lining up to die for the good of a new marvel film
gave him (3) to be sure tbh
People are saying it's Baldwin's fault entirely. Legally, of course. But liberal culture is much to blame. How was Baldwin, who is in the ignorance dark as death that is liberal culture supposed to find knowledge, such as the mere fact that there are rules of firearms? Zero movies of the lwft make mention. Zero shows like on cmn about Sandy Hook or whatever even mention that such a thing exists. one rule is barely explained, I'd say it's given a sneer, in a short documentary on Remington's trigger lawsuit.
>>141842 tbh might do that just to see if he gets violent or something
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>got some jarrin root from the huwhiterun alchemist and now I have a poison that will do 10,000+ damage in one hit Polface will be ready for Alduin sooner than expected.
>>141842 this, watch them run in a panic, film it lmao
>>141848 Would be pvre kino.
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>>141852 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK are they still seething about zlhlormpf in hollywood
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this is all too fucking perfect
>>141854 people in general are my relatives bring him up occasionally still smh 4 years of propaganda does a number on the cattle
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>>141852 pleeeeease let the video leak
the crew is obviously leftwing, why did he point it at them?
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>>141859 >why did an anti-gun lib with little to no knowledge of firearms swing a gun around wildly
>>141862 smh evil globohomo nonces
>>141862 keep up lad this was on alex jones' show yesterday
literally just watch alex for news now everything he says comes out a day or two later as fact
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brap chambers is a nonce
>>141868 keeeeeek smfh i remember that stream
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>>141867 goddamn pinko truman squandered that brief period of world dominance
Macarthur was a narcissist faggot and a shit commander though
>>141871 tbh my grandpa made a point to remind me of that every time i visited him. said that macarthur was more like a wanabe caesar than a good general and he sent alot of ill prepared US troops on a stupid campaign through the mountains of new guinea (literal midwestern national guardsmen scaling mountain jungle valleys with no training)
morning lads >>141865 very good lad >>141870 smh
>>141872 Yeah I heard he was a glory hound and had no qualms with sending troops off to secure it for him.
>the person who was killed was the cause of the walkout from what i am hearing. they staged a walkout, then baldwin threw a fit lmao release the video lmao lmao lmao
he's an actor, his displayed emotions are meaningless
democrats >shoot a woman for organizing a walkout republicans >make mean jokes we all know who must be stopped
imagine if alec baldwin was MUSLIM
frozen pizza in the oven
alternative history, where the press is FAIR >breaking down the talking points that were sympathetic to Alec Baldwin >as trump condemns violence, biden defends backer accused of shooting a woman and injuring a man on tv set >Sharpton: biden's defense of Hollywood shooter "the epitome of an insult" to Americans >what happens when biden sides with enemies of the state
>>141882 fuck off jew foodman
you sound like you want alec baldwin to shoot you up the arse with spunk
>>141882 good lad
>biden defends man charged with killing union movie workers
The queen will probably not last long. Who will be the next queen?
>>141889 alec baldwin
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input into dreamily: >alec baldwin shot her. they say he was angry because she had organized a worker's action. but his defenders say it wad an accident. he had the motive, and he sure knows how to act. if it was an accident, then he accidentally helped himself. very suspicious indeed. output >they say he did not have any reason to shoot her in the back, nor does he have any reason to have hurt his best friend. he would never do such a thing. the only reason he ever hurts anyone is when someone gets on his nerves. and she does, often.
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>>141891 whats the matter mister bum? a bit hard to focus in this fully staffed gaybar where none of the people are aggressive and you can get good drinks? well say goodbye to england because I in 30 seconds I will activate my migrant catapault and send 100 million somalis to kent
alec baldwin is xi jingping
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What's done is done and Baldwin can't be touched. He pulled it off.
>>141895 knee rules though. baldwin jas a very long history of well documented misogyny lmao
alec baldwin is an incel terrorist
can't wait for the leaks
>>141893 keeeeek >>141895 tbh
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still hotter than ANY troon
>>141900 don't like this picture
>>141687 just use jabber over tor or irc on a daft server
>>141904 tbh what is best: share a large password in PERSON, it can be too long to type, you can keep the password in a file in an encrypted container/drive. save your message in notepad as a txt file use winrar to encrypt the file on tor browser load protonmail's hidden service and send the encrypted file ideally both sender & recipient have protonmail accounts
>this lad having a convo with himself over vpns
symmetric encryption is a lot more robust than assymmetric. basically passworded files > pgp buy combine them for the best result. if consumer one time pad (random noise aka dice etc) generators and software existed, it would be excellent to use this as your first innermost layer ie otp the txt file, then winrar, then send on protonmail
I could never register with protonmail over tor and assumed it was a meme so used gmx instead, but maybe I just fail at tech
>>141906 >buy rtx 3090 >install virtual gf >now ur loved
>>141905 is that like when you post a pic of a pic?
>>141906 schizooming is hard work
>>141908 i think pretty much you need to pay for it to work best.
>my isp mailserver doesnt even encrypt login password keek epin fail
only nonces need to encrypt things
>>141914 he says getting v&
>>141910 delete this antipapist post
in 1996 schizo nonce and alec baldwin killed a gay nigger prostitute in lagos
>>141914 depends on what nonce means. it's like racist. now racist means "opposes tax hikes". reckon nonce will now mean "opposes puberty blockers"
>>141919 lol yeah they always project
>>141915 he doesn't know that encryption is literally how his bank card works at the super adsa walmart
reminder that FBIniggers have to monitor my posts. EACH. SINGLE. POST. enjoy spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
>super asda walmart kek but then remember it literally was before being taken over by pisslamic poos
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>>141920 the irony is i don't use any encryption, really. i just know how it works better than even most experts, in key ways.
most experts see otp as crackpot, while it's literally better than every alternative (but requires precautions, and nobody in the public has created a protocol for flow control (critical)).
>>141924 this looks slightly homo lad... worried tbh
I'm always on guard against homoposters after 22st
>>141914 oh, also, Christians who aid missionairies deep in China and Pakistan require encryption, tgose who don't get v& and the church is basically shut down.
>>141928 someone's gotta eat our poop.
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>replying to schizo
lmao schizos are literally security experts
>>141931 it's schizbot talking to himselfh it's levelled up it's schizpower
>>141933 kind of lulz you consider your e friendship so valuable
>>141933 impressive
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been having more involuntary thoughts about the present and attendant crushing despair than usual recently tbh probably just a way to rationalise eating a pack of kitkats and not doing my tardtoil time to lay in bed and stare at the ceiling for a bit again
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>>141939 was at the store today after boomer toil, filmed some incel rants today will post tomorrow. at the store there was only 1 employee working and they had hired two giant niggers to guard the store the one nigger was smoking a cigar outside. it was like being in a collapsed shithole, I could have easily walked out with thousands of dollars worth of meds
ffs do something with your life unironically
tfw have a literal soyboy at toil >he starts talking about marvel movies and disney+ >I tell him I don't watch childrens shows >awkward silence
>>141943 keeek I wish I had recorded it but on denis prager show today on the radio a soy called in and told him that america was under threat because superman no longer represented america and denis prager was all like "yes goyim its harrible supergoy is when america defeated the nazis"
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>>141939 tbh >>141940 smh society is falling apart and the niggercattle just cope and watch netflix >>141943 keeeeeeek
>>141922 did you hide the soon to expire link to your manifesto somewhere inside one of those furry brap webms?
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>>141944 keeeek smh
>>141946 yes the only way to access the actual chatlogs of the I.N.C.E.L command cadre is to look through the comments of rule34 videos and piece them together until you get a URL linking you directly to the most extreme racist place on the internet
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POV: you are mummy gretchen
>>141951 keeeeek
remembering that one based cville lad who shouted at the oathcuck boomers "oh boy at least we have the constitution while we are surrounded by niggers"
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>>141953 don't trash talk the constitution son
couldn't sleep so finished reading On the Beach and had a bit of a sob but also seethed because it was pretty much a perfect description of niggercattle/boomoid cope where they don't even try to prepare for what's coming despite having the resources of an entire nation and populace at hand to eg try and build a bunker ark so that some chilluns might survive and just carried on as normal until they couldn't because they were shitting and vomiting their insides out at which point they all kill themselves and their babies after engaging in some final acts of pointless hedonism hope we get a clean end and nobody uses cobalt bombs any more tbh >>141940 good lad you should probably do that unironically tbh maybe detoilet will do the decriminalising shoplifting thing next anyway
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>>141956 never stop feeling like this tbh
first for bed time
>>141959 good lad
but he was lying he was not yet tired :^)
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hello room shervice? get thae fuckin tattie sconesh on right now
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>>141948 do you know what day that happened?
I knew something was up
>>141965 xi jinping will never get to the bottom of it before i kill him
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>>141966 >it will fuck you up big time >didn't fuck me up at all
why is the site different?
>>141966 i've always wondered why blank firing prop guns aren't chambered in some blank-only calibre or why they don't have partially-obstructed barrels or really any other attempt to make sure that the guarantee that it's not loaded with live ammunition is built on something a little bit more solid than just trust that nobody in the entire production felt like being naughty just seems odd to me smh >>141968 tbh we're made of sterner stuff lad >>141969 probably true tbh
>>141972 because then you'd need to make a blank firing version of literally every gun thats ever been shown on film.
actors should have to make the gun noises with their mouths primary school style. we'd soon find out who can really carry a scene
>>141973 only thing that needs to be changed is the barrel tbh and the cylinder for revolvers not difficult in the slightest tbh could get a local machine shop to a do a one off job for a pittance >>141974 keeeeek based
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*bang* *bang* *bang* >i got you <nuh uh no you didn't >yeah i did <well i was wearing a bulletproof vest so it doesn't count >yeah but i was using armour piercing bullets so now you're dead *CLACK* and that's a wrap everybody take five
>>141971 Homage to halfchan birthday celebrations. Must be the anniversery of 8chan moe.
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>like having control of my own country >vote to take back control >Westminster takes control away from devolved parliament Anglo'd again
went shops scotch aegg, multivitamin drink, handfull of pills and longing for the power to explode the heads of anyone I wish for brekky before I go bed
>>141978 don't know why you'd blame the anglos for the things westminster does tbh >>141979 tbh
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>vengeful power fantasies luv it tbh occupies much of my thoughts constantly
>>141981 tbh although I did catch myself thinking about exploding my own head first just now think being the royal executioner for king chud polface the first would be my dream job ngl
time to snooze the most productive hours of the day away and do nothing when I get up groggy and as downtrodden as I was beforehand
>>141982 keeeek tbh tbh >>141983 ni la
>>141983 Dream of your black mold heckin venom symbiote eating your brain, because it is.
>>141986 keeeeeek looks fun
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*keeks at a lot of posts but gives none of them (You)s*
>>141986 keeeeeek >>141988 bit rude smh
the board looks different I can't use it now
>>141990 just switch the css to yotsuba b and it'll be back to normal lad
>>141991 Thanks, lad... you're alright
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>no mature queen gf
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>>141996 keeeek
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>>141996 >when they smile to be polite but then there is the look of guilty oh shit I hope he doesn't think I like him ewww and then the downtrodden look of understanding you give so she appears relieved she didn't accidentally lead you on and it all plays out in half a second
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>>141998 >when you say hello to her in the shop before you get to the till and both of you freeze not knowing what to do when you meet again at the till
>nephew getting to that age where he starts to look up to male rolemodels >I'm all he got besides the soys in nursery school
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>>142001 when are they going to use their shaman magic to raise doggerland for us?
>>142000 don't worry there's always wog yotubers for him to emulate
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>>142002 Far more likely to use it to magically scalp all the white people in a radius around them.
>>141972 Prop guns don't fire live rounds fullstop
>>141966 parts 1-5 are accurate, shame he ruined it by schizooming
why do women love horsies in particular?
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>>142001 >muh food do chugs even have recipes?
>>142008 dumb powerful animal they can lead by the nose.
>doomclock telling me it's now 99 days until the vorecalypse reminds me it's 19 days until qt autist single mummy is getting her tits cut off
>>142013 What lad?
>>142014 not familiar with the lore
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>>142016 just want to anal vore her head and decapitate her with my sphincter
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https://youtu.be/C_HGi5GGgiE What do I need to do to catch the fairy archetype and put it in my brain?
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>>142015 Playing Skyrim with the End Times mod. Used a bit under 3 of the 6 months I have in game to stop the big black bastard, but I'm close anyway. Just got to follow him into Sovngarde and stop him voreing good lads souls. I knew a qt girl with big tits and a pretty face, and after becoming a single mummy, she wants to transition to a single daddy. She's anounced she's getting her tits cut off in ~4 weeks, in time for a heckin wholesome Christmass living her truth. Peak modernity basically. Okay, thank you.
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happy birthday 8chan.moe
>>142020 Okay, thank you.
also i feel really bad for saying pembs isn't real he probably is you all are unless you don't want to be than that's fine
>>142023 it's okay, Pembs identifies as not real
>>141996 had the rudesr cashier yesterday. ngl, think she was hiding her crush.
good morning also reminder that poombs is a diaper wearing poof
>>142009 >i refuse to breath until you buy me a nintendo lmao
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I refuse to breed
>>142029 this is my cope
>just got up from seven and a half hours in bed, time travelling through the entire day with nothing accomplished, still too tired to do anything I want it to end >>142021 I wish we could turn back time to the good site days when /pol/ was seething us to sleep but now we're hidden board >>142026 sneed morning
>>141996 me, lol
so bored dont know how you neets do it
>>142026 I refuse to believe he would want to degrade himself that much and that he and you steiner are majestic and can achieve anything you can put your mind to as long as its not hurt anybody of course, I give you lots of riches and love from me to you, riches and love I push onto thee
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>>142033 what do you do?
oh noo Norwegian citizen imprisoned in "Somaliland" and is going to be executed nooo how could this happen
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Well, /brit/?
>>142037 smh global citizens I bet they were some innocent jogger who was trying to study.
>>142039 >Norwegian media calling him and his lawyer "Norwegain" every time before their names to remind us because neither names are Norwegian keeksmh
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did norse also do boar helmets or was it mostly anglo warriors
the old gauls and celts used to do boar helms too I guess
>>142043 think they did nordic minimalism for most helmets smh
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>>142043 Looks like a boar motif for me. Swedish helmet from just before the viking age. Don't see anyone with a boar on top though
>pembs sells nudes if you dm him
to be honest I don't think there are many preserved viking armours in general
>>142048 because they mostly wore textiles and only the occasional bit of chain or scale
>>142045 keeek ikea helmets
>>142047 think this is his "boyfriend" https://mobile.twitter.com/Qaelllys
just leave him to die ffs they get off on attention so defoo
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poombs will get HIV and then "figure out" that he was a degenerate
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>>142049 you might be right tbh
>>142054 Eurasia... home...
>>142054 dye job gooks make me seethe
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>>142058 Storbritannia
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>>142056 >>142057 mvh aryvn qveen
>>142060 why is she wearing 90s curtains? Reminds me of my literal wine aunt
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bvcvvse thv bvvvty vf thv impvrivm wvmvn mvst nvt pvrvsh frvm thv vvrth
>>142058 >being so woke you erase scotland and wales
>being so based you erase the celts from mainland britain
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>being wessex
>>142068 hullo, yes, that's right, I'm West Saxon, okay thankyou *displaces the local britons to the chalk downs and areas of impoverished soil
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ah my ancestor
I imagine a lot of ancient britlads snuck down to the start of the springs which fed the saxon farmstead systems and did poos in them to btfo the furriners tbh
>>142071 >ancient lad, that tradition never stopped
>>142072 keeeek take back your country shit in the municipal water supply
reminder wessex is a swamp german larping as an anglo
>>142074 as far as I can make out, half and half swamp/scot with a bit of local southern english tbh
>>142076 Agreeable tbh sounds like a proponent of seethe-free Sundays
>>142076 how much weed did he smoke to have such a galaxy brain take
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>>142076 >his country is being colonised >the best he can do is "dude peace lmao" A toast! To compassion!
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>>142081 keeeeeeeeeek
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>>142081 keeek hogyn da
>>142081 good lad
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>>142086 good lads tbh she deserves more than mere harrassment from arabs
>>142086 makes me think of that recent american story of the woman raped on a train >she was drunk and didn't even remember the attack >he only grabbed her and touched her tits, didn't tell him to stop or ask for help >people were supposed to interrupt what looked like a couple and get attacked by the media for being racist
>>142088 kafkatrap innit
>join mount and blade game for the first time in months >there is a foid in the teamspeak with a special role >she sounds nice
>>142090 she wants to be your girlfriend?
>>142091 no just seething that they get special treatment and attention merely by existing
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Wessex put mount and blade down and join me on the couch
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Anglo and Norge bros...
>groomee streaming and everyone watching is trying to groom her
>mods being extra groomery
>>142086 >2018
>>142100 good catch but the seethe must flow
>>142101 Reminds me of Bins won't be home for months so we can't watch Dune
>>142102 did he go to join jack donovan's forest faggot group or something
>>142102 you aren't missing anything
Steiner you are long overdue an incel rant tbh. What have you been reading lately?
>>142105 he teased a video yesterday. still has to show it smh >>142103 Allegedly he's on business... and stuck doing business for weeks
>binposter is still maintaining a perona wew
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>he watches japanese paedo cartoons
my lips are chapped ow
love it when the webm loads fine and you start watching it then it decides to break and not load any further >>142109 uh, they're not 'japanese paedo cartoons', they're art.
>>142111 the big boys are just doing a little deep packet inspection on your web traffic lad. don't worry about it.
>>142112 smh, better load up some more sonic hyperinflation
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>>142113 lad I brought 7 chocolate oranges the other day but only just been palm oil pilled by you. not sure what to do now smh
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>>142114 eat them to avoid wastage but donate 7 pounds to an orangutan sanctuary
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>Terry's Chocolate Orangutan kino okay lad you convinced me
>>142114 enjoy them but feel guilty and do >>142115 tbh
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>>142119 becvme vngovvrnvble
wish you wouldn't post that shit tbh lad
>>142122 just being vngovvrnvlbe lad
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>spaghetti bolognese for tea >142120
imagine if a woman's vagina was hard like a cow's hoof
no, I don't think I will
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remember watching a video of some lad that had an abscess on his back as large as a grape fruit and a nurse lass used a scalpel to cut it and squeeze out the puss, which flowed like cottage cheese. vile stuff but lad made it sound like it was well satisfying. felt a bit weird after watching it tbh
ayyo how do you turn the site back to the way it was? not liking this fruity new look
>>142132 keeeeeeeeek
still don't know what "no cap" means tbh
>>142134 no lie. if someone is "capping" they are lying.
>>142135 so it's not even a contraction or anything it's just some jewnigger phrase built around headwear
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Why did he ignore the "don't feed the animals" signs?
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>>142137 Hitler couldn't read
morning lads
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>>142139 Hullo
>>142138 jeeej another one for the list illiterate ball-less jewish coke fiend coward paedophile etc >>142139 gsmorn
>>142131 thanks lads >>142132 topkek
>>142139 what's going on down under, lad? I hear the state has gone full Stalin tbh.
>>142140 >>142141 hullo lads >>142143 yeah just slowly marching deeper into cringe dystopia smh
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lads its sneeth free Sunday soon but that doesn't mean its vile posting Sunday
It's still Sharturday lad
>>142152 Keeeeeeeeek smh
fresh baldwincore just dropped
What's with the background?
>>142158 >(1) making it obvious it's his first time posting today
>>142156 wish they'd let fresh imported 3rd world niggers build the sets so they would collapse and crush all the faggots in hollywood
> Happy Birthday, you wonderful baneposting turbonerds. Oh.
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>>142155 >Mr. Sussmann has committed no crime
Discovered a new Glitter song: https://youtu.be/zis4-JUTdNE
>>142152 keeeeeeeek
found the Steinermobile
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Got a wedding on Friday, may go and see a Ballet on Saturday not sure, need a gf lads
>>142170 What film is that? Trainspotting?
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>>142172 can't remember lid one of these i think?
>>142173 keeeeeeeeeek I remember the mask tbh favourite film
anyone with a sub 4 inch and thin dick here had sex before?
>>142173 >big guys never die
>>142175 All the gay guys I masturbate with say I have a nice big one smh
>>142174 I remember /tv/ spamming Son of the Mask memes to counteract Sneed, it was the first time a forced meme was simultaneously kino
no more of this vileposting pleae
>>142179 keeeeeeeeeeek it's spelled "PLEASE" idiot hahahahaha https://youtu.be/LiYqTcaq_Zo
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>>142180 based >>142179 guess this means more vileposting
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careful lad
keeek look at this shit literal puppet show
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>>142179 this tbh. kinoposting only
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>>142188 he said no vileposting
>>142187 >"in 2021 Alec Baldwin was asked what it feels like to take a human life" >"he replayed - "I wouldn't know, I only kill directors of photography""
the other lad he shot looks like ant from ant and dec
>>142191 don't remember them being so swarthy and furrin tbh
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>>142191 more like jamie theakston haha
>>142190 keeeek
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nite lids
Note the traitor ginger on the right…
>>142132 dead ass nigga
parkin and coffee for supper
>>142197 dont feel anything when i see shit like this anymore tbh
>>142199 what's parkin, precious?
wouldn't you like to know
>>142196 Lad, it *is* race war every day Life always was a race war, all of history has been race war
>>142202 looks tasty tbh
>>142201 parkin that fat shit machine on the couch
>>142201 It’s a tea cake from Yorkshire
>>142204 It is. I don't think they have it in the south.
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>>142203 and we will FEAST!
>>142208 Feast?
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>>142209 woah, you must have devoured many a nigger/race traitor . . . how much do you weigh?
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Their crimes were of the flesh, thus the flesh must be detroyed
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everyone take some valium and calm down
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why does the webshite look so based rn?
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>Constant noise in my house >Constant noise of cars and helicopters and sirens going by outside >Dont like putting headphones fully on in case of a home invasion
>>142214 8shite's birthday
>>142216 Yeah, it's almost as old as the lolis on the porn boards
*gathers into the incel herd because of strange uncertain new environment
>no lottie lyons tradwife
posting it again
>>142220 god I wish that was me
>that one video of the pig in the backseat of the car and the pig looks so hungover like he had been nursing a half gallon of whiskey and a carton of smokes
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daily reminder that this is what pembs does
>>142218 u need 2 change your css to yotsuba b
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>unprompted gay poo talk stop pushing your obsession on us lad
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>>142223 good lad expose the homosexuals >>142225 we do not want this in our /brit/
>>142219 it's amazing how they've made fabric that looks like normal trouser material but can form fit like that
>>142223 I wonder why Uganda has so much meme energy, must be ley lines
>this was the person in charge of firearms on Baldwin's production
>>142230 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek it's all so perfect
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>>142232 I love clownworld
>>142232 you honestly could not make this shit up
>redditors already simping for her
>>142230 >24 years old
>>142235 >haven't seen her resume Won't see the cinematographer resume either keek
Just had an awful nightmare where we were all locked in a warehouse job with boomers and women making up most of the warehouse's workforce. We were overworked and had to do all the physical jobs whilst being in temp contracts. The boomers were in final salary pensions and just floated about. The media was full of reports about automation and the need for migrant servants
>>142238 That was Friday lad
>>142238 we need to prevent this by adopting the chinese "lay down" method of neetdom. even when decent wages are offered to you, reject it
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What did she mean by this?
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Anyone considered Baldwin is a psycho and just murdered her with witnesses now being paid off and intimidated? Bit suspicious that the one who died wanted better working conditions (or more shekels) and was organising a failed walkout.
farted incredibly loudly
https://youtu.be/MZ5opWYt8hE My favourite episode of spongebob
>>142246 they also had clinton connections of some kind it's all jewish tricks
>>142245 good lad
>>142245 nicely done
nos da, ffrindiau. got my COVID-19 booster job on the morrow
oops, forgot my little kiss! x
>>142254 I've got another ID to filter.
>>142246 Honestly I just think everyone involved was retarded The armourer is very clearly retarded, maybe she wanted to be le edgy satanist and put an actual bullet in or maybe she just wasn't paying any fucking attention as she was more focused on making her next tiktok Baldwin is a massive fucking retard, he's a psycho still seething over Trump, he decided to rant about Trump while swinging a fucking gun around for no goddamn reason The schizoomer connections are weak at best, it's more likely that they are all just retarded.
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>>142258 >perturbedgreenniggaholdinghishandupasiftosaystopabritoriginalimage.jpg
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>bbk taking the globohomo vaccine
>>142245 good lage
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>>142258 Nilad. >>142261 Audible keek.
Did Dune night happen?
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>>142264 >every 2 months
>>142265 no but DUnC night did
>>142264 no sympathy for anyone who gets it tbh
>>142231 I absolutely hate women who treat guns like toys. keek can't even imagine that dumb whore shooting .45 long colt
>>142268 Yep, this is the line in the sand. Morgoth was right, "No I don't think I will"
>>142269 I taught my cousins firearm safety for when they were playing with fucking airshit ffs, libcunts hate guns so much that they've created such a taboo around them that they don't know the fucking basics of safety
>>142271 >that one video of the foid shooting the AK and then she points it at the camera man like a fucking mong and gets mad that he yells at her for being a retard
>>142272 it's such a simple fucking concept why do they have such a hard time grasping it ffs
>>142264 I think they're joking about HRT.
>>142273 death and danger are not real things that can happen to sheltered soys
>>142275 tbh that video of the soys getting kicked by the farmer shows that, they think they can live their lives without consequence and completely lose their minds when life hits back
it says a lot about society that NPCs consider themselves the main characters much to think about
>>142269 Kek we know she didn't shoot it, she was too busy writing on Tumblr to do her fucking job, and now some other cunt is pushing up daisys.
>>142279 supposedly she didn't even check the cartridges before handing it over, just told the nonce actor guy to "shake it and see if he can hear the bullets"
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>>142281 The centre of the world is shifting from that big NYC Prometheus statue to pic related
The Dark Age of shooting up an MGMT concert holy shit fucking stop already it you goddamn faggots dead meme.
did eggy get taken off yt?
>>142285 yeah smh can't find him on poast either
>>142286 fucks sakes i loved his streams
ah he is on poast still https://poa.st/@FelonyCommitter
>Sabotage tactics in 1944 is now standard business practices
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>>142289 thanks lad
>>142290 Img 2. item 10 practically sums up the modern West
>>142290 sounds like my old bossman
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tried to find some wargooming videos to listen to while gooming but every big channel was pozzed by women or freakish soyim
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playing banjo tooie
>>142300 prove it
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>>142303 what episode was this? can't remember why homer stayed up all night eating cheese
>>142304 because mister burns and smithers was on the ceiling and they needed a funny reason for yjem to be stuck there all night.
>>142305 oh right kek
>suddenly time traveled to 3:30am without noticing
>>142310 that's the wages of sneethe
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ww2 spanish flag was better than current flag imo
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this is the current flag. still quite good
>>142112 >>142112 keeek they probably literally are as he is confirmed on the watchlist
>>142169 I dont get it
>>142318 yes, not a good mene
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where has dorset gone?
>>142322 on a pilgrimage or maybe sworn off imageboards and bongos for a bit or something
>>142323 hopefully it's for the best
>>142323 re-assigned to a different imageboard by prevent perhaps?
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been looking for some music that i could get into, but i haven't had any luck. kate bush seems to be doing it for me now, however
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>>142327 just go to hmv and buy a cd
now 007 this pen is actually a minature gay bar that is full of the least aggressive types of guys and has easy access to drinks. use it wisely
>>142328 >buy a cd considered it, tbh
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https://www.ispreview.co.uk/index.php/2021/03/two-uk-broadband-isps-trial-new-internet-snooping-system.html worrying.. I used DoH but apparently https connection can be inspected, also they log server ip maybe... I dont get how it can be practical unless they really reduce the amount of data
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just want a wife with nice feet
>>142328 went and bought a couple of CDs recently myself, one was a Miho Morikawa album. They didn't do international shipping so I had to set up a mail forwarding address from Japan and ship to that.
>>142245 been on a roll lately lad very nicely done >>142335 never understood why international shipping sometimes isn't available for things tbh it's really no extra effort at all
>>142336 tbh really annoys me when they don't do international shipping. Even for livestream concerts and stuff sometimes you can only sign up with a domestic address. What's the point of livestreaming a concert if not to reach a global audience?
>>142333 smh time to get a vpn lad >>142337 probably licencing issues for something like that tbh the intellectual property jews love to make things unintuitive and restrictive smdh or it might just be the japs being petty keeek they're like that sometimes
>>142294 keeeeek >>142297 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>spiderbro lowering himself from the ceiling on to me smh it was self-defense
>>142292 they all describe the communists, proving they are exactly useful idiots
>>142341 smh regrettable but understandable saw a huge centipede crawling around near my feet while i was having breakfast this morning tbh had to scoop it up and put it outside
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err don't open that if you're a sensitive sissy
>Michael Dick sits on the porch of his home in Boise, where he has erected homemade signs critical of President Biden. (Carissa Wolf/for The Washington Post) like that was accidental
well, you engaged him auslad
>“I had never heard of that chant until you explained it to me,” said White House spokesman Andrew Bates. Referring to an anonymous message board known for promoting online extremism, he added, “I guess I’m not spending enough time on 8chan or whatever.” 8chan resurrection when
>and she quipped, “You can hear the chants from the crowd, ‘Let’s go Brandon!’” however, the Republicans aren't quipping, quipping is reserved for vaccinated sophisticated democrats, they'll do all the quipping around here.
>142344 i'd unfiltered you because i thought maybe you'd calmed down after your abysmal posts earlier in the thread but obviously you haven't filtered again >>142347 yeah my mistake smdh
err I posted a warning
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epic strategy by 22st here
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fucking hell what i woudn't do for a burgerlass
>>142352 what do you mean lad? >>142353 some very nice rural accents over there tbh ngl
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>no peng appalachian american gf
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>dreamed that steiner was supposed to be getting treatment in a shart hospital, but without warning or explaination, a bunch of bully nurses forced him to sit on meter long needles that went through the area between his balls and arsehole up into his chest, and they laughed at him but I could feel his pain as if it were my own
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https://youtu.be/JLNtcRLQxeE looks kind of shit smh
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>apple & rhubarb crumble with custard
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>watch one iceman video >suddenly smh reminding me how good the algorithm was for e-celebrity in the golden age
>>142363 she has a weird monkey face, like I feel I have seen that face on a male
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>>142363 they hated him because he spoke the truth roast in peace dekachin5
>>142362 Keeek. >>142363 Apex keek too close to home on le edgy rebbit board for the jannies.
>>142358 His perineum
remember that arc where wessex wanked to a little anime shark girl avatar
>>142369 Page not found
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>>142368 That looks like some old timey guy’s bug out bag
>>142372 the bigger outrage is why our curriculum is so yank centric?
morning lads >>142362 poopooson looking pretty demonic there in the first one >>142363 when the insoyim began to hate >142369 >unwarranted lying out of nowhere you are often extremely unlikeable
>>142376 Was I mistaken?
>>142375 Satellite states orbit their host in every way
>>142372 reminds me of that film I was made to watch in high school, trail of tears or something. Basically a film were whites butcher Amerindians. Also watched two nazi films in German class(one was in English, schindler's list), MLK and Mandela documentaries, Ghandi biopic. Just endless white guilt shite smh. >tfw race doesn't exist but Norwegians are guilty of the alleged crimes committed by other whites >>142379 ah right I apologise, it was a dog girl keeeeeeeek
no it was neither because thots wearing the skins of 2D doesn't appeal
>>142381 I definitely have the memory though... was it ironic? I remember being disgusted at you smh
kino >142382 no and I am disgusted by your vileposts
>>142383 keeeek based
>>142386 luv the protomen me
Xoomer night
hope that's God about to smite her the evil fuck
*>>142388 how do those caravans survive? Who feeds them? How do they walk from Tapachula to America?
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>>142388 "I will bring such evil upon this city that the ears of those who hear of it shall tingle"
>>142391 don't think about it lad they are a totally normal and spontaneous phenomenon
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I want to kill them all
>>142390 Aren't they still in total lockdown for 3 months going keeek may god smite the lisa simpson autocracy
>>142391 They're the new Yamnaya, reeeee
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>>142401 keeek, they become even more ludicrous
tiresome smh so very very tiresome
>>142403 she's going to get out completely free after making credible threats, meanwhile young polfaces get ten years for doodling swastikas in their schoolbooks
>>142405 She needs a visit from Prevent
Everyone sounded quite gay in that prevent interview that was posted. Liverpool must be quite a strange place to live.
>>142405 In Mao's China you could just walk up to your local landowner and kill him with zero repercussions, this is just the racial version of that because this is the racial/social translation of communism
kinda liking the shortage of young labour, interesting to see the boomers whining about it.
>>142410 Love me some shortage of labourino tbh.Bossmen have been squeezing us and devaluing us for too long
>>142407 keeeeeeeeeeeek smh that lot have always been establishment stooges and they still haven't realised it sad really keeek >>142410 they won't learn tbh they'll stand their ground and kvetch right into bankruptcy i hope their retirements are miserable elongated bouts of deprivation and poverty tbh just like what we have to look forward to
>>142413 energy efficient?
>>142415 Climate change fixes don’t work just like jabs don’t work Fake solutions to fake problems
>>142414 I'm seething
>>142416 tbh smh
>>142414 Another Laura Southern
latest PA slop https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR128:2 Cannibal Yank isn't in it, Noseley may have thrown him under the bus after BIG MIKE and the NJP started infighting with him over being a creepy cultist or whatever
>>142420 keeeek fuck's sake
>>142420 smh all those comments which will hurt the cannibal's nonexistent feelings
Prevent should make white nationalist lads look after the elderly
>>142420 Who is cannibal yank?
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>>142423 *tortures them for fighting for the wrong side*
>>142425 keeeeek
>>142424 "NoWhiteGuilt" he inducts a lot of boomoid sharts into his cult of white race saving
what's with all the infighting tbh smh
do you think NWG vileposts?
>>142368 >>142374 Cool, but I wonder what happened to who left it? Probably died some sort of violent death or went to prison. Smh.
>>142427 Oh, I always kind of liked him tbh
>>142431 he has his good points but works best alone, is an intolerable waffler on the PA streams and regularly does 10 hour ones of his own lmao somehow far worse than noseley in terms of word vomitpower
https://youtu.be/SHuTSv6-oeE What an incredible man tbqh
>>142363 How is that even a roast? Just reads like stuff I hear about women all the time, for the last 10 years at least
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Anyone know what song this is? Heard it on a bunch of meme vids but don't know the source.
https://mobile.twitter.com/i/events/1451351603710021632 >they're saying it was a live round >but also leaving it to speculation ffs
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>>142432 He has some good memetic rhetoric though Didn’t he invent the term “anti-white”?
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>>142438 did he? I don't think so. His catchphrase is white wellbeing
>>142438 no but he does make up new words for concepts we already have the "lexicon" stuff is his best contribution to actual white race saving but even there he feels the need to waffle and add stupid stuff like referring to Europeans as "Westmen" instead of just being normal
what's his cult anyway, and why are people against it?
>>142441 are they fighting with actual sharp weapons with no protection? Seems quite riskyrino
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>>142440 >referring to Europeans as "Westmen"
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>>142437 Top fucking wew. Me and b*sexual ex gf used to hang around the Arndale in Manchester along with Oli Sykes and a bunch of other faggy emo groomers and nonces in 2008.
>>142442 the NJP infighting stuff is just accusing him of grifting his actual cult is really just getting boomers/gen x crazies into saving the white race by using his autistic language and buying his books overall he does good for the shartosphere but shouldn't be involved in UK/EU polishits
>>142443 Only the Fremen do that lad. I think they got comfy electric shields.
>>142446 how is it grifting if he does all this stuff for the white race? I just hate baseless inshiting tbh
>>142445 keeeeek small world tbh
>>142448 dunno tbh I don't follow any NJP stuff maybe you can find whatever poodcasts they do and find out
>>142448 I remember when I first got into politics on a forum, and discovered the "moderate" leftists would literally go to bat for Stalin and Mao without flinching - if you insulted either they'd attack and mock you for it. Likewise with the far leftists for the moderates But the right wing tears itself to pieces in a heartbeat
>>142451 tbh, one ironic vilepost and you're denied (You)s and filtered smh
>>142451 smh the curse of actually believing in something greater than just "destroy civilisation and enslave everybody"
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>when you want to breed to save the shite race but /brit/ turns on you because she hasn't lost enough eggs yet
imperium damsel in distress
>>142456 >killed her married boyfriend sounds like he probably deserved it
>>142455 >seven years of "ironic" grottynonceposting
Thought the Harkonnen were quite good in the recent Dune film, much better than I thought they'd be
>>142460 I don't like how they're all wierd and hairless. They're supposed to be redheads. And Feyd-Rautha is gone.
>>142462 Villeneuve is known for hiring skilled cinematographers, Blade Runner '49 was like that too (though it was a different cinematographer)
>>142462 It axed so much of the intrigue from the book that it feels like they rushed all character development in favour of big set pieces.
https://youtu.be/1kd8dwR-PUM Love these set pieces
https://youtu.be/SsGySrPHGFk Autistic Deano posted a viral video
>142454 Denying him a (you) lest I get caught in the jannie crossfire, but in NY (and the show where it's set) 17 is legal age of consent. Keek.
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>>142469 Yeah. Wonder if the average American is even aware of their own age of consent laws
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaCi58_e1dk >Christian paleontologist bit odd
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>>142451 Leftists tear each other to pieces all the time though lad
>>142471 Based. FUCK smilodons.
>>142473 Loved walking with beasts as a kid. Glad to hear it holds up well. >bit odd Jesus met dragons in a cave, lad. Obviously there were a few dinos left in ancient levantine mountains. Hence the older fossils are not fakes but the dragon's ancient ancestors/relatives.
>>142478 Just find it odd because of the Earth's age in the Bible and how God created all the animals as they are today, and not dinosaurs
clearly he created their remains in the ground as a means of epicly pranking industrial espionage oil prospector "archaeologists"
Um, Lads?…
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tfw you try 6 times and get 6 daughters
>>142482 Imagine being that dad and knowing every male in your neighbourhood wants to fuck all your daughters
>>142482 the one in the middle looks fun
having daughters is genetically favourable tbh means your genes will almost certainly get passed down its a gamble having a son
>>142482 wew and they are all dumb whores he didn't even luck out and have some 6/10 nerdy book worm daughter
>>142488 the brunette one is probably the outcast tbh
>>142487 True, the cuck meme doesn't make sense, but isn't there something only a male child can pass on?
yeah she looks like she seethes about it all the time but is probably obsessed with blond haired guys as a coping mechanism t. has a cousin who is literally that
>>142489 they're probably all brunettes
>>142487 genetically yes but societally it means your family is subsumed and your surname will disappear
they look like the most obnoxious middle classoid fractal mcmansion drone people ngl
Hell yes brvthers!!!
>seething at this lad single handily saving the white race
>>142493 don't really care about that tbh >>142494 you look like an incel
having grotty thoughts tbh
>>142487 His Y chromosome is totally lost to history though
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>>142493 >society
literally my grandfather had 9 daughters and 2 sons and i have family everywhere because of it
>defending having a daughter
>>142502 someone must make more chalices for are seed, lad
I'd like to have those daughters if you know what I mean
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>tfw the y chromosome goes extinct
>>142499 tbh smh
>>142504 based incestuous man having incestuous thoughts
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>>142499 >Have grandson >He's a throwback and has all his traits
you are just seething because you arent him tbh
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just raise your female sons as male tbh
>>142508 He’d be more likely to have traits from his mother’s side I think
>>142493 And it ends your CK2 campaign
>>142479 >the earth's age in the bible Where in the bible was the exact age of the earth written? >God created all the animas as they are today Where is that explicitly stated? >and not dinosaurs Yet it does mention the existence of giant reptiles several times in prehistory. And a giant elephant like creature (mammoth or mastadon) the Behemoth. Not saying the bible is perfect. It's part history (with all the normal issues around verifying or conflicting or simply abscent accounts), part myth, part instruction, part philosophy, and everything in between. Christians aren't supposed to LARP like the bible in it's entirety is the exact, direct word of God. That's for thick mohammedans. Not even a proper believing Christian myself tbh. Just don't like soyim claiming the existence of deep time and extinct animals is proof there's no sky daddy that cares if people commit infanticide. OKay, thank you.
Imagine trusting this face
>>142509 glad i'm not him tbqh even ignoring all the family line shite imagine living in a house with seven foids smh hellish >>142512 tbh the most important thing
>>142513 if it isn't the direct word of god doesn't that make it fallible though?
>>142514 almost looks like she's wearing those false gum and teeth props
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>>142516 Fallible doesn't mean valueless in substance and as a symbol of the faith and fellowship and connection with your ancestors through both tbh.
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>>142520 How do sharts justify this given their likely millions of homeless and that none of them are even in theory entiteled to free homes like the UK?
>>142518 weeew
>>142521 pooskins are holy beings
>>142521 lad those racist rednecks have plenty of oxy to keep them warm in their OSB sheds down by the river
maybe we can groom all of their descendants into becoming troomers so they can't breed
reminder, 5 billion DOLLARS net negative for every brown migrant in Denmark. With all these browns and the climate shite and green energy shite going on, imagine what our countries would be like without any of it smh.
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>>142526 >5 billion dollars per migrant Are they all funding private space programs or something?
>>142528 thinking about it I don't understand how that is even possible tbh where would the money come from... that story must be a racist hoax
>>142526 tbh it could be a golden age without them clogging everything up and dragging everyone down >>142527 luv this picture
>>142529 I believe every black American costs $100k over his lifetime, with Hispanics I can't remember if it was $30k or $70k but one of those two
>>142526 >>142529 >>142528 sorry lads I got it wrong, it's 5 billion dollars for all the browns in denmark, forgive me.
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>>142534 this but unironically
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they should send alec baldwin over to shoot the whole cast of SNL just while he is at it
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>>142537 tbh. Watched a clip now and not only is it not funny it's just all poolitical smh. Guess it's been like that for a while
>first grain of rice burning my tongue based start to dinner
>>142541 get mummy to blow on it
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tbh this last week when I was boomer toiling me and boomer bossman and xoomertoiler went to get philly cheesesteaks for lunch and the 30 something proto-milf lass at the counter smiled at me when I helped get a seat for this old person and I realized that because of maskoid culture I have not had a woman smile at me in almost 2 years and it made my simp loosh levels rise and I felt beta male for a minute
>>142220 Initial P
>>142544 >me when alabama gunlass starts stroking the barrel of a large revolver
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>>142534 You can't denigrate the clear superiority of the lower left image in better representing the female form (therefore being closer to the truth) with these other satanic cartoons on the right.
>>142547 in the ethnostate these will be our version of black marias of the soviet union.
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>>142548 > the female form
>>142550 Imagine the female is a png, except it's like your png with the background still attached.
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Also this
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>>142383 Saw that when it came into Liverpool. They had an honourary procession in front of the statue of Nelson
>>142552 my dad used to be obsessed with those porsche 917s in the 1960s and 1970s ford was obsessed with trying to make american versions
>>142553 Or I suppose Trafalgar Monument considering Nelson isn't in it.
Just had my booster jab. No side effects. I don't know what you fannies are on about with all this anti-vaxx nonsense.
>>142556 Enjoy your stroke.
>>142557 Didn't have one the first time around and I won't have one with the booster. Schizo.
the best race cars were always british chassis with V8 hemi motors like the lola and the smaller cobra
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yeah but what is the best white race cars?
Cars are ugly and should be banned for all but rural people tbh
>>142560 What the FUCK is wrong with those cats?
>when the angloids caused medshit seethe by inventing 6 wheeled f1 cars and had to be banned
I think my ANUS is growing into a TAIL :S
Oh no, it turns out I have just Pood myself!
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>tbbk/schizo filtered tbh
sure love the content draught in the weekends
>>142569 /shit/ is and always was an intellectual desert.
Sorry, I meant dessert. As in it's lovely and sweet! hahahahaha
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Didn't know of this until now, but vids related are chinese click farms. I am sure other countries have them too. Guess that's how you buy clicks
>>142575 i crick on rink
Oh shit, just 50 days to save the planet lads
Drumpf “accidentally” red pills his supporters on the JQ 1488 D chess playing in action Are you trusting the plan yet, lads???

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