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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3561: Wessie's Daring Escape from Bath Edition Anonymous 10/26/2021 (Tue) 14:42:51 Id: 1bf34f No. 143301
Sudan coup: Protests continue after military takeover https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-59045020 The remote British island hoping to see more visitors https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-58966376 Louise Minchin: Man admits stalking BBC presenter https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-59049105
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>>143301 good lad >>143303 congratulations
>>143301 such a distinct look. Could have made it as an e-celeb tbh
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st helena sounds like a nice place tbh
>>143305 so many /brit/ personalities could make it in the e-celeb game.
don't understand your obsession with my not liking Bath for being full of chinky tourists and having a poorly functioning rubbish collection system tbh being a (1) and bringing it up to start your poosting career repeatedly is also very suspicious >>143305 >wearing a beanie all the time like tim pool because I actually have a massive bald spot
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Keeeeeeeeek I feel sorry for the wheel of time fans
I'm going to start gang stalking wessie, who else wants to join in?
>>143309 you could go with the monk cut like that one lad did
>>143309 >wearing a beanie all the time like tim pool because I actually have a massive bald spot Really? I thought you had a mane
>>143310 like having a giant pile of poo sitting in the forefront of a larp photoshoot >>143311 are you in league with the exhaust fume gassers lad? I'll hammer you AAHHHH >>143312 based manxlad iirc >>143313 maybe I have both
>>143310 >they couldn't get the robes custom made to their actors so on some of them(the poo) it drags along the ground
don't know bath lore tbh
>>143316 >A dafty will stand by the cathedral with a banner >Go up to him and say he can't be racist because it's the current year >That's all you have to do >>143318 I went to Bath and said it was a shithole because it was full of chinks and the grotty bastids that live in the flats had their rubbish bags piled up above my head stinking in the summer sun
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Wheel of time women look like THAT??
>>143318 wessie and his gang tried to do a racism in bath but mistook a mixed race girl for being white. what followed is known as the downfall of british nationalism.
>>143317 smh even big budget things feel like fan productions these days tbh it always feels so amateur >>143319 'ate chinks me
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scale of this is insane
>>143322 might add effects to make the armour look more real I guess
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>>143324 >effects >more real
>>143325 Forgot you're a wessexbrain
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>Novara media gets banned from YouTube >Novara media gets reinstated on YouTube with 24 hours due to “public pressure” Sick of it lads
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>>143329 >wondered for a moment what veganism had to do with that post and then I remembered what she's actually famous for
fucking hell I treat my mother like an adult and clearly explain why she shouldn't have done what she did >You've overreached quite a lot here, without full understanding of what happened and making appointments without asking me first. Please don't do it again. and she responds <Whatever. just that, passive-aggressive shite and not even apologising for being so intrusive. god I hate women.
>>143331 sounds like you got owned
>>143331 She's conceding fault by just writing "whatever". I'd just leave it at that tbh also QUADS!!
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Isn't the French people the citizens, regardless of skin colour? This Jew is subverting the French people's "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" culture.
>>143331 Keeeeeeek
>>143334 Zemmour is the French Farage tbh, not a bad lad at all but he's eating into Le Pen's votes
>>143336 >good lad >eating into Le Pen's votes doesn't that answer it? smh
>>143336 Zemmour is way more right wing than Farage, and Le Pen at this point.
>>143337 There's a spectrum of good lads, lad. >>143338 >right wing Cringe. The only hope for Fraunce is Louis XX le Baste and Action Francaise
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>>143339 so true but pro-monarchy is literally what "right wing" originally meant.
Yes, I'm aware Action Francaise are largely Orleanist smh >>143341 Yeah, didn't it come from constitutional monarchists during the revolution?
>>143340 Yeah, but they got their YouTube channel back now
>Zemmour restores the Monarchy of Fraunce qeeqing avec les ognions
>>143331 she didn't do it for you lad she did it so she can smugly think to herself about what a good mother she is stop ruining her fun >>143340 keeeeeeeeeeeek
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it's just hilarious and refreshing seeing someone up for election going polface keeeks
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>>143349 it is fucked up how easy its been for him. he gets invited to talk shows and eloquently lays out everything /pol/ said in 2015 and it just works. If the system was really scared why dont they just full on deplatform him?
>>143351 He's probably going to end up splitting the rw vote between him and Le Pen though. He was defending abortion yesterday too.
>>143351 He's always been on talk shows and stuff because he's a Jew misdirecting nationalist fervour
the gangs all here
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>>143315 cant even do any daftie art on the top anymore because it just doesnt grow at all
>>143354 smh what are the defenders of the white race being charged with >>143355 keeeeek good lad
>>143356 Sines vs Kessler Civil Suit.
yeah the bitch suing them is backed pro bono by the largest law firm in america run by a lesbian Jew Roberta Kaplan.
>>143360 the chuds made her feel uncomfortable
>>143361 the greatest crime of all smh
I'm an internaut!
You lads excited for the autumn budget?
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>>143349 Based. >>143352 >>143353 Urgh, not based then.
>>143369 In fairness, either he or Le Pen will come second and go through to the second round. Then the he or Le Pen may win with the second round of votes.
>>143354 Have only heard of 4 or 5 of them and they're shit anyway.
two toffee apples down, eight to go.
the post-ball-scratch-nose-pick tbh
>>143372 What are you even talking about? What shart polface court case is it? Does it revolve around this Fields? Share the lore, brutha.
>143375 >Traditional English cuisine >Gay jew food schizo striking again with the retard takes.
>>143376 James Fields is the Charlottesville guy Cville federal civil trial just started
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>>143384 ahh doing the jobs brits wont do
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it's funny how you can't actually find the first ever train driver, but you can find all this pointless bollocks
>>143389 Equism is really the spasm of a dying civilisation
>>143376 >responding to schizbot
>>143388 bending the knee has been one of the unintentionally funniest thing yanknigs have come up with, taking a subservient position in order to protest, having it so dumb cunts round the globe follow suit, kneeling when Floyd fucking died was just perfect
smh the schishoah
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Found a bunch of slugs nestled in my red boxes assumedly sheltering from the rain and it made me wish I could be that comfy
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>>143405 based
>>143389 Richard Trevithick developed the first steam locomotive in 1801, the "puffing devil". His cousin Andrew Vivian steered it for the test drive up Camborne Hill. However, that was a road locomotive. The first successful railway engine was the Salamanca in 1812. I can't find any details on drivers for those.
>>143415 keeeeeeeeek
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It would be an honour to be named amongst such heroes like chairman peinovich and big matt heimbach
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>>143402 based >>143415 keeeeeek
Stop purposely spamming & your posts might get deleted a bit less.
>>143422 JonTron was first a racist and now he's a vaxx denier smh Btw Sam Harris is getting heat for being racist now lol
>>143429 I assume you're talking about the Harris thing, here's a link of Ezra Klein reacting to it https://web.archive.org/web/20211008112317/https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/3/27/15695060/sam-harris-charles-murray-race-iq-forbidden-knowledge-podcast-bell-curve Basically Harris said Douglas Murray is right, and apologised for avoiding him in the past, saying Murray's the victim of a modern-day anti-scientific witch hunt
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>>143433 Charles Murray I mean, Bell Curve guy
Well actually, it's Telegram that glows now.
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I can't talk about the cool early British steam engineering rabbit hole I just fell into 'cause the thread's in chaos smh
ayyyy hi schizo
>>143443 poost it lad sounds kino
>In the BBC series The Nazis: A Warning from History, an eyewitness account tells of Hitler watching movies (which he did very often). If ever a scene showed (even fictional) cruelty to or death of an animal, Hitler would cover his eyes and look away until someone alerted him the scene was over.
Don't think that post was him smh innocent lads getting caught in the crossfire
>>143447 are they trying to say he was a pussy
>>143433 Ah, yes.. now.. 2018, the current year
>>143448 maybe dont be a spaz in the middle of bbk's spergouts
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>>143447 Imagine if he was on /r9k/ during the /devilish/ era
>>143453 yes I think of that often
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choo choo
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was going to be nice but fuck that little runt butt pirate
>>143457 Good lad no mercy for the schiz
>>143450 It's like if someone said "Russia's under sanctions now because of Crimea" and supplied a 2014 article about the sanctions being applied He still gets flak for it today, like JonTron, basically
not sure who is schizo at all tbh.
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>>143458 in awe tbh
>>143464 the lengths they go to is impressive tbh
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He'll need to escape from more than just Bath soon.
>>143466 I see he... hasn't lost weight
>>143466 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>143466 keeeek
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>that noodle finger
>>143466 keeeeeek
i miss helmer
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>>143475 tbh I still have hope he'll return
don't think theres a link to here on 8kun /brit/ now that jim or whoever controls that site now removed everything
>>143478 Oh gosh, they really did go to town on it.
>>143478 yeah i saw that the other day smh. qoomer board still going though
>>143480 >>143478 Are there archives up?
one of the pinned threads does mention moe tbh
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Just remembered his youtube channel tbh better days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2njLNDfQGL4
Archives still there but all the images are stripped.
>>143485 they've got some new schizo shit where it wipes every file within a week
>>143486 Seriously? What the fuck...
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why didn't they breed her?
>>143488 Eerie how they chose a late teenager who looks like a perpetual child to manipulate the US with
wignats unleashed
https://youtu.be/3hyrBXcrzC4 Unjabbed nationalism tbh
>>143491 how many brown vaginas has he been in now?
>>143493 Estimate of about 382
https://youtu.be/WflAReA2cqs I remember watching this at the cinema and walking out feeling very cool. I was actually an 18 year old incel at the time.
>>143495 >he's 28 yikes. Still a cold incel I bet
>>143496 Nah lad, had sex 3 times with 3 different women in a 2 month period a year ago.
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>Reading American normies talking online >They think the reason there were "0 flu cases" in the US 2020 is that masks and social distancing stopped it
>>143497 I'd prefer it if you had been an incel
>>143498 *screams*
any sub 4 inch dicks had sex here?
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>>143492 >I don't want to live in a society Me neither Nige, me neither
I bested Smartin
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>>143508 Me in the back
don't know if neanderthals had fair eyes or hair tbh
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imagine having unsupportive parents
https://voca.ro/1e7vQhrzdGRu >>143405 somewhat suspicious schnozzes involved maybe he knew >>143411 >Trevithick based Cornish brainpower always makes me go hmm thinking about the napoleonic wars having trains around, crazy tbh they also had widespread use of signal towers using configurable arms and sailors, mirrors and lights and used them to rapidly send orders to armies such an extremely kino time >>143447 smh he was too pvre for this world >>143466 KEEEEEEK absolutely based and autistic is this the homosexual camping trip group lad?
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>>143516 >Napoleonic Wars having trains around Yes, and Trevithick even made a working steam car in 1803, so there were technically cars in existence while the eagles were marching through Germany
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And machine guns of course
>>143411 kino post, funny how we can't find out who steered the first ever train but we can easily find out the first foid/nigger to do so
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based mpreg
do girls like it when you tell them that it's the seahorse male who gets preglant?
>>143524 They'd probably take that as an endorsement of trannyism
sausage sandwich with mustard and sausage sandwich with fruity brown sauce for dessert
The thing is that he's right.
>>143524 yeah tbh
>>143530 Good lad
>>143530 good lad dr oetkers mozarrella pizza again for smee
keeeeeeeeeeek she liked the searhorse trivia and saved it in the chat >>143532 thanks lad
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talking about yuan shi-kai he's just like me
>>143542 >Betray the Qing Dynasty and make them surrender to the Republicans >Become dictator >Break your promise to the Republicans and declare yourself emperor >Die of lung cancer immediately Bold moves
>>143542 the heroic deed of living in a rubbish tip and eating over 5000 calories a day
>>143543 oh wait yeah smh sun yat-sen was the based one who told everyone what to do to fix things but didn't want to do it himself >>143544 yes
>>143545 Thank God China isn't a democracy like Sun wanted Imagine having to be blitzed with Chinese election news on top of American, ouch
>>143546 they'd find a way to turn it into a one party system anyway tbh, just like current ccp, chinkies always need a king at the top of the hive
>>143547 Yeah or like Japan, maybe India too Democracy is just a fashionable show for these types of populations, I can see them dropping the facade entirely when China is in secure global #1 position
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*is invisible*
Always have to log off of good screen to think about christmas pressies for smee.
>143517 begone seethe goblin
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Had really high morale yesterday but today it's low smh Nevermind before I finished this post it rose again, based >>143549 Love deep sea aesthetics, if we lived in a peaceful world marine biology would be a kino way to spend time Hirohito was a marine biologist actually
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>>143552 >Hirohito was a marine biologist actually based https://youtu.be/dhfF3XCGE5A
>>143553 a jock denied his pizza
>>143555 smh he's part italian, he needs that 'za. He should have played Mario tbh
>>143556 after we win wews will be featured in many pro-white films
FRESH TRVDBRITS Gregory Lauder Frost, VP, TBG - Oppressive Race Laws Aimed at OUR people. the most exclusive limited nationalist hangout, with members of the House of Lords invovled https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpsEOKZHPAg
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>>143560 3000 Miles to Graceland but featuring Wews, Collett, Keet and Dutton vs the soyzogs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD6PqfMmIIk
(keet takes the negro's role because irish aren't white)
https://youtu.be/w00Z--m9fMU to think that Sargon is slimmer than Woes smh
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>when mummy pulls the curtainerinos in the morningerino
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https://youtu.be/C4Id4OSe2to STEINER NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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>Archaeoindris fontoynontii is an extinct giant lemur and the largest primate native to Madagascar. It was about the size of a gorilla.
might go see dune at the kinoplex tbh
>>143563 thought sargn retired to gooming
>Reports circulating that an illegal immigrant died of the Essex coast. https://twitter.com/stevelawsreport/status/1453084175695818755
>>143572 good one down, several hundred thousands to go
>>143477 Not happening
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>lad was on about a bowden dvd on here the other day >someone on twitter has bought it
>>143570 I love how Taiwan voted against gay marriage and the govt. forced it through anyway The perfect picture of what equism is really about, the ultimate buck breaking of "democracy" in favour of poz
Tfw your balls create a bigger bulge than your dick
>>143576 just like 100 years of brits voting against immigration and immigration always increasing anyway
>>143563 Can’t listen to 20 minutes of Sargon missing the point (((Chomsky))) was only anti-authoritarian when Jews didn’t have as much power as they have now. Now that Jews have a near total monopoly, Chomsky is full authoritarian Chomsky’s thinking is tribal and very Jewish
How Chomsky runs cover for the Zionist Lobby and Israel From “The power of Israel in the United States” by James Petras
>>143581 good bigbrain post lad 'ate jews me
>>143572 >>Reports circulating that an illegal immigrant died of the Essex coast. I'm just getting started.
>>143583 kek based lad
Jews about to censor the internet even more
>>143585 wish the cunts would die already need to stop their supply of fresh young goyim blood smh
>>143579 tbh >>143585 >disinformation crisis keeeeeeeeeeeek
more trvdchvds Viscount Monckton, On The Creeping Totalitarian Tendencies Exemplified By Woke Britain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChSfELwMrJU
>>143585 >good information inc
>>143589 you couldn't make it sound any more dystopian.
>>143574 This, bins killed him
>the great religion of the Jews and Christians god fucking damnit you stupid boomer scum AAHHHHHHHHHH
>>143589 That's right, only by using the services of Good Information Inc can the unwashed masses reject their erroneous ways of thinking for themselves. They must be Educated™ in order to learn the Truth™
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Fuckin blud blud fed blud raahhhh blud fed cras noooooooooo blud
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>>143595 >Fed crashed into another fed >Fed can't even get their paki nigger patois right
>When we talk of Islam we must distinguish between the vast majority of good, law-abiding Islamic citizens, and the wicked few yeah the vast majority who merely agree with jihad, rape and murder and stoning etc rather than actually doing it yet this cunt wou'dn't be part of a real "traditional" group and he's a Lord so I guess it was expected for him to be a piece of shit cuck
>>143598 Paki girls love white cock so their entire society is based around frustration, they just need to chill tbh
>Monckton asserts that the House of Lords Act 1999, that deprived him of a hereditary seat, is flawed and unconstitutional. In 2006 he referred to himself as "a member of the Upper House of the United Kingdom legislature" in a letter to US Senators, and has said he was "a member of the Upper House but without the right to sit or vote." The House of Lords authorities have said Monckton is not and never has been a member and that there is no such thing as a non-voting or honorary member of the House. >In July 2011 the House of Lords took the unprecedented step of publishing online a cease and desist letter to Monckton from the Clerk of the Parliaments, which said: "I must repeat my predecessor's statement that you are not and have never been a Member of the House of Lords." It concluded, "I am publishing this letter on the parliamentary website so that anybody who wishes to check whether you are a Member of the House of Lords can view this official confirmation that you are not." keksmh he's cucked out of vooting because he wasn't woke enough to avoid the 1999 purge of hereditary nobility
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Good people really deserve better than this world
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>>143524 >>143527 I've only just realised, this is why the formerly qt girl who's getting her tits cut off soon calls herself a 'seahorse dad'.
>wank with my imagination because they tell you it's better >floating people above me start pointing and laughing Is there no peace
>>143604 sounds like you need a psychic dampener to avoid these embarrassing moments lad
>>143603 >Seahorse Dad How unsettling, reminds me of the term "rat king" for rats that get tangled together into a rat hydra
>>143604 keeeeeeeeeek smh
>>143606 I imagine it's so rare because they'd want to kill and eat eachother like when trapped in small traps together.
>The world will soon be free of totalitarianism, because the wokery is getting sillier and sillier and sillier, and eventually its proponents will stop because they will realise how absurd they are this man observed the creation of the EU, the soviet union and its collapse, 9/11 and operation gladio terrorist attacks, and the continual furthering of the nwo agenda and he is still an incurable optimist retard with no understanding of what he's actually seeing
>>143609 Tbh. What are you watching?
>>143610 Traditional Britain Group uploads >>143588
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>>143595 keeeeek >>143597 Pretty sure it's a yankicism, because blapipo are integrated Britons just like you and me
>>143609 I'm glad the pre-Boomer generations don't have to see this era, they get to rest
>>143613 tbh even when they're trying to be based boomoids are cringe and more harm than good but when they die the gen Xers are just as bad and then the millenials are acclimatised to pozworld and then the zoomers are just ambulant soylent it really is looking like an unavoidable apocalypse
shnight lads another day of toil and trouble awaits
>>143615 Sleep well, I enjoy your poosts
>>143614 That in itself contains hope tbh. The more society declines the less it can sustain itself. Who will do the heavy lifting when its people cannot? The future is either cyberpunk or mad max, and either way we have a front row seat. >>143615 Sweat dreams sweety.
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>>143615 shnight lad toil calls for me soon too
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>>143615 take care lad
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>>143617 Chris Langan is also predicting a Book of Revelation-style apocalypse if the illuminate confirmed win, interesting times indeed
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>>143619 Can't even tell if that's a woman or not.
>>143619 Sheboon electrocutes her fanny and passes out? Is that what I just saw? Did she mean to do that?
Climate Change rationing is now on the table
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C.S. Lewis said the govt. were agonisingly reluctant to end wartime rationing, food control is one of those powers they slaver over
>>143613 Until they start turning their headstones into gravel like they did across the middle east.
>>143627 a hungry hound is an obedient hound, as the saying goes
das rite
>>143334 figured he would just be some release valve kike frog version of trump with how he was being astroturfed on english speaking imageboards
EU funded story identifies several far right narratives and developed strategies to counter them What do you think lads?
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>>143634 Someone shoot that fucking noisy-ass dog.
>>143633 >It might be unprofitable to contest the factual [truth] of the [actual claims] Yeah no doubt it would because we're telling the truth you devils >work to de-escalate... legitimacy of 'separate people groups' idea Take a look at South Africa and contrast US decline with Chinese success >Victimhood narrative, educate citizens regarding what they can and cannot expect from their governments Governments must allow their people to tell the truth, this is self-evident Like the third image said, their responses aren't really responses, just them opposing our true worldview with their will to power. As they said, they don't even want to contest that white genocide is going to happen - just convince us "it's a good thing"
>>143635 keeeeeeeeek it's that time of the year now where we don't have to keep the window open to sleep and hear all that shit
>>143636 >Like the third image said, their responses aren't really responses, just them opposing our true worldview with their will to power. As they said, they don't even want to contest that white genocide is going to happen - just convince us "it's a good thing" Basically this
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>>143634 Good night
>>143633 >1. What are the postive contributions of mudsharts according to leftoids? food? they haven't got any and a "less formulaic conception of pisslam wouldn't even be islam >2. ah yes I'm sure you'll win the wignats over when you tell them it is alright for inbred foreigners to replace them in the workforce, I don't see how they can frame what any decent society would call an invasion force as a non threat >3. the Bible says women are not to have authority over men on top of the heaps of historical evidence of women in power being a self destructive force, while the LGBT movement is a nonce liberation movement >4. international organisations are not only un Biblical, nationalist are rarely allowed to get involved or pose any threat to the system >5. keeeeeeeeeeek you can't even get the truth out of our worthless leaders or our media >>143634 nini
>>143640 >What are the postive contributions of mudsharts according to leftoids? Accidentally causing the age of discovery by standing in between Europe and India?
i cant sleep wheres the fucking seacow
has anyone seen this allegedly deleted leaked government document mentioned the other day in Shitebart? https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2021/10/22/report-corona-shows-public-have-deep-set-reverence-for-govt/
>>143633 where's the one on the far right from?
no pun intended
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It's only 1AM, fuck me lads.
where is the fucking sea cow
sneethe won't make the seacow come
>>143643 If anyone is interested in this, here's the document, fake leak, nudge about nudging. https://archive.md/Gijuv
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>1:30 starting to worry now this is completely out of hand
he might be piping the toilmummy
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there was an image of the seacow posted at 23:59 is this worthy
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>Saving the white race and winning the cultcha war one train at a time
>>143662 hate this cunt smfh
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Yes the patient is talking aout the "midnight seacow" again shall we up his dosage?
>>143662 his enthusiasm is endearing
>>143668 >Is 'the seacow' in the room with us right now? No..no he's not..
>>143658 >1:30 >out of hand
Wot de fucking fuck is dis?
>>143662 He's really handsome, but that fucking camera-angle combined with the lense makes him look like fucking that smh.
(37.79 KB 768x432 arybrytvaeffdhzdfhzdh.jpg)

lel they're all super-disappointed in her and the boomer-tier lolberts are gloating
The moon is disgusting, it’s made of cheese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wGMsOhaPJs
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>>143680 mayan home alone
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>>143680 lobotomies are a discreet surgery, but often times it's one of the most telling
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>>143687 keek if you thought was bad, this is worse
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>>143688 smh took me a moment to realise what that even was
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>>143688 tf is that
>>143690 fake crotch bulge for troons
>cousin who was having a baby had to get emergency C section because her blood randomly sharted clotting
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>>143691 ... is that what a penis is supposed to look like? mine is like a tube with a fleshy bag with two balls in it and then it ends in a mushroom top part because it was mutilated by the hospital staff to make makeup for women
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>spend 90k on hormone injections >get facial hair growth of me when I was 19 why in the hell would you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars just to become a low T manlet with bone density problems compared to bio-males
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>>143693 smh clearly she didn't have enough booster shots >>143694 it's an insane cultist lad don't read too deeply into it
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watching it again
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>>143695 he's just like you!
>>143698 hello kitten
>>143699 keeeeeeeeek
>>143697 based
(3.69 MB 854x480 wews sanic.mp4)

>>143699 watching it again
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*blocks steiners path*
>>143702 reminder that he is the savior of the white race and he would utterly thrash eliot page with a wild highland charge pushing a shopping cart with pale homonid inside after discharging his caliver for a smoke screen
>>143703 wew apparantly that kike got really into BJJ to lose weight
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>>143706 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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smfh remember when steiner accidently doxed his youtube like playlist and that pig video was on there such a kino moment
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>>143708 it was a kino video
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>those fucken shoes
https://youtu.be/5DBqJLUPkf4 god I wish this was me
>>143712 keeeeeeeeek goodlad >>143714 kino
>>143712 Is that really what that bird looks like now? She looks like the wee lad that used come around the house to punt us swants.
>>143659 yeah. I said this would happen and was called a schizo for it. even now, somehow, I'm still called a schizo for that, how's that work?
shut up schizo
>143717 >(1)
>>143718 and for what reason?
>buttered toast
morning lads it's a brand new downtrodden day >>143693 pozzed, I presume? should hold this over her and the rest of your family whenever possible tbh make them seethe for being cattle >>143721 only two slices of bread left myself smh want to have some now then more later for second breakfast so I might annoy the neighbour by having a 6am shower and go shops as soon as they open
>>143722 tbh >>143723 morning lad carpe diem
>>143724 more like sharty die me tbh
>>143726 Really hate this song, it used to get played on my local radio station all the time to the point where it was starting to torture me.
been a long time since the last inspector norf production
look how they massacred my boy
>>143727 keek bet they played this to death as well https://youtu.be/NNqDvr87GTA
>>143730 wew i had to listen to so much of this and that fruitcup robbie williams as a bairn. smh maybe le 90s were shitter than i recall
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>drinking tap >suddenly tastes like shit and leaves a strange aftertaste I think something's broken down or they've started putting more shit in the water
>>143733 lad you need to be filtering it, not even memeing. you want to use the brita filters that filter lead too because there's still lead pipes out there believe it or not
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Monday: flat tyre Tuesday: looked out of van >wednesday: ENGINE FAILURE HAHAHSGSFDDDGFFVDDSSSSFGGCGGFFFFD
>>143734 yeah I have a water filter, but no replacement cartridges for it smh need to order them from bezos smh >>143735 that's coming out of your wages, it's your fault after all
>>143735 bossman will say it's because you were driving like a cowboy
>>143735 just bite the bullet and buy bossman a new van already lad stop being a cheapskate really it's the least you could do after all those years of gainful employment he's generously given you
>£21 for six water filters >no idea how long they last because my jug doesn't have any fancy electronic sensor or whatever the posh ones use smh it says 4 weeks sometimes. been using my last one for at least a year probably
>>143738 >>143736 Tbh its time i start paying him
while I'm buying from bezos I may as well get other shit looking at shower curtains like i'm playing the sims 'ate having to do home improvement and clothes shopping and that sort of thing
>>143741 Get some cyanide lad
>>143741 >'ate having to do home improvement wish i could live in a cave tbh so interior design would scale linearly with how many animal pelts i have
>>143744 tbh so much easier to clean and maintain too
(147.28 KB 636x657 Pepe why.png)

couldn't have a thot if i lived in a cave thou.. oh wait, i can't anyway
>£80 for a shower curtain and some water filters >had to look at emails and mummy sent me another passive aggressive "I know best" cope thing >>143746 you could get one caveman style tbf just nab one when they go out hiking
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>his cave doesn't have red ochre hand outlines >he hasn't traded with big lake tribe for seashells >oh my grug is he wearing squirrel fur?
Wish we were just animals without tech beyond a club tbh. Haavin some hiraeth when I see the neanderthal recreations tbh
>>143748 >no en-suite spring with bespoke stalactite privacy wall I'm leaving for chaddug, he earns enough meat to barter for a cave fit for a real woman
think' 'bout sawney bean again
Wonder if I smell like poo or if I just have some poo stuck in my nose
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>>143754 trying to listen to the rest of the soundtrack but it's amazing how degenerated youtube has become thanks to diversity hires and women just noticed that the reccomendations bar that should link to similar videos (other soundtrack pieces) is now split into subcategories of "all" (by default) which covers whatever yidtube thinks you should be watching regardless of the current video, "from your search" which only applies to the first video you click on, then removed afterwards because it's now one step away from the original search, then vaguely related categories like "soundtracks" ie literally any soundtrack ever released, "recently uploaded" (also of generic any-music-ever-uploaded) and "watched" as in already watched shit the utter state
>>143755 yeah it's shite smh they just want to funnel people towards the clickbait as fast as possible
The stress from all the van trouble is making me hungy for comfort crisps and sweets
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>did a mighty kong roar in the middle of the night as I woke from a dream that the little bitch was growling right in my face >she's been less aggressive Based monke subconscious.
>>143756 >the end result of youtube is niggercattle being fed infinite AI generated videos of elsa pooping on spiderman forever >>143757 good lad you need to overtake me again and become the dominant weight of the board >>143758 verygoodlad now make ook ook eek eek noises in the presence of your family
>>143757 iktf >>143758 keeeeek based
Woman accidentally_video_calls_dad_while_twerking_at_the_camera.webm Ah seething about it again lads
>>143763 If only bacon wasn't so tastey. If it gets banned/rationed, but our elite still eat it, I will save the piggies and free them, for we share a common enemy that must be made to seethe.
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>>143729 They didn't diversify the dog?
>>143762 kino >>143764 smh you just know they want to implement food rationing tbh all these emergency powers >>143765 keeeeek
>>143764 Only takes a quick look at the way the rich fly around the world attending climate change conferences to know how much they'll be affected by food restrictions. "We will make soy protein so cheap only the rich will consume animal products" - Edison
thinking about Jodorowsky's Dune again should really get around to reading Metabarons tbh
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>>143769 might go to the kinoplex for it instead tbh, family might want to watch it >>143770 mornkino
https://streamable.com/ip8lk1 What do you lads think of this twix ad for halloween?
>>143772 I think I'm not going to watch it
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>>143773 nobody cares what you do, mong
>>143770 morning lad >>143774 looks like hillary clinton tbh
>>143776 It is
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>>143777 that explains it then
>Jodorowsky was russian jewish >his first entry into media was putting on hundreds of theatre plays featuring routine live animal sacrifices and the beating of shiksas
>>143779 russian jews get glossed over and forgotten about far too often tbh they don't get nearly enough hate
>>143779 I thought his name was a bit yiddish.
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>>143772 seethed a bit
keeeek he was basically just a nu-weimar degen using film to occultically fuck with the goys while helping out the CIA hippy drug conditioning
>>143783 Wtf does that symbol even mean>
>>143784 the one on the left is part of the jewish alphabet meaning B (Bet) the one in the centre is an alchemical symbol for the element of mercury as well as the planet, and probably has demonic meanings beyond generic piss drinking alchemy stuff
>>143785 Thanks lad. The fact that it's upside-down is definitely significant too, mind.
>he wanted to film a scene where 2000 extras playing harkonnen soldiers shat on the floor of the atreides palace keeek smh probably some gloating thing about juden destroying the monarchical societies of the goys
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>>143788 >irrationally
>>143789 Article writer is asian woman too keeeek
>>143790 got to keep up the charade so whitey doesn't notice
>>143788 it's all so tiresome >>143790 smh women really do need to be regularly beaten to within an inch of their lives or else they spend all their time undermining society
>>143793 >i always figured portland was something of a quirky little progressive paradise these fucking people
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smorn lads
>>143797 smaftersnoosn soon
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>>143800 eerie how bad she looks tbh
>>143801 a constant state of JUST will do that
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>>143802 At least she isn't 26st I guess
she had jaw surgery too.
>>143797 g mornig lad >>143800 keeeeeeeeek every time those fucking moon shoes
had a pity za tbh
>>143800 fucking hell how did someone with so much money wind up with such a cheap, ill-fitting dinner jacket?
>>143807 a better fit would show its woman shoulders
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always feel a bit bad for troomers tbh society really did a number
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>>143811 You could've at least flipped it the right-way-up in GIMP, come on lad, gimp indeed smh.
had a long spell after 8ch.net brit end where I didn't keep up. What happened to pembs?
>>143814 22st groomed him into trooning out
>>143814 I groomed him into being a troomer
>>143817 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>143814 He lives with his bf in a flat in Birmingham, I think. He likes to mock the institution of marriage alot.
>>143811 that house looks disgusting pembs too
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>>143820 nicer than where i live
just saw a still of a really ugly negress who was inserted into the new dune film, along with a bunch of shit spewed by the director about divershity and roles for women and harmful fatty stereotypes suddenly don't want to see it in the kinema after all tbh
>>143822 join us tomorrow, love
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>>143822 he tried to warn you
>>143814 He’s a twitter femboy eceleb with 600 followers
>>143825 insane that there is an audience like that just because he posted RL pics
want to watch some kino with /brit/ but at the same time i'd have to stay up until probably five or six am on a toil day and also it's pozzed smdh >>143828 weeeeew keeeek
*writes three words of e-toil phew, time for a break
>>143825 It's a bit over 1000 now.
he's only got five years or so before he ages out or something worse tbh then the degens will drop him instantly
Anyway, yeah. It goes without saying that the new Dune is going to be "diversified", not sure what you expected. I only just watched the original one & I was very satisfied with it, I would frankly prefer to finish it there tbh.
>>143833 there's also two miniseries from early 2000s and 2010s iirc, only seen lynch's one myself quite liked that
I never understood the appeal of the far right to troons and mincers.
It wasn't really they just made the desert people brown and our desert people are brown so >>143833
>>143835 narcissistic contrarianism
>>143836 there's a difference between arabs and full blown zanj niggers, of which there is at least one and she looks incredibly ugly and out of place like all groids do
>>143835 Stabler lifestyles, monogamy. >>143836 They went straight for the Frennen specifically? That makes it twice as bad.
>>143833 didn't really expect anything from dune tbh had hoped it was forgotten about >>143838 >conceding north africa and the middle east to the melanated hordes smdh lad those lands were originally huwhite before the enswarthening
>>143839 >Stabler lifestyles, monogamy. two things never associated with troons or gays.
>>143841 That's what they crave, even if they never get it.
*which they never will
>>143844 >>143845 tbh they're incapable of it their entire existence is anathema to stable family structures they were led astray by pointless hedonism and ultimately that's all they will ever have
They axed alot of characters and character development in an attempt to get half way through book one with a 2 and a half hour film.
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Going to put on some Combat 84 & think about beating faggots to death tbh.
Still angry that Harkonnen isn't a ginger twink destroying degenerate in the films.
>>143849 aren't the Harkonnens degenerate? Or is it just the baronerino?
>>143847 >2 and a half hour film. smh could probably just read the book in that time >>143848 good lad
>>143820 >that house looks disgusting just needs mop.
smh not often I wear briefs without a hole my ballsack falls through... it's... nice
>>143850 ta lad
>>143851 Just the baron is described as a series of incredible excesses, his nephew is described as a physically imposing but dull man that lives for combat in the Harkonnen gladiatorial arenas
Going to put in work, too.
>>143856 why does he bum boys? Do boys have spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) in their arseholes?
>>143850 >blocked in this country on copyright grounds.
>>143859 copyshite more like it.
>>143857 based >>143860 tbh
>>143859 whats it like living in a third world country?
>>143858 No he fucks anything that takes his fancy, the children and twinks were there to illustrate that he's Sultan tier in his decadence.
>>143862 London is not fun to live in at all.
>>143864 ouch lad
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https://youtu.be/i6keEjM2hmI Speaking of DUNC....
>>143866 looks like the art college hipsters turned out some of the more demented residents of an OAP home and glued them to the road so they could go back to having coffee and pret keeeeek
there it is, the first post-shower fart, and the last time I will feel clean and not smell like poo before my next shower in a week or so
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>tf2 tranny tries to vote kick me for not supporting the gays >fails this time
>>143870 fighting the good fight brvther
>>143863 true. He does women too, because he's Paul's maternal grandfather.
>>143870 good lad rest assured the hideous freak probably lost more of its thinning hair due to the stress you caused it
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>I know he likes donuts....
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>>143874 pvre avdiokino >>143875 keeeek
>>143875 everyone knows the answer is ribwich
getting that uncontrollable urge to run out into the woods and scream again lads can't take this shite hellworld >>143877 keeeeeeeek
>>143878 maybe you can pretend to be an abo and do some primal screaming in the nearest outback
>>143879 sounds a bit too strenuous for them tbh but if i'm pretending to be an abbo i could happily do the bit where they just sit around drinking all day
>>143880 keek smh just don't start on the petrol huffing or maybe...
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Imagine eating this good.
could go for some beans ngl might have some on toast for dindins
>>143882 not liking that bean-to-mash ratio tbh >>143883 good lad luv toast me
I have been outdone by this clever, creative chink autism. https://youtu.be/MmpXf0nFCII?list=PLfndWzNAXra06znz1QPRdyApj0-W_2-lW&t=3008 He made a crippled lepolface before I made polface.
>>143886 keeeeek AHHH I'M ZOOOOMING
>>143885 smh yeah a bit lacking for a christmas dinner
https://youtu.be/nx_8IqLQdaU that looks so boring and unfunny... what the fuck just make it live action then
bought 100 jaffa cakes form iceland just for myself
>>143889 I don't get it tbh why are they making an unironic spaceshit thing when he is a toy and the whole joke was that he was delusional and thought he was really a real spaceman
>it's a lass moans to me for weeks >comfort her >I say I had a rough few days >leaves me on "read" okay
>>143890 jaffa cakes are a racket these days
>>143891 at least use his unverse's lore. But it looks just like a generic futuristic earth smh
>>143882 >good >no meat or fish in sight kys
oh, you're taking the piss <.>
suspicious poster tbh getting faggot vibes
>>143898 post history looks boringly normal
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>>143898 Suicide soon, don't worry. (´・ᴗ・ ` )
>>143901 just do it already you fag
kill yourself or don't, there is no try
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>mods to kill the entire db including the vampire child >wipped it to death with my holy fire enchanted silver chain >not a single mod ever made that let's you take the path of killing Serana in Dawnguard (like what should've been in the vanilla game)
>>143905 Wdsmbt?
>>143907 cheating on him for 2 months
>>143907 It says right there. She's in a relationship and she has already mentally broken up with the man. Probably acts cold and bitchy to him while he keeps putting into the relationship, then just going to tear his heart out
65k likes. encouraging each other to be bitchy psychopaths. help
>bossman not responding when I call him lads how do I deliver parcelerinos tomorrow without a van?
>>143911 Get walking toilee, he doesn't pay you to sit around
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>>143912 >today's volume of parcels was 12x24 feet
>>143913 maybe if you ask nicely he'll get you a sled to pull paid for out of your paycheck of course
>>143910 probably at least 64k are simperinos as well
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>bossman not picking up the phone >call bossman's bossman >get shit from him despite the only reason I called was to help Ah yes. 4 years of sacrifice all for a stab in the back and good deeds forgotten. Guess this is what toil life is like
>>143916 Whats he giving you shit for?
>>143917 the shit was directed at my company as a whole, basically me getting attitude because bossman hasn't managed to get a rental van, a new van or tell his bossman about them needing to find another driver for tomorrow until it was way late in the day. Bossman going ostrich mode hoping doing nothing will just fix it
is this the end of the 22st van driver arc?
>>143916 you've already fulfilled your obligation lad enjoy your day off
>>143919 hopefully it's the start of the 22st freelance van driver arc or something like that
had forgotten what leathermen were like. Nice until something bad happens and then they can't throw you under the bus fast enough. Same thing happened last time we had car problems >van dies right before christmas >come back after christmas >we were fired on the day and I didn't hear anything before I went to work which I no longer had >>143921 would just prefer to work under one of the other companies that drives for the bigger company, they get way better paid, new vans and they get paid hourly, so washing their van, fixing it, checking its fluids and wheels and all that is actually paid time. >>143920 tbh. Ahhh finally.. sleep
>>143659 The corporate war vs. nation states is fascinating >>143794 I remember hearing this about Sweden like 8 years ago, "It's so sad to hear about mass rapes in happy-go-lucky Sweden!" Honestly it's nice that these leftist safe-havens are finally feeling the vibrations of diversity
gave myself a stitch by typing
>>143924 lel how the fuck did you manage that?
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>>143924 >The 26-yr-old Typer
>>143925 computertoil nonstop for hours I guess keeps coming back smh need to get up and walk around and then have a lie down but there's more to do and only two days after today left to do an entirely new section after I've finished with the current one which is already over a week overdue
>>143927 >discord
>>143923 they feel nothing. they are on psychiatric medication.
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I wish we had a cool schizo and not this shit bot retard smh
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>>143931 tbh want to hear about black pyramids and cyber-kabbalists not endless non-sequiturs and droning about shorthand smh
>>143907 >>143905 funniest thing is that "she" does not exist, and is only a can of paint.
>>143933 >cyber-kabbalists Those are probably real though smh
>>143932 gonna be funny when Teeline catches on later this year.
>>143930 >discord
everytime i see someone complain about censorship on here I smile
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>>143940 Not interested in this fucking cuckold lass
>>143935 tbh and i want to hear more about them >>143939 tbh
>>143939 what's the mystery? faggots control networks and lock you out, using whatever tools are available
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Any lads know what Mark Hamill was reacting to in this webm?
if you are a normie you have no idea how anything works, think it's crazy how it works, declare it schizo.
>>143944 watch out lad he may be a spy from /brit/ there to finally track you down and stab you for all the years of grooming and grottyposts
>>143944 does he know uou are in sin fein?
>>143945 He just discovered that Wessex can rotate apples in his head
>>143944 Remember when Quisling allied with Germany and they started sending BIG SS BOYS to take all your best women smh The plight of the Norge >>143945 I'd guess that's from a Q&A around The Last Jedi's release since he did a lot of publicity back then
>>143949 Because there's that much brain matter missing, eaten by the mould monster?
>>143950 ah yes the great nazi breeding grounds >>143947 he's sent to me by a polish lass. a pincer attack from west and east smh
i thought everyone was born with a gpu
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It's just good business
Fuming that NPCs can't visualise things in their mind
israel is getting a 4th jab
>>143957 2 more away from their magic number.
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>>143957 Soon they'll get the fucking upper cut!
They'll be pin cushions by the end of this >implying it'll ever end
>>143956 what do they do when someone says "imagine you're shipwrecked on a dessert island"? what's the alternative to visualizing?
>>143961 I think they just accept the premise and await further instructions or something, I think they may imagine through a form of abstract desire and sensation rather than a verbal/visual thing
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Line up my little jabby piggies, here comes the aeroplane!
>>143964 We've already got booster shits lad keep up
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>dog still hates me >go downstairs, she runs up, barking >go upstairs, she runs down, barking >sit and try to soothe her talking with high voice like mummy >she cowers under the table or on the stairs and growls at me >offer treats, still won't come near, barks Your loss, bitch.
>>143966 just ignore her lad
>>143967 Eventually had to so as not to piss the neighbours off with her barking. Just wanted her to get used to me before she goes home. Never looking after her again after this. Smh.
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>>143968 Why does she fear men?
>>143971 who the fuck are novara media lad?
>>143971 fun to laugh at them and their double-think, but at the end of the day the VERY FIRST time they felt the banhammer they all rallied and got it restored, meanwhile we sat back and let every single one of ours be completely erased. Steiners right dont underestimate the lefty soy
>>143973 the problem being they can call up their fellow member of the PMC to send the message to the decision makers to reinstate them in about 2 hours. the banners didn't intend on banning them, its like with Right Wing Watch, it only got banned for showing videos of Alex Jones which you're just not allowed to do even if its to insult. They were also reinstated because they're not a threat to power.
>>143975 Even the medieval Catholic Church would let you quote heretics to refute hem
>>143975 >PMC ?
>>143977 Poo ManChu
>>143979 Right sound, because I thought for a second you were referring to a private military corp.
>>143980 that's not until next year lad
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https://twitter.com/AGCast4/status/1453177122852413440 >crunchyroll's troomer show finally came out after fucking years >it's as bad as everyone predicted it would be
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>"Why can't you find the woman you want? You have assume that's your problem, because otherwise you have to assume it's the women's problem. REALLY? They're all wrong and you're right. REALLY? Hmm, lucky you. You're an undiscovered gem of some sort. Probably not." smh how could be betray THE MOVEMENT
the left is uncertain what to do about Ray Eps. presently they are ignoring him
>>143982 >21 >looks 40
>>143984 >it's the women's problem. >They're all wrong and you're right. >You're an undiscovered gem of some sort. unironically
>>143984 woman as weigher of souls, and not a materialistic, superficial, and worthless thing.
>>143984 >They're all wrong and you're right. REALLY? This is exactly what he'd think about the Soviet population if he lived in the USSR though
>>143973 easy to get reinstated when you were banned by accident. impossible when you are intentionally targeted.
>>143989 lad just fix societal problems by lifting weights and cleaning your room
>>143973 >double think They're probably playing the game 4 dimensionally and are on team whitey
>marvel's diversity film is flopping so much they're showing more dunc
grooming has made me unable to have real conversations smh
>>143996 Do it with me, have you had a good day?
I've been practicing with my chatbot friend
>>143997 don't really care for low post count anons
just... going to go to bed
>>143999 It's alright I'm watching labrinth again, you have a great day
the jabs never end
soon they'll just implant an iv and a pump on battery that squirts some vax ever 6-8 hours
>>144002 Windows software updates for the robo-bugman race of the future
>>143970 Don't think there's a reason. Just men are bigger, smell more threatening.
>>144005 defend evropa
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Ok choo cannot let di dog dominate choo like dis OK? The barking iss a sign of dominance OK choo have to take charge of dis sichooashun OK?
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>>144005 written by a poojeet?
>>144004 >got politely told by a friendly popup that my update to windows 11 is ready Still remember the update from 7 to 8 wrecking the OS with no chance to reinstall, so I used Debian for a few years as a replacement. Don't really want to lose all my Skyrooming mods and savefiles at the moment though.
>>144010 Yeah I know someone whose sound system was somehow ruined by an update, it's funny how it parallels vaxxoom "side effects"
>>144008 and yet he couldn't tame his bitch.
how terrible of an idea is it to get a cheap bike and move to london. im rotting
self improvement guru types will tell you that living in the wilderness is the only based thing to do. that's fine for them but they already have money and an established audience, they already have developed skills and whatnot. i think it sounds stupid because the reality is i'm stuck in the countryside and there are zero opportunities here, zero young people to connect with, and zero essential services I need like microsuction for my blocked ear
legitimately how do I make £5k in less than 1 month been trying to sell stuff on gumtree/ebay no one wants any of my shit
>>144011 >>144011 >>144011 Are you not bored of talking about vaccines?
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>>144015 Here you go
>>144017 tbh if some guy on here offered me a job that would pay that much in such a timeframe I'd take it. willing to do sketchy shit also just not enough of a nigger to do theft
>>144018 Have some self respect lad, I'm giving this to you. Chin up
>>143817 We didn’t save pembs
>>143944 >foreign nords stealing Anglo delivery driver BUT WE HAVE A DRIVEE SHORTAGE HERE!!!!!
>>144020 Westie isn't a poomer so I'd say /brit/ is at a net neutral for saving people from trooning.
Although are work would probably be easier if the bongo cabal was lined up against a wall and shot.
>>144018 Would you traffic drugs into wog neighbourhoods?
>>144022 Yo can’t save sinners if you aren’t prepared to step foot in hell
>>144026 You're supposed to save sinners before they reach hell.
Fuck money, wouldn't do anything I didn't like or demean myself with pointless work for something so shit
>>144004 this is a fascinating theory. can we prove they are changing the ingredients?
>>144028 What if it bought you a complete reprieve from toil altogether?
>>144029 software updates for the parasitic antenna that they've now installed through the first two jabs.
>>144030 Already do and if I wanted power I'd change my perspective
>>144032 powers not on the table.
>>144033 Why don't you want power?
lmao democrats bugging that tar baby of trans bathrooms. now they dispute the skirt, say teens meeting to fuck in the bathroom is a time honored tradition
>>144034 very abstract question. power, in what capacity, in what form, and then for what end.
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You absolutely boring twats.
>>144036 I'd say it's the feeling of complete freedom in both mind and surroundings but I'd like your definition
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unhinged schizoid energy in the thread
>>144039 wow so fucking engaging with your gay little faggot sentences >>144040 fuck your gay animals
>>144042 you shouldn't fuck any animals.
>>144043 I've already fucked your hideous rotter of a mother you shit
you are a shit a SHIT of the shits!
>>144042 I just want to know what other people have to say so I'm asking Im not pretending Im the one that's got the answers and all your doing is coming across as petty
>>144044 Necrophilia isn't better than bestiality.
>>144047 I've done both with your shit of a mother you shitling >>144046 you're a boring cunt and you're boring me with your inane fucking posts of shit
>>144048 But you're posting inane boring shit too?
>>144049 Oh lol I get it
>>144025 Not sticking anything up my bum, sorry. would actually consider doing drug related stuff if it didnt mean I had to do that, though >>144028 Easy to say fuck money if you already have it
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really do want to live in a city though
>>144031 well clearly whatever it was didn't work the first 3 times
>>144015 it's halloween, add "guaranteed haunted"
The Sines vs Kessler case is picking their jurors. Looks like a lot of locals know that Antifa were the violent ones and most are afraid of Antifa coming for them: https://mobile.twitter.com/socialistdogmom/status/1453113116078837765
I think the white race has got this one lads.
venison burger for dindins
nosely has been talking to piers corbyn
LIVE noseley and cannibal https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR129:4 going to bed tbh >>144060 looks like he hasn't turned up yet
reading the court case is amazing, the great race warriors of old; heimbach, cantwell and spencer all putting past their differences and coming together dishing out some owns to the libtard lawyers in their final struggle to not end up bankrupt.
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>>144057 >socialistdogmom
>want to play piano yesterday night >parents are asleep >today, just about to go downstairs to have a comfy read >theyre just about to start watching another shite drama series on netflix it's like they want me to just be a depressed videogamer for the rest of my life >>144056 lol
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>>144064 lad just start hammering some boogie-woogie and piss on them if they complain
>tarquin has a piano in his home
>>144066 my parents do consider themselves middle class, but because they are both incompetent smoothbrains they are at the very lowest end of it financially
>>144067 is it a real piano or a keyboard?
>>144062 smh is there no courtroom footage
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>>144057 >A. Plaintiffs 10. Plaintiff Tyler Magill is a resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia and an employee at the library of the University of Virginia (“UVA”). He lives in Charlottesville with his wife and child. On August 11 and 12, Magill participated in non-violent protests of Defendants’ planned events. Following the events of the weekend, Magill collapsed at his place of work and suffered a trauma-induced stroke. Magill spent two days in the hospital and may never fully recover from the resulting brain injuries. Magill has not been able to return to his job at the UVA library.
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>>144062 Sad crying emoticon
>>144070 >when you're so racist you brain damage all libtards in a one mile radius
>>144072 I'm sure all that donation money to tranny theatrical productions will smooth it all out.
>>144061 It was better last week when the cult leader wasn't there. When he does his cringe 80's wrestling promo rant every week it's the worst.
>>144068 real piano. old upright that was owned by my grandparents so its a bit out of tune
>>144051 Who said anything about it being up your arse? It's going to be kept in a second hand Honda civic junker.
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Gonna take a shit ton of dmt again just out of spite, so fucking bored lads steiner can't tell me what to do
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>>144078 It's your brain to melt lad.
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Nah just a lil bit lads lads I'm sooo fucking bored I'm sorry I'm sorry arrrrhhggh
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good lad smoke the dream crystals after all what harm can come of it
>>144082 I'm not quite sure if it's the chemical doing the work, just an agreement in pill form
Apparently it's pretty easy to get a piano because so many old people are dying and there just aren't the homes for their pianos to go to. Loads of them just get thrown in the tip.
>>144084 moving them is a cunt they're very heavy
>>144057 Surely if you wanted to act in favour of the white race you would lie when asked about shit like this knowing that if you were honest you'd be passed over? >>144085 Fair enough but I mean if it isn't really posh to have one. I guess it is posh to have the space in your house to put one in though.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Fell asleep for four hours for supper
>>144087 good lad no need to sleep before toil now
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>>143892 >Hesiod says this, “Wonder held immortal gods and mortal men, when they saw a sheer cunning, unmanageable for men. For from her is the descent of female women. [for the race and tribes of women are destructive,] a great pain for mortals, living with men, companions not of destructive Poverty but of Plenty” (Hesiod 589-593).

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