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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3562: Anti-Wessex Aktion Edition Anonymous 10/27/2021 (Wed) 21:15:46 Id: cd97fe No. 144090
Budget 2021: Price rises could hit highest rate in 30 years, says forecaster https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-59062392 Met office warns of life-threatening flooding in parts of UK https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/27/met-office-warns-of-life-threatening-flooding-in-parts-of-uk Brexit: France releases list of possible sanctions it could impose against UK over fishing dispute https://news.sky.com/story/brexit-france-prepares-sanctions-which-could-affect-uk-power-supplies-over-fishing-dispute-12446018
first for wessex's slow and painful death
second for murdering wessex
die wessex die
A toast for killing and mutilating frequent /brit/pol poster Wessex!
>>144090 ban wessie it is for his own safety
>did you really just threaten me with a gun? >threaten? *BANG*
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>will have spent my two days off with toilfrens, repairing toiljeans and buying a new pair of toilboots
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>>144005 >muh minorities need sinecures from the government but also >muh hard work pays off Truly yankish >>144089 >don't choose >UN Oh does the UN hold elections? Never knew tbh
>>144098 your sacrifice won't go unnoticed lad
>>144089 Comes off really creepy. Knowing 100% if it was still real that a raptor would eat you. Very comforting and persuasive globohomo.
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>>144090 >that flag burning bin falling over lad actually did this in front of irl friends
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>suddenly remembered the long-forgotten pair of old riding boots out in the garden based past-me leaving pressies >all encrusted with mud and shit from years ago smh
watching Birth of a Nation. It's quite good, actually.
>>144105 killing wessex has its consequences
>>144105 so much this
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>>144112 very good
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>>144112 COME ON MY SAN
>>144112 good lad
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might have a chocomel coffee mself
>>144120 sorely tempted tbh, my sleeping pattern is utterly fucked anyway, it can't get any worse.
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In Birth of a Nation the first time the Klan shows up all they do is scare a random black person then get ambushed by union soldiers who kill three of them. They turn up later to lynch the negro "Gus" who killed two whites and are again brutally suppressed by the Union forces. It's not until the very end when they show up literally riding over the hill to scatter the negro hordes once and for all that they actually win. Much to think about. >>144124 so true
>>143892 >Hesiod says this, “Wonder held immortal gods and mortal men, when they saw a sheer cunning, unmanageable for men. For from her is the descent of female women. [for the race and tribes of women are destructive,] a great pain for mortals, living with men, companions not of destructive Poverty but of Plenty” (Hesiod 589-593).
morning lads some strange energy last thread
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>>144129 shmorn
>no cute upper class english horse rider gfs to have health insurance for me and rub my belly after it being all sore from mixing tile mortar all week
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>>144135 hullo lad
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>Off toil for 2 weeks from being ill >Come back >Start drinking
>>144135 mornin
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*retreats to post toil goomcave*
>>144130 do you think they have trimmed lady part hair or shaved?
>>144142 brunette is probably waxed bald and ginger has a top muff
>>144142 ginger is like a mangrove swamp brunette is neatly policed >>144141 did your mummy take this photo?
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apparently ginger pussy smells so strong
>>144141 is that you?
trimmed pubes with scissors tbh don't like a hairless lass down there
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just want a nice wife or to die in a big war smh
>>144151 can't think of anything smh
>>144151 >greetings traveler, do you no the way to white salvation?
>>144153 neither can I, that's why I stopped at a template keek
>>144152 tbh tbh
>>144151 are you a neet now or something how have you been pumping out so much OC lately
been succumbing to minimalism lately tbh can't deal with all the clutter in my life anymore it always stresses me out, want to be able to pack my whole life into a case and move anywhere if need be smh
our ancestors used to be able to keep all important items on their person
>>144157 booked the week off work tbh
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>>144160 and this is how you choose to spend it
want to go on a cruise lads haven't been holidaying since I was 13 and retreated into being a cringecel loser
I've an idea >>144161 too right wouldnt change a thing
(7.82 MB 960x570 Steiner Ray Night.webm)

*crack *sip yuuuuuuuuup
>>144164 good lad
I think the hitler meme is coming back big for 2022
>>144162 iktf lad >>144164 keeek comfy tbh
>creates that in a minute lad are you an ai
>>144162 never been on a cruise tbh, dunno if its just old people or what luv local holidays
>reading about cringe telegram autist from scotcuckland who got sent to prison for posting he was going to firebomb and mosque a making a fake video where he firebombed a random building cringe but also smh
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smh needed an older version of me to stop me being a cringecel, all those teen years wasted, so many regrets, feel bad for mummy having to put up with me >>144169 cruises seem comfy tbh
>>144170 every week with these telegram niggas
>>144170 doing real time for a fake crime smdh
>>144172 is wews still on there? its essentially a spy grooming ground
>Imrie had posted a comment about how he was thinking about carrying out an attack and was considering streaming it. >In one posting he wrote: "No guns. All I can do is burn them down." >Mr Keegan added: "The effect on his audience was that they ridiculed him. >Imrie said his comments were a joke and he was not serious about setting a mosque on fire. >After his arrest, his mum Joyce told police: "I would describe him as a loner who rarely leaves his room. He has no friends that I know of and he has no visitors to the house. He has never had a girlfriend that I know of."
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>>144175 >After his arrest, his mum Joyce told police: "I would describe him as a loner who rarely leaves his room. He has no friends that I know of and he has no visitors to the house. He has never had a girlfriend that I know of."
any lads watched the latest wews? dairy milk and milk while watching it for smee, have all those comfy freeview film channels playing in the background, this is what britain used to be about, wish it was still the 2000s tbh.
its weird how the intent of these articles seems to be to sadistically humiliate a person they admit is very seriously mentally ill and was in contact with five undercover policemen.
>>144178 tbh the entire process is a loosh harvesting ritual
I guess everyone in the BBC and police are just evil psychopaths
>messages allegedly posted by the accused in a Telegram channel called “Fashwaveartists.”
remember this guy?
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>>144183 very good lad
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he was a crossdresser
>>144183 good lad
>>144187 he was a LIBTARD and he got OWNED
>>144182 what was he trying to shoot up
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>>144189 epic style
>>144190 a right wing bar but he only managed to kill his transgender sister and a bunch of niggers waiting down the street.
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>>144183 keeeeeeeeeeeeek verygoodlad
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night lars tekkit easy
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>>144195 night lad
Turns out I have been a Pakistanis
>>144146 no I have one of those I will take a pic of me wearing it
>>144143 good lad this was my fantasy as well
mace libtards
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>>144203 does this guy identify as a conservative or someting?
casually abusing oxy is full retard
>>144204 casually lel
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>Lychee and Dog Meat Festival >The festival has also been condemned in an Early Day Motion signed by Jeremy Corbyn, former leader of the UK Labour Party.[38]
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why do hot lasses always have the worst taste in music?
>>144158 this tbh
>>144210 its because on the inside in the spirit world they have the being of a insect
>>144210 people who are liked by default don't develop personalities
so sick of the vapid zoomer thot aesthetic, they are all frigid phonesperg IRL
would rather have the bimbo tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82VtBxeJH3I
morning lads it's a brand poo day >>144183 Wollt ihr den totalen Schweine!
>>144218 morning lad
>>144210 schoolshooters version of that is kino
>Sophia Lillis is aging at this very second
>>144210 she's no nassim
>>144175 lmao think about it >ban guns omg >but some tard threatens arsen it's a big deal? ie it is plainly evident the rhetoric against guns is designed to instill a false solution of security in the people. however, people women are pretty retarded
>>144203 lmao things that never happened
ceeno is such a fake it until someone believes it guy
>>144183 he was alright. he just needed saving
The Daily Mail is cringe af and so are its commentors
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what if baldwin is a hero?
consider that the dead girl seems to be yet another "ukrainian" red diaper baby. remember there were at least 3 "ukrainians" testifying against Trump durong impeachment. it was an exact inversion of McCarthy, instead of red diapers in the hot seat, they were the ones pointing the fingers.
baldwin risked fame and fortune to steike back against communism. we must honor his bravery.
From Hell's shart, I brap at thee
>>144235 keeeek
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>>144238 smh fruit juice of all fucking things is now evil and badwrong for being too unmechanical
>>144239 it's not like it's not also pumped full of chemicals and sweeteners either smh
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>>144242 national debt isn't real
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>>144243 Don't let the libertarians hear you say that lad.
>>144243 if debt is real how come it magically disappears when you kill usurers
>have debt >kill usurer >no more debt explain THAT libtards
tried to get a bit more sleep job centre in 20
>just over two years to go from satire to reality
>wrote a very nice potted history of my history with history for my application >jobcentremummy deleted all of it except for the closing statement which is just "I like history and I like your establishment and I want to work there" but then what is the point of a supporting statement smh
>>144251 everything is so soulless these days
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>>144251 see lad your problem is you think employers want people who are capable or motivated or anything like that what they want is an 80iq drone who starts clapping whenever they see a rainbow flag >>144252 tbh
>Cannibal Yank 'worked on the Hill in Washington DC' ie at the capitol with zog he glows so fucking hard keeeksmh
>>144255 many such cases
>>144257 infantilisation of the populace is just one of the many signs of decline imagine a victorian christening a boat that
>>144257 so sick of the niggercattle smh >>144258 tbh
>>144259 >>144258 they have an infantile grasp of everything democracy is a mistake
>>144260 tbh they're literally children except without anything endearing about them
>>144262 evil bastids forcing them apart smh my grandparents are getting to that age as well and have visibly deteriorated over this year, I really hope they don't do this to themselves and will let me or my aunt and uncle help take care of them smh smh
>>144262 all these doctors and nurses who are "just doing their jobs" need to be skinned alive tbh >>144263 >I really hope they don't do this to themselves and will let me or my aunt and uncle help take care of them smh smh i hope so too lad but if they watch tv i wouldn't hold my breath the conditioning can be very strong
>>144263 >>144264 tbh people buying into this get what they deserve
fresh britlad is this actually madlad or what or is he just lurking and stealing content or did he make it in the first place I really don't know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dLJKpNBwSo
morning lads
>>144269 smorfnla post offices used to sell sweeties shaped like that tbh
Caviar and quail eggs for lunch, followed by two baked potatos I am preparing for dinner.
>>144271 very posh lad it's spam fritters for me later
The vax killed all his gains
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god I miss the riots and street brawl kino so much. please come back. someone please join the police and kneel on a black persons neck or something. please im so bored.
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>>144273 >passed away unexpectedly >>144275 tbh tbh tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwqN3Ur-wP0 >>144276 understanding cause and effect is another of those things cast aside in favour of the prog system smh, she probably knows on some level but literally can't admit it even to herself because that would mean being a dissenter
Should I make a TES board, lads? One of the few besides /brit/ I bothered to browse on original 8chan. Starting a playthrough of Morrowind and going to try and do the main questline as a pure alchemist, i.e. no weapons or armour (beside wraithguard, sunder and keening for the heart of course), spellcasting, powers. Could theoretically do Oblivion like that too, as it had almost as many spell effects for potions, including reflect physical damage and reflect spell damage. Went with a lizard rather than high elf because eventually int. won't matter as it'll be fortified, and no spellcasting, only to effect potion strength, and instead of magick weaknesses the lizards have poison immunity, high common disease resist, and start higher in unarmoured (as they can't even wear helmets or boots in Morrowind). Okay, thank you.
absolute madlad
>>144278 been watching other ymfah videos tbh if you feel like it I guess I would start with /v/ threads, a TES general or something maybe >>144279 BASED Joggernauld hasn't shot anyone yet but he has left hundreds of MAGAtards to starve and rot in prison for nearly a year
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The lion fears the average height man
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6'2 lad... not to tough since BEAR
nap time
>>144090 >These are the people saying they will batter you when you beat them in arguments
>>144285 Are you arguing with hem on the bongo, lad? They're so dysgenic and dysphoric compared to the thread phenotype
>>144286 Nah, they come in to rustle us but end up getting rustled so very often.
>the Anglo I drove with last night offered me a job keeeek. Been stabbed by bossman so much I don't trust anyone smh. The Anglo has such a kino name, but he's lived in Norway for 23 years and speaks the local dialect
https://youtu.be/zE3OYwFhleg aside from being female what did she do to deserve this? Makes me feel a bit sick
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smh he transitioned
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>>144274 The virgin 22st kneels to the whims of the BINS. Might have to start later, 21:00 or something smh
>>144267 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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https://twitter.com/tomvangrieken/status/1453708155939086338 >old woman abused and HALF-SCALPED on public transport why? I don't speak Belgian
>woman injured in an incident getting off the bus >that's the media's headline https://www.hln.be/antwerpen/vrouw-zwaargewond-na-incident-bij-afstappen-lijnbus~a3933926/?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2F JUST
>>144295 >half scapled lazy muslims.
>>144297 probably happened as her face hit the pavement
>>144298 All those razor sharp paving slabs.
>>144299 right
>>144295 Jesus Christ
>>144295 Moroccans said she was racist so they slashed her. Very cringe behaviour.
>>144302 oh she was racist smh explains it
>>144303 nah im just making shit up.
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>>144295 What's she thinking about? bit graphic pic I guess
>>144305 How bright blood is.
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He did this
don't see how Belgium wont be a slaughterhouse in a few years. Biggest muslim population and biggest far-right party (Vlaams Belang) in Europe.
Planning a new arc, lads. "22st moves to the city and lives by himself"
>>144308 >biggest far-right party (Vlaams Belang) in Europe. nice, and this is the first time I hear about them
>WOYO WOYO WASSAR >they're saying WORLD STAR fuck's sake. Violence into a sport for kleecks
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>>144308 >Politie >police
>>144312 fucking baboon
some easy tricks in case you ever get in a knife fight
budget released lads suspicious tbh
>>144317 how much goes towards arresting incels?
>>144318 every last penny
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did zoomers fall out of love with memeneuve? zero hype for dunc online
>>144321 Puglad posting frames in bongo
the bongo which he owns and he has to personally invite you to
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>bongo 'community' eventually fractures into a series of individual ego-fiefdoms so no one ever has to read something they don't like literally worse than blue check twitterfags
>>144324 Yeah. Remembered when I got into the /Brit/ bongo and it became clear there were multiple tiers of it. Couldn't even get into the bottom tier smh
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>>144324 >join all of them >even more posts to read every morning
>>144328 please don't post this
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>>144313 Bilingual country innit
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>>144332 would watch a remake of fools and horses where Del is a coked up psycho
>>144330 oh wait nevermind, it's 2 hours. Forgot I don't live in Britain
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*posts another one*
please don't, this really sickens me. I guess it's payback for the things I post smh
don't get it tbh some privileged cunt demonstrating that women are whores and will do anything if you are rich and powerful enough
same with the dog girl. so sickening.
>>144337 Pretty much, he's an irl Chad meme
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>>144340 >the victim has no comment because they will persecute him even more if he does god I hate pigs(two legged)
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>>144342 god I hate them the craven traitors at the top positions unearned and unwanted power that should be used to protect used solely to persecute death to them all
https://youtu.be/Yy9fvd0Z0Lw Anyone else read these as a child?
btfo the local MP using the definition of a nation and the 1066 immigration statistic in my head before remembering that if you tried that irl the stupid fucking niggercattle would disavow and go on about ngubu and the kebab man being as british as you or me
>>144345 *backspaces mean post to not upset Wessex as I want him to watch DUNC with me*
>>144346 not going to anyway lad mummy is paying for a kinoplex visit again tbh
that 4k resolution stark villenueve minimalist visuals of a negress standing in the desert and you can see every pore on her ugly monkey face
>>144347 You will watch it with us
>he'd rather watch it in the cinema than with us yikes
then again it seems like nobody else wants to see it either. Just me, alone... could have done that weeks ago, but I wanted to do it with Bins and the gang, but now it seems it'll be just me
>>144352 should have capitalised on the interest when it was fresh lad it's just good business
smh to think I was happy about toiling for bossman at one point, and now it's all over, lost another route, now there are not enough for the workers. I might take up the Anglo on his offer for a job but I just fear it's going to be more of the same
>>144354 that sounds horrible
>>144355 that's toil tbh lad it just gets worse maybe anglad will be a goodlad somehow, may as well try it >>144356 it's a meme from the kino "american psycho" where they are showing their relatability and confirmity to expected opinions
>>144355 buy a van and start driving for yourself lad you can probably bully your mummy into doing all the admin for you
>>144358 Well this Anglo lad said I could get his van for free after the leasing is over in 2 years, and it's more pay than I have now, better hours too. Going to try it tbh
never trust an anglo
fresh lad who never links his own stuff and just lets me do it WHO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VNayJxMhnQ
>>144362 high kino very based
at least the wessex brand is taking off at last
>>144364 Wessex merch sales are up 425%!
>>144365 and not a penny in royalties smh I must talk to my lawyer goldenberg reminds me I was supposed to do half of an entire unit for my tardtoil today but I only managed a few questions for the one that is already a week overdue don't think I'm cut out for the fast paced business environment tbh
how do I wash my clothes if I live by myself
>>144367 go to ye olde laundromatte and hang out with the tweakers and abusive xoomer single mothers
>>144370 no i dont trust that link
>>144370 this is some dodgy russian virus
we don't want braincels watching with us anyway
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>>144373 don't you mean brainlets
well, it's 21:00. The film starts
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still keeking tbh
>>144376 have fun lad remember to post every frame in the thread
>>144367 setting 4 on the washing machine don't try to get fancy and control spin cycles it's woman magick
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>>144378 been on this frame forever since bins fucked off
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Left toil an hour early to make supper a bit earlier than usual for supper
>>144367 different machines have different descriptions for their settings, i.e one machine might have an "Eco" which could be the same settings as another machines "daily" - but what you want to stick to is; >80°c ensures all stains removed >never enough detergent, if unsure put extra to compensate >cottons need the highest temp possible to stop from shrinking >separate colours into separate plastic bags in your load >aim for 8-10kg per load for max efficiency
>>144383 tbh this works like a charm
>>144383 how do they wash if they are in plastic bags?
>>144385 Some would tell you to go for the breathable plastic but honestly that's just a meme, ignore it Regular plastic bags work better than breathable plastic because each separate colour in their respective bags become individual infusers permeating the membrane of the fabric, the heat and cleanliness work into the clothes from the inside outwards, bit like a microwave https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osmosis
so water gets through plastic? then how can i carry water in a plastic bag
>>144387 what do you think the detergent is for?
>>144388 cleaning the clothes
>>144387 water doesn't but steam does, so long as you wash your colours at >100°c you're golden. It works from the inside out. There's a reason petrol stations dont let you fill up plastic bags, it permeates the skin and causes creases. Wash from the inside out with non-breathable diffusing spastic bags and you don't have to do any ironing.
smh this sounds like magic tbh not sure if I trust it. It sounds like a prank
>spastic bags but yeah he's right plastic is a really versatile substance, a lot of detergents now come in a special kind that dissolves in contact with water, you use them the same as powder, in the special drawer for them
but plastic is... LE BAD
>>144394 ask mummy if you can use the washing machine and try it out lad, it works
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daftyism is spreading
>>144397 >doesn't say whether it's under based or cringe circumstances in the headline don't care, not clicking
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>>144398 She's being a TERF, that's all.
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>>144399 now this is based >>144400 another one joins the Troonkiller Army
>>144401 based
apparently current year UKIP have a referendum on foreign immigration as one of their party policies presumably they are still dead after nige split the vote for the breggsit party or whatever though
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>>144405 keek tbh now that's a BIG PIG
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>>144406 tbh love pigs me
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just a little snack
>>144405 just fell asleep for a half hour and this is the first thing I see
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guess that means time for bed then chaps
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>>144410 Shnight shlad
This Sunday at 21:00 Unseen Jonathan Bowden Footage England Expects: With Nelson To Victory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVyedKe1qy8
>next unit is only 31 slides and 5 questions oh thank fuck I might actually get back on track for officetoil just a full day of shite tomorrow and maybe I can approach the rest of it sensibly with no more procrastination I'll get my shit together this time I swear >>144410 gsnight lad >>144408 me at 3am >>144412 very based, hope I can make it after sunday sneethinner
BIG get coming up
>>144414 I would kill them all then turn the gun on myself
just thought of David Dimbledavis again and keeked
>Women at work gossiping about someone who sounded suspiciously like me except for some details Might be having a few words when I get back. I'll have to establish if they were actually talking about me.
If not he sounds based whoever they were talking about so I'll befriend him.
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>>144420 american.jpg
miatta fahnbulleh sounds like a riddim lyric
question about france on QT, audience mostly in agreement the French are shits
Always trying to take our meat away…
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>>144425 I hate the NWO I hate the NWO I hate the NWO
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>>144414 >literally who tory >literally who labour >literally who banker >literally who black >literally who _
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>>144427 wolfpack4life
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>watching woodworking tv show at grandpas >mostly women, only one lad white >a tranny called 'Misti' with horrible smokers teeth
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It's funny how they failed to get a panic atmosphere via climate, so they just awkwardly tack it on the back of COVID now.
>>144296 the bus did this
>>144344 yeah tbh
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>>144436 good lad
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>>144441 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek tbh she isn't retarded just selective attention same meme with the gorilla walking about whilst people throw balls experiment
https://moutube.com/watch?v=Ufat6qxPTD8 I want her to shave my bollocks tbh lads
>>144444 >wasted it fuck off
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Tub of LIDL ice cream for midnight snack
>>144446 about to hammer into the lidl almond magnums myself
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>wasting a get >wasting a get on ASMR trash At least waste it on bollock annihilation smh
>>144446 fruit pastel lolly for smee
steincel rant 44 was very good
steincel rant 45 was also very good
>>144446 just made myself a meaty sandwich of all the cold cuts they say are bad for you tbh, plus yoghurt, fruit, mini pork pies and [spoilers]niknaks
wish someone would invite me to a halloween party so I could meet some thots
gregory mannimarco is sounding the alarm lads should I buy more silver?
>>144453 Ending of the video was kind of unsettling to think about, being so far from anywhere or anyone in such a state, he should have brought a fren
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>>144455 he's never been wrong before lad. it's time
>>144455 was going to buy silver a couple of weeks ago when it was really low but it seems like you always get shafted because coins are guaranteed like 1/3rd above the spot price unless you know a better way
>>144456 yeah the ending was very scary. smh I can't imagine the terror of that
>>144458 yeah but your fiat is increasingly valueless
>nothing came of the daft video where he was going to lead the charge smfh he went cupcake mode
>>144460 even so, I don't have enough money to buy a significant enough amount of silver or gold for it to really be worth it... seems like i'd just be making myself more broke in the short term and i dont think i can do that, i need a new bike and a car i'd do it if I could sell the damn things ive put up on ebay and gumtree to free up some cash but no one wants to buy them smh
i mean, inflation might devalue the pound by 5% over the next year, and fuel prices probably aren't ever going back to 120p or less. idk lads
still waiting for that 5k drug job where are you roadman
>>144462 yeah iktf lad I was wondering if investing in utilities would be smart as well
>>144465 always tbh what were you thinking of investing in?
>>144466 duke energy, might put like 5k in there
>>144468 is that bad?
>>144465 Probably could gain relative value compared to vapor silicon valley stocks in a crunch. Might be a good position to take before you unload into silver. Just hypothesizing.
buy a kadiri fighting pig
>>144470 yeah my grandpa was able to keep most of his retirement funds during the 09 crash because it was invested in electrical power.
Bill Gates has a good chunk on railroad stocks iirc
>>144471 tbh. start the pig version of streetbeefs
>>144471 tbh would be based to just become some pig fight gambler chain smoking cigars and throwing money down on porker
Home generators could be a good investment. Just stockpile dodgy ones and sell when people get desperate
>>144478 keek already have boomer bossmans old beater one last time power went out I accidentally power drained mummies fridge with it smdh
>>144479 I suppose the power was too dirty for the electronic components. Keep making money,. buy some more silver,. buy some infrastructure stocks,. that's all good. I buy good old tools whenever I can pick them up cheap and in top condition. Files, levels, wrenches, visegrips, etc. Look at this little prepper lad I saw in his bomb shelter the other day
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watching dune while applying for jobs
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*it's shite**
>>144480 good lad, are you leaflad? nice coon. all the birbs are flocking rn to do their big fly down south. the sky is starting to be full of birb swarms that are resting after crossing over lake erie and lake huron
been leaving out lots of peanuts for the blue jays since they protec the tired mini birbs from the hawks at mummies feeder but now they are fighting with each other instead of protectin their bird race brothers from the foodstealer squirrelchads
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>>144482 Such are our days tbh
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>>144486 lookin good kiddo
>>144483 I think there's a lad people called leaflad who apparently posted a coffee drinking Jap cartoon girl? I'm leaf but I haven't posted until recently. Found the board on 8ch and kept up with the moves the board made. Tbh it's a good time for birds here -. spring and fall I usually see eagles a few times. Point Pelee is really famous as a spot for birdwatching around here, it would be nice to take a trip there some time for that.
>>144484 Good tips lad. I'm going to have to set me up a feeder myself to absorb birb energies.
>>144488 tbh I have been to point pelee as a kid but when the birds come back it was pretty amazing
top bird experience was visiting this Iron age stone broch in Shetland that's used as a nesting site by thousands of storm petrels. They take you out to the island just before dark and it's super eerie and quiet then in the space of 30 seconds all these thousands of birds arrive back from the sea and start swarming around you. https://youtu.be/oqDzBRFwzO8
>>144490 I actually had a really cool dream a couple weeks ago where eagles were swooping low overhead like they were putting on an airshow while I was working on a roof valley,. As the eagles were swooping by, hundreds of little birds of all different colors were shooting up and out of bushes and trees like Roman candles. Super Kino.
fuck it 9pm coffee
wish I could get some nice birds on my feeder when I put it out all I get are seagulls who knock it down and consoom most of it and leave the rest to attract rats 'ate urban fauna me
>>144497 keeeeeeeeek sounds grim
gulls team up with crows in the parking lots of walshart to feast on trash
>>144498 >>144499 yeah they hang around waiting for the binbags to be put out and rip them open, spreading rotting shit all over my car park that also attracts rats the neighbours don't buy proper binbags and some complete niggers don't even bother to take a second to seal them so it always happens
keeeek it seems there are still based lads around the internet surviving among the cattle
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>>144504 Based. Mammals make better birds than birds anyway.
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>>144507 He was just curious what would happen if their faces were eaten while they were still alive smh
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Im so fucking sick. Think I smoked moldy weed lads.
>>144510 sounds like you deserve it
Room looking a bit Wessexian. Tidying is such hard unpaid work smh
>>144511 whats worse is it was all in an airtight tub but i thought i might aswell use two joints worth i left on top before it goes bad. I did this to myself for no reason.
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*starts tidying and immediately takes break* smh just starting takes a lot of energy tbh >>144513 now you die... I hope
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Reminder that manlets will inherit the earth
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https://youtu.be/4kMMt0Aag8s smh just give me my soy cartoons already
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>bezosshite came a day early and while I was undressed >had to hide behind the curtains to shout at the packageman >he was still in the car park when I opened the door and dragged the parcels in like gollum with only underwear on
>>144520 happens to the best of us
>>144520 keeeeeeeeek
>>144520 keeeeek smh
whatses morgoth thinkings abouts, precious? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07uPRJmYbrY
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anyone stupid enough to buy one of these gets what they fucking deserve
>>144530 is it it suppose to let normongs look at their toilcubes while they are out eating kebabs?
>Adults who try to persuade children to change their gender will face criminal sanctions under government plans. >From next spring it will be illegal to convince someone to change their sexuality or gender identity, with extra safeguards to protect adolescents. >Government sources suggested that individuals working for organisations such as Mermaids, a charity that offers advice and counselling to children with gender dysphoria, could face criminal sanctions if they were found guilty of encouraging under 18s to change gender.
>>144532 >>144533 >mermaids we literally live in a groomno-state.
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Sub 4 inch chads we won
like 30 farts today
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>>144539 That fat guy from talk radio is trying to claim this was a win
>>144539 what the fuck
>>144533 What country is this?
>>144538 I’m guessing no
>>144544 hey phone b
>>144546 I knew it was you just from reading that post alone I could tell somehow
>>144541 the way he tries to brush it off at the end is fucking funny, realises he had no idea what he was talking about and just brushes it of as "those people" insulate actually won for once
>>144547 hmmm I believe you, b, not like you have 70 other valuable high quality posts to check
it's weekend... we should be watching anime and films...
>>144548 He made a whole video later about how he is right that concrete grows Just seemed a massive cope
>>144549 True, but I only just got here, and I could tell it was you without reading the rest My binsitinct kicked in
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>>144552 hope you're staying warm, b, it's getting cold. Snow next week
I hate Mike Graham and I hate that he’s supposed to be a Right Wing fire brand He’s just a stupid fat bell end
>>144553 I’m actually cold right now, stuck at a train station in the middle of nowhere with fug all facilities And I’m hungry too
Nick Fuentes' "set" looks better and he's a kid with a greenscreen. Fuck's sake
>>144555 smh b maybe you can find something to eat in a bin. Maybe some paper you could put inside your clothes for insulation too. Stay safe
>>144555 Could really do with a nice comfy scarf right now ngl
could do with some streaming with b tbh. Already under my blanky and have the oven under it so I am getting nice and warm on my toesies
>>144557 There might be stuff in bins, but I doubt it’s keto
>>144551 >TalkRADIO presenter Mike Graham brutally put down Insulate Britain spokesperson Cameron Ford during an awkward interaction live on radio did they watch a different fucking clip
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>He revealed he was a carpenter with Mr Graham asking how environmentally friendly that job was. >Mr Ford said he worked with timber and said it was more sustainable than concrete with the radio host pointing out he works in an industry that cuts down trees. >A blank-faced Mr Ford said wood was regenerative rather than things like concrete. >The activist then stared at the camera as dead air filled the TalkRADIO airwaves with Mr Graham cutting off the activist and moving on. >Mr Graham remarked: “I don’t think I ever want to talk to those people.”
>>144560 maybe you can find some rats which are attracted to the non-keto food in the bin
must be getting close to 40 farts
A cute lass just sat down on the bench next to mine Maybe this is my chance…
>>144567 I'd care for this if you ever actually tried tbh. Even Steiner made more of an attempt at getting a woman than you and he couldn't even say "hello"
oh fuck off
>>144569 I’m on a cold dark train platform in the middle of nowhere and you really think I should approach this lass?
>>144572 When every time is an invoncenient time to get a gf you're never going to get one b
>>144573 You’re such an idiot sometimes
>>144574 just disappointed in the lack of effort in saving the white race
>>144575 Shut up shut up shut up!!!
>>144576 *shuts up and puts blanky around you*
I deleted discord btw
>>144578 ah. that makes sense
fuck off
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he loses any argument simply by the way he looks
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>that dinosaur at the UN ad >no feathers
getting close to 50 farts
>>144584 because it's not a dinosaur
>>144586 keeeeeeek
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could maybe beat 6 in a fight tbh
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how do they know those long necks have a neck bulge
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>>144590 >Cedarosaurus
>>144590 they found cave art
Why yes, I do mass rape eastern european women, how could you tell
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NASTY WHORES GRRRR I swear whoever sets fashion trends for women does it as a joke. These transparent tops are awful
don't worry they are 18
fucking hell hope auslad is okay
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>>144598 god i hate tiktok and a lot of things
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Grooming: The Animated Series
>>144600 are they all trannies?
how long did this flash animation shite take to make?
I still can't believe Auslad got fined and arrested by the d.e.s.s.
>>144600 Western zioculture is searching for novelty in deeper levels of degeneracy because they're in civilisational decline, while the Chinese are doing the same thing with advanced tech instead.
>>144600 the magician character literally has a groomer lisp also >but you can't change what you were born into show should end there
>>144605 >Born into a time where all human literature, film, and music is at your fingertips >Can learn any discipline and become knowledgeable in any subject >Whine about how you aren't an anime girl instead
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>>144605 >>144604 I don't think there's a single character in the show that isn't some sort of troomer the one aryan in it is a misogynist
Sir Thomas Cavendish said he saw giants in Patagonia in the 1590s.
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>>144609 >there's an island >its underwater
It's nice. Thought it was Ed Sheeran's "X" album for a moment. >>144612 You already posted this, and the author puts trannies and gay sex in his work reeeeee
>>144613 ah I did
he puts trannies in? I guess dykes count for the homo part
>>144615 He put a tranny in Fire Punch, his previous work.
>>144616 yikes. won't let that stop me from enjoying this though
anyone want to pay my rent in trade for lewd pics?
applied for heritage job and just had to fill out the most awful normal-people-discrimination-form I've seen yet it was so full of poz smh going to get ghosted by the cunts again because I'm a huwhite male and have no references I bet
>>144619 based
>>144620 just lie i always claim to be non binary
>>144622 yeah I should have tbh but by the end of it I didn't really care to get the job anyway so was honest doubt I could secret agent my way through full time employment like steiner had to do
>>144620 poost it lad without doxxing, want to see how bad things have gotten
>>144619 The Joke is Elon Musk wants to fornicate with the state of Texas by inserting a gigantic SpaceX rocket into Palo Duro Canyon.
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>bottle of bbq sauce on the shelf
>>144597 10(yous) he doesn't have a home and they seize three of his pet wombat's as payment.
>>144626 He's just like me
>>144624 In summary, it controls for >Age >Gender (incl. non-binary and other) >Gender identity same at birth? >Orientation BBQBRAP style >How high your prog stack is >"Whiteness" level >Religion (with lump 'christianity' to reduce presence in the list) >Whether you come from a middle class champagne socialist background >Whether you can play the prog game and complain about the form to make it more schizophrenic
>>144629 Just fill out a MYFAROG Character sheet and post it to their address.
What is Questioning, does that essentially imply a state of non-being like an entity of gases or light ?
>>144631 probably means "do you want us to groom you and pay for you to get your cock lopped?" in the end
>>144629 >*selects 'prefer not to say' for every question*
>>144633 tbh the smart option is not to play
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https://streamable.com/r207sl just tormenting the mummy with ye olde mouserino
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>>144635 Unhand him this instant lad
>>144632 Soyence should be able to make me a fire spirit.
>>144637 he's hiding in my drawers and I can't get at him now smh great design, drawers you can't take out smh
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>>144635 today I will remind them
>>144629 the fucking state >>144630 tbh keeeeek >>144633 unironically just do this, these things are a fucking joke designed to hurt natives, don't play their games
>>144640 it's payback time
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>>144639 smh this beastmaster arc has potential though
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>>144643 keeeeeeeeeeeek >>144644 keeeeeeek tbh https://youtu.be/7YvAYIJSSZY
>>144642 keek lad don't squeeze it smh get your cats to vore it instead, they should put in work for their bossman
>>144646 I'm going to throw him out with the cats next time I catch him smh
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I've got my best cat on the job
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>>144649 >that battering effect keeeek shiieet I hope that's just done by the photographer for effect and the cunts didn't literally design it to oppressively look down on people >Chancellor Henry Yang >wants people to live in prison hives https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_hrYz_2uAk
>>144649 >97-year-old billionaire blows his money trolling students Based.
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it's free... until it's captured again
>>144651 >>144650 >donates $200M to the uni >receives $1.5B to build a prison it feels like a shitpost
>>144652 where did you let it go? on your garden?
>>144654 right outside the door, a lot of places for it to hide in, like between those planks and under the edge of the wall. not far from grass and bushes either
it has two amasing huntresses, one of which brought it to me in the first place, after it though. Best of luck little mouse
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>uni budgets go to shit >have to rely on billionaires >who get to shitpost on campus the future is going to be funny
>>144657 Pretty much everyone there will deserve it too.
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>>144657 all that enclosed space with no ventilation the mould race rises
>>144660 the mould must flow just like in DUNC LAD. Smooth transition to me telling you it was hecking boring smh. Didn't even really feel it looked that good
>>144661 glad mummy is paying for it then tbh
should I wash my hands after handling a mouse?
>>144662 comfy talking with family about films tbh. Loved talking with my brother after joker. He isn't even based but we both had cheeky laughs during the film which was lost on the dumb single mummy gf smh
>>144663 nah you'll be fine keep rubbing your eyes and stuff, nothing will go wrong
>>144665 smh had a few naughty nose picks but I see no visible mouse poo
bit itchy fingers though
>>144653 Guantanamo bay has bay in it, California and other cool places have Bays, clearly prison is cool and trendy.
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https://twitter.com/mtrc/status/1449336196295966720/ >soyim seething that AI isn't making heckin upvoteable posts
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>>144670 can someone explain how this AI works? Why is it saying based answers? Where does it get the answers from?
>>144672 Ai is just a set of filters, imagine balls falling through a pinball machine.
>>144672 If you fed some sort of word counter all historical texts currently available on earth it would come to the conclusion being gay is immoral.
Thoughts on Robert Nairac?
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https://youtu.be/Axc44nyN2vE For ethnostate pop groups
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>>144676 Even if your face is eaten by sandflys the science says you're still alive, congress.
>charlottesville lives and marches on
>>144679 what is that under the man with the red cap's hat?
under his shirt
>>144681 not sure. dodgy lighting maybe
https://youtu.be/5ffn60eSk0o?t=78 It happened again... huh (timecode)
>>144561 Same with Piers Morgan and Ash Sarkar. OMG she said she's literally a communist! Never mind tears strawmanning and acting like a literal NPC never responding to being corrected. MSM rightoids are embarassing when they get owned and act as if they won. Mike the English don't exist Graham is another midwit gatekeeper.
waitress lass wasn't sweet to me today. think she's falling out of love with my beautiful eyes ahh
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>>144686 Day of the trunk
>>144686 >1st vid horrifying lol, why the fuck would you stand directly behind it
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>>144670 >we are this close to having a BASED techno-ethno-utopia >leftoids prevent the good future from happening
If we solved problems like India you'd have to stop at every cattlegrid and feed twenty cows before you could progress.
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>>144690 Chinese racist AI will absolutely body soi Yankee AI, it's gonna be Chad vs Virgin all over again
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>>144692 Bet chineAI crashes when some pajeet discontinues a .dll library from 2003 and we enter a 3000 year dark age.
I'm strong, smart and determined
>>144694 Keeeeeek Reminds me of the ILoveYou malware going worldwide because a broke Filipino couldn't afford net access and decided to steal it
Live laugh love
hate jump hang
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>>144696 The malware was created by Onel de Guzman, a then-24-year-old resident of Manila, Philippines. >Because there were no laws in the Philippines against creating malware at the time of its creation >He justified his actions on his belief that Internet access is a human right, and that he was not actually stealing based
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>>144703 1 is the face I make after I realise I have mistimed it tbh
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>>144708 based
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>>144708 >capeshit-spaceshit war
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morning lads
>>144712 morning
>>144712 Shmorning shlad
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just vored a nice bi bim bop lads now time to goom and shitpost
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>>144719 >chink food
>>144720 smh didn't want to have one of those shitty korean rip offs of the cheesesteak but where they put their gook dogshit spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)s on the steak and ruin the cheesesteak
what is a cheesesteak?
>>144722 one of the last great cultural achievements of the rust belt
>>144723 the rust belt has cultural achievements?
>>144724 yes like the airplane and the first man on the moon
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*leans back in chair*
>>144722 warm beef sandwich with cheese
>>144725 I claim those as hereditary anglo achievements.
>>144729 good lad might as well since soon enough everyone over here will be a shitskin
might play civ and claim some other cultural achievements as anglo.
keeking at this. what were they thinking?
>>144732 they were thinking about saving the white race lass
>>144733 smh but the optics
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sneed lads >>144731 good lad >>144735 based let it all burn
>>144736 morning >White House and several other DC-area federal facilities to increase security measures due to ‘credible’ ISIS-related threat this weekend >threat may be related to a report of 3 Afghan refugees who forced their way off a bus earlier this month https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1454260039338889217
what time is it in ozland?
fucking globo homo elite sucking my congestive posting juices with their 5g rays.
>congestive cognitive too drunk
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>>144740 smh lad
>>144737 keeeeek smh who could have seen this coming >>144738 one in the afternoon lad >>144739 think bad thoughts at the to poison them
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any interesting polishits happen today?
>>144746 democrats went charlottesville mode
Something about anglo-french relations and fishing waters, boats impounded. I don't follow this shite anymore it's so superfluous.
>>144747 keeekk at the based black guy
>>144747 that lass looks thic
they don't really even look like proper chuds tbh lack the chud energy
they brought along one of those dbz autism naruto anime niggers
>>144751 who are they?
>>144746 >interesting smh i miss those days >>144748 tbh so much fake drama with very clear immediate solutions that just gets dragged out for a few years or decades until whoever's calling the shots gets bored and decides to surrender completely and pretend nothing happened
>>144753 idk >>144754 22st should groom her
>>144755 just bullshit that is only a matter because it distracts people from inflation ad declining rights.
they were at a gop blokes rally or something and tried to make a point about him being so bad that the charlottesville lads would support him. it ended up looking like they were unironic charlottesville supporters and people were calling it a false flag but i think it was a gay stunt gone wrong. ok thank you
they are all democrats
lads i think we should relocate to india, not even meneing. apparently as a whiteoid you're treated very well and there's lots of currypoon available. still cheap too, only downside is the heat but we could form a commune in temperate kashmir maybe although that is quite close to pakistan
>>144761 this tbh we need to retvrn to the Indus valley and get brahmin wives
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>>144764 just cannot fathom the absolute lack of self respect you'd need to consider getting a poo wife and having poo children and thinking that's a victory smh
>>144765 lad just do as thou wullt tbh
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>"the only downside is the heat" >"i'm gonna go...heat"
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very kindly do the move to india ok thank very much
>>144768 keeeek
poojets can be endearing sometimes tbh just wouldn't want to live in the same country as them
>>144768 keeek, thank you my basterd
morning chuds no food in the house and shop doesn't open until 7
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>>144775 another anarcho-tyrannous day
>>144778 keeek thought they were dafties
I thought the black guy was from proud boys
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>>144781 what miss hossain actually looks like lel
thinking of 7am yellow stickers
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prior to the dawn before the moon is gone I dream of tattie scone
>>144785 Me too lad, going to the bakers in a bit to get a bacon, egg, and tattie scone roll.
>>144785 based
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rejected a korean girl online was hoping to feel some sort of rush of dark sigma energy but instead I feel nothing and wish she'd just tried to talk to me normally instead smh
>>144784 get in lad >>144781 as a chad foot appreciator, women have basically been walking around naked to me every summer with their summer sandals
>>144788 Rejecting non-huwhites is very fitting for your post number keeek
>>144789 spiggler what do you think of the idea that men are attracted to feet in the same way women are to hands, that feet represent a connection to the earth and that hands represent reverence towards the sun
>>144791 keeek, i'm not spic. spic needs to hurry tf up and make a /newbrit/ on moe so the boomers can have brit/pol/ back
here I go
>>144792 he just wants everyone in bongo bongo land now. saddened that there are multiple footmen in my vicinity tbh
how stupid would it be to try and cycle across europe and central asia when i've never cycled long distance before
>>144793 have a fruitful hunt lad >>144795 try cycling to the next town over first lad see how it goes
>>144795 do it lad the steppe is calling
>>144798 keeek morning lad
>>144796 >>144797 thinking of cycling to york tomorrow so I can at least socialise on hallow's eve and drink but that would take a couple of hours at least
>>144796 absolutely no deals at all and I saw that lord jewsbury has raised the price of vegetable quiches to four fucking pounds which is over 200%
>>144801 >lord jewsbury has raised the price of vegetable quiches to four fucking pounds which is over 200% did you buy any?
>>144802 got a slightly different smaller one for £2 instead still a ripoff though smh
>>144803 good lad
jewberg will never recover
started watching a video about the amundsen-scott southern polar station but couldn't because like everywhere else on the planet it's been turned into a playpen for women and zoomers
>>144806 yeah there's no escaping it smh nowhere's safe
>>144761 >not Bhutan smh >>144670 >equating morality with majority belief keeek is he legitimately going to argue that that isn't exactly what morality is? >>144629 Lad, you're supposed to select gay, disabled, "white other", and poorfag. Are you even trying to play the game? >Cornish separate from White British Should have complained about that, and told them to separate all the British groups.
>>144809 yeah smh I just saw the forms and thought 'any workplace that requires humiliating oneself like that isn't worth the lies' would be a nice job if I got it and was able to look past the poz to find the bits I really enjoy, but I doubt I'll be anything but neet 'til I die
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>>144594 I see nothing wrong with this
>>144744 smh might hold out in this job until christmas so the nice Polish mummy can give me christmas sweets
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https://youtu.be/ltUJljqVyJo Would Butterfly knives be your weapon of choice, Wessex?
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>>144815 >first film yep, now that was peak pokemon
>>144816 I'm approaching 30 and have achieved nothing.
>>144817 keeek yeah lad same
>>144817 like most of /brit/ smh
maybe hanging around losers isn't good for me

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