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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3563: It's So Over Jap Bros Edition Anonymous 10/30/2021 (Sat) 11:24:45 Id: 2a0d00 No. 144821
Fishing row: Turbulence has hit relations with France, PM says https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59101193 Fishing row a test of UK's credibility - Macron https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59100410 'I'm proud to be a real-life witch' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-58852476
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>>144821 good lad
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tired of it all, lads
>>144825 have sex
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>>144824 much work to be done >>144825 tbh
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Nth for wews ludo
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Nth for Wessexian breeding facilities
just want to rip those nails off with pliers tbh
just want to pull those clothes off
>>144833 >driver is also glowing wdhmbt
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*evolves from speedy fish into something that can only swim 5 feet per hour*
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Bins moment
>>144836 groomers seething
>>144838 wouldn't they be celebrating?
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>>144837 >they turned the lions gay
>>144841 Keeek I never watch him but I love his titles and thumbnails
>>144839 with the way the law is used, probably.
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>>144836 >vulnerable adults
why are people celebrating halloween now?
>>144845 subtle satanism
>>144837 >chases the female away Top keek but also smdh.
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watching this I am just afraid to shoot myself smh
>>144845 You mean more adults getting enthused? Don't mandigo effect me that it wasn't on the 30th of October.
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what sort of slutty outfit should I wear, lads?
>>144851 all of it betakino
>>144853 peepey the frog of course
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>b*sexual exgf 'quirkily' asking the rhetorical question "is it okay to start drinking early [implying a woman drinking alcohol is okay at all, and that drinking daily is normal so long as it's late in the evening] because it's halloween?" for upboats on social media
>>144856 filtered
>>144856 okay twitterposting isn't bad enough now we have to have facebook foid feeds streamed into the thread?
>>144855 I see nipple. reported
>>144856 guarantee she was already at least a couple drinks down at that point and just wanted approval
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>>144857 So this is what it feels like. But 22st actually deserved to be filtered. Smdh. >>144859 It was instagram. All the cool young 26 year old alcoholic mummies use it. Get with the times, grandpa. >>144861 Tbh.
>>144863 >instagram just an onlyfans ad tbh smh
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getting my tax return soon and it's a whopper tbh going to literally double my money
>>144865 affluent if verified
The latest from racism news. Tomorrow we'll have even more racism news. According to racism news Britain is racist and will always be racist so we will always get more racism news.
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no shit sherlock people don't care about your nigger feelings
according to racism everything is racist and will always be racist, there's no actual measure of racism, it exists in the same quantity and at the same rates as it always has.
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having a cheeky dressup myself
>’ve been banging on about racism for 30 years, but the voices for change are getting louder and more articulate. >Yet though we’ve seen a range of books on our experiences, our hopes and our frustrations, it still feels like a huge section of the British public aren’t listening. whoa it's almost as if people don't want to listen to cunts who bang on the same fucking drum for thirty fucking years straight >There are voices on the right that are aggressively seeking to stamp out any discussion of white complicity in the disadvantage of black people. nignogs have fuckall disadvantage in the modern world you just want to dig up the past like a fucking foid >They don’t want slavery taught in schools; they think it was such a long time ago that it doesn’t matter. YOU WERE NEVER A FUCKING SLAVE SO YES IT WAS A LONG FUCKING TIME AGO >The legacy of slavery is racism. >racism only exists because slavery lmfao >People in Britain have unfortunately grown tired of the subject. They either don’t understand why we keep talking about it, or wish we would just shut up. But these are our careers, our livelihoods; at least he fucking admits it >and when we talk about “white privilege”, all we’re saying is that white people don’t face the racial disadvantages that we do. you get scholarships just cos your skin is the colour of shit and we don't what are these supposed disadvantages >In the US, where I spend a lot of time working, I can turn on my television any night and see a range of black actors in leading roles. Look at what Netflix has done with Bridgerton. I’m still not seeing that on British TV. >minority doesn't see the overrepresentation on telly >Even today, I’ve never played a leading character on British television. literally who the fuck are you
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>>144870 racism goes away when all whiteoids die
>>144873 I hope the author will read this
>>144870 racism exists so long as niggers can profit from the existence of racism
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https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/oct/30/race-in-britain-black-history-month-equality this entire article is just them seething that nog history month doesn't have any fucking power in this country they complain about not being heard yet fucking look at them, they all have more power than people on this board combined, absolute fucking niggers
Racism is only the ethereal ever present voodoo magic it is today because it exists to justify the disparities between the races, which will always exist. So racism must always exist and always be in power somehow. We can never rid ourselves of racism just like a black person cant rid himself of 80IQ or a chinese his slanty eyes. >>144876 yeah, and they dont even hide it.
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>we have no power no-one hears our voices say niggers who are MPs, professors, editors, writers, etc
>>144882 >Writer smh we have Wessex and Westie
>>144881 racism is just one of the latest tools in their arsenal
>>144880 tbh the racism whinge just flat out does not work the same in the uk as it does in weimart no nigger was ever brought to the british isles unwillingly - they all came over deliberately and willingly because getting called sambo while you're on your lunch break is a damn sight better than starving to death while getting eaten alive by mosquitoes
>>144885 it works exactly the same in america, those in power say it is the case and if you disagree you get fired, harassed, targeted or inprisoned. it does work, they tore down a dozen statues just because niggers demanded it. they absolutely hold disproportionate power over ordinary citizens.
>>144871 weeaboo boris johnson?
>>144885 they really do not realise how much of a minority they are over here, they are fucking nothing in the grand scheme of things and have been given absolutely fucking everything anyway, yet for them this still isn't enough there is absolutely zero point in trying to appease niggers, you give an inch they'll take a mile, they bang on about slavery even though that's a yank meme, they bang on about oppression even though that's a yank meme, none of the points they have raised apply to this country we're moving the warwolf to dover and using it to fling them into the channel
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shills win again smh
lol this level of seethe from SA.
>>144887 If Boris Johnson was based maybe smh
>>144886 things that are forced on the population aren't exactly representative of the population lad >>144888 >we're moving the warwolf to dover and using it to fling them into the channel keeeeek based
>>144892 yeah but it doesnt matter, power has forced things onto an unwilling majority before and they've been forced to accept it. most russians were against the bolsheviks and thought they'd just collapse through incompetence alone and yet they lasted 80 years.
>>144886 It doesn't work the same as the points do not apply. The earliest niggers here are from Windrush, they were not slaves, they came here willingly, they were supported by the govt from day fucking one, yet they claim that they have always been oppressed which is the complete fucking opposite and everyone knows it, it's why whenever this whinging happens no-one wants to listen and it's why they have to write a seethe article in the grauniad to cope and seethe and dilate. >>144893 There's only so much a normgroid can accept, tell them 2+2=5 over and over and they'll say yes to shut you up but inside they know it's bollocks. >and thought they'd just collapse through incompetence alone well that is what happened tbf
>>144893 governments can force people to submit but they can't force people to actually care lad the never have
>>144896 tbh, people only care when shit is on their doorstep, they'll never care about "the plight of the niggers" or any other idpol bollocks as it doesn't affect them
>>144894 >ywn curbstomp her
>>144895 It doesn't matter. Anti-racism in the US is also bullshit and yet its completely destroyed every single one of their major cities. Anti-racism is bullshit here and yet it resulted in the systemic rape and enslavement of thousands of English children by Pakistani slaver gangs. Nobody in power was ever punished for that. >it's why whenever this whinging happens no-one wants to listen It doesnt matter if ordinary people want to listen power forces it on them. I don't watch football anymore because I couldn't stand the constant psychological abuse inflicted on the audience by power where if I even said a word or booed It would get me kicked out, banned, fined or doxxed. Power says whats happening and you either accept it or they punish you, which they're free to do in anyway they please as they completely control every institution including the media. Normies know all they can do is eat shit and deal with it.
https://twitter.com/JesseKellyDC/status/1454126943780147203 >insults minwage labour >"go get a job" fucking yanks
>>144894 >these creatures are legally considered to be people smh >>144899 >Nobody in power was ever punished for that. why would they be?
>>144899 >Normies know all they can do is eat shit and deal with it. actually they'll eat good thanks to the migrants
>>144903 imagine putting all that time and money into raising a child just to immediately feed it to rentberg
>>144903 so what if they end up struggling, and live from paycheck to paycheck because of rent? What if they don't get the same means to give their children what this man gave them?
where does this hatred of people living with their families come from?
>>144905 >if lad that's not an if it's a guarantee
>>144904 fucking sociopathic tbh, he's a spiritual boomer who still thinks we live in the good old days where all it takes is a firm handshake to land a job for life that pays for everything he's a fucking podcaster
>>144900 >>144903 yank conservatives are truly subhuman creatures.
>>144906 jewry is deeply rooted in weimartika and it has infected everything there
>>144908 goodpost
>>144903 who is this insano faggot supposed to be >>144909 tbh
>>144909 https://twitter.com/JesseKellyDC/status/1454185167677952004 he keeps doubling down and pretending he didn't say anything, absolutely fucking retarded
>>144912 some literally who podcaster
>>144914 psycho eyes tbh
>tells people to just pull up their socks and get a job >got handed a position through nepotism every single fucking time
ok SA we fucking get it god damn
>>144916 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK this is so against the kick your kids out part of his ideology. Fuck's sake
>>144917 this is the most exciting thing we've got right now lad
>>144918 >kick your kids out at 18 they'll handle things themselves >also daddy gave me a job after I left the marines lol these stupid fucks romanticise the idea of being an honest working class lad and have never been in that position of struggling to find a job, and then they go and fucking insult that very idea in the same breath >>144900 God I fucking hate them
>>144916 >>144918 smh very boomerish tbh he's got the "fuck you i've got mine" attitude down perfectly
somewhat related, since boomer tradie installed my new dehumidifier fan it has not once turned off despite being 'automated' and no matter what I do I can't make it switch off manually I think he and rentberg conspired to raise my electricity bill because I dared complain about living in a mouldcave
>>144923 keeeeek fuck sake. Just like car companies conspired with mechanics to make you unable to change the lightbulbson your car yourself smh
>>144923 >getting smart-anything
>>144925 yeah... bought a car with a computer in it that tells you everything you need to know and it malfunctioned almost immediately and now I can't even tell the time or temperature until it gets fixed
also I fucking luv that you can see shapiro's jew hat in the video, the room is lit to the point where it's almost illusory and you might not even notice it
>>144924 >>144925 tbh I would have been fine with just a more powerful fan connected to the light switch which is what I had previously, they didn't say it was some automated shit until after the guy had installed it smh hate that screencap with the climateshite shoved into the agenda
>>144923 smh make sure to call rentberg on the hour every hour to complain until it gets fixed >>144927 tbh
>>144928 >hate that screencap with the climateshite shoved into the agenda It's why their side will never get anything done, absolutely fucking EVERYTHING has to be about some idpol bollocks else in their mind the entire thing is invalid, not realising that by making it about some idpol bollocks it makes their entire original point invalid to the average person. OWS really did a number on them.
okay I am okay
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>WB are putting Gandalf in their shitty smash clone
>>144936 >pickle rick stage how embarrassing
>22st giving SA (you)s for his boring twitter posts just so he can build up good boy points and post gay nigger porn
>>144936 you see, they have purchased the licensing to the intellectual property that is the character Gandalf(copyright) and therefore are allowed to do what they wish with it
>>144938 was a /v/ poost akshulee >>>/v/452467
>>144940 poor lad smh being forced to live as an abomination for reddit upvotes
>>144942 hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahah eat a bullet already, abo
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Team Daviddavis: F*ck the Cabinet
>>144940 what an unfortunate existence
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>>144948 those wacky asians almost managing to make like they have human emotions like humour
>groomee's parents won't even let friends visit her Not looking good lads. Was gonna call them and ask for permission to meet her but not looking good smh
>the catfishing arc is still ongoing keeeek lad set up a meeting with 'her' in the local park
>>144951 smh but I think the idea of asking her parenterinos is romantic and trad smh
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>>144953 Snoozed for several hours myself today. It was for a change, a regenerative snooze. Not one you wake up from more tired and depressed. Okay, thank you.
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>>144923 He's fucked up the fan overrun.
>>144957 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>144959 He's a flesh puppet at this point.
>>144960 always was tbh
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How do they keep getting away with it?
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>she has three potatoes
>>144962 Grooming time
>>144964 Looks pretty potato herself
a pretty potato
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>>144968 the shit you get away with on twitter
>>144968 zoomers might as well be speaking another language
>>144971 tbh. Glad Somerset killed himself
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>>144926 >now I can't even tell the time or temperature until a certified dealer connects a laptop and checks the "good paypig" flag for £200
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>>144968 smh >>144969 big if true
>>144973 keeeeeeeeeek
i wonder what the somewhat-masculine white guys in the armed police and counter terror actually are like. do they even have doubts? ever grumble at how gay everthing is? ever think BLM are scum but wonder why their boss makes them kneel for BLM? Its just so upsetting that this evil system relies on the labour of the people it wants to exterminate to exist.
>>144976 judging by the US military gifs where they suck on dildos....
>>144976 probably equal parts true believers and idiots who are "just following orders" either way they're not real people
judging by the lockdown cops who beat lads into a bloody pulp
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>>144979 Just good law and order
I like to think that someday some popular figure will arise and the powers of the state will be sicced on him and they'll instead join him like Napoleons return from exile.
>>144981 and just like Napoleon, he'll be Italian
>>144982 nappoleon was french u retard
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>>14492 hmmmmst
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>>144984 poophead
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>>144985 >bald opinion discarded
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>>144989 Can't wait for Scotland to become independent tbh >>144994 Looks and sounds like he's in Star Trek TNG
>>144914 he has the xoomer manchild look I would bet money he is a trustfund frat boy whose dad was a hospital administrator or a lawyer
>>144996 he got everything handed to him >>144916
>>144916 keeeek of course I knew what it was, he is the midwestern daddies boy construction exec. the guy who never gets out of the truck and subcontracts beaners when the "bootstraps" whitemen are too tired and worn to build the next fractal suburb before lunch time
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>>144945 id let that lass f*ck with me
>>145000 >LOOK AT ME >I rest my case keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
I was mis-sold this thread. I was expecting japs but it's all just twitterposting.
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>>145000 Not even sure what argument she's trying to make or why I should care tbh >>145003 Chimperium NOT Imperium ok
>>145005 Thank God I wasn't cursed with bitch tits
Just can't stand Villenuve as a director
>>145011 Which law confers this right again?
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out with the boys
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>>145015 big wew >>145016 >and such as are allowed by law Well good luck >>145019 wouldn't be any better if it were here tbh. I'm not convinced that people in the past put much faith in legalism anyway, I expect then as now convention ruled the day.
reading these posts are tough, man
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>>145031 they found he had dark skin and hair?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Filmed a bunch of pheasants eating berries for supper
smh the bongo butt buddies visited me in my dreams and shaved all my hair off then locked me out of their cattlecube to be caught by vaxx patrols in a giant skyscraper I tried to fight back and stuck the golems with their own needles multiple times but they got me in the end also death to schizbot tbh learn to put all your comments in one fucking post you nigger or better yet don't post at all >>144954 good lad the opposite for me, I want to go back woken up by the evil gassers doing something in the car park and making vile brain damage smells >>145015 love how foreigners are allowed to hold positions of power and directly advocate for and implement policies contrary to the good of the people
>>145000 that is a good point. mongs who go "omg who cares if [very serious and pressing societal change] is occurring" are worst than the enemy.
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek watching his poost get deleted in real time
>>145051 it's how they swept the nonce gangs under the rug
>>145044 jesus christ lad what's the point in sleeping if there's no reprieve?
>>145057 keek tbh going back for round 3 or 4 of the day in a few, we'll see if anything has changed feel like I'm having an episode of narcolepsy or something
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'''Roman remains of ‘worldwide significance’ found in the UK== Roman remains of “worldwide significance” have been unearthed by archeologists at a site on the HS2 line https://twitter.com/i/events/1454018184005160961
>>145060 ni ni lad have better dreams
>>145064 what's significant about them tbh have they shoehorned in niggers somehow? >>145065 nod yemt
schizo might as well be ai at this point.
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>>145067 >have they shoehorned in niggers somehow? Yeah, they found roman shit
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>A mysteriously missing soil layer between the Roman and Norman periods suggests that the structure could have stood uncovered, and undisturbed by arriving Saxons, before being toppled and having the later medieval church built on top of it. >Dr Wood said: “That would explain the lack of indeterminate soil. “The Normans would not have cared about what was in there. They were known to stamp their authority on the landscape, and the culture wherever they went. They would not have minded throwing these objects in a ditch.”
>>145073 saxons shunned roman ruins because of spooky ghosts and stuff iirc tbh
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>“The Normans would not have cared about what was in there. They were known to stamp their authority on the landscape, and the culture wherever they went. They would not have minded throwing these objects in a ditch.” Very based and anglo
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>>145015 there's another crazy conspiracy about fedcoins and CBDCs coming true again
The shit thats happening to the MAGA guys in prison is nuts. The story about one of them being beaten until he went blind by nigger prison guards turns out to be true. If there was ever a time for the 2nd amendment to be used.. https://twitter.com/BradGeyer/status/1454151406588469248
>>145078 don't think sharts will ever use their guns
who knew we'd end up with hundreds of trump supporters being put into secret prisons where all black staff abuse and mutilate them and everyone just pretends it isnt happening.
>>145074 yeah they let all the bath houses fall into ruins and re purposed the lead linings that the water was in. also reminder that the dark ages never happened and it went straight from romans to tudors and they added in fake centuries for banter. we know this because there is a roman mozaic of a fruit bowl that has a banana in it. thankyou for reading *doffs tinfoil hat respectfully and reverently in your direction*
>What can we do?! >This is horrible! >Praying for you! >This is insane! >This is horrific! >Eye opening, I am praying for my fellow patriots >Where can I send money to!? they never fucking DO anything AAAUUUGH
overdue on toil again
>>145089 we're winning
yeah honestly all I want is to beat libtards in the streets. wish we had that kind of political scene like in america.
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made an incel rant lads will upload later
gonna make one of some of the poorfag tools I got doing boomer toil I think every incel should own for the happoooneng
>>145092 good lad the terrorist legions of I.N.C.E.L stand ready to receive and decode orders hidden in anus vore furry SFMs
https://youtu.be/OM_P60JYyPo why are muslims such shit boxers lads?
holyshit bros.... brazil is white af... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnKke19Ow8Q
>>144994 he has autism
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>>145096 100% pure German
>>145098 herts moved to brazil??
>>145078 >nuts >muh 2nd amendment
>>145099 keeeeek
>>145099 I thought Herts was greek?
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tbh ngl keeking at how 'ard the january 6th larpers are getting BTFO
>>145103 feel a bit sorry for them tbh cattle retards finding out about state power and violent consequences for their actions for the first time in their life and the men won't go to work to save them
>>145104 tbh they're stupid but not evil
Kenosha Kid documentary with some good footage, they actually have footage of the first person Rittenhouse killed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpTW2AJE9MQ
>>145104 I remember when they were swarming the congress building and how badly they squandered the chance to change world history because they had to be "the good guys"
>>145107 what they needed was to barricade inside the building and declare a revolutionary government and then order patriots nation wide to take over their local administrative buildings.
>>145106 >new york times yeah I'm not watching prog propaganda tbh that spic was based and he needs to be let out so he can shoot some more >>145107 yeah that goes in hand with being sheltered cattle who don't understand reality if they had torn apart the gay faggot empire senators with their bare hands and ripped off their faggot brap masks and killed them and stuck their heads on pikes and all the rest of it maybe things wouldn't have been so bad el mentira and the unprecedented curtailing of freedom of speech and speeding up of the totalitarian one world order stuff was probably moved ahead of schedule because of the retards scaring them and not following through
>>145108 exactly
>when the first skateboard kike gets dropped and then the kike with the pistol gets his hand blown off and screams medic
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so much riot kino from 2020, that one trucker who turned a nigger into road pizza, the nightclub owner who magdumped a nigger then an heroed later
>>145112 there was also a jew ziminski who first started shooting. mad how you have jewish bolshevik street thugs like its the 1920s.
steiner always wants to turn this board towards talking about american daftyism
>>145116 >(1) some other lad posted kyle first lad
>>145116 well it's not like there's any anglo daftyism going on is there
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here is some briddish polishits if you need that (1)lad
>>145119 keeeeeek
he is a micromanlet nonce poojeet
>>145119 I sincerely hope he meets a bloody and excruciatingly painful end
you can just tell he is from some upper caste poo culture where they all are so arrogant and are so much more obvious than the jews in their political conquest of the anglosphere
>>145123 yeah his wife is a part of a brahmin billionaire family.
poos had that law that low class women had to have their chebs out up until 1919. can't fault them for that. wish it had lasted a couple of decades longer until photography was better
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fuck poos tbh
>>145125 still really funny to me that they had a simp rebellion over that imagine dying so that women can pretend to be chaste
>>145125 wonder if upper class poojeetcels went around raping the lower class ones
>>145126 I like poos just in their own country.
I would be so full of love for all the peoples of the world if it wasn't for immigration.
>Sunak married Akshata Murthy, the daughter of Indian billionaire N. R. Narayana Murthy >They live in the village of Kirby Sigston, North Yorkshire. They also own a house in Kensington and a flat in Santa Monica, California. >He has taken his oath at the House of Commons on the Bhagavad Gita since 2017
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>145130 bender
>>145130 tbh tbh, but it's cyclical and you'd be pro poz if there were still closed borders
>>145131 I hate the rootless international clique I hate the rootless international clique I hate the rootless international clique
>>145131 I hate how arrogant shitskins are where they just act entitled to behaving as our new nobles.
>>144837 this is what being held in captivity does to us
>>145137 keeek this lad is gay/would be gay if he went to prison
oh great we have a >(63) at only 260 posts in. literally 1/4 of the posts in le thread
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d504e8 is being a bit to much of a bully for a saturday
https://youtu.be/ts74wbP2Ni8 watching it again lads
>>145141 >saturday phew what a relief, started having toilstress a day too early
>>145142 is that poolass?
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>>145142 I love her, lads
>>145142 >Tv bigger than the bathroom do normoids really
>>145144 yeah >>145145 her accent almost makes her qt if it wasn't for the vile plastic surgery
this lass is the like the prime target for boomertoilers, some ditsy woman who has her man by the balls and loves to spend money
>>145147 keeek she's fucking haggard
>that backyard wew do people in UK actually do this? I can see what wessie means when he says its only gulls and rats who come to his feeder. thats astroturf
>when she starts running around with the dog on the astroturf grim lads like some kind of david lynch movie
>>145138 no tbh, ive been in my own kind of 'captivity' most of my adult life, not gay if i went to prison I would become the biggest bodybuilder alpha there, no question now give me your bowl of oatmeal, squirt
>>145142 kek it looks like a newbuild that hasn't been sold yet but it's the one that has temporary furnishings for the plebs to look at
>>145150 there no gardens at all in cramped towns which is why my feeder is out in the car park one of the first places I looked at moving to was a one room thing converted from a literal medieval hovel which still had an attic/off-floor bed you have to reach with a ladder because it was so tiny, one of their big selling points which raised the rent to nearly double my coomcube was that it had a few feet of gravel "garden" where you could put a chair and a couple plant pots
>>145153 keeeeeeeeeek
>>145154 wew makes decaying rotting shitagain look like a verdant paradise that they were flexing some 15'x15' astroturf
>>145142 who the fuck just has jars of sweets in their kitchen NOT for eating? why would you have that as decoration anyway she'd be instagram supermodel tier if not for the makeup and face stuff
>>145154 the coomcube is unironically the best way to live as a rentcuck, anything else is just as shit but quadruple the price. only thing is, your own toilet and shower is really nice, don't want to be sharing that with anyone unless you know them well.
>>145156 fractal suburbs do have some good points smh, having some green around you is based even if boomoids cut it down to carpet length for the housing associations >>145158 yeah it's not like I could take care of a garden anyway can barely take care of my hanging plants and stuff
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The image that saved British nationalism
>>145161 >sit on the first floor >can spy into literally everyone's gardens how and why do deanos tolerate this
>>145161 this type of density would probably make stronger communities idk
I hate how flimsy all the fences are and it's like this everywhere why can't we have kino concrete infrastructure and zen gardens like we're supposed to have in such a dystopia, at least then it'll withstand a gentle breeze

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deercamp core is my perferred architectural style
>>145165 zeroscape stuff is horrific lad, that is california cancer. lots of richfags around here think it "looks good" then the shitagain plants just grow up through it. makes everything look like a prison complex
>>145161 are you allowed to plant trees in your garden like full on maples?
>>145167 where? show me it just has to be designed correctly. lots of people think brutalism is bad because most brutalist architecture is bad, that doesnt mean the core idea is bad
you can't have good architecture if it's planned. should just assign plots to locals and let them build whatever they want. maybe ban concrete so whatever gets built isn't too permanent
>defending brutalism Filtered.
>>145169 xeriscaping is a desert southwest thing and california colonists are spreading it eastward. its fucking vile and looks like prison
>>145169 #NotAllBrutalists
californians tear out clover and grasses and dump shitloads of rocks on everything and then tell everyone else in the community they are wasting water.
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>>145170 so this must be bad because it was planned meanwhile 90% of people do not have the creative ability nor desire to design their own home. everything would end up looking like a brazilian favela
>>145172 got nothing to do with what i was talking about tbh
yeah everyone living in comm blocs with cement recreation jogs in the rear of the commissary is based lad
>>145176 that is bad architecture, yes.
>Brutalism, also known as Brutalist architecture, is a style that emerged in the 1950s and grew out of the early-20th century modernist movement. Brutalist buildings are characterised by their massive, monolithic and 'blocky' appearance with a rigid geometric style and large-scale use of poured concrete. In what way can brutalism by aesthetically pleasing? I've never seen an example of anything that doesn't look hideous. It's just a hideous style.
>>145180 >In what way can brutalism by aesthetically pleasing? in n64 gooms where it belongs
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But where can you park your Audi A3 and Range Rover evoque???
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>oh no not those horrid favellas where you can express yourself, live rent free, have neighbours you know, and can do whatever you want what a hopeless middleclassoid c55622 is. no hope for the lad
morning lads woke up filled with seethe for some reason smdh >>145169 the core idea is bad lad
>express yourself tranny idea ngl
>>145180 when it's ruined and overgrown the best I can say for it is that there are some interesting buildings made in the style, but it really can't compare
>he doesn't like ecofascist utopian concrete surrounded by lush nature ngmi. >>145178 >comm blocs No. >>145179 >>145183 >>145180
>145187 looks shit, filtered
>>145182 Family say "it's an Audi" when they're talking about any bad drivers now. Keek. >>145183 Favellas are shit, lad. Lack of running water is common. Crime, drugs, filth, poor health. Sure there are tight nit communities within (and despite) them, and overall the look still has more charm than brutalism.
the only people who like brutalism are /leftypol/cucks and /pol/cucks for similarly gay reasoning
>>145180 when nature reclaims it
morning lads. business idea: brutalist favelas
>>145183 this is a society run by women and beta males who cannot create order, who eternally live in chaos and squalor. the MALE archetypal ideal is to craft the world around him, to think about the future, to nourish principles of minimalist living -the stripping away of what does not matter and the preservation of what does - to cultivate clarity of mind and clarity of the soul. this is why rich people of the modern age typically live in minimalist mansions - not because of a lack of taste [though that is undeniably true for a lot of them], but because it nourishes the spirit to live free from distraction and allows you to focus on what really matters. this is far more important than you could even imagine.
no homosexuals allowed
>>145192 we already have scotland.
>>145190 so you're some kind of useless centrist then with no strong convictions? makes sense
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>tfw i would've lost my virginity at 16 if i lived in a favella
>>145192 that's just council estates
>>145192 see now this is actually a bit peng somehow. the grotpeng norf favella aesthetic if you will
>145193 this is the gayest thing I've ever read on this board
>look at le epic noble savages living in their colourful mud huts!!! you wouldn't last a day there
lot of foreign shilling recently
Glad I filtered c55622 and his objectively shit takes on everything ever.
>>145202 kind of liked that take though tbh ngl
>>145190 brutalism is a potent larp filter tbh nobody who has to live in or around this shite likes it the only ones who like it are people who enjoy it from a distance by looking at it in photos
>145203 >the nonce likes the gay opinions imagine my shock
>>145204 colourful favelas is a potent larp filter tbh nobody who has to live in or around this shite likes it the only ones who like it are people who enjoy it from a distance by looking at it in photos
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tbh this is the ideal house
for me it's baroque extravagance and excess and gold filigree and paintings on everything tbh
brutalism is just self-important wank by "architects" who wanted to be gayist modern sculptors but knew nobody would ever look at their shite without being forced to interact with it >>145208 based
>>145204 >>145210 tbh, only raging homosexuals like it
Ugly grey tower blocks full of wogs are vertical favellas minus the colour. Hence worse looking, which was the original point of the discussion anyway.
tbh why did favelas get brought up, why was the choice "brutalism or favelas"
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>The Anti-Racist Poet Who Infected Polish Feminists With AIDS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlRHGbuWY0M >shag a nigger >get aids they got what they fucking deserve also why is it the fucking poles again, what is it with slavs and coalburning
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>>145213 Someone linked individual expression to favellas and then brutal bumboy acted like it was a binary choice. >>145214 Immune systems paying the toll. Smh.
luv gothic architecture myself tbh rib vaults and flying buttresses pvre kino >>145213 just grasping at straws tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRFCMM3bra8 Do like me some /leftypol/ish music tbh. Think it's the more authentic and unapologetic violent hatred.
imagine being filled with post-war reconstruction excitement over the raw power of concrete and all the possibilities it opens up and then you just go and make a fucking minecraft house smh
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big uptake in weird posts and posters the past couple of threads
>>145219 keeeek >>145222 tbh concerning
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>>145222 something is afoot
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>>145222 it's just bongo boiz high on ribena
>>145226 bongo rarely comes here anymore
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>>145226 This image fills me with an odd seethling.
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keeeek pink computer what a fag
>>145229 Don't understand this post.
>>145231 the nonce's grooming victim
>>145232 I turned him into a hole for other men's cocks
still laughing about homos putting dicks in poo holes
coffee and a muffin for supper
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The kino humour that the soulless norge creatura brought is finally outweighed by his unironic grotty groomerism and gayism. I will be filtering him on sight before he posts anything filter worthy, every thread, and wholeheartedly encourage others to do the same, until he leaves this place forever. OKay, thank you.
>>145238 good lad
>>145238 >finally it's been six fucking years of this and you're only just cottoning on
>>145238 good video tbh
>>145238 yeah i agree tbh. fuck his drawings
pembs deserves all the misery and disease that comes with being a homo for being so weak minded to fall for some fat norge with a cripple dicks suggestions tbh
>pembs is older than 22s >pembs is and was always a fag >22 is ostensibly straight >they erp’d together seems to me the norge is the one who was groomed tbh
pembs will look like a shittier version of noel fielding by the time he is 30
>>145229 >>145233 smh when goodlads go badlass
>NIDF has logged on
>>145248 Im insulting him
Oh it's closetedlad falsefagging as 22st
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>>145251 bye lad
>>145251 keeeeeeeek, poor lad saying that on tv
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>>145251 he will never live that down
>>145160 As they say in Compton, "[Down With] the Police" >>145221 >Mafia-controlled >Child and drug trafficking central >Police won't even go in there Vgh...
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>>144900 He got out-liked hard by JY Lewis both in the quoted tweet and a later reply, despite JY having 1,000 followers and Kelly having 300,000 Luv Orthodox Twitter, me
>>145257 absolutely fucking bodied lmfao stupid neocon should've stayed in his fucking lane
>>145238 i very much do not like 22st and dont understand why he isnt banned on site.
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>brit is just a celeb gossip board now mumsnet bros?
>>145256 deano deserves better than this
22st has nothing to do with it tbh. Leave him alone.
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>>145263 keeek lad. i remember the mumsnet days
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retvrn to trvdition
loved the bumsnet arc me
the work from home dynamic that normalfags just mindlessly accepted has completely destroyed the fragile little membrane of ritual that kept all the plebs at ease.
>>145272 tbh it's hilarious, the ones up top are sneething
does anyone have anymore of the bumsnet arc
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>>145273 I remember making it
>>145276 tbh I made the copypasta in the third pic
>>145275 I remember the janny who banned us had a really jewish sounding name
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>>145277 >2017
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>>145279 I still think of 2017 as two years ago tbh
>>145280 almost half a decade
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>tfw unironically went to mumsnet after 8shite went down and none of you were there
>>145284 keeeeeeek me too.
>>145283 good lad
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>>145284 i did too, they all went to endchan after mumsnet iirc
>>145289 based
>halloween sale >first fucking thing listed
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>>145295 Got this in a GOG email recently tbh
>>145297 wish brun had ginger's tits tbh
>>145298 keeek I wish her tits were in my face
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love horse slags me
>>145301 if you look at her face for long enough you can imagine her with extra weight and age and you start to feel better about life
>>145302 keeek
>When you worked on a horsefarm briefly with your brother and the horsegirls bossed us around about loading the entire barn with hay until the boomer farmer happened by and chased them all out because they refused to help us unload the hay elevator even though they had told the boomer farmer they were going to help so instead they just sat down on the ground while we were trying to keep up with the boomers who were pitching up endless haybails expecting there to be 5 people in the loft instead of 2
they even had on the extra sets of barn coats so me and my brother had to get covered in cuts from the haybails
>>145305 cheeky cunts
I would have simped for scowling posh britoid horsegirls who viewed me as some peasant america ships subhuman instead of spoiled redneck princesses who roleplay as one of the guys
>>145307 i sometimes catch horsie girls in the woods tending to their horses ive also seen subhumans go up to them and try to make conversation in broken english and it's obvious the lasses are judging them from above
I think those dogs are russian laika
>>145310 smh there is a brazilian video where one boar killed 3 of his hunting dogs
that baby boar is not goin
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>>145292 just scrolling through some of her posts seems like she leads a miserable life like all whores doesnt make me seethe anymore, just want to use her
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>>145307 this would end like lenny and curly's wife https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHGWTDHchVQ
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>>145319 video isn't supported
>>145320 it's tucker telling someone called chuck to settle down
settle down chuck, sneed is at work
best tucker video is the luddite one
>>145321 based
>>145317 keeeeeek
>>145317 that whore deserved it anyway
smh john steinbeck was a leftist scum but his characters were p gud. muley graves was a good lad as well.
>>145327 tell me about the racewar, steiner
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>>145329 keeeeeeek
morning lads clocks went back an hour, mr shekelstein finally giving back are time
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>>145332 was wondering why it seemed earlier that usual
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The neurotic egregore has full control of her zoetrope hamster wheel.
wait what's the time?
>>145338 keke >>145337 thanks lad, all my negrotech adjusts automatically but i still don't trust it and feel like it should be up to me to change the clocks. still have to do that with the cooker tbh. based appliances not being attached to the internet
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>wait what's the time
>>145338 aaa aa a aaaaaaaaaaaa I'm fucking well hungry now, and I've got nothing but frozen kale and onions
I know he likes doughnuts
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>>145346 it does look so hope there's no poz hiding in there
>>145347 highly doubt it. iirc it's this lad from twitter https://twitter.com/JackChambersGB
>>145348 >Bay City, Michigan nice that steiner has some decent architecture somewhere
Watching new TDAG shartzombie kino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDu1vSDHdKw
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>Opened 1888, demolished 1960 >The castle served as the city’s art museum until it closed in July 1927, when all of its treasures were moved to the Detroit Institute of Arts on Woodward. >Despite losing its treasures – and the tops of its turrets in the 1930s -– the castle survived for more than 30 years. >In February 1957, it was announced that the museum would be razed for the Hastings Expressway, today known as Interstate 75, the Chrysler Freeway. smh
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lads itt right now who never used a computer with windows xp on it
>>145353 those are some jabroni level shifts
I wish dale would come back and crash into the jews to save the white race lads
nascar wasn't that bad tbh, they should've forced them to do road circuits more and brought back dirt ovals in small towns and they could've saved it. i remember watching nascar on some weird sky channel in the early 2000s and i liked it tbh. sounded cool
>>145357 yeah that was its last hurrah around then now its gay corpo shite. it was super based for a long time in that it was kind of "the people's" racing when it was legit stock cars. I wish that CAN-AM racing was still around it was even more kino and Mclaren and brits used to dominate it. also pikes peak racing is kino. both were unlimited so 1000 hp motors were common. nascar is mainly kino for the high level of skill drivers have to have with riding the gearbox at like 180 mph in tight formation at a turn and having zero downforce, etc. like F1 and leman
i think if you're a yoomer or zoomer nowadays and you like car culture, i think the best avenue to go down is diesels. they're easy to make power with and have more longevity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBXCT5MGc6A
>>145360 kino tbh, cool car liked the UK version of redneckoids with cummins turbo diesels in their giant trucks night lad
>>145361 night lad
cyprus is a country i just found out, i thought the part that wasn't turkish was part of greece but that isn't the case. the south western part is its own country.
>>145363 didn't know that tbh that's an interesting fact >>145364 keeeeek
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some pastries and a hot pot of joe I think
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>>145366 ok but bit of a gay post
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>>145366 what kind of pastries lad?
>>145368 piping fresh pain au choc from Lidl
>>145369 >furrin muck smh should have gotten choccy bread instead tbh
spree shooters never wear mauve. something to think about.
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>>145371 keeeeek s m d h
>>145372 tbh when you do a spree shooting you should wear a mauve paisley silk shirt (with extra-large lapels) and some bell-bottom jeans
>>145374 it's impossible, mauve buffs tranquility
>>145376 looks interesting tbh will watch
>>145376 would never go into a narrow tunnel like that without a cyanide capsule in my tooth tbqhwyl imagine getting stuck in a cave-in smh
>>145378 this, at least have a knife you can stab yourself in the heart with if it all goes wrong
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJTcScAQvds this is what britain used to be about
schmorning lads
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>trailer for CoD Vanguard's Operator Padmavati Balan
>>145381 sneed schmorning lad
>>145380 keek the china part
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>>145382 >evil nadzees just jogging towards her not shooting their submachineguns as she slowly strafes sideways in the open picking them off one per second despite being outnumbered by an order of magnitude at the very least smh no wonder the jerries lost the war with tactics like that
>>145382 >Colonial troop fighting against 'colonialism' of krauts >krauts that weren't even there, it was the Japs in Burma ffs
liking this halloween css tbh it's quite nice >>145384 tbh keeek they don't make them like that any more
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also that schnozz smh
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accidentally dropped my screwdriver in the toilet cistern lads smh really don't want to reach my hand in there to get it back out tbh even though i know the water in the cistern is clean it still mentally feels dirty because it's toilet water
>>145390 just wash your hand after smh
>>145391 yeah i did smh it wasn't that bad actually although i'm a little worried by by the amount of mould growing under the cistern lid >>145392 no lad i went in there bareback smh not a sissy lad i just like to complain about everything but i do it anyway >>145393 bet they thought they were being really cool by doing that smh could have actually been a kino cinematographic device if they'd actually put some effort in and if they weren't constantly pissing on a beloved legacy with every single second they film smdh
>>145393 I don't hate the style tbh, it could work if it weren't shitting on a beloved series
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>his name is Jet Black >therefore he must be a nigger
>>145395 no lad i shrunk down fantastic voyage style smh it was kino you should have been there >>145396 >>145397 tbh
>>145398 good laaaaaaaaad
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>>145398 a highlight of the /brit/ exodus saga tbh >>145401 >>145402 tbh reckless smh but brave
>>145386 Just an excuse to have an ugly poo graphically murdering wh*te men tbh.
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>>145405 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek she looks like Kenneth Anger
>>145409 They never real distinguished what was allowed to pass through a shield in sword fighting and what wasn't. Because they all looked like fast slashes yet some went through and others didn't.
>>145408 wow that looks awful
>>145414 Yeah it kind of lurched from plot points with all the characters getting the bare minimum in character introduction.
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Additional hour of sneethe free sunday
no sunday sninner today since all the frogs are arriving late nervous that my little sister will have brought a nigger to the dinner table or something tomorrow
>>145421 Can you narrate your solitary dinner tonight instead?
>>145422 I WILL cause a scene if my fears are true >>145423 "one iceland frozen pizza, ovened, with water, and it was very sad" probably smh never quite matches up to granny's cooking will have to go shops and see if I can get something good maybe a £7 lasagna from lord jewsbury
>>145421 don't worry lad you're probably not invited on account of not being vaxxed anyway
>>145426 keek smh the really insanoid relatives won't be around until christmas, they prefer to cower inside their homes doing 'remote work' sending emails at eachother and larping like they're in 28 weeks later or something
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>"one iceland frozen pizza, ovened, with water, and it was very sad" >>145428 tbh la
>>145430 that scene was for the sardaukar? smh I thought it was about the Voice magic that the Fremen get taught
wish I could kill people merely by REEEEEing tbh
>>145432 Na it's some religious chant the Sardauker listen to while they participate in a human sacrifice ritual.
>>145434 Paul teaches the Fremen how to shout people to death, something he learnt in part from the bene gesserit but developed on his own because he's the chosen one iirc >>145435 smh bit jewish don't think the sipahis or janissaries did any of that and that's who the sardaukar are supposed to be based on
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The site looks great tbh
>>145437 could do with an opaque background for the poosts but that's my only complaint tbh
Had a dream Alec Baldwin shot himself
>>144845 Time zones?
>>145437 tbh quite like it >>145439 we can only hope
Gonna be visiting the family graves for all saints tomorrow
>>145442 good lad
>>145442 vry good lad
>>145442 bit jealous tbh smh lucky lad
don't know if most of my family of the 20th century onward have graves, great nan just got cremated and the rest too probably all that fear of death but when you die you're just an object to be disposed of
>>145436 I think they were trying for the brutal religious warrior cult of the emperor.
>>145447 in the book I mean Mithras kind of worship might have been cool though
>>145448 I know I was just referring to what they were probably aiming for in the films art direction.
>>145446 cremation is incredibly disrespectful bordering on sacrilege tbh that's probably the only thing i agree with the muzzies on tbh if i ever get cremated i'm haunting my immediate family members until they kill themselves out of shame
>>145450 tbh 'ate overpopulation wouldn't be surprised if renting graveyard space has made a comeback, twenty years in case of judgement day then you get chucked in the ossuary once the money runs out
imagine living a full life and dying and being ready to return to the soil but then you just get incinerated like a bag of fucking rubbish
>>145451 tbh disgusting
if you can't buy graveyard space it's not worth it tbh it's supposed to be your FINAL resting place
would quite like to be part of a kino boney building tbh spooking all the soys and when judgement day comes you could begome a necromecha and splat demons with everyone else
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*haunts (You) because i'm somehow even more dissatisfied in death than i was in life*
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>>145459 haven't had a single one just as well tbh would have told them to fuck off to america
>>145463 c'mon man it was just a gentle little shart give me a break
https://youtu.be/0PnL2C8RGeA 15 minutes of deanos and williamoids
love this science experiment
>>145468 tradies all believe that they're john wayne or alec baldwin lad.
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>>145461 here we are with the decline again reinventing old technologies not only had society run out of ideas but it can't even make the current things work
My children will play deanos and Williamoids
>>145472 keeeeeeeeek
>>145470 I like to imagine myself as james bond personally.
>>145476 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>145476 Holo-Joe at it again
>>145474 weet ik
>>145475 retarded manchild ruining things for everybody smh people like him are why lynch mobs need to exist
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wait is f5054d 22st?
>>145483 might be a record for going undetected tbh
don't believe you
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>>145492 after aoe3 and the remake of aoe2? smh
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>>145497 keeklad
>>145497 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>writing about yourself in the third person
dancing on the filter with bait this awful lad smh step it up
filter's not working properly with the halloween css smh >>145497 keeeeeeek verygoodlad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5WZ2htfiZU How would their outfits look on white women?
(3.46 MB 960x720 Hot Boomer Action.webm)

ROFL Just got my BOOSTER SHOT lo0ol !! Was going to stick to a double shot of Lagavulin but now I've had my third shot!!!!1! LMAO like and share
>>145509 impressively grotty webm tbh
Think it's based and wise that I've started to find the idea of sex with another person disgusting because of poo and other grotty things
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smh spilt some monster on my desk
>>145515 doesn't look too bad tbh try using the rough side of a sponge
>>145519 Breton
>Man with knife sets a train in Tokyo on fire, attacker detained; at least 15 injured. https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1454784891225362432
just learnt we have an institution unironically named the Ministry of Justice
>>145523 heartwarming tbh nice to see people waking up >>145525 smh doubleplus ungood unfact citizen
>UPDATE - 24-year-old man dressed as "Batman's Joker" has been identified as the suspect in the Tokyo attack. https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1454824309952757765
>>145527 why so selious?
>>145527 keeeeeeeek based
>>145527 keek based autistic nips
>explorerlad becoming a transjew
>>145534 Who is that and why is it not the Romanov family?
>>145535 >who is that
>>145537 just the thumbnail fills me with righteous anger tbh definitely not watching
>>145538 Did the Prevent people seem like they had a healthy sense of self lad? Seems like their job is a bit demeaning, dealing with autistic white teens and pretending they're terror threats.
>>145524 howd he set a train on fire with a knife? skills tbh ray mears would be jealous
>>145540 some were true believers I think, like hebrew tattoos guy, some were jobsworths one was an old mummy who acted like the nurses who kill OAPs following their coof orders
>>145541 the knife was folded over 1,000 times
>>145539 smh japs can be real nasty bastards when they set their minds to it
>>145537 She actually seems reasonable compared to him here. Might be more background to his gripe. He is definitely being provocative for it's own sake here. It would be top banter if he was jewing them for more money from a court case over a wrongful arrest he expected and provoked. Get his point but he still seems a cunt.
>>145546 These guys entire thing is getting wrongfully arrested by police. How often does that happen to normal people? They obviously provoke it as much as possible.
>>145546 like him or not society needs people like him to remind police that they don't have unlimited authority
>>145547 based tbh fuck the po they deserve hassling and they deserve having to part with some of their taxpayer money if they get caught fucking up
>>145550 look at her soulless golem eyes
>>145547 Just because it's infrequent doesn't mean it should happen, tbh can understand why he moves into these positions to make a point. Hippy dad has been arrested several times under anti terror laws for peaceful protest against fracking and the like, since around 2003/4 when that started. Do hate police misuse of power to bully the harmless or excentric when they know it's wrong and illegal. >>145548 Tbh. >>145550 She looks pretty to me ngl.
imagine a woman policeman trying to tackle a raging nog it's like even the authoritarian government has forgotten what the purpose of their henchmen are
>>145554 they reserve the actually effective for areas where their pet niggers might turn on them wipipo get thots and mummies and soys because the cattle are so heavily conditioned they won't fight back regardless
>>145556 cut rate wannabe shapiro needs his fingers cutting off with rusty shears
>>145537 they'd be cute too if they didn't have jobs smh
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Evil SA be like "I banned schizo and noone else"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHYwQMspH1M haven't watched sv3rige content in a long time quite like the guy, tbh. on point
Middle Class mumarinos!
The Butt Princesses literally had a barrage of words 'sexist, racist, homophobic' to bull those middle class deanoids with.
>>145408 Keek, but also Canada Kino man should direct power rangers next.
>>145562 he used to be cringe until he started eating raw meat then he became very based
>>145563 why didn't the indian guy just choose to not have an indian accent then why didnt the mummy lesbians just choose not to be gay? simple solutions yet they choose to put the blame on the humble working class lads
>>145550 >look at her lips jesus christ why do they do this Apparently lipstick isn't enough, ttrout lips are the new standard for any thot looking to level up.

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