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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3564: Society Is Collapsing Edition Anonymous 10/31/2021 (Sun) 17:10:46 Id: d8b63a No. 145568
Joker Halloween horror as man dressed as Batman villain stabs 10 in frenzied train rampage https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1514286/Tokyo-stabbing-train-joker-batman-injured-halloween-horror-Japan Bristol: Nine people arrested after stabbings in street brawl https://news.sky.com/story/bristol-nine-people-arrested-after-stabbings-in-street-brawl-12456096 Emmanuel Macron tells Boris Johnson to 'respect the rules' as pair meet amid France fishing row https://news.sky.com/story/emmanuel-macron-tells-boris-johnson-to-respect-the-rules-as-pair-meet-amid-france-fishing-row-12455895
First for trade society for GF
>>145567 nobody here is my friend
>>145563 why didn't the indian guy just choose to not have an indian accent then why didnt the mummy lesbians just choose not to be gay? simple solutions yet they choose to put the blame on the humble working class lads
Petition to change to "Britain can be a lot spookier than this"
>>145573 Why didn't deano keep up the payments on his Audi and avoid arrest by Gay force one.
>>145575 and mine, we're 30 years old and free, lots of time for our frens
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>>145577 ummm, oatchads ?
>>145575 you should be more discerning
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>>145583 >gook shite
>>145585 No, 'dysphoric for (you)'s' is my next GookPop album it's still in development.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0pSo58K5aY i really want to go outside and spook the night away
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>>145590 put an empty bowl on your porch with a "take one" sign next to it
>>145590 You've just reminded me to switch all the lights off
wearing hats indoors tbh feel a bit ill but I can't turn the heating on until the stupid fan is fixed
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You see a large norwegian lad trick or treating outside Do you answer the door?
>>145599 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK terrifying >>145598 need to wash them tbh, been hanging in the mouldroom for the year
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they both got 10 months keek
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POV you just insulted his like ratio in insta
>zoomer prison
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>>145609 this is for you lad
>>145609 the unending toil treadmill goes on
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>>145609 They took extended Sunday from us
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There was a new study released on the Tarim Basin Mummies and it has interesting implications. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04052-7 It was often assumed that the Tarim Basin mummies were Tocharians, an Indo-European peoples who inhabited the same area but in reality they existed before the Indo-Europeans arrived. All the Tarim Basin mummies were phenotypically Europoid with blonde and red hair and being taller than the average East Asian, they are however genetically distinct from modern Europeans. They possessed 75% WSHGs (West Siberian Hunter gatherers) 10% ANE (Ancient North Eurasians) and 15% East Asian. WSHGs themselves were 75% ANE DNA, 5% Western Hunter Gatherer DNA and 20% East Asian DNA. So these people were almost 80% ANE DNA. ANE were mammoth hunters who inhabited Siberia and produced both the Proto-Indo-Europeans and Amerindians. They possessed the first genetic mutation for blonde hair (16,000 BC) and are probably why Europeans have remarkably long noses (something shared by Amerindians). The Tarim Basin Mummies are ANE's that lasted all the way up until the Bronze Age until they were wiped out by phenotypically similar Indo-European horse lords. If these were also the descendants of the ANEs who went East (as opposed to our ancestors who went West) and yet they were phenotypically Europoid then perhaps the first Native Americans were also Europoid. That could explain why Quetzalcoatl was a bearded white man or why plains Indians had stories of red haired white giants or why Kennewick man looked so European while being so genetically distant from us. tl:dr these people were the descendants of Proto-Paleoamericans and yet possessed very European features.
>>145618 good lad
>>145616 >no lindsey lohan to ride with me on the concord to meet her clone in UK
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>>145618 Whites are the real we wuz tbh. The earth should belong to us. The entire earth. But I would settle for Europe and the UK. Swarthoids have no idea how lucky they are to exist in Africa or Asia. They should be grateful for that.
>The man was said to have been dressed like the Joker character from the Marvel Comics.
>>145618 very cool
>>145623 Keek only just noticed. >145626 Into the heckin filterino you go. >>145627 Keeeeek.
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>>145626 women are just for making babies they are a waste of time tbh, I hate texting with lasses. the last zoomer lass from uni toil I tried to keep texting it was like communicating with a chatbot.
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keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek based Japs
>>145629 keeeeeeeek
Kennewick man's mtDNA exists exclusively in Algonquin Indians and Europeans. I suspect these Europoid ANE's only existed on the very first waves over the Bering strait and the more pure Siberian Asiatics came later and wiped them out. They were likely the people who made up the Archaic Boreal (8,000-1,000 BC) culture and were the first to reach the East Coast where their genetic legacy exists today. Interestingly the Archaic Boreal culture sites (Old Copper Complex 7500 to 1000 BC) have copper tools, something no other Indians ever produced at a similar scale, relying on cold hammering rather than smelting.
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>>145626 learn to love them for it
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>mods deleting all his posts so I don't have the satisfaction of filtering him
>>145634 Philosophy is cringe
>>145629 leftoid antiwhites are cancelling halloweenie over here
its so cucked compared to the 90s when it was like thousands of kids out in gangs wandering around the neighborhood getting candy and the older boys were causing trouble in the parks and flirting with the older lasses who were supposed to be the chaperones for the littler kids
>>145636 you don't even know what it is, i suspect
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>>145637 >>145638 never really cared for halloween either way tbh
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>foids neglecting responsibility for neighbourhood's little children for cummies *murders steiner for being a feminist*
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>>145634 >I don't like thinking lo and the clever and timeless olympians erected the ultimate foe, the ceaseless chaser to man and the great barnacle to all his endeavors. only a carrion crow to his victories, she waits at the finish line. woman.
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>Halloween in current year
>>145641 keeek my dad always came with us until I was old enough because he grew up in detroit and always assumed niggers were on the prowl
>>145616 what is extended sunday? you come in late on monday?
>>145583 goodlad
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make memes edgy again
>>145649 the show is amazingly shit and is already dated before the episodes come out
for me it's vhs tapes of 90s simpsons episodes
>>145653 >channel 4 news yeah it's so sad all these british people in poverty I wonder what could be causing it oh well let's keep on importing hundreds of thousands of wogs a year
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>>145651 this is better
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>>145654 it's just good business
>>145653 I wonder what rishi sunak thinks of this
Just found out Gabriele D'Annunzio wrote the screenplay to 1914 film Cabiria about a Roman girl being kidnapped by Phoenicians to be sacrificed to Moloch.
>>145658 the carthaginians were irl merchant satanist empire
>>145660 Tbh, glad Rome wiped them out. That's one group of Semites we wont have to deal with today.
To that lad im the other thread who said why weren't the armies using shields in that vision of a battle in Dune, it's because shields attract sandworms
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Messenger of fear in sight Dark deception kills the light Hybrid children watch the street Pray for sweeties, roaming free Fearless wretch Insanity He watches Lurking beneath the sheets Great old one Forbidden site He searches Hunter of the sweeties is rising Immortal In madness you dwell
>>145646 Based tbh. >tfw you realise God exists
post your costumes lads
I can't remember the details very well, I think it's pretty obscure, but in western Europe towards the end of WWI, I think there was this proto-fascist commander that led his forces to take over a town, then established himself as leader and refused further orders. Just occupied the town and ran it for a couple of years until the nation's forces finally drove him out during peacetime. I think it was Italy. Do any of you lads know what I'm talking about?
>>145665 I'm going as David Davis.
>>145666 yes gabriel dagoguido or however its spelled I think its >>145658 this lad himself
as a child when I went trick or treating a couple of times with my parents they just put a bedsheet over me and I was a low effort ghost
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>>145639 >you don't even know what it is, i suspect
based european population density allowing for local lads to have large formations instead of shartica where at best you get quantrell's riders tier formations which just devolve into bandits
>>145668 >>145669 cheers lads
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>>145670 Did you see Poombs slutty halloween skeleton costume? Nearly made me vomit.
>>145673 hammering and be done with it what an ugly bitch
>>145596 >/britfeel/ Where are those lads now anyway?
>>145675 shocked and disgusted at this vile display tbh
>>145677 on a splinter chan somewhere, maybe the webring or something apparently full of commies and troons and such though
>>145675 yikes. well, it's scary i'll give him that
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>>145681 based? don't know what cop26 is but I assume it's some kind of evil poz
>>145682 they gotta get those numbers up somehow
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>>145673 its interesting how the short term shitskin "POC" mene is beneficial for shitskins who can just move home after the grift dies but for the established ones they are slaughtering themselves by forming a violent coalition against the white christian settlers who built the US and canada. spics are their own faction, these minor groups are best forming small ethnic colonies and keeping to themselves. by separating themselves from the redneck gestalt they make it so they will have very little social power outside these ethnic enclaves that they are also highlighting to the gestalt as a opposition political force. of course this is all predicated on boomer led redneck america waking from its goyim trace
>>145681 Isn't that the gay married Anglican fella?
>>145681 disappointed about that yew tree, tbh
>>145681 a tree fell at my aunties house that after we had counted the rings started growing in shitagain when cromwell was lord protector. coons were living inside it. by pre-conquest do they mean pre-1066? wew thats ancient
>>145686 yeah he's anglican
>>145687 Cool boomer in the replies suggesting using it for woodturning though.
>>145688 when was your area settled? that tree might have been grown where others were cut down and sent to england to be used in house building
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>>145681 Very portentous
>>145691 kino >>145692 the area her house is in was not settled by anglos until 1827-37 by john pinckney and his paid band of irish who came up through a swamp trail and cleared land so that women and normalfags could come europeans didn't really establish land in the interior of the state until 19th century, but the forts on the lake were there since late 1600s they would take the wood from the general "old northwest territory" which was the upper midwest and ontario probably.
sorry its pinckney kirkland not john pinckney
fucking keeking at this brown note story https://youtu.be/RVNjq_gRFLE *it truly made me fart keeeeeeeeek**
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just want a barbie-core goebbels-gf tbh lads
>>145694 >>145695 very cool tbh
>>145694 >until 19th century It's weird to think how young so much of the USA is tbh
hour and a half to fresh bowdenkino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVyedKe1qy8
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>>145699 USA be so young 22st trynna groom it
>>145701 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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god I hate women
>>145704 >>145705 nigger hair
god I love women
>>145712 We need to do honour slaughters
just wish the world was larger so we could go start our own race somewhere
I had a dream when I was a child that I got this lego set I always wanted. I opened it and was so happy but then had to go to bed so I put it din the gap between the couches. Then when I awoke I ran down excitedly to play with it but it obviously wasn't there. smh
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>>145716 wonder who could have taken it
>>145714 no matter where you run, they will follow the parasites need the white man to live, but at the same time desire his destruction above all else, out of jealousy
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seething about the nasty porn I've watched, willingly and unwillingly. No more. Not for a month at least. This year I'll make it.
remember that "conservative pornstar" and when you google her name you get gifs of her licking hairy man arseholes?
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god I hate boomers
One generation difference.
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Florida mom says school won't let her volunteer because of OnlyFans page, sues for $1M >Florida mom says school won't let her volunteer because of OnlyFans page, sues for $1M >ORLANDO, Fla. (WKMG/CNN Newsource/WKRC) – A mother in Florida is suing the Orange County Public School District for $1 million in damages after she says she was banned from volunteering over her participation on adult websites. >“I would say that it’s nobody’s position to judge what anybody does in their private life,” said Victoria Triece, a 30-year-old mother of two. >Triece said she started her career creating adult content two and a half years ago by creating a page on the website, OnlyFans. She uploaded sexually explicit content for anyone who subscribes, paying $12.99 a month. >“If I’m not hurting anybody and I’m not affecting anybody’s day, then it’s somebody’s choice to do something that’s fully legal,” she said. >Triece and her attorney Mark Nejames claim her online adult career is the reason the principal of her sons' school informed her she’d no longer be able to participate in the district’s volunteer program. https://fox28media.com/news/nation-world/florida-mom-says-school-wont-let-her-volunteer-because-of-onlyfans-page-sues-for-1m-10-30-2021
god I hate women
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Dontcha just looove Halloween?
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>>145720 Which one? I remember a few of them.
>>145726 don't recall her name... "love" something I think. I think she was denied being a speaker at some event
>>145727 brandi love thats it
>>145727 There's Brandi Love. Horrible 'fitness' bimbo that writes for an American right wing rag called The Federalist and describes herself as a conservative. She has been gangbanged by niggers and licked nigger arsehole. And done stepmommy grooms stepson/stepdaughter roleplay stuff. Another you may remember is Mercedes Carrerra aka self described "based MILF". Horrible swarthoid bimbo who's done all of the above, and is still in prison on remand after 2 years for allegedly noncing her own daughter. Make of it what you will. She was a goomer gate grifter too iirc. Recently I posted this cap. She has a spider web and teardrop on her face, and the word "slut" on her arse. I'm sure there are more I can't recall.
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>>145729 smh I want to go back I don't want to know any of these things I want to be pure
>>145731 >when you're on set and LOL because someone yells "a red rose, look out, it's a socialist!" as your rectum prolapses
>>145715 I wish my inner voice operated like this tbh
>>145730 keek olga and tatiana clearly are not happy to be in that pic
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>>145715 >nigger is bad word, I believe in Jesus is live this morning and, yeah, my cofe! Is ready! Slav SA.
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>>145735 >When longtime age unemployment men boiling carbitch cofe this morning, same time her talk not mother language
https://youtu.be/YuI-YrtpJbo for her also smh for all the innocent little zoomers walking around in their costumes through the old neighborhood where all the boomers and xoomers are using mentira as an excuse to shred the social contract and not indulge the kiddos in some halloween candy fun. mummy is the only house other than one other mummy to even put out halloween stuff and I had to put it up. smh fuck boomers lads
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>>145730 Are all the daughters to the right of him and his wife edited so they have the one on the left's face?
>>145738 >just another coomer object
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*hides in goomcave during halloween so that normalfags don't see a 31 year old virgin living in mummies house during their kiddos getting candy*
>>145742 why would you feel ashamed?
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>>145742 Good lad.
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>>145746 good lad
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>no bowden pierce collabs where they tag team e celebs and get all the superchats
>>145747 I love him lads
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nick looks well in this tbh.
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>one of the greatest heroes of england >house pulled down
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>nick subtly bullying the prots for iconoclasm
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>>145756 central asian horsemen
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>5 hours of video for 10 seconds of kino footage
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I don't even like pears
>video of bowden >he is in the video for 20 seconds yep its white race
no trick or treaters tonight
>brit lads bashing continental heads in
my ancestors..
>ywn be a jayhawk and kill all niggers as a racewarrior keeping nigger infestation out of kansas
>>145766 for me? its the bushwhackers
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>anti-racist and anti-christian wow what an exciting story. Beyond that the story was shit too
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>>145711 I remember that sloot's nudes
>>145768 The Terror Season 1 was good if you want arctic kino.
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>>145770 my tradwife? impossible.
>>145767 they were racecucks who had niggers in their units but they certainly are beloved by television a bit more because of lost cause historiography. bill anderson was a simp
>>145771 that at least looked more interesting. Didn't really care much for it either though tbf. Wanted more ceasar-actor kino but he died too early
>the ulstermen who changed from jayhawk to bushwacker depending on the loot available my real ancestor
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seething more about this tranny being admiral now
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>>145774 keeek lad
>>145776 Tbh. Was based that the bad guy was a poofter psycho and anti Christian who got vored by the spirit monster polar bear. First season had the best suspense.
>>145776 ciaran hinds makes everything kino tbh he's in a movie about the troubles that's coming out this coming month
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>>145784 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>145784 good lad
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smh the villain is a sodomising bulgegrabber
>>145787 what are you watching?
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>>145788 North Water. Shite series. Only good thing was Colin Farrel's acting but I wouldn't recommend it for that
The holidays end... Toil looms
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night la's
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>>145791 Shnight lad don't let the toilbugs bite
>>145791 ni la
>>145738 Most be right kino living in a country where gunthots are a thing
>>145794 jesus christ, god help us this is insane
>>145704 >have to pay hospital bills for vaccine side effects Sure is funny how a private company can sell a product, that a government can force you to use it, and yet neither can be held financially accountable for any damage. Just another far right conspiracy theory.
>"An open letter to the lord mayor of London and the aldermen and his brethren, and to all other mayors, sheriffs, etc." >"Her majesty, understanding that there are of late divers blackmoors brought into this realm, of which kind of people there are already here too many, considering how God hath blessed this land with great increase of people of our own nation as any country in the world, whereof many for want of service and means to set them on work fall to idleness and to great extremity. Her majesty's pleasure therefore is that those kind of people should be sent forth of the land, and for that purpose there is direction given to this bearer Edward Banes to take of those blackmoors that in this last voyage under Sir Thomas Baskerville were brought into this realm the number of ten, to be transported by him out of the realm. Wherein we require you to be aiding and assisting unto him as he shall have occasion, and thereof not to fail."
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>>145765 Kek pic number two reminds me of the chad from the average fan versus average appreciator meme
>>145800 keeek I see it too
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did my part for the white race lads, gave the blonde white lasses who were dressed as elsa from frozen extra candy also in general gave white aryan kids ulimited access to candy but swarthoids only got 1 piece
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good thing martin was not there because the older girls leading the kids were peak groomer teenage lasses dressed as m&ms in their yoga pants
>>145802 keeeeeeek what a load of shite hope nobody falls for this scam >>145803 good lad
>>145803 saving the white race 1 sweet at a time good lass
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night lads
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>>145789 Oi mate, me tea's gone and bloody frozen inn'it.
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>>145802 how do mongs keep falling for this shit
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Finished Malcom X's autobiography. It was shit
>>145814 Fact Check: David Davis has in fact not resigned
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>>145816 tbh smh
>>145816 toil is now officially today and no longer tommorow
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>>145814 Nothingmaxxing, have negative value
>South Sea Company I want to live in the universe where it was legit and seized control of South America smh
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>>145804 pov m&m girls
>>145822 should add that woes groomer music to the video of this kek
>>145823 The one with the door creaking open?
>>145824 yeah keke
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>>145825 Keeeeek, thats what I thought, but it seemed a little savage
322 people died of terrorism in China in 2014, by 2019 nobody did. Really makes you think.
>>145828 2019 sure has a lot of incidents for no deaths. They're down to scooping up autist Uighur teenagers for notebook Doodles too I imagine
friendly reminder to pembs that god hates fags
3am coffee
>>145832 such a jewish show
(125.03 KB 1874x1249 3am.jpg)

>>145833 keeek
>>145833 why? can't really remember it apart from the films
got a fredo as well
bit windy out tonight
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Smh the van is driving away and leaving me behind smh
>>145839 based is bossman going to get it fixed?
>>145839 are you compensated handsomely for your toil? must be good wages to get you out of bed at this hour above the arctic circle
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mornin lads
>>145842 good lad
night lads
Wonder what Martin's mummy is going to do with all his Nok
>>145842 mornin jack >>145844 gn
>>145840 Wouldn't start so I had to call for help, found that the workshop hadn't done their job properly
>>145841 No, its just good business(for the bossman) if losing your two best toilers is good business
Smell and look nasty tbh. Thought i could finish toil before anyone woke up but now they'll all see me smh
Seeing all the mid class foids on Saturday out on the town with attached make partners made me wonder what wimmen want. Seems they want men of a similar background to them but well groomed
much to think about
keeek, endearing tbh playing history in the sand
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>>145854 wonder if nick drills his crusaders by making plans in the sands of belarus or wherever these days
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>>145855 >write dafty plans in the sand >the sea washes them away spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) seething
didn't know we had monuments celebrating firebombing seethenhagen tbh based danebtfoing >>145857 keeeek absolutely gigabrained
>>145722 I like anzu. Talked to her on twitter about House MD many years ago.
*starts crying*
>>145861 hush little poster don't you cry wessie's gonna cook you a seethebait pie
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>>145863 >house cleaner: $30 anyway he deserves wealth redistribution or somethign tbh
>>145863 >donations onlyfans simperino detected.
Wish I could find the original, might not even be legit. I swear this gay trend towards "9 hours ago" etc instead of giving the actual date and time was done specifically to prevent verification.
Don't mind me, I'm blind and didn't see the link in the screenshot.
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keek this is going in the toilrage folder
>call bank >40 mins wait would you like a call back >calls me back immediately >back on hold, still on hold 15 mins later
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>>145869 Top marks if they're charging you for the call. Pisses me right off when the cunts do that.
>>145870 just checked and it's chargeable number
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>>145871 keek sorry lad
Well, I know they like shekels...
>>145872 good lad
>>145873 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeererek
Starving and I can smell yesterday's chips in my stache smh
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>try to find sheet music from 100 years ago >almost every website says wants $5 and my personal details >websites that don't ask for money upfront are just trying to farm personal details first so they can ask for money later Don't see how can they justify this
once again the govt's plans for a new policy falls apart because of their other stupid fucking beliefs
>>145879 it will be used to persecute the autistic whites as with every other 'unenforceable' batshit insane law
>>145882 the only reason they're trying to put it through is to protect MPs from having their shitty takes called out
>>145883 Tbh. Can't wait to get forced to convert to Islam in prison because I hurt poor, vulnerable Yvette Cooper, Stella Creasey, or Rishi Poojeet's feelings on twitter as part of a 'mob' calling out their bullshit.
>>145879 its very enforceable you mong.
its like saying "the problem with the government fucking me in the ass is that they cant reach my g spot"
>>145885 just like misogyny being criminal but they never enforce it you mong
>>145887 they can and will btfo any random dissident they find with these laws. I dont even get what your critique is beyond you being gay.
>>145888 it'll be the same daft cunts who do daft shit that'll get caught in it, simple solution don't be a daft cunt
oh its SA again.
cope seethe and get bummed by pakis when they arrest you you daft cunt
>>145893 yeah?
smh we're all friends and allies here
well I know they like daftyism
>>145895 settle down (1), poasters are at work
>>145896 still seething.
user was banned for shit taste in women
>>145898 smh just got home from toil, or a failure to do toil smh
>>145897 keeek
>>145900 time to rest lad
>>145901 best new memi of the month tbh, going to run it into the ground and ruin it for everyone
Hands where I can seee them, lads, nobody's gonna fail on the first day
>How will the jocks ever recover?
>>145905 smh he should get his buddies and do a claymore murder on the wog and all his associates don't care about circumstances or whatever it's a slight against the jock race that must be returned tenfold
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>workshop that was supposed to fix the van on friday did a shitty job >it broke again today >get it brought to them tell them it's urgent and should be a priority as it's a delivery vehicle that was supposed to deliver wares 3 hours ago and because they had fucked up the repairs >they did nothing today >will start tomorrow
>>145908 they are btfoing bossman lad
>>145879 Boomer: unenforceable law Zoomer: selectively enforceable law >>145886 Very pembspilled lad
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3 months until the winter olympics lads
>>145909 funny how I feel like I am the one getting fucked then smh
>>145912 just tell bossman that it's their fault
>>145913 he knows tbh but h e's delegated a lot of the work to us so we have to deal with it
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>>145914 you don't expect bossman to do his own admin do you?
already failed nofap lads
>>145916 smh grabbing my cock tbh I can tell I'm slipping HELP
>>145905 >sluggishly walking around with your hands down asking to get punched wew
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>>145919 Now there's a women that definitely has a spirit animal.
>>145920 woman*
>>145919 If sex isn't a big deal then there is no pleasure in it.
>>145912 did you leave your buttplug in?
lads if there is women in heaven other than our fair lady Mary and Mary magdalene im going to seethe
Feel like making a good board just to displace all the nonce boards or something tbh
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he kinda cute tho
Trump 2024
>>145928 Based chessplayer
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>>145930 He a good boy now.
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Let's Fucking Goooooooooo
look up quantrill's raider flag lads keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek trust the plan
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>user was banned for shit taste in women >not user was banned for disagreeing with SA's shit (as usual) takes
>>145932 A Wondunuffin
>>145928 This isn't real, is it? You'd think being that blunt would have been big news, even if it's just here. Unless this is a recent video and he's presented as "president Trump" because the host is some stop the steal doubledowner.
>>145935 Still seething I didn't make money off of Qtards with shitty merch.
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>mention fart or poo to future gf >she laughs she's perfect
>>145938 It's real, mate. They usually refer to ex presidents as 'President', for whatever reason.
>Changes the climate singlehandedly
>>145942 why didn't they glue themselves to the road there?
>>145942 That's a big supply of diapers. Is he staying in Rome for the week?
>>145942 >>Changes the climate singlehandedly thought you were referring to his shart tbh
>>145942 Is that all because he or his handlers are worried he'd be assassinated (endless decoys) or is it staff? Weird.
>>145942 hardly a show of force when their leader is alzhooming
>bumsnet getting radicalised
>>145946 keeeeek >thousands of Joe Bidens all get out of the cars at once and aggressively approach the shopping centres for a mass sharting of unprecedented scale
>>145948 Shame there isn't a real TERF to far right pipeline. DHs need to put in work. Smh.
>>145948 Might make an account pretending to be a mummy tbh
>>145950 had me fooled before I clicked
>145952 Lad...
>>145952 You must kill him now lad.
>>145954 nah he'll do that himself smh
>>145950 ngl sick of this zoomer troomer thing.
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>>145947 >You're the famous African-American baseball player in America ???
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>>145958 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
he transformed into a 50 something beaner mother of 12
>>145956 Noticed that a lot of troomers go from gay to b*sexual. Fits with the Dawkins view that gayism, if at all innate, is because it served slaves to be non threatening and bide their time to breed when it was safer. I.e. the modern downtrodden, insecure homo recieves enough false validation for troomerism that they begin to be more attracted to women. But of course if they've lopped it off, or if women are not interested in men with tits, that's where the "your preference is transphobia" stuff comes from. It's essentially natural dastardly, manipulative slaves desperate to breed with what they know are higher value women than they deserve, but they feel emboldened by progs pandering to them. Hate to say it, but it makes a lot of sense to think of gayism this way. Dawkins et al never do go to the logical endpoint that homos are threatening to women when they gain confidence.
>>145961 keeek yeah its like an upgraded version of xoomer/yoomer male feminists simps where they pretend to care what women think for cummies
>>145961 Not sure if Bins is biding his time, lad
Recomend me a good porn film lads. I fancy a mutual masturbation session with my mates after rugby practice on Friday but we've exhausted the entire Blacked.com library :/
510C68D1 Magnet for Age of Empires 4
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
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>>145969 sh-shit . . . I-I m-mean "person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue person of alternative hue"
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wait Alec Baldwin is Norge?
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>>145972 >I know he likes bagels...I'm gonna go for bagels please, Ben.
Elon Musk vows to sell $6bn Tesla stake if UN show it can 'solve world hunger' https://twitter.com/i/events/1455142745392168961 >Elon Musk has said he is prepared to sell Tesla shares worth $6bn (£4.4bn) if the United Nations can demonstrate how it would feed 42m people. >The world’s richest person challenged David Beasley, head of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), after he said billionaires should “step up now” to save lives.
>>145972 he's such a fucking jew
sneethening lads mummy helped do some cleaning, but at the cost of constant berating and vaxooming and then my stepbrother and sister and her bf entered and saw my sty smh she wanted classics and philosophy books so I showed her culture of critique but she didn't want that and my classics collection and she took all the good stuff so now I am down to only the pulp fiction and daftyliterature smh bf was in the chad range but not sure what he does, will have to interrogate tomorrow before we watch DUNCkino
>>145974 evil cunt wants MORE poos, chinks and niggers to work in his factories? for fucks sake smh
Books are just Funko Pops for Huwhite Nationalists.
>>145982 tbh I have transcended past the need for books that meticulously explain with facts and logic why one needs to be racist, now I just am racist
>>145603 what's this?
>oh no the weaned pig got loose and is fighting the sows keek this shartican hipster pig farmer just straight up engineering bouts now https://youtu.be/yhhlHvR4b7k
>>145975 He is complete degenerate filth as were his family and a jew
>>145978 Why are they all down?
>>145985 Russki thot in a police uniform giving a blowjob to a shitskin in front of the Kremlin. ‘Twas a very bad idea
>>145987 >middle name is portal
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>>145989 Should carry the price of execution.
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>>145988 last ferry before the next shartdown or something mummy confirmed I will not be attending the family crimbo party because the insanoid cousin will be there and they prefer to shun me and have a vaxxers-only do instead of telling him to suck it the fuck up and stop being a deranged retard
>>145994 smfh you should just appear there and cough on everyone in the middle of the doo
>>145995 tbh I might just to see how he reacts
>>145994 crash it and make a scene
strap a go pro to your head and hassle the vaxoid
>>145998 keeek >this is my vaxxulin pump, it injects a booster into my forehead every 30 seconds, why don't you have one? you're killing grandma you know
>>145998 keeeeeeeeek tbh if his mummy told him that in an email he can just say he forgot to read it and show anyways
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live footage of Wessex crashing th vaxoom party
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also >SA when he mildly disagrees with a poster
>>146001 keeeeeek
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>>146005 Vegan
>>145986 BIG BATTLE
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>>146010 I drive...
been a slow day
thinking about them again lads
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>Cannibal Yank so desperate for a W for the white race he's claiming the kenosha kid is white
>>146013 probably an image of SMERSH/GPU "collectivizing" tartars/churkas tbh
>>146015 he is white hispanic and therefore not anglospheric and therefore not white. cannibalxoomer can fuck off
>>146015 there's gotta be atleast one person out there who watches cannibals 8 hours of content a day
>>146018 he has cornered a niche market of qoomer types tbh, boomoids who somehow unironically become shtie race savers because of his cult brainwashing impressive tbh
based demons? terrorising some groids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isRuhsPfDBE
Seeing sonnerands just makes me want to do push-ups now tfw
KEEEEK >no sah we iz good niggas we don beat our chilluns it wuz a demon did it
this one gets me good
>>146023 >bulge smh
>bulge 2-22st?
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>>146026 >dorset finally got a job
>>146025 >>146024 >>146023 Based. I'll take credit since I don't make my own stuff anymore
>>146026 God I wish I had an average foreskinned cock
>>146026 why are british people like this?
>>146030 What are you?
>>146030 >implying scum are a uniquely british phenomenon at least in his case it's just banter with the lads and not serious sexual deviancy like Japanese salarymen paying underage whores to stuff live eels up their arses
>>146030 >why are British people like this Centuries of Christianity
>>146033 >>146032 >>146031 I've noticed there's a weird trend of just being shamelessly disgusting and treating it like humour in British culture.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I fucking found out, it's z it's zzzz
to shower or risk being nasty grimy and smelly and chafing myself tomorrow hmm
I'm not zed from pulp fiction I'm not zed from pulp fiction I'm not zed from pulp fiction I'm not zed from pulp fiction I'm not zed from pulp fiction I'm not zed from pulp fiction I'm not zed from pulp fiction I'm not zed from pulp fiction
>>145981 I think it's more that he's calling the UN out on their ability to fix world hunger and wants them to show what exactly they'd do with his money rather than just put it in their own pockets.
SA out here posting tranny porn fr
forgot you were more into nonce stuff
>that post >that response absolute state tbh
>>146045 >that express tagline based evil right wing racist newspaper
https://youtu.be/rOJ1cw6mohw Smore, will probably watch it, tfw comic readers rule all now
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>>146047 Looks alright. I do like Boba Fett.
>>146033 Yeah, it's the Religion which proclaims temperance's fault that people practice intemperance retard This is pure pagan behaviour if I ever I saw it
>>146051 >Rent out to French and Croatians >Just hates me Catholics simple as Man must be trolling
Or just hates natives
>>146053 more than likely my aunt and uncle do this, refuse to rent to locals because ew dirty dalit class poors but scummy illegals and other wogs are fine
>>146054 Is their child the lad who won't let you partay with the famimals?
>>146055 yeah keek uncle is vehemently pro-poz as well smh all the family is really, makes me sick mummy was insufferable today, trying to get me to kill myself for her because none of the cattle can bear to face up to their own idiocy and would rather drag others down with them
>>146056 the schizoomers say they'll all be dead by winters end
>>146056 keeeeeek hates 'em tbh
Aggressive shitting by huge dogs onto my face only joking I am the joker
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>>146060 Good lad society will pay
>>146062 Might write nigger and society in random places and see if it gets in the news
Woman was raging at work because I told her womyn shouldn't drink fuck her tbh
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>>146064 smh sort of miss toil drama tbh not the same when you're toiling from home
>>146065 Heard a song with homer simpsons saying "work work work work" in the background wish I could find it, think it was at a wedding the other day
>>146005 no children for you
>>146068 Based tbh it's #herturn
>>146059 The “Islamic influences” are the concepts of jihad and holy war They would have complained if they *were* included
>>146070 they'd complain no matter what, they are horrible miserable cunts
>>146071 tbh Also, all the jihad stuff will happen in the next parts, not that first bit. It’s not part of the story yet
https://twitter.com/TheGoodLiars/status/1455243036795998212 >“You are my foe, the hated enemy, most wretched creature to disgrace this earth. I shall kill you now, demon.” >“But why?” >“I don’t know.”
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>>146072 Dune part 2, brought to you by Toyota
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smh off the mark yet again
Once again I've failed to overcome my crippling youtube livestream debate addiction...
>>146080 could be addicted to worse tbh no harm in it
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>>146083 tbh tbh
>>146084 pendulous milk sacs that are too big >>146041 fucking kill yourself you cunt, keep this shit off the timeline you fucking nigger gay spare prick taig potato faggot poz cunt
>>146084 nothing special, she is just a fat bitch
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The largest Cathedral in Belarus. Its not particularly large imo.
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>>146087 weird fusion of westoid and slavic styles
this one is very cool, neo-romanesque style catholic church in minsk. I suppose orthodox just dont build big cathedrals as a rule.
>>146090 neat its redbrick like the teutonic order stuff
>>146084 imagine the weight of those things cow has more tit mass than braincells and im all for it
smorning lads
>>146094 hullo lad
>>146095 have they sharted the gulags yent?
>>146096 wew how deep is that thing it's like a clown car >>146097 nod yemt
>that lad doing the devils work posting enormous honkers in the thread lucky I still have to pretend to be normal for a few days yet DUNC and a chinky meal tonight tbh wish I could sleep for more than five hours at a time
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>>146099 >chinky meal
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mornin lads or die tryin'
>>146100 tbh betraying the white race for delicious msg >>146101 very good lad no response from my application yet probably they won't even bother to reply because I filled out the divershity shite honestly and I am kind of glad of that >>146102 morning lad
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>>146101 based >>146102 morning lad
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>>146091 For me? It's brown bricks
some good seethe there with the gay nigger poz grants smh
>accidentally time travelling to 7am wew smh that's a new record
>>146088 Annoys me how normgroids misuse this meme habitually because they don't know what POV means. Smh.
>>146107 early bird gets the worm lad >>146108 tbh many such cases
fresh barely amusing wojak guy with huge watermark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W1EP9dDRWY >>146109 tbh might get down to lidl for some croissants, not done that for a while
>>146110 >that thumbnail No, I don't think I will.png
>>146088 Do they really smell like that?
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>>146061 Oh it's some gay NFT shit keeek
>>146113 nft mongs always make me keek tbh they're an endless source of entertainment
(1.26 MB 640x480 hacker apu.gif)

>right click >save image as just hijacked your entire portfolio lass sorry not sorry
>>146111 wise tbh it's some normieshit, an actual advert/official music video for a soyband keeek
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very satisfying dinner of fish and chips
>>146117 delicious
thinking about Henry V again
>>146119 wonder what things would have been like if he'd lived a little longer
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thinking about how King John didn't convert to islam smh
>>146123 >thots didn't complain about cultural appropriation >he didn't lose his job or education Don't think I'd try it tbh
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Wish Liz Truss would get tough with me tbh
had to go pharmacy to get anti-leg-explosion pills but waited for half an hour peoplewatching because they'd set up a vaxxoid sterilisation point absolutely vile and endowntroddening loads of boomers, xoomers, dyed hair and a troomer older millenioomer, and young zoomoid thots queuing up in their cattle pen to take the sterilisation injection and when I left some foid said happily "oh, you've been done then!?" like it was something to be proud of
feel ill from having to wait around in an enclosed space with abhuman zombies tbh
>>146127 just bee healthy tbh go for a walk
>>146127 It's fine lad, I imagine living in civilization has the effect of making people over generations more obedient to authority.
thinking about all the fine young puss wombs made barren by the vax is possibly the most infuriating part of it all tbh
>>146129 that said my eye as of a few days ago has started leaking from the tear duct for no reason every now and then, its dried out my lower eyelid and now the whole thing is inflamed for no reason whatsoever horrible
>>146133 sounds like a meiobomian cyst lad might sound mental but try putting a still-warm used teabag on your eye for 5 minutes a couple of times a day
>>146134 memebrain what now? i will look into that thank you lad
i dont have any lumps anywhere though it started when my tear duct just kept watering randomly
my biggest worry is that it's yet another my body decides to fuck me over for no reason episode and the root cause is something unsolvable
already have had a blocked ear for months on end just because my ears started filling up with wax for no reason and not evacuating properly
>>146138 did you pour oil down there lad? audiologymummies tell me to do that sometimes but a hot shower has always sufficed so far
>Steiner and the Skek-cees
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>that time you created pressure/suction with your little finger to unblock your ear and pulled out a long, thick candle that got darker from white to yellow to brown to black, and then blood started to pour out of your ear
>>146139 yeah always had to but that's just a temporary solution always comes back >>146141 would rather do that than live with fucked hearing for months tbh
im not afraid of no blood
(27.33 KB 396x460 65.jpg)

been surgically butchered in the ear multiple times and it only ever made it worse
done a lot of bleeding today tbh out of both ends >>146145 it's just good business
how can the vaxxoids TAKE everything we've built
alot of gas escaping me atm
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>>146149 good lad
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>>146148 keeeeek a film quote unironically
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who here has given a pajeeta the Big Anglo Cock before?
>>146154 POOAR
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>da jooz created NNN
Frag enabler with that masturbation cope.
>>146156 it's funny how many people have an instant kneejerk reaction as soon as somebody suggests not masturbating >>146157 many such cases
>>146154 no but I have sexted one tbh and she said she wouldnt let me near her because of my aforementioned BAC. was hot tbh
keeeeeeeek watching steiner seethe at construction lads and boomers, good incel rants >>146156 >>146156 is he a minor twatter eceleb?
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What's the quick rundown on why prince Charlie has been shilling about global warming for so long?
love putting my cheap quartz watch up to my ear and hearing it tick tbh. simple pleasures simple pleasures
>>146162 because he's an elite and they all have its a big psyop to consolidate power by forcing the poopulation to reduce 'carbon footprint' i.e. freedom
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officially endorsing these
>>146164 tbh just gradually shrinking what we have until nothing is left
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>>146167 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>146167 keeeeeek smdh
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They're shitting themselves right now. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10155799/Stats-watchdog-scolds-PHE-replacement-data-misuse-supports-anti-vaxxers.html Starting to wonder if they'll actually have a lockdown at all this winter as it will basically admit that the vaccines don't work. The plan was that there would be no national lockdown, but rather local ones. They've started slowing down testing, and are closing asymptomatic walk-in testing centres, but the important bit to get figures down is stopping workplace and school asymptomatic testing. Fuck knows. >>146164 >>146166 Like the boomer conspiracy memes say: the carbon they want to reduce is you. Not wrong tbh.
>>146170 Surprised there are not more demonrat plantation coons on the the jury tbh.
was going to have my first cup of meatybrap's covfefe but I think it's proper brewing coffee and not instant because it won't mix in the cup smh I don't even have a carafe or whatever
>>146112 A pungent bucket full of molluscs tbh.
>>146173 give us your dune takes
>>146175 watching it at seven o clock in the kinoplex, will take notes during
>>146173 I went to buy some tea once, but was worried I would be put on a list for buying Nartze tea.
>>146170 honestly better than i expected tbh >>146171 >Ministers will be given a 'data masterclass' to address the issue of 'statistical illiteracy' within Government. keeeeeeek now they all have to be re-educated to make sure nobody accidentally tells the truth again >>146173 keeek smh rip
>>146177 don't need to worry if you're already on dozens of lists tbh
Lots of terrible earrape farting noises in DUNC tbh.
>>146177 >visits 8chan >won't buy tea
>>146178 Yeah, funny how the OSR were complete absent when they were abusing statistics to warrant the lockdowns. >>146179 kek
>>146171 It's pretty simple. If the govt thought that the virus were serious, they would not have closed Nightingale Hospital without using it once.
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never forget that this entire thing has been done to make the rich richer
>>146184 Tbh I just hope the narrative collapses so far that redditors will never get to live it down for the rest of their miserable cuckolded existence.
>>146186 as if lmao, they'll just move to the next fucking thing like fucking always
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drinking the covfefe anyway tbh
it's not bad
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>It's the ECU in the van that's broken >won't be done for at least a week
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3 supreme court judges. such a hecking wasterino
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>>146192 should have bought a corvette, slick
>>146170 rittenhause has a chubby baby face, the mummies will side with him.
>>146196 he looks like the bongo sausage cunt
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>>146197 do not besmirch the butcher lest he make sausage of your sausage >>146198 manlet privilege smh
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>>146196 He looks more like 14 than 18 >>146198 Is that what happens if you're a megamanlet, and smaller than the average woman, you have to rape children?
>>146193 memi nation >>146198 aren't manlets supposed to be some histories most dangerous people
>>146201 very vicious people
>>146202 My neighbour is manlet. He's quite a bit smaller than my mother so I'd say 5'2", he's severely deranged with schizophrenia, and he's a nasty little fuck sometimes. His mood swings severely, so he can be fairly pleasant, though elated, so it is a bit worrying. However, he tried to break into my house when I was at the pub with mates, but I'd left my other mate who is 6'8" sleeping in the living room, so the wee guy is too scared to talk to me now, fortunately. He went to jail for breech by scaring the fuck out of a 12 year old girl, also the lass from the Italian doesn't want to deliver to me because he threatened her with a knife. So yeah, vicious.
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Lads what's a good chocolate bar or sweetie from a visual point of view? I'm do a brit themed where's Wally picture and I wanted something to find and I thought that chocolate oranges would be good but then I remembered that they were haram because of the palm oil. brit approved chocolate?
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>>146201 napoleon doesn't really count since french inches were bigger than British
>>146206 yorkie bar tbh >>146208 froglet cope
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>yorkie contains palm oil too it never ends
>>146210 I know lid, soy "lecithin" too smh
>>146170 >20 jurors Do yanks really?
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>>146211 tbh smh that shite's everywhere
>>146209 It's slight cope, 6' in Paris feet is 76 Imperial inches, which in Imperial feet is around 6'3-6'4. Napoleon was measured 5'2 in Paris feet at the time of his death which is 5'6 in proper feet, he was short but not as short as he was made out to be.
Napoleon didn't help himself by having the Imperial Guard have a minimum height requirement so they all ended up much taller than him
>>146206 starbar imo
gold wispa ticks both boxes
>>146215 all part of the plan tbh. he knew that ultimately he'd loose so he tried to take as many lanklets with him
>>146215 he wasn't afraid of getting mogged takes some guts tbh
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>>146216 >>146217 smh it's in them too
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>French Cuirassiers carried swords with a blade lengths of 3'2-3'4 feet
anybody watching the case? rittenhouses lawyer just said the n word twice
>>146222 What n word? Is it being televised live? Should've expected as much. Smh.
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night lads >>146222 keeek based
The lawyer just said the skateboard guy tried to decapitate Rittenhouse with his swing.
he's no nelson
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looks a bit italian with those shoulders. smh Iam disappointed in his armour
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>>146224 G'night, cunt. Don't let the 'bed bugs' bite.
Rittenhouses lawyer is so fucking incompetent bros.
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>he will never suck my blood
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What Law are you?
>>146231 accurate 16th century nike trainers tbh his face looks the part of a miserable pikesman raised on a diet of gruel and children
>>146238 martial law tbh
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>back-seat lawyerin
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>>146240 Law Law tbh
Dindunuffin. Aspriring paratrooper
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>>146234 Innocent men don't need good lawyers.
>>146250 which word will they destroy the definition of next?
>>146251 Noncery is next after trannyism, they'll undermine the meaning of "child" or "minor"
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>remembering that even the sister of the nonce killed by based spic said he was a danger to society and had it coming for being so violent and noncey
Rittenhouses childhood friend is throwing him under the bus to save his own ass.
>>146257 Epicly owning the frogs (haha) while ignoring the systemic rape and abuse of English children by subhuman Pakis. BASED. this is why i vote tory.
>>146255 How so?
>>146256 keeeeek ww2 pacific veterans being overly violent to women is my family history. my grandpa even used to know all those fairburn locks and use them on people all the time keeeeeeeek based lee marvin
>>146259 claiming Rittenhouse payed him to purchase the gun and that he'd give it to him when he reached 18. Then that Rittenhouse took this gun which wasn't his property without his permission to the riot.
>>146255 smh this guy was such a cringe waste of a good incel. he got owned by a boomer with a glock 40 from 25-50 yds
>>146262 he was a boogaloo faggot. good riddance.
>>146260 Been thinking recently about my great grandfather. Grandmummy said he was always anxious and quick to anger and violence because of PTSD. Don't really know for sure what happened to him during WW2 but it must've been pretty bad. Smh his wife left him in the 60s and he died. Probably a good thing he didn't live to see the 90s onwards.
>>146263 keeeek he wore a fucking gladius
why would you close with a building with just one guy? literally just shoot at the building from some car parking garage then leave and do it again in some month or something smh
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>>146167 >a well compressed video with a reasonable filename
>>146264 smh was he is in the pacific or europe?
my grandpa had a hard time keeping jobs because of PTSD. used to be passed out drunk in peoples front yard all the time in detroit as a mailman and he would beat up shitskins and bikers like the clint eastwood mene all the time with other veterans
>>146267 >>146269 tbh I just ripped it from youtube and the filesize was just lucky
>>146268 According to my granmother he was both at Aushwitz when the British liberated it, and had to bulldoze diseased corpses to prevent further spread, which messed him up, but she's also said he was tortured by Japanese, which makes no sense. He's a bit of a mythical figure. Don't think she knows anything but that he was always in fight or flight and sadly quite nasty to her most of the time. Smh. She has said her mother was a bitch and antagonised him sometimes though.
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>>146272 >he was at aushwitz and also captured by the japanese so was he the main character of medal of honor frontline?
>>146273 Keeek. Not familiar with that game. It does sound unbelievable.
>>146273 Even Joseph Beyrle only went half that distance via US army -> German PoW -> Soviet volunteer
>>146275 he was a michiganoid from the same part of the state as scott steiner and butterbean
oh wait no he is from the town that is a port on the lake michigan not the saginaw bay
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>ywn be rescued by a slavess in a t-34-85
>she got run over by a t-34 while wounded smh
>>146271 kek fair lad

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