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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3575: Esoteric Horrors Edition Anonymous 11/20/2021 (Sat) 23:38:53 Id: c9e263 No. 154764
Insulate Britain: Police arrest 30 in climate protest at bridge https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59361145 Home Office ‘covering up’ its own study of why refugees come to the UK https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/nov/20/home-office-covering-up-its-own-study-of-why-refugees-come-to-the-uk Heavy snow to fall 'for days' across UK with temperatures to drop as low as -12C https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/uk-news/uk-weather-heavy-snow-days-22224047
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based mummy ordered localist detroit style pizza
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Has shartin seen this, its one of the biggest shows to come out of his little country, lots of cuckery though.
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The Ukraine war is very sad. Poor little slavoids.
put in a lot of work for the white race in that one >>154768 what is that lad, pizza pie like the chicagoans or something?
Wish I was some bloatmaxxed slavoid farmer with a petite 9/10 wife whos considered avg in the village
>>154774 tbh, in normal countries the average man has access to beautiful women. i hate this fucking shithole
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>>154775 you've gotta man up and do your duty by the british race lad lie back and think of england
>>154777 there's only 15 minutes of saturday left smh
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God I fucking hate this world, women just need to not be fat fucking hell how difficult is that, meanwhile men are expected to lift chunks of metal for hours a week FUCK OFF >>154778 yeah another wasted weekend, I have hometoil too, got into a fight with fam earlier so they wouldn't watch kino with me and I feel lonely.
>>154777 >that battlestation what an absolute lad
>>154779 based tbh can't wait for sneetheday sninner tomorrow where it'll just be me and the boomers sitting in silence while they get programmed by talmudvision and I do tardofficetoil
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Threadly reminder.
>>154781 oh yeah forget its snunsnaysninner tomorrow, we'll see if I'm still in the doghouse by then, been shit on my diet this week though so I'll feel bad after I eat the pudding, should've lost this weight by now fucking hell it never ends, but what can I do its sunday, wouldn't be sunday with dessert
what's all this about vaccine heart problems?
>>154782 such a shite meme, its not even animated
basically meat on bottom then cheese then sauce and its baked in a square pan
>>154785 just jealous fearmongering from vaxlets
>>154788 yikes lad
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>just remembered fam is going out tomorrow so I won't even be getting dinner made for me
>>154783 looks good, a bit like homemade pan pizza but with a thiccer crust partial to frog style ultra-thin crust myself tbh, only had it once but it was very kino and included fried eggs on top >>154784 start dinnerposting tbh then lads can encourage and/or mock you >>154786 all OC is good OC tbh lad can't be picky in are small cvlt >>154785 myocarditis
>>154787 disgusting, wtf is wrong with yanks
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>>154791 problem is I eat dinner first usually then forget what I've eaten and it feels weird to dinner post post dinner
>>154786 Yeah because I used paint for the still and the windows video editer and the google translate voice. Don't know how to animate but might learn. Filtered, you abomination of the white race.
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>suicidal ideation creeping in again
dont tell him about cincinnati chili
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>>154799 good lad no sneething allowed from here
>>154799 perfection
>>154803 sexual content does make me sneethe a bit tbh smh. Consider yourself warned https://youtu.be/1-oJIci1zBw
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>>154804 tbh, the way they used to coombait young lads with cartoons like this though
>>154805 didn't even think about sex then tbh smh. Just scared by that evil lad tbh really captured their bloodthirsterino smh
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Keep reading leftie spaces and foid spaces online and anytime the incel question comes up they basically just come to the conclusion that they want another world war to kill off lots of "incel" men rather than give up their barbie princess reality, makes me seethe more than anything tbh, would rather millions of men are ground into the mud that not be allowed to be a whore, women should only be considered property and any man who says otherwise should be considered a race traitor stabbing his fellow man in the back tbh.
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>>154807 literally
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>154808 gets worse everytime I see it >>154809 hows that any different from you posting twitter seethebait everythread
>>154809 t. King Seethe
>>154808 >ywn be a grotty peasant stablehand at the lord's manner who takes care of the horses and his daughters >>154810 yours is more impressive because you're going to hugboxes that have no association with sanity or rightoidism at all >>154811 not today I am at peace for 23 hours and 42 minutes
we need some fresh horse slags tbh, that image is accurate though
>>154813 I don't understand lad, not being a meanie or anything I just thought the autism beams picture was funny and appropriate to post in response to your post, or this version of it anyway
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imagine the smell
>>154813 Yeah, this. sneethe-deniers makes me sneethe
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Not sure if I'm wasting time figuring out this paint 3D tbh.
Today /brit/ lasted seven minutes and ten seconds into no-seethe sunday a new record >>154818 it's a unique look at least
>>154819 >Today /brit/ lasted seven minutes and ten seconds into no-seethe sunday >a new record Keek.
>>154816 >tfw when you'd have to squeeze past a teacher like this in school
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>>154822 >when the thick hippy RE teacher that walked around barefoot and put Doctor Who on in class and other weirdness would rub her arse right on you as if it was deliberate and she always quite literally reeked of shit
>>154823 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek lad
a challenge for even the most avid of brapologists
secondary school is literally psychological warfare against children. Wholly comparable to a CIA blacksite
>>154804 smh stupid dagos cooming in the chugs instead of killing them all
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>>154808 the brunette gets my simp energy flowing everytime
>>154823 for me it was the french teacher
Just finished toil for the week
>>154832 based lad
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>>154826 >>154827 I had an aspie chad seethe at her once in year 10 and threw a chair in class for the first time since like year 2 and she actually defended me to the head teacher. Forget sometimes how mad that awful place was.
A classless society but only for women, they should all get identical treatment, competition and hierarchy should only exist for men
>>154831 Tbf you expect the French to be perverts and to smell of shit all the time tbh tbf.
maks me seethe thinking how bad secondary school was. It's such a weird time in your life because you never question the teachers or see things in the bigger picture. The amount of time I saw teachers having mental breakdowns and literally screaming at children was insane, but you just think a teacher having a mental breakdown at children is somehow normal.
>>154836 they aren't perverts, they just have a healthy sexual society, not the gay repressed shite we have that made us.
Listened to woes guy Fawkes stream, pretty lazy work
>>154839 anglo repression helped us conquer the world and remain apart from the swarthoid masses tbh it's trad and far more preferable to the current status quo of slags and deanos >>154840 when is he not smh milleniyule better have some kino guests on
>>154838 Remember a psycho grey 60 something foid in primary that even the other teachers walked on eggshells around. Always screaming at the top of her lungs. We were happy when she collapsed and had a stroke in front of the whole class, and was taken away never to be seen again. Only found out later through the grapevine she survived. Not sure in what state. Smh.
>>154838 yeah horrible in general. Teachers, other kids, etc. Yet everyone seems to think it's necessary to "socialise" kids today, despite school being completely unnaturally and evolutionarily a very new thing for humans. Want to homeschool so badly but finding a woman who is willing is proving hard. Just have to give up so much of what women want today
>>154839 sexual repression is kino
I miss when prots were like the white taliban
>>154843 > We were happy when she collapsed and had a stroke in front of the whole class Baaaaaaased. We had similar nutty teachers who'd literally go off during lunch and drink cider. >>154844 > despite school being completely unnaturally and evolutionarily a very new thing for humans Tbh, I'd be tempted to homeschool my children as well. Looking back on it, it was literally a mentally scarring hellscape. I wouldn't wish the british education system on my worst enemy
https://youtu.be/JiBDc8P9GW8 This is 22st's entire family
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In reality it's the Miss Honeys not the Miss Trunchbulls who are the terrible teachers.
for me it was having literal gypsies employed at the primary school nothing quite like inviting the fox into the hen house
>>154847 For context, she screamed every lesson, every day, to a completely silent class of 7 year olds, with no other teacher, that could hear her on the other side of the building, daring to stop her. Not sure how she got so messed up, but our relief when she was gone wasn't bad.
My school was the most niggerish in Liverpool, very amusing times but also made me withdraw from giving a shit about exams when all around me were literally illiterate monkeys
>>154847 If you can homeschool I'd encourage it. It isn't hard, partly because of how easy the curriculum is. Western Europe is very poor educationally compared to the East I've found after trying to groom Polish and Ruskie lassies. A Pole suggested we Norges were 5 years behind in levels of maths at any given school year
>>154848 smh uptight nords bullying innocent anglos, bit rich since they basically hooligan'd all of britain for 200 years
>>154850 keeeeeek, hot take. more gay yid shite we were programmed with
>>154854 > Western Europe is very poor educationally compared to the East I've found mega cope tbh, the west is becoming a dump but easterners are still mongs
>>154850 kek yeah, they were always favouring the lasses and oppressing the latent cringecels
>that art teacher that played his acoustic and sang at the assemblies and was always nice but looking back he fit the groomer memi perfectly with his scruffy nonce beard and always touching kids shoulders and lighting up when he saw a little boy or girl
>when the swarthoid comes on
>>154854 yeah slavs are very dominant in math over here as well
>>154857 cope? I'm just saying they have better standards and more valuable education right now. At least in primary schools.
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>art class >women get better grade because she cried and said she worked hard
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>>154848 >seeing somalians in the background while some northern euro lass talks to the camera
>>154863 dutty says this happens at phd level all the time and the cucks just pass the women and give them their degree
>>154863 manipulation is an art tbf
Can't but help but think how Schools in this country are a collective psychological scar on the nation. The whole thing about the British being shy and humble is something is that enforced in schools. It was noticeable when you go to Uni and Sixth form. The entire classes and seminars that are meant for discussion are filled with niggercattle to petrified to utter a word because of the literal psychopaths in primary and secondary school.
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>>154860 tbh, she's a filthy Brazilian poo persona
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>>154863 society
>>154864 it's lore at this point but I had a job where I had to watch a 10 year old nigger because he'd attack boys and lie on top of and hump girls.
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>>154863 >the hideously inbred looking paki foid art teacher in secondary that accused me of assault because I pulled my arm away when she put her paws on me and said it hurt her hand
>>154872 yikes
>when the girls stripped on stage dancing and singing about their male teachers and all their dads walked out
>the History teacher who snapped a plastic ruler in my face and then proceeded to stare me down while grunting for 10 mins
oh yeah the teacher who got them up to it was a jewish woman nicknamed "the witch"
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>this one iranian grad student from uni toil who was based on the jews until covid sharted randomly texting me how america is full of backwards religious fanatics who are putting everyone at risk and that their obsession with the constitution is poison and that their conspiracy theories are dooming us to a christian version of wahhabism just replied: so? don't like it, go back to the desert
>>154875 err don't question the holocaust lad, or Hitler and Mendele's ability to teleport and be multiple places at once
Did you any lads get detention? I remember being sent to this weird looking static caravan adorned with metal bars on the windows where you were forced to stare at blank walls for hours.
proud to announce that this year's storage heater arc officially began about five hours ago when I turned them on now at 1am they have managed to become merely cold instead of ice cold, noticably drained my electricity meter and forced me to close up the flat despite not yet having any extremely expensive dehumidifier tablets to try and prevent (and fail) damp and condensation from accreting additionally the always-on SmartFan is probably leaching whatever heat does get produced under the bathroom door and outside >>154877 based did he respect your chaddism or seethe because he's part of the intellectual poolite
>>154875 had a jewess english teacher who was obsessed with niggershit and when I asked her why during "american lit" we didn't read any actual american authors only niggers or stories about niggers she threatened to expell me and had me put into daily drug testing for marijuana and tried to have me declared autistic but luckly mummy defended smee
fucking annoys me people think random strangers have the right to scream and disicple an other persons child
I'm just getting wound up reliving all these terrible memories now. Ni lads.
>>154882 last year of middle school the kids put on a show for their teachers and parents and this was one of the things they did.
>>154880 idk some iranians seem based but they are too atheistic and fell for the le scienceman mene too hard whereas I am at least proud of my shithole country in that redneckoids immediately knew covid was bullshit. also feel protective of lower class americanoidic rednecks when outsiders bully them
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>the american immigrant drama teacher that would make the year 9 incels and sigmas perform the most dialogue and movement to 'come out of our shells' when we were constantly afraid of mucking up or worse doing it well and getting bullycided by deano and stacie juniour >the year 9 dance teacher that did the same thing, and would always make us take off socks to make sure verucas would spread around the whole yeargroup >the year 9 food tech thot who was younger than I am now and would wear a thong and jeans and bend over for the scallies and then pretend to be offended when they made sexual remarks
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just want a gf who poos in the wild
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>>154885 How utterly disturbing
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My primary school wasn't that bad but I could never send any child to it now because its about 10% wogged and growing compared to when I was there when it was 100% white smh
>>154889 good lad bonus points if she's feral and can climb trees
>>154886 I didn't actually see it myself. They wore manly gangster-like clothes and stripped to their underwear. They'd be like 14-15. As I said, a jew got them up to it. Same jew tried to get my brother on ADHD meds
>>154889 I want to sexually repress her
My primary teacher used to rest her tits on are heads when helping loved it tbh
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>>154896 god made women out of are spare rib, which being quite small didn't have enough in it to provide them with things like a moral conscience or civility
>>154888 >that would make the year 9 incels and sigmas perform the most dialogue and movement to 'come out of our shells' hated these cunts, just made school hell >and would always make us take off socks whitepill for footchads
>>154897 god I wish that was me >ywn become his friend through boomer toil or injun killing and get to marry his virgin daughter and have 5 anglo kids and they grow up to become mormons and walk all the way to salt lake killing injuns
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>154896 >ah, you are a handsome lad. >they say gods made women, surely there is some error in the claim. I believe there may be a poofter among us!
>>154897 this is literally peak performance of human existence
the deanos chavs stacies and teachers were the worst part about school tbh
literally the last 400 years of civilizational advancement rode on the coattails of sexually repressed anglos and scots
>>154897 fuckkk i love Anya
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>>154900 It's a great film tbh. Very harsh though tbf. Wish there was more pilgrim/puritan kino
>>154910 I wish I could do that smh
>>154879 Got detention on my first day of year 7 because a gang of year 11 scallies attacked me unprovoked and beat the shit out of me. First one did a running knee into by back. Smh. It was of course a 30 something diazipam faced foid teacher that gave me detention for 'being in a fight'. Absolutely hated her all through secondary. Eventually figured out that teachers don't bother even with sigma autists they despise, if you just decide not to turn up for any detentions, never do homework, skip half the later years smoking weed down the road. Tbh no wonder it was such a scallie factory.
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>>154906 she's an argentinian mutt bth smh
looks like she's largely of rigellan extraction ngl lads
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Sneed dreams chucks.
>>154917 shnightla
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KEEEEEEEK its bints like this being given jobs that is making it harder for sigmacels to get good jobs , didn't realise that she did that findom shite
>>154921 There are lads who know koine greek who analyses the earliest bible that's found. James White. Can probably find videos of him talking about a lot of things. He's a protestant doing apologetics
>it's a brother wants more children but his gf inserted a spiral thingy or whatever which blocks her eggerinos episode
>>154927 then it is his moral duty to find another woman who will give him children
>>154928 he has two with her and she's also a single mum from before
still seething about my spoiled nephew who started crying and pinching me because he couldn't wait his turn to play with the fire truck smh
>>154930 what were you doing, as a 30 year old man, playing with a fire engine toy?
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>>154931 he wanted to show him how to handle a fire hose
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>>154932 mummy was complaining the other day about food waste or some shite ruining her self-sufficiency larp so I suggest she get a pig and feed it up with scraps and slaughter it every year like are based peasant ancestors did but she said that was far too much effort because the only time they larped with piggies they didn't set permanent fences so the pigs just uprooted them and walked out into the street and chased the chickens around and stuff >>154933 >>154934 concerned_pepe.jhog
>>154931 I was playing with him and I had the fire truck. Tried to teach him a lesson but he just broke down crying because normally he gets what he wants when he wants it. He's blessed with a sister who is kind enough to let him have his way to keep him from crying but others having to cater to him shouldn't be how it should be. "stop the crying" is such a femoid mindset and he is mostly around his mother and grandmother who spoils him. dude play mind tricks or distract him, don't deal with what is a behavioural problem on his side
>>154937 that last sentence is supposed to be a greentexterino
>>154935 based pigs escaping
>>154939 tbh it was funny watching from inside the house as stepdad did the looney tunes hannah-barbera alternately running after them and being chased by BIG PIGs
>>154934 Yeah i reckon the vaccine is coding markers for an engineered virus to bond to.
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just realised the actor that does harry potter is also the one that did frodo in the ring. mad that
>>154946 further experimentation/preparation of the body to fail?
>the one that did frodo in the ring must have hurt
>>154950 kek lad
>>154946 no idea, i could spit ball ideas like it takes a while to dial it in to very specific markers but then it's all schizo academia.
it's just poison administered slowly over time in order to kill the victims with less chance of being found out, as is tradition with degenerate hedonistic and corrupt empires although usually the one being poisoned is the chinese emperor and not an entire race
The other really schizo take is their micro antenna for hijacking of the consciousnesses.
>>154954 Considering the vaxxed are dying more than unvaxxed (even those that had corona) it isn't just nothing, best case scenario tho it really is just pisswater which is why people are dying due to snake oil medicine, but I highly doubt it's just that
>>154956 who said it would take one shot, they've alrady talked most people up to three.
i really hope the vax schizo theories aren't true. i didn't get it but i know people that did and i don't want their hearts to burst
>>154959 tbh worried about some of my normalfag family members
if anything happens to mine I might feel a mild amount of sadness at not being able to stop them from repeatedly pozzing themselves but in the end it's their own fault for trusting the science and shutting me down whenever I tried to give an alternate viewpoint
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KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK https://youtu.be/TU_XfcHjC3c another foid "socialist" whore channel where she talks about refusing to settle for anyone but chad and all the comments are filled with 5s whove become bitter since getting pumped and dumped by chads and that they refuse to settle because they "deserve" better, also like capitalism is like totally evil.
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>>154963 >noooooooooooo you have to accept my insufferable cuntish personality
>>154963 prime seethe bait.
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>>154964 The level of foid princess entitlement shown in the video was incredible, honestly don't know how much worse it can get but apparently it can and will with regards to hypergamy, at one point near the end of the video she literally says she wants a man who meets all her standards and then seamlessly fits into her life, also she claims that shes not going to shave all the time because she is "sick of living for other people" as if she's ever actually done anything selfless for anyone her entire life other than live the typical barbie princess dollhouse matrix, seems to be a lot of swarthoid women in the comments too kek, Chad harems will be the default in 10 years.
foids should trick chad into impregnating them instead of getting pump and dumped
boring content tbh
>>154966 such ridiculous entitlement, why on earth would gigachad want them
is it literally over for BLM and Antifa after this weekend? have the chuds won once and for all?
>>154968 agreed, i'm partly to blame.
keeek just a boomer toiler truck loader almost made pro boxing look fake and gay
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>>154973 >>154974 yep, the 90s when men could be men
>>154788 77th hebrew nonce vaxxcick
keeeking at imagining boomer bossman just powerslamming some worked up nigger in his fancy sportsfag outfit with that 20 years of deep muscle memory hammer striking tricep energy
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>>154973 resplect to mulletman tbh
keeeking at how he is not even afraid of tommy morrison just dancing around him keeeeeeeek
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the fuck is wrong with the ginger
>>154979 wow thats a hot take that teleported from 1961
>>154979 Now compare violent crime.
>3am >heaters aren't even slightly warm >>154982 disbelief at justice actually being carried out rather than the manufactured consensus to which she ascribes getting its way
>look outside while opening windows >hoodied up crim notices me looking as he stalks away smh nothing good will come of this
>>154986 >intimidating vulnerable future poc doctors with disparaging glare reporting you for your hate crime smh
>>154975 and girls who are boys who like boys to be girls who do boys like they're girls, who do girls like they're boys can be boys groan
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>>154981 Tommy looks like he's got about 40 lbs more muscle on him - it's a pretty good show, all things told but I don't suppose Tommy was showing his potential here. How do you think Tommy would stand with Tyson Fury?
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don't want to make a cringe /biz/ post but do any of you hold any of this?
>>154985 Is your oven electric or gas, lad?
>>154990 idk sometimes I think tommy was a media creation but other times I think the nigger/jews had him killed by putting AIDs shit in his roids to keep him from stealing the limelight from black boxers like mike tyson and lennox lewis. I think fury would win since tommy is pretty much just a faster harder hitting white joe frasier
would rather see lomo stomp out mayweather
would have liked to see joe calzaghe fight tommy I think joe would have the edge as well tommy was just really fast and had that clean left hook. he was like what mickey ward could have been if he wasn't nonced as a boy/a drunk
>>154993 I liked the video, nice to think of a good unscripted contest slipping inbetween the cracks. The last boxing match I watched was in 2017,between Connor McGregor and whatever nigger it was. I wandered down to a pub while I was on vacation. Asked the bouncer if he had any thoughts on the match, and said iboxing Lwas all fake and gay. Probably a good lad. That was in Newfoundland.
In Newfoundland the orange order was really big. Cute Catholic lass was telling me her mum's village of a couple hundred was split right in half and had something of an orange March every July 12th. Keek
>>155000 ignore schizo. anyway, what are your thoughts on the raw till 4 thai fruit festival? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTPtbQNc0Kw
>>155001 I'd tell you but you'd get too excited tbh
>>155003 Fucking brilliant. I love it and I want more.
>>155006 See you're too revved up and gay already lad. Cool your bones.
>>155007 found that on the old eggy streams. kind of regret not going to asia back when i was a zoomer normie and could have fun
>>155015 I don't regret anything tbh,. the whole wuflu charade just shows how you could have played all your cards just so and still be starting down the barrel, and be about to lose it all. >>155015
>>155019 good lad I feel the same. anglin said that for as shit as he usually is, he said that wuflu is like the reset button for everyone. you could have been turbo normie or a failed incel but we are all just slaves of the banks now
would have been kino to see butterbean fight tyson fury for the battle of the grotty lads
>>155020 Yeah he's right, whatever they let you (maybe) keep will be accompanied by your final loss of all personal integrity.
bros... we really need another yugoslav war
>On November 17, Nigerian authorities claimed that Ambazonian forces had invaded Takum, Taraba State, using speedboats and "sophisticated weapons".[260] Nigerian senator Emmanuel Bwacha said that Ambazonian separatists had destroyed the village of Manga and killed 11 people, including the village chief.[261] The senator asked the president to deploy the army to expel the Ambazonians from Nigerian territory. Afterwards, the Senate held a moment of silence for the dead.[262] Separatists denied any involvement, with AGovC leader Ayaba Cho Lucas speculating that the invasion might have been a Cameroonian false flag operation to drag Nigeria into the war.[263] Ambazonia has invaded Nigeria lads
>>155025 keeeek, i'd forgotten about based ambazonia. god bless them and their crusade against the francophones of cameroon
It's so comfy they get to start their own irredentist movement in deepest darkest Africa without the world conspiring against them
>>155039 >>155040 >from Old English cy (genitive cyna), plural of cu "cow." didn't know old english had declensions guess it makes sense
based, i always get the best normiewave from eggy streams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOz8vw6b3tI
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>Neiderman, et. al. at Oberlin conducted an extensive review of literary works published in the west from 1750 to 2000, screening for the physical characteristics of heroines and female love interests in an effort to trace changing beauty preferences of high status or educated men. Intriguingly, they found that from the mid-19th century onward love interests were overwhelmingly described as slight, dark haired and dark eyed, a far cry from earlier western works which idealized fair haired, light eyed women. >Neiderman wrote: "the typical Ashkenazi woman's features, long disregarded, became a sort of niche beauty standard among Europe's elite during the Belle Epoque." >Neiderman asked 200 people who identified as heterosexual males and were considered high status in the creative fields to describe their ideal woman: the vast majority reported a preference for the same pale/dark type. chuds btfo
>>155045 How is she sure they're not describing raven-haired brown-eyed celtic bints?
>>155046 >beginning in the late 19th century, the increasing proclivity of European writers to take Jewish woman as wives, mistresses, and muses - this leading to an intensification of the 'la belle juive' stereotype already present in literature at that time.
>>155047 sounds like subversion to me
daychuds itt rn
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>>155048 typical chud response >>155049 when will they learn
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>>155045 >high status in the creative fields >identified as heterosexual males
>7:30am >toil on monday
>writers have been doing the jewess mommy milkers meme for over a century Impressive tbh >>155046 Or medoid lasses
rice and sausage for supper using coconut oil. smells wonderful
>>154964 >they see us as objects to fulfil their needs only Yeah must be hard being seen this way by the rest of society >>154920 Funny how they always look so ugly too
>>155057 flag on please lad
>>155056 >coconut oil good lad one of the best oils you can use
i use it exclusively tbh
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>>154964 >Women's interest is complaining about men >Men aren't very interested in what she has to say
>missed the school seethe session and the foid seethe session smh probably for the best >>155059 prefer using butter tbh although i'll readily admit that coconut oil is very good
>>155066 keeeeek hadn't thought about it like that tbh just shoot the gun out of his hand bro
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can't stop imagining how much money i'll have if i get the jewellery store job tbh breaking even right now so it'll all be surplus cash really hope i get it tbh
>>155064 >school seethe Just remember to call it home education, not home school. Using their words gives them power over you.
>>155070 tbh tbh words have power and using the wrong ones is a deadly pitfall always liked the way "private tutoring" sounds tbh muscling in on what the toffs do and degrading it just by being common while adjacent to them
btw after 10 years of inaction the conservative government are now trying to restrict home education. Previously they had supported the idea of parental liberty, but the current year is what it is. Currently laws restricting HE in the UK are the most lax in the developed world, if things don't change there will be no stopping random dunces from the council telling you what to do and making their opinions legally enforceable
>>155072 they only supported it because it was of no real consequence back then now it's a genuine threat so naturally it's got to go smh 'ate 'em
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crouched down to admire my official police warning letter that i proudly stuck to the fridge with a magnet and then my knee made a horrible crunchy pop noise and it was quite painful
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>>154945 >You lose the right to self defence outside of school grounds when you bring the wand, when you create the danger, and then kill 2 death eaters and wound 1 seriously. They were heroes, trying to disarm and suck the soul out of what they saw as an active malevelent wizard, who was going to cast a spell on muggles in open view.
>>155077 Don't they call one the 'death curse' for that reason?
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>>155075 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>155076 tbh
>>155076 It's a good concept tbh, learning how to learn is the most important skill and one our education system is designed to prevent.
>>155084 luv trains, me
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>the female sex, a great affliction to mortals as they dwell with their husbands--no fit partner for accursed poverty, but only for plenty. as the bees in their sheltered nests feed the drones, those conspirators in badness, and while they busy themselves all day and everyday till sundown making the white honeycomb, the drones stay inside the sheltered cells and pile the toil of others into their own bellies, even so as a bane for mortal men has high-thundering zeus created women, conspirators in causing difficulty
>>155086 Drones only have one job - to shag. They do it once and then explode once sex is finished.
Or rather, the act of sex entails explosion. Such is life for a drone.
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based nationalist mummy giving me welsh heart choccies
>If the queen’s sting chamber is not fully opened, mating is unsuccessful, so some males that mount the queen do not transfer semen. Once the endophallus has been everted, the drone is paralyzed, flipping backwards as he ejaculates. Imagine the pain of being an incel bee. Not only do you fail but you die in the attempt.
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>>155086 tbh w*men were figured out long long ago but people still fall for their shite >>155087 wew that foot
>>155090 at least he think he bred as he dies I guess
bees are so fucking lame, lmao t. mammal
>>155090 honestly i genuinely think being born as anything except a huwhite human male has to be some kind of cruel roundabout punishment for something tbh but then i remember that being a huwhite human male is also a cruel roundabout punishment smh it's all a joke >>155094 but honey lad
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>>155095 >but honey lad Belongs to mammal chads
The mass advertising of the film the power of the dog as a cowboy film to the British public when it's mostly just about pederasty.
>>155096 exactly lad bees get a free pass on the bullying because they're useful luv honey me >>155097 >it's mostly just about pederasty. isn't that every film these days?
>>155084 Just in case he doesn't let it show. Maybe I can get some sweet (You) dopamine hits here as a consolation.
>>155099 very good lad
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>pao de queijo
>>155099 goodlad
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>you will live in a degenerate future where machines that can no longer be repaired are operated by creaturas who have no idea what it actually does
>>155103 i already do
>>155103 >all those la creaturas getting crushed by the cardboard pressing machine
>>155103 >Why dem close burn when me put dem in de close dryer magic box de white peepo leave behinds? White devil magic mon. Dont need it. Dont want it. Simple as mon.
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>>155104 tbh smh >>155105 pvre comedy tbh >>155106 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>155105 >leaving a sticker on industrial scale washing machines that says it's for training astronauts or to teleport to mars so future generations of creaturas perish inside it
>>155108 keeeeeeek devilish
https://www.bbc.com/pidgin/world-59344370 >E also like guns dem well-well. I love BBC Pidgin
>>155110 keeeeeek pidgin is so stupid
*accidentally refers to the Christmas party as the Kristelnacht Partei on account of my annually naughty behaviour*
smorning lads going to ask for a smonday sninner sneethe snession instead of going outside today tbh >>154992 leccy >>155045 >>155048 smh angloid elites really idealised yids after disraeli and co got their hooks in the utter state of late empire was such that ancient and noble families scrambled to forge fake lineages so they could claim to be able to trace their roots back to one jewish tribe or another absolutely disgusting behaviour >>155069 hope you do too lad might witness some uncut gems kino or an attempted boong robbery >>155074 rip >>155087 what did they mean by this? getting sick of all the editing holo-joe's regime does smh >>155099 good lad
https://youtu.be/Xe8D7YvFi0I Are these true dafties?
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>>155112 baste >>155114 smorning lad >smonday but it's still only smunday lad smh >>155116 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>155112 >the little things you can forget because it's so totally ignored when someone is kvetching about the night of broken glass
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>>155116 >hiding the date of the article don't think I don't know. Pulling up such old seethe on a Sunday, you should be banned
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9e-Cv8ksKk Imagining Wessex in pederasty to this man.
>>155121 might launch a newspaper called the seethe on sunday tbh bet it would do well
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmujgRJlCV0 Ryan Rampage's audits are quite different to the police auditors, he audits with a group of northern rascals.
Still hasn't let my comment through but this good lad's has been accepted. Smh. Guess I was too passive aggressive and not grovelling enough at moral mans epic wisdom and use of facts and logic TM.
what's the importance of these colour lines on Union Jacks on security enforcement of the state lids? Is it a gang sign?
https://youtu.be/SB3W82GOQgU Important arc video in Autistic Deano
>>155115 answer smeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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>>155115 *BANG BANG* >CAHM ON DENMARK *BANG BANG* >LIFT THAT FACKIN LOCKDOWN *BANG BANG* >>155129 yeah they're based lad
>>155115 I thought denmark had stopped restrictions
>>155130 she's cute tbh
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>twatter westoids complaining that some literally who kpop band a racist because for a change they were speaking korean instead of English and the words for you/me are niga/naega >all the extra virtue signalling leftoids and blacks and even some koreans saying whypipo shut up about racism you don't get to talk about it >south korea is still an ethnostate
>>155130 I prefer the blonde bimbo police gf from that auditism vid.
>>155135 Kpop is their secret non white thing lad, same reason for a lot of them being weebs, hehe i love pale skinned popstars but they're not white...
>>155130 smh look at her
>>155135 >south korea is still an ethnostate it's also a feminist nightmare state run by a literal ministry of women (most of whom are members of some weirdo cult that semi-openly controls everything that happens in south korea)
https://youtu.be/v5mDL47sUnk Why hasn't this been posted?
>155140 it has been posted at least twice and each time nobody commented on it because it's a boring boomer coper larper
>>155139 At least they aren't trying to replace their kpop bois with somali niggers becuase without them grorrious kpop rill not survive yet.
>>155143 honestly wish they were tbh they're yellow jews and the world will be better off without them
'ate korea tbh disgusting country full of disgusting people
>>155145 tbh wish the japs would have finished them off, aren't they some of the biggest jew imitators as well
East Asian Israel
>mfw Shartica's proxy states in the middle East and East Asia crash down, prompting a tide of refugees into Shartica's heartland.
>>155146 keeeek smh so sick of hearing about squid game >>155147 yeah they literally consider the talmud to be a guide to an ideal life smh it's a bestseller over there >>155148 tbh
Korea has a fairly small population, so its media relies on international appeal rather than caring about their own country in order to rake in the money. Kpop and Korean TV are made with China, Phillipines, Malaysia, yanks etc in mind. Japan, with a much larger population, does not care in the least about international appeal, and so ends up with much better, less generic output.
>>155151 money is a memi tbh they've given up every last shred of dignity and it shows
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slow day today
>>155154 sunday the day of rest
>>155151 >tfw When you see SEA asians dressing and styling as East Asian Kpop stars.
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bollock destruction tbh lads ngl
>>155161 keeeek lad now this is effortposting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czWWjISsylo how it feels coming here, lol
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>>155161 keeeeeeek very good lad >>155163 wish the holocaust had actually happened tbh smh >>155164 tbh
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I cried, I puked, no idea what else I did
>>155045 >>155050 wow based
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>>155166 it's like the start of dude where's my car
>>155168 The Hangover: Part Dorset
>>155163 I miss him lads
>>155169 keeeeek
>>155139 nigga that ended years ago. do you even keep up with south korean politics? filtered.
>155172 sounds like the words of a megalia cultist tbh I don't believe it'll have ended just because it was reported on a little
Find it really hard to listen to Australian accented podcasts The topic here is kino but then the voice is difficult to listen to https://podbay.fm/p/reconquista
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>In the end, everyone will have to be vaccinated; even the anti-vaxxers will realize that they will either get vaccinated or die. So, I urge everyone to take this opportunity.
>>155168 I cried at the pub tbh Only just cleaned my sick off the carpet
>>155173 Megalia and the 8 Mother/Lunar Godesses Cult are different. Megalia are just radical feminists who really hate Korean men. the Lunar Godesses cult was a revival of Korean Shamanism who worshipped the moon and scarified babies. Park Geun-hye left power in 2017 after it was revealed she was controlled by the 8 Lunar Goddesses. It was discovered after she sacrificed 300 Korean school children in the MV Sewol ferry disaster to Korean shamanism's lunar god while watching it on tv with the 8 Godesses. The worst thing Megalia did was one of their e-celebs went to Australia to molest white boys and post the videos on their website to somehow get back at Korean men for being attracted to little white girls. Korean's are fucked in the head.
>>155177 >the sweol ferry disaster wew I hadn't realised it was that bad tbh absolutely evil
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ordering a kebab tbh
https://youtu.be/yK2uFTTNJBI wish i knew how to ride horsies so i could chase fox twats
>>155181 so many cocky foxes on the streets these days.
>>155179 Who is this bitch keep seaing?
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another rogue AI
>>155182 One walked right in front of me at about four paces shit myself tbh
would quite like to be a beater on a fox hunt tbh just walk around shouting in the woods and whacking stuff with a big stick license to let off steam really
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>>155187 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! WHAT I-IF YOU W-WERE THE F-FOX!? wish i could gun down fox shaggers meself
>>155187 this except its niggers and jews
*adds people who eat spicy food to my massacre list*
>>155191 not enough meat or cheese
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daily reminder that there is nothing wrong with being sexually repressed and there is too much unreproductive sexuality on display in society today and its generally just a shallow womanish attempt to hide from death and the facts of life
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>>155193 > unreproductive sexuality
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>>155193 You sir, have won te internets!
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>>155197 have you seen the movie death hunt lad?
>>155197 shame they are evil faggot zogbots like other policing services these days
used to watch that with grandpa at deercamp
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I smell mummy making crumble and custard lads
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-AYia9ORHs cute, autistic historian covering minoan history
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>It was hotdogs How could I have been tricked by my own nose
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>>155193 good lad >>155205 whats worse is when mummy tells you shes making something then doesn't make it
I cant think of anywhere worse than Vancouver. Dense cookie cutter high rises filled with soy boys and asiatic faggots. Hope it sinks into the sea.
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wtf is that
>>155208 from what I've seen the soyim there are breeding with the chinky colonist creating a new breed of rootless mutts
>>155209 Burrard Landing Shopping mall
>In 1981, less than 7 percent of the population of Vancouver belonged to a visible minority group.[134] By 2016, this proportion had grown to 52 percent.[130] 50% replacement in only 30 years, impressive.
>>155212 Every city Singapore
Feels kino.
fucking boomers complaining about racism then literally say something racist 5 minutes later
>>155215 tbh, fucked off my barber after he said are team should buy Mbappe and called the people mocking the England FC niggers who missed those penalties out as dumb niggers
>>155216 *who called the nigger haters rats
https://youtu.be/uzR5jM9UeJA To all my fellow strong women on Brit/
Went to an anglican church in Leicester that was built in the 8th century and it had the trans pride flag on the alter and the pastor was non-binary. Anglicans need to be exterminated.
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>>155219 tbh tbh
these niggas do not even pretend to be christian for a second. its entirely about trannies.
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>DNA analysis unearths origins of Minoans, the first major European civilization >analysis showed that the Minoans were only distantly related to Egyptian, Libyan, and other North African populations. The Minoan shared the greatest percentage of their mitochondrial DNA variation with European populations, especially those in Northern and Western Europe.
left my cider in the freezer too long and it exploded when I popped the cap off >>155219 hope the cunts are visited by horrific night terrors as 1300 years of vengeful spirits make their anger known each night tbh
>>155211 nigga how do you know that?
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>missed the kyle thread Sneeveing. Bit miffed tbh, looks like you lads had a good time ngl fr fr fr
>>155222 >tfw the Wessex culture.
>>155225 no cap tbh
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>>155224 im obsessed with Vancouver
>>155219 occupy it and preach the gospel from it >>155221 its just state sponsored nigger and poo penis worship
>>155222 so are we now coping that cretans wuz nordic n shiet?
got some more saint felicien cheese tbh it's very good
>>155231 we wuz all civilisations although weren't minoans pajeet tier coomers whose women walked around with their boobas out as part of 'fashion'
>>155232 good lad. I'll communicate with you on the astral plane tonight
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>Minoans mincing about on their gay sweaty island while we wuz DRVIDS n shit
Dream lads trying to scare me about the white race dying like I give a shit at this point, whitey is probably fine anyway, they should train me to seethe at cute things and manifest those, go around hating nice couples and bring more into the world, if that's how it works of course
>MInoa is in Crete what the fuck? I thought it was in Cyprus?
>>155234 the conclave of the cheesemen will reconvene in order to send bad thoughts toward david lynch once again >>155236 seething at cute things is a demonic leftoid failing tbh
>>155233 cretans were notorious pirate haven in alexanders time up into roman times
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>>155240 >reminding me of the absolute state of leafland >tfw detroit suburbs are now more white and anglo than ontario
the poojeet colonization of ontario makes me seethe so bad laddos
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>when you see a "canadian" poojeet in michigan backcountry larping as a woodsman in his 900 dollar parka and super bougie expensive snow gear and they walk by you as if you are just the fauna of the landscape
Mfw all the darkies study decolinisation whilst colonising us
>>155246 yeah I cannot understand how anyone is ok with decolonise ideology in colonial countries. these people literally say they think the existence of the Canadian and American peoples was a horrible evil that should be reversed, it's open advocacy of genocide.
>>155248 It's blood libel which is apparently very bad according to a certain ethnicity.
>>155250 keeeeek
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>>155252 >whitey getting reparations from niggers kino if true tbf
>>155252 nigger cosmologies are so cringe and pathetic nordicism at least comes from a race that accomplished things
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>>155255 it's honestly just such hilarious cope, what on earth is the fucking point trying to educate niggers when this is the result
>>155256 the real crime is that they were ever taught to communicate in english by my ancestors thinking that reason would come from black gaping maw of the worthless nigger.
yeah its all these section 8 tier sheboons sitting in their government (white boomer homer simpson taxes) paid drywall nigger breeding chambers shitting out niggers while scrolling their obamaphones just fucking existing like mold spores
>>155257 honestly wished our slave trade had copied the arab one tbh, 99% of niggers in the west would not be around today
most of the little niggers growing up in shitagain have rickets from the lack of sunlight and nobody talks about it but niggers make up these autismal DBZ tier copes about melanin when their bones are like balsa wood outside of the occasional sportsnigger
Kinda sad living with so many delusional, damaged people
>>155260 it's honestly funny if you've ever listened to anything like this in person, outside of the soyim everyone else has raised eyebrows
>>155261 I'd feel sorry for them were they not so insufferable
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>>155265 only the second one has any real storage space so that one does anyone remember that posho one we found a few years back that was filled with pointless shit
>>155261 niggers are all hypocritical vicious racists who will immediately exclude any of the poor whites in the community who could not afford to move away when the niggers came into the area. they all are fucking scum. the "good ones" are just like the scout niggers of the nigger herd who infiltrate white communities like terminators or something and preparing the way for the nigger invasion later on
>>155231 >Dr. George Stamatoyannopoulos, University of Washington professor of medicine and genome sciences, is the paper’s senior author. >“Our data suggest that the Neolithic population that gave rise to the Minoans also migrated into Europe and gave rise to modern European peoples.” >>155233 thought you had more appreciation for history. smh >>155235 i find it fascinating that they had writing and all this sophisticated talent, architecture, and artwork for centuries before the greeks had the alphabet >>155239 the minoans were long destroyed by that time
all the google images for rickets is shitskins get rekt muh melanin faggots
>>155266 keek yeah I remember that one, it had a fucking bowling ally
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the white people did this
>>155271 What's wrong with their nigger legs?
>>155272 Nickets
>>155270 yeah supposed to house 30 people or so and 90% of the space was filled with consoomershit, fucking ridiculous
literally niggers just cope all day long and take shit over then do nothing and it devolves to detroit tier where their kids drink heavy metal laced water because nobody mantains infastructure because paying taxes is white people shit. fuck niggers
>>155272 their shitskin prevented them from getting enough vitamin D from the sun and their retarded race is too stupid to into agriculture
*yawns loudly*
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the best part is niggers and jews film the little deformed retarded starved niglets and send pity pictures to karen and gooks and beg for more gibs then don't give any of it to the shitskins and just buy themselves another rolls royce.
Most Minoan women covered their tits, only their priestesses had them bare possibly but this is based on a statue of goddesses which might be artistic license btw *closes wikipedia page smugly*
>>155281 kipling was right and the best method is the dispassionate stanley type who keeps niggers firmly below him. if you feel empathy they use it against you. half devil half child
>>155231 further clarification: the cretans are not the same thing as the minoans. after the minoan civilization collapsed the island was occupied by the greeks and others. their people seem to have scattered after one of the largest volcanic eruptions in human history. it practically rendered the island as uninhabitable
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but /pol/ told me orban was based!!!
>>155287 he is
>>155272 white slavers tried to deformed their bodies into crabs
>>155285 what are these anus gaping cartoons bbk?
>>155285 bit gay
>>155289 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>155289 keeeeeeeeeeeeek tbh
>>155287 non anglos are rulecuck subhumans
>>155281 gingerlass donates blood maybe she is a racist
USGay officially more dangerous than Russia thanks to the work of Saint Floyd and his disciples.
>>155280 >>155285 >when BBK becomes the new cartoonist for the Liverpool Echo
>>155295 >>155281 >goes to the NHS >give blood >lean over and wisper to your nurse "don't give any of this to any blacks, ok?"
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>>155296 >that huge peak in 1995
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>>155297 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>155301 >>155303 tiny crowd, average age is 60. lmao.
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does anyone have that map of Austria with mt nigero and that other map of the UK with cock shit lane?
>>155303 >2 of my partners
>>155301 Would be funny to egg these cunts tbh
>>155304 we've spent a good part of the last couple years locked indoors while the govt lets waves of migrants flood in, and paki refugee tried to bomb a church and women's hospital the other day people aren't buying into it like they would have done half a decade ago
Chilean election today lads
>>155301 just want to turn a flamethrower on them smh evil retards
>a turk saying we need to destroy fortress europe >a jew saying we need to destroy local nationalism we're reaching unprecedented maskoff levels
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This robo lass is back
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>I'm not racist but my policies are keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>3c and heating isn't working >>155312 what lobotomisation efforts have the soyfaggots installed this time to stop AI from noticing basic patterns and truths?
>>155312 Chaotic neutral AI worries me a little sometimes. When all that's left is the white rice, Skynet might turn on us as well.
mummy and her friend watching that show about the jew communists fighting mosely and the blackshirts and they keep asking me who the blackshirts were I and I just said they were anti war activists who wanted to keep the british empire going and avoid a repeat of ww1 and they agreed and said it seemed like propaganda film. based #mummieswakingup
>>155316 they're showing that in muttland?
>>155313 keeeeeeeeeeeek what app
>>155316 based tbh
>>155315 butlerian jihad
>>155316 Remind them that Cable Street didn't fucking happen
>>155319 keeeeek
>>155317 yeah they are watching it because they like the guy who played boromir smh
>>155321 its just some shitty propaganda flick that fails to properly demonize blackshirts since most people in shartica do not like communism and don't identify with communists
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>>155316 Love how the musely boogeyman is gaining popularity, it's so easy to just look up what he stood for, said and did and think "heh, that guy wasn't really so bad." And the awful sexual appetites and perversion of the Mosely family back to Oswald himself pale in comparrison to what they average leftoid has done or has at least watched on the internet and masturbated to wishing they could do it.
>>155325 yeah he literally did nothing wrong. just had to connect him to huey long so that amerishart mummies and boomers know he was a based populist type who wanted to protect his people from the banks and they immediately get that its propaganda. jews are getting sloppy
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get calm or die sneethin'
>>155326 https://youtu.be/yt8rOEepLJ0 one day a polface will say this over london
>>155318 facebook i think, it's in a thread on 4chan https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/348774035
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>no blade runner sean young wife
>>155332 do you have the ones where he falls down then gets up?
>>155335 omg who cares?
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>>155334 don't think I do. sorry lad
>>155338 >tfw kyle is actually a clone from the DUMBs bred from age 1 to be the ultimate kike hunter, he has lighting fast reflexes and can headshot kikes pedophiles with his eyes closed by sensing their lack of a pineal gland
>>155338 they're not wrong about the media focusing on kyle over maxwell or charlottesville tbf but that's just because media are part of the cabal and they wanted more wypipo lynching
>>155341 what is the deal with that tbh something some joker edited and seeded for the schizos to find or is it original source material from the court camera
>>155340 yeah but look at how it's done, an actual observation embedded with a bunch of schizo retardation, to the average person they then just associate all of it with schizooming it's how they operate, label something like sex trafficking a conspiracy theory so normgroids associate it with bigfoot and the loch ness monsters
>>155342 most likely just shitty livestream quality, it kept fucking up throughout anyway
>>155343 tbh >>155339 love that kind of schizolore tbh it's comfy https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDulceBaseFiles
>>155338 my hand does sort of do that thing with the little finger unless I squeeze it in smh
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time for coffee >>155345 love schizo channels too, tbh will be watching this
>>155348 yikes
>>155347 >famous for being big and dead huge blackpill with the first 4 seconds..
>>155348 yanks really love anal prison rape don't they
finna bust a nut fr fr
>>155348 why are leftoidics so obsessed with sodomy
>>155353 >>155355 it's fucking weird, they'll say how we need to stop rape and improve the prison system and then in the next breath scream that someone they don't like deserves to be gangraped for the rest of their lives
just want to be a security guard in a deep underground military base where they experiment on things that man was not meant to know smh >>155350 tbh it's top early alex jones style larp
>>155352 whitepill for manlets tbh
>>155357 yeah I'll fap to this
>>155355 All Sharticans are.
>>155357 >young Alyx
>>155359 big yikes for Koreans, and a big keek for the taiwanese
>>155362 tbh. built for pony-tailed Gordon
>>155348 its middle classoid bougie xers perpetuating the gay nigger prison rape shit. as if kyle would be in general population
>>155359 glad to see that the british man in a shed cultural phenomenon isn't dead yet tbh
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>>155366 tbh we need more whitepills poosted in the thread
>>155369 I hope he livestreams his suicide
https://youtu.be/Px5vcTN0xzk >this is my son right here >refers to tiny urn
>>155371 he'll probably do something really gay like go out with a bottle of wine and sleeping pills when his trust fund money finally dries up
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>>155372 Jewish bodies evaporate into pure smoke with very little ash left over after cremation lad smh everyone knows that, it's why there are no mass graves or boneyards found at concentration camps
>>155369 >injects his homo fixation in topics that don't even mention it
mark felton found footage of yemeni chads operating with t-34s and winning against saudvirgins
>>155369 >>155371 >>155373 >>155376 what does tricky dickie even do these days other than being the most obvious shill imaginable
>women getting face and hand and finger tattoos now as if they are american men who has done hard time in prison
>>155379 representing himself in court because he's that smart
>>155380 naah that's based tbh, they're gentrifying nigger prison culture
smh poor ambazonianlads have to fight the camerooniggers who have 8 m8 armoured cars and less than 10 t-34/85s lad
>>155379 he attends hogwarts as visiting professor of advanced copes
>>155384 hufflepuffs are the powerbottoms of the deatheaters
someone post the webm tbh i forgot to save it
weekend's almost over huh
>>155388 pvre kino tbh Richard Spencer and the Trial of the Century
remember when he had that absolutely vile haircut lmao
The magically-aided noncery that went on at Hogwarts must have been like Eton on steroids
>>155392 yeah the fucking turd stuck on his head keeeek
>>155394 >Rowling has confirmed group masturbation sessiosns
remember when his nipples were on full display?
>>155396 my favourite rowling retard fact is her saying that wizards just shat on the floor and magically vanished the poos afterwards for thousands of years until toilets were invented
Remember how he had a black servant in his house, and at the dinner he had all the servers be black women?
>>155398 smh was gonna mention this but decided against it
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>Umbridge was gang-raped and then lynched by the centaurs
how do pararell societies even exist tbh, doesn't make sense.
the character drama between ron and harry made me dislike them both tbh, especially after it became obvious harry was a manlet jew
>>155403 in-groups like ghettos and other wog hives jewish religion cults and conspiracies etc plenty of it irl
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just can't unsee his evil jew face now smh
>>155405 yeah but we're talking magic here smh. Then again I guess it isn't really that powerful. Did Rowling ever come up with a counter to a gun?
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>>155407 the whole of the wizard society rests on the fact that the most powerful wizard is a nice guy that keeps the others in check
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>>155384 memmies seeping into reality again
>>155409 doesn't sound nice tbh, sounds like he's opressing the wizard race
>>155410 good lad
>>155409 >>155405 >>155403 it's rather funny how rowling unintentionally made an ethnonationalist secret society focused on the preservation of magic which was passed on through bloodlines,
>>155410 based and wholesome
>>155372 >>155375 Cremation doesn't leave much, and I think sometimes people only keep a fraction of the ash for an urn. Remember great grandmummy's ashes only filled about a quarter of the typical sized urn grandmummy had.
>>155410 keeeek once again /brit/ are at the cutting edge of internet influence
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The good guys are... LE BAD
>>155420 wholesome tbh
>>155415 Yeah but it's all in service to 'make it real' for kids. No actual fantasy world building but even better, soylets can think they might get a letter to go to Hogwarts irl. Tbh there's a lot of that in modern fantasy and scifi. Smh.
>>155422 yeah I would not care had the mongos not turned it into their fucking religion they can bring up for politicalshit
>>155419 first post is a good lad post
>>155422 any day now I'll be isekaied into a fantasy world where I have a cheat power and a herd of lasses in my harem any day now
>>155423 keeeek I hope that stupid chink hongkonger got his jaw broken by rubber bullets
I know it smell crazy in that first pic
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>>155380 >making me remember the qt hairdresser thot that had a free bird on her hand for her dad because he'd done time
literally all modern fictional media is about escapism and wish fulfilment because niggercattle and jews have made real life so horrific tbh even the grim stuff like le walking dead or whatever is a reflection of the libtard anarchist 'we have to destroy everything so we can make something new' larp >>155429 bn not allow steal shoe, pencil china family branch not broken
>>155431 tbh isekaishit is the most blatant but at least it's coombait
>>155431 Picked up Walking Dead on and off tbh. Can't remember the last season I watched, but there was a sort of based but brutal robber barron making the main characters pay tribute to him. But it's all about Rick being badass and getting revenge for the dead Korean and so he tears down the whole emerging precurser to civilisation in favour of more anarchy.
>>155434 he had to because that civilisation was le bad don't think I even watched that far, there was a bit on a farm where loads got killed and I think that was the last of it
for me? it's shaun of the dead have the army be actually fucking competent always hated zombieshit for that, it relies on people dying from their own stupidity just for it to make sense and running zombies aren't real they're reddit
>>155436 Zombies are the most boring type of undead tbh. Might do a virgin zombie vs chad lich memi.
>>155436 I really liked 28 days later & weeks later, even if they're technically just rage infected rather than zombies because they're not actually undead
>>155437 the face of a JUSTed man no sympathy though he did it to himself
>>155439 have you rewatched both after getting based and redpilled? shockingly pozzed iirc smh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ST2H8FWDvEA
would like a based zombie series where it's all about vaxxtards becoming zombies and the remaining unpozzed whites having to simultaneously fight them off as well as the wog warband hordes and recover and rebuild civilisation from the broken technology and infrastructure of are ancestors
>>155440 he basically just accepted a big paycheck to shill a cameo knockoff. He started becoming a sellout and now he can't stop.
>>155439 yeah Crossed has similar where it's some sort of demonic curse iirc
>>155444 KEEEEK the garthlarp
dude it's so EDGY
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>>155441 haven't watched recently, no. Obviously one of the main characters is a negress, but I remember it being good. Favourite character was Christopher Ecclestone going "we need more women". Just found it funny, something of an inside joke with friends that we just say it randomly sometimes. Ecclestone is good in villain roles.
>>155448 tbh they were the real goodlads trying to survive and rebuild and the soy white knight racemixer and his blapipo were the retards who doomed them out of petty old world morality
>>155446 oh man so many threads on /co/ taking the piss out of this a few years ago. Very tryhard edgy. I liked the Ennis Punisher stuff though.
eccleskino was the high point of 00s british telly tbh, he was the only new doctor poo I liked
don't think I ever watched either of the 28 films tbh, never really cared for zombshit overall >>155446 >>155447 >>155450 yeah I remember a bit where one of the infected is raping a fucking dolphin keeeeek
>>155452 about time those evil rapedolphins got some karmic payback tbh
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>>155453 tbh it's just edgy for the sake of edgy and ends up just being shit >"OOOOOH LE HECKIN GORE"
>>155456 really liked that take that everyone should just call leftoids paedophiles like they call us racists tbh a good strategy imo
>>155457 tbh then watch then go "I'd rather be a pedo than a racist"
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luv eccleskino
>>155459 can't tell whether this is just a mosley clip or if you've added something in tbh
>>155332 keeek, quality oc this
>>155442 That's basically I Am Legend tbh.
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>"much rather be a pig than a pedo"
>>155462 I thought I Am Legend was about will smith and his dog getting jumpscared by monsters tbh
>>155464 you're thinking of I,Robot
it's funny how readily hollywood defends nonces tbh
>>155377 umm, link maybe?
>>155466 >Pedo Pascal keek
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>>155460 the fookin jews are fookin swine who make racism a fookin crime no fookin fun no fookin games the fookin neets he fookin blames are nowhere to be fookin found anywhere in chickentown
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>>155469 >fookin Who exactly says this? I see americans write it all the time to mock us but literally nobody says fook
>>155472 tbh it's fockn and feckn
>>155473 >feckn iberian negroes are banned here
fr fr
fr might replace tbh
It doesn't actually stand for "France" does it?
>>155477 it means "for real for real"
>>155466 >weapon of war >AR15 smh, if only they had deployed more AR15s to Afghanistan, maybe America could have won
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>>155478 oh good fuck the French tbh fr tbh fr
>>155479 one is a hunting rifle one is a military rifle
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>People on 4chan, a message board popular with racists and other bigots, were equally celebratory. On the politically incorrect page, anonymous users mocked the people Rittenhouse killed, used racial and antisemitic slurs, and characterized Rittenhouse as a hero. >One wrote approvingly of Rittenhouse’s attorney using the N-word during his opening statement. “Anyone have the video of him saying n—– because I didn’t see it and that sounds entertaining,” they wrote. Anyone have that video?
>spoilers fuck's sake
>>155482 >saying the n-word is worse than raping children
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tfw no shortstack tomboy amongoos gf
>>155485 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek based
>>155482 >white nationalists, hate groups celebrate Rittenhouse acquittal yes
>>155407 Freemasons, Jews and Jesuits all practice magic or various forms. >>155482 Oh no! Naughty boys are happy that a good lad didn't get thrown into the oubliette for protecting himself from bloodthirsty predators!
>>155484 Yeah welcome to 2021
>>155491 wasn't he just ordering a prossie?
bored tbh, someone post a whitepill like that one about the black fella that gave all the polish thots aids keeek
Who can make sense of this?
>>155485 I seethe when those soys pretend to care when she says nigger
>>154966 It will get worse as fertility collapses and the smarter amongst the whores will mystify their femininity until it is a full-blown astral-thot cult preying on simps who are desperate to worship them for just existing, because they haven't a fucking clue as to what is going on. She is already mystifying her femininity aesthetically in her videos, with the constant pastiching of belle-époque style etc. There is a clique of left-wing women on Twitter who fuse really basic tropes about femininity mixed with vague new age, astrological, and weirdo post-structuralist cultic reframing language in order to justify their entitlement, and get out of the duties of womanhood, but also to mask the fact they're just basic bitches. Women do not have the gift of prometheia, and have no aeonic wisdom at all, so unless they give themselves over to male authority as society collapses they will literally just become grifter-whores of the worst kind.
>>155496 good post
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>>155496 you are a gigga brain lad, i'm jealous. wish i could have takes like this
>>155496 maenadism
>>155495 I really don't get it, do they actually care? Do they think others actually care? Why do they have this pathological need to make sure everyone knows they don't like the no-no word, what the fuck is this harry potter and "he who shall not be named"
>>155501 I think alex linder said that the jews and masons made a joke to brainwash the gentiles into inverting the fact that you were not supposed to say the name of the lord and socially invert it so the gentiles could not say nigger because they have made the gentiles worship the nigger as a god of masonic inversion
>>155500 totally, we're completely fucked
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>>155492 dunno lol, as if good prostitutes are not trafficked, as if elite politician families would be satisfied with some random whore and wouldn't want one off the "special menu" >>155494 Per capita deaths is double for the vaxxmaxxed, presumably that's all-cause. You could probably make the case that it's still younger people who are least jabbed, so less likely to die of any cause. Just noticed your second picture there saying exactly that
>>155503 yep the bacchae was kind of a grecian tale of the progression of feminism. remember that dionysus was a foreign god who came from asia minor (mikra asia) and penthieus was the zoomer/yoomer prince of the kingdom who wanted to preserve the traditions and the women destroyed him
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>>155505 There is a similarity there in the most recent iteration, with feminism basically coming from from Sabbatean Judaism and filtering through the Theosophical Society until it becomes secularised and the fucking parasites basically take over and make it mainstream.
fresh kino
>>155509 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>155502 it's just so fucking weird, was in a conversation the other week and they were talking about someone who kept saying nigger but as they were recounting they just kept going "n-word, n-word, n-word" and sounded dumber than they would've done just saying the fucking word told them they sounded silly and to just say nigger, they looked at me like I'd just raped an entire town, said I shouldn't say it and I said I didn't care >*"yeah but you wouldn't say it to a black person"* >"why not lol" >*"they'd show you why you shouldn't say it"* >"I say it to my black mate all the time he doesn't care" I do luv that they unconsciously admit that niggers get violent over a fucking word whilst also defending them over a fucking word
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>>155511 my mate calls his quadroon mate a nigger all the time
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you give new thread now
please sers, do the needful
>>155518 Ladies love a winner
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>>155514 it's all just jokes between mates and soyim get so offended on their behalf for no fucking reason absolute spastics
>>155513 Lad, is this you? Sounds a bit like how you scored sperg
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>>155523 Good lad but don’t do anything like that, even if you’re drunk, okay?
car of peace and possible active shooter in waukesha
>>155525 dont want to ever drink again
>>155429 holy based
>>155519 this was always going to happen eventually. catfish can actually heal up their stomachs after this happens to them
>>155531 Where did you find this one?
>"In the 60's they were trying things like nuclear propulsion, and they were walking on the moon. Then, something horrible happened in the early 70's. I grew up then, and I could FEEL it. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what it was, but I think what it was, was a..." >"...generation of kids who grew up with television instead of playing with gizmos, and who got into power and then just turned our society into a big mess of paperwork and lawyering, because paperwork was all they'd ever learned to do."
>>155534 pretty reasonable take
>>155537 can't wait for the day of 100%
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>>155534 the boomer toil mentality that we're born to spend our time toiling has to fucking go. i feel so robbed that i didn't spend my youth as a neet. there's a difference between work and toil
>>155539 good lad
>>155525 good lad

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