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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3584: Judging Eyes Edition Anonymous 12/04/2021 (Sat) 12:44:23 Id: f2d727 No. 162127
Terror suspect arrested at London Stansted Airport https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-59531742 Covid: GPs can defer some services in booster jab push https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59528615 Sage scientists seek balanced UK response to Omicron concerns https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/dec/04/sage-scientists-warning-behind-scenes-no-10-omicron-covid-policy
the high council will decide our fates
>>162127 good lad hadn't even noticed that the old one was getting full smh >GPs can defer some services smh lazy cunts
>A 26-year-old man has been arrested at London Stansted Airport on suspicion of "extreme right-wing" terrorism.
>>162131 >there was not believed to be any imminent risk to the public so what, he brought his copy of culture of critique to read on the plane?
>>162131 >"extreme right-wing" terrorism so is that naughty words or stickers?
>>162134 he called a 10 year old a nigger one time when playing CoD so got put on a terrorist no fly list
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https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/nhs-will-be-plagued-by-covid-for-at-least-five-years-7v90l05l6 NHS will be plagued by Covid ‘for at least five years’ - Vaccines may be needed for a decade or more, say Downing St advisers
>>162136 there it is the agenda 2030 stuff may the evil fucks be smote painfully
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https://www.economist.com/britain/2021/12/04/many-more-hong-kongers-are-thinking-about-moving-to-britain Many more Hong Kongers are thinking about moving to Britain >A study released on December 2nd provides the best clue yet. Man-yee Kan of Oxford University surveyed 1,000 Hong Kongers with British National Overseas (bno) status for the Migration Observatory, a think-tank. She found that just over 6% had already applied to the British scheme or planned to. Since about 2.9m Hong Kongers have bno status, that implies 186,000 people, plus their dependants. Remarkably, a further 32% were considering it. Some are vague about when they might apply, which suggests they are not serious—at least, not yet. But about 380,000 could apply within the next five years.
>>162139 excellent news
C'mon lads its saturday afternoon
>>162139 where are they going to fit all the chinky filth
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>>162143 was it really necessary to post a 20MB image lad it's massive
>>162144 >internetlets
>>162145 my internet's fine lad I have no data cap and have countless hard drives filled to the brim with terabytes worth of HD movies and games I torrented on a whim. Just posting an image that high resolution is a bit excessive is all
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>>162147 keeeeek
>>162142 In all the brand new Deano boxes they’ve hurriedly built
>>162149 keeeeeeek
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>>162149 dysphoric
>>162150 >5g steeple smh >>162153 smorning lad
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Watching the Shinning, lads. >tfw no 1980s simple minded horsey looking Alabama wife
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>>162151 Remember having very mixed feelings when qt grills occasionally spat in my face when I was still at school tbh.
>>162156 she aged liked piss
>>162158 Well yeah she's 72 now.
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>>162156 we could watch this together this evening if you lads want
>>162160 Feel free, but I'm watching now.
>>162161 well you could stop watching it now and watch it with the rest of us if you wanted?
>>162159 keeek
>>162161 You could stop watching it now
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>wanted to play minecraft this weekend >start playing >it feels like toil >stop playing
>>162162 >>162164 Sorry lads, the nigger's spooky story about the shinning already has me enthralled. Can't stop now.
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>haven't spoken to a 6/10+ lass who was not wearing a mask in almost 2 years now
The sequel looked alright too. Doctor Sleep
>>162168 Had never heard of it. Would join to watch that later tbh. Else I'd download it for some point myself. Sounds good.
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>>162166 le wise negro character that appears in almost every film made post 1970
>>162170 Yeah, it was the worst thing about Jeepers Creepers. Big, fat, black psychic woman with that little girl sounding slow voice.
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>>162171 how many films have this trope? more than I can think of black people are just so hecking wise, if only we learned to listen to their ancient organic authentic wisdom, eh lads?
>>162172 think steiner called it shinebox wisdom, started to notice how common it was in film after that rant
>>162172 Just in Stephen King alone there is always a wise if not downright magical black person
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get your fuckin' shinebox
>>162174 Don't think there was one in It (though one of the kids was a token nigger) or in The Night Flier. Another one I've got downloaded. Unless I forgot it has le wise nigger. Keek smh.
>>162173 yeah that is the old school 1930-60s term for when a nigger who is worthless shares some "wise opinion" because many niggers were shoeshines and they would do a little hustle to the rich white folks complimenting them for a tip
Think if I ever made a film it'd have to have the wise nigger trope but he turns out to be a fraud and gets himself and anyone who listens to him killed in really retarded ways.
>>162175 keeek yeah the urban dagos and urban taigs made this comment associated with being raciss. my grandpa used to say that all the time about obongo
>>162176 You could argue the kid in It is a wise negro as he is considered the authority on all things to do with the town history and It. Not seen the other film.
>>162180 He is later on because he stays in the town and has to remind the other adults, but in the film anyway it was the fat lonely kid/last to enter the group who did the research on the town history and all the tragedies/calamaties in the first part. Still, you're right. King just can't help himself. Keek smh.
>Just remembered Stephen King wrote a gang bang scene in It.
>that lad who posts here who says hes not been outside for a year wonder how hes doing
>>162183 based morlocklad tbh
>>162145 found the scouser
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>being forced to work multiple jobs to survive? err akshulee that's just called polywork
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spitshine and chief >>162186
>>162186 that last one sounds like pure copium
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>>162189 >I left my entry-level job at one company to take up several entry-level jobs part time and have never been happier nor made more entry-level wages at once
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https://twitter.com/i/events/1466889186993225736 >Pestering women in the street or in pubs and making lewd comments at them could become an offence under plans to criminalise “public sexual harassment”, which are set to be announced next week >The new offence of public sexual harassment is seen as a more effective way of protecting women against violence than classing misogyny as a hate crime alongside race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity, Whitehall sources have said. >or transgender identity it's over before it's even begun >troomers can go around harassing women >women can't complain as it'd be discrimination
>>162192 >all women now being upgraded into an even higher caste
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>>162192 as if this won't be weaponised against incels women just don't like
>Man who put superglue on the lock of a Covid-19 vaccination centre in the U.K., preventing 504 people from getting jabs, jailed for 12 weeks
>>162193 >>162194 it's completely pointless, rape and murder are already illegal, making "public harassment" illegal won't change anything I honestly hope they continue with it to the point it blows up in their faces >blokes won't be allowed to talk to women in pubs >we get segregated pubs >the womens pubs dont do as well and go out of business >they aren't allowed back in we're getting the Pence Rule and there's nothing they can do about it
>>162196 nice delusional cope you've invented there
>>162197 tbh keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>162197 yeah I should just seethe instead right
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Ahhhhhhh she's schizo just like me
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Nth for wise magick negro coomers.
>>162202 found that scene disgusting, his ugly nigger feet and the outward sign of niggerness on the wall
https://youtu.be/J_YqxwTBG5A >if Steiner had a black owner
>>162182 Lost it when it went back to the 1 hehe fucking keeeeeek.
>>162186 Isn’t this just a nice way of saying you have multiple jobs because no one of them provides a decent wage?
>>162207 >he has to ask keeeek found the sub 80 IQ
>>162208 Rhetorical question dumbass
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nice tatooo lass
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he's so big it's so hot he doesnt want to move
>>162214 keeeeeeeeeeeek the video tht saved the white race
>>162210 ahahah nice tattoo lass, reminds me of the mrs one before she had a baby and it went all blurry, oops don’t tell her I said that she’d kill me lmao
obligatory "my shitcoins are dumping" seethe post
>>162217 stop looking at them
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Shining for film night tonight lads, don't know when though, probably 8 or 9. We'll see
>>162219 Word just in, lads, it's a "probably 8" from the Binsman
Fresh stuck in the 1990s semi based boomgroid of noticing things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhetIDoTUKg Should hopefully be interacting in the comments section within minutes.
>>162221 his camera is stuck in the 90s at least tbh smh keek
>>162221 smh don't let SA see this he'll be seething
>>162223 Yeah when even boomers are defending "dafties who had it coming haha" it shows his weapons grade copium for what it really is.
>>162224 the boomer is getting pushed further right in the comments though kek
>>162226 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>162226 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
i know they like gory video games
>>162229 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
reminds me of the chris tarrant navy seal post
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*punches you*
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>>162233 what the fuck?
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how many levels of schizo are you on lads
>>162236 keek god I wish we lived in that world
I know they like racism
>>162236 did she see that red frog with the skull mask spraypainted on the wall?
>>162237 >tories pushing racist narrative to retain NF members how do they function
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https://twitter.com/yatasuregima/status/1466788558052622337 gommies going five seconds without being historically illiterate challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
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ahhhhhhhhhhhh the cupcakes are hurting smeeeeee
>>162241 >fascism is not a threat to capitalism how many times to commies needs to be btfo on this shit its getting boring now, reminds me of that hitler quote about arguing with jews, even when you land such a telling blow the next day they act as if it never happened
Forgot how shit the Shinning is tbh lads, you aren't going to enjoy it.
>>162242 one more and you're filtered
>>162243 tbh, the article even states what Mussolini was being paid for, but the mong just read the headline and made an assumption based off his own stupidity, also Mussolini was a part of the fucking socialist party around that time these soyim only see the world from 1945 onwards so everything before that has to fit their retarded worldview
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>>162245 *shoots you*
consooming to own the antivaxxers
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>>162246 Tbh they see the world from about 1968 onward, when the narrative of 1936-45 was finally refined to be as anti huwhite as possible.
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>britpol mentioned on a recent dutty stream
Think I've eaten a bit much today lads
>>162252 what did he say? he might've been talking about the 4um one
>>162255 The response to the David Davis resignation shows exactly why we needed it. Too many angry MPs can't accept that David Davis resigned.
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>>162254 >he might've been talking about the 4um one Probably best if he was.
>>162257 tbh don't want any of his regulars finding their way here
>>162253 You need to eat a lot get stronk for the coming hard times ahead
it'd be nice to have allies of the opposite sex when it comes to saving the shite race
>>162264 isn't this just straight up lying in contrary to all evidence
>>162264 firmware update
>>162265 it is but what the actual fuck is happening with his voice
>>162267 pay no attention to the nose behind the curtain
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Biden Prime wouldnt have put up with any of this malarky
>>162267 Apparently he's got a cold from; >my grandson has a cold and he's been kissing my errr.....anyway
*starts crying*
spaghetti bolognese and mouldy cheese for tea
*worships porn*
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>>162275 ohhh I'm seeeething
>>162275 people still believe this stupid lie?
>>162275 smh so that's what anglo tourists do in Norway
>>162275 >we bought shit from them >they seethe and want a refund >no >"NOOOOOO YOU ROBBED US"
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>liek lass who says she wants to be a housewife >she is disgusted at me because it was "obviously ironic"
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well no Bins yet... yikes!
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*checks Bins' posting history*
>>162286 dangerous as climate change.. what the fuck
https://youtu.be/aabCOzFzMxU God I wish that were my balls
the >refuses to elaborate memi is stupid. we already know that gigachad would refuse to elaborate, that's the point. there is no need for it to be there. ok thank you
it is also a rebrand of the scumbag memi retvrn
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>>162147 honesty I haven't laughed this hard at something in ages
>>162289 I found chad memes funnier when they were used to represent stupid shit that nobody actually does instead of whatever opinion the memester agrees with tbh
>>162293 Wait, so none of you piss with your pants all the way down with your arms waving around and winking at passers by in the street? Disappointed in you.
>>162295 I urinate via mist from my armpits
Bet none of you sidestep everywhere constantly shifting your full body pose into a swastika instead of walking normally. Smdh.
>>162293 but that's how it started out lad >libtard moralfag question trying to get you to grovel >step over it by replying 'yes'
>>162299 No the absurd chad memes were before that real guy chad face meme and people using it with a blunt "yes" (which, where appropriate, I have done for my entire life, it's nothing special).
>>162299 it started as a pisstake to the virgin walk meme tbh which was just meant to make it all ridiculous
choccy orange leibniz bikkies and tea
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thinking about rhodesia again
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https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/incel-terrorism-plymouth-shooting-b1929162.html generic counterterrorism lisa simpson on the global incel jihad with a sum of 5 attacks getting weird vibes about her photos tbh snooze
>>162303 mistake smh
morning lads >>162304 so sick of foids and their opinions smh
>>162308 to think we've grown up on all this crudeness tbh. all the cursing ands exual jokes in everything smh
>>162307 morning, am I become sneethe tbh
>>162309 Yet if you have wrongthink being crude, insulting, swearing, even raising your voice too much, will be the excuse to throw you in prison. Meanwhile gommies can scream, spit, throw things, call you a heckin cuntwomblerino, whatever. Smdh.
>>162308 wonder why he likes it so much tbh complete mystery >>162310 tbh
>>162312 A mystery!!
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>>162302 very nice. haven't had leibniz biccies for ages. My sister used to giggle and call them choco lesbians when we were younger
>roast chicken with onion and red wine gravy, parboiled and butter fried sprouts, tender stem broccoli and green beans
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>>162320 >the worst year on record really?
>>162321 well the lolocaust never really happened so....
>>162321 keeeeek >>162324 based
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got horrendously stomped playing chess today
>>162197 I pence rule. good rule
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>>162327 good lad
>women pondering orbs
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>>162331 >she was the first to ponder it
>>162269 unless Israel does it, then it's black checks, listen to the phonecards, team it up the ad, shsbbosgoy
warning: do not ponder
the zip on my current wallet broke so I went through my drawers and found another one that's still intact that I haven't used in years. Turns out it contained £100 in notes that I'd completely forgotten about. Today is a good day.
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>>162335 very based tbh threw my old wallet out after I found it down the back of my desk covered in dust and cobwebs don't use a key ring any more either smh >>162337 tbh >>162336 qeeq
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everything is coomer
keeek reminds me of those weird alt right comics from 2016
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ran out of booze lads
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>>162342 I like the Martian Magazine webcomics. Well executed and not cringeworthy like, say, stonetoss
>>162344 stonetoss has been decent up until recently where he's been associating with alt lite ultragrifter types and become a grifter himself with an NFT project I have to respect the hustle though
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>>162275 holy shit white race fucking OWNED, that's it guys pack it up. white race is fucking over, bros we should all just kill ourselves because we are hypocrites. holy fuck total own, literally imagine if the roles were reversed the other way and back again and niggers didn't allow european invaders into their countries? how would they be able to get on welfare? checkmate racists you need to invade and buckbreak the world in order for shitskins to be able to use indoor plumbing while being opressed.
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>>162339 why are his balls so swollen?
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been ripping off delieveroo and JustEats lads. I've been having a five guys everynight for dinner for free. feel like I'm become a fat fuck
>having five guys every night for dinner think we've got a poofter in the thread lads >>162349 his orbs are blue
for me it's dodgy burger vans that appear at night and are gone by morning
>>162350 not a big fan of five guys tbh, tend to be a bit overpriced. Prefer pub food when I can get it. Apart from that one pub that gave me a massive pickle with my burger for some reason.
just spent the night playing with a very racist brummie, not sure if he's just trying to bait people however.
har de har blue balls
>>162353 Five guys is kino lad. The only drawback is that its expensive but I've been hitting devious licks on Deliveroo so it's 100% free.
>>162352 Ahhh, the mythical Brigadoon burgers
fresh infinite evil
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so tired man, why does everyone wait until it gets cold to call me about their boilers not working?
>>162361 eh >>162362 have they started getting burst pipes from the cold and stuff maybe
>>162363 No it's mostly them complaining about no hot water.
I had a boiler today that was leaking CO that I had to fix.
>>162364 smh just get leccy boilers tbh not turned my BIG one on once in two years, no point in a single person household when I don't take baths
>>162366 Electric boilers are very expensive to run and not nearly as powerful. I'd just go with a megaflow powered on immersion heaters.
That might have been what you were referring to maybe.
>>162362 they probably put it off to spend their toil tokens on consoom shit like new iphones then when it gets cold their pea brains make them view you like a fastfood restaurant
>>162368 probably, by electric boiler I mean a little water heating system independent of the big storage tank type one that has no storage. I use a kettle to get hot water for washing up as well smh, the electricity meter does say they are both high power usage appliances. >>162369 uhhh yeah just calling to order one hot water please can you have it ready by tomorrow okay thankyou
>>162370 >the big storage tank type one that has no storage. lad you're not making this easier on my poor brain.
supply chain shenanigans are fucking me up in sourcing parts as well.
>>162371 keeek smh I mean the electric water heater has no storage and magically makes my shower hot >>162372 the great reset means everyone will use favella showers with exposed wiring and unconverted voltages smh
>>162373 An instantaneous water heater then? I imagine you have cylinder with an immersion separate for more economic use.
>>162374 if a cylinder with an immersion means a big insulated tank, I guess it's got some finicky digital thing connected to it which supposedly allows scheduling regular use but it's annoying to deal with so I never bothered preferred just having an on/off switch smh, 'ate overcomplicating things
>>162375 a time programmer isn't hard to use.
>>162375 Thought some just prefer the on off solution. If it was a back up instead of a primary source of hot water it would have been just on a switch.
fuck off fuck off fuck off AHHH
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>>162381 tfw no Ezri Dax gf
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retvrn to grime
finished my officetardtoil five minutes before the final final ultimate deadline again
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>>162386 well done
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>>162386 bussin
>>162388 fr fr
>>162386 we are back
>>162391 very kino film tbh
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>>162393 It's the type of film japs see thinking it's like this then they see what it's really like and get depressed
>>162389 kid defeated him with pure unadulturated autism
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Violet Violet With hair so red Violet Violet Get in my bed Violet Violet Without you I'm dead Violet Violet Please give me head
>>162384 looks like a combination of detroit and victorian era steampunk
I'm completely stark bollocko naked right now.
>>162398 sing a song on vocaroo
>>162389 wish boomer bossman would walk into that video and ruin it by telling the foids filming it "that boy ain't gonna own a house or have a family dancing around like an epileptic crackhead"
>>162399 would but i dont have a mic lad smh
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>>162403 keeeeeeeeeeeek
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going to go to a pozzed prod church tomorrow tbh
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no way this is real
>>162407 smh keeeeeeeek
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>>162407 you should show up dressed like this and call them christcucks and then smash all the popish idolatry lad
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when you solve the Coobe
>>162411 good lad you need a non americanized version of the undertaker to revive the spirit of protestantism in england lad. make cromwell proud
>>162413 no i'm properly converting to ruskie orthodox
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going to ask for my altar boy robe back if i can
>>162417 keeek all niggers are into larping like that its like anime niggers who are their version of polfaces and instead of growing up into mall ninja chuds they become niggerlarpers
>>162420 >steiner could have gone to work smh
pf is zoomers only
lmao >Michigan school shooting >teacher found threatening note by the shooter >saw the shooter searching for ammunition >school calls the parents in to meet with student >they did not search the kid's backpack. apparently the backpack had the gun >they did not inform law enforcement
basically, the school clears the kids to go shooting
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>>162423 people are coping in the replies calling them glowniggers. do you think they are?
didn't the leader get arrested?
antifa queers are filming the zoomer phalanx live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7O3A-psWBQ
>>162429 yeah probably either that or they are zoomer larpers >>162430 yeah probably got threatened to try to make him into a fed informant
ffs *cleared
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>>162411 the one on the left ought to be pembs, but I don't have the photoshop skills to do it myself
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>>162434 hes unironically cute ngl tbh fr fr
>>162436 smh lad no
>>162437 finna be bustin a nut oer this semen demon fr
>>162438 bussin fr
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>>162439 bustin fr fr
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not my gentle son
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>>162445 >did my workout earlier >then ate a whole roast chicken WAGMI
lmfao pf wore masks next I'll learn they ditched their phones and learned to teeline
they always wear those masks schizobot
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I'm honestly astonished at the blind obedience we've seen in the last 2 years
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhb1Q1kdmaI *ting ting ting* *ahem* . . . fuck pitbulls
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>>162451 nobody sane actually likes pitbulls
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>>162451 based stealth attacks, smh on land they need a BIG BOAR to protec them
is there anything worse than dogcucks at this point >just impotently standing there yelling a dogs name over and over again
>>162453 based padre
>first one is anti-bara smh not based
>>162459 was too busy thinking about capybaras to get rused by this
Going to bed
>>162459 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>162459 keeeeeeeeeeeeek smh though he deleted all of his videos again
how would glowniggers infiltrate a zoomer movement like pf?
>>162468 babyface agents
listening to scary videos
>>162470 link?
>>162449 you just know they are a teelining army, spreading teeline ways, out in the church of teeline, preaching teeline wherever nonliners are found.
>>162468 first rule of glow wigger: Decrease potential that is why the glows resist Teeline, it increases potential.
there are absolutely no other reasons to resist Teeline tbh
>>162470 watching, surely
>>162452 meh, pitbulls are mighty fine lids who are solid ROMAN breedstock. just don't agree with letting them around kids etc.
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>>162453 lmao this guy or?
oh, just a priest?
>Despite the animosity outside, the two church leaders were friendly and pledged to work together to help issues such as climate change and immigration. good goys
i miss 4chan before they blocked everybody in the poor parts of the us. poor people are fun, rich people are boring.
>>162481 tinderfoot squaw
Due to my superior intellect, I don't filter anybody.
>>162485 good lad
biden and putin are having talks this tuesday over ukraine russia has been putting pressure on nato, building up a force of 175,000 on the ukranian border, in a bid to stop nato from having military access to the russian heartland. expect the usa to back down--ukraine will stay out of nato. the west isn't in the best position to respond to this right now. any war in ukraine will result in an (even more) energy starved europe and an (even more) embarrassed usa globohomo is on the ropes
>>162487 hope so
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>>162489 tbh, this is me right now all the time. especially now that i don't distract myself with wicked poison anymore and have to face the world
After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
far too little freestyle rapping in Anglican Sunday services, a situation i aim to remedy
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAW838Ph-z8 lol, just learned about this
toil ends >>162491 version i learnt when i was young went "who art in heaven" and "forgive us our trespasses" (plus other small differences) wonder which version it was tbh hope it was a based one >>162493 tbh been there before smh chin up lad
>>162496 yeah your version of the Lord's prayer is the standard modern version, that's what I learnt too. Version here is from the KJV Bible so predates it
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>>162497 >Version here is from the KJV Bible so predates it
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https://youtu.be/rngerMY-WS8 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
In 2033 the black pope will perform his famous rap liturgy at St. Paul's Cathedral on Saturday night to an all gay congregation. JESUS WAS A GAY AND A NIGGER TOO HE CALLED UPON APOSTLES LIKE DEY WAS JEWS
communion will be chicken wings and mad dog.
>>162499 keeeeeeeeeeek >>162500 >handcuffs the corpse keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek smh this is peak weimart
>>162500 ngl he stole shit won't miss him.
Can't be a Christian and reject the death penalty for thieves.
>>162505 why would you tbh. every criminal should be killed, except me since I like driving a little faster than the speed limit smh
>>162506 just thieves and murders and rapists.
well, and those who commit treason truly.
>>162507 what about the other baddies
gleaning, however, must not be prosecuted. in modern times food is not grown outside the cities, so theft of bread and very cheap food of a personal or family use must not be prosecuted.
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>>162507 >>162508 and those who don't clean up after themselves
>>162511 well what about people like me and wessex who lives in a dump but clean up once a year smh
squatting unused land or long abandoned houses must not be prosecuted, but owners retain eviction rights upon damage or legitimate resumption of use.
>>162510 *covers donuts in gasolinorino and lights it on fire*
>>162511 for them, hard labor
>>162507 if you're not taking somebody's life, limb, property, or purity, what crime have you even committed? there are far too many laws on the books smh >>162512 tbh only ever clean up when rentberg's duly appointed agents come knocking to check that i haven't smashed any holes in the walls
>>162511 my favorite kon mari story is when she started throwing away things she decided her family members didn't need
>>162516 of the government catches anyone making terms of interest, they must be executed.
>>162518 Hurts my brain trying to think how this can be used for disinfo
>>162519 what's that? Usury?
>>162505 Does infringing intellectual property count as theft? How about stealing NFTs?
>>162518 these alleged "people" need to be liquidated >>162519 elaborate on this please lad
>>162522 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>162500 keeeeeeeeeek for me? it's that video of them executing some homeless man for no reason
For me? Simon says
>>162512 you just saw what should happen
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>>162521 the reason is to prevent shorting, and to force sharing of risk.
>>162522 no ip exists. as philosophers, we live and we share all wisdom.
>>162522 the loaves and the fishes lad you can copy whatever you want however much you want so long as you acquired the originals legitimately and the people you give the copies to can do whatever they want with them because the copy is now theirs intellectual property isn't real anyway tbh how the fuck can somebody own an idea >>162528 >horses smdh
>>162525 he was a thief, wasn't he?
for me, it's memory palaces
I like to imagine a version of the story where Jesus tries to duplicate the bread and fish but can't because they're NFTs
for me it's C:\Windows\diagnostics\system\data >>162534 based >>162535 keeeeek
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>>162491 >>162496 >debts and debtors becomes trespasses Grew up with the cucked modern version too. Smh.
>youtube stealthily deleting my racist comments god, i hate this website. it gets worse every update. literally every single one
>>162538 started having normgroid videos recommended to me now because algorithm has gotten to the point where anything even vaguely based is shadowbanned so all that is left is poz smh
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>>162537 tbh tbh for the big brains amogus the two are simply parts of the same concept and all should be forgiven curious why it got changed though tbh guess we'll never know >>162538 tbh death to youtube
>>162538 tee(coughing noises)
>>162451 Kino find.
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>>162539 smh had the potential to be kino tbh just needed a little polish >>162451 >>162543 tbh
>>162544 ai when it sees t
>>162545 really do not have any kind of hopes for this film at all tbh not going to watch it can't believe both the wachowski brothers are tranners now tbh was ridiculous enough when the first one did it
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>>162547 you don't need scribbles to communicate in a decentralised network. web3.0 is on its way
can't believe that they managed to drag keanu reeves into this either tbh surely he's already made enough money to be choosy about what he's in no way that anybody with a functioning frontal lobe can think that this film will turn out even remotely acceptable >>162549 feels like an abstract hilldawg memi circa 2015/16
>>162549 is everything supposed to be filmed like a tv movie these days?
>>162550 lmao wait? more?
>>162548 >can't believe both the wachowski brothers are tranners I can, they're literal gnostic lunatics.
>>162487 Putin wrote his doctorate on using Russia's energy rich status as a political tool to re-assert Russian primacy in Europe.
>>162554 Time to replace every word in the Demiurges library with nigger.
>>162555 checked
>>162549 Matrix Matrix Reloaded Matrix Revolutions Matrix Resurrections Matrix Rebooted Matrix Revelations Matrix Retardation Matrix Retirement
>>162558 You missed the obvious one Matrix Reassigned
>>162559 keeeeeek
>>162554 those who reject the gospel of Thomas have not got the spark of God.
>>162554 tbh checks out >>162559 keeeeeek
>>162558 not my heckerino scifiarono
>>162553 you haven't convinced a single person to put in the effort to learn tealime. creating a superior internet will simply replace our current one without any coercion or convincing. it will simply be better, and the climate couldn't be more perfect. everybody wants their privacy. and i'll get fucking rich in the process, lol
>>162559 kek >you take the red pill, you grow tits and your balls fall off >take the blue pill and you can't remember I took the red pill, husbando
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>>162552 Even the sets/CGI looks like tv
>>162564 in my defense, you wank to tranny porn.
I. CDC finds vaccines do nothing to stop the spread ir vaccinate people get sick and pass it on all the same. II. However, the vaccine is effective at reducing symptoms III. of these is cough IV. therefore the air is no substantial vector for covid
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SONY CEO IS A PEDO Senior Vice President of PSN George Cacioppo was caught by an independent pedophile hunting group known as "People v. Preds" for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 Year Old boy for sex. twitter.com/BanishedJourno/status/1467239191301947392 Summary: youtube.com/watch?v=UoX4pKWmVj0 [Embed] Original video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=14INdlFIe-k&t=0s [Embed] Proof: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wO8nrHZJeTa_eZB96WzNf7ExTfx3ZN20
How is covid passed on by vaxxed people (thus also the same as unvaxxed)? contact with surfaces OR environmental endemic infection is all that remains. if endemic, it's food probably. if it's water, how can it survive RO filtration? if it's air, where's it from? intentional?
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>using the same groomer app I am using smh
done spamming tbh smh no bullies
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>>162573 >>162574 >>162575 smh good job people vs preds tbh doing God's work
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>>162577 pvre kino
https://youtu.be/Gxaf0Kqen8c tfw your kid is wounded so you run up to it and stab it with your horns
>the way the babyrino cries as the leopardo comes up close keeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>162580 Probably trying to get it standing up because lying down usually means death for animals like that. Smh poor thing seemed too exausted by the attack and just cried for help and was eventually abandoned to be the big kitty's food.
>>162582 No lad it obviously tried to kill the kid in cold blood
>>162583 Wildebeast aren't like white women, lad.
>>162570 that company died when it left japan smh
>>162586 hearthy keeeek each time
>>162587 I really identify with that monkey
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>it's a norge boy showing he's incapable of empathy to animals episode Abomination of the white race.
>>162588 tbh smh >>162589 Where?
>>162586 tbh >>162587 tbh >>162588 i identify with both sides of that video and that's what really hurts
morning lads
>>162594 morning lad welcome back to hellworld
>>162595 tbh tbh
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tfw your dad's dead but then someone posts a minecraft video
>>162573 how did the first conversation get started? it's of supreme importance.
>>162597 youtubes filled with these types of retarded comments
>>162577 lmao not clicking dark eyes
croissants and ice cream for brekky
>>162601 low energy
>>162599 it's incredibly depressing being reminded how many people aren't worthy of being considered people but still are >>162601 based
>>162603 everyone who can't teeline is subhuman
schizo fuck off nobody likes you, imagine how depressing your life must be that you post here to nothing but filters
>>162605 Teeline loves me, and this is all that matters.
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tbh only fat manlets are based
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designed as if to appeal to a market of consumers keeek
>>162608 lmao psychology failed
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>>162607 the guy in the middle is clearly short and fat
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>>162612 beat me to it
on the one hand letting retards self-euthanise is a good thing but on the other this will basically only affect brainwashed whiteoid women
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adventures into peak soy
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>the design is intended to resemble that of a spaceship, in order to give users the feel that they are traveling to the "great beyond".[7]
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>>162616 thought atheoosts didn't belioove in anything greater than their pathetic meat existence curioous
thinking about the impossibility of finding a decent lass who hasn't shagged a dozen or more men already
>>162618 not happening lad give it up
breath doesn't smell anymore since I started flossing
>cut fingertip during toil >eat salty food after toil >finger starts hurting lads i think toilberg cursed me smh >>162620 based lad i bet you can groom at double efficiency now
>>162620 smh I ought to clean up before I see the dentist to minimise the bullying
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>>162623 keeeeeeeek number four
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>>162626 Delete this
everything in this world is wrong we need to start again
star keek NFT https://poa.st/@Shinobufag@miniwa.moe/posts/ADnvhDJsqIgvoWQUca watching the dune redux again and got to the bit where the housekeeper is that one midget actress keeek such a strange and lynchian choice
>>162626 >baseball hats >army hat >american flag mousepad >speakers in the shape of a big red pill is he, dare i say, based?
>>162630 luv that video tbh
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If the Poope is so keen on migrants why doesn't he let them all live in Vatican City
>>162633 the papacy is an 80% captured institution
so here we are then all the lads
>>162633 God forbid him have any nuanced take
>>162637 that's nice
>>162633 'ate 'im >>162635 hullo >>162637 >merry christmas or happy yule just had to fucking fumble it on the final stretch smh stay on point smdh christmas is about christ
>>162640 Just say a happy Millenyule tbh
>>162640 have to be inclusive for the drvids and vikang larpers lad
>>162643 keeeeeeeeek the noise
>>162645 pretty sure that's added, W
>>162646 it's still funny
>>162642 a merry christmas to all and to all a portentovs winter solstice >>162643 keeeeeeeeeeek >>162646 i choose to believe that it isn't
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minsche pie tbh
Not sure what shirt or shoes to wear today smh.
>>162649 based
>>162649 i don't believe in santa tbh check satellite photos of the north pole you'll find nothing there however i do believe in father christmas and the satellite photos of lapland are deliberately doctored to protect his privacy >>162651 skirting dangerously close to no service lad
it looks awful and stupid on screen but I do like that the laser guns in dune 1984 don't actually have any effects apart from the sounds, it's realistic
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>>162655 that OC is worth his entire video output for this year tbh
>>162654 you could see the strings holding up the baron in the kinoplex tbh
>>162657 and when the baron's BIG son who isn't sting throws atreides soldiers to their deaths onto a crash mat that visibly bounces and rocks the camera keek love it tbh
>>162655 Why does it take a week to upload a video what the fuck
>>162659 he's workin' on it
also the children were not visible in the wide shots when paul rides the worm but they were visible in the close ups, very strange.
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>>162650 >minsche pie tbh
>>162655 is that a proper video or just a recording of one of his boring live streams?
>>162663 >in the bedroom >getting ready to ride his worm just thought of the full implications of this edit tbh
>>162665 goddamn it keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
should have green eyes because of the pistachios I guess
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the acting for the baron's twisted mentat is great but makes me uncomfortable because I knew an autist who looked and acted like him irl dangerous folk they are
>>162668 the piss yellow ultragrotty wews era was one of the kinoest tbh
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>>162655 first five minutes are all about how to send him superchats
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>>162675 forgot it was december tbh. It's just another 2 days of toil rest in a sea of endless toil smh
just 5 hours left of those 2 days smh
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>>162676 December 5th to be precise
need to buy Christmas presents smh >>162676 tbh the build-up is a pain and the day itself is over in a flash and then all that's left is regular toil again except you've got a hangover and you're a bit heavier >>162678 don't worry lad it'll be monday soon
>wessie is spending this chrimbo alone who else is spending it alone? who will keep the thread warm on the 25th
>>162680 >tbh the build-up is a pain and the day itself is over in a flash and then all that's left is regular toil again except you've got a hangover and you're a bit heavier smh yeah accurate, jan is a horrifically depressing month
>>162681 I'll spend it alone as long as the rest of the family stay downstairs
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This epstein guy maybe wasn't so bad, he wanted the beatles to tour aparteid south africa but they refused
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>>162682 I spent last Christmas alone, it wasn't so bad, because I didn't really spend it alone, I spent it with the lads here shitposting all day on /brit/
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>>162681 haven't been banned from the celebrations yet tbh absolutely dreading the moment when somebody gives me a novelty mask as a present smh will probably sperg out >>162685 based
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>>162685 You aren't alone mein bruder
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>>162688 (check'd) warriors of the white race are never truly alone
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Mummy got me a chrimbo calender that has mini fudges and chomps in it
>>162690 based make sure to say thank you lad
>>162616 Looks more like a cheap vacuum cleaner tbh
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get depressed thinkin about being single on crimbo tbh no amount of family can fill the void
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>>162693 >thinking that a woman can complete you wrong
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remember seeing gingerlass last crimbo and she had a beautiful dress on and her hair was down
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>still no steincel rant also wonder what yank chrimbo is like, considering they have a chrimbo tier dinner a month before it seems like it would take the wind out of the sails of late December
>>162686 keeeked at this poost tbh >>162692 keeeek tbh a cheapo no-brand one you buy that breaks after a few weeks >>162693 been single for every crimbo of my entire life tbh it's great >>162694 hullo
>>162699 incel freak
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Christ Woes has a hecking advert for himself in the middle of this stream!!! this is next level e-begging
>>162701 yeah I mentioned this the other week, he even roped morgoth and a few other pay piggies in on the scam to giving him audio clips to use
holding the whole britnat movement hostage by threatening to cause a scandal by robbing post offices unless we pay him
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>>162700 christmas is the perfect time for your stroppy entitled gf to throw a tantrum over some irrelevant little thing and ruin the day for everyone, while still playing the victim then she will bring it up every christmas after that too
>>162704 how is that a problem
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>>162705 if you'd experienced it, you'd know why, lad
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>someone bullyciding me in the last thread for the cheese board post I thought brit was pro cheese
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>>162708 it was too weak lad if you're not consuming entire blocks of cheese at once /brit/ isn't satisfied
>>162700 >>162704 every lad in my dysfunctional family is an incel tbh plus the lasses are trapped out of state because of coof just the lads hanging out by the pool drinking beers and grilling tbh bliss >>162706 keeeeeek >>162707 tbh
>>162708 only ethnics and poofs hate cheese death to those who insult dairy
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>>162710 i..its just a bad picture I swear >>162711 lad you good lad'd me at the time, don't retcon me out of a (you)
>>162710 >>162714 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>162714 yeah, it's just a bad picture lad, don't sweat it
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>there are mice posting here rn
did this ever actually take off?
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anyone have experiences with these types of watches?
>>162722 >>162724 lad, stop this
>>162713 is there no end to the baseditude of big GK? >>162714 tbh I stand with all cheesers >>162715 keeeek
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it's not working
A small sample of current vaccine deaths https://www.bitchute.com/video/JIqBU0PFyQAz/
>>162723 just get a classic casio f91w tbh had one for 2 years and its served me well no problems, imagine paying that much for a watch
>>162727 tbh you can quote him on basically fucking everything >keeeek the fourth one is exceptionally pathetic
>>162723 never used a smart watch tbh just a humble f91w lad me they're really really cheap
>>162730 nice image for ants lad
Holy based
>>162732 saving the white race one TD;DR at a time tbh
>>162737 >TD;DR what's TD;DR? Did you mean TL;DR ?
>>162736 muy basado
>live in a frozen wasteland >want frozen wasteland to yourselves >things go bad >"THIS IS THE GUBMINTS FAULT" >"THIS IS GENOCIDE" https://twitter.com/Lefty_Mind/status/1466943161415122949
>>162741 smh it's a crying shame the tap water in canada was so much better before the huwhitoids arrived
>>162741 based fuck chugs
>>162742 wonder how many feet of piping the indigenous had before the English settlers arrived
>>162743 unironically tbh they are fucking insufferable, they fucking wanted this, they wanted land to themselves, they got exactly what they wanted and they keep seething
the noble savage meme and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race
>"ooooh the native americans are so in touch with the earth, they use EVERY part of the animal so as to not waste what mother nature gave them" just like literally everywhere else on the planet why would a European peasant waste a single resource
>>162743 tbh >>162745 >huwhite civilisation arrives >"i don't want to be part of that" >get given land far away from huwhite civilisation where it will never touch them >"why am i not part of that" every time
I'll get you clean water in exchange for a harem of indian sex slaves.
>whitey built them a water treatment plant >they built it for the indigenous to run >they're too drunk and stupid to look after themselves unironically could not care less what happens to them
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>>162748 don't see any native americans fixing hooves tbh >This foot is sore, and it's gonna get graphic, so if you don't like that, turn it off https://youtu.be/rtDRl8BNEks
22st filtered once again >>162751 to be fair all whiteoid infrastructure is decaying and breaking because we are being made stupider and also denied any position of power
>>162753 >because we are being made stupider and also denied any position of power and also because they are hiring untrained ethnics to do the work "lazy brits won't do"
>>162754 yeah that's part of the drive to remove us from any levers of control better that brahmins poo in the water than wipipo filter it
>he clicked the spoiler before reading the warning smh
>high point of the day, dinner, is already over smh
more niggershit
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>>162741 >but it shows you how good the canadian mass media and government is at manufacturing consent against indigenous reality retards can't even use their own memes right, the fuck does that even mean, kek canada is literally mega pozzed so all these posts attacking "canada" are just another implicit attack on white people
>>162761 tbh it's one of the cuckiest countries yet they're all acting like Trudeau is literally hitler it is literally impossible to appease these people so why should anyone even fucking bother
>>162757 sunday sninner hasn't even started for smee yet
>>162759 smh how long until they start openly murdering whiteoids in shartica
>>162764 a long time ago
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>>162759 and unfortunately necessary step tbh smh innocent huwhites won't figure out that they're at war until plenty more are dragged down by blacks banding together to corroborate each others' lies >>162765 tbh smh
>>162765 >>162764 did anything ever happen to those niggers that scalped that autismo lad
>>162759 now this is real genocidal propaganda smh
>>162768 don't even remember it tbh the endless litany of evils visited on us
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Socialism is when we have 10 billion people on the planet living in shipping containers drinking industrial gloop and it will all finally be fair.
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smh we're at the boring intermission part of clownworld where we have to wait for everyone else to figure out what's happening would be so much fucking easier if the niggercattle could just accept that internet incel schizo autists are always right nothing will truly change until we are instated as the new priest caste
it's not that hard tbh just accept that whoever has the most outlandish-but-based takes it probably right smh >>162771 could just eat her tbh might be a bit stringy but she'd make a good stew
>>162771 Liberal ghouls are still going full speed ahead with their 100 million canadians plan, these "people" are pure evil
considering posting something very naughty lads
>>162776 I'll need immunity
>>162773 >it's not that hard tbh just accept that whoever has the most outlandish-but-based takes it probably right >drop basic hints to people >they'd rather consoom than think >try explaining shit to people >they get annoyed at the idea they've been tricked it's far easier for them to just keep consooming than it is for them to learn
https://youtu.be/WOe981RQSww Oh God he made a very cringe video >people not wearing their masks are risking their lives for comfort
>someone ringing the doorbell on a Sunday
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thread on romance novels and female psychology + the attached virginity thread
>>162778 tbh i'm not asking them to think i'm asking them to consoom the correct opinions that i give them >>162781 solid takes tbh but also w*men's wants and needs should be ignored out of principle because they are horrid creatures and the sway they hold over society is destroying civilisation as we know it
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everybody is wrong except for me and people who agree with me
>>162784 Yeah. Don't think anyone like that exists tbh. Alone at the top
>>162782 >tbh i'm not asking them to think i'm asking them to consoom the correct opinions that i give them keeeeek but it's FAR better for them to come to the conclusion naturally, it's how I've redpilled people in the past, you just drop a few points here and there that make them question things, make those questions burn in their mind until they decide to look things up for themselves, it makes the whole thing far more natural and they're far more likely to realise than if you just list a bunch of shit out and expect them to take it as gospel >solid takes tbh but also w*men's wants and needs should be ignored out of principle because they are horrid creatures and the sway they hold over society is destroying civilisation as we know it tbh simple as >>162783 by anxiety I'm guessing "I need to show off the numbers to the lads" whereas for women it's not just the number but also rating each and every partner as well
for men it's a number of conquests, for women it's them "learning their true sexual spirit"
>>162783 foids get off on thinking about themselves as pure little disney princesses they all want to have their cake and eat it too though which is why they're absolute whores but lie about it for example examine the concept of "second virginity" where a lass will claim to be basically almost probably kind of like a virgin if she hasn't had sex for a year six months a month a week a day a few hours >>162785 heavy is the crown >>162786 tbh got to lead them to it and let them think it was their own discovery
>>162788 >tbh got to lead them to it and let them think it was their own discovery exactly, people don't like the idea of being wrong or being idiots, let them discover it for themselves and it's an awakening moment for them, if you're just listing off a bunch of /pol/ greentexts you might sound educated or you might just sound like a loon planting a seed in their mind is easier than shoving a tree in
corona has made this whole thing abysmal though, they are all so tuned in to the telly that they can't think outside of it I've had so many back-n-forths with people that they've started about it and countered any argument they have without fucking trying, and at the end of it they just shrug and go "well whatever let's talk about something else" nigga you're the one that brought it up ffs don't get arseblasted that you're not smart for reciting what the telly says
>thufir hawat pulling his own heart plug rather than backstabbing paul
>>162792 tbh can barely even talk to my dad any more since all this started smh he's completely plugged into the news 24/7 >>162793 kino
he can barely go five fucking minutes in a conversation without bringing up the vaxoom and then strawmanning me by ranting about 5g magnet mind control and other boomoid shite that i don't believe and have never spoken about even once and then acting like it's some epic own and telling me to get whichever vaxoom the tv has told him is safest that week
>>162794 it's really not hard to point this shit out but they're so wrapped up in the idea of being on "the right side" that even though they unconsciously know it's wrong they can't accept it this diagram is a good example of it, you could literally just keep replying "why?" and run them round in circles >*"we need vaxports"* >"why" >*"to show who is vaxxed"* >"why" >*"so we know they're safe"* >"why" >*"so they can't spread it"* >"why" >*"because they are vaxxed"* >"why do they need the passport then" >*"because unvaxxed are a danger"* >"why" >*"because they haven't got the vaccine"* >"how are they a danger then" >*"because they can spread it to us"* >"but you're vaxxed"
>>162795 yeah it's fucking annoying tbh, my gdad keeps doing that, brings up some story about it, I point out that it's stupid, he gets huffy and goes "well whatever" I miss when they'd actually fucking listen and discuss with me, the other day I saw that godawful Christmas tree in Trafalgar and my nan refused to believe it was real "until it was on the news on the telly" ffs nan you were agreeing with me that the press are lying manipulative cunts before corona why are you doing this
>>162795 yeah my normalfag acquaintances strawman me like that too, saying I get all my news from fb conspiracy theory pages when I don't even have fb and all that shits been censored anyway, these people just spaz out and go full shut it down mode anytime anybody criticises the narrative, see it on call in shows on the tv all the time the hosts just make up lie after lie whenever a caller speaks the truth
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>>162796 >i know it's unethical that they're forcing people to get the jab - i didn't want to get it either >you should still get it though <why? >
>>162798 yeah the telly has told them not to trust anyone who does not believe the telly, HOW THE FUCK ARE THEY FALLING FOR THIS >>162799 I've had people who agree with me getting the jab because they were getting bullycided into it, they're still pissed off about it but still did it anyway You could fucking fake the thing anyway, go in and get your ticket ticked and leave, go in a second time and do it again, "fully vaxxed" without a single jab in you
>>162797 mentira has done a lot to damage my belief that the people who surround me are actually human and that belief was already on the ropes before any of this even started smh >>162798 tbh they just spit out trained responses and stop thinking

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reminder they were LITERALLY using fucking wikipedia to plan everything this fucking board is more educated on the virus than any of these "experts"
>>162802 >freedom day they actually believe it will ever happen
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>>162801 >mentira has done a lot to damage my belief that the people who surround me are actually human and that belief was already on the ropes before any of this even started smh It's fucking infuriating, my nan would turn the telly off when the news came on cos "I don't trust it plus the woman's brown" but now she doubts anything I say and treats the telly as gospel I'm one of the few in my family that has not had any symptoms despite being a fat alchie smoking bastard who went outside without a mask, they've all been jabbed and masked and still all got sick at some point, they've listened to the telly I've listened to my schizo internet mates, I'm wrong they're right cos "telly said so" fucking maddening >>162803 toooo beeeee faaaaiir the UK is basically back to normal now, they're trying to meme a new lockdown but people are so used to everything being over that it doesn't seem to be working went to the hospital a week or so ago and wasn't asked once to put a mask on, nowhere has asked me to put a mask on, "new December regulations" say they are fining people £200 for not wearing a mask on public transport DESPITE that being a requirement the entire time and never enforced, no-one seems to fucking care anymore they all seem over it
>>162698 will poost two today keep getting sucked into toil by dumb customers reacting to it getting cold

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