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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3585: Death To Those Who Deny Santa Edition Anonymous 12/05/2021 (Sun) 16:45:19 Id: 73feb1 No. 162806
UK warned travel rules 'too late' to stop Omicron as cases jump 50% in a day https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/breaking-uk-confirmed-omicron-cases-25621556 >50% in a day >goes from 5 infected to 10 infected >THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING Scots covid vaccine that could beat Omicron axed by Boris Johnson https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/scots-covid-vaccine-could-beat-25618953 MI5 spy dubbed 'Director K' says Russian agents are like an unpredictable storm threatening Britain but Chinese espionage is as dangerous as climate change https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10274887/MI5-spy-dubbed-Director-K-says-Russian-agents-like-unpredictable-storm-threatening-Britain.html Fears interviews done by robot AI 'stop clever working-class kids getting jobs' https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/fears-interviews-done-robot-ai-25617315 ''oy vey it's like anuddah shoah https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/stories-59526412 Biden set to be replaced as US President - and not by VP Kamala Harris https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1531553/Joe-Biden-US-President-White-House-Kamala-Harris-Buttigieg-Donald-Trump-latest
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>>162806 that last picture's not funny lad
>>162808 goodlad taking the thread's virginity
>>162809 keeeeeeeeeeek tbh glad I've never had to do retoil
>those shops phasing out tillads because now the shoppers check out themselves >letting the shop owners hire people only for shelf-stacking, and they don't even speak Norwegian or English
creepy insectoid chink worker who had practiced polite lines to say but who probably didn't understand the words she said smh. just a robot
>tfw remember the chrimbo posting of last year as if it was a month ago
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>>162809 >>162811 for smee? it's managing my part and just giving everyone lengthy breaks as we weren't busy and I spent most of my time in the pub drinking and would occasionally come back to the Christmas songs and enjoy it
>>162812 was ambushed by a no cash self checkout the other day, should be illegal tbh in 10 years time the agenda 2030 thing will unironically be true and the normalniggers just don't care
>>162809 >>162811 tbh, if one shite compilation album on loop is irritating, then year-round subliminal coof messaging must break people and leave them seething at the antichrist. I'd be surprised if there's anyone left in retail who can't stand a bit of repetition.
>>162806 >There are considerable risks for disadvantaged kids because they haven’t got the perfect Eton accent and beautifully compiled grammar and maybe they don’t look you in the eye for the whole interview. why don't they just talk properly and make more eye contact then? >>162812 tbh most of the nightfill lads i work with primarily speak some kind of pajeet furrin upta gupta gobbledegook bossman will address the group in furrin and then explain it to me in english after
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>>162809 I still seethe thinking about this one song that played over and over when I used to retoil, presumably because it was cheap maybe even free of copyright. Would've loved Mariah Carey instead of this. Smh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y25stK5ymlA
>>162818 >wanting to sound like a posho poofter
nth for forgetting to pay council tax for two months because mummy threw out the bit of paperwork with all the stuff I needed on it
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>>162818 >bossman will address the group in furrin and then explain it to me in english after fuck sake is it really that bad, literally like being a foreigner in your own country
>>162814 tbh >>162819 smh poor lad really hate the upbeat ones tbh they're the worst >>162820 >not being a williamoid
>>162821 you should be able to get an online login for it
>those times Leatherman gave me shit for not agreeing to do illegal things, something the negro slaves he replaced me with will be willing to(because of ignorance mostly)
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>>162826 is that why we have this damage controll article clarifying it? keeeeeeek
>>162820 I speak the Queen's English thank you very much. The wogs don't respect the language. It's up to us hwhites to maintain its proper usage.
>>162821 this is the start of your glorious last stand lad hold fast and stand firm no more taxes for globohomo >>162822 doesn't happen often but i seethe for days when it does
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for me it's robert shaw chorale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lwqdyVJuYA >>162824 only if I want to let them store my details or smth iirc, always used my account number instead to avoid having any permanent presence >>162829 smh they'll put me under siege by cancelling the bennies
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thinking about how this christmas there will be no official holiday beside Christmas eve
>>162826 >Have proof >Post it in the opinion pages WDTMBT? >>162829 When's your glorious last stand against the elimination of English-speaking Oz, lad? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gWTKJ5DQCQ
>>162833 the last face a lot of bossmen who died in workplace violence incidents saw
was tempted by the choccy orange in the shops but then remembered how they've butchered it
>>162836 luv those ambazonian lads tbh
>>162836 the giant fake guns make me keeek every time those groids are alright
>>162840 why does he look so yellow??
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>>162842 because asians love The Simpsons and old Lego minifigures
https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/passports-removed-illegal-drug-users-crime-crackdown-boris-johnson-b970082.html >Passports to be removed from illegal drug users in crime crackdown, Boris Johnson says lost count of the authoritarian powers the govt has given itself since maybot, country is becoming the most toxic shite british version of a soviet shithole
saw the speaker of the house arguing with some millennial Indian lisa who could hardly string a sentence together, fucking sick of these clowns.
and she was an mp too
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>>162844 > old Lego minifigures
>>162845 it's all a smokescreen, they're relaxing drug laws not tightening them https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59533858
>>162848 kek, how all my old figures lying face down in a pile in a box under my bed
>>162849 I don't care about the drugs you mong its obviously about giving them the power to strip peoples passports
>>162850 >that one lad I melted in the fireplace smh I'll step on his ghost one day
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>>162854 yikes
>>162854 >vaccines save lives we've had more wuflu vaxxoomed deaths than unvaxxed >We've exhausted other options... no we fucking haven't just let things go back to normal and see how well it all works >End the cycle of lockdowns see above get absolutely fuuuuuuuuuuuucked
>>162851 He's right as well tbh. It's a win win for Blairites like Bojo, to look 'tough on crime' while eroding civil liberties, but taking the problem that's the pretext and making it worse (through slow decriminalisation). In fact, that's almost all Blairites do. Kvetch about illegal immigration, make ridiculous mass migration legal and incentivised, warn about terrorism, persecute autistic polfaces, the odd mohammadcel, yet do fuck all (like shut borders to muds) to solve the problem. Hate them so much.
>>162858 he is so yelllow
>>162858 cheers lad
managed to get a Miho Morikawa autograph recently which was neat
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>Some have more long-term concerns, such as whether a successful programme could build distrust of future campaigns. >"When people have what we call conspiracy theories or they have misbeliefs or misunderstandings, [such schemes] will only strengthen their opinions." you don't fucking say they're admitting that they know what they are doing is corrupt and authoritarian but by pretending to accept it as a valid opinion they are trying to reinforce their own position >"ohoho we're not corrupt authoritarians, look we're accepting that both sides have valid points, now come and take your mandatory vaccine that isn't authoritarian as we said we're not and we accept that you wouldn't like it"
fresh (re-heated) washed up alternative comedian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECtzgv2jLck
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>we stop the cavalry >the enemy doesn't stop theirs
>>162862 Truman was a fool to expose his hand unnecessarily. The Japs would've surrendered without the nukes, Hirohito was the key. Everywhere was firebombed anyway. If he didn’t act so rashly America could've kept it a secret and maintained a nuclear monopoly beyond the fifties.
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>>162868 prefer Burger King XXL Bacon Double Cheeseburger myself
>media treats Biden worse than Trump >media reporting on Trump's maccies meal despite him not being President
https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/when-queen-goes-lets-become-25609826 >'When Queen goes, let's become a republic and consign backbiting Windsors to history'
>>162871 republicucks are the biggest faggots on the fucking planet reminder that every british republicuck group is led by a yank/jew
wake me when matilda ascends the throne and personally beheads the entirety of parliament tbh
>>162871 >Barbados is a grown-up democracy and we're not We may be bad but we're not nigger-tier yet
>>162876 >nose inflation what new horror hath garrison visited upon this world https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwVG_UVeL0c
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>>162878 not very sexually repressed of you lad
>>162878 mmm hmhmm
>>162871 what about the opposite? what if bonnie prince charlie wins the day and dissolves the heretical money changing protestant puppeteers in parliement and demolishes all political oligarch pretends in the entire anglosphere and reissues the british empires mandate and resumes the cape to cairo project
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>when a really tall blonde lass with huge milkers makes your morning gas station coffeeve and you wish she added boomb melk to your coffeeve
>>162881 chinks and foids are stealing are noble idea smh
>>162881 one day lad
>>162883 lmao its like chinese empire is just the discount price version of white supremacy
>>162883 Fucking chinks are devoid of originality
>>162886 all they can do is imitate
>>162885 may it break down as quickly as other cheap chinese products do
>>162883 >get the chinks to do the jobs the lazy Brits won't do
>>162887 solomon sounds like a really really anglosaxon name to me lads I think they need a good old war of succession in UK and you lads should get a nativist absolutist monarch who strips the political rights of all non anglos and institutes a death penalty for islamic practices
>>162889 yeah the chinks are just larping, they always end up fighting a massive civil war every century or two
>>162891 >Her mother was born into an Anglican family and was the daughter of a vicar, but converted to Judaism before marrying Solomon's father, who is of Iraqi-Jewish and Polish-Jewish descent as if it fucking needed looking up
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its more of preventing the han race from spreading like the cancer like the poojeet race is spreading
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>>162871 >barbados...now there's a REAL democracy that i envy
>figured she was part-paki part-kike just looking at her >look it up >prediction is fucking spot-on would be nice to be wrong for once
>>162893 tbh this one based iranian lad from my uni job who was pretty redpilled on the jews randomly went off on me about how all us whites are causing the epidemic to continue with our conspiracies and I just responded if you don't like it fuck off back to iran. keeeek so many arrogant shitskin faggots think they should tell us all how to live. the fact that a jew can even speak how UK is run is cancer. jews should be wearing their gay hats and getting rotten leeks thrown at them by mummies and bairns on shite lane
>>162898 keeeeeeeeeek yeah it's always some brown twat telling us how we should live mate you sailed here on a fucking banana boat gtfo
>enter kitchen in the dark >crouch down and turn oven on to reheat chicken and asparagus pie >suddenly the room is flooded in red light, I stand up and turn around and there's the dark silhouette of a man framed in red light right outside my window as if staring in >it's some cunt using my parking spot and needing directions to park properly AHHHHH smh fuck off and leave NEETs alone spooked me good
if it weren't for central heating we'd have no niggers here
>>162899 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek yeah, they think "I am one of the them" until their ideas come out and then they say "fellow peoples I think we should become statist faggots who are ruled by a tyrannical government just like the place I fled" literally fuck off shitskin. the only people who successfully fought off rulecuck statism is anglos everyone else goes full retard rulecuck "temple of reason"/ thermidor reaction tier
>>162901 tbh exactly this, all of them literally all of them have vitamin D deficiency and overtime they get lighter skinned. the idea of breeding their worthless shitskin genes into whitoids is a waste of energy since they are not designed to live north of spain area
https://youtu.be/97R5pNgkCcw german/ dutch prot radicals are also good lads who hate statism
>>162903 makes me wheeze when I've seen them lathering themselves in oil just to survive winter for a few hours, third-generations that still haven't evolved, really makes you think huh
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first for big sipp
>>162904 now this is comfy
>>162905 meanwhile anglos bask in the desert sun getting pink and not giving a shit
>>162905 yeah they get frostbite faster as well, leafs see it probably everday with the shitskin poos. its completely common to see niglets with rickets in shitagain
lass I imagined my whole life with since I sent her a message this morning left me on read lads
>>162909 >>162905 >Data from soldiers of the Korean War suggest dark skin is more susceptible to frostbite than pale skin, since it emits more heat. So the cold may have negatively selected against dark skin, but again, there's little data to support this. >An increased risk among those of African descent was noted by British investigators during the Falklands Islands War in 1982, and a subsequent British Army study showed that soldiers of African descent had a 30 times greater chance of developing a peripheral cold injury than did white soldiers. cool, didn't know this
>>162910 don't bother with foids lad especially on e shit, just walk up to her IRL and tell her she is a useless woman who takes advantage of her mother and walk away and she will text you
sick of conservatards calling everyone feds tbh
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>>162912 Alright I'll just have to drive to her first
>>162914 >taking a detour to run over some "swedish" children based
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dress like this when you make fun of her lad
>>162916 I could bring my robe and clip on sunglasses I guess >>162915 that's bear/moose country tbh, just forest, animals and samis, with some native Swedes.
reading some soyfiction about civilising the game of soys universe or something and they are so historically illiterate it hurts author thinks that late medieval lads didn't know about plows, crop rotation, spirit distillation or fucking soap
>>162918 keeeeek how can historians misunderstand the dark ages? I get common people doing so but smh
autists taking him to task god I hate soys though, they put fucking updoots into forums
>>162920 err just write your own game of thrones
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>>162921 apologists saying that medieval england didn't use soap and that long winters would stagnate technological development despite having to prepare for winter being the driving factor in making europeans world leaders in brains and tech >People can’t innovate when they’re starving and freezing imagine unironically believing this despite living in the "greatest" time of plenty history has ever seen which is directly causing the death of civilisation through stupidity >>162922 tbh
>>162918 didn't one of those Jack Hargreaves videos talk about the plough specifically being a northern germanic invention
>>162908 tbh they meme about us being shit at handling heat but British heat is completely different to foreign heat
>>162924 I think so, and ploughs with mouldboards/turning devices were a dutch invention from the 1400s or so
>>162911 >>162909 ethnics spend half their lives trying to not fall apart even something as simple as the ability to drink milk gives us an advantage over them
>>162927 is milk still a popular symbol of racism? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OsvFOXWqRg nostalgic smh
The UK as a whole has like 3/4 people having a VitD deficiency (most of which is from modern living), meanwhile nigs have have like 98%+ of them with VitD deficiencies Brit VitD deficiency is just a lack of it from sunlight and modern living and isn't too significant overall, nig VitD deficiency is actively crippling them
>>162928 yes but it's not really that much of a meme in our circles, it's the soyim that are still seething over it
>>162923 how does this make any sense when niggers exist? Or is there this magical place between hot and cold where things are just right for tech to develop?
>>162931 I think soys take it as dogma that the world just didn't exist until the end of WW2 or 1965 or thereabouts, because they're urbanised scum that can't conceive of a life with actual challenge involved
>>162933 >>162931 they struggle to get by in the most comfortable period in history, so in their minds anyone without these modern comforts simply didn't exist as it simply wasn't possible
>>162933 honestly think most of them would kill themselves if they had to live without modern luxuries >>162934 tbh
look at their response any time someone says X historical period was better >"OH YOU LIKE THE PAST? I GUESS YOU LIKE HAVING THE PLAGUE AND STARVING TO DEATH AS WELL HAHA"
>>162936 burnt my tongue on some pepper earlier tbh think I'm good
give me boiled meat any day, like the vikings and sami made it
it honestly does feel like they literally cannot fathom of anything before WWII >modern soldiers aren't incredibly muscular >modern soldiers use ranged weaponry >therefore ranged weaponry never required muscle
I'm aware that a lot of this is just repoosting
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>>162940 >sow seeds and breeds truly awful
if I went back in time I wouldn't bother larping as a civiliser-king I'd be a prophet instead and just explain what was going to happen if they didn't start massacring jews right that very moment
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>>162942 Lad? We didn't even do anything yet
>>162942 tbh just remember a few solar/lunar eclipses, natural disasters, important deaths, etc
>>162943 except for all that child sacrifice and blood rituals
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>>162945 just a small misunderstanding
>>162945 need to get every leader to realise it, except the leaders were all profiting from kikes
occasionally wonder what they did up norf to make them prefer holocausting themselves alive rather than face mob justice probably something even more evil than usual
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>>162949 >being surprised the nonce is a jew
>>162950 really?
>>162950 >tfw also just happen to be circumcised
How can children in the UK be protected from seeing 22st's posts? >As concern grows among experts about the impact on children of seeing 22st's images, how can access be restricted? https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/dec/05/how-can-children-in-the-uk-be-protected-from-seeing-online-pornography
>>162954 keek smh yet another way of shutting down dissent
another mince pie tbh sainsburys selling some posh ones cheap, mince soaked in alcohol and all
>>162955 It's far more simple to just ban porn sites at an ISP level, make it so coombrains have to go through a VPN to access it, reduces porn usage in general and makes it that a child would have to have a VPN (why would they) to access it
>>162954 wouldn't surprise me if twitter is arguing about how seeing porn as a kid is actually a good thing
>>162957 I like this
>A survey by the British Board of Film Classification last year found 60% of children aged 11 to 13 who reported having seen pornography said it was largely unintentionally. >Ofcom research found the commercial pornography site Pornhub – which does not use age verification – had a bigger UK audience than BBC News. horrifying >Three of the most popular sites in the UK – PornHub, RedTube and YouPorn – are owned by one Canadian company, MindGeek. OY VEY DON'T POINT THAT OUT
https://youtu.be/kqB9hRighs0 smh he's trying to capture the Wessexian audience
he gained 100 pounds in a year keeeeeeeek
>>162964 the homeschooled race
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should I get an NA gf?
COVID-19: Over half of UK Omicron cases are double vaccinated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9E8TJ4AVL0 IMAGINE THAAAAAAAAAAT
>>162969 well it kind of makes sense, the vaccine was for the old variant, they can't make a vaccine for the new one just like that smh. How long will it take?
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>>162970 Well according to that cringey rap video Pfizer made the length of a vaccine rollout is proportional to how much money you put in funding it.
>>162972 keeeeek. Given how fast this thing spreads and mutates are vaccines even a good idea to begin with? heard it's the first respitory virus that's had a vaccine but I don't know
>The promise of everything for nothing. No obligations, no conditions, no labor, no effort. Happiness for everyone, and no one leaves offended.​ >Happines for everyone. For free. And no one escape offended. And if someone doesn't want to, we'll line them up against the wall. (Execute!) russian idiom
>>162973 reminder it's not a vaccine and it's not a special virus, it's basically the same as the common cold or flu which yes has never been possible to vaccinate against, which is why they are injecting poison into people
>>162975 Yeah. Does that thing they squirt into people go away after a time or what? Really creepy how it works tbh smh. Hope my family will be okay
>>162976 no, it fucks up how the body works and is slowly killing the people who take it
>>162977 y-you've ran studies?
/brit/ really is powerful
it's possible the body can adapt to function despite the changes the mrna mutator induces but not if constantly being asaulted by new versions which fuck up new things it is very definitely part of the white genocide and depopulation agenda imo
>>162980 some hecking prooferino would be nice, but pretty sure "vaxbabies" are being born
>>162981 yeah it won't be an absolute thing but we have seen plenty of evidence of poz induced miscarriages now
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wish I could quit being a human tbh
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>>162984 t-they're not any better?
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Bomb squad called to Gloucester hospital after man got artillery shell 'stuck in rectum' https://www.itv.com/news/westcountry/2021-12-03/bomb-squad-called-after-man-got-artillery-shell-stuck-in-his-rectum >It is understood he told staff he fell on the World War Two shell.
>>162988 Brexit Party called to account after MP left cabinet by 'repeatedly resigning'
I don't read your spamposts
>>162990 I thought it was you who original poosted this one tbh, not part of any of my harvests
https://www.itv.com/news/2021-12-05/covid-why-there-is-much-more-omicron-in-uk-than-official-figures-show >Yesterday the UK Health Security Agency announced it had identified another 26 Omicron cases, and the total number of cases in the UK had reached 160. >The rate of increase from zero in little over a week seems significant. But the one thing we know is these official figures are a significant under estimate of how many cases are actually in the UK. They REALLY want to cancel Christmas don't they filthy fucking kikes
a mysterious (1)poster two threads ago >>161601 >>162992 I guess only 160 retards were stupid enough to go to the doctors over having a cold
>>162992 yeah on the tv over the weekend its just constant niggers on adverts for crimbo or covid fearmonging
>>162994 christmas is passe we do jabmas now
>>162993 twas smee
can't even enjoy the kinoplex without being assaulted by non stop nigger ads, the worst of which is the alien one, one of the worst anti white ads I've ever seen.
>tfw they create the matrix but its just so they can blast you with more niggers
thinking about how the jews manipulated away lighter-than-air flight again https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spy_basket
>>162964 god I wish that was me except sons instead
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>>163000 good lad cmon dude you could easily find a plain midwestern gf to coom inside
>>163001 in amerikek the foid in that pic is easily 7/10 and therefore way too princess-y
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https://youtu.be/LTGKgMJ_xyk smh she looks way better in the show
>>163002 shooting yourself rather than taking a chance
sometimes i despise you
ngl I would probably be a wife beater for how little I enjoy being around femoids
>>163008 spite is the only good reason
>>163008 keeek pretty much bottom left two is me IRL
>no incel rant recorded while trampolining
Theres something going on in the genepool to make some whites look like mulattos or something, and its not just the zoomer perm there something else going on, keep seeing these strange looking people
>>163009 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK yeah I've imagined this myself
>>163014 Something in the water and people having kids 10-20-30 years later in their life than they used to. Also dysgenics i guess
>>162968 >should I get an NA gf? Ideally I'd get one of these, then ban her from the internet, so all her attention is on me and the children.
ah yes, a familiar quandry here. trying to deduce whether one's memecoins are dumping or slowrugging
>>163018 >didn't sell the top again last week can't even twitter cope either since they want a phone number now before letting me browse
>>163019 yeah, i need to get better at taking profit but the fomo always kicks in. how much do you have in crypto out of curiosity don't give an exact figure but are you 4 figures or 5 figures or even 6 in crypto? i'm about 5 figures in
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>redeeming your shitcoins for jewish fiat ever Just hodl until the next halvening little zoomies. Oh, and buy more of pic related. https://youtu.be/4r-6G0T3m_E
>>162896 na lad you're doing fine
>>163021 nice fam, yolo
>ukraine urges military support from Canada, U.S. and Britain >wants soldiers visibly deployed to positions near the frontline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC_HKzp-z7k
via ramzpaul rt of matt navarra this is why the communist chinese who control the us government are so eager to classify all us rightwing political organizations as terrorist: if they do, they get the telegram phone numbers. telegram is stupid crap. anything tied to your ip or phone is crap
>>163025 ngl will chuckle at calamity
>>163026 > the communist chinese who control the us government
>>163028 china opposes communism?
>>163028 it's definitely the chicoms lad, trust him
consider, you believed discord was safe, I said no. you said signal and telegram. I said no. but it was so. perhaps consider the possibility china could control the us government.
>>163030 china was created by jews.
oh just fuck off schizo
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>>163033 he's the one man who knows everything lad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtbQyqC8xnE
fresh rare eceleb lad A Call for Parallel Institutions by Asha Logos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw3tUXdLu2Y
>>163036 Thank you lad.
>>163034 nice id lad
>>163033 >>163034 who are you? ni hao? >The original participants of the May Fourth Movement were students in Paris and some in Beijing.
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>>163038 tbh a toast
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>>163040 why? China is collapsing from within. ain't noticed the shortages? china is falling apart
my best friends are on the internet tbh
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>>163043 put on your red shoes and gas the jews
https://youtu.be/-ZtjKTw2eZE *robs the post office* >>163045 keek tbh >>163046 steiner face reveal?
Another high level paedo uncovered What are the odds?
>>163050 how many of these are actual nonces and how many of them have been set up by elites so the elites have dirt on them
>>163052 >JQ >6 >Shoot Bad
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>>163044 mine are on the internet computer tbh
>>163054 keeeeeeeek based boomer
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I wanna wear goth makeup lads
>>163060 Pembs?
>>163061 nah, i ain't no tranny
>>163062 not yet, anyway
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>>163063 Never.
>>163057 very nice lad
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>answer the rally call and create a cohesive organised force >cupcakes call you feds
my penis is old my anus is cold my country is sold 'twas the jews I'm told
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time for bed toilman
>>163068 https://voca.ro/1d8voxKL36UH 'tis the time of neets the hour of sweets the hour when mummy shan't police are tummies
>>163068 not me, not ever
>Homes without power for nine days following Storm Arwen are finally reconnected https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/homes-without-power-nine-days-25623701 >Severe weather warning for UK as Storm Barra set to arrive on Tuesday https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/05/severe-weather-warning-for-uk-as-storm-barra-set-to-arrive-on-tuesday keeeek brief bit of respite
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>>163072 Is right lad, it's a rock n roll Christmas for me https://youtu.be/gStOeXHSwxQ
>>163050 >they don't mention he's a faggot in the headlines imagine my shawk
>>163052 >JQ >jewish question >6 >(million) > read it yourself lmao
>>163053 laaaaaaaddddddddyyyyyy
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>>163075 >>163076 >breaching the post copyright laws
>>163060 RENOUNCE the ways of this world BE transformed by the renewing of your mind
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Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8580522/
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>>163078 >>163079 We're hitting levels of based that shouldn't be particularly abnormal i fod yn onest
>>163072 Covid is not airbourne, per the CDC (by inference). pretty fascinating imo.
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>>163081 >particularly abnormal i fod yn onest
>>163080 sit up and sell me aluminum underwear already
I spy with my little eye something beginning with s.
>>163084 I was considering investing in anti-EM paint when I move to my next bit.
>teeline nonce guess whats gonna happen bae
I'm not schizo i am the rey bumbumo della mancia
>>163087 go to hell
no teeliner ever raped anybody. a fact
>>163080 vindicated once again
>>163066 the ones alleging they're feds are probably feds >quit wearing marks and I'll stop calling you names same with T. it's an indisputable fact T can expand possibilities without harm (T is advanced not as encryption but to get past automated ai deep learning censorship, and understanding human review and volunteer busybodies will have some capacity limiting T) T, a net gain
>>163091 it might only be that 5g is only profitable in densly populated areas
>5g shite is connected to the telephone pole bang outside my house
>>163093 cool you keep believing that
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toiled every day this last week smh
>>163096 you better have done all that toil without tape.
>>163095 i use logic. are you Chinese? the Chinese are retarded
>>163098 Admitting you're chinese are you. Get out.
>>163099 can't win an argument with retards like you lmao i am comfortable having fools like yourself proud. why would i mind? you are nothing
>>163100 I don't understand ching chong ping pong.
chinks lmao, the basketball Asians
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schizo eats his own poo
i don't hate you. i refuse to expend energy on your account. i don't agree with your country having internet though.
>>163103 it's interesting that they were planting thoughts of his mobility so early. i wonder when he lost the ability to walk.
biden isn't even technically alive once you remove the adrenochrome.
>no comfy russian banya to relax in
>>163108 >retard helmets most keekable! yes! Most keekable indeed!
Hillary's handlers had a number of those. she did a walk a mile tv show with a nurse. she is seen using the handrail. she also did a gay parade, where she was surrounded by handlers, shake cameramen, and hand holders. who can forget the epic tarmac hug of the two? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xSSMG0MaEnQ the cause of that is unknowable. did they hide a magician's stabilizing pole? or can they balance each other, but struggle for autonomous steps?
>>163108 >toes 0/10 would not eye contact
>>163107 he literally is not driving lmao
biden recently "drove" an electric pickup truck. but such preproduction trucks presumably have experimental autonomous driving tech. fascinating.
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can't stop boogying lads I've had half a litre of rum
>>163114 if you can teeline you can have another drink, my rule of thumb
>Tesla's semi-autonomous Autopilot feature is the one to beat in the EV marketplace, but lucky for the Hummer EV, GM's Super Cruise system is just as capable and will be offered as a standard lmao
money on schizo dying in a car accident.
>>163117 hope biden runs him over
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jay leno had bide n on in 2016 at a closed course, and it looks like biden is driving his green stingray. this is amazing. there are no good external images of him driving: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mP-hyDSlmUs
*remembers nights of being trapped in Manchester/Warrington because the trains went off* Might go for a publique boogie on Friday loves
it makes sense for them to fake the race scene tho, he was 2nd in command at the time.
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battered a paki tai driver in warrington once and escpaed on a train
>>163125 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek imagine his paki face screetching
wish it was breakfast time
>>163128 keeeeeek you sound like my special needs junkie neighbour I can tell you've spent time around glaswegians
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>>163120 5:01 sun is at his front left 5:04 sun is at his rear left
i guess jay leno rapes kids
>still 2 weeks of toil before crimbo
time enough to get the liver back on fleek though mind
lmao jay Leno called the biden video and nobody cares. it is submission which the chinese learn first
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>>163135 good lad. going to make some spaghetti bolognese and listen
>>163137 make me some too
early female antifa terrorist
>>163137 (empty sounds)
>>163135 very good lad, queuing this for the smorning
(sounds of dueling pipas fills Luoyang valley)
Liu Dehai is excellent and a brother against the communist Chinese https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uix34NM5a54
lads I am still mad that old bitch killed barney and webster
>>163147 *force feeds you pancakes*
>>163147 they loved their pancakes, would you have denied them? what a mean man you are life is for living you know
could go for some pancakes tbh
>>163133 Tfw bossman gives you a christmas cookie instead of the bonus he has promised for 3 years.
>>163151 >he takes the cost of the cookie out of your wages
don't have any garlic bread smh
>>163152 Reminds me of when he made us pay for using the work cellphones which are required for the job. Such a naughty little bossman
>>163151 move to yankistan, plenty of jobs.
hate to say it but halo infinite is kinda heckin kino
the real blackpill is even if you become rich, you're still fucked because you're shut out of society and women don't care about money. will be nice to not have to toil though, but then without toil one becomes sedentary and often lads who retire end up dying shortly therafter
>when he made the newspaperboys shut the engine of each time they delivered Would potentially save 100 bucks a year, but that's Worth more than a comfortable work environment for his toilmen i guess. Just sitting there doing maths and ignoring the people smh. Heard of an anglo bossman making his vanmen drive with hot water bottles during winter to save on heating cost in his electric vans. Think it was a lad on here who told me
https://youtu.be/cXmv2pskP_c whenever you feel down just remember that he defeated the jews
>>163159 The Lion of Damascus
>>163135 good incel rant a lot to think about
>Stas Baretsky is best known for his aggressive and anti-west stances >He frequently picks fights on television shows and radio interviews >He is vocally anti-import and anti anything he deems capitalistic he looks like an anime villain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5Eulf2dgNI
he was going to make a gangster film starring datsik but they dropped him smh
!>plan to sleep after toil >toil gets extended 3 hours Ahhhhh
is the site acting up?
>>163167 Saw something about cant connect to host or something earlier smh
>>163167 working fine for smee
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>>162818 >why don't they just talk properly and make more eye contact then? Because autists are the superior beings, society went into decline when everything became normalfag friendly for the sake of enabling women.
>>163158 >hot water bottles during winter to save on heating cost in his electric vans Did he even make them pay to heat the water in the bottles?
You ever watch those milleniyules around Christmas? You got this one woes and he’s so big, he’s so purple, he doesn’t want to stream.
woken up by pajeets doing cargo cult DIY on stolen cars in my car park or something
Cupcakes saying PF are fake conservative feds because they’re all slim.
had a dream where aleister crowley was holding a symposium and I attended and drew visions of the future and a demon spoke to me
>>163175 messages from the deep.
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>>163177 So it was the jews that commercialised christmas and now punish us with christmas songs for 3 months in every store in the country.
>>163179 just another method of tormenting whites in order to harvest their juju smh
>sneezed while pissing
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>>163178 I actually saw a young male in a maid outfit in the supermarket the other day. I didn't know what to think tbh
>>163182 >not saying hello to westie rude
>>163184 >shut the fuck up with your modern terms for made up bullshit powerful
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHW70Ds_sh0 >hides out in a hotel >doesn't check for escape routes when he arrives why are niggers such low-tier criminals
>>163186 keeeeeeeeeeeek >why are niggers such low-tier criminals if they were able to plan ahead most of them wouldn't be criminals at all
>>163187 nigga was about to jump from the fifth fucking floor to escape the police, what the actual fuck was he thinking >niggers >thinking
>>163139 Man just wanted some tang smh
oh boy
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>>163190 >rare
>>163182 You should have fucked him in the arse to assert your dominance and then told him to stop being such a faggot. Smh.
>>163188 Would've been funny if he did break through the glass and died and a BLM riot followed.
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How do wheelchairlads fill such vessels?
>>163195 >praising women >"this is disturbing" you cannot fucking win with them
>>163196 err we're not your vessels, lad
>>163194 r*ddit is societal gangrene >>163195 >reproductive rights 'ate this phrase tbh foids can already reproduce as much as they'd like
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mum and dad are 2 hours late. I'm starving
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>>163199 can't you make your own food
>>163201 I'm not starving that much
>couple arguing in the flat downstairs >put on speed metal to drown them out >they only start screeching louder and arguing faster in time with the music I'm going fucking nuts.
>>163203 just stomp on the floorlad
>>163203 switch to screamo then suddenly cut out as they reach their peak
>>163206 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek tbh do it
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A parade before Emperor Wessex
https://youtu.be/AgFeZr5ptV8 >tfw this nearly decade old song is now about my age >not doing any of this fun stuff
>163210 >vileposting >reposting a vilepost >>163211 it only gets worse lad
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should probably try and slim down a bit before chrimbo smh I swore I would months ago, but the bourbons call me
>>163214 wonder how many /brit/lads have been suicided
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>wombym: I am right wing >Nick: how are you right wing? >wombym: You need to be more specific in the end she defined herself by what she disagrees with, the leftoids, not something she agrees with. smh wombem
>>163216 goodlads
>>163217 why would you watch this?
>>163219 Because I like the spic
>>163220 careful with that round these parts lad, you'll cause a seethe attack
>>163221 Yeah I know smh
smell so bad despite showering yesterday smh
>>163223 yeah it never ends, feel nice and clean after shower and shave etc then wake up the next day feeling grimy
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just your daily dose of estrogen and vaccine
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>>163225 demonic image
>>163227 >breeding is torture
>>163228 but its got scary lights and masks
>>163227 >>163228 An answer to the I.N.C.E.L. problem
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>>163227 >>163228 But what really happened in the sexual humiliation/torture involved foids sticking foreign objects in the rectum and taking selfies while doing it.
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shouldn't have had that second portion of bacon and macaronies
poo sneedvening gentlmen
>>163216 Which is a bit of a shame because the Salvation army does alot of good work.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioKjuu3KaKg o/ >>163232 What really pisses me off about that lad, is that he's a Palestinian, and not Jewish. These kikes have basically adopted a Pali boy and fucking mutilated him.
>>163236 isn't he just israeli jew? I thought he was their biological son?
>>163237 I thought he was adopted.
>>163238 >Jennings was born in South Florida to parents Greg and Jeanette ("Jennings" is a pseudonym). The family is Jewish, and their last name is "a very Jewish, long last name." Jennings has an older sister, Ari, and two older brothers, twins Sander and Griffen
It's possible I've internalised 4pol debunkbait
"the family is jewish" doesn't mean he was initially
>>163241 it says he was born to them, lad
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looks related to me
Quick jewgle reveals he's lost some weight. Doesn't look half bad for a shitskin jewess. Too bad about the horrific smell from his frankencrotch that'll be with him the rest of the next few years his whole life.
>>163243 yeah fair enough
>>163244 that is an old pic, lad. smh lad, leave it to the experts
>>163242 I'm on my fourth glass of Baileys, and I've not drunk in like four months tbh.
>>163246 >knowing this >>163247 >posting scholagladiagoblin I wonder who 52ed36 could be.
>>163249 You caught me
sophia lillis is starring in a dungeons and dragons movie as an elf.
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you lads see lepolface punch an anti racist activist femoid in the head at the zemmour rally? https://twitter.com/oaktreeupheaval/status/1467596589560741889
>>163255 based jew defenders
>>163255 le zoggeur
>>163252 Wait, let me... >19 years old Absolutely would tbh.
lad gets questioned for posting about PF. watch out steiney. https://twitter.com/StephenHawGinG/status/1467645640540831744
Realised that pepe I posted wasn't accurate enough, so made a few adjustments to it.
>>163260 good lad would post my mosley toast image if I could find it
feeling awful
https://youtu.be/X5dMSAVaORY Evening lasses! gorged myself on woes on the way home, was great, really felt like he was my old friend
>Claire not in chonkmode
>start watching woes >no camera *closes video*
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dino feathers are retarded
>>163268 tbh just leave them scaly
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tesla no longer a trillion dollar company, but i'm sure elon will still scam his soy fuck fanbase
Post office agency shorting my pay, giving me a slavery extension of 2 hours without pay. Based faceless agency.
>>163272 steal packages to compensate
>>163273 >tfw there was a big drama about which temp servants could have the extension, >tfw work extension and don't get paid.
>>163271 Teslas are worth the price alone to avoid low caste trash at gas stations.
>>163275 why a tesla? there are other EVs
>>163271 Stock value purely from price speculation, not what their output or revenue is. Just lots of people willing to gamble
>>163277 i know. also, it's revenue largely consists of government grants
>>163276 the tesla superchargers (tesla electricity filling stations) are tesla only. well, maybe they are changing that
>>163277 bro that's all stocks now. dividend doesn't exist. all a company consists of is: >don't default on loans >be listed on a fraud exchange like nyse or nasdaq lse etc >have some good press (easy, you give legal gifts to influences: tv commercials, donations to causes associated)
used to be, you tried to guess which stocks would increase dividend. that was the goal.
like money, stocks are fiat
>4 schizoposts in a row
5 even
is the new wheel of time worth watching
>>163286 that's literally just 2
>>163289 no it has wogs in
>>163286 okay, 3.
>>163291 is rand polyamorous?
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>>163293 yeah most zoomers are
>>163295 mewwy slissmas
>>163295 based >>163297 nigger
>>163298 godeh bress yu
>>163295 ching chonhg
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>>163300 Japanese is a lot smoother and less ching chongy than Chinese
>>163301 good music video that
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>woes streaming on Christmas Day
Also, no Knightmarez...
>>163305 what happened to him?
lmao pf are feds now because they can get everyone to buy tan slacks.
>>163306 Don't know, he was on last year. tbh, I just like mentioning his name because there used to be a lad on here that would go into meltdown when he was mentioned. kek. guess he's not here anymore.
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>>163270 >rex survived for about 127,000 generations before becoming extinct, the researchers came up with a figure of 2.5 billion individuals over the species' entire existence. Only 32 adult T. rex have been discovered as fossils, so the fossil record accounts for just one in about every 80 million There never was a species of giant dinosaur, only a few freaks of nature that probably died much earlier than their normal kin because they grew too much, too quickly, and they were spread out over a gazzilion years so there was no actual pattern to them. Okay, thank you.
No such thing as dinosaurs.
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do you pronounce it dienosaur or deanosaur?
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>>163311 Check out this epic meme from reddit, guys!
snacking on some cauliflower
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>>163315 all of this are BETA LANGUAGES
English is ALPHA.
>>163313 Good lad
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duck spring rolls and chips for supper
>>163320 Good lad
>>163320 Lush. Luv duck, me.
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>>163321 >that nearly 32 stone foid who's flabby arms have lost all human resemblance
>>163326 a fine breeding sow for wessex
sneedvening lads went to see doone a second time, wasn't really worth it tbh tried to spot the battle pug in the painting of duke leto's father but both scenes with it in are basically a split second long, same for the other actually interesting stuff smh villaineuve really dropped the ball with his muh stark aesthetic or whatever the /tv/ lads called it, sets definitely not as good as the 1984 version because they have almost no detail in them
>>163252 I want to aggressively wrestle her in my grotty painters overalls and give her neck rash with my mustache
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>go to make a mug of bovril >accidentally used chili marmite instead
just put in a GIANT XXL pot pie lads from the amish market lads it better be good or I am going to go crumbley on their g*rman asses
>>163330 you're a chillihead now lad >>163331 are amish based or are do they larp as jews lad? maybe you can join them and get a pvre amish lass who only one time went on a month long bender in a city that everyone pretends didn't happen
>>163330 you're effectively a wog now m80
>>163332 amish are like jews but smaller scale and they don't promote degeneracy or sex slavery. they just like to get "the english" to drive them to the free health clinic to get free dental care
>>163330 goodlad for bovril badlad for being a plonker
>>163336 >mongface back for a second dose of dickie keeeeeek
>>163318 >8 baste luck bat eater id
>>163333 checked
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek when it gets to his meltdown lmao
keeeeeeeeeeek he is such a sadsack
>>163340 its over the top of him dressed like harry potter keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
he just lets hipster lass drag him through the mud instead of chudmaxxing and saying "yeah I am racist"
he should have been dressed like the undertaker and never taken off his glasses
>I dont like ugly stupid freaks >cuts to Elle this is kino
he is such a bitch look at him cry like a little trust fund yuppy faggot. lmao he should be going full al capone and telling her you have nothing on me, I am a racist, I don't give a flying fuck. this is a political kangaroo court. heather hyer was a fat bitch who died from a heart attack when antifa with guns scared james fields (american version of horst wessel). the fact that he gave creedence to that fat coalburning nigger spawning pool means he is a fucking faggot. matt heimbach would have have done cucked shit like this and he is autistic
>>163347 *would not have done
>>163347 night of the wrong wives 2: spencer shanking boogaloo when tbh
(85.58 KB 1024x640 heimbach grab.jpg)

>>163347 heimbach would have chokeslammed her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGY1J9XTXuw
>>163351 then bred her for the white race
>>163347 >the fact that he gave creedence to that fat coalburning nigger spawning pool means he is a fucking faggot. tbh that and throwing all the chudnecks under the bus
>CNN having the moral high ground on anything. Fucking joke.
he should have worn his vax badge for good boy points
jewflix apparently making another version of All Quiet on the Western Front how many niggers will there be?
>>163355 he should have been in a biden shirt with a mask on while wearing a cockcage
Timelines are converging
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>>163351 even to this day he has not given up on the white race >>163353 tbh
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>>163358 Deepest lore
>>163360 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
smh ellie is kind of qt because she is a naziboo foid
>>163360 keek goodlad
>>163360 keeeeeek smh
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I wish she would interview me lads
>>163367 good lad
It’s over bros We got too cocky
>>163366 gidlud >>163367 keek please clip the potter ritualistic humiliation bit
>>163369 she'd only agree to it if it was conducted through reinforced shatterproof glass smh
dickie is too obviously homosexual to inspire any feelings of fear
Anyone know what brand of kitchen knife is good to get?
>>163377 anything that holds an edge and comes with a whetstone
>>163378 Sounds like a line from game of thrones
>>163379 >>163376 >>163375 Stop posting this shite you weirdo
>>163380 epic reference lad I too love popular media
>>163347 dunno think he did a good job playing the part of an obvious informant/wignat spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
>>163379 >Dorset at the pub.mp4
>>163372 >keek please clip the potter ritualistic humiliation bit What bit is that, when he's outside walking in his Hogwarts attire?
>>163384 wrong i am handsome and charming
>>163387 Can confirm tbh
>>163382 you read got fanfiction then come here to complain about it >>163385 its ok lad its not as funny watching it again
>girl keeps looking at you like this in the library What would you do?
>>163394 >an individual's ethnicity is self-defined
>>163395 Means Parliament is more than 10% ethnic tbh seeing as most all consider themselves to be “British”
>>163396 good point
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>>163399 Is this from a mainstream source? Or is is a meme someone made?
>>163399 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>163404 keek. kino.
>>163373 tbh I would have bluff charged her when she coyly rolled her eyes
>>163367 >>163399 keeek these are too heckin good lad
(2.07 MB 480x266 aggravated chicken.webm)

>>163399 keek >>163394 >ethnicity is just whether they're black or not
>>163411 >le dancing negro >wigger soldier rapping poland will collapse faster than ireland
>>163411 whoa I thought things like this wouldn't happen in eastern europe?
Poland is the ulcer in the belly of european civilisation
>>163412 he's not a soldier lad he's the original singer of mambo no. 5 >>163414 >
>>163414 bins?
>DDposting at memis/webms smh it's for news articles everyone already saw and didn't care about >>163404 (you) to btfo the DD tbh
mongo no 5
>>163419 Lad, that’s not what DD posting is for You post it whenever someone has posted something that you’ve seen before
>>163421 so nobody can ever repost reaction images or funny webms?
>using my oc against me as well
(30.30 KB 1164x480 hang him.jpg)

>163421 BAN HIM!
>>163422 You only get to post something once, or it’s a David Davis
KEEEEEEEEEEEK is this SA seething
requesting someone repost the david davis chad image tbh
with the soyjak going DAVID DAVIS and pointing
its bins pretending to be retarded
>>163430 very good lad
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>>163430 ummmmm I've seen this image before lad
>>163437 PO-TATE-OH
>>163438 This lad gets it
this kike running to be leader of frogland looks like nosferatu
>>163442 the francojews are deploying their own bloodsuckers to counter the anglo menace smh it'll be a blood-off in the channel soon
>>163442 tbh incredibly untrustworthy phenotype amazing how they do it really
>>163439 I kind of hate it yet there's something to it I quite like. Weird song tbh. I fucking hate saxophones, literally never heard one make a nice sound a single fucking time annoying aimless squeaky noises, all saxophone players should be put to death
wanked after day 7 nofap kingtheoden.jpg
>>163442 tbh >>163443 more like this is alignment with anglo-zionist kikedom
>163421 >163425
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Walkin' on Walkin' on Broken glass
>>163446 >Dorshit has had a wank again Pretty sure this is a David Davis too tbh
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>>163447 tbh this exactly zemmour is a zionist
>>163453 based
>>163443 Zouaves bashed an antifa foid who stormed the Zemmour speech and then they wrecked the commies wearing the “NON AU RACISME” t shirts momenteralily leaving “AU RACISME” - “TO RACISM” visible, keek
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>>163442 I wish for a politician here with such momentum, expressing the views he does. Alas, there's no escaping that phenotype.
>>163452 Seen that before too
>>163457 keeeeek
>>163452 a lot of layers to this
>>163456 >Zouaves What?
>>163461 french norf africans a lot of them fled in the 60s and absolutely hate muslims and immigrants in general, so someone here said they seem to support zemmour quite a bit
would quite like some zouave type trousers tbh nice and roomy for the ol' exploding legs
>>163461 the wee guys on the Zig-Zag packets
>>163464 god I want to breed that swarthy welsh lass
>>163465 just buy the whole uniform and larp
>>163467 she's got nice jebs
>>163465 They look huwhite to me
>her shirt is stretched enough you can see the BIG bra rrreeeeeee smh no cooming >>163468 tbh
>>163464 >It's DD for me heh
>>163470 yeah the zouaves were original north african tribesmen levied into the frog army, but they got a reputation so a lot of the southern european and american nations raised zouave regiments who larped in the same manner and also had a reputation for being brave and reckless
>>163472 >DD for me Dorshie D
>>163465 keeek amerisharts were obsessed with this look during the US civil war and generals and colonels dressed up men in these outfits and the men hated the look and it made them easier to know that generally they were issued lorenz rifles so people would loot them more frequently instead of older model springfields. the shitagain regiment mustered out of the region I live in tried to do a zouave look but it was seen as too furren so they just gave them a fez to wear but many men only wore them until the first engagement then switched to black slouch hats which was the proper midwestern soldier hat of the war
>>163476 based localists tbh
(149.29 KB 296x387 michigan4thinfantry.PNG)

found a pic of their attempt at a fez
>>163478 jings
>>163479 keek yeah that isn't very effay
>>163475 smh really hope the schizoomers are wrong about a big winter die off
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>>163481 based zog space cultists
>>163483 my grandad feels it in his bones but it may not be vaxxom related apparently the granny-mummy gossip circle says he has been morose and saying about how all his family dies at the age he is now
>>163485 >my grandad feels it in his bones my idiot best mate said that
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>>163483 I hope isn't true either, not holding my breathe though.
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Still can't get over Nosley's sisters milkers.
>>163489 fucking hell

>>163489 i'd save her white race if you know what I mean
>>163493 I'm not sure i understand you
>>163495 >blood clots there they go again
https://4thmichiganinfantry.ca/ smh according to these lads it wasn't a fez but some kind of canuck hat called a quebecois hat because a decent amount of the 4th michigan infantry was made up of canucks but that seems dubious IMO compared to the fashion of imitating zouaves
whats winter vagina?
>>163498 maybe their fetid holes freeze up because they refuse to wear anything more than leggings below the waist
>>163498 Something to cover up vaccine side-effects.
>>163497 that does make sense tbf, they probably have a lot of coureurs des bois influence from the frog days
>>163501 that kind of looks like what the poor zoomer in >>163479 is wearing
the pre-anglo leaf settler hat was this thing call the tuque (chook)
>>163503 and now it's relegated to a type of trendy hipster foid knitted headwear smh at least I used to see them a lot like that
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>>163504 keeek yeah do like it when blonde lasses have dark colored chooks and their hair is coming out and their cheeks are red
may as well stay up all night and fuck my sleep schedule up right
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>>163508 smh poor lads, we need to increase our Eire funding at once to atone
>>163495 nice bait lad.
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>>163511 keeek
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>tfw you blink and a week goes by
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forgot to buy cheap lager unbearable
>>163516 booze is what's making you gloomy and sleepless
>>163517 no it isnt
>>163518 actually it probably is
>>163514 that wasn't the week, that was biden in his stingray
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keeek that face
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>>163521 >Santa Inc.'s YouTube trailer hit with anti-Semitic and Holocaust-denying comments: "It’s not clear precisely what attracted the attention of antisemites and Holocaust deniers,"
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>>163523 who /ridinwithbiden/ here
>>163464 in teeline if you write DD its like this _ _ only closer, and it means dad
looking forward to hannukah inc
want to get drunk and workout again
hilarious scene where Alex Baldwin as father hannukah learns how to perform oral mohel duties on the jew elves
>>163530 luv doing that tbh
>>163532 I'm not Irish, hopefully
>>163511 I miss these types of thots
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>>163515 now this is posting
>>163495 she is having muscle spasms. women call those headaches.
>>163483 They are, the ones that took it are their most loyal drones, what would they gain by killing them off?
>>163538 for the euphoric effect?
seems like at the base level its a money grab and a power grab and we are dealing with bureaucracies that want to expand their budgets so they are kind of "disaster capitalism"ing their way out of an economc collaspe
>>163538 they are people who want to reduce the worlds population, it doesnt matter if loyal people die, they want 90-95% of the population dead
Why would Stalin kill his most loyal drones????
>>163540 makes sense >>163541 tbh ultimately they want everyone jabbed so they went for the low hanging fruit first
all of the companies that are making shit loads of money are probably going to be purged at some point nobody will be exempt
>>163538 It's not really about killing them off per se, only a large enough number to maintain their state of emergency, and keeping them enough of them alive to be vaxxoid/medical paypigs.
>>163545 >keeping them enough of them alive *keeping enough of them alive
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*spends several days watching russian language lessons*
I've got shit loads of beer, shame I'm probably not going to drink any for another few months.
>>163548 i deserve that beer fuck you
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winter olympics soon lads
>>163551 based
>>163550 >>163549 keek thread alkies right on cue >>163551 There is a pub that shows it without fail the town over because the owner is a curler. Going to have to go down sometime, women's games are always a sight to behold. Shame I have no local friends anymore.
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playing a one off gig at the pub at the weekend
>>163542 yuri b says the true believers are the useful idiots who are a danger to the communists, because they are likely to become disillusioned. so they are to be executed by eg pol pot
>>163554 based
>>163554 show up in a thong. better tips that way
>>163547 strong ALPHA language, stay away from BETA languages >>163314
>In California, a 2014 law downgraded the theft of less than $950 worth of goods from a felony to a misdemeanor.
>>163560 so sick of them infesting everything everywhere
>>163560 lmao she's just the assistanct, the jew is the real one in charge
>>163560 surgeon generals have basically zero power, traditionally. and whatever fauci is its not a real part of the original design of government, he's a definite deep state unelected element
>Many of these stolen goods are being resold online anonymously through Amazon.com, Facebook Marketplace, and on other platforms. thank you baste niggers
lmao i think they mean pseudonymously
>>163561 biden appointed them
The death of Andreas Noack is suspect. That post is tinged with disinfo wtf is going on.
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>>163567 I know how the 5g connects now, it'll be used to reshape the graphene hydroxide. Like a kill switch.
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>the heat brings out the wild in the dindu >did you say that???
let this be the last thread
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God you can tell she wants to spread her legs for him https://youtu.be/lSVF3T_8rdc
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>>163576 >support trump >fuck this globo homo Jewish agenda keeeeek imagine being a true believer
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drank coffee a few hours ago
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>>163579 I wonder what the Wakandan game maestro has said about this.
I call him that because I can't remember his real fucking name.
>>162977 then why bother with the boosters?

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