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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3602: He Made It Edition Anonymous 12/30/2021 (Thu) 18:20:56 Id: 509483 No. 175249
>Mammoth graveyard: Fossil hunters describe thrill of discovery https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-59828850 >Ghislaine Maxwell: Survivors speak of relief after guilty verdict https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-59827051 >Virginia Confederate monuments likely headed to black history museum https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-59833150
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feeling esoteric recently tbh
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overslept til 4, now sninner with woes
mummy told me a wholesome story about my racist uncle marrying a filipino after his wife died. racism btfo.
>>175253 set an alarm. If people have to get up early for work, why should they not get up early for leisure time? No use sleeping away your free time.
>>175255 >set an alarm I did
>>175254 Joy to the world, I'm sure she made him very happy and taught him the true meaning of extended family.
Why no milo and woes, was looking forward to 2 recovered homosexuals.
>>175256 I used to have have two alarms, one to wake me up and another 5 minutes later to tell me to get out of bed
https://youtu.be/LKJK5bR9SUY Silas has a channel!
>>175261 whomst?
>>175262 Lee, Jonafan and Keyring's pal
>>175263 lad c'mon I'm not a leeologist
>>175263 thought they became archenemies tbh
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-59824914 fuck sake steiner got my hopes up yesterday >Australia: Protesters set Old Parliament House in Canberra on fire >Australia's former parliament building in the capital Canberra was briefly set alight on Thursday by protesters during a demonstration for Aboriginal sovereignty, police said.
>>175249 Is that chad in love with a femboy?
>>175259 keeeeek I do the same
>>175249 Good lad
>>175267 Yeah, /brit/ OP images are unabashedly gay now
>>175270 Should expect that after they all came to the defence of mega gayist and evil tranny cock lopper, Poombs Smh
>Steven Joel Sotloff was an American-Israeli journalist. In August 2013, he was kidnapped in Aleppo, Syria, and held captive by militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). >Sotloff's legacy is, in part, that he broke the Benghazi story to CNN, that there was no protest,[14][15] and that he foresaw the massive Syrian Refugee Crisis as he reported on the everyday people's suffering in Syria, thus earning him the reputation as "The Voice for the Voiceless."[16][17][18][19] >The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Florida Heroes Award - awarded by CNN's Larry King, given for Sotloff's "demonstration of tremendous courage, compassion, and determination in confronting hate and intolerance."[80][81] >On April 20, 2016, it was announced that the family of Steven Sotloff were seeking $90 million in damages from Syria in U.S. court. The family claims the Assad government provided support for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant which was responsible for his murder.[102]
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>>175273 BASED!!!
>>175275 is MW getting mogged?
>>175276 I don't know why people think morgoth will somehow take wews to task when he's probably going to agree with him the most out of any guests that he's had on tbh
>>175273 he did plenty wrong. He tried to capture Stalingrad and declared war on shartica.
>>175278 no lad please dont start this again
>>175278 sharts false flagged themselves to get into the war faster smh lad you should know this it was a "u boat attack" or some shit sinking one of their totally-not-military-supply-ships-illegally-aiding-britain or something like that but I shall say no more because we don't need more polface autism >>175279 keek tbh
>>175281 >ywn host Will It Blend: ethnic minorities special edition
>>175276 Mark Collett mogged wews If you want to see wews getting mogged watch that
>>175283 based
>>175284 Yeah, he basically shat in him for being a fat lazy waster
>In January 1943 the SS Germanische Leitstelle in occupied Zakopane in the heartland of the Tatra mountains embarked on a recruitment drive, with the objective being to create a brand new Waffen-SS highlander division. Some 200 young Gorals signed up after having been given unlimited supplies of alcoholic drinks. They boarded a train to Trawniki, but got off the train in nearby Maków Podhalański, when they had become sober. Only twelve men arrived at the SS training base in Trawniki next to Lublin. At the first opportunity they got into a major fistfight with the Ukrainians collaborators, causing havoc. They were arrested and sent away. The whole idea was abandoned as impossible by SS-Obergruppenführer Krüger in occupied Kraków by an official letter of April 5, 1943.[7] The failure has inevitably contributed to his dismissal on November 9, 1943, by Governor General Hans Frank.[8] Krüger committed suicide in upper Austria two years later.[9] lmao
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>set to die behind bars hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
>>175288 not a word on the hundreds of child rapist politicians she has dirt on huh
>>175289 I guess her secrets will die with her
>>175288 do you think they'll go for hanging again? Maybe slashed wrists this time, or put her in a position to be shivved
the world is so fucking beautiful bros...
FUCK. I spelled it wrong.
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>the Scooby doos have been replaced by a new elite
>>175297 >that kino lighting change bravo Joe
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>>175288 >100% of the johns skate
>>175297 >the woes/morgoth audience doesn't care about this potentially kino debate smh
>>175302 >2017
>>175302 >coalin following an ex-autright thot's onlyfans KEEEEK
lmao gangstalking is real https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fbi-secret-spy-plane-surveillance-program-detailed-court-records how long before bill gates and the queen rip a baby apart and eat it on live tv?
lmfao he's exposed himself as a perverted sex pest more times than I can count and he just cant stop doing it.
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>Alex Jones drawing Hitler moustache on rand paul for not talking about the vaccine
>>175307 the grotty kingpin of the britnatosphere
>>175308 lmao Jones' wife is on pharmaceudicals, there was a police call involving her in the past few days
sort of like how fox news has a vax mandate.
>“The planes followed Mr. Alazhari as he went about his life, for example, watching him pick up his mail from his mailbox, watching him drive to visit his sister at her apartment, watching him visit an Urgent Care facility, and watching him check himself in for inpatient mental health treatment,” the motion added. >i think I'm being watched >i need help lmao
>>175312 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>175249 >>175267 >>175270 Except he didn't LMAO.
millenial woes telegram mod is a furry fascist lolcow. he's so disabled he actually has an irl government payed for carer lmfao.
>>175315 all jannies are faggots no exceptions
Massive L for Westoids. >>175316 Now imagine being a janny among faggots. :0
>it's a consoomer episode with woes going on about the television show 'tripods' and morgoth going on bout muh warhammer 40k
>>175318 WH40K is fucking based lass as long as you have a 3D printer to shit on GW.
>>175319 yeah but after discovering it morgoth is always going on about it, like he's a boomer going 'how do you do fellow kids' keeek the fan view of it is based but gw is always working to poz it up smh
>In 1878, the Bannock people and northern Shoshone tribes participated in the Bannock War, a war against white settlers in the region over the destruction of camas root—a major source of food for the natives—by white settlers' hogs. The Bannock and the Northern Paiute suffered from violence during the conflict, and once the white settlers had won the war, the natives were allotted into various reservations. The Northern Paiute were sent to the Yakama Indian Reservation and in later years have been dispersed throughout several reservations in the western United States.[39][40] pigs have always played a massive beneficial role to european expansion.
>>175305 Poast pics?
>>175322 go to last page of the kiwi link
>>175320 >how do you do fellow kids WH40K is decades old lad, it’s not a new kids thing
>>175320 >always going on about it He's hooked on it, as most people will be when they discover WH40K lore. >GW is always working to poz it up Exactly why I mentioned 3D-printing, disrespect their already loose claim to their frankly unoriginal IP, take it off them.
>>175323 Not seeing any Alt right onlyfans pics tbh
>>175324 yeah I know, family used to be friends with one of the illustrators https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Adrian_Smith but morgoth only just found out about it last year and connects it to everything smh, gets tiresome >>175326 it's in a spoiler
>>175327 still can’t find it Ahhhhhhhhhhh
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>>175327 >>175327 You’re not talking about Tabby Lovecraft are you? That’s his gf
Want to hear BBK sing "on the first day of Britmass, my true love gave to me, a hurt bum and a little sneed" in his Queen voice tbh.
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Don't think I'll be able to get the new year's sea cow on time tbh
>A proposal in June 1979 called for a new German Autonomous Republic within Kazakhstan, with a capital in Ermentau. The proposal was aimed at addressing the living conditions of the displaced Volga Germans. At the time, around 936,000 ethnic Germans were living in Kazakhstan, as the republic's third-largest ethnic group. On June 16, 1979, demonstrators in Tselinograd (Nur-Sultan) protested this proposal. Fearing a negative reaction among the majority Kazakhs and calls for autonomy among local Uyghurs, the ruling Communist Party scrapped the proposal for ethnic German autonomy within Kazakhstan. VGH... the reich of the steppe.... home.. .
>>175333 We'll still love you anyway.
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>>175335 No we won't. And if it's but 1 second off, it will be CURSED. CURSED. CURSED.
>>175331 Not sure that’s real tbh
>>175315 >woes jannies are into vore and inflation
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><orgoth complaining about free market determining rent prices what a pleb
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>>175335 Thanks lad >>175336 smh hope not
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who is this gorgeous upper class flower that died of a stroke Morgoth keeps talking about?
>>175341 It's okay. CURSED.
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>>175343 ah good, that infographic explains everything all we need to do is show everyone that and we've won
>>175297 >comments disabled This tosser is a waste of time get this shit out of here.
Do we have a newfag? How do we have a newfag?
>>175347 tbh absolutely >(1)-esque post
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>>175297 Based schizowens calling out the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine). Now this is me calling out our board owner. SA, (You)s is Dafties, Dafties (x2) spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine), and you work for HnH, or the big boys themselves. You dirty dog. You bongo bumbder. You nonce.
uhm anti-vaxx chuds???
>>175350 I just assume all these convenient stories of anti vaxxers dying are made up tbh
>>175351 thats retarded.
>>175351 tbh, the 'dying of covid' bit at least
Being anti-vaccine for the elderly at this point is just based off feelings. Its 100% as retarded as not believing in race science. Masks and lockdowns are completely retarded and worth fighting against, the vaccine isnt.
filtered for trying to astroturf and being a retard
>>175355 see? no actual arguments or reasoning just emotion based dismissal.
>subverter trying to use our belief in racial reality to shill for the vaccine fuck off mong just because you got the vaccine, pathetic attempt
if you love vaccines so much why don't you inject yourself with more and go do some strenuous physical activity until you die of a totally unrelated heart attack
>>175358 I'm absolutely in better health than you lmao.
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>>175351 Whenever a vaxxed retard still dies of coofid other vaxxtards cope with 'it was a mexican vaccine' or 'this just shows how serious it is and the need for vaxooooming'. Disease is real. It can kill people. Even in extremely rare cases otherwise healthy ones. So can regular old pneumonia. Always has. Doubt the vax's effectiveness as the goalpost keeps shifting for what 'effective' even is. Main issue is globohomo beurocrats jumping at any excuse to push more anarcho tyranny and plebian self humiliation rituals, and big pharma, now ally of the left/mainstream/whatever, who in the US remember pushed the opioid epidemic in the first place, wraking in the cash. Simple as. Don't have to deny anyone their saline solution to be against mandates, lockdowns, endless testing, internal passports etc.
>>175360 you do know viruses tinker with your cells too, right?
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>now there are two of them
>175361 Didn't even attempt to read and understand my post. NPC tier reply. No (You) for (You) I'm afraid.
Ask yourself if there is any level of proof that will convince you vaccination saves more than it kills? If you cant come up with one that actually exists then you're really no different from people who believe that disparities between the races is always caused by racism rather than innate racial differences.
>>175363 unironically how shills operate tbh
>>175363 lmao viruses literally hijack your cells to reproduce themselves.
>>175364 >that will convince you vaccination saves more than it kills? it literally doesn't though, we've known this for months, if the media reported on vaccine side effects they way they report on corona shite you'd know that, your subversive low IQ play won't work here mong
90mph wind and fire scouring some shart suburb clean https://youtu.be/8KRi9kjLlG4
>175366 >another snarky retard non-argument post
Natural immunity tbh
>>175360 >Disease is real. It can kill people. Even in extremely rare cases otherwise healthy ones. Then surely the rights general anti-vaccine advocacy is actively going to result in elderly/vulnerable right wing people dying at higher rates than elderly/vulnerable leftists?
>>175354 omicron is much more likely to infect pfeizer vaxxed than others. it's an unexplained variant. how did it mutate without being noticed for a year?
>>175371 who cares mong, it has a 99.9% survival rate, leftists are more dysgenic anyway
>>175369 I'm suggesting the virus is worse than the vax
vaccines are like Teeline, both are imperfect, but wise and effective, but not for everyone.
>>175367 >it literally doesn't though again- reflexive dismissal. If say we looked at areas by excess deaths and vaccination rates and they negatively correlated would that prove that vaccines are beneficial, atleast for certain demographics? Are your beliefs based off any actual proof or just your personal feelings?
>>175376 >again- reflexive dismissal. statement of fact you mean, I'll disregard the rest of your post since you start off with a lie
>>175378 lmao, exactly.
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>>175376 umpressive glow ngl
I win again
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>>175383 >>175373 checking both ids
>>175382 Teeline has one, united under Teeline.
>>175372 I'm talking about deaths not infections.
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>talking to a vaccinated "person"
>when a subversive makes his way into brit
>>175350 what about all the people killed by vaccine side effects?
>>175387 wear a magnetic suit of armor to protect against mines. anyway, heard about israel's bird flu?
>>175389 ngl cia agents are kind of cool. they literally glow.
>>175389 basically, I'll demonstrate a glow nig busting technique.
>>175389 keeek smh
>>175391 People who are vaccinated are less likely to die or be hospitalised with covid. >>175390 They exist, but are there more deaths from the vaccine than from Covid amongst the unvaccinated?
>>175395 >They exist, but are there more deaths from the vaccine than from Covid amongst the unvaccinated? yes, among people below the age of 70
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>>175380 It's okay. The thread had already been cursed by low effort concern trolling.
>>175396 How do you know that?
>>175395 welcome back. nice of you to add us to you work orders. magnetic armor, do you get it? highly effective against landmines, why look at the rates vs those who don't have it!
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>>175398 looked it up a while ago
vs wooden armor, less effective against landmines, see the survival rates against mines!!!
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Can some up my 'anti vax' stance as the same as me defending boring schizobots freezed peach against the tyranny of SA. Too esoteric for newfag glownigger concerntrolls. Disregard this poost.
>morgoth and woes still going on end the stream already it's past midnight and I really need to poo
Try and argue the truth on race and demographics and you'll be accused of concern trolling in any leftist online space. Why is that? Is it perhaps because they have no actual argument?
>>175403 >4 hours REEEEEEEEE I thought I'd missed it so didn't bother to tune it, that'll be good content for the next week though
>>175405 doubt it wil be anything you've not heard before tbh
>175404 No you won't. You'll be immedietely shadowbanned and/or called a literal nartzee and some furry pedo will report the hatecrime and try to dox you. Parallel just doesn't work.
>hes been btfo so turns to feminine snark You've had a number done
>posts shite >gets btfo OH MY GAWD YOU ARE JUST LIKE THE HECKIN LEFT middle class conformist faggot just concerned with his status as a downwardly mobile mummies boy
I don't want it because I don't like being told what to do by cunts like Bill Gates and every other leftist twat out there. I could somewhat understand it if the so-called vaccines actually stopped it from spreading but it doesn't. Anyway if I get sick and die then so be it No means no simple as now fuck off ok,thankyou >>175403 keek you should have an emergency bucket for times like this
Test complete. 1. It's not a CIA agent. IQ too low. 2. It is a leftist. 3. Likely place of origin: USA non-South
Anti-vaccine culture amongst the right has just resulted in right wing retards getting their voter base killed and disenfranchised. You can cope and you will but I will still be right. >>175409 >>175409 No argument just coping. >>175407 In both cases there is no actual facts based argument just emotion based reflexive dismissal.
The innoculatuon against incidentals indicates purpose. The lack of attention indicates lack of respect. 100% certainty: he likes Steven Colbert
hes on the ropes
>>175412 why would anybody reject the magnetic armor of Pfiezer, against mines? why use wooden armor instead?
>>175415 ship #2, wooden.
>>175412 > right wing retards getting their voter base killed and disenfranchised. the vast majority of unvaxxed are BAME, idiot
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>>175418 >>175416 >>175415 ship #1, metal. akin to Pfeizer's vaccine
>>175417 Yeah I know, its a silver lining but generally anti-vaccine sentiment has resulted in higher deaths of covid in very white conservative/right wing populations, for example Idaho and Arkansas
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>>175419 >>175418 >>175416 >>175415 Your foe, the landmine. akin to Covid.
>>175420 covid hardly kills anyone 99.7% survival rate the vaccines, on the other hand, are much riskier
what IDIOT would use wooden armor to protect against mines?
>>175422 fuck off undermining me mong its a 99.9% survival rate
Shartin could learn a thing or 2
>>175424 >>175422 your info is old. now omicron is attracted to vaccinated people, a much bigger problem.
>>175422 Covid has killed 148k people in the UK. I want the bulk of that to be demographics I dont care for not demographics I do care for. That's not counting the amount of people permanently harmed by covid itself. I know one person who's died of it, I know more people who've suffered very serious injuries from contracting it, specifically the loss of teeth/gums from lack of blood flow while hospitalised.
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>Agnonces mummy bullied him into getting the gene altering vaccine now he has to cope and argue his point here to feel like a big boy
>>175427 again, vaxines increase infectuon rates.
>>175428 I'm not vaccinated. If you're in your 20s it isnt necessary.
I can tell he is a leftist because he can't grasp metaphor.
>>175427 >Covid has killed 148k people in the UK KEEEEEEEEEEEK no it hasn't you spacker thats deaths WITH covid and its stretched to the point of absurdity, its probably only about 2k deaths in total, also your second sentence is just ridiculous nonsense
>>175430 pure fantasy for your alias, retard.
>>175432 he thinks we like old torries, that's what a wad he is.
>>175432 Yeah the most ridiculous thing he's said thus far. Yeah trust the govt figures the method of reporting which was changed for el coof to mean anyone hit by a car with coofid is part of the figures for coofid deaths.
Definitely NOT cia grade. could work for the homoffice.
>>175435 let's discuss methods of getting around government tracking.
>>175432 >>175435 If covid hasn't killed anymore than 2,000 people over the course of two years then why have excess deaths increased? This week alone excess deaths area 15.3% above the five-year average (1,650 more deaths). https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/weekending17december2021
>>175437 Governments have forgotten the ways of the monke. They cannot track our movements through the trees. Treelining is what will save Britain.
>>175439 use monkeline tbh
>>175438 excess death is due to sedentary behavior. it doesn't take long to sit your ass sick.
In my ethnistate these things are prohibited: 1. sodas 2. netflix 3. pizzas
having troubles vis a vis the lower intestinal tract tbh might be the end of my poosting saga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZ-k3oblIM8
>>175443 try shoving a banana up there.
Is this guy the one the other month who was talking about how video games were killing people?
>>175445 how were they killing people?
>>175441 which somehow disproportionately effects elderly people who are already sedentary. At this point just accept there is no level of evidence that will convince you otherwise and no actual evidence convinced you of your position in the first place. It is entirely emotionally driven. We all know it.
>>175438 >people denied hospital care/diagnoses/appointments/medicines as GPs and hospitals are supposed to prioritise vaxxmaxing per Johnsons diktat >why have deaths increased lately?
>>175438 theres loads of things that cause excess death
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fuck off vaxmong
>>175447 >At this point just accept there is no level of evidence you've posted nowt and you've been btfo at every turn, its like arguing with a smug jew
>>175448 So you believe the excess deaths are from hospitals being full of people there for a disease that has killed only 2,000 people in two years?
>>175450 good lad no arguing just violence
>>175452 strawmanning mong
>>175447 >which somehow disproportionately effects elderly people who are already sedentary. Lad my grandparents were less sedentary than me until the government threatened them with 10 grand fines and prison time and psy oped them for 2 years they would 100% die of el coof to get them to be sedentary.
>>175447 that's the fallacies hasty conclusion and ad hominem. because you don't have standards yourself, standards by reason of your iq superiors csuses you to become convinced it's a trick. yet you are ignorant yourself. after all, the elderly became isolated from socialization, their chief purpose in getting out. didn't take long to kill them off.
>>175457 smh too bad scambo has moortuguese blood
>>175455 Cool. Anyway, lockdowns are bad, the vaccine is good (for old/vulnerable people).
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ywn purify an alex jones reject
>>175460 metal ships are great at defending against mines lmao
don't protect yourself from mines with a WOOD ship lmao
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he is writing his exit missive
I wonder if I should charge for sex. I have a lot of excess sex.
Israeli police shooting tear gas canisters into arabs heads causes schizo freakout lmfao. https://twitter.com/KarenHa97783644/status/1476557467244974084?s=20
>>175466 They gayist only sees the man arse. Not the man's great flexability and endurance to perform such a stretch, signalling he wishes to inspire the men to fight for glory and honour, and enter Jannah a warrior. No, the gayist just sees his own gayism, manifested onto a hairy old arab's anus. What an apt mirror to the rotten soul of the gayist. Okay, shank you.
Can't see the issue, just identify a female of 9/10 or greater beauty and offer terms of sex, say 2 squirts for $1000.
She is to pay up front and be examined for weapons and other contraband.
No fake women either, the real deal.
Hello miss, are you in the market for gentle intercourse?
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>175469 >he had to trall twitter for qoomer schizos to strawman /brit/ Filtered.
I could not help but notice you are likely lonely, since you have fake nails and tits, a wig, and are a bit fat too. (says this despite it not being true).
>>175476 how can you betray a fellow fa like that?
>>175475 Wtf is happening there?
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>he replies while filtered, no doubt pretending not to understand
>>175476 oh it's ok he's a ba not a fa like us.
>>175475 ngl I wouldn't know what to do either. try to get it out?
Miss, as it happens, I have a FULLY LOADED COCK full of semen and ready to BUST A LOAD IN YOUR HOLES. I am a reasonable man, $10,000 for the first installment, you csn pay the rest in installments (highball offer).
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>>175283 keek watching woes die inside when Marky i bullying him about not being an outside person.
This is a copyright confidential script of Scientology Inc.
Ahh late night schizo and ag nonce infested threasds. I'd forgotten the joys.
>>175487 wow you are normal, i bet you watch teeeeveeee
Are you really schizo or is this just some vain attention seeking?
>>175490 post pictures of your hamster doing his "dance"
>>175485 is that on odsyee?
>>175489 no schizo I just watch you.
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>>175495 why do you listen to retardos?
Miss, you will regeet letting pass this one time offer of BOATLOADS OF RED HOT SEMEN.
keeeeeeeeeeek smh woes gettting bullied hard
>when he takes that sullen drag from his vape
Yes miss, just for you, hand delivery!
Select your avenue of distribution.
My dear woman, topside delivery comes at a premium.
Group discounts are available.
Mr Schizo you're sailing sailing dangerously close to the filter right now
A free logo T and microfiber cloth to each customer
>Ok mark thats enough
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>>175500 it's a great stream, Woes addressing the allegations at the start as well keek
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I hope that joe cuts a promo of nosely stealing his "hand out papers saying wogs out okay thanks" idea
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>noselys lip smirking as woes crawls back and kisses his ring like a good little
>>175511 kek, will watch it later tbh
tinnies in fridge waiting to be drank tomorrow lads
sex sex sexity sex sex
was watching combat footage of the liberian civil war in 2003 when the american nigger warlord charles taylor got rekt. this one britoid was just randomly embedded with nigger rebels. smh it was so scary even 2nd hand imagining being around all those retarded subhuman niggers. this one nigger was masterbating in the middle of a firefight in the film its fucking insane how moronic and subhuman niggers are
>>175495 Why in tf would Wews have Collet on after the shit he pulled accusing Wews of being a sex pest/borderline rapist. Makes me think Colin's compromised tbh.
selling SEX to NUNS
sex sells.
SOLD! to the supermodel from eastern Europe.
You appreciate quality, I can tell.
vita-MAN injections.
Why does schizoposter have to be like this?
ok boomer boomers say bye to the people in their computer
>>175524 agnonce really set him off
Just found out 5% of hong kong has canadian citizenship
You can literally go to canada for uni and by the time you've finished have citizenship, most cucked country on earth
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>ontario in the 90s versus ontario now >every last "canadian" I have met in the last 5 years has been a shitskin
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poombs in 2030
nvm finished the Collett stream and it's just impressive that they reconciled in the name of the white race. Woes actually withstood those low blows from Collet tbh he's grown
>>175533 what's this form?
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FARAGE IS GOING ANTI-VAXX!!! https://youtu.be/fVbV9-JeU0w
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>>175537 it's ogre steinhawg
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>>175541 I miss the naivete and optimism of the early drumpf era tbh
>>175542 i miss thinking someone gave a shit.
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Was listening to savage garden and was receiving some good collected thoughts and I planned out how I was gonna package it for a good schizo post but after thinking what the outcome would be of that thought it snow balled into a moral savage garden rock opera in my head where the character ends in tragedy but now the music stopped and all the cock grabbing or rocking backwards and forwards won't bring it back to its original outburst feel and now I'm just not gonna post it
>>175546 >Was listening to savage garden and was receiving Makes sense.
https://youtu.be/aJzt9QwZxDw this goom looks so much more kino than when it was in beta test
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>>175547 textbook bully banter there he made it look effortless great example for any young lads who might be watching at home
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>>175549 morning lads had the comfiest dream about living in a huge rickety mansion the middle of a forest and mysterious unseen entities (likely gnomes) kept running around downstairs opening all the doors and windows >>175549 looks based >>175550 keeeeeeeek
>>175551 good lad
>>175550 kek, nice one.
>>175553 >Many Jews were killed and much Jewish property was destroyed.
what do you think about the pro vax guy that showed up out of nowhere?
>New York jury finds Israeli drugmaker Teva guilty of helping fuel opioid crisis >Pharma giant says it plans to appeal after court says firm was ‘deceptive’ in marketing two cancer drugs containing fentanyl for other types of pain is biden gassing the jews?
>>175531 Tbh lad, it's very painful to experience. Related: in November a small town Ontario gunsmith was raided by Toronto police whose jurisdiction is normally an hour plus drive away. The shot him dead in front of a customer and there's still no explanation why they went there. It has caused some expressions of mildly based nativist seethe, which is actually impressive for Canadians ngl
>>17555 >>17553 I thought the quote re love by the 'convert' Ludwig was pretty uncanny how reminiscent it is of the 'I don't believe this but I believe I can make you do what I want you to do if I quote this book you believe in' meme
>>175558 Strange submissive grooming tbh
>>175558 >>175562 tbh bit odd
>>175563 It's still a couple levels more wholesomethan typical grooming for normgroids though.
>>175565 Search videos for Benny Hinn and 'let the bodies hit the floor' lad it's good for a chuckle
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>>175567 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>175568 Glad you liked it lad, real boomer YouTube hours there - decade and a half on YouTube nearly Now it's sleepy Time down south(ern Ontario) so happy new year - hope you find some decent toil away from Vax goons. https://youtu.be/g8bB-1FyRnE
>>175569 night lad tbh
I'm a whether forecaster. it's going to be.
jk rowling is the guardian's disabled person of the year
>>175571 keeeeek
morning lads shops and probably going back to bed without having done any work in a few hours tbh >>175475 good lad very comfy for me it was a sneethisode about moving house and everyone getting angry at smee for taking too long to pack or not leaving stuff behind >>175559 wew smh evil cunts
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what did canadian white nationalist mean by this?
>>175337 these things have happened a lot over the years and none of them have changed anything
>>175574 smorning >>175575 smh not one drop
>>175577 >smh not one drop Smh not so Steiner can hear it, lass
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Then again I guess a lot of chugs were actually white
>>175575 speaking truth to power
>>175578 keeeksmh didn't mean it like that tbh just sick of people who pretend to be based but then go "actually x is huwhite so it's fine for me to throw my genes down the toilet"
watching joe's video >how he refers to himself in third person >SET IT UP! keeeeeeeeeek 'cut down the internet' tier booming
>>175583 Build the citadel and the white man will come smh
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>>175585 As ozlad said, not a single drop of vax
the more boosters they bring out, the less my family tries bullying me into getting it as they realise I was right all along
>>175587 Yeah tbh keeek. The seeds of doubt you planted years ago are starting to grow
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The niglet cries out in pain as he strikes you
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toil >>175591 looks kino
croissants avec strawberry nesquik tbh sturdy till lass was there again, maybe she always takes the morning shift so I should go then more and take furtive longing glances and never talk to her outside of saying 'pay by card' and 'thanks' >>175592 byela think of all the bossmen you help to support
the beta woes averts his gaze while the alpha nosely repeats his one talking point a hundred times over
>>175595 https://youtu.be/0K4oym9Pw48 And he don't stop talking
what's the hypothesis here?
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>>175539 Based elite demolition of their rotten system All this gathered sin begat the father to the child, what a mess we're in but now the joker's running wild
>>175544 yeah I'm saving that to my harddrive keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>175602 Those large crowds of just "white" people smh
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Smorn this new years sneethe lods.
>>175606 hey we're watching that today at 8
well, the new one
>>175538 Still don't much like or trust him but he's reasonable enough here. It will be span as neil fromage goes on anti science redpill incel conspiracy though. Smh. >>175517 Vice jews' vid on general butt naked was kino tbh. Nigger kid had cut out a man's heart and was saying he'd eat it right at the beginning. >>175607 Not sure what I will be watching, but it won't be the gaytrix. Sorry lad.
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>go to bus stop >bus doesn't show >tell bossman i'll be late >wait forty minutes in thirty-eight degree heat with the sun right in my fucking eyes >catch the next bus that doesn't even go all the way there so i had to walk another fifteen minutes >almost there when bossman sends me a message saying not to bother coming in because everyone's clocking out early the perfect end to the perfect year tbh just went to the bottleo and came home but all the good tinnies were already sold out smdh also my headphones broke
>>175611 it do be like that sometimes
>>175611 >bus to work rip lad, hope you have a better new years
>>175612 tbh smh >>175613 thanks lad
>>175611 Keeeeek so typical for the last day of the year smh
>>175615 at least it's all over now no more toil for the rest of the year >>175616 not very nice lad
>>175617 >no more toil for the rest of the year keeeeek now that's a toilman's joke
"gaming is a noble hobby" - mark collett
>>175617 No more toil, but bossman can still contact you >sent me a message late last night which I didn't see before waking up this morning Just not going to open it
>>175620 tbh i never look at my phone permanently on silent and in a different room
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>>175623 >puglad morphing into pitlad
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>>175623 based and comfypilled
>>175624 >cities and towns that were considered significant enough to warrant massive fortifications are now smaller than modern-day towns and villages i want to go back
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>>175628 >you will never buy an island fort and found the /brit/ ethnostate
>>175629 tbh pic makes me sneethe a bit seeing how much has fallen into disrepair there are some places like it in Britain, smaller but still neglected and left to go to ruin instead of being maintained smh
>>175629 we'd have to stack it up in multiple planes once our population soars
>>175631 but there are no women in the /brit/nostate
>>175630 tbh it's been left to rot and now it's an empty shell >>175631 when that happens we get more island forts tbh become a global power >>175632 that's what the raiding parties are for lad
>>175632 we can just do like that Lord lad said and buy slaves
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>>175585 That reminds me of that Greek Orthodox priest that said there'd be 6 shots and it was all part of the mark of the beast.
>>175634 Or we could raid Israeli human trafficking operations and keep the human booty for ourselves
>>175637 word vomiting into niggercattle mouths and they will sit there and take it
>>175637 People will believe this shit as well.
I think the banking sector has got what it wants from mentira so the order has been given to sway the niggercattle towards being scared of the climate instead now.
>>175637 surprised they were allowed to publish this tbh >>175639 >>175640 calm down lads this article is just reporting on the evidence that endless boosters do more harm than good that plus acknowledgement that diseases mutate over time to be less deadly and more transmissible saying that a month or two ago would have been grounds for getting unpersoned >>175641 tbh this is probably it
>>175642 no lad you have to be constantly seething even at good news
>>175643 It isn't good news if the establishment has decided it.
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>>175537 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek fuck the mods
>>175646 I'll be there
guess my eye is just chronically dry now
>>175644 might at least mean an end to coofshite tbh maybe we can move on to a more overt dystopia >>175645 every time somebody says hooray i'll think of dead jews tbh very comfy >>175646 really really do not want to watch that atrocity tbh good thing i'll be asleep
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>>175650 >really really do not want to watch that atrocity tbh good thing i'll be asleep I'll beam it in to your dreams telepathically
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(((Why))) indeed?
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>>175653 it's honestly really tiring how the niggercattle still can't see it
new year soon lads
>>175655 ten and a half hours here still what fresh nightmares will it bring?
happy new year lads
>>175657 may it be a good one
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>>175656 only one way to find out lad >>175658 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>175657 merry newmas >>175659 no sweets or tinnies this year, lass
but thanks lad
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>>175660 >no sweets or tinnies this year, lass
>>175662 alright tubby
>>175659 there's always a small possibility of the nordic aliens returning with an army of hitler clones and saving the huwhite race tbf
>>175663 working on it tbh do need to cut back though smh >>175664 we can only hope
just want a secret lab of the kino kind (not the gay biolab coof kind) somewhere to have a resonance cascade scenario and plunge the world into chaos as portal storms drop lethal monsters everywhere and force people to band together to survive and kill off the retarded and useless (probably including me) tbh
>>175666 finally racism will be defeated
>>175275 four fucking hours!
>>175667 niggers already count as lethal monsters but the niggercattle psychoblocks hide this fact from them smh
>>175666 tbh >>175667 if only the absolute cream of the crop survive then in a way that's true tbh still don't want humanity to turn into a brown blob though smh
preparing for the new year's poo with an unholy baguette mix of pate, expired blue cheese and egg mayonnaise
https://youtu.be/HMQrdEMBbW4 >7:37 keeek wee need are Zulu 2
>>175646 great idea but the movie is shit
>>175672 still want to watch this even though it has pooish seethe against the chad anglo in it tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFP24D15_XM
>>175674 Keeeeeeek just so much ridiculous shite >sword roars like a lion after cutting down a tribesman keeeeek. Bollywood making serious historical films look like an even more exagerrated 300 smh. I'd watch it
>>175671 lad that's going to be vile very based >>175672 >sikhs and poos all portrayed as brown-eyed huwhites keeek >>175674 looks like pvre kino tbh
out of beer
toil soon
>>175677 >>175678 varys_toasting.jpg
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>>175678 smh rip lad at least you're making good money >>175679 keeek >>175681 tbh so sad she will have committed suicide smh didn't know she was so depressed
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>>175682 >tbh so sad she will have committed suicide smh didn't know she was so depressed it's the injustice of the white supremacist justice system she had to face - it traumatised her
>>175683 keeeeeek they'll try every trick before sending her to her death can only hope she rats everyone out in exchange for protection tbh surely she knows what's coming tbh especially so soon after epstein
>>175637 meanwhile they are building factories to make components for the PCR tests that won't start producing products until late 2024 https://nypost.com/2021/12/30/us-gives-firm-137m-to-make-covid-test-materials-before-2024/
>>175684 >can only hope she rats everyone out in exchange for protection tbh surely she knows what's coming tbh especially so soon after epstein this is why she's probably going to die though...
>>175687 another year another variant
>too fat for my christmas presents great
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>>175689 time to get /fit/ lad
>>175685 it's literally just the government handing out free money to its friends they'll spend two or three million on building a new factory some time in 2023 before getting the call that actually the pandemic is over then all the executives will pat themselves on the back and give each other twenty million dollar bonuses >>175686 tbh it doesn't make sense though they talk to get out of prison, so they're killed so they don't talk, so they talk to get into protection before they're killed, so they're killed before they even get the chance to consider talking why are none of them smart enough to talk while they're still in the fucking courtroom? spill the beans and get escorted directly to an anonymous and comfortable new life out in the middle of nowhere
>>175685 based lads saving the human race out of the goodness of their hearts
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>>175691 >they talk to get out of prison, this only works if you're ratting out enemies of the establishment it doesn't work if you are ratting out the establishment itself
>>175693 so why do they talk? it's all so retarded smh used to be that people could be lynched just for being suspected of these crimes
>>175695 haha that soulless company is so relatable
>>175694 >so why do they talk? if they are ratting out plebs like themselves then they get away with it they only get suicided if they are ratting out powerful people it does raise the question though, how did this case ever come up in the first place? How did Epstein get caught? Does this imply that Jews are becoming less powerful in America, as some people are currently saying? That a new elite is moving in, and members of the old elte are being got rid of? idk tbh
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why is this true? do we have any teachers here who can explain why they do this?
>>175699 wrapping up the saga for the new year, it'll be memory holed within a week
>>175698 story of my life that >>175699 >favorite restaurant with the kids >comet ping-pong here we go again
>>175698 I think it might be because if the quiet kid is just being quietly bullied, they can ignore it. But when he actually fights back, then there's more chance of a more serious injury since the bully might get hurt, or more likely the bully is going to be more aggressive and try and hurt him more since there's an actual fight.
>>175698 Since teachers have to tell bullies off more often and thus interacts directly with them more often they end up bonding more. Bullies are also usually more sociable and probably talks more with the teachers. People love the meme of bullies being the real victims, and of fixing and saving them, especially women who were 90% of the workers at the school I worked at. Also violence is always bad, also a meme women love.
>>175636 Yeah they've been solid on this. St. Paisios predicted this vaccine tyranny event happening in the first place St. Seraphim Rose predicted a future alien psyop
The teacher cries out in pain as you strike the bully smh
>>175702 tbh teachers don't want to stop bullying they want to stop "incidents" plus with f*male teachers it always turns out that she loves the bad boy and she wants to fix him or help him or whatever and she's had him in detention so many times by now that she knows his life story and family drama inside and out and she's emotionally invested >>175636 >>175704 what's this lads? qrd?
>>175703 tbh w*men have no business being teachers
>>175699 Never forget Bill Gates rapes kids.
They also hate it becuase you were a quiet kid who did no wrong but suddenly you're part of the problem. They held a grudge against me after I fought back once, but they laughed with bullies who did awful things every day smh. I guess it's a coping mechanism for them too, they can buy the bullies by being nicer to them, but they don't have to do anything for you because you're already well behaved by neutral.
>>175695 It really is the Cathedral.
>>175706 Orthodox priests have been the top public officials warning about how the vaxx is transhuman tyranny and should be resisted In the '70s, '90s, etc., Orthodox saints were prophesying that there would be a vaxx ID + fake alien invasion to form a one world government https://www.countdowntothekingdom.com/st-paisios-an-obligatory-mark/
Anyway, are statisticians scientists? The secret to dethroning science is decomposing it.
>>175712 oh god no
>>175709 tbh the moral of the story is to make as much trouble as you can for everybody that you meet otherwise you'll be the villain as soon as you trip up once also kill all w*men >>175711 thanks lad
nigger, on how corporations can enforce vax mandates: >Cops are bound to protect private businesses and their rights as well. If an establishment is asking you to leave, you must. lmfao now do corporate nigger bans.
corporations used to ban niggers. then "heroes" like rosa parks protested. "heroes". the police enforced corporate policy and arrested then. then the government limited corporate power.
so you can't kuck out niggers for being niggers. now, you can kick out unvaxxed for being unvaxxed. same basic policy, niggers are bad for business, unvaxxed are bad for business.
<Since the vaccine became available, COVID deaths as a percentage of deaths have been falling for more vaccinated groups, rising for more unvaccinated groups. this retard, ut's age groups. elderly ac5ivities have all but ceased. old people dance clubs don't meet anymore. of course they are dying off, they get no exercise, it doesn't take long for couch potatoing to take a toll.
>>175718 socialisation and a minimal amount of cardio are basically the only things keeping the elderly alive tbh and now both are gone >>175719 keeeeeeeeeek smh
>mummy calls >going on about selling the home my stepbrother could inherit >got an electric car for 'muh environmentally friendly' holding in the comments about rare earth mining and batteries and african slaves etc lads
>>175722 >holding in the comments about rare earth mining and batteries and african slaves etc lads why lad? speak truth to mummypower
>she's selling the big three story farmhouse to buy another tiny dilapidated half-gutted town house that 'we' (her partner) will have to spend years doing up
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>>175722 >holding in the comments tbh iktf she doesn't know any better and she'll never learn smh none of them will unless you're earning five figures and have a house and a wife and kids the things you say now will still only carry the same weight that they carried back when you were a toddler if you somehow get proven right then it was a coincidence that will be forgotten as soon as you leave the room
>getting a fucking LOAN for it too
could just be me noticing it more, but "holiday season" seems to be used here more a lot more this year
>>175727 Holiday comes from "holy day" so it's kind of laughable But yes they are escalating the war on Christmas
>>175728 tbh I luv the kike cope >"NOOO YOU CAN'T SAY CHRISTMAS YOU SHOULD SAY HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!" >"lol okay Happy Holy Days" >"WAIT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
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whu hwuhwu whu err WHY THE FOOK whu wu wu AM I A FOOKIN CHECKOUT GIRL?? love it ngl
think a lad here mentioned about corona being used as an excuse to end the niggercattle's observation of Christmas. Can definitely see it, tbh
>>175718 the olds get what they fucking deserve tbh going along with this retarded hoax. damn boomers with their inability to cope with their own mortality, selfish fucks clinging to life for extra decades so they can burn all of their wealth on frivolous decadence and leave nothing for their progeny
>>175727 can't explicitly mention Christ tbh their programming won't allow it >>175732 tbh the coof really put a damper on things this year it didn't do anything to slow down black friday though smh really makes me think >>175734 tbh i hate them all except for my own relatives and the relatives of lads here
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About that coof product factory that won't be operational until 2026... One of the assumptions about the 'crisis' is that it's manufactured in order to provide a cover for the failing world economy, yeah? Probably this factory, and whatever others there are, are a kind of potemkin village or empty city being used to manipulate currency value and stocks, markets etc, and the goal is just to be seen to be building and expanding rather than having any intention of ever actually hiring toilers and producing test kits in four years time.
The ladies in Cambodia are 'good girls' and i quote the Australian.
>>175740 they eat spiders you are what you eat they are spiders that's gross and scary
i just wanna vote for HITLERRRRR
>>175745 This lass probably does things that Kate doesn't like bollock destruction
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Did Wessex go to his Christmas dinner
>there are lads here who have never ejaculated into a vagina
>>175749 Shut the fuck up
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film at 8, lads
>>175745 >>175744 Fucksake. Imagine cheating on Kate. She is GAWGEOUS! I'd love to fuck her while that bald big nose faggot William is tied up on a chair forced to watch me pleasure his sexy wife.
>>175752 Show some decorum, lad.
>>175752 Kate is pretty tbh, but she's not sexy. Now a big booba cosplay negress, that's sexy.
>175749 Just (you) bumboi
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>>175756 kind of glad I don't know much about the old testament tbh
probably a load of shit, tbh
>>175756 the bible has a hot springs episode?
>>175759 It's the episode where David cheats on his wife then murders the husband and causes a giant ----storm that burns down the country
had sex but it's really irrelevant, most people are kind of irritating.
>>175760 based
>>175759 How was your christmas dinner?
>>175763 I had a pie I think can't remember because I did nothing special and was at home alone while the family did their vaxoom party same for today, not seeing them until the 2nd
>>175764 doing the poo tonight?
lmao people who boss you around who hate being bossed around
>>175765 all signs point to yes
>>175764 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK were they all making jokes at your expense like in A Christmas Carol?
>>175768 probably didn't even get a phone call from them smuckling in their middleclassoid tower and exchanging compliments on their mask designs
Arise Sir Chris
>>175766 reminds me of after 5 years of giving commands and asking favours bossman wouldn't let me use the work van to tow my car 3 meters because it "might damage the van"... What's the tow hitch for if not to tow?
I need a lockdown. A long lockdown. I don't expect to open up again. In fact I mean not to...
Yes daddy Boris lock me up
I need a wank. A long wank. I don't expect to leave my room again. In fact I mean not to . . .
>Wish a guardsman would one day tattoo the rest of her cannibal face with the sole of his ammo boots
>>175776 good lads fuck that faggot tourist cunt who wasn't even local and screeched at them
>>175777 ugly cunt isn't even a full maori just another larping rootless cosmopolitan
>>175779 *clenches fist*
>>175777 it's bloody hideous. Looks like her lipstick has leaked off her lips
>>175771 very amusing but also sickening
>>175779 Prolly a pootel
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>>175777 Next she should get her tits out like her ancestors
>>175776 >posho visits the town >seethes >seethes and seethes >seethes some more >locals say fuck off >that's the end of it this is how easy it is to stop them
>>175784 Just wannna coom in the big maori tittties
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>>175786 ban bikinis for me lad
London's teenage homicides hit record high after two teens killed in single day https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/12/31/londons-teenage-homicides-hit-record-high-two-teens-killed-single/ >record high >in a year where half of it was in lockdown >they are ALL ethnic
>>175788 it's wipipo's fault lad they didn't get the money fo dem programs they needed
>>175785 >probably a darkie family
>>175789 >only one mention of "gang" in the article >it's claiming he wasn't involved in a gang >Drekwon, a pupil at Harrow College, “was not affiliated to any gang” and “was very funny and a proper entertainer”, >his friend Ty said, adding that there is a “lot of postcode violence” around the area.
*posts a picture of a black porn "star"'s amazon wishlist showing dildos etc. encaptioned "I need mo' money fo' dem dildoes!"*
Pakivid™ is here lads! Finally!
>adidas advertisements of French niggers rapping whilst wearing a football (TM) shirt smh, it's getting more annoying to support my favourite content creators. I might just get ad block.
>>175794 >trial why though? just roll it out now and write down the side effects and deaths as and when they happen that's how things are done now
I was going to go out but I can't be arsed *and the call centre people didn't invite me out :/**
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If they let me be their friend I'll give up racism forever!
>>175744 >>175745 don't really see the issue tbh a king has his appetites
>>175745 >>175744 what's the source of this other than some journo twat
>>175798 say it ain't so lad >>175799 keeeeeeeek
>>175799 Fucking kek is that Ronnie coleman
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>>175803 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>175802 >>175803 >>175804 looks like a bag of medical waste
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don't feel happy about not being able to people please. smh why was i made autist.
>>175745 prince william cheated on kate with that goblin???
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finished my workout, now it's time for steak dindins and movie night
>>175805 keeeeeeeek tbh
>>175814 yeah I suggested that
>>175810 BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM I Wanna Double Coom
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>>175810 Based
>>175814 >Mads I love him, lads
>>175814 I'd def be up for making this a film night, it's a great film, I watched it a while ago but tonight we have another film planned
>>175822 No matter which film it'll always be a great time with the lads
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>>175824 >great time with the lads tbh
tfw your meaning in life is to breed and you were born with a cripple dick
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Chicken and tattie wedges and a funny stomach for supper
>>175827 good lad same tbh except for the chicken and wdges
>>175826 where theres a will, theres a way
>>175829 Yeah, I definitely will breed
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Not bad.
>>175828 smh feel better soon lad
>>175831 what the fuck
ahh the ethnostate on a night of celebration >>175830 good lad, i believe in you
>>175832 same to you hopefully the new year's poo will solve things >>175834 sneething at the larpers in the first one tbh and all the rest we used to be a proper country smh
>>175834 Are these last year? Looks like it would be about 12 years ago.
>>175831 what will wews spend it all on
>>175837 None of it on a set of dumbbells that's for sure.
>rewatching Return of the King Extended Cut >saw this guy for half a second in the Osgiliath scene film ruined
>>175839 wew smh awful completley immersion breaking
>>175836 no idea tbh
>>175840 tbh keeeeeeek it's funny as in the three seconds he's on screen he's covered in shadow other than for that split second so without that split bit you wouldn't notice it, it's only cos I'm being autistic that I even noticed I think he might be the only one in the films tbh
>>175839 He is Maori If it were just a Gondor soldier, I'd say he might be a defector from Harad But those rangers are Ithilien natives so yes it seems immersion breaking
speaking of the nightwalkers of celebration, can hear louts wigging around outside already smh
obviously not counting the swarthy men >>175843 yeah obvs maori since they filmed it in kiwiland >he might be a defector from Harad that's what one of the games did with their outright nig character
defectors shouldn't exist in middle earth because it is an unequivocally black and white world where good and evil are clearly separated and harads are on the evil side
>>175846 black numenoreans
>>175845 You just know the soyjaks on twitter would've been waiting to pull that gotcha out.
tbh I think I've only noticed this maori now after they're constantly trying to spit on Tolkien's legacy, they are pushing ethnics as often as possible in the newer shit so now I'm schizooming it in everything
keeeeeeeeeeeek it's very fucking clearly the dwarf they had as stand-in
>>175839 if it was star wars he'd have pages upon pages of wiki information on him
>>175847 >black
>tfw shire is the only place in middle earth with agriculture
>>175853 uuhh what is Aragorn's tax policy?
>>175854 elf gfs for every incel
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>racemixing NOT MY KING
>>175851 Niggolas the Dun, who uses his dunedain longevity to avoid prison sentences by rotating his crimes around the different lands of middle-earth, outliving any bounties posted on him by the short-lived race of men
>>175856 he's numenorean so it doesn't really count tbf
>>175849 its a good spot lad, I've watched those films many times and never noticed him
Did you know there is a Starbucks coffee cup left in one of the scenes of ROTK? It's when Gandalf is talking to Denethor. Denethor has a coffee cup by him.
>>175858 Reminds me of how my future king will be part British royalty, Danish royalty and commoner-Norwegian... based hybrid vigour
>>175859 tbh I'm still surprised I even noticed him, just glanced up and went "wait was that a NIGGER??" and went back to check you never see him again either, he doesn't seem to show up in the battle anywhere
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The nigger was never there, until some cheeky yakundan got into the demiurge's reality temple.
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>>175672 Pashtuns are based.
>>175864 keeeeeeeeeek this is still somehow whitey's fault
>>175864 wew, that's some powerful pooskin seethe
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This year, I'm searching for a wife online!
>>175865 yeah sounds like learned racism
neighbours slonking green so hard the smell is in my flat even though the windows are closed been trying to identify what the smell was all evening
>>175867 Lovely, lad. I'll be there for the big show!
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>>175870 go round and ask for a little toot lad
>>175873 I wish smh deano and stacy would probably call the po on me
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Pre-emptive celebratory New Year's image tbh here's to a sneethe free 2022
>>175875 good lad very based and calmpilled
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>>175874 >deano and stacy tell her about that time deano fucked a tranny in Thailand
>>175877 keeeeeek smh banter gone too far
why were those womenw atching the deano shag a thailad?
posho chads....
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>>175880 keeeeeeeeeek based lass fuck sabs, they deserve shallow ditches
going watch gomorra season 5 in bed and look for wimmin online
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>>175881 get your sweets, crisps and drinks, boys
>>175880 >peaceful anti-hunt protestors yeah, no this grotty cunts are anything but peaceful, they make traps and do other things to try to hurt the horses
>>175880 literally a screencap from the video that we've all seen All she does is say "dont speak to me like that"
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>>175787 >cutting scars on that one thots legs

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