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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3601: My Board, My Bongo, My /brit/ Edition Anonymous 12/28/2021 (Tue) 14:12:42 Id: 279d5b No. 174466
Covid: Evidence does not support more England curbs - minister https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59807241 No new Covid rules in England before new year - Javid https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59804686 Omicron is ‘not the same disease’ as earlier Covid waves, says UK scientist https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/28/omicron-is-not-the-same-disease-as-earlier-covid-waves-says-uk-scientist
>>174466 keek good lad
>>174466 good lad
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>>174466 keeeeek goodlad. Appreciated D U N C a lot more on rewatching it tbh
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Anyone want to watch the New Matrix film on New Years Eve?
F for Grichka Bogdanoff
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>>174468 >>174469 Thankee shlads >>174471 Good lad I really liked ᑐᑌᑎᑕ tbh
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The anthem to a bear market.
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Baldwin will kill again in '22
>>174482 The face of a man without regret, remorse or restraint.
>>174483 Ritually sacrificing babies probably inures you against this stuff
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>>174482 Surreal that he got away with executing some foid, either through criminal negligence or murder (no other plausible explainations) and he got away with it because he's rich and famous. Even got the immedite public show of submission and loyalty from the woman's husband. >metoo bullshit or roight wang qoomer wrongthink will ruin your career but killing somebody while seething at Drumpf won't
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got an email saying my rent goes up an extra ten dollars a week next year
Grichka, l’un des 2 frères #Bogdanoff, est mort l’âge de 72 ans. (AFP) #GrichkaBogdanoff https://twitter.com/Mediavenir/status/1475829770248245249
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>>174487 and your wages will remain the same >>174488 smh
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bros... uighurs only make up 85% of Kashgar...this is fucking genocide.
>>174494 Han Chinese man in Kashgar doing tiktok videos of how it's great to be non white non-Uyghur in London Kashgar because of the demographic change, funded by the Chinese state.png
>go bed for a quick nap >wake up four hours later smh, so tired all the time tired of life >>174442 good lad >>174472 could do but there's also the mel gibson santa film and there was something else kino too that I've forgotten smh >>174487 AUGH smh >>174488 don't worry lad, it just means he's going dark probably transferred his consciousness into a fresh clone or undercover model in order to spy on the inferior NWO plotters
So happy to have you lads lads.
>>174498 it is nice to have genuine conversations with a few people even like this
let some brie age far too far past the use by date of the 16th and now the smell is everywhere and won't go away
the cheese breeze is blowing
>>174501 and how!
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>>174488 >died of covid I do not believe this
Catch omicron to protect against delta
>>174407 >be atheism communism >promise liberty >just destroy Christianity >give special rights to other religions >atheists are forced to obey ALL orders of capitalism lmao
>>174482 funniest thing is he killed a woman and has a long record of violent rhetoric agsinst women
>>174472 i watched snippets on putlocker and it's a bunch of cringe, basically keanu reeves letting people know he doesn't have nerd frens or any beliefs out of alignment with the tv, and is still cool, and nerds are baaaaaaad. the use of the tv as a source of truth, see if you can spot it. very amusing. matrix is a MILF
>>174508 Dear schizbot, what do you mean by calling a film a mother you'd like to fornicate with?
>>174497 you are not cuddling and having intercourse with your wife often enough. ask your boss to have 2 hours in the afternoon for time with family.
anon with the baby on the way is still here
>Israel Launches Massive Attack On Syrian Port, Fires Burn 14 Hours uh. assad takes it up the arse but is baste?
Theodore Roosevelt on Brazil: >If I were asked to name the one point in which there is complete difference between the Brazilians and ourselves, I should say that it was in the attitude toward the black man. Brazil is of the tendency to absorb the Negro: Any Negro or mulatto who shows himself fit is without question given the place to which his abilities entitle him. I met one or two colored Deputies. At one military school I met a Negro professor. At one great laboratory I saw a colored doctor. All of these men were accepted simply on their worth, and nobody had an idea of discriminating against them in any official or business relations because of their color. Among the working people and among the enlisted men of the army and navy, I saw many Negroes and colored men, working side by side in the same organizations with the whites, without any discrimination being made against them. >Brazil is most fortunate in that its white working population has nothing of the parasite about it. The whites do not endeavor to live on the labor of the blacks. On the contrary, the bulk of the work, even in Rio, is done by white men. But these white men draw no line against the Negro, and in the lower ranks intermarriages are frequent. >This does not mean that Brazilians are or will become the "mongrel" people that they have been asserted to be by certain writers. The Brazilians are a White people, belonging to the Mediterranean race, and differing from the northern stocks only as such great and civilized old races as the Spaniards and Italians, with their splendid historic past, differ from these northern stocks. The evident Indian admixture has added a good, and not a bad, element. https://www.unz.com/print/Outlook-1914feb21-00409
>>174513 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>174515 >>174515 Rangoon poon
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just heard the news lads it's fucking over
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all this time we though sminem was our protector, our saviour, but he's become what he hated the most and killed our beloved bog.... the balance of power lies on a knifes edge, prepare for a covert illuminati civil war
https://youtu.be/FrxIXfPXHnY >Through the eyes of two famous writers, William Blake and Fernando Pessoa, we consider the power of the creative imagination.
>Starlink Satellites Almost Hit Chinese Space Station i regret nothing
>>174518 the tradthot was a tranny all along?
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>>174522 >There's nobody there to pick up the phone
just back from watching the matrix
>>174528 What's the verdict?
>>174529 wasn't as sjw as I thought but it was just boring and a bad film, weird ending, story went nowhere tbh
also after credit scene was atrocious
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things just aren't the same without him
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>>174532 >the bit where he's running like the imaginary guy outside of the car window
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>>174535 what a fast life history strategy does to a nigga that or he's one of the cunts who lie about it and get put in with children to molest needs killing any road up
>trinity's "husband" is literally called chad and he cucks neo
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>>174513 >hybrid vigour cope posting before the internet
>>174493 Embarrassing
Lateral Flow test came back negative Winning!
Rarable Flow y/n?
>>174543 I told the guy that posted this on Twitter originally that he should be more worried about aids, and I got reported and suspended.
>>174483 the face of a man on ssris
>>174546 twitter and 4chan are fake and gay jew scams
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>>174550 >my fellow dinos
Herr Kranken
>>174550 Based
>>174548 microscope philanthropy would be helping in narrow local causes, such as the deaf.
toil complete
>>174555 not until you die lad
single use sex nfts
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>>174555 don't spend it all on one hooker
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i genuinely consider corn to be animal food not something a dignified person should eat i mean this seriously
>>174560 ah, gay sex lingo cornholer
poop, only in your mouth
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>>174563 not a meme this is a meme
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one of the more famous memes
i like the chans, the memes, nolstalgia, pixels
sick of gay pixel art
>>174567 I don't really get this new gimmick tbh
>>174568 low effort nft shit
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>>174543 >>174546 >white man breaking a buck Keek but also smdh.
>>174568 It's the late-nineties and early noughties repeating itself, or something, soon Macromedia will come back from the dead.
>>174565 This one is funny but only because the disney princess looks like a meth using whore and the rabbit looks all groomerish.
>>174573 such a bore
>>174573 good lad
>>174574 Agree but there's nowt else on tbh
>>174576 I like it
>>174577 Only listened to the first one with that subversive foid tbh and this one as the Iconoclast seems alright to me. Probably tune in for Morgoth too
>>174578 When's Morgoth on?
>>174579 tomorrow 8pm
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>>174582 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK looks like a pitbull
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>174584 Not watching, and filtered.
>>174584 dorshit would
>>174586 >£1 he couldn't afford her
fucks sake I was eating my Christmas fudge
>>174584 keek proper dessicated tit sacs
>>174584 wew lad that is one saggy bagina
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>>174584 that put me off women
>>174585 >Not watching, and filtered. ha, gay
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>174591 >174592
one for Steiner
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>>174593 haha I did that on purpose
nothing makes me sneed harder than reading about the archaeological sites and artefacts that were destroyed thanks to the iraq war and syrian war.
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>>174598 the real purpose of the war was to destroy the stargate that was found there that could have linked us to the ancient aryan alien brothers and sisters
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I want to besneed
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>>174607 wow that's a great punch
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>>174611 oh wow
>>174611 thank mister seacow
>>174608 the orb isnt funny go back to reddit
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>>174615 >orb isnt funny beg to differ
liquid poo
>>174617 solid wee
wow much funny many laugh heckin cool doge
>>174618 Hate it when that happens.
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HEY STEINER https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11212276/ >The Sex Lives of College Girls >follows four college roommates as they arrive at New England's prestigious Essex College. A bundle of contradictions and hormones, the girls are equal parts lovable and infuriating as they navigate their new, free lives on campus.
>>174622 ah women
first episode would be good for film night as a seetheathon
>the actual reality of grotty slags day to day is more wild than the old scripted girls gone wild vids starring desperate porn whores
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>>174624 a film night you say?
>dude just let dozens of men cum all over and inside you for 10 years in your prime then marry your "soul mate" betabux
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watching it again lads.
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an attractive girl smiled at me today
>>174628 that's good that one
anyone have the link to that chan site that was only for foids, some of the shit they posted on there was vile, women when unfiltered amongst themselves make the grottiest incel look like a gentleman, just go on any female only forum, degenerate beyond belief
>>174627 >dude >let dozens of men cum all over and inside you *checks ID to see if it's 23cd6c* Ah, guessing it was just poorly worded. Have a complimentary (You) for not being a gayist.
>>174629 Might've just had wind
>>174629 there was a chad behind you
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>>174631 oh no that sounds terrible anyone got the link?
>>174633 it was in a shoping centre, no wind >>174635 lad, *I* am the chad behind me
women today are filth I can't even imagine having an abortion. women in the past used to jump from the rocks or something if their child died. now women today just casually murder children something really sick about it
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>>174638 I think they've always been like this lad smh it's just more obvious now because they have less standards than before
Atleast unlike steiner we don't have to deal with the meme american pie college experience degeneracy type shit its just plain old britslags
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>>174638 Erm, sweetie, abortion isn't infanticide, and infanticide isn't murder anyway. Read a science text book.
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>>174627 anyone else going the betabux route? Hitting mid 30s in few years think I may just do it tbh as long as the lass has sub 10 bodycount and laughs at my jokes
>>174638 no social media back then and men were in control and inculcated those values into the foids
>>174643 I think the main thing that keeps women in line is other women tbh
>>174639 I promote this blackpill alot by mentioning grecian thought about femoids but I think that 100 or 200 years ago anglo women were actually decent can't speak about women elsewhere of other races but american women back then would not have so casually murdered their children. I think its more apparent now because the middling classes now act the same as the lumpenproles who may have always done things similar to this or more probably, the people who always did this were relegated via shame to lumpenprole class
>>174642 >as the lass has sub 10 bodycount how would you know that shes telling the truth, there was that study that showed womens admitted body count doubled or sometimes went even higher when asked under a polygraph vs before without one, very common for women to have a count in the 50s
>>174642 probably not after watching the hell that is boomer bossmans life after divorce rape
Average gf lads on here can expect if they are youngcels like smee
>>174645 the lower class have always been scum but the middle class is probably worse now, utterly vile degeneracy, all at the expense of men btw.
>>174645 there have always been abortions and other forms of contraceptions, but the technology wasn't as advanced as now but yeah
>>174648 it gets so much better lad
>>174650 it was very shameful to do that back then
A lot of the redpill pua manosphere shite advice for incels now is based around basically trying to become an "influencer" on shitstagram so you look "exciting" and have "things going on" in your life to attract women, just having a fucking income doesn't cut it anymore apparently, and I refuse to do any of that, never had social media and refuse to ever participate in the open air meat market of dating apps after doing it once before
Wonder if Spartan women were as casual about the dip baby in wine, throw it off a cliff if it cries too much practice.
went out today and got mogged by teenage girls being taller than me, they are 100% putting shit in the water, I'm avg height and 50% were taller than me, unless all the womanlets are hiding away then something horrible is going on
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>>174649 what about Catherine The Great's weird sex furniture?
>>174653 yeah the level of involvement social media has for normalfag zoomers is sad, smh back in 2006 nobody had any of that shit. I rebelled against it the whole time even in 2009-11 when faceborg was just taking off, always thought it was dumb and stupid. even protesting against corpo shite is cringe, you have to protest corpo shite via corpo shite butt matrix tech.
>>174646 dunno tbh, guess if she's got a gay friend I'd get the truth otherwise I'd just have to believe the lie. Think I'll be lonely enough that I could believe it though come time. >>174647 does bossman regret it though lad? Still might be worth it
>>174657 Tbh niece is quite tall but not as tall as me. You're probably a sub 6'1 manlet.
>>174658 made up by the jews because she pogrommed the h*ck out of them
>>174654 60s slags seem more sneetheworthy to me for some reason, something about them being the "first" to really do the whole "I'm a foid and can do what I want and be a slut" thing, the novelty, the gall and smugness of it all.
>>174663 Tbh was going to comment on all the dicks being circumsised.
reminder that the destiny of foidhood is to be furniture
>>174663 that actually makes more sense tbh
>>174665 nice catch lad
>>174665 they're clearly rolled back, lad
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>it's a replying while filtered episode
>>174666 >the lass from that movie https://youtu.be/CFI_MDh2E7w
>>174669 nah it's the soft ones too story holds up to me, because all this furniture was conveniently destroyed in WW2, and only came to light afterwards because of pictures taken by soldiers but those pictures are clearly not taken by soldiers, that's pro quality for the time smh
when gengrin yagoda was purged the NKVD kikes also claimed that his apartment was full of dildos and porn
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>>174662 I guess we will have to post our finds then I found this
how do we know that these are real girls?
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>posting about their rape fantasy "stats" probably real women then tbh
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>>174676 they're trannies
>>174678 it's always fucking trannies these days ffs
>looking at post pregnancy body changes tradbros, I don't know about this, you get a trad wife then her body might be ruined by pregnancy
>>174676 you just have to tell intuitively by their posting style
>>174680 some of them get their looks back fit ones
>>174681 yeah tbh fucking hate trannies
>>174682 >tfw she uses it as an excuse to become a hippo my greatest fear, thats why you need to meet her mother before marraige, thats most likely what your wife will look like in the future
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>lads that can't intuitively sense a heckin malerino's xy chromosomes when they are trying to fool others they are xx Never understood this. One glance. Hearing one word. Reading one post. Always know it immedietely.
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self explanatory planetary information is the situation tbh
>>174685 not sure that's the link you intended is it?
>>174689 it is you mong, has a vid of her in a bumble ad
>>174690 I have ad blocker on lad as you should have too
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>>174692 this is just a saga now
>>174582 she should sue them for wrongful death.
was the mark collett one good?
>>174698 him and mark are not on speaking terms lad
>>174699 replay will be up within an hour lad
>>174700 did they just stare at each other then?
>>174703 Lad you need to get a big enough following so we can get you on millenyule
>>174703 oh nvm, looks like woes clears up the allegations in the first 5 mins while mark stoically looks on before going on a diatribe about "THEESE PEOPLE"
Only a handful of subscribers on rumble and you call yourself an e celeb smh
joe wouldn't like another hobbyist in the playpen
>>174707 he just says that to reduce competition tbh, he likes being the biggest hog in the britnat scene
smh all e celebs are just grifting for paypiggies smh
>woes acting like he does "the movement" full time
He's a good lad woes, for all his faults.
iconoclast was a good lad. he was always very to the point and knew how to frame the debate. mental that some journo cunt basically doxxed him then sent an email to youtube to take his channel down the day before he published iconoclasts doxx in the newspaper. kill all journalists tbh. all he got was a single line at the bottom of the article and he really knocked it out of the park totally exposed the power dynamics at play. everybody who reads this who isnt severely mentally ill will sympathise with him. journos btfo.
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discord trannie doxing incels is cringe, literally nobody cares if you are a wignat they are all too busy consooming
>>174713 youve been DOXXED!!!!!! crap, now my neighbors know I agree with them about niggers.
the worst thing about middle classoid office work and being a secret agentfag is worrying about how you will be doxxed and all the other semi-secret agent normalfags will just pretend to not know you because they pretend to care about cuck shit so they can have their easy desk job.
single use time-expiring sex act nfts with eternal digital exclusives, resale 10% commission. why isn't germany doing it
>>174653 What if women are fucking trash and God has blessed beyond measure the "lonely"?
>>174717 tbh good lad
been watching rudolf steiner videos again makes me more comfy knowing that spirit guides are communicating to me via my liver. have you lads ever had an OBE?
it's a cope that I wish I could take >>174719 just night terrors smh vivid recollections of xenos torment and running to mummy that never actually happened
>>174715 Sorry lass you're a liability to the company
>>174719 yeah when I got separated from mummy during childhood many years ago
>>174722 yikes
children should not be permitted in the men's room, it's really weird having kids in there.
One of the things that fascinates me about women is they aren't attracted to iq. iq is strongly hereditary. Without the patriarchy, iq declines. iq is evidence of antiwomen society.
>>174719 Yes back in uni when I was on 200ug of lsd and took a few deep puffs of a blunt Was looking down at myself from the ceiling for what felt like ages. Visually it reminded me of the Enter the Void aerial shots. I'm pretty sure it was a hallucination though but it was the most realistic one I've had. Asked the other lads what I was talking about when I was separated and they were too high to remember but they didn't notice any difference really. Wish I could go back to being a drugfag sometimes but I already had too much fun for one lifetime and will probably go schizo if I revisit.
Cant believe the most wonderful time of the year is already over
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>>174728 actually, it's not. On the Ortgodox calendars it's in January, and I'm celebrating again.
I admit it, I miss posting on 4chud.
>>174730 fren the yellow jew took it away
Do you say happy new year to people before or after new year?
>>174729 Jesus wasnt born twice lass
>>174732 fuck off china
>>174733 Dec 25th is Santa Claus' return from slaying the evildoers and dividing the spoils. 100% unrelated hol
swatting chinamen out of the sky by buying star link
>>174736 >I am saaaad because you chose to fuck my donkey and not meeeeeeeeee! >I want to kill myself but I’ll piss in your teaaaaaaaaaaa! >why don’t you like my pencil moustaaaaaaaache and my anal warts o Mohameeeeeeeeeeed! What does all this fucking awful wailing mean?
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>>174736 Real Indo-hEuropean culture instead of current year yankoid consoomerism tbh
>>174739 tldr boogs are gay
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>>174662 >moids and trannymoids Ah, it's the category of foid that thinks trannies are our fault.
Was going meet a friend at his home. Would have to walk 30 mins in the rain to get there. He texts me 10 mins before I leave to ask if I've done a Covid test? Just mad what the state have done to people.
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>>174743 say yes you're positive and go round anyway
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Hi kads Binposter here, no filter btw is this a good pic for tinder?
>>174745 yea 'animal'
>>174746 Thanks I go to the cafe everyday and stare at the waitresses hoping one will speak with me but they just give me weird looks, they are probably libtards kek
>>174747 Women in the UK are stuck up lad. Don't worry, their downfall awaits.
>>174743 tbh it's been really disappointing seeing the true nature of people i used to respect and just how easy it's been for the state to reprogramme them >>174744 keeeeeeek tbh
>>174748 Sometimes I faceapp myself as a twenty year old or as a woman so that I can get a match on tindr or grindr but then I'm too scared to meet up in person!
>>174745 Handsome lad
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>>174750 >Sometimes I faceapp myself as a twenty year old or as a woman lad
Noticed women ignore me after i tell them my shitty minimum wage job title now when we match
>>174752 Don't think it's actually Binschad >>174753 Been getting bots lately smh
Might larp as a lawyer or Dentist on the apps from now on
>>174753 yeah they're women >>174754 but he said he was
>>174756 I'm ozlad
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>>174757 smorning lad >>174758 based
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>when you wake up and your hip joint cracks
Mummy going out, want to start on the m and s biscuit selection
>>174760 keeeek >>174762 anything good in there?
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shouldn't have had those 4 donuts, 2 energy drinks and bag of crisps for brekkie
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>tfw you're done with batman but then they cast Paul Dano
>>174765 classic
>think about 'joy to the world' song >smirk and think 'no'
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https://youtu.be/StqtK2BHIl0 >it's a wagie wishes he was Nightcrawler™ in the first 47 seconds of this video episode
sigma grindset is cringe tbh it promotes crab-bucket mentality and frames the moneyed-up parasite class as something to aspire to join instead of something to be fed into a tree mulcher
>>174772 it's one of the shitest memes of the last decade tbh
>>174772 It's making fun of the people you think it promotes, or rather of the people who watches them and thinks it's a good idea.
So sick of the male mental health meme. It just exists to narcissists can use it to threaten suicide until they get what they want.
>>174776 what's this mene
>>174777 men can't feel sad
>>174778 See a lot of sad and suicidal frogs on this board all the time though
https://youtu.be/tQip5rf9QiU >all those hyper emotional brainlets and degenerates >these are the people who go to uni >these people get to vote
>>174779 that's not real though lad they're just looking for attention tbh 5ffe74 said so a man is always 100% in control of himself and his surroundings
>>174781 Oh, he hurt your feelings. keeeeek. Just tilt your cowboy hat so we don't see your teary eyes, lass.
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>>174727 People are able to describe doctor's tools during things like this Chris Langan had one and immediately went to the next room's clock, he checked the time as it passed and when he woke up the clock time was the same as when the OBE ended In conclusion your experience was pic related
fucking ill
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>brother having guests over all day Hope my poo bladder can take it
>>174784 sending positive energy your way xxx
>>174786 thanks daddy
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Interestingly, the Aztecs didn't go victim cuck mode when they were losing to the Spanish. Their contemporary writings simply acknowledge that they were being defeated by a stronger opponent, and that they'd do the same in the Spanish position
>>174782 not what i was saying lad smh that's just rude >>174783 tbh there is more to this plane of existence than we could ever know had out of body experiences a few times but all i do is walk around in third person smh what a waste >>174784 probably the beer tbh it's a double-edged sword >>174785 and yet somehow i cannot feel sympathy for you
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>>174788 >ywn go back in time and provide military support to the Aztecs against the filthy Spaniard cunts Shame tbh, they were pretty unique and aesthetic, sad to think about Mexico now being a gay superstitious melange of favelas, drugs and coca cola.
>>174789 >and yet somehow i cannot feel sympathy for you Are you a psychopath?
>>174788 pretty much expected tbh their entire culture disavowed soft cunts >>174790 history is an endless string of defeats as everything gradually turns more and more bland and cringe >>174791 no lad i just believe in fair play you get what you give
it was a rhetorical question tbh clearly you are a psychopath smh
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>>174784 >fucking ill looks like tibbs needs some medicine *tik tok dances towards you*
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>>174793 yeah basically lad
>Scots urged not to travel to England for Hogmanay YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE YOU JOCK TWATS
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>>174796 >>Scots urged not to travel to England Why would we ever want to?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVZfl30zQXk decent tbh >>174796 keeeek baste if they hate the english so much they wouldn't want to leave anyway hope they're all stuck there so they can all wallow in their own filth and be reminded that scrotland is exactly what they made it no english interference tbh they have their own parliament only english tax money to be spent as the scots see fit and it's still a miserable shithole full of alkies and heroin addicts almost like the scots are the problem
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mummy bought me a marzipan Steiner
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>174797 hogmanay >>174799 honestly fucking hilarious how our govt has given the regional governments charge over wuflu, everywhere in the country is locked down except England
>>174798 >toil humiliation ritual based Nate for not having it
>lie in bed all morning until finally feeling like I can't possibly sleep any more, ready to to do something >get up >immediately tired and yawning again, no energy or drive >>174802 >this is not a voluntary activity you vill make ze tiktaks und you vill be happy
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>>174798 based number two not doing the tik tok shite an acceptable alternative is to participate but state that you do not consent to being filmed thereby ruining it for everybody after they all tried so very very hard >>174800 based
Bossman got me a christmas present but to get it I have to drive to his house to get it, it's just another gay powerplay for a present which probably has less value than the time it takes to drive there.
>>174805 keeeeek smh just don't get it then ask him to bring it to toil instead and keep making excuses >>174804 would be an epic btfoment if it worked and they didn't just ignore it smh
>>174781 suicide is a sin because its actually a bad thing to do. when you commit suicide you go immediately to hell for being a prissy homo. if you're suicidal then go fuck yourself.
>comes back after an hour with that don't much like this lad tbh
>>174802 >>174803 imagine being the HR cunt writing that up, printing it out, and thinking "hmm yes this is perfectly acceptable"
>>174803 >>lie in bed all morning until finally feeling like I can't possibly sleep any more, ready to to do something >get up >immediately tired and yawning again, no energy or drive you might need some sunlight on your skin maybe sit outside with a cup of tea for a bit or something
>>174809 you just know what sort of thing the statement "informed him that the challenge was happening a second time and he was to join" really means keeek hall_monitor.webm
>>174810 yeah probably that and vegetables and fruit and oxytocin and purpose and hope everything else
>>174811 the fact an actual human being wrote that is just so bewildering absolute niggercattle
Bossman is always right tbh
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>>174812 lad!!!
>>174805 play it cool lad just tell him to bring it in next time he comes to toil you know he's playing a game with you so don't let him win >>174806 if it doesn't work you threaten to sue just about every western nation has laws about using footage of people without their consent (not including background pedestrians etc.) it's why tv shows make people sign release forms >>174809 there are millions and millions if not billions of women across the globe churning out useless pages like this every single day and that's literally the entirety of their job the entirety of western civilisation exists so that foids can pretend to toil and then consoom and act like they earnt it by toiling
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God i wish all w*men would die i wish the stork was real so lads could have sons
>>174817 Sounds very Spician and gay, lad
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>>174798 >number 3
I love women
>>174781 Men achieve suicide because they actually want to die, women have 15 suicide "attempts" because they're not getting princess treatment.
>>174822 based
>>174820 >the way Sam doesn't relax around the nigger keeeek
>>174662 >women ever being social outcasts.
>>174818 you seeing that in what i said says more about you than it does about me but then we all knew that about you already jazz fan >>174820 tbh tbh >>174823 tbh the sad truth w*men never suffer they just temporarily don't get enough attention from others men suffer every day because that's what being a man is all about and for some it just one day becomes too much
>>174827 There are untouchable women tbf, it's just they are a vanishingly small segment of the total population, whereas untouchable men are about half of all men.
morning lads >>174820 one of the best smh its from before sam did gomad
>>174830 smorning lad
I love tibbs
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>>174832 he's alright
>>174829 I reckon that imageboard is 90% mtf anyway. Reading their incoherent ramblings is fun. Even when they're supposedly so ugly they're untouchable they still have this narcissistic streak where their mere existence is infuriating incels somewhere.
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P... P... P... P... wdhmbt?
>>174835 tbh >>174836 persons providing perfunctory performance i.e. soldiers only fight to get paid
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wishing i lived on an antarctic research station smh just imagine
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out of tinnies
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god I wish that were me
>>174834 Lurking that site has reinforced the well-known disparity between "femcel" culture and the culture they are appropriating: that out of all the men that they resent it is the lowest and most cringe that they hate above all, whereas incels hate women in direct proportion to how successful and popular they are. This is no surprise of course, it is after all the Petersonian role of a woman to act as evolutionary filter, but still one cannot help but despair at how foids declare their belief in justice whilst exhibiting such behaviours. >>174842 Good lad
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKoYT4febHM almost felt sad for a moment and then i remembered that this song exists
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>The Yaghnobi people are an Iranian ethnic minority in Tajikistan. They inhabit Tajikistan's Sughd province in the valleys of the Yaghnob, Qul and Varzob rivers. The Yaghnobis are considered to be descendants of the Sogdian-speaking peoples who once inhabited most of Central Asia beyond the Amu Darya River in what was ancient Sogdia. Yaghnobi is considered to be a direct descendant of Sogdian and has often been called Neo-Sogdian in academic literature.[4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMnrS2wiOXI epic.
>>174845 Wessie's gift to /brit/
>>174846 *buys skyrim* >>174848 tbh glad he poosted it
>>174847 Our ancestors?
>>174845 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T447cDtqmwI Almost felt sad for a moment and then I remembered that this song exists and was extra sad and seethed for several minutes at least.
Don't like how foids think they're smarter than us. Guess it'd be impossible for them to function otherwise those.
>>174849 Have never bought Skyrim in my life tbh.
>The Bogdanoff twins were both hospitalised in critical condition for COVID-19 on 15 December 2021. Neither of them were vaccinated against the illness. Grichka died from the disease on 28 December, at the age of 72.[52] uhm Bogchuds???
>>174845 good lad >>174854 >neither of them were vaccinated were they /arelads/ all along? was sminem actually the bad guy? hope Igor can get revenge on the NWOcuck covidtards
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>>174856 >not even the right name smh low effort
>>174847 Based and yamnaya tbh
>>174855 the bogdanoffs were really right wing. the whole bogdanoff affair was them discrediting the peer-review process.
>>174859 utlrabased tbh
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>>174861 >Netnography Queshe.
>>174861 just reminds me of the faggot spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) that try to infiltrate and coopt are imageboard lads always a sneethe when I remember there are huge spy offices dedicated to monitoring and manipulating shitposters
Can't believe Martin's already back at work, such a hard worker, must of accumulated so much NOK by now.
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>>174851 choon that >>174856 >n h
>>174856 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
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night lads >>174867 baste
you know wearing a marsk is like forcing a shart through your trousers wearing a marsk is like forcing a shart through your trousers!
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Look Lasserino! You're just going have to accept living in my room in my parents house. Get with the 21st Century already!
it's a someone on the street is slonking massive doobies and it's not me episode
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>>174872 based and rakshasapilled
greek yoghurt with honey
>>174876 You gonna get muscular and hunky in 2022? What's your goal body?
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>>174878 they fear the autists is this a case of the soy side of the tism being faggots, or faggots attempting to influence the tistic?
>>174874 >slonking massive doobies Is this how zoomers brappost now?
About 62% of all adults in the UK have received a booster or third dose.
More than nine billion vaccine doses have also been administered, the US-based university reports
>>174881 keeek probably I don't really know enough about jah peaceful erb lingo to properly emulate it tbh >>174882 based retards euthanising themselves
yet another case of complete fucking faggot cunt bastards blaming the victim and not the utter state of society that makes them that way
>>174885 as if there aren't groomers of all political, cultural and sexual sides online.
I continue to merely want a /brit/ moonraker space station where we can watch the schadenfreude normiecaust
>>174887 tbh would settle for a self-contained bunker system or evil volcano lair too
>>174785 if you can make it tp the kitchen, there are knives there.
>>174878 easy solution, women need to give sex
Ugh, I hate incels.
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>mummy joking that I should watch out for peados grooming me online >if only she knew about 22st and SA
this BOOMER is gonna SPANK THE CRAP out of pussy ZOOMERS
Zoomers SUCK DICK and they vote for BRANDON
Covid: Daily UK case numbers hit record of 183,03. How long until it's over lasses?
>>174895 when the last european is fully sterilised and teetering on the brink of vaxx induced death
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>>174895 >comma in the wrong place to subconsciously trick normies into thinking it's bigger
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>>174898 how did they know, back un the 50s?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qG2HwH1JkAI Accidentally cut myself with a razor for supper
>>174900 keeek smh poor lad
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>not even twitter cares about the optics anymore top wew.
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>>174901 tbh seems to have made a nasty spot a bit smaller though >>174903 Good lad for me it was bullet for my valentine
Pootube is so bloated. Dunno know what they've done to the site this time but it's become like swimming through treacle on my 11 year old memepad recently smh
>>174907 stop being poor
>>174907 they remove user features and add more trackers and data harvesting scripts I guess
>>174907 yeah, noticed on my old laptop the fans go apeshit while I'm on YT. Think they rewrote around "shadow DOM" webshit recently, and that runs like shit
>>174910 poor, therefore atupid
>174908 >174911 Stop being a schizo. Oh that's right, you can't lmao. >>174909 Probably lad smh >>174910 Glad it isn't just me then, don't know what that is but with a name like that it certainly fits the company
>>174907 try https://invidious.snopyta.org if that instance doesn't work find more at https://invidio.us
>>174912 stop being POOR
omg gross POOR NIGGERS are nearby, I should selfie
virgin 5G fried my balls vs chad 5G antenna underwear
>>174913 Bookmarked. Thanks lad that's perfect. Fast and snappy, Prefer it to the original already
>>174919 are you new?
zoomers are weird. mostly, they are gay prostitutes
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People say schizo is boring and annoying but he kinda cute fr fr ngl oni-fam.
>>174918 Can we get a bollocks busting 5G edit ?
>Al-Issa expressed on his now-deleted Facebook page and to his high school wrestling teammates that he believed he was being targeted for harassment due to racism and Islamophobia.[29][47][48] According to SITE Intelligence Group, "there was no indication on his Facebook account that suggested radical views of any kind, whether it be Islamist, anti-Trump, or anything else." > SITE is led by the Israeli analyst Rita Katz.[4][5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Boulder_shooting
very bored of being alive lads
>>174927 Depression. Your boredom is wrong. You are not seeing the world as it is. Depression is an illness which has warped your view.
>>174927 try having sex.
Opinion: Lichess is the last bastion of freezed peach. There seems to be no mechanism for reporting anything in the chat. I regularily schizo post at opponents to frighten and confuse them into making a mistake. Half the time it works. Okay, thank you.
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>>174930 keeek goodlad
have i missed Morgoth?
>>174933 Oh cunts sake, me too, I think.
>>174933 >>174934 keek me 3 and it was the only one I wanted to listen to
>>174935 Probably his plan all along. Have the most likely to btfo of wews on last so everyone burns out or forgets.
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>>174930 King to H8
>>174937 KEEEEEK.
>>174926 some guy attacks a synagogue: 100% certainty antisemitic some guy attacks Trump supporters at a country concerts: pure mystery, no motive discernable
>>174933 >>174934 its been postponed until tomorrow
had a 4 hour snap at 2 o clock after edging to stay awake and fix my schleep schedule, back in business tbh.
>>174941 tell yer wife m8 not me
port and chocolate will make better
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Count 1 guilty Count 2 not guilty Count 3 guilty Count 4 guilty Count 5 guilty Count 6 guilty
>>174944 Pembs is done
>told guests are coming over >"For how long?" >"I don't know" >"Why not" >"I didn't ask" finna boutta scream
>>174944 thanks. biden is going to gas the jews?
>>174946 there are knives in the kitched drawer. One of them is long enough to penetrate the heart.
>>174946 >femoids
>>174946 just be a chad and walk around in your underwear paying them no attention
>>174947 Yeah probably Drumpf points out that congress isn’t controlled by Israel anymore, and that’s a bad thing, so the obvious next step is gassing
>"THEY ARE HECKIN FAMILY THEY CAN STAY AS LONG AS THEY WANT" she also thinks its abnormal to know what someones plans are for the following day(s) and seethes whenever I ask what shes doing tomorrow like I'm the weird one
reply to this to vote for dRumpf
>>174952 It’s only because she knows you want the house to yourself so you can wank
r3ply to v0t3 for branDon
>>174952 power principle

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evening laddos
>>174957 >Tfw you're in the wrong if you fight back against the bullies just how it was at school
>>174957 sneevening >>174958 tbh only allowed to do that if you're melaninated and having a certified nigger moment
fantasising about war again smh how kino would this be in a race war scenario in uk, had a dream earlier about pakis here trying to launch some sort of coup and the govt was useless so we had to stop them
>>174957 >more cupcake posting its not even true most of the time tbh these tough guy larpers are just as annoying as passive aggressive soys
>>174960 was this from marupol airport era of ukrainian war
>>174961 tbh the guy was a amerzogbot who was in OIF so you just know he was a turbocunt
>>174963 2nd battle for Donetsk international airport lad, Mariupol is the port city
3rd webm is just a mashup of the whole war actually, was so kino seeing all that back in 2014-15
>>174966 kek so kino that they can still do that, will eventually end up killing some uppity wog and they'll ban it though, you can see the nigger mother in shock not knowing whether she should chimp out or not
>>174966 kino to see niggers get a taste of how white briton peasants would have been treated since the iron age around kings. its almost kino to see displays of pre demoshitic aesthetics
>>174968 tbh her little monkey brain think that white people are harmless then she suddenly got a taste of where she is on the food chain
>>174970 HELL YEAH
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not sure if I believe in dinos anymore tbh
>>174968 the kween is a paedophile elite after all smh they need to be able to actually kill any grotty peasants who might take offense >>174969 tbh much rather have kino open displays of power instead of gay middle manager passive aggressive rulecuck shite
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>>174976 tbh fuck rulecuck jannie tier bureaucracy shit watched it again lads >when they STOMP the niglet
anything is better than our rulecuck jannie shit. I miss the old settler way of telling people to fuck off in the midwest where if somebody came to town who was not welcome all the men would come and whiddle sticks around the man all through the town as a form of intimidation until they left the town
>>174978 keeek based the seether stare instead of the fluoride stare
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>>174960 war is... LE BAD
does wessie ever wank, he never mentions actually cooming, is his poor lifestyle turning him into a jahans tier eunuch
https://youtu.be/1o2fnTNxE_Q >more thinly veiled anti white reddit rewriting of history featuring cheddarman and "diverse" vikings
>>174983 smh is this what zoomers spend their time watching
>>174983 >featuring cheddarman and "diverse" vikings ...opened at a random point and he's talking about a "transgender" caveman. Jesus Christ
>>174985 average mainstream teaching of history tbh
In 1990 114 members of radical islamist group Jamaat al Muslimeen attempted a coup of the Trinidadian government despite muslims only making up 5% of the countries population. They managed to seize the Red House holding Prime Minister Robinson hostage, the parliament and the television station of TTT which they used to broadcast their demands. >In July 1990, forty-two insurgents stormed the parliament, taking Prime Minister Arthur Napoleon Raymond (ANR) Robinson and most of his staff hostage. Seventy-two insurgents stormed a local police station, and at 6:00 PM JAM leader Yasin Abu Bakr told the public the government had been overthrown. During the four-day siege in which 24 people were killed, JAM agreed to surrender in exchange for amnesty. Abu Bakr and 114 of his followers were granted presidential pardons, which were later retracted, but no JAM members from the coup have ever served jail time in connection with the attack. >Prime Minister Robinson was beaten, degraded and shot in the lower right leg when he tried to order the army to attack the militants. The army and the police responded by sealing off the area around the Red House. Widespread looting and arson took place in Port of Spain and other parts of the East–West Corridor, but the remainder of the country was calm. American Airlines and British Airways cancelled all flights to the capital city.[7] A state of emergency was declared by acting president Emmanuel Carter. 24 people died including a member of Parliament and the leader of the coup lived a free man until he died in October 2021.
it's incredible the amount the ((powers that be)) have changed the public discourse on the whole homo issue in the last decade. They've literally made it so questioning certain things (e.g. trannies really being women) is taboo in virtually all public settings. Got to hand it to the them: they have the whip hand over us nigger cattle
>>174983 trey the explainer is mixed race unironic furry in a gay relationship, what do you expect.
>>174988 smh based men of action, should've secured all the lines of communication though and gained leverage on top politicians etc to force them to do what they want rather than a mong coup
>>174990 how am I supposed to know that
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>>174992 1 minute check of his twitter
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oh its a tranny >>174996 difficult work i know
>>174995 good lad
>>174988 >no JAM members from the coup have ever served jail time in connection with the attack Is the secret to be as extreme and violent as possible? What other possible lesson could there be here?
>>175000 they are an actual country unlike the bureaucratic company that britain is run as
>shortstack kween coombait lass gets vaxxed, mysteriously contracts 'covid' >fucking dies after losing 100 pounds in less than a week and being too scared to go to hospital, relying on a home IV drip instead >died without issue, denying the world one of the only good enormous booba mixed-hottentot gene lines the jews have gone too far this time
>>175003 whomst?
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>Trinidad and Tobongo is a real country >Britain isn't smh I can't even argue against it >>175001 keeek
>>175006 only in russia
>>175006 russian zoomers love this melodramatic shit
>>175006 smh wtf is wrong with russians, all the lasses are qt but they do shite like this all the time and the men don't seem to appreciate their foids >no bpd psycho russian lass also diving off to the beat drop is pure cringe
>>175007 >he actually took the chimperium pill Holy moly just had a peek at her twitter and honestly it's a pity eugenics died out as a science because genetically engineered big titty cute negresses for domestic service
>>175010 slavic suicidal nihilism is more kino than european apathetic suicidal ideation tbh >>175011 yeah smh they're rare and even though this one abused photoshop she was still peng
don't like really big tits tbh
>>175013 good lad they are an indicator of fast life history strategy and infidelity after all
>already brushed teeth and had dinner >still want to eat something sweet even though theres nothing in the house already wanked earlier for a few hours so can't do that either, BORING
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>>175015 >wanked earlier >for a few hours
>>175015 goom until you fall asleep I like this for pointless timewasting http://www.gemtowerdefense.com
>>175017 awful, if you are going to play a tower defence game theres way better ones than that smh lad, don't play gooms anymore anyway
>>175019 smh that one is a classic, a descendant of the WC3 gem TD I think read or watch pointless escapist shite then I guess, infinite webnovels and gook cartoons and that out there
>>175020 >read
i'm bored because I haven't had my usual sweetie fill today and I'm getting withdrawals
Ok lads get your predictions for the next year in now. I WILL be screencapping them and bringing them up later. Correct answers certified to win you (You)s.
>>175006 why do slavs always jump from their commblocks?
>>175021 >can read imageboard posts all day >can't read fiction for fun smh maybe only high IQ chads who are able to rotate apples in their mind and visualise imaginary scenes such as myself can find enjoyment in it >>175023 at least two more variants of 'covid' continuation of the boring and ultimately pointless 'war' between ukraine and russia that doesn't accomplish anything and may not even be real continued inflation and slowly but regularly rising prices of consumer goods immigration almost doubles the previous daily high at least one more 'right wing terrorist' group or high profile dafty case
>>175024 it's an act of civic duty to improve the decor
>>175023 queen dies lotr is atrocious beyond all expectation bojo resigns or is ceasared dems get btfo in midterms that mean literally nothing loads of islamist habbenings Crypto crab then bull market run up until this time next year before a massive correction raep crisis reaches epic proportions incels become even more mainstream inflation hits 10% continuously and food is noticeably more expensive even to mongs who don't pay attention, zemmour wins election in france and nothing happens except a few riots in the months following nothing happens in ukraine major natural disaster somewhere in asia covid continues on until late next year when they drop the pretence and just keep all the laws they've passed this site gets into some controversy and we have to move again
>>175023 5th and 6th booster jabs Carrie preggo again
>>175028 >this site gets into some controversy and we have to move again I hope not.
>>175026 I can visualise things fine, for example I'm visualising slitting your fat cunt throat rn,I read articles and web forums often enough so probably 20k words per day
>>175029 >breeding Turks She needs speying
you know what, going to get a choccy orange tomorrow since nobody bought me one this chrimbo
>>175031 >sweetie withdrawal causing heightened aggression keeek smh 20k is the work of an hour or less when doing some serious escapism tbh
>smug traitorous upper middle class people who have lots of children
>>175034 ok more like 80k then, we don't all buy half of aldis reduced section everyday and eat like the barron
>>175036 My yellow stickers... My bargain hunts... My dinners.
>>175023 Im predicting a Mexican George Floyd event, less violent than the OG Floyd one but sure to be kino. Assad tries to take Idlib again and Erdogan either reacts in force or doesnt and all the Islamists flood Turkey and then Europe. Pookraine round two DOESNT happen. Donetsk and Luhansk just end up like Transnistria. Zemmour fails to win the first round of the French election, instead the centre-right candidate wins but she's framed as a scary far-right nationalist so muslims chimp out. Dafties may be activated. Massive prison riots break out in the UK turn racial/religious.
did puglad die?
>>175040 wasn't he cheeeeesing in the bongoland just the other day smh
Oh and Japan has race riots against 3rd world immigrants (which are now a noticeable feature in the major cities) and their nationalists there go daft. That also.
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>>175043 >patriotic alternative ltd
>>175042 doubt it
>>175033 You know what’s nice? A nice choccy orange with a warm glass of Milk Tray
>>175044 I like him. He's making a lot of sense.
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>>175023 >major economic crash in Shartica after the end of the Shemitah cycle, resulting in cascading crash in Europe, Asia >e-Yuan threatens USD hegemony as Europe continues its pivot to the East, anti-Semitic markets bypass sanctions by transacting in China's cbdc >SWIFT disconnects Russia and China >Jews bomb Iran, nobody cares >Biden dies and Kamala takes his place as leader of the gay world >major breakthrough in general artificial intelligence >Faceberg's diem blockchain launches and hits $1 Trillion TVL within a week, ushering in the golden crypto bullrun >hologram tech hits the consumer electronic market >the great cyber pandemic of the 20s begins
>>175048 Kino, the only thing that puts a downer on it is the end with the dark tower of Sauron in the background Or perhaps that's fitting
Mark makes an excellent point about forming "real-world" action and activism.
>>175050 can't believe I'm posting with mongs like you on here >>175048 ddhr >175052 strange post
Tried watching that "college girl sex" shite as seethebait but it was just stupid and crudely done like it was written by an 18 year old girl whos had 1 boyfriend
>>175054 Yeah Ik you spacker its still a weird post, like you are some sort of AI
is schizobot accusing other bots of being bots now?
>In early 1941, Klingenberg was with SS troops taking part in the invasion of Yugoslavia. The objective was to push into Yugoslavia quickly, to then attack Greece. Klingenberg disobeyed orders, and decided to reconnoiter Belgrade, with his units far ahead of the main German army. Finding a boat, he made across the river, with the intention of ferrying a sizable force across; however, the boat sank, and he was left with just six men. Klingenberg then encountered some Yugoslav troops, who had captured a drunk German tourist, whom they in turn captured. >After a number of firefights the six Germans, having sustained no casualties but capturing a number of Yugoslav soldiers, made it to the centre of Belgrade with the tourist and their prisoners. There they raised a German flag. The Mayor came out to meet them, after Klingenberg bluffed, telling him there was an incoming artillery barrage and an impending Luftwaffe attack. The Mayor, and some garrison troops surrendered the city to them on 13 April. >At this point a few more of Klingenberg's men arrived the same way he had, and made a show of their presence, pretending that there was more of them than there were.[3] [4][5] The German army eventually arrived, dumbfounded at the situation, having made a complex plan to take the city that was no longer needed, and was expected to cost thousands of lives.[1][2][6] A few days later Yugoslavia surrendered.[1][2] Klingenberg was awarded the Knight’s Cross for capturing the city, in effect capturing Belgrade with just 6 men.
>>175059 >capturing Belgrade >just 6 men imagine what we can achieve with lads from the local pub
>>175059 this is what the shite race used to be about, shows the power of the man of action, something thats been consciously pulled out of the minds of men in the modern day smh, whats strange is that in early war the germans could pull of feats like this but in the later war they got btfo so much like their luck had ran out
>>175059 needed this lad, ty
>ywn take over a town of swarthoids with your northern brothers
did auslad go daft and light the parliament on fire
>>175065 probably just some petrol sniffing got out of hand
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>>175013 shit taste
reckon I could take this country with 100 good lads tbh
daft posting is boring tbh
>>175014 also r-selection is based, k-selection is a losing strategy. there is no k-selected race on the planet that is doing well other than the han chinese
>>175069 fuck off poof
>>175065 what are you talking about?
>>175062 hitler was a retard who fucked up everything tbqh
>>175075 no, he tried to save the world and the soviets/americans/brits ruined it and now we're probably doomed and it'll be a miracle if we're not. Hitler was the greatest man that ever lived, Germany is a hero nation, Russia/America/Britain are evil
>>175075 ummm ackshually his instinct to go for the caucases was the only viable option, mainstein and the other generals being glory hunters causes a lot of problems, the rest was just them getting btfo by logistics
I should really proof read
filtered little rats
>>175076 There's no way around it Hitler was a vindictive mong. He did very stupid unnecessary things because he felt slighted. He invaded Greece and Yugoslavia for no logical benefit just to protect Axis prestige. >Upon hearing news of the coup in Yugoslavia, Hitler called his military advisers to Berlin on 27 March. On the same day as the coup he issued Führer Directive 25, which called for Yugoslavia to be treated as a hostile state.[18] Hitler took the coup as a personal insult, and was so angered that he was determined, in his words, "to destroy Yugoslavia militarily and as a state" (Jugoslawien militärisch und als Staatsgebilde zu zerschlagen)[19] and to do so "with pitiless harshness"[20] and "without waiting for possible declarations of loyalty of the new government".[21] All he achieved was wasting 1.5 million soldiers just to get bogged down in a partisan war that they amazingly lost. His German autism also constantly caused him to isolate potential allies that he needed. There were millions of potential recruits amongst slavic peoples that he refused to use because he considered them subhuman. That's not even going into the intentional destruction of cultural heritage out of pure spite. >>175077 The idea of declaring war on the Soviets while at war with the British Empire is just unbelievably retarded by itself. The Soviets weren't capable of launching an attack at that time there's no evidence for an imminent assault.
>>175080 fuck off with your 1st year uni mong smart arse takes, everybody thought the USSR would be btfo including stalin who went full neet mode for the first 2 weeks of the invasion cause he was so blackpilled and thought it was over, the russians were unironically just tougher and the soviet system more resilient than people thought.Hitler was just the prime wignat of his day, in normal circumstances he wouldn't have been as vindictive.
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>its a generals vs Hitler episode again
>>175082 hitlers biggest mistake was obviously stalingrad and the atlantic wall and all the wanderwaffe shite and trusting shitally, also not using all the slavs to fight the gommies
>>175082 >>175083 whatever happened, happened, I'm not in the business for blaming well-intentioned people for making mistakes. the ones to blame are the ALLIES, these disgusting race traitors that burned millions of blonde babies so that turd world subhumans could flood Europe and fuck their grandaughters. these are the most evil, disgusting people that ever lived and their progeny ought to be afflicted with a blood curse
>>175084 The world didnt have to go retarded after Hitler lost tbh.
>>175085 it was always going to if you look at who was in favour of war with germany and who was in control of western govt by that point tbh
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>>175085 yes it did, the jews stomped out all resistance to their rule, everything that has happened since is simply the natural course of events. it was a struggle for survival and they knew it then
honestly i think everything is going to work itself out fine
>175088 >honestly i think everything is going to work itself out fine
>>175088 what do you predict? I can't envision any positive scenario, everything just gets worse and worse. maybe before the internet was censored, if we had free access to twitter or something, it's conceivable that people could be woken up, but now that all of that's clamped down and the virus hoax distracts people from the race issue I am not seeing anything getting better
>>175077 he totally monged up the whole eastern front by not allying with anti bolshevik slavs who he could have later betrayed if he was smart like an anglo, stupid krauts.
>>175092 yeah I mentioned that in another post
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grigory_Kulik this russian commander was such a idiotic mong. he was also one of stalins best yes men. him and this one kike managed to make the russians lose to the finns who didn't even have tanks. this mong is responsible for the death of tunachevsky and the almost death of zhukov just out of jealousy
>>175093 yeah the generals even set up the army of russian liberation and they would have had probably million man strong pan slavic anti bolshevik force. hitler was nicer to shitskin mongols and muslims than he was to slavs it was literally hewoo woowee eullllllllllllll tier true autism
and even then he could have just had them all killed after the war if he was smart
>just realized kulik was from https://youtu.be/syFXAlwbEcM
>>175095 think they did have about half a million recruits or something, they could've had millions of extra men plus the partisans would've been btfo, also would have gang pressed all the extra men from occupied nations in the west to join tbh, so many things they could have done, also makes me kek that these nibbas didn't even switch to a total war economy until 1943 while britain did it straight away
>>175084 lad the germans literally flamthrowered entire eastern european cities worth of blond children
>>175098 smh solzhenitsyns take on the army of russian liberation was so grim made me tear up for those poor lads. if the red army heard russian voices in the german side they went 30x harder against them and the army of russian liberation was mostly russian POWS who were starving because stalin declared all POWs traitors and never sent any food to them but the russkies saw how the british and americans got food shipments via the red cross so they had almost no choice. many of them ended up in gulags alongside red army conscripts
>>175099 >ends would have justified the means >slavs are not worth nearly as much as germanics >most of them had it coming, poles for example
>>175090 Demographic changes can be rapidly reversed once the system enforcing them no longer exists. In 1950 Algeria was 15% non-Algerian, in 1939 Libya was 13% Italian, in 1897 2% of Vilnius was Lithuanian, in 1897 9% of Odessa was Ukrainian, in 1865 Muslims were 42.22% of the population of the entire Danube Vilayet (Northern Romania), in 1904 Turks were 42% of the population of the Greek cities of Saloniki and 30% of Cerres, in 1865 Tulca was 18% Bulgarian, in 1964 Arabs were 20% of Zanzibar. We're apart of a giant industrial machine that is based off the use of finite resources its exponentially expending. It will at some point cease. The late Roman empire involved the massive replacement of the urban population centres with foreign slaves primarily from Anatolia and the Middle-East, but they do not make a significant dent in the modern Italian genetics. Cities are naturally population-sinks and without a massive industrialised society they will return to that and need to be replenished by the rural population.
the site mods are apparently not removing cp >>501474 if a mod knows site mods, best get them in gear, or the site will get shut down.
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>>175107 thank you based white pill lad
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>watch morgoths video on the new matrix film >Didn't really listen to what he was saying,just like hearing his voice >Basically no different to when he's talking about spenglerian neo steinerism
Another fun one is English speakers were 1% of the Republic of Mexico's population in 1835 before Texan independence.
>reminding me that I didn't live during manifest destiny times
>>175112 >>175112 You've still got a chance at redemption by leading your fellow Ojibwe into the promised land and scalping mummy Gretchen
>>175114 chief big pig runs fast will drink milk from the big milk giver chieftess and then become king after the juggalo wedding concludes making him king of the lakes
eowynfags report in
>>175111 lmao based on what?
>>175118 The Centralist Republic of Mexico's population in 1836 was 7,843,132. The republic of Texas' population after independence in 1840 was 70,000. So it's less than 1%.
>>175119 there was massive migration after independence, and some spoke French & German.
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>>175110 I *taps chest* me actually listened this time and thought it was quite good
>>175121 Is this a good idea?
>>175123 are you kidding me? it's advice from an astronaut.
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>>175125 >real or satire there's no difference any more
can't spell united states of americcka without CUCK
>>175115 literally nobody in that photo would ever talk with me in their lives barring necessity. but somegow i'm to respect anybody who holds them in esteem.
>>175125 kike btfo
>>175128 when I was 17 I worked at a movie theater as a janitor and one time clive owen the actor came to see a movie in like 2007-8 time and we were told by corporate to not even make eye contact with Mr. owen.
>>175129 smh was hoping there was more combat footage
>>175131 Based. The amerimutt kneels to the anglochad
>>175128 tbh in sane societies entertainers are on the bottom rung and considered only slightly more respectable than beggars it's disgusting how that's been that's been turned on its head >>175131 wew smh
>>175131 Is that real? That can't be real. A corporate enforced caste system?
>>175135 I guess his agent or someting had called ahead to the office and told the managers to alert the toilslaves that mr clive owen could not be talked to, he bought some popcorn from a lass who was the concession lady and she was all charmed by him keeeek he probably thought we were buck toothed subhumans.
also got to meet dog the bounty hunter and the guy who played mini me (he was a cunt). dog was based. have you met any famous people randomly as toilslave
>>175107 There is nor rural population now only an imported one.
>>175136 I honestly wonder if this isn't just another form of performance for one of the ordained. Most actors or are plebs with money.
>>175137 dog was probably just a wrestler in reality tv form. I can imagine him being down to earth.
>>175140 he was just walking down the street with his wife keeeek and I saw him didn't talk to any of these people.
>>175139 probably
imagine being a toil slave at mcdonalds and some actor like leo di caprio comes in and his security tells you not to talk to him and they land in a chopper and he needed to get more calories for his next coke binge or something and you lose 1000000000000000000000000000 social credit score points if you don't kow tow immediately and raise your mask in obseisance
>>175143 Any eye contact will lose you your right to renew your smart rental contract.
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>revenge porn >it was made by and uploaded by he and his wife
>even gay cucks have wives Smh
>>175143 >>175144 it's disgusting the way toilers are treated smh the untouchables of the modern age >>175145 he has a wife? thought he was some hyper-promiscuous gayist or something don't really know who he is though
>>175147 Just a jew propped up by the american right
>>175146 smh women are more attracted to retarded drama and "charisma" than to cold autists
>>175148 lmao fox news has a vax mandate
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People blame Hitler but it largely comes from the generals that wanted to save themselves after the war, like Manstein. Much more convenient to blame your fuck ups on people that are dead. Hitler was a very strong proponent of blitzkrieg for example but that's little known. He gave too much control to his subordinates who were complete fucking autist retards, the only half decent one was Rosenberg It's hard to enlist millions of slavs when you don't even have the food to feed your own population >why didn't the germans just... le win??? and nazis are retarded for thinking that things would have just stayed the same if they won
like hitler, hate nazis simple as
>>175153 just 'ate jews me
>>175138 Urban areas usually need to be constantly replenished with an outside population flow because they inhibit family formation. Life expectancy is also lower in urban areas. Right now Londons growth comes from outside migration rather than internal migration. The national birth rate is 1.58, London's is 1.55. The highest birthrate in London is in Brent, the least white borough, which is at 2.0, still not above replacement but very stable. The lowest Birthrate in London is in Camden which is at 0.96, very very low. Lewisham is 1.48, Hackney 1.48, Southwark 1.18, Lambeth 1.14, Islington is at 1.1 and Westminster 0.97. Amazingly Tower Hamlets birth rate is 1.2, insane. To compare Elmbridge has a birthrate of 2.1, Woking 2.04, Dartford 2.02, Harlow 1.92, Gravesham 1.92, Rushmoor 1.9, and Sevenoaks 1.8. All are above 80% White. It seems like the best place for Britons to produce children is in commuter towns while inner London is the worst regardless of race. Sadly the highest is in outer London boroughs like Barking and Dagenham at 2.18 and Harrow at 2.12
>>175155 it's women's fault, there is no stigma to out of wedlock births, but they don't care about anybody else and are unloving
The national birthrate in 2012 was 1.92, the highest since 1974. In 2012 95% White British Thanet had a birth rate of 2.30, today NOWHERE has a birth rate that high.
>>175157 feminism is extinction
smorning sminems >>175157 some very good and brainy posts lad if a mix of huwhite and blickpill
>>175158 women and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race >>175159 smorning lid
>>175162 interesting that the decline starts before the act tbh just foids getting them done illegally or smth?
>>175163 1960 is when the baby boomer generation starts to age past their highest fertility years. the significant drop in 1970 is probably from abortion being legalised.
its just good business sassenach
apparently people are mining with ps4's and ps5's
>>175165 the hibernian conspiracy is the final redpil tbh always complaining about being victims of some phoney genocide yet mysteriously there's still so many of them and they're spread out all across the globe (and always so close to the levers of power)
>>175169 keeeeek
Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin are the same person.
>>175171 is peter ever shown working? I don't recall so family guy is somehow an even more jewish show than the simpsons and that just jumped out at me even when writing "comedy" scripts jews shy away from anything resembling actual toil
>>175172 iirc in earlier seasons he worked at a brewery
>>175174 god I wish that were me
baby on board how I adore that sign on my car's windowpane
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The Be Sharps(formerly Dulls)
>Presenter Grichka Bogdanoff has died at the age of 72.
>>175179 David Davis has resigned at the age of 62 had me worried that his brother followed him quickly there for a moment lad smh while one bog survives, there is hope
found out yesterday that le game of thrones man put explicit sesame street references in his serious grimdark realist low fantasy political epic
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the simulation is glitching
>>175184 you know things are dire when even the niggercattle start cottoning on to how fucked it is >>175185 >yahya aboukar smh
good morning chaps
>>175188 smorning lad
>>175189 morning lad
>Rachel Johnson, the UK prime minister's sister and another Oxford contemporary, recently raised eyebrows when she recalled spotting Ghislaine Maxwell across the Balliol junior common room - "a shiny glamazon with naughty eyes holding court astride a table, a high-heeled boot resting on my brother Boris's thigh." Smorning lids.
>>175191 smorn lad >a high-heeled boot resting on my brother Boris's thigh." smh shameless
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>>175193 >the ignorant foreign and domestic replies about their purpose being a tourist attraction
>>175195 tbh sick of the retards thinking everything in this country is just some consoomerist shite
>>175152 >and nazis are retarded for thinking that things would have just stayed the same if they won you've said this before and it doesn't make sense. with ethnonationalism enshrined as the ideology of the state, with children educated in schools to revere their racial heritage, with the jews removed from the equation entirely (expelled to Palestine), why wouldn't things stay the way they were? you seem to think they'd be inviting millions of turkish migrant workers?
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>>175186 >Prince Bogdanoff God, I wish
>>175181 >>175183 Were they also real names not always associated with le muppets? Though Elmo and Kermit sound a bit G*rman.
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The Silmarillion has a character called "Teleporno, son of Elmo"
>>175204 keeeeeek
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C2be985R8c >no man made horrors being my comprehension bionic gf
>>175186 Based wogdanoffs
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>>175207 All the wog and kebab influence had to bow before the REACTIVATED ATLANTEAN GENES
>>175208 You can feel the power behind their collective gaze.
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>it's another awake for two hours, 'nap' for five hours episode >>175212 I call for the systematic execution of one politician every day by random lot so that they appreciate the privileges and duties they have toward the masses
>>175212 this world is beyond a joke tbh >>175213 tbh
>can't even go to grandparents for new years and they wouldn't let me stay over even if I could guess I will get some more drinkies and ready meals and do a new years poo with the thread smh
>>175210 Reminder that in California they went with the coofid hysteria/pretext for anarcho tyranny, yet it is now explicitly legal to purposely infect someone with HIV there.
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>>175219 Luv some Pat Benatar sometimes tbph.
>>175195 Their job is to defend pedos.
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the stink of actual literal poo around the checkouts at gaysburys and I foolishly used the hand sanitiser to try and cleanse myself on exiting only to find that whatever liquid they are buying in bulk to comply with el coof regulations has a foul stench almost equalling that of the shart masses also the shopping trolley test was failed and I saw niggers around lovely to live in a dying society >>175219 all I remember of this guy is that there was TF2 remix of one of his songs
Back on the online survey/microtasks toil and selling books online toil along with factory and post office toil.
>>175225 >this guy H'what?
>>175227 wasn't there a song by someone called pat bennatar that's really degenerate and has a male voice going "push me then just touch me" or something
Also sneething a bit that the story of that song is le stronk independent foids and evil daddies and the use of 'love is a battlefield' when daddies or granddaddies back then probably were on battlefields when they were young. This is a less offensive one of hers I prefer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIosHNpGjTE >>175228 Pat Benatar is mummy rock, lad.
>>175229 oh it was benassi I think all the same to me tbh
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>>175232 keeek that but with Heavy voicelines can't find it on yidtube any more smh
that music video was posted earlier this year in reference to a steinertoil rant or similar topic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHrf5d_EM9s They'd be very popular even today, truly a timeless girl band formula
>>175235 did westoids just stop doing themed bands/groups or were they all somehow even shitter and outcompeted by koreans?
>>175237 keeek foul smh
https://youtu.be/ZIZECe-55HY fraid korean lasses have perfected it
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>>175239 Seoul dogs are not Koreans, just yellow yankees
>>175240 https://youtu.be/_66jPJVS4JE Ok for me it's imagining Ben Afflyck and Jennifer Lopez going at it.
Are you ready for Rory He's gone back to glow ops t. A late santa
>>175242 masterhebrew on suicide watch, just like rory now he's part of the troomersphere
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This Rowling unperson arc is quite kino
>>175245 Her terf power is too much to unperson.
overslept til 4, now sninner with woes
>>175193 hope the americanized subverted shitainians don't outlaw the kings guards because of innocent baby niggers lads. please don't turn your country into another legalistic bureaucratic shithole like shartica OMG call the police they assaulted a "citizen". lmao get fucked you think anyone cared back when the kings guards were stomping on little gin lane bastards and peasants?

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