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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3613: BIG Ben Edition Anonymous 01/13/2022 (Thu) 15:37:10 Id: dcd69f No. 183430
Anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller launches new political party 'True and Fair' to an almost empty room as she vows to 'bring long overdue change to British politics' in front of an audience of just THIRTEEN people https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10398131/Anti-Brexit-campaigner-Gina-Miller-launches-political-party-True-Fair-room.html Revealed: Protester who attacked paedophile sculptor's BBC statue with a hammer is father's rights campaigner who dressed as Spider-Man for six-day Tower Bridge stunt www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10398459/Protester-attacked-BBC-statue-paedophile-sculptor-Eric-Gill-fathers-rights-campaigner.html MI5 issues urgent warning to Commons about Chinese lawyer trying to corrupt UK politicians who has donated hundreds of thousands to Labour MP https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10398665/MI5-send-urgent-email-MPs-warning-Chinese-woman.html
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ben is a jewish name it should be called big barry
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Funny how no Tory MPs have complained about Israeli spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) paying off politicians, only Chinese ones...
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>>183430 sneed thread lad
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>>183433 West Mincer is a poof name It should be called Norf Noncehunter
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>>183436 lol they openly admit theres probably nonces but dont care anyway
>>183441 umm, what? I didn't even realise they admitted psy ops existed
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>>183436 >people of all backgrounds welcome Racist, nonce hunter inbound.
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It's crazy that she's nearly 30.
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>>183443 PSY OPS ARE A CRUCIAL WEAPON IN THE WAR AGAINST DISINFORMATION >Sweden’s new psychological operations agency will attack falsehoods that spread online like a virus Sounds similar to our very own 77th Brigade https://www.ft.com/content/1e030bbb-a074-4fbd-94c5-94fe579a9a8a
>>183447 >the brap blimp
>it's a bossman doesn't seem to mind when I say I will quit if he keeps bullying me episode
>>183447 >called pinky ponk >it's green this is why we end up with mass shooters smh
>>183445 lad...
>>183450 are you bluffing him lad?
>>183450 step one complete now find out if he'll mind when you slash the tyres of every company vehicle >>183451 tbh it's not right
>>183446 She could be 50 and I'd still suck a fart out of her arsehole.
>>183453 no, bad toil just got worse. 1 week 6 nights delivering newspapers, duration 7-10 hours next week 5 days of 12 hour toil + 1 hour thirty minutes commute and commute home again during rush hour all with bad pay, as well as certain things not paying, like washing the van or having the van in a workshop
>>183453 no he just caves in to bossman every time
>>183451 tbh smdh literally psychological brap torture
>>183456 time to move on then lass, would hate toiling somewhere more than 10-20 minutes away tbh
>>183459 >promise me good toil before christmas >then he fucks me over ahhhhhhhhhh how is this legal. I doubt it is. Then again I guess a promise is just words
>>183460 literally just beat him within an inch of his life and dump him in a ditch somewhere lad
Oh yeah reason I'm back late today is because the wheel bearing is making awful noise and probably won't let me finish my route tomorrow. Based friday
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want to play industrial nightmare liver failure but it's invite-only and the only places to ask for an invite are also invite-only fuck this i'm going to watch cars (2006) instead >>183462 stop letting bossman bully you lad
>>183430 Good lad
>the comments
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>>183430 >True and Fair party Peak clownworld. Keeeeek. >it was spiderdad Doubley based. >Chinese corrupting Labour Yeah sure, it's not the entire British establishment that's cucked to them and recieved bribes for the last 30 odd years.
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>>183465 >I can’t believe I listened to this for free!
>I would call this comments section gold but I don’t want it to get stolen.
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>>183466 >>183465 >the american anthem is so beautiful Absolutely lost it.
>>183470 >KFC stocks plunge 10% after new ReviewBrah video
>>183469 >>183471 pvre commentkino tbh >>183470 >beyond nuggets smh
sure could use some civic fencer right now
>>183475 >The Elders have spoken
>>183473 Cringe but I'll give it a 6/10 for the accurate likeness of Priti Patel.
>friday tomorrow where has the week gone tbh
>>183479 err lad, its wednesday?
>>183479 >friday >toil end >something really terrible is going to happen
>>183475 this says a lot about society >>183478 keeeek >>183479 tbh always waste all my time off seething and grieving
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just got up tbh had a better dream this time about getting my card stolen by pickpockets but then joining the military where it's co-ed like starship troopers and the lasses like me and then it's 40k and we're to land in a warzone and die instantly today's couple of dreams have been much higher quality than usual tbh I hope the trend continues and I can escape this mortal plane >>183473 >parliament is entirely white except from one tanned guy blurred out in the background fucking cunts doing psyops on the faggot boomers and xoomers who watch this shit
found you a wife, Steiner
>coming home so late I don't even have time to consume all the content I want, even at doubl speed
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pick one
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>>183486 >Hollywood >Tits out for daddy >Daddy is a freemason
>>183490 >hfw daddy dies of a heart attack the next day
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>>183488 [sfx: screaming, vomiting, police sirens in the distance, sobbing] >>183490 horrific smh
tfw no pic of wessex' mummy driving him to the vaxstation
>‘I've had 1,000 applications!’: A chat with the man who took out a billboard to find a wife https://twitter.com/i/events/1481319816875196416
KINO >Apparently one of the 3 rockets [2 were intercepted] landed in a street in #Baghdad 🇮🇶 https://twitter.com/no_itsmyturn/status/1481679026414669835
>>183494 recently the family just ignores me even more so they can talk about the epic fun mentira and what cool new boooosters they've taken etc pretending I don't exist or am vaxxed just like them because voicing a dissenting oppinion gets me piled on until I stay silent for the rest of the evening anyway
>>183495 >gets an arranged marriage >complains about >exploits undeserved status as 'exotic' and 'underprivileged' (while actually the opposite) to trade up
>>183495 just another pooskin doing something cringe
Iranians/Shia have been shooting multiple missiles every day at US military bases in Iraq but still havent killed anyone smh.
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>>183488 Right
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https://youtu.be/1y8Ywi33KOU >it's not just a video of a roman chad saying "yes" smh
>>183502 His thumbnails always make me keek tbh
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>>183502 >Magna Greacia >Roman
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8QKX5Uf288&ab_channel=RichBuang2 >These are the girls swiping left on arr Martin
sninner done, now for something sweet
>>183507 goodlad. Trying to slim down myself but the big lad in me seems to win out in the end always smh
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>>183508 just need some sweeties to get through the week is all, been too stressed to diet, I'll start next week
>>183510 it's fine lad can always lose weight after you've become wessex-sized where you'll be wearing a skin skirt forever if you ever actually losew eight
>>183510 Just add a good amount of exercise, run instead of walk etc
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lost most of my cavalry and a brigade took 90% casualties defending prospect hill at fredericksburg should really get a mod with realistic casualties smh
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>>183483 Still waiting on a hard drive that was supposed to be delivered two days ago and it still hasn't left High Germany or some other gibberish place.
>>183465 age restricted? why?
Zerohedge says the Supreme Court just blocked the vaccine mandate
>>183518 a sop to the idea of a 'free nation' because most of the niggercattle have already pozzed themselves
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this show is so fucking bad it's making me wheeze
Would love to slap Penny's big bags HARD and then plough her gaping sodden clunge whilst pulling her hair and calling her a fuckpig.
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>>183521 Only one group are allowed to stand up for themselves, goy
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>>183523 is the punk lass peng though I remember they tried to generate some seethe over her
>>183523 that does look gay
>>183523 easily the worst chase sequence I have ever seen tbh. And what the fuck is the aesthetic of that transhumanist gang meant to be? It's like Back to the Future 2
>>183523 it went downhill as soon as those hipster biker faggots turned up
>>183523 Fans are upset because Boba is so soft and mushy in that series, instead of the ruthless killer he is in E.S.B. Apparently, the guy who made this episode was also involved with Spy Kids, and it shows
Also they have just utterly raped the Rancor as a species with this episode lmao
>>183531 spy kids was based though, I loved The Guy in that, easily Eiljah's best starring role
>>183529 >what the fuck is the aesthetic of that transhumanist gang meant to be? It's like Back to the Future 2 yeah, they look totally out of place I think some millennial writers decided to write themselves in to the story, and decided they would make a cool hover biker gang they look so weak and unintimidating though, as soon as I saw them I cringed. It was absurd that boba fett, a hardened fighter and now crime warlord, would recruit them in to his organisation, since they look piss weak and have no skills
boomer and his zoomers on mobility scooters >>183527 not really no, every scene with her and the gang makes me hwheeze at how bad it is there's a fight scene where Booba is constantly getting beat up until she runs in with grrl powah to save the day and she, a scrawny street rat, is able to dodge attacks that Booba, the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy, just walks into >>183528 >>183529 The chase was so bad I couldn't stop laughing, it feels like the show is made for kids >>183530 It's been downhill since the first episode, they keep using awful flashbacks and the episodes are so long yet devoid of content >>183531 Yeah it's fucking awful, it starts off with him taking over Jabba's Palace but keeps having flashbacks to how he escaped the sarlacc then got captured by tuskens who he then develops stockholm syndrome for and learns their noble savage ways and looks at bandits torturing farmers which is baaad and saaad and he's just such a massive fucking pussy all the time it's embarrassing >Apparently, the guy who made this episode was also involved with Spy Kids, and it shows That makes so much fucking sense keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>183534 yeah I could buy them getting hired as some guttersnipes who just spy on people on the streets and report shit to but he just goes straight to letting them into his inner circle >>183531 >Apparently, the guy who made this episode was also involved with Spy Kids, and it shows keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek I don't even need to look it up I can see that so clearly now you've said it
>>183535 wew smh I thought booba was supposed to become some big galactic warlord and lead the mandalorians back to their homeworld and start an empire or something
>>183536 >yeah I could buy them getting hired as some guttersnipes who just spy on people on the streets and report shit to but he just goes straight to letting them into his inner circle yep, and they dont even sound the alarm when that evil wookie breaks in and opens boba's bakta tank
>>183537 Booba isn't really a Mandalorian lad he's a clone who got utterly mugged off in the OT by a blinded Han Solo
>>183529 >>183534 >And what the fuck is the aesthetic of that transhumanist gang meant to be? It's like Back to the Future 2 It's so weird, they can't afford water because there are no jobs but all their augs are squeaky clean and perfect The whole setting for this series just doesn't make sense, every episode feels like it's just being written on the spot >>183537 Yeah it's so dumb, he's so fucking shitty in this series, he hasn't actually won a single fight on his own so far
>>183540 >he hasn't actually won a single fight on his own so far in keeping with his OT character kek
>>183541 keeeeeeek tbh he wins fights in his flashbacks but now he's some old crippled boomer trying to be an intimidating crime lord whilst also having a soft heart and caring, IT DOESN'T FUCKING WOOOOOORK
>>183540 >he whole setting for this series just doesn't make sense, every episode feels like it's just being written on the spot everone own tatooeen looks poor, mutated and alien, wearing dusty rags, then these millennial bikers turn up looking all pretty and young with these utterly guarish over polished bikes doesn't make sense aesthetically, no
>>183543 like real hipster millenial scum they could be slumming it and pretending to be desert slaves but actually they have their daddy's ultralimo starship somewhere nearby so they can leave when they inevitably cause boomer fett to die
>>183543 The first scene of the bikers made me hwheeze at how poorly it is written >Booba rocks up >"hey you punks! you can't steal water!!" >*"yeah you're just an old man though!!"* >"if you can't afford water go and get jobs" >*"but there are no jobs!!"* >"....you've got guts kid, join my crew" It's so painfully bad
>“Jabba ruled with fear. I intend to rule with respect” >"hmmm no-one is showing me respect grrr give me tribute"
>>183545 wasn't this show supposed to continue the success of baby yoda and babysitter, or did that tank as well? think I only watched the first series tbh
>>183545 >>183546 keeeeeek fuck's sake. How does this even happen? If you want to tell a good story... how is this what you end up with
>>183546 *nods respectfully towards you*
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>>183545 there were this other, totally credible biker gang, that Fett should have made an alliance with, but instead he chose the piss weak looking posers headed by a stroppy young womin
2nd episode was ok, coz it was like a native americans episode but can't believe what's happened
>>183549 boba was thin back then, now he's a chubby lad smh
>>183547 Mandalorian was a huge success (and much better than this shit until the last episode of S2) >>183550 Lad they slaughtered his sandfrens he's probably going to be revealed to have slaughtered them as revenge in a future episode's flashback sequence
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Imagine thinking these faggots would be a good addition to your team, and would earn you some respect
>>183547 Mando's second series started getting a bit DISNEYED.com and got weaker he meets some other mandalorians who then come back in the finale except for the male mandalorian who gets replaced with another female mandalorian so they can have a big grrrrrll poowaaaah section which is fucking awful >>183548 I have absolutely no idea how they have managed to make this so bad, soyim are screaming "NERDBROS MAD" but this show is just slop >>183550 But lad those were the baaaaaad bikers because they stoooooole and kiiiiiilled innocent peeeeeeople and Booba is a gooooood guuuuuuy It's so retarded, he's not Boba Fett, he's Booba
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>>183552 He was also a huwhite Brit
>>183531 it's not just some guy who was involved with Spy Kids, it's directed by Robert Rodriguez. The episode even had Danny Trejo in. It's ok so far but I want to see: >Daniel Logan as a young adult Boba >Bossk, Dengar, 4-LOM, IG-88 and Zuckuss >Boba hunting down Jedi/Jedi sympathisers because he hates Mace Windu so much >Boba disintegrating people >Boba and Han. Get Alden Ehrenreich back if Harrison Ford has had enough
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>>183553 >Lad they slaughtered his sandfrens just good business their job was keeping the route free from danger for the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) train, and they did that it's actually boba's fault that they became a threat to the train, so it's actually his own fault this stupid turnip
>I'm just a simple man trying to make his way through this galaxy bar
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the biker girl is decent looking
>>183561 tries to look like a man tho
>>183561 >her middle name is Bathsheba
>>183561 phwoar could imagine her stamping on my bollox
>>183561 yeah but that makes it even more stupid that she's an intinidating gangster she's just a "empowered" stroppy girl - like every other femoid in modern fiction tbh
>>183558 >It's ok so far it's been three episodes and has had the content of half an episode
Been watching it with my dad and he has no idea what a bacta tank is so he gets annoyed whenever Boba sleeps in it
>>183565 >>183561 Carano actually looked the part tbh cos she was an MMA fighter, all these other foids are scrawny little cunts that would have their shit kicked in half a second into the fight
>>183566 I'd say the first 2 episodes were at least enjoyable, if not all that great in terms of effective storytelling. Gotta remember that this show is essentially filler for Mando too.
>>183567 I've been watching them with my brother, after the first two we kept rolling our eyes whenever the fucking tank was shown as it meant more pointless flashback shit, with this episode I went "hey lol how long til they have the flashback sequence" and the next fucking second it started and we wheezed
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>even reddit doesn't like it
>>183568 >that would have their shit kicked in half a second into the fight this is what makes it so stupid and unbelievable as well as that, the rest of the gang like like skinny faggots as well, no bulk or power to them, just a hauty attitude - as if that's enough in itself pisses me off it does ngl
>>183572 >favourite star wars character >the one that has less than an entire minute of screentime and not even half a dozen lines keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Rishi Sunak is are next PM
it's over incelakin, I have the snarky quips
Might join the Tory party and vote for the wildest shit keeeeek
>>183571 wtf is this
>>183574 tbh keeeeeeek >>183573 >just a hauty attitude - as if that's enough in itself yeah it's so terrible, their characters are all bark and no bite, and the barks are shit their lines are awful, their acting is awful, everything about them is awful >>183576 Marvel and its consequences have been a disaster for film and television
>>183572 >"what's the obsession with tatooine" The entirety of Star Wars' success beyond the original trilogy has been based on harking back and making reference to the old films. The average Star Wars movie watcher doesn't give a shit about some no-name planet that soys jack off over on wookiepedia
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>>183571 I never realised related was at the end of that gif
>>183580 It's mental if you think about it, the planet is supposed to be a backwater only criminals visit, yet it is in two of the OT films, all of the PT films, and also makes a pointless appearance in the ST films Imagine a film series about an adventure around the world but for whatever reason they always visit Scunthorpe
>>183582 >Imagine a film series about an adventure around the world but for whatever reason they always visit Scunthorpe keek, that would be a funny film/tv show idea tbh
>>183583 Stuck in Scumthrope
On film nights, does bins stream torrents or he streams streams? Coz I know where to get a t of Gangs of w
>Booba series is so terrible that I am agreeing with redditors >>183583 >>183585 It's just such a ridiculous premise yet it's a cornerstone for SW
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>>183574 lad, the expanded universe was great. Boba had some of the best comics.
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>>183588 which now doesn't count cos yidsney
>>183589 hardly surprising tbh
Sneethening. Death to SA. Little blue niggas asked me to lure steinhog back to their occupied mead hall. Okay, thank you.
>>183590 They were approved by George Lucas, they count. Never cared what Yidsney said about canon. To me all of the sequel movies, Rebels, the and the recent comics/books/games are non canon. Even Yidnsey knows the old stuff is good, which is why they still print it.
>>183594 tbh tbh, yidsney can't hold a candle to the EU granted there was a load of mediocre stuff, but the EU had some of the best bits too
no one cares about muh guardians of the star trek wars thrones
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uh oh, you got too cocky. we'll see if it comes back
>>183596 The whole premise of the force is gay and there's little else to it other than that and muh lazer swords.
>>183598 this means nothing to me
>yidsney replaced the EU with a fucking rock
>>183599 You mean you've never seen any of them or played any of the vidya? Not missing out on much but given manchildren of the past 40 years have been soying over it, it's hard to not have any knowledge of it. Post is self expanatory anyway. All you need to know is the force is a gay concept and the ninjas use lazer swords.
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>>183581 yeah, I don't really get why this frame has become iconic it always struck me that guy was having far too much fun given that the song wasn't that good or funny. But maybe that's how it was back in the old days, when there wasn't that much entertainment on offer, idk pic not related
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>>183582 > Scunthorpe tbh
>>183596 You seem to be incorrect, sir
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Russia actually do something challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
>>183436 >cuddle party that was in a CSI New York episode,and it was treated as something wierd and laughable
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>>183609 hehe nice on lad oh wait I mean, ban this sick filth!!!
I thought it was sort of funny honestly. Oh well
How a violent neo-Nazi group sought to recruit from Canada’s military https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h655vCaRTGY
Just bought Always With Honour by Peter Wrangle
>>183615 good lad, I hear people are reading it
>>183613 >violent neo-nazi group never heard of any violence they actually did also assume on reflex that they are feds anyway
>>183615 might get it myself, looks decent
>>183512 that would attract too much attention, just some incel sprinting to the shops and past all the aisles straight to the sweeties
>>183618 yeah i've seen excerpts and its absolute kino. I've always been confused as to how the white russians fucked up so bad and it seems like most people were just complete NPCs who went along with the bolsheviks assuming they'd end up alright at the end. most of the army just accepted being commanded by the bolsheviks even though it involved their officer corps being slowly exterminated and replaced with political officers. under wrangler the whites reached their height with around 1,20,000 troops compared to the bolsheviks 5,000,000, which was made up of mostly the russian army just blindly following orders. the white army was more of a number of spontaneous rebellions than the old order defending itself.
>>183621 That's what I heard from Russian traditionalists from the era too iirc, "Russia only fell because it had been hollowed out already, with no values left" Thus the army just doing whatever bossman said
>>183621 >>183622 the kikes played a blinder with that one though, kill the leaders then just stand in and start giving orders like you are the bossman, a gamble that paid off, wonder if that would work in an anglo country today, bit of a whitepill tbh.
>>183623 Lad... they are already the bossmen of all the anglo countries
>>183624 I meant for dafties to do it here
>>183625 god I wish
>>183623 there was an account from the Spanish civil war where an old retired army man walked up to a division of Spanish soldiers loyal to the republicans and simply shot the officer then ordered the troops to join Franco and it worked.
probably not because tsarist russia operated on a top down hierarchy with clear bossmen but globohomo faggotry operates on a middle outward hierarchy with effectively infinite legions of fresh patsies ready to be elevated out of the deep state/bureaucracy class and into a figurehead position
choccy cupcakes for supper and watching a film
>>183627 yeah solzhenitsyn said that during stalingrad and the assault on moscow gulags took almost 90 percent of the camp staff and put them on the front lines but none of the camps ever rose up because of rulecucks
>>183628 the national greenlight system would take care of that
>>183627 based
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the most common theme for the downfall of the west in history seems to be normal conservative people fighting the radical right and winning only for themselves to be executed by the triumphant left for being too much right. the union troops who fought to end slavery would kill themselves if they saw what america was today. the russian military that defeated the whites was then hollowed out from the inside and the men perished by the hands of their new bolshevik masters. the same soldiers in ww2 who fought to defeat the nazis were themselves disenfranchised and forced to accept mass migration and integration at gun point. nobody wanted what was coming but they were played off against each other in a way they really had no other choice.
>>183635 just coincidence
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Hey guys I just got my boos-HNNNNNG
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Jess Phillips looking like she's dying lmao
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>Isabel Cumshott
>>183636 they've played us like a dreidel for too long
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https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/big-cat-sightings-near-m5-22737635 Did you lads hear theres apparently a leopard running about in Gloucestershire or something
>>183641 based
why do they keep trying to meme this bint as the next pm, she's an actual spacker, the other choice would be a paki but atleast hes not as retarded as her.
>>183641 theres been panthers and other big cats in scotland for years tbh I know people from the country who've spotted them
>>183643 rather a retarded white-ish foid than a paki tbh obummer becoming president was one of the most humiliating moments of shart decline prior to the rigging and us getting a wog PM would be on par
>>183645 I wasn't saying I wanted the paki but from the perspective of the media I don't know why they have started to push her, shes an absolute mong, we had a yid pm who openly derided us in parliament 170 years ago tbh
>>183646 yeah disraeli was awful too I guess she just gets in because muh women in politics prefer a complete retard woman over a paki tbh because her flavour of decline would probably be faster and more amusing than some rapist slime using his position to become caliph of bongistan and putting even more of his buddies into other powerful positions and enabling the rape of hundreds of thousands more children
>>183635 makes all the wars we've fought against fellow hwite brvthers seem so silly tbh
>>183631 imagine a national greenlight on niggers and jews
>>183649 Yeah its literally public record that GCHQ paid for a contract with charities Knight Foundation and Data & Society to de-radicalise their own employees.
Can't picture sunak being pm he's not even remotely charismatic which is necessary to survive the pr front man role,it's only speculated because he was "popular" during the early stages of Wuflu because he was giving people money.
>>183650 it'll be just like that one film series where everyone is allowed to kill for a day
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>>183654 godspeed you nonce looking fuck
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Reminder: We Will Win.
>>183651 it's pretty funny how a few shitposts are completely fucking with them
The Son of God, Lord of Israel, Jesus of Nazareth is literally on our side.
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>>183652 he seems like kumala harris another poojeet riding to the top of a "meritocratic" system via paying money to the media. he looks like a gay little basha bazai bum boy when standing next to giant bazzes
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me on the right
>>183667 first wog to be made PM based on the fact that his a[something very grotty] about as wide as a 50p
>>183668 women unironically have absolutely no idea about measuring and short kings should ignore them
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>>183668 im 5ft5
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pic related is a pic of me getting a ride with puglads dad to go to mummy oakshott house so I can show her how to do navy seals
six foot tall and six foot wide
>>183671 this pic is true tbh
>>183674 soon to be 6 foot under
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>Polish foreign minister says war is closer than it has been in 30 years Welcome to the EVRASIAN race. You VILL bow to Russia
>>183676 god I wish
>>183677 wish we got some new warkino smh how many times has the "russia expands into eastern europe" storyline been rerun now, got to be into the double digits
>>183677 >MUMMY AMERICA COME AND HELP SMEEEEEE I could not care less what happens on the continent
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>>183672 >>183668 i am 5'6"
>>183677 who would even fight on the side of shartica and nato other than west slav retards?
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t. 5'9 king >>183677 i dont see russia winning in the long run, but i wish them the best
poles are almost as bad as israel with their war lobby, pretty sure the MIL-IND is just hungry for money after iraqistan ended so now the pole lobbyist money is why the media is drumming up more pointless shit with the russkies
>>183683 Me, I have nothing left to live for just want chaos. Let's slaughter some russkis for banter
>zeihan the retard has been wrong about everything >>183686 tbh it's just gay drama
>>183686 Russians might actually invade since it's either invade now or never
>>183687 rather blow up post offices in the chaos as they invade tbh
>>183689 >wanting to invade a land full of poles why would anyone fucking want that
>>183687 nah I would rather help russkies fight niggers, spics and homosexuals
>>183691 they'll go baltics and ukraine and caucuses first
I wish Russia luck in wiping P*land from the face of the earth
really hope they do actually invade ukraine and btfo all the larping foids in makeup that the ukies have on the "front lines"
>>183689 why so they can have control of poland for another 200 years before the krauts decide its their turn?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-wIbmLnMwQ >There are no words to describe enemy's panic when they would realise what is coming towards them. There is no place to hide because these weapons create multiple deadly effects which are more powerful than anything conventional. One of US Pentagon top generals described this weapon as a weapon that should be banned by international treaty because there are no protection against it. Not even being in armoured vehicle will nit save soldiers because instant drop in air pressure will cause horrible death of the otherwise protected troops. Tank's turret would be lifted in the air because difference in air pressure from inner 1AT to near AT from outside. Enemies of Russia are terrified of this weapon, so Russia should use it extensively in order to cause massive casualties amongst enemy soldiers.
>>183696 russia is a poor shithole with no money but if they can get some strategic dejewsontrolling the regions around them they can stay semi independent if not zog will just cuck them
fuck eastern/central europe always starting intra white race wars >>183697 shart WP is much more evil
>>183699 purely for smokescreen purposes and never used on civilians or enemy combatants intentionally
Why did depth filter to jews
>>183699 >fuck eastern/central europe always starting intra white race wars tbf imagine if russia forced half the US states to leave the USA and then sold them weapons and tried to psyop the remaining US rump state into becoming ghey
>>183701 what exactly did you write
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crimean war 2
>>183704 strategic dejewsontrol
>>183706 d e p t h o n t r o l ?
>>183707 yeah with the c it filters to jews
>>183697 its literally nothing compared to MOABs
>>183703 tbh yeah naturally fuck zog and fuck kikes as well
>>183708 >dejewsontrol >dejewsontrol >dejewson >dejews
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keeeeeeeek what the fuck is this jews jews
p t h pth t h c thc jews jews
I have no fucking clue
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>>183712 keeek >>183715 some sort of global filter I guess why though smh
>>183717 yeah it's a sitewide thing but I have absolutely no idea why it's like that
>Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography, percutaneous hepatic cholangiogram, or percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (jews) and drainage is a radiological technique used to visualize the anatomy of the biliary tract. We got too cocky bile bros
>>183719 >or percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (jews)
>>183714 do you not remember the meme to make others search the bottom term to get put on nonce list
>>183721 ooooh is that what that is, that was fucking ages ago
>>183710 tbh kind of wish russia had a deng xiaoping they could've gone racist like the chinks
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>>183725 >there was a union and a confederate irish brigade both led by men called Kelly Who writes this?
>>183726 celts
>>183699 fuck the continent, simple as
>>183726 knew a sexy lass called kelly phwoar cwoar woof
>>183726 >>183729 >Kelly / ˈkɛli / is an English-language given name, derived from the Irish surname Kelly. Kelly is historically a male-only name, but has been used as a female given name since the 1960s, though with a significant minority usage as a masculine name, especially within Celtic families.
https://youtu.be/XypVVhPpEFk Holy kino, going to play this in rahowa
>>183731 we love our NHS
>>183733 £5,700 every fucking second that acc is eye-opening on just how ridiculous are en aich ess really is
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>>183734 >tried to look up the UK deficit as a % of gdp to BTFO you with how this spending isn't actually that bad but it actually really is that bad keek
>we could be a global sea power again but furthering the inbred paki-inbred poojeet cycle is more important
>we could be ruling the waves within a fucking year >>183735 close enough lad >>183736 it's horrifying tbh, we're pissing so much money away every fucking minute
never fucking forget >>183737 keeek hivemindbros
>>183737 We need to have a 'death year' where there's no NHS so we can build 58 aircraft carriers. We could annihilate the fucking yanks with that keeeeeeeeeeeeek holy kino
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I will never get a job I will never pay income tax if there was a way not to pay council tax I wouldn't pay that either
bins should be permabanned tbh
I always remember the signs in the surgeries >"PRESCRIPTIONS COST THE NHS £100, PLEASE SWITCH TO OVER THE COUNTER MEDICINE IF YOU CAN, PARACETAMOL IS 20p!!!" >20p paracetamol costs the NHS £100 >20p for the pills, £99.80 to admin and HR diversity training
>>183745 Apparently the euros and yanks all think we are retarded for worshipping the NHS and say it isn't even that good in comparison to their systems
>>183746 The euros do, but for some reason there are yanks that also worship are en aich ess
>>183731 smh where does all the money go
>>183731 Imagine how many low carb cheesecakes you could buy with that sort of money
>>183712 >when a fit mummy bends over and you see her bebs
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>>183752 >when she leans over to talk to you and you can see right down her booba and she knows it
>>183732 brickcucks btfo
>>183657 >And his name's Michael Jackson
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19 year age difference, lol
imagine if she brings home an 18 year old to bang holy fuck im laughing at this whole mans life
>>183757 I subscribe beatings.
>>183760 >>183761 It genuinely makes me want to throw these people on a ritual pyre so the gods understand we aren't all massive faggots.
>falling for reddit screencaps
>>183765 people like that do exist these days though
watched the sopranos film, started laugh seething when I saw the completely unnecessary nigger cuck scene, the foid got btfo for it though as it should be kek, film was terrible though tbh. What is it with yanks a nigger cuck shite.
>>183767 tbh, it's everywhere. the last to yank books i've read had interracial sex in them
>>183770 very low energy bout, sad!
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this pig looks like martin
>>183770 smh just bullying
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>>183767 kikes probably
>>183777 wew that pajeet got fucken ragdolled
>>183776 emj is retarded tbh
varg btfoing some e whore
>>183777 >poos ineffectually throwing logs >wild dogs just standing there watching, ready to vore the cripplepoo the moment the pig gets bored
Honestly the contrast between emj and vaush is vile, hes sitting talking about "shooting big ropes" after november is over, utterly disgusting.
>hes just doing the socratic "how, why" 12 year old argument
>>183783 aren't a lot of his viewers children
>>183785 I really hope not but I feel like that is probably the case given how youtube pipes everyone they can to soy content like his
>vaush asking for a "study" or "proof" that married couples having normal sex don't feel guilt or shame afterwards
>>183788 I remember even as a child feeling there was something instinctively wholesome about marriage
Vaush is so smug as the little cia apparatchik, he doesn't even really argue anymore he just gloats because he knows hes on the side of power
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>>183782 based and black motherpilled
>>183790 The age of men is over, the time of the orc has come, chuds
>>183777 the pig is doing the needful
this ostfront channel started letting his paypigs do voice acting and the results are hilarious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZSWVEC0PW8
>vaush gets asked for a source >desperately asks his chat for the source and waffles
19th century was peak grottkino tbh
>>183799 or take
>vaush seethes then strawmans when anybody mentions him debating nick fuentes
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after all why not, somebodies going to have her eventually, why not me
>183808 This posting is getting a little too unironic for smee but leon the professional is famous for being a nonce film
>>183811 good lad this is now a dancehall thread https://youtu.be/LVIwn8JiXSc
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>>183776 We're losing, lads
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sounds like martin woke up
what i had for supper: rice from yesterday, lentils, table spoon of lard, one large carrot, and some chicken flavouring
>>183825 mixed it all in a big bowl
>>183825 good lad
>>183825 based
>>183827 caliscum
>>183832 not a very high effort killdozer
>>183832 kek what a mong, wasting your life and not even doing the killdozer right
>>183832 poor lad >>183833 decent tbh
>chip gurl here, we gaht a tickin' house
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>>183840 keeeeeeek >>183841 usually a bit more seethe on the vaccinated side tbh
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>>183842 Make an edit with Dobby's rabies face on the vaccinated
>>183843 fuck off dobs in unvaxxed
my vaccine supercharged my sex life watchout vaxlets
>>183845 enjoy your spasticated bairns faggot
>>183844 the face is meant to represent their seethe not thats he's vaxxed you mong
>>183847 it doesn't matter you thick cunt its slanderous
Not replying anymore to this poof brainlet id hopper (probably schizononce) filtered
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I hate them, lads
>>183851 can't even tell if this is pro-vax or anti-vax tbh the vaxxoom cult has gotten too weird
found a cute bug in my sugar
>>183671 Dunno, I was going to say that's online women, but I'm 5'11" and I've managed to get tall birds 5'8" 5'10" online easy. Once dated a six foot bird that thought she was 5'11" but only for few weeks, because she was annoying and talked too fast. No they weren't munters. It's possible they see 5'11" as "just one inch from six foot" and I get the six foot pass amongst those that don't see it as a big problem. Also the taller they are the more desperate they are to get a bf because they're like outliers themselves tbf.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4csr6pLZLg >>183854 love tall women, tbh but never dated one
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>>183855 I love tall girls as well, there is a well-tempered proportionality that tends to be more common in them that is rarer in shorter girls.
>>183777 Poor poo lad. Smh. Bad Steiner. Bad.
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mummy told me humans are herd animals, that if i get covid ill only have 20 minutes to get to the hospital before i die and the hospital staff could stick a catheter in the end of my willy during her attempt to persuade me to get the jab
>>183859 >mummy told me humans are herd animals
>>183860 Tbh what they actually mean when they claim they know what it is for us to be naturally social animals.
Russia is doing a lot of sabre rattling and it sounds like they may gay-op Russia since they're talking about "extremist elements" in Ukraine. They're also still talking about troop deployments in Cuba etc Putin will talk to Xi on Feb. 4th and they'll attend the Olympics opening together If Russia doesn't invade Ukraine soon I'll assume they're all talk, like Iran was, and stop reporting >>183810 Today's irony is tomorrow's sincerity, that's how trap stuff was normalised
*may gay-op Ukraine, sorry Also, by "soon" I mean sunset tomorrow
>>183862 >If Russia doesn't invade Ukraine soon I'll assume they're all talk, like Iran was, and stop reporting i was thinking they were going to invade ukraine by the end of this month if their talks with the usa weren't fruitful. turns out the usa won't budge. i think this due to the energy situation in europe--they can leverage their control of the energy supply to keep europe in a state of inaction during the winter, but now it seems like it's not as big as a factor as i thought it was before. i do still think that they're willing to go to war over this point on ukraine, however, but i agree that if they don't actually take action soon they're probably bluffing. febuary 4th talks with xi seems like a waste of time when they could be pressuring the usa or invading ukraine
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Hey Steiner!
>>183864 i should proof read more this is really disjointed
>>183865 >tricks the lasses by covering my weak chin the perfect crime >>183866 had a bonking romp with a prost who had "Daddy's Whore" written in that same position kek
>>183868 lol smh I had one that had "I Hate You" tattooed on her inner thigh.
>>183870 >bonks a satanist
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None of it involved Satanism and/or menstrual cycles tbh.
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>wake up to some unbanned NONCE posting who was posting in the holiest of hours (nightshift)
finally.. a day to myself..
>>183876 were you the one who got caught masturbating by your mother the other day?
>>183749 it seems like every third lass I see on online dating is working for RNHS, mostly in some bullshit roles that aren't doctor or nurse, so if you defund them you'll probably put a whole useless officefoid class into destitution
forgot to rename one of my cavalry brigades Q Qlux Qlan smh
>>183882 Use of random Japanese characters is implicitly white
>>183882 fucking keeeeeeeek
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>>183886 Nevemrind cant enjoy anymore
A border wall? No... No, not for you..
Russia's allegedly moving Pacific naval troops & equipment west via Krasnoyarsk
>>183890 just posturing smh call us when the bombs start to drop
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>steals your water
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>>183860 *women* are herd animals, that much is true that's why they are obsessed with fashion, gossip, and social trends
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>>183892 [a very grotty comment alluding to substances other than water that can still be referred to as water]
>>183894 based fuck the technocrat scum
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>>183895 >naughty segs joke
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>>183894 life after all electrical devices stop working overnight due to sunflares or cosmic dust clouds or something
>>183899 the next big flare will be kino last one was less than two centuries ago and destroyed even really basic stuff like telegraphs
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>>183900 we'll all probably die though, and before that happens there will beno image boards or internet either
>>183900 If I remember right, the visuals were glorious for that event, giant corona borealis localised entirely in the United States and so on
>>183901 a small price to pay for the collapse of the shart world order and the transhumanist conspiracy tbh
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>>183902 >visuals were glorious worth it then I guess >>183903 tbh
>>183901 >no image boards or internet either smh
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>>183905 the biggest happening of all time and we can't even shit post about it
>>183905 back to the good old days of graffiti on walls
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>>183907 we be able to eat celebreity meat, except not grown in labs
>>183906 just seethe into the sky and hope that lads are based enough to receive it as a seethedream >>183907 keeeek tbh the original shitposting
>There was a 2012 solar flare that was as strong as the 1859 one, but missed the earth >Estimated it would've cost the US "between US$600 billion and $2.6 trillion" How unfortunate, that would've been a great meme
>>183910 smh could have been so kino and stopped so much gay shit from happening would it have only affected the shart continent too?
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>study finds
>>183911 The '59 Carrington Event was global but seemingly more intense in the USA, so I presume 2012 would've been the same
>>183913 Vgh... What covld have been....
>>183914 biggest gay op of all time smh people out there still believe it too
>there are still based incel polfaces on youtube >they openly post with the exploited weebcels >foids forced to act like animes for shekels are subservient to them whitepill bros...
>comments full of seething redditors
>>183918 it's just good bidness nigga
>>183918 Thieves, thugs, and joggers
>>183920 purely socio-economic factors
>>183918 You can just tell this is all done by niggers
>>183893 tbh, it's why they should be kept in barns
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>>183923 Source? Gonna need a peer reviewed source for that one
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>>183912 It's just the Welsh Senedd funding.
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imagine the stink
>>183882 I can't believe people like sam hyde will be running militias in America in 5 years.
>>183928 >no milk >premade palm oil substitute Why do Americans do this?
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>>183929 It's kino
the ZOGs have put us in a self-defence situation
>>183827 Chipped like a fucking pet dog. These people deserve the roadside execution that's coming to them.
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>the memes he fuelled of 'active shooter Sam Hyde' were to make j**rnalists ignore it when he really [redacted]s the [redacted] in [redacted]
>>183932 I look forward to seeing chud convoys of ford raptors plowing through the wealthy areas of DC.
Excuse me, glorious dictator. Could you maybe please ban the actual nonce from posting? Or set it so tor posters can't post images? Pretty sure that's standard on most boards.
fucking torniggers >>183939 tbh
>>183934 Journalists will be his primary target.
global report?
SA isn't around all the time really need to appoint more jannies even if he's not going to change BO
>>183942 think global report is only for things that break the law smh >>183943 tbh
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>>183942 Done. >>183943 There are some, aren't there? Honestly find it a bit sus that the worst posting like this happens when he 'isn't around'. Hmmst.
>>183945 good lad think it's just him and cook now who only appears once in a blue moon as far as I know
>>183945 >Honestly find it a bit sus that the worst posting like this happens when he 'isn't around'. Hmmst.
>>183948 I can believe it. >see what happens without me Bet he's itching to delete the memi I just posted. Always makes him sneethe himself. But then the jig would really be up.
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>>183918 Black people discovered how to make TVs free and it's amazing
contemplating a 3pm snooze tbh >>183950 based ghouls tbh SA tier
>>183945 Cook is barely here anymore and midshanks has fucked off the face of the board for good by the looks of things. Our only hope is the second coming of Helmer.
>>183948 could be. fuck SA and fuck nonceposters
>>183944 lad those pics break the law even in weimart
hate niggers so much evil creatures making the world worse for everyone else and getting away with it
>>183954 Where the fuck is that stuff produced, Russia?
>>183955 Half devil half child.
doesn't look like the global jannies are hot on the trigger either smh
>>183961 >spoiler Tbh. It's how I remember where it's produced, it doesn't break the law, because it's child 'modelling' with no nudity. UK judge would look at that and say yep obviously a sexualised child, and give him a suspended sentence.
>>183961 I know it was produced I just didn't know where.
>>183960 they can't be, this place is full of filth and we should never have followed SA here in the first place
>>183965 fucking scouser.
>SA offline on the bongo >hasn't tweeted in 19hrs he's probably passed out or in a drunken stupor
>>183965 Maybe tbh. Smh falseflagging our glorious dictator to make it look like he was false flagging to expand his already infinite power. MAkes sense now.
I think there is an option in board settings to disallow TORposting which should probably be enabled have to ask SA about it when he appears >>183965 would be a new low for him but I wouldn't be surprised
The earlier Pretty Baby posting seemed BBKesque to me
bbk is a nonce but Ive never known him to post stuff like this tbh
>>183973 would like to watch it too tbh but it's too long for one sitting
>>183874 >that first fight keek some good examples of littler lads getting instantly btfo and winning with fancy footwork today based oldfag taking down the champ solid day of pig fighting tbh
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>this thread
>>183971 stating the blindingly obvious but it's funny watching all the leftoids in the comments trying to rationalise it away or doing the equivalent of no you when discussing the dogma. As if because the right may hold certain dogmas that makes their lies okay.
Sneed Berry
Ancient Chuckgypt was destroyed by an invasion of the Sneed People
>>183983 (Formerly the Chuck people)
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Well look at the Sumer Slicker rolling up in his fancy Lebanese chariot
>>183986 I really want to know how they got wheel's axels to work before ball bearing races were invented did the axel just turn in a grove, despite all the friction and heat that woud make?
>>183950 reminder that if goodlads went and shot them up the police would immediately be there and that negro savagery is being allowed by the state
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>>183987 Unironically pic related
Just read a jewtube comment that said west african civilization was comparable to European civilization in the early medieval period. How do people rationalise this stuff?
>>183987 lots of grease probably
>>183990 its nigger worship religion, vikangs would have utterly dominated them if they bothered to sail down there
>>183987 magic
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>>183991 Yeah the article I found says they used grease and leather bushing, but the chariots were still "probably short-lived" https://ethw.org/Wheels >>183990 I'm impressed that Mali could control such a wide area of the Sahara for so long, but they have nothing to rival Western cathedrals or even North African mosques as far as I can tell. Their average mosques looked like pic related It's not just because they were a desert civilisation, because Petra is also in the desert but much more impressive
>>183992 Like it's just said out of hand that they had cities and kingdoms and law institutions. I guess we just fucking bulldozed all that when we turned up with our evil tricks that somehow reduced this comparable civilization to the stone age. Only lisa simpsons, soys and woke upperclass africans paying to be educated in our own universities believe this shite.
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>>183995 >when people try and say this is an impressive building when it looks like something a toddler made
Thinking about terminal decline gets me so angry and the fact we'll be blamed for it falling apart as by the wogs doing the looting and burning.
poutine pootine few realise this
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>>184000 Jesus Christ
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my opinion of you has dropped massively mate honestly fuck off
>>184000 my opinion of you has gone up massively mate honestly good job
what smells so good in here?
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Wow, they have it! Canned Pootine
>>184008 keeeeeek
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Anyone else think it's bizzare how according to malthusianism part of the reason why Europe thrived was because of the high death rate? They argue that due to the diminishing returns of labour in a high birth rate medieval society mass-death increased the gdp per capita and average wages which allowed people to purchase manufactured products made in cities which resulted in a class of urban workers who specialised in producing manufactured goods which increased urbanisation which increased technological advancement etc etc When medieval landsknechts were putting catholic peasants fingers into thumbscrews and torturing them while burning their villages they were unintentionally raising living standards. Based and redpilled
>>184010 So if we kill enough wogs they become smarter? It sounds like another one of those desperate attempts to pin all development in Europe on environmental factors alone.
>>183970 Wasn't me bean in toil all day >>183969 TOR posters are just poor fags who can't take advantage of unique one time offer deals on VPNs that seem to never ever end >>183943 We need a night neet and a day neet to keep the board in perfect balance, it is the only weigh. >>183946 >think it's just him and cook now who only appears once in a blue moon as far as I know cuc/k/ only appears if you insult him >>183939 He only bans you if you disagree with him Can't be arsed saling up the Fred. What happened earlier? >>184010 Retarded theory, takes an element of truth and turns it into a causality. Typical of intellectuals. They get the bullet come the big minecraft event.
torrenting the mandalorian is it shit?
>>184011 tbh >>184012 someone was posting noncey images
>>184011 It won't make you smarter but in a medieval agricultural society overpopulation makes everyone poorer. One of the reasons the steam engine was invented in the UK was wages were 24x higher here than China for example, which was a lot more stable and had a lower death rate than the UK.
>>184015 I don't think that just because you have a high population you lose all incentive to innovate.
>>184016 Just means more people, less to go around, people are poorer, people don't buy things other than food and just make enough to survive, there's no reason for people to move to cities and make things because nobody has any money to buy anything, so nobody moves to the city, so everybody lives in rural villages, so people don't communicate and share ideas and centralise in one spot so they invent less things. That's the theory I guess anyway.
>>184000 Told you it was edible
>>184017 I know the theory, I just don't subscribe to that sort of thinking anymore. It's Jared Diamond tier.
>>184012 tbh but also some torposters just don't trust VPNs they could easily afford on those offers as they have no way to verify the "no logging" claims from those probable honeypots it's just good business, whereas with TOR at least you know what you're getting with some of the nodes being run by feds, and don't give them any payment details to confirm who you are
one of the only good things on 8kun was that you could actually block TOR on individual boards, this site doesn't seem to allow it smh
I just hang up on the theory we're products of our environment until genetics are involved because it's intellectually bankrupt.
>>184015 >in a medieval agricultural society overpopulation makes everyone poorer. it does that in any society tbh >>184021 tbh smh
Cheese and onion pie from t' chippy tbh
>>184024 phwoar
might go t'pub
>>184028 Lavrov or w/e said he wants a deadline by next week lol, they keep postponing everything to the future
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steiner how did you live with this shit
we 1877 now
>>184032 based
>>184032 Here we go, here's the steep bit of the decline.
>>184031 upper middle classoids with the token nigger who has some AA dad, where I went to school these mulattos trying to clown got mercelessly destroyed by ghetto niggers who called them fake and would beat them up outside school keeek. also this one nigger mullato tried to act loud like this in our class and all us lower middle class kids threw his backpack out the window of the 3rd floor everytime he went to the bathroom same as the jewish kid keeeek and then he would do nothing about it
>>184036 keeeeeeeeeeeeek good lad
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that mullato kid clearly was in a white school that type of shit got shut down so fast by other niggers
>>184032 based and grim 1970's pilled.
>>184039 You can't say niggers don't check their own.
>>184038 >But making architecture beautiful would "cost too much"
>>184039 tbh probably thinks he's the fresh prince or summat
>>184041 yeah smh its so cringe how whitoids just take it but when poorfag white kids fight back the state gets involved but it does happen
>>184043 tbh you can tell he is soft af, alot of nigger kids where I live actually have pretty shit lives so they probably think he is like a nigger version of a williamoid acting like he is tough
>>184045 I can imagine life is tough when you're born with an alcohol and crack addiction.
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>>184045 we had a nigger kid move from a posher place to our school and he was sortof like that until the nigs beat him up turned out he was a massive fag as well
poo THERE IS A NEW JANNY (i vill be tyrannical) ------------------- This message has been brought to you by the Bongoist Army
Edited last time by tyrannicaljanny on 01/14/2022 (Fri) 17:33:01.
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>bongo good tbh i luv are bongo overlords
Edited last time by tyrannicaljanny on 01/14/2022 (Fri) 17:33:25.
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>>184036 I've heard from a school teacher that the lighter blacks bully the darker ones here in the UK
>>184052 yeah they are more racist than white kids keek
>>184051 keeek
>>184048 based
>didnt mod aus after fucking him over >mods one of his bongo bummists instead SA has gone too far
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>>184048 >niggerwaffen keep their race in line and we dont much to think about
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>>184058 just a new board lad there wont be a split everyone hates this cunt
>>184048 >>184052 >nigs >blacks grim to think there are multiples in schools now. I never had a black classmate, just one mulatto in secondary school but several pakis. looking at pics of that school now, it's become a sea of poo.
>>184063 my school had loads of nigs and pakis and poles etc, my cousin's school just down the road from it had a single chinese kid
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>take a pic of SA in the templar toilets >send it to him on discord >get modded it's really that simple
Edited last time by tyrannicaljanny on 01/14/2022 (Fri) 17:44:13.
>>184061 wonder how many cats she has now >>184062 there's always a split lad
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Poor neck posture and Carly Rae Jepsen B-sides for supper
The Free Bongo Army will get its wish. Wessex WILL be terminated from the thread.
based new janny editing the poosts keeek it's making everyone go schizo
Edited last time by tyrannicaljanny on 01/14/2022 (Fri) 17:46:18.
>>184067 even a 10 couldn't request that shit, and it's a guarantee that anyone on that reddit isn't even a 5
neck yourself lass
keeeeeek it's breaking everyone's postcount
>>184065 don't care glad to see a karen btfo
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for steinlass
>>184074 tbh but assaulting a woman in front of her kids is fucked up
>>184073 >(69)
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>>184074 >karen thought you hated that term lad what changed?
>>184067 not enough cats to fill the black hole where her heart should be.
>>184077 she probably vooted for all that shit also sportsballfags are degenerates imagine thinking you are in a church around degenerate sportsfags
>>184031 Knowing he does that, I'd have placed a nail with a hot glue gun to where he stomps each time. >>184057 Tbh. >>184080 I hate it too but had to risist calling mummy a Karen when she complain her coffee wasn't hot enough when she got some from mcdonnalds tbh.
why take your kids to whatever gay even that is anyway
>>184080 working around entitled middle classoid white women who think I am their inferior
>>184076 keeeek is that some kind of maenad ritual
>>184081 keeeeek tbh >>184083 tbh some foids really do everything they can to earn getting called a karen >>184085 smh yeah that'd do it
>>184076 one 35 year old womb for each of us
women are so unevolved its kind of scary
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>>184086 >Cuck is back Does this mean it was you joking about a new tyrannical bongo fag being made jannie earlier? Hope so.
>>184091 Better watch what you post now 22.
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>>184092 I'm not 22. >(83) Oh, you're 22.
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okay late film friday announcement, it'sgoing to be Refærdighedens Ryttere
>>184090 I honestly think the decline in women is just a result of the general decline in morals. Most people won't hold themselves to a standard when there's no enforcement of that standard.
>>184080 >>184083 >>184085 >>184088 tbh tbh but it's a nigger term tbh,
>>184093 But I'm not 22 and if you're not 22, who is 22?
>>184093 No, I just got home from toil
>>184095 yeah women are far more focused on their social environment than men and follow the status quo more often, a healthier society would be reflected in women
>>184095 You did get anti-suffragette ladies back in the old days
>>184097 It's a mystery. >>184098 Mystery solved.
>>184098 How many little girls did you manage to pack into the back of the nonce wagon today lad?
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hey 22st I found a pig that looks kind of like you
Using 50p coins to scratch pigs because they have such thicc unsensitive skin
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>>184102 None but I am talking with a new groomee of legal age and she drew me a red welsh dragon >>184103 >squinting >balding >pink it's me
>>184105 That's a pretty good dragon tbh.
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>Fuck you, Karen <Yeah, fuck you, Karen! *punch* >Don't you dare talk to a white woman like that, nigger
>when she sees his willy
>>184107 keeeeeeeeek
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>>184103 how dare you
>>184111 10 years ago.Could have lost weight without loose skin. smh
>>184107 keeeeeeeek
>>184114 A lesson for us all. If I ever get to 18+ stone, may Zeus strike me with a lightning bolt.
>>184116 tbh didn't think the day of irreversably harm would ever happen tome, there is always time to lose weight, right?
https://youtu.be/4uWs-ezp848 Cool thumbnail big guy
>>184117 Until you die of a heart attack or a stroke.
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I was attacked in my dreams by a jew. He has implanted thoughts in my minds of weaty hair slapping against vinyl.
>>184122 delete this. the thoughts have to be destroyed.
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>>184124 why can't I have a cute autistic tomboy gf? t.30st leaky legged NEET
>>184125 what the hell i leaky legged. get that checked.
woke up at 6, this board is in terminal decline because of SA smh
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>>183827 >she is rich
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>>184127 I didn't have any opinion and didn't vote, but that behaviour after the vote really disappointed me
>>184131 hes right but I hate assoomer mongs like him, he has loads of free time but doesn't watch the stuff he talks about
>>184133 yeah but it's funny
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Spagbol and rice for dins.
>>184135 >>184135 Clashing carbs??
>that wholesome pre-trans video
>mother makes a valid point that it's internet weirdos buying into this ideology >internet weirdos seethe and screech that she is a bigot that wants to hurt her son
smh wrong pic
imagine growing up on the internet as a kid now, all kinds of groomers everywhere wanting to turn you into a furry/tranny/cuck/whatever else
>>184142 horrifying to think about tbh, seeing gore as a teen is fucking nothing compared to this cult shit
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>>184142 Trying to dodge the poz like
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>>184142 yeah its sickening tbh *vores you*
>>184145 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>184145 *starts crying*
>>184145 >a grown adult wrote this
I guess posting that means it's okay for us to post inflation furries now? it is friday tbh
>>184145 smh steiner's secret twitter is revealed

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