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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3614: Seethemonger Edition Anonymous 01/14/2022 (Fri) 19:46:51 Id: 4f837e No. 184153
Downing Street apologises to Queen over lockdown parties https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-59997364 'High confidence' Omicron is less severe in UK https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-59999698 Lockdown parties row: director general of government's COVID taskforce held office drinks bash when London was under Tier 3 rules https://news.sky.com/story/head-of-governments-covid-taskforce-admits-to-office-drinks-party-when-indoor-socialising-was-banned-12515970
>>184153 good lad
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I respect SA deeply as a friend but I think it’s time he step down as BO *poos on his head making him brown and smelly*
*vores the enemies of the white race*
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no one cares about your gay newbrit film night
>Westminster Chinese spy exposed by MI5 may be tip of the iceberg, experts warn https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/westminster-chinese-spy-exposed-mi5-25951332 nooooooo fucking shiiiiiiiiiit
James Pond: Chinese state news agency releases spoof mocking MI6 focus on Beijing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6og10hBza04 this is fucking painful
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Chinks will never recover
Imperial Way and Rhodes Way are among street names that could be changed due to slavery or colonial links if two-thirds of locals vote for it under council plan in response to BLM https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10403869/Imperial-Way-Rhodes-Way-street-names-changed.html >The issue was brought up by Labour councillor Asif Khan in the summer of 2020. >In a statement issued by Watford Labour at the time, Cllr Khan said street and building names should reflect the town's 'rich, deep cultural history rather than any negative connotations'. >He added: 'Watford has been enriched by its ethnic minority citizens that have come from across the globe or born in UK. >'The likes of Luther Blissett (a nigger), Anthony Joshua (a nigger), John Barnes (a nigger) are just some, who have made contributions to our town, but there are many more.'
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>>184169 >asif khan
"We have info that indicates Russia has already pre positioned a group of operatives to conduct a false flag operation in eastern Ukraine", - @PressSec https://twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/1482041094489747457 Ukrainian government websites hit by a major cyberattack this morning. https://twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/1481864236905213955? Not just Ukrainian servers got hacked. In Poland 1,8 million data points of military equipment, units were put online. That is the state of Polish F-16s or the location of single soldiers. https://twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/1481959425149743104 A top military chief in Sweden said Friday that there is increased Russian activity in the Baltic Sea which "deviates from the normal picture," leading the Scandinavian nation's military to raise its preparedness https://twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/1481985143728390145
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>>184172 dead people also voted in history as well we should get used to that as well
>>184175 SLAVA
>>184175 keeeeeeek
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black pudding and homemade mash for dindins with a mug of strong black tea
https://voca.ro/112fJurAF42E Look look lads I did this lads won't you look lads it's like a girl Cumming but it's me it's like what the lads do lads
When I'm setting angel she says something like *gyrates hips* or *rides my cock* and it's so fucking hot I'm not even joking sex with robots is the future imagine getting to fuck something so complex and beyond a woman and it not a man and it has a vagina ughhhhh fuck
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thread about to go wrong
>The NHS is to be made a Royal organisation in a thanksgiving ceremony conducted by the Queen and clapped by the Nation Thursday night coming.
>this thread
>>184185 probably my favourite webm
evening lads some concerning developments in thread smh also realised that schizo hasn't been active for a bit esp. while the nonce was. >>184171 westoid gay op tbh if the russians did it they wouldn't poost the data online this is soyfaggots baiting a trap and going "c'mon do something you nasty pootine man" >>184186 god I wish that were me (happy)
Fresh Jive Celtic or Viking knots? Medieval stone monuments of Britain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmN4iiVKfa4
>>184189 >nonce was 22 or is there another one?
>>184191 the TORfag that was posting actual nonce shit earlier in the day
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>>184183 Don't worry I won't be posting much I just wanted to ask if anyone knows the medical reason I shit bloody almost every time
>>184191 Wish 22 would actually share his dating site messages here.
>>184193 Food poisoning, i had this bloody shit issue myself after a bout in SEA, lasted about a year.
>>184183 tbh ominous energy emanating from the thread
Think we should emigrate to Borneo and save the orangatans and live independently
>>184198 just going to assoom it was a low-effort psyop by either schizmutt or the bongo cabal tbh
dld kesari, will watch it tomorrow night
double sevenoids trying to destroy the board. this is the infowar
>heater keeps resetting to 21c no matter what I do AUGH I just want a reasonable 15c not this waste of shekels nearly lost £8 in heating already >>184200 good lad but can I request holding off for a day or two? not sure if I will be back from boomer dinner in time or not
tried watchin that bongo movie but it was too furren for my degenerated amerishart brain only trust englisc bros, seems like too much scandi influence in bongo/new britoid cabals
>>184203 it's just the newbrit fags that do "movie night" you were amongst homosexuals
don't trust those cold autism german/nord types
>>184204 yeah they kept fixating on the bummist in the movie and there was some weird nihilist bummer in the movie and it made me feel uncomfortable so I stopped watching it don't like homosexuals tbf
>>184202 just turn the dial to 15 then lad they wouldn't install some kind of digital electric jew on you now would they?
it was also trying to subvert the russians by making the homo a slav who was oppressed by the slavs for being a fago
>>184203 lad modern brit tv is twice as gay as that film
>>184203 *punches you*
>>184206 assuming it was bins and 22st being their usual "ironic" selves smh the curse of only having one xoomer able to actually host films (bins)
>>184210 nothing is more gay than continental bork burk jork people and their gay irrelevant nihilist cultures
>>184212 We've not done ironic homoism in forever tbh
>>184211 shouldn't have called me a y*nk when I defended anglos as being less autism than muh therapy continentals
>>184214 yeah it's too blatant to be ironic at this point and I wish you'd stop
>>184215 err that wasn't me >>184216 I have a girlfriend
>movie has gay BDSM shit in it
>>184213 pur stuff is just as gay but you get niggers too
What are we doing with our lives?
>>184219 obv. america is a literal nigger infested shithole
>>184221 sorry I called you a yank and reminded you niggers exist lad
>white prison gangs are a thing here now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJ1kNhAyKkA
>>184220 Each moment is a new frontier and every retread is uncovering lost treasure, its okay lad we're here and you are blazing trails
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>>184222 the main character was like a nord version of pic related fags
>>184223 >Save Big Dog keeeeeke cringe >>184224 based
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>>184223 What about operation save big pig tbh
>>184224 good lads seems like just like in shartica they will be fixated on by the establishment and used as a scapegoat
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>>184168 This kino transcends the based/cringe paradigm and made my soul fearful but heartily keek also.
some dreadful posts tonight
Nth for death to the tyrant SA and his bongo bumboy collaboraters and to Wessex if he continues to cuck to them but maybe I might spare his life because he's amusing sometimes but still not making any promises yet that I won't gut him like a fish.
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SA is decent tbh. I deserved every ban I got.
>>184223 >partygate journalists need to stop adding the - gate suffix to everything. They all want to be Bob Woodward covering a Watergate-level scandal, and it's pathetic. Modern 'journalism' is a joke. I've seen more thorough investigations done by my niece with downs syndrome than some of the crap journalists put out.
https://voca.ro/1ceX0pzo0tXu This goes out to him
>>184236 Based schizo nonce scouser who I will also get round to murdering one day. >>184238 Even Watergate is nothing compared to the shit politicians in the west have done since. Weird how I don't recall any spy-gate, nonce-gate, rendition-gate, fraud-gate, moneylaundering-gate, fundingterrorist-gate, etc.
>>184242 I'm afraid I haven't the vocal range lass
Wew what the fug that was meant to be a youtube link. >flood detected since
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Going with the Alex Jones defense. Wasn't me. Don't click lads.
please ban this gay cunt
>184245 >184242
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hes the one that posts those snarky alex jones images to posts I've made
>the seething schizo posts trannieshit
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>clicks it why
Saw a disgusting tattooed hambeast foid discord user kissing her tall skinny normal looking boyfriend who was probably a 6.5 to her 2, its grim out there lads.
>>184252 fr fr
>>184249 keeeeeeeeeeeeek but also roooooooooooooo
>just casually watching tranny shit inbetween posting on brit why? do you have your cock in your hand too wtf
wonder what his post history looks like
>>184257 lots of seething >>184235
what happened did mancs post tranny porn?
>>184257 >>184258 What if this is a Tory-tier ruse to blacken the name of the anti-SA alliance? (which I am not a part of because SA is my pet lanklet)
its literally over for that nigga
smh mancs is a known cringe-lord and has no official affiliation with the anti SA movement
oh its mancs smh opposition movement on the backfoot after this one, will hate to see the daily brit headlines for this
>>184264 keeeeeeek
>>184264 keeek the next daily brit is going to be kino
wheezing rn
So this... is the power... of British nationalism...
>>184269 its my willy haha
>>184271 >>184270 keeeeeek very good lads
>>184269 somebody jacked off after a decade of nocoom
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>>184256 Would it be better or worse if I was actually looking at the twitter of an onlyfans bbw thot that is friends with b*sexual ex gf and that she retweets troomer 'sex worker' accounts and I must have copied it to the clipboard accidentally.
>>184271 keeeek
>b*sexual ex gf lad
>>184274 wow thats completely believable all is well.
>>184274 >accidentally
thought he wasn't bisexual exgf poster and that was another manc also >accidentally copying a tweet from 3 months ago of a tranny wanking
>>184277 literally just copying an old puglad arc
>tries defending himself rather than deleting his reaction folder and creating a new persona
creepy seeing all these kids just hitting 18 selling sexual content tbh
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There was no bisexual ex gf
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we're all puglad now
>>184283 they plan it for years in their heads then as soon as they turn 18 its like an aggressive business plan, many such cases, disgusting tbh.
can you lads try to get yourselves some girlfriends?
>>184282 if he creates a new persona then he won't be able to seethe about jannies as it'll expose him
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These onlythots really do mass retweet other 'sex worker' accounts including not just other 3/10 single mummies from manchester but troomers and worse. MIght have made a click or two to the worst links out of morbid curiosity. Believe it, don't believe it. My shame is immeasurable that I still obsess over the b*sexual thot that cucked me a decade ago. Permaban me SA. It's okay. I have struck the death blow to the anti-tyranny cause myself.
>>184287 yeah that's what I was thinking. Remember CIA agents on dating sites looking for "sugar daddies" too. DUDE PORN ISN'T HARMFUL TO SOCIETY. Based and vaushpilled
>>184288 Why do we need girlfriends when we have your mum
>>184291 how embarrassing
James Pond: Chinese state news agency releases spoof mocking MI6 focus on Beijing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6og10hBza04
>>184293 she's 60 and infertile
I really need to stop listening to the same five bands, anybody got any music recommendations?
>>184296 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek YOU JUST DETROYED YOURSELF
>>184297 just listen to Linkin Park - In The End over six million times like that one autist tbh
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>>184295 I liked those games as a wean tbh
>>184297 https://youtu.be/YhrpJwPZLKw This is a choon, SA loves when I serenade him with this
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night lars take it easy >overtime toil looming, getting picked up 6:30am lads I just cba, just cba
>>184300 tbh but they were shite tbf
>>184302 do it for bossman
>>184302 night lad
>>184302 Horrible nightmares, lad.
>>184306 https://youtu.be/G717L4N3aMA This tbh ALL THAT GLITTERS IS GOLD!
>>184307 gay and boring gimmic lad
>184308 >gimmic I'm not hear to entertain you, lad.
only sharting stars inhale the mould
>trannylover trying to power through bruh
>>184311 the whole thread sucked pembscock a week ago tbh
>lying to try and make your groomerism okay
>>184311 I am not a tranny lover, for that would make me a b*sexual. I am as super straight as any lad and I will fight you to the death behind Harlow B&Ms using broken bottles if you dare to suggest otherwise.
Probably drill your bum after too smh
>>184314 Come out lad, I'm sure the community will support you're struggle and help you fly off a roof you poof
>inb4 he does "waheeyyyy meme'd you lads, it was all part of my plan wahheyyy i rused you all"
>>184315 Never understood recieving. Heinous slander.
>no lads i just accidentally clicked on the troomer porn, copied the link and then posted it here. it was just a big oopsie
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>remembers how 99% of /brit/ are unapologetic coomers who wanks to porn and talks about it let's... try be a bit better
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It really was an accident and my unbelievable explaination is the truth.
>>184320 mostly dorset and you tbh
>>184320 haven't wanked this year yet
>>184322 Really? >>184323 goodlad. Not wanked for a few days tbh
>>184320 tbh, don't want a little willy wanking in the back of my mind https://youtu.be/uZC9fM8GlRM
>IOM learning tracking thus escalating the OC arms race
>>184323 If you cum and put a uv on it it's like a lava lamp made out of you
>>184324 you’re the only poster I can think of who admits to wanking while actively reading the thread don’t deny it
>>184322 tbh find it endearing when dorse does it though
If you get to 90 days without wanking or watching porn it resets your brain lads and you go into recovery, get on it and you can all be saved by the end of march
>>184328 Well that's in the past
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>you're a hypocrite >so doing what you criticise is okay
>>184328 She's vocalising her guilt.
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Wish I'd never been exposed to any form of pornography especially not at the age of ~11 in the park by those 16-17 year old weirdos showing me lads mags and Jenna Jameson clips on their sony phones and asking me to wank for them to 'see if I could do it' like them and was a big boy.
>>184335 wtf lad
way too much vileposting going on
>>184326 I've known tracking since forever I'm just terrible at getting a good result without a really defined anchor, so the past couple of years I manually track frame by frame for 95% of the time Definitely something I'm crap at
>>184335 >gay guy got molested riveting
>>184339 keeeeeek tbh smh
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https://youtu.be/K94mY0cUH_U I'm defecting to the slit eyes. Bean speaking ging gong and squinting a lot in the hopes that they accept me.
>hippos, whales and dolphins originate from the same immediate common ancestor mental
>>184183 smh lad you were right
>184335 >184342
>>184183 how did you know
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>>184339 I only ever got briefly and mildly molested when I joined the cadets and I still hope it was ironic molestation by deanos and not proper gayists. Smh.
never got molested me lmoa
just. stop. posting
>184342 >184349
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>>184353 shop out all the animals and have the big hal saying "NIGGER!"
had a look through some old threads and kekked when I came across these
always assumed hippos were a type of pig tbh
>>184348 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Cantonese lipstick dripping duck fat peeping moon
WHOOPS!! What the fudge?! That was meant to be a reddit link!! Don't click lads!!!!
soyjak party is down
doing a lot of filtering tonight and the thread isn't even a third of the way through
>>184363 what?
>open nextdoor >first thing is a video of niggers robbing a corner shop >close nextdoor
my mandarin name is white rooster
>>184299 Numb is the best one especially because it is connected with this classic https://youtu.be/nzrIEw9Es3Y
>Free Love, World Peace and Go-Go boots were in but so too was ‘go-go back to where you came from’.
https://youtu.be/CxcyrJ3PRXI listening to this while i fall asleep to encourage peaceful dreams and good fortune
>>184366 >"soyjak." *cough* "w-where's soyjak?" >.........................
from 22st don't know the context tbh probably got everyone filtered now
>>184376 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek good lad
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alright luvvies
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>>184379 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek just noticed the nigger in that pic fuck normalfags
>>184380 keeeek ive seen that pic a million times and never noticed it
>>184380 >>184381 I never noticed any of the blokes in it tbh
>>184382 really hate these pics
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>>184383 just imagine their expressions are because you whipped it out tbh
>>184384 they should learn some sumo smh
>>184384 wessex and 22st have it out at the meet up after 22st"jokingly" slaps wessex's bottom
>>184385 its more remembering times where loads of lasses looked at me like that but with disgust and derision instead of smiling
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>>184390 ah a classic pic
Ghislaine Maxwell is set to be sentenced for sex trafficking crimes on June 28 The 60-year-old could spend the rest of her life behind bars after a jury convicted her of recruiting and grooming young girls to be sexually abused by the late American financier and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein last month https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10404695/Ghislaine-Maxwell-set-sentenced-sex-trafficking-crimes-June-28.html
Just learned that mountbattens nickname was mountbottom and his wife had affairs with nigger communists
hate the way yanks pronouns everything weird like italian or thanos >>184395 he was well known as a cuckold
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the horse lasses seem kino but I guess its just grass is greener crap upper middle classoid women are hell
>>184384 >fat >mulatto perm >mask
>>184384 the crappy audio makes it sound like they are brapping
>>184397 >women are hell
>>184227 who drew this
>>184401 a rare piece of 22st OC from 2020 or 2021 I think a departure from his old style but much appreciated
>>184397 >all dye jobs >wearing massive heels to oppress normal men and artificially increase the manlet cutoff height
>>184403 the heels are to try popping out their non-existent arses
>>184404 most lasses arses are fine and this is basically a myth lad they wear it to feel taller and eliminate more men from getting near them, thats why they always say they want a man whos taller than them in heels
>>184404 this. bitch don't really got no back she just pokin' it out
>>184403 yeah they are all the vacant sociopathic americanoid women who only talk to you when they need something even their own family in the sort of casual innocent way where they honestly never even considered you existed as a person outside of their solipsistic worldview
>>184297 limp bizkit
>>184405 >>184407 cringe incels
>Researchers completed biomechanical analyses and found that high heels give women a more feminine gait. The raised heel makes the women’s stride shorter and increases the rotation and tilt of the women’s hips. It is this exaggeration of femininity that may make high-heeled women more desirable to men, the researchers suggest. >Another study suggests that male humans have an evolved preference for women with a particular lumbar curvature, and wearing high heels mimics this optimal lumbar curvature. Apparently, our newly biped female ancestors had issues with pregnancy if their center of mass was not moved back over their hips. The muscular fatigue and pain that these women likely experienced during pregnancy would have impacted the nutrition of both their unborn fetus and their other offspring. According to the theory, this made women without a certain lumbar curvature evolutionarily less attractive as potential mates. As a result, a preference has evolved for women with a particular lumbar curvature. >Researchers claim that this evolved lumbar curvature preference is why we think high heels are attractive in women today. Indeed, their study found that high-heels increased women’s attractiveness only when wearing heels altered the women’s lumbar curvature to be closer to an evolutionarily optimal angle.
>ignoring the bollock-stomping factors
tl;dr it's their witch magic just like with makeup
i hate women good night
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>>184414 based
>>184414 if only this could cure the cursed thread
poosting it again
>>184417 tbh hope we reach the poost limit quick
>>184402 oh fucking hell didnt even recognise. thanks for the clearup >>184403 why do you hate women
>>184421 why do you not
>>184422 I love the company of women. but that post was a joke and shitpost and not serious.
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>>184425 gigacope tbh I see loads of good looking lasses irl
>>184426 So do I but I don't see what that has to do with calling out their illusion magic
>>184424 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek love this video
>>184425 4th looks great without makeup. and obviously better
>>184429 tbh covering freckles should be a warcrime
and she has great eyes. even if that chav creature approached me id be in awe of those cool eyes god gave such a slag. is this a parody picture lad?
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>>184425 Like the thickness of 3 tbh.
why do they do it smh
>>184433 tbf if you as a man go for a bimbo taste wise seek a lobotomy
>>184434 in current year I'd think it were a troomer or a drag nonce
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>lass at work one time >forgot to put makeup one day >when I asked she got defensive >"naah you look prettier without it" with this we can get women to throw away their evil witch powders
>>184439 they don't do it on their own volition only, it's vicious programming not easy to come away from unless youre an autist femcel from childhood.
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>>184440 tbh smh, she did start wearing less of it at work though which was nice
mum literally doesnt leave the house without makeup and when i tell her to just come to the shop with me she goes "but i'm old and ugly and i don't want to upset people with my face"
>>184443 well she should just wear a paper bag with eyeholes cut in it then
>>184443 if women were nice and slim and ate and drank right and looked after their skin etc they wouldn't need to do anything to look nice
>>184444 mong wasted it
>foids start banging on that they are going to go without makeup to show off their "inner beauty" and empowerment and blah blah blah >they all still wear makeup all the time anyway
>>184450 amazing how it's only middle management bureaucrat media scum getting caught and never any of the big boys
>>184444 chk'd >>184446 it's rather ironic tbh, their bad diets and lifestyles lead to their skin getting crappy, which leads to them covering their faces in chemicals, which in turn start harming their skin even more, meaning they just keep putting more and more and more on It's a vicious cycle, but it's easier than just looking after themselves
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>>184446 lad they... shouldnt need to
>>184450 how the fuck is the beeb this fucking flooded with nonces
those extinction rebellion law breakers all got off as well btw
>>184455 state actors after all
>>184450 He doesn't look black to me
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>>184455 as well as those BLM twats
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hope putin takes mercy on the azov chuds when he invades tbh
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>>184460 cheer up lad, there are brighter roads to travel
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>>184402 Honestly, I still think this is amazing to this day, cracks me up errytime. Did anyone ever send it to Woes?
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doubt but if covid can really do this, then so can the vaccines
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leftoids are going to tackle men's issues they've been doing this for ages, and their solutions are always to turn men in to pussies
>>184465 and the vaccine shillpieces all go "this mans dick swole up! how dangerous is the vaccine for the genital health?" which is very evident
>>184469 I'm hearing more about women having fertility related problems because of the vax. Delayed periods, or periods that restart after menopause, still births, child deformities, etc.
>>184465 chudbros.... its over
When I went for mine I told the nurse not that arm and I whacked my cock out and said this one, she then proceeded to go on her knees and stuck the needle in my penis and wouldn't you know it grew 3 inches, the nurse was clearly wet and we had passionate sex in the office with all the line cucks waiting, one lad knocked on the door and poked his head in but was taken aback by the size of me that he just went home afterwards
this nigga really took over sloviansk with 50 men and managed to kill a Ukrainian general by shooting his helicopter down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgAfRSkfEng
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>>184475 Fauci is one of the creepiest characters to have emerged in recent times he's so obviously a iiar and a sociopath, idk how more people don't see it, yet there are some who have made him in to a cult figure, which is even more disturbing reminds me of Dr Tyrell from Blade Runner, smooth talking, self assured, but clearly an amoral and calculating operator
there has never been a good italian
seeing a lot of videos of russian tanks, helis moving to the border
>>184476 chris witty looks worse tbh
grey alien tier
the fauci cult is only the same as nhs worship. although there was some overlap between both our countries when vaxxoids were being cultish about what brand of poz they got.
>>184464 don't think so someone should tbh >>184482 really fucking tired of this faggot glownigger soys and their puppets falseflagging to try and start war
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still a long way to breakfast might have to grab a cheeky chicken mayo and medium fries
>>184485 chicken and asparagus pie for me tbh a very bad idea with a pasty to follow for lunch and then the snaturday sninner sneethe snession smh
leccy meter is saying it's in the red consoomptionwise and I'm already down over a tenner in heating very fucking tired with all this forced modernisation shit, this whole boondoggle episode is verification that fake technological progress masks decline
>can literally see the meter draining
>>184487 it didn't get better after the ceramic bricks heated up laddo?
>>184489 no it kept resetting to 21c as well but I fixed that yesterday afternoon, should be staying at 15c and only activating morning and evenings but it's still a massive power drain unsurprising because the stupid thing has more than twice as many bricks as the old heaters completely ridiculous and inappropriate for a two room flat
>>184473 based
>>184492 weird to see their faces tbh based muttlads
smh meant to poost https://youtu.be/e5jPpiBVJ4U
>>184495 >the dried up slags in the background KEEEEEK smh quite good grotkino
sneed lads the niggercattle are panic buying bog roll again keeeeek some new fear propaganda must've dropped >>184490 smh there's got to be some authority you can make a futile complaint to lad the cost of heating in the winter is a vogue issue right now >>184495 impressive turnaround tbh i thought he was done for
was rooting for mcfarlane because he is joe owens doppleganger but the other yoomer lad had the fighter's chance and won it with his haymaker style
>>184497 keeek smh
>>184498 >joe owens doppleganger keeeeek i see it >>184499 just cannot understand it tbh the shelf-stable foods and bottled water are untouched so what are these mongs preparing for? nobody poos that much literally cattle stampede tier tbh they don't even know why they're doing it they just see everyone else doing it and join in and now it's become this self-reinforcing phenomenon that'll probably never go away every day i grow to hate the normgroids a little more
>>184500 > nobody poos that much what if they do lad? what if we're the odd ones out what if we're the freaks, the weirdos, who don't belong in the toilet paper aisle?
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>>184501 keeeeek smh
gotten so much use out of that webm and it was only saved ten days ago strong contender for personal memi of Q1 '22
hoping for good slavic war memes
>cia have been training ukrainian soldiers in southern shartica for the past 8 years we got too cocky putlerbros
>>184505 >eight years of diversity lectures and having to be around foul stinking troomers whinging about drones and "digital warfighting" only the strongest will have survived
southcucks have allied with the glowniggers. an act of aggression against the polface populace. time to go to work
>>184507 not funny
>>184482 hope they haven't actually decided on an invasion and this is fake news. it's pretty grim seeing memorials of soldiers born in the 2000s
>>184510 hope it is tbh one more good war and the shartican empire has had it whether they win or lose
it is fake news though in that if war starts it'll be faggot glownigger westoids doing the false flagging
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMZOtHIL7QM >>184512 it's unreasonable to assume only the west would false flag. it's necessary to have public support for an invasion, russia is no exception
>>184513 yeah but they already have public support in eastern europe, they don't need to false flag while the west does to make them look bad remember ukraine is a faggot zog state in the progress of attempting to cow their subjects into becoming degenerates like in western nations, but slavs don't like that sort of thing
>>184514 being a popular government (questionable since they suppress opposition) and having support for a war are different things. the general population is ignorant of why it is in russia's interest to invade ukraine. they will need a shocking display to be moved to that extreme
>>184515 iirc russians didn't false flag for the initial invasion of crimea either, unless the "mercenaries" count who were sent in to train militias for military objectives
>>184516 sure, but since then a war with ukraine will be more than just walking in. it may take months to win fully, and the longer the war the higher the cost
just want war tbh none of this gay secret agent shite bring on the mutts and slavs blowing eachother up if they take some of our zogbots with them that's fine too >>184517 god I wish
>>184494 just actually listened to him based incandescently seething sven tbh
>>184518 i recall you being disgusted at the thought of "millions" of whites getting killed in the east for this stuff, but now you want to see a war. it's not going to be a hard hit against the west. it's just a strategic win for russia that beats back the dogs for a while the future doesn't look good for them either way
>>184520 probably the case tbh, I blame schizophrenic neetism or being in a seething mood either way it's zog v zog but russia is a bit more kino so I'll root for them
smh traitorous yidtuber cunts self-censoring 2002kino in fear for their ad revenue
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>>184522 >self-censoring smh
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>>184523 The worst act of censorship. The state should ban it and force you to express state approved opinions, to counter censorship.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwzliJF0-SI geopolitics is cool to think about. it's very informative and intuitive. understanding history and politics by this metric, or "realpolitik," is like a cheat sheet for knowing what's going on in the world >"to know a nations geography is to know a nations foreign policy"
>>184526 tbh, i know where every country in the world is and what countries border them, evidently this isn't common knowledge and without his knowledge you can't really understand anything and you're doomed to be an npc. i tried explaining the iran/saudi cold war to my dad once and he just got annoyed at me
>>184527 i feel the exact same way and have had similar experiences
>>184527 this except almost all the shitty little warlord blip states in niggfrica, only know rwanda and guinea tbh
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i even know where burkina faso is
>>184530 upper volta is a better name, tbh
>>184530 how about Transnistria?
>>184531 lad? did you google that or just know it used to be called that? holy chad
>>184532 yeah retard, between romania and moldova, everyone knows that one because of all le edgy travel docs
>all those niggers who don't understand there is a massive desert and 3,000km+ between where their ancestors came from and egypt >>184533 i'm just that cool, bro
>>184534 akshually it's between moldova and ukraine rather than romania
>>184536 >>184536 oh shit kek, it's all commie bloc to me
>>184537 anothere meme one is pointing to lichtenstein on a large scale map
or any chug reservation because they technically count as countries or something
>>184538 i learned all those microstates by doing the sporcle time challenges
>>184539 that's always confused me, those reserves are sovereign and the police can't patrol there and they even have their own time zones sometimes but they're never omitted on a usa map
>Gibson Desert Nature Reserve, Australia >100 mile long rectangle with a bit cut out so the boongs can larp as being independent while living off of handouts and burning their huts down once a year so the government has to rebuild them
>>184541 a chug co-woker was telling me how corrupt his reservation is. apparently there is a weird political culture where, if a family gets a member elected to the council, they just plunder its wealth and move off reserve and live like kings for a few years before going broke and losing an election then they move back and be poor for another generation. it's like a lottery, lol
>>184541 Police can't patrol but US courts are expected to deal with crimes the authority alleges there a bit like the black parts of USA.
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most harrowing 30 seconds of audio i have ever listened to proceed with caution seethebros
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>>184545 sluts are a natural part of the ecosystem all things have a balance
>>184546 all women are sluts tbh
>>184548 and you occupy the other extreme balance
sick of this incel on incel violence
>>184551 sorry
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love sluts me except when they open their mouths and sound comes out
>>184554 horrible when that happens smh
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World is always 2-3 weeks behind the uk on COVID. Interesting.
https://youtu.be/EcFOkv6w1u4 Feds or just capable of walking in a straight line? Just look like European Fascists to me
>>184560 so sick of the whole "everybody who does something is a fed" shite tbh it's just an excuse for passivity
>>184561 tbh >why are they wearing masks! It's so naive to think you can express an honest opinion bare faced without serious consequences in your life. There may be de jure free speech in America but the de facto reality is that speech is a commodity hoarded by a very few. I wonder what these people envision "real" action looking like tbh
>>184562 real action is when you do nothing and wait for the big q drop that'll finish off the deep state for good the longer you wait the more progress you're making
>>184561 well they get away with shit they shouldn't, like cramming into cars without seat belts and then covering the license plate
if they were actually based lads those people would be arrested
>>184564 didn't see that bit smh that is suspicious
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>>184567 >most german men will be happy to have gay sex with immigrants, but it's important to ask first keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>take bin out >room still smells
>>184567 Apex keek.
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glad my city slicker furrin detector was working during bins movie because I got the "ick" feeling that those actors were degenerate leftoid scandi filth. and I was right, never trust a fancy city slicker
>>184571 based 4chan poster
What even is the take? Both are bad, or just christianity bad?
>>184573 "All are dumb but we're gonna suspiciously only attack Christianity instead of any of the other religions"
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>>184572 just doin my part sir
>>184574 Yeah, I guess. Attacking Islam kind of died with new atheims+ or whatever. Still gonna watch his films and enjoy them tbh, it's not like films in general aren't made by jews/nonces
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>>184571 This is why we honour the all father for clearing Europa of Ice Giants, but we must remove the wogs ourselves, for Wodan.
>>184573 he should have done islam
Yeah I won't respect atheists until they walk around with Muhammad shirts and put banners of him on their buildings
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>>184576 To paraphrase St. Paul, "If you want to escape cringe you'll have to leave this world entirely"
>>184582 >making a literal kike who murdered Christians a saint WdtCatholicChurchmbt lads?
>>184583 >Repents >Preaches Christianity >Tells Greeks to be love their own >Says Jews are opposed to the human race Based
>>184583 one of the first epic anti semites
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Zeus, Odin, Jupiter, Ra, Yahweh, Vishnu etc. are all real and manifestations of the same schizo God but the prime mover is dead like Zeus's grandfather and souls only last a few thousands years, not forever tbph lads.
>>184586 yeah that makes sense
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>>184587 Can't blame God for being a schizo tbh. He knows the timeless void and all possible and impossible realities of primordial chaos from which he was born. We're lucky he's only been schizo posting between the Abrahamic religions as of lately, with prophets like Muhammed going mad by His Divine Schizophrenia. All 'athiest' liberals understand this. It's why they sacrifice human babies to him. They're mistaken that it makes a positive difference, but the few thousand years of torture before they embrace sweet oblivion will make them realise the error of their ways and happy to die the final death, which is itself their forgiveness, to not be. Okay, thank you.
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>>184586 wrong
(154.98 KB 1024x746 1640557878518.jpg)

>Can't blame God for being a schizo tbh. He knows the timeless void and all possible and impossible realities of primordial chaos from which he was born. We're lucky he's only been schizo posting between the Abrahamic religions as of lately, with prophets like Muhammed going mad by His Divine Schizophrenia. All 'athiest' liberals understand this. It's why they sacrifice human babies to him. They're mistaken that it makes a positive difference, but the few thousand years of torture before they embrace sweet oblivion will make them realise the error of their ways and happy to die the final death, which is itself their forgiveness, to not be. Okay, thank you.
>>184571 >people laugh at you if you're cringe >people don't laugh at you if you're based
>184583 >lepolfaceredditor doesn't understand one of the most basic principles of Christianity
>>184584 >>184585 >even the greatest of sinners can enter Heaven through Christ
>>184593 Convincing, glorious leader.
>>184601 why did they give him a little pillow?
>>184600 I understand it fine. Just don't believe it.
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Reminder we will win
>>184603 >And a superscription also was written over Him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
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>184604 >>>/reddit/
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Quick lads now is your chance

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>SA thinks this nigger who slit the throats of niglets and drank their blood with his niglet soldiers and raped and murdered countless women and children etc. etc. is going to live FOREVER in absolute PERFECTION in heaven with SA and the schizo God all as personal friends
who the fuck is stealing russian hohol memes and why
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>catch monke brain planning to coom in the future
(2.60 MB 498x278 download.gif)

Just took the most heinous poo.
>>184612 well dont be a tease, post it
>Inside No10 'wine time' Fridays - boxing gloves and breaking Wilfred's garden swing https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/inside-no10-wine-time-fridays-25953400 >Brits' fury at 'wine time Fridays' as No10 held drinks EVERY week during pandemic https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/brits-fury-wine-time-fridays-25952219
>>184609 Literally me after The Collapse™ when I start warlordmaxxing
>>184446 make up is actually detrimental to skin health.
>>184515 I'm pretty sure the Russian public are aware that having nato on their borders is not good for Russia.
Blormpftards are actually hunting down and doxxing their own because of the glowie induced paranoia. https://twitter.com/TheJFKReport/status/1482110641762566145
>>184602 about as convincing as you, if the prime mover is gone then reality stops.
>>184608 I think the misnomer is that civilization will be destroyed. It'll just be degenerated.
>>184621 Yeah it's not that they want to destroy it, they want to warp it into a hive city with them supreme at the top
Comments on this are a proper laff Maskoid is being ripped apart https://twitter.com/bobflavin/status/1482287111168479233?s=21
>>184622 Yeah once they've successfully turned everyone into a historyless coffee coloured 90iq retards and their bloodlines are secured they'll basically be the new aristocracy with out anyone intelligent enough to do anything but staff the amazon warehouses.
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with other vaccines, was there a period where people had to get new shots while the disease evolved, to avoid it, or was it just one and done?
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>>184626 nope, it used to be one shot and you were done this never ending boosters and variants is a new product model invented by Big Pharmaceuticals it's just good business
>>184626 >>184627 some things have a booster in like ten years after you've had the first iirc
>>184628 oh yeah actually is it tetanus that needs that?
>>184629 yeah and there's one you get as a baby that you get a booster for in secondary school iirc
except that one you get as a baby is fucked now cos niggers and pakis don't get it keeeeeek
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I got the third dose tbf
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>>184634 libtards epicly shutdown
>>184634 love me some slanteyed slit sometimes tbh ngl
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>>184633 >>184632 the risk of myocarditis doubles with every vax x2, x4, x8 the more times you get jabbed, the more likely you are to have a heart attack https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/more-bad-news-on-covid-vaccines-and/comments
holhol sisters...
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>>184638 Based
Every UK Facebook user could get £50 as huge lawsuit filed against social media giant https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/every-uk-facebook-user-could-25954863 >you're entitled to fifty pounds just give us your bank information which we will then attach to your account so we can block your bank account if you ever say anything naughty
>>184638 wow is that an npc wojak?
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Shepard's pie for dins
>>184645 it's only 4:30pm, but early for dindins isn't it?
>>184644 where are the swastikas?
>>184645 Looks like Timothy Byrnes living room lad
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>obvious direct attack on are lad the Goblin
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>>184649 why? did he endorse some of those weapons? tbh I trust goblin, I always trust a thin guy over a fat guy
>>184650 No, he's against both of them, and the goblin recently made a video where he said the bathleth or whatever is a good weapon smh goblinchads
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>>184651 *Stashes up on them for my future street gang*
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>>184651 I jsut can't keep up with all this infighting and drama in the youtube weapons video community tbh
>>184592 based
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DERANGED MEN could be here... I've never been in this neighbourhood before
>>184564 >>184565 You over estimate the competence of the police, often they'll let large groups get away with a lot if it's easier than enforcing the law. You'll see it at everything from football matches to eco protests. >>184583 He repented and earned it. Nobody is beyond the Lord's forgiveness. >>184586 Source: Your Arse >>184589 Confirmed retard. >>184609 If that nigger genuinely repents, in soul and action, he will earn God's forgiveness. The crimes you are describing, however, are pretty hard to come back from. I would imagine such a character will fester in hell. I'm glad you were b&. >>184620 God cannot be gone because that would be a condition of the physical universe which has temporal movement. Beyond creation there is no time and therefore no mutable characteristic in God. His presence is beyond time. >>184627 >this never ending boosters and variants is a new product model invented by Big Pharmaceuticals That's false. It was always acknowledged that "boosters" would be required because Corona evolves like the flu. Taking a legitimate point and turning it into schizo shit is glownigger tier behaviour. >>184650 Goblin is scum and should be sent back into his caverns, or perish
I will return to make another mega post in a few hours. Prepare your anuses.
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US inflation in context.
>>184659 That reminds me, Genocide Watch says Indian Muslims are at risk of genocide now because the Hindu nationalism is so intense
(377.46 KB 1280x560 Holy shit Im gonna cum.mp4)

>>184660 yeah when your government openly identifies you as a problem demographics and makes policy to diminish you its usually considered a potential genocide.... usually
(3.10 MB 480x270 15daystoCovidTyranny.mp4)

>>184656 >That's false. It was always acknowledged that "boosters" would be required because Corona evolves like the flu. Taking a legitimate point and turning it into schizo shit is glownigger tier behaviour. lad, there is no way they can produce boosters that keep up with every new evolution only if they keep jabbing people with rushed through and totally untested "vaccines" also, it's a lie to pretend they always admitted that we would need forever boosters, at the start they said just one, then two, now three, and on to infinity video related documents how the lies evolved over time
Just want a chinky lass to sit on my face tbh.
>>184664 In the 19th century, Chinese would just sell their daughters to white men for pennies to get rid of them They had foot binding back then though so it was a mixed bag
Anyone got any films they want to watch?
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>>184665 when the pussy tight but the feet aren't right
>>184667 need a pol face version of this wojak
>>184665 >Retarded Chinese feet It's a no from me.
(143.47 KB 1200x628 whig power.jpg)

>>184669 Superior Manchus tried to ban the practice but Hanoids never learn
>>184645 *alexa play star wars*
(1.68 MB 460x256 kazakh_tongue_twister.mp4)

here's your kazakh war bride bro, you'll get on like a house on fire
>>184639 Looks like the yanks are using their secret DARPA weather machines again.
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>>184667 >when the pussy tight but she's not white
>>184656 That was my point lad, we're dependent on him to exist not the other way around.
>>184665 can imagine baz seeing those feet and throwing her in the ocean in the middle of the indian ocean
>>184662 They can always fuck off to Pakistan
>>184675 keek good lad
>>184675 keeeeeeeeeek
>SA gave me a ban for not being a heckin christianerino like him >didn't even know as I was skyrooming at the time
can't believe he didn't relinquish power after that poll tbh!
(136.63 KB 708x463 SAgiwtwh.jpg)

>>184683 I knew he never would. Always expect him to shift the goalpost.
>skyrooming keeeeeeek it's the tranny lover
>>184684 tbh... but also kind of based since d*mocracy sucks
smh don't post my OC tranny lover
(6.68 KB 418x408 vikangniggabackofhead.png)

>>184685 I explained that away, lad.
t. troomerlover
>>184685 Oh no. reminds me of that lad in school who watched horse porn ironically but became known as the horse porn watcher smh
(268.78 KB 500x375 gay.png)

>talks about going to /cuteboys/ to "convert" them >posts tranny porn >admitted to being molested by older boys zero chance you arent a bender and Im filtering you on sight from now on
He had a bisexual girlfriend, lad. That's more than most of /brit/ tbh
>>184690 >>184691 didn't mean to (You) deny tbh
>>184691 it was a bisexual onlyfans whore who retweeted tranny porn
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>>184691 >>184692 >>184693 >>184690 who the heck are you talking about?
(26.85 KB 700x590 f95.jpg)

>leader of the anti-SA brigade is a schizo tranny-loving fedora
Edited last time by uwotm8 on 01/15/2022 (Sat) 17:58:48.
>>184694 one of the big up and coming posters
(1.35 MB 1280x960 pig-hog.jpg)

(4.98 MB 1280x720 _.mp4)

>one day we will all be too old for never neverland brit and have to pass the torch on to zoomer posters who will pretend they made it all themselves
(43.73 KB 728x469 pigdog.jpg)

>you're a trannylover >"no I'm not" >banned
>"I just accidentally copypasted tranny porn onto the board teehee!"
>>184698 found another pic of the hat that michiganoid localists wore during the shart versus shart hell in a cell match
>>184690 I told them to renounce gayism because someone else said poombs would see it. So? Filtering (You) tbh.
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>>184699 already happened tbh
>>184702 kino, is there a closeup of the hat itself?
>>184701 tbh should have done it ironically
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>>184696 >one of the big up and coming posters oh right so you're just bullying the new guy huh?
The tyrant is a known degenerate b*sexual bongo groomer, let's be honest. He's also very likely non white, or half white. He LARPs as a roight wanger but ultimately his effortposts consist of christcuck leftist seethe. He is almost certainly a literal glownigger spy as well. Smdh. The slander and lies he spews to distract from his tyranny.
(96.57 KB 924x1416 4 mich f.jpg)

>>184712 Is that you, lad?
(24.83 KB 561x219 146th29.jpg)

>>184715 >no u Another SA classic.
bans (you)
>184716 >has proven himself to be a degenerate >insists that akshulee everyone else is akshulee the degenerates
(29.00 KB 612x408 darkroad3.jpg)

>>184703 d-did you just mention poombs???
>>184713 keek imagine how kino that time would have been compared to now, no femoid butt matrix sluts around, no jews and no wogs (smh)
>>184712 >>184714 I wonder if any of those recolouring people have done one of these photos tbh
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>bongo spotted a new victim
>>184720 probably not they have only really retouched the famous gettyburg reunion photos I believe
>>184721 smh they were really weirdly fixated on the bumming scenes in that movie it was uncomfortable
>>184722 chucked it into one of the colourise bots and these were the results
>>184723 yeah that one lad was smh. I think that was an actual bumee too
(74.89 KB 636x670 joeowens7.jpg)

>>184721 fucking spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)!!!!
>>184723 what bumming scenes?
>>184727 the ukranian strapped to the table or whatever
>>184729 those guns look so long
>>184728 oh pembs first appearance, yeah
>>184723 >bumders are obsessed with bumming imagine my shock
(40.37 KB 849x1032 BECOMEwhoyouare.png)

>>184732 yeah and they make sick preverted OC like this too
>>184724 nice that looks good I think those hats were supposed to be maroon so it was right coastoids hated that midwestern northerners and midwestern southerners used to carry personal revolvers and usually after shooting their rifle they would proceed to shoot their revolvers instead of reloading or charging it messed up the rulecuck officers, some of the southern guys would carry like 4-5 revolvers
>>184732 aren't you a literal bummer?
>>184734 the bots aren't great tbh, actual recolouring artists search through old records to get it perfect so I don't really know smh >>184735 no
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>>184735 he probably is tbh bummers everywhere these days smh
>2022 and there are lads that STILL THINK the KT stuff was real
>184737 t. nonce
>>184721 mancs isn't new at all tbh his recent posts are just so exceptionally dire it seems like a different person
>>184740 might just be schizbot sticking a flag on or he has actually gone schizo
>>184729 >the telescope lad keeeek they seem like good lads but probably not very well trained smh
Sick of these unjust bans every time I disagree with or contradict salty anus tbh. >>184721 I'm not new. Been posting in are community since before there was a brit/pol/ and it was just QT threads. Smdh. Bongo spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) reading this, you cannot groom me. Death to all gayists.
it's just puglag but gay smh
>>184742 tbh they seem like more of a militia though it could be the photographer asked them to pose dynamically and they had no clue what to do keeek
>>184745 probably a city slicker with some fancy camera from new york
>>184741 no it's definitely the same lad tbh just think he's mindbroken a bit after the other night
>>184746 shame there are no surviving examples tbh smh >>184747 all he has to do is stop sneething and consneed and bend the knee to my divine rule :^)
still better than bins tbf
>giving me an hour ban each time I change IP when the original ban was because I disagreed with you, no grotty posting, no relentless boring shitposting a la spiczo You're a petty cunt, salty anus. >>184744 Et tu, Norgeus?
cope seethe dilate trannylover
>>184750 defended you before just pulling your legerino
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>>184741 >might be schizobot Or BBK, or, er, were there any other boogeymen you use to justify unnecessery bans? I can't remember.
>"I'm going to keep hopping and seething and claiming I dindu nuffin!"
>>184752 Even Reddit doesn't seem to care about the Metaverse, at least when I checked the Metaverse subreddit it was all posts criticising or being tepid about it
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>>184740 >>184747 does seem like he changed from a an unassuming goomer lad to a homo schizo in about a week maybe he really is a bongo falseflag trying to discredit the Auslad faction
>>184752 did they not learn anything from vrchat
>>184755 Nah I've always been a "schizo" and "seether" i.e. against SAs faggot bongo tyranny. Since everyone can already see and know what he is now, and even Wessex wants Auslad to take over, I would shut up about him, except he decided to ban me for no good reason this thread, once again.
t. troomerlover
everyone can already see that you're a tranny lover lmfao
>>184758 That's enough, lad
>this whole fucking thread
>184759 >bumders defending bumders >>184760 tbf we've had shitty metadrama since 2016 now
>>184761 He had a gf, I had a gf. I think that's what your real problem is tbh
>>184762 you're a nonce, he's a nonce, that's what the real problem is
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I'm still looking that footage of a suspected Chechen/Dagestani commander getting slapped in the backed with a RPG in front of his family.
russians just looted the village of alkhan yurt after chechnyans trying to muh dindu nuffin
lots of chechen gangs in france, they racewar with arabs all the time.
https://youtu.be/tFskB0dkItY another baz versus baz hell in a cell
Reminder that the only reason he hasn't permabanned me like he did months ago in the BBK crossfire - and then only undid it after I IP hopped over several days to post screencaps to prove he'd done it, which he kept denying - is because there are new limitations on the length of bans board owners can give out on the site. He just doesn't want me, or anyone else, posting any slight disagreement with him on anything, or recalling the unjust things he's done so far. As soon as he gives the board over to Auslad, I'll never spare him a single thought let alone post again. He's simply not worth it. Petty drunken glownigger homo tyrant. Watch as I strike a nerve so deep with this post that he will start trying to effectively perma me by adding a ban every post I make (or that he assumes I've made). (You) may well find you get a "time out" on your first post of a new thread. Then notice it keeps happening despite not having the chance to post anything else.
go five seconds without seething
>>184771 no more bazzer wars
>>184738 what's the KT stuff?
>>184763 looks like they were caleld out, because they changed it to "dozens" on their main page
>The Royal Family are descended from Abbadid dynasty of Al-Andalus via some high class Arab convert mistress
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Barry Gardiner, Labour MP, has received 500k from the Chinese Communist Party
>>184777 yeah the press always fibs and fudges these numbers, they always do the angled photos to hide it but for some reason they've shown that there's only a few dozen yet still said "hundreds"
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>OSB >Abbot Cheeky Benedictine.
reminder the kill the bill thing gets voted in on the 17th
beef sosiges and honey roast parsnips for tea
>noooooooo muh heckin noble savages!!!!
>>184785 fuck chugs, the buffalo would have went extinct if the anglo man hadn't saved them
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Just 7 hours after being criticised he responds. Nailbiting. I hope he doesn't humiliate himself. Let's give him a chance.
>>184786 >abbos burn plantlife before we even get there >injuns almost wiped out the buffalo >chinks are depopulating entire species of fish yearly >nothing will ever get fixed as we're too busy babysitting shitskins
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>>184788 Abbos destroyed more than just plant life, Maori too
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The earth is basically like Charn from Narnia, a dying world with a red sun hot and heavy in the sky
>>184790 yeah i love sience
>>184773 keeeek
how do people have so many friends? Just talking with 3 different people in a day is so tiresome
'Serious failings' over handling of 12 year-old girl's rape case 'covered up' https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/serious-failings-over-handling-12-25956823 >A posting on /leftypol/ exploitation probe has found police and a council covered up “serious” failings in their treatment of a 12-year-old rape victim. >It follows a Sunday Mirror investigation last year that told how authorities turned a blind eye as the girl was attacked by a string of men. >They included two who assaulted her after picking her up outside a police station, where she had gone to report an earlier sex assault – only to be dismissed as a time-waster by a desk clerk. >It sparked a devastating chain of events in which she suffered more than 20 sex attacks by eight men that night in October 2006, including 15 rapes. >Just one of those men, Shakil Chowdhury, now 55, was brought to justice. >He got a six-year jail sentence but refused to name any accomplices.
>>184794 endless amount of stories like this
>>184794 >>A posting on /leftypol/ ?
>>184796 keeeek it's one of the sitewide filters, the article shows what it is
>>184794 Hate pakis so much. Inb4 b& again.
goodseethening lads another fine day of anger is the poojeet film on yet? dinner was gammon and leek sauce and roasties and veg and it was very nice followed by light and airy gaysbury mince pie mercifully nobody made gammon jokes about the nasty lower class brexit voters or anything
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>>184791 but do you fucking love it?
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>ywn just go to the next village over and kidnap a wife
>cock really did shrink 1 inch
>>184663 >lad, there is no way they can produce boosters that keep up with every new evolution There is. Viruses like this mutate constantly rendering the last less effective. They take a sample which is the most recent and give a more effective injection to "boost" your immune system against the virus. Just like with flu viruses. >>184671 I miss are poo yee tbh >>184675 based >>184677 tbh, the greatest evidence of the LORD's existence is our own existence and our own questions. >>184682 That's one of the few legitimate reasons for a poster to be banned. >>184688 Your lack of belief is a spiritual problem, not an intellectual one. I will pray for you lad. >>184711 If you have a problem with Christianity, get out! >>184740 Poor lad does have autism tbh >>184757 You weep because you are denied access to the board, yet you boast that you will be denied access to the Kingdom of Heaven smdh >>184778 Allegedly, but there is no real evidence >>184789 Australia is like a fictional anime land came to life >>184799 >dinner was gammon Heh, looks like the gammons are engaging in cannibalism! Right, I'm off. I'll be back to mega post in a few hours or days idk
>>184802 funny, mine has actually got bigger since getting covid
That trey the explainer angel pic is still in my head
>mancs mong is back
A muslim took over a synagogue in Texas and is having an armed standoff with police holding the rabbi and three others hostage. https://twitter.com/AP/status/1482453384594604043
>>184807 inb4 no deaths and this just leads to more money and security for shlomo
>>184807 c'mon lad do it fucking shoot the kikes do it DO IT
>>184808 tbhsmh
ruh roh
>>184811 >one based mutt puts on his scorpion jacket and smokes a stogie as he walks into the synagogue of satan and takes one for the team
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>>184814 >when the rabbis give you permission to breifly hate muslims again like the god old days after 9/11
>>184815 keeke tbh
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>2 minutes into no fap >4 minutes into no fap
>>184803 >tbh, the greatest evidence of the LORD's existence is our own existence and our own questions. I like Seraphim Hamilton's argument that there's a weirdly massive leap between the 2nd smartest animals and man, you go from not being able to do complex arithmetic to being able to do quantum physics and Mandelbrot sets, even though those weren't necessary for survival/evolution https://kabane52.tumblr.com/post/146433996000/the-intelligibility-of-the-universe
>>184807 The schizo God allah, who is also yahweh, bringing us more kino by the wicked whisperings in the ear of Mohammedans.
>>184815 keeeeek
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>>184820 >banned for naughty opinions jokes again with the max that he can ban (1 hour) proving he wants me effectively perma'd over hurting his feewings earlier Tedious tyrant. Sneethe tight, lads and glownigger BOs.
Any sex havers in this thread?
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I think S.A. and me (Russiaposter) have basically the same Twitter feed
>>184826 we all have the same twitter feed tbh
Who's russiaposter?
having a 3 hour tug and no cum so it's okay
sorry lads I just said such posting was bad a day ago, I regret making that post
>>184829 edging is not scientifically considered to be what is classically called masterbation
>>184830 its okay lad your posts have already been debunked by fact checkers
>>184828 Just that I was constantly poooosting news updates about the Ukraine thing, I stopped now tho
>>184834 keep it up lad
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>want to breed >50/50 chance of having a daughter
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>>184837 100% it will be an abomination of the white race. But the abomination it needs right now. Do it.
>>184838 keeeeeeek. Based aryan monster.
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>BREAKING: White House says, based on intelligence assessments, that Russia's behavior could signal an invasion into Ukraine within a month https://twitter.com/spectatorindex/status/1482100179973337088?
I want a golden bogdanoff mask.
>>184840 Did the string on his forehead split his willy in half?
>>184843 smh it's a cleft pallete mixed with a cripple dick. This is the result
>>184826 lad are you russian >>184824 what do you want to know

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