A big problem with irl rw organising is that the protests are meet-at-this-time and leave-at-this-time. They aren't organic expressions of the local areas sentiment, they're expeditionary adventures. They consist throughout the event of the people that arrived there from the start and they have only what they brought with them. The crowd doesn't grow from sympathetic passerbyes, they're cut off by the police line and can only then bolster the opposition. The right leaves the same day meaning there's no lasting effect and they're easy targets who have to factor into complicated logistics of getting everyone there and everyone out.
BLM/Antifa/TheLeft™ can consistently hold protests that can last as long as they want, grow, shrink or change tactics. I'm not going to say "easily" because all leftist protests do involve a lot of money, planning and organising using paid "community organisers" and existing networks. During 2020 they rioted both day and night, it cost them a lot of money and a lot of time but they can do that. They had people in the area who were sympathetic, they had people coming to protest for a while then leaving, it wasn't the same exact people all day. In order to keep a bunch of people in one place doing physically straining work you need to provide necessary services, the same as any concert would. There *needs* to be toilets, food, water, places to rest and people with jobs- like shuttling new comers in and getting people out as the protest goes on. If you dont have those down, don't even bother.
The right does not counter protest, at every leftist demonstration there are the same problem that they deal with, usually sloppily. There's always opportunity to inflict damage to stragglers, to destroy necessary equipment and force the protest to defensively constrict itself into irrelevance and to incur safe-guarding costs for every action. You don't need to run them off the streets all you need to do is make action too costly for what it's worth.