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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3615: Curse Lifted Edition Anonymous 01/15/2022 (Sat) 23:40:05 Id: 19945b No. 184845
Prince Harry in legal fight to pay for UK police protection https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60012238 Covid in the UK: Reported cases at lowest level for a month https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59973659 Concern for UK security as anti-vaxxer groups evolve towards US-style militias https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jan/15/concern-for-uk-security-as-anti-vaxxer-groups-evolve-towards-us-style-militias
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>>184845 Based sir stock image
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threadly twitter seethe
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>>184845 good lad >>184848 >
>>184850 many sirs kindly served
>>184852 hey how are you
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>>184853 been ill so couldnt go to the birthday party
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Nth for Heil SA. Heil the bongo. Heil victory over schizophenia.
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>>184855 are these minted?
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>>184857 Was going to make a gif but cba atm tbh. >>184858 Sublime. Curse truly lifted.
>>184854 ok. I need your help, lad. How does a vagina feel? does it move, tense like a muscle? Or is it just a hole
>>184861 wet, warm and pressure all around your willy
>>184862 well your cock is very big and average
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Apparently Tonga is dead
just hope it can tighten around my small dick
>>184866 is that some african country?
>>184866 Whomst?
>>184867 probably lad
>>184866 TOnga from the Andy Warski days?
>>184867 Just inflate it with a bike pump like normal dicklets.
>>184868 >>184869 Pacific Micronesian island which has been hit by tsunami
>>184874 ooof smh
>>184872 smh don't want it to pop
holy fuck thats a big explosion rip tonga
What happened to andy warski anyways?
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shockwave just hit my house
>>184878 Sounds early life. Don't care.
>184880 yet you cared enough to type this out with your fat doughnut fingers . . .
>>184877 smh losing the Bogdanoffs has really caused big problems
>>184880 >schizo
>>184884 Oh fuck off.
>>184885 ok schizo
just ban them all tbh it's okay
>>184882 Glad to see the Portuguese swine is in good health >>184885 t. schizo
>dehumanising smee when the tyrant might still be awake and seething Time to flag it up. Smh.
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state of mancs (tranny lover)
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Been so long without a flag it feels weird now smh dont like it
>>184890 nowt wrong with a tranny now and again
I don't kneed a flag when I have speeling mistakes
>>184892 yes, dorset, irregular homosexuality is totally fine
imagine letting your kid get fat
>184890 State of (You), slanderer.
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>>184895 *adds this to the lore books*
>>184897 oh it's the skyroomer who is straight
>>184898 keeeeeeeeek
*starts crying*
awful thread so far
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rare dorset
>>184845 >in recent years his family has been subjected to well-documented neo-Nazi and extremist threats WTF??? like what?
>>184903 send this one to the fact checkers because I don't see any stubble on that nigger
>>184903 I knew Joe Rogan was short but damn
>>184903 Wes looks like he's been putting the work into a rather masculine negress
>>184903 5'12 vs 6'0
Im not SA ladyboy appreciater
ended my no wanking streak lads
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>During the Dirty war in Argentina (1976–1983), a period of United States backed state terrorism, right-wing death squads perfected rat torture by using tubes to guide rats into victims rectum or vagina.
https://youtu.be/s6y4sxoJ2A0 wew marvelling at the sheer grottyness of these lads
>>184913 people do that for fun in california
>>184914 imagine being that grotty and going into some slav village and forcing yourself on the fair maidens in their traditional dresses
nothing happening with that synagogue thing then, probably a gay op
>>184917 keeek grotty g*rmanoid all covered in lice and schnapps
https://youtu.be/E1Nfr3xma1U xoomer cringe, their worldview is cancer tbh so sick of these normalfag types.
wait until you hear them make fun of polfaces when 99 percent of their platform against leftist cult marx is watered down alt shite positions
realizing that the whole comedian thing is kind of a xoomer/boomer trend
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>>184921 >venerating these genocidal dictators saying this is a good idea errr yeah thats smee
>>184911 go and sin no more lad
i havent wanked in 3 days very proud of myself
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>>184924 and those genocidal dictators got their ideas from 19th century anglos which would have never allowed dagos like joe rogaine to settle in america
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just read the comments on that patriot front vid, bunch of cowardly 80iq conservashits relentlessly lying about them
>>184930 What vid? Also tbh, it's grim seeing retarded boomers put them down. But it gives me alot of hope seeing Patriot front. They seem like good lads with good optics and aesthetics
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https://youtu.be/J5leMI95urQ i shall now slumber
>>184928 i just want him to have sammy on smh
>>184921 tbh hate how people listen to those worthless mongs
love sam nick is good 'ate charls simple as
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>>184925 Not Russian, just want a happening thus monitoring Russia Also made the "want a happening" OC like >>184918 and the guy poking the world w/ a stick (around 2020 iirc)
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>>184933 >tfw this shite simply doesn't exist anymore and dies with the boomers whats happening to us is worse than whats happening to the indians because atleast autistic whitoids would catalogue their culture for them but our history is controlled by lisas
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>>184930 which one?
>>184930 the retrenchment into irrelevance by the boomer conservitard hivemind is pure cringe. they just want to be spectators to everything and never ever be active agents toward chance, they even rat on each other over january 6th
>>184932 I love him lads (except for gallipoli)
>>184942 >literal spic >entire account is aping old 4chan memes for boomer conservatism
>>184943 its like was mentioned the other day, conservashits will always be the alt shites greatest enemy, they will drag us down to hell, they must be defeated before the left
>>184942 tbf the patriot front guys need to do less march sperg stuff and more like actual platform building things then they can function as the stormtroopers they want to be, like volunteer all those lads for the habitat for humanity stuff rebuilding tornado areas
>>184943 its insane they've clearly been conditioned into the perfect false opposition. like imagine having enemies so pathetic all they do is snitch on each other and beg for your forgiveness. the worst part is how indolent they act about it, like they're proud to be permanent losers.
>>184946 tbh its just these cringe xoomer richfag grill boomer types who don't want to be heckin racisterinos but also fuck nigg- I mean those antifa BLMers
>>184946 tbh feed them to the niggers they love so much
>>184948 tbh and the historical and cultural illiteracy of them is even worse than the left who hate western civ, conservashits think that the germans bombed pearl harbor and took away our sports ball and porn
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>>184943 >>184946 what do conservatards even want tbh
>>184944 >I love him lads (except for gallipoli) literally french autism they told us to attack there instead of syria because they wanted syria after the war smh smh
tho tbf, marching into a normie pro life protest with shields and masks is a problem. pf even tell their members to never talk to anyone during protests so only their spokesperson can speak, which just alienates them from any crowd they meet. the fedphobia is a problem, most of the shit the feds do is literally just to induce paranoia so organising is impossible.
>>184952 to hide in the surburbs circa 1980s until they die and then fuck everyone else
>>184953 smh stupid frogs with their gay shitty chauchant gun which was shite compared to the BAR
>>184954 tbh they need to build cred first
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all anyone born before 1980 know is 401k, firm handshake, mow grass and sip
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>>184956 oh might not be as black and white as I said but here's muh sources
Always feel the need to provide sources but honestly I never chat shit on here
>>184959 I remember learning about that in uni as well so I beleived you lad
Feel like going to america so people who expect brits to be cultured are greeted with a manlet incel with a thick troglodyte tier yorkshire accent
he was waaaaaaaay more based the joosevelt
>>184963 you would still be cultured compared to the growing mass of raceless subhumans here
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>>184850 wtf is this about?
>>184967 find an indian upload of catch me if you can 2 card scene, all the comments are like that they're fucking obsessed with it
>>184963 Country is a shithole but the pics and vids I see from america are worse tbh, so called "upper classes" walking about in public wearing joggies n such when nobody here would do that unless they were underclass
>>184967 >>184968 they are obsessed with that flashy low cunning magic tier shite, they are ruining the internet too we need a great firewall
>>184969 tbh at least our poshos do classy shite like have cream and tea with scones and are anglo
>>184969 tbh literal cesspit as I said some of my cousins wore thongs and yoga pants to grams funeral could see their asscheeks, bagina, etc. and they larp as well to do middle classoid doctors wives types
>>184972 tbh was watching sopranos where vito goes up to new hampshire and joins a writing club with a bunch of wasp type people who have tea in an old georgian house it seemed comfy
>>184973 >the vito arc KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK mancslad on the run after he gets exposed to the brit family
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joe rogaine is a good example of the typical classless richfag american subhuman. he is worshipped as some uberchad despite being a micromanlet with arab facial phenotype compared with pic related poorfag country sneed tier 19th century american
noblesse oblige tbh
>>184973 god I hate guniea dagos so much he probably bullied them for being "boring" etc. compared to fat gambinos talking with their hands and living in some human swarthoid hive in new dago
>>184975 his standup and demeanor is weirdly gay despite the fact he could crush my skull
Watching that bbc doc about the death of yugoslavia again, seething seeing lads being interviewed who would later be arrested and sent to the hague after the cia colour revolutions in the balkans
>>184978 good thing its not the stone age and you could just bayonet him or something ffs, fuck MMA chuds always keek when they get BTFO by gunfags
>>184978 he once talked about nearly being molested when he was 13 and everyone in the comments remarked on how he sounded disappointed in retrospect that he didn't allow the guy to molest him KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>184980 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek imagining myself as a cretan slinger and seeing centurion rogan do a death wobble after doming him >>184981 KEEEEEEEEEK sounds just like him
>>184977 tbh one of the most powerful joey diaz moments is when he talks about going to a wasp town from new york and he is unnerved by the fact that everyone looks 'normal' and he is used to new york where people look fucking 'mutated'
>>184982 yeah little manlet roman showing off his kicks to his boyfriends and then you just javelin him right in the throat from your chariot then go home and vore some boarmeat and have your med slave girls rub your big baz belly
some guy once bullied me at the pub once and i seethed and unironically planned to stab him but then got over it smh incel rage
>>184983 yeah that was the last seinfeld episode as well where the jews go to massechusetts and get thrown in jail for gawking at a robbery by some anglo sheriff. keeeek was a based larry david self hating jew moment
The more depictions I see of italian americans the more I hate them tbh utterly disgusting "people"
>>184984 keeeeek smh feel like if i lived in ancient europe i would just walk across europe hunting and fishing to see all of the great cities and pyramids and shite and maybe vore some proto-muslims because smh
Any group of people that obsess over food are subhuman, so basically everybody except northern euros
>>184987 yeah I will vote for mummy gretchen before I vote for greg soldano for governor, he is not a midwesterner he can fuck off back to dagoland they are like pseudo kikes over here with their crass macho BS but then they all nepotize construction and law and media like jews as well.
>>184989 tbh just like the taste of meat and potatoes doesnt need any sexy spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)s beyond maybe rosemary
>>184989 how do you define obsess tbh, I don't like spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)s me
A big problem with irl rw organising is that the protests are meet-at-this-time and leave-at-this-time. They aren't organic expressions of the local areas sentiment, they're expeditionary adventures. They consist throughout the event of the people that arrived there from the start and they have only what they brought with them. The crowd doesn't grow from sympathetic passerbyes, they're cut off by the police line and can only then bolster the opposition. The right leaves the same day meaning there's no lasting effect and they're easy targets who have to factor into complicated logistics of getting everyone there and everyone out. BLM/Antifa/TheLeft™ can consistently hold protests that can last as long as they want, grow, shrink or change tactics. I'm not going to say "easily" because all leftist protests do involve a lot of money, planning and organising using paid "community organisers" and existing networks. During 2020 they rioted both day and night, it cost them a lot of money and a lot of time but they can do that. They had people in the area who were sympathetic, they had people coming to protest for a while then leaving, it wasn't the same exact people all day. In order to keep a bunch of people in one place doing physically straining work you need to provide necessary services, the same as any concert would. There *needs* to be toilets, food, water, places to rest and people with jobs- like shuttling new comers in and getting people out as the protest goes on. If you dont have those down, don't even bother. The right does not counter protest, at every leftist demonstration there are the same problem that they deal with, usually sloppily. There's always opportunity to inflict damage to stragglers, to destroy necessary equipment and force the protest to defensively constrict itself into irrelevance and to incur safe-guarding costs for every action. You don't need to run them off the streets all you need to do is make action too costly for what it's worth.
tbh don't mind a nice curry the poos got that right (but we perfected it)
>>184990 smh joe rogan is maximum seethe for me lads just his dilettante jocko-macho persona and the way they are all topical but geniuses at the same time makes me want to nuclear holocaust texas
>>184995 they've been claiming that the Bri'ish ones were akshulee made by bangladeshis that moved to London
this cope was fucking funny
>>184994 the only time protest matter is if they take and hold ground or get violent which we know the dissident right can't do so your post is irrelevant, what we should do is what the bnp did in the 90s and 2000s where you find a wedge issue in a local area and descend on it with your chudcel hordes and team up with local based lads to be your guide and heavily leaflet and "organically" rally the townspeople and increase tensions tbh, thats what they did in oldham although ultimately all that did was cause more anti white shit so it would need to be much more hardcore and organised with long term goals like a maidan or something
>>185000 Yeah Dudley was a good example of that. The council refused to allow planning permission for a mosque, the government stepped in and made them. The locals still didn't want a mega-mosque, EDL turned up and rioted, overrunning the police, rampaging through the build site and caused hundreds of thousands in damage. The plans for the 18 million pound mega-mosque were then scrapped almost immediately. Probably the EDL's greatest victory, if not their only one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf_ttJjxtL0 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1271118/18m-West-Midlands-mega-mosque-plans-scrapped.html
>>185002 based, didn't know about this tbh, the rabbis must've been extra loose with the leash on that one.
KEEEEK looters caused a train to derail in shartica https://twitter.com/bellikemike/status/1482480779544256514
>>185004 >dual tracks
while derailing it destroyed the track lmao god now would be the perfect time for some dafties to paralyse the great satan's arteries.
Also kek imagine being so third world you have train robberies but its just feral nogs
>chinese in china yelling racial slurs at blacks now KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRBlPIVtWeU
>>185008 They're even using English insults.
>>185011 let false flag season begin
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smh playing call to arms ostfront and smh the russian urra charges is so mf hard to stop russians crawling under my MG fire and then they just rush with T-34/85s and T-60s with those annoying DShKs on them and they shred up my paks so I lucked out and my 88mm got a lucky shot through a keyhole between two buildings on their last t-34 and super mega blew it up and then my jerries were able to reman the front meatgrinder/trench with more penal troops
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>>185017 keeeek I remember this one that nigga got owned
smh got lungshot he got caught lacking as the negro subhumans say looks like a shitty way to die
apparently this is from an ISIS video where they made fathers execute their sons for being disloyal.
pretty fucked up if true tbh
no thanks on that one
I used to think that westoids and white race in general would never do such things like shoot their own families and etc when forced by the state but after el mentiravirus I would not doubt it
ok this one is kino
oh yeah I remember this one the lass btfo of the nigger
https://youtu.be/Y3F515PFmoQ okay to change the subject off of the gore shit
morning lads
>>185026 saw something about rudolf not being based earlier because he was an occultist and possibly involved with crowley tier nasties can't remember anything else about context though been a while since I listened to any of those vids
>>184877 this unironically means a year without a summer. all that ash above the clouds in the stratosphere takes years to clear and reflects the sun
>>185029 does that mean why have to maskoom so as not to inhale ash?
>>185030 no, the ash below the stratosphere is subject to the weather and clears quickly with rain, it's the tiny sulphur dioxide particles that stay up above the weather that cool the earth. last time it happened was pinnatubo in 1991 i think, but it just cooled earth by a degree or 2, not enough for winterpocalypse like when krakatoa went off in the days of yore
>>185031 smh I guess at least some more niggis will die of rickets or whatever
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saw three ambulances outside aldi today with the flashing lights on and there was a group of ambos in full coof-protection gear wheeling an old lad out on a gurney must've been a few more inside too considering the turnout no police or firies though
>>185033 poor lad must have had a heart attack probably because of the poz injection and being driven into an animalistic state of fear at the idea of being around other people who might spread invisible coof disease
>>185034 only need one ambulance for a heart attack though why three ambulances?
>>185035 potemkin covid probably the other two ambulances are just there to make it look scarier and maybe carry some people around to spray antibacterial solutions at shoppers
>>185036 keeeek could be never waste a good death tbh got to milk it for all it's worth
>>185037 it's just good business also means that any real emergencies elsewhere will go unattended and cause more 'deaths with covid'
>>185038 >real emergencies elsewhere will go unattended and cause more 'deaths with covid' didn't even think about that tbh very cost-effective way of misallocating resources
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how unfortunate madam it seems the chicken bone your husband was choking on was contaminated with covid virus particles so sorry for your loss my dear if only we could have gotten here sooner
>>185040 keeksmh might cause a health emergency of my own by going to lidls and breathing on the doors until they open up for croissants time
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>>185041 >croissants
>>185033 >an old lad out on a gurney Did he play the balliset whilst doing so?
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>>184866 >Tonga lol RIP
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>>185047 pvre kino any info on how many island vibe mons got exploded?
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volcanoes are just planet pimples think about it
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>>185048 Dunno, the explosion was enough to change global air pressure and flood as far as California, Oregan, and Washington State. >tfw every pacific seismic event is one seismic event closer to the whole US West Coast falling in to the sea
>>185053 based >>185054 qeeq
>>185043 keeeek smh took me a little while to get that >>185052 volcano is the pimple of the world think about it yeah do something about it
>got banned twice last night(one for 6 hours for posting a pic of rich piana) for no reason care to explain?
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>>184999 keeeek Ethan Klein competing in World's Strongest Man soon then?
>>185056 keeeek is that really the lyrics >do something about women being niggers lynch them? >>185057 SA had one of his fits kind of similar to having hysterics except he just starts banning and chainposting reaction images and stuff
>>185057 Got banned repeatedly over absolutely nothing and had posts deleted where I complained, so in effect glorious leader shadow banned me, a la reddit. :^)
unironically time to move boards tbh, preferably off this nonce site
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>The volcano eruption was so loud that residents in parts of New Zealand heard it 1,400 miles away
>>185059 >>185060 thought he was going to hand over BO..?
>it's a faggot neighbour cunts sit idling their car and gassing me with exhaust for ten minutes episode JUST GET MOVING YOU RETARDS AAUUGH
>>185071 now here's a gimmick that'll boggle your noggins
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>tfw not smart enough to make a dune reference in return >>185057 sa and the bongo clique have gone mad with power >>185059 no lad you're not supposed to lynch them you're supposed to do sit-in protests and smoke dudeweedlmao until everyone has been cowed into admitting that women volcanoes aren't niggers pimples they're a wonder and a marvel and a raw expression of primal emotion that we should stop and take notice of think about it do something about it
>>185066 based >>185069 yikes sweaty
>>185066 keeek I get it
>>185064 It's my right to leave my car running, take some responsibility for your own situation son
>>185073 the timelines are breaking down the natural order of poosting is being subverted the singularity approaches
>>185074 can you reference yourself?
smh it doesn't properly link the poost in the space next to the poost number of the poost being replied to though smdh
>>185074 Keeeeek.
oh no, what chaos have i wrought
>>185074 >recursive (you)ing finally... now true filtering can be accomplished nobody to (you)... except (you)
>>185077 Nu mantia, liberty!
Might go to church today.
>>185073 tbh >>185080 good lad
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>>185082 >giving myself (You)s This must be how it felt when the first monkey realised it could masturbate
>>185082 keeek tbh
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>​>185086 filtered
>>185024 what the fuck the longhaired woman almost shot the other one smh. Keek that looked awful lucky they're lucky to be alive
>185089 t-test
goddamn it
went shops saw a nigger and his niglet saw single mothers came back and saw my leccy meter dropped again because of the stupid fucking boondoggleheater seethed
>>185091 imagine if you had someone there to keep you warm smh
>>185092 Indeed, we must simply imagine that Wessyphus is warm.
>>185093 sitting between a radiator and a wood oven myself. Hope he can feel my warmth through my posts
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>>185094 Get some blankets and maybe cuddle a doggo too. We must all do our part to send Wessy our warming energy.
>>185095 god I wish that were me
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Maybe we can get IoM to make a wessex version of pic related
>>185095 tbh love having a blanket over the radiator and my legs, like those japanese table things
>>185095 imagine snapping those tiny legs
don't really like the "cruelty to animals" 22st posts tbh humans, especially women? fine animals are too far smh
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>>185100 got to feel powerful somehow
>>185091 start lighting fires indoors lad build a fire pit in the bathroom so the always-on extractor does something useful for once and takes all the smoke out >>185097 poost a picture of wessie and i'll do it lad >>185100 tbh
>>185104 the latest one I think wish I actually had a recliner like that
maybe this one character design doesn't really fit tbh
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>>185102 Take your antipsychotics lad
playing openttd tbh
>when the milk bottle tab doesn't come off properly (every time) and one has to worry about drinking bits of foil
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>>185108 >>185108 Goodlad >>185109 Hate it when the foil bit was already slightly off
>>185108 it's fun to build model communities in that making gated and moated towns where your company has the monopoly on transport >>185110 >name is literally bourgeois
https://youtu.be/MBooyYwx0WQ The future where the white man is cloned by chinkies to be used as pets
the map size is insane, you can make them as big as a country wew
>>185113 Played the old version as a kid and loved the westcountry map, the game would slow down to a crawl even when I only had like a quarter of it built on. I imagine that map would look tiny in comparison to what you can do in openttd now.
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I would always start out in my home town too, and looked forward to unlocking those boxy diesel trains that were the only trains I ever really saw growing up. Hard to imagine that they already had silent electric trains elsewhere in the country even back then.
>>185112 >withholding affection from pets smh inhumane tbh >>185114 >>185115 ultragigabased
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyIfeqF2_aM Holy fuck it seemed a lot bigger back then.
>>185118 oohhjhhhh I'm nostalgioooomiiing to the music >map named west country >mostly wales wdtmbt?
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Also, unless they've make fixed since I last played. it feels like the original game generated better subarctic and desert maps. I used to like the subarctic climate most but could never play the game with the new terrain generator because the distribution of mountains and lowlands was never right. Same problem for the deserts and jungles. >>185119 Kernow/Dumnonia reunion tbh
>>185120 >bugmen can't see difference between humans and cgi keeeek
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>>185118 >no taunton >no dorchester >no sherborne 0/10
>>185124 at least yeovil is there (yeovil_pub.webm)
>when you go on nocoom for a while and become aware of just how much SEX is everywhere, just browsing any board and you'll see a third of the thumbnails being SEX
I like the OTTD mod that lets you start really early with basic steam trains and horse carriage and coach routes would be super kino to have a westcountry map showing all the canals and tiny rail routes that we had before b**ching and consolidation fuckups
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>old guys at the pub saying theyre going to find me a wife
>>185125 keeeeek tbh luv that webm >>185126 yeah it really is everywhere tbh smh even amongst based lads you're being set up to fail >>185127 sounds based
>>185127 weird that somerset used to be one of the most densely populated counties tbh
>>185128 based
could swear i've met the old lad with the cane before tbh although maybe it's just a common phenotype >>185128 basada y trad
>>185131 probably legacy from pre-enclosures days when it was the best land for agricultural farming rather than sheep farming which was popularised everywhere else
>>185118 keeeeeeek that is like 1/100th of the size of the maps you get now
>>185128 lucky lad
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maybe they can pair me up with that sexy redhead...
>>185133 "bewildered old regular whose haunt of 50 years has been violated and turned into a gastropub" is very common smh happened back in my little village in south somerset to every local pub I went to horrible hipster scum and xoomers trying to make a quick buck by gentrifying what they inherited worst was the most local one just next door to smee was bought by a scottish cunt who fulfilled every stereotype of the tight fisted bastard and accordingly jacked up his gastropub prices to actually insane levels to the point that he was just fleecing the OAPs who came by for sunday dinner and that kept his whole business going
>>185118 it was bigger because back then it was your entire world or more likely even further now you're constantly thinking about the entire globe 24/7 (if not directly then indirectly by how it affects you) >>185131 one of the most densely populated because it's one of the best tbqh >>185134 tbh although you could have left out the enclosures bit and stopped at "best land"
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>>185137 "and here's the lady of your dreams"
>>185140 phwoar!
>>185140 >when all you have to do in life as a lass is to spread your legs to make it yet you somehow end up like this
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>>185123 >Carthaginins were black >Phonecians were black >Canaanites were black >the Jews genocided black people and are currently colonising their homeland
>a single black man brought a white empire to its knees damn
but the romans were black...
The Ptolemaic Egypt was black too....
Friendly reminder that the only people who were not black were the Jews
>>185146 makes me keek remembering that there was an actual black egyptian dynasty (from ethiopia area) where they dindunuffinvaded and set themselves up as kangs but their dynasty collapsed in a single generation because they were such niggers
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>>185138 >"bewildered old regular whose haunt of 50 years has been violated and turned into a gastropub" nobody deserves that fate smdh horrible imagine if /brit/ got swarmed by forty or fifty high tories horrifying >>185140 really do not even know what to say to this tbh >>185142 tbh
>>185112 Steiner sandwhich and a (You) for brekkie. >>185150
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Woke up in a panic thinking it was monday
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDmx72dXDss >>185152 not to worry lad there's still a few hours left in the day to prepare for weektoil
forgot why i was doing this or what the context was
>>185154 keek smh
also here's the blank hand if anybody needs it for future use
the old warhol celtoid variants
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>>185157 ahhhh, the ethnostate
>>185157 vgh... the faces of ALBIVN...
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>>185158 they will be the characters in a childrens TV show called polfacetubbies each week they impart a valuable moral lesson about how important it is to brutally genocide all non celto-saxons
smh some unifags are so high iq it's intimidating, but at the same time they are almost all niggercattle
>>185161 >how important it is to brutally genocide all non celto-saxons tbh tbh >>185162 tbh just goes to show that smarts aren't everything
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and he don't stop coping and he don't stop coping and he don't stop coping and he don't stop coping and he don't stop coping and he don't stop coping
can feel a nasty poo brewing
>>185166 keeeeek he really went downhill fast and squandered his moment of basedness
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>>185166 >>185168 covid discourse broke him
>>185169 >I call her my filopino wife
>>185172 >my filipina >my pinay >my woman >my asian wife
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>>185174 just a small little essay into a cheeky bit of global thermonuclear war just a smidge of an intercontinental ballistic missile bombing campaign
>>185162 A lot of high IQ people tend to be unable to see the woods for the trees. They tend to also only be highly intelligent in one or two areas but utter mongs/normal in everything else.
Steiner, is it worth visiting Shartica for the full Americana?
>>185179 it'd be a lot cheaper to just go to a big city mcdonalds
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>>185179 tbh, wanna see racoons tbh
nuclear winter has been factchecked and debunked
Love how Woes has lost lots of hair just like us normal lads.
>>185184 is he a werewolf underneath all that purple cloth, lad?
stayed up all day yesterday and got a healthy 9 hours of sleep from 10 till 7 but contemplating immediately ruining that and going back to bed tbh just nothing to be awake for
>>185184 I've only gained hair and my testicles have grown larger
>>185187 should probably get that second one looked at
>>185176 keeeeek what a civic-minded young man >>185177 tbh with an iq above 120 you either autistically focus on one single academic discipline at the expense of all common sense and worldly wisdom or you spend the rest of your life on the internet >>185186 >just nothing to be awake for tbh
>>185186 Maybe exercise a bit?
>>185190 tired tbh going on shopping walks and occasionally lifting at the desk is my max jusually
>>185191 your life is kinda comfy, would love to see all the west country wenches in yoga pants
>>185192 they're all awful saturday night while waiting for the bus back there was this crowd of five girls and one guy, all zoomers, all looking underage, all dressed up as slags, belly shirts and leopard print tight skirts and all that other kind of shit being nasty antisocial bitches smoking at the bus stop and making everyone else inhale it
living like my grandad except he has more of a social life than I do
>>185193 sounds interesting lad, mostly blacks in my area did you see that important theological debate i just posted?
>>185197 >mostly blacks in my area You should play the knockout a nigger game
>>185196 don't know what the video is unless it's just a clip but mark is usually right and jason is creepy and he really does simp for the jews a lot
>>185199 Why so many bullies
E-celebs list that i listen to Millenial Woes Steiner Morgoth Reviews Mark Collet Sam Hyde
>>185201 a lot of normgroids who stumble into the aut-right sphere overdose on conspiracy theories and become retards like the first comment where nothing is real and everything is spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) trannies and holograms and that sort of thing
E-celebs list that i listen to
>>185199 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>185202 Of those only 1 has been confirmed to breed
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>>185204 keeeeeek *breeds more than the white natties who supposedly care for the shite race*
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>>185207 It's not about sneeding, it's about expulsion tbh
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>>184996 coomers, not even once
>>185208 >ywn be that comfy
>>185210 yeah kids stumbling on porn before they can even coom is the risk I am willing to take
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>>185211 wish they would bring back cloaks tbh
>>185211 I am comfier right now sitting under a duvet with a radiator underneath it while shitposting tbh
>>185212 >risk if only you knew how bad things were
>>185213 for all of five minutes til nigs figure out they can conceal machetes under them really easily
>>185213 You could just... make your own >>185215 huh
>>185213 tbh I want to be able to comffmaxx and also evilmaxx as the mood takes >>185216 they do that anyway with enormous puffer jackets and overly large football shirts and such tbh
>>185216 they can do that in normal garments lad, people just think it's their BBCs forgetting that the jews are liars and niggers have little monkey willies as known if you attended school with nigs >>185217 I mean bring them back as in not looking like a lunatic in public wearing one
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>>185122 >>185120 >almost indistinguishable maybe they should open their eyes
I wouldn't mind looking (more) like a lunatic in public tbh just want affordable natural fibres clothing sick of wearing synthetic everything
>>185219 >jews are liars yeah we know that lad, however why were you looking at other peoples willies in school
>>185217 the stats are really grim lad, it's pretty much guaranteed that they'll see coomshite before they can coom
tbh I got a little half cape for a halloween costume I was going to do but it's so fucking comfy I end up just wearing it around the house
>>185223 I guess. God banning it would change so much as it'd essentially stop a lot of women from becoming online whores smh
>>185222 niggers often just take their cocks out in the pe dressing room, must be a nigger thing
>>185213 tbh >>185216 so bring your own machete and also pocket sand and a boot knife and several flintlock pistols of the street-sweeper variety (both duck's foot and pepperbox)
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>>185226 yeah niggers are notorious homos, doesn't mean you look tbh >>185227 tbh
can't imagine having to go to school with niggers tbh especially being in the same changing room as them for pe smh my condolences
>>185143 Pretty sure they're all HAMITIC pipo burh and thus BROTHERS.
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>>185229 you may as well not even go to school since they end up being so disruptive tbh
>>185228 >doesn't mean you look tbh can't helplooking at niggers dancing naked in the middle of the locker room lad, bizarre people indeed >>185229 imagine the smell, despise it tbh
>>185230 If blacks just classed themselves as Hamites they could associate with more successful civilisations, including Babylon
never saw a real life negro until i was a teenager tbh seeing the wogs on telly speaking english with actual english accents as if they somehow belonged (and nobody beating them to death) was already disorienting enough for me as a young lad smh my deepest condolences to all the lads who actually had to rub shoulders with them feel especially bad for steiner tbh they must have been everywhere smh >>185234 babylon bad t. rastaman
>>185236 Boba fett ended with the quintassential black british guy spying for boba
quintassential british black guy is the new meme the pr office foids want to force on us
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>>185240 Probably true
>>185238 seething >>185239 smh didn't it used to be based upper-middle class indian guy? >>185240 david davis has resigned
>>185240 still doubtful that this is real
>>185245 there is a link in the picture if you wish to check
>>185241 >yanks larping with tea >some how fuck up making Russian style tea
>>185246 >.be >Belgium >Can't find the article Think it's false
>>185091 What would your work coach mummy think if she saw you using that sort of language lad
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https://twitter.com/queenmarcitv/status/1481699840111177728 >lefties make a video meme >it's quadruple the length of the original
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>>185250 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek play stupid games win stupid prizes
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>>185254 Imagine your hero being Vaush. Isn't he even hated among the breadtubers for some reason?
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>>185256 I'd date them
>>185258 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>185254 cringe also none of these people are racist enough for me (don't even know who most of them are) also cringe ending
>>185258 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>185257 yeah he's said some things that made them seethe >>185261 >thinking sargoy is edgy >thinking trickie dickie is edgy >thinking charlie fucking kirk is edgy they live in such a weird bubble
>fucking leafy on the list he's supposed to be edgy for the sake of edgy like some of their favourite youtubers ffs
>>185258 weird vaush
>>185263 There's a video of that guy bullying a small child. Offer him a new game then a new ps2 and then destroys it infront of the child and putting ice cream in his face. He needs shooting.
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>>185265 Burns-pilled
>>185266 >incel rant 172: in these conditions we live
>>185270 B-B-B-BASED????
>>185268 >no swastikas or spinny wheels involved >no poopoo peepeee pepe normification despite the attempt at esoteric imagery tbh
>>185273 check the description the animation is by the creator they just slapped music on it
>>185270 'Man with English accent'
>>185275 True Detective style
>>185274 "Furie" is not the creator of pepe he is a faggot he incubated the design of the proto-pepe but the internet gestalt is responsible for its trve creation
>>185277 tbfuckingh remember some years back where he was seething and went "PEPE IS NOW DEAD IT'S ALL OVER" and literally nobody gave a fuck keeeek
>>185277 tbh tbh
>>185268 based >>185273 yeah tbh >>185274 >>185277 smh furie already killed pepe though now he's backtracking just to get a crumb of relevance by this time next year he'll either be dead or an ethnonat >>185270 >>185278 how many hours has that been going on for? kill somebody already smdh
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>>185235 Don't remember there being that many dark as the night, archaic, full on niggers last time I went into the city center, but that was a decade ago or more. Swarms of them.
Forgot what I was about to say lads
Oh yeah https://youtu.be/aKjjNY4fMIM Look at this effeminate yank advocating a united states of europe
>>185286 I hate them lad
hope we do get the "city-states" future and everyone self-segregates and the piecemeal reconquistas can begin ridding europe of wogs
cutting down on drinking by increments tbh only had 11 standard drinks tonight (half a bottle of rum) and i'm pretending that's enough i definitely don't want to drink the rest of the bottle and i won't drink it because i don't want to drink it because i've already had enough and that's enough it's so easy >>185283 image doesn't have the same punch when you know that this is a spanish religious sect and not the kkk >>185286 downvooted and also downvooted the top twenty or so comments without reading them >>185288 tbh
>>185289 >spanish religious sect It's a Roman Catholic practice, not a seperate sect. They do it in France and Italy too. It is a beautiful image and made better by not being associated with the degenerate KKK.
the KKK were based
bald knobbers assemble
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>>185290 thanks lad didn't know the specifics smh just knew it wasn't kkk >>185292 the early lads yes later ones too at times
>>185292 At times, still degenerate scum for the most part. Like skin heads. Most are coked up alcoholics but at least good lads on one single issue.
Women who wear trousers should be shot
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>>185298 yes my lad also they shouldn't be allowed to drive on the road
We should name our children with names that has the letter U, but use V instead, so future generations of based can recognise each other
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>>185284 The age of men has ended, the time of the orc has come
>>185300 tbh going to give my sons a first middle name of chvd
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>>185302 based
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>>185303 Dorset would fuck this
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>lads who have only a christian name and a surname >lads who have a christian name and a surname and only one middle name
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the time for argumend has ended
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morning lads have some seethe
>>185307 call me when you get a hyphenated surname
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>>185308 >falling out of society Don't care pic related
>>185300 William but it's two V's instead of a W
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>>185312 keeeek
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>>185316 looks like an orc
glowniggers shot the ”bri’ish” synagogue terrorist >no dead jews
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>>185316 >grabbing her wife
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>Women should wear modest clothing >Women should not drink to the point of drunkenness What other rules will WE impose on women in our day of victory lads?
>>185308 time to live in the sewers and feast on the flesh of the vaxxoomed tbh >>185309 morning lad >when a white man starts to speak, the audience is already primed to think whatever he says is very likely to be good/funny/smart we earnt that through thousands of years of it being true in only a few decades w*men have rapidly surpassed this in the opposite direction thanks to feminism w*men were briefly given the benefit of the doubt for political correctness' sake and they quickly squandered it by proving what everybody already knew >>185310 no that's proof of cuck parentage and therefore an eternal mark of shame
I wish I wasn't a bastard so I could have a cool surname tbh, hate bastardy meself
>>185321 It's more than that though, women produced their most renowned cultural works under the old arrangement (like the Brontes, Jane Austen, Elizabeth Thompson) and since their "liberation" the most they've achieved in that area is the terf queen's magic books
>>185315 looks like a plastic barbie space alien >>185316 keeeek what a farce >>185318 gay and disappointing >>185320 seen and not heard tbh if they're going to act like children they should be treated like children
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>>185322 At least you can be a magnificent bastard
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>>185325 just like big willy
>>185322 smh poor fitzlad
https://youtu.be/dAY7k0DPIuU getting curious about unironic cannibalism tbh
>>185320 also lasses shouldn't be allowed to drive on the road >>185323 tbh foids are a product of the prevailing norms of society
>>185307 used to have three middle/surnames tbh mummy changed my name legally to add her partner's to it "for administrative convenience" without telling me until I was old enough to change it back anyway
>>185316 they make nigger dykes into judges now, just fucking end this country
imagine being one of the millions of parents today naming your children with both the surnames. Can't think ahead for one fucking generation.
>>185333 >tfw no cars with two drivers' seats so daddy and mummy can be trvly eqval
>>185333 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek just lads walking around with thousands of surnames in the 23rd century
>>185333 keeek good lad I knew a lass in school back in like 1998 who had a quad dash name keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
We just need to unite into an orange sludge like Evangelion so there's no more inequality
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>>185340 my grandma was a teacher in the 1960s in detroilet in the nigger area and she had a kid in her class named fermica-dinet also they would name kids lemonjello
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>>185342 the fucking state of nigs
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>>185341 Based anti-thot Chadghafi but also fuck pisslamb. >those unsubstantiated claims about him being a sex abuser and torturing women in dungeons that have no doubt entered into public consciousness of the niggercattle thanks to the Daily Mail
>>185331 smh hasn't she made you suffer enough my dad once made a half-hearted effort to get me to take on a double-barrelled surname for him and his new wife but i said no so he gave up immediately because he didn't really care and i think that's the only time he's ever actually listened to my opinion >>185332 still keeking at the existence of lori lightfoot tbh some fucking crackbaby looking negress the a name like somebody's hobbit oc roleplay character is literally the mayor of chicongo >>185337 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>185338 no that's gay
>>185345 And the amount of trafficking in Libya since his fall must be incomparably higher after NATO """saved the city"""
>>185347 that's not a bug that's a feature lad the elites have to get their kicks somehow
>>185286 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-8KV_GurLY I kind of liked this talk from a boomeroid Jew >>185341 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>185349 gonna go to zoom yoga so i can watch all the zoom mummies twerk their zoom butts on my good screen god i love the zoom metaverse butt matrix
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6 gorrillian hours with chisel and hammer on granite.
>>185351 >they don't let you attend unless you too have a webcam so they can see if you're an incel or a chad and can treat you accordingly with zoom bullying
>>185341 He was too good for this world. >>185349 keeeek >>185352 keeeeeeeeeeeek his head's on backwards
>>185354 Couldn't show the soyface from the back. In heaven you can 180 your head and soyface at those behind you.
>in heaven you can exhibit signs of demonic possession
>>185356 Such is the realm of the schizo Lord.
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>Nigger Macbeth (2021) >Manlet propaganda It's all so tiresome. I ordered a Japanese language book to retreat into weabooism
>>185346 keeek yeah its like a hobbit name keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>185357 You're such a retard keek, why not post more tranny porn while you're at it
>>185358 good lad about to start reading I Can't Believe I Was Reincarnated In 1980 But With An Even Bigger Penis And My Office Lady Cotoiler Is A Shorstack Waifu myself
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>185360 >can't handle that based God is a schizophrenic Sad!
>if we all lived close by each other we could be a cool gang
>tranny lad and his gay theology takes >>185361 keek good lad
>>185365 With infighting and people like glorious leader and Weshits snitching on us, like they already do to Prevent, GCHQ and Mi5.
>>185367 well we could more easily dispose of Wessex and SA then too
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nothing personal tbh but best to be safe and just kill em
>>185366 I hate troomerism, lad. It's one of the worst things the great schizo whispered into the ears of the first troon, who all the others to this day are, in a way, descended from. Thousands of years, slowly ebbing and flowing. A bit like the vampire outbreaks.
such slanderous slandering lies
>>185365 >the entirety of newbrit would die within a few months from horrific sexually transmitted diseases
>>185369 Based and murderpilled.
>>185372 Pembs is not invited
>>185374 If he renounced gayism, I would forgive him, but that will never happen. Smh.
>>185355 makes sense >>185356 "PEOPLE WHO DISAGREE WITH ME could be here" he thought, "I've never been to Heaven before. There could be PEOPLE WHO DISAGREE WITH ME anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare beer belly. "I HATE PEOPLE WHO DISAGREE WITH ME" he thought. Supermodel (You Better Work) reverberated his entire soul, making it pulsate even as the £9 poppers circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of the Lord. "In Heaven, you can exhibit as many signs of demonic possession as you want" he said to himself, out loud.
>>185376 keeeeeeeeek
>>185376 Apex keek.
>>185362 >referring to himself in the third person like a 80s/90s wrestler
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>>185362 >COLLAPSE: You Are In One
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was reading about java in ww2 and seething more about the japs and malays, fucking malays were such scum they rose up and murdered dutch and english women and children and old men during the battle of java and reported to the japs where the whites were hiding then the japs rewarded them with slave labor then when the amerishart military and aussies returned at the end of the war the javanese/malays/etc. did the same to the japs reporting them and murdering non combatants . also the filthy japs murdered 30-60k dutch and english colonists and forced nuns and white women into sex slavery. also dutch gear looks like some weird fusion between english colonial gear and german autism outfits
>>185383 slave race tbh by ww2 they'd have been seething about europeans for over 400 years
>>185385 They are serfs of the Hanchads, Singapore got expelled from Malaysia because Kuala Lumpur was so scared of the Singaporean Chinese elite
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>>185383 still scores to settle with those beasts
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>>185358 what book lad? I'm something of a weaboo myself
https://youtu.be/WRHT4UGXTiA okay I love richard spencer now lads hope he goes on some mad captain ahab crusade to hunt down all the people who slighted him and creates some autistic republic in the middle of the plains or something pretending to be like fremont
drooling american civnat spergs now think its insulting to call anglos "bloodcoats" like the redcoats. I am so sick of amershart conservitard faggots lads and their new raceless directionless manifestation
>calls him a spic keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek calls him a spic and a peasant >nick trying to pretend like he is not afraid of spencer's rage
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>>185390 >Bloodcoats
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Thai Red Curry for dins.
>>185389 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>185390 >"bloodcoats" well now that is a shame
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>>185397 a little too real lad
>>185393 god I wish I was there I would have beat the nigger who was with the riots to death with my rifle butt just so that fat jewish dyke school teachers 250 years later would cry when they see my name and the shitty lithograph of me killing that faggot nigger and then little incels would have to be brow beaten about it
>>185397 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>185394 looks good lad
>when he starts doing a mexican accent keeeeeeek nick actually got btfo by a williamoid failure
>>185389 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek dickie calling his spic parents house maids
>australian propaganda video
>she's grooming a minor
https://youtu.be/k7wSR_ZezTk >richard:vid related >nick *prolasping into his diapers*:WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
>>185404 god what the hell I always thought aussies were more macho than amerkeks. hate seeing what has been done to my diaspora broðors
>mummy calls to boast about the new house they are buying (by selling the farmhouse) >me me me me me >absolutely no consideration for her children that's two sets of children by two parents she's abandoned my stepbrother is going to go off to some poorfag frog boarding school and just be expected to instantly start toiling and renting as soon as it's over because he won't have a house or land to come back to god I hate xoomers god I hate women
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>>185399 keeeek that's got to be the surest path to being immortalised tbh as long as somebody is seething about you your name lives forever >>185404 wew
>>185405 its okay when girls do it incel
>>185407 tbf it's the tiktok crowd (which aren't antivaxxers) so it's just preaching to the converted >>185409 >>185410 I love that their progressive tolerant accepting caring kind lgbt-friendly video still ends up having actual fucking grooming in it keeeeeeeek
>>185408 unironically it is time to defoo lad >>185411 don't be a bigot lad grooming is an inseparable part of LGBTQQIAAPPBN+ culture
>there is actually a manga akin to that which I earlier japed about based japs tbh I would become a salaryman and die after falling asleep waiting for the subway train and collapsing onto the tracks if this fantasy could ever be realised
>>185412 >don't be a bigot lad grooming is an inseparable part of LGBTQQIAAPPBN+ culture It's funny how they keep fucking up with their propaganda lately
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek I wish spic didn't talk when spencer was doing his mexican accent it was kino
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>>185405 >>185404 >lesbian or b*sexual groomers
>>185414 disgusted but not surprised everyone is allowed "redemption" except rayciss wipipo
>>185229 >>185232 there werent many but there were a couple as mine. one was legit hilarious he would get sent out for disrupting almost every class and then accuse the teacher of being racist playing it up as a joke. the libtard teachers would get genuinely offended by it.
>>185413 wish my boss was like that smh >>185414 anything that creates a paper trail is a fuck up for them tbh by biological necessity they have to reproduce through grooming >>185416 tbh >>185419 >the libtard teachers would get genuinely offended by it. keeeeeeek
>>185229 niggers at my school used to take their shirts off and do really shitty boxing just flailing around in the changing rooms
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>niggers at my school
one of my neighbours tried to pressure me into tutoring his teenage daughter for maths because I did it for his son on the cheap years ago when I was a NEET. I'm a busy man, I don't need your chump change any more.
>>185421 smh wogs are such attention whores tbh always fronting >>185423 keeeek
>>185422 yeah I had 4 niggers in a class of 30 unfortunately
It's that time on Sunday when I watch Freakout videos and bookmark comics for reading on my phone during the toil week
>A man who took four hostages at a synagogue has been identified by the FBI as British citizen Malik Faisal Akram, 44
>>185427 doing the jobs lazy white british won't do
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>>185425 >class of 30 just the niggers should have been bad enough smh you had it rough lad >>185426 based >>185427 don't care who he is tbh he didn't kill anybody so he's dead to me dumb raghead glowie scum making things worse for wypipo while his lot will get a free victimhood pass for the shite they themselves have caused >>185429 keeeeeeeeeeeek luv this video tbh
cheese and beer for supper
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lads. opinion on salmon?
Ukraine's 'Dad's Army' train with fake wooden guns while Russia's 100,000-strong force masses on the border https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10406919/Ukraines-Dads-Army-train-fake-guns-Putins-100-000-strong-force-masses-border.html
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_Bill_Hickman god I really wish there was a mount and blade mod for the 1840s or something lads
>>185431 my mummy wanted me to go to a nice private school but I wanted to stay with my friends and be the best of the mediocre rather than the worst of the best. Don't regret it tbh. Private schools are full of pakis anyway.
>OODA loop alone against your mad deadly worldwide conspiratorial gangster blackhat-sponsored tracktop communism with wall-to-wall collaboration with NSA and GCHQ agents FSB and chinese moonlighting espionage agents it's literally smee >>185432 based >>185433 the best fish by far no contest also probably the second-best meat in general after pork
>>185435 there's one for the 1860s tbh
>>185435 There's a supposedly good Wild West mod for the original Mount & Blade but it's 1866
>>185433 I have some in my freezer that I bought and forgot about hope it's still edible after defrosting I hear it's nice pan-fried >>185434 KEEEEEK their propaganda is so shit >>185435 >carried out genocidal acts against the Timpanogos ultra based
>>185434 Italian guy did one for the original
>ywn be on the oregon trail https://youtu.be/ALKH-wHXxdM
Communist Gangster Computer God >>185437 absolutely based opinion
>>185433 quite nice as fish go. All fish tastes better with some lemon juice on it tbh. Or wine. Salmon is nice with wine I think. >>185429 keeek
>>185438 rly is it based? https://youtu.be/UuJmnMnYNb8 looks kino
>>185446 It's said to be really good but it has broken shotguns apparently so Mexican spec ops will destroy you
>>185438 >>185446 the closer a setting gets to the modern era the jankier it gets tbh
>>185445 >castle >has a president >actually an el presidente with an "evil militia" >it's an anti-hierarchical society/feudalism/demosharty good spiel smh
>>185434 ukraine got a load of turkish drones recently which proved in syria they can btfo Pantsirs effortlessly. they'll be their biggest problem.
>>185450 >the fucking turks are doing proxy war stuff again and that is what will start WW3 KEEEEEEEK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-LMIre-9m8
>>185437 beef>turkey>chicken>pork>fish
>>185447 yeah it looks like the guns are kind of shit and it has the vanilla warband textures instead of chad viking conquest ones
>>185450 The power of drones is a big step on the road to machine vs machine rock-em-sock-em robots warfare
>turks will be the only people to survive global thermonuclear war because they are cockroaches
>>185453 It's original Mount & Blade, not even Warband Warband also has a Wild West mod, but it's not well-regarded
>>185450 russkis have actual modern comm scrambling tech whereas the monkey model shit the syrians had might be less advanced
>>185456 there's a few decent ones for I think the mexican-american war and south american wars
>>185435 >tfw no frontier >>185452 i disagree with your opinion lad but i don't really feel too strongly about it because beef and turkey and chicken are all delicious >>185455 they're finally useful for something truly nothing was put on this earth without a purpose
>>185451 kino song that reminds me of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Uu-jnFvU0w
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>>185460 >barrington greggory carlings
>>185460 norfman keeek
just watched the Manchester video, future's looking very bright. smh, i live in an area, where these huge crowds of black school children accumulate too.
>>185462 >>185463 'ate round'eads 'ate parliament 'ate cromwell luv me cavaliers luv me king luv me country simple as
https://youtu.be/WRHT4UGXTiA Nick Fuentes threatened by Richard SPencer 22st whom do you side with!?
It's actually a pretty good mod and you can customise your own troops
>Police academy in Colombia under fire for having a German themed "international day" where they all dressed up like Nazis.
>>185466 keeeeeeeek
>>185465 'nuff said >>185468 luv south americans tbh if the shite race ever dies out i nominate them as are successors they're already more based than most huwhitoids i could point my finger at
>>185467 might get this mod when I get bored of ostfront looks based ty kind of got sick of vikang conquest because it just turns into the kingdom of mide just sailing across the irish sea to bully everyone with GIANT taig armies
>>185470 a lot are white and want their kids to stay white too, argentina memes aside
miss the good old days of warband multiplayer and all the mods and unfiltered racism
>>185472 tbh, especially in Uruguay, Argentina, Venezualaand parts of Columbia tbh Mexico is only a little white though smh Restore a Creolo-Peninsularo supremacist Spanish Empire tbh
Off to do a poo and take a bath
>>185476 >pooing in the bath
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>>185473 I remember naming myself Joseph Stalin and meming in chat on a bot invasion server, then when I switched to Adolf Hitler a janny ordered me to change my name
>>185473 >>185478 the playerbase is still good lads it's just tyrannical trannies there was one server where you could appeal a ban but you had to write a fucking poem apologising
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>>185479 O jannie, I plea please unban me or I'll piss in your mouth and shit in your tea
Persistent World mod and pretending to be a lass and getting married to a famous modder in the community.
>>185473 >>185479 anglo zulu war server were decent about a year ago
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>>185484 >building a giant dynamite explosive vest around myself >waiting for zulus to advance >detonating it >server crashes
>>185475 Rio de Janeiro is 51.2% white, 36.5% Pardo and 11.5% Black. Rio is actually pretty remarkable for being a gigantic city of 6 million and voting right wing consistently, especially with Bolsonaro.
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>>185486 >51.2% white i honestly thought it was much lower than that tbh surprising whitepill although considering the spanish and portuguese standards for huwhiteness it probably is lower >>185487 keeeeek
>>185490 >although considering the spanish and portuguese standards for huwhiteness it probably is lower at least it's not as bad as the yank standard for huwhiteness
Strange to think Alfred the Great's crown survived all the way to the English Civil War, when Cromwell melted it
>>185492 didn't know that now I hate him even more

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Coming soon, a new BBC World War 2 epic Starring Don Warrington as Winston Churchill Robert Mugabe back from the dead as Adolf Hitler Ving Rhames as Mussolini
>>185483 wsup den fuck white women look at how casually she betrays him
>>185486 i went on holiday to brazil a couple of years ago tbh went to the souf of brazil in and beachoomed in "Santa Catarina" and it was surprisingly white (blond+blue eye) and in the city we stayed in for a bit i saw fewer niggers than i see here ffs
dont know why spengler had such a hard on for cromwell he seemed like a meano
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the best is seeing suburbancucks having to deal with niglet spawn, I was boomer toiling one time and little niglets tried to wander in the road in front of smee an I just accelerated through them and they got out of the way. keeek its called a "detroit red light" i.e. never stop
>>185497 probably saw le repooblic as a rebirth phase of the civilisation or something daft like that
>>185487 keeeeeeeeeeek just like in muh sharpe novels
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>>185499 good lad wonder how many splatter themselves daily
he called Muhammed (PBUH) the Arab-Cromwell lmao.
>>185496 Yes, South Brazil is White/Germanic
>>185492 smh wish I could have been a cavalier
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>>185497 looks like Dean Norris
>>185502 who killed captain alex is legitimately good tbh
>>185503 one of my uncles drives a big oil tanker truck and splattered a nigger during the riots it shook him up and he did it on accident as well
>>185497 mischiling who liked him for emancipating the jews in england probably
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>>185505 >there are parts of brazil that are whiter than parts of britain
>>185502 Rwanda produces soldiers and Uganda produces memes
how long until we get census kino
>185504 >(PBUH)
>>185509 poor lad not sufficiently hardened against acts of g(r)o(i)d
>>185511 nah never believe these south american copes, they are all swarthoids with asshole colored eye sockets. wish they would all fuck off the spanish diaspora owns way more land than the anglo diaspora yet everyone hates/obsesses over anglosphere
so many paraguayan students come to uni in shitagain for some reason and they all look exactly like mexicans just more yellow and less mayan mapuche looking obv.
>>185513 it's not happening lad they know that evil racists will latch on to it >>185516 >asshole colored eye sockets keeeeeeeek
>>185517 Paraguay had unironic state-mandated racemixing to make them ONE VNITED MUTTRACE, that's why
they get all pissy when you call them mexicans as well as if I should care. as if when I went to some spic shithole they would care whether or where in shartica I was from
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>>185516 >asshole colored eye sockets
>>185514 thats the point, he had a high view of Mohammed as a great reformer of magian civilization but he was equated to just being the Arab version of cromwell even though Mohammeds reforms outlasted him while Cromwells didn't last ten years after his death. surely Mohammed is a way more important and successful figure than Cromwell.
>>185477 what else am I supposed to wash my hair with smh
shouldn't be reading this jap toil fantasy coomic making me silently scream and sneethe at the juxtaposition of reality and the ideal and how far apart they are in this benighted age
>It's a Steiner seething at how white places are in Latin America episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_XPOgB4wKk
>>185524 And that ideal is based on 19th century and medieval Europe too
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>>185483 I'd love to have niggers confront me like that tbh, would utterly abolish them from reality
>>185526 it's a modern day setting but without the niggers and the women are actually competent and attractive instead of shrewish nuisances
>>185404 >grooming as a wholesome and applauded thing
>>185527 god I wish I were that big
>>185530 you gotta put in work lad
>>185531 smh you'll soon have to live in water, lad >his leg hole is actually a blowhole
>>185530 tbh imagine
>might get pussy just a few days before my 30th birthday Is it the final test? Not sure if I should risk it
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>>185534 dont fall for the succubus' tricks
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>>185524 what is it about? shaggin your girlboss?
>>185522 the point is that pbuh is bent
>Having to do all the vaxxtards work at work because they're too frightened to come in
>>185537 officetoil but it's cute and doesn't make you want to die
>>185534 don't do it lad it's a trick >>185535 wonder if you'll get wizard powers one day lad smh borderline case >>185539 keeeeek bunch of pussies but then again of course they are or else they wouldn't have gotten the jab >>185540 bit too far-fetched tbh can't maintain suspension of disbelief
>>185541 tbhsmh there's a reason it's fantasy
>talk with lass for 2 hours >she thinks me wanting to hang up means I am not interested come on. Why do they make everything such a hecking chore
>>185541 I'm seething. Saved up enough to quit and live without supplementary income for a year. I'll give it until April and if they keep dabbing on me I'll simply leave in a rage and call them all jewish bud bud nigger bastards on the way out tbh
>>185543 reminds me of the canadamummy arc she seethed at me even before waifuposter did his social manipulation grooming stuff because I said I needed to go to bed and did so and she was still online and seething eight hours later
battle for changjin was based tbh, many yanky pig dogs getting shot by slit eyes
>>185542 tbh smh >>185543 no lad you have to entertain her from the moment she wakes up until the moment she goes to sleep she's a disney princess lad you have to treat her right >>185544 ultra based lad make sure to let it all out and give everybody some lifelong crippling psychological scarring
The chinese economy is already fucked but now they're doing endless lockdowns over covid, like they locked down 18,000,000 people for over two weeks in X'ian over a mere 2,000 covid cases, which is just fucking up their economy even more. It will be an interesting experiment to see how things go.
>>185548 what's their end game tbh
>>185547 >no lad you have to entertain her from the moment she wakes up until the moment she goes to sleep >she's a disney princess lad you have to treat her right how it feels like, yeah. Just makes me say I go to bed earlier than I do, and wake up later than I do just for some peace smh
>>185541 ive had sex
>>185545 was fun having voice chat sex with her tbh
Got pussy when I was 29, it was worth it tbqh, gotta take your chances when you're a low status huwite autist male.
I've had sex 3 times more than Dorsie.
>>185548 the entire interior of China is a net negative
>>185554 we had sex several times
>>185555 sure wonder why
>>185556 so you're saying u had sex 7 times?
>>185555 Yeah I think the government does a lot of wealth redistribution to keep the country stable and loyal to the government.
>>185558 around that
>>185552 smh seems like I was the only moral lad involved
wow sex 7 times and no babies that's impressive
>>185561 she was crazy, lad, not worth it then one day she just ghosted me and i seen she deleted her discorderino a few months later
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Dorsie had sex twice as much as me reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>>185383 >Japs tell other asians they're going to liberate them >When they take power they bring back literal slavery Keej
>>185563 could have got some lewd pics if I hadn't been moral though smh
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>>185567 tbh going to film my first time having sex and show it to /brit/
no thank you lad I don't think anyone wants to see turkey baster in troonhole action
>>185571 I'll fillm her giving birth too
>sex havers itt
lets be honest, you'd rather film me instead
I have had sex many times when I had a long term relationship. I went from hot turkey to six years of cold Turkey smh

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