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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3628: HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK Edition Anonymous 01/30/2022 (Sun) 12:26:29 Id: 3b268f No. 194423
HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK Thousands join protest in Canada against Covid vaccine mandates https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/30/thousands-join-protest-in-canada-against-covid-vaccine-mandates HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK Ottawa says ‘no more room for vehicles’ downtown as trucker protests clog streets https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/trucker-convoy-canada-freedom-ottowa-b2002815.html HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK Justin Trudeau and his family flee Canadian capital https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10456147/Justin-Trudeau-flees-secret-location-50-000-Freedom-Convoy-truckers-hit-Ottawa.html HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK Ukraine-Russia tensions: British troops 'unlikely' to fight - Truss https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60188690 HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK UK told to brace itself for Russian cyber attacks as Ukraine tensions escalate https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1557603/Russia-cyber-attack-UK-Ukraine-conflict-latest
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>>194423 based and honkpilled lad very good lad >>194420 stocks are down since a brief high in july but still up from this time last year and still way up since when i started buying so it's all good would prefer to hodl but i'm worried i'll need cash soon smh no crypto since binance won't accept my id as proof of identity for some reason and honestly i don't really care enough about memecoins to do anything about it
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>>194425 honestly pretty based of the police that they aren't busting this up tbh guess they support it too >>194428 >Why don't they get together to bargain for better working conditions instead? KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THEY'RE DOING YOU MONG KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
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https://youtu.be/ykyaKowN7Xc Me, Wessex and Dorsie should do a series 2 of this
Wessex would be Alex
>>194421 merry chudmas
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family's been in lockdown for a while because of the coof and none of them have had any symptoms whatsoever can't wait for the endless barrage of "you should get the jab because this is proof that it really works" smh >>194443 keeeeeeek
The Autistic lads in autistic me have way better social lives than almost all of brit/
The twitter/reddit meltdown is pretty good but I'm sure this stuff is supported by bot accounts as well.
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>>194449 >>194450 was honking the answer all along? was it really that simple?
>>194450 This looks like a joke to everyone outside of the terminally online social media cliché.
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>>194452 Any form of collective action awakens the kike noosphere defence response system running the collective unconscious.
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>>194452 same as it ever was
>>194454 keeeek >>194455 tbh this is what they fear and even worse they can't dilute the message by making it about gay tranny niggers because there are no gay tranny nigger truckers smh it's just chuds as far as the eye can see how horrifying think they might actually bring the police out on this one >>194457 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek trad
>>194456 I hope they use twitter to narrow down the houses some of these posts are coming from. So they can maximise decibels.
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KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK the shrieking liberal cosmopolitan scum literally seething the many they get called on their larp and some real grassroots protesting happens, utter scum with all the same tricks being pulled out same as the elite of every other western country.
Leafs utterly btfoing yank larpers with this tbh, will be kino if the mandates actually get stopped.
>>194462 He's a great personality I'll give him that. Is this the rebrand after the vaxx incident?
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>>194464 Canucks have always been the quiet violent cousins tbh.
This is why they want to ban non electric and computerised vehicles btw so they can prevent shit like this, this could never happen in a society where vehicles weren't common, that bike fag from yesterday btfo.
>>194462 don't much care for this zogbot tbh but maybe he'll lead some cattle in the right direction before stabbing them in the back >>194463 >>194464 tbh tbh >>194467 tbh globohomo playing a stupid game of "haha let's see what happens when we push the quiet kid too far" >>194468 tbh
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>>194458 I look forward to the tards that scream about authoritarianism the most cheering in a new totalitarian regime over the world.
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>come to school with an air horn >suddenly all the bullies start being really nice to you
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>>194474 Based.
>>194474 >In the early days of the pandemic, when we did not know much about COVID-19, we shut a lot of things down and asked most people to stay home. But not truckers. We asked you to keep working, despite the risk, because of how much we rely on you to keep our shelves stocked, our economy going and our communities open. based the only difference between heroes and expendable cattle is how much trouble you're able to make for the establishment after the fact comply and they'll crush you honk and they'll ignore you keep honking and they'll tell you to stop keep honking and they'll beg you to stop keep honking and they'll worship you
https://youtu.be/ct7TKf58sN0 He didn't have a chance smh
>>194477 god I hate boomers
>>194477 wheres that lad who was saying you have to always be loyal to family now, breiviks father is a traitor
>>194480 yea but your mummyrino can't shield you from an abusive daddyrino
>>194481 no lad you always have to obey mummy and daddy if your parents tell you to jump off a cliff you have to do it or else you go to hell
>>194483 Respect is not the same as obedience.
>>194486 Can you respect a man that had no respect for the role of father from the start?
>>194487 Yes, to spite him.
>>194488 That makes no sense. I can't conjure up respect out of spite.
Read the bible.
Even my own dad I have respect for and he was not a very good dad but he was there.
Everyone loves their mummyrino right? even wessex and that other lad who says his mummy is dim?
>>194492 I love my dad as well.
Mong just gets btfo then tells you to read the bible like it tells you to be some cucked faggot
Literally wheezing watching videos of breiviks trial now
Do ZoomZooms love their mummies like us? Will alphas be able to love their slag millenial/zoom zoom mummies?
>>194496 I guess we get to watch that play out but from what I've seen of council estate mummies that were the slags of the 90's the answer is yes.
>>194494 You sound like child who has never experienced any violence what so ever.
>>194498 The people I was thinking about had never been violent ever.
>194499 DUH REDDIT KIKE PSYCHOLOGY fuck off you poof, fuck off to the bongo you fat cunt
>>194501 these guys are always annoying smug civic fags
>agnonce williamoid talking points
>>194502 >being a manchild KEEEEEEEEEEK
Any good seethe from the lisa simpsons about their failure to spawn? Or was it all teeheee i'm childfreeeee?
https://youtu.be/pSCz-ZNRA_ Guess who's inheriting the earth
>>194507 They hold the teehee position right up till menopause.
publicly atleast.
It might be out of spite mostly after 35.
>>194511 wow more niggerinos WAHOO
https://youtu.be/VSH25lkL8Z8 New fave beta male lad
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one of englands brave lions is being accused of raping his coal burner gf may they both burn inshallah
grandparents watching the tennis with their luncheon just like are tim lots of screaming and shouting coming from the telly is it the big wimbledon world match or whatever?
>>194521 aussie open, the one Novax Jokervic got banned from
>>194522 sounds like there's a pajeet commentating >>194523 that's actually worse than the UK jobcentre keeek I was able to move to the countryside and tell them there was no work and just collect the shekels for a few years while all the farmers denied me toil because they wanted scab immigrant labour instead
>>194525 why do you keep talking about the norge job centre, are you actually going on bennies, will mummy let you, can't imagine the terror you'll unleash on here with all that free time
>>194521 how are you posting from their house, do you really just go there and slink back to a corner of their house and browse here before fucking off home
>its grey rainy and miserable outside *le sigh
>>194521 >>194522 sub-jefe toilberg was going on about that all day tbh he's a good lad
wish I was french sometimes so my misery would perhaps be a bit more meaningful somehow in that french way, misery with french characteristics
>tfw if my toil career fails and I just throw myself entirely into dissident right activism and I'm just proving lefties right with the stereotype that le white supremacists are all losers who fail at life
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>>194530 oui oui hon hon hon
>>194531 >no toil as I quit. smh really, didn't know that, they'll probably pick some immigrant instead, big lorry driving sounds scary tbh
>>194527 doing my final bit of officetoil on the dining room table as they watch the tennis in due time sunday sninner will start and I'll clear the table and prepare for a couple of hours of torturous pleasantries and silent consoomption as the boomers and xoomers reaffirm their manufactured consensuses >>194529 somewhat hoping for tennisplayers to collapse on the court or vaxxoomed spectators to have mass heart attacks or something to really punish the cultists of ausland smh >>194530 smoking and drinking and pissing in the street?
>>194518 keeek read that as kikeology for a second >>194533 how do leftoids define winners
>no toil as I quit. >he fucking quit instead of causing a fuss to get fired as literally everyone told him for fucks sake smdh deserve all these problems now tbqh, literally brought it on yourself
>>194538 >how do leftoids define winners power and wealth etc they just lie about it when convenient, dutty talks about this, tis all looks money status
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>>194533 stop caring what they think lad when you're right you're right >>194537 tbh would be pvrest raw uncut kino >>194538 whoever is the best slave for bossman is the biggest leftoid winner tbh if you own the company you're evil and if you're on the ground floor you're fucking subhuman prole trash you need to surgically attach yourself to a ceo's bumhole and then you're a real lefty winner >>194541 tbh depriving us of kino smh would filter him if i hadn't already done so
>>194537 >doing my final bit of officetoil on the dining room table as they watch the tennis how? on a laptop?
smh still waiting to sit my driving test after I failed the first time, DVSA cunts take fucking ages since theres a big covid backlog, hope I don't fail again I fear I'll give up if I do, sick of thinking about it.
>>194544 okay that's not as bad since the firing was the main thing for bennies wasn't it >>194547 yeah don't use smartphones aka marks of the beast never have never will simple as
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>>194545 this is what britain used to be about
>>194551 it is your duty to extract as much wealth from the evil and decaying systems of the ZOG NEETmaxxing is doing god's work and saving the white race
>>194552 But how are you gonna get a gf and save the white race if you don't have a job
>>194553 fuck off bignose unifag
any counter signalling of the neet race is totally and utterly unacceptable
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>all these city slickers needing to be saved by rural land rover chads
>>194553 The Steiner basement rape model is in the initial stages of being formed.
also implying him having a job would make getting a gf that much easier, what job could he get as a non lisa, did he even go to uni or become a tradey, no.
it's ok to sex tourist if you also do normal cultural tourism at the same time imo
>>194559 terrible take, I agree
>>194559 >the chad vagrant holiday lad episodes where he sleeps in bushes and washes in public toilets and still manages to attract a couple of cute local college lasses
>>194558 lasses in low wage toil jobs often date their coworkers
>194562 and you'd know gayboy?
>>194561 He has an actual personality developed through living which helps. He is actually worldly rather than just being pretentious.
>>194562 They're either part time on their way to a degree or wog meat down here. Please nuke London.
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Autist in me fears loud honking like that. Smh. Who else still covers their ears when an ambulance goes by? Fuck leftoids but the poor doggos and cats they have don't deserve it either. Truckers are cruel but they're in the right, don't get me wrong.
>>194565 where i used to work a lad had a kid at like 19 with his female coworker wew. norf lasses in dead end jobs
>>194569 Welcome to fair cruelty poor autist. Loud noises are a necessary on the way to liberty.
>>194570 Saving the white race unironically. Cities are cesspits of despair and death.
getting tonnes of matches in donestk lads
>>194574 SLAVA
>>194574 kek >>194575 I wonder why?
Loving the steiner 180 as he dives into practical anglo philosophy.
NEDERMONKEYS JOIN THE HONKENING https://twitter.com/i/status/1487777627486265346
>>194579 https://youtu.be/EOA1wBw_Jt4 >great reset stopped by the trucker revolution
>they're already at "Experts Say"
>>194581 >illogical for truck convoy to claim freedoms threatened by vaccine mandate, say experts do these people have any self awareness
>be dying >final thoughts are of how much schlong and cooming you are going to miss out on
>>194584 Probably just a result of modern hypergamey, women never really get over the person they lose their virginity too.
>>194584 >married for 10 years >no mention of children
>>194586 perhaps they own pets
>>194586 better point tbh
>>194584 Evil bitch for asking permission. If she's going to be a heinous thot, don't drag good husband into it by trying to force him to accept it. Just don't tell him. Smdh. He should divorce her in her final months to make a point. Smdh.
>>194589 >He should divorce her in her final months to make a point. Smdh. tbh
time for snunday roast
>>194589 The point is to paint him as the villain if he reacts in any way negatively. It's literally how the majority of progressive ethics advances. It's bankrupt, even as a manipulation.
>>194590 We all know how that ends, especially in shartica.
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>made up reddit incel bait
fuck me progressive political discord and a woman's emotional manipulation are practically the same.
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>>194594 except the extremes, if there is one insane rad fem for them there is one ultra trad thot for us.
>>194595 almost as if women are the weak link exploited by nefarious parasites to destroy society
https://youtu.be/bvWRMAU6V-c Singing this with Steiner later
>>194597 >US East Coast blanketed by 'bomboclart' snowstorm
Could someone tell me how to host a film like Bins does? I want to host some kino.
>>194593 yeah smh from a legal standpoint he would be better off staying married but estranged tbh kick her out and tell her to go live with her parents doubt a dying woman would have the energy to start divorce proceedings
>>194603 Spite is an infinite resource in women once evoked.
https://youtu.be/f9utczapsmI Another round of omnicron. This time no sick days.
>>194604 may as well just give her the pillow then and accept the consequences
Starting to think Muslims have marriage right. Don't even bother with being legally married, have a marriage and the standards within it enforced by the community. That way all you have to do for divorce is claim it three times in front of a witness. She has no legal recourse. No right to your money or sole custody of kids. It's pretty based tbph.
>>194602 go to kosmi and set up a room, from there it seems to be the same as other streaming sites where you can just navigate to a dodgy russian streaming website and play it inside the room
>>194607 I think it punishes both participants in the marriage, no woman wants to be separated from her family and no bloke wants the responsibility of raising a family by himself.
>>194609 i can't play a torrent off my pc to the other lads?
>>194612 you'd probably have to upload it somewhere online first
>>194607 tbh 'ate muzzies but they're right about women
>>194615 >>194607 bit noncey
>>194616 talking about women lad not little girls smh this conversation is about marriage not age of consent
Going to Bremen in a month what fischbrötchen should I get?
>>194618 Matjes
That all sounds awfully furrein to me.
>>194618 bismark-krabben-lachs has the best name so obviously it tastes the best
>>194621 you tell us lad, you're running the experiment.
>>194618 probably the pepper mackerel bottom right
good thread
that all looks fucking RANK
>>194626 raucherlachs looks pretty normal tbh
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was in the que for a club last night and me and my mates got talking to a group of girls in the que. One of them started being rude to me for no apparent reason. I just turned around and said "You're ugly", which was met with by gasps by her entire friendship group. None of them even said anything, they just lookedat eachother and moved up.
>>194628 GOOD lad >>194627 tbf actually yea
>>194626 Id have the fishcake that’s it
>>194589 She's been fucking him already for months, she's asking permission because she won't be physically capable of doing it behind his back for much longer.
>>194632 smh probably true
>>194633 driving in weimart seems like easy mode tbh
>194628 >was in the que for a club last night
>>194628 embarrassing post lad
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>>194628 based lad
>drunk lepolface bothers some slags and then flatly declares "you're ugly" to the cringe of everyone else in the que omg epic based lad
Media going full fenian with this bloody sunday anniversary
>>194520 keeeeeeeeeek came here to laugh about this with you
time to take this sneethepot off the boil
morning lads broke no coom to this image yesterday smh
>>194645 smorn lad
>drumpf endorses another former anti trump neocon >his supporters contract schizophrenia to explain why thats good
>>194646 i broke noshit to this image
>>194648 pretty sure its mostly glownigger bots shilling giant dump at this point
>>194648 smh they're hopeless
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>>194645 wish I could go back in time and save her from jews
https://youtu.be/NHwKS__MVMY kino >>194655 >no britany spears baby sitter where you sit in her lap and play age of empires 2 past your bed time
>>194618 Krabben
>>194655 tbh smh >>194655 >>no britany spears baby sitter where you sit in her lap and play age of empires 2 past your bed time laaaaad
>>194618 the bismarck looks good
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>>194661 why do normies do that with their shoes?
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>Netherlands: Dutch truckers protest against mandates
every fucking article about ukraine shows women soldiers lmfao
craving pickled fish now
>>194663 To show off how good they are at consooming
>Harry and Meghan express Spotify ‘concerns’ over Rogan vax controversy
>>194668 keeeeek he fucked up so bad he could have married britney or some other yank robo sex slave or an actual princess but instead he just married some shitty bogged wog
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>no timeline where britney spears became the queen of UK
>>194669 Even marrying a Japanese princess would have been nicer.
>she just has the bankers executed for "like being really mean oh my gosh"
>>194671 keeek yeah the race mixing of that is less offensive tbh because japs are not subhumans just barbarians
>>194671 could've ushered in a shining new era of imperivm smh >>194672 keeeeeeek
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>>194677 *throws away dream life because a spoiled instathot wouldnt put out* I kneel
>>194678 my ancestors
>>194680 >malaysia campaign *japs playing footie with decapitated head of aussie prisoners* >wake island >forces all the english and dutch women on java into sex slavery based japs
>>194679 One of the problems is that these lads are millionaires by the time they are 15. No real male models to tell them how to behave etc, imagine you could just tell your dad to fuck off if he said anything. Footie breeds an entitled mindset even to pussy
>>194683 disgusting
>>194684 He's also a nigger
>>194684 >>194686 both great points
>>194683 Sure they did that in Hong Kong too.
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kill all japs and turn their archipelago into a nature reserve
>>194683 I think your next incel rant is what is Man's next step beyond the incel lad.
>>194689 did you see marks video about wake island prisoners where the japs threw all the survivors of men who were outnumbered rourkes drift style and defeated 3 destroyers and 900 men into the bilges of a ship and starved them to death and occasionally decapitated them because the japs felt "humilated" but they are all about "honor", etc.
>>194690 yeah I tried to make one but its hard to really get a good point that has not already been made by people like jack homovan in his book (which I think is not bad tbh)
made one at the park about rebbit antiwork versus the boomerist mentality in shartica of workaholism and how the boomer worldview is not relevant and that boomer workaholics are coping so much harder than antiwork chads about the actual value of their (slave) labor
>>194692 don't know who that is tbh, doubt he has the same insight as someone has willingly dropped out of williamoid society rather than being actively denied for not meeting the parameters in the first place.
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>burn the coal, pay the toll posters you deserve to be shot tbh. Literal nigger fetishist
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>>194696 this book tbh its okay don't want to steal too much from his idea but alot of the machofags don't make the leap of connecting self improvement aspect of incelfags toward the total rejection of "muh romantic" society
>>194697 do you lads who post the cremation stuff actually believe it couldn't be done or is it just a meme?
>>194694 Only true to a point, because they still hold the whip hand in the West wrt politics/voting/the facade of democracy. It's going to be interesting what happens when that changes and they become a voting minority.
>>194699 explain this remark lad i dont understand
>>194700 looks and sounds larpy tbh
>>194702 tbh yeah but its beginning to shift to where the boomer workaholic type is going to become a minority and they were foolish not to train people to replace them and thus continue their worldview. they chose lisa simpsons and shitskins to replace them but lisa simpsons are ultimately just lazy virtue signalling narcissists and shitskins are just here for the free ride
>no food >out of coffee it's grim
>>194684 Yea seen a lot of this among bitcoin early adopters too tbqf
"I'm willing to die" North Carolina man refuses kidney transplant because of vaccine requirement. https://www.wral.com/coronavirus/i-m-willing-to-die-nc-man-refuses-life-saving-kidney-transplant-over-vaccine-requirement/20106699/ right wing retardation knows no bounds
>>194703 Soyfacing over white women being abused by niggers is abit wrong lad. I shouldn't really have to explain why being excited about niggers hurting women is wrong.
>>194706 good riddance tbh, the crumbling of the system that sustains these types while also giving retributive licence to the marginalised indigenous man is the best outcome.
>>194710 Oh, I agree thought you were saying the opposite smh >>194709 >right wing retardation knows no bounds Intrdesting poost history. JEW!
>doesnt fight it in the courts >doesnt just risk the vaccine so he has any chance of survival >just dies like a useless rw retard
>>194715 thought it was you. aren't you right wing lad?
and of course it's aggnonce
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>>194711 hate that smirking spic tbh
Aggnonce is a good poster tbh. He's the only one I could chat to in a pub tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iII6ksOs_8c&t=5s Steiner mentioned us, Steiner is a big fan !
>>194711 that faggot dago news reporter spent the past 4 years shilling against trump and "bigots" and then shilling for the vaxx and mandates but then boomer chuds suck his cock because they interviewed a discord tranny glownigger to torpedo a threat to the boomer goyim slave mentality of workaholism 100 percent that faggot dago has never really worked a day in his life, he wears fucking makeup on TV like a shitdick queer
>>194721 larping trustfundie city slickers
>>194716 >>194717 pointlessly dying is retarded. doesn't matter the politics, lol
>>194569 tbh but to bake cupcakes you have to break some eggs
lmao >>194716 yes but most rwingers are wilfully retarded
he seemed pretty young to need a kidney transplant, maybe he shouldn't have been abusing alcohol and pills or whatever
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>>194729 JDIMSA
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH god I hate how the oligarchy just repositions the fake political parties to absorb any kind of change to the political landscape
>>194729 tbh tbf
>>194732 *scrambles to prove I'm not Fascist/Racist/etc*
Ukrainan women are living where our yamnaya ancestors lived right?
>>194729 where did this cope of spics voting right wing come from keeek
literally just take the test martin I am testing for my boomer toil loicense as well nobody cares if you are an incel and just don't respond to bullies since bullying past age 21-23 is manchild crap and nobody cares
I remember this one boomer toilers son tried to make fun of my work shoes one time and I just stared at him like he was retarded and then he just kind of moved back to work
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the same Zionists that make rwers retarded by controlling all their media and spaces are behind the anti-vaccine culture that's responsible for the excess deaths of tens of thousands of rwers and the removal of many more from the few positions of power they remained in. it's just a non stop campaign of self owning. we get nothing from it even if somehow we won entirely, it would just mean more old rwers dying of covid. the entire anti-vax movement on the right was just "this is what the group believes so I'll believe it too", there's no actual arguments or greater reason for why it's a good idea to discourage old and vulnerable people from getting vaccinated. its just group conformity. there is no ideological reason why any fascist/nationalist should be opposed to the vaccine. Orban, Assad, Putin and Xi Jinping all implemented harsher vaccine mandates than the UK, the sputnik vaccine is better than any we have but still the anti-vax hysteria would dissuade people here from getting it aswell.
alien poosters shitting up the board as usual
>>194738 tbh, trying to get my loicences so I can afford a house to live in so my wife and children won't die if I say nigger at work smh
>>194743 Lad u will have 8 million nok if u start feeding your nok into stocks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0gMJWfS82M&ab_channel=TopTrending
>>194745 I'm not 22 bones lass, I'm a mysterious pooster who has emerged only recently after getting drunk and mistyping 8chan.moe/interracial. Was wanking to your posts when I realised the error of my weighs smh
>>194744 yeah that happens sometimes but alot of midwestern and I assume southern construction guys are VERY against rulecucks and everyone just takes smoke break, etc. leaves when rulecuck fags show up. never really had any rulecucks around smh sometimes I wish there was a bit of rulecucking since my uncles boomer team takes all the guards off the saws and makes fun of you for wearing safety glasses, we were building this deck so fast I smashed my thumb with a framing hammer and it looked like looney toons and they made me keep working
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>college boy wants a day off cos he hurt his thumb
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oh it's agnonce everything is explained. enjoy your autoimmune disorders tbh lad.
https://youtu.be/Kzv6KRht03A How are Youtube vids going help this wimman?
>>194754 the current vaccine is pretty shitty, sputnik is the best there is. however even the shitty vaccines objectively decrease deaths in aged and vulnerable demographics, i.e the rw voter base. there's just no argument for contributing to the anti-vaccine culture thats killed tens of thousands of old white people.
>>194757 >missing the woods for the trees when it comes to State coercion and power consolidation of the very people who want to preserve the status-quo low IQ mongoloid. go back to your fantasy world, just like your bible tells you.
>>194758 very normal post you severely porn-sick faggot.
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>What do you think about big black cocks lad?
>>194759 >go back to your fantasy world, just like your bible tells you.
>>194759 he was talking about the efficacy of the vaccine, not state coercion, you illiterate
>>194763 >living in a fantasy world where the 2 issues aren't linked you're as bad as agnonce.
>>194767 something to do with protecting the eye from snow and sand
>>194749 I can just see the benefits of rulecucks sometimes because the other end of what you complain about is american construction stereotype
>>194767 Eye-folds were developed to prevent the sun from bouncing off snow in high altitude places and damaging peoples eyes from below. Same reason Arctic peoples developed snow-glasses with tiny slits.
>>194768 >switching from one talking point to another to protect your ego so sad
>p-please take the vax, the sp-sputnik one is based >... >you're objectively going to die >...
>>194773 i can't believe that because it would mean my whole family will die of the vax and i don't want that. i'm the only one not jabbed
>>194773 I dont really care if you take it I care that old and vulnerable populations have been discouraged from taking it to the point where tens of thousands have died unnecessarily. I know its an epic meme to intentionally kill off your own voter base but it's actually a bad thing.
>watch mlp
not going to let vaccine fags attempt to harvest my loosh tbh, just going to ignore now.
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>>194779 not this time, martin
>>194775 >>194779 you literally wont shut up about it because you're trying to insert your utterly pathetic fetish into this thread. filtered and also kill yourself.
>>194766 She cute
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don't like to see aggathachad angry. everyone, stop being retards
>>194785 you're an unironic homosexual furry we've all seen enough, I will always want you dead no amount of damage control can change that
bloody windy today lads
>>194787 >Did Agatha ever untroomer herself? lets not talk about that...
>>194786 tbh tbh
can confirm wind
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollmops had some preserved fish last summer, fresh from the lakes but jarred. it was really nice would like to have some now and try some things with pickles and onions
>>194792 wasn't that windy for me tbh
>>194794 we're norf i think
unvaccinated kidney transplant refusal lad will be me at some point aunty offered one of hers but she vaxxoomed too I will not take the poz sneevening lads spag bol with garlic bread and salad followed by apple strudel and ice cream and it was very nice followed by bxoomer coofer talk and other annoying things for an hour and a half occasionally I got to interject interesting factoids which made everyone look away uncomfortably and reset their niggercattle frankenstein mind control devices so they forgot whatever I said then on the way back the foid neighbour was outside smoking da peaceful erb with a dodgy low IQ wigger type stupid bitch doesn't even walk away from our doors so I have to inhale retard smoke every few nights
>194741 mong
Agg is literally just an advanced subversive sowing division on here and the bongo niggers love him as its in their self destructive and narcissistic nature, FUCK OFF YOU FAILED WILLIAMOID CUNT
>>194569 I feel bad for the kitties' sensitive ears, but fuck everything else. autists are subhuman mutants >>194757 >sputnik is the best there is sputnik is viral vector like oxford which is also new technology that produces spike proteins which cause micro blood clots all over the body and infertility >however even the shitty vaccines objectively decrease deaths in aged and vulnerable demographics there is no virus you fucking retard >there's just no argument for contributing to the anti-vaccine culture thats killed tens of thousands of old white people vaccines harm everybody, there is no reason why anybody should get any vaccine. and I don't care about old people. fuck you
>>194741 >Orban EU stooge >Assad doubt, Syria is still in civil war >Putin idk why that retard is pushing sputnik on people, probably bribed by sputnik >Xi the chinese vaccines are placebo, the only ones that aren't poison
>>194795 fair enough >>194796 food sounds delish, love me some spagbol and especially love me some strudel. shame about your neighbour. Most of my neighbours are pretty friendly which is nice, always say hello and occasionally stop to chat.
vaxchads would wreck you in a fight. no question
>>194802 they can't even run up a few flights of stairs without dying
fresh russian xoomer colonist lad with based comments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLjpMFQk5Pw
>>194804 very disappointing if true, I'm really looking forward to Russia invading the Ukraine, that would be the best thing since the Taliban offensive
>>194805 just more gay economic jew shit smh
>194802 you aren't funny you are just an annoying nigger cattle faggot
>>194805 This whole thing to to destroy Ukraine economics and drop the corruption investigation against Biden.
>>194804 its amazing how little western elites care for us seeing how the russkies tell their people to prepare for conflict
>>194809 tbh, every nation in the world except westoids really looking forward to jews getting their comeuppance tbh
>>194809 no real threat of conflict in the west though tbh esp in britain and america
>>194812 apart from the endless low level conflict that is ethnic warfare from invasion populations against natives
>>194813 naturally, but that type of thing is yet to truly bear fruit
Coconut "Milk" is the only one I would drink if pushed.
>>194818 Wouldn't the flavour just overpower everything else
>>194820 Nearly.
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>unvaccinated kidney transplant refusal lad will be me at some point >spag bol with garlic bread and salad followed by apple strudel and ice cream and it was very nice
coconut water is good but it should be prohibited to describe anything as "milk" which does not contain milk, anything as "cheese" which does not contain cheese, and anything as "meat" or "burger" which does not contain meat
>>194824 Good coconut milk is the coconut cream from the flesh of the coconut mixed with the coconut water.
>sunday night
>>194827 time for toilmen to rest up for the week ahead
*starts crying*
love Sundays me. I try to keep them as a day of rest so I'm ready for the working week and not feeling completely drained
>>194828 they can't though. they're hungover and won't be able to sleep. toilstein gets the last laugh here i'm afraid.
>>194830 i've always loathed them. for sure my least favourite day of the week except tuesday maybe
>>194832 I take it you don't have Sunday roasts. Those alone are enough for me to love Sunday
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got excommunicated from a chess community I've been in for years for cheating
>194837 >being a cheater
>>194837 How do you cheat in Chess?
>>194839 smurfing maybe, intentionally tanking his ranking or making a new account so he can play against babies
>>194835 They're such spoilsports. He's clearly a conpetent driver if he's been doing it for so long and never had an accident, but oh no, he didn't have a loicence >>194837 serves you right.That said I cheated on online chess a couple of times for a laugh. Fed the moves into a chess app on the highest difficulty as I was playing. I still found a way to mess up after a few moves. I'm godawful at chess. I understand it, I just don't memorise different situations or think very far ahead
>>194839 he snuck an extra queen on to the board
>>194842 tfw you move your hand a bit too far forward on the attack and your extra bishops fall out of your sleeve
>>194839 I'm not even that big of a cheater tbh. I just turn on Stockfish when I'm in a sticky situation. But it turns out some of the admins on Lichess have opened an investigation. Once my friends saw my account got banned I also got kicked out. >>194842 keeeeeeeek
On windows xp chess I played against myself and had one side purposefully lose so that I could get all of the pawns on the other side to become queens
>>194845 based haremchad
>>194841 *competent. unlike me.
>>194844 hoisted by your own no good dirty cheatin' underwear tbh the more you cheat to win games the higher your ELO goes and the harder your opponents get so the more you have to cheat
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Is this lad taking the piss? I was posting about some schizo accusing me of cheating because I wasn't quite as shit as him on lichess not long ago. Being that much of a tard you feed the moves through stockfish to win... wew.
>neo-nazis lecturing me on morality Fuck off yeah. Also stop trying to make out as if I was cheating the entirity of a game, it was a rare occurence when I'd use an engine. Without cheating I'm around 1800 elo anyway. Been playing chess most of my adult life.
You'd be suprised how common it is also, almost everyone cheats or atleast looks at tactics mid game.
keeeeeeeek this lad
getting caught is shameful though
neo-nazis . . . le bad
>194851 >194852
chess cheaters are up there with race traitors, tbh
someone repost steiner's videos on odysee and claim credit for the clout tbh
>>194850 I guess you could say Steiner was... rumbled
>>194860 no need to worry I archive all his videos anyway
>>194867 he literally could have done it when it happened, should pardon james fields
https://youtu.be/QIdKJm-SQ8U >these questions oy fucking vey
I'm done with chess anyway. It was the stress of my autism bearing down on me that led to me cheat ever is slightly, I've put so much time and effort into this I can't not not win.
>>194869 not clicking on it thumbnail makes it clear it asks for opinions not verifiable facts stupid foid is clickbaiting
>>194691 humiliation is the inverse of their honour. they only regain it by humiliating them enemy to cowardly to die fighting.
>>194867 >>194868 Tbh. How can he have the gall to stand again? Suppose there'll be a few Qtard schizos who'll still voot for him. But I'd think even the average niggercattle rightoid would see him as an utter failure and waste of time getting excited over. >194870 Boring b8 m8. Unironically filtered.
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chess is a poofs game real men play backgammon
>>194871 >thumbnail makes it clear it asks for opinions not verifiable facts that's the point of all essays you mong
>>194871 It's an actual post-grad entrance for one of the Oxbridge colleges.
>>194869 >answers nigger to every single question >"My god we've never seen anyone do so well"
>>194876 if anything it's too easy then, all you have to do is give your opinion and explain why
>>194879 It isn't, it's so o subjective that you have to be objectively well connected The College has the best library in the world. supposedly.
>>194741 I will forced feed you as many vials of my cure as you're unwilling to take ag nonce.
>>194850 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek not suprising tbh I think I listed all the videos as private weird I will see if I should just go on odsyee or whatever just hate how you have to get that crypto shit to post
rumble is such a dogshit website anyway
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>>194869 Shouldn't be surprised that le intellectual wank is saturated with modern poz at the world's top universities. I'd go lepolface on some of those questions and talk about how gender is a made up concept by a nonce child abuser who drove two lads to suicide after lopping their cocks off and molesting them, so a robot cannot have a 'gender'. Wonder if they'd call the police for answers like that. Wew.
>>194884 I can see all your videos and still find you by searching channels tbh
I think rumbles website is such dogshit that its search function is busted
Actually surprising how much Philosophy Steiner knows tbh. I can tell in your incel rants that you're well read unlike 99% of philosophy andys on imageboards.
>>194887 its better that way because you can share the links rather than having it easily searchable for karen SPLC fags to access it easier
>>194833 loving that response.
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>>194888 tbh I just tried searching for your titles and they didn't show up, so tried random titles from the front page hoping they also wouldn't show up because the search is shite but they came up right away smh >>194887 oh shit it's this
>>194889 I suggest reading those uni philsophy readers rather than full texts sometimes. I have read some stuff wish I read hume and whitehead and more of aristotle but its such a slog. its intimidating when guys like keit woods flex on reading hegel at like 13 or whatever, it took me like 3 years to even get through kojeves reader on hegel. I kind of hate when people try to be obscurantist on philosophy but I am sure I kind of do it as well
>>194892 weird it must be tied to buzzwords like mentira or something and auto hides
Night lads, toil looms and so soon
Lefty faggots don't undermine a grassroots anti establishment movement challenge
>>194893 It's just a framing device for anyone intelligent. Otherwise it's naval gazing wank.
>>194896 I haven't known a twittoid to post about any of that ever.
Whats philosophy ever done for the world anyway
>>194893 > I kind of hate when people try to be obscurantist on philosophy but I am sure I kind of do it as well Not to dickride lad but that's what suprising. You get to the point. I could bet money that the majority of celebrities haven't read the philosophy they claim to have. And I know what you mean about secondary reading as well lad. I hate it when people like Kantbot tell people to read the prologeoma as an introduction to Kant.And anyone who tells anyone to start off studying with reading the primary material is clearly stupid. You could easily study all these great philosophers without once actually reading what they wrote.
>>194901 I suppose the only argument is that you're taling someone elses interpretation of the works rather than your own. Even then it can be such a shortcut. I don't need to be reminded that someone in ancient greece had beef with beans.
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>>194900 Letter bombed academics.
>>194901 ty lad I try to be concise at least with some stuff because I hate when people just say empty platitudes from growing up around middle classoid uni people my dad knew and mummys religious frens its all these half baked boomer platitude which sort of don't mean anything tbh exactly I hate when fags tell people to read like really hard stuff like wittgenstein and then make fun of them for quiting. kantbot is the worst, he never gets to the point. thats what i liked
>>194904 >kantbot is the worst, he never gets to the point. he's a very good philosopher then.
Dreading the morning tbh don't want it to be toil time smh can't keep going like this
>>194902 I'm not even suggesting to read someone's interpretation lad. Just reading the routledge philosophy guidebooks or the standford enclypoedia will give you a much much more thorough understanding of a subject than attempting a halk-baked read of a dense book of philosophy.
>>194841 >I understand it, I just don't memorise different situations or think very far ahead chess is mostly memorization. thinking far ahead isn't so important, as it's mostly about the patterns
>>194907 tbh the standford encyclopedia is top level resource
>>194910 got around that stuff by having my dad said I worked for his 1-man company
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The common misconception that somehow contiental philosopher is more obscure than the analytic tradition is retarded as well. Although the language used is slightly more readable, it's still deliberately obscure. For example, Bertrand Russell always goes off into illustrations that are entirely over complicated. Same with wittgennegro, in the Investigation he starts writing pages upon pages about a shopkeeper and his till to demonstrate some idea about the meaninglessness of language. Another point is how redditors on r/philosophy and most lecturers and students view philosophy as training, like thinking symbolic logic is a 'tool' to thinking about the morality of abortion. My biggest gripe is that philosophers no longer think systematically also.
>>194913 love butlins me.
>>194910 i don't have experience in begging for a job, but i'd just write an informal email offering to do the job. nobody serious is so pedantic that they'd turn down someone they need because they're an ass. it's mostly to filter out the retards anyways
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Nick Land, and anyone who takes him seriously, also makes me seethe beyond belief. The guy is a deliberately obscure retarded redditor. In his works he would just make up his own technical terms to sound smarter, putting the words 'auto' and 'cyber' in front of everything,
>>194919 xcelor8 m8
>>194906 call in sick lad
is the breadtube faggot back?
who is the loser that keeps popping up just to complain about shit?
>>194923 that's the board lad
>agnonce defender into the filter
oh no, he filtered me
>Justin Trudeau moved to a safe place in the US according to Israeli sources, as Canada protests spark security fears.
>>194926 you were already filtered tbh i was talking about 65238d
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Give it a rest mad lad. I don't want to hurt your feelings by intellectually eviscerating you again.
ok, well don't i look silly
i know he likes misidentifying posters
>>194932 What is the context of this reaction image?
this goes beyond the bongofags. the board is sick
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Just watched Idiocracy (2006). Was pretty good but the cast weren't mutted enough
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>>194939 shouldnt have got the vaxx
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>>194935 >>194932 such a kino clip
>>194940 FLOOF BOOF!
>>194946 Based he's just like me
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>>194941 Based film. Have to be at either end of the IQ spectrum to appreciate it, and know it is much better than 1984, BNW, Brazil, Escape from LA, etc. combined.
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>>194949 good lad
>>194949 lad good
>>194953 you doing freelance noncing now, lad?
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>>194953 he joined the NEET club based
>>194953 good lad
>>194884 keeeeeeeek that HELLO
>>194946 keek the way he cracks up at the end >>194949 >
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>>194884 steincel kino before bed
>using the river as an example for the brainlets
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i should make rants like steiner tbh
dorset asmr, tbh
>>194965 what else am i suppsoed to do
*leans into the mic* "eugh"
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winter lympics soon
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alright, going to do a water fast for good this time, i will be cured by friday, I BELEIVE
>>194973 heard it all before
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>>194974 have you? been doing omad for a week or so successfully
POV you're a lone female running in the woods and hear a man talking to himself further down the isolated path. you aren't fast enough to outrun him and you're dog is too small to protect you..."HULLO" he shouts as you pass, your worst nightmare just came true. years of buttmatrix posting flash before your eyes but you live to tell the tale of your chilling encounter with the mitten state maniac.
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woke up today and was unable to get back to sleep when i realised 2010 was 12 years ago
>>194976 I can not imagine their fear only my own elation at that woman finding a good home.
>>194979 craving beer rn tbh
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>>194976 keeeeeek
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz4pZfssf-Y so this is the future of kids entertainment
based gen alpha zoomies being so brain-rotten something must happen every 0.2 seconds or else they get bored
>there's a second hullo
>>194977 smh had a similar experience myself a few nights ago
>>194983 would feast on this lady's stool
good rant
wind and rain howlin comfy
i want line to go up again
>Mandatory Covid jabs for NHS and social care workers are set to be scrapped, The Telegraph can reveal, after warnings of crippling staff shortages if the plan went ahead. https://archive.is/9m1vJ >The Treasury was blasted last night amid ‘extraordinary’ reports it rejected attempts by ‘Britain’s FBI’ to launch a major investigation into Covid handouts fraud. >The National Crime Agency (NCA) offered to deploy specialist investigators after the Government’s Bounce Back Loans and other schemes paid up to £5billion in taxpayers’ money to fraudsters, according to reports yesterday. https://archive.fo/mLnn1
>>195002 awful boomer din
5 billion is 75 pounds from every 67 million brits
give it back
>>195004 think that's only what has been written off, real number could be six times higher
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>>195010 kek tbh. never knew scottish wamen could be peng like this
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so sick of womens weird autistic posing. they are all just devolving into weird bird of paradise monkeys who are totally autismal when not posing for their phones.
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>tfw nobody to play wargames with
smh normalfags have to turn everything into an excuse to drink and dance around I don't understand it. democracy was such a degenerative mistake. these fags should be building barricades and getting ready because they are gonna get thrown in jan. 6th tier situation if they skulk off
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>>195018 >when the government troops open fire on you with live ammo and the soundsystem starts playing cha cha slide
there's still a few hours to rest, toilies
forgot my laundry and left it in the washing machine overnight and now all my toil clothes are damp
>>195022 yikes lad, put them in the dryer for a bit and go in late?
>>195023 >dryer
>>195024 keeeeek, based war of northern aggression confederate warriors
might join the army
>>195027 why would you want to be a zogbot lad
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>>195028 he's just young and retarded. i said similar things when i was 24
>>195030 and how old are you now?
>>195031 prefer not to say lad. i do remember being really lost up until 25 though. i was a mess.
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coor only been 20 minutes of wakey an ive already spotted a running lassy i want to mame
>>195034 phwoar
>he's 4 years younger than me
>>195036 who? me?
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>>195000 Seethe everytime I read Britain's FBI as if that's a good thing.
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smorn lads
>>195039 tbh but fucking nobody has heard of the NCA so I can understand the shitty americanism
>>195040 smorning lad
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time to pack it away, zog filth! nothing but disgust comes to mind whenever i hear the j word
>>195042 do you sound like a total bogan yet lad? i remember my cousin going to oz when i was a kid and i saw her again after about 18 months and she sounded totally oz was disturbed by it tbh
anyone else here playing wordle ⬛⬛🟨⬛⬛ 🟨🟩⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩⬛🟨⬛ ⬛🟩🟨⬛🟨 ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
smh figures it wouldn't paste properly
toil >>195044 not really tbh
>>195046 looked okay for me lad
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>>195048 weird it's fucked for me, are you on mobile?
>>195050 nah, pc with firefox
>>195051 smh must be a broooser issue then
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amazing how its just white kids in that video
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>people pregnant >male baby hmmmm
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>the protest must remain peaceful at all costs cringe >BLM lost over 50% of their support following the riots of 2020 sensible >Anything can be considered a weapon yes the govt will try fucking you over >Avoid the use of fireworks even for celebration cringe
>>195062 god she's beautiful
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>#CurseBorisJohnson trending >see this >no fucking idea what the pic is on about >look up the artist >grauniad artist >search for the pic >it's a really fucking shit message why are political cartoonists/satirists so absolutely fucking awful at what they do
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his other ones are equally shite
Christ 4/brit/ is bad. I know we have our mentally ill mongs here but there they completely dominate. It’s like there’s 10 of our schizo on at all times.
>>195067 yeah it's been that way for ages lad, they've got unironic tories over there
4chan and especially 4/pol/ have been getting flooded with what feels like spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) or spambots for a while now
>>195069 I mean it’s mostly just two pseudo namefags that won’t stop posting about themselves and posting the same bait every single day without fail. Most likely the typical attention seeking mentallers that are drawn to 4chan generals.
>>195070 they also get a lot more ledoomlegloomposting, it feels like a psyop tbh
Just had a fry up in a grotty Norf mummy cafe. The obese daughter was frying an egg while smoking a fag. Kino.
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>>195073 wow... eight foreigners given a slap on the wrist well done plod only another thirty million to go
>>195074 tbh it's a drop in the fucking ocean
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>the honking is still going wonder how long they'll actually do it
>>195077 what a faggot amazing he's still being allowed to try and co-opt things
>>195078 he is tbh but the fact they're still going for the "horse medicine" shit is retarded, don't some of the vaccines have that shit in it?
>>195079 yeah, a special patented version so the pharmabarons can make even more shekels off of it
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Cucknadian police too scared and lazy to do anything about the honkchads
>>195084 who would've guessed day of the rake would happen from within
>Boris Johnson will announce a "Brexit Freedoms Bill" on Monday as he urges Brussels to "abandon the punitive and zero-sum approach" it has taken to frustrate Brexit. >Mr Johnson vowed to move "ever faster" to unshackle Britain, pledging to scrap thousands of EU laws still in place in the UK. The announcements have been timed to coincide with the second anniversary of Britain's formal departure from the EU, at 11pm on Jan 31 2020. The drive will be seen as an attempt to refocus minds on one of his main feats as Prime Minister - securing a deal that delivered the UK's EU exit. https://archive.fo/aYHP9
schmorn lids >zoil
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>>195089 why do they do this to themselves
>just realised the vpn I'm using goes through virginia
>>195092 you go through her stomach and out her pooper?
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what a load of tat
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>>195096 >Pfizer golf balls
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>>195100 >drag me to hell
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>Chinese propaganda as soon as American says Airborne regiments are on standby
>>195104 disgusting, also so faggy when couples say "we're pregnant"
>>195109 keeeeeek
Why post this?
>>195109 meanwhile she wipes her arse towards her yeast factory
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>>195109 just another femoid trying to subconsciously normalize male genetal mutilation because she has porn brain. also keeking at a woman who performs oral on men she meets at random trying to act like her opinion is worth anything
>women using imageboards
>>195113 Keeek.
>>195114 Are you uncut, lad? Always assumed you'd been KIKED as a baby like most Americans.
>>195114 imagine having a bit of your cock sliced off without anaesthesia (so that it can be sold to jews and koreans) i cant imagine the pain tbh
>wikipedia page on circumcision >500 paragraphs on the culture and the benefits of circumcision >adverse effects >3 paragraphs total >no effects on sexual function >no psychological effects >no complications
https://youtu.be/h439Pp3RbdU Naia Ōkami (born 1994) is a transgender British Columbia wolf and red fox therianthrope
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How many pics of Hunter's cock do you think he saw?
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Do straight men have sex with gays if you put them in a room with one?
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Absolute kino
>>195127 >fruit and veg growing in orkney
>>195130 >being a retard who doesn't what it means The total amount of land used for fruit and veg in the UK is the size of Orkney.
>>195131 that is not clearly communicated, perhaps if you POSTED THE SOURCE YOU POOF CUNT I'd have known that
>>195127 don't really see what's kino about being dependent on foreign imports tbh seems like both a massive weak point and a glaring sign that the british isles are overpopulated >>195132 tbh
>need the sources Fuck your JSTOR mind games.
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did get a bit confused by the famous west country peat bogs and the fact that everybody lives in wales ngl
>Boris Johnson: "He [Blair Starmer] spent more time as director of public prosecutions prosecuting journalists than he did Jimmy Saville"
>>195137 they look after their own smh
New thread please sir
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>the French
>>195123 What on Earth is this? >>195125 Gayest I would go is pre-emptive rape
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*spreads legs*
gonna sit on a bench next to a big dog poo and shout "I DID THAT!!" in a disabled voice at female joggers tbh
>>195144 this has to to be one of the gayest psyops of all time and yet the faggot cattle will believe it
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>>195148 sea cow
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>>195151 >tfw no raw milk enthusiast gf
>>195151 drinking milk straight from the udder is trad and based dont fall for the pasteurisation jew
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>>195151 based aryan nordic gf
>>195155 Based parrot fucking with soyim and their gadgets.
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Preparing for an act of Mephalan inspired terrorism in Skyrim lads.
>>195123 >>195142 Looks like meme magic made pepe turn real, flesh and blood, lepolcreatura. Wew. The Tshirt merely states facts though.
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Think I'm being gaslighted tbh toil doesn't make sense anymore
>>195161 yikes that definition of freedom
>>195117 yeah I had my benis mutilated

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