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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3627: Take A Swig Edition Anonymous 01/29/2022 (Sat) 11:05:59 Id: b00dd8 No. 193747
Ukraine: Boris Johnson to call Vladimir Putin and visit region https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60179127 COVID-19: UK records 89,176 new cases and 277 more coronavirus-related deaths https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-uk-records-89-176-new-cases-and-277-more-coronavirus-related-deaths-12527491 Downing Street parties: Sue Gray won't wait for police inquiry https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-60177028
>>193747 >car is sideways on a busy road think he might have had a bit too much tbh
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://youtu.be/JRJ3rFQ6U5s
>>193755 >british heart foundation >actual cultic shit in the thumbnail
old thread becomes new thread becomes old thread https://youtu.be/4OEvDqRr898
>>193759 keeeeeek tbh
https://youtu.be/OyJdxh5j0E0 >Niggers join in and break are records smh, they're just better at it. >The only redeeming factor of the nigger race is that they can run fast and jump high keeek how do they live with it
>>193759 I already knew how those names were spelt I thought it was fairly common knowledge. I suppose less so with diminishing white demographics.
>>193763 so did I but I still forget the pronounciation since the names are so retarded
snowing out, hope I don't lost power >>193732 >>193734 >they are slowly making driving worse and worse so we'll all be public transport cattle this is exactly it. they don't want us to own cars and be able to travel freely >>193739 >Good. Cars should be the reserve of the very few. They've absolutely shat everything up with sprawl and pollution useful idiot. also, how do cars do "pollution"? it's just burning gasoline, which is a natural product composed of fermented organisms >>193742 >tbh they don't belong anywhere yes, the road is for motorized means of transportation, not bicycles ffs. they can go on some trail or something if they want to do that
>193765 >car retard Yeah I love are green and pleasant land being turned into an asphalt raft in the north Atlantic so based twat
>centuries old cobbled roads getting TARMAC'D.com for the sake of more fucking cars
>>193763 tbh knew a siobhan and an eilidh years ago their names still always irritated me even knowing full well how they were spelt and pronounced
>>193768 tbh I was going through a folder and saw this and couldn't fucking remember how it was pronounced
NHS staff seek jobs over border to avoid vaccine >All healthcare workers in England must have a first Covid jab by 3 February and be fully vaccinated by 1 April. >But some have told BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat they are hoping for a third option: finding work across the borders, where vaccination is not compulsory. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-60118776 >Chloe, a 25-year-old dental therapist in Plymouth, says she doesn't want the vaccine and is looking into working in Wales. >Chloe doesn't think she should have to choose between her work and the vaccine, especially since she has spent years training for the job. >In England, it is set to become mandatory from 1 April for staff who have face-to-face contact with patients to have had two Covid vaccine doses, unless they have a medical exemption. >The Department of Health says this will help to protect patients. >However, in Scotland and Wales there are no plans to make jabs compulsory for NHS workers, while there will be a public consultation on the issue in Northern Ireland. >The vast majority of NHS staff in England are vaccinated, but it's thought around 70,000 to 80,000 are not. >This adds up to 10% of workers at some hospitals or GP surgeries, according to the Royal College of GPs, which has called for the deadline to be delayed to prevent staff shortages.
>>193769 >sliamh keeeeeeeeeeek >>193770 no lad smh >>193771 smdh the bastards responsible for this should be executed by dragging them behind cars along these shite roads
>>193773 tbf the Aberdeen one has been undone https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-37285439 but this shit should never have happened in the first place
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*pebbles over all the tarmac to catch high heel lasses at night*
>>193773 also even though I fucking knew the pronounciation I still read that as sliam
>>193775 keeeek devilish >>193776 tbh ridiculous names either spell things properly or get your own language
>>193769 I think Niamh wants him to liamh her alone. Probably siamhing, can't beliamh his sense of humour.
>>193778 very good lad
>>193778 keeeeeek
>>193766 >>193767 myopic mongs
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-northern-ireland-60147850 >Sri Lanka to Coalisland: 'We felt like only people of colour in our town'
poosting it again
>>193783 >she trained as a software engineer and now leads diversity work at a global design agency keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek so she's doing a fucking nothing meme job
What crypto should I invest in lids?
Also what investment funds for the stock market?
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>Nova Scotia banned gatherings along highways
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>>193783 >“When I go back to Coalisland now it’s much more diverse because of immigration," says Ms Atcheson.
>>193789 yeah was going to post a screencap of that seethe but I thought it was better in its raw form, its in NI too the whitest part of the uk
>>193786 Dump everything you have into Enjin coin.Used for trading NFTs, so you get two meme assets for the price of one
>>193792 >17 >already tattooed and showing off tits yeah I'm sure he being a rural breeding sow would be so much worse than an urban cumdump
>>193792 based bet he ruined her day
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2022/jan/27/joe-biden-gun-crime-supreme-court-us-politics-democrats-republicans-live >Biden confirms intention to pick Black woman for Breyer’s supreme court seat HEY STEINER
>>193796 Yeah, the Daily Mail promotes a lot of that stuff.
>Restitution Activist Tried Stealing Indonesian Artwork Thinking It was African >PARIS, France—Congolese restitution activist Mwazulu Diyabanza was arrested at the Louvre Museum on Thursday evening, October 22, when he tried to remove a sculpture from the museum and repatriate it back to African soil.
>>193798 keeeeeeeeeeeek he just walked in and thought "yeah that looks ooga booga enough it's probably mine" it's equal parts hilarious and depressing
https://thedissenter.org/cia-funded-experiments-on-danish-orphans-for-decades/ >CIA Funded Experiments On Danish Orphans For Decades
>>193800 I bet it's the same type of stuff they did to Uncle Ted.
>>193801 they tortured are ted even more on top of his being tortured by having to live in industrial society? smh no end to the evil
>>193802 Yes, at University under Henry Murray.
>>193759 Keek. Brothers wife is a Siobhan.
>>193800 smh and you just know that they still do shite like this but are more careful to cover their tracks
>>193804 its always lies after lies with these scum, sick of them
>>193807 KEEEEEEEEEEEK good one that
>>193804 fucks sake. It's simple, you increase the marriage allowance depending on the number of children, up to a maximum of, say, 4. Then you have incentivised replacement through existing British citizens rather than furriners. Personally I think that a constantly expanding population is a shit idea anyway.
>>193810 kek mong that wouldn't work, how do you still not get this its fuck all to do with money, lisas are inculcated with antinatalist propaganda thats why they aren't having children
>>193812 its all because of culture, if what you're saying was true the poorest countries wouldn't have the highest birthrates
anyone have the fertility rate chart that show Israel as the outlier among vaccinated countries? they got the saline, we get the sterility injection, simple as.
>>193815 wrong, mong as usual, stop falling for this liberal framing, tis a road to nowhere, most lisas are "secure" yet continue to not have children, most of the west is still safe and secure
>>193810 Personally I think that a constantly expanding population is a shit idea anyway. tbh the population is shrinking for a good reason (even if most people don't consciously understand why they only want one or two children instead of three or four) the only people who actually think increasing the population is a good idea are the finance kikes who've built everything on top of the idea of constant never-ending growth >>193813 the poorest countries still have room to expand >>193815 tbh
>>193817 KEEEEEEEEEEK you are wrong as well, people are having ZERO children, the birthrate is well below 1.0 nevermind growing fucking hell you just don't get it
>>193815 I hate to admit it, but there is some truth to this. Just because it worked in Hungary, doesn't mean it would here. But it certainly couldn't hurt to try. Westoid leaders just have no intention of increasing native birthrates.
>>193819 Replied to the wrong poost. Smh.
>>193818 people aren't having zero children lad
>>193820 >Some are also not having kids because of the global sharting scare this is just a lisa excuse its not a real thing they are just using it to justify their avoidance of responsibility
>>193822 yes they are, almost never see women 30 or younger with children, the birthrate for white women in the west is like 0.7 you mong coper
>>193824 >almost never see women 30 or younger with children i see lasses with babies or toddlers all the time >the birthrate for white women in the west is like 0.7 that's plenty lad the west is full beyond capacity the population needs to come down to sane levels and then it will stabilise
this is a false argument, governments and yids will keep importing foreigners, and put disincentives in place for natives to reproduce regardless of your hypotheticals.
If life was harder there would more children.
>>193825 you are a retard, people are not getting married and not having children while the govt brings in wogs en masse and you think our birthrate being at extinction levels is a good thing, mong you have not idea how demographics works.
it's better that some of these people don't breed tbh
>>193826 tbh even if the white birthrate was 2.0 the government would still be importing foreigners just as fast if not faster >>193829 the only reason you see low birthrates as a threat is because the traitor government is bringing in the third world en masse it's a serious problem but it's an entirely separate one
>>193831 >the only reason you see low birthrates as a threat is because the traitor government is bringing in the third world en masse >it's a serious problem but it's an entirely separate one wrong, there is no situation where the wasteland of current western mating practices is a good thing, even without the foreigners its a disaster
>this whole thread
>>193833 >not even a cute and lewd anime waifu god i hate westoids
also behind the times in tech as jap toilers already get hologram tank 3D animes to call them good boys for toiling 14 hours a day and not procreating
>she >implying
>>193832 >wasteland of current western mating practices yeah i agree that that's fucked but i don't believe that has much if anything to do with birthrates when women finally get their shit together they have as many children as intended - last minute or not there's some who leave it too late and they're vocally miserable about it society as it is right now is a blip that will self-correct
spilled milk all over my desk and keyboard while I was dunking oreos
>>193837 >yeah i agree that that's fucked but i don't believe that has much if anything to do with birthrates you don't believe mating practices have anything to do with birthrates, are you retarded >>193837 >when women finally get their shit together KEEEEEEEEEEK how fucking naive can someone be
You're midtarded.
>>193839 t.dysgenic groomer
Fuck off BBK.
>193837 >society as it is right now is a blip that will self-correct yeah just 2 more weeks
>>193838 punishment for eating oreos tbh >>193840 by "get their shit together" i obviously mean "feel their biological clocks ticking and desperately scramble to find husbands" lad don't strawman me >>193845 no probably a generation or two
high street particularly foul and grim today looks like a legion of faggot urbanoids walked their faggot little yappy dogs up and down and let them do runny diarrhoea shits everywhere
https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/women-under-30-without-children-what-about-men_uk_61f3d0d0e4b04f9a12bc1014 >Want To Know Why Women Under 30 Don't Have Kids? Start Asking Men Seethe harvest going well today
>>193850 you have to laugh tbh
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>>193852 tfw their tourism bureau notices a substantial increase of deanoid types in khakis and polo shirts and sunglasses "touring" espionage and military installations
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>>193853 Someone smoked crack and nonced instead.
>>193855 QEEEEQ
>>193857 based trvditional chinks tbh and based incels for driving their retarded relatives to attempt suicide when it was their own fault for choosing to only have boys under the one child policy tbh
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USN F-35C are ready rusting at sea. The F-22 has the same issue too.
>>193859 the nigger crewmen are too tired of racism and on they break to maintain them tbh
>>193859 apparently its just "this batch" and the next batch will be fine
>>193861 >Lockheed Martin didn't fix the issue after the F-22 kek
locksneed shartin
>>193792 lmao stupid roasties don't see how worthless they will be in the future as society breaks down nobody is gonna care about some dumb whores being put into brap barns, better clean up your act and become a mom roasted hole if you want to escape being a slave whore
>>193859 Why don't they just make the planes out of stainless steel?
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>>193865 I assume it's the paint used to help stealth the aircraft. The stealth ships have the same problem.
>>193851 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>Build a ship <It rusts
>>193859 the rust is a result of Chinese nanomachines secretly undermining the structural integrity of key US military assets
>>193869 Bit racist smh might be USOs/UFOs.
>>193782 You're the mong lad, fuck your cars. Contrarian faggot. >>193815 tbh >>193839 tbh, no hope for a lot of the lads here. we see only a part of their personalities, imagine how awful some of these twats are irl and then wonder why girls don't like them or anyone for that matter >>193858 tbh, surprised there's not more chink trannies tbh >>193870 >USOs >Unidentified Sex Organs lad . . .
>THE DEPARTMENT OF Transport has issued a marine notice advising all seafarers that the Russian Navy will carry out manoeuvres off the southwest coast of Ireland from 3 to 8 February. KEEEEEK
So tell me, piglets, why have you not married/bred yet?
>>193873 no white woman will lower herself to my standards doesn't matter that 90% of every wog in this country has massive families living entirely on benefits, they won't do the same
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>Russians testing the new hypersonic missiles in front of the Royal Navy
>>193873 women are weird/boring/annoying and most of the ones that liked me are below looks match level and not worth simping for, also divorce rape and also no frens, no money
also like wessie says, middle classoid white women just do not lay eggs, they are busted hens. not worth being with since they wait until like 37 to even try for kids
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>>193877 Intradesting, intradesting >no money >marriage . . . le bad >ugliness >social anxiety/autism anything else for the list lads?
>>193880 based and they can break a man's arm you know pilled https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkKlDF9wqvU
>>193883 these naughty bois soon enough will come back and nest on top of the muskrat houses and brap all over the muskrats below in their dens
>I had a spiritual awakening at an animal sanctuary helping animals. When I came home I noticed the geese in my town and I fell in love. Thank you my friend. I love these sweet, vulnerable goose friends of ours so much keeeek god I hate ecolarpers >>193884 keeeeek keeps them warm smh
>>193877 >>193879 the answer is finding a 18-22 year old who hasn't been through the typical ""uni"" experience of being fucked by everyone in her flat tbh. Anything older comes with progressive risk of baggage, which may not make it worth the time/investment
>>193886 probably invented by bitter old hags suddenly realising the sexual capital has evaporated.
keek imagine neeting in your little hut and then suddenly big honkers come and start brapping on your roof
>>193889 maybe it's symbiotic and the vile goose poo helps to insulate their mounds
>>193887 feel like these ones then blame you and "rebel" for "missing out". pretty much certain woman today whatever you get is gonna be a former whore
>>193892 he's trying to hoard all the cunny for himself lad don't let him fool you
>steincel going through another MGTOW phase Sad!
>>193894 anything to do with women and the pursuit thereof is a cope no matter what side it's from tbqh
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there has to be a middle way between mgtow and grooming retards
>>193897 well I'm not sure if it's in the middle per say
>>193896 feminised oversexualised men who have put women on a pedestal are the only reason we are in this mess tbh.
>>193901 >fat dysgenic retard who manipulates girls for his sexual gratification calls me the problem big_think.jpg
>>193903 you don't have enough cloak in that conceited noble goal to cover your disgusting blubber lad.
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Just do it.
>>193905 >they do not know they are harming you
you're a nasty narcissistic liar and a dysgenic freak you deserve nothing
>>193906 why hasn't it happened then? Your gay little gf arc ended with nothing to show for it.
>>193912 I'm asking why not if you had a gf who was all for it even a few years ago?
snarky faggot
>>193859 I wonder what it's radar cross section will be as all the panels sheer off due to rust fatigue.
>>193913 I really should, shouldn't I.
>>193850 That doesn't even anger me. The arguments being put forth are so fantastically fucking stupid it reminds me why you never listen to women ever.
>>193921 Yay, dead niggers but also fuck the police tbh. Trigger happy white trash
>>193921 He obviously didn't do the hokey kokey right as he was getting on his knees.
we love our cops we love our law enforcement
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>>193924 Problem lad? Low IQ vermin have no part in our race
Reminder the pigs will mag dump you chuds more readily that they'll kill wogs.
>>193921 the one where they all line up in front of the white chud with the box cutter and just mag dump him is worse. just came out, cops literally march up in larp gear with ars even though they are talking him down then they just mag dump him
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>>193929 Yes. I want many of them dead.
>>193928 justified defence situation serving and protecting the public tbh he could have given someone a nasty cut with a box cutter
>>193928 wish some based lad would set up an ambush on them from an elevated position and just btfo a whole troop of them, shame its only niggers that seem to do it
>>193933 smh just like the woodchuck on the freeway who ran at police
all wildlife must be trained in performing the macarena and the game of twister or else present an unacceptable threat to the general public and must be removed with justified lethal force by trained law enforcement officers
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>>193933 >I want traitors like you dead, lad You're the traitor lad. All of our problems aren't le magic jews. It's traitor vermin. It's the enforcers of the zog state like your precious police men. You think they're on your side because they pop a nigger or two? They'd wipe out your whole fucking family over a tweet against zog. Bootlicker!
>193936 >this mong AGAIN always the most brainlet tier posts
https://youtu.be/xCt5uw3NPl0 >those extra shot after he is already dead
>193937 >He's been btfo by multiple people but believes it's one guy doing it faggot
>>193938 fucking hell, honestly embarrassing
>>193938 like a firing squad lmao
>wait for me guys I just got my new scope on my rifle
>193940 ok tranny lover
>>193938 >dios mio, he gotta da chotgun lmfao luv how spics speak
keeek the AR guy just wanted to shoot a couple of times
>>193945 shotguns, I think the rubber bullet ones are orange. its in the south so they were all trigger happy and ready to kill him because he was a chud
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they should form an infantry shock division from the bloodthirstiest of chud cops
>>193952 lad no
holy fuck I just read mummy's email about getting el coof and that's why she can't take her parents to see their friends and siblings even though they are dying and the others are even closer to death absolutely seething tbh >I'm feeling a bit grotty, but to be honest I'm very grateful I am triple vaccinated and it's not worse; I'm achy, snotty, headachy, a bit fuddle headed but nothing too bad. >I do worry about you > I agree that it is all (testing, vaccines, masks....) a big money-making hype industry with a lot of spin and misinformation, but the disease itself, whether manmade or natural, is nasty and I don't want you to risk getting it and getting complications > I wish you'd have the vaccine.
>>193952 this one is so fucked just autistic COD larpers executing a drunk bum
>>193957 KEEEEEEEEEK absolute mongs, prod tier delusion, when they are fine its because of the vaccine when they are not it could've been worse without the vaccine and they want you to partake in their ritualised shite
the way they just autistically stand there after killing him is the worst. if they were chad NKVDs who just walked over and kicked him or something it would be less creepy. its just these "hands off" bureaucrat cowards living out their little power fantasy as soap mctavish navy seals while running around murdering drunk bums
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hate that hobo one it makes me feel deflated and angry
>>193957 >I'm achy, snotty, headachy, a bit fuddle headed this is literally seasonal cold/dry air from forced air heating system and too much good screen not enough sleep. long covid meme is such femoid cancer
>>193961 tbh its so vile, like it would be less vile if they walked up and shot him with a pistol like he was in a concentration camp. its just the autism larp shit that gets me then they all get all silent because they know they are murderers
>>193962 >dry air >in the uk shes in france but basically same thing if its the north
>>193963 kek yeah, think morgoth talked about how here they'll sometimes just execute people like muslim terrorists with no pretence of keeping them alive, much more humane that way tbh
>>193964 do your heating systems in the houses use forced dry air? mummy has never had the ducts clean at the house since 1988 and then complains about scratchy throat when the heater comes on
contemplating sending a sneething rebuttal email including (you)r post commentary to her tbh would just cause another tantrum and social bullying attempt from her though smh >>193966 >heating systems keeeek smh UK houses have "open the window" and "turn on the radiator" and that's it mummy has wood burning stoves tbh although not sure if they've moved out of that property already
>>193932 tbh seems like sharts worship the police as much as they do the military
>>193967 ruining your personal relations over internet politics is peak cringe. if you're actually rw you'd realise that family is sacred and you have a duty as a son to respect your elders.
>>193969 I also have a duty to try and keep them from destroying themselves and it shames me that I can't even try without inviting fractures
>>193969 >family is sacred Hollywood/Netflix drama watcher detected.
>>193966 >do your heating systems in the houses use forced dry air? we use radiator
>>193969 subversive rat, if your family do not maintain their obligations then you have none to them >just remain loyal to your traitorous family fucking mong
just remembered she was sneething with me last year about the booooosters and how she wouldn't get another because she was mad that IVPITER wouldn't stop the lockdowns after the first but now she's triple vaxxoomed fucking niggercattle I hate them I hate having to tolerate their stupidity I hate not being able to be the family headman and punish them into not being fucking retards
>>193971 "Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you." Exodus 20:12 "Hear, my son, your father's instruction, and forsake not your mother's teaching." Proverbs 1:8: "Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children." Proverbs 17:6
>>193973 Subversion starts with the family, if you had read any of the frankfurt schools work you would know this.
>>193976 think these only apply in a christian society tbh lad
>>193974 keek my mum was exactly the same, sneethed then got the booster anyway for the holiday that might not even happen I love my mummy tho she is racist and a good lass
deleted most of what I wrote and just asked her to stop proselytising and being cultic didn't send that either and left it as a draft because even that will cause her to seethe and sulk for weeks
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sounds like wessie's mum won
>ag The whole point is that (huwhite) family has already been compromised and is no longer loyal. I guarantee at least 3/4's of huwites families would sell you out to the State if you did anything against it.
>>193981 women never win they just hide behind convention and the morals of their opponent
i feel bad for wessex' family
>>193982 How can you see the neurotic filth of modern politics and want to invite that into your home, where you have sacred duties as a son, brother and father. Why would you risk your eternal salvation to get back at a side thats completely controlled by a small group of oligarchs who you will never touch?
>>193984 why? I don't interact them at all unless they come to me first and I do my utmost to avoid ever upsetting their delusions except in the mildest of ways they are just middle class idiots who wasted what their forefathers gave them
>>193985 What has any of that got to do with your foolishly romantic view that family is sacred?
>>193986 >why? you're a sperg
>>193988 yeah and mummy made me that way by waiting until she was almost 35 to breed my step brother was born at the age of 40 or something even grimmer
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i feel bad for wessex' chromosomes
>>193992 tbh think I am the only person in the entire family left that's not vaxxoomed an entire genealogy terminates here unless my sisters can shit out some mutant vaxxbeasts at the age of 35 after they get tired of their princess lifestyles
>>193987 it literally is sacred according to the bible and catholic church.
Let's talk about trannies
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>>193994 you're a dogmatic mong living in a romantic fairytale tbh.
>>193999 yes and?
>>193999 You have a problem with Christianity lad? Get the fuck out.
>>193994 >according to the bible and catholic church. which you don't actually believe in you larping middle class twat
>>193999 hes just larping lad hes a subversive troublemaker
>>194002 His belief or disbelief doesn't prove the point nor disprove it. Nor does muh socio-economic status lmao
never forget lads... your TRVE family... is right here
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NEW VAXXOOM SIDE EFFECT IDENTIFIED BY UKHSA >A review by the UK Health Health/Safety Authority has determined a side effect of the SARS-COV-19 mRNA vaccines, previously unreported on >The new side effect identified, primarily cause explosive ruptures within the flesh >These "Explosions" occur in the leg for an overwhelming number of cases >Patients report exploding legs leaving holes seeping constant puss >Another side-effect discovered in the same report, was a "Never-ending sense of pure downtroddenness" >The entire wessex bloodline is reported to now be completely and utterly fucked beyond all reasonable doubt holy shit
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>NEW - Turkey's Erdogan: "Necessary measures" should be taken against "harmful content" in the "written, oral and visual media" to minimize a "destructive effect" on society, including children and young people.
living by a set of principles is better than living by none, tbh
Theres not such thing as an unconditional relationship, your loyalty should only be to the ideal of the nation, family and race, not to the individuals, if your family are wrong then you owe them nothing
>194011 empty platitude
>>194010 based totalitarian roaches tbh
>>194008 KEEEEEEEEEEEK thought it was real at first
>>194014 I have always suffered from COVID and those who say otherwise are spreading misinformation harmful to our democracy >>194017 can't have shit in clown world smh
>>194017 >These trees, were my friends
>>194013 it's your own loss if you don't understand its importance
>>193694 different christopher poole lad
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>Cross threaded (You) I'm to post this Latina out of spite.
>>194022 tbh, let him take his own path. We all fight for the VVHITE RVCE as best as we can. These are hard times, vgh . . . VVESSICA was right, you are my only family lads
>194022 >194025 fuck off back to the bongoland where you faggots belong
>>194031 They were drilling into wessex's bum and her passed wind
shiter version of bbk
>tbbk/schizo filtered tbh
*clears throat* Heavy metal is dog shit
sneethers are beneath me
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>>194038 Good lad
I can't clock out of the sneethatorium for another five hours and forty-four minutes smh
>>194042 It means he's edging to Democrat activism
>>194044 i wasn't bullying him, but ok
>>194046 Yeah, apologise
sorry wessex >>194049 ok
>>194044 t. opportunistic bully >>193990
putting out a hit on 22st tbh >>194049 >>194050 molto bene
>>194050 Good lad. Wessica is a fat poof though just wanted to join in a bullying opportunity. Grinding bully points to unlock the first girlfriend sloton the game of life
>>194055 putting out shit on you too then lad smh bullies everywhere, can't trust anyone these days bullies in the walls
>>194055 good lad
>>194024 I wish somebody just came in and beat her unconscious with a threshal
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tbh after seeing all this info about women literally failing to breed like some kind of warped domesticated cattle I just find these slutty butt matrix videos to be stupid inane cringe. if they were actually fertile it would be attractive but its just like some animal making mating display to a brick wall painting like a prospective mate
>>194061 the dimensional merge was between pornography and reality all along
>>194060 >people who coom while hungover smh
>>194065 wood love that job tbh
>>194065 >calf meat bit wasteful smh 'ate industrial farming
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>>194063 >youtube: animal corpse in grinder >results
>>194065 smh wish there was a better way
>>194066 god I wish she was my slave
>>194070 it's called not having an unsustainably massive population but the GDP jew will not allow it
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troubled by the energy in this thread
killing live stock probably pays big bucks tbh
>this thread
watching decomposition videos now
would be based to see maskies and vaxx collaborators throw headfirst into those things
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>JUST IN - Canada's PM Trudeau and his family have left their home in #Ottawa for a secret location, CBC reports.
>>194085 evil fucking coward cunt bureaucrat totalitarian scum are so afraid they can't even stand the thought of some truckers doing their jobs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd5ZLJWQmss
>>194086 Has to do something with it's spare time
>>194065 Filename is a bit of a stretch. Thing is obviously afraid, and knows what the bolt gun is and does. Worker couldn't have done any differently tbh. Least he didn't muck it up and was patient to get the right shot and end the animal quick. But at the same time >>194068 tbh. Smh.
>A sequel entitled The Battle at Lake Changjin II is released on February 1, 2022, the first day of Chinese New Year. (Chinese: 长津湖之水门桥; Pinyin: zhǎng jīn hú zhī shuǐ mén qiáo; literal meaning: Water Gate Bridge of Lake Changjin). The movie will be about a maneuver undertaken by the People's Volunteer Army in the same campaign to destroy a bridge that was used by the US forces as part of their withdrawal. more chinkino coming soon lads only 3 days
https://youtu.be/wB4h85KtIXo god I wish this was me
>martin will be grooming lot lizards troons to come back to his sleeper cab
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>>194090 Don't have a cow man . . .
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>>194097 I don't get it, but then I haven't watched the simpletons since 2004. >I have become that lad who doesn't get the joke Guess the joke is on me.
Capitalistoids seething >After the release of the movie, former Chinese journalist Luo Changping was arrested by police and held on the charge of "infringing the reputation and honour of national martyrs" after multiple police reports were filed over his online post in Sina Weibo, where he posted commentary questioning China’s role in the Korean War, drawing criticism from thousands of social media users. >The film has been banned in Malaysia, a country where the dissemination of communist ideology is illegal. >Deutsche Welle reported that the film has raised anger in South Korea, with the public calling it "propaganda filled with historical inaccuracies." South Korean former diplomat Ra Jong-yil called the film "nonsense" and "whitewashing" and accused it of attempting to reshape the narrative of events during the Korean War. The reaction has raised the possibility that the film will not be distributed in South Korea.
>>194098 Biden said "will you shut up man", I remembered Bart Soyimsons catchphrase "don't have a cow man" which amused me in the context of the cow dying and people even being slightly bothered and not themselves seeking to do in cattle for money. I thus sought out an image of Bart Simpson merged with Joe Biden. It doesn't exist but apparently the jews have made Biden into a simpson. Hence the "joke". You have to be schizo to get it tbf >>194099 Have you seen the eight hundred lad? Was a lot of chink communist seething because it glorified the Kuomintang
>>194100 oh, >>194101 I suppose you haven't keek watched it today good film, better than that commie chink shit. I think it came out just as the communist party were hard regulating the entertainment industry smh almost got binned
>>194101 just linked tbh, would like to see it love the chinky wignat bwois tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqtO1Cf7D_s
>>194102 streaming it? wouldn't mind watching classic anikino again tbh
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>>193969 >respect your elders. nah, that's retarded. if they're over 50 then they're breeding anymore, and therefore they don't matter. the elderly worship bullshit is very cringe and stupid, they're just shriveled up prunes with no purpose consuming resources that would be better allocated to the youth
>>194110 this only applies to our current age though, in the past multigenerational families used elders as proper family heads and they fulfilled many job roles such as maintaining traditions, childcare, policing women etc boomers ruined everything ofc but we might have that again in the future
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*hears people eating* FUCK OFFFF!!
filtering bbk because I don't like seeing niggers on my screen, especially homosexual ones tbh
>>194115 bit gay tbh
>>194117 oh no he won't get to watch totally not gay this is all completely ironic the movie what a shame
>>194118 how can the incredibles be gay when it has hot elasticated milf in it
>Prince Andrew 'wants disgraced actor Kevin Spacey to help clear his name by telling jury in Virginia Roberts sex assault lawsuit that Ghislaine Maxwell was HIS guest during guided tour of Buckingham Palace in 2002' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10454069/Prince-Andrew-wants-disgraced-actor-Kevin-Spacey-help-clear-name.html
>>194124 I have transcended this sort of seethebait. There'd be a lot of red flags even getting into a relationship with someone this entitled.
really like KFC flavoured crinkle cut crisps tbh lads bit worried I'm turning into a nigger >>194127 don't trust that surname tbh sounds like he's asking people to wank him off so does the author's name tbh
>>194128 It's just roast chicken flavour rebranded.
>>194129 with extra chemical additives tbh
>>194127 >raging neocon >posho >shabbos goy/possible Hebrew quintessentially conservative tbh
why is nobody posting
>>194136 watching kino
Chop Kick Panda (2011) starts in 5 minutes https://app.kosmi.io/room/j4ljze https://app.kosmi.io/room/j4ljze https://app.kosmi.io/room/j4ljze (please ignore the other shitposter and the ponyfag)
>>194132 >>194138 why the stupid juvenile film choices? I guess there's no such thing as a 'good film' and it's just a social event, but still
>>194139 it's what everyone wanted in my bongo
why? we're grown ups on this board. stop wasting time
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foam bananas and shrimps for supper
>>194147 Good lad for me it's an Aero Easter egg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI
>>194147 i heckin love those, best part of woolworths picn'mix, except the white chocolate mice maybe
Eaten a lot today, finished boba fett, feel bad for the actor they really fucked up his character, also noticed that the big arsed ginger lass from Jurassic world directed the finale episode, PHWOAR
>this is what married lads have to look forward to
>>194151 grow up faggot
>194154 bongo nigger
>>194152 no way... she was the foot lass from jackie brown? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRve2QFqpcE
>>194122 filtered you unironic fucking faggot.
can mods just ban these nonces already?
>>194127 >>194128 tugendhat is a jewish surname. he's a zogbot kike.
>>194158 the bongo benders took over the board
>22 watching MLP Don't know why I'm surprised, but still sickened.
I blame the mongs that will still play pally with an openly homosexual furry brony faggot. he should be killed, if you dont want this fat freak dead you dont belong here.
>they would rather watch kids movies than 2019: after the fall of new york smdh
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>>194145 smash their heads in with hammers. so sick of childless women parading themselves around both those sluts look over 25
>>194165 I thought they looked younger which is quite a grim commentary on modern society and women
>>194166 tbh they look like the typical post college age foids that are doing the "im a model shit" act until they get to 30 and never have kids then stare at their phone with their dogslave in a drywall box
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>Downtown Ottawans
>>194170 keeek based
>>194170 Freddie Foreshadowing had better be an accurate name
>>194170 when the clowns began to honk
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https://youtu.be/j5Jbl8dnrbU They're hanging men and women for not wearing the mask
smh ben garrison trying to americanize the leaf movement with muh brandon shit fuck off its castreau boomer retard
seems like every year theres some truck protest thing, I remember yanks larping about it all 2020 and nothing happened, atleast the leafs are doing something, not sure it'll amount to anything.
>>194177 the brandon thing became cringe within a week, but mainstream gop politicians will keep saying it until biden's out of office. and then they'll segue to "let's go [incumbent]"
>>194178 I hope at least we get some kino, leafs are nice people and when they get mad its not like burgers where its just all bluster.
>>194179 i don't even know what it means or who brandon is
>>194181 at some nascar thing the crowd was chanting "fuck joe biden" and some news thot told the camera "I think they're saying 'let's go brandon'" and it became a thing. it's extremely cringe that it's still going on months later
>>194182 these videos of the yt equivalent of goy slop.
>>194184 H'what are you saying?
Gonna buy a cigar and light that cunt in work
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>>194186 get a spiv tache like boycie too
>>194187 *puts it out on the big managers head and says "oim the daddy nah" like the lad in SCUM!*
I have an itchy anus but my farts aren't coming out to scratch it. Looks like I'll have to risk poo finger smh.
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Another for the filter.
might go goom for a bit
>>194194 want a game of fifa?
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*settles in for a hard fought battle against the bolsheviks in my call to arms playthrough*
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>scratching bum is . . . le bad
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>194197 >194198 so sick of these types of posts, FUCK OFF
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>had him filtered already
>194200 >sick of /brit/ culture FUCK OFF YERSELF!
>grot posting for me it's sneezing and getting spit and snot on my face
>>194203 Imagine a huge long snot string came out your nose and as your head drew back it slapped your arse keek
awful thread
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>>194205 everybody is awful these days
the only refugee that gets denied in Germany is white and pro-Assad lmao
David Davis announces to review his membership in the cabinet
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>UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson orders armed forces to prepare to deploy "across Europe" to support NATO allies
>>194205 tbh. feels alien
>>194209 will we actually see war because of a crackhead nonce KEEEK ihope so
the lads
>>194209 notice how they always say "in eastern europe" or "muh nato allies". it's just posturing, they're going to put token numbers of troops in countries that Russia isn't going to touch anyway to give the appearance that they're doing something. in reality if Russia invades the Ukraine, everybody is just going to move out of the way and let them do what they want, except some stupid low iq hohols dying for nothing
And so the villagers of /brit/ did gather their pitchforks and torches, to drive out the beast that hunted their children. A foreign creature, an abomination of the white race. They cornered the wretched ogre and burned it alive. As flesh was flayed by the flames, the beast shrieked out a final cry. "I will retvrn for ye babes in their dreams. You cannot kill... what lives in your head rent free. I will NONCE again!" And with a menacing cackle, the beast was but ash. The humble villagers looked to one another, and in an unspoken pact, they decided never to speak of the abomination again, lest the little children suffer for it...
https://youtu.be/lzGkB6YO9Yc Want to get a load of boomers together tbh and form a based folkish but also cheesey beer hall band
>>194214 a keek! yes! a hearty keek!
>>194214 burning's too quick for that one
only the seacow can redeem this thread
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>>194220 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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https://youtu.be/L397TWLwrUU just eaten a cheeki sweety!
>>194222 good lad
kitty cats
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>>194226 Good lad
test smh hope captcha doesn't foil the sea cow
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>>194229 keeeeeeeek
>>194196 for me its replaying dragon age origins
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>>194192 the archetype of american pengness. a perfect yanklass
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telll all your frieeeends everythings . . . changed https://youtu.be/yeljBQ-nX8U
>>194238 toil soon
>>194240 keeeeeek
>>194242 you have a nice normal voice lad
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this could be us lads
>>194245 the problem with pf's aesthetic is they arent actually hard dangerous men. they actively tell their men to avoid conflict and if conflict arises to engage in de-escalation. there's no videos of pf ganking people or any evidence they intend to, it's just street theatre with a radical tinge.
>>194247 I understand lad but let's optics are very important. Governments will crack down on you even if you are non-violent, imagine how'd they'd plaster the images all over the media if PF did something. I unironically think they are doing the right thing, they have extrememly good optics and aesthetics
>>194248 I think they're a mostly useless and temporary movement, I dont think something like PF will be around for very long and will likely splinter and rename as they've already done. NS131 is already a more militant break away who's entire MO is confronting the left/antifa. Will they last? Who knows, but they will get results in their short time. The problem with PF is they're intentionally fulfilling the image of fascist / right wing radicals without anything to back it up. Their direct action is vandalism of leftist icons which is good but that alone is enough to land you in prison. It's better to be the real thing and do it safely without the cameras and image, instead just focusing on getting results. A small group in a certain area that spends time identifying opposition and finding ways to materially and physically harm them to the point where it becomes routine is the goal. That's a genuine deterrence to leftist presence in an area and gives you space to expand for bigger projects. Although I do like PFs aesthetics I just think theyre hollow and they're writing a cheque the movement can't answer.
>>194249 I understand what you mean lad, splinter groups and such will always happen. However, you aren't really accomplishing much with petty street violence and the big boy stuff will just you cracked down. Can you really say a fraternity of like-minded young men is a bad idea? It's all we should be asking for this in the country tbh. Organise, create bonds and be ready to take political action when the situation worsens.
>>194249 good post
>>194246 CIAnigger funded drug dealers who behead and terrorize their own race?
>>194246 r/im22andthisiscool
>>194236 too bad she was probably used as a high level sex slave by richfags keeeek I miss brittany though she was so kino
>>194253 keeeek
tbh sick of le ebin 90s VHS may mays
>Far-right extremism is on the rise with an attack in London likely in the next 12 months, according to the latest intelligence on threats facing the capital. >Officials who have seen the security assessment said far-Right militants are now thought more likely to mount an attack in London than Islamist terrorists. https://archive.fo/qPRuR >>194256 used to get annoyed back then when a video was distorted, could damage your player too
>>194250 >Can you really say a fraternity of like-minded young men is a bad idea? Sadly, yes. This idea has been tried before and everytime its been undone by the problems innate to the organisational model of carrying that out in the real world. So long as you face the usual consequences of being known to be a dissident security will be the highest priority. So if all members are to socialise with each then every member is a vector for a fatal attack, all it takes is a single infiltrator and every person is compromised. There's an overwhelming suffocating pressure on any dissident group from the outside and the people in them encouraging them to drop-out or turn-coat. Groups like this lose a lot of members from people simplying weighing the risks and deciding it isn't worth it and dropping out. This means you need a constant influx of participants many of whom will be infiltrators. It doesnt need to be from an infiltrator it can come from a turn-coat which does happen. Identity Evropa renamed American Identity Movement collapsed because of turncoats, a single women member (Samantha Taylor Froelich in the 1st picture) who was just the gf of the former head became a turncoat and gave up all the information she could. The system then used that information to turn other members into informants with the promise their information being removed, them being un-cancelled. It worked and the head of the organisation Patrick Casey chose to disband to prevent further doxxing. Growth is a problem, the larger the group the greater the risk. A small group of five to ten is enough to engage in a large catalogue of effective action, probably more so than a group of a couple hundred like PF who are constrained by the responsibility not to get their members RICO'd. Autonomous Nationalists in Germany are a good example to follow after a massive crackdown in the 90s took out all the major nationalist orgs in the country: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQtxRECFQ84
>>194256 Alik, it's Grozny Do you hear the vapourwave music playing Alik? This is limited release on bandcamp only 300 downloads allowed Have pity on your men Alik tell them to come back in 1080p with no tracking distortion
>>194258 >Far-right extremism is on the rise with an attack in London likely in the next 12 month thats insane. either they're mixing islamist with far-right or they're preparing to make up for last years far-right arrests dropping below that of islamists.
>>194259 link for if you cant sign in https://yewtu.be/watch?v=LQtxRECFQ84
>>194262 yes, feels like a sleight of hand to conceal the reality of a protected class
>>194258 The article is written by "ABUL TAHER" lol >According to sources, the East London area of Havering has been flagged as a hotbed of far-right extremism. >Groups including Patriotic Alternative, Identity England and a resurgent National Front are active. None of these are even accused of being terrorist groups. Total nothing burger.
>>194265 abul is attempting to normalise the perception of those groups as potential terrorists
>>194266 Technically I'm Jewish maternaly so do you reckon they gave me a placebo
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>>194266 it's just good business
>>194232 if only you knew how over it was
>>194261 jej good lad
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>>194259 heh, women...
what about brittany nationalism?
smh mean britney
lads how do i open invidious youtube, i can't find it
>>194281 i love her
>>194284 yeah thanks, i'm locked out of my old yt account so now i have to use invidious but it kind of sucks because i have no subscriptions anymore and have to build it all back up.
>>194287 there was a lad last thread who talked about a program that uses invidious and allows you to save local subscriptions without an account
>>194288 that's invidious, it does everything youtube does except it doesn't recommend videos, just shows videos from your subscriptions so it's harder to find new things, you have to search for everything you want to see
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why is it always those who are supposed to be closest to us that are the ones that dont care
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>>194290 Just because your mum buys sausages that are past the used by date And reduced doesn't mean she doesn't care about you lad
>>194291 why has she allowed her son to become a NEET failure?
>>194295 no more hurt for the middle kingdom now
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havingg a breakdown
keeek muslims bullying trannies in a chicken shop https://twitter.com/mohamedheere/status/1487472175372288001
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[internal screaming]
invidious is actually really good tbh, just need to build up subscriptions
>>194292 I've asked the same of mine and she just hand waves it off "you can do what you like" . Boomers don't really believe in parenting
anyone have any laptop recommendations? might just get the cheapest dell i can and put some cool linux distro on it
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>>194302 >dell
saw a classic mustang today tbh nice burgundy colour with chrome bits >>194288 freetube tbh >>194301 tbh it's sickening >>194302 depends on what you want to use it for tbh if it's just going to be an internet machine you can grab some twenty year old used laptop off ebay for a tenner or something or you could go for le ebin thinkpad memi
>>194304 i forgot about le thinkpad meme, those are pretty cool i think the old ones had magnesium cases and other good features. i also want to buy a de-googled phone (too difficult to do myself, have to liek root le phone and shit nigga) i just don't know any shady cats selling them. might check craigslist or kijiji
>"Sir, how will invading France help us stop Russia?" >"Russia?"
>>194288 >>194289 >>194304 what's this meme about not having a yt account?
>>194307 it can be done, you just can't comment or like anything. i might make a new burner youtube but i think they force a phone number and age verification now, so fuck it maybe not. if anyone knows how to make an anonymous google account, fill me in. i'm not giving jewgle my info though
>>194308 yeah but I don't understand why you don't just make an anon gmail for youtube >i think they force a phone number and age verification now I've never had this come up tbh I have nothing attached to that google acc
>>194305 yeah the t60 is the go-to classic thinkpad but it's ancient now smh bought one years ago to put libreboot on there and make it fully free as in freedom but never got around to it smh also had a t500 with mint on it as my daily drive for ages but it doesn't charge any more smh rip >too difficult to do myself it's not that tricky lad it just seems intimidating i put cyanogenmod on my phone way way back and i was scared i'd fuck it up and break something but it turned out fine just have to read the instructions all the way through a few times before starting so you don't have an "oh fuck what do i do next" moment as long as you make a backup of the original os before starting you can pretty much go back to step one and try again as many times as you need to >>194308 a phone number is enough isn't it? think you can still just buy a prepaid sim card at the shops and top it up with the bare minimum to activate it and boom you have a fresh phone number
>>194309 i'll try it later maybe, i'm guessing you haven't made a new account in a number of years?
>>194310 If it's just a phone number then yeah you can easily get a sim from the shops for like 50p-£1 >>194312 yeah tbf it's an old acc but I remember lads saying that their old accs are also getting fucked up and it requesting a phone number
>>194310 do you not need to show ID when you get a new phone number? thereby tying your google account to you? idk man the walls are closing in
>>194314 lol no? do you mean when you buy it over the counter? I went into argos and just got a bunch over the counter and paid in cash, never had any issues
>>194309 old accounts that didn't need it get grandfathered in but making new accounts is a pain smh made a gmail account back when they didn't give a shit and now they're always pestering me to link a phone number "for account recovery" >>194314 google may be an unofficial arm of globohomo government but they're not going to track you that far unless you've broken some major laws if all you want to do with the account is watch wrongthink videos and say nigger in the comments they'll just ban all accounts linked to the number you used to sign up and then forget you ever existed
you can get a PAYG sim over the counter for a 50p in dodgy paki shops and a quid in most major shops and you only need it for the phone number on it, set up your jewgle and if it asks for the number put that sim's number in, it may send a verification text but then after that you don't need to use the sim again >>194316 >but they're not going to track you that far unless you've broken some major laws err umm akshulee nice try gchq intern tbh lads start getting a tad too paranoid about all of it, jewgle has better things to do than try keeping tabs on every single shitposting acc, they just ban lads and lads make new accounts same with twatter Lads start worrying over every single little detail "oooooh what if with their evil jewgle magic they track the phone number to the sim and they can then find out where it was purchased from and then go through the cctv to try and find meeeee"
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>psst >you wanna buy a youtube account? >got a fresh one here, no suspensions
>>194317 yeah lads are worrying too much
>>194318 keeeeeek it's like buying runescape accounts, we're returning to tradition >>194319 tbh :^) but look at every lad that gets rounded up by the big boys, they use their actual personal information and then get nabbed, no-one to my knowledge has ever been rounded up for posting "nigger" on imageboards or anon twatter/leddit/youtube/fb accs
>>194269 >Technically I'm Jewish maternaly >Technically I'm Jewish maternaly >Technically I'm Jewish maternaly >Technically I'm Jewish maternaly >Technically I'm Jewish maternaly >Technically I'm Jewish maternaly >Technically I'm Jewish maternaly >Technically I'm Jewish maternaly >Technically I'm Jewish maternaly >Technically I'm Jewish maternaly >Technically I'm Jewish maternaly >Technically I'm Jewish maternaly >Technically I'm Jewish maternaly >Technically I'm Jewish maternaly >Technically I'm Jewish maternaly
>>194320 >it's like buying runescape accounts keeeeeeeeeek
>ywn be a spiv
i tried using fake phone number apps a while back just to do the 2fa but they're all fake and want your cc details for le "free 1 month trial" and you never actually get a fake number
>>194324 yeah those are fucking awful, just get a dozen sims and be done with it
>inb4 they try making "owning multiple sims" a felony
>>194324 >>194325 it's a fool's errand going out of your way to buy sim cards for burner phone numbers to make an account with google.... your internet service provider and vpn are compromised, the operating system you're using is compromised, the hardware in your computer is compromised, encryption is compromised, you're not anonymous I get wanting to limit how much data they mine off of you, but simply avoiding google services would be much better than thinking that a burner sim card is going to prevent them from knowing exactly who you are...
>>194326 tbh south k*rean online id except even more pervasive and it applies to all telecommunications devices
>>194327 yeah of course lad but when these things require a phone number I'd still rather not give them my actual one
>>194327 maybe odysee will become a viable yt alternative soon? vimeo? you shouldn't need a fucking account to watch videos in the public square
if you wanted to be a complete schizo you could buy a mobile device and only ever use free public wifi and never do any le edgy shit on your actual PC
>>194331 think that's what richard stallman does tbh god bless his autism
>>194330 >maybe odysee will become a viable yt alternative soon? it works for some wrongthink videos for now, but I doubt the youtube monopoly will ever be broken. normals are upset about the things they do like removing dislike button and constantly harassing and demonetizing people over bullshit, nevermind the censorship; but people that make videos want to post them on youtube so they can make money and then people that want to watch videos want to watch them on youtube because that's where everything is and it's fast and easy. I think a free speech video hosting site on a fraction of the scale of youtube other than youtube is unfeasible simply because they could not get enough ad revenue to keep up with the enormous expenses, since advertisers would refuse to work with them, instead preferring the system-approved google monopoly
>>194332 tbh there's no way to completely reduce your footprint but there are ways of reducing it >>194333 >the youtube monopoly will ever be broken tbh, it's weird to think about youtube just dying, the amount of content on there that would be lost forever is insane also the yt alternatives end up being shite
eating a can of tuna, something I've never done before, because I can feel my muscles growing from a good workout yesterday and I'm trying to supercharge with protein. but as I took the first bite I can feel my IQ dropping like a rock. never eating tuna again unless it's a small piece in sushi or something
>>194336 sardines are the way to go lad, more nutrition and vitamin D and omega fats. also free range raw eggs have every single amino acid you need. tuna is peng when mixed with mayo though
>>194336 warm it up and have it on toast cold canned fish is not so nice
>>194335 based and prescient
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>>194341 if only we'd listened
it's funny how volatile the soyims reaction to calling out the current state of the internet is
>>194342 the internet not being invented (or being heavily controlled so it has no effect) would only have slowed the rot and made it less visible while it did its work as painful as it is i still feel lucky that we have the internet tbh it amplified every lousy social movement even ours >>194343 keeeeek tbh tbh tbh tbh
>>194345 >>194345 >would only have slowed the rot and made it less visible while it did its work >as painful as it is i still feel lucky that we have the internet tbh it amplified every lousy social movement tbh the internet is and always will be a double-edged sword for absolutely everybody >media >advantage of being able to get news to a much larger audience >disadvantage of people easily being able to look things up (see the recent Neil Young shit) making it harder for propaganda to work
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>>194344 >say as many racial slurs as you wanted and then claim that you were just joking
>>194337 yeah I never got into this tuna thing, never understood it, everybody knows it has tons of mercury and yet people still eat it. wish I opted for sards or anchovies instead, have tons of those
>>194347 >oooooh you can still say slurs but don't be mad when you get doxxed and have your house burned down sweatie
>>194348 mercury is based lad it makes you see the hidden truths
>>194350 this tbh I drink three thermometers a day and I can see the future
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>>194352 yeah thas rite whitey that shit impossible y'all keepin' us down
>>194353 other than some of the questions being worded poorly it's not fucking impossible
>>194354 tbh it's easy doing it now keeek
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>>194356 it's easy lad
mongs just being contrarian saying it's easy. It's deliberately ambiguous because they didn't like negroes, you just look disingenuous saying otherwise tbh.
>>194358 it's worded poorly tbh but it's definitely not impossible >It's deliberately ambiguous because they didn't like negroes and with the seething nigs in the replies it's easy to understand why
>>194358 madlad, when i finally encounter you in public, i'm gonna pic you up by your ankles and jam your noggin into the ground like i'm planting a tree
>>194358 as if the nigs would be able to come up with any answer that could be considered correct to every single question in 10 minutes
had fun doing this test tbh lots of funnily-worded questions to trip you up if you don't think twice check my answers lads am i louisiana literate? >>194358 maybe or maybe not i don't believe a nigger would be able to pass the test either way and either way it's based
>>194352 no chance i could do all 30 in under 10 minutes tbh
>>194362 that test is cringe tbh but looks like you got 'em right lad
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>>194363 well son you just ain't cut out to be a voter in louisiana don't you worry none i'll make some good decisions on your behalf
>>194362 >lots of funnily-worded questions to trip you up if you don't think twice tbh it felt like my brain was melting
>>194362 For Q24, I read it as wanting a palindrome like "racecar" or "tat". Otherwise looks good
>>194366 Morning Wessica
an important element of the test which sorts the superior IQ from the retards is the very first line "this test is to be given to anyone who cannot prove a fifth grade education" so literally all they needed to do was go to school and bring their certificates with them like voter ID that's asking too much of niggers though of course
>>194370 equivalent of year 6 keeek
>>194364 >got full marks because i know the lad marking the tests god damn i love being white >>194366 smorn lid >>194367 tbhtbh >>194368 yeah 24 really tripped me up smh had to leave it until last wasn't sure if it had to be readable when literally mirrored or just read last letter to first letter normal palindrome style tbh really had to rack my brain to find something that fit both criteria just in case >>194370 keeeeeeeeeeek skipped right past that bit makes it ten times funnier
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wait dob isn't a palindrome
>>194373 24 is another big brain one tbh for me it's "A"
the clue is that it asks to print a word (ie in capitals)
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>>194374 oh shit that actually is a word isn't it
>>193756 Is this peepo supposed to be ozzy?
>>194377 don't know tbh >>194376 and it fulfills all of the question requirements no matter which way you read it
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No bum bum king! You said naughty words and "slammed" a chair! You must have a week or two off work on full pay!
>>194372 >wasn't sure if it had to be readable when literally mirrored or just read last letter to first letter normal palindrome style tbh really had to rack my brain to find something that fit both criteria just in case >tfw so high IQ you end up overthinking a question for niggers >>194361 tbh the ten minutes is a right cunt tbh
>>194379 >two weeks paid leave a great victory for toilmen everywhere tbh
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>>194381 Hoping they're gonna move me to the upstairs team who get to permanently work from home tbh, being a naughty boi is finally paying off
>>194375 >print smh forgot it had that meaning tbh was just treating it as shorthand for "write in non-cursive" smdh if it needs capitals that means i failed 21 and 29 too smh good thing i have connections keeek >>194379 toilers all around the world are saluting you in their hearts lad >>194382 wish i had a basement or cellar to chain her up in tbh blue eyes and right-angle shoulders she'd give me good sons >>194383 keeeeeeeek
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>>194384 >too much trouble to have in the office >not enough trouble to fire the ultimate balancing act you did it lad >>194386 keeeeeeeek
>>194266 Once again a tiny group of internet racists is vindicated.
>>194390 israel is bad
>>194391 One the dust settles on this and fertility is in the toilet in the western world, I'm going to start selling my sperm for hundreds of thousands a milliliter.
so how long do you lads reckon they can hide the fact this vaccine is really just designed to make you infertile and develop cancer.
made the mistake of thinking >>194393 until the last cattlefaggot is dead
>>194392 tbh like the saying goes unvaxxed sperm is the next bitcoin and you better believe i'm hodling >>194393 hide from people? the secret's already out hide from niggercattle? forever they don't want to know and they'll hate you for telling them
>>194394 >made the mistake of thinking
honkers now setting off dangerous assault fireworks into the violated sky of cuckawa https://twitter.com/i/status/1487604169213034498
>>194399 I hope he gets hit with a large calibre thermobaric
>>194399 i hate him attention-seeking little furrin toff manchild with no idea how the world works smh i could beat him up easy >>194401 >#FluTruxKlan keeeeeeeeeeeeek based
> beat him up easy He'll just get slotted and get floppy real quick.
>>194399 hate spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) tbh
>>194403 thought that would happen in afghanistan tbh but apparently he's got some kind of plot armour that lets him spectate almost-dangerous things and take selfies to poost on twitter >>194404 he's just a spoilt rich kid looking for e-fame tbh
>>194352 could never do all that in 10 mins tbh, the questions are wordly poorly deliberately, would get them all right apart from 29 which is a bit confusing tbh, but theres only 20 seconds per question >>194358 tbh >194360 >misidentifying posters again absolute mong >>194362 took you 40 minutes tho kek, also think you got some wrong
>>194405 doubtful lad, as the tweet says, it's no coincidence he ends up anywhere there may be compromised zio-interests tbh.
Good schmorn, reminder that all foreigners here MUST be flagged up, that other arrogant yankoid keeps posting without flagging up
>>194407 He is the worlds worst asset if he broadcasts everything he does.
>>194406 >took you 40 minutes tho kek i was multitasking lad it probably only took me twenty minutes total definitely wouldn't be able to do it in ten >>194407 i'm open to the idea that he's spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) but honestly i think he's just a bored rich kid who travels to the hot new danger zone of the week to take selfies what would the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) gain from him going to these places? he's just looking for clout
>>194408 I thought we just have a Canadian and Steiner ?
>>194409 >>194410 his background of being a posh City of London worker already proves he has connections in to higher British society, the next natural step is the security services or politics tbh.
>>194410 >i was multitasking lad it probably only took me twenty minutes total definitely wouldn't be able to do it in ten Them excuses won't fly here boy, try again next year
>>194408 tbh it's not right >>194411 there's another burger and i think we have another canuck as well but i'm not sure >>194412 tbh but that was already guaranteed by him being a literal lord vesconte something de something this is just him having a rebellious twenty-something phase and if there's any justice in the world he'll die on one of his little adventures >>194413 already had my test graded a pass lad i've got connections
also spig if that counts >>194416 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek every time i get sick of this world i get reminded that r*dditors exist
>>194418 >women >talking >voicing opinions >on politics >on geopolitics it just keeps getting better and better
How much are you lads down by on stocks and in crypto?
Hitting up Ukrainian lasses on the dating sites
Listened to Steiner's podcasts, he's right about boomoids being trapped in the butt princess mindset. Boomoids need to go abroad to un butt princess their heads imo
>>194421 merry chudmas
houston we have a problem.

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