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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3626: Time of Questions Edition Anonymous 01/27/2022 (Thu) 23:19:00 Id: 4d34b5 No. 192927
https://easytelly.eu/2020/03/18/bbc-one-london/ Linky tbh Why Boris Johnson is coming out fighting https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-60159226 Man drove without licence for more than 70 years https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-60159649 Liz Truss flew by private jet to Australia at cost of £500,000 to taxpayers https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/liz-truss-australia-private-jet-flight-b2001692.html
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>>192927 good lad
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>>192927 >Liz Truss flew by private jet to Australia at cost of £500,000 to taxpayers that is a DISGRACE!
>>192927 it was over 2 months I think and I will probably pay taxes on that but only on that for this year and not claim any of my other projects i've done this year
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fresh pembs
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same energy
>>192934 nice lad, you're on the right track. is it possible to do what you do in the winter though? a polar vortex would be 3 weeks staying inside with no pay surely.
all these pooliticians thinking their opinions matters more than that of the average britoid
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>>192938 yeah its pretty dead in the winter outside of some boomerists who do heating and cooling work but that is licensed and then occasional repair things, but another boomer team is gonna do some stuff next week so I should be doing that with them again. and I have a couple of projects for when it gets warmer in late February or march I think
hate lizz truss, me
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Trying to get back in the groove tbh miss my old QT screenies
one of my brothers friends does lawn mowing work and he must make like 500k a year doing that with his business obv. profit is probably lower since he pays a fair wage to his toilers. but in winter he does something different since no mowing smh
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>>192943 no lad, it's not for us anymore
why do they have to maskoom there but not irl in UK anymore?
>>192946 idk, we dont have to wear masks here anymore but some people still do
I wish jahans and woes was on qt
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Taking suggestions for tomorrow's Film Friday
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>>192948 I'd like a le pol face to go on question time, in the audience, and shoot everyone in the matrix
>>192950 already did that one tbh
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smh tuned in late so didn't get many
watch 2019 after the fall of new york lad
>>192954 is that a film suggestion?
>>192955 yes its a scifi film
>>192950 I've literally done this
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>>192956 > 2019 after the fall of new york looks cheap and nasty
>>192959 >2019 >stars a mercenary out to rescue the last fertile woman on Earth not far off tbh
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>>192959 cheap Italian knock off of escape from New York doesn't quite seem epic enough for a weekend film more a mid week kind of thing https://youtu.be/pksZ3_RdAEc
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>>192964 Why is he so cross?
>>192963 what does it mean?
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>>192965 idk I think it's because he reads all the HATE spread by the right wing press like the Daily Mail
>>192964 unless he's also saying that it's bad, then he's worthless. same position as Blumpf- "muh jab is good, get the jab, but it shouldn't be mandated". WEAK!! either coronavirus is a HOAX, every single measure was unwarranted and a conspiracy, vaxx is POISON, or just gtfo
>>192966 >he doesn't know the lore
>PC clock clearly hit 00:00:00 >>192935 goodlad
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still taking suggestsion for tomorrow's Film Friday
>>192975 stuart little
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>>192975 My Little Pony a New Generation
>>192975 something light like an animated comedy tbh
>>192979 I'm not a freak, I'm just autisitc
>oh its 22st why the fuck isn't this gay pedo cunt banned yet?
>>192946 it's a "voluntary basis" now, so a place can still enforce things
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>>192977 you only get that if you make new OC
>>192981 The people loves me, lass >>192983 No, I refuse
god I wish my cock was big enough to go down my thighrino
kind of want to watch something really trashy like wreck it ralph 2 or the adventures of copyright-infringement longleg lad whose film name I forgot
>>192973 Have you watched the film in 4k yet lad?
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>>192984 >No, I refuse no MLP then, EVER!
I would beat 22st to death given the chance.
>>192986 >wreck it ralph 2 they made another one of those? the first one was shit!
>>192990 ralph breaks the internet in 2 lad, just like in that celebrity "meme" coomer thing which was six years old even when the film was being made
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>>192989 oh yeah? well you'll have to get though me first
yeah I really have no tolerance for faggots or nonces, filtered. SA should at the least ban these cunts on sight.
>Originally, George Lucas wanted Yoda to be played by a monkey with a mask instead of using a puppet. how can one man be so based?
>>192986 Might as well watch MLP then
>>192991 >ralph breaks the internet in 2 lad, just like in that celebrity "meme" coomer thing which was six years old even when the film was being made I saw one of those with Sarah Silverman in and it was absolutely dire clearly a Jewish attempt to "reclaim" the internet and make it a more normie thing, making up "rules" of the internet which don't exist and only serve to benefit the establishment - stuff like "never read the comments" then at the end Ralph basically gives up the girl so she can be free to do whatever she wants or something it was just awful
>>192993 gay fucking nonce, kill yourself. filtered unironically.
>Nooo don't breed an 18 year old woman
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me vs 5711fb
22st derangement/envy syndrome tbh. Lads just can't handle the idea of a man who actively tries to find a lass actually finds one, while they sit in their rooms tugging
22st = good b*ns = bad
what was the xoomer nostalgioomer film tbh where it's literally nothing but references and the poster was badly photoshopped so the lad climbing the telephone pole had a really long leg that's the sort of thing I want to watch just really awful consoomer slop >>192996 rather watch hotel transylvania tbh >>192997 tbh
>>193000 based. Why did you originally draw that, b?
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>>193002 but 22st(good) loves Bins >>193003 smh the eternal chinkoid coomeroid
>>193004 I didn't draw it someone else did
>>193006 >but 22st(good) loves Bins they will never understand us smh
oh it was ready player one >this is on the official wiki KEEEEK
>>193009 lad that's not just bad it's boring
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>>192977 >that gif
hate how the internet has been wrecked in recent years things that were based are now fake and gay everything has got so pozzed
>>193010 what new pixar type slop has been put out recently? think the last one I watched was that one where the characters are all monocoloured representations of some foid's brain or something
>>193013 We watched Soul which was actually good
>>193014 oh yeah I was there for that that was a year or two ago right, got to be more since then
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>>193015 https://youtu.be/mYfJxlgR2jw this looks really gay. I hate accents... unless they're german
>>193014 Haha I told you that was good
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>>193017 Yeah, I'm twentytoooooooo
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man I just don't want to watch any of them
>>193019 there's another couple of companies that do the same sort of thing isn't there
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>Jackman >Dano >Gyllenhaal >Villeneuve Yeah I'm thinking it's kino
oh yeah there's crimkino gangs of wasseypur to watch
>>192978 What about that Jewish anti-Christmas film, to recharge our seethium?
Oh God the deaf fuck suggesting another subs-fest. I can't take it
>>193021 Ooh this looks interdasting
>>193023 >it's a sarah silverman plays a snarky midget episode definitely not smh way too overt even for slop
sorry lad didn't mean to call you a deaf fuck smh >>193023 I don't know. I think I'd hate it for being boring and lazy more than it being propaganda
>>193025 it has my vote, B
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>>193026 but it could help strengthen are resolve
https://youtu.be/1VIZ89FEjYI even big budget 3d animation films look boring now. Guess they've kind of hit the cutesy glossy ceiling and everything just looks the same
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This had a good story but I'd recommend it just for the art alone tbh >>193031 ni, love. Don't let the bederino buggerinos bite
>>193033 day of the rake when
guess when you roll over their toes with a steamroller even a leaferino will say enough is enough
remember lads calories after midnight don't count
I hope that tumor lad is okay wonder if leaf lad is in the convoy to go and drive around and cope. jk leafs actually mean stuff when the get mad compared to amerisharts. I remember when they did this in shitagain 2 years ago though the whole drive around doing nothing protest
>>193039 respect his bloatmaxxing/transformation into a monster
>>193021 how have you lot not seen this before, it's known kino
>>193041 saw it when I was a wee baby lad
>>193042 wtf, are you a zoomoid?
>>193043 yeah just turning 30 in march
>>193044 haha baby b
>>193045 *fills nappy until poo start forcing its way up my back*
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>>193032 it sucked me in
>>193033 god I hope so.
Has anyone actually seen this film?
>>193050 I wish I had a smug fat /pol/jak right now.
https://youtu.be/XMoyBFtleFI comfy night drives
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>>193050 Literally the only reason I know about it because of internet racists tbh
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This gave me a laugh though
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>>193051 like this one?
>>193056 like that one.
>>193032 >Netflix >LOL Suspect
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>>193058 I thought the same thing, but the creators had 6 years to make it and they made whatever they wanted without producer interference
>>193060 How much Poz is there
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>>193061 quite a few browns, a dyke or two and some strong womenrino but I wasn't bothered by it. Just some characters I don't like so much. Pic related is literally me, dysphoric kino
>>193059 sneedposting really is the only advance in culture in the last 20 years.
>>193063 >tfw literally didn't understand it at first
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>>193062 smh >>193063 tbh tbh, feels bad to live in a time where culture is something companies make and sell merchandise for
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I trusted you. I confided in you. There's a lot that a man can tolerate, a man such as myself, a man of status; a high caliber man. There's a lot that a man like myself can go through in life before he reaches his limit, and you knew that, and you abused that. You knew that about me and you abused that, you knew about my goodwill and you took advantage of me like a fool. You made me look like a fool in front of my family. You made me look like a fool in front of my family. And yet I forgive you, yet I forgive you, and I led you into my castle. I forgive you and I let you into my castle. Shame on me, there's a lot that a man can be put through in life... But not this, not this. What's this? W-whats this? Do you mind telling me? What could this be? At last I counted, there were at least seventy or eighty chocolates in here, and now where there were many, there are none. I told you there was one rule... I told you there was one rule. You touched my chocolates, and now you're dead.
0 enjoyment from games i miss the autism and camaraderie of mount and musket and early napoleonic wars, the golden age of gaming tbh been completely absent from any multiplayer stuff for years tbh, maybe when battle cry of freedom is released i'll join that
>found videos 10 years old of multiplayer events and i'm in them
>>193070 tbh can't even enjoy gooming anymore
>remember all your old comrades and wondering where they are now
(((Vaxx))) Causes Miscarriage, Myocardial Infarction, Bell's Palsy, Congenital Malformations, Female Infertility, and Pulmonary Embolisms Confirmed >Military medical whistleblowers have come forward with a trove of data on vaccine safety that they claim is the most accurate available. >In sworn statements that Renz intends to submit in court, three military doctors — Samuel Sigoloff, Peter Chambers, and Theresa Long — detailed the information they found. >Renz said that according to the data the doctors found, there was a 300% increase in miscarriages in the military during the first 10 months of 2021 over the five-year average. >From 2016 through 2020, there were 1,499 codes for miscarriages each year, TheBlaze reported. From January through October 2021, there were 4,182. >According to the data found by the military doctors, there was also a nearly 300% increase in cancer diagnoses, from a 38,700-per-year average to 114,645 in 2021. >Additional data The Blaze received from Renz showed: a 269% increase in myocardial infarction, 291% increase in Bell’s palsy, 156% increase in congenital malformations of military members' children, 471% increase in female infertility, and 467% increase in pulmonary embolisms. >The news outlet reported that one of the sworn declarations from one of the military doctors said, "It is my professional opinion that the major increases (sic) incidences of the above discussed instances of miscarriages, cancers, and disease were due to COVID-19 'vaccinations.'" https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/covid-panel-military-service-members-see-spikes-miscarriages-cancer
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nobody cares, right
>>193075 be polite, Dorseling
fuck off you nigger cunt go back to discord
>>193070 >>193072 yeah smh >>193074 >"It is my professional opinion that the major increases (sic) incidences of the above discussed instances of miscarriages, cancers, and disease were due to COVID-19 'vaccinations.'" bit of a stretch smh it's perfectly normal for these numbers to jump by 300%
>>193075 right
>>193074 this doesn't make me happy at all
>>193074 there's no chance any of us will be able to find an unvaccinated woman ever
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>>193081 speak for yourself
>>193080 vaxxers dying = good, but >>193081 this is the problem though. white women are mindless cattle and lined themselves up to get injected with this depopulation poison. so... we have ourselves a situation here. a surrogate for carrying a pregnancy cost something like ~£40k before the vaxx, I imagine the cost of an unvaxxed surrogate will become unattainable for most people
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>spigs discord server dies >he now has to shit up the thread
>>193067 Good old Dorset
>>193081 we will have to become battletanx in real life
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going to grow out my thinning receding hair as well as my beard and look like a hobo
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>martin sees this and puts "im goin to california" on his toil truck radio
had 2 slices of avocado toast with smoke salmon and black pepper then I didn't want to run the toaster again 'cause it trips the circuit breaker but I wanted to get rid of the avocado and smoked salmon so I tried making 'avocado toast in a bowl': >diced avocado >sliced smoked salmon >lemon-ginger-turmeric vinaigrette >black pepper, lil salt >croutons and the texture is HORRIBLE. experiment failed abysmally, I will pick out the smoked salmon and eat that because it's expensive
oh FUCK OFF SA if theres one person who deserves to be permabanned its him i do not want to hear about every single fucking meal he's eating in detail
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>spic ITT
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>>193096 beyond retarded tbh
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steiner's emperor
>>193099 keeeek
>>193098 >y'all keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>193099 hope mummy gretchen vans him
>almost february >still hasn't been a polar vortex that freezes loads of americans smh we were spoiled last year with the texas one, although that was in febuary i think, so there's still time
>>193092 I had microwaved leftover sausage and chips myself
>>193103 very disappointing tbh
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they will lift all restrictions so i cannot be made into a martyr in the death camps
>>193106 that's a good thing lad martyrdom shouldn't be plan a
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>>193107 but its the easy way
>>193108 it's suicide with extra steps lad
wish i was good at something. anything really
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this early and ive already missed the toilet will not be cleaning it >>192975 it would be a laugh
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God, I hate the Roman Catholics, they're worse than Protestants.
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Lads. I think I might become a welder. Fuck it, I'm going to try and take a few classes at the local sixth form. Been listening to the Sam hyde shit about "getting a skill" and it resonated with me. The only holdback is that I already have a degree and feel as if I might get bullied by the tradies for capitulating my intelligence.
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>>193117 welding burns your eyes out. vision is priceless, not worth it >I already have a degree just use that...
nowt int house but toast for brekky, 3 slices and still hungry, ate all the sweeties I bought yesterday.
>>193117 >Sam hyde shit about "getting a skill" Doesn't Sam Hyde also say you should rack up credit card debt and default on it?
>>193117 weld their foreskin shut also good luck lad
>>193118 Lmao lad unless I become an author I don't think I can use my degree. I'm not settled on welding really. i just want something that has a clear career path, an actual practical skill that I can get good at. I don't want to do programming either, bit gay.
>>193096 >Duke of Brittany
>>193096 >>193098 >>193099 Had the situation a couple of times playing EU4 where an African country converts to Christianity and their royals intermarry with European royals. End up with "Spearchucker Lancaster" or "ClickClick Hasburg" as their king. Pretty fucking stupid
>>193126 don't you have toil to do
fresh JUSTstraya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RL0aGuz3Z6A >>193127 yeah brekkie first tbh
>>193129 stop posting this faggot, eggy did this years ago
>>193130 nothing wrong with reruns lad shows that incel culture is growing
they be bribing nogs to get the fauci ouchie https://twitter.com/chicagosmayor/status/1486837104462213120
>>193089 Keek but also smdh.
>>193117 If you can't handle the banter you won't survive the job let alone the training.
I miss Turkey Twizlers.
>>193120 No he says if you've racked up credit debt bust the debt recovery people down to $1 a month by pretending to be broke.
>twatter now limiting scrolling if you're not hooked into their data harvesting operation I just want to lurk fucking jew faggots
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Might take a heinous shit.
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>>193146 Keeeek I bet he's used that last sentence in a cover letter
>>193148 gorilla warfare tier
>>193146 >top mod for r/rape fucking keeeeeek
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still think it was his mental wife that put him up to it but this is funny
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>>193153 >its really real
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vaxbros... i don't feel so good ack!
>>193159 >1 in 3 "south africans" (niggers) die god I wish
>>193159 i'll believe that when i see it
spitting date seeds into the bin like an emir
>>193159 god I wish
>>193074 the normies will never know this, and won't believe it if you told them
>>193164 while posting here at the same time?
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>>193085 get him to unblock smee on bongo, he can come shit up my server instead I actually value his input, unironically
>she doesn't bleed >assuming she's not a virgin, 22st flies into an incel rage and takes his first life >actually his crippenis was just too small and egg-shaped to penetrate
>>193169 cool thanks lad
>>192935 keeeek
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>>193173 >Who are you? smeeeeee!!!!
>>193096 Glad I've only been pirating the game
>>193178 They impotently shoot sperms into an arse lad, very stupid tbh
>>193180 I hate the conspiracy I hate the conspiracy I hate the conspiracy
>>193180 >young global leaders organization >they become global leaders what
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>>193176 l-lad???
>>193183 democracy means that the people get to choose their leaders, you see
>>193181 >>193182 >>193183 makes it easier in a way when you know that those anime tier story lines about a literal cabal meeting up to decide how the world will be run are actually more accurate than the fantasy you are sold on the news
>>193186 knowing about it just makes me seethe I want to be able to do something about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLWvu51Vk4E
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>>193185 >democracy means that the people get to choose their leaders, you see implying Russia is a democracy and not a hecking totalitarian DICTATORSHIP under the tyrant Putin!!!
My suspension has been extended at work. Could be a good sign. Hopefully it's a bad sign and I get to never go there again
>>193185 you elect political parties, not individuals. and the parties are made up of politically active people. nothing surprising about this, tbh
>>193191 >you elect yeah I've been voting for my political party of choice for 2 years now, Patriotic Alternative, that has definitely been registered through the electoral commission (unelected bureaucrats) and not been stonewalled with increasingly spurious and now outright illegal (assuming laws are actually followed) fabricated objections
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>>193187 I'm not that bothered about it The elites are a treacherous bunch and they can't even be trusted with each other. It wouldn't be the first time they turned on a leader of their own because he went rogue
>>193190 wow this looks really good hopefully nobody will shoot the host before this evening, r-right?
>>193194 maybe try cleaning up after yourself
>>193186 always knew it was the case tbh all those gigabrain mongs over the years with their nuanced takes who kept trying to argue that it's more complex than that can get fucked >>193187 tbh want to kill them all >>193189 based
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>>193197 >Just be there on time for once a wizard is never late or early
>>193199 if you'd told people we'd be importing literal africans to watch our elderly who we dump in hovels 100 years ago they'd just think it was all so dystopian, yet we're living in it
>>193201 mong can't even use the meme right
>>193202 yeah, and don't forget, these are also the people they expect will be looking after us when we're old too
>>193203 >mong can't even use the meme right what I do wrong?
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had a mug of espresso followed by two cups of tea
>>193205 >going into aged care no lad your children will look after you in old age because you raised them to be based and have trad family values
Looked up king charles the other day and one of the suggested searches was "who was the first black king of england"
>>193208 a true wignat will take out as many of his enemies as he can in a blaze of glory when he becomes too much of a burden for his family to look after
>>193209 60706 KING James the 1st of England was originally King James the 6th of Scotland. He was the son of a black father and a coloured mother both of royal blood. Without the necessary background, this may sound like a far-fetched story motivated by a crazy desire to identify black heroes in world history.
>>193208 >no lad your children will look after you in old age because you raised them to be based and have trad family values this is the ideal, yeah
>>193210 based
>>193211 this will unironically be how our history is taught when we are 20% of the population, niggers will grow up here surrounded by other niggers and think that they are the native inhabitants
>>193214 wtf is going on here?
>>193217 >gas leakerino, it actually ends up exploding and shutting of the camera but the gif cuts it short but why does the chinky lad at the front catch fire first?
>the end of the chinese version of fight club
>>193218 do you have eyes?
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>>193219 oh fug smoking kills
>>193222 >don't be mean to him thanks best b
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>>193220 kek ffs they ruin the whole fucking film with this but I guess that's what you get in a society that doesn't have a death wish
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>>193220 tbf, as the author has stated, this ending is closer to the original book except for the part where the police arrest members of the group
>>193227 >the homosexual author writes a book where the anti establishment character actually fails and nothing changes lol of course
>"He never married" was a phrase used by British obituary writers as a euphemism for the deceased having been homosexual. Its use has been dated to the second half of the 20th century, and it may be found in coded and non-coded forms, such as when the subject never married but was not homosexual. A similar phrase is "confirmed bachelor". Board owner SA, he never married
>>193229 >when marriage was a certainty and to not be married was suspicious and a sign of deviancy
>>193229 Sounds like fags stealing other's achievements as usual.
>>193230 stop fantasising about a mythical past that never existed lad, things are as they have always been and will continue to improve the the past was a racist sexist hellhole and only a reactionary white supremacist would want to go back
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my mouse just died lads
>>193233 put some new batteries then in tbh smh if true, like mouses me
>>193234 that's a rat lad
>>193233 Mice are retarded, I use an 6mil dpi optical rat.
>>193237 logitech M100 optical usb 1000 dpi gang
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>>193229 so this is why they made marriage a total liability for men? so that almost all of us look gay?
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>3 years old smh can't get any perlposts these days
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>Marine Le Pen calls Marion Maréchal’s decision not to back presidential bid ‘brutal, violent and painful’ KEEEEK
>>193245 >women >women in politics
>>193246 >Marion thinks Marine is too left wing. She's supporting Éric Zemmour, the Arab Jew.
>>193247 >>193246 >>193245 rotten bunch that lot tbh
Be back in a few hours lads
>>193249 Hard to imagine a Strawberry ice cream in winter time
>>193229 what about autists
>>193249 straight drop
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>>193229 things are much much better now
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>>193252 stop it man
>>193253 that thing looks like you have to shoot it in its weakspot 10 times before it dies
>nato has "no confidence" russia will invade nothingburger as usual
Russia may well increase its presence in east Ukraine, but an occupation of the whole country is out of the question.
tonight's tea
>>193257 nobody actually believes that will ever happen they just want a corridor to Crimea and maybe a corridor to Transnistria.
>>193258 looks revolting
The fastest demographic shift in the world is taking place in South America and its leading to formerly catholic nations rapidly becoming protestant. Guatemala is already plurality Protestant and El Salvador isn't far behind. In Brazil Pentecostalism is taking over the urban poor and leading to strange things like Zionist-Favela street gangs using the Israeli flag to mark their territory. They growth of Pentecostalism and Evangelicals are also behind the large boost in support for right wing populists like Nayib Bukele and Bolsonaro. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/23/christ-and-cocaine-rios-gangs-of-god-blend-faith-and-violence
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>>193256 said this from the start tbh
>Ukraine is openly shitting on Biden now This is great.
>Police call Peixão, who is wanted for dozens of crimes including torture, murder and concealment of death, one of Rio’s most ambitious and iron-handed villains, whose fast-growing criminal empire makes a mockery of his purported Christian faith. In 2019 he was accused of leading the Bonde de Jesus (Jesus Crew), a gang of rifle-toting extremists who allegedly ransacked a succession of Afro-Brazilian temples. Afro-Brazilian celebrations have reportedly been outlawed in the Complex of Israel. lmao
>>193261 >prods not even maintaining the pretence that they are anything other that a kike worship psyop
double cream oreos and milk for pre sninner snack
>>193265 Vatican II didn't help tbf.
>>193261 jews seem like they may setup their new base in south america
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>>193261 >Zionist-Favela street gangs using the Israeli flag to mark their territory
It's probably one of the various reasons Benedict was ousted and that Argie progressive psudo-Prot Jesuit was put in place, they knew they were losing Latin America.
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what's going on here?
>>193270 crypto-Prot*
>>193261 keeeeeek wtf
>>193272 this is what all non whites want but they can't have so they seethe and promote white genocide instead, except the smart ones who know they can't ever have it so just start from a position of anti white seethe.
Not really surprising since American evangelicals are behind most of this through missionary work and funding.
https://youtu.be/pzPElFdxMCM new grimes song is kino, kino video as well
>>193276 evil bastards, they are like a wrecking ball to all culture in the world, american kultur terror
>>193276 It's an easy front for the CIA, one of first groups to evec Ukraine during this sabre rattling was the Mormons.
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>>193277 literally who
>>193280 finished watching the expanse yesterday and the mormons in that are portrayed as this ultra wealthy powerful group hundreds of years into the future
>>193281 keeeeek >>193282 a celebthot helping to ruin anikino further by making normalcattle more aware of jap stuff
>>193284 lad jap shite can't get anymore mainstream every normalfag I know has watched nge
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>>193285 >>193284 I haven't watched anime in 4 years.
>>193283 probably true tbh >>193285 don't remind me smh just hoping they can gatekeep the remainder smh
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>refuse to watch anime >can speak jap almost at an N5 level through sheer autistic pattern recognition
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>3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment with "IVAS Capability Set 4" (Integrated Visual Augmentation System). On March 26, 2021, the US Army entered into a contract for the supply of 120,000 IVAS headsets, each of which is valued at $29,000 per unit
>>193289 the average american soldier already costs over 100,000 in equipment anyway.
>>193289 god i hate the sharts and their stupid fucking military boondoggles
>>193289 i hate shartica so much
>gets shot was a 5.45mm steel core round in the battery pack >yank turns into a human lithium torch
>>193289 probably costs a grand to make max and is just larp gear
>>193289 ramirez put on your tranny VR that allows you to see the monsters harvesting our loosh in this battle and go defend burgertown >xir yes xir >getting effective fire from heavy weapons sir we are switching to pornhub UI so we can goon while we wait for the airstrike *soyfaces*
interesting that it looks like it's from the 90s tbh, the kino beige colour scheme and sturdy construction >>193293 keeeeeeeek
still use a pair of 'genius' speakers from the 90s/early 00s tbh, outlasted a couple of newer pairs proper sturdy and good audio quality
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>>193297 keeeeeeeeeeek that pepe loks like bomer bossmn
sninner better come soon because that second pack of oreos is beckoning
>>193299 does he still hotbox in his truck and do nothing all day?
>>193302 it's just good business
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>>193304 keeek yeah that's happened a few times but not for a couple years, I think loose wires cause it or something
>>193304 KEEEEEEEEEEEEK based, my 8 year old speakers make a noise like that
>>193307 you know what cases that, right?
>>193308 is it spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) transmissions?
want to buy an old beige crt but don't know if I can't justify such consooming in these times of great reset.
>>193310 you probably should because old reliable tech will be completely destroyed and out of reach of commoners soon enough tbh
>>193308 usually just fiddle with the wire but sometimes a phone can cause it
>>193310 tbh i want one of those sony trinitron and a nixie tube clock but i still need a new gooming pc smh
>>193309 >>193312 yeah it's your phone doing it it means somewhere, someone with a number quite similar to yours is receiving a call
>>193300 >oreos these are revolting though lad
>>193315 >france
problem is you buy an old crt then think "hmm maybe should get an old tv too and a cd player, and a video player, and a keyboard" etc etc and you end up overspending
>>193316 also they are an evil company and shouldn't be supported smh
>>193319 I don't even like the way those things taste are they meant to be chocolate? idek also, they have almost no natural ingredients in them, which is why vegans can eat them
>>193320 >>193316 kek what a mong
>Dad just got rid of the 32" CRT we had since I was a toddler 20 years ago >Replaced it with a Smart TV that spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) on him
>>193319 the amount you eat you are most certainly buying from evil companies
>>193322 boomers are such mongs, mummy got rid of all that old analog shit I would've told her to keep
>>193323 yeah smh shopping at lord jewsburys twice a week at least I have never touched an oreo
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>>193321 >he eats zog food dropped
just want a lady to coom in, tbh lads
>>193249 What is that old man holding? An alum stick or a razor of some kind? >>193277 That was insufferably cringe
What the fook is "gooning"
mong'o'clock already
just remembered that madlad was going to do "12 days of OC" for christmas but kept putting it off and then everyone forgot about it smh there's always next year >>193329 my brvther... my kapitan... my konig
>>193331 its a rebbit term look it up lad its like what coomers do
>>193333 >when in vikang conquest the scandi kings care called konigr and my brain sees nigger
>>193334 yikes >>193333 (CHECKED)
>>193335 well we all know the vikings were a diverse and multicultural group of peaceful utopianists
>>193304 keeeeksmh for me it's one of the speakers going quiet and having to twist the cable to find the sweet spot to make it work again
scoobie is back
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>>193328 >just want a lady to coom in, tbh lads white, or non-white? lady, or lady boy?
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>>193333 > madlad was going to do "12 days of OC" for christmas I made quite a lot of Christmas OC this year tbh
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>tumorlad never posted again was it just a ruse?
>>193344 seacows have some similar abilities
how many times has the mandela effect brought attenborough back to life now?
>>193346 lad, we need to hone our magical abilities to manifest the timeline *we* want, instead of all this globalist gayop shit That's the real reason they nuked old 8chan you know, the collective meme magic from there was having far too much of an impact on reality, and the globalists couldn't deal with that, so it had to go then they normified "kek" using cringe magic, to try and prevent another magical uprising WE HAVE TO RETVRN
>>193341 keeeeek >>193343 hoping it was a wiggumpost abandoned halfway through tbh >>193344 wew that's cool used to pick up cuttlefish shells at the beach and give them to my neighbour to feed to her budgies back when i was young smh good times
https://www.infowars.com/show/network-feed/ alex live rn he came back from his booze bender
>>193350 why do you still watch him, hes exposed as a scam artist constantly, just 2 weeks ago he was associating with those e whore new york redscare slags
>>193351 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK does it get more metropolitan than this, vile scum
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>>193351 fuck's sake
>>193346 About 5 times for smee. >>193348 This. >those weak willed reddit 'witches' that couldn't even handle moon god allah and his illeterate warlord Mo that Talichad's were summoning in response
>>193351 keeek its like the fever dream of a jewish methhead
>>193357 >>193358 had a moderate keek at the driver one tbh made me smile
>>193358 yeah smh slim pickings of late
>>193353 alegs is based
>>193362 tbh luv are aj
god I hate chicoms the chicom conspiracy ruining everything for us and ruling from the shadows smh kill all chicoms
>>193362 yeah just handwave away what I said while he laughs at retarded whitoids like you behind your back
>>193367 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
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Welsh-Americans are a Crypto-master race tbh.
>>193365 >while he laughs at retarded whitoids like you behind your back smh is that what he's been doing?
>>193356 lets do it lets resurrect the Kek for one final epic battle
nostalgic tbh
>>193372 it was all real lad
can't remember the specifics of the actual theology tbh something about kek and kauket kauket the bringer-in of light who formed the universe kek the god of primordial chaos and darkness
>>193374 theology is for virgins magic is for chads
>>193375 they're the same thing tbh
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>they/them Queef of Staff doubling down
>>193377 these mongs are speedrunning imperial collapse its so pathetic how can these mongs not see the krauts are clearly postioning themselves strategically to break from the nato bloc. stupid bureaucrats are so insulated from reality. enjoy using ramirez and jade (they/them) and their gay VR goggles to "force project" when the are completely surrounded and cut off
reminder that these mongs reverted to using hummers covered in slab armour with 100 year old mgs on top because their 1000000 billion dollar mega super duper APCs sucked for urban combat in iraq
>>193378 think that goymany will go mask off and rejoin the russosphere as east germany 2.0? nothing changes in terms of leaders (zog) and ethnic germans continue to be cleansed but the bureaucrat class gets to coast for another decade or so under even stronger totalitarianism
toilee returneth What film is on tonight?
>>193378 >the krauts are clearly postioning themselves strategically to break from the nato bloc The whole of the EU is. Germany, France and the Benelux need the NordStream 2 that was just finalise less than 48 hours ago. But this is about invading the is the US invading Ukraine as well, the government is investigating Hunter Biden.
Philippines, Thailand and Cambodia are open to all coomers from early February.
But this is about the US invading Ukraine as well, the government there is investigating Hunter Biden.*
>>193379 tbh it turns out the same way every single time >>193381 prisoners (2013) >>193384 forgot about that tbh now it's making much more sense
hoho those evil russians are going to invade, you'd better let us in.... oh look, they're starting terrorist special operations on your centres of command and control... definitely not us, the CIA.. hoho no, they just blew up the building with all the files in it about top american government paedophiles....
>Cousin is in prison >Mummy said he'll be someone's girlfriend in prison whilst laughing What is it with normies and prison rape?
>>193387 misandry and matriarchal people trying to enforce emasculation as a form of punishment for breaking the bonobo society norms
>>193387 big burger psyop tbh plus foids just really like the concept of men being destroyed
>>193387 women defend their own family challenge (impossible) unless he's in there for something heinous like rape or unjustified murder she should be supporting him smdh
>>193390 tbh why do women so casually betray their own family these days? I thought the meme was they were loyal to family
>>193391 big daddy government is their real family, the TV said so
>>193390 tbh, he was carrying a gun for some druggies like a mong smh
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>China is threating invasion of Taiwan while the US is threatening Russia
>>193394 really quite annoyed at the RoC collapsing into a zog shithole smh, was hoping they'd hold on as based nationalists but I guess everything america touches turns to shit
>>193234 It was a cheddar to know him
>>193396 >taking four hours to post this
>>193395 they were always a meme country they were founded by cash my check the bandit lord who the jews memed as some nationalist
>>193394 don't want to get my hopes up but the world's on the brink of kino tbh
>>193397 >not reading and replying to poosts already forgotten hours ago
>>193401 impressive dedication to the community tbh
>>193400 >tfw no Qing/Ming kino empire
really love those periods of military history where battles combine extreme drip and extreme casualties tbh
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>>193409 incredibly based
>>193411 I don't get it? What's possibly based or relelvant about this?
>>193411 many such cases >didn't immediately kill them both smdh there is literally no other recourse in that situation, fucked whatever happens so may as well punish them for it >>193412 it's an example of what happens to tens of thousands of zogbots every year tbh
>>193411 lmao owned
>>193390 >unless he's in there for something heinous like rape is rape really that "heinous"? what is the practical difference between an unmarried man and woman having sex with the consent of the woman involved, or without? >the female gets more vaginal mileage, viginity lost if present >the female could potentially be exposed to the male's genetic material that is what happens during sex or rape. what biological significance does 'what the woman is thinking/feeling' during the encounter have? "muh rape is heinous" is just feminist virtue signaling over women's privilege to decide which men get pussy and which don't. the only real difference is that the moral culpability for the woman's loss of purity would fall on the male for raping her rather than the female for consenting, so that would indeed be bad if the woman were a pure virgin, but if the woman is some thot that's already had sex with 20 different blokes then what difference does one more make?
>>193416 theoretically the woman could be pure and able to be married off to a deserving lad instead of being a coom receptacle
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don't click this lads >>193417
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>>193416 Dunno lad, heaping sin upon sin is not good
>>193418 yes that's the idea.. but my point is that if the woman has already consented to sex with many men already, and she has no purity left, then how is her being raped any different from her just finding some rando on tinder and having sex consensually? there is no practical, biological difference, only how the woman feels about it. yet feminists will make a night and day difference, insisting that how the woman feels is the only thing that matters, rather than the practical concerns of virginity, pregnancy, microchimerism, pair-bonding potential, etc.
>>193400 interesting channel. veterans should just stage a coup tbh they live their country more than politicians
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Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots >In this worldwide exclusive, Dr. Jane Ruby meets with board-certified Embalmer and funeral Director, Richard Hirschman who reveals, for the first time ever, arteries and veins filled with unnatural blood clot combinations with strange fibrous materials that are completely filling the vascular system. Many of the victims reportedly died of heart attacks and strokes. Mr. Hirschman reports that he found resistance when he tried to embalm these jabbed patients, and then found these strange materials and pulled them from the large vessels of the bodies. He also reported that he has gone from seeing 50% of his embalmed cases with these types of blockages rise to almost 80%. https://rumble.com/vtcsgw-worldwide-exclusive-embalmers-find-veins-and-arteries-filled-with-never-bef.html
>>193427 what? we all voted for the aristocats on bongo remember?
>>193285 Normgroids onky watched NGE because it was on Netflix a few years ago, and now it's on there again. Before that most nu-weebs just watched the terrible remake films. NGE is not bad as animu goes, bit depressing though tbh. Definitely prefer Macross.
>>193428 Based honorary aryan girls acting like English scallie lasses.
Can imagine someone trying to cuckoo wessex or dorsie
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>>193436 reminds me of Jazz Jennings
>>193428 Poor girl. Took it like a champ and didn’t break down and cry though, so props for that. I'd like to think that I would beat the shit out of the slapping girl if I saw her do that to somebody not fighting back.
breaking news lads >>193437 is cuckoo like cuckolding or what tbh
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>>193441 wow I'm sure that story is true
>>193441 It's where they get vulnerable lads who are living alone into criminal entreprises by pretedning to be thier friends/addicting them to drugs or/ and sex or just beating them.
>>193439 is jennings autistic?
>>193444 oh yeah I think granny was worried about that happening a few years ago when my neighbour was a homeless alkie who was given placement in his flat for free and forced his way into my flat and bamboozled me into giving him £20 smh
chinese women just love bullying it seems like.
>>193438 How many incels did she vore on the right?
>>193448 They are th e best femdoms
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>>193448 Lad stop.
I don't want to see cruelty and suffering. Here's some nice, happy Japanese women: https://youtu.be/S7FS3SDswIU
just search 校园暴力视频 on twitter there are literally hundreds of videos like this posted every day.
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stop spamming this shit no one cares about your gay newbrit bumchums film night
>>193457 looks decent tbh
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>>193450 She had her cock and balls lopped off and part of her poo shute made into a smellier than usual vagina, no?
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>oriental femsub posting >tranny posting
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>based whitoid >cute whitoid >based japoid >cute japoid which do you choose?
Welsh slags.
>cute whitoid >is slavic
>>193461 Man that third one is great. Second one I remember seeing years ago. Lovely looks and voice, but I distrust all things eastern european. Same for cute jap in fourth vid. I don't trust women who try to be cutesy/pander to the camera. >>193463 oh look it's gfposter
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>>193461 That first one is asking to be raped by the nigger filming. You can tell when she nearly flashes her cunt at him while showing le edgy swastika tattoo. -2/10 do not want. Second is qt. Would rape in wartime. 3rd is based but obviously belongs with nippon man, not smee. 4th is just uggo and autistic. Okay, thank you.
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thread needs to improve by the time I get back from Lidl
>>193468 it won't, just wait for the next thread
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>this thread
Is the other lad who wanted to move to asia after giving up on toil still here?
Poor lad who looks like SA got raped in SCUM smh
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>>193472 lol. i know what scene you're talking about
>>193471 might've been me, but don't we all want to do this?
>>193475 It's re-opening lad. I was thinking about it
https://youtu.be/_Z19p7ZGYKk Luv me some American tourism abroad
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>>193475 It may've gone down the shitter, but this is still my country and I love it. I know that I belong in England, and I will live here until the day I die. Preferably somewhere green and far away from London, where there are no wogs.
>>193478 keeeeek
>>193479 rapist poster waiting for us to post chinky lasses keek
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>>193480 probably rather put up with grockles than scotland lad
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Borneo is a good spot, divided claims to it, well worth a new england
>>193488 I remember there was that board /namibia/ on 8chan proposing to make Namibia into an ethnostate. the local nig varietals are docile, it's not infested with bantu oogaboogas like the rest of southern Africa
>>193489 Namibia's two biggest ethnic groups are Bantus you fucking retard.
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>>193490 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>193489 My fellow indo-euro-MEN(E,W)A-peans, we must join forces in one super-ethno-state, and kill all the bantu, australoid, and chinese subhumans.
I wish internet racists never learned the term bantu they always misuse it.
bantu banter
>>193491 was very disappointed to learn that they are not naturally red coloured and its literally just mud
>bantu >ban two >ban 22
keep having sex dreams. subconscious jews trying to fuck me up and deny me Heaven.
>>193493 I only know that bantu includes congo nigs and some other nigs but not mandela's souf african fc ethnic group.
>>193486 Would only live in England, somewhwre landlocked probably rather than a touristy area. Got a nice vistit to Shropshire booked, a good suggestion from a lad here last year.
>>193483 almost tbh
>>193497 your body is resisting the nocoom
I reckon I like tribal coons and that Prefer seeing them to niggers in western clothes integrated into the global machine like everywhere else in the world almost a breath of fresh air seeing a full on genuine legitimate coon keep them as they are, and keep the jungle tribes in the jungle as they are, makes the world interesting
>>193497 Take the loother pill, lad. Sex is a sin but even in marriage it's sinful so have lots of debauched sex anyway, incel.
>>193501 My mind has been poisoned by coomerism and the intellectual pollution of the zog media machine. We will crush them >>193503 Or I could not be a mentally ill degenerate? Sex is only a sin outside of marriage.
>>193504 t. coomed to the most degenerate gay porn moments ago Have sex (with a woman) incel. It'll cure that gayism.
recruiting people to my dafty gang like in fightclub in my head again lads
>>193497 that's called your reproductive instinct. your body is bothered by the fact that you are not breeding >sin heaven sinful blah blah why are people obsessed with this schizo nonsense
>>193483 seems pretty benign and not particularly unusual. Also omits the eighth criterion - an obsession with teeline
>>193502 it's even better when you see how much they hate westernised nigs tbh
>193508 >>sin heaven sinful blah blah why are people obsessed with this schizo nonsense
>>193506 Your ind is poisoned lad, it's not a laughing matter. I'm off to watch VVAGNER >193508 Retarded scum. You're an intellectual dead zone trying to justify your coomerism with pseudo science. Go and watch more of le edgy man, your internet daddies can convince you that your rotten mind is healthy
>>193507 >local man seen fighting with himself in carpark arrested for starting far right fightclub with aims of throwing bacon at rabbis and imams, sectioned under mental health act after his gf opens up that he yells at her and calls her a whore for sleeping with his other personality after he cooms
>le why are le people le obsessed with le schizo le nonsense fuck off back to reddit
>193513 > his gf
>Most of food among Chaga people are made by banana; an example is machalari, which is most favorite food among Chaga. Machalari is prepared with banana and meat, while other traditional food includes kiburu (Banana and Beans), Kitawa (Banana and sour milk, porridge-like), mtori (Meat with banana, like porridge, mainly food for a few days after birth). >The staple food of the Chaga people is bananas. Bananas are also used to make beer, their main beverage. The Chaga plant a variety of food crops, including bananas, millet, maize (corn), beans, and cassava. They also keep cattle, goats, and sheep. the unintentional racial humour that exudes from niggers in their natural environment.
>193515 Fight club man had a gf. Fits with the movie you referenced. Also >dis nigga doesn't even have a gf in his fantasies Have sex, incel. Lmao.
>the kwanzaa yanknigs going to africa to tell them about how they were true black brothers just like them and to preach the teachings of kwanzaa >they had no clue what the fuck they were on about
>193508 >banned, excuse: nonce, for nothing noncey >193518 >lukewarm takes and rubbish reaction image Ru roh. Heil SA, heil our people, hail victory of the bongo over innoce- er, schizo lads.
>>193519 it's the atheist stuff lad
>>193520 best just to move on tbh
bins and 22st are nonces and should be permabanned on sight tbh.
>>193521 Duh. >>193523 Duh. But he leaves them be. Curious.
>>193523 I tried. The only thing that will stop them is a Mexican execution in front of their families, that goes to BBK too.
>>193525 22st is funny but ultimately an abomination of the white race. It's the start contrast between seldom banning him yet banning other lads with reason: nonce, when they aren't/have never nonce posted.
>>193329 cromwell taking drogheda
Can't even hate BBK anymore tbh. I forgive even his horrid sc*t posting, so long as he doesn't go that far again. This is how much I hate-er, never mind. I love our glorious leader. Long may he reign. >>193529 Ever been perma'd for saying you'd dodge an EU draft to fight Russia in Ukraine?
JUST IN - UK MPs launch investigation after psychologists criticize totalitarian and "grossly unethical" tactics of "deploying fear, shame and scapegoating" during the pandemic.
>>193531 will you just stfu you utter mong
Stay safe out there lasses
>>193516 >tfw you just want to show off your big banana stash to the camera but a poljak starts bullying you online smh
of fucking course it's the trannie lover being a fedora
>>193535 2 govt ministers attacked in an unprovoked resignation
not really watching this prisoners film, just enjoying the occasional terrified screams of women in the background tbh
>>193540 that the nonce kino?
>>193541 don't know tbh like I said
Last days of Weimartica
>>193543 just call it weimart tbh
fuck off. it's shartica or weimart
shart mart
Nah, it's Amrikwa. Remember that.
kekked so hard when that lad on /int/ coined weimart
>>193543 The mexican attendant remains loyal to his master to the bitter end, the last white man in america.
>>193549 tbh it's so simple and perfect it's weird no-one said it before
>>193551 it has no direct connection to america or the united states and so had to be evolved from the constituent parts tbh
>>193552 people have been saying weimar for ages and calling america walmart shartmart etc for ages yet no-one connected the dots >>193553 ni la
>>193556 paywall advertisement
>>193558 god I hate journalists god I hate corporations
>>193558 an EPIC heckin troll
>>193558 ROFL !!! TROLLED!!!
>>193562 wtf is this post? that's a good album btw
>>193543 based goblino defending law and order
>don't tinnymax for 3 weeks >weird liver and kidney pains go away
>>193567 But on the downside you spent 21 days sobre
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>>193558 lmao I have listened to Joe Rogan literally once in my life and he was about as much of a fence-sitting centrist pompous bore as I have ever had the displeasure of listening to. I think he was talking to Sam Harris or one of those types. He certainly didn't give the impression of a man capable of holding dangerous opinions. >>193516 >Bananas are also used to make beer, their main beverage wtf I want to try African banana beer now
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gosh wish that were me
>they're unironically watching MLP smh am I supposed to believe this is an improvement on boku no pico?
>>193572 I've seen youtube videos of guys going into Uganda to try it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_beer
https://youtu.be/nMOeX7FssQU >puglad and auslad have their first day at white race school for aspiring white race defenders >the magic stalhem puts them both into SS hitlerjungen (they both pump their fists, "yes") they exclaim and then watch as wessie ends up getting put into dirlewanger with matt heimbach who smirks across the table at puglad >professor jared taylor looks across to dr. duke and chairman mike and grand master griffin is leaning against a gothic vault in his templar robe squinting ruefully and the little polefaces gawk as his massive sheathed sword >one day I am gonna be a templar you'll see puglad says to auslad at they take their seat, dorset is already in trouble with dr. pierce because he spilled the white rice pudding on the his robes https://youtu.be/6wozfZhYvGM
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>there's even banana wine
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>>193535 what is this combat stance? Jew-fu? fuck SA btw
>>193580 qeeeeq
ok so he likes mlp and weapons, seriously 22 needs to fuck off, don't even care about the OC anymore
>the nonces are into mlp shocking absolutely nobody
no tolerance for gayists tbh
>>193591 greedy rat is literally a millionaire and hes whinging about that
>>193593 hes a proud imperium mong as well
>>193584 keeek I wish there was a wignat movie
remember lads, hair is health, so if you're thinning on top or the forehead goes halfway over your head then it's probably natures way of letting women know you're not a viable mate.
>dorset is on the way with puglad to HBD 101 with dr pierce as they are walking down the hallway the see matt heimbach and his gang of dirlewangers hanging outside the class, he looks down at puglad, "are you even white?" he says, behind him one of the direlwanger first years laughs heartily >just then dr. pierce walks down the corridor and matt and his gang runs off, scowling at puglad "I'll get you mud blood" he says >dorset grabs on dr. pierces robe. dr. pierce says "hullo are you afreeyad of something young polface fellow" >yes dr. pierce those mean dirlewangers are out causing trouble >why that reminds me of a story, I once knew of a fellow, a decent sort of man, the kind our race in particular who have this upward urge, this divine spark, his name was ad- >just then groundkeeper joe owens walks by and offers a hullo to dr. pierce which interupts the story >dr. pierce replys hullo and then he looks down at puglad and says, well you get the idea now hurry along to class
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What does being grey before your 30 mean?
>>193599 yes 22, you mong, that was your grandad and that was the better part of 100 years ago. women don't need to settle on a mate like your baldy grandad anymore. you understand things have changed surely?
>>193601 means you don't do any cardio and probably have a stressy badscreen job
the midge rises
boomer hands made this image >>193605 begun, the manlet wars have
>>193509 teelines on the shirt, but the mods still seething
>>193604 It's hereditary mostly in my case tbh.
there's no hereditary hair loss genes, it just means your whole family is unhealthy.
>>193609 Having grey hair isn't hair loss.
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>>193600 >groundkeeper joe owens
Dinklage on the ropes rn
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10446971/Soldier-shoots-dead-five-servicemen-military-plant-Ukraine.html >Horrifying moment Ukrainian soldier launches Kalashnikov rampage killing five at rocket factory: Cops probe motive as country teeters on brink of war with Russia smh how did we miss this mini happening yesterday
>>193601 maybe diabetes
>>193601 that you aint what you used to be
>even the dwarf can breed
hornswoggle will have to go back to wwe
>being grey before 30 means a likely genetic disposition for having extremely low melanin levels based
there's a chines herb that reverses grey hair, can't remember what it's called but it also makes you a coomer
>destroy your allies economy before the war starts 200 IQ
Anybody using bongo is a threat to the existence of this board
>>193625 Biden has a personal beef with Ukraine.
bongoloids need roping
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>they're closing the bridges between Quebec and Ontario to try to slow down the trucks
>>193631 >the Niggler
>>193626 your better off away from the bongo
>>193626 he's unhinged and cannot ever be in a position where he has any ability to act upon others. joining his bongo is enabling his destructive behavior
I fucking hate Americans so much.
>>193630 >"breaker breaker, zogblock up ahead. storm is upon us eh, tonight we dine in valhalla. over and out."
i need a tall minger gf with nice feet and body
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told mummy i didnt want to marry a lass who has fucked too many men because it means she's less likely to be happily married and she proceeded to call me misogynistic
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>>193644 sounds like your mums fucked too many men
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>>193648 lovely lad
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coming up on twenty to three it's 11 degrees and cloudy out there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uv7y6PKEYms
>>193651 not bad tbh
milk for supper
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did he really get thrown down the booby hatch?
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>lad i know lost 35k trading crypto he was using 50x leverage and refused to listen to me when i told him to cash out, he got liquidated shortly after
feel bad but this is the second time he has made loads of money off crypto and lost it all he made about 90k in 2017 and traded himself down to 5k after the crash
so when you gamble at 50x, get btfo, do you end up owing more money than when you started?
i'm not sure about crypto anymore, it's all about boomer stocks now
poo and pee
>>193658 smh seem shitty how middle eastoids seem to always put their listening posts in the most retarded areas and not really provide them with good means to disengage and retreat to whereever their base is and they seem to also have them isolated from their bros
>ywn be hooked up to the masturbation machines and be wanked to death
from what i read you want your observation post to be better strength with at least some kind of GPMG and then your listening posts need to be very discrete and and basically stealthmode one or two guys with radio telling you what what is going on. I was thinking what *do* the listening post lads do when they see lots of bad guys or the enemy went around them and attacked the observation post, are they just fucked ?
>>193666 its just good business
>>193658 know where this is and who's fighting?
>>193668 believe its kurds and turks in asia minor but I could be wrong, looks like the kurd style zouave bloomer pants
for guys to get that close up on you is some kind of fuck up or they are isolated or something smh
i'm really looking forward to Turkey becoming a power again. Hope they get that piece of Georgia they've been levering for. also idlib. they deserve it
>>193671 why? the turks are an ancient enemy
Adzharskaya it's called >>193672 this, but someone has to control the region. suppose i'd prefer an arab union but that's been tried
im a mega hellas tbf
in what way does masturbating effect fasting?
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wish i could sleep and sleep, always seem to wake up after 8 hours and cant get back to sleep
>24 year old virgin russian lass married to some old cunt who refuses to have sex with her for 5 years because some gyypo said they'd divorce if he did so based efukt https://efukt.com/20949_The_24_Year_Old_FEMALE_Virgin.html
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>>193677 >always seem to wake up after 8 hours and cant get back to sleep yes lad that's how it works for everyone after eight hours of sleep it's time to be awake an face the day
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found a pic of wessie
keeeek leafchads are parking their trucks outside of news reporters houses and leaving them there keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
i am so damn bored. i wonder if anyone's ever necked themselves because of boredom before, or if you need despair as well
>>193683 probably been feeling that way myself these last few weeks, worst month in a couple of years
>>193684 might go back to drinking soon, i don't like being so aware of time passing by and not getting anything done or knowing what you should be doing in the first place
>>193685 said i will never have another drink until ive kicked the porno addiction everything is so lame dunno how normies even cope
hate how the shittier i feel then the less i pray, and therefore become even shittier
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>>193685 >i don't like being so aware of time passing by and not getting anything done or knowing what you should be doing in the first place yeah tbh
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i miss drinking smh it's so expensive though
>>193689 you stopped too?
>>193690 not fully tbh just cutting back only once a week now plus special occasions
>>193691 i'm getting too old to put back tins like i used to consequence free. gets really worrying when hangovers include organ pain that sticks around for a while
>>193692 smh yeah that's a bad sign
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https://canalrivertrust.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=bc85e84c7069427ca87174490b03a08d lads this neato map shows you the canal network from 1749 to 2019. pretty amazing how much they're managing to restore.
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>>193696 based canals are kino and trad tbh
>>193694 are you really surprised?
>>193698 Not really, he worked for Google after all.
Jim Watkins is also 100% a nonce. Probably freddit breddit too.
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I miss YouTube schizo posts.
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>>193704 Tbh. Nth for sporty white women.
>>193706 >those piercings and tattoos disgusting
>>193694 The worst part of these imageboards is the nonces. Just look at our top banner.
Very grim start to the day, going bakers for fresh roll an cakes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoodhA5DuGk New uncle ted kino getting released
>>193710 >making him look grottier and evil rather than how he actually looked smh industrial scum
https://youtu.be/0EL3ZkcMNS4 Just saw this on samsung tv. Really good ad. Me and my friends were all really impressed. I think this product is the future!
>>193710 don't even need to watch the trailer to know that this is just another smear campaign tedkino portraying him as a hero never ever smh
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>>193710 I still need to finish his books and Linkola's too smhm
>>193714 Jo Cox was killed by that
>>193715 Don't know who you are talking about but no they weren't
Joe who?
>>193719 John Crocks, got shot by the terrorist information just shared in this thread. He was a Tory Parish Councillor. CTU will hair about this.
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RIP in peace, sweet beast.
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>>193723 >women start screaming in terror when they smell (You)
mummy was going to come over and visit the boomers and I and take them up norf to see their boomer brvthers and sisters before they all died then she took a coof test and decided to call everything off because larping as a "covid survivor" is more important and less effort than just lying and taking a bunch of vit c pills and lemsips on the ferry over and recovering in a matter of days in time to fulfil her familial obligations god I hate women god I hate middleclassoids god I hate niggercattle
>>193725 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK grim, fresh cakes from the bakery smeeself
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>>193725 smh foids have really been milking this coof shite for all its worth they all love it
>>193726 denying myself croissants until I do my toil tbhsmh >>193727 yeah it's really making me seethe worst part is the boomers have my aunty who is perfectly capable of taking them on the trip instead of mum but she won't because reasons (being a landlordlarper during the off season when nobody is renting from her) selfish cunts the lot of them
>>193728 >denying myself croissants until I do my toil tbhsmh smh howl ongs that going to take, more retard toil? and on a saturday, wouldn't be me lad smh iktf tho
>get confined and ordered about by a strong authority >can win special privileges by submitting harder and then brag about it for attention >can randomly become a victim and be the centre of attention for a few days >carte blanche to unperson family members who say uncomfortable things it's literally everything w*men ever wanted >>193728 >selfish cunts the lot of them tbh that entire generation is a lost cause
>>193729 rest of the day probably need to degrot and go get pills from vuh nhs then do the toil smh granny also called and wanted to reschedule to have snaturday sninner instead of sunday sneether which was planned to coincide with mummy's visit which won't happen now and I had to deny her and feel like shit smh they're at the point of being old where you can actually hear their infirmity and impending death >>193730 >a strong authority so long as it's not an individual man they are married to or associating with
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boomers seething
>>193731 smh busy day ahead then, better get to it, I'll enjoy these cakes and kino I'm about to watch on your behalf lad
>>193732 utterly retarded rule changes, they are slowly making driving worse and worse so we'll all be public transport cattle
>>193734 Yes. As it should be. Fuck cars and their retard users.
>>193732 like the change for pedestrians tbh there are some really nasty crossings and junctions around here >>193733 anything good? still need to finish the chinkino tbh
>>193737 Good. Cars should be the reserve of the very few. They've absolutely shat everything up with sprawl and pollution. Public transport, legs, or bicycles or horsies teehee! for me!
>>193738 they need their own cucklanes tbh having them on the pavement is really bad too nearly got crashed into by an archetypal xoomer faggot in full skintight gear and penis helmet the other day because he decided to use the pavement to go around a traffic jam
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>>193740 tbh they don't belong anywhere bicycles are for young lads to ride around sleepy village lanes and that's it tbh as soon as anybody else is present they become a nuisance and a danger to themselves and others plus the spandex fags larping like they're in the velodrome are just pretentious and annoying
>>193742 Just need stronger regulation and infrastructure for them and cities designed for legs not wheels tbhfuck wheelchair twats too tbh
https://youtu.be/lg449XgibVA Now relax, and enjoy sports
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>the wheelchair twat on the bus trying to ignore my shouting
>>193719 Joke Ox

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