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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3630: Dafty Rozzers Edition Anonymous 02/02/2022 (Wed) 12:40:40 Id: 75f23f No. 195870
Met Police is forced to apologise after officers joked about 'raping' and 'killing blacks' Homophobic language was also used including one entry that said 'f*** you bender', and a number of racist messages including references to African children, Somali people and Auschwitz https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10463671/Met-Police-forced-apologise-officers-joked-raping.html Boris and Priti Patel are reported to watchdog over crime stats row Boris Johnson and Priti Patel have been accused of 'falsely claiming' that crime has fallen as MPs urged the UK's statistics watchdog to investigate https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10467627/Boris-Priti-Patel-reported-watchdog-crime-stats-row.html Ghislaine Maxwell lawyers say her right to a fair trial WAS 'violated' Ghislaine Maxwell's lawyers claim juror Scotty David corrupted the Manhattan jury selection process in which the judge and attorneys question potential jurors to ascertain impartiality https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10467855/Ghislaine-Maxwell-lawyers-say-right-fair-trial-violated.html
Lichess mods should've banned my IP range when they had the chance. I will dedicate myself now to ruining their tournaments with my engine which now bypasses their anti-cheating measures. Yes nigga I'm bitter and petty
>cheating coper is also a megaseether boring arc tbh, could have been a redemption story where you learn to get good at chess and beat the lads you couldn't before without cheating
>>195873 I am good at chess, extremely good. I wasn't even cheating technically, they had it out for me. This is an injustice.
>>195870 good lad >​>195872 >doubling down on the cheating i'm revoking your huwhite race licence lad smh should have learnt your lesson already
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Going to go so hard with this. I'm a modern day pirate. They can't stop me. I'll be so notorious I'll feature in a Gotham chess video "Exposing a dirty cheater"
I know it's a repoost but it's really fucking funny tbh >focus on le online extremism >get coppers to trawl through le edgy comments all day every day >le edgy comments become normal to them >they start posting it in their own chats
It has already happened with social media jannies and yet they find it shocking when the police start doing it keeeeeeeeeek
>>195873 Glad I could filter him on his first post tbh.
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>i had that massive fight with my bird because she found out i'd been out on the piss with this girl who's a high class hooker a couple of weeks ago hahahah >make friends with high class hookers <i had one in watford from adult work. used to fuck her all the time >yes! hahaha <used to just hang out and blast her on the sly <when i was on roids and needed it every hour ahaha yes mate
i need a dump, got a particularly vile one brewing
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smh forgot the (You) >>195877 >>195881 save it in a tupperware container lad there's a fertiliser shortage on the horizon
>>195882 keeek forgot about that
>>195877 >Knock a bird about and she will love you. Human nature. KEEEEEEEEEEK.
can't find the deano picture of the lad in the purple tank top smh thought i had it saved
About to watch star wars 1 attack of the menaces tbh wonder if it's as shite as I remember
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There was nothing wrong with slavery and I'm glad it happened.
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>>195880 just realised they kiss each other at the start
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I got my first taste for cheating when I won £250 quid by cheating on a pub quiz. They'd have a break inbetween the quiz where they'd take the sheets off you for 10 mins, I'd just remember the questions and sneak into the bogs and look them up on my phone. Coming back and writing down all the correct ones. There was a music round where I cheekily used shazam as well.
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>>195891 keeeeeeeeek look lads I'm fabb! fabb36 to be exact! hahahahaha
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Still thinking about how esoteric Judaism is used to subvert the whole world, lads.
>>195890 think it means replies to each reply >>195896 It's true, niggers are a slave race. fabb36 has spoken. >cbd222 cock and ball destruction 22 stone >>195897 Hate that bearded faggot so much
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What Sumerians mean?
>>195899 no cap the lizard ayys be bussin fr fr
>>195891 i disagree if somebody isn't useful for anything except being a slave they shouldn't be alive at all if burgers had never done slavery there would be no blacks in the western world at all
>>195903 >lunar new year had a lass at toil wish me a happy new year the day before yesterday and i had no idea what she was talking about until she explained it to me then later when i was gooming it happened again smdh don't really like this trend of chinky culture being normalised good on them for banning the gay segs app though but i wish china would stay in china
>>195904 >lunar new year >on the same day as black history month
>>195905 the sino-african alliance will be the end of us all smdh
>>195897 smh what a shite question for a debate
quavers and hot buttered butteries and frubes for brekky
>>195907 tbh >is bad man bad gee i wonder smh struggle session tier tbh >>195909 comfy
when people say they are "open" about their depression/mental health struggles it really means they just want to tell everyone and are attention seeking.
people who are "open" about their mental health issues don't have the mental health issues they list off
>g*rmany bans RT
>>195914 tbh >>195915 russia man bad
>lack of supervision literally fucking what they were private groupchats why the fuck would they be supervised https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/02/02/lack-supervision-officers-led-really-really-toxic-culture-metropolitan/
>>195912 um sweaty i don't need some stupid doctor to decide if i'm bpd or not. how else can i excuse being a self-centered, promiscuous, alcoholic cuntbag when i know deep down i'm actually a really good person.
>>195916 all that tumblr bs so they don't feel privileged "oh I have depression I am suicidal I have dementia oooooh I'm sooooo special" they're just attention-seeking twats fkn 'ate it
>>195917 kek elites getting so incompetent with this shite now, nobodies going to want to be a copper if they have to deal with this shite, making a mountain out of a molehill, fucking dramaqueens.
>>195917 no lad you have to be supervised 24/7 telescreens soon >>195921 that lass in the video has nothing on my stepsister tbh she is fucking small time
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Thinking about how New Atheism led to tumblr, which led to twitterfoids, which has now led to the mass trannyification of society
>>195926 >"wait.... am I responsible for this mess?"
>>195926 It's not really the actual fundamental problems of new atheism tbh. But if you look at the interaction of alot of le skeptics on tumblr you see how it was the starting point for all this nonsense.
I unironically this event has caused all the pronouns and micro aggression shite we see today.
>>195925 good on him for doing what he could to scare it off tbh luv animals but when an animal threatens a human the animal gets shot simple as >>195926 >>195927 >>195929 no but we've outgrown it you see *jerks off over hyper-reductionist enlightenment rationalist "principles"*
* think >>195931 see >>195930 There was also a blog called "Atheism +" who were the first "SJW's". This is why you saw all the atheist YouTubers back in 2014 make videos about sjw's, it was a massive riff in the community. Within their own little eco-chamber and their godless underpinnings, they started this entire delusional trannyshite left wing online movement
>>195924 It's basically a manifestation of Gnostic heresy tbh.
>>195931 >>195933 just look at sargoy tbh
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>Rogan is polling higher than Biden, Harris and the Democratic party >White House urges Spotify to take further action on Joe Rogan
https://newdiscourses.com/2020/09/gamergate-gamers-first-stand-up-against-grievance-social-justice/ this article also goes how into the entire new atheist social justice stuff fed into gamergate
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>a 1969 Planned Parenthood world population memorandum
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Also PayPal just shat the bed.
>>195942 same as it ever was smh they've always wanted this i'm surprised "children raised communally by the state" isn't on there
Looks like Q4 '22 might be a hebbingning,
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>>195943 wew keeek
>>195943 and that's a good thing
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>>195948 it's literally fraud w*men wearing makeup in public should be stoned to death
ice lollies and watching don jon
was looking for some essential oils to make my room smell heckin nice and the featured pic is some thot getting owned kek
>>195930 >entire internet went to shit because a non chad hit on some bint i believe it
>>195951 baste >>195952 keeeeeeeeeeeeek lips looking plump though
>>195877 tbh almost makes me want to like the police
oh no lads, hope the schizo meds are working.
>>195957 >willy inside trousers the meds are working
>>195956 That's because you're a contrarian faggot
>>195959 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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I hope you all get based aryan 1488 BPD streamer gfs lads
>>195965 keeeeeeeeek i love her lads anybody who denies the jews a separate identity to retreat into after they've poisoned whitehood and salted the earth is okay in my book
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t. nonce
>>195970 based >>195971 smh
no coom no beer lost four kilos in a week
>>195975 thought the last holobunga survivor died a while back how long to these creatures usually live for?
>>195974 is that healthy?
good lad if it is. bad lad if not
>>195975 keeeek did she get spared by riding the masterbation machines
>jews thinking they can shame niggers keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek they have lost the narrative
>>195977 probably not tbh only been eating one or two meals a day generally around only 4-5000kj of the average daily 8700kj feeling good though tbh >>195978 haven't heard anything like that but i'm not surprised in the least >>195981 tbh they created this monster and typically they have lost control of it and it will destroy them story as old as time keek >>195982 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
forgot to spoiler
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>>195982 genuine cinema
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>>195982 good lad I should do some doughnuts today it super icey and snowing really hard rn
>>195982 very nice lad keeeek
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mummy visited after all yesterday and gave me el coof of some kind which is why I can't sleep swollen nasal cavities and throat or something, not snotty or coughing or anything just getting floydian getting quite scary tbh, hard to breathe in any way even while sitting and standing now >>195982 pvre kino >>195989 good lad the new year doesn't really start until you leave skidmarks on the unifag car park
>>195992 send her an email directly blaming her and remind her to no be so irresponsible and attach some official information stating that the vaccines don't stop transmission of the coof
>>195993 keeek tbh bit worried that she will end up killing the boomer since they are going on their last tour up norf together to see the other boomers who are all dying of one thing or another
>>195992 keeeek yeah I will have to go shovel the drive since mummy is bullying me to do it so then i will go and do some doughnuts after
>>195983 >only 4-5000kj of the average daily 8700kj how fucking fat are you wtf >>195992 rip lad, you're one of those unhealthy lads who could actually die from it KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
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>>195989 goodlad
>>195992 yeah I had that as well its kind of weird how its just like this dull ache type feeling and then some occasional drainage but not really even a cough or anything
>>195996 kilojoules lad not calories
steiner needs to record the driving vids with the cam facing him while he wears a mask tbh, much more kino >>195999 wtf are those
>>195996 my last will and testament states that all my worldly goods shall be liquidated and used in conjunction with my savings to build a giant silver leafed statue of an arse spraying poo at parliament tbh >>195998 yeah it's exactly that although no drainage yet swollen blood vessels or something smh
I have asthma and hayfever plus allergies and generally a blocked nose all the time and shit so I'm used to not breathing, been out and about loads during corona and haven't knowingly got it so I assume I've gotten it and just chadly not noticed it kek
>>196000 The kilojoule (kJ) is equal to one thousand (103) joules. Nutritional food labels in most countries express energy in kilojoules (kJ). One square metre of the Earth receives about 1.4 kilojoules of solar radiation every second in full daylight. A human in a sprint has approximately 3kJ of kinetic energy, while a cheetah in a 70mph sprint has approximately 20kJ. The joule is a derived unit of energy in the International System of Units. It is equal to the energy transferred to (or work done on) an object when a force of one newton acts on that object in the direction of the force's motion through a distance of one metre (1 newton-metre or N⋅m). It is also the energy dissipated as heat when an electric current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second. It is named after the English physicist James Prescott Joule (1818–1889).
keeeek detroit international airport is getting icecucked rn keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>196004 baste
>>196001 yeah just use a neti pot thing with some small amount of salt in it or saline spray to counteract the swelling. or that saline spray
>>195982 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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reading genesis and in 1.27 the big man makes humans during creation but then in 2.5 nothing can grow because there are no people so in 2.7 he makes the first man but this all clearly happens after creation
>>196010 Almost as though . . . it's not literal?
>>196012 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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*smells random whiff of le poo* roo?
>>196014 yeah that's why i asked tbh wouldn't be reading in the first place of i wasn't interested in a genuine answer lots of christchads here so i thought i'd ask here first tbh plus i just like talking to you lads
lots of sickly yellow ids around today though smh worrying
>>196016 the lads from 1.27 live inside the hollow earth
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>>196016 Some scholars/Protestants/etc believe that they come from two seperate sources. The Roman Catholic position is that although this is possibly the case there are reasons that they are put side by side: to view man's creation from two seperate perspectives. Both true but each lending emphasis to a separate aspect of our nature and relationship with creation. You can find a better explanation here: https://media.ascensionpress.com/2015/01/12/two-different-accounts-creation/
>>196019 luv are mannimarco tbh glad his career's picking up >>196022 thanks lad reading it now >>196023 yeah that makes sense
stale PWR https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PatrioticAlternativeJanuaryUpdate2022:c Meatybrap's husband is still being harrassed by the po but is free to go out and do more shouting while striding up and down in front of a banner held by 2 people
>Erin O'Toole has been ousted as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada. 73 of 119 MPs voted to remove him. Wut?
>>196026 trust the plan
>>196026 the Hibernian deep state is reeling
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>B'nai B'rith has changed the definition of Racism for second time in seven months
we do a little trolling this will probably bite him in the arse later tbh
>>196026 Wew. Was that because he defended the truckerinos?
>>196030 wtf laura looks like THAT
>>196032 keeek it's a particularly bad frame
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>>196029 Bespoke, woke, and broke definitions. I'm definitely a definition 1 kind of racist. Races are different and should remain seperate. Simple as.
>>196036 looks good lad
>>196034 tbh >>196035 choon tbh >>196036 good lad
>>196038 getting tfw no casino heist feels again smh every time I'm on the elvis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD6PqfMmIIk
>>196040 good lad
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send for ice cube the jews can't touch him
>The White House said that using the word "imminent" was "unintended" in regards to Russia
>>196039 looks kino tbh wouldn't mind watching that for a fil night >>196044 no they meant that other word
>>196049 is it shit or kino?
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>>196043 would need to ask his owner Jeff Kwatinetz
>>196053 wartching rn tbh iCuck definitely doing his best to make himself look like the goodie
>>196050 the video is from when he was mayor of London, many years ago
>>196055 tbh just got to a bit where he starts speculating and putting words in scamboi's mouth smh definitely went into it with an agenda
>unironically asking schmuel to get therapy because his comedy hurts the feelings of some people didn't this guy star in filthyfrank kino back in the day smh
>>196059 iCuck rips off the mde style tbh so it would
sam hyde hasnt produced anything good in years tbh dont really care
>>196058 we love are doctors we love are nhs
>>196066 >>196065 >>196062 tbh the cuck troll video is the first piece of new and kino content in three or four yearsr at least
can't even bear to look at Hyde's disgusting mutted shtetl face anymore he becomes uglier with each passing year
sam sort of just seems like some trust fundie doing some 21st century version of being a bohemian do nothing 'artist' in paris or something. >>196067 kino wish my country had those demographics and functioning infastructure. poor autism lad
Going to have to go to the PC repair shop and take my PC back on Friday. 3 weeks to test their own diagnosis after 15 months is complete shit. feel abused tbqh https://youtu.be/j9KNfkkR50E
>>196069 irl grottmaxxing doesn't work so well i guess
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>not being able to fix your own computer
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>>196047 >that 'sissy' jew with the curly black hair and beard
>>196074 lol, can you fix motherboards yourself lad?
>>196069 he looks so strange like some weird moortuguese ogre
>>196076 Yeah, you buy another one and put it in yourself or if you have the interest, get the get a schematic for the PCB to start problem solving.
smh that trainspotting video gave me feels
>>196079 They claimed they could do the latter, they couldn't.
smh I guess the twitch cult takes up too much of his time
Inshallah, Sam al Hyeda will keep getting away with his insurgency against the American infidels. He will be last to Jannah, yet most deserving, for his glorious active shooter jihad.
>>196082 >niggers attack whites at the shart vore trough >white women try to stop the white men from being violent but do not stop the blacks from fighting everytime
>My name is Nick Rochefort, I'm 46 years old, and I'm, uh.... A merchant >david duke smile moment KEEEEEK nick was always my favourite tbh
>the chuds still won and drove off the nigger troop thus securing the redneck troops dominance of the trough so the little chudlets can vore my ancestor
>>196071 mate lives in sheffield its a nice place but a bit grim at times tbhsmh
>>196088 go find bigmanlee and join his film crew, become part of the Psychopaths extended universe lad
>>196088 which part?
>>196090 dunno but it was only like 10 minutes from the train station by car
>>196088 are you the tranny that went on university challenge?
>>196092 smh how many dogs have they been through now ziggeh should have been the only and the last
>>196093 yeah, tried to get the lop but the scalpel broke
>iCuck goes on a rant about le alt right and how evil scambo is because he dared talk about taboo subjects >then a six minute segment on how tumblr zoomer humour is the only really humour and irony is le bad
>>196096 SEVEN YEARS
>he leaves in the 'copyright claim' part of the interview with extra content to try and justify it >just makes himself look even stupider
smh nick is clearly a trust fundie smh he has the richfag house
>>196100 they all are tbh rhode island is basically one giant richfag estate isn't it?
>>196101 I think so and they larp as these bum artist types and act all grungy
>>196101 That's Connecticut.
>>196100 nick rochefort? yeah he makes me seethe also his attitude is annoying. constantly talks about how people buying cars or houses from him are getting ripped off its like the car job gave him ptsd >>196102 nick literally dressed like he's homeless keek ooo im sneething
i think it's just low tax and high wages in america tbh
>>196102 didnt sams parents pay gorillions for him to attend the best uni and he just farted about and did fuck all? just shows how money greases the wheels of life tbh smh
>>196104 yeah smh car dealers in shitagain/midwest all dress really nice in those baggy american sack suits and do the sales thing, my uncle was unironically like how nick larps but he became a boozer and ended up a tradefag. nick is sort of doing this burnout boomer jaded salesmen affectation like joyce wearing the eyepatch. they are richfags because failed car salesmen in shitagain are watching scorpion king in a shack with the other drunks using stolen gas generator keeeek
>>196106 yeah he went to rizdi which I asked my dad about and its the best design university in shartica, my dad used to be a newspaper type setter and layout guy and now does cpu version for websites so alot of times he has to follow all the web dev fag trends from cal arts and rizdi fags
>scambo and crew take iCuck out to shoot gun >just being able to own guns in your own home and take them out whenever you want to do a bit of target shooting would unironically emigrate to shartica if I wasn't a useless piece of shit and a medical disaster case tbh
>>196107 >nick is sort of doing this burnout boomer jaded salesmen affectation like joyce wearing the eyepatch. they are richfags because failed car salesmen in shitagain are watching scorpion king in a shack with the other drunks using stolen gas generator keeeek Keeeeeeeeeeeeek that is a perfect description you have an eye for people >yeah smh car dealers in shitagain/midwest all dress really nice in those baggy american sack suits and do the sales thing tbh its life but it kind of puts me off the idea that every business transaction should be a slimy romanian haggle
>>196110 yeah I keep procrastinating on shooting have not gone shooting in years tbh just sometimes too much hassle getting to the range and dealing with all the BS but it can be fun.
>>196111 yeah smh I think that the whole 'used car salesmen' meme in shartica got made into some affectation by comics like robin williams in that movie he made.
every used car salesmen I bought from was some nice old boomer farmer guy who was really honest tbh
>>196109 'ate when people who bought the level 60 boost come to northshire and try to give me levelling advice
>>196112 the only time I did any irl it was shit because it was one cadet training rifles with bullets too small for me to reliably pick up most fun I've had in VR so far is just doing target shooting
>>196115 envy of the rich is kind of a shit boomer leftist trait
>>196116 smh its definately worth the experience but its overrated once you do it. you should probably do like woes and take a trip one day and then ask some boomer where to shoot guns and generally every range allows rentals of different goons and you can shoot them. my brother got to shoot an old victorian era double rifle chambered in .500 and thats probably the most kino gun I have ever seen. semi auto guns are okay and fun but shotguns and powerful revolvers are more fun as just messing around
>>196120 >crawling up out of the basement like gollum to fetch brews and ferry schizoid missives to steiner and his mummy and spending the rest of the time being beaten for misaligning pixels on the fiverr logo design requests
>>196119 for me it's blackpowder larp tbh could do that here if I wasn't a known dafty smh
>>196122 also its expensive
>>196121 keeeek
>>196122 yeah those seem fun
almost got a ruger old model revolver because how neat it looked but too much extra materials have no space to safely store blackpowder and lead balls
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>fired a lever action but they said don't use the lever because it didnt cycle properly whats the point smh
>>196129 >can you get hunting rifles in *ngloidistan or just shotguns? yeah can get rifles started writing out an explanation of the law but its too autistic
>>196129 their super richfags have really crazy hunting rifle setups for in scotland but I don't think the average briton gets one
tfw no Incel Horde gang to ride around and capture women with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VHEL7XqoEg
>>196133 >install gun case >apply for firearms license >apply for .308 variation >buy hunting rifle (Bolt action only) thats it pretty much
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Also this is legal in the uk for some reason
>just own property so you can install a wall safe gun case it's easy bro >>196135 because you have to cycle the bolt every time just looks scary but not a full auto shootgun
>>196136 >because you have to cycle the bolt every time nah semi automatic shotguns are legal in the uk on the firearms license, just not on the shotgun license
>>196137 yeah has to be bolted and inspected by a police officer who will shake it a little and go "okay approved"

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>>196101 >rhode island is basically one giant richfag estate isn't it? the coastal areas/islands yes and there are some very upscale neighborhoods inland too, but there are also many normal middle class areas and shithole areas too. has a little bit of everything, western part of the state is woodsy and rural
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>>196144 little archipelagos like that are max comfy
luv little archipelago areas tbh reminds me of old bf maps, kino
https://youtu.be/XYobzPdYcLw >ukrainian special forces engaging in guerilla warfare techniques
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last is the restaurant that Frank Hassle hassled kek https://www.bitchute.com/video/OuN8UFaW4HpM/
>>196153 tbh I have just been kind of ignoring this arc and hoping it would go away
smh martins father is also a coomer
he is gooning out watching hannah hayes onlyfans
Scandis are such degenerates tbh, noticed it in the media they produce too they are very sexual in a weird way esp with children, they'll make a big film of show that casually sexualises children in a way you'd never get away with in the anglo world, shartin just seems to be a part of that, and wtf is "za and why is shartins dad casually wanking in the house while knowing his adult son will catch him, and why is shartin catching him in the act wtf, did he actually see his willy or is he just meming
>>196159 yeah that danish movie with the casual male rape bumming stuff set off my polface radar
they probably goon out together in a giant gooncave
>the lads accepting the presence of a gay furry nonce *leaves*
sipping lemsip out of a giant soup mug porcelain stein thing it does nothing
>>196164 smh germans seem more degenerate
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say his name
>>196170 KEEK would probably be better if it was mould based and not some type of el coof
>>196169 americans are also extremely degenerate in many areas
>>196146 for me it's living on top of a hill with the wind and rain beating your windows for 9 months of the year. currently live in a place thats 267m above sea level and i reckon i live the highest out of all /brit/
>>196160 they probably have some weird specific word for it that can't be translated >>196164 >>196162 no that type of thing was never that common on yank tv until streaming really took off I think tbh
Still didn't tell us what za is
>>196169 >Kind of shocked at the furry thing being so big all over the world. it must have something to do with anthropomorphic animal children's cartoons. remember that that seemingly innocent fish transformation movie essentially turned Neo into a troon? probably same thing with furries and like Lion King, Jungle Book, Tom & Jerry (sadomasochism), etc... then Spongebob had the graphic illustrations of butt cheeks and also the very disturbing David Hasslehoff "Ja, buns and thighs" thing... all of this is carefully calculated by the cartoon Jevvs at Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, etc... they want to do as much damage to the young Aryan mind as they can without making it too obvious. think of how much time kids spend watching these retarded cartoons and how much of what they learn about the outside world stems from them
How did they do it lads, looks like starvation tier to smee, they must've been getting food from other sources >tfw yanks didn't have to deal with this
first wood that kills shartin gets his pick of the juggalo sadies
>>196180 could you just go in with some dead guys papers and get an extra serving like in gulag system?
>>196183 only low inhib types could, for incels and normalfags it'd be over
might try that diet for a week tbh, don't know what good all the butter is if you don't have anything to use it on though, wtf is it for, do you eat it raw, also no clue what margarine is tbh
I enjoyed it when the poof was a completely unsympathetic dastardly psycho in The Terror tbh.
found this funny meme lads. wanted to share
the pint of milk a day probably did most of the heavy lifting in filling people up tbh, but imagine that diet while also being forced into toil making shite for the war effort while posho chads were doing nothing
>>196188 you've probably eaten that much in a day before tbh
ration system didn't include local shops selling stuff or take into account that almost every home and family had a kitchen garden its a better diet than processed cattle slop that I have 6 days a week
>>196189 tbh The Terror felt more like period science fiction. The bumder who posed as an Irish lad was a good side villain.
Can't believe how shocked I was when I found out that cows had to be pregnant to produce milk, made what seemed like a simple source of milk become way more complicated tbh, bit of a blackpill, thought I could just buy a cow and milk away
>>196196 one single bvll can keep an entire herd pregnant and lactating
>>196196 Lad, you can't go up to her tits any time and suck them.
and have milk come out
>>196196 Keeek. I was probably this retarded as a kid also. Can clearly remember thinking that prostitution was only invented in the 1970s.
>>196195 >>196189 yeah s1 was kino, shame the second season was shite, luv brit empire kino from the 19th century
>>196200 >Keeek. I was probably this retarded as a kid also. lad it was 2 years ago, speaking of prostitution I saw it mentioned on a bbc drama when I was young and thought it meant a female prisoner so I called a loads of lasses prostitutes in primary school because they were on one side of the fence during hometime, knew something was wrong when all the mummies on the school run made audible gasps
>>195982 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>prostitution in the 1970s
>>196196 you just sell the male calves for meat once they reach an age when you can tell they're not prime bulls, and keep the femoid cows for more milk. really you've got to have really nice grass to support all that protein though. it's kind of cruel how they take the male calves for slaughter almost immediately because they don't want them drinking the milk
>>196194 imagine how bad it would be now with the population being 30 million more than during the war and our soil being eroded by industrial methods to feed the spic nig cycle, also our total lack of autarky
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>>196202 >2 years ago Wew. >>196204 Keek but also smh because t'yorkshire ripper Jimmy Saville killed that girl at the end in Manchester. Could've been mummy and I could never have existed, all because of psycho necro coomerism.
chewing on a vit c tablet foul gunk stuck on my teeth and tasting like some kind of chemical cleaning agent
>>196208 Jimmy Savile has connections with t'Yorkshire Ripper? I though it was just Moors murders.
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>>196210 They were best buds and Savile was considered a suspect at one point, and there's a conspiracy theory based on unverified accounts that Suttcliffe couldn't have commited one of the murders because he was too far away at the time, so Savile must've done them all.
>>196187 margarine is fake milk process butter that was popular in shartica in the 1950s-80s
>>196212 >Savile is connected to three serial killers.
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Meta/Oculus just shat the bed like PayPal did. Q3/4 is going to be spicy.
>>196215 please no
After hours too KEEEEK
Destiny is debating cultured thug in an hour
>>196215 and just like that, 100+ billion dollars have disappeared ZUCC'd
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very much not feeling good
>>196221 retard bears on /biz/ aren't buying these tech stocks. i think they're oversold and easy money. paypal and fb have dropped just because of bad earnings, but they've dropped too far. literally just buy 60% of the amount you have to spend and keep the other 40% on standby in case they dump even more and you have to buy more. it's that easy
>>196223 >2022 >buying the market
>>196219 Who and Whom'st? Based Bowden reference for an eceleb name though.
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>>196222 smh used to like squirt but I get sick if I drink any kinds of sodas (pops) anymore
>>196224 >do you even mannarino yeah nice m8, just sit out the most ferocious bull run of all time because maybe line go down soon
>have a shower >start seeing stars in my eyes >try to get out of shower >legs stop working and sit down until stars go am I going to die lads
>>196228 delusional
>>196229 maybe you're low on salt and/or water. try putting some himalayan pink salt in your palm, licking it, then drinking it down, the drink a whole glass of water...
>>196229 you have low blood sugar eat some carbs
Its over, im going to die, i've accepted it.
>>196226 >this is the part where you seethe
>modest clothes >put together and dainty >cute hair >wants to get pregnant she's perfect, lads. VVGH
>>196235 reptile eyes
>>196240 keeeeeeek
idubbz sam thing comes out https://youtu.be/5jTdu3FI7vo
>>196240 Remarkable that it was deemed their would be no famine if food imports ceased completely. We're not as bad as you might assumed for sustainability, but iirc about 40% of our food is imported. Like the people really.
David davis maybot thing comes out
>>196242 David Davis finished his shooting spree by resigning himself from life.
>>196243 30 million more people now though, just get rid of all the darkies and we'd be fine kek.
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>>196246 >30 million more people >at least 20% of that growth is darkies >20% of 30 million is 6 million >get rid of the six million to avoid famine >famine, like holodomor >the 6 million
>>196247 keeeeeeeek
what was that one final fantasy film where it's basically just command and conquer, lads? at least I think it was FF some kind of animated jap thing
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smh captcha
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>>196253 >>196254 good lads
>>196257 this time the entire browser froze up as I pressed the poost button smh
>>196212 There is also a theory floating about that Savile was part of the proto-O9A cult based in the same area and it was part of a human sacrifice thing.
>>196209 Just have lemons in water lad
>>196260 tbh, soon as the shops open I'm stocking up
smh seems a bit schitzo
>>196262 looks like government counter narrative.
>>196229 >having jab symptoms think they vaxxed your water supply lad
intredasting tbh
They stopped the economy worldwide already.
>>196266 smh based jewish extermination empire
I've not been in the thread for most of the day, had a power cut can I get a TL;DR please lads?
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>>196270 Everything's shit, that's the TL;DR
boomer kino
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>>196266 (((capitalist))) countries literally fed (((communist))) ones, in order that the Red Army could rape and plunder Europe really makes you think
>>196270 wessie is dying and so is some other lad
>>196275 >wessie is dying and so is some other lad what's he dying of?
>>196276 He's not dying he's doing what he's always done slowly deteriorate at vast expense to the take payer over decades.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzImnVhveMI FRESH fenians btfoing larpers like PA by doing what they do but better
>>196277 tax payer
>>196270 it's over
>>196278 breathing troubles? you got the coof lad?
>>196279 they're not competing lad ireland is unfortunately a different country
>>196277 doubt he costs the tax payer that much tbh except the bennies which mostly go straight back to the economy, you could say thats not productive but I disagree, when you consider the resources spent on monitoring him and the whole prevent saga etc he's probably bled the beast more than any lad on here
>>196281 >it's over ffs I leave the thread for 24 hours or less and you're all fucking dying
>>196282 I guess smh, got it after my mum visited no other symptoms j
>>196283 they are optically much better tbh
>>196279 tocfaidh ar la bros...
>>196284 It's more the pills and treatments. Stopping exploding knees isn't cheap/
>>196287 it looks like they have uniforms from the thumbnail? lots of stuff that just can't be done in airstrip one
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>>196286 >no other symptoms j smh wessie dropping dead mid-sentence
late nick milk and mini egg choccy
>>196292 based
>>196291 keeeek tbh reply box fucked up and I couldn't delete the last letter for some reason
>>196290 can't you just...watch the video
>>196286 what's the home treatment for covid these days? plenty of rests and fluids? it's basically a cold/flu at this point
>>196289 those pills are probably pennies to make and they are mostly shite he doesn't need anyway, just needs to lose weight
>>196292 >late nick milk and mini egg choccy are you German or something lad? this grammar is all wrong
isn't the stone of tara where the high kings of bogtrottland were crowned or was that newgrange?
>>196295 No. >>196296 well I would like to rest but if I lay down I almost suffocate from the swollen blood vessels or whatever so I'm just drinking a lot and inhaling various potions and oils and pills and such
>>196298 I meant night instead of nick, mong
>>196297 He might just shiver it all off the way his elecy bill are apparently going
>>196299 newgrange is the big burial chamber/asteroid impact shelter according to based eireschizos
>>196301 >late night milk and mini choccy egg is what you meant, then spaz
I like lil justin tbh, you can always see his young wife and 4 boys off in the corner of the videos
>>196304 no its a mini egg choccy bar you pleb cunt
>>196303 based wonder if ireland was atlantis
Another mong scalp to my collection
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>>196306 >mini egg choccy bar sounds absolutely disgusting, and will make you fatter than you probably already are you thick twat
keeek imagine how many williamoid irish princes got windcucked on that hill throughout the ages
>196309 is this the mong who posted tranny porn or is it bins, either way your posts are shite and you should fuck off you sad cunt
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Mr Madlad is in the right here >>196307 No but the Atlantid slave/helot caste washed up on Ireland and they legit have a connection to the pre-10kBC world civilisation
>>196312 are those the firbolgs? what about those goodlads that were on the canary islands that the swarthoidic dagos exterminated. smh
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>196311 nice (1) faggot
>196314 be honest, have you watched tranny porn today?
>196315 no, I fuckin hate trannies
Hes on the ropes
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>>196317 he has been thoroughly counterbullied
over the top tranny hate is indicative of over the top tranny lust, tbh
>>196279 keeek he sounds like bbk
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>tfw counterbullied
wish some lass would counterbully me
>>196290 it's a jacket with the party initials on it
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just got back from the sesh lads
>>196326 come back to the discord kitten
>>196327 get a job puglad
>>196326 what was "the sesh"?
>>196329 I think its like where those guys who dress up as bikers in leather outfits and explore each others bowels go lad
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>>196330 oh one of those...
>take hot steamy shower in the mouldcave >feel better >leave >immediately blocked up again smh might have to baron harkonnen or darth vader this and just sit on the loo with the shower on and the door closed
>>196333 get those nose spray with xylitol in it it helps drain your nose
>>196333 grim, get some vix
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will see if the busy furrin GP lads doing important things like harrassing nurse lasses can spare some time out of their schedule to talk to smee on the morrow so long as they don't send a coof patrol team to drag me out and kill me afterward smh >>196334 got some salt water squeezers and some kind of spray with artificial chemicals in it, been using it occasionally but not to much effect not dripping or anything, just blocked maybe not by mucus and can't breathe very annoying especially when the throat is effected as well blood pressure thing I think
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mucinex is supposed to work good might not be used in UK because it probably causes soul cancer or something and is just ameripharma shit
>>196338 all it says is "INDK-213" tbh mystery chemicals
really hungry lads don't know if i can make it to breakfest
>mummy emailed yesterday to say akshually she had the coof after all despite the tests saying it was okay to travel and now she wants to quarantine and sorry for spreading it and ohhhh I'm so worried you should have gotten vaxxed etc etc
twitter is introducing downboat system, so fucking tired of the internet, cqn't wait to leave.
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>>196340 Kek. An Africa aid song. Even a nationwide mandate protest has to include globo homo and nigger loving in some form. >look how not racist we are Hate it.
need more good dabke tbh
getting harder to breathe
>>196346 really lad, even through your mouth?
It's over. No fatty will survive the new variant.
>>196347 yeah smh >>196348 probably for the best
do a vocaroo of you wheezing and spluttering
>>196349 Don't worry too much. I'll keep you alive long enough for an eternity within the metaverse.
going to go out and coof on things at sainsburys/get some more potions and snake oils as soon as the place opens tbh
>>196352 do you have a scooter to ride over there? you should get one lad
>looking up cures and causes and spooking smyself smh it might not be el coof but actually pulmonary hypertension
>>196354 Don't say that after teasing us with the Covid story arc. It's not cricket.
>>196355 sorry lad, this might be worse and therefore more exciting though have to wait until I can get checked out to discover anything
>111 online says to call an ambulance
>>196357 Shit, better call one tbh. I had problems when I had covid that weren't caused by covid, thought I had a stroke, when it was just trapped nerves. Luckily it was during the day so I got a quick appt. at le quack's.
don't ever phone an ambulance get a taxi if you want to live
What symptoms have you got then?
>>196359 not convinced that the online robot thing properly divined what's going tbh, might be able to wait an hour to get a real human bean on the line >>196361 difficulty breathing and heartbeat is far faster than it should be, chest pain hopefully just from taking lots of deep breaths that don't do enough
>>196362 Robot? You sound like you're in a nick, I'd go immediately.
>>196362 Sounds like you’re having heart failure tbh lad
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i love her so much
>>196365 It's nice that you love your mummy, but keep it to yourself dorshit, no one likes to hear soppy bleatings.
>>196366 shut the fuck up you stupid little nigger cunt
>>196363 you either call 111 and get a robot or you go to a website and get a self diagnosis checklist thing did the website and called the amber lamps tbh hoping it all blows over and I'm slapped for being hysterical and wasting emergency service time tbh not here yet though
>symptoms worsening >ambulance nowhere to be seen (there is a hospital 15 minutes away) >surgery is now open and the GP can call
>>196369 third world service mate
>need a poo now but if I start pooing they will turn up and knock the door down or something
>>196372 poo with the front door open
>dying, but still time to enjoy one last shit Vintage Wessie.
>>196373 kek. tbh
VAXX GAS BURNS EYEBALLS OUT OF SOCKETS >vaxx nurse drops vaccine bottle >breaks open on floor, spills the liquid >multiple people present in the room develop eyeball surface damage from the gas
>>196376 >CoronaVac (Sinovac Biotech, Beijing, China)
>>196378 >filename there is no "pandemic"
>>196379 Tell that to the billionaires who transferred massive wealth to themselves over the last 2 years.
>ambalamps lads arrive >thought I was just going to go hospital to get looked at but they actually did the full emergency visit thing >just practice because nothing is that wrong apparently >still can't sleep or breathe properly though smh bullied by the chad EMT heroes said I was having an anxiety attack even though I waited two days with symptoms worsening until calling smh any anxiety I was showing was because I let them into my grotty foul neetcave home I guess I just do my poo and wait until the gp decides I can visit and hope my throat doesn't suddenly close up and kill me before then
>>196382 Pretty anti-climatic tbh. Needless to say, I won't be tuning into the next episode.
smh they also bullied me for not being vaxxed >because of the nanobots right haha >>196383 smh maybe the gp visit will reveal shocking news like I only have six more poos to live
>>196382 >any anxiety I was showing was because I let them into my grotty foul neetcave home keeeeek >>196384 smh
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>>196388 emtlads said no but it sure feels like it
>tell me you post on reddit, by actually posting on reddit... >>196384 >because of the nanobots right haha why yes actually
>>196391 >ginger soy chicken ?
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I'm a beta male with sigma characteristics being honest
>>196398 >>196397 keeeeeeek he looks like he's in prison
>>196400 keeek that reminds of when the vax first came out and there'd be a new video of a lass vibrating posted every day
>>196399 Johnson Hancock Cummings They all should be tbh tbh
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What do you lads make of the Matt Walsh anti-tranny book? https://youtu.be/t4xe8_MHKo8
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>>196404 *slays the tranny defenders*
can't feel my respiratory organs at all can hardly tell I'm breathing except by convulsions of the chest still two hours before gp visit if it is el coof after all it's fucking nasty, a gaslighting psyop virus on my own breath
>>196409 don't really get the point of it if it is the coof I'm not actually coofing or spreading the poz in any way, it's just shut down the feeling in various bits
>>196410 it would have been so much worse if you'd caught it from an unvaccinated person lad you should be grateful that your mummy protected you by getting vaccinated herself that's how diseases work lad trust the science
>>196412 it's a pressurised aerosol
>>196412 A light mist from the pores of their skin
>>196406 tbh it could either be something more serious seeing as 99% dont suffer, or the mouldcave has wrecked your lungs and you've got the coof bad now has it been bothering you long now? the few people I know that DID suffer from the coof said it was worrying because it felt worse and worse on a steep incline, but then peaked after a few days and got better fairly quick after that. Hopefully if you've been suffering a few days you'll be close to the peak and it'll get better from here. Dad was worried because he didn't know where the peak was, it was like "How bad is this going to get? It cant keep getting worse right?" But then got better
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>the Thing that runs Oatly's twitter Right: 2021/2 Left: 2019
>>196416 keeeeeeeeeeeeek exactly as I'd picture it
>>196357 >>196362 KEEEEEEEK utter mong is going to psyop himself into getting fucked on a ventilator and dying >>196359 >>196363 fuck off you twat >>196382 >>196384 Embarrassing and shameful display tbh >>196395 smh just mirroring the daily brits SA story >>196419 these women don't exist
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>>196411 tbhsmh she already started her vaxxoom propaganda even before I got pozzed >>196415 started at tuesday midnight so maybe it's peaked now tbh going to see what gp says probably a big vaxx rant smh >>196419 prefer this one tbh >>196420 smh lad give the producers some slack, it's the first wessex arc in years apart from the storage heater saga reruns
caught out by the auto flag removal thing smh
>go gp >get nurse >seen in a special cuck box for unvaxxed chads >not asked anything more than I was by the emts and over the phone >conclusion; just wait and see if you live or die I guess lmao not our problem
>>196425 it was even signposted 'the hot box' or something similar that made it clear it was a filthy breeding ground for virulent plagues that no good vaxxie should ever enter
>>196424 man up
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>>196424 ALL PRAISE RNHS!!!!
>twitter causes my PC to have code 41 kernel errors
>>196424 tbh they're still playing pass the parcel with smee smh
>>196421 >image God I wish that was my wife.
>>196406 You are retarded and fat lad, the vaxx would have been worth it in your obese case
>>196431 More like pass the retarded cunt lol
>>196432 You are unloveable
*collects my daily bully wages and leaves* Later lads x
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>always nice to schizo >he always bullies smee in return
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Just finished episode three of star wars Deeply upset for poor Anakin You lads were right, the prequels were bonza
Now onto episode snore not alive and dicks smh
>>196400 waste of a cutie. worst part of all of this is going to be how x% of breeding age women are going to be totally ruined where otherwise they might not have been, gonna make it far more difficult than it already was to find a wife >>196406 I have a cold too. coofing/wheezing, sore throat, swimmy head, maybe mild fever idk.. taking vitamin C pills, drinking lots of water and licking pink salt >>196420 >these women don't exist I wonder if you date down a bit if you could basically groom a woman into being like this, like gaslight her into being a breeder. kind of defeats the purpose if you date down though since you want the best genetics possible in a woman to breed with, it matters less that she's pretty if you're just gonna shag >>196433 no. he should lose weight though, it's not hard >>196439 watched a Naruto plot synopsis yesterday and Sasuke is basically Anakin https://youtu.be/WXpqlLwCyoE
I can give you a lift to Treliske if you want wessex
How would we even know if Wessex dies?
>>196444 The smell?
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>>196445 You can't smell through the internet, fool.
>>196447 We can travel down there and stand beside his death bed :(
>>196446 How observant of you.
>>196424 That sounds depressingly familiar.
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>>196449 It's a very simple observation. That you could not make this observation before your incredibly stupid post is shocking.
>>196451 Christ you're thick.
>196451 nobody cares tranny lover
>>196452 That's not a picture of me. That's a slightly overweight pepe. >196453 I am not nor have I ever been in love with your mother (you're descended from trannies)
hes on the backfoot now
>>196456 Nice post, cringelord.
>Fruit Pastilles will be made in Czech Republic and Toffee Crisp bars in Poland as Nestle closes Newcastle factory with loss of 475 jobs https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10469521/Nestle-closing-Newcastle-factory-loss-475-jobs-production-set-Eastern-Europe.html
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>no Wessex post in two hours
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this cold sucks man, my head ahhh
>>196459 Why are they moving production?
Okay so the top comment said the newcastle plant had reached the end of it's lifespan and the majority of production is being shifted to Halifax.
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>and your footsteps will always fall here, along england's greenest hills...
https://news.stv.tv/scotland/scots-will-need-licence-to-buy-or-use-fireworks-under-proposed-new-law >Scots will need licence to buy or use fireworks under proposed new law More foid matrix nanny state, all the people in the article referenced are women
>>196463 Why do they ever do it, to save money.
>>196468 Sometimes it's cheaper to shit a factory and move production that to refit the factory.
>>196469 build a factory
Two weeks into my disciplinary and they're only just starting the formal investigation >It is now appropriate for this matter to be investigated further under the formal disciplinary procedures as a potential Gross Misconduct matter keeeeeeeeek No matter the outcome I don't even care, sick of this shitehole tbh
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>>196460 still got the blockage or whatever might be an infection, just can't breathe the george floyd experience was gooming in Hell Let Loose tbh played as a spotter for my autist mate with a sniper rifle and spotted an enemy tank by slapping it with a grenade had a really good match playing as WW2 Medic and running around reviving lads and healing and stuff, always like that role because I can't aim >>196471 >potential gross misconduct >objecting against religious discrimination
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>keep on getting random 41s >mfw haven't updated Win10 in 11 months
>>196472 >objecting against religious discrimination Got a solicitors number in case they fire me which is the best case scenario tbh, move on to a new job and jew them with the jew laws
>>196474 Lawd of da wings
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>One of the most important investigations of recent years revealed that average life expectancy of a person with severe autism is 39.5 years, rising to only 58 years for those with high-functioning autism, or Asperger syndrome.
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>>196478 the light that burns twice as bright burns half as long https://youtu.be/wRxHYHPzs7s
why do autistics die so early? are there health issues associated with it or is it just being retarded and walking into traffic?
>>196481 depression from being so gigabrained probably or fixating on things to the point of neglecting health both apply to smee
>Wessie will live another ten years
>>196483 KEEEK tbh
Be autistic about personal health then.
>>196485 The ones that do just end up as germophobes
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Wesslord, once you recover from your el coof, how's a 'bout doing keto + intermittent fasting to shred off those excess pounds? let this be a wakeup call to tend to your health
>>196486 No, becoming a gymcel.
>>196487 just before getting the coof I had started having only two meals a day so I will continue that couldn't afford keto though unless I just had chicken and mixed vegetables every day or smth tend to think it's a meme anyway I like to have a variety
Any of you slags seen jojo rabbit?
>Wessex going to GP will be counted as "Another unvaxxed healthy young man hospitalised" statistic
>>196491 >tfw we see him apologising in the daily mail while his sad mummy hugs him in the pic
>>196493 >slit eyes >faces scaled down in character creation keek, cute tho
>>196493 varg will probably be the top #1 white racer saver for centuries to come since he's the only lad having more than one child smh
>>196493 >>196494 At first I thought aw cute but then I started to notice they're a bit off. The Nordic race looks a bit rat like tbph.
>>196497 Wdymbt?
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>he's driving a nissan
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>tfw dad stabs mummy eighty times in the neck in self defense
>>196500 Smh Varg wouldn't kill his wife. Unless she really was planning to kill him first.
>>196501 If his wife allegedly had a shotgun and planned to kill him how did he get close enough to stab her? smh
>>196503 Because women are retarded with guns.
There's nothing like a pre-emptive stabbing in self-defence.
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ah a new persona to try
https://youtu.be/fty3aTMWbWc They should do a song like this about 22st and telling his lore tbh
>>196508 >(93) >swordmong filtered
I miss 2016 smh, such good times and I never realised it
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learn yo history cracka you wuz cuttin ah noses n sheit
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>>196513 never fails
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>>196520 to honour the canadian truckers lad
>>196522 It's a great film with a catchy theme tune
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>>196521 >I hope our members of parliament are safe >>196522 all films are bad
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>chipped a bit off my front tooth and now it has a rough patch on it
>>196524 >says all films are bad >posts anime lad...
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>>196529 n-no?
>>196526 that's from a game, Epic Battle Fantasy 5 also anime is better because it is gentile whereas virtually all films are jevved up to the max >>196529 that's what I'm concerned about. if I get a confirmation that that id is indeed b*ns, I will not be giving any more (you)'s
>>196532 >also anime is better because it is gentile whereas virtually all films are jevved up to the max fair point tbh jews really do ruin everything smh
>Stewart Lee is boycotting Spotify Who?
I hope 22st gets Uncle Chop Chopped someday tbh.
Apparently US special forces really fucked up a operation in Syria. ISIS and affiliates blow themselves up they were shot, so USSF just killed a bunch of women and kids instead.
before they were*
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>>196537 Sounds like mission accomplished to me
mini egg choccy and milk with a side of crushing misery loneliness and anxiety for supper
Pint of dark rum and ice for me
some /tv/ kino, that board is an utter wreck of reddit fags and non whites, fucking pakis complaining about living in the uk etc, makes me seethe
>>196412 sperg said that i basically fucked all the blood out of her
>>196513 sounds like bbk putting on a yank groid voice
>>196512 It's actually the black earth of northern Egypt you fucking stupid nigger.
>>196549 >(106)
>>196552 wish I was that daft
>>196547 You've never had sex and are more likely to have been the subject of rape.
terrible gimmicks lad sort it out
You say that, but you fall for it a lot.
toil complete, did wessie get put on a vent?
>>196559 sorry lad we had to put him down while you were away
>>196474 lord of da blings
>>196561 smh he never got to breed
>>196563 is that really such a bad thing
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>>196560 >everyone I don't like is an MRA Based Narendra Modi tbh
>>196565 good interviewer tbh
horribly depressed lads, hitting me like a wave rn
>>196569 listen to some music to pep you up lad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPUmE-tne5U
>muh false flags in eastern Ukraininos The same USA that overthrew the kangdom of Hawaii, don't give a shit what the yanks have to say about anything tbh
oy vey
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>the week's almost over how did that happen
>>196569 tbh I have horrific TMJ I ignored for way too long pretty sure its like a sign of mentalism to have really bad tmj from clenching your jaw in your sleep
>>196576 >the covid vaccine was actually a Q vaccine
>>196568 wonder if there are real life videos of this h-haha..
>>196579 Apparently I have been eroding my molars in my sleep due to teeth grinding.
creepy mr burns lookin nigga
>>196582 smh they make those cool mouth guards that only go over your front teeth and train you to not do it
>>196585 I'm not using modern tech to escape something modernity has inflicted on me.
>>196586 well at least post something
>>196568 Is there more? >>196512 >psycho eyes after every sentence Yes this is a real human being >>196589 I appreciate how well he matches the anglo meme stereotype
>>196593 smh too bad I can't see any of their faces
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>>196589 clip pls
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She cute

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