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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3631: Time is Fleeting Edition Anonymous 02/03/2022 (Thu) 23:15:29 Id: aedabc No. 196598
Linky for QT tbh https://easytelly.eu/2020/03/18/bbc-one-london/ Two more senior Boris Johnson aides resign as Dan Rosenfield and Martin Reynolds join Downing Street exodus https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2022/feb/03/boris-johnson-latest-news-partygate-covid-coronavirus-cost-of-living-crisis-uk-politics-live COVID news - live: Age group infection rates offer huge UK boost - as fifth vaccine approved for Britons https://news.sky.com/story/covid-news-live-uk-latest-coronavirus-daily-cases-12507015 Rishi Sunak defends response as energy bills soar https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-60242432
based black lass talking about personal choice
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>>196600 tbh good lass unironically
unironically proper based lass
Wessie got to wheezin with the china flu Breathed his last with his lips all blue In a doublewide coffin built for two They put poor Wessie in the ground
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>>196600 STOP trying to make me civic
he's got that reddit gold subscription
>>196603 very good lad
>"it's not just about personal choice" unironically an evil nigga
>>196600 no based black gf to protec me
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the chadspread
>>196607 Nothing anyone does happens in isolation. Abolish body autonomy. Mandatory sterilisation or euthanasia for anyone the state considers harmful. Subsidised pregnancy for anyone the state considers beneficial.
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*clears throat*
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If only you knew how bad Question Time really is
he's got the drip
>>196614 Admiring that dominant stance.
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>Question Time we no longer do that
>>196614 >>196616 he's got cock shame though smh
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>196617 can I just speak
>>196619 You have till I've cocked my pistol.
abolish niggers
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this Question Time spam should not be allowed it shits up the thread
>>196622 what else are people going to post about at half 11
host another film bins tbh
>>196623 Civic lasses and seacow anticipation
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>>196623 tbh plus it's a retvrn to tradition
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>>196624 thought it might be nice to watch som Ghibli at the weekend
>>196627 think we've already watched all of those films tbh
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>>196629 yeah, but they are so good
am we should am do am, you know am people am, rules am.
>the chance of negative effects are so low and the benefits are so high
is tim stanley a william?
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>>196628 >this thread
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>>196633 he's like douglas carswell if he got aids from his negro honeys and decided to take it out on the rest of the world in revenge
>>196635 keeek
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>>196634 he is the supra-mundane expression of the pure william
unironically scientists got high off their own farts in the last two years from politicians and the public giving them so much attention
fuck off back to africa fancy pants nigger
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>>196635 based and civic
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>TIL Ghibli did a CGI film anyone know if this is any good?
robin shat-cock looks a bit like some kind of victorian era boarding school pedovore
>>196643 looks hideous may as well watch it as it's new
>>196643 it was awful
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>>196646 >it was awful can't be worse than Question Time, surely?
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>>196648 goy, we British are a proud multicultural society, and we were always diverse
brit rn wish I had the full video smh
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>>196652 Based
Do you think up to the wolves will make another vid if I donate 100 pound
>>196651 chud midwestoid phenotype
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smh captcha getting too close to the sea cow for my liking
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>>196650 This is true though, just not in the way that current year social engineering master race kikes are psyopping their pet goys into believing.
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>>196662 Good lad and good night
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smh wessie didnt bother making another attempt at seacow
>>196662 >>196669 too busy taking laborious gulping breaths and reading manga tbh
>>196670 any suggestions for film night tomorrow? something not too heavy, and no subtitles if possible
>>196671 the rest of the vampire goth lass content tbh
fight in Birmingham over a pair of Nike dunk lows marina Fucking based
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>>196672 oh, those... SPOILED pic related is basically the whole plot smh - a dad having get used to the fact his daugther is going to get fugged by some horny lad
>>196673 nigs fighting nigs?
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hey Wessex, saw this recipe thought you might like it https://youtu.be/KzHxLUQKlTI
>>196676 looks good tbh
>>196677 yeah, doesn't it.... if I wasn't doing keto I'd give that at try tbh
>>196676 i should make videos like this tbh
>>196679 that'd be cool
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>>196680 thought about doing those budget challenges but dunno if anyone would watch them or doing a 3/4 ingredient a meal
In 30 years when the majority of under 30s in most of western Europe are immigrant descended what will the 80% native pensioners do when their pensions stop coming?
>>196682 /brit/ would watch them
>>196682 >>196684 yeah, we'd watch them
>>196683 Be beaten and raped by the people they let in in their nursing homes.
>Ned Price >We Have evidence >Show us the evidence >I said we have the evidence This is a day after they said using the word "imminent" was "unintentional". Russia must has massive stuff on Hunter either given or taken from Ukraine.
Why is it that noone ever talks about who actually individually made the decision to bring in Mirpuris to Lancashire and Yorkshire to work in the textile industry which was then off shored to the subcontinent. Like it's of massive importance and nobody has any idea what actually happened.
>>196687 i can't imagine it's hard to get dirt on a crack addict.Even if it's massive institutional corruption because he's a brain dead drug addict, even with all his handlers he's probably left a paper trail a mile long.
>>196688 Because you're supposed to take it as something that just occurred rather than certain people putting actions into motion.
>>196688 wasn't it the nationality act of 1948?
>>196673 smh mongs wear canada goose there as well? smh the true chad leaf coat brand is BIG bill
>>196693 >The act that declared us all CUKCs
kino snow storms these last couple of days, zoomies are out sledding on the hills good lads escaping coofism for a bit
>>196697 The best bit is nigs shivering in detoilet.
I just cant wrap my head around how any sane person thought it was a good idea to import unending amounts of third world immigrants. Its just so insane and obviously evil. How was there not a single person in power who realised this and tried to stop it.
>>196699 >The Act was largely the result of a bipartisan ideological commitment to "a definition of citizenship including Britons and colonial subjects under the same nationality" and at a time "before large-scale migration was considered possible".
>>196698 keeeeek yeah all the foreigner people getting all rattled from a foot of snow and saying its climate change keeeeeeeeeeek
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>>196699 You know why.
Chopped up chicken breasts, mushrooms, onion, tomatoes, bit of olive oil and seasoning and into a dish in the oven
>>196697 tbh it's good at least they can get some trad fun times out of youth before lifelong race war of survival sets in
>>196703 cover it in foil or the chicken will dry out also add garlic
>>196702 >>196700 It wasn't even Jews. It happened in the 1950s in every single Western European nation, there's practically zero Jews in many of those countries (Finland, Portugal, Norway) and it happened there.
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https://youtu.be/_khhs0zLWCg >no gun autism slavess with natural dirty blonde hair color
>>196709 russians look weird
>>196706 Fun fact controlling financial levers and think tanks gives you a very long reach.
>>196706 >50s hmm, I wonder what came right before that? https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/1/27/14412082/refugees-history-holocaust surely westerners came to this decision on their own
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>>196713 have no idea what this post is meant to convey
>>196714 it triggers 22st
In the 1980s the Swedish king took part in a program to reform far-right youth into "healthy patriots" by visiting skinhead bars lmao.
me personally i prefer brythonic phenotype lasses with strong aquiline noses
>>196709 reminds me of the sort of shit senators work night and day to keep in their state because of the kick backs.
>>196716 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>196716 imagine if he became one keek
>>196717 tbh good taste
Soon lads
>>196723 does louis always try and deliberately look uncomfortable
i am seriously considering shitting on puglad
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you're a poundshop poolad
remember when nigger mobs were let loose on lone boomers in london for defending a Churchill statue? this is what are bozza said on the day. what a cunt.
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>In mid-summer three Spanish whaling vessels put into Reykjarfjörður in Westfjords. Icelanders and the Spaniards had a mutual agreement at the beginning as they both had benefited from the enterprise. When the ships were ready for departure in late September a terrible gale arose and the ships were driven on the rocks and crushed. Most of the crew members survived (approx. 80). The captains Pedro de Aguirre and Esteban de Telleria wintered at Vatneyri (Patreksfjörður) and left for home the following year. The crew of Martin de Villafranca's ship split into two groups; one entered Ísafjarðardjúp, the other went to Bolungarvík and later to Þingeyri. >The first conflict arose when one group entered the empty house of a merchant of Þingeyri and stole some dried fish. As retaliation, on 5 October, at night, a group of Icelanders entered the hut where the Spaniards were sleeping and killed 14 of them, only one young man called García, escaped. The bodies were mutilated and sunken into water. Jón Guðmundsson the Learned wrote about the unjust and cruel deaths "dishonored and sunken into sea, as if they were the worst pagans and not innocent Christians". Three days after the first slaying, Ari Magnússon summoned a council at Súðavík and twelve judges agreed to declare as outlaws all the Spaniards. >On 13 October Martin and the other 17 of his group were killed at Æðey and Sandeyri in Ísafjarðardjúp, while they were fishing. According to Jón Guðmundsson, the victims were stabbed in the eyes, their ears, noses and had their genitals mutilated. The captain, Martín de Villafranca, was injured in the shoulder and chest with an axe, but he managed to escape into the sea however he was stoned in the water and dragged to the shore where he was tortured to death. >Two verdicts were instigated by sheriff Ari Magnússon of Ögur, Ísafjarðardjúp in October 1615 and January 1616. The Spaniards were considered criminals after their ships were wrecked and in accordance with the Icelandic law book of 1281 it was decided that the only right thing to do was to kill as many of them as possible. Over 30 Spaniards were killed.[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slaying_of_the_Spaniards
>>196731 insane that they'd just kill all foreigners over a piece of dried fish god i wish that was how it was today
>>196731 its a little rich for the nation of viking rape bastards of irish women founded by roving pirates to go ape over some fish. probably just looking for a reason to rekt some swarthoids
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texas is gonna collapse again keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek they just had power outages again
>>196737 first world country btw
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>cuckxicans when its 1C and it snows for 20 mins
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another one for the collection
*builds all water lines above ground*
>>196740 link me fam I want to bully
just remembered my favourite arc ever, the lad with the annoying Dad who would start ranting about politics before he even entered a room and also decided he was going to learn the tin whistle keeeeeeek, howled like a banshee at that one. best arc ever
kino, i haven't heard of any deaths down there yet, i hope there is a happening but i feel like i would've heard by now
>>196745 its just started this weekend should be good
god those texans are so obnoxious
it all depends on whether the power is down, and i can't find info on whether it is, if steiner says it is then i believe it as he's probably seen it on boomer news
>>196747 they never give up keeeek just keep posting autistically worst demographic of north american posters tbh
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>it wouldn't have happened in south texas
>Now work Asphalt in 110 degrees with 100% humidity, party through a category 4 hurricane, deal with floods, etc.... shut the fuck up Eskimo. Your snow isn't shit i see what you mean steiner, they're all like this
>>196754 yeah super boorish and aggro keeeek that thread got them so mad I think there is some ne-con(federate) forum on like occidental dissent or something and they brigade on 4chud or something. I used to support those guys but the few normal ones are drown out by the sea of weird autism rage that constantly talks cringey "I will kill you kike period." schizo poster tier posts
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Feelin a lil cold dixieniggers? don't worry, I brought some heat..
>>196756 keeek they were seething so hard when I posted that one tried to say that sherman genocided them and I say oh no muh 6 million plantations burned down its another atlanta keeeeek
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it's practically a yearly tradition at this point
i wonder how the mexicans are holding up, it's cold in the border area too. looking at a map of mexico now and i never really realised that the whole place is basically the rocky mountains, barely any flat part
>>196760 they probably prepared beforehand tbh
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/pol/ depresses me by how overwhelming it is. schizoness aside, you could never keep up with everything that's going on in the world. /pol/ catalog is a tsunami of information that all needs to be unpacked and processed
>>196763 yeah smh there's too much going on in the world for any one man to hope to keep up with all of it
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Morning, lads.
>>196766 smorning lad
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>>196768 oh no
>>196766 keeeek I love the white race lads
>>196686 Unironically. Going to put a pillow on mummy's head when she gets too old. Would never put her in a nursing home.
Thinking about the white race again, lads. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8ekz_CSBVg
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thinking about that spanish fashqueen again lads
>looks like white nationalism You're damn right it does.
Completely forgot the GinGins had blve eyes. Unless they're coloured contacts. Not impossible for a quirky weeb like her.
>that time you heard her voice on the spergy LBC call and she had a lovely liverpool mummy sound AAAAAHHHHH why couldn't I coom in her womb before it was too late, lads?
>>196776 link?
>>196777 Fuck knows if it was ever saved. Think she called in to btfo of Jewlia Heartly Booba for being a cuckservative, but she cutely stuttered about immigrants being after benefits.
>>196774 ahhhh she was so peng
>>196778 keek good lass wonder if there are more like her
>>196779 Those last two always get me. Puffed up lips like when women are actually horny. That may have been when she was horny for her communist boyfriend though. Smdh. At least he was a whiteoid.
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often keek at this image
>>196781 >that weird dream I had after Ginnie's cigar posting where she offered me a cigar in a car and then I crawled up a mucus filled hole in a cave to escape a giant salamander from voring me Thems were the days.
>>196785 It's actually a stick of poo poo
>>196786 Defamer. She doesn't smoke da poopoo.
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smh suppose i'll make a gin gins file for lore purposes
>not having all the Ginnie lore burned into your mind from years all psychosexual obsession and stalking Casuals. Smh. Did lose all my images with the old HDD though so it's great to see this other lads posting them. Such nostalgia for when I first saw her twitter.
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>>196790 She's long been dead lad
>>196791 I stopped stalking her when she became too old to consneeve. Might as well be. Smdh.
i love ladies breasts they belong only to their husbands and baberinos.
>>196796 >I shouldn't be held accountable for posting stop being a wog.
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now post ttpw memes
>>196801 keeeeeeek look at him
I wonder if he's lopped his cock off to conserve more energy for his big noggin yet.
showered shaved and cleaned up a bit, very comfy lads, 2 frubes and a banana for brekky >>196803 stop being fat and you won't smell as bad, no lass will want to live with you if you carry on like that
>>196805 >showered shaved and cleaned up a bit well done lad, want a medal?
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>>196806 he wants your haggis sonny!
>>196807 Horrible wristcel. Smh.
>196806 better than you anyway waster
pathetic and ugly little man
lad? why so hostile?
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>>196811 STOP wanking then.
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>>196812 Because the weak wristed should fear the strong. Going to throw you into a pig crusher and hear your brittle bones fracture like a thousand bubblewrap papers popping. The bullycide of the century.
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>the sexual tension between these two guys
>>196816 do you wish you were asuka
>>196818 maybe
>>196816 That anime celt lass has thicker wrists than (You). >>196817 I'm not 22st or bins. No sexual undertones to this wholesome bullying. That's deano tier tbh. >>196819 Don't become another troomer lad. Smdh.
>>196821 she even has a thicker dick than me smh
>>196822 Is the character a troon? AAAAHHHHH fucking weebo gayism.
>>196823 dunno i have never watched an anime just think she looks cute
>>196824 Good lad.
>>196827 hate these faggots trying to act like they are the edgy counter culture
Antifa destroyed the government built memorial to the Dresden bombings. >Every year it's necessary to stand up against the Dresden bombing memory that exalt the Dresden citizen to innocent victims. As if the citizens didn't join the Nazis into a barbaric conquest, as if they hadn't committed the atrocities of the Shoa or at least supported or ignored. The bombing was necessary to defeat the NS. The deaths weren't victims, the were perpetrators. The one who murders millions of people and attempts to conquer a whole continent needs to expect resistance. >Actions lead to consequences. Collective grief over Dredsen's dead is wrong. We should grieve over the victims of German barbarism and celebrate the victory over them. Which applies to 02/13, as a victory about the nationalsocialistic Dresden. >That's why we thought it's time to delete a memorial of historical revisionism to correct this historic misinterpretation. >this memorial is directed to the "victims of 13 February 1945" and part of the revisionistic discourse in Dresen. The victims of the bombing are displayed as innocent children, the bombing is displayed as cruel and barbaric. >But this has no historic fundament and is ideologically dangerous because it shifts guilt from NS to the Allies. This creates the impression that WW2 was a general cruel event without good and evil or guilty. But the NS was the barbaric evil in WW2, the Germans have actively chosen this ideology. That means Germany and Dresden were the NS and the perpetrators of Holocaust. Dresden was not innocent, it wasn't an innocent crying girl. Such misleading memorials need to be removed. https://de.indymedia.org/node/171200
>>196826 keeek love autistic niggers tbh, bet he loves dbz
>>196830 They need the fucking bullet. I hope these feeds into anti-xenophilism
>>196832 >>196833 yeah they're neat, they're not very anti-tech though. their colonies are based around industrial farming and everyone lives in dorms around the factory. they're basically communists, they call themselves communalists. they do some cringe refugee charity along with the also cringe bruderhorf tho.
>>196836 it really is amazing how openly self-genocidal antifa in germany are. I mean all Antifas believe that their group should die off in the end, but the German ones are open about it.
>>196841 Imagine opening up the newspaper and seeing that your wife has written this keeek
>>196841 notice how she described here current relationship as "happily settled" hes nothing but a free ride, this wouldn't be an issue if women were virgins when they got married
>limmy's wife/gf broke up with him but still lives with him and posts on twitter about using tinder and going out embarrassing, no wonder hes a miserably lefty cunt
>>196844 never found that mong funny
>>196844 Where did you get this info?
>>196847 shes on twitter you mong, she constantly replies to his tweets negging him and undermining what he says
>>196844 she turned the weans against him
>>196848 Strangely, you dip skulled shit, I don't follow the girlfriends of obscure left wing regional comedians who retired from TV ten years ago to become a streamer. Link it now you little shit slipper.
>>196850 seething
>196850 wtf is wrong with you
Is this the lad who got caught watching tranny porn, his brain has been broken by that kek
>>196851 Yeah I am I want to know all about it but this cunt is gatekeeping the banter >>196853 I'm the other one, what happened to Mancs anyway? Haven't seen him in a week or so smh
>>196854 Thanks lass
>22st such a nasty little cretin
Chile had year long riots that brought down their centre-right government and resulted in a re-writing the constitution. And yet there are no anti-migrant riots destroying migrant camps, very whitepilling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2yqQcFnm0Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq2Ehq8FxLc
I reckon he was chatting shite about poor Limmy
>>196860 >And yet there are no anti-migrant riots destroying migrant camps, very whitepilling. how is that a whitepill
>>196860 >>196862 sorry i meant "now" The entire Chilean right basically sat out the riots and could only muster a couple hundred in the early days (who did beat the shit out of some leftoids) but now they're on the streets enforcing their will against the weak government.
>>196864 keeeeeeeeek
KEEEEEEEEEEEK nick did a show with ed dutton
https://youtu.be/fd-JcO9q8F0 This is the music the Jews think we should be listening to lads
https://youtu.be/iu-WkA6MjKk keeeeeeeeeeek this is on the fucking billboards so many white niggers smh
>entire pack of morrisons mini donuts to smeeself
>>196874 Sex is a good exercise you won't be fat for long if you do it right although you do admittedly get the munchies after smh just like willy wanking
>wake up >check /brit/ for a wessie update >last poost 14 hours ago it's literally over
new ag' just dropped
in hospital not looking good only a few days to live tell 22st i love her
>false flagging should be an instant perma
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>we're all worried for wessica because she hasn't been in for a day and they say internet friends aren't real keek
>>196887 I'm invested in his story tbh, it's like a real life Emmerdale.
Flagfagging is too much effort tbh, having to remember to set it every time I come to the board. Sod that, can't even remember to eat dinner some days, let alone choose a poxy icon on an autistic radical surveillance website.
>lads who don't access /brit/ through a special browser on incognito with a vpn
>lads who don't post on brit from a tent using a 50km range aerial for internet connecting to a public wifi using their special brit computer which solely uses linux and has 7 proxies and you replace all tech every week ngmi
>>196894 literally falseflagging
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>not posting exclusively on your GCHQ issue work computer ngmi (and I mean that)
>flagfags turning up again I'm offski
sore throat cold
>>196898 An organised group of of firestarters could easily stalk GCHQ employees back to their homes, then you'd find out who the big guys are. Not that I would of course. I do sometimes feel the urge to kick them off their bikes though.
oh cool you actually can upload .mp3's
>>196905 he had the gf before he got rekt by forklift now she's stuck because if she leaves him then she looks like a bad person
Neil Young doesn't belong in the South lads
*gets called about by Lynyrd Skynyrd* Well I heard Mr. Young sing about her Well I heard old Neil put her down Well I hope Neil Young will remember A southern man don't need him around anyhow
>>196905 he lost his willy though
>>196905 he's gonna be like the crippled man in Lady Chatterley's Lover smh
>girl calls me four eyes at school >call her jelly neck (she had burns that looked like jelly sort of on her neck* >they make me stand on the naughty wall
I want violence.
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morning lads just got done reading sharpes rifles last night started seething really mf hard how he gets pseudo-cucked by the dago who steals his woman. almost threw the book away after that and struggled to finish it hoping that the femoid would be killed everytime I turned the page.
>>196916 smh Sharpe is class war boomer bullshit tbh
>>196917 because he is a poorfag trying to become a william? it made me seethe reminded me of being at uni around richfags whilst being a lowermiddle classoid
>>196918 Yeah and he always shows up all the officers with his wurrrrrrkin class ways smh, pure boomer power fantasy tbh Also the twat supports the French revolution over the monarchists in that tv version where he goes to Brittany
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>>196920 smh I didn't mind those tropes but I just didn't like him getting cucked by the femoid
the femoid in jack london's sea wolf also ruins the novel as well. romancefags fuck off its iliad time
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yeah 2000 pages of random stanzas of and then theoclus fell, spears pierced his throat and darkness shrouded his eyes
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>>196923 that was the worst part was how she was a richfag factory owners daughter type using him for adventure and then when the spanish guy seemed more adventure-y she just monkey branched. it was very redpilled but it made me seethe fiercely. the best is how incels or MRA culture is such a step away from this femoid worship of the past 200 years where if sharpe was a zoomer or milennial he would not have even indulged the femoids vanity, knowing that she was simply a thot
incels need a hero of their own
*wheezes slept in since about 2am tbh attained a sort of zen state of extreme tiredness where I could ignore the feeling of suffocation in order to lie down >>196926 bernard cornwell is a leftoid but his books seem alright most of the time, he's done a lot of series other than sharpe about anglo-saxon britain and stuff he even did a short series about the shart civil war called the Starbuck Chronicles about a brvther-warring confederate lad, bet that would cause some intense sneething from you keeek
>>196930 I must die in a certain way
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>>196929 yeah last kingdom was good. I don't mind the sharpes stuff. yeah you can tell there is alot of commentary on class in english society and they do the whole muh innocent taigs thing with sarge harper. just didn't seem believeable that 19th century english soldiers would abide a papist dago seducing an english woman
>>196929 >slept in since about 2am tbh lad, you're literally dying
for US civil war I perfer ambrose bierce short stories
Defence minister of canada
>>196935 priti patel after being attacked by mace windu
>>196855 Yes you have?
>>196932 it's his own brand of romanticism yeah, le based strong independent xoomer dago contrasted against the corrupt and inept boomer junta somewhat kino that he brings actual spanish racistisms into it by referencing the dago adventurer having limpieza de sangre / purity of blood and taking pride in having no muslim rapist ancestry >>196933 going shops since I ran out of consoomables the mild strain might make me keel over in the road tbh
>>196938 yeah hidalgos
smh accidentally pressed enter before I put le vpn on its ogre for smee, anyway thats The dutty episode with nick
>>196941 smh this is a Democrat activism site according to the government (anti-loli laws)
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>tfw spent the last 24 hours with Kernel and CPU failure
>>196944 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek ayy sauron yousa bitch meet me outside
>>196944 >Lord of the Rangs the Return of the Kang
>>196948 stop posting this utter shite you fat foreign cunt
>george floydfoot is supposed to meet ganderius the dope in bree >bilbo jackson shows him that the bling of power can turn a nigga invisible >ends up on eridor news being wrongfully killed by breeland men at arms after stealing from a breeland market using the bling of power >hobbit riots break out all over middle earth
KEEEEEEEK /tv/ is just none stop reposting of the lotr nigger poster
>>196947 death to america
ayy the numenorians be keeping us down and shit
we wuz valar but then the numenorians keeping us down
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>three weeks off toil >meeting next Thursday to discuss the "allegations" keeek I'm going to utterly fuck them up *applies to another job in the meantime*
>196957 why are you posting like that, do you think its funny, just annoying, you should be banned
>>196951 keeeeeeeeeeek he just wanted those pipeweed rolls he a good boi smh
>>196951 howling
just stfu you fat annoying snarky prick
He is legit a homosexual podophile.
>Lord Ahmed was sentenced on Friday to 5 years and 6 months in jail after being found guilty of sexual assault and attempted rape https://archive.fo/7KHW6 >A farmer who used a forklift tractor to move a car parked on his land was today cleared of dangerous driving and criminal damage after telling the jury, 'An Englishman's home is his castle and my castle starts at that front gate'. https://archive.fo/uJndj
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Should we watch LOTR tonight?
>>196969 take that thong out yo bussy, denethor
hate niggers and their worshippers >>196968 > 'An Englishman's home is his castle and my castle starts at that front gate' good lad
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smh my tmj is brutal today feels like the sides of my head are leather straps
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>>196973 are you in need of some opioids?
>>196973 >tmj wtf is this
>tfw this is the 3rd biggest board on this site and we're basically running at quarter of peak capacity wish it was more lively smh we deserve our own site
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taking requests for tonight's film night
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>LARPing as Jack Ryan The US State Dept. also receded it's claim that Russian MoD had put bounties on US operators.
>>196977 nobody cares poof
>>196977 vampire lass films or anything else light comedy/animated or any of the furrin subbed war films I keep suggesting
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oh no keeek
>>196981 (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
>>196973 how much did your dentistry cost lad?
>>196979 >nobody cares poof not heard of this one tbh what year was it made?
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>>196976 should just make an IB.. URL britpol.xyz/brit/ or something, don't need to be a programmer to do that just use lynxchan or whatever
>>196989 could you postpone an hour lad?
>>196991 wtf why?
>>196991 okay, film night is postponed for an hour....
>>196992 you are such a bossy snarky cunt, who even asked for that film, totally narcissistic twat.
spaghetti bolognese for tea
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>>196994 sorry lad, I'll try to be better
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trs and dailystormer are down rn feel like something big is going to happen
>>197000 nah daily stormer just lose the .su USL https://dailystormer.name/ works and the tor url always works
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>>196998 ban foreign poofs
this site is having issues now as well
keeeek was at the shops for mummy to get more foods to resupply for when it snows again and there was this soy and his lisa simpson who got stuck on a hill in their cuckmobile keeeeeeeeeek she expected me to get out and help but I just not my problemchadded past in my truck while savoring the seethe
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>>197005 not my fuckin problem jack
avaxchads, i'm thinking we're back
why does the alt shite webs still meme about scam heeb? he doesn't even do political stuff anymore
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>>197010 get your baofeng and load up mumsnet lass
>>197012 he was resisting arrest in his sleep lad
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if sam hyde has lost steiner its over for him smh
>>197014 keeeeeeeeeek
>A man arrested for vandalizing Washington's Union Station with swastikas is a Mexican national in the US illegally. He has a long criminal history & has been deported twice. However, he does not meet Biden administration standards for removal currently. https://mobile.twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1489026692882575368
>>197015 do you pay for his gumroad lad? >>197014 keeeek he kind of sounds like peter griffin
>tfw was being unironic because I think steiner is a goodlad and would probably be sams traditional audience smh >>197018 >do you pay for his gumroad lad? Keek no smh he does beg for money a lot
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10471683/Boyfriend-Canadian-teenager-stabbed-death-frenzied-attack-charged-murder.html >'She wanted to share her faith with him': Mormon teenager, 19, who had 'never left Canada' was stabbed to death by English boyfriend she met online after flying to meet him in UK
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>>197014 keeeeek
>>197019 smh just seething at rich people
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>>197020 hmmmmm
>>197024 pepe lookin ass
>>197020 what phenotype is this?
was playing gooms earlier in vuh warband clan and they kept going on about women and tinder and foids in the goom community and the secret knowledge of their pics and stuff hate cliques so much hate women in male spaces making me seethe and ruining the comfy shootgames
>>197022 goodlad his silver spoon ass wouldn't last on the incel streets
*smh im just seething >>197020 mong wasting good mormon waifu genes because she wouldn't be his degenerate N. american coomslave. you can tell he is some degenerate coomer. stupid women, she should have just been married to another mormon instead of trying to convert a creepy lanklet
>>197026 cro-magnon skunk addict
>>197029 Well said
cro-magnons apparently looked like black skinned asians.
tbh clearly some creepy incel trying to groom an americanoid to be his coomslave. one of my whore cousins got to go on some trip to ireland to be railed by some irish richfag who groomed her on instagram. >>197031 no offense to britlads but I would have probably called that weird freak out for stealing muh women
>>197032 literally looks like benjamin zepheniah
he worships the sun with primitive human sacrifice rituals so they call him sunshine
mormons use their women to get "gentiles" (non mormons) to join, he probably got told she wouldn't have sex with him until they were married so he killed her smh.
>>197033 >be lanklet >ezmode life >get nice lass >kill her and ruin your life forever anyway hes probably genuinely mentally retarded ngl >>197036 no doubt
>>197033 >who groomed her on instagram. Lad instergram is treated like a highclass tinder by denoid nouveau riche scum. This happens on an industrial scale.
>>197038 I am so out of the loop? keeek my cousin probably ate some irish deanoids shites like a worthless coomslave whore and now she has some beta bux husband keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>people are having sex on an industrial scale I think i'm going to be sick ...
so instagram is like pictures of butts and then rich people like simp and say "ayy girl you want to take a pic of your butt at stonehenge?" keeeeeeeeeeeeeek fml
>>197039 It's tinder where you get to pretend you aren't immediately advertising a sexual hook up.
>>197042 I remember facebook pokes and that it keeeeeek at least a nigger didn't kill the mormon lass but that lad kind of killed a decently attractive leaflass smh waste
>>197039 >>197040 howling at these posts
really despise deano coomers tbh
>>197040 >they're inside factories having sex and creating sexy economies of scale smh
he should have at least fucked her after he killed her dumb bastard probably paid to fly her over keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>online dating just set it alight tbh
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>not just flying to shartica and paying some shitty methed out stripper to give you cummies >actually trying to corrupt a retard religious girl
>>197046 What do you think only fans is?
what are the chances she just saw his grotty neet lifestyle and the fact he looks like pepe and went "errr I don't think this can work" and he killed her out of seethe
KEEEEEEEEEK any of you lads watching the new apprentice, its literally just girlboss foids making everything about teamwork and causing the team to get literally nothing done fucking hell its making me kekseethe they are so useless
>>197049 yank lasses just can't resist the britlad cock tbh sorry steiney
>>197051 it's more likely that she, being a professed mormon said no sex before marriage/family arrangements and he lost his coomer mind tbh.
>>197051 looks like she was here for a while they've got loads of pics of them out and about
just a retard thot attracted to a bad boy dont give a shit tbh
Worth noting she was a recent convert to mormonism so had probably rode the carousel a fair bit
>>197051 keeeeeek she thinks he lives at hogwartz but then they live in the mouldcave next to wessie and some junkie throws a bottle at her while idling his engine and wessie looks at her from the window with no shirt on
>>197056 > bad boy really hate this meme, looks like he was a lower middle class psycho deanoid living in a suburban area and she decided to come over after meeting him online
>>197058 He coofs and coats the window in mucas as she's dragged inside the adjacent mould cave
>>197058 wish I had some nice lass neighbours the only people not xoomers are a deano and stacy couple and a pot smoking used up degen lass who has wiggers with dreadlocks come to her flat at all hours getting massive incel sneethe feels rn after having to be around normies even on the internet earlier
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>>197059 whether he was actually ard or not doesnt really matter to a femoid he looks like a troll and has a tatto on his face
>>197053 keeeeek yeah my cousin literally got flown over there to be some fuckslave smh. at least southchuds get their accents fetishized by foreigners. I have found that like meds seem to have some weird fetish for upper midwest people
>>197062 is that the 13 year old poof who was killed to cover up their gayist relationship or is that another one I'm thinking of
>>197062 is he doing the wp hand sign?
>>197020 >dexter twitter header >mong phenotype >fucked up neck and tattoos failed deano mong https://twitter.com/S3PPLE99
>>197067 coomer straight out of the factory tbh.
>>197065 some polish lass 'hired' a 13 year old for 100 quid on snapchat to kill her 13 year old ex bf or some shit. also it all happened in some white suburb where they all listen to grime music
>>197064 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek was she really eating the poo of some richfag taigoid smh
>>197069 >where they all listen to grime music God above all I hate wiggers, I know they don't know any better but the wog worship is so fucking tiring.
>>197014 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>197071 keeeek some 20kg 13 year old zoom zoom going YOU THINK YO BADNESS FAM? BRING DAT TING TO WORCESTERSHIRE PARK
Is it weird that I'm struggling to picture a rich taig like steiner is describing
>>197067 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>197073 There's nothing about wogs to worship I don't know why they want to replicate such a shite existence.
>>197075 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek unironically having the same problem
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>>197075 she probably got catfished and lured to a pikey settlement
>>197079 tbh exactly how I was imagining him
>>197075 it was probably in UK but she told everyone it was ireland all I know is she spent like half a year in britain with some random man "who she met online" and all the aunties and mummy were very upset when I implied she was being paid for sex in the form of a vacation
>>197069 KEEEEEK nothing of value lost tbh half my year in school was like that only back then and up here it'd not be grime they'd be listening to just shite pop stuff and maybe some fleeto choons
>>197082 >half a year
>>197082 their dusty old fannies probably looked like the ganges at the thought of assisting a young thotty getting some foreign cock smh
>>197069 keeeeeeeeeek wtf
meanwhile little stein stein can't visit a friends house because its unsafe
The mongs on the apprentice fucking KEK the foids made them call their team name "diverse" and this weird looking overconfident girlboss foid gave a shite speech, swear this show used to be much better when it started.
>>197088 He must be looking for middle management HR staff atm.
>>197088 love when sugar asked that jew if he was really a jew because he tried to serve non-kosher food to jews and told him he could get his cock out and check if he wanted keeeek
can't stop seething like all the fomo hitting at once
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>>197087 >friends
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>>197086 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek check out how dystopian this shite is
>>197093 KEEEEEEEEEK yeah I realised recently I have literally zero friends, a lot younger than you though so its a bit more grim
>>197094 >13 year old girl organising hits and we're meant to believe they "cant consent" smh
I haven't left the house since Christmas
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>>197093 You're my friend
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HEY STEINER >bongoboys do tinder streams every so often >90% of the women are vile slags (orange, half naked, posing with men/dogs/niggers, drinking, smoking, butt matrix, etc) >yankoid (New York state) does a tinder stream >most of the women look quite nice >quite a few are qt trad looking ones >almost no wogs and grim looking women
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>>197096 >organising a hit because she cheated on him
Severe beatings would have prevented this.
>sending nudes at 13
>>197102 very common tbh we had a big assembly in school when some 14 year old lass in our year get her tits spread about
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>>197102 lasses having sex and calling hits out on people at 13, meanwhile i was expanding my granary tiles for greater cheese storage smh
>>197095 smh yeah thats no fun to have no friends to mess around with in your teens and early 20s hope it works out. poor zoomers getting rekt by coofism
>>197099 think theres a class element at play tbh lower classes here are more likely to use dating apps where as its more evenly spread in america, also bongofags are probably in shithole cities
>>197093 friends are overrated in this oversocialised world tbh, just distracts you from inner work imo.
>>197106 just have friends mate its not hard
>>197104 exact same thing happened in my school various times
>>197099 upstate new york is kind of based tbf, still too many jews there
>>197098 thanks lass
>>197111 >>197104 still remember some lad breaking up with his gf and shouting out in the middle of class "HER PUSSY LOOKED LIKE ROAST BEEF!" still makes me keek all these years later, a bit fucked up though
Fresh horrific breadtuber satanist
>>197108 how do posh people do dating in UK? yeah I think you are dead on in this comment. its not very hard to see decentish girls using match.com in shitagain
now that i think about it a lass at ours had hers uploaded to one of the big porn sites
>>197116 social circle and unifagging mostly I think, don't know tbh maybe some tarquins on here can comment, also think they pair up earlier as well
>>197116 >how do posh people do dating in UK? By meeting each other in the institutions only they get access to.
happened here too, police came in and gave a talk about putting people on the sex offender registry for having the pictures. there were a couple pregnancies at my school, one being at 14 from another 14 year old which is pretty fucked up.
>>197117 KEEEEK this is basically why pornhub purged all their amateur content, so many coomer 15 year olds uploading their stuff
upstate new york is probably the most kino place I would be if i was in new england. it gets ruined the disgusting metropole to the south with all the ellis island filth
>>197120 only pregnancy at mine was this fatty who I had no idea was pregnant until after the fact keeeeeeeeeeek she was a complete munter too
>>197119 based sounds like a good way to prevent race mixing
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>>197122 yet again im reminded yank land has states that are just like britain except 1/10th the pop density
>>197116 they still basically have a debutante system whereby a family presents a lass as eligible. Dunno how much of it is a larp tho
>>197125 smh yeah, if I was incharge I'd be buying greenland and all those northern canadian areas and bring aus and nz back in line, need living space tbh
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>>197122 New York /= New England
>>197124 class mixing would be more accurate lad.
>>197129 >Hillsboro keeking smh
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>>197108 >>197112 i am in dire need of a gf ngl lads ive been on the verge of creating a dating app profile for a while now but i have zero pictures of myself that aren't shitty gym selfies to track my progress i also have no social circle and all my cotoilers are geriatrics
>>197132 drive around your local mcdonalds at school time lad
>>197129 ah right yeah always just lump all the shithole cities on the coast together too bad boston mass got turned into a shithole it was super amazing in the olden times
>>197130 smh this is why brahmin poos are a probably in shartica they can marry into the middle classes
>>197132 are you this lad, its over anyway I had mummy take a pic or 2 for me back when I was on those apps and used some selfies too, the whole thing was grim never doing it again, its so inauthentic
>>197132 groom some mormon lass
>>197135 tbh the upper classes are useless traitor scum
smh meant to post this as well
>>197136 tbh smh
>>197133 Go join 22 in the nonce corner.
go to art school and groom a mousy autistic girl. its not hard.
>>197142 Only if daddy can pay for it.
kind of just trying to improve my life slowly and maybe by the time I'm 30 I'm enough of a man that if the west has collapsed I'll be able to aquire a hole to coom in and produce children, other than that I'm not really hoping for much, feels like I'm in the great die off.
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>>197133 mashallah habibi >>197136 >>197139 no im the kim joy poster/5'6"/schizoward/low test zoomer >>197137 i would if i knew where to find them tbh they seem based
>>197144 dont forget to mew
I feel sorry for those lads not in the middle class professions/circles, because the chances of finding a woman of good stock is slim to nil without it. It's why I feel sorry for steiner for having it then losing it tbh.
>>197147 maybe I can pinch a lower class slag whos ok enough to breed with when her sub-deanoid isn't looking
>>197147 tbh, I just hope for some crash where I can go full cave man
Hate being talked down to by people who are intellectually morally and ideologically my inferiors just because they are upper class tbh bet this is how hitler felt when dealing with the prussian mongs
>>197147 i lost all my middle/upper middle classoid friends after leaving school a lot of my cotoilers are proper poshos but theyre all old poshos so no luck there smh
>>197147 tbh smh the worst was ignoring all the lasses around you for muh career and now literally the only women I interact with are like the slampig mummies at the boomer toil supply stores. most middle classoid women are probably vaxxed though now so smh
>>197056 >talented ass /brit/ niggas making really good OC like it's no thang how do they do it?
>>197151 You could just become a rapacious social climber.
>>197150 keeek yeah they really didn't like him kept calling him a bohemian corporal
i would really rather avoid using online dating apps but i have zero contact with any woman my class or age i havent talked to a lass around my age in like 3 years smh
like 22st doesn't even care that he made le lawnmower mene that has impacted millions, possibly even a billion people over the years. i'd be telling all my mates if i had any
>>197158 who would believe him? I don't even believe him and I know he did it.
>when you've had a wee but you feel like you need a wee still
>>197158 lel I remember that thread, and the specific request for the image. We truly are the forefront of memetic psychology tbh.
>>197155 >call him a bohemian corporal >when you look at the history of the western and eastern front it was the prussian aristocracy fucking things up smh
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>covid transformed me from hip yuppy university cool guy into a generic redneck chud loser in like 2 weeks
>even have the same facial hair AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
>>197154 i crypto am although not intentionally. through toil ive met a big poshos important to in their field of work
>>197162 yeah been reading rommels book attack and its kind of off putting how rommel was almost viewing the battles as like this autistic game. I doubt the western front was as much fun for hitler, wish he had wrote a memoir of the war
tried to grow a beard and it looked terrible, tried to shave it into a moustache and i literally looked pedophile tier keeek
>Biden just waived Iran's sections over it's nuke programme What is his end game?
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>>197163 what compels a man to do this >flood detected
>>197165 Good lad, get into a position of power and exploit the hell out of it for the white race.
>>197169 probably some swarthy spaniard probably gets instagram sluts to buy him new shoes every day or something that narcissist chads do
what are you supposed to do with incel feels lads, just wank it away? getting seethingly angry after making the mistake of thinking tbh
>>197166 smh. rommel actually majorly fucked up during operation crusader as well and got btfo by a worse british force
>>197167 just do the whole van dyke style facial hair of the 1600s lad I can't do the mustache either
>>197172 go to the gym and get money and then get a gf I guess at least thats what tony montana says
>>197174 smh its because i have no chin myself, been unironically using one of those jaw trainer things was keeking in that idubbz video when sam mentioned the mewing triad
>>197172 go to the gym there are usually a few women in there but when you've got a good pump going it's just you
>>197173 of the 3 meme generals monty seemed the best. I don't care for patton I think he was like drumpf, just a loudmouth dolt who should have been more subtle if he really intended on turning on the jews after the war. typical southerner really thinking war is a fun little game. perferred omar bradley me in terms of shartican generals
>>197176 smh hope it works for you, when I had my CT scan I was miring my skulls jaw good potato nigger genetics
get irrated by all of these tikthots that attention-whore by saying they want a guy with a "dad bod" (i.e. fat) more of this "body positivity" bullshit encouraging people to just let themselves go and be disgusting slobs
>>197179 >tfw have an overbite which is cucking my jaw cant be arsed to get braces though smh
>>197181 just mew retard
>>197176 >jaw trainer holy lel tbh
>put in all the self improover work in the world, discard everything I enjoy and take up social "hobbies" and toil I despise in order to meet women >if I'm lucky get a 35yo dried up whore after 5+ years of torture which will continue unto death in order to conform to the normalnigger matrix
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>>197182 >mew i swear only mouth breathing 20iq retards need to do this consciously isnt the default to have your tongue resting on the top of your mouth?
>>197184 if you improooov enough there are always young lasses out there i spose
>>197186 yeah i mouth breathe because i have allergies ive had since birth i have no control over keeksmh
>>197186 youre fat (no offence) so it doesnt matter for you, also you're probably not doing it right (you're retarded)
>start to better myself >i begin hating woe is me poosts strange >>197190 14% bf lad
the last interesting female I ever met was five or six years ago and she was 14 and already showing signs of corruption even if I had stayed in that social circle and hobby (which required hiding power level and fading into the background anyway) until she became legal I was already too old to even try without getting dogpiled by the group's mummies >>197191 improoving works as a coping mechanism which is all it should be used for I guess
the hotly awaited wessie nonce arc is finally out
have you lads tried not being ugly losers? it works wonders tbh.
>>197186 >isnt the default to have your tongue resting on the top of your mouth? I don't mouth breathe and it not only takes a lot of conscious effort to put my entire tongue on the roof of my mouth, it's actually hard to get the lower third up there. I've given up on the mewing, once your bones are done growing and everything fuses into place it's probably a waste of time. I just close my teeth together in public I don't get why some people mew naturally and others don't
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>tfw just a failed normie
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>>197192 >improving yourself is a cope
>>197193 keek smh she'd be in her 20s by now meanwhile I have only changed for the worst in all that time >>197197 improoving for women is I mean
wessex should start by fixing his diet, but he wont even do that, smh
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>>197195 >it's actually hard to get the lower third up there just swallow nothing to build suction.
>>197195 your teeth and gums continue to change, mewing never stops working.
>>197195 smh lad where you put your tongue when your mouth is closed then?
>>197158 > i'd be telling all my mates if i had any which is why you'll never make it in this thing of ours
>>197194 these posts are just annoying and reddit tier
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>>197161 yeah I went back to the archives ages ago when lads talked about this
>>197199 tbh, just replace even a quarter of the freddos and biscuits with sardines or raw eggs and he'd see giga-improvement, but instead the retard just falls back into the crux of believing he has some weird genetic inbreeding disease that le doctor told him he had. inbreeding isn't even real, it takes generations of inbreeding to have paki-tier consequences
>>197207 unironically got bored of wanking tbh like my body/brain just suddenly stopped me doing it weird eh
>>197208 >22 actually made the boomer OC holy shit I kneel
>>197210 it comes in cycles, I'm like that too atm after binging quite a lot previously
>he didnt know
>>197212 ive moved on, lad.. to finer things to coom inside
>>197203 it hangs out on the bottom, just lies there
>>197214 still coasting off that high you got the one time you actually shagged, shes moved on lad and you'll still be wanking to the thought years from now, imagine how many cocks shes had in her since then
>>197211 yeah it's common lore here, was so weird seeing all the variations popping up on outer yankchans
>>197216 no, another lass
on the other hand
>>197219 keeked tbh
>>197218 that you've actually coomed inside? what a waste anyway you still live with mummy what are you going to do bring her back to your cave and raise a family there, don't care about your casual sex tbh it means nothing
multigenerational households are based and it was jews that disincentivised them and forced the rentoid cuckbox meme which now means that lads are expected to become eternal toilslaves in order to afford a home and family
>>197222 yeah lad, i hate this mene too, but i can't imagine still living with the boomoids, perhaps communal property ownership would be the way to go with lads saving up to buy property debt free and then letting all the NEETs live there for free.
its been a month since the last woes, he said he was taking a "small break" to "work on some code"
>>197222 yeah I know I was just being realistic tbh
>>197224 doesn't have to mean that they are an active part of the family my boomers had a multigenerational household and their grandparents just had an annex of the house that they lived in and only left when they felt like it
hopefully move in with her and her parents tbh
The self improvement memi implies a static society which will basically not fundamentally change much in the interim while you improve thus giving you an almost guaranteed ROI, but this doesn't exist and you can work for years are get basically nothing in return so many lads give up, it really is LE societe bad tbh
>>197229 thats why you completely reject society
>>197229 more reason to improve, the clock is ticking, the economy will falter soon due to boomers retiring. you dont want to be left empty handed when the music stops
>>197227 tbh had grandparents live with us in the extension part of the house for a few months and they even had their own little door with a letter box installed and we didn't even notice them half the time since it was treated like their house and we'd have to knock to get in etc
that reminds me i might buy some more boomer rocks
>>197231 empty platitudes tbh
>>197235 enjoy eating shoe leather to survive
>>197236 what exactly are you doing, smug retard
>>197237 drinking and watching shite on youtube.
*instantly recognises madlads posting style*
Westie was talking shite about operation crusader earlier as usual, looks like the germans were fairly outnumbered in terms of armour and planes
>>197238 so whats the need for the snarky self important post, I'd fucking axe your face in you mong cunt
>>197240 >italian elements explains a lot tbh
>>197241 No you'll be eating shoe leather.
>>197239 keeek ye funny to wind him up
>>197242 kek yeah think thats when they had tens of thousands captured
>>197243 wtf does this even mean
>>197246 exactly what was typed.
>>197246 he assooms that in le collapse britlads will be starving shoe leather eating normies instead of chad cannibal mad max tier nutcases
>>197248 That or we'll be dead.
>>197247 keeke, madlad isn't the brightest is he
>>197225 he's working on the milleniyule 2022 NFT
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Booked the start off the week off for supper
>>197252 an extra 24 hours of toil prep time?
>>197252 No one will take my norn 20's lad it's a travesty.
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>>197240 >British are attacking with equal numbers with more infantry >into a german defensive line full of mines >British tank doctrine consists of all the tanks going forward with no infantry support (retard mode) >German tank doctrine has been honed through two years of fighting, >Germans have better quality tanks (the matilda was good though) >Germans have better anti-tank guns >one of the british divisions is led by a south african shitposter who ignores orders and doesn't fight for half the battle >a bunch of the british tanks don't have enough fuel so they don't join the battle
less* infantry
>>197257 god I wish
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>>197261 oh shit wrong link, better try that again lol
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>>197265 He'll have to make another post
>>197249 speak for yourself >>197255 >British tank doctrine consists of all the tanks going forward with no infantry support (retard mode) that is literally how the germans did so well in the early war kek utter mong, manstein would go 50-100 km ahead of the infantry with just a few tanks >Germans have better quality tanks (the matilda was good though) doubt, they were still using mostly panzer 4s and under plus they had half as many
ginger nuts dipped in milk for supper
quad Scotch for dins
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>dutton talking about nicks dad cooming
>>197271 keeeeeek why has he glued on a fake pornstache
>>197272 thats his actual stache, dutty was wearing a fake one at the start
>>197273 he looks like he's trying to be that one lad that killed himself with a revolver keeek
>>197264 >>197265 >>197266 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
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>>197267 >that is literally how the germans did so well in the early war kek utter mong, manstein would go 50-100 km ahead of the infantry with just a few tanks Attacking defensive positions with tanks without infantry support doesnt work you cant see shit inside a tank Panzer divisions all had infantry in them, the fighting in poland and france was done with infantry support of the tanks. manstein was retarded driving 100km off into the russian interior away from your supply lines tbh >doubt, they were still using mostly panzer 4s and under plus they had half as many british didnt have that large a tank advantage in reality they only had 50 more at the start of the battle, the early british tanks were shittier than the panzer iv and under
>>197211 yeah shartin created one of the biggest menes of the past 10 years on english speaking internet
>>197279 you sure lad? soyny was really going off at whiteoids during the gay nigcel seetheout
>>197281 if he could monetise his artistic skills somehow he would be set for life but he just prefers to draw memis instead smh
>>197281 wish he made oc instead of being an groomer nonce
kind of based its like having your personal thread michelangelo
i don't take any credit for it, but it did blow my mind that i requested it. i don't think the lawnmower was associated with the boomer before the mene, but i could be wrong. i think 22 started the john deere meme with that window meme
>>197240 why were the italians so shit in ww2?
>>197283 I could see corporations like jewgle hiring zoomers to make subversive memis for them >>197287 they were too busy shagging ethiopian women
>>197280 ignore him lad he's a brainlet who's never watched tik
>>197257 the ku klux klan hasn't been a thing in like half a century or more
insane we are living through one of the most polarised times in history and its getting even worse
>>197287 germans started preparing for war in 1933 whereas the italians didnt expect a war for years they spent the entire annual budget building roads in ethiopia in 36 >Ethiopia and Africa Orientale Italiana (AOI) proved to be extremely expensive to maintain, as the budget for the fiscal year 1936-37 had been set at 19.136 billion lira to create the necessary infrastructure for the colony.[15]: 5  At the time, Italy's entire yearly revenue was only 18.581 billion lira. iirc the italian general said attacking british egypt would be a failure and mussolini said do it anyway the allies are going to collapse soon anyway
>>197280 >Attacking defensive positions with tanks without infantry support doesnt work you cant see shit inside a tank tanks are literally made for punching holes through defences, utter mong, uni making him overthink everything, it wasn't done with support of infantry I just told you, even at dunkirk the panzers went way ahead during the encirclement
big read tbh but: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................poo............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ tldr ....................................................... poo .......................................................
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did you know hitler was actaully a socialist?
>>197294 good post tbh

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