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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3632: Memi Architect Edition Anonymous 02/04/2022 (Fri) 23:39:10 Id: f29d37 No. 197296
No 10 denies Boris Johnson has lost control after raft of resignations https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-60261455 Tory MP says 'we need to change the prime minister' - as he hands in no confidence letter https://news.sky.com/story/another-conservative-mp-submits-letter-of-no-confidence-in-boris-johnson-12532810 Brexit food checks at Northern Ireland ports must continue for now, Belfast court rules https://news.sky.com/story/brexit-checks-on-agri-food-trade-from-gb-to-northern-ireland-must-continue-pending-hearing-court-rules-12532638
every (1) a shartin
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first for nasim
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>tfw you make the memes about the lad who makes the memes
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>>197293 >tanks are literally made for punching holes through defences, utter mong, uni making him overthink everything, it wasn't done with support of infantry I just told you, even at dunkirk the panzers went way ahead during the encirclement tanks attacking on their own in north africa against fortified positions with mines and anti tank guns which have ranges far longer than most british tanks and also infantry with anti-tank grenades that tanks cant effectively deal with is a bad idea lad as for france, the panzer divisions had infantry in vehicles which were faster than the tanks lad
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evening lads
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>>197306 he looks like auntie pembs
>>197305 Sneevening lad
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good lad
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>>197305 evening
2 fried beef burgers(no bun) with mushroom,onion,broccoli and cauliflower cheese
>>197312 you know I think I have a few ways you could improve that recipe
>>197312 I had lasagna
>>197313 Really? Well enlighten me.
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>>197316 keeeeeeeeeek
>>197316 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>197317 in order to protect OUR democracy, we need to only allow people with my views to ever have power
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>>197321 keeeeeeeeek
>no seacow
>>197324 did it disappear again tbh? >>197309
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another swiss cough drop it is hope tomorrow I'll be all recovered from this cold and can get back to lifting, probably lost some muscle smh
>>197325 must have missed it tbh >1 second off
>>197316 tbh it was so cringe how almost all westoids fell for the vedic menes
>>197331 tbh even to this day, white Hare Krishnas are bigly cringe.
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I mean they export this shite to Latin America.
>>197332 had close contact with an actual cultist of that variety once keeeeek when I went to work on windows with vanlad my neighbour knew someone who lived in the area so I met her and she was a schizomummy who gave half her income to some guy larping as a poojeet and having the sexier mummies sent to his carribean island resort keeeeek
still keeking that that pepe looking deano ragekilled the mormon lass because she didn't just instantly present her vagina to him. what a mong fell for the oldest trick in the foid book, pretending to be interested in a guy to get him to convert
>>197333 I hope that some spics chop them up
>>197335 kind of based in a way that she got her comeuppance for perverting religion with cummies
>>197331 >>197332 tbh just xenophilia for the sake of it >>197334 keeeeeeek
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reminder that jews won WW2 and we lost
>>197332 keeek I tricked this hare krishna 30 year old boomer lad out of all his texts for free as a college age zoomer. he fell for my fake midwestern nice swindle acting like I was really interested keeek. then resold them at the book shop for money I used to buy MTW2 kingdoms CDrom
>Manga Artist Shared House
>>197340 umm, Harry Krishnas are based, and want to end the Kali Yuga
>>197337 exactly leading a man on should end in death tbh, both got what they deserve, the dumb foid paid for leading some lad on and the coomer is now in prison
>>197342 the worst was how the jews took over that outfit and poisoned the one leader.
>>197344 what you mean?
>>197340 Yeah, one of them gave me "Bhagavad-Gītā As It Is" for being a presumption cunt, not sure it's worth much.
>>197345 either the hare krishnas or osho or whoever had their leader die mysteriously and it is assumed that several (((westerners))) who later rose to the top were involved
He was a presumptive cunt, not me.
>>197346 based I got the hard cover bagavad-gita and the other book they have and resold them at the books store for maybe 20 dollars I think they were brand new. fucking heretic should have burned at the stake for peddling weird demon worshipping crap in america
>>197347 Osho wasn't a Hare Krishna tbh I think he was a Jane, that decided to start his own project and teach stuff to Westerners He got really big, had a massive commune in Oregon, and he started coming up with ideas for a new poltiical system, of people living spiritual lives in interconnected communes, and this is when the feds stepped in and poisoned him
>>197350 wrong cultist keeek yeah the rajneesh puram were another bunch of poo brainwashed cultists. poo brahmins always try to do little cult swindles on people they are alot like kikes
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https://prabhupada.org.uk/sp_poisoned/sp_poisoned.htm keeeeeeeeeeek based esoteric boomer site survived the google jew purges
>>197352 the country farmer boomers in oregon had gun battles with his cultists I believe rest in piss shitskin
>>197353 oh shit no way, they got that guy too
>>197355 wew that sounds kino
>>197356 keeeek yeah this was a huge redpill to me in my early 20s learning how kikes infiltrated the eastern groups smh poos and gooks don't stand a chance as much as they larp as whites being degenerate it took the jews thousands of years to take westoids over. longshanks threw them out, smh if only cromwell had known then the jews would never have reentered the english world
>can't go back in time and convince both charles and cromwell that the real enemy is the jews by showing them advanced future tech and hitler speeches
>>197355 Sounds like FarCtry plot keeek
cromwell and the parliamentarians probably still hated the jews and thought they were just using them for their gold like kings did prior jews are a punishment for the sin of greed tbh
>>197361 yeah the video game fags probably saw the story but changed them to christians to be PC even though osho was just a fraud cashing in on the 1960s psyops they did a biological terrorism attack. after osho there should have been a total ban on indian immigration to the US
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>bullying visnu smh
No-one here had read any Hindu literature. the entirety of it is larp/ hollow platitudes taken from Wikipedia.
>>197365 i read some of the cool bits once after reading roger zelazni's book lord of light the bits where lord pooperjeet god of doing squeaky farts at midnight annihilates 20 million enemy soldiers by brapping a nuke on them and that sort of thing
>>197365 this tbh, the bagavada gita was boring weird alien crap about some gay poos talking in platitudes, the bible is better. fear nothing but god. simple as.
>, experts say
The Bagavada Gita reads a lot like the Quran, utter shite.
>>197369 experts in what?
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>>197371 experts in expertise dont' think, don't ask questions, just trust the science
someone play a wargame with me
the wargame is called CBT and the strategic and tactical decisions to be made are which bollock gets smashed with a framing hammer first
Glad one of you lads posted Electric wizard the other day. I can't stop listening to them now, kino band.
>>197375 Sleep is better
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*sparks giant zoot* https://youtu.be/Y4cxaVEqZsE
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>>197369 Meanwhile people literally died in CHAZ
dying light 2 released and even more pozzed than expected keeek the devs are doing a masterclass in horrific mutt abominations
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>>197369 what would make them soyface? stupid memi
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>>197365 But Schopenhaur said the Upanishads were good
>>197384 >passion for the body piercing industry Prostitute?
>>197386 she has a lot of piercings
>>197384 too bad this worthless slut hasn't been stabbed to death by some jeremy kyle insagram groomer
>>197388 she's too jewish to ever be in such a situation unfortunately smh
I'm going to go to the jewellery shop she works at and buy a ring to propose to her.
nobody cares about jewish subhuman monkey people lad
just noticed the wow shirt, ginnie will have to explain this degeneracy on the day of the rope
>>197387 What woman doesn't have a long list of "piercings"?
the only women I will simp for are breedhogs
>>197317 i checked the twitter handle it's a joke
dont like how Patton told his men to execute POW's in a speech and then when they did exactly that he said "Errrrr I wasn't serious" when he realised that was a war crime they were meant to be prosecuting the germans for Also slapping severely injured soldiers in a hospital because he was retarded
>>197392 luv wow smee
>>197374 been trying to find stuff online like actual programs or whatever for wargames tbh
>>197396 yeah he was proto drumpf, just a loud obnoxious american moron. he was actually less disciplinarian than omar bradley who regularly had american infantry who raped or etc. shot, pretty much all american ww2 generals were complete memes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Bolivar_Buckner_Jr. this guy was my grandpa's commander he was descended from confederate commander of the same name
>>197347 fucking hate hare krishnas they did their weird poo parade in my norf town
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>first video is her letting the already morbidly obese dog eat a pot of cream cheese
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>>197401 >simon bolivar
he looks chad though tbh goodlad
>>197401 Oh damn he was the guy who got turned into pink mist by visiting the frontline too closely was watching okinawa footage the other day
Weirdly poetic since the jap commander died in battle as well his last moments were caught on camera smh
>>197407 woah... thats so cool...
>>197404 keeek simon bolivar was like the columbian version of george washington and lots of confedeates in the "knights of the golden circle" larper group wanted to become spics so they took spic names. its weird how southern american generals stereotypically seem to be bloodthirsty rash frontal assault guys and northern american generals are stereotypically autismal managerial types who are too protective of their men. >>197406 yes that was him
>>197397 man youtube is FULL of these types of weirdo people, who make videos with 0 views every day fucking autistic FREAKS
prefer heinz guderian and zhukov me
>>197411 prefer dirlewanger myself
>>197397 is that a troon? mong running maxxed out corps without upgrading his troops to have 3000 man brigades or whatever
any of you lads seen Valhalla rising? Is it a good film?
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>>197411 zhukov was a poof chuikov did all the hard work
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>>197413 >is that a troon? btw maxed out brigades means that the enemy will have high brigade size too you fucking RETARD
>>197399 glad that he never got to see the coofism, imagine him trying to understand her muttering at him in some dumb mask. he was a true champion of the basset race
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>>197416 sorry I don't use cheats codes on my gameshark, I mean upgrading army organization
>>197411 not that well read on ww2 generals but those lads were based. I like archibald wavell who had to fight five campaigns at once yet was winning but churchill fucked him over and sent his troops to greece then blamed him when he started losing in north africa again smh like model as well he btfo us in market garden honourable mention to the kuribayashi lad
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>>197418 bet i could btfo you if we were generals
>>197415 neat didn't really know about him
>>197420 probably I don't like to bayonet charge in that goom just like dragoon fagging around the flanks
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>>197422 tbh reckon if i was a general i'd be like hood and just charge like a suicidal retard
steiner wins vs dorset in this fight tbh no matter how hard infantry charges you can't catch dragoons >>197400 seems like too much effort tbh a multi-layer capable paint program and a grid map is good enough for me
>>197424 How do you get a grid map lad?
this tranny is using a treadmill in every single video wtf
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Soviets had some bazza generals tbh
>>197423 for me its gorilla warfare
>>197426 i wonder if he can roll his dilator between his legs like this and then stick it back in there
>>197423 keeeeeek yeah him and leo polk were like the opposite of the meme of really good generals for the confederates same with sterling price who basically became a bandit king
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>>197431 only a bazza can defeat a bazza tbh
>>197432 goering was such a stupid mong
going to create a map in paint.net of gettysburg and play against myself i guess
>lets bomb civilians against the english and then allow them and the americans to bomb our entire nation into the stone age mein fuhrer
>>197435 he should've inflated like simba and became a human barrage balloon to save berlin
>>197425 can just edit any map and overlay the grid tbh
the only person who was right about ww2 was oswald mosley. because of technology we reach the point where the world realized there can only be two global powers and WW2 was deciding if europe would be one of them.
>>197437 like use a premade transparent grid and just paste it?
>>197439 or make your own with the square tool and copypaste on another layer
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>keep accidentally using the wrong layer
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>>197409 Don Carlos Buell is a pretty keek name as well
Lads I said snarky in a post but I don't think I know what it actually means
>>197445 snarky prick
>>197444 yeah he wasn't even a spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)ither also any interesting news in leafland these days. daedra on the road and so forth?
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time to play by myself smh
>>197448 what are the rules?
>>197449 probably a much more simplified version of the ones i made for an american revolution game
>>197448 what's this?
>>197447 Nice use of the old filter there lad There's a protest tomorrow in Toronto but they won't be letting any trucks anywhere near the legislature apparently. I decided against going to Ottawa this week-my van is a bit dodgy this moment and a 13 hour round trip at this time of year is a serious undertaking. I heard on the radio that the police are tightening down in Ottawa, but that could be uhmmnn no Id like to know how who and whereby it got organized in the first place.l to spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine), or just a kind of emergent manifestation of Anglo spirit?
>>197451 a map of gettysburg for wargaming autism
>>197453 a gunboat sails into town to steal your girl, how do you respond?
>>197454 what if i'm the girl
>>197455 you're now on the ship of a mass of sex-starved sailors. good luck
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really not looking forward to the upcoming dorset troomer arc tbh
>>197459 wonder if the bongo benders are grooming him
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>>197460 many such cases >197461 lad
>>197462 lad i hate trannies
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luv my dorset, tbh
>>197464 i'm a changed man
>>197463 hope so >>197464 bit sus ngl
>>197452 tbh yeah sometimes it seems fishy schizos are saying this is classic kissinger soros playbook from argentina's collapse using trucker unions to collapse teh economis but they think everything is the government
dunno whether to use a square or hex grid, both have flaws smh
i've been edging too much. refraincoom can be really hard and fuck you up a bit. theres no outlet for all the energy.
thus concludes exquisitely miserable 10 minute long toothbrushing session on the plus side I think I've finally unchapped my lips. just had to keep exfoliating with sugar/lemon juice, peeling off the dead lip skin, put on chapstick, repeat, til like 3 layers of lip are removed
oh, it's *him*
throat's sore as fuck, hope the cold will be over when I wake up tomorrow >>197472 who is *he*?
>>197471 you don't need to brush for that long. it's probably doing more damage than good a quick brush with tooth paste. be thorough, but keep it around 2-3 minutes
*bounces hydraulics* https://youtu.be/HshF2AOx4VM
>>197474 yeah I know but i timed myself with a stopwatch once and it was like 7 minutes or something, idk how people can do it so fast
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fuck off spic
fuck off, spic
>>197477 how do you know it's him?
>>197480 nobody else has OCD with their teeth
would unironically kill just to have someone play a wargame with me
>>197482 give you a game of fifa if you want
>>197414 It's a shite film tbh about on par with neon demon as far as refn films go. It's a pagan larp where mads plays a silent viking slave and kills off le evil christians
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>>197484 >Neon Demon More like semen demon
>>197485 >>197485 Would love to give her one outside Harlow b & ms
>>197486 That you, other Essex lad?
>>197486 phwoar
Is BoJo too conservative for the Conservatives?
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this looks... cool tbh... better than squares
>>197489 not really a tall order tbh just about anybody with a pulse is too conservative for the conservatives >>197490 hexagonal grids are based
>>197491 looks better with lower opacity ahhhh lovely
going to ask vivi to play with me
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>>197494 his house his rules
>>197496 keeeek tbh, at least this isn't the dad masturbating loudly so his son can walk in on him arc
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A Confederate division marches towards the town of Gettysburg, with 2 brigades of Union troops armed with the new Spencer repeating rifle.. It begins *soyface*
>>197381 The characters are arabs lad, it's set in North Africa >>197424 tbh, Dorset would just start wanking on the battle field >>197497 Lad?
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Confederate 1st Brigade engages the Federals, but suffers nearly 50% casualties at the hands of the repeaters, while the rest of the division moves forward. 2nd Brigade launches a bayonet charge, a brief melee ensues, but the Confederates gain the upper hand, forcing the yankees back on the road Gettysburg, shooting them in their backs, though they withdraw quick and in good order, and as a result the Confederate cavalry is unable to take advantage. The Confederates continue their advance towards the small town of Gettysburg. Anyone following this?
mornshart poos >>197501 I'm reading include the actual mechanics tbh
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>>197502 morning chief the mechanics are much more simplified than the previous one, it's largely morale based, this is just a test game to see if repeating weapons work, everything else is alright I think. It's also much easier to have players take turns rather than attempt to do it at the same time smh here is every single mechanic any relevant info to the player is given in the report
>>197503 absolute incel behaviour
banana and doritos for brekky
>>197507 Breakfast of kings.
>>197499 Dying Light is set in a southern European city but yeah >>197504 hate this cunt why can't he fuck off to Israel and be a Jew there >>197507 i had some fanny on rice
>>197505 this is the brtish incel headquarters. show your incel id or be disintegrated by our anti-cringe rays.
>>197509 Dying Light 2 is tanking from what I've seen.
>>197512 enjoyed the first game, will probably buy this one too because it sounds utterly indistinct from the last and thus pleases my autism
>>197513 basado, although the poor norgays had their princess turn into a race mixer or something smh
>>197514 Thew reviews are saying it's a straight downgrade with half the features ripped out compared to 1.
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>>197511 POWERFUL
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>>197519 >>197521 smh, the mad queen martha tbh How is your King Harald? Is he based or cringe? Or is he like are maj and doesn't really do much
>>197525 keek can't believe this lad got cucked by his sexy elder sister https://youtu.be/QuFiyY-ks8I
>>197527 https://youtu.be/Vt8qX8LyALM >You future KWAYN will speak with a yank accent in English >>197527 >>197528 >>197529 smh, he looks based tbh like Goring or some other based fat lads ;) They want a woman in charge in order to control her better, that's why they've introduced absolute primogeniture across all monarchies in Europe. One bit of business that needs to be handled on TDOTR
>footy mongs on the tv again footy should be banned for 10 years as punishment for this cuckery when we gain power tbh >>197530 smh disgusting, scandis used to speak with english accents when they spoke english but now they all sound american, same with the rest of the world, grim
Morning lads Toil soon
>>197532 on a saturday at half 12?
>>197531 can remember speaking to a couple of danes a few years ago and i thought they were anglos until they said so smh smh
>>197534 LMAO no if it was just from reading it you'd have a norge accent >>197535 yeah its very sus how they speak english so well tbh, can't imagine being able to speak more than 1 language
>>197537 >can't imagine being able to speak more than 1 language you mean you weren't taught latin and french at school?
>>197538 He probably learnt nothing like me.
>197538 >you mean you weren't taught latin and french at school? nah william just spanish dropped it half way through highschool WAHEY
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i'll speak anyfink sept fuckin german!
>the weekend finally starts and you can relax to prepare for next weeks toil >messages from normalfag mates asking me to go do stuff with them where do they find the energy fuck sake
>>197546 another mummy rule maker
>>197547 keto + intermittent fasting
milkybar for lunch
>>197551 yeah and if you don't they stop being your friend because "you never want to do anything"
normalfags are energy vampires tbh
>>197554 yeah its named after the galaxy
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>>197556 >Meanwhile I could call my childhood friend who I haven't talked with for 15 years and he'd drop everything and come and save me smh must be nice
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>tfw don't want or need friends
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They lacked ideological purity
>>197566 >but he thinks the conspirators are the anti-vaxxers
Poor Hank
What if Hank had been armed?
>>197568 THought they were just attacking some poor blokes car for a moment keeek
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This man in pinocchio was a nonce >wants to take bad boys to pleasure island >they come back as men not boys yikes
>>197573 They turn into donkeys
>>197574 democrats? try to type Democrat activism here and it comes up as Democrat activism
>sex abuse turns you into a democrat ch1ld p0rn Democrat activism
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Getting a bit stormy outside lads
>>197526 Not sure what those furrin words mean, but this is cute tbh. Mischievious lad making his little sister smile even as she's trying to make him behave. Keek.
>Stefania Constantini wn curl a heavy granite into my bollocks why even live
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>>197541 >did so well in Spanish class they moved me up a set >to... le French Was confusing to adjust to. Smh.
>197583 >that lad too autistic to come outside when I knocked on but not autistic (honest) enough to say he didn't want to, just pretended he wasn't in like I didn't already know he was
>>197583 kek yeah, the whole texting shite is such a drain, none of the benefits of irl interaction but all the negatives yet its required in modern courting.
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>>197585 *starts knocking on your window*
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Fuck this shit.
>>197306 it's a pretty common thing that people tend to show their age more in natural outdoor lighting than indoors
>>197591 shes on the ropes
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>>197581 I was good at French, so they made me learn German it completely fucked up my French smh
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>>197566 >>but he thinks the conspirators are the anti-vaxxers eh? how does he make this idea work? all the conspiracy theorist "thought leaders" are anti-vax
>>197596 delet this!!!
>>197596 They'll still be dead by 35, no amount of hormones and camera filters will change that.
>197596 why do you have a video of a 16 year old troon, and why would you post it?
>>197599 > I only meet him once a year at the shop. once a year? that's not very often tbh I guess, at the very start of the fake pandemic, when all those scary videos were coming out of China and the government kept the borders open, lots of dissident types thought the virus was a major threat that was being ignored then it all changed once the Gates Foundation and WEF got involved in policy making and it all switched around, government OVER reacted to a threat that wasn't serious at all if he was only paying attention at the start, maybe that's why he thinks the way he does
>>197604 >He's also like a third sami b?
>>197599 > I only meet him once a year at the shop what shop? what kind of shop do you only go to once a year?
<Master Chief, do you mind telling me what you're doing with that bomb? >Xer, Joining the 52%
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Good afternoon sirs
>>197609 it'll flop like everything else, utter mongs
>>197610 *poos in the toilet it's not about the poo... it's about sending a message
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>>197612 Sam was fat because he ate carbs - "taters" Golem was ripped because he ate high protein - raw fish Sam is a simp Golem is sigma Golem, not Sam, is the one that destroys the ring, he is the true hero in LOTR
>>197615 my whole internet persona is a joke account tbh
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>>197594 Did you go to a based grammar school, lad? Only kids I knew that took German were middle classoids who's parents bought them a place in the exact right catchment area. Mine just faked religion for 11 years so I could go to a halfway decent comprehensive. They didn't teach German at all though. Evgh...
>>197568 I hate dog people
>>197547 smh I remember those days 'being social' is like a fucking second job.
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the worst was spending like almost 30 minutes thinking what to type up in text to respond to a grill and she just doesn't even respond and then randomly responds at like 130 am with lol or something like she has had a backlog of texts for the entire day.
>>197621 keeeeeeek yeah mine are too brainleted for that, they always ask "whats wrong" and "why are you so grumpy"
>>197625 >when after you just stop texting her she starts texting you again because you aren't paying your goodscreen notification ding dopamine tithe to princess
>>197624 mummy dabs on me and tells me I am being overwhelming when I lose my job and get a tooth extraction during covid
>>197626 kek yeah, realising all this shite is why I gave up on the e dating meme, unless I'm only meeting her irl I don't want to know, maybe the occasional phonecall
women seem to manage the drudgery of toil a lot better tbh, feel like joker most of the time, makes me feel a bit pathetic sometimes but I can't help it
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>>197617 >grammar school, lad? I went to Hogwarts
*stress eats* *starts crying* *screams* I will save the white race
>>197619 tbh I don't really like it, waste of time and money, but I go out every week or two with a friend just to avoid being completely socially isolated
>"Hold still kitten"
>>197627 when I'm really tired after a day of work mine will just talk ceaselessly to me about who she saw when walking the dog, about her day, medical problems etc. My mum's a good person but it's just depressing and tiring. Part of the reason I've erred away from wanting a woman is that I don't think I could willingly subject myself to somebody as emotionally unstable and unendingly talkative as her.
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>>197639 phwoar
>>197640 another spoiled do nothing barbie princess
Looking like my brother's wife is gonna divorce him and i have no idea how to talk to him about it because im an autist who hates women. It's all happening in such a predictable and stereotypical way. Also was reminded of that steiner video where he mentions men are eventually seen as nothing but workhorses because my brother got injured at work and had 6 months paid leave to rehabilitate, but his knees and back are still kinda fucked. Sorry for the rant lads im just gutted because he has a young kid and i worry what will become of my brother ok thank you
>>197639 umm, how can she "defect" to a country we aren't at war with yet
>>197643 By the end of the divorce he'll hate them too if you're lucky.
>>197643 smh femongs really don't understand how badly divorce affects children
>>197639 yeah we don't live in a matriarchy or anything >literally just some whore let me know when its nuclear scientists and engineers
>>197643 > i have no idea how to talk to him about it because im an autist why expect you have to talk to him about it? I think you'll do more listening than talking tbh Just listen and be supporitve I guess
>>197644 shes an "american" hapa who lives in america is a "model" and is going to Stanford uni and was raised and trained in america but shes playing got the chinky olympic team
>>197647 I don't think we live in a matriarchy, but the (((oligarchs))) are using feminism and female empowerment as a tool to oppress the population, by destroying family and community, turning women against men a deracinated, demoralised and destroyed population is easier for them to control
>>197643 man up and tell your brother the same tbh, women are evil and his wife has just ruined yet another family
>>197650 novel take
>>197648 Yeah i think you're right lad, its just frustrating of course. he has a few friends who have gone through similar so they can be more practical with the advice.
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>the state of US airborne kek
>>197643 the important thing is that he's there for the child and lets them know that he loves them. If the wife wants to try and ruin everything that's her fault, can't stop her.
>>197654 ready to defend weimart from the chinks and chuds
>>197654 fucking hell women look so fucking ridiculous playing real life dress up, some 5"2 foid who can't even walk properly pretending to be a soldier
tfw you get voldomort for a dog
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>a Major >a Lieutenant >American Commissioned officers
>those German surnames keeek
>>197643 dont let the femong destroy the child
China and Russian have made a joint statement against the United States and NATO. Looks like the grave is getting deeper.
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saw a lad in town wearing a mini skirt, striped socks and platform heels yesterday he was spotty and nerdy looking too, couldn't even pull off the look properly pathetic
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spoiler that shit homie
i wonder how many westoids will be willing to fight in a war >>197662 im liking where this is heading
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>>197670 they are scared that honkers will honk at the white house too also it's been under construction since le jan 6 last year tbh
>>197666 >Can spics and niggers with their barbie doll officers win a war in the Baltic and the Steppe? KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>197618 me too >>197621 enviable lass >>197629 Women get fulfilled by the social points and faux mask of power they get >>197639 Thought that said defecation kkeeek Evidence that race comes before le constitution country America can only exist as a British nation, the other inhabitants are there for the gibs >>197663 Should have kicked his legs >>197667 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
/brit/ (You) Index down 5%
>>197643 smfh xoomer co toiler is going through the same thing his ex wife has spent the past two years trying to record him making anti vaxoom statements and he dodged it all and now she is taking him to court to legally force him to vaxoom his daughter even though vaxooms aren't even effective anymore. smh he is pure JUST rn
>>197654 keeeeek my friend from school wasn't chad enough to make that outfit in 2005 wew
>>197669 ah the latest victims of her slow poisoning
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>>197673 >America can only exist as a British nation, the other inhabitants are there for the gibs good lad
>>197676 imagine if your mummy was a dumb whore like this
>>197680 simple as
>>197682 is an arse that fat even fun in the bedroom? seems almost too big ngl
>>197684 idk poop comes from asses I thought that having a good vagina was more important
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>that time b*sexual ex gf and her friend put eyeliner on smee and I got rightfully dirty looks from the other norfmen on the bus home with it still on
>>197685 tbh if the butt is too big does it block you getting there keek
also the ability to hold conversations and do things other than sit on a couch and stare at a phone in between binge drinking
do bums feel like bags of sand?
>>197688 I like the rumour that paris hilton is actually autismo and spends all her time repairing 1940s radios and going to radio shows in europe where nobody recognises her
>>197689 idk I think its more like a muscle I only ever touched a woman butt in judo and it was a gook so she wasn't super fat in the bum
>>197692 keeek she was the most trad of trifecta of 2000s and hit the wall less hard than lindsey lohan britney still seems insane but milfy
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>>197695 let me guess more narcissistic american niggers, wow what a suprise. I honestly think american niggers think they are white anglos or part of the european family now and that their commentary means fuck all to euros. the best was mike tyson the rapist nigger commenting that poles didn't have it as hard as niggers as if anyone cares about niggers or that niggers are or ever have been relevant to the human experience except as golems of the jews in north america
>>197679 tbh it's not a coincidence all her dogs keep dying i dont think that yoghurt is good for them keek
>>197698 tbh worthless orc people
>>197699 yeah she feeds them pancakes like everyday which would kill a human. keeeeeeeeeek doggos are not supposed to eat flour
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>>197695 Triggered especially by that archetypal kike saying white lies and sniggering tbh.
other races whining about white people are so boring
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>>197704 I'm on it brvther
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very bored of the current state of things i can barely seethe anymore since it's all so asinine i wish things would collapse faster
>>197707 I can't see these poosts
>>197709 tbh his comment doesn't show up for me either
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weishartika in 30 seconds
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America Shartica Weimart Weishart Weishartika
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y dont wypipo wash dey chikin?
>>197714 Some sperg polface should edit a wiki page with "Official name: Dey Federal Bananna in Poo-Poo Republic of the United States of Weimshartika, vassal of Israel."
>>197708 I'm past the point of thinking there's going to be one, it's all going to get gayer and browner until anyone that could oppose it gets bred out or dies off.
giraffes are mad tbh their kicks are apparently powerful enough to decapitate lions
>>197719 tbh, just do a spot of cheeky bombing tbf
anus on the wall testicles are small have you got the gall to let the good boyz maul
>>197720 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz3UJcr8pok Oi, giaraffe to do that? >>197722 Such majestic beasts.
>it's an american "documentary" episode with overbearing dramatic music and sound effects episode
>>197725 Now I'm curious.
>>197729 >spend no more than 50k a year on my card Richfags smh. He's living the neet dream tbh. If it's real.
>>197727 massive cock on that bloke
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>>197730 >just let her irreversibly ruin her value as a woman if your daughter does this you have failed as a father
>>197735 the tv says you should be within a few years of one another
>>197735 >move in with his friends She's gonna get gang banged and her anus will prolapse.
>>197735 you should be within a few years of one another
>197738 I hope that's irony lad
weight . . . she's copying me!!
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Women should be seen not heard.
smh mummy is watching the fucking olympics so sick of this gay faggot soy world. its the womens biathalon. all the dumb foids acting really important shooting bb guns like me when I was 7 years old. they put this autistic tape all over their faces. its so fucking gay and removed from the actual skill which the finns and russians do with real guns with real recoil at real range. kek they all have those gay skin tight suits on so they look like butt matrix. just the entire thing of it makes me seethe. stupid self important childless femoids doing some symbolised male feat of martial skill in 100k worth of gear while all the niggercattle watch on, meanwhile the west is in complete collapse and people are living on the streets.
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bad juju all over the thread atm
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>>197742 watching the 6 nations meself, Scots beating English half time smdh
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I hate women. I love women.
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I want to see women competitive flooring installation, how about womens competitive concrete mixing or womens competitive brick laying and then they have to go home to women's competatvie getting yelled at by the wife and sleeping in the truck roleplay
>>197746 You can always form your own redneck Olympic committee.
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Where can I meet normal women?
>>197747 yeah they should have a woman's freestyle walmart parking lot wrestling where the self important sluts put on their 100 dollar sport tape and take instagram pictures of themselves smoking their nike meth pipe before shoving their reebok shoping cart into their opponent fighting over the last case of bud light
>>197748 why on the 8chan.moe /brit/ board of course.
>>197750 hullo ladies im a 5'6" gymcel manlet i make good money doing middle classoid shit looking for a 17-20 year old lass to give me many children send me a message if you're interested xx
women just straight up should not compete in sports at all
>>197751 weren't you 7st a year ago or something and a neet
>>197754 At 5'6 it doesn't take long to make gains.
>>197754 im 10st now but i want to get up to 11st i wasnt a neet though
>>197751 Same but an inch taller and working class
>>197753 exactly they can do like aerobics and some forms of calisthenics but everything else is degenerate and they ruin and make a mockery of male feats of strength especially with how self important they are. in general I hate pro athletes and think most of them should be taken out and shot for how much they think they are important to society when half of them are basically mental retards who couldn't hack it as a shoe shine (niggers ahem). the best was in the gulag archepelago when solzhenitsyn talked about how this hol hol boxer was all studly and famous and went to the gulag and the guards made a point to break him into shell of himself and the boxer passed away much faster than simple peasants and craftsmen who were use to hard life
ive been stuck at 10st for like 4 months now, might have to go on another bulk
Pole vaulting and Gymnastics and literally no other sport
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>>197762 keeeeeeek the japs commented how women were making their judo gis more tight and sexualized so they banned them from competing in their insular jap only one keeeek, just like them banning glasses on women at toil keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>197758 don't know if it was in an incel rant or a poost but what you said about having "professional" athletes was a good point, there should just be amateur local lads only none of this idiotic mass marketed shite
>>197758 >>197764 But laaaaaaaads don't you want to see someone beat the world record for the 100m sprint by 0.00001seconds
>>197762 would've awoogad at this type of clip a few years ago but now I just get incel seethe
>>197764 not my idea I just saw this one american baseball lads video about making a baseball localist league that plays 1866 ruleset and competes only against other men's groups in nearby towns (which is how the game started). it was kino, hope they do that in UK with some kind of local sport. cornish wrestling seems like localist kino
>>197766 the brap sound helps defeat the coomer impulse prase brapfags for reducing women even lower
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Six nations today lads. Stay safe and don't go to the pubs.
>>197769 keeek isn't slip on dress shoes and jeans middle classoid /slavcore/?
>>197770 keeek yeah lad. I fucking hate rugby, it's an excuse for posho's who are ostracised from football to have a day out. It's such a shit spectator sport also.
>>197769 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK, rugby used to be a reprieve from the niggerdom of other sports but now its full of darkies too >>197770 standard boomer core to wear those jeans over here tbh, jeans are uk casual, we do like to dress better than yanks
>>197772 ruggers the whitest sport in Britain lad, even England only have one or two halfies
>>197773 thats 1 too many
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>>197596 sick fucking world
I literally don't care if it's the whitest sport in Britain. It's full of snobbish middle classics and posho's.
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>>197773 >Whitest sport in Britain
>>197777 keeeeeeek
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**Before I went off the rails I used to play for a rugby team in the national south league, went to a renowned academy for rugby also when I was 16. No cap. It was the most infuriating thing, I used to get bullied by the other parents as 15 year old lad because I grew up on a council estate. It's such a shite sport, also the entire culture surrounding teams in crypto homo-erotic. The inductions to join are basically either be bummed or get bummed*
>>197763 keek like how women are banned from touching the ring in sumo as well
>>197719 nah lad, the collapse will come. World economy has been in dire straits for the last 16 years minimum, and it's only gotten massively worse. Nobody wants to change the status quo, so we'll just keep on going until eventually there's a global debt crisis
>>197780 >tfw bowden comes home from saving the white race to give le pol face a hug
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>trannyfox recommending a (You) article about the danger of shagging spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) With the way women are entering frontline policing, maybe we'll all get undercover officer gfs, if we're daft enough. Want a pretty blonde one like that Lisa Simpson bitch in that police auditing vid. Okay, thank you.
there's systems in place to find and funnel vulnerable young boys into an industry that grooms them into mutilating themselves en masse and nobody is doing anything about it.
>>197776 you need to just accept your class inferiority lad >>197785 it's rage inducing tbh
>>197780 Always thought it was weird that rugby is a William sport when you'd think with it being so physical it would be Deano territory
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If women take an active interest in you, generally they're either spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) or after your money
>>197785 Ecelebs are rolling there eyes and chortling "oh, those whacky regressives", lad.
>>197778 good lad
>>197791 people and organizations working together to produce a desired outcome. in every institution overseeing children you will find cogs in this system, school especially.
>>197791 The system. Social and health care, schools etc. are all geared towards 'affirming' gender delusion, and the only online threat politicians don't use as a pretext for more intrusion and tyranny is the menace of bongo tranny groomers.
example >When a 16-year-old student she had known for many years quietly confided that she felt trapped in the wrong body and was considering changing gender, her instinct was to take the teenager lovingly under her wing. >Even though Carol knew the child had been diagnosed as autistic two years earlier, she vowed to provide the support the youngster needed to guide her through what would obviously be a difficult journey. >But then, because she was in charge of pupils’ pastoral care, Carol was contacted by an organisation that aimed to help transgender youngsters. The body, which Carol has asked us not to name because she fears doing so might identify her and the pupil, had recently opened a centre nearby. >‘Once she was involved with that group there was no turning back,’ she says. ‘It was decided that she was transgender and that was that, it was never challenged and I blame myself for that.’
>>197796 Natural selection
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>>197780 this just made me remember in first year a bunch of lads on my schools rugby team taught a lad how to wank in the changing room toilets for the banter
>>197797 that's cope honestly, children are vulnerable and malleable, their genetic stock doesn't matter when it comes to authority figures planting ideas in their head.
>>197799 >for the banter
RIP England
>>197799 was it you?
>>197799 I wonder if any of us weren't groomed into wanking. Didn't know any lads who just happened on it. They all got taught by some older lad.
>>197805 erm lad?
>>197797 >Natural selection not really, if they are targetting the young impressionable youngsters that know nothing about life are being groomed in to self sterilisation
>>197805 who taught you?
>>197806 Think back. As a kid, did any of your wanker friends just happen on it themselves? All my mates were told, or worse showed how to do it and what it was by older boys/young men. I used to rub my willy on table legs and pillows as a little lad but I didn't wank until I was groomed. Smh.
>>197810 i figured out wanking myself you gay mong lmao.
>>197810 >groomee projecting
>>197811 You just repressed the memory of your grooming, lad.
>>197810 I happened on it myself playing a game where I saved a lass and she let me shag her keek can still remember her imaginary face smh
>>197813 >norge nonce trying to haha ironically insert his gay fetish again
>>197805 I used to wank over Alexa Vega from Spy Kids when I was 7. Her and a particularly attractive primary school teacher who wore somewhat revealing clothing. Nobody taught me, I just did it.
>>197808 >>197800 didnt work on me guess im built different
>>197815 I'm not 22st, lad. I am the super-straight, anti-gayism, based Skyroom playing Manchester lad.
>>197803 keeeeeeeek goodlad
>>197814 > game where I saved a lass and she let me shag her keek what?
I came here with something hilarious to say but I forgot what it was >>197816 tbh, you just start touching yourself and find it pleasureable until you have an orgasm smdh sometimes miss the days of no coom wanking
>>197817 >didnt work on me guess im built different did they try to groom you but it didn't work?
>>197820 The girl, as implied by my comment about her imaginary face, was imaginary . . .
>>197822 kill yourself.
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>tfw doing pullups for the huwhtie race
>>197829 GOODLAD Ever since steiner posted that white prison gang movie in my head I think "Supreme. White. Power" when I do exercises keek
>>197825 >The girl, as implied by my comment about her imaginary face, was imaginary . . . oh right, I thought the girls was real, but she pulled an imaginary face while you wanked
>>197826 >Yes what happened exactly?
>>197826 he pulled a 180 groomer and taught them how to wank
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>>197830 >"Supreme. White. Power" based tbqhwy lad
Now I think about it, I didn't wank, but I did use a kangaroo teddy puppet thing as a fleshlight. Reminded me of my qt half-caste step sisters and the way the eldest one blew rasberries on my belly and other wholesome fun. Maybe I was wrong about figuring out wanking without grooming being impossible.
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>>197833 de-grooming a tranny and turning them back in to a man would be a pretty admirable achievment tbh
>197835 > half-caste step sisters this lad is such a fucking mess
>>197837 Their mummy was black and had already been bleached, and then my daddy bleached her again. Mummy was never a coalburner, if that's what you're implying. Smdh. Vile.
what a fucking disgrace, filtered
>>197796 ought to read this book tbh
>>197838 reverse colonised I guess so are you mixed race too?
>>197841 No. Both mummy and daddy were hu'white. It's just one of daddies many gfs was black, and I spent time with her half cast daughters. Son was already in a mental institution for smoking the peaceful 'erb and battering his mummy though. Keeek smdh.
this is what happens when you don't handle business early in the thread >>197686
>when my b*sexual ex gf forced me to wank off in front of her and her butch dyke lover and i couldn't get it up
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>>197843 >Both mummy and daddy were hu'whit absolute nectar >Son was already in a mental institution for smoking the peaceful 'erb and battering his mummy bloody hell, I guess the nigger genes won out in his case
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keep the kino posts coming, lads
>>197845 Her lovers were never butch, that I'm aware of. Pretty peng ngl.
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>>197845 >>when my b*sexual ex gf forced me to wank off in front of her and her butch dyke lover and i couldn't get it up what lad?
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>>197847 no posts from smee on that winning
>>197847 smh the daily /brit/ will have a field day with this
>>197852 >daily /brit/ luckily they only come out about once every 18 months not daily at all
>>197852 smh wankgate
Even Alexander de Pffefel Johnson al Turki is chimperium pilled
>>197847 The order in which these go and lack of IDs could be missleading as to the nature of the conversation. I do not approve of this meme tbh.
>>197858 is this one of those downing street parties we keep hearing so much about?
>>197859 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>197859 Apex keek.
need to finish the chinkino tbh
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still seeing young people walking around OUTSIDE with masks on
>>197860 no it's from when he was Mayor of London
>>197831 keeeeek smh >tfw used to play "the spidergirls" with my lass friends where they'd have to catch us and put us on an imaginary web were we would pretend to be naked smh what times >>197864 keeeeek go out and bully them
>>197865 >no it's from when he was Mayor of London it's actually really Johnson, not some lookalike?
Reminder that blormphis blormphson played Rugby at Eaton. Rugby confirmed gayist satanic ritualistic jewish invention meant to replace superior anglo football.
>>197866 >keeeeek go out and bully them honestly thought about doing that ngl
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>>197868 >Rugby confirmed gayist satanic ritualistic jewish invention meant to replace superior anglo football don't think this been peer reviewed
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>197868 cringe post.
>>197872 Never liked football much either tbh. But it'd be better than Rugby if it wasn't for all the foreigners buying clubs and filling the once LOCAL teams.
England FC U20 vs. England RUFC >>197874 Rolling around like a bitch is built in to association football. Big bazzas clanking skulls is integral to Rugby, especially Rugby League. Under any circumstances Rugby is better than bitchball
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>>197874 >Never liked football much either tbh. But it'd be better than Rugby if it wasn't for all the foreigners buying clubs and filling the once LOCAL teams. ALL sportsball is ZOG distraction intended to keep the goyim entertained with bread and circuses while Jews rape the country and people of their inheritance tbh
>tfw even snooker is full of chinks now
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>>197866 For me, it was playing vampire tortoise and crawling towards the girls and biting their ankles making them squeal, kick me and run away.
>>197876 These sports are the ultimate Anglo invention to build LVCVL pride and teach the values of chivalry in times of piece. I'm not turning my back on are shite just because these jews want it just wont fund it keeeeeek
Sick of jewish poisons tbh, they infect everything- even this website
>>197881 Tbh. Need to get our own server for a proper https://www.britpol.co.uk
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>>197866 >>tfw used to play "the spidergirls" with my lass friends where they'd have to catch us and put us on an imaginary web were we would pretend to be naked the symbolism here is frankly Jungian, lad spiders have long been considered a symbol of dark femininity, trapping men in their web of lust and imprisoning them as their playthings seems you were unwitting tapping in to the collective unconscious of the Aryan super mind, as is your ancestral inheritance tbh
>>197883 Explains why he still obsesses over the bisexual girl tbh
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>>197880 >I'm not turning my back on are shite just because these jews want it just wont fund it keeeeeek so long as we fight ZOG together, for our people, I consider us brvthers, lad
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>>197859 keeek
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>>197884 >Explains why he still obsesses over the bisexual girl tbh yeah he was in over his head, the archetypal magik was too much for him he's under her lustful spell
>>197887 you suck
>>197889 >>197887 smh some people have no gratitude tbh
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>>197888 Explains why I drew daftie like this zonks ago when she was spider posting too.
>>197891 the spell must be broken!! the dreamer must awaken!!
>>197863 the sequel is out now tbh
>>197893 too late, you said it now smh
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>>197892 >mfw b*sexual ex-gf has a spider web tattoo on her arm now It's all so clear. >>197895 Because I'd just started drawing again around that month or the month before, whenever I drew it.
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>>197883 >>197885 based, the Aryan supermind slowly allows the judaic sickness to entangle itself in are web. Soon we strike.
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>>197898 I never left?
>>197901 The spider itself is a vagina. How can a vagina have another vagina? Makes perfect sense.
>got myself thinking about women with moray eel like double vaginas AAAAAHHHHHHH.
Filtered half the thread already
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>>197908 >no link
>>197911 ta lad hope this film is as good as The Irishman, inventor of supperposting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGI04ICfquQ
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no one cares
>>197913 Mark Wahlberg is great in this. Also I like Casino. People don't talk about Casino enough.
>>197913 TECHNICAL PROBLEMS HAVE POSTPONED THE FILM! The site owner of Kosmi is apparently "experimenting" with the site, and it's made it not work I'm hoping it will be sorted out soon...
>>197915 yeah we should watch that, I saw it once years ago and all I remember about it is that it's good, even though I don't like those style of films normally
3000 miles to graceland tbh
Going out on the sesh lads
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HEY STEEEEEEEEEEINER QRD on the hate on the so called hillbillies?
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Wess are you okay lad?
>>197491 Didn't Mr Slippery last for a while? >a pulse So unnatural to be ruled by such slimey lizards
>>197924 >crusius lives for ever in "infamy" because the roman-catholic infested alt-right can't get over the fact that somebody could dislike the presence of their spic-nigger army Cheshire_cat_grin.jpg
>>197929 start posting
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good morning, I still have a sore throat (mute audio)
>>197932 post your suicide lad.
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>>197931 she's a fatty, lad.
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>>197938 >n-no please I didn't mean to say le forbidden word >please have mercy on me, I'll get on my knee right now and raise le monke fist >I'll give $500,000 to nig-related causes >please, I'll do anything, don't cancel me typical nigger cattle whiteoid
(2.29 MB 1280x720 do not apologise.mp4)

this nice old lady understands how to handle such a situation you tell them to fuck off and an hero themselves
>>197939 hes a gatekeeping faggot, it would be a benefit if leftoids shut him down
>>197940 lisa simpson reporter btfo by mummy
>>197943 uh oh the chud cringe has arrived
couple hundred protesting recent shooting of armed negro in minneapolis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtzRD0LwtzA
momma dont let your son grow up to be a chudjak
>>197946 based that nigger getting shot was pretty smh by the police literally just wait for him to wake up and go to get more chickens and then arrest him
>>197947 you already have one you fat nonce
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>>197949 welcome to the next level brother
>>197952 now everything is harder and moves faster >neeting heh yeah that just got a whole lot more cringe >mummy's house better learn to avoid being seen by visitors if you want to level up to 40 >virginity ho-ho-ho so you wanna play on hardmode *revs motorcycle*
ANSWER ME STEINHOG give me the qrd on the olden Appalachian people
>>197949 good lad, devote yourself to gianing even greater wisdom
>>197954 Appalachia was settled by primarily protestant Ulster men. They're the Scots-Irish in The Leopard's Spots who spontaneously organized the original Klan.
>>197954 I don't really know anything about them lad I live far away from them. I think its probably just kike bullshit to make them seem weird because they are insular, but also they are like the worst combination of jocks and batty protestants
they are also blowhard southerner types who are the typical amerilarps who rage post to every thing and generally are the type of people to bluster their way into a fight then get whooped and back down and apologize
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>One of the Lynyrd Skynyrd lads what died was circumcised smdh
>>197959 These days there aren't really good populations anywhere. At best a few based individuals, but each population is rightfully called degenerate in comparison with those of the past
Getting a tattoo of a black sun and cross with "for God and the VVHITE RACE" written around it tbh
thank you armen, very cool!
>>197945 keeeeeeeeeeek, lad albertans literally larp as texans their whole lives, it's their identity
>>197964 I would get a tattoo of the monmoth rebellion motto if I was a wignat in prison
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>we are all americans
>>197966 texas people don't really have a claim that they were the only people who rode horses or wore hats in north america, really dislike how southerners in general claim all the stuff like folk music, etc.
>>197965 keeek sherman do it again
>>197967 Based
>>197967 Monmouth rebellion was a protestant attempt to remove a catholic king btw. It was organised by a group of protestant merchants in exile from attempting to assassinate Charles II.
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what do you lads think about the multiple Bidens theory? pics 1-2 = the real Biden pics 3-4 = the 2nd Biden that is usually the one we see nowadays, he is senile pic 5 = potential 3rd Biden, notice the attached earlobes unlike the 2nd Biden's detached lobes
>>197961 how is that a whitepill you cringe faggot, they're larping
>>197974 its fun
hahahaahaha wew that is some pure distilled cancer comment
>>197972 they were the good kinds of prots the ones who didn't make excuses for faggotry
>>197972 tbh but the slogan is still based >>197974 Keeping their culture alive still lad, better than letting it die
>>197978 that was basically ever protestant except quakers before 1930 tbh.
>>197975 make another world famous meme
>>197980 they got shitty here because of circumcision
"He must not merely cling to life, for then he will be a coward, and will not escape. He must not merely wait for death, for then he will be a suicide, and will not escape. He must seek his life in a spirit of furious indifference to it; he must desire life like water and yet drink death like wine." -G.K Chesterton
>>197981 this is probably my most successful meme tbh
>>197984 kek, sorry i thought you were 22
>>197988 I hope children are.
>>197988 What if . . . we're all 22st?
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this is my best oc, feels good when you see people randomly post something you made
>>197988 >(92)
>>197993 we've always supported you when you get close to >(200)
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>>197991 tbh, I made these lyrics to yankee doodle in like 2015 and cunts were reposting this screencap recently there. Felt weird tbh Wonder how many dead men are having their memes reposted right now
very loud farts rn
>>197996 keeeeeeeeeek
>>197996 very based of you lad
>>197984 >how dare anyone disagree with the spic-nigger occupation force! On your knees for the bishop of Rome is not a good look
>>197991 we are the nucleus of far right creativity tbh.
https://youtu.be/POv-3yIPSWc SING! >>198001 >protestant The Pope is Peter's successor lad. I'll pray for you. *filters your cringe*
why does bbk post all this weird 70s music? maybe he's an old man
meanwhile on the leaflands
>>198006 i hate this almost white but not phenotype. they're the worst
>>197883 Just like the lyrics from can't fight the moonlight
>>198008 wish i could believe in the green man, it's a cool myth
>>198010 jack in the green/the green man of the wood is 100% real
>>198011 really? have there been any sightings ever? i thought it was just ancient lore, i didn't think he was real like ghosts
>>198012 its confirmed real lad
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forest folk are real and dangerous
temperature being turned up on white race hate propaganda
fuck seacow anon
fuck you
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>>198015 this is a still that they used. what is this supposed to convey? 'wow look at this disgusting white family eating food, how dare they procreate their vile white genetics? how can it be the year 2022 and white people are allowed to live in houses and eat meals as a family instead of being starved in camps?' >>198016 yeah the manatee thing is stupid
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>>198015 >playing beethovens beautiful music which niggers will never compare >while showing footage of the entire system abusing a clearly mentally ill women for her race
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they also show black panther militia
>>198018 random attacks on good lads will not be tolerated
>>197991 very good lad
>>197996 kreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>198006 what a poor slut that she feels scared to not get her coffee.
>>198022 I see dragonball z incel nigger phenotypes
>>198029 Is that the tranny again?
>>198029 I thought that was Ron Jeremy from the thumbnail
r8 christian hardcore in the midwest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65AuS9UUGmw
>>198032 I hate this kind of music but it makes american versions of williams seethe, used to blast gg allin to piss off my williamoid roommate who was in some gay hipster band and sang emotional shit to get foids
>>198033 Its probably one of the best harcore sets I've heard most of it is psuedo antifa reddit atheist bullshit. gg alliin's unironically good
>>198032 Ive never met these people in Britain but I heard they love this type of music but dont smoke or drink at all, which seems weird to me
hardcore should be chud music. its just a big fat angry retard in music form. >>198037 you mean straight edge types? there's a few in liverpool who hang around shows. they're massive faggots.
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need new threda >>198033 >gg allin noice weird it won't let me post .mp3's now even though it let me do it before, wtf
reminder that chicago poorfags are based the Popes: this stood for "Protecting Our People Eliminating Spics"
>>198038 yeah I think BIG JOCKO WILLINK said he was in the straight edge hardcore scene
>>198038 >there's a few in liverpool who hang around shows They better not be around Alberto Dock after midnight
>>198040 They fought against a gang called the "Maniac Latin Disciples" led by a guy called Little Hitler (Albert Hernandez), they used the swastika flag too lmao.
>>198043 mid to late 20th century chicago gangs are schizo tier
hardcore is just speeded up emo
for me its jap incel music https://youtu.be/7MqFUukecuY seems like jap men have it bad was watching a video on those tiny bug aparments today
>>198042 albert dock is just boutique cafes and italian restaurants lad
>>198043 Based and Nazi-Mexican alliance pilled
>>198046 yeah asian incels are in nightmare mode, asian women are the biggest racemixers and their culture is so utterly cucked against young men/middle age men
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>>197486 Might ask for a topknot tomorrow
>>198049 saw a 5'2 chinese lass with a 6'4 white guy today in york keek always wonder what that relationship is like
>>198052 smh chad had to get a gook. always cringe when tallfags get microgfs, literally pissing away their genes which made them chads
>>198047 I know smh can't believe they got rid of the animation studio/museum. I just wanted to evoke the warning made by BBK
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think my dad fancies that judge jeanine
>>198054 tbh seemed a bit hypregamous but the lanklet had soyface
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>>198055 They got rid of that? I never went even though I always wanted to as a kid. Its just filled with unironic faggot shit now like the Tate and Slavery Museum, even the Museum of Liverpool has a big section on based chinkies and Lascar's.
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Liverpool is a good example of the system implementing its agenda where it matters in contrast to the actual publics will. Everything that's done in any authority is gay.
>>198060 Albert Dock is also where the nonce Fred Talbot fell into the water keeeekkk
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used to genuinely fantasise about burning this piece of shit down (hepworth wakefield) nobody would miss it
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>>198061 love that lass I immediately think of her whenever I see a WMAF couple
>>198061 goodlad >>198065 same keeeek she hit on some primal truths in that rant tbh
its also amazing that tbbk larps as a rebel when I've seen fat Joe Anderson without any guards atleast ten times while out and about. he was never hard to just sucker punch or confront, I personally called him fat joe for a laugh when I was a teenager.
>>198063 jej >>198062 i like how fat nonce mayor joe got btfo for corruption and had to step down, Joe Owens wins again
>>198064 concrete and iron doesn't burn retard
>>198068 he was replaced by a half-caste fat bint also called Jo Anderson lmao.
>>198069 put mustard gas in the air con or some shite then I dunno
>>198070 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek fat joe dynasty
>>198072 literally no relation just a sassy secretary black bitch who bullied the council into it.
>>198073 tbh its about time we had a BBW in power
>>198068 that fat cunt also took some jabs at are Joe before he got outed as a nonce

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