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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3689: Easter Eggs For Supper Edition Anonymous 04/17/2022 (Sun) 19:32:46 Id: 0a8880 No. 240953
Lighthearted links only in celebration of a happy Easter tbh Easter 2022 quiz: 20 question to test your Resurrection Day knowledge https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/uk-news/easter-2022-quiz-20-question-23691795 Easter: Snowdonia mountain path covered in human faeces https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-61128854 Bikers parade through streets in first Easter Egg Run since pandemic https://news.stv.tv/west-central/hundreds-of-bikers-set-to-parade-through-streets-for-easter-egg-run
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violet... forgive me... fuck
tfw no easter egg >>240953 good lad >>240955 HAVE COME TO /BRIT/ TO SNEETHEN
Do people call themselves "Anglican"?
>>240956 what did u do cringecel?
>>240958 >outing yourself as 22st this early in the thread
>>240957 lad, you can have some of mine if you want. i thought i wasn't going to get one either, i only had to wait till people were gone and ask for it
>>240961 thanks lad going to pick a fancy one up from lidls tomorrow morning tbh
>>240962 lad, what's the fittest form u can take?
what's maximum fitness Wessie?
>>240964 fictional
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keeeek why even bother
>>240965 make it real tbh
>>240960 I'm... some other lad
>>240968 i know your tricks fartin
>>240826 tbh anything with a penor could slay in a women's prison
consneedering opening a second packet of choccy digestives
going out for a kebab tbh
>>240972 kids in kebab mate
fortunately this one is just old meat.
the turks are cheap but not quite pakis.
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺The Russian military has deployed a point for repair and restoration of equipment in the field. Caption video 2: The monument to Marshal Zhukov was dismantled in Kharkov. According to the leader of the Kharkiv National Corps Konstantin Nemichev, this was done by the Kraken special unit. The Kraken is a subdivision of the Azov Regiment. Nemichev is its commander. In the treasury of reasons for complete denazification.
smh a bit of nice weather and it's straight back to fridge temperatures tonight
>>240958 >prelacy A better question is should they
was rudely awoken from a very pleasant sleep, layed in bed for an hour all bothered thinking about big mexican tits, finally dragged myself out of bed and had to eat cold brek smh
>he's here
>the timing for pulling down the statues These faggots are literally trying to "cancel" Russia!
>>240980 >>240981 keeeeeek >mummy makes you breakfast and wakes you up >complain because you hadn't finished edging smh
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>>240966 Kek ridiculous premise. Then again YouTubers aren't really known for being classy, to the contrary they are clowns for clicks
>>240981 I'm always here, lad. at least, for the past couple months or so >>240984 >complain because you hadn't finished edging nah it wasn't that.. I complain because I was having a nice restful sleep and wasn't ready to wake up yet. I'm not a morning person, I can't stand getting woken up, I love sleep. then since I was still half asleep (i.e. strong imagination) and had the early morning test boost, my mind wandered
What does it mean that fertility goes down on the graph after 20-25-30? Is that when people become infertile, or is it just for some reason harder to get pregnant? Got into an argument with a woman and I actually can't answer her keeke
>>240987 their eggs shrivel and dry up
>>240986 >early morning lad, it's half past 9 here, which means at the earliest it's 1pm for you >>240987 cell mutations, and eggs produced are just lower quality for whatever reason
>>240987 less and less likely to get pregnant, birth defects become less rare, and general quality of the gestation drops like a rock. around mid 30's it becomes very unlikely, and birth defects become common it's not talked about enough how a young, healthy mother makes a huge difference in the development of the offspring. people just say genetics, genetics, genetics, which is obviously the main thing but development is heavily influenced by how much nutrition/hormones the baby is exposed to in the womb and during breastfeeding >>240989 got woken up around 3pm I guess, got up around 4, 4:30 now
>>240987 Egg cells aren't constantly created by the body, a baby girl is born with every one she will ever have. So as the years go by they lose their potency.
need me some POTENT egg cells
>>240992 Good lad
>>240990 What does less likely to become pregnant mean? Like if you just try more times you sitll get pregnant?
It's hard to bring up their egg deadline though.
>>240991 This is a good answer tbh
it's called menopause, lads. Actually running out of eggs takes time. I'm talking about the age between 20-30, what exactly it means for the fertility to go in those years
>>240997 go down*
If the woman has longer menstruation periods, with longer bleeding, is her fertility worse than others?
>>240985 can't imagine a worse place to sleep tbh. would be noisy as fuck and probably covered in rubbish and broken bottles
>>241000 dno, you're only supposed to lose one egg each montherino I think
>it's a bitch who is exactly the opposite of everything I'm looking for matching me on a dating site just to make fun of me and screencap me and put me on instagram >I am the bad guy kleeeeeeeek
>>240994 means a couple can shag like rabbits before and during ovulation every month, "trying" as it is called, and no pregnancy occurs. I guess either no sperm penetrates the egg cell or if one does then the zygote just dies within a few days or something, depends, idk exactly
sad thing is that judged by society's eyes I am the bad guy smh
Lads if every foid got pregnant, would a nation of single mum's be worth it?
>>241003 inb4 the groomer of trondelag goes viral on norge social media and you get hundreds of eager groomees in your inbox
BASED black guy punches blm nigger troon https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1515728625357795332
>>241007 >they show up at my door and I answer it looking like Woes 2 since I've gotten fatter since my profile pics smh
>foids and dating app shite on easter sunday ngmi
jesus christ lmao
>>241010 We're trying to breed
Rasmus Paludan got a muslim shot and dozens others in prison for planning his murder already in Denmark. This 22st lookin nigga is causing muslims to be shot and deported by his mere existence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WxuuCOjbJ4
>>241012 >natives set fire to muslim special book >natives riot in anger because ??? yeah makes total sense. fuck the BBC
>>241016 I don't get why he's a gay nonce libertarian but his party is ultranationalist and for deportations
>>241018 they just hate muslims simple as
>>241006 If Theresa May had a child are you so sure she would have had time to work her way into becoming Prime Minister? A lot of these discussions about age of fertility and fertility rate are proxies for a return to patriarchal, i.e. more sane, standards in society.
>>241020 Not having children isn't a proxy for anything apart from the coming civilisational collapse.
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Oh yeah funny part is she implied I was a groomer twice keeeeeeeek
>>241022 translate these for us smh
reminder that grooming is perfectly socially acceptable if you become chad chads can get away with basically anything when it comes to women
Just tell her she's too old.
>>241012 Almost every time, anywhere in the world, when it's "far right and counter protestors", journos just invert the conduct of each group. It's so consistent and brazen that it really is demoralising. They did this and continue to do it to this day with Moseley and the commie thugs who attacked him. >>241020 Always asoooooomed Treason May was unable to have kids tbh.
>>241023 >"You should change your bio/profile description. That part about wanting a younger woman makes you sound like a predator who's after to groom little girls." <"You must be 18 to use tinder, even though there are some who break the rules" >"And you are probably a nice guy, but that description makes you look bad" <"Thanks for the tip, I think I will, but there is a reason for it, and that is that you women are most fertile between 18 and 20, then it goes down and down, more steeply down after 30. And I want more children so I need to start early >"That is not factual. That is just something "alpha mmen" say to excuse grooming women into what they want" This was after I had softened her a bit with my charmerino tbh
>>241021 No, patriarchies are wiser and wisdom is important especially for races as suppositional as the germanic and celtic ones. Darker and thus more animalistic races can get by on their natural draw towards greed, which is why fertility rate dropping in East Asia doesn't lead to open borders but it is different over here. Unless you meant something else??
>>241024 Yeah. I got kicked out of a dating app for asking a lass to fuck. I just thought that was normal behaviour and tried to act like a chaderino smh
>>241026 A lot more Theresas these days is the point of the example. Can't or won't, for this kind of thing, is positively correlated as well.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIfS2Y6bmmc Now this is my kind of autism. >>241027 Keeeeek coping wall approaching femoid sneethe.
>>241022 shut the up nobody cares you ugly nonce filtered
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>>241027 >>241029 >that is not factual really makes you wonder what she and other women actually believe about their own fertility tbh also, you only are allowed to act like chad if you actually look like one
>>241032 She is "just" 22 tbh
>>241028 See all of that is just additional to the point that you need kids for a future.
>>241035 well if you google it almost all the articles will try to deny what we know. Say it's perfecly fine up to 30 and 35, and even after that it's not so bad, and you'll also hear about how freezing your eggs is fine and without risk as well
>>241034 Looked like that would've broken her collarbone.
>>241034 broken ribs anyone? >>241038 ofc it does, fucking hell
>>241037 But nobody is looking at anything indicating complete and total lack of childbirth, so you are building a castle in the sky for some reason. Probably a wog
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Hey rich man who owns multiple properties and a yacht I am ready to settle down now
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>>241042 I'd rail every single one of them fit mummies hmmmm yeah
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>>241042 All of the blokes in the 50s who might have dated them have dated them have been chased home by uncomfortable regulations by the ascetics, like smoking bans in restaurants, speech codes which have led to wogified town squares, etc
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*enters house of lass who just turned 16*
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>>241049 >when she might've already had 5 cocks before turning legal (for you) and it's still a social crime (she's a child you freak!) Modernity oppresses the autist and the incel on so many different levels.
>>241050 yeah, 12 year old getting those conraceptive sticks put into their arms because... dude you can't just stop kids having sex haha if they want it they're gonna do it dude... wait you got a problem with that..??
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>/tv/ saying the Northman is flopping nooooo
>>241053 kino will always flop, soyperhero movies and animated kids rubbish will always make the cash. just how it is, maybe i can go and see it in cinnymas before it goes
>>241054 >>241053 wasn't there a bit of poz in it? or am I just assooming
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Researchers decode pigs' well-being through oinks and grunts >Biologists studied over 7,000 recordings from 411 pigs, from the brief squeaks of satisfaction at feeding time to the desperate cries at slaughter, before classifying them into 19 different categories. >The project...offers a new way of improving animal welfare by laying the groundwork for a tool that can categorize an emotion based on the noise produced, according to the researcher. >Once developed, the new tool would allow farmers...to monitor their mental health...if the negative squeals increase, the farmer would be alerted that something was wrong and could check. https://phys.org/news/2022-04-decode-pigs-well-being-oinks-grunts.html
>>241055 there is some nudity and feminism maybe. Not heard anything
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>>241059 that's terror terror built into the system
>>241061 joined lad
poof william tbh
>>241061 I'm too much of a brainlet for competitive chess
burger brothers... its over

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>tfw king of /brit/ chess
Just shat half a toilet bowl of mucus don't know tf why but felt good
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>>241066 this still felt good tho. i'll get you next time lad
>>241067 lad the mucus is supposed to come from your willy
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>>241068 yeah I blundered don't get too cocky.
>>241072 you're the cocky one tbh hehe
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looking at this pic again
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anyone got wojacks/pol faces/ pepes where he's singing into a microphone
>>241075 Hullo Marine Le Mammal
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https://youtu.be/bumdb4c8zTM play this in your truck the twenty two stones
willy wanks!
>The Last Sleep of Arthur in Avalon is a painting by Edward Burne-Jones and is considered to be his magnum opus >Following his death, the painting passed to a neighbour, whose descendants, sold the work at auction in 1963 >Burne-Jones was out of fashion at this time so its export was allowed despite some objections https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Sleep_of_Arthur_in_Avalon
>>241083 wouldn't happen further south
Fuck I was (you)ing schizo
>>241088 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>241084 <Avalon anon you don't believe in that made-up nonsense, do you?
>>241068 Kings to TF
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>>241084 That's a nice painting, lad.
Summoning the semen demon.
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Caption image 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Guards missile cruiser "Varyag" in the periscope lens of a NATO submarine off the coast of Crete. Caption video 1: Friends, fighters of the Chechen special forces, even on the front line, pay special attention to the remembrance of Allah Almighty. Each of our guys, being in the thick of things, treats all obligatory and desirable religious prescriptions with due respect and awe. ⠀ Allah Almighty always illuminates the path of His faithful servants. Even the impenetrable darkness parted before the true believers, who entrusted their lives to the Great Creator for the sake of a great goal. ⠀ We are not afraid of enemies, because on our side is the one who created the heavens, the earth and what is between them! Caption video 2: The Chechen people at all times valued courage, valor, heroism and self-sacrifice in the name of defending the Motherland. Warriors who were injured on a noble path received honor and respect in society. ⠀ One of the true sons of the Fatherland is my dear BROTHER Ruslan Geremeev "Kind". He took an active part in the liberation of Mariupol, being on the front line along with his fighters. After the capture of the city administration, he was wounded and ended up in the hospital. ⠀ Recently doctors recommended Ruslan to continue treatment at home. It was with great pleasure that I visited dear BROTHER. I was pleasantly surprised that, despite the severity of the injury, he is successfully recovering. Apparently, the wounds received on the noble path tend to heal quickly, which we cannot but rejoice at. ⠀ I sincerely thanked Ruslan for his courage, courage and heroism shown by him during the special operation. It is thanks to such fighters that we successfully solve the tasks set by our Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin. ⠀ Ruslan assured me that he would soon return to duty and continue to serve for the good of our Motherland. I have no doubt of this, for warriors like him are incapable of weakness, no matter what test they may experience. Caption video 3: Every day helping the residents of Donbass who find themselves in a difficult situation, the ROF named after the Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadji Kadyrov does not forget about its citizens. President of the Fund Aimani Nesievna gave joy to nine needy and low-income families of the republic in this holy month for all Muslims. Thanks to dear MAMA, they became the owners of a new home. ⠀ For some of them, this gift was a pleasant surprise. Wandering around other people's apartments, they did not even suspect that they had learned about their plight and, moreover, solved their problem. Dear BROTHERS - Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic Muslim Khuchiev, his deputy Abdul-Kerim Edilov, Minister of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities Muslim Zaipullaev handed over the keys to the houses to the new settlers. ⠀ I congratulate the new settlers on the holiday! I wish them a happy life in a new place, peace and prosperity! Many thanks to Aimani Nesievna for her active participation and enormous assistance provided to us in solving important social problems, among which is the provision of housing for the needy category of citizens. May the Almighty reward you with great blessings for pious deeds!
>>241100 <zero sexiness don't care, fake & gay war
real schizo hours
>>241101 >naysayer says "i don't find gay things sexy" Good for you, naysayer, maybe you won't go to hell!
>>241103 Jews are super cool right?
>241100 sorry not going to wank off about churkas on britpol
>seething naysayer Feels good tbh
>>241104 See you tomorrow, Sponge Bob
"woman using magic to obey a man"
"13 witch coven conjuring the will to obey their husbands"
"witches beating a fellow witch for failing to obey her husband painting"
>>241110 terrifying tbh
"witch happily learning marital submission"
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Caption video 1: Assalamu alaikum! By the will of Almighty Allah, we performed ruzba in the mosque named after the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ - Khamzat. Friday's sermon was read by Imam Aslan Abdulaev. He spoke about the virtues of the holy month of Ramadan, in which Allah Almighty sends His boundless mercy to the believers. ⠀ The imam also recalled that with the onset of Ramadan, the gates of heaven open, the gates of hell are locked, and the devils are chained. Also, the greatness of this holy month is evidenced by the fact that on its seventeenth day, the Almighty granted victory to the Muslims in the battle of Badr. In this battle, the Prophet ﷺ and his companions won the first major victory over a large detachment of polytheists - Meccans. ⠀ Aslan Abulaev in his prayer asked Almighty Allah to grant victory to our soldiers fighting in Ukraine against those who trampled on all the concepts of faith, morality and humanity. ⠀ We performed a collective Friday prayer under the leadership of Imam Sheikh Abu Anas. May Allah accept our ruzba! Caption video 2: True patriots of their homeland, worthy, brave and courageous sons of the Chechen people are eager to fight! Competent leadership over them is carried out by my dear BROTHER, commander of the Regiment of Patrol and Guard Service of the Police named after Hero of Russia A.A. Kadyrov Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chechen Republic Zamid Chalaev. ⠀ These guys have seen a lot along the way. And there is nothing to scare them. They firmly stand in the way of Akhmat-Khadji Kadyrov and are ready to fulfill orders of any complexity. There are already hundreds of complex operations behind their backs, and they are happy to carry out as many. ⠀ I'm really proud of the fighters from the Chechen Republic! They daily prove their courage, courage, courage, heroism and the highest military skill. With such men, we are not afraid of any enemy! AKHMAT-POWER! Caption image: Another photo of the Moskva Caption video 3: АХАХААХАХАХАХАХААХАХАХА Goblins discovered the Polish language (but did not understand it)
>>241115 "goblins" is an interesting term. If you burn teenage "goblins" alive, hardly so bad, no?
>>241097 what are you doing this with?
https://twitter.com/garmacnamee/status/1514638916720246785 That muzzie who beheaded and castrated 2 poofs in ireland getting carted off
>>241119 The onlookers look to be in a state of shock
>>240991 >>240996 Let's say a lass starts periods at 15 and stops at 45, that's only 360 or so periods. They're born with way more than that. >A female foetus has around 4 million eggs. When a baby girl is born, the number of oocytes steadily drops to between 1 and 2 million, and the number keeps decreasing by 10,000 each month before puberty. When a girl reaches puberty, she has between 300,000-400,000 eggs, yet the monthly loss of oocytes slows down to 1,000. huh seems like the viability of eggs is really similar to sperm actually, in that only the top 1% of them are any good. Lasses just have a different mechanism for filtering them out. Thanks for the education lad.
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>>241115 Rocket launchers have IKEA instructions on them? Is this normal?
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>⬆️💣A drunk and (possibly) drugged Zelensky is in his office today. The video was uploaded and deleted. The Western world should see its heroes. >Credit Alexandra truth
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>>241091 >there are "British" people who question the reality of are ancestors
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>>241122 wouldn't want to shut out a potential customer by having the instructions in the wrong language lad plus the manuals usually aren't included in the second-hand market simple pictographs let you sell the same weapon all across the globe with no confusion and learning how to operate the weapon becomes so simple that even a child could do it it's just good business >>241123 looking a bit out of it keeek
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He made a funny response to the CURSED seacow, but I will have to filter Ukraine spammer lad again.
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18yo gingerlass at the pub looked at me and said hello and smiled do you think she'll have sex with me?
>>241128 Yes, how much of ur disposable income is going into pubs lad?
>>241130 you just walk inside and stay?
>>241131 Water
Farted so hard I shot off through the roof and into the sky. It's FREEZING up here!
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>>241127 unironically feel bad for Will Smith tbh
Is that 2 years of failed online grooming for 22 and the lads?
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Big Willy gon' get thru this
>>241138 I hate niggers and their platitudes. Reality is that this was a one man chimp out. Simple as >I is gonna learn obah heeya! I is gonna gib id all obah to dee lawd! I is a work in progress in diss shit!
There's a neet called Dorset and he's the tabooo, the sweeetest taboooo..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcPc18SG6uA&ab_channel=SadeVEVO
What do you lads call the game where one person has to chase the others and whoever they catch is then the chaser?
>>241141 Politi og tyv
How do lasses feel when they realise they have thousands of followers because of how they look only?
>>241139 It was a cringe overreaction but it was still just a slap. Will Smith is the whitest nigger in jewlywood, lad. Wouldn't be surprised if David Attenborough was at his birth, imprinting on him so he would bond with white people, the way that imprinting works on lions and crocodiles.
>>241143 Thought so, we call it "tick" smh >>241144 Used to play a version with my snex where I would have to fuck her but she had to run away and escape or I'd cum in her but it always ended with her just giving in smh >>241145 based, do you shout SKYRIM when you win?
>lads didn't play British Bulldogs run run run at primary >>241144 Keeek.
>>241146 Good I bet. Being valued for one of the only things they are valuable for should feel good evolutionarily
>>241148 >based, do you shout SKYRIM when you win? "tatt" when the police touches a thief
>>241150 >lads didn't play British Bulldogs run run run at primary keeeeek and the lads you chased were called german bastards
>>241151 They feel good about it but it's also creepy because unattractive men are perving on them. Like a fisherman casting a wide net and then blaming the unwanted fish he caught. It's the same with irl female over displays of sexual availability.
Some superly eldely lads
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can barely remember anything from primary school smh
>>241154 yeah but none of them will even touch her or even be in a room with her
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peaked in P7 tbh it's all been downhill from there
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>see a lass who is super pretty but it just makes me sad I'll never be with her
>>241157 It doesn't matter. Her heckin discomforterino is still caused by (You) incel creep.
>>241159 just rape her
>getting sad instead of angry never gonna make it in the big incel leagues lad
>>241161 I tried to find her online but I don't have enough info to go by smh
>>241162 Keeeeek that image. Also just realised Steiner looks like Nick Frost from Blade.
Day of the rape, thousands of incels engage in rape and sex crimes as they reach age 40
>>241159 just be handsome like me
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I don't get why people would buy that Alexa thing
just want a sexy 18yo redhead to call me daddy tbh is that too much to ask for huh
bad news lad, the incel pandemic is only getting worse, SEA maxxing areas are experiencing excess demand, pussy inflation
>>241168 you have to buy new thing or else you'll be shamed by your peers who bought new thing plus the people in the adverts are all happy and you want to be happy too
>>241171 When grandparents got one of them I tested it by saying play in the hall of the mountain king and it would only play some shit modern remix as it was probably the first result on jewgle at the time. Smh. Spybot doesn't even do the good things it says on the tin right. They've thankfully got rid of it now.
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>>241171 >I CAN TURN THE LIGHT OFF WITH MY VOICE! <Your flat is so small you you can turn it off with your nose
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>>241172 >They've thankfully got rid of it now. based >>241173 keeeeek
10:28, what do u neet lads do all day?
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>>241176 relax and scour youtube for hidden dancehall dubplates
>>241176 goon and goom
>>241176 have sex
>>241178 cant do gaming after ive wanked, lose all concentration and memory tbh
>>241180 I can, but I cant goom after visiting a prossie because it feels so pointless compared to even the most pointless sex
>>241181 ah, a based prossie enjoyer
>>241176 >being awake before noon yikes
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if i lived in bournemouth i could have so many prossies theres fuckin nothing where i live
>>241184 Isn't Bournemouth a retirement town?
>when you see someone you sort of know but cant remember their name so you walk past >>241185 theres a lot of retired there ye but its also uni i think and lots of thots go there
dunno how i'd meet a prossie tbh
>woke up to brother talking about how the muslims rioting aren't real muslims and just thugs using it as an excuse to commit crimes for no reason, and that "I see that free speech is important but burning the quran wasn't necessary" >this probably represents the average person
>>241184 Situation is grim here too, lasses with Bogdanoff faces charging £100 for 30 mins smh
>>241188 you should break his legs
>>241188 Quote the Quran at him
>>241191 lad real muslims are secular muslims who have western values
Why do people keep saying Brexit was a mess? >>241192 keeek would just boot him to fuck tbh
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From the introduction to one of my copies of the Quran: "The number of campaigns which he led in person during the last years of his life is twenty-seven, in nine of which there was hard fighting. The number of the expeditions which he planned and sent out under the leaders is thirty-eight. He personally controlled every detail of organisation, judged every case and was accessible to every suppliant.
>>241193 because brexit was the biggest mistake we've ever made as a country
He died by being poisoned by one of his enemies. >>241197 But how le so lad
>>241198 because racist gammons want to stop everything coming into the country which causes prices to go up and things like
>>241199 smh, I've heard that the production problems in China were caused by Brexit
don't make me do it wessex
>>241193 the price was too high lad leaving the european union is all well and good if that's what the majority truly wants but it never should've come at the cost of the uk's eu membership
holy fuck I just brushed my teeth and it took forever, must have been brushing away for like 10 minutes straight, awful mouth is clean at least, except for behind the bottom incisors where it always builds up no matter what I do
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Clean your teeth for 1 hour a day.
>>241205 supposed to be like.. >brush for 2 minutes, scrape tongue, about 20-30 minutes after breakfast (depending on acidity of what you ate/drank) >floss, brush for 3 minutes, scrape tongue, about 20-30 minutes after whenever you eat last for the day but idk how to get a good complete brushing in in only 3 minutes, feels like I take at least 6. the morning brush is probably about 3, but it's intentionally half-assed
the fuck?
>>241208 keeeeeeeeek
>>241208 it's so stylish and modern
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>>241214 ni lad
>>241212 when lads share their rooms with us. >it's a call for help;, a cal for irl friends
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watching Romeo and Juliet (1996) tbh

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>>241218 Claire Danes at her peak, tbh
>>241219 Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.
>>241222 A poor actor who played Juliet in Romeo and Juliet (1996) She is fair
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>Since 1998, Danes remains banned from the Philippines and her films also remain banned in the region. The ban came after Danes said Manila, capital of the country, "smelled of cockroaches, with rats all over, and that there is no sewage system, and the people do not have anything – no arms, no legs, no eyes". Danes later apologized for those remarks, but the Filipino authorities refused to lift the ban.[42][43][44][45] keeek
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>>241224 keeeeek wtf
>>241224 keeeeeek seamonkeys btfo
>>241227 Be interesting to know who is behind the lawsuits.
>>241224 > the people do not have anything – no arms, no legs, no eyes" Great, somewhere I can finally get a gf
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>>241223 she was also in Terminator 3, which is a very entertaining flick, and Homeland, which was a decent TV show until they killed off Damian Lewis' character
>>241224 >people do not have anything – no arms, no legs, no eyes" Keek did she get that from a book written in the 14th century?
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>dating site >mutt has this meme on their profile keeeeeeek
uh oh stinky
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>people who say they have no accent
>>241235 very cosmopolitan
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ywn tend to your helmet
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Were ancient anglos giants?
>>241238 keeeeek
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These are the only niggers I like
>>241241 >these are the black power rangers >they summon a giant over the top batman 1989esque car instead of a megazord
>>241242 more like nigger teletubbies
>>241243 Yeah, except they have the TVs under their arms keek
my laptop charge lead doesnt work for some reason holy fuck i am going to die
>>241235 Trve Sovth Englishmen don't have an accent though, as we speak english. You wouldn't say a Japanese man speaks japanese with a japanese accent, he just speaks japanese.
>>241240 Imagine going to fight in a foreign war, pussying out and refusing to kill anyone, then surrendering and being used as a hostage for trading. His family must be embarrassed.
>>241246 An accent is simply a way of pronouncing words. A Japanese person speaks Japanese with one of the many Japanese accents. Retard. There isn't even a "true" English accent.
>>241249 Except there is and it's my one.
>>241250 Except there isn't and you're a fucking retard
>>241249 Generally speaking, accents can lead to distortions, affectations and mispronunciations. If you speak clearly and adhere to the normal rules of the language, you get something more akin to the diction of, say, Tony Blair.
>>241252 There are no normal rules of the language you fucking window licker.
Especially fucking so for English.
>241253 That's the same thing leftists say when defending ebonic baboon speak
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu8Aw3n2DNg Based boomer now defending our right to think about rape on trains.
What is a language but a series of rules and words to mesh with those rules? Without rules, you don't have a language. For a word to have meaning is a rule in and of itself. Without rules words become meaningless. To be RW in the first place is to be an agent of order and conservation of one's culture. To discard rules and language is the leftist, subversive, destructive worldview that leads to journos using "populist" as a derogatory term and "woman" meaning "anything that puts on a dress". Filtered.
Yes there are. Words should be pronounced in a certain way. If you say "nothin" rather than "nothing", or "'ard" rather than "hard", your pronunciation is objectively wrong because you are omitting certain letters. Yet this is general practice with certain accents.
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>>241256 >tfw it was meant to be a joke
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They've also changed the meaning of the word violence to suit an agenda, which is fine I guess if english isn't a real language that never had rules
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Surely this has nothing to do with record percentages of brown men taking up space, but rather it's people staring that causes rape to happen
Found this lass on a dating site
>>241263 why is he opening her vagina lips for the cameraman
>>241258 Why are you pretending not to know that the spelling of words changes over time? >muh particular rules forced onto the population at large That's too much asceticism, i.e. the weakness of rightists >muh leftism is bad Rightism is also bad >>241238 Is the helmet closer to the camera?
>>241265 >Is the helmet closer to the camera? yeah
>>241265 >Rightism is also bad >Is the helmet closer to the camera? Where have you just come from lad and how did you find us?
imagine being political after 6 years together
The spelling of words changing over time only happens because of stupid and lazy people. In a perfect world, it wouldn't happen.
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>>241263 I would
tfw no Hong Kong gf I can listen to Cantonese love ballads with
>>241271 you can have her wechat
>>241276 keeeeek good lad
Azov murdering like 20 injured surrendering Russians. why are nazis so evil bros?
>>241276 keeeeeeeeeek
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Caption image: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Institute for the Study of War (USA) showed how the situation in Mariupol has changed over the past day. Judging by the map, the Russians have seized territories north of Azovstal. Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 An attempt to break through the encirclement, enemy forces from the territory of the Primorsky district to Azovstal on April 15. 43 pieces of equipment were destroyed and damaged, up to 150 people were killed and wounded. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡ The work of artillery spotters in the Azovstal area, presumably the fire is carried out by Krasnopol shells Caption video 3: 🇺🇦 deceased African American in civilian clothes near Azovstal Caption image 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Captured Ukrainian soldiers being fed well
>>241279 Are you sure? Him missing twice and not effectively blowing them all up with the one grenade that hit, plus him not wanting to move out of cover, suggests the Russians were still a threat. Unless he's just squemish and doesn't want to see the results of what he's doing. Odd vid.
>>241282 in the full video it zooms out, doesnt look too good tbh
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The result of the work of Chechen servicemen at the Ilyich plant in Mariupol is minus eight Azov nationalists in this shop alone. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺 Training of the air part of the Victory Parade: eight MiG-29 fighters lined up in the sky in the form of the letter "Z" Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Artillery of the LPR strikes at the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Pervomaisky area. To avoid return fire, units are forced to constantly change their deployment. With the help of spotters, it is possible to avoid hitting residential buildings. Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 A bunch of captured Ukrainian soldiers
>>241283 Wdymbt? Still not sure if the grenade thrower thinks he's in danger from the enemy or if this is a deliberate attempt to kill surrendering men. Why would Azog release it if it's the latter? Was this not intended to be released but was leaked? What am I doing? Can't expect context, explainations, sources, etc. in /brit/. Carry on. I'll just filter you like the other Ukraine spambot.
>>241285 I just saw the video on 4chud and thought it was cool fuck off DONT FILTER ME
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>a replying while filtered episode
>tfw never filtered anyone ever
>>241287 >ywn be a cute lesbian girl bullied by le bisexual girl who spits at you and ties you up for her boyfriend to breed
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>241285 >one of the shrillest and therefore gayest posts ever written It won't end up well for this lad, not at this rate
>>241267 >you don't belong here No you
I love indians so much
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>mummy on the phone reassurring crying newly b*sexual friend that she's not a whore cunt for leaving her good husband for some dyke and confusing and upsetting the kids
>>241295 get on the line
>>241296 She was on her mobile. It is the current year after all. Don't even have a landline.
>>241295 so she already left and there is no going back then
>>241295 I hope you shout at your mummy for being so retarded
contact the dykecucked husband and offer to put in work
>>241298 Nobody has 'left' anywhere yet. He's probably going to get kicked out because >women. Smh. He always seemed so Chad. If this can happen to him, it can happen to any good lads who get wives and breed. >>241300 He's still in the upset and in disbelief stage. Hoping he will get angry, then calm, then his wife will have an untimely accident in minecraft, tbph.
hope he's getting all his ducks in a row legally and financially because I guarantee she is
>>241294 That's a good one
>>241295 time to go to work
>>241295 my mummy has a divorcee friend and was asking for advice on whether the friend's son should get divorced too because apparently his wife is controlling and doesn't like her mother in law. Said I don't condone divorce, simple as.
divorce should be allowed but there should be no support
woke up at 4 again, toil all day tomorrow
Rasmus Paludan announces new plans next week https://twitter.com/Expressen/status/1516049266619392004
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>no controlling wife
why dont people just set up facebook groups planning public quran burnings up and down the country? you dont even have to show up just publicise it.
>>241311 you'd get raided by CT in the uk, scandis should do it though.
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>>241312 they can't raid everyone tbh
>>241312 tbh you'd need someone outside of the country doing it.
>>241314 you first then, also the whole purpose of CT is so the muslims don't feel like they have the need to riot, a quran burning would never be allowed in the uk.
>>241311 hate speech, incitement to riot
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reet lads
>>241316 >would never be allowed yeah but isn't that the point? it's not "allowed" in sweden which is why the muslims rioted and the media protected them. the fact that it isn't "allowed" is exactly why it needs to happen.
>>241279 Looks strange to see them in a group nearby a unarmoured van wearing body armour, in black instead of usual green. On their backs instead of bellies as expected of surrendering soldiers. It looks like another war crime, and I wouldn't be surprised if the mililtiamen of DPR, since that would explain the black uniforms, each had his hands tied behind his back.
>>241316 If you have a dawkins stephen fry style libtard organise it in a fashion of "ahah religion so silly lmao" you could probably get away with it.
>>241319 it is allowed in sweden you mong thats why the police were protecting him, he'd be arrested for hate speech in the uk.
>>241256 >jew runes >based boomer
>>241307 no-fault divorce shouldn't be allowed >there should be no support tbh tbh
>>241323 I think he lived in Israel for a while
>doesn’t based boom >just based jooms
>>241322 true you couldn't do it in a based fashion with someone like paludan but if you put it through an atheist secularist lens you might get away with it.
>>241307 agreed, evil the way women can destroy ex husbands >>241310 tbh
>>241321 >dawkins stephen fry style libtard organise it in a fashion of "ahah religion so silly lmao" KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK yeah probably.
>>241263 >stare rapes you before revealing his Ching schlong
>>241322 like i said, if everyone did it, they wouldn't be able to arrest everyone. that's what we need to happen >le don't even try memi
>>241330 she looks like she would stay up all night discussing Deng-Xi thought with you then report you to the secret police
>>241330 looks more thai than chink tbh
>>241331 just make a fuckton of anonymous facebook accounts and claim you're burning a quran at this place and dont show up. they cant arrest you for that
love seeing ireland do the exact same shit britain did but being 10 years behind, howling tbh.
>>241334 >they cant arrest you for that yes they can >>241331 you first then mr gchq
>>241337 do it anonymously through vpn/tor or steal the IP of some rando.
>deceased African American
>The rate of college completion for people with an IQ below 90 has increased 6x in men and 10x in women compared to the previous generation
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqZsoesa55w >posting with baby daughter in my arms
>>241341 it's thanks to their advanced teaching techniques obviously lad this is progress
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cheese and vegemite sandwich on wholemeal bread (lightly toasted)
>>241341 That's because they'll keep you on even with shit grades. Even if you fail, you can have an extra year or two.
>>241347 >vegemite how is it compared to marmite?
>>241349 >Ed's sloppy seconds
>>241346 I think that a lot of the oligarchs that the KGB created/controls are jews with Israeli citizenship. Certainly the case for Roman Abramovich.
wait it's the FSB now isn't it
>>241351 Some old Aussie. Smh, I hear the old men love the sloppy seconds in south east Asia.
>>241350 basically the same thing tbh but still noticeably different still hits the spot though
>>241356 perhaps he was just trying to cut their sandwiches for them
>>241194 umm, did sh piss herself in front of the whole world?
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>>241361 AND THAT'S A GOOD THING whole room looking at it in disgust, as if entertaining a woman to lift wasn't bad enough in itself.
>>241360 jesus christ women are disgusting
>fucks >pees >lifts >pees >gives birth >pees and shits
>>241364 women are basically constantly pissing and/or shitting
>>241363 >>241364 smh they apparently piss themselves if they laugh too hard too
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*walks into shop and pees all over the wall* *walks into shop and shits on the floor* why do they do this?
women be like >>241346 80IQ post
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Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
>>241369 Lowkey based, fuck console "gamers".
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>>241339 Not sure how much there is to that but yesterday I did find this
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>>241369 Did she actually shit a bit on the floor because she was pushing so hard to pee like 'one of the lads wahey'?
>>241373 OH GOD
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"people" who watch comic book movies should be euthanised.
>>241375 I don't remember this bit?
>>241377 It's in the latest trailer for the 4th thor film lad....
>>241378 >It's in the latest trailer for the 4th thor film lad.... oh great another one
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Fresh dead Yankoid in Mariupol.
holiday is over, time to go back to hell
all wanked out
The BBC actually blurred footage of Paludan burning the Koran lmfao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C00R1gjsT6A
>>241385 what's really going on here? I watched the BBC clip but know better than to believe their version of events
>>241386 Rasmus Paludan is a Danish guy who enjoys burning the Quran, he's been doing it for years in Denmark and caused a number of chimpouts. He tried to do it in Sweden but they banned him so he applied for Swedish citizenship because his dad was Swedish and they had to give it to him. Since you can't legally bar Swedish citizens from entering Sweden he did that and burnt the Quran in certain cities while openly planning to go do it in others. Muslims chimp the fuck out and we have 4 days straight of riots.
>>241384 Accept my friend request
>>241388 what friend request?
>Accept my friend request
>>241389 on the bongorino
>>241391 youre an acquaintance, not a friend
>>241392 It's an acquaintance request...
>>241393 Gingerlasses...
>>241395 Look up and do you see the Mariana Trench?
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>>241398 prefer the caramel eggs tbh. to eat, not to shove up my bum.
>>241401 which ones do you prefer for bum-shoving?
>>241402 I mean I'm not one for bum-shoving but surely mini eggs would be less painful and you could fit more in
>>241387 he should do it in norway next
>>241235 The virgin accent and chad dialect tbh
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>>241387 would be better if he wrapped it in bacon and cooked it over one of those disposable barbeques tbh.
>>241406 keeek
>>241407 He's done that before. Paludan will say the most vile grotty shit to seething muslims faces he's an absolute hero.
>>241406 >WoesEgg with genital warts surprise inside
>>241409 neat. wasn't expecting that to have been done already.
>>241406 keeek
Big things happening in the milk market this week. Already powered through an all time high, will keep everybody posted as things develop. https://www.clal.it/en/?section=grafici_latte >Milk price spike pre-covid was leading indicator of recession >Current milk price spike is being ignored as noise / result of natural gas spike https://www.independent.ie/business/farming/dairy/milk-prices/agreement-reached-in-kerry-leading-milk-price-dispute-41551642.html >"We are in unchartered territory as rising costs and tight supplies of key farm inputs such as feed and fertilizer contribute to the current strength in dairy prices on global markets.” https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/food-and-drink/what-s-really-inside-your-bar-of-cadbury-dairy-milk-1.3535947 >Two small cups of milk in four standard 55g bars Reminder that the easter egg pump is already priced in, so there won't be a post-easter correction. >>241257 I agree, it makes me sad when people intentionally speak poor English.
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>>241413 noticed that the smallest milk jug size is 60p at lidls earlier today
>The second phase of the war has begun
Man I had such a good comfortable life. Toil where I was mostly alone, and then I was by myself at home. Now i'm moving into a world where I'll have to be always on since people will punish me for not being socialable, but they will also punish me for wrongthink, so I'll have to be out doing things I don't like while pretending to think things I don't think. Why? So I can earn enough money to pay a deposit for a loan for a house?
>>241418 burn a koran coward
>>241418 With the rising prices you'll never own a home
>>241420 Joke's on the jews, I have a memory palace!
>>241420 Yeah, and my savings are worthless. *starts crying*
Just think: all of this 'gender confusion' is the result of men being too cowardly to grow beards and tell women to wear no trousers but only dresses
>>241384 how many did you have today lad?
>>241428 5 i think
>>241427 he looks like a swarthier version of the frog mong that knifed the mormon lass
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>>241429 all to BBC porn again?
>>241431 No just 4 of them
cookies and milk for supper
>>241432 what was the 5th? white on white gay?
>>241431 checked out the biggest BBC servers on discord, turns out furries outbumber them 10 to 1. We're worrying about the wrong thing.
>>241435 >checked out the biggest BBC servers on discord we should raid them
>>241436 there are almost 2000 active users at a time, lad
>>241434 No >>241435 >checked out the biggest BBC servers on discord lad..? >>241436 no, youd just end up staying, freak
>>241437 how do you find them?
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Lads we're watching THE BATMAN setting it up now.
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>>241438 >no, youd just end up staying, freak you're just worried that I'd find you in there kek
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>>241440 Riddler, Penguin and Falcone are all well cast. I enjoyed it more that TDK and TDKR.
>>241443 thanks
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>Russian troops have begun the battle for Donbass, which they have been preparing for so long - Zelensky >That Donbass front
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>>241447 lad I already posted it now they'll accuse us of spamming and purge us
>>241448 ngl don't care unless you're giving live cam shows.
>>241442 I had no idea you could find this kind of stuff on discord ngl
>>241440 based >but it's starting late >on a toil night >>241450 wherever normalniggers are they must coom
>>241450 >>241450 Not sure what you have to do to end up as searchable. None of the servers I am in show up there. >>241451 you don't toil
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Redownloaded GIMP after years without it. Not sure if it's caught up with other programs in being overcomplicated or if I'm retarded. Ended up making an indie band album cover by mistake after an hour of fiddling. Still higher quality than my paint doodlings. Going to keep at it and put out better OC hopefully. Okay, thank you.
It sucks. No tits.
>>241452 NEET torture counts as toil also emotional damage >>241453 it's the only program I have used that still lets me get down to the big single pixel level to make sprites in so I prefer it tbh krita is more fiddly
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Shouldn't watch movies on a school night lads, have a glass of milk and get yourselves off to bed! >>241433 Good lad >>241454 Suck tits and you get milk.
Do you just want to be left alone, or do you want to win?
saw shatman recently and it was fine until the totally out of nowhere jab at le white men
>>241458 i want to kill the bongofags, brother
Aha, side quests.
when it comes crashing down and it hurts inside you gotta be a man, it don't help to hide
>it's schizo
>”all western reporters going against the western narrative are nonces”…..deploy bot accounts NOW!
<sex work is real work <sex tourists are disgusting, predating on women I mean, the second one isn't wrong, but the fact modernity can make people hold these two contradictory opinions simultaneous is amazing
>>241455 i use krita because it's perfect for actual art but for image editing I use paint dot net, it's objectively the best
Hoping the UK gets nuked tonight by Putin.
>”he’s a nonce..yep, let’s go with that narrative” tried and tested
/brit/ doesn't want to win, it just wants to be let alone, and so...
For this reason, the right in the UK will certainly fail.
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>>241457 he shouldn't have replied, never talk to the media. either they will find something to quote that suits their narrative, or if they can't find anything then they'll pretend it never happened
>>241478 wow her voice is awful
>>241471 >4th pic ah yes, 17, the age at which a baby girl finally turns into a child
>>241480 what did you expect?
>head hurts >woke at 4 so have hardly had time to consoom >toil all day tomorrow
>>241478 I give her 3 years until she morphs into a globe shaped kike with tits that hang down to the floor and her voice is like the lady from curb your enthusiasm screaming at larry david all day
>>241485 >keep askign why people don't have kids >keep promoting thsi shit
>>241485 just retarded useless do nothing women propped up by the male untouchables of the west
GAYZOG HAS FALLEN https://t.me/azovbattalion
>>241488 cringe
lads I really honestly think that in the year of the lord two thousand and twenty two, that hot chicks are for plebs. imagine being involved in anyway with somebody who films themselves cracking a watermelon with their thighs or various butt matrix crap. walking around in literal 1950s swim wear as a form of workout gear or casual wear
>>241491 the dead tranny soyjak makes me keeeeeeek everytime
>>241492 it's all about dipping your hog in the pink honey, lad
>>241493 its the yoda scream at the end
>>241488 this probably isn't that hard to do
>>241476 good lad
True tbh >be autist about something important >never have sex >people begin to believe you are a wizard
>>241490 >1488 What a waste
>>241499 how is never having had a gf or being unemployed relevant to that, fucking retarded normalniggers.
>>241499 does having a gf give you some kind of hidden knowledge
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺 A Russian FSVNG soldier from the Chechen Republic prays between battles in Mariupol. Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Footage of Mariupol from a copter at the time of the offensive of the Marine Corps of the Russian Federation and the forces of the DPR on the Azovstal plant Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Azovstal after Russian Airstrikes Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚠️ GRAPHIC Destroyed Ukrainian armored car KRAZ Spartan along with the crew.
Noticing more and more yanks trying to "debunk" the paki rape gangs lads.
>>241499 honestly having a gf is for plebs at this point, and this post affirms it. as I have gotten older I have realized that really the only fags who get pussi are plebs or people who cope but either become plebs or their gf makes them into plebs
>>241505 yanks on 4chud are literally not even worth replying to lad its literally facebook tier intellects over there
>>241507 wasn't talking about 4chud
>>241505 literally who?
>>241505 Like who? I want to battle them.
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>>241515 goodlad
>>241515 based batmanatee
watching comfy yank comedy tbh nostalgic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYhoFXvXAwc
https://unherd.com/2022/03/why-corsica-erupted/ >c*rsicans rioting which could get worse because some islamist beat a corsican separatist into a coma in a french jail
>>241519 based hope they become their own nation again and lynch all the furriners
>>241520 they'd probably have a referendum to become part of Italy if they somehow freed themselves from the fr*g, but who knows
>>241515 good lad one hour to the next feeding time
>>241519 The Corsican guy died btw, rip.
lot of muslim shit kicking off lately. wonder if we'll return to the 2014 counter jihad days.
>>241524 >wonder if we'll return to the 2014 counter jihad days. muslims are always going to be the spark to the tinder tbh
Israeli riot police entered al aqsa mosque recently too, last time that happened an intifada kicked off. https://twitter.com/muhammadmokaev/status/1514904530193989640?s=20
>>241524 >lot of muslim shit kicking off lately it's Ramadan lad
>>241505 >(1) >no examples you just tried to make me seeth for no reason didnt you lad?
According to the IDF just now Israel is bombing Gaza in response to rockets fired from there lmao https://twitter.com/IDF/status/1516198839706923026
Where you at toil today?
>>241532 no I am supposed to start neo-boomer toil tomorrow learning how to do house siding. and gym toil like one shift on the weekend for 4 hours
>>241533 neo-boomer toil, has someone else has taken you on?
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>>241534 yeah a larger company he is gonna help pay for me to become my own business so I can be insured and have workers comp unlike old boomer bossman
society is collapsing so hard rn
>>241535 Nice, I'm glad some good came out of quitting the last job.
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>>241537 yeah hopefully its not too hard of work, at least its outside and learn something new and not be around druggies. >>241536 tbh sometimes it feels like toiling is a waste of time
>>241538 steiner its your one chance to give back to the brit community, start a fake facebook account and make an event group announcing a planned quran burning in Oldham and we'll publicise it. you're the only one who can do this without getting arrested.
>>241539 okay I will do it rn do you need a phone number for faceberg?
>>241538 That image is both funny and infuriating.
>>241540 yeah just buy a throw away. finna go sleepy mode so post it here tomorrow
smh faceberg needs a number I have my old burner phone but its linked to my debit card I think
>>241543 it only really matters if the US authorities would arrest you for it which they wont
looks like they can use an email, any good email formats that don't require cuck phone numbers, yandex seems cucked.
Does /brit/ want to be left alone, or to win?
>>241547 Interests in history and beating women (at history)
should I say, yeah got this koran from some cunt and gonna burn it in oldham and thats it?
>>241549 It'd be better to pick this up tomorrow it's 2.30 here.
>>241550 okay I will be on after toil so night shift like 10 pm your time
>>241515 good lad >>241539 >>241547 >we do a little tomfoolery
>>241545 you can get a burner email account just search burner mail
>>241553 yeah I made one and made the profile >>241547
to be honest i dont think setting up an event that doesn't happen. if muzzies speak out about it it'll look like they won and that RWers are just a bunch of pansies who can't follow through i think itd be better to actually have people burn qurans if you want to start shit
*is a good idea
should I burn a koran and film it keeeeeek?
>TorrentFreak (pirate news) <We’re Turning Off The Comments… lmfao fuckin tards they have no mirror
Everyone who has fb is a retard, full stop
>>241465 Patrick Lancaster is the American who's been regularly publishing English language and subtitled mini documentaries from the Russian army's POV. I've personally learned a good deal from his YouTube channel.
>>241561 I mean just look at this, no wonder that Kiev operative wants him shut down https://youtu.be/dUask2cfFh4
>>241563 based
(27.21 KB 504x504 kiwi.webp)

ate a kiwi >rinse off, dry with paper towel >cut out the top/bottom leaf/bum things with paring knife >slice into quarters >eat, including skin pretty good, healthy snack, one of the most nutritious fruits. definitely going to be incorporating these into my diet
(118.48 KB 384x378 pepe_apu_newspaper_stare.png)

>including skin
>>241567 yeah, it's the healthiest part, has fiber + antioxidants. you don't really notice the difference between skin and seeds in your mouth
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This Aiden lad will be doing the news rounds chatting bollocks if he comes back here.
>>241570 tbh if
https://youtu.be/s1vCcmd8ewU It's a yay for incel accension
Imagine this thing humping you for the next 20 years. Poor lass.
Rightful Welsh clay.
>>241573 He's for the skin of an egg tart.
>>241466 It isn't a real reasoned opinion, it isn't something that is supposed to be thought about. It's just programmed emotional triggers. >>241538 I can't be the only one who finds it bizarre how there's this objection to guys whilst folks is apparently wonderful. To me the word Folk has a Nazi German association.
>>241479 Not so sure tbh, the reply isn't just a reply to Tom, it's a response for everybody who reads the exchange. When you talk to people on the internet you're not just talking to another person, you're acting in front of an unseen audience.
>Coach Spic Pill >Goes to Kharkov >Shit talks the Ukrainians >Disappears
>>241578 We'll get the torture and execution compilation in a few weeks.
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>>241539 >Oldham No longer live there but that will definitely spark violence. >>241547 Queshe. >>241558 If you can tbh.
>>241578 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5RKNoIhE40 He's only beaner gone seven days lad >>241579 keeeeeeeeeeeeek the camera doing crazy angles and shit while he gets his head slowly cut off by some insane femoid pookrainian
>>241577 if the media found something useful in his reply and reported it, a lot more people would see that than his response that he shared himself
>>241582 >25 minutes in >I would kill all the nazis Yanks
>>241566 >>241568 based skinwalkers
>>241587 always a bit skeptical that they'll be soyful but I do like your reccomendations
>>241588 Thanks lad. I might try and trim my Youtube subscriptions today too.
Ironing done for mummy, now I shall lie down and do fuck all for another 24 hours
>>241590 Good to have a think lad.
https://youtu.be/skbBs00H3AY Russian lasses singing and dauncing
>>241582 recent comments in the past hour saying a video has been on seen Telegram of his execution.
>>241593 nice source bro
>>241592 Me in the back, enjoying the view
>>241593 alot of niggas RIPing him, sad tbh but it was foolish of him to make anti-Ukraine propaganda in Ukraine
>US citizen Gonzalo Lira Gonzalo Lira, who covered the war, was captured (and allegedly executed) by Sergei Velichko (Chile). Former Azov militant from Kharkov Sergei Velichko, as the Nazis themselves say, cut off his head, and has already shown a video in the closed group of the therodefense of Kharkov.
>>241598 watch normies cheer this on
>>241598 WEW he took larping too far >>241599 can't really feel one way or the other tbh he is a cunt who is on record saying he doesn't care if whites die because he is part of the mutt masses basically just an MRA type
Made an account on the local paper and I'm destroying leftists tbh getting a lot of likes >>241599 >>241600 Yeah, I didn't like the guy much but it's unfortunate tbh
>>241600 >>241602 ye, but as someone else said, normies see those people as (You), they want us ded
>went to make anti ukie propaganda >got filmed being beheaded He'll achieve his goal. Not that normies will care.
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nooo! they killed coach!
>>241606 Who was he? Never heard of him until his death.
>>241604 Beheaded? By what?
>>241607 Some MGTOW bloke iirc
https://youtu.be/GOB7fS2YK0A Tfw Brit/ will never fail, tfw we'll just hide from the authorities for decades
>>241607 some opportunistic lad who tried to get an audence teaching men about things while his whole character was just fake. Talking about how he has a lot of women and then shows one off one time and it's an obvious prostitute. Think most people smelled bullshit from the start
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Brexiteer David Davis slams Boris Johnson for using the UK's EU departure to justify plan to send economic migrants to Rwanda - as Priti Patel's local bishop joins church criticism of scheme Brexiteer David Davis slams Boris Johnson for using the UK's EU departure to justify plan to send economic migrants to Rwanda - as Priti Patel's local bishop joins church criticism of scheme Brexiteer David Davis slams Boris Johnson for using the UK's EU departure to justify plan to send economic migrants to Rwanda - as Priti Patel's local bishop joins church criticism of scheme https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10730853/Boris-Johnson-slammed-using-Brexit-justify-plan-send-economic-migrants-Rwanda.html
>>241612 David Davis is a worse Blairite than Bojo. Hope he resigns from life.
>>241612 nice suit
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>A nigger, a jew, and a white find a golden lamp. >As the white guy picks it up, the greedy jew grabs it. >The nigger too grabs at it as it is his culture's custom to borrow without asking. >In the midst of all the pulling, the lamp is inadvertently rubbed. >A genie pops out. "I will grant each of you a wish, any wish." >The loud boisterous nigger talks over the jew "I wants me and mys people to go back to Africa, da motherland, ya herd. Back to Wakanda n sheeit." >the Genie nods hit head and grants the wish >the nigger disappears into thin air >the jew now takes his turn, "I wish for all jews to return to Israel, but all the Palestinians are gone and Israel now encompasses surrounding countries." >the genies nods his head granting the wish >the jew disappears into thin air >the white man sits in contemplation long enough for the genie to speak "and your wish?" The white man inquires, "You mean to tell me all the niggers and jews are gone?" "yes" replies the genie, "What is your wish?" The white man says, "I'm good"
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>>241616 >not wishing to nuke Africa and Israel Missed opportunity.
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the brother was right not to enter into a bargain with a djinn
>>241619 tbh, the djinn are tricksters. much like women!
Djinn can be good in pisslamb and pre-islamic folklore. But I suppose the good ones don't do things like grant wishes or use their magic for things like possession. Smh.
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Get in, genie I left a present for you
done it this time lads couldn't talk my way out of it >six week training course with very high chance of employment at the end >have to pay for my own travel to another town >20hrs/wk retoil at the end of it
>>241625 based you will suffer with us
>>241625 Is it even more money?
>>241625 >The NEET age is almost over what kind of work are you doing lad?
>>241625 just be openly racist
>>241625 You had a good run. A new arc begins.
>>241629 evil megacorp retoil >>241630 might have to be tbh I didn't apply for asda because their HR marketing is so disgustingly diverse
also say your religious beliefs mean you can't handle meat products or alcohol
This is how Wessex meats his retarded down syndrome wife
>>241625 at least you make money
He can finally save above his 16k fortune
>>241638 >income tax, bennie reductions and inflation leave me with nothing
smh just 4 hours less and I could keep the bennies
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>>241639 no income tax or tranny seethe no monkey lads or VAT not black but white those NEETs dirt poor What will be the final straw Nail bomb Downing Street Gott straff Downing Street
>>241641 smh I could have sworn I had the Only Fools and Dorsets webm but it eludes me
>>241642 >that rustle lad who used to play the ear rape version of the theme song
>>241640 can't you just act retarded to prove that you aren't able to work? so they give you the free money again?
>>241642 wagie for 1 day and your poosting power wains smh
>>241645 keeeek goodlad been in decline for a while now smh tbh too busy with all the pseudoneet shit and now it's getting worse
>>241641 keeek good lad
had a very intense teethbrushing. still took a long time but I think I was very efficient, much moreso than usual
>>241648 Nice, u're saving yourself time and money in the long run
>heart's been painful for over a day smh hope I don't die
perry on discount at the bottleo >>241650 don't worry lad it's perfectly normal to have intense chest pains and a tingly numbness in your left arm
>>241652 farty arse has got two heads
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>>241652 >That is called wind sucking. A habit horses will get when they are nervous and stalled too often. It's a sign of stress and boredom. Entertaining, yes, but the reason the horse is doing it, is because it's life, in a nutshell, sucks. :/ smh
>>241654 https://youtu.be/1SED0wynB1Y >reminds me of that youtube comment that said that the owl "laugh" is just it being nervous and scared because of prior abuse smh
>>241559 I know. The comments were the best part of that website.
>>241655 >>241657 smh can't enjoy anything with a clean conscience any more >>241658 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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We have to send the runner to Marathon..
>>241660 cute tbh, didn't his wife leave him?
A single egg . . . screaming in the night . . .
>>241662 Not sure
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wonder whether that guy will give my jacket back
>>241666 It was a shit jacket anyway tbh
>>241662 yeah, though she still lived(s) with him while they were seperated and would post about tinder dates on her twitter
>>241666 (bad omen) it's his now
>>241669 >>241667 i returned his bag to him if he doesnt text me to tell me he'll give my jacket back on a certain day, i will kill him
i'll go into the saloon with my pistol and shoot him down
>>241672 absolutely based
Dorset is the most painfully boring poster on this site.
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>>241670 whats TND?
>>241675 true for millenia
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Lift for Putler
>>241680 tomorrow lad, it's a rest day today
Wessie going to toil retoil for the next 40 years smh
>>241682 many such cases
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so glad i'm not in retoil any more
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>>241684 Your time has come. Time to be pass the torch to Wessie
>>241685 tbh balance must be maintained
Always two there are, a bossman and a wageslave
>>241687 keeeeeek
>>241687 more like 1 bossman and a lot of wageslaves and then bossman will wield the other slaves against you if you upset him
>>241689 yeah but that doesn't fit the reference lad hoping that I can make myself unappealing enough to get out of it somehow smh or maybe I will be forced to toil if the disability benny is taken away
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>>241689 >more than one person in a department actually doing work
>>241691 AUGH smh you're right lad and it'll be me because I'll be the cliqueless autist
>>241690 >hoping that I can make myself unappealing enough to get out of it somehow smh Just be yourself
>>241693 tbh tbh
>>241692 Every single workplace is smeeeee
>>241547 Make your profile look like some libtard secularist. Post about free speech and atheism, not britnationalism. Use a picture of someone who looks like they'd be a dawkins reading faggot. >>241556 that's why it should look like a libtard atheist thing.
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>>241696 good point tbqh
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got estrogen belly again after eating all those choccies smh and i'm only halfway through
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>>241700 then stop
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i'd play it
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>>241702 >bringing your ds to school back in 2007 and playing chemical factory with your friends through download play
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>>241704 what website is that?
what is estrogen belly?
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>>241705 neural blender >>241706 when you're not fat, but you have a little hump of fat right at the bottom of the stomach
>>241704 keeeeek >>241707 >kingdom hearts 4 teaser screenshot
>>241707 what site is that?
>>241710 shit, missed >>241708
>>241708 smh probably got one of those but can't see it past all of the regular fat
>Young boys throw a ball on a lush green hillside below castle ruins in Warwickshire, England, 1968
>>241713 vile need to knock that down and build some new builds over it
might replace my wank addiction with food addiction thoughts?
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>>241716 funny that the oldest buildings in your country probably arent even as old as my house lol
>>241714 wasted space some somalians could be living in
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>#exclusive >The complete demilitarization of the English mercenary in the Donbass was successful. >Captured English citizen Aiden Aislin calls the BBC producer and asks for help in releasing from captivity.
>>241717 how many wanks you had today lad?
>>241721 impressive
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>>241719 this guy is such a dysgenic looking moron
>>241723 he's bri'ish
>>241723 he looks like jahans tbh >>241725 keeeeek
>>241725 what do you use to make these weird images?
>>241717 smh all this time you lived in a magic building older than itself but you didn't tell us can't believe you'd keep something kino like that to yourself smdh
dorset literally lives under a rock in some prehistoric glacial stream and he thinks he can brag
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>>241730 the filename lad i put "dorset from /brit/ bragging about living in an old building" into neural blender and that's what came out it's all in good fun lad
Oldest building in Australia is a stone fort built by survivors of a Dutch ship wreck lmao.
>>241732 weird never knew this
>>241732 pretty cool tbh
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>tfw screen goes black and you see your reflection
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>>241733 >Batavia ([baːˈtaːviaː] (listen)) was a ship of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). Built in Amsterdam in 1628 as the company's new flagship, she sailed that year on her maiden voyage for Batavia, capital of the Dutch East Indies. On 4 June 1629, Batavia was wrecked on the Houtman Abrolhos, a chain of small islands off the western coast of Australia. >As the ship broke apart, 40 of the 341 passengers drowned in their attempts to reach land. The ship's commander, Francisco Pelsaert, sailed to Batavia to get help, leaving merchant Jeronimus Cornelisz in charge. Cornelisz sent about 20 men to nearby islands under the pretense of having them search for fresh water, abandoning them there to die. He then orchestrated a mutiny that, over the course of several weeks, resulted in the murder of approximately 125 of the remaining survivors, including women, children and infants; a small number of women were kept as sex slaves, among them the famed beauty Lucretia Jans, who was reserved by Cornelisz for himself.[1]
>>241736 hey that lad actually looks kind of good
>>241737 keeek when you know youre gonna die so may as well get grotty
>>241736 I would kill myself if I looked like that
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>>241735 >tfw screen goes black and you see your reflection
I have an announcement: FART
I'M A RIDE PROVIDA Good morning sirs
Tonight I will finish my dating profile and start messaging slags. The time has come.
>>241745 beachmaster harem incoming
>>241641 keeeek good lad
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wish someone would play video games with me
>>241748 would say there should be a /brit/ steam group or something tbh but it would just get clogged up with drama before falling apart and then the remnants would spin off into their own community that occasionally drags their drama back in here to haunt the thread god i hate spin-off communities
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>>241623 for such a disgraceful post I say we pay the janitors overtime to clean it up, 150% above normal pay.
>>241750 Good lad
>>241753 loved this film tbh underrated classic
need a new thread
>>241625 >have to pay for my own travel to another town >to work for free
carry the flame q u r a n 火 b u r n w a v e 本 https://youtu.be/_3eC35LoF4U
>>241758 the absolute madman gigabased
>>241749 I'd run it and ban any bongo drama fags on sight tbh.
Just want to goom with some good lads.
>>241758 may he burn a hundred more >>241762 good lad
Book burning is only good if it's literature forcibly taken from a believer, stolen or confiscated. Otherwise it is nothing more than a (secular) statement on freeze peach i.e. "liberal" ism
He should burn a soyjack next
>>241765 but it causes riots so its based
>>241767 Not reliably
>>241768 ok go burn a mosque in your local park faggot
>>241762 based >>241765 with "rational" people yes but when muzzies are involved they seethe no matter what a quran fresh off the printing presses is to them still one of the holiest object that could ever exist
>>241769 Faggot isn't britspeak yank bender
>>241771 faggot has been an english word since the 12th century you seething mong
>>241772 No >>241770 More concerned about what such actions teach non-moslems
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>you burn the bible and thousands of different american churches immediately declare you a prophet.
wish i had enough cash to set up a factory that prints qurans just to immediately covers them in pig fat then burn them and send the ashes down the sewer pipe to be mixed in with the poos and wees it's a privately owned business muzchuds don't like it? start your own printing business where the books don't get burnt >>241773 >what such actions teach non-moslems that foreign religions are okay to be mocked and should be driven out by force? i'd say that's a good message fuck furriners don't like it? go home
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>just to immediately covers them
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just want to go mental
atheists soyists talking about the HOLY TEXT of Islam
Contrary to the libtard perception of Muhammed, HISTORICAL Muhmmed was actually a white ethno nationalist who hated stinky brown people and libtards.
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*starts crying*
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>>241781 >hated stinky brown people >didn't immediately kill himself
>>241784 White nationalist types aren't known for their consistency. Hitler had brown hair
>>241775 It teaches people that saying and doing outrageous things are OK because it's my property or whatever cuck libertarian position. Blasphemy laws are a good thing, but they haven't been enforced in unfortunately too long. Acts like this one need a disclaimer, and I would like to ask the burner if he agrees with free speech as a principle.
>tfw reminded you have poo hair, but blue eyes only half-white by Bavarian phenotype standards
>>241785 yeah but he eventually killed himself so it's fine
>>241781 Read he had ginger hair too. Explains the ginger Jihadi phenomenon tbh. One of the based gingers, unlike Prince Harry and Ed Sheeran whom are the evil ones.
>>241786 blasphemy laws are good but they should only protect Christianity and the Bible outside influences should be rightfully mocked and purged
the shite race
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>>241787 tbh smh used to be blonde as a wee bairn but this world is corrosive and corrupts people >>241791 many such races much to think about
snickers for lunch
>palm oil
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Anybody here the Nottingham mercenary phenotype?
>>241785 What is your take on the Hitler H20 osmosis theory ?
>>241790 The latter isn't compatible with the former, in cases like these. People are being taught libertar(d)ian values, personal property and that kind of thing.
>>241795 keeeeek >>241792 think most of us probably were at least my chin and moustache are blond/red tbh everything else is poo
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>Russia probably going to do another offensive within the next few months More warkino soon
>>241795 keeeeek thankfully not >>241797 i don't believe that's true in the slightest with institutions being obviously Christian-aligned people aren't learning libtard values but are being groomed to pick a side (the correct side)
>>241799 i cannot stand seeing all these young people with this haircut my urge to punch them is so fucking strong when i see them
>>241799 Alright bender
wont be surprised in 10 years time it becomes a literal afro
>>241799 >months Sick of it already tbh, nothing interesting happens.
russia ukraine war is unironically fake tbh
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>tfw dad sent me some old family photos a few days ago and i was a young aryan ubermensch and more importantly i was smiling >>241803 tbh the modern world is pure poison
>>241801 I have hair like that because i'm med
>>241806 cant wait to leave this world >241807 unironically fuck off filthy wop
>852 posts concerning >>241806 iktf
why are nazis such sissies?

Quick Reply