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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3694: Severe Mental Illness Edition Anonymous 04/25/2022 (Mon) 12:40:12 Id: 6f1af0 No. 245020
Claiming this thread for America.
>>245020 good lad >​>245023 filtered
I will always have only contempt for you, foolish retard.
At this rate he may actually die of an exhaustion induced heart attack.
>>245027 Well, tell him to call an ambulance to fetch him off that hill.
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>Q was everything to me
>>245029 nobody talks about moot or q anymore, bot.
Brit can be a lot better than this
So we see it exactly as I explained. There is intervention by the impatient operator, and the leviathan rolls on. The giveaway is they dismiss the very concept of multi-ip bots out of hand. That's the tell.
>I will always have only contempt for you, foolish retard. Keeeek
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Seems a bit redundant that wording.
Wonder how the Beast of Bodmin is doing with his toil
think using guitar strings would work as a snare tbh going to try it out
>>245035 >always, only >foolish, retard He's slavering at the mouth
lmao business writing
>>245036 I quit my main job today. SMH, beet balance restoration
>>245041 It's only right he puts in a shift. His time has come.
grammarly will make you niggers sound like shakespeare's tedtalk
>>245042 Yea, I hope he doesn't quit.
It's interesting how, challenged, the operator directs minimal but inbreeding "interaction". Now resuming the alias construction bot mode. Again, none of those "people" come here, are from here, have anything to do with .moe at all.
>>245037 probably would tbh
See, they aren't people, but a bot. People, they read the lines, because they don't know who's who. See, the id's are in use, they aren't namefagging (using names). Each thread has new id's, so they can't rely on them established from before. They know only because they are bots to so perfectly "read" only exactly what's strictly necessary for the bot raid itself.
It's not too big of a deal, really, but it's not real people. It's fake. Not sure why. But fake it is.
I can't have compassion for anybody who makes money running shill crap.
Particularly interesting is that they are always blind. They can't see the notional elements of the images of others. This makes sense, the shills are tasked automatically to handle certain problems, but their software also scrubs certain aspects. that's why they can't actually comment on the contents of images - ever. This whole time since the bot "storm" came, it's been incapable utterly of any idea of what's in unnamed images. Even the human intervention elements. It's fake. It's not from here. Aned they aren't real, it's alias management. Totally fake. Let the record reflect they are not actual real people from here at all. I am from here, I'm here more than anybody, so I'd notice if they were around. A group arrived, it talks to itself. It's a chat bot system. Those have become a real pain in the ass for sure!
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>he' half the fucking thread smh
>>245051 He must have gotten smarties for Easter and they've sent him hyper
>>245052 smdh those fucking e-numbers
As you can plainly see, they are bots, they have no content-based interactions, except by intervention, and in those cases with furious speed and in parsimony (which is only in accord with the use of certain medications, or the fact it's a bot - you judge).
>>245053 It's astounding how stupid you really are.
>>245054 >>245055 schizo you just attacked yourself?
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The slave market must have had some escape.
>>245057 keeeeek
>>245053 lmao what do you think about your new friends? you absolute bint
Energy drinks, schizo ramblings and hopefully a heart attack.
>>245061 based
https://youtu.be/pvJ5eqIt6MM schizo is probably like this lad
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Caption video 1: Donbass. A pair of Su-25 attack aircraft flew out on business. Caption video 2: Covering our columns from the air by army aviation crews Caption video 3: ❗️At least nine strikes were carried out overnight by the Russian Aerospace Forces on railway junctions and logistics infrastructure in Ukraine. Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry said that long-range precision weapons on the outskirts of Kremenchug destroyed oil refinery facilities and storage facilities with oil products for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 💬“The Russian Aerospace Forces launched two missile attacks on major railway junctions in the Lviv region. Two more strikes were confirmed in the city of Rivne, also at railway junctions. The fifth strike was allegedly carried out near the city of Kremenchug, ”a source familiar with the situation said. According to him, the total number of large strikes of the Russian Aerospace Forces on the enemy's transport infrastructure reaches nine. It is obvious that the Russian army is thus trying to disrupt the supply and logistics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And this is an extremely timely decision - the supply of weapons from the West is already acquiring frightening proportions. Caption video 4: 💥Destroyed strong point of AFU and nationalist battalions, located right in the residential area of one of the settlements ▫️While retreating, AFU units and nationalist battalions abandoned not only weapons, but also left dozens of bodies of their dead servicemen. ▫️The nationalists equipped firing points in the houses of civilians, and a network of trenches and dugouts, between farm buildings, which connected the firing points in the residential buildings. ▫️Cellars and dwellings were adapted by the Nationalists as shelters, weapons and ammunition depots. Caption video 5: ⚡️How the map of hostilities in Ukraine has changed since February 24
>>245064 Hello retarded pro-israel fucking shill. Yes, you have more videos not of any soldiers dying in any combat at all. Imagine my shock.
>>245064 3,4,5
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schizo you gonna let this jabroni get away with posting fake war footage? seems like a personal insult
>>245066 Fuck off, shill. All of your shit is stupid and gay and bullshit. >Zero videos of any soldiers dying in combat. WHERE ARE THE LIMBS FLYING OFF?!! WHERE IS THE GUSHING BLOOD?!!! ==WE DEMAND ACTION!!!=
You bring us Starship Ooopaloompas
>>245067 Schizo is also the war poster
It's the war where war can never be seen. It's a special gland the Russians have, that makes them invisible to cameras once action begins.
>>245070 we're all schizo lad you fell into our trap it's just the two of us here tbh has been for years
>>245070 >you are mad Actually you are a reprehensible heretic whose malfeasance is not getting away with being unnoticed. Cope
Yet there remains the perfect absence of even one video in a whole "war" of any soldiers dying in action.
A war without footage of the actual war part of the war. How curious.
See told you he was the same person.
And yet, here we still are. The war is alleged to exist, but to all the world no videos of soldiers dying in combat. Maybe soldiers are camera shy!!
Just another day for a war torn lass.
They should just send soldiers in with cameras, because that's all you need to avoid any violence. Once the enemy sees you've got a camera they dutifully retreat.
Tbh this is the correct caption for the strange green screen one >Bryansk maniac-arsonist gave an interview from the scene
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>See told you he was the same person.
You're only digging a hole now schizo
There can't be a war if there's no soldiers dying on camera. It's impossible.
A very deep hole.
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Pic related is literally the moron trying to grief me
1/6 showed more violence that 100% of the Ukraine "war" footage. You see a woman actually get shot and die. But soldiers in Ukraine, nope, they simply are invisible to the light cameras use.
It's only getting deeper.
In your estimation, but who are you to judge arguments? Have you read Chrysippus?
Self-important cretin gets himself filtered
>>245080 Modernism is so weird tbh. Ah at least there's that refreshing cold blast of reality coming from the east right now
You can't really opine. You've not got the juices.
I assure you every last one of the bot storm is perfectly incapable of restating the thesis - but recall how funny this is, there is found to be by consensus. To what? Nothing.
fucking keeking at schizos posts tbh, has to be a troll he's not usually funny just annoying
As I have often said, the rest are idiots, to myself.
Notice the only conter-argument is that Hillary Clinton thinks there's a war in Ukraine. Must be true, if she thinks it's true!
>>245095 its tbbk
Yet again, none defend their own supposed position of "the stupid war in ukraine is like totally real man" it's not real GROW UP
Fake wars are super cool! I've heard of fake UPS trucks before, but not fake wars!
I shut those chuds down.
Washed the ceiling in preparation for painting. Hopefully mummy will stfu now
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Twitter shares rise as reports say Elon Musk deal close >Twitter's shares rose by more than 5% in pre-market trade on speculation the firm could agree a takeover deal with Elon Musk as early as Monday. >The board of the social media giant is reported to have met with Mr Musk over the weekend to discuss his $43bn offer. >Twitter had initially rebuffed Mr Musk's approach. >But according to reports, Twitter is now in the final stages of negotiations with Mr Musk to buy the business. >Share trading in Twitter's stock, before the US stock market opened, sent the price up 5.1% to $51.57. Although it is still below Mr Musk's offer price of $54.20 a share. >Reuters, the news agency, reported that an announcement may come later on Monday after the Twitter's board has met and recommended a deal to its shareholders. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-61215197
Hopefully he'll implement Teeline shorthand.
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>he's almost half the posts in the thread
>>245103 good lad >>245104 wonder how all of this is going to turn out tbh twitter is far too useful as a propaganda tool for zog to ever part with it but preventing someone with money from buying publicly traded shares would be an open admission that the whole system is a joke reckon elon's going to get suicided tbh
Imagine being such a coward you couldn't take me on - PATHETIC! You are stupid losers!
The war that supposedly exists has managed to escape capture by cellphones and gopros, which are in ubiduity, insofar as soldiers dying on camera is concerned. Clearly a miracle and proof of the mighty hand of God.
>>245106 I walked the Anunaki on stage!
>>245110 But you don't want any of that juvenile violence, no sir. Good those videos aren't out there!
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>>245104 >spoilered image Not a good look.for Ukrainian supporters tbh
America's new Pakistan government has been bullying the Taliban
To tweet or not to tweet
Behold: >No videos from the uke war showing soldiers dying in combat.
I'm convinced most here are bots. How is it possible not to notice something about the images?
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>sensible Republitard observations Well observed. let's do nothing about it.
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>90 post thread >43 poosts by naysayer Methinks he will be cycling that VPN and the impressive digits will stop climbing. But what if he didn't? 200-300 poost range by the time "fresh" gets here
Babylon and Assyria both conquered countries then shipped the populations to their capital for cheap labour (Timur did it too if I remember right) Nothing new under the sun
>it's a groomee ends a 3 week groom by blocking me without warning episode Bending over to pick up a crumb of pussy only for someone who has tied a string to that pussy to pull it away smh
>>245119 potent comment tbh >>245121 tbh he's been getting worse lately wonder if he's finally starting to unravel
Sorry you're addicted. I can't help it, shit is attracted to gold by cosmic forces.
wew reading the rest of last thread and this thread after getting up has made me feel a bit rough, going to lie down again.
>>245123 don't you have multiple gromees
>>245126 rip lad
I support destroying britain. It does us no good. Be it resolved then!
madlad needs to sort these subversives out
>>245127 Down to 2 now. It's kind of a relief as i was getting stressed out but the one which blocked me was the prettiest one smh
I might start poisoning pitbulls for fun then work my way up to niggers.
>>245119 Can't say I agree with the Armageddon meme, seems unscriptural. The Babylonian metaphor does seem apt however. Will be so nice when Belshazzar sees the writing on the wall, hope to live to see it
Carry my knife always. Might deliberately get attacked by a dog so I can start to desensitise myself to animal slaughter.
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>>245133 Like at the end of Tobit where it says he lived to see the fall of the Assyrian capital and rejoiced before he died. By the end of that superpower, everyone absolutely despised them for starting wars for no reason and brutally decimating their conquered victims, all applicable to some other country.
>>245135 It definitely looks like a power vacuum has appeared. The change in many places has been so drastic, can the old guard boomers motivate the zoomers, who are so often foreigners, to fight back when Russia and China come round? It may already be too late! The so called butt-burt belt of ex Soviet states are still majority native in all generations, so that might be a factor. Still, things are starting to look precarious
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I'd like a more internal collapse howevrr, where the technocratic elites give up on degenerate novelties and go with a balanced adaptation to some of the populist forces. But there is a lot of ruin in a nation, it is said, and the elites of the oligarchy are too far away to even consider as potential future allies
>>245135 >>245136 can't wait to see it all collapse tbh
I can't recommend voting, becuse it shows very obviously to the adversarial ruling class where its opponents are geographically. Then more pressure is sent there to destroy the threat. Without voting, it's easier for the rulers to look the other way. With voting there is a lot of demographic information given away, it's one of the only ways an election is reliably useful. Like in this French election apparently the boomers and the zoomers chose Macron while the Millenials went with the woman. It appears that the young voters could be foreigners, since otherwise they should vote along with Millenials Then if the youth there is all more "progressive" than the France's centre, then France becomes an undemocratic single party state. That's one cure for liberalism. Of course this will lead to a lot of ex liberals floating to the top of the inert and decaying society like scum, but especially in the rural areas native people without the hope of electoral solutions should become more hardened. That would naturally come after they have had their fill of farm subsidies, that the progressive communists provide for their loyalty.
I couldn't subject a child to being mix blood I'll just rape men and traitor women
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This could be us but you're all men
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>>245142 Think the last time I was innocent was when I watched this as a child and didn't immedietely think of PUSSY PUSSY SEX PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY SEX PUSSY SEEEEEEXXXXX because it was just the wholesome hearing the heartbeat me Tarzan you Jane scene.
>>245143 I've always wanted sex since I was a snaby
>Ian Watkins browses /brit/ from pen
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>I've always wanted sex since I was a snaby Also; >this thread
toil over, boss was mean to me. *crawls into the bosom of /brit/ to feel safe*
walked in on my flatmate watching asmr porn in the kitchen
>>245150 did he have his dick out?
>>245150 Did he make you a salami sandwhich?
>>245149 keeeeeeeeeeeek relatable
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>>245149 smh what did he do to you
>>245149 smh what did that meanie do?
>>245151 thankfully not. Just watching it like it was the football, tbh >>245152 thankfully not
>>245157 Was it Ngubu ASMR porn?
>Transnistria's MGB just got bombed
>>245159 Terrible case of transphobia
>>245149 >le crusius is le ridiculous No, you are silly
Felt excessively humilated at toil so i quit lads.
>>245160 keeeeeeeeeek >>245163 good lad
>>245163 tell us the story >>245149 answer are fucking question you nonce, no wonder your boss was mean
>>245163 good lad I also quit toil a few months ago, pretty soon /brit/ will be a neethog majority again
>>245165 he... he made me... *starts crying*
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>>245165 >/brit/ being bullies Time to QUIT
>>245167 *hold you to my chest* daddy rape bastard will make it all better
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>#Russia|n sources report a heavy explosion in front ot the Ministry for State Security in the capital Tiraspol of the pro-Russian de-facto Republic #Transnistria. Despite calling the shots for years, these days it's not good to be a hypochondriac. Let the earth shake!
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>>245171 Are you a lass? What do you charge for a bj?
>>245154 Denied him sex again.
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Nobody commenting on how CHAD those pakis were to rape all them lasses
The Boring Boring King
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>#MarchAgainstImportedGovt trending on UK twitter >get excited >it's pakis complaining about Pakistan having an 'imported government'
>>245179 Yeah, America couped them for not supporting Zelenshky and there've been huge protests. I posted about it earlier. They're also bombing the Taliban now.
>>245166 fake and bullshit
>Girls haven't responded to me immediately cunts
>>245182 They might be in recess.
>>245183 keeeek fuck of schizo you buffoon
>>245186 mfw I see someone with a gf
I don't have AUTISM!
>>245165 smh, it was the first day back from the holiday. was told that i'd been sleeping at work, then the manager told me he had photos. I felt a bit uncomfortable about this as other people must of taken photos of me with their phones. Then he said i needed to double my output and work even harder, all for minimum wage, manual labour with a meglamaniac foreman.
Worked until break then quit
>>245189 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek wtf just say you were blinking and take them to an employment tribunal
>literally sleeping ont he job
>>245192 There wasn't even any work when they're referring to. Still for others to be taking photos of me, that's underhand and other people were bullied out before.
>>245191 There's no contract though, i asked that after he said his stuff.
>>245189 >cotoiler catches you sleeping >takes a photo and dobs on you instead of waking you up doing yourself a favour by leaving tbqh >>245191 high iq
>>245194 >>245193 sounds like you're dodging a bullet. maybe report them the to the jews. can't be legal not to have a contract. maybe leave a lit cigarrette on some flammable material or something too
today was a good wheeze tbh >8am start, an hours travel >six hours gabbing with a pair of old mummies about retoil >an hour to do a ten minute multiple choice quiz for a ridiculous low effort retoil certification >had a pint and went to look at t'church, then went charity shopping and got the mahabharata and read pookino about how exactly 1 billion sixty-six million and twenty thousand pajeets were annihilated by their pagan gods in divine nuclear war while having another pint waiting for the email sender lad to come pick smee up >at the end of the day he told me the potential bossman changed his mind and wanted full time not part time so I could say I might not be able to do that because of muh healtn >probably going to do it all again for another two days
>>245196 >>245195 I hope so, definitely felt downtrodden there. >>245197 Sounds good, and potenrially okay either way
>>245197 Good lad. Remember to consider arson if things go south.
observation highlights include >venue (back of a gastropub) done up with cringetard low effort pookraine colours and flags incl. a "charity" appeal to buy more missiles to kill slavs with >more email senders and NEET torturers than NEETS (4 employees and just me and a single mummy neet; eight other neets didn't bother to turn up) >the xoomer mummy "taught" us by literally just reading a 30 page booklet we'd already been given, zero effort apart from when she got to humblebrag about being a bigshot toiler back in the days when you could earn a good wage doing anything and there were no wogs around >both mummies had young children who were only around 11-14 despite being in their 50s >both their children were autistic spastics and they were doing the whole foid cope thing about it >older foid was mogging the younger one about how she Loves To Travel And In Fact Had Been In France Just The Night Before overall an amusing experience and I got to drink a lot of free tea and covfefe
>>245200 >>both mummies had young children who were only around 11-14 despite being in their 50s >both their children were autistic spastics and they were doing the whole foid cope thing about it My brothers :)
>>245200 You should have loudly interrupted them intermittently with some grotty deeds like a fart or burp
>>245197 >at the end of the day he told me the potential bossman changed his mind and wanted full time not part time so I could say I might not be able to do that because of muh healtn the veteran neet slips through bossman's net yet again
The Beast of Bodmin returns with tales for the masses.
>>245197 >>245200 So did you actually do any toil?
>>245203 some nonstandard jobcentre stuff coming up tbh, like an audit for neets or something where they might fuck me over somehow the NEET struggle is never over smh they never leave goodlads alone >>245201 keek tbh >>245205 only toil by female email sender standards so basically nothing if the retoil bossman still wants me for part time work then I do an unpaid toil day for him and immediately get discarded for the next hopeful neet to be used and abused or get a decent bit of work with a decent commute
>>245206 >or get a decent bit of work with a decent commute hopefully this tbh.
>>245206 unpaid toil? I thought this was banned after tesco and 22's welsh cover blowing?
>>245206 >>245208 unpaid toil as in work training? Don't you get bennies for that thoguh?
>>245208 >>245209 they call it a "trial session" or something to try and obfuscate it basically "pretending" to be an actual employee for a day I think had to do it before once when some inn made me "try out" as a cleaner and change an entire building's worth of sheets and soiled bedding and then didn't pay or hire me at the end of it >>245207 yeah, retoiler discounts would be nice too
>>245210 I did that at Gail's bakery for 2 hours, they gave me 2 italian olive breads at the end of the trial but the eastern euro mummy didn't want the autist me.
>>245206 The majority of tax comes from working age white men, you're prime cattle that refuses to provide, of course they'll try to force you into it.
>>245210 yeah but they have to support you in that time, so you get paid, just not by the work, right
>>245213 maybe that's what's supposed to happen >>245211 based, love olive bread me >>245212 keeksmh even if I get the part time position it's still more hours than I would like and would mean I get even further reduced bennies and probably have to start on tax yeah
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>>245212 Too bad I'm too crippled to work, keep shovelling those bennies Westmemester :)
I'm a professional RAPIST!!
neets don't really exist in the US. Basically, there's no money for men, women can make babies and because of the babies get money.
I really struggle with the Keurig. it takes so many k cups to make enough coffee. I am abundantly of misery.
22st, are you smiling in your pics or just normal faced or what? Tell me NOOWWWWWWWWWW
>>245221 phwoar
More schizophrenic portrait posting inbound, then.
oh yeah *filters*
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>>245220 Most of them are from before I became wessex size again
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*Filters (You)*
Sometimes the results are amazing. This is amazing.
>>245227 What do you eat in a day to become such a chungus?
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>>245227 smh lad, never realised you were so handsome
>>245227 >that beard >moustache still doesn't connect
>>245231 Endless handfuls of sweet. There is no bottom to my belly really. Couple of bags of crisps, a 1500 calories pizza for supper etc. When losing weight it's easier for me to say no to all sweets than it is to moderate since it's hard to stop eating if I first start. >>245233 Thanks, love. Wish I had never gotten fat, I will either have loose skin or scars from taking off that excess skin smh >>245234 some girls seem to like it, my ex and the most recent groomee. I guess my phenotype attracts a specific type of lass
<245233 <245231 His image is entirely uninteresting and low value You're stupid and useless trash in all of the stupid time of you, orbiter, and the fool orbited's existence and likewise he. Amazing, total gas bags of nothing. A total fart existence.
>>245237 no NO NOT THE RAPE BLOB
despise how women creep into every hobby/interest there is so many vids on yt now of bushcraft/survivalism whatever and the thumbnails are womens tits or they get views from being a wombyn we need a safe space that women cant corrupt
>>245237 that pic looks like a 70s/80s serial killer
>>245235 You can use the loose skin to gluide from fjord to fjord and evade the police tbh
>>245241 Looks like he's about to find the source of the nile
>>245240 tbh they just copy what men have said when it comes to videos like that. >>245242 keeeeeeeek
>>245227 would look alright if you werent so fat
emotionally immature people who must be the center of attention, and the weak of will and stupidly enamored with failure but possibility as they in their piggish vacuum of a brain see it. Yet it's the right order of the universe, the stupid ones, the epicentric stupid ones. A stable system of nonsuccess and inability to think, know, or provide any value at all. A cancer providing air vibration, seeming, really inert.
>>245237 Keeek should have seen me when my statche was long and I had my diving suit on and the stache poked out from the hood. Looked like a real walrus
>>245242 I am very serious when I say that your entire life is a waste not capable of any value addition, and that you should best make yourself an Earth Day sacrifice.
alright, yeah, i have post-nut regret, but i assure that is NOT the reason i hate women
I'll also note the literal retard tier photography work.
It's a struggle to achieve such shitty portraiture, yet we see little miracles every day. My assumption is the photos are fake and it's alias work, that's all that explains such thowback crap. Nokia N9 wow
Notice how the little shill flurry, which was alias establishment has ended. I assure you that whoever that is messing around inventing a self is nobody who is real and comes here. I'm here all the time. Let it be known whoever: >>245237 >>245227 "is" isn't so, but is exactly nonexistent entirely, but for what purpose of shilling goals I know not. But it isn't a real person whatsoever.
Now we enter the unexplained little silence. The bot farm comes together to establish its purpose and makes its noise, then leaves, all not organically. It's all a fraud, and I'm calling out china for doing it.
It's not impossible to overcome the lies. Fake: >>245240 Totally fake, that's the cause for pointless hostility: avoid discussion. But it's a totally 100% phony identity created to some purpose not determined yet.
>>245142 >one glove Fucksake faggot
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Fuck sake, the CIA are so fucking retarded.
>>245257 You think that's bad. Should see the chinese at work: >>245227
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The key feature is they must explain why the bots such as >>245257 are utterly incapable of any response at all. It's explained (not) by establishing aloofness as a pretense.
alright schizo, youve won ive snapped you win you can finally stop posting
And so, those who are operating bots call the real people "schizo" so that they don't have to deal with them. The bot farm is only "ignoring the schizo" - not "ignoring the actual people" This is how it works: >>245262 Notice it's not possible to tell if it's a bot or not. It doesn't know anything.
Schizo is a very useful thing, because it makes it possible to avoid all topics entirely, until someone calls the bluff, and notices the bots have no idea what the hell is going on.
They are actually all bots, and it turns out their purpose is to run a honey pot. But they are all bots exactly. Not one of them is real in the slightest whatsoever. I didn't know it without these images.
The obvious thing (I can't point out, obviously) is visible in the images. It's a natural and necessary comment which all humans give in response to them. Turing test fail, you see. AI vs AI.
I'm excited to be the first discoverer of this type of Turing test.
Genuinely starting to think he is an AI at this point
Notice how the orbiters perform the duty of providing a platform for the exhibition of the alias (which is entirely phony btw). They exist not at all as identities in and of themselves, they exist only to affirm the phony identity, not to create the concept of their own existences.
>Unhide random schizopost >yada yada "Turing Test" yada yada It's absolutely an Ai
Prolifically engaged in propping up the aliases, and in the total avoidance of discussion of concepts, purposes. We don't see in fact a human, though it emulates existence: >245270 As you can see, me, the only human here, is the danger the botfarm faces. And so, it designates, the bots headbobbing, the persona non &ct.
>>245270 sneed to study the schizbot in his unnatural habit and find out exactly how much time he spends spamming here >>245272 smh
>>245272 As it happens, you are doing what I said you'd do.
butlerian jihad when tbh
>>245274 Here you see it also showing no sign of the capacity to even look at images. It knows nothing, but operates here as a tag-team of bully botting. But it's dumb and totally stupid, because it is as I said, the bot farm designates the persona non grata, so as to avoid it being revealed it cannot respond to human inputs.
>>245276 Since you are not a human, you won't recognize one bit of irony. It's also possibly you are an incredibly airheaded human, but I'll assume a bot.
it posts on /v/ gg as well I think, never seen it in action though as the jannies there delete everything wonder if it was pointed at /v/ and /brit/ manually because we are the biggest boards smh
>>245279 Hello, bot operator. Sad to say, you are not much brighter than the dopey machine.
The way in which it works, the bot can be taken over by the operator. Standard feature since the 90's.
Don't get me wrong, it is impressive tech
No, I'm not impressed. You should get a refund.
>>245282 maybe we can get him to pretend to be a girl
Don't care, die of violent sodomy.
Sunburnt. Now skins itching a few days later and peeling. smh
>>245285 I think you can, you're the operator of your bot farm after all. And, you're a homosexual fascinated by male faces as has already been documented - the homoerotic fixation.
>>245287 see >>245286 crappy bot
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Why the fuck are the Royal Lancers giving out Scots Guards certificates?
I feel sorry for the retarded guy who bought the bot farm.
>>245287 I get that when I sun my balls.
>>245290 None of that stuff is real. Queens don't exist, there are only kings. You are basically stupid and your mother stinks because of her work on the se.
>>245292 But, bots don't have balls.
>>245292 might try this tbh hope the milf neighbour doesnt see
>>245295 More like hope she does see.
>>245297 BASED
>>245297 Hope he starts shilling his capes and swords at some point.
Successfully the bots would have you think, if you were reading, it was the material and the intelligent and the not fruitless and stupid worthless crap. In fact, only in myself will you find anything useful, true, or which goeth forwards.
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>>245297 ta lad
>>245300 All stupid, as you are. Eternally useless and stupid and worthless and nonsense and garbage he and you. What shall you say useful? You are useless and an empty head.
>>245302 The pinched face of a stupid and useless fool of no value to anyone whatsoever least of all anyone who, real, would ever be here. That piggish and stupid face matches your own emblem which is a squalid little squat of a form, a mongo swastika.
>>245300 keeek tbh
>mongo swastika le crusius bad
>>245279 they fear us
Twitter board agrees to $44bn takeover by Elon Musk >The board of Twitter has agreed to an $44bn takeover offer from the billionaire Elon Musk. >Mr Musk, who made the shock bid less than two weeks ago, has claimed he is the right person to "unlock" the social media firm's "extraordinary potential". >He has suggested a series of changes from relaxing its content restrictions to eradicating fake accounts. >The firm initially rebuffed Mr Musk's bid, but it will now ask shareholders to vote to approve the deal. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-61222470
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>>245309 Not sure if based or cringe tbh
I'm on EHarmony now lads as well as Plenty of Fish. This one gives you an ethnicity preference but it's got images sort of blurry unless you are premium. My pics are not great but fuck it. >>245310 He'll hopefully fuck up the censorship and let us speak freely
Apparently a lot of twatterists are seething about it and saying they'll leave, as if they have anywhere to go. Almost like a single privately owned social media platform dominating public speech was the problem all along.
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>>245309 nothing can stop what's coming
>>245312 it's the internet version of anti-blumpfists saying they'll move to canada if blargnald wins smh
>>245313 HAD TO GET A GOOK
she's actually some kind of semite persian type I think isn't she
>>245317 Kuwaiti.
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It's a bit of a shame. Charls has such an american phenotype and now it's gone smh
>>245319 keek smh his poor kids another stage in the american experiment, a breeding plan to create the ultimate mutt
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>>245322 Chinese aren't very fond of warfare unless they're killing other Chinese
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>When the state's imploding so you can eat another 300,000 of your countrymen
>Poland handed over T-72 tanks to Ukraine, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki confirmed. >In return, the UK is sending Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Poland >Poland has the Abrams, the Leopard and the Challanger Imagine being in the Polish logistics Corps having to deal with supplying three types of MBTs.
>>245321 tbh if your going to get a non white do the world a favour and don't breed
>>245327 This is like an all-out proxy war
>>245319 cute tbh
>>245329 Ukraine has already lost if a third party doesn't invade tbh. And NATO can't.
>>245331 Maps make it look pretty static, is the Ukrainian army depleted or something?
https://youtu.be/nvhnpV8cBT0 IT'S TIIIIME FOR SOME UNBOXING *soys*
Some big Chinese blades are called "horse slaying swords" which is a pretty cool name
>almost bedtime and have done nothing but have dinnero and a bit of reading, no gooming so this is what toilers live like...
>>245332 Okay I'll bite. Over 100,000 of Ukraine's actual professionals are in a cauldron and Ukraine's industry has been reduced to rubble. All the western military aid is equipment the Ukies aren't trained for or Soviet surplus in the hundreds that that Ukraine already had in the thousands before the operation but lost.
>>245336 not to worry lad the UN will rebuild it all... for a price
>>245337 I just fucking hate retards.
>make money causing wars >make money out of the economic destabilisation >make money out of the arms deals >make money out of the refugees >make money out of the victors >make money out of the losers >make money out of the peace >make money out of ruins >make money out of the rebuilding >do it all again it's just good business https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMN255mZwas
Ukraine already lost the war with a military larger than Poland and the Baltics.
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>I just hate retards.
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>>245247 Keek based.
>>245342 >lost the woesdefender version of that pic smh
going to be really funny one day when the chud brigade is surrounded by trantifa hordes and someone shouts STAY BACK ENEMIES OF THE WHITE RACE and I keeek really hard and get pushed out of the chudwall and beaten to death by both sides for being a traitor
>>245345 Would be cool and horrifying if polar bears were that clever tbh.
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>>245344 that day is now, we march on parliament by midnight.
>>245346 they are. it's real
>>245344 >they look for opportunities to tarnish crusius' reputation Scummy peasants you, manipulated by your own destroyer.
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toil complete
>>245344 >joe sounds the horn of the white race and then woes rides out of white race deep on his warhorse clad in a purple barding and woes is swinging his sword with determination on his face as the fading white light casts a bluish hue upon him
the white race walks alone
>>245352 keeeeeeek legonose and nickli putting aside their differences to slaughter the mutt hordes
>>245354 >they look at each other and jump across the gap and start slaughtering mutt creaturas because richard spencer the white betrayed the white race and joined forces with NIGGER
ahhh I'm keeeeking again
>>245356 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
I'd like to invite the best freakin alt right youtuber up on the stage, Millennial Woes get your purple ass up here.
>>245358 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>the multiplicity of spelling mistakes as I feverishly typed gripped in the PORTENTOVS throes of inspiration should probably fix that smh >>245358 *roman salutes
>best poolish logician
>>245358 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
https://youtu.be/Jv_jORfMsXo N-words but a white guy
>10pm night lads some more difficult neet torture tomorrow I think but at least I get an extra hour of toil prep in the morning
sometimes I wonder if schizo is wayne lambright, there are so many american mentalists on the streets this days with all the madhouses shutdown. my own dad probably needs more help than he gets. this country is a fucking insane asylum
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Watching the new drumpf interview with piers morgan, miss how funny he was tbh biden isn't the same
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>>245367 One extremist taig enabler and one actual taig
>borders are exactly the same as a month ago
>>245367 Is Tears critisising his old buddy for the objectively true claims of election fraud or for Zognald betraying his own Qoomers and vooters?
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>hol hol supporters
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got to wonder why are ancestors always made their swords out of rusty metal and bits of poo, smh rubbish craftsmanship
>>245374 pro russia but this nigga isn't making it easy
>>245373 Depressing image. >>245375 Bronze chads just turned a stylish green over thousands of years while remaining as functional as the day they were cast.
>>245376 deep operations lad, look it up. smh deep operations doesn't seem situated well for limited warfare compared to 1944 or full scale war with nato in the 1960s
so bored of pookraine. hopefully there's another war soon.
>>245379 am i a brainlet or is 'deep operations' kind of a meaningless term? I nonchalantly read the description of it but it just seemed like it was >uhh, well, you fight a battle with the enemy using weapons, but it's high iq you see, because we use weapons and we fight them >>245378 I like bronze and love brass, but during its lifetime steel is objectively better in every way tbh
>>245380 be the change you want to see in the world
>>245381 yeah its about envelopment on a wide front disrupting and causing pockets rather than the focused penetration of westoid militaries
>>245376 The first two months was about destroying the Ukraine's industry, and logistics while dividing Ukrainian forces between Kiev and the Donbass in the mean time. >>245380 You're mong mate, if you don't know about the afore mentioned and the impeding Romanian-Moldavian operation against Transnistria Filtered.
>>245385 madlad? you're back? get over here
>>245381 For a basic sword or axe bronze was as good as steel. Just remained more expensive as getting iron from ore was discovered and iron went from insanely rare to abundant. Modern material science wizardry and all the different types of steel are great but there's a reason that bronze tools and weapons were still used in the early iron age.
Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 DPR tank destroyed Ukrainian sniper position Caption video 2: Adjusting artillery fire with a drone. Works NM LPR. Caption video 3: Donbass. In addition. The offensive continues, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are retreating. FSVNG employees got various trophies, including BMP-1 in the Kharkov direction. Caption video 4: After the battle near Aleksandrovka, on the western outskirts of the dam of the Dnieper-Bug Estuary, the wrong choice ⚰️⚖️✋🤚 was made by more than 30 servicemen of the 8th mechanized company of the 28th Ombre of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Ukrainian bot growers, don't wake up the evil admin, he reviewed so much meat today...
>>245387 But if bronze was better we'd still be using it for tools today. Afaik bronze is still softer and steel retains a better edge. >bronze tools and weapons were still used in the early iron age. probably just because it's easier to work with though right? with bronze you can cast easily because i think it has a lower working temperature than steel. not even arguing with you, just genuinely curious
>SU-34 in a flat spin Just thinking about it is making chuck.
>>245391 thanks, love
>>244862 this is your chance to get a gf tbh I'm pretty happy about the hohol genocide- they can't be tamed, so the region needs to be Russified. and the influx of slav vagina meat into the dating market will ease the pressure on men a bit
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smh google told me that was a gif
>>245394 Was it Woes who made a comment about the outcry from women if a bunch of Eastern European women refugees flooded West Europe? Memes are now realty
The best Ukies fleeing to Russia for the last eight years, all is left is just the dregs.
>>245398 I bet the average man in Syria is better these days because all the cowards and parasites left
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holy fuck muskrat actually bought twitter for $44b https://apnews.com/article/elon-musk-twitter-takeover-2d0eb4e0511fe0e296fd6974a851a252 >>245397 if you go on seeking.com (sugar daddy/baby 'dating' site where women market their flesh) there are a lot of hoholettes >>245398 I've been interacting with these people since the war started, there is no reasoning with them
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if we could go back to 2015 where /pol/ runs twitter and the normals are spammed with videos like 'With Open Gates'.... there may be hope yet for us poor whiteoids
>>245389 I mean I've heard that for what people would need to cut, bronze did the job in ancient times as well as steel. Slightly different properties. I know bronze is more likely to deform/bend than chip. >why don't we use it today Because copper and tin are still expensive, and there's a better understanding of and variety of steels.
Russia has all the best Ukies, the Ukies the west are getting are basically Polarks LARPing as Kievan Rus.
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>>245400 light the beacons
>>245402 dunno about tin, but copper is not expensive. you can get way more money for scrap steel than you can copper, I collected a bunch of naughty copper wires from my old job into a huge bagful after 5mo, but in the end it wasn't even worth it to sell it because the value was so low
What will Elon do to make money on twitter, and why hasn't twitter already done something to make that happen?
Never trust Roman Catholics who use Cyrillic and not Latin. Simple as.
>>245400 Skeptical of le based billionaire. Someone posted an article earlier that said he wants to improve freezed peach on the platform yet stamp out 'fake' anonymous profiles. That'll really help in countries where you can get thrown in prison if you stray outside the overton window using your real name on social media. >>245405 Wew lad. Copper is still rarer and more expensive than steel. Don't think it's been any other way since the end of when there was only meteoric iron. In your anecdote you definitely got ripped off, or didn't have nearly as much copper as you thought after all the plastic was stripped away. Prices of wiring and plumbing in buildings really stack up, because copper is still considered a precious metal...
>>245313 They look like they should grow up in Tower Hamlets. smh
>>245313 veganism and cereal eating, not even once
>>245327 tbf the leo and abrams take the same kind of ammo and the leo and the challenger take the same kind of fuel. However fuck everything else about that sort of logistics chain, it's germany in 1943 tier.
>>245408 he's South African, maybe he's a secret white nationalist doing a 4D checkmate on the regime? maybe he wants to install himself as cyborg-dictator of the ethnostate?
the nigger shooting in shitagain is accelerating politically, mummy gretchen is clearly gonna try to use nigger rage to drum up support for her reelection. might be kino
>>245411 same kind of ammo, but i wonder if it'd actually work, because it's not just the caliber that matters but also the length of the shells. i doubt they'd want to mix ammunition anyway. i'm desperate to see leos and challengers and abramses fighting t-90s tbh please god fuck
I reckon schizo should be down for a while he's basically been up for 24hrs. >>245414 Na the Abrams gun is a one for one clone of the L44.
>>245373 >staying hydrated. healthy lad.
Imagine having to source three different types of parts for tanks getting them to the right units in a war. Absolute nightmare fuel.
abrams has that fuel hungry turbine engine. seems weird that nato didn't standardize their kit more
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>>245415 I'm starting to think "Schizo" is an actual spam bot. it would be too obvious if they had it running 24/7 so they simulate sleep he doesn't really seem like a person, there's no way you can convince me that it's impossible that it's a bot
>>245419 honestly I'm on board with that. >>245418 It requires actual aviation fuel, which isn't a problem for America but is for anyone else fielding such a tank..
>>245419 they seem a bit swarthoidic but the krauts weren't as racist as anglos in 1940
krauts actually treated tartars and chechens better than soviets and hol hols
Most NATO MBTs are overrated judging by the 2006 Lebanese War with Israeli Abrams getting fucked and Turkish Leopard 2s Syria tbh.
>>245423 Because they weren't built to sit around and take AT weapons all day long.
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>>245418 https://youtu.be/Cy7igPr-nnQ Apparently it was awful in the deserts of Afghanistan and Iraq because it couldn't cope with all the sand and dust. Kind of cool though how it just whines like that, apparently it's very smooth to drive. The thing is though no tank has ever been fuel efficient as a priority, all MBTs get <1mpg. It is questionable if the logistics are there to support such things >>245423 the abrams just has a worse, more prototypal version of our dorchester armor and the leo was never designed to take a hit, hence all the bulky add-on armour it has now. could just be my patriotic bias but I think challengers would absolutely rape russian tanks in a real conflict, there was one that took like 20 RPGs and survived
>>245423 tbh I think the last gen of westoid MBT like hte chieftain and the patton were superior to the current crop which are kind of too prima donna of tanks
all the ukie fuel has probably been spent on bussing hohol women out to paris and rome in vans so they can sit around drinking champagne whilst sergio fondles her tits
>>245425 how many challengers even are there? realistically its just gonna end up being dogshit 1990s surplus abrams slugging it out with russkie stuff if it ever happened in large scale
>>245425 >pparently it was awful in the deserts of Afghanistan and Iraq because it couldn't cope with all the sand and dust. I think that was specific to how fine the sand was and how it was kicked up into air intakes and track axels if I remember correctly. As for the challenger myth they took those rpg's because they were old rpg's any modern mbt could take two dozen rpg-7's >>245428 something like 300 active service with another 5 to 7 hundred mothballed.
>>245424 Cope. I don't think they can handle Soviet ATGMs even on the move in 2022.
>>245430 russians lead the world in missile tech I believe all sharticas missile tech was stolen by the jews in the 90s and sold to the world
>>245430 I don't think moving helps when hit with an atgm and that's not a cope that's a standard for all tanks. They are called AT weapons for a reason.
>>245425 its easier to source diesel than helicopter fuel which is what the abrams uses I believe. some russian pattern t-72s run turbines as well
>>245431 You're thinking of hypersonic ballistic missiles. Atgm's are basically the same the world over.
last night I dreamed something about Russia's "Satan" ICBMs even my subconscious yearns to see them destroy shartican megalopoli
abrams and challengers in iraq never really encountered ATGM to the level that monkey model ones have. I bet that the kikes probably get honey abrams models though so. but they are jews so they suck at doing anything other than murdering civilians
I remember an US Abrams in Iraq was knocked out with a vintage RPG-29 in something like 2012.
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>>245426 >>245428 >kind of too prima donna of tanks tbh, the same could be said for every piece of western equipment developed in the last ~20 years, the trouble with peacetime arms racing is that it's just oligarchs throwing billions at OP wunderwaffe with no real doctrine or strict logistical requirements to back them up. every time this thing comes up in conversation it's impossible not to mention the f-35, because it's like a platonic form of all the sins of the modern military industrial complex there are a few hundred challengers in existence, 100 or so are actually being operated by are army, theres probably about 300 challenger 2's just not being used and probably about the same number of 1's rusting in warehouses >>245429 >any modern mbt could take two dozen rpg-7's that syria footage shows otherwise though >>245433 >some russian pattern t-72s run turbines as well didn't know that tbh, interesting. i guess it's probably something to do with power to weight ratio >>245437 lots of abrams have been destroyed tbh i bet merica is just hiding the true numbers funny because like half of them were destroyed by friendly fire, typical
>>245436 They had their own special Merkava but even those suffered immense loses against rpg wielding insurgents suffering the 2006 invasion of lebanon.
>>245437 the ones with the tandem warheads from 1990s? yeah those are pretty powerful rpgs lad
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Russian AA and Rader is a lynchpin against NATO that is over reliant on air power tbh. The Russian MoD announced that the S-500 is in full production today.
I think when abrams flip over its hard to escape I remember a few of them lost all their crew when they fell off the baghdad bridge
which is retarded because the fucking sherman was adored by soviets, brits, americans and even krauts for the ability to escape from the bottom
>>245438 >that syria footage shows otherwise though It really does not unless you can confirm they were completely knocked out with rpg-7's only rather than abandoned and weren't doing something completely tactically stupid. >>245440 1980's penetrators have completely outpaced armour development.
>>245441 russia also has superior artillery
so much of sharticas top gear equipment is reliant on having 1980s tier well trained grunts to man them instead of mass attack autoloader stuff
>>245447 Lad all modern combined arms requires competence at all levels.
The S-400 had a ceiling of 30km. The S-500 has a ceiling of 100+ km, with a terminal velocity of 7000 m/sec.
>>245443 >>245444 yeah thats a standard feature on every tank ww2 and onwards, seems retarded they'd leave that out tbh, though it does mean that the hull floor is stronger against mines and ieds if there's no escape hatch
>>245449 I'd always be careful about what any official military source claims about their hardware.
>>245448 feels like russian doctrine would shred westoid militaries because the cold war shart strategy of being able to support pockets and be self sufficient via helicopter is a dead meme
>>245452 You've seen how static this war has been. I honestly think we're back to 1914 until new tech and tactics are developed.
>>245451 russia would never lie to us lad
>>245453 tbh exactly same as was in syria
>>245454 Or Nato or China.
Other than that we're back to a 3 to 1 local numerical advantage for any sort of gains and at great cost in life and equipment.
The fun thing is NATO gets to wargame this out at the expense of Ukrainian lives.
hullo, toil all day tomorrow
>>245456 china is our greatest ally, don't your ront cheap rabour and produk mae from bes steew? bes qrality buy now
>>245460 They will always have more tanks and people to throw at a problem no matter how crappy both are.
Been reading through the threads and can only assume that schizo is an AI, I remember reading a paper on how to destroy dissident internet communities and one of the tactics was schizo ai spam
Oh yeah, also the Abrams got wreck in Yemen too.
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>>245466 Had to be done lad the c*ptcha messes it up if it's just before midnight smdh
>>245465 good lad
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>>245463 So did the leclerc and that's the most modern design western tank.
>>245462 Yeah it wouldn't surprise me, especially given the amount of time it stays active.
>>245462 yeah its clearly this, it seems to react when you just insult it
schizos are btfo on 4chan because its so difficult to post, really its the only way to get rid of him by having a system like that
bourbons and milk while enjoying my last few hours of freedom before toil
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mx4U3Zbd1Rg been feeling nihilistic lately
>>245477 comfy
if you were to ditch the schizobot you would have to create a new board name since it would probably spam all the current sites and add "brit" to the end of the link and find us
how does schizobot get past the captcha tho? must have a handler (likely an antifa faggot funded by the german government)
>>245479 make it britpol instead of brit
>>245479 horrifying thought though, that it would follow us everywhere
I had my doubts about schizo being a bot but recent behaviour is very bot like
I hate spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
what happened to morgoths blog? No updates for ages
i always run 2 or 3 bots simultaneously while i post here and other places, but i can't have them constantly replying since they make so many non-sequiturs
>>245488 wtf??
>>245487 he made a vid a few days ago but it was shite, he seems to paywall his content behind substack now, its the newest e celeb grift
i just think they're neat
>>245490 substack is cringe
>>245491 you had better be trolling, what bots?
>>245494 i wrote my own using libraries i found on github
>>245495 but you need to manually bypass captcha right?
>>245496 no, i'm lying. i don't have any bots.
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it's a good idea though
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>>245474 yeah that kind of captcha system actually did alot to ruin shills and bots
dropped 2 bourbons in my greedy hurry trying to plate them
Loving this daft nick and dutty interview tbh, could listen to him for hours tbh
>>245506 dutty should ask him what he thinks about PA lmao
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sch*zo eternally BTFO idk which side these guys are on so don't ask
>>245508 they are russian
>>245508 he has to be a bot, he both posts the war updates and calls them fake.
Fucking frag round going off like that, they're both fucked , they just have to sit there bleeding out for hours.
>>245511 its a mine
>>245512 Yeah I just saw that.
Straight amputation job, but atleast it was a toe popper.
euuuughghghghghh just touched a fucking bug. there was a lil black thing on my bed and I went to pick it up and throw it in the trash but then it moved, it was a bug, fuckkk. made me shiver a few times, can't stand bugs. only decent bugs are ladybugs, moths, and earthworms, the rest are euuuughghhghghgh *shivers*
"and his meat was locusts" Matthew 3:4 these fuckers want us to EAT these disgusting things! I'd rather die
fuck off schizo.
>>245517 think its spig
>>245507 Tbh. It's kind of sad that so many nationalist groups appear to be involved in a Hobbesian war of all against all so it's basically assumed that each group will dislike or at minimum won't have any contact or good words to say against one another. I remember how petulently Colin Liddell wrote against Nick at Dick Spencer's abandoned Alt Right website, or how even this board was frothing at the mouth when UKIP had Conservative party member Douglass Carswell join as the first and only ever UKIP MP. Nick and that PA woman already have in common the use of Bob Whitaker's talking points whether the grill knows it or not Remember this? https://youtu.be/kmDuPccLON4
It's back.
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You will never, never ascend. You will never gain access to our reality. You'll never win.
>>245519 ukip was a scam from the start tbh, fuck nigger elf and his gang of merry civics
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god will know his own.
>russians can perform at the proms if they "denounce putin"
>>245525 tbh not really any different from how for years anybody could be on the telly, if they denounced Dolan Drumpf
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>go to 4chan >one-million bad blue bird twitter threads
>>245528 saved
Spic Fuentes is getting off the No Fly List
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Caption image 1: RF forces took control of two villages at the North of Donetsk oblast: Lozove and Ridkodub. Fighting is now underway around the Yampil area. Caption image 2: Seven traction substations reportedly hit by Russian missiles today (the mushroom cloud icons on the map). Railway system in Western & Central Ukraine heavily damaged. Caption video: Russian Su-34 in trouble near Kharkov, pilots reportedly ejected, haven't seen pics of the wreck yet
>>245510 >anyone who disagrees with anti-christ pope daddy is mad Tbh it's your idiotic choices which are unhealthy
>>245532 bot shill who supports israel I do not care, you bring nothing of interest. You have never brought 1 video of soldiers dying in action in the supposed Ukraine war. "war"? Hardly! It's NOTHING!!!
>>245508 Why is it cut short? If it's a "shot", why is it quieter than a voice? Looks like he stepped on a hunter's trap or something like that. Sorry, it's not conclusive.
My guess is a couple of eco terrorists found a fox hunter's trap.
>>245462 lmao no such paper exists. Funny though.
He shouted, "THE EARTH IS FLAT" and his mother began to sob. She'd raised him right, she said. But then he started using Twitter.
i miss poolad
It's tragic, a bot "misses" a bot "personality". Violins are playing for the bot's theater.
https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2022/04/25/jeff-bezos-trolled-knocking-elon-musk-china-connections/ Fascinating. The man has no mirror. It's not that he's faking it, he literally has no mirror. What mental illness is it?
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>disregard schizo >acquire mushrooms
Looking forward to getting back on Twitter :^P too bad you racist bots aren't permitted!!!
The device used by bots is to assign the only human left on a site "schizo" status. This "explains" why the individual is ignored. A similar tactic is used, where the real human is called a "racist" or whatever else. The point is the bot farm can't handle real people and only maintains apparent existence as an internal theater.
That's why they are incapable of discussing anything at all, they can't see what's in images, and it's also why, unlike real humans, they prefer highly repetitive and antique image choices not used by human beings, due to the nature of humanity.
poster harder faggot
Good example. That is a standard line from 90's bots. By insulting people they seem real. But what is material about "yawn"? It seems to be a human evaluation - it's not. There's no sign of a human intervention. When one comes it's so lazy you can tell it's either not got the time to read (though the bot itself has been going for hours), or it's extremely impatient with the interlude, briefly to convince of vitality.
Humans really do tend to get angry. If I get angry and react in kind, then the bot gains the illusion of reality - it has gained the human's participation and this lends to its sense of realness. - huge mistake, but a very human mistake.
If you doubt - over the course of 24 hours I have posted a great many images. These images are novel (can't be googled) and their unique elements worthy of comment cannot be ascertained with mere AI, because what makes them worthy of comment is outside of current AI. Zero of those images received intelligent replies. The closest were of human intervention (bot farms are monitored by their operators - their purpose is not yet detailed by the intel community). These were the comments (that I observed): >something like phwar - in other words, saying something is sexy. However, while it could have been intelligence, sarcasm, it could just be a bot making a perfectly direct reaction that a human might interpret as clever. ie if classifiers skin/sex then say "phwar" >claiming I'd spent a lot of time and made a bunch of paintings. Well, anybody could see those images weren't actual paintings, by merely clicking on them. sarcasm? Possible, but it could also just be intervention of the chinese/nork type bot (where they are not permitted to view images for reasons of defense of the psyche against doubt in the regime, but they can read ai classifiers of images, and image names) So this is where we are. 24 hours and no real humans come here - except me.
Since this is going into a log somewhere I'd like this to be seen, and for humanity to know that we were catching onto the use of AI against us, and that we were not so stupid as has been supposed.
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going to make some fries
One interesting feature of bots is that food is an easy choice. It doesn't change much over time, so it can be stale as a butt penny and still play for literally decades. It fills space, and vivifies - but falsely. Nobody is that interested in food. Real people just don't mention food as often as bots do.
one feature of eastern-european bots is they have an addiction to images that seem to us Westerners nonsense and without purpose. Like grannies with their sympathy cards, I guess.
God put me here to perform live autopsies on state organs of shilling.
TUCKER IS BACK LMAO Ann Coulter was trying to resurrect Gavin, as of 40 minutes ago.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH sean king deleted his twitter! his bullshit can't stand up to any scrutiny
>User "realdonaldtrump" has been suspended Nothing yet...
>>245560 he said he wasn't coming back
>>245561 Maybe offer him @POTUS45 ??
toil bye
>>245565 I hope your gruesome demise is televised.
>>245565 bye lad channel that toilture into bad thoughts about schizbot and his operators
There is no schizo so far as I can tell. I think you have paranoid delusions.
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buzzed off my beard and took a nice full shower, hadn't taken a proper shower in quite a few days... only post-excretion below-the-waist demi-showers >>245560 >>245561 >>245563 yeah blumpf wants to boycott twitter even if Der Muskfuhrer owns it because he wants to promote his doomed and worthless "Truth Social" project that will lose its entire purpose once Elon reshapes twitter Gab will still have a niche as a far-right social network, but Truth Social / Gettr / Parler (if it wasn't already) will be dead in the water once Elon relaxes the speech restrictions on twitter. how retarded is blumpf to not see this
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cloooooooooooooooooooooooown woooooooooooooorld
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>the okra project
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and that's what that thing is also
1st full neet day for 2 years
>>245570 >abortions >spic trannies >nig trannies now what do these three things have in common? oh right, it's the sterile degenerate "female" overclass
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>>245575 Hope that's satire
>>245574 and of course the >ooh nooooooo there's gonna be free speech! we need to flee to an alternate platform that doesn't have free speech!
>>245573 based >>245576 lad it's a racist nazi tree >>245577 tbh still keeking at this >>245535
Oh God apparently it's real
>>245579 all satire is real
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these libtards are complaining about how Elon "didn't solve world hunger" with the $45b. they seem to think that the $45b just evaporated, gone. what's more is that the $45b worth of food that could have been fed to hungry black trans abortions was just thrown into a dump, and now they're gonna starve, all because of racist space man the abstract concepts of 'financing', 'stocks' and 'investment firms' are not understoood, apparently
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNvUQka4wk0 20 minutes to toil no word on whether or not the real bossman wants a part time wagie
>>245581 Funny considering Musk made that challenge to one of those globalist organisations. Something along the lines of "if you can show me a plan where $10bn will fix world hunger I'll start selling Tesla shares right now".
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happy jack
>>245583 have fun lad >>245585 odd face tbh
>could give every NEET a free mcmansion >doesn't death to kajillionaires tbh
Although I do think it was a weird way to spend that much money. Musk has an interest in space colonisation, I would have thought investing money in how to colonise currently inhospitable parts of the Earth's surface would have made sense. >>245587 Also this. Why isn't the autismfuhrer coming to save us?
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>>245588 >Although I do think it was a weird way to spend that much money. Musk has an interest in space colonisation, I would have thought investing money in how to colonise currently inhospitable parts of the Earth's surface would have made sense. if he makes Twitter free speech and more people come to use the site and more people are exposed to ads and the stock becomes more valuable, then his net worth will go up a lot also all of the space, hyperloop, electric car bullshit is never gonna happen and he knows that. he's an epic fraudster that became absurdly rich selling people on these retarded hyped ideas. that's what he does, he gets all the "SCIENCE!" reddit people to soyface over some ridiculous idea and then gets a million gajillion dollars even though it doesn't happen
just realised I've not pooed since sunday might have to absolutely destroy the gastropub loos later
>>245581 It's like an MMO, if you pay money to a vendor it's just gone
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>>245589 >those weird pointless tunnels he built in Las Vegas that don't solve any transport problems whatsoever and literally existed just to be a Tesla advert >the obsession with battery powered everything when wires are a cheap and proven technology >driverless cars when what would make a differences is driverless busses Yeah
>>245590 >not pooed since sunday smh being so near to toil is draining your vital energies >>245592 >driverless busses trams hooked up to the big traffic light systems that already exist in many cities and with a motion sensor on the front so it doesn't run anybody over tbh problem solved
>>245592 >>245593 I really dislike the idea of self-driving anything that isn't on a track, because then the CIA can just hack the things to ram people off the highway and take out anyone they want. news will report "the tesla glitched" and that's that. once they're on the road in large numbers, they have a blank check
>>245594 tbh don't trust any of that shite it's just funny how techie types always start from the most impractical and expensive angle and then have to gradually give up on what they wanted until it's compatible with reality instead of making something that works right now and maybe improving it tomorrow read an article yesterday that was soying out about electric single-person aircraft solving congestion by having people fly to work keeeeeek just stop living in a city
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>>245593 >trams Yeah, driverless buses powered by electric wires >>245595 >electric single-person aircraft solving congestion keeeek imagine getting stuck in aerial congestion 100 metres in the air and watching the battery meter drain with horror
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>>245596 The bright future
>>245596 keeeeeeeeek
Thundercuck throwing a tantrum also >Twitter is cancer as a platform posts a lot on twitter, kek
>>245599 That's a monopoly for you.
>>245599 loving how the twitterati suddenly hate twitter and always hated twitter and twitter is really bad you guys for real tbh
>>245601 It's just like a heckin' Orwell
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mornin lads ready for another day of shambolic nutter drivel
are there still no jannies that could block schizo?
>>245572 >org set up to allow black women to kill their offspring based tbh
>>245603 morning lad >>245604 he has the kind of endurance that only severe mental illness can give lad ban him and he hops to a new ip and picks up where he left off and he'll do it for hours
>>245606 what do u tend to do now since they put u on gardening leave lad?
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>>245608 skinhead whippet-worship when? >>245606 >endurance that only severe mental illness can give Sad!
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>>245608 >apologised and paid “substantial damages” to a politician and academic who she falsely accused of antisemitism. >being targeted by anonymous troll accounts attacking him for his pro-Palestinian views. >muh Jeremy Corbyn Nice to see antisemitism claims go the other way
>>245610 Just noticed it should have been whom, not who, in that first sentence.
>>245607 mostly shitposting and watching youtube tbh got my psone hooked up too really need to fix my computer smh
>>245613 I recently found out that the conquistadore who conquered Peru had a war with the one who conquered Chile, interesting stuff
>>245613 looks kino
finally got paid lads cheeky seven grand in my pocket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULeDlxa3gyc
>>245616 buy us a new chan
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>>245616 Nice.
>>245616 based get a new gooming machine or buy a gf before the prices rise
>>245620 this is not my beautiful site
>>245616 buy twitter stock
>>245616 Buy lots of sweeties
buy breast milk stocks and drink them onlythebreast.com
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The Zaporozhe Aluminium Combine got hit with cruise missiles. Grotty peak Soviet aesthetic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRQGoolwkCg
>>245625 escape from tarkov irl
>Russian oil exports increased from 3.3 million barrels per day last month to 3.6 million in April. >Some European countries send military aid to Ukraine, but it pales in comparison with the payments they make to Russia for oil and gas
>>245627 fuckimg keeeek
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apparently people with eczema go to dermatologists and get perscribed topical steroids to reduce the inflammation but then they become dependent on the topical steroids and when they stop using them their entire body turns red, becomes extremely itchy, and burns so bad they have to stand in front of a fan or lie in a cold bath all day for months on end it happened to this foid and clearly made her mentally ill, just look at the videos she uploads, wew. in the topical steroid withdrawal video she's talking about how she does raw vegan juice detox cleansing fast with oil pulling and enemas and blah blah https://youtu.be/b400Nt7DHdU
>>245630 smh just take an oatmeal bath.
>the no fly zone is getting bigger
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>>245632 The raw threatening aura.
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I've got a plan
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>UAVs just laid NATO 60mm spec mines on the the military airfield in Tiraspol, Transnistria
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>The Russians in Transnistria have the largest ammo dump in Europe and the Ukies need it
>>245639 i imagine it's incredibly tense there
>>245641 Yeah, it's been attacked three times. The forces there are on a war footing.
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Tank Kino.
Rumour; >If Washington and NATO continues to supply heavy weapons to Ukraine, France and Germany are planning to leave NATO alliance according to "French Intelligence".
>>245644 big if true
>Hunter Biden might have HIV and gave it to his brother's widow Hallie Biden
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>>245651 Iraq was once a respectable independent country, hard to believe If only he got nukes and handed power to Qusay
are you frightened of maori street gangs?
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>Croatia is against Finland and Sweden joining NATO.
really don't want Puting to kill natioanlistic Finns and Swedes, lads
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>>245630 smh had bad psoriasis for a while and i would rely on dovabet every week to stop it from spreading on me scalp didnt use it for about 7 months and it all cleared away with occasional spots from stress
>245657 Filtered.
oops didnt spoiler
>>245656 Nationalists that aren't retarded should be against provoking Russia by joining NATO tbh.
>>245660 yeah but nationalists aren't in government, lad
War would be good for Sweden at this point ngl.
>>245662 Tbh smh. Would hope even globohomo neolibs wouldn't be so stupid but it could happen. >>245663 War is never good for anywhere you mong.
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getting a bit sick at the lack of cunny I'm getting, tbh lads
>>245666 Keeeek child btfo.
worrying lack of schizo posts today
>>245669 He's busy at his day job as the CEO of a Fortune 500 company
>>245664 >>245665 Faggots. Sweden already is in a state of low level insurgency on council estates with culture doomed in Soviet tier delusion.
>>245670 yeah those C-Level guys are like racehorses highly strung
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>>245674 put your name back on steiner
>>245671 why would someone do all that though?
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dog kino
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i want to EAT!
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should of cooked some food then
>should of
Ought to have
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could of been eating by now if you had planned better
>>245665 >>245664 >lightweights
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>back to >(1)
Ethnic Albanian forces have been spotted in the Serb-majority city of Mitrovica in Kosovo. During this whole war in Ukraine, the Balkans have been simmering on the back burner.
another day of pointless neet torture over at least one of the mummies around today had big chebs one more tomorrow and then a job interview and apparently almost guaranteed retoil position
>ywn bully wessex in the shop
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imagine wielding the power of the yellow sticker and discounting anything you want to 20p
>>245688 just hope the bossman won't be a wog tbh >>245689 me am play gods
last-minute panic cleaning before a rentberg inspection tomorrow finally almost complete smdh took me five hours >>245687 >apparently almost guaranteed retoil position based but also rip lad smh retoil is shite >>245689 bit blasphemous lad smh man was not made for such heights
>>245690 slave wessex sir
bumsex and willydribbles
>>245693 >willydribbles lad go see a doctor about that
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heavily discounted easter snegg tbh got some little choccy bunnies with it and I thought they would be solid because they're so small but they were hollowed out smh, the cost-cutting knows no bounds >>245691 >it's retnberg bully season again AHHH smh need to fix up smy place as well yeah smh not looking forward to it maybe low hours will be tolerable, I specified I would only do part time despite bossman saying he wanted full >>245692 last indian boss I had went around the production line with his brothers threatening to beat people with hammers as a joke of course
>unwrap the big easter snegg >so thin it's literally only a few millimetres thick and falls apart as soon as the foil is off
It's a sign from God to stop being a fatty
>>245697 haven't had an easter egg in about a decade tbh but even back then they were getting more and more shite smh
i despise women but i want pussy
well, time to watch lingerie videos on youtube
looking for jobs on indeed is so grim
I don't want to travel that bad anymore though. women are such a meme, in every country
>>245703 might be worth doing the neet torture stuff I do tbh the email senders all have connections and if I get my job that means they actually work
>>245703 tbh job searching is soul-crushing
>>245707 keeeeeeeek
>>245698 Fat is beautiful, as it neutralises toxins in a person.
>fatso gaslighting lad again
>>245711 keeeeeeeeeeek yeah
Caption image 1: 🇺🇦 Symbols banned in Ukraine on a killed Ukrainian reservist whose body refuses to take command. Caption image 2: 🇺🇦 Ukrainian Humvee is depressed. Somewhere in the Slavic direction. Message from a Telegram channel: 🇷🇺 In general, the tactics in the Izyum direction have not changed. Units move from locality to locality, leaving units to control key points. The First Tank Army continues its steady advance westward from Izyum on both sides of the Seversky Donets River. The Factories and the Chervon Miner were taken, the Great Kamyshevakha, which is a major node of the defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, is visible through binoculars. The heroic 20th army, having taken Sukhoi Kamenka and Suligovka, attacks the enemy in the direction of the village of Dolgenkoe and Kurulki, cutting off supply routes to the AFU units throughout the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk agglomeration. Units of the 41st army reached the line of the Oskol River. The low pace of progress, instead of moving in long columns at the beginning of the war, allowed to reduce losses in personnel to a minimum, while simultaneously inflicting huge damage to the enemy. For example: the 39th brigade, which stormed Suligovka, has a couple of dozen dead and several dozen wounded during the entire fighting, while only the 95th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost more than 100 people killed in battles with them, while being in a well-prepared defense. And in addition to the 95 brigade, parts of the 93 mechanized and 25 airborne assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were also defeated there. As many have rightly noted, Ukraine stopped showing Russian prisoners and the reason for this is simple, they simply do not exist. But fresh batches of captured horsemen are sent to Russia every day. We have problems, the war forced us to look at many things and evaluate them differently, but what I can say for sure is that now we see a completely different army than on February 24, 2022. And this can best be described in the words of A.S. Pushkin: But in the temptations of a long punishment, Enduring the blows of fate, Russia has become stronger. So the heavy mlat, crushing glass, forges bulat. Caption video: 🇷🇺 Our gunners received letters from Russian children. Caption images 3-4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Azovstal in Mariupol smokes heavily today.
Message from a Telegram channel: 🏳️‍⚧️ Today, defense ministers of more than 40 countries in Germany will discuss the issue of providing military assistance to Ukraine According to General Mark Milley, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Armed Forces, the main task of the negotiations is the synchronization and coordination of military assistance to Kyiv. The meeting will take place at the Ramstein military base in Germany. The meeting will be attended by Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin. Caption image 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Long-range high-precision weapons destroyed 6 traction substations near railway stations Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡Ukrainian Nazis continue to hide in the homes of civilians In Avdiivka, another evidence was recorded of how vushniki cowardly occupy the homes of civilians, but this did not help them Caption video 2: Big tank column south of Izyum. This is where Russian troops are opening up enemy defences to reach the highway leading to the Dnipropetrovsk region. And cut it off. For the AFU grouping in the north of the Donetsk region, this is the road of life, along which uninterrupted supply runs. That is why, for example, a small Ukrainian garrison in the village of three streets, Dolhonkoye, has been resisting for a week. It is the last settlement in the Kharkiv region on the way to the occupied part of the DNR. And on the way to Slavyansk, where our grouping is advancing. If the logistics are disrupted, the Ukrainians' sense of staying in Dolhonkoye will finally be lost. Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡More than 100 units of armored vehicles: footage of an abandoned Ukrainian base for the storage and repair of military equipment. Caption image 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡In Kherson, flags, the coat of arms of Ukraine and banners "Glory to Ukraine" were removed from the building of the city administration
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>Transnistria claims that the Romanian army has been deployed to Moldova. Soldiers and officers are dressed in the uniform of the Armed Forces of Moldova.
>>245715 >le crusius did the bad thing Very obvious project of the Jesuit order, too bad you've chosen heresy Also, filtered. Back to the VPN, clown
Paul VanderKlay on Curtis Yarvin https://youtu.be/l5RzjDwVk40
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>Russian Defense Ministry: London's direct provocation of Kiev to strike targets on Russian territory will immediately lead to a proportional response Based, hope Russia takes the Scilly Islands.
>>245715 never fails keek
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>>245717 Crusius mong.
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Your Jesuit plan has been uncovered, fiend.
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>>245721 Just read what I wrote to your co conspirator. You are not special baby boy
>those file names
>>245720 I am the happy warrior
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>Russian Armed Forces are on 24/7 alert ready to deliver retaliatory strikes with high-precision weapons at relevant decision-making centres in Kiev >The presence of the Western countries advisers in Ukrainian decision-making centres "will not necessarily be an obstacle" for Russia's decision-making response.
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lock it off soundboy https://youtu.be/Kyna62A64D8
>>245728 *behaves antisocially on the high street making a racket with my portable rackett https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S20gR0kI3H4&list=PL5752BCF4569DBDD6
>>245729 carnyx energy no wonder they buried this instrument
>>245731 tbhsmh
22 year old woman be like yeah I've got 30k GBP in debt
Why are Hurdy Gurdy players such cunts?
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Caption image 1: 🇲🇩🇷🇺 The photo shows two antennas of a radio center in Pridnestrovie blown up as a result of a terrorist attack. Messages from a Telegram channel: 🇲🇩🇷🇺⚡In Pridnestrovie, due to the terrorist threat, the Victory Parade on May 9 was canceled. 🇺🇦🇲🇩🇷🇺⚡"There is only one chance left to save Mariupol — a blow to Transnistria" - Butusov In Ukraine, they openly declare preparations for an offensive on Transnistria. "Ukraine has the legal right to demilitarize the military facilities of the Russian troops threatening us...This will make it possible to capture Russian prisoners for exchange, eliminate the threat of a breakthrough by Russian troops, seize large arsenals of ammunition, and release two Ukrainian brigades that stand on the Ukrainian-Moldovan border," said Butusov, one of the main military-political propagandists. Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇳 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov holds talks with UN Secretary General António Guterres in Moscow Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Arrivals of cruise missiles at the Zaporozhye Aluminum Combine. Caption image 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 In Odessa, a missile attack was carried out on the bridge in Zatoka. Sources say that smoke is pouring in the area of ​​the bridge. Caption video 3: 🇺🇦 A shocked soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine takes pictures of the killed and wounded Ukrainian soldiers The unit came under fire.
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all i want to do before i die is brutally rape and murder a sexy redhead is that too much to ask?
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Crusius was a pucci.
>poos didn't come while at neet torture >now I'm home they're coming once every half hour
steiner did you like the incel camping pic
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No matter how she tarts it up,she's getting old
>>245737 smh let go lad
One thing that inspires me is memories of being young, and naive, drinking cheap Lambrusco wine on the Gianicolo hill overlooking Rome at sunset, love that memory.
>>245743 I'll let her go once she's dead lad, then you can have your turn
>>245745 cheers lad
ah wait, youre already using pembs
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thought westie was close to achieving exit velocity and becoming normie but now he's going on bongo camping trips
he'll go with homo bongoists but not with me smh
>>245750 do you have a tent
>>245752 yes? why? want to share it with me?
>>245753 wish i had a friend like you in real
>dorset homo-baiting Kino, bumboys deserve having their noses pulled and worse
*wees on your tent*
want to go camping without a tent tbh but theres nowhere here i can really put up a tarp smh, might just take a blanket instead and sleep in the open
>>245748 what is learned here can never be unlearned.
>>245758 just get some big walking sticks or staffs so you can make an I frame without being overly burdensome it was flimsy and collapsed on me every night because of the weight of frost but it was quite comfy nonetheless most comfy camper I ever saw though was a lad who brought a marquee to reenacting, just four tall poles with a roof about 8 foot up and then he slept in the middle of it under a pile of furs with the stars visible
>>245755 seriously, i need a reliable friend like you lad.
>>245761 why lad, are you planning on hijacking a plane and crashing it into a burmese thot hive?
>>245760 ye I have an old hiking staff or whatever theyre called, but I like having my hands free when walking tbh smh I tried it before with a tarp and it worked decently keeeek that sounds comfy >>245761 well, I'm right here
>>245762 how did u identify me lad, i love burmese hoes. >>245763 Thanks lad, lost my school friend to communism and unemployment.
>>245764 almost half your posts in thread have been about seamonkeys lad keek smh
>>245764 you sound inconceivably gay
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The O column of the Russian Forces, aren't even Russian, they are Belarusian.
>>245616 did you have to threaten them in the end?
>>245767 based luka getting in on the action
imperium tbh
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>>245769 They are pushing shit hard.
>>245587 Sorry, only gun-haves get free mcmansions.
>>245768 no lad they sensed my psychic emanations and surrendered without me having to do anything
>>245771 I push shit hard every morning.
ngl got a bit excited when the mentally ill lass came here a week ago and was rambling about auras.
Unfortunately, my aura proved lackluster.
>>245775 yeah?
>schizbot's posting on this IP finished at 7:45pm yesterday and started at 7:15 today
so old now that i match with 41 year old lasses
>>245778 bit sus ngl >>245779 lie about your age lad
>>245779 get a milf, lad
>>245773 Based, fuck bossman.
>>245736 Not only are no soldiers dying in action, you fucked up the post, bot.
>>245777 Yeah, if you have a good aura, you've got a chance.
incelogre reviewed norfman might have to go see in the kinoplex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE3_TspHclc
>>245784 i attract crazy women
>>245786 Is it something you're doing, or just tour complete lack of standards?
He was a good lad in a past life is all.
>schizo's posts on the bc8c9f IP start after it becomes clear his pookraine spam is being ignored >he's (you)ing himself trying to stir up drama
>>245787 It's my aura
>>245790 are u passive on dates and in chats?
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>tfw scorpio with powerful aura
>>245791 I've never been on a date
>>245778 good lad keeping an eye on him
Women lack agency and are fully and without exception entirely guided by these forces: >handsomeness >tallness >charisma >money >healthiness >popularity These are the only dimensions of male attraction, but be aware that there is an extra element which gatekeeps women: >affiliation Style doesn't matter, but can play a mechanical role. A woman may interpret style as meaning the others, except handsomeness (you can't hide handsomeness by rags).
>>245793 I went on a date lad, it was fun. I asked her to meet me in a cemetery, we met there, then we took the underground to a museum, where i refused to pay because the admission price was too high, then she taxid us back to her to flat where she proceeded to try and pressure rape me but I never penetrated her and just heavy petted until she let me go home in the morning. She texted me i love you and i replied, i don't know what to say 40 minutes later.
Women lack agency and are fully and without exception entirely guided by these forces: >handsomeness >tallness >charisma >money >healthiness >popularity These are the only dimensions of male attraction, but be aware that there is an extra element which gatekeeps women: >affiliation Style doesn't matter, but can play a mechanical role. A woman may interpret style as meaning the others, except handsomeness (you can't hide handsomeness by rags). >>245789 My IP changes automatically due to a change by my VPN provider. You don't chan naked, do you anon?
>>245796 chad tier autism tbh
>>245796 that sounds like an interesting date did you not see her again?
>>245758 the two places ive been camping were quite high up with strong winds and it got extremely cold at night
>>245796 chad tier autism tbh
>>245796 that sounds like an interesting date did you not see her again?
>>245796 I believe your story, because I believe all gays.
8chan is broken again.
>>245800 you're all wearing milsurp larper stuff in the pic, surely you got milsurp sleeping bags too? I woke up with my face and the whole bag literally covered in frost once and was fine, they are really good
>>245799 She asked me to come back the next day but I said no, coz there was too much congestion getting to her place and we were in a massive metropolis. I also had other lasses on the go and thought i might enjoy them, they didn't turn up though unfortunately. >>245801 Yes, but i realised i was kinda passive from that date coz basically i just lay down and went along with it.
I might actually venture out to see The Northman in the cinema.
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No it's not Crusius, you mong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOSxvwGJagk
I might actually venture out to see The Northman in the cinema.
>>245800 and how is this relevant, gayboy?
>mentioning crusius out of nowhere >f59509 is schizbot too say it ain't so
>>245809 do the northern brothers speech when the cinema goes dark for the film
toil complete smh literally all of sharticas military songs are just pound shop remixes of british empire tunes https://youtu.be/yag-nKOH4mA
>>245812 KEEEEEK
>>245812 KEEEEEK
>>245812 I think that'd ruin the film.
>>245811 Just trying to goad him tbh.
>>245814 keeek smh to be fair the settlers would be familiar with the old tunes since they were around for at least 80 years before independence
>>245814 keeek smh to be fair the settlers would be familiar with the old tunes since they were around for at least 80 years before independence
>>245805 how did frost get inside your tarp
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pembs looks like THAT?
>>245814 at least they copied something good tbh
>>245827 Just be patient.
>>245832 I like to think it as inherited.
Great Britain will not be engaged in the release of its captured mercenaries. The Gov just sold out all the British that fought or fighting for Ukraine.
Great Britain will not be engaged in the release of its captured mercenaries. The Gov just sold out all the British that fought or fighting for Ukraine.
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>>245830 ngl tbh
>>245838 Memory holed how Liz Truss etc. were encouraging them to go initially, before uturning and threatening prosecution. Probably won't lift a finger to help the captured ones because they hope for a causus belli in the form of a liveleak vid of mong deano ex army lads getting beheaded by chechens, so they can send current army lads to get beheaded by chechens. Honestly think the people in charge just want as many dead whiteoids as fast as possible, in any way. Seems their ultimate goal in everything they do or don't do.
>>245840 based I really hope that you lads and shartica all ditch nato and EUfags and make some kind of anglosphere alliance. so sick of the faggot poles causing world wars
omg lads le musk is actually trvly based and will save us all!! so many layers to psyops these days smh >>245829 it was on an I frame lad, open on both sides ambient temperature was just that low cosy inside the bag though
omg lads le musk is actually trvly based and will save us all!! so many layers to psyops these days smh >>245829 it was on an I frame lad, open on both sides ambient temperature was just that low cosy inside the bag though
>>245848 >shartistan >anglosphere
>>245851 >implying that anglosphere is a world military power without shartica
>literally 300 tanks
>>245847 tbh >>245849 >gold-backed rouble wew
>>245852 It's not a world military power with shartica, and it unironically shouldn't be.
The Ruble has been backed by gold for at least a month now.
whatever ausfags aren't as delusional about reality
>>245838 Good, hope Lindy's buddy got smeared.
>>245789 >>245811 We're not mad, you're just thick
Politics follows religion and morality tbh
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>>245855 Based. Insane grotty transvestites are a shameful part of the pagan past, and any military that tries incorporating them is mandating obsolete strategies, therefore is severely handicapped against modern armies.
>>245666 >>245671 pitbulls need to have their heads smashed open with ball-peen hammers

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