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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3745: Great Fire of London Edition Anonymous 07/20/2022 (Wed) 09:51:08 Id: 2234b1 No. 285145
Nearly 20 houses destroyed by Wennington grass fires as public is warned the 'danger isn't over' https://news.sky.com/story/brutal-40c-day-leaves-uk-reeling-after-surge-of-fires-rips-through-homes-12655350 It really is a travel meltdown! Level crossing MELTED in heat as UK begins third day of travel chaos with NO trains from King's Cross and disruption across UK - amid warning storms will cause more mayhem https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11030925/UK-heatwave-travel-No-trains-London-Kings-Cross-amid-mass-Euston-disruption.html
>>285149 sneed
>>285151 Is that real? They're hiding the fact the ISS has to be scuttled.
>>285152 no idea tbh but i choose to believe it
Well it's said that they intend to keep using the ISS until 2030. Apparently Russia had previously made claims to that effect but NASA silenced them.
>>285151 It may have been a Russian spilling the beans to us because those sort of details have not been made public at all.
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>>285155 tbh there's no way any western organisation would ever release details that make a woman look bad >>285156 #WWG1WGA
dont trust people using card machines tbh they can easily type in the wrong amount of money on purpose and make you pay more
>>285158 always check the amount
Dutton thinks Morality Man is cringe
>>285162 He is. Stupid boomer jew.
>>285163 Is he really Jewish?
>In late 1987, Hitchens learned that he was Jewish. When his younger brother, Peter, introduced his Jewish girlfriend to their maternal grandmother—Dorothy Hickman, née Levin—she took the occasion to announce that this nice young lady was marrying within the faith. Hitchens’ brother (presently a rather staunch Christian) told his brother this.
>>285164 >>285165 In his behaviour and his blood; A jew!
keekin at the rootless cosmopolitans whose homes burned down tbh lads
>>285151 I believe it tbh
>>285168 If even a fraction of it is true, they should've thrown her out into the void.
>>285162 they are both cringe, tbqh
and for my luncheon, i'm havign canned sardines in piri piri sauce mixed with cous cous
>>285173 sounds like foreign muck
i had a dream i had sex with a sexy black qween
>>285175 Kemi?
>>285177 The weather is somewhat back to snormal
a poo in the grass is a weight off the arse
>>285155 >Russian spilling the beans that would explain the strange grammar and spelling too
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Well I guess my ban is finally over
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>>285162 he *is* cringe
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>>285182 Jews hate Bins so he can't be such a bad guy
bins? more like joseph shins!
>Joseph Shins was the governor-general of sneed land known for his shit takes [1] and rampant homosexualtiy Xhexks out.
Getting back into the Golden One. Any of you subhuman twats read his book?
>>285188 isnt he a bender
>>285189 He has a child and a wife.
https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/The_Golden_One >this passive aggressive sharticle <The Golden One has shown open support for Rodrigo Duterte, President of the Philippines,[7] whom he describes as a hero, role model, and textbook definition of a good leader.[2] Specifically, he supports Duterte's decision to encourage the murder of suspected drug dealers.[8] Has it ever occurred to him that some people targeted by Duterte's lynch mobs might be innocent? Yes, it has, but he views it as a necessary sacrifice[9] because everyone knows that stopping consumption of particular combinations of chemicals is more important than due process or innocent people's lives. <The Golden One encourages young men to forcibly prevent their female loved ones from leaving home at night.[10] His rationale is that he's keeping them safe from Middle Eastern immigrants who want to rape them. Apparently, for all his knowledge about "getting joocy" (read: becoming muscular), he has a relatively poor understanding of human rights, namely the 9th right of protection from "arbitrary arrest, imprisonment or exile". One must wonder how "alpha" he would feel if his girlfriend called the police on him. <In 2015, a 12-year-old boy was recorded on video twerking at a gay pride parade.[11] The Golden One criticizes the gay community for not speaking out about this.[12] He then implies that "gay rights", as he calls them, should not be legal unless the gay community can control its members.[13] This is a fallacious argument; a community can be defined as (but is not necessarily) a group of people in a geographical area who have one or more traits in common.[14] Unless a community is a formal organization with rules, it has no responsibility to police its members. <The Golden One is obsessed with pornography[15] and believes that it causes men to become "pacified sheep".[16] His explanation of how this supposedly happens is based on his belief that it "reduces the willpower in your brain on a biological level".[2] A scientific study by Kohut and Stulhofer in 2013 was unable to find a definitive correlation between porn consumption, well-being, depression, anxiety, and self-esteem.[17] <Like any good right-wing nutjob, the Golden One also loves to indulge in conspiracy theories. For example, he claims that the racist indie game "Angry Goy II", which features him as a playable character, is a secret ploy by leftists to make him look bad,[18] or that right-wingers who post hateful comments under his opponents' videos aren't really affiliated with him but instead paid by the Jews.[19]
>>285191 tldr the article against him is inconceivably cringe
Rational Wiki is cringe anyway, bitter skeptics enraged that they get BTFO at every turn because they're in fact not skeptical about most things unless its the target of the government
It's Sunak Vs Truss Penny "Milk Truck just arrived" Mordaunt knocked out
rooo i wanted milk
>>285194 Elizabeth Truss will be our next PM then if the polls of Tory members were correct.
>>285193 surprised that place still exist tbh thought those soyim would have abandoned it at this point
>>285195 You'll just have to get your milk from the witch's tit
Liz Truss will be our first lib dem prime minister keek
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truss unironically looks like she's being corrupted by dark powers
She's Truss enuss
>>285194 Good tbh. It's going to be over soon.
>quit going to /pol/ for a while >not seen a nigger dick in weeks
(500.41 KB 800x1007 Nigger Dick.png)

>>285204 Allow me to fix that
>>285205 A nigger cock? Yeah I'll open that spoiler
>>285208 It's one of my favourite dicks tbh
>>285206 prediction: the ISS will be scuttled once this list finally gets BLACKED https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_commanders_of_the_International_Space_Station due to (((unrelated unforeseen circumstances))), of course
>>285211 >due to racism Indeed, indeed.
>The root problem is casual sex. This makes men see other men as competitors rather than as brothers, and men are not going to fight for their enemies. It also leads to hypergamy in yourh, leading to porn and masturbation among leftover men, and leads to women being unmanageable later in life. Banning porn, fapping etc isn't going to motivate me to take up arms to fight for the men who fucked my future wife, it's just going to convince me that the right is clueless about social dynamics. The men fucking my future wife are the cause of my misery, so I couldn't give a shit if they are reduced to cattle. Only when I can feel confident that the men next to me aren't fucking my future wife will I feel comfortable fighting for the men next to me. Until then I will just work to increase my standing within the current system. Societies were monogamous during hard times for a reason. Hypergamy makes all men in the society mutual enemies of all other men in the society, and these internal conflicts make the society weak on the collective level.
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>>285211 >Continued international collaboration on ISS missions has been thrown into doubt by the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and related sanctions on Russia. Good to know they've lined up a reason to scuttle the ISS.
Samson and Delilah 1949, highest grossing film of 1950. Very good film. Warning against thots. Would recommend.
If anyone sets my house on fire as well, I just want you to know that my insurance is fully paid up. So, thanks. Rishi or Liz? Christ, I just don't know. I suppose the blond looks good when posing bent over a chair. Truss, I suppose.
Horn of Africa girls tbh
>>285215 funny also that list has a featured video of >A typical ISS commander handover ceremony during Expedition 57/58 >(the poo expedition) <designated shitting Soyuz
>>285217 If someone's going to fuck up the country it should be an ethnic Briton.
>285213 Tbh monogamy is part of the problem. Ascetic perfectionism
>>285191 >>285193 >when wikipedia isn't jewish enough
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>>285218 need me a nubian kwang rn
>>285220 Wogs are risky because of the colonisation factor but women are especially demoralising. I'm tempted to support the darkie because of accelerationism and "trying something new",but I don't want to be held liable for any of the downsides, so I'll just hold my nose and appreciate the fact that I made better career choices than the poor bastards that are obligated to pick tbqh
>>285213 what is this quoting?
>>285226 Just a bit of wisdom that drifted past me at half chan https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/387577262#p387582517
>>285218 good lad
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>>285228 >Dorsets willy growing three sizes 3 inches, half way to average
>>285229 hey nothing wrong with 3 inches
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>>285229 mogged
>>285191 >"gay rights", as he calls them Huh, did I miss something? Have they axed and memory holed this term?
>>285233 >implying that faggots didn't always have rights bigot!
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>>285229 Become swole
>measured my cock with a metal ruler >six inches and a bit If it weren't for the curve I'd have a huge 6 1/8 penis
>>285236 ditch the ruler and go with a tape measure?
>>285237 The metal ruler has no ego. It lies not. I trust him with my life. I will not break his trust.
>>285236 omg LITERALLY me!!!!
>>285239 you're also a five seven nigger, we are clones (except I have hair)
>>285240 6'3- Jocko 6'2 6'1- Panzie 6'0 5'11- Bins, 22st 5'10 5'9- Waifu 5'8- Lew, Spig 5'7- Anprim, Pembs 5'6 5'5- Dorset, Sperg
heh heh akshually thats a steel straight rule, a ruler is someone in power like napoleon
>>285240 i'm 5ft 5
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Neo was 5'7 IIRC
>>285191 <The Golden One is obsessed with pornography[15] and believes that it causes men to become "pacified sheep".[16] His explanation of how this supposedly happens is based on his belief that it "reduces the willpower in your brain on a biological level".[2] A scientific study by Kohut and Stulhofer in 2013 was unable to find a definitive correlation between porn consumption, well-being, depression, anxiety, and self-esteem.[17] Funny, I remember seeing a good schizo post recently talking about a study that correlated porn consumption with deleterious effects on the brain, which had coomers seething "SOURCE" and claiming there was no evidence: https://twitter.com/AncestralVril/status/1512845282676981760 but a quick reverse image search easily turned up the source: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/1874574
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>>285241 Mancs - 6'1. I will fight Panzie for dominant male status of /brit/. I will kill jocko for fun regardless. Then Ginnie and Dafty will be mine. I don't want Dorshit's uggo slag. But I will still kill him, and nail his severed hands to his bedroom door, with a note to his mummy that he's finally stopped wanking. Okay, thank you.
>>285246 As an affirmed wank addict I can admit to the fact that I'm weaker when wanking than when not. I don't even get a good sleep.
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>>285241 oooh sperg is petite!
>>285250 He should have eaten more apples and oats.
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>>285238 women don't really care about dick size that much tbh they are also rubbish at estimating lengths
>>285251 >He should have eaten more apples and oats. sperg is a girl
>>285205 keeeeeeeeeeek
just saw gignerlass
>>285256 Did you speak to her you little bitch?
>>285241 >5'11- Bins, 22st
>>285257 from my windw
>>285253 one thing about dick size is that it's basically about pleasing women, which is a pretty gay way to judge a man by. God I hate le gyno centric societyrino
>>285258 it was destiny
>>285255 >actually unspoilering a pic of a black dick
>>285260 women dont care about how big a dick is they are actual morons
>>285262 w0t of 1t
>>285260 >one thing about dick size is that it's basically about pleasing women women can get off with just a finger though, and the most sensitive part of the vagina - the clitoris - is on the outside so dick size isn't even all about pleasing women, it's about trying to impress them - but it's not something they are actually impressed by that much
>>285267 counter argument is that women select for dick size, because they prefer bigger dicks, which is why humans have the biggest dicks of all the primates
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>>285269 yeah that makes sense but we really shouldn't want women to be doing that
>>285270 keeeeeeeek
>>285271 >yeah that makes sense but we really shouldn't want women to be doing that tbh, but I'm not even sure it's true
>>285273 could also be that it isn't about using the cock but just that it symbolises other things, like in the peacock it is actually a detriment to have such a huge tail when it comes to escaping predators, so being alive and having that shows that you are fit
https://youtu.be/IfNLbeX5cnQ fresh cringe from wall roastie coping about how kino it is to live in a car instead of being a mom and just neeting and having kids
>>285274 or I think the argument is that they are so fit that they have excess energy which they can invest elsewhere without it being a big detriment to them
>>285275 Does she do it to save money or what? Because driving isn't exactly free
>>285275 i would like to fuck her in the middle of nowhere
>>285274 > peacock it is actually a detriment to have such a huge tail when it comes to escaping predators is your dick so big that it stops you running away from predators lad???
yeah I too want to breed in the forest
>>285280 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek no it's me b
>>285279 >i would like to fuck her in the middle of nowhere you're supposed to fuck them in the pussy lad, not the middle of nowhere that's just like having **yet another* wank
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>white wombyn with a dog alone you just know
>>285279 tbh imagine pulling up on her sleeping in her cuckmobile in the middle of huron national forest where there is no cell connection
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>>285282 oh hai b
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>womanhating >mummyblaming >being a rotten little incel
>she actually goes for a walk in her pjs i hate women
>>285288 I agree with you are you a girl?
tfw your wife of 10 years gives you the option to open the relationship since she doesn't feel fulfilled, or let the dog fuck her
>>285288 YEAH AND WHAT
>being birthed through the tube a dog cock has been in
>>285288 >horse women They be insane, lad.
>>285292 lad I think that might be a girl
>>285295 Women don't come here.
>>285294 >horse women are insane all women are insane
>>285296 >Women don't come here. no they do, sometimes, they really do
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yeah it's me ur future gf I like sausages and hate catholics
>>285300 she looks healthy and breedable
>>285299 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek good lad in the bin, men like him built the anglosphere so they could get away from rulecucks
>>285300 looks like she takes packs of sausages
>>285302 tbh feel a bit bad for him seems like the guy filming is some sort of muslim/paki just disturbing a humble bin goblin's peace
not long before i become a completely isolated mountain man.. not long..
>>285300 At least she knows where it's coming from
>>285304 tbh just some foreigner cunt trying to basically make working class brits seem quant like how coastoids and shitskins do with rednecks in midwest/south
>>285299 Hop in lad, the waters laverly yeah thas right take your trunks off its androphilic
>>285308 that does look comfy af in this heat, ngl
>>285299 an English man's bin is his castle
>>285299 oh shit he falls out at the end like a spaz thought we were winning there for a while...
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who would win
>>285312 this is anti white jewish propaganda lad smh
>100% chance of a new commemorative cartoon
crushed up ginger biscuits mixed with milk and a spoon of sugar for supper
>>285316 ginger..
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>michelle donelan will never dominate you
>>285316 crushed up ginger biscuits are very nice with Angel Delight
she did look good in the booty dress
>>285323 Hitchens does have a tendency to just say the same things over and over again. He's not wrong though. Hadn't thought of it but the media will probably be increasingly inundated with calls for a snap election over the next couple of years
>>285323 Christ, those women are dim.
>>285320 >big juicy booty Still makes me keeek. What were foids thinking?
>>285323 WOMEN
>>285324 cant believe shartica still uses vehicles that look like this, wtf its so boxy
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peter hitchens
>>285330 This woman is so unattractive. The heavy makeup. The nosering. The weird, flat eyebrows. The unnaturally red hair. The dumb expression with her tongue out.
>>285332 shes some young onlyfans slag
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nigel farage
>>285334 he should go back to radio, much more comfy than GB news shite.
>>285320 I thought it was the other one that got fhandcuffed? The somali one?
>>285335 >he should go back to radio, much more comfy than GB news shite. LBC booted him off, and when he joined GB News Andrew Niel left
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>flame grilled garlic pork chops, with home grown french beans and baby sweetcorn steamed and served in butter, alongside a brie, tomato and basil mixed leaf salad, then for dessert, raspberries and cream, followed by loose leaf tea and dark chocolate
fat bastard always soaks everything in butter, you sicken me, and you aren't fooling anybody with the "but its dark choccy" meme
>>285339 Better fat than underweight, hermaphrodite-Anon.
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>>285339 yeah but I also did 150 pressups, 30 pullups, deadlifts, squats, and shoulderpress before hand
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>>285342 sup special d? want to watch some tv?
Hang bins
>>285344 well that's not very nice
>>285318 I like her phenotype
>>285337 LBC has been pushing the troomer agenda hard lately. Did Andrew Niel leave because he couldn't handle being only the second biggest cuckservative in GBNews?
>>285346 same tbh
>>285277 hulo lad
>>285320 >that caricature of her face Keeeek. Cue thas raycis latina screetching.
Choccy ice lolly for supper https://youtu.be/Prv3wl3X9O4
>>285347 >LBC has been pushing the troomer agenda hard lately. Did Andrew Niel leave because he couldn't handle being only the second biggest cuckservative in GBNews? Farage was the only good thing on LBC, once he was gone their leftward drift was inevitable Andrew Niel left GB News, I think because he wanted to go crawling back to the BBC. After he left he wrote shit about them how they were too right wing and the british version of fox news, especially since they took on Farage after he left. They seem to be doing better without Andrew Niel though, gaining popularity and influence, taking on Mark Steyn (anti-Islam australian). That anti-lockdown scottish guy Neil Oliver has become a rising star too.
>Consistently spelling andrew neils name wrong
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>>285353 tbh bit worrying. What kind of a name is Niel?
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>>285355 probably taig right?
>>285356 probably
>people calling for bins to be hanged for working out like a man should whilst fatretardtoxinposter goes scot free despicable tbh
I miss bowboomer
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I'm in favour of hanging bins
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>>285353 haha I did it as a test well done you passed
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>>285362 >I'm in favour of hanging bins I'm already hung
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trying to remmeber what i said to that gingerlass on saturday night
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You Get What You Give tbh
>>285364 >>285366 i think they just hate us because they have small willies lad nothing to be done smh
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i love her lads
bins fuck off to the bongo, you post the same inane shite everyday and you are a boring faggot
>>285359 I wish the UK was Scot free
>>285371 so does dorset >>285372 (you)
>>285369 acts like an immature narcissistic teenager. no thank you
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>You say something incel?
>>285371 big talk from a lowly (1)
>>285377 cor nice bum on the right
>>285376 lad hat pic is 7 years old and I think it's even been filtered as well smh why are there no up to date pics of her?
>(1) love seeing him post the same shite every day because hes seething that he doesn't control this place like he does his bongo
>>285380 its a german model photoshopped to look irish
>7 years even older than that
i think anyway, either 2014 or 15 i guess
Liverpool City Council just voted to remove the position of elected mayor and return to a cabinet model after the two Labour Mayors (both called Jo Anderson) lead the city to bankruptcy.
>>285382 >its a german model photoshopped to look irish that pic was circling years ago as a photo of saksaret, one of the girls that hung around MW's skype communities
(751.43 KB 640x480 phonethotblownthefuckout.webm)

stop simping
>>285385 > two Labour Mayors (both called Jo Anderson) lead the city to bankruptcy. the whole country is basicaly bankrupt at this point wish we could vote to get rid of politicians
(437.06 KB 200x210 pepeswing.gif)

>>285386 yes, she photoshopped it and pretended it was her i remember talking with her a fair bit >>285387 she was a good youtube irish trad lass and i will not have you insult her
>>285389 tbh, we need a real opposition but nationalist leaders can't even fill the forms in properly to register their party and prioritise cringe shit like faggot live streams.
>>285387 he punches so badly holy shit
>>285387 jesus fucking christ what's the backstory to that clip?
>>285393 nigga needed to get some pussy
>>285390 >yes, she photoshopped it and pretended it was her >i remember talking with her a fair bit she was a funny one smh
Good thing it doesn't really matter so one's attention should be turned elsewhere during the wait. Bad thing is pundits and media mongs will probably not leave it alone.
>>285395 yeah :(
>>285394 >nigga needed to get some pussy don't we all, but I wouldn't go that far jesus christ
(106.16 KB 1200x627 mummy gretchen really.jpg)

>beating and raping women >downloading videos of women being beaten and raped
>>285398 well, not on camera at least..
>>285392 What do you expect from a faggot who hits women?
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>>285401 >faggot he got pussy, lad
(29.16 KB 638x561 teehee.png)

>>285400 >well, not on camera at least..
>>285399 God she looks like such a senile cunt
the way he fucking drags her by the hair at the end like a caveman
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>>285399 >>beating and raping women >downloading videos of women being beaten and raped implying most women don't secretly fantasize about this kind of thing
>>285405 cant wait until the shitagain debates its going to be so cringe
second orange lolly of the night
nothing wrong with a bit of maledom IMO women need to be put in their place. she probably healed up fine and now she can spend the rest of her life being a rape victim and getting to harvest all that victimhood loosh from npcs
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>>285403 He should be lynched.
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>>285409 stop eating shit food lad
>>285410 Bitter little incel.
Tiresome little faggots the lot of you.
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>>285410 > women need to be put in their place they actually *crave* being put in their place it's the polar opposite of everything we're told about them, and that they say about themselves
forget it jake it's inceltown
>>285419 so thats what i should do with sperg next time i meet her?
filtered bins you annoying prick
(90.87 KB 645x737 polchadangry.png)

>>285416 >Tiresome little faggots the lot of you. how dare you say this about my good friend Dorshie
>>285421 just do exactly like the incel in the video he got pussy
>>285424 keeek she did want me to punch her while fucking
>>285416 >>285421 >so thats what i should do with sperg next time i meet her? basically yeah, but you have to do it with tact and skill
*imagines raping the roastie living in her prius after voring her dog in front of her and doing a buck chug with the doggos corpse right before raping her and 9aec5d can't do anything in they/thems power to stop me*
>>285425 >keeek she did want me to punch her while fucking
entering week 6 nofap, I feel basically nothing, avoiding all female stimuli
>>285424 >just do exactly like the incel in the video he got pussy well I guess he's not an incel anymore!
>>285422 oh no bye then
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>>285419 >>285410 Yeah, groomee literally has rape fantasies. god I hate them. They're supposed to be pure breedhog mummies, yet they're so nasty *does all the nasty things to her against my will*
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*chokes her beats her and makes her lick my arsehole* "thank you daddy" >spit on her in disgust >she likes it more
can we not
>>285419 >those forehead and neck wrinkles Definitely post-wall
le heckin zoomer eat da poo poo mene
incredibly comfy moderately fresh little bowlad vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A80XczpF1wg
>>285434 remember that episode of king of the hill where this guy goes tranny and pretends he is much happier that way but his frens intervene and point out it's all a massive cope to compensate for his divorce and he has a breakdown, but is better for it afterwards
>>285439 do people bow hunt in UK, its extremely popular in shitagain for some reason
we need the nuclear holocaust
Sussy thread tonight
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Smh oldcel caught by the buttmatrix wardens
>>285439 wow is that the fallout OST
(56.63 KB 640x340 I GOT YOU LAUGHIN.jpg)

>>285447 lmfao
also isn't that literally legal.. so... um why apologise or deny it?
>>285442 Honestly don't know, sadly on my island there's no deer or big big fauna, so I don't know anything about hunting really. My uncle over in England used to hunt deer regularly at his home but with a rifle never a bow
>>285452 cant imagine hunting with a bow is legal here tbh some guy at the pub hunts deer with a rifle
>>285250 5'5 is the average british female height >>285338 >still eating fruit for dessert you don't need dessert, lad, wean yourself off of it. we are not girls with a sweet tooth, meat is enough of an indulgence >>285341 what weights are you at? me: squat: 195-200 bench: 135-140 row: supposed to do pendlay rows for more weight but I do standing rows for like 105 or something overhead press: 90 deadlfit: 250 >>285435 the anus licking thing is so fucking gross. I could never kiss a girl that did that >>285447 >the woman taking the video makes sure that the thot's bum is in the shot several times
>>285447 god I hate women
why didnt he just go up to them and say LADIES YOU ARE LOOKING GOOD TONIGHT
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looking at the batty in real time is legal, taking a picture to look at the batty later is illegal
>>285459 why do women think its okay to have this posture?
>>285241 jocko isn't actuall 6'3 btw he's 5'11 >>285247 keek goodlad i'm up for it tbh
>>285453 usually archery is less restrictive than rifle because it's more difficult. here the deer reason for archery runs from October through January, 4 months, but muzzleloader is only 22 days >>285460 pretty sure it's legal to take pictures of people in public places without their consent >>285462 hmmmm
>>285447 makes me laff how they all call him sick as if they dont look at womens arses or wank to them
>>285461 because they are under zero scrutiny from society lad women are allowed to do whatever they want
sick of the lack of male solidarity and also how beta get when women talk shit to then smh kind of wish I was a naughty boy so I could get in these situations and get posted on /brit/
>>285464 it's just conformist virtue signalling
>>285447 Shamefur dispray Tbh coomers and foids deserve each other, problem is they are taking the rest of us down with them. What a pitiful bunch of mongs, barely literate no doubt
>when creepin videos is your kind but then everyone starts kinkshaming you smh
>>285459 Ayy lmao
as if we wouldn't run a train on her
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>>285473 phwoar
>>285473 her bum looked at me first officer
>>285473 mm you made her preggy
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schnight lahs
>>285476 >mm post-preg is better, still big swollen milky boobs but without having a literal baby inside her. that would make sex really weird
>>285477 nini lad, sleep well
hi spig
>conformist virtue signalling the irony of this
>>285480 hello >>285481 where is the irony?
>>285465 just fixing that posture would turn her from a hard 5 out of 10 to like a 6-7
/brit/cels can only dream of a goddess like that
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>>285447 kek the lass he filmed is fucking vile
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love dumpy slags me
>be like deano who stood guard at a slags bum even after spoons had closed because noone was there to relieve him
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for me its milfs
>>285490 good lad
smh state of this country
>>285489 She is really buxom
>>285494 the camera used to take that picture is the only thing that is not in the stone age/copper age
Noticing the media keep talking about womens football without prefacing it with the fact that its womens football, they keep talking about "the euros" then you click the article and its womens football, such an obvious psyop.
>>285495 you'd have to be a mong to have gollywog stickers on your van tbh.
>>285499 t. state agent
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>>285497 she's literally spreading shit on the floor
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trans is mental illness
>>285494 how much would you take to get a handjob from that lads >>285499 why? the whole point is to provoke a reaction to show how ridiculous the times we live in are
>>285447 >Deano calls you a fuckin sicko and threatens to batter you for taking a picture of a fertile young woman's bum as she is already half naked in public >meanwhile Deano's daughter is getting gang raped by pakis in a taxi outside a police station Abolutely seething at the absurdity of it tbh.
>>285504 lad she would have to pay me in gold, like all you niggers go round up all the gold in the village just to see my white cock. worthless nigger
>>285504 I wouldn't want my van to be vandalised over something dumb. I'd only put up something that could make me appear the victim if that happened like "PAKIS RAPE 1,000,000 KIDS IN BIRKENHEAD GROOMING GANG PAKI RAPEFEST"
>>285506 tbh id just take the gold and leave and watch their shitty arrows fired from shitty bows bounce harmlessly off the back of my jeep
>>285505 wow those rocks and trees are so amazing, excuse me she/her I just wanted to let you know that as a hiking body, I am not looking at you/your butt (sent from my iphone)
>>285509 >as a hiking body, I am not looking at you/your butt
>>285508 good lad I would make them sign a treaty giving me all their land and all of them had to move to the next shitskin tribal mud hut area in exchange for some fucking beads lmao
https://www.espn.com/soccer/england-engw/story/4703557/does-englands-euro-2022-squad-have-a-diversity-issue-how-fa-aims-to-reconnect-with-grassroots >Does England's womens Euro 2022 squad have a diversity issue? womens football is just annoying bossy uppity western women who want all the trappings of the mens football wealth and status etc while being shit
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>>285515 good lad
>>285512 >the wording on that compared to the white genocide one
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>>285517 the fact that this concept is taken seriously at all astounds me much like jogger males actually being the leading cause of death amongst niggers, the number one thing killing trannies is trannies i suggest we destroy trannies to protect trannies
>>285512 >>285517 The way it's worded makes it sound like homos and trannies kept deliberately pushing boundaries and inciting hatred against themselves and going through court cases in nazi germany they could've avoided. Lmao.
I see steiner is at the top of his incel bi-polar cycle
>>285501 Herbivore faeces isn't so grotty as ours, lad. Its halfway to being pure mud. Think about how much fibre is in grass
>>285151 >>285206 the boyfriend stuff has been referenced in news, so there's that >In late November, Russia's space agency Roscosmos sent results of its investigation into the incident to law enforcement agencies in the country. There had been reports in the Russian media since earlier this year that Auñón-Chancellor had drilled the hole after being upset over a failed romantic relationship with a fellow crew-member. However, Roscosmos had not publicly pointed to Auñón-Chancellor as being the perpetrator. >Russia's official news agency TASS also had referred to Auñón-Chancellor's involvement, citing her “desire to return to Earth because of a blood clot or a fight with her boyfriend”. TASS had reported experts had concluded the hole could only have been drilled from the inside of the Soyuz spacecraft and “had been drilled in weightlessness by a person not acquainted with the spaceship’s design”. >In August, NASA took note of the allegations against Auñón-Chancellor circulating in the Russian media. NASA's head of human spaceflight Kathy Lueders told reporters the agency stood behind her and her professional conduct and “did not find this accusation credible”. https://www.theweek.in/news/world/2021/12/07/how-alleged-lovers-tiff-hole-on-spacecraft-triggered-us-russia-spat.html
>>285522 lad, I live in th countryside and I know how cowshit smells
>>285522 oh thats fine then I guess you can go ahead and have some for brekky xx
>>285522 yeah, nah. Cowshit reeks
>>285147 >>285149 >>285150 >>285151 >>285152 >>285153 >>285154 >>285155 >>285156 >>285157 >>285158 >>285159 >>285161 >>285163 >>285166 >>285167 >>285168 >>285169 >>285170 >>285171 >>285172 >>285173 >>285174 >>285175 >>285177 >>285178 >>285179 >>285180 >>285181 >>285182 >>285183 >>285184 >>285185 >>285186 >>285187 >>285188 >>285189 >>285190 >>285191 >>285192 >>285193 >>285195 >>285196 >>285197 >>285198 >>285199 >>285201
[Expand Post]>>285202 >>285203 >>285204 >>285205 >>285206 >>285207 >>285208 >>285209 >>285210 >>285211 >>285212 >>285213 >>285214 >>285215 >>285216 >>285217 >>285218 >>285219 >>285220 >>285221 >>285222 >>285222 >>285223 >>285224 >>285225 >>285226 >>285227 >>285227 >>285228 >>285229 >>285230 >>285231 >>285232 >>285233 >>285234 >>285235 >>285236 >>285237 >>285238 >>285239 >>285240 >>285241 >>285242 >>285243 >>285244 >>285245 >>285246 >>285247 >>285248 >>285249 >>285250 >>285251 >>285252 >>285253 >>285254 >>285255 >>285256 >>285257 >>285258 >>285259 >>285260 >>285261 >>285262 >>285263 >>285264 >>285265 >>285266 >>285267 >>285268 >>285269 >>285270 >>285271 >>285272 >>285273 >>285274 >>285275 >>285276 >>285277 >>285278 >>285279 >>285280 >>285281 >>285282 >>285283 >>285284 >>285285 >>285286 >>285287 >>285288 >>285289 >>285290 >>285291 >>285292 >>285293 >>285294 >>285295 >>285296 >>285297 >>285298 >>285299 >>285300 >>285301 >>285302 >>285303 >>285304 >>285305 >>285305 >>285306 >>285307 >>285308 >>285309 >>285310 >>285311 >>285312 >>285313 >>285314 >>285315 >>285316 >>285317 >>285318 >>285319 >>285320 >>285321 >>285322 >>285323 >>285324 >>285325 >>285326 >>285327 >>285328 >>285329 >>285330 >>285331 >>285331 >>285332 >>285333 >>285334 >>285335 >>285336 >>285337 >>285338 >>285339 >>285340 >>285341 >>285342 >>285343 >>285344 >>285345 >>285346 >>285347 >>285348 >>285349 >>285350 >>285351 >>285353 >>285354 >>285355 >>285356 >>285357 >>285358 >>285359 >>285360 >>285361 >>285362 >>285363 >>285364 >>285365 >>285366 >>285367 >>285368 >>285369 >>285370 >>285371 >>285372 >>285373 >>285374 >>285375 >>285376 >>285377 >>285378 >>285379 >>285380 >>285381 >>285382 >>285383 >>285384 >>285386 >>285387 >>285388 >>285389 >>285390 >>285391 >>285392 >>285393 >>285394 >>285395 >>285397 >>285398 >>285399 >>285400 >>285401 >>285402 >>285403 >>285403 >>285404 >>285405 >>285406 >>285407 >>285408 >>285409 >>285410 >>285411 >>285412 >>285413 >>285414 >>285415 >>285416 >>285417 >>285418 >>285419 >>285420 >>285421 >>285422 >>285423 >>285424 >>285425 >>285426 >>285427 >>285428 >>285429 >>285430 >>285431 >>285432 >>285433 >>285434 >>285435 >>285436 >>285437 >>285438 >>285439 >>285440 >>285441 >>285442 >>285443 >>285444 >>285445 >>285446 >>285447 >>285448 >>285449 >>285450 >>285451 >>285452 >>285453 >>285453 >>285454 >>285455 >>285456 >>285457 >>285458 >>285459 >>285460 >>285461 >>285462 >>285463 >>285464 >>285465 >>285466 >>285467 >>285468 >>285469 >>285470 >>285471 >>285473 >>285473 >>285474 >>285475 >>285476 >>285477 >>285478 >>285479 >>285480 >>285481 >>285482 >>285483 >>285484 >>285485 >>285486 >>285487 >>285488 >>285489 >>285490 >>285491 >>285492 >>285493 >>285494 >>285495 >>285496 >>285497 >>285498 >>285499 >>285500 >>285501 >>285502 >>285504 >>285505 >>285506 >>285508 >>285509 >>285510 >>285511 >>285511 >>285512 >>285513 >>285514 >>285515 >>285516 >>285517 >>285518 >>285519 >>285520 >>285521 >>285522 >>285523 >>285523 >>285524 >>285525 >>285526 NOT POLITICS
>285527 good
lads, I agree with >285527, we should delete the 375 posts he listed. It's not cricketing posting this non-political stuff on /brit/pol
cunt thinks hes funny
>>285527 this post is also not politics
(2.79 MB 498x280 tenor (4).gif)

>record number of (you)s at once
>came >suddenly care for women or breeding anymore and just want to play games smh
(603.65 KB 1920x1280 basksinyous.jpg)

>>285532 The 6 (You)'s are nice but I've had more.
>>285533 Maybe you need some yog, lad, defined as the cessation of fluctuations of the mind.
>>285535 Keeek le sissy lad
this board would be fucking boring if people actually talked about politics tbh
>>285537 Women were banned from practising it for centuries. More than just poses and twists, it includes esoterica like snorting water from your mouth through your nose. And everyone already knows the importance of meditation.
>ashwini mudra - rhythmic contraction of the anal sphincter Maybe it does have a gay element here and there though
shut up
OK coomer
how do you think shit is expelled you disgusting scatologist.
When the degens are back in the closet, then they'll cease being ridiculous. Not before
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>>285527 >all these free (You)s thanks lad!
there is a chance I can impregnate a finnish girl.... things usually work out for me so I guess I should just do that and hope for the best right
>>285459 Pretty bad case of forward head posture and mild anterior pelvic tilt. She also has no tits.
>>285547 >things usually work out for me
>>285547 she's on a pill
>>285548 I don't even know what "lets go brandon" means or why people say it
>>285552 >"The Associated Press, which had a reporter on board the flight, first reported that a pilot of a Friday flight from Houston to Albuquerque ended his typical greeting to passengers with the phrase "Let's go Brandon," which has become right-wing code for 'F**k Joe Biden.' The AP report said passengers responded with audible gasps."
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>>285552 Probably for the best. Personally I learnt it as a case study in anthropology.
>wasted quads
>>285553 So "Lets Go Brandon" means "Fuck Joe Biden"? Why don't they just say "Fuck Joe Biden"?
(12.37 MB 1280x720 tNLH4__6X81wVoRX.mp4)

Monbiot shilling for destroying livestock agriculture once more.
>285556 Don't be superstitious lad
>>285558 ironic this cunt probably also pushes for a vegan lifestyle to save animals lives it's all just about hurting farmers
>>285555 how the science of anthropology has fallen.
>>285560 Yeah, and making people so weak and retarded they cannot resist.
>>285557 There was a car race, and the engines were so loud that the announcers couldn't hear the exact words the crowd was chanting. But a foid announcer thought the chant f** joe biden was actually let's go Brandon, as Brandon was the name of a driver.
>>285561 Tbh it could arguably be better entitled Folklore, but in that course the professor was teaching postmodernism so there's a negative connotation
>>285563 Oh I see, thanks for explaining it lad
>>285558 can't tell if this cunt is just a complete and utter mong or is being paid to say those lies
>>285564 >Regulating social media to avoid “incendiary” misinformation from spreading could also help
>>285568 he's a Guardian columnist and a massive promoter of Climate Change and Extinction Rebellion, he really believes this stuff I hate him, he's an evil cunt
>>285565 sounds like he doesn't believe in science.
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It goes without saying, tbut he number one priority for the British government is diminishing the economic woes of the Sri Lankan people and ensuring the territorial integrity of Ukraine
>>285572 i like how this guy is literally not even proposing a solution to any problem these cunts are useless ffs
one of these two twats will be leader of the Anglo race soon lads how the fuck did it come to this?
mummy penny can still win
>>285575 no she's out the race as of about 6 hours ago lad it's one of these two
>>285574 >how the fuck did it come to this? dig up your grandfather and ask him
>>285577 we defeated the wrong enemy
>>285574 *grabs him by his ears and screams in his face*
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Dysphoria time
>>285571 It was seriously loopy. I tried to explain the recommendations I had found in this video since it covers museums, as does the academic study of folklore. She shot down my discussion of the topic really quickly, even though she had had the desks gathered round in a circle for the sake of easier sharing or something, even though it was only her talking unless someone was sharing their individual assignment. She took the side of the little weird signs, it will make sense if you watch it. She said that such things were better discussed in the business class on tourism. https://youtu.be/Jf-PKi2NAA8 Another professor was teaching postmodernism and during a lecture where he explained Foucault s point of view he also said that Paul had some "baggage" in the Bible where he mentioned that it was written that man is the head of every woman. So after the lecture since I tended to get there late and forced to sit in front, I said something about choosing S Paul over Foucault, to which he said "why not both?" to which I said how can I after hearing the lecture. Not that it, the lecture, was mostly about that, but he (it, really) was a wog and I despise em.
ADL got hacked lmfao, owned.
>>285583 oh nice, anything good leaked from it?
I was just thinking about how Iranian agents have been arrested a number of times in the US some suspected of preparing assassinations. Why dont those guys assassinate AIPAC or ADL types? Makes way more sense since those are the people who are actually responsible for America hating Iran. >>285584 just names linked to emails, addresses, phone numbers, internal account names. stuff you'd need to actually hack them for good stuff. basically it's just a doxx list of all their members and employees.
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>>285576 know she's complete and utter shite but i still cannot deal with the though of some gift card redeeming pajeet ruling the country. too blackpilling, we've had foids before i can just about deal with that
>>285586 I know what you mean
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>>285585 that information will be needed in the future
It's just a CSV with a bunch of names, phone numbers, and email addresses.
a couple hours ago: TESLA, one of the world's richest companies, has bitcoin and hasn't sold any yet. so, why would you consider selling yours? now: TESLA sold 75% of their bitcoin and that hasn't collapsed the market. that means this is the bottom! it's nuts how someone could follow these people on twitter
>>285590 Is there even any evidence that Tesla have sold any of their shitcoin?
>>285591 they disclosed this to investors for the quarterly financial report
>>285593 i did this
>>285589 also their home addresses
>>285595 The one that I got didn't have that level of detail.
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>>285593 This isn't normal farm equipment.
>>285582 ha academia
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>>285182 are you really 50 lad?
>>285600 horrible tbh
>>285599 my fucking ears
I have consumed my apple and oats. I have lifted my weights (didn't do dealifts because there is one deadlift station and cunts kept squatting in it despite squat racks being everywhere). Also, some weird nigger lad keeps hovering around me in the gym. Think he either hates me or fancies me.
for me it's sardines and raw eggs. no reason to eat anything else unironically. except raw milk if you can get your hands on it
Idea: Posters with dead hippies being cannibalised, encaptioned "EAT YOUR GREENS!"
(5.38 MB 720x764 nig joker.mp4)

>>285611 Nigger Dorset
zoomers aren't sending their best
was about to go to bed, but i realize i have to eat a steak that i took out a few days ago before it goes bad won't have time tomorrow
>>285617 I too am having steak for lunch. How do you prepare your steak? >mummy moaning that I buy sirloin steaks with my own money that I fucking earned Yeah fuck off cunt
Although today I'm not consuming sirloin
>>285618 i leave it in the fridge for a few days because the butcher freezes his meat too early, then i put salt on it and sear/flip it so it's rare in the middle. might have left it too long this time. we'll see
>>285620 The same as me, based. You should nail bomb a post office. Tempted to buy a leg of lamb and eat it like a medieval king whilst staring down niggers tbh
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Greatly enjoying the sneep snorp creature
There is zero evidence that Jimmy Saville did anything wrong.
17.5 tonnes of human ashes have been found in Northern Poland, near the Nazi concentration camp of Soldau. It is thought that the victims' remains were dug up and burnt in a Nazi operation to hide evidence of their killings. https://www.britishpathe.com/workspaces/page/holocaust-memorial-day https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-15/polish-mass-wwii-grave-from-concentration-camp/101240586 No evidence they were killed. >An estimated 30,000 people, mostly Polish political prisoners, soldiers, resistance fighters and Jews were inmates at the camp and many of them were killed or died in the Nazis' plan of extermination. Simply stating they were killed is not evidence they were killed. If the camp was active as a place where they refitted tanks etc then why would the Nazis exterminate a third of the camp's inmates? What do they get out of it? Where is THE EVIDENCE!?
>>285622 shieeeeet that BBK getting those nigga lips and booty >walking Westie >>285624 *starts believing the holocaust*
>>285624 >>285625 wtf now I support the ethnic replacement of white people in their own countries
the ashes of 7700 people damn that's almost 6 million
what part of me responding to questions with short grunts makes you think I want to talk right now? jesus christ fuck off
(5.98 MB 540x360 Brutal Nazi Propaganda.webm)

>>285624 wow so the germans were so kind as to cremate corpses to prevent the spread of typhus in the camps...
very fruitful yellow sticker hunt tbh got a kilo of beef mince two pork medallions a small ham a chicken roast and some camembert all half price picked up some old speckled hen to reward myself and it's very nice >>285622 tbh >>285628 >start walking away >he follows you
>>285629 only the sick mind of a nazi could create something as twisted as this smh

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this sounds so good I can't stop listening to it for like the past 2 weeks it's Armagedon by Carnivore but with German lyrics shitcord not working for anybody else?
>>285629 Kek that's great
>Look the cat is dancing alone, >dancing and dancing on her leg. >Look the cat is dancing alone, >dancing and dancing on her leg. >The hedgehog came to the cat (asking), >"May I have this dance?" >"With the hedgehog I will not dance, Much too prickly he is!" >And the cat is dancing alone, >dancing and dancing alone on her leg... >A hare came to the cat (asking), >"May I have this dance?" >"With the hare I will not dance, >Much to fidgety he is!" >And the cat is dancing alone... >A hamster came to the cat (asking), >"May I have this dance?" >"With the hamster I will not dance, >Much to chubby he is!" >And the cat is dancing alone... >A (watch)dog came to the cat (asking), >"May I have this dance?" >"With the (watch)dog I will not dance, >Much too terrible his bark is!" And the cat is dancing alone... >The (male) cat came to the cat >kindly licked her paws >caressed and kissed her gently, >and so she was dancing (with him) >And now they are dancing together >over hill and dale, >Every mouse in the mouse hole hailed, >"How fortunate, they are still dancing!" smh it does sound kind of nazi ngl, what does it have against all those other animals?
>telling the hamster vermin to get in the concentration camp smh
>>285632 decent choon that
>>285632 that sucks
>>285636 and this is an original track that came with it >>285637 bad taste
*dances alone*
New persona just dropped, I'm the tanzen katzen lad
Nyaaaack my sensitive katzen ears
I feel sorry for Aggnonce and bbk, it must be like living in Glasgow, only worse.
>>285645 imagine turning politics into your entire identity like that
>>285645 *tips*
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>>285646 I increasingly feel like that though
>>285649 tbh keeeek
:Live love something
okay so I can't find one pronatalist or breeder shirt but I find endless of these. FUCK OFF
>>285652 people that buy these need to be turned into fertiliser.
A poo in the grass is a weight off the arse.
>>285609 goodlad don't really eat sardines myself, I ought to try some >>285653 time to start making our own then lad
all home alone now for a few days opened a bottle of Baron D'Arignac red vino, time to enjoy the memories of Gianicolo Hill
>>285658 TIME TO COOM
posting pornography should be a permanent bannable offence
>>285658 luv that memory
>>285663 >conservative leadersh
so uh.. wtf do i do
i like the new bm lad
>>285665 monopolise the kitchen
>>285663 KEEEEK
>>285659 mmm microplastics
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>third woman PM or first brown PM
>>285659 is that saksak?
>>285652 the left will destroy itself this way, since political outlook is influenced by genetic disposition
>>285672 *poos into your mouth*
>>285665 Clean the house and make it your goal to get violet over
>>285645 It's not that bad, there are huge tensions in Liverpool beneath the surface. With the massive corruption scandals of the Labour Party and the barely disguised racial tensions the future doesn't look too bleak for Liverpool. We do have a huge class of mongs who keep voting Labour no matter what though
>>285665 invite us all round for a party
>>285675 Don't see it happening, millenial and gen z were psyoped into the "labour city" meme.
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>>285678 >"labour city" meme Liverpool is where Joe Owens wanted to build his citadel of nationalism whatever happened to that idea?
>>285679 could never happen, too many pakis you have to start from somewhere 'safe' and gradually work your way outwards
will probably bring a milf back ;^)
>>285275 How's she coping now peanut butter prices have gone up so much?
lifted so much shit at voluntoil all the wine aunts and grannies mirin shame I was told one of my new untermensch symptoms is basically a wasting disease and I will not be able to build muscle
>>285684 smh sorry to hear that lad
also had to take the bus with an ugly old tranny driver again only a matter of time before he snaps and kills everyone on board by crashing down a steep hill into a forest there was also a chain smoking negress even more dysgenic than me, somehow an africoid with a receding jaw which is impressive >>285685 *harvests sympathy loosh but no matter how hard I cope I will not go above the first rung of the progressive stack smh being a huwhite male is too powerful
>>285684 What do you even have wrong with you?
>>285688 genetic defect, failing kidneys and associated complications
manga recommendation Nihonkoku Shoukan >In the Great Orient, lies the continent called Rodenius. One day, an unidentified flying object arrived at Qua-Toyne Principality’s airspace. The unidentified flying object defied the Principality’s common sense. But that unidentified flying object was just a harbinger of something even more shocking. Far to the eastern sea, a group of islands suddenly appeared. The country of the islands called itself: Japan. According to them, their nation had been transported to another world. Now finding themselves separated from their old world and must survive in the new one, how will Japan interact with the native countries of this world? Will they greet her as a friend or as an enemy? This is a story of the country called Japan as it was engulfed in the chaotic storm of the world. https://mangadex.org/title/ef473f14-8c4d-435e-9015-b714512e69eb/nihonkoku-shoukan An actually somewhat decent isekai about nips killing evil fantasy retards and such notable for the art style which reminds me of 70-80s high fantasy comics and animations
>>285690 Better be better than the majority of this jingoistic self fellating genre
>>285691 it's still the same "nips can do no wrong we so honourabru and good" tbh it's just interesting for the world and art style being vintage european instead of uguu big eye and booba stuff
actually it is humanising the baddies, kind of based
>>285681 >could never happen, too many pakis I think Liverpool is actually one of the most white cities in the UK, but they are all retards and still vote Labour
>>285689 >genetic defect, failing kidneys and associated complications fucking hell, what did the doctors suggest?
>>285694 It's been one of the whitest on every census for a long time by a good margin, but last time I went over earlier this year I noticed at least quadruple the amount of niggers as it usually feels like Very noticeably a lot more litter and general grottiness too. Surprising change in a short amount of time
>>285696 > Surprising change in a short amount of time this has happened everywhere under the Tories
>>285681 >too many pakis You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. All of Liverpool's wogs got bullied into a small ghetto and still get bullied to this day
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>>285698 I like how I got you to make a post that insinuates it's somehow a good thing to have any pakis and wogs at all. 1 paki is too many pakis, tard
>>285700 there arent that many in liverpool tho, comparatively.
>>285701 fair enough, i just kind of assumed that most big northern cities are full of them birkenhead was a rape gang epicentre was it not?
>>285702 Don't think so it's even whiter than Liverpool being a small town
how on earth did i even coom from putting a shower head on full blast on my willy wtf
>>285704 yeah it happens quite fast if you do that I find not very satisfying though
>>285702 no they had a single paki shop that got caught grooming. it was entirely one family doing it. pisses me off obviously but there arent many pakis there it's just piss poor and full of unaccompanied children.
>>285705 >hes tried it
*blogposts just venting tbh there should be an NHS mummy counsellor to talk at instead but they didn't bother to do that since I didn't tell them I wanted to become a troon >>285695 I'm on five different pills and some of them make other things worse keek aside from that I have a weird diet to follow which includes a lot of processed grains and not allowed what should be healthy vegetables and meats but aren't because of potassium overdose and I'm simultaneously trying to lose weight so it's at cross purposes NHS has been useless as usual of course and only prescribed the latest stuff (baking soda) after I'd been complaining about breathlessness and abnormally fast heartbeat for months (caused by low bicarbonates usually found in vegetables except I have to boil and leech all of that so I barely get any vitamins) which has fucked up my kidneys more and suddenly lost 20% function (down from under 50%) in that time period it's just fucked tbh and mummy gaslit me for years saying "everyone has problems they need to deal with" and the doctors don't tell me any prevention strategies until the problems already get worse it's not fucking normal to be such an untermensch from birth keeksmh there was DNA testing and all back in the 90s, she should have been responsible and found another wang to get coom from
>>285707 >so have you
>>285708 whats the scientific name for your disease?
Was too ill, then hot and uncomfortable, and now too busy to coom. Hasn't helped my anxiety not being able to. Think I just ooze loosh from my skin for demons to gobble up from the damage years of chronic masturbation has done to my soul.
>>285710 obesity
>>285710 shan't say because it's quite rare and disproportionately occurs in jews because of inbreeding keeeeeeeeeek
*submerges wessie in a jar of formaldehyde for future generations to gawk at one halfpenny a piece*
there's probably a "community" for it like deafcunts (I disavow tbh) where it's just sneaky jews plotting with eachother about how they're going to steal good huwhite people's kidneys >>285714 it's just good business
>>285714 keeeeeeeeeeeek
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Poor lads got Polycystic kidney disease.
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>>285715 Have you tried eating people's kidneys?
anybody ever figure out why victorians used to love sticking deformed babies in formaldehyde jars?
>>285719 they were raging nonces
>>285719 Probably just morbid curiosity.
god I hate women KEEEEEEEEEK neither mummy nor the doctors told me this what will kill me first, organ failure or average autist life expectancy >Most men reach end-stage kidney disease and kidney failure by their 40s or 50s, which can reduce lifespan if not managed with dialysis or a kidney transplant. >Most women have a normal lifespan.
>>285722 does kidney disease persist even if you get a transplant?
>starving >dinner is hours overdue >go upstairs to see if it's done soon >dad hasn't even started
are vic adopted a wholesome loli niggerino that was going to be sold into slavery in africa and then forced her to marry a top wog in nigeria when she grew up because she didn't want her to racemix in england. wholesome and based.
>>285722 "can reduce lifespan" lol so all this time we've been thinkiing you'd die any day and now it's obvious you can live a full life smh *beats him up*
>>285726 Yeah I was expecting he'd be dead by 30. Made him more endearing. Might murder him on his 30th birthday.
>>285724 me? i had mince and pasta in a bolognese sauce with red wine
>an autoimmune disorder >worsening eyesight and possibly cataracts >There is currently no cure > treatments are limited >affected males typically have more severe disease than affected females. I also piss blood >>285723 yeah keeeek because it effects other organs as well, particularly sensory ones which is why I am a deafoid >A kidney transplant is not a cure >>285724 for me? it's cooking for myself and it's a single fried egg on one slice of toast with a handful of leeched and boiled vegetable mush >>285725 she really was love her talking about how shit and evil feminism and the women's vote is >>285726 >>285727 still on the ropes because of the complications the bicarbonate deficiency and potassium overdose thing might make my heart explode in a bit or something
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>>285729 >>There is currently no cure
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>>285722 >>Most women have a normal lifespan.
>>285729 Rather kill myself than eat like that.
>>285730 might contract some horrific AIDs STD then sit in the viewing box over parliament then piss blood all over them tbh >>285732 yeah, based NHS didn't notice until I went deaf around the age of 11-12 and even then the schools just insisted I was making it up to cause trouble >>285734 considering it tbh I miss crisps and hash browns and red meat and iceland pizzas and etc and etc already
>>285735 Is the alport related to the leg thing or is that completely separate?
>>285736 related, because the kidneys don't work properly I get fluid buildup can't remember the proper name but that's what causes legsplosions, any injury is likely to develop into a cyst and pop like an inflating simba and leave a huge crater behind that takes half a year to heal, happened twice so far
>>285738 the six million pound man
>mongs falling for wessies woe is me shite when all his "problems" are just because hes a fat cunt Fatties are always like this, stop indulging him
rolo puddings for dessert
>>285740 tbh ngl
>>285740 going to prove you wrong by dying a skeleton tbh
>>285744 fasting would probably fix a lot of your problems ngl lad
FIVE KILLED IN RIO DE JENEIRO GUN BATTLE WITH POLICE https://twitter.com/factal/status/1550163956941086720
>>285745 might end up trying it just because it's a better alternative than a third helping of tasteless mush in a day tbh
>>285746 isn't that daily life in spicland?
>>285747 remember that there's also "no cure" for cancer despite billions of dollars going towards cancer "charities" and also despite there being studies showing that fasting was shown to reduce the size of tumours significantly
genuinely think NHS hospital food is designed to keep people sick at this point
>>285746 Just get rid of favelas like Kowloon walled city. tbh.
>>285751 sovl killer.
>>285750 nurse_carrying_giant_dry_poo_in_tray.jpg
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Hey Steiner!
just gerontocracy things
>>285757 Should be lit brown tbh.
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>>285757 >Same feel-good lib canucks that up taxes to install shite streetlights "To fight light pollution" have IBS Beacons putting on light shows
>>285740 >t. an underweight individual with toxified nervous system
havent heard about the war in ukraine in weeks imagine dying in that nothingburger
>this cunt again
>>285738 that's cool
Tbh the word lies should be instead used now as lyings, since the concept is valuable enough to be used polysyllabically, which adds weight to it, and deceptions is not germanic enough to be used frequently and comfortably enough
live dutty and even more autistic williamoid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeUeR2oIt00
https://youtu.be/pHxZYofmki0 idk if this type of shite is something anyone wants to watch but it gives you an eye into how fucked and WWE tier retarded US polishits is
>>285766 probably on par with the poo-jew shit going on for prime minisharter here tbh
Good to hear someone talking about decadence once in a while. Libertarian "conservatives" are usually loathe to address that because they are basically Jacobins who can't hear that they, the middle class, are wrong
>>285767 chin-chad and the dago are both based and redpilled trumptards who want to demolish the federal government's power which is based and epic
>>285769 doing much better than us then just by having those types allowed to voote and campoogn
>>285770 yeah I like both kelley and dago but I don't really want a dago governor of shitagain, we have only had krauts as far as ethnic minorities as governors all the others have been scots irish, anglo and plain irish. I am worried the femoid is going to get the win because she is basically a sexier version of mummy gretchen and all the boomers are simping
>>285771 *walks up and vootes for her, then just walks away yep, still got it
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>>285772 they are already trying to meme the battle of the beady brunettes
>the kraut reinke wants to ban income taxes wew thats kino
>>285774 I'd voote for that any mention of income tax makes me seethe and remember here it was a "temporary measure for the funding of the wars of the coalitions against napoleon"
>>285775 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>285775 tbh don't mind sticking it to boney
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for me its D I V E S T E D queens serving massa in defeating globalism and coastcucks and desertcucks and bullying trudeau into stopping using our landfills for "canadian recycling"
>>285750 NHS hospitals are horrid places. The nurses are too busy to care and will give you the wrong medicine or wrong dosage. Stay bedridden for long enough, being occasionally prodded with needles, and you will lose the will to stay awake or eat. You will lose the will to live entirely. I would rather die anywhere but a hospital.
>>285438 from the paratrooper gangbang video smh
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>>285777 even the total war debt and interest (fake jew money magic) was repaid last decade smh there is no excuse left for it >>285778 as a reward she can be deported to liberia
reading A Canticle for Leibowitz, pretty epic.
>>285783 there's a sequel as well iirc, I enjoyed it although the big scene and character changes were simultaneously jarring and blended together enough that I really only remember the first part and the very end
>wessie is more of learned man than my self fool, am i.
>>285785 my impressions referred to the first book tbh the sequel is "the wild horse woman"
>>285785 wess is the biggest REEADER on here tbh
>>285783 smh the catholic church would never have ordained a kike name as a order, it would have been first name and he didn't take a christian name.
>someone's daughter ate the cock and arse of 15 paratroopers
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>>285789 smh that poor lad
got sucked into the youtube shorts rabbithole and came across the worst vid keeeek wtf is this music https://youtu.be/fVIiu1goStE
>>285792 hue niggers are subhuman the worst is that once dancing huenigger kids show mene
>>285792 here have something good instead https://youtu.be/wdG36fZKAeQ
>>285793 also makes me realise that the despacito shite we've been hearing is actually as good as it gets >>285794 keeeek dont even understand this memi tbh
>The Biden administration rerouted $2 billion in COVID-19 funds for Americans to the illegal alien youth housing boondoggle. weimart is a joke, imagine paying taxes to a government like that
>>285783 goodlad. One of my favourites. >>285784 yeah I really enjoyed the sequel but it was a bit confusing with characters being referred to by multiple names/titles. Ending was finished based on an outline after the author committed suicide, but it turned out well.
Keep thinking about all the visceral fat that fatties have wrapped around their livers etc...
Saint Leibowitz and the wild horse woman has a few funny bits. Here's one: "Since about two young sheep a week were sacrificed for their organ meats, the monks were allowed, even encouraged, to eat mutton stew, although the Leibowitzian diet normally eschewed red meat. The very religious among them preferred to fast when it was served, but most novices ate it with relish (pepper and garlic relish) and in good conscience."
has anything happened yet?
>>285800 When something happens in ZOG land, nothing happens. It's just another nigga day.
can't believe it's actually come to this
>>285803 I hope there is a murder-suicide of the both of them tbh
>>285803 has she won?
>>285803 I'll write Michael Gove in on my ballot if I even bother
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>>285805 >I hope there is a murder-suicide of the both of them tbh careful now
>>285806 it's a done deal the tory boomers hate poonak
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shitcord still doesn't work wtf >>285659 whoa she's hitting the wall holy fuck >>285754 I never heard of "minions" until some movie came out and now it's this big thing...
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>>285809 > tory boomers hate poonak well that's a tiny bit based at least
>>285798 You are worrying such things because you have an unhealthy and underweight body, which allows toxins to easily degrade your mental capabilities.
>>285808 >implying that lad isn't himself one of the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
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Cursing this thread for now and all of time.
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>>285814 didn't work, I blocked it
reeeeeeeeeeee why does shitcord not work I wanna check my messages ffs
last cup pof offee
>>285815 Good lad. You have freed smee from this curse. Now I can rest in peace.
Filtering the bongo gayists seems like a good idea
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>>285820 hope he doesn't get locked up for very long
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>>285820 good to see some aussies fighting back
>>285824 actually pretty good
>>285820 Guess they finally got Randbot
im truss enough
>>285780 why are soldiers so gay? btw bins was in the army too, so makes sense why hes such a massive fag
anyone have the actual full video of this army gangbang?
>>285832 fuck off?
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>>285831 >why are soldiers so gay? they are just high t >btw bins was in the army too, so makes sense why he's so hecking based and red pilled thanks lad
>>285832 Anyone have what now? What happened? Some new British army scandal or something Americans are open and brag about for gbp from Biden?
>>285837 yes happened a few weeks ago some slag went into paratroopers base and had gangbangs like 50 times and got found out and the head of the army prevented the unit from being deployed to evropa because of it
>>285838 >the head of the army prevented the unit from being deployed to evropa because of it sounds like they were rewarded rather than punished
>>285839 they were probably punished pretty badly i hope
>>285840 they got to fuck a complete whore AND they didn't have to go die for ZOG I'd say they were winning tbh bit jelly gl and so are you tbh
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>jelly of fucking a whore so skanky she had 50 dicks in her in one night and right in front of you
>>285842 face it lad, you would have loved to be one of those high t lads gangbaning that filthy thot don't lie
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>>285842 >>285843 >>jelly of fucking a whore so skanky she had 50 dicks in her in one night and right in front of you so just an ordinary foid then just over a longer period of time
>>285846 Not ordinary, but b*sexual ex gf has probably done 50 guys over the years. And 6 girls just that I know of when she was 17.
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>lads pretending they don't like sluts yeah sure
>b*sexual ex gf lad
>>285847 lad you should come to my server
>>285849 I like him
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watching nonce hunter videos. I wonder if any cunnychuds have ever been nicked like that?
watching some weird mummy argument stream I got randomly reccomended https://youtu.be/onDNazrHVdk
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IMPORTANT POAL >would you fuck a slut if there were zero consequences? http://poal.me/jfi1i2 http://poal.me/jfi1i2 http://poal.me/jfi1i2
bins please fuck off
most men would fuck a slut that was offering easy sex, it's just a fact lads I didn't make it this way, it's not my fault, you may not like it, but it's just the way it is
>>285857 Tbh, but engaging in a gangbang with paratroopers in giga grotty. Not for smee. Shouldn't be for (You).
Enjoy your knob warts I suppose
maybe thats what bins did when he was in the army
>>285858 it is tbh there was probably quite a bit of post fap regret in the immediate aftermath
>>285859 >Enjoy your knob warts well yeah, but people don't think of stuff like that in the heat of the moment and anyway knob warts go away on their own eventually
>>285862 HPV is a nothingburger and AIDS is just gay disease, you can't get it by being straight. but there are other real STDs like syphilis and clamydia that you have to take antibiotics for and they are probably pretty terrible
Remember more than one deano in cadets that took ironic gayism too far and tried getting me involved. Glad I never joined the army. As if getting IED'd by Abdul wasn't bad enough, getting gaped by your sqaud seargent with a huge mortar would give you PTSD (Post Traumatic Shitting Disorder).
>listeing to this whole Farage show on GB News and quite enjoying it it's like the good old days when he was on LBC https://youtu.be/3HiRurree9c
>>285864 >getting gaped by your sqaud seargent it's just banter lad
>>285844 Tattoo culture is cringe
>>285867 tattoos ruin women tbh
reckon bins was an officer too since his family are quite wealthy would make him even more of a homo
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>>285865 Sounds good tbh
>>285868 They aren't civilised
man battles an entire discord server of gay nonces but irl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pMyb3p0Mro
>>285870 it's a bit of a shame that everyone in the show looks to be over 60 at least then there is a really bad cover band at the end too

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