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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3746: 邓总理 Edition Anonymous 07/21/2022 (Thu) 22:54:00 Id: 69e0f3 No. 285876
Tory leadership race live: Liz Truss extends lead over Rishi Sunak among Tory members in race to be PM, poll reveals https://news.sky.com/story/tory-leadership-live-updates-another-tory-candidate-facing-elimination-as-truss-responds-to-sunak-barb-12593360 Inflation pushes UK government interest costs in June to fresh record https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62240775 Ten UK sex offenders travelled to Poland after Ukraine invasion, says NCA https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/21/ten-uk-sex-offenders-tried-to-travel-to-poland-after-ukraine-invasion-says-nca
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>>285876 good lad
>>285876 good lad good edition
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just made myself a peng chicken and mayo baguette and ate it.
>>285875 Yes plus they are drinking alcohol
A poo trapped like a tail
don't like a thread edition i can't pronounce tbh
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having sex with a group of men is gay even if they all fuck the same woman
>mp for redcar was elected and still is below 30 years of age Que interessant
>>285889 Chinky edition tbh
Don't be foreign that's gay
>>285890 by the third dude there'd probably be more pre-cum lubricating the vagina than actual vaginal secretions
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literally smeeeeeeeeeeeee
>>285899 I wish he was my best friend
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Be better.
>>285904 LIVE fully LAUGH lots LOVE yourself
Still no free government home for woes to turn into his grotty fashwave love paradiso. smh.
>>285897 Chinese ought to be transliterated whenever in an Anglophone context
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THE NEW PM WON'T BE ANNOUNCED UNTIL 5TH SEPTEMBER?!!! wtf why does it take that long? they're dragging it out ffs
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britain is getting a new girl-boss? this was our only female PM
Probably already decided tbh. It's a respite for them as that's all anybody will be talking about for the next month or so.
>>285911 >this was our only female PM you have Castro Jr. now too
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https://twitter.com/Tr00peRR/status/1550291364511989760 Someone just tried stabbing a Republican gubernatorial candidate.
>>285893 Johnny Foreigner edition
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SHIT everywhere SHAFT your fellow man SHAVE your balls
Really surprised that bins is almost 50, he always comes over as much younger in his thoughts and self expression here.
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Farage supporting Sunak? This is on his tweeter >Sunak is believable here. Well done to him on fighting to stop another national lockdown in December 2021.
Sorry lads I dislike truss more than rishi
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>>285918 how do we know this?
the 2010s were really an awful decade for games
>>285923 Even that dark as the night, archaic groid behind her smirked at how thick she is. She's definitely a muhfeminismshe'sawoman diversity hire. Smh.
>>285914 keeeeeeeeeeek These fucking boomers >Ahhhhm a hee-row! Granpappy fucked plenny ‘o dem gook hoes!
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>arguing with a twitter leftoid >bhtfo >he gets dozens of upboats and I get none >even as he backtracks, contradicts himself, straw mans, ad homs Exactly the way I like it.
PLEASE TEACHER CHANG! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! https://www.twitter.com/DaveJEvans70/status/1550001233741709313
i love tits
Genius >will ALWAYS trust brown medicine men parading around as NHS gurus https://www.twitter.com/ashoswai/status/1550105958747197440?cxt=HHwWgMC-tYPKioMrAAAA
poos in the glass
hello, it's gravity lad. i am thus called because i am drawn to large masses
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>>285936 That's half the fun of watching a bear act at the circus.
>>285926 Hey Vatican Assassin Warlock...
>>285936 keeeek I hate circus cunts, they give me the creeps tbh
>>285936 keeeeeeeeek that other guy just ineffectually kicking it's fat arse
>>285936 Keeking at this one too.
>>285878 Enjoyed this track. Thanks lad
Bought a lassi for 1 euro from based South Asian shopkeeper near my flat in Greece Greece is expensive btw lads
>>285942 Was just thinking about the way cows and deer eat baby birds for an easy protein snack even though their guts are geared towards turning grass into protein, and imagining that these massive herbiverous dinosaurs like the long neck brachiosaurus in jurrassic park probably would've tried to eat the girl. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LIjT2iKAUY
>>285944 Why are you in Greece?
>>285918 That's because he's very clearly developmentally stunted somehow.
always an incel never a breeder smh
>>285918 >bins is almost 50 Well he'll be dead soon then as an autist incel. Smdh.
>all this anti-bins hatred
>>285950 Hi bins. I think you're already, old man.
*honors my elders*
>already Alright*
>>285946 Here on behalf of PA
>>285954 Doing what?
>>285955 Establishing links for an alliance with Golden Dawn
>>285956 Based if true, but aren't they fully outlawed now? Be careful.
>>285957 Lot of antifa graffiti round here lads. Made contact with my fellow ayran south Asians as a precaution
I didn't think bins was really person for ages. I thought he was in the same category as poolad.
*a real person
>>285959 He's real lad
>>285959 I saw puglad in that gay discord I got kicked from for not being gay
wait poolad. who's that
>like song that's been in a lot of meme videos >finally get the official music video recommended >it's filled with Binsians and a tranny Keeeeeeeeek fuck's sake https://youtu.be/q7qdpyjHyNk
>>285957 He's messing, he's on holiday and was in T*rkey a few days ago >>285958 Did they have the heatwave there that we had here lad?
>>285959 yes i originally thought he was some type of alter ego of a poster here now its clear hes just a deranged old man
we should kill him. the norwegian too
4chan is full of malware now
>>285964 keeeeeeeeeek
>>285965 Yes, been sweating like a pig and burning too, blistered my arms
>>285971 You should become an auditor lad
>>285972 keeek
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She's so talented.
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2nd glass of vino down
don't want to hear you whining about your hangover tomorow
>>285977 not drinking spirits so i wont get a hangover
>twitter leftoid scrolling >he sees a pepe the alt right frog account replying to one of his favourite leftoid grifters >devoid of arguments, he throws an insult, then blocks, so the pepe poster doesn't even see it without logging out to read the reply >purely done for his own audience Got to be the most annoyingly soy thing they do.
Take note, Wessie. PA is for mongs https://youtu.be/W8nRzLs2mu4
>Joe Owens
>>285909 the wider party membership vote takes a while
>>285980 which grifter was it
Filipina lass still wants to see me
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he had to get a gook how sad is that he couldn't get a real girlfriend had to get a gook
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>285981 Yeah let's all get behind Farage he looks like he's going somewhere as PA grows at a rate of knots.
>>285987 Vid quality is too low for me to tell if he lopped off his foot or if his show came off after a cut to the leg. Would be agony just as that.
in brazil people will just cut your leg off with a katana for no reason.
>>285936 >all of the wogs in the comments taking the side of the bear The subsaharan is really such a disaster of a race
one bottle of vino down
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Joey Owens don't half talk a loud of shite.
>>285996 load*
they cant stop all of us
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I remember those Ukrainian children going missing on a boat. Never heard any more of that incident.
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>>286003 looks like an old norf herts
>>286004 Yeah, I am getting on a bit. Probably consumed too many apples over the course of my life too, which didn't help.
>>286005 yes.. apples..
>>286006 We going out tonight, lid?
>>286007 of coursh
>>286008 very good lad.
is russia going to win soon?
>>286010 Yes, next week.
No, Ukraine has already won.
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>>286010 They'll take all of Donetsk eventually
>>286014 Imagine being 40 years old and stuck being a youtube personality. All of these people despise both themselves and their audiences.
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>>286010 >>286011 >>286012 >>286016 tbh, haven't seen a good map update in a while.
can't believe i actually copped 12 avax at $106 last year
Toenails seem to grow really fast. Feel like a bird of prey half the time.
>>285985 Please divulge your interactions
Women arent really part of society, they're living cultural artifacts.
>>286023 *artefact
>>286020 >$24.19
dairy milk and a glass of milk for dinner, and its very nice.
>>286022 Had dinner with her a few times, played table tennis and tennis, walked around a few parks, had ice cream together a couple of times, went to a nice town with a market and museums. Last time we went out she took me to a vietnamese place and I made the mistake of using the soy sauce. I hate soy sauce. Turned out ok though. We're doing crazy golf this week.
Her visa only lasts 2 years so nothing may come of it. She said she'd try to get a work visa if she landed the job she wanted, but she's been disappointed so far. Neither of us are stupid, she's not manipulating me into anything.
>wog enabling Into the filter you go
good luck on that slant pussy lad.
to not breed, or to breed a gook, that is the question.
>>286031 cheers
weekend lads
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poo lads
>286027 >filipina lass >vietnamese place this arc is shit and full of holes fuck you
Lad should just buy an eastern European if he's going that way
>>286034 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
FILM NIGHt Thinking of going a double bill, as last weekend Aliens marathon got cut short. So tonight: >Alien 3 >Alien Resurrection back to back, starting about 8pm. What do you lads think?
Lads getting to breed, me being an incel reee
Maybe I should get a Madagascar woman
>>286042 At least she wouldn't be able to accuse you of smelling bad
>>286042 you're going to fuck a hippo?
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>>286010 >is russia going to win yes >soon? depends what their goals are. if they will actually just finish taking Donetsk Oblast and then make the line of control the new border, then yes, probably a couple months. otherwise, it will take longer I want Russia to take the whole southeast, see this map I made
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POOOOOOST fuck I'm becoming a life-hater
you fuckers are supposed to be posting right now what the fuck
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>>286037 how is that full of holes? she likes asian food. How many filipino restaurants do you see? >>286040 3 better be the directors cut
the fall of Mariupol was very satisfying
>>285998 Wonder how many of them work for MI5
>>286050 want to find a source for that?
>>286045 Autism maps need a legend m8, why is western poocrane split into two parts? Why is Odessa not part of Russia?
>>286054 it's a continuum of 'who is most likely to have control when the war is over' dark red = very much Russia red = probably Russia purple = wash blue = probably the Ukraine dark blue = very much the Ukraine isn't that obvious?
>>286053 can't find a streaming one. This is why I like torrents over streaming, you can get all of the directors cuts
>>286057 I don't know how well that works with Kosmi though tbh
the version I've found is 2:24 hours long, so I assume it's the director's cut >>286057
there are at least 3 different cuts of Alien 3. In one cut the xenomorph is born from a dog, another cut from a cow
>>286061 what really? never seen the cow one
where tf is Wess, is he gooming?
There are at least three IDs in my filtered list.
jared taylor grew a moustache
>>286066 Based & intensely Indo-European.
>>286066 the south will rise
>>286065 they're probably all me aren't they
>>286067 you mean h'white
No idea who you are but I did it again for fun.
>>286071 fair play
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>e celeb content drought there should be multiples woes grams by now
>>286077 keeeek this is peak boomer
>Global food inflation 'will ease' following Russia and Ukraine's agreement on grain exports
>>286080 Most of the food price increases in the west have fuck all to do with pookraine though It'll help countries that import grain from pookraine I suppose
>>286077 According to this random fucker on Stack Exchange, the North America image isn't actually showing the curvature of the Earth, it's closer and the "curvature" is from a fish eye lense. Fucking weird they'd do that https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/208321/land-proportions-in-nasa-blue-marble-photographs
>>286081 Everyone buys from Ukraine, including us. We are a net importer of food. It's also animal feed for the farming we do have, and in Europe, where we buy meat from. Still, lockdown bullshit plus years of muh quantitive easing, mass migration, not being self sustainable in the first place, all the Blairite bullshit has made us vulnerable.
>>286078 Joomer has been on fire every day for a few weeks.
>>286084 has he debated noseley or is he still a fucking coward boomer who just wants to gripe and blackpill with no solutions apart from harvesting youtube ad revenue money?
>>286085 He offered at first but then did 180 saying basically he's not worth it because he watched one where Noseley kept debating by calling his opponent a jew, or something like that. Think if enough people including Noseley himself politely pester him he'd fold.
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>>286046 FFS I HATE land wars across Eurasia.
>>286083 Thought most of their grain went to Africa/Middle East etc and our food problems were due to poor harvests, fertilizer plants closing down across Europe. Probably all planned anyway idk smh
>>286090 FRIED EGG!
"look vhat zey have done to my politics board. it's a blogposting bongonigger vasteland...zey vill pay for zis."
>>285942 keek should have filmed boomer foreman shooting the paslode at baby birds living in the rafters and splattering them with 16p nails and then just casually bashing the fuck out of them with his BIG hammer
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>>285975 >its supposed to be gymnastics but its actually butt matrix shit
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>>286098 tfw no qt azn sten-gun assassin gf
>>286099 Thats not a sten gun you daft cunt, that be an M3.
need a gook rn
>>286102 Stay alive long enough and you may see them predominating the neighbourhood of your childhood; be careful what you wish for.
https://youtu.be/CRebIR60BcE *attacks wessex's flank*
>italian dutch and german farmers protesting >in the netherlands, music festival chants for farmers >milk scene is from seat of government, naples
>The farmers' revolt in Calabria: "We are unable to feed our children!" Thousands besiege the seat of government in Catanzaro and warn the barricaded politicians: "Get down!" >australian and peruvian farmers protesting
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https://youtu.be/HmvDM8J9vQ0 polfaces... this one is for you
BASED MARK ON spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/Hope-Not-Hate-EXPOSED-Review:2
>>286017 are you sure?
>>286117 come on man I don't need this seethe
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>>286120 Splendid production tbqh.
I went to film camp. I’ve read Sartre. I’ve read Thomas Pynchon. I’ve read Ayn Rend. I’ve been to Italy. I’ve been to France. I’ve been to Spain. I’ve been to Kenya. I’ve been to China. I backpacked across Europe. I prefer tea to coffee. I’ve been to Greece. I love Greek food! I’m a foodie. I’m always on the lookout for a great little place to get breakfast. Sometimes I go to Barnes and Noble and lose the track of time. The black people that I’ve met...said I have a lot of flavor. I love my MacBook, but I also love my MacBook Pro. Cause it has the word “Pro”, i.e. short for “prolapse”.
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which way, white boi?
>>286124 Not civic enough for my taste
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fuck redheads i jsut want italian lasses
>>286124 are any of them actually redheads? keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>286128 only gingerlass keeeeeeek sperg is blonde naturally that first lass is probably dark hairedd
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>>286134 sucking on a dildo. so ridiculous
>>286106 Absolute progress.
>>286134 this munter just killed my boner
>>286135 aye eh
>>286138 no hair on her vagina... she must be 10 or younger
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>the rotten little coomer slept off his wine binge
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>>286142 >how her tongue is yellowish on the back of it
>>286143 same as mine heheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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i love her (the italian lass)
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>>286113 race war soon?
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>>286148 "if I don't exist then men can't get off" solipsitic foid logic if she didn't exist then men would find some other thot to get off to, she's not special
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-62258709 More tax being spent on farming is something Wales' first minister has to justify to "Bangladeshi taxi drivers" in Cardiff, he has said >A new Welsh government subsidy scheme to replace EU-based payments for agriculture has been in development since the Brexit vote and is set to be introduced from 2025. >Mr Drakeford said: "If you wish to take advantage of that money, if you want to have help from the Welsh taxpayer, then you will have to find a way of bringing yourself within the scheme that allows me, as the first minister, to justify to Bangladeshi taxi drivers in Riverside, where I live, why they should pay their taxes in order to support farmers in Wales."
>>286152 UK Government and other globalist institutions basically want to destroy farming
Dorshite is a gerbil posting the same fucking webms and images over and over again going around in a wheel.
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>>286153 purge or be purged lad
Lads, did you know there's a tranny cord which recruits and snatches lads from the other cords? It's very scary tbqh
>>286157 I'm not surprised, but how do you know this?
>>286115 I've not seen Tommy Robinson's original doc, HNH Exposed, and should probably watch that first Do you know what platforms it can be found on plz lid?
God, why does Tommy Robinson talk like such a low IQ twat learn to fucking speak you pleb
>>286154 still not forgiving auslad for are bans at his behest tbh its like the best lads get punished whilst the worst are rewarded
sneed smorb lads think i've got the coof >>286162 >best lads bins is a terrible pooster lad
>>286163 >bins is a terrible pooster lad and Dorshit is? do you actually look at his posts?
>>286164 dorset's only crime is having a stale gimmick tbh
>>286165 he never posts about anything remotely political he just uses this board as his personal incel blog
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>tfw janny's got it in for smee
>>286167 i haven't got it in for you lad
All the productive lads are up
Any lads without personas here, feel like everyone is an implicit namefag now
>>286171 i have a namefag name but i'm rarely recognised tbh
>>286171 it's basically guaranteed to happen sooner or later when the same group of lads are talking to each other regularly tbh
>>286174 based
>>286175 >immigration has benefits errrr i thought GBN was supposed to be alternative...
(36.19 KB 1000x667 GettyImages-532128276-WEB.webp)

>EU suing UK (again) on 4 new grounds: >1. Failure to comply w/ customs/supervision/risk control reqs. EU says increases risk of smuggling. >2,3,4: Failure to notify implementation of new EU rules on excise duties, alcohol duties, and e-commerce VAT. EU says poses fiscal risk.
>>286177 It does have short term benefits for capitalists
>>286178 disgusting how the eu acts like it still has any authority smh and traitorous europhile politicians just let them do it

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>>286180 It's standard practice for the EU court to sue member states, so there isn't much legitimacy to taking the lawsuits seriously. Farage said this about it >This EU action is a direct result of the @Theresa_May sellout and @BorisJohnson not being honest with the public. >Oven-ready deal, anyone?
tfw no one else to share my gooming achievements with
>>286182 good lad
More Ulster news
i refrained myself from posting something from twitter your welcome
>>286184 are they putting smallpox in the brown again?
>>286187 That doesn't sound right. Belfast's mayor is this woman from Sinn Fein so the answer is it's probably corruption and neglect
>>286186 thank you
>>286186 was it the monkeypox thread?
>>286192 yes o_0
>>286193 good lad
>>286174 >Britian's far right answer to Fox News
If I hear one more boomer go on about the fucking summer of '76 I'm going to shoot them
>>286174 That red head is supposed to be the left wing voice but yeah, Gay Boomer News is just capitalist shilling
>>286197 >Gay Boomer News is just capitalist shilling it's the only kind of "right wing" thought that you can express on a public platform tbh grim really smh people are starved for populist representation >>286198 keeeeeek based
>>286174 You can tell the woman is only affecting outrage. It's pathetic.
>>286186 yeah thanks for not posting content
just woke up but back on the cans
>>286202 https://youtu.be/UQmZrzyRVoQ the selfconsciousness of this video hurts me
>>286203 bad lad
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Why do people wank to shit? literal fucking shit.
>>286208 there are loads of fetishes I will never understand like torture.
https://youtu.be/_tuu5YtkPIo I often keek at the old minstrel shows, wish they were still around
>>286208 degredation, self hate, funny poopies, want to be babies who shit themselves all day
>>286208 >>286209 all sexual perversion is caused by masochism, taking pleasure in the endorphin release associated with some form of negative stimuli, such as pain or disgust take faggots for example. men have a natural instinct to be disgusted by homosexuality, just as we are disgusted by maggots and shit, all things that can make us sick. faggots eroticize that natural disgust response and take masochistic pleasure in it, that's why they lick shit and shove fists up their anuses. the more pain, the more disgust, the more pleasure. it's a sickness, no society can tolerate this sort of thing and be a healthy, family-friendly environment
>>286213 Explains Americans and mutt's law keek
https://youtu.be/0yGSQOWEXRo watching it again, lads
>>286208 tbh disgusting
https://youtu.be/96txCS8tCNE Old bitches don't go to the bingo anymore smh
>>286208 Because of Jews, simple as
>when you jump into a pool of cowshit and density of it keeps you from sinking through so you literally have to start digging with your hands to get into it
Where's Dorset?
>this thread
>>286223 finally worked up the courage to kidnap his oneetus >>286224 tbh
>>286224 >this post
Come on ww3
I often fantasise about murdering muggers when they try to take my phone
has the Ukraine war stagnated again?
>>286228 tbh can't wait >>286229 keeeek based
>Nick Fuentes watched this >you can see her ladybulgerino
>>286232 stop vileposting lad
but it's vilepost saturday smh
>>286234 spoiler your vileposts lad nobody wants to see troon bulges
So it's an HBO series what a surprise. So many kikes to gas so little time.
https://youtu.be/LUdHA5liNec literally me right now
>>286236 all the original productions by streaming services go full throttle on the globohomo tbh it's disgusting
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>>286166 >he never posts about anything remotely political and why would i? politics is a dead end road fucking retarded twat
>>286239 tbh buy a 20kg bag of rice, that is going to be far more productive for your immediate future than anything politics related.
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>>286240 100 kilo bags too heavy for you, lad?
why are you lads hauling bags of chattel-feed? real food walks for itself
>>286244 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he said the line!
We should rebrand as a cattle rustling outfit.
used to think rice were ant eggs as a kid tbh
>>286246 Prefer being a jimmy rustling outfit
>>286246 based
>>286248 you're about 18 years too late.
>>286251 Then you will have to move into a basement flat in Birmingham's gay village.
>>286252 I don't want to live with you lad
>>286253 I never said you could move in with me. As a rule I don't go that far west.
>>286254 You have gay sex with autistic nigger and talk about DBZ as pillow talk
How the FUCK can people have friends? 3 people wanting my attention and I barely have enough time for anything I want to do myself. then you have people with 100 friends
>>286255 That's quite the grindr profile lad.
shnight lads
>>286258 night lad.
>>286258 Good night lad, don't let c3e630 creep into your bed and touch your down under
It's vilepostin time
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>he's already fantasising
>he's posting dogs as a secret code for "raw dogging" whereby he doesn't use protection in order that he may spread HIV
damn bins you really are a mincer.
Oh, that's Bins?
>>286161 because he is a low iq twat
Kill Beens tbh.
Alien 3 yesterday was good
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>>286268 Yeah, 4 today lads
why does she know what its like to be a stripper?
imagine being her father or her son and listening to her talk about how its hard to be a slag
>alien 4
>>286272 It's okay lad.
>>286271 tbh she's speaking like she knows from personal experience
https://youtu.be/Xz87CBta-9Q latest shart food mart kino. chud lass destroys two niggers with boiling water
>>286273 it's a dumb fun movie. Like with 3 and AvP, if you go in without expectations of it being another Aliens it's fine
2019 after the fall of new york tbh
>>286277 David Lynch washed his hands of Alien 3
Sorry David Fincher not Lynch
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>>286239 why don't you just go to an incel board then instead of shitting up this political one?
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>>286265 which one is me, b?
>>286174 GB News have some fairly decent bits, then some really awful bits. Some of it I find unwatchable
>>286282 neverminb b
>he has a black ID sooo cooool
>>286286 love wearing black, smee
wish the unabomber had killed Bill Gates tbh
>>286240 >rice mixing lad, no!!!
>>286287 Based mosleyan sargonism
(344.31 KB 108x240 nogzap.mp4)

>industrial society and its consequences has been a disaster for the negroid race
anyone have the pic of the woman with big udders who is churning butter?
I heard dog surfing is a currently happening in dorsit.
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looking at shartican suburbs on google maps again
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>>286277 Alien 3 was the best.
https://youtu.be/9qhT2A_H9gc >tfw no giant synchronised daunce at /brit/ HQ
https://youtu.be/ntC3sO-VeJY keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek it's time to get into some bud bud kino
cock nahcg fhqfiuffd
qrefcje2fhsdfvonqfv hewog e[g rg htghgfu vho h0erg he[ epag heog jefpvhreo0 r0hefobekv be brubeef vbaeo[veof vbnlnvo r[ o'eqn'ef bow'bf wfnb fwf ]hrf pqnfcpedjc p] qrwfhqeap'dn'vrbeg uri bes; vbsro\hrgso[h gfsj hwdU9G EG HEQR GHOEA[H DODNF
>>286302 >hewog Great name for my super hero character who goes around mugging muggers >epag heog I hate this saying. >be brubeef I've tried to be brubeef but I just don't suck seed. This post was brought to you by the Bum Bum King. Now, I must go and consult my tarot cards.
>>286297 Alien 3, the director's cut, is actually pretty good ngl
>>286303 I didn't know that you understood Enochian
Here we go again lads...
my last friend moved city I am now completely alone.
Annual leave is almost over
Might as well start early.
there's some bullshit parades going on outside
>>286311 did he died
>>286312 doing what he loved
had an ok workout in the sun, surprised to see summer back after those few days of cloudiness. nice to know that if I went to town again there'd be pert, scanty clad lasses to perv over
perve freak
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>>286315 good lad
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>>286319 >theyre all using bri'ish weapons even though they obviously wont have them in ukraine
popped outside list of entries in the parade were >scottoid bagpipes >group of 4 drag queens >pack of zulu negresses going WULULULLUULU >Steiners new pickup truck >A float for a recycling waste plant for whatever reason why
>>286283 Ok >>286306 A reaction is being sought
>banned on 4cuck for telling a "britain was always black!" faggot that the day was coming when they would get their throats slit from ear to ear Not arsed. I said it and mean it. I'm now fully radicalised into committing violence buy their own arrogance.
>>286319 boris looking through a scope
>>286324 what's he looking at lads?
>>286324 >when you see someone post the n-word on a private messaging application
>>286321 progress
still in my dressing gown
>>286328 keeeeeeeeeek based social media users
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Huxley was right
>>286329 vile slovenly imbiber of wicked poisons
let's get this party jumping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DNQRtmIMxk
>>286335 In your own home/ accomodation it's perfectly safe
>when you sea it
>>286336 Having a shite Or what some would call a poooo on you babayy
shaturday night and i like the way you poo, shitty baby
>>286339 Has the white boi seen Allah's light?
>>286344 the gayest thing i've ever seen
>>286344 we do a little optics cucking
keeeek i've only seen this version and thought it was real https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEI7oX0XxJw
Bet you didn't know BBK rapped: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esAvEABKp_U
>>286348 He's the Queen of Scotty Road
>claims others are homosexual >has the link to a song about sucking cock and balls je qeeq
>joomer finally puts out a vid criticising the chosen >but only the ultra orthodox for being insular >openly states he can now 'skip over' any questions about jews and "why don't you ever talk about the j-words" etc. mocking the idea that there's even yt censorship people have to get around >mention that it's not the insular ones that've done so much damage, it's the liberal ones half integrated into society >no slurs used, just the word jews >comment deleted in seconds
>>286352 "He looks trustworthy" --famous last words
a poo and a shit. that's what his big fat bulging anus bespoke as he spread his cheeks in my face. i felt the warm breath of his bowls brush against my hair. SA was about to poo and shit into my facial orifices. this is what i had to do. this was the only way i could become a mod. i was ready.
>>286356 this was an excerpt from diary of a cuc/k/
>>286356 Filtered. Calm down with the vile poosting, lad.
>>286353 smh he must have jew mates or maybe he's a jewphile
>>286358 Filtered. Calm down with the not vile poosting, lad.
>>286355 >he ends up with that old aztecnigger Film industry is surely devilish work
>>286360 One of his ex wives is jewish and he says he lived in Israel. Also in Lebanon during the 70s. And yet by the 90s was doing outreach towards black kids in Hackney. But he's also a race realist and wants BNP like (no more) immigration policies. Still doesn't like are Nick. Defends Enoch Powell but then so does Farage. He's got such a weird backstory. Not even sure a state agent could make it up.
Poo clouds
>>286364 You might like bins film night. It's a poo film. With that actor that apparently eats poo, the guy who played the first Hellboy live action. Smdh.
In a really romantic Greek town by myself. Butt matrix has prevented me from getting a gf.
>>286366 I can't read your post lad, I filtered you.
>>286369 Start at 8:15 reee.
>>286370 I've told people 8:30 now sorry lad
>>286371 This violated the NAP.
*snuggles up behind you*
>>286367 >he's dreaming about swarthoids
which way Western Man?
>>286375 Women not wearing a dress to the floor are degenerate, inherently
Pretty surprised that this guy is allowed on GB News https://youtu.be/_konpE3pcMw
>>286377 >Women not wearing a dress to the floor are degenerate, inherently lad, you do realise they are naked under those dresses, right?
>>286378 He used to do that coast show didn't he?
>>286380 I don't know, I only heard of him since he has been on GB News
>>286376 Skeletal micky mouse vagina monster vs aging haggard sighorny weiner. Stimulates the theta waves.
>>286382 tbh, but lads wanted to watch this, it was requested by Wess who doesn't even bother to show up
>>286381 https://youtu.be/SQmP5To4M-A Yeah, he used to be one of the presenters on this documentary i used to watch as a lad where they travelled the whole coast of Britain and told its history
>>286379 OK anyway thanks for the (You)
>>286378 Unironically based and schizo pilled.
my favourite episode was when he threw those wogs and pakis off the dover cliffs
before/after le redpill
(12.30 MB 640x360 doDG1cTAHlLcjqWP.mp4)

>>286393 Love this cunt
>>286393 i thought this was a zogged boomer channel?
>day 54 of atlantic hurricane season >not a single hurricane yet
>the world needs britain
>le shrugging femoid
>t. not a unionist
(112.30 KB 1300x957 Shrug 5 Laugh.jpg)

>>286323 enjoy your malware lad
>>286381 >>286380 I loved this guys documentaries on archaeology. very cool to see he's based.
>>286402 cringe eurotrash
I was just thinking the other day that society was collapsing and here we are.
again requesting that naked big titted lady churning butter
(26.54 KB 329x509 329full-milana-vayntrub.jpg)

pretty women, tbh the holocaust happened
where's wessie?
VHG.... my QUEEN
>>286408 tbh i was watching nigella whilst poorly
>>286409 he's at peace now lad let him rest
>a new dog they're going to kill with pancakes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CFV2pl01pI
>>286413 it's hard to watch this without seeing the absolute mental illness involved with dog ownership
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>2:12 keeeeeeeek they're feeding it cookies on day one smdh
>>286410 now that's a good woman
dont have the energy to play vidya anymore lads. this is the NEET equivalent of a horse breaking its leg.
>>286418 keep getting banned from multiplayer games for racism tbh
>>286418 try getting into goom modding instead
the tide against the trannies and homosexuals is turning. i can feel it
>he posted the thread
>>286423 I knew thats what you were referring to earlier
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>>286292 think I know what you're talking about and it's from nadine-j.de. here's a working login
https://youtu.be/8DNQRtmIMxk 6 weeks nofap tbh, had urges this morning that I've not had in ages and edged a bit just to make sure i can still get a stiffy, I need SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEX
>>286418 Was that a problem Crusius had or are you just having a fit
>>286422 The sort of thing that has to be constantly promoted for it to have any visibility at all, as unnatural as it is.
>>286421 holy fucking shit, I had no idea people really live like this
>>286429 really, you of all people.
>>286429 Lad you're best mates with bins
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>>286431 I *am* bins
https://youtu.be/pI_hYCC3z-Y Here's this fucking cunt hole
How do normies not make the connection?
>>286433 literally who?
>>286433 stupid bitch thinks shes pulling the wool over our eyes, we all KNOW
>>286436 know what???
>>286437 that she's a dirty magyar slag who has fucked all these beta orbiter faggots and acts like she has le anxiety i'd fucking slaughter her
>>286434 Every Daily Mail comment about Monkeypox is literally q-boomer tier shite about the "elites" but none of them question why kids are getting a virus passed on by poodick
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>>286421 >>286429 they're just happy, lad, they just want to have the white picket fence dream lifestyle like everyone else. love is love, you're just a hateful bigot
>>286438 if she's fucked all them why hasn't she fucked smee?
>>286438 >who has fucked all these beta orbiter faggots you mean shes fucked the chaddiest of them and the rest just simp for her
(4.95 MB 960x540 zoom poetry.webm)

>horse schlags
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>>286430 >>286431 you guys must imagine me to be something I am not at all
>>286441 >>286442 I will gauge her fucking scum hungarian twat eyes out
>>286433 >>286436 >>286438 she looks about 14 cant believe it's even legal for her to have sex
>>286446 She's at jewniversity in OUR country studying OUR laws. I want to commit crimes just so I can get her to represent me then slit her cunt throat
>>286445 it's "gouge" >>286446 gay post
>>286448 It's snawj
>>286447 >>286448 why did you even post her video here, nobody else here knows who she is or cares about her at all
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the time for sneething is at an end
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I'll walk the sneep snorp creature round the city to cool off
>>286452 vee still have ten minutes left
plain noodles for midnight snack
>>286433 she is not as hot as she thinks she is, looks eurotrash or slavoid bimbo
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>>286458 good lad
>>286457 Hungarian >>286458 basado
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*gets comfy in /brit/ haypile of seethe
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https://youtu.be/SOF19AmBJoM yummy yummy daddy bumbum loves ruby
he literally watches these teen lasses to extract seethe and misery out of them and to engage in voyeurism because those lasses never paid him any mind in school, many such cases.
>Jewish psycho-analism yikes, what a faggot
Media is so clearly supporting rishi but trying to be sly about it, they can't wait to humiliate us with a wog pm
>when he projects things that happened to him at school on to bumbum chad >>286472 tbh
Think I've pulled something in my neck tbh just in time to go back to toil >>286459 >>286460 >>286461 >>286466 tbh a sneethe free Sunday to all good lads
>>28647 tbh even youtube is putting in the work having every "news" vid be about Sunak the underdog
>>286475 smh is for >>286472
>>286475 >"forces that be" don't want billionaire sunak to be pm
also howling seeing itv the other day speaking to tory councillers about who they support and the 1 indian they interviewed was supporting rishi.
>>286474 Cheers lad and cheers to a Sneethe free sunday, hope toil goes alright for you
>>286477 keek it's such parody
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>>286469 those lasses look so much more kino because they don't have the beaky long nose eurotrash hun look. would nonce them tbh
>>286483 Good steinhog, don't let the faggots hear tel your not to chase your lasses
must preserve the anglo/scots irish celtoid phenotype in the new world tbh fuck all swarthoids and fuck niggers
g*rmany, might as well be mongolia okay thank you
>>286479 Thankee lad I had a nice time off tbh just a double edged sword taking a week away since you always come back to a weeks worth of toil all at once smh, the toilman can never be free
>>286421 >isolating for 3 full weeks, not being able to have any sex wow only 2 tweets in and I already didn't give a shit
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Well I wish I hadn't continued reading. Is this what sexuality becomes if you remove the feminine element?
>>286421 wew these are the people who judge you at office toil and expect you to be accepting of them getting pissed on and getting their shitter reamed out by hundreds of diseased meth smokers
>>286393 He was allowed to broadcast this?
don't trust the jews
>>286489 did you read that monkepox post? is that what you are referring to?
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the world needs Britain
>>286494 POV: you are Barb
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Needs a Dorshit edit tbh
>>286498 don't encourage his spam
>>286499 He's harmless enough. I just filter when he's being obnoxious
smorning lads >>286498 keeeeek
>>286498 those old timey cigarette on a stick things were so cool, what happened to those?
>>286502 too formal for the modern classless foid
>>286504 I think it just cools the smoke
women amirite?
>>286506 tbh can't live with them can't live without them
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love women me
>the full cast of amazons lotr
>>286506 They really need constant tending to, even in the best of circumstances
slavery is cringe tbh
>>286513 nah it was baste. even 'stralians enslaved abos on strawberry fields
>moral fagging
>>286513 Lad I will pay for your retirement if you work for me for free for 30 years.
>>286516 indentured servitude isn't slavery tbh
>>286517 then slavery isn't slavery because slaves don't live to retirement.
>>286518 that doesn't make any sense lad
>>286519 It will when you are worked to death.
>>286520 what?
>>286521 mine salt and opals slave
>>286522 lad if you have a point to make then make it
>Extinction Rebellion attack Rupert Murdoch's News UK Offices
>>286524 mindless establishment footsoldiers tbh imagine knowing you'll face no punishment for your actions but still thinking you're the resistance
>>286524 somebody should attack XR tbh
>>286526 tbh hate looking at these dysgenic mongs
>David davis attacks EUs london offices
>>286532 this has got to be fake right
>>286532 k,eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>286533 yeah
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two heckin weeks without ses damn he is a fucking ascetic
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>>286530 keeeeek that last one was so shite at climbing
two weeks
paul dano after two weeks
>uni grant money confirmed
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watching it again
>>286540 based what's it for lad? >>286541 can't remember when this was smh it all blurs together
What if the media industry is supporting the underdog because it wants the leading candidate to feel the need to curry favour (no pun intended) with the media?
>>286542 it was during the I can't breeve dead nigger riots during the early scamdemic
>>286543 no, its because hes a wog and they want to humiliate these isles further, ireland literally had a gay wog pm until recently and now we'll get a fucking indian
>16 year old screenshotting my chats and threatening to report me to the police for saying I want to breed her
>>286543 the media doesn't need anything that the pm can offer tbh they get their orders from higher up the chain >>286544 feels like so long ago now smh >>286545 tbh
tfw the police and the law are no problem, but still have to worry about retarded nonce bashers who don't know the law smh
>>286549 do nonce hunters exist in norway
>>286550 tbh smh. God so many women have said they can't have a child because they are still literally babies who can't wipe their own arses so how are they supposed to take care of anothe rbeing? thank god we no longer teach women such valuable things, and thank god we've deluded them into thinking that having a kid is so hecking harderino >>286552 Not found any yet, but this one sounds suspicious. It actually sounds like my dyslexic class mate from the same area who I know have gone on nonce hunts before
>>286551 >actuall literal pooperino pills exist what the heckerino
>>286553 They still want to right to vote and get all the other privileges and "rights" they get though, just none of the responsibilities
>>286555 yeah, they also want to lower the voting age to 16. Would be nice if the world was at least consistent and "fair" tbh. Infuriating seeing contradictions all the time, and nobody else seeing it smh
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>>286535 i hear your balls explode if that happens, scary stuff >>286541 keeeeek holy shit did anyone get injured? >>286550 >>286553 hate the world we live in tbh this is all the doing of older women who, under the guise of 'protecting' the heckin childerinos are actually just trying to prevent men from being attracted to women that aren't themselves
>>286523 i have a point?
>>286556 >Would be nice if the world was at least consistent and "fair" tbh. tbh >>286557 david dees was a good lad smh
>>286559 falun gong propaganda
>>286563 Jonesian propaganda
God I want 22 to get battered and go on a lorry driver serial killer arc
>>286566 why would I become a serial killer for getting battered?
>when someone tries to write an arc for you but it doesn't make sense smh ought to know the lore better
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I hope him and bow boomer link up
>>286568 get battered and find out
>>286571 its a rubbish bin lad.
>>286571 why do retards think this isn't a fake video, hes some washed up old deano trying to get tiktok followers *comically falls out of bin*
> >>286574 pretty sure everyone are aware of tiktok being fake tbh
>>286576 keeeek
sick of hearing about this retarded faggot peter thiel
(2.93 MB 900x720 incelrage.webm)

put a camper top on the back of my new pickup truck bought it from a boomer farmer for 200 dollars
>>286579 comfy, building up to your travelling serial killer/terrorist ark
>>286580 yeah i can hunt vanlife girls now
and buckchug them in the woods
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-23/defiant-orban-doubles-down-on-russia-policy-arch-conservativism >Orban, 59, painted a bleak picture of ideological war between “post-Western values” and the traditionalist societies of Central and Eastern Europe. >Those values “will never have a majority in this part of the world,” he said, arguing against “becoming a mixed race nation” and accepting Western stances on gender and LGBTQ issues.
>>286583 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek kino >>286584 luv orban tbh
the only philosophy left
>>286584 >orban, 59 Bloomberg wouldn't be the same without those detail oriented bean-counters pointing out the age, in years since birth, of a world leader
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>>286588 simple as
quit tinnies for a while, but life isn't fun without looking forward to lots of tins at the weekend. don't like it being sober on the weekends
sleep schedule completely fucked atm
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Tsk tsk what a mess. Get it together, Euros!
>>286592 smh lad >>286593 people going on holiday have been getting fucked over pretty much constantly lately keeeeek
havent been on holiday since i was a childerino. perhaps i'm too immature to go away somewhere under my own initiative. wouldn't know how to get through an airport or what you do when you come out of the airport on the other end. get drunk at a bar/pub near the airport?
>>286595 have refused to go on family holidays since I was 13 and becoming a cringecel tbh, haven't been further than a 15 mile radius since then
>>286597 im a grown up lad, my family doesn't go on holidays anymore and i haven't made a new family for myself
>>286595 >wouldn't know how to get through an airport or what you do when you come out of the airport on the other end. get drunk at a bar/pub near the airport? drop your luggage off at your hotel lad >>286596 foids truly are not sapient
>>286596 >smarter than ... me >not 'smarter than ... i' Poor gooze
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>>285927 Yeah, wogs are generally better than women. Women suck compared to all of creation excepting the helpless immature (i.e. young children), male wogs are inferior in relation to white men which if you think about it really isn't saying too much in the larger context. A group of ten women on a deserted island will starve while a group of ten men or ten male wogs will endure. Still don't want wogs anywhere near me as they are fundamentally different in important ways.
Anglin on politically provoked rn
>>286604 link?
>andrew anglin
>>286590 to be sober is to accept your situation, to able to coldy assess it and change it. To be drunk is to accept idleness and will the time to pass in a haze.
>>286595 after a couple of times, going on holiday by yourself is empty and pointless. You just end up spending a lot of money to keep yourself occupied in a desperate attempt to have some fun. Last time I did it, I found myself thinking "this would be so much better if I could share it with someone".
Having some nice schadenfreude by seeing the anti-vax talk to the vaccinated the way climate change theory promoters talk to every one who isn't. "Look at this ailment (could even be a random one), its caused by vaccination!" compared to "Look at this unusual weather (any type of weather variant), it's caused by pollution!" Come to think of it, both of these issues are natural health or nature concern focussed. Not sure what that means, but maybe it's from an incipient luddite faction.
>>286611 choon that
>>286546 I declare you based. >>286549 You have a pistol lad, take them out. >>286609 fucking hell lad, avaunt with these feels
sneed a new thread tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax3B4gRQNU4 this sounds like bum bum king
>>286604 >>286606 Anglin is a good lad but it's pissing me off how he's falling for this "Cozy" Spic Fuentes cargo cult, even after Jaden/Simon exposed the fact that there is no "movement". best explanation I can think of is that Nick donates a lot of money to Anglin, and Anglin has become reliant on that income to make ends meet. Nick gets his money from a handful of large donors, guys that were smart enough to get rich off crypto but not smart enough to realize that this Mexican twink isn't going to save the white race with his catholic wigger streaming platform
>>286602 What is the context of this video?
I hate when you shit yourself and it looks like you have a tail. Many a time I've shimmied the log around to the front just to make it look like I have a huge cock.
that's the worst post I've seen in a long time
>>286619 I know, nobody gives a fuck about Andrew Anglin or Nick Fuentes or whoever the fuck. I'm glad you acknowledge your mistake and hope you don't make such a shite post in future. Thanks.
>>286587 They should go all the way and print >Orban, white, heterosexual, AMAB, 59, he/him
apes broke into my house and made a huge bed of leaves
(307.09 KB 497x483 tardation.png)

>>286623 tf is this
>>286624 its cute
>>286625 Like Violet?
>>286626 shes not cute
>>286627 She is. Like a new born elephant.
(28.23 KB 800x450 PUNCH.jpg)

tried to play a video game again it was horrible
>>286628 don't compare elephants to foids lad elephants are based >>286630 smh iktf
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>>286631 >don't compare elephants to foids lad elephants are based tbh
>>285930 wdhmbt
>>286635 draw her balancing on a ball for the circus
>>286631 Violet isn't a woman, she is the setting sun. She is the brief glimpse of the divine one achieves in the passion of an embrace. She is everything to me.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv7PjWPPJDE Fresh former SAS bazza talking to vaugely homosexual GBNews guy.
>>286636 sad to say I am not the original artist, lad
face like a smacked penguin
number seven. i was afraid. eggs in the basket. no more turkey in the train care. obsequious. terrfied by the salamander but at least the red one was green. send more iterations. no, i take four tablets a year for it. in my own right, i am the twelfth. he had no cataracts so left it to the woods.
I never went to Church today, feel exhausted. Thanks for the concern.
*is a cat* *dances*
>>286638 I agree, I'm sure they have something else for killing people they don't like.
>>286638 Wasn't this the bloke who was in Football lads alliance? Swear Joe made a video about he was a spy ages ago
Oh wait I'm thinking of Phil Champion different bloke

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