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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/po/ #3754: Big Commonwealth BVLL Edition Anonymous 08/08/2022 (Mon) 14:04:20 Id: b35c12 No. 291850
Anti-abortion Gen Z-ers see cause as social justice https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-62273461 Men have a higher risk of cancer because of 'intrinsic biological differences' NOT because they eat, drink and smoke more, major study claims https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11091367/Men-greater-cancer-risk-biology-NOT-drink-smoke-study-claims.html 'Apocalyptic' blaze that destroyed 15 gardens and saw 40 people evacuated in Essex was started by CHIMINEA amid barbecue ban warnings – as firefighters probe cause of Feltham inferno https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11091471/Apocalyptic-blaze-destroyed-15-gardens-Essex-started-CHIMINEA.html 'The stuff of nightmares!': 'Creepy' child-shape bollards designed to alert drivers to school crossing are branded 'terrifying' and have turned village into 'an 80s horror film' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11091701/Creepy-child-shape-bollards-designed-alert-drivers-school-crossing-branded-terrifying.html Blow for Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss as new poll shows the public think NEITHER would be a better prime minister than Keir Starmer - and fare no better against Labour leader than Boris Johnson https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11091277/Blow-Sunak-Truss-poll-shows-public-think-NEITHER-better-PM-Starmer.html And other shite
>>291850 >>291850 >>291850 very good lad have some (You)s
>>291837 >>291837 >>291837 >>291837 >>291837 >>291837 >>291837 ORIGINAL >>291837 >>291837 >>291837 >>291837 >>291837 >>291837 >>291837 >>291837 Post in the original thread since the janny will be removing this spam.
>>291850 good lad
>>291850 good lad
le bumperino
Happy 11th anniversary of the 2011 England riots
>saging a /brit/ thread keek
>>291855 Non-Britons are second class citizens, we must not allow them to control the means of thread production lad. My condolences.
>>291859 the 2011 riots were proof Englishmen even in the modern era can btfo nonwhites
>>291861 It's okay lad. I'll get the next one without the flag, then reveal my flag after it's too late. Simple as. I understand the caste system that exists. It needs to exist. At the top of the system is Brits, a category that includes only the indigenous people of the island, whether they have deep roots there or just moved there from the Congo. But you're forgetting that I'm a yank lad. We exist outside of and above such hierarchies. And the hierarchies only exist at our leisure and direction. As a yank, I need my presence to be felt. It could have been just one bake. Now it's going to be many.
Big horny wanks on a dead man's chest.
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Owens is right to say that invaders should be processed, i.e. put in order for their deportation, on the isle of wight
I used to love playing baseball and basketball in PE
Cricket too. All sports come to think of it but strange to enjoy Amerifat sports smh
>>291871 never really understood cricket tbh played it with my dad once or twice but it's such a weird game and hitting the ball with the bat in that position is so weird and unsatisfying tbh
>hitting the ball with the bat in that position is so weird and unsatisfying tbh Are you sure you were playing cricket with your dad?
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cold beer and fried chicken n chips for dindins then i will go for a walkies
>>291873 Je qeeq!
I got red arrowed to fuck on the Daily Mail >Story about a hedge >Some Boomer does the whole "I'm a big man, I'd cut the trees down! I'd pour pesticide on them!" schtick (deliberatly using a yid term) >Tell him that if he did it to my trees I'd put his windows in and break a few of his bones I'm in the right. Trees before bougies tbh
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>Oh boy! PE teacher is letting us play Danish Longball today!
By 1864 the Russo-Circassian war had ended with the Circassian genocide. Around 600,000 Circassian refugees were now flooding into Ottoman Anatolia. The Ottoman Empire at this point was indebted to the West, still recovering from the Crimean War and facing constant rebellions from the Arab and Balkan fringes of its empire. These rebellions were commonly put down by local Turks and Bashibazouks (Ethnic based auxiliary) with minor assistance from the overwhelmed Ottoman army. Facing this flood of fellow Muslim refugees the Turks took to resettling them in areas that had recently rebelled. The settlement of Circassians, along with Crimean Tartars (also fleeing the Russian Empire), took place mostly in the Balkans and mostly there in Bulgaria. Around 175,000 Circassians were settled there, becoming a contributing factor to the 1876 Bulgarian Uprising. The uprising was brief, and was fought mostly between Bulgarians and Circassian Bashibazouks, the death toll was a few thousand at most before being put down by the Ottoman army. What followed was called the "Bulgarian Atrocities". The Bashibazouks were sent to the majority Bulgarian areas of the country that took part in the rebellion, massacring villages and repopulating them with Circassians and Crimean Tatars, Bulgarians who were loyal to the Empire survived but were evicted from their homes so Circassians could populate them. The Bulgarians had lost a war and now faced a massive demographic shift as punishment making any future rebellion exceedingly unlikely. A year later, the Russians still sore from losing the Crimean War, enraged by the Bulgarian Atrocities and, with the Western press now in their favour, invaded the Ottoman Empire. The year long Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878) resulted in independence for Bulgaria as well as Serbia, Montenegro and Romania. The Russians staged mass executions of captured Bashibazouks and the newly formed Bulgarian government engaged in a policy of expulsion for Circassians and Albanians, but not Turks who were free to stay, though most still left. After this no Circassians remained in the Balkans except Albania and Kosovo. Circassians fleeing the Balkans were sent south to the Arab fringe in 1878 to settle area's that had revolted in the decades prior. Amman, the current capital of Jordan at this time was already abandoned, and was nothing more than ancient ruins. The Circassians who had fled from the Balkans along with those deported from Anatolia founded the modern day city of Amman. They were effective as guards against Bedouins and became a martial race that dominated local Arabs. To this day Circassians make up 3% of Jordans population and are heavily overrepresented in the military. The King of Jordan's Royal Bodyguards are an entirely Circassian detachment. Another fun fact is Boris Johnson's "Turkish" ancestor was in reality a descendant of Circassian refugees who settled in Turkey. Picture 1: Bashibazouks captured by Russians. Picture 2: Bashibazouks hanged by Russians Picture 3: Bulgarians being evicted for Circassian refugees. Picture 4: Queen of Jordan accompanied by the Circassian Royal Bodyguards
>>291880 yeah cool
KEEP ROLLIN' Didn't check the comments, but I can imagine the female seethe.
>>291880 The slave trade in Circassians was huge in the Ottoman Empire, I'd imagine many Turks have relations to that country. Nice effort post, loser.
Cars are a curse on the human race.
>>291884 >Cars are a curse on the human race. You could've just said you don't know how to drive, lad.
>291882 chyeeuh
>>291885 I have a license, lad. Cars are for faggots and promote atomised individualism. They cause noise and air pollution. They make us reliant on foreign states. They destroy cities, towns, and villages. They have paved over vast amounts of land for these monstrosities. There are two things necessary to reform Britain's infrastructure: The abolition of the private vehicle and the destruction of the suburb.
>>291887 The bugmen agree with you
>>291888 As should every British patriot.
thinking about how allowing men to go lion mode would help solve the single mummy and incel problem
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Think I'm going to start learning from the 22st school of seduction
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>we made a documentary about aid to the ukraine being a huge money laundering operation but the US military fact checked us so we deleted it
>>291890 tell me how to go lion mode, lad. i'm literall a leo with long darkblonde hair
>>291887 Based, but not BASED IN REALITY
>>291894 Are you a hippy? Cut your hair, student.
How much cock has she taken?
spireful pootants tbh
>>291890 god that sounds like heaven
>>291882 luv that the lisa simpson generation is trying to bring attention to the natural dynamic of male mate selection entirely out of a solipsistic rage at reality not bending to their narcissistic self image
>>291895 Certainly based in reality, many examples of cities where the pedestrian/bicyclist/horsieman/public transport are king. Every one of them better than shitholes invaded by the car. But let me guess? Your social anxiety comes before everything else? Your bourgeois comforts above everything? Faggot. >>291898 Behead those who insult gingerlass.
>>291898 keeeeek
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https://youtu.be/y28c9kBfcjI >his testicles are absolutely perfect
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crabapple trees near me are now almost harvestable hundreds, maybe at least 3-400 apples, big ones wonder if i could sell them or something, i am definitely going to go out and pick a big bag full later in the week, already filled my pockets up just now
>291898 not funnny
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>>291907 Is robbing your neigbours of their fruit a common pastime in Dorset?
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>>291911 its how my ancestors became americans lad
>>291911 its in the nature area that nobody really owns, but scrumping used to be very common in dorset, yes
>>291913 I thought they were mostly sent there for being both poor and Irish which simply wasn't accepted in 18th century England.
sneedvening chuds
>>291914 Does it just all level out in the end with everyone stealing other peoples fruit or is there like an apple kingpin at the end of the year hiding all his loot in a river side cave?
>>291915 kek yeah but my mummies side were criminals from england from devon, poachers
>>291917 i am the apple kingpin
>>291919 You must have an impressive set of ladders.
Would have been cool with mayan home alone meets predator but the injun does nothing to pretend like she is an actual injun instead of a 21st century chinkoid
got called an incel by a nonbinary transmasc he/they on tumblr lads. what do I do? i'm ruined.
>>291921 Look how they massacred my boy.
>>291922 incel
>>291923 kind of like the design with the helmet on tbh
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>>291926 Mwuha the Japanese
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jesus steiner
>>291929 corn syrup hit him like a mack truck
>>291926 me on left gingerlass on right
>>291932 not enough wanking.
>>291933 cant wank, need my nofap energy for the interview on wednesdee
>>291934 what are you interviewing for?
>>291935 prison officer for nonces like 22st
>>291929 yeah he is some downs mong don't really like people who bully downs people god made them so that narcissistic fags would have to touch grass about the state of humanity. the real shame is how fucking fat most of the people in shartica are now days.
really just ODing on blackpills in general lately. just want society to collapse already. even though I just got a decent raise at boomer toil now making 30 an hour I cba to care about life in general its impossible to make friends irl and impossible to meet lasses. every time I try to get to know some lass they either move away or stop showing up to X hobby/toil thing I am doing. and then generally you also have too many lasses who are 27plus trying to act like they can just be dating around still and that they shouldn't be having a kid or something. its so fucked and gay. also going to these faggy normalfag weddings where former maskfags are all asking why I lost my uni toil job, etc. and making classist comments about blue collar work. I just wish that putin would nuke this shithole so bad
>>291936 remember a tightly wrapped newspaper doesn't leave bruising.
>>291938 move to brazil or argentina
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>>291940 no way I hate swarthy people so bad and even the midwest is gonna be a shitty place if things don't change before long.
>>291942 argentina is white...
also argentina is already in a state of collapse again because of inflation >>291943 yeah sure
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become part of some prod cult and get yourself an 18yo wife
>>291938 Sounds rough lad, atleast you still get human interaction. I am on an empty site atm and no one invites me to anything anymore.
>>291947 yeah lone boomer toil is the worst you end up trying to hard to talk with randos at the hardware store and stuff. at least working with chud redneck boomers they all have us go to the cheesesteak shop together at least once a week and they roast biden on the TV really loud as banter. yeah can't complain about that. smh trades work in UK seems so comfy though compared to in US
>>291948 *too hard
Also I think my digestive system is packing up because I drank some apple juice today and I ended up spending the next six hours bloated, burping and farting.
>>291948 It can be but it can also be soul destroying depending.
>>291950 think that mid to late august has a bad allergy phase that fucks up alot of peoples digestion
Right now I have no one on site but I guess that gives me free run of the place and I'll only be there for another couple days and then I have a fat invoice to hand over at the end. >>291952 It's been ongoing and the doctors have refused to do anything because apparently my blood work and stool samples are all good. Gonna have to bully the GP into sending me to a specialist next time I see him.
It gives me a good reason to fast so that's something I guess.
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>>291950 >apples bet you eat oats too don't you lad?
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Watching this soon. Bins setting it up
is this thread about to become gay?
>>291962 no I'm containing him in the film room
>>291962 No, I will make sure this thread has no homosexuality in it, you can trust me
>>291962 Why? You excited for some big gay cocks in your arse? Gay boy?
>>291962 well hello there!
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>>291967 do you have festering sores seeping pus and shite from your angus lad?
>>291970 No, just plenty of pus-sy meat to eat. Take a break incel!
Just popped a bowl of clitorises in the microwave. Starving tbh.
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>>291976 Good job nobody knows who Anonymous Pig is
>>291979 Just assuming it's Dorshite tbqh.
fuck off gayboy
>>291980 did the troon groomers get you lad?
It was someone here, either way. >291983 No.
queer stirring up shit imagine my shock
You're the one that fancies stirring my shit lad.
>>291985 >>291986 At least have the courtesy to (you) each other when talking. Show some common courtesy please!
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Toil comes early
>>291988 poor lad
>>291987(You) Shut the fuck up fag
>My perfect sister being who she was. My mother and father were so proud the day she got her nigger. "We have a nog in the family. Isn't it wonderful?" I was the only one to see her for what she was... a traitor! And then she had you, and I knew you would be the same. Just as strange, just as... ugly. And then if you please, she went and paid the toll, and we got landed with you. need bbk to read this in his voice
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>>291990 How will I ever recover from this?
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>>291993 Recover? Oh? He thinks he'll recover?
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>>291989 It's self inflicted tbh I dont even know if were supposed to go up to the office since bosswoman is off atm but toiling from home would drive me mad if I didnt break it up
He's an institutionalised man now
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>it's a phone starts ringing in the middle of taking a shite episode
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seems steiner has been very blackpilled recently, I'd like to take part credit in that due to my recent incessant incel posting
3m Excellent PmReUM
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>tasty new britlass just dropped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwoU0aAfpAA
just listened to that hi dorshit vocaroo, why are women and the men who associate with them so unfunny
>>292002 they grow these women in labs
>>292003 whats so bad about it?
>>292006 theres a self important foid in it, could hear the narcissism in her voice
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>>291960 Wtf is this lad? kay and her cowardly boyfriend?
>>292012 its me and gingerlass
>>291880 good read. I don't get why turks were allowed to stay in Bulgaria, they are still there today...
>>292011 hope you're doin alright though lad
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>>291994 god I wish this was me
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>williams >trannies >gayists does this board have any redeeming factors?
>>292021 we're all based and redpilled
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trannies williams gayists does this board have any redeeming factors
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>>292023 get him lad
ulster isn't even here
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he in sulted us now he must pay
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na night lads, see yer in't mornin'
mars a lago is under siege under lockdown
based hope he goes out like koresh
mate, adnac, never heard of it, sounds like absolute tat.
>>292031 >according to Trump "could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries." OHONONONO FLORIDA SISTERS
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rally the magawaffen
>>292021 At least one theocrat
Trump just won the 2024 primary idk what that means ngl
whats happening in shartica? is drumpf shooting it out with fbi trannies
>>292045 I heard something about him being radied
>>292044 means that that blue check thinks that Trump will win the 2024 Republican primary election (when the Republican party decides which candidate it will run in the actual election) because his winter home got raided by spooks
oh no!
>>292043 Albanian gangsters smh
>>292048 aha but I'm not sure it works like that
>>292047 read through that article and noticed this https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-stands-with-muslims-after-horrific-killings-new-mexico-2022-08-07/ looks like there might be a chud out hunting mudsharts
the boomers must awaken...
>>292045 just more gay nothingburgers but I do hope it makes a few boomers go postal since they worship dump for some reason
>>292055 I can see why normongs that aren't that into politics would like him, since the economy was so much better during his term and that's 99% of politics for normongs. but people that are 'tapped in' and pay attention should no better, he really didn't do anything to justify the worship
>>292044 >*blumpf being executed on live television* >"woooo we can't stop winning bros. let's go brandon. imagine the reaction if we did this"
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>>292056 nice try brandon
>>292044 and they will just cheat it again anyway and then boomers will say trump 2028
imagine how epic the libs would be owned if trump was president
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Zaphorozia region to hold referendum to join Russia. Kherson as well but that's old news https://www.rt.com/russia/560455-ukraine-zaporozhye-referendum-russia/
>>292060 this is the elephant in the room tbh they were allowed to get away with blatantly stealing an election in front of the whole world, what's to stop them doing it again?
>>292063 yeah and the bosmers just keep thinking that if the latest super smackdown versus raw match up with zog desantis and whatever other kike shill they put up to run is gonna matter at all?
>>292064 remember last christmas my cousin was like, "you know who's a real statesman? that ron desantis, that's a real man". something like that, praising him over the anti-virus hoax stuff
>>292065 yeah desantis didn't just kiss the wailing wall he ate it out
>>292065 >remember last christmas my cousin was like, "you know who's a real statesman? that ron desantis, that's a real man". something like that, praising him over the anti-virus hoax stuff tbf, I wish we had someone as based as that in UK politics even are nige was out banging a pot for the NHS
yup, it's bins
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iron-pumping time, need to get muscles so I can get pussy
>>292054 Last week, I saw them asking for a full hour of Peter Hitchens at that YouTube channel that hosts his half-hour Here's the show from earlier https://youtu.be/yOvUAjjAlNY
>>292071 >need to get muscles so I can get pussy Really? If you're pinning it on this you probs need plastic surgery as well.
>>292073 I don't want to be fake though, I want to be the best version of my natural self. that should be good enough, 6/10 girls are already interested in me and in the past there have been some very attractive females that showed interest. I think my face is not ugly, I just need to looksmaxx, everythingmaxx
morning lads slept fourteen hours
>>292075 that's a good rest
shoveling down some ground beef and rice with red bell peppers and chipotle salsa lift eat lift eat lift eat lift eat
wanna increase my reps per set from 5 to 6, think that's more optimal for hypertrophy and will train cardio/endurance more trying to increase the effort too
>>292079 ate peppers luv chipotle
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shops >>292078 choon that
Wessex's Travel Journal Day One -on taxi ride, grandparents reminiscing about flying earlier in life; "how much easier it was, not as formal, laid back, low security" etc. "just don't understand what changed"- no reference to change of people and increase -At airport; lots of travelthots and few men my age, soys if so -In hostel; "pods" are airless coffins with no ventilation, the room only has three windows and nobody bothered to open them until I came, it still didn't help reduce the godawful funk of huge amounts of baggage, shoes etc lying around everywhere -breakfast buffet advertised explicitly for my location; it doesn't exist -rest of the family is staying in travelodge or rented a fucking house for the week -dinner in a spoons last night cost over £10 for their cheapest meal and drink -breakfast this morning is co-op meal deal, which has gone from £2.50 to £4 for SHIT -there are wogs fucking everywhere and they ape scottish accents and it's horrific overall I hate this and want to go home okaythankyou
poo update: need a poo but worried about the public loos I think getting an std from a toilet seat without the usual intercoursal activities would be one of the ultimate JUSTs and am quite worried
>>292084 just hover over the seat, don't make contact with it
>>292085 a most dangerous game
>>291991 https://voca.ro/1a4M0R5TRnda >>292002 She's always on GB News >>292014 tbh, bring back the Tsar, destroy the t*rks, eliminate racial aliens, build traditional architecture based on walkability and public transport.
>Wessex goes into the woods to avoid pooing himself >Pulls his pants down to his ankles >*shits* >Pulls his pants up and feels a brown splodge >He couldn't bend his cripple legs properly and just elaborately shat into his own pants
>>292087 >public transport
>>292088 I was thinking about him trying to do the seat hover technique, but within 30 seconds beginning to strain and tremple due to his considerable mass before plopping down onto the seat. and then getting STDs from the seat, without even touching a pussy
>>292091 keeeeek I'd be surprise if they even have seats in scotland smh
some cunt pissed on the seat so I had to clean the bathroom before shitting a most unsatisfactory poo >>292092 they made the loo in the most unergonomic shape possible, the square, to discourage people using it
also the kitchen is shit, full of expired food that other cunts didn't clean up before leaving, and some absolute shitheel brewed coffee in the kettle or it's rusted away or something because it looks absolutely foul not even going to try inner city tap water so I guess I'll be spending even more shekels on overpriced plastic bottles of water that still comes out of a tap
>need to poo again
>>292083 >there are wogs fucking everywhere and they ape scottish accents and it's horrific tbh wogs doing local accents is nightmarish smh can't really put into words exactly why but it's wrong on a primal level
>>292095 can't you just poop in a bag and tie it up and throw it in the trash?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFCOcrUj-9U pov: you're wessie arriving in sc*tland
chicken skewers for dinnero again
>>292099 sounds a bit dry, lad. what cut of chicken is it, and what else is there other than chicken? is it seasoned, are there vegetables with it? I'm on the chicken thigh craze right now, they have so much flavor
>>292100 they've got hoisin on them tbh whatever that is no veggies because i don't want to do more washing up
>>292101 >hoisin soy. it's like the chinese version of teriyaki
>>292102 smh i'm done for
honestly can't tell the difference between different cuts of chicken tbh
>mummy bought stir fry flavour kok noodles from home bargains instead of chicken I'M GOING TO KILL!
>>292105 >kok noodles
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>>292096 Wherever I go foreigners just have foreign accents, or one of the two or three generic "foreigner who was born here" accents. You know exactly the sort of voice I mean. Almost never hear one with a local accent.
I threw the noodles into the garden. My winglings have descended. They will destroy this cilinary crime.
>>292111 good lad you can't let mummy get away with that kind of thing or else she'll start doing it all the time
That was a long poo. Didn't ever think I was going to escape the shackles of the toilet seat for a while.
Crazy to think English woman all have crusty arseholes.
>>292062 phwoar
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chud >Kievan Rus 1030–1113, Yuryev in the country of the Chuds keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
crabapple wine crabapple cider crabapple spirits
>>292116 smh the deep state is making its move >>292117 keeeek based
>>292118 do it lad brewing is fun
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Explosion reported at Google's data centre in Iowa, 3 electricians critically injured.
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>>292121 BASED in Minecraft
>>292121 wonder what caused it tbh can't really think of anything in a data centre that could blow up maybe the place is big enough to need its own transformers and shite
Oh right it's going to be something boring.
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>>292124 always has been
>>292002 Not that one can agree with women in politics, but the culture she presents with the full dress to the dress to floor is a good one. That detail reminds me of Daisy Cousens and indeed its level of conservative rivals that of the different religious Asian groups. 😎Pretty cool
people dont fuck with me people dont fuck with me people dont fuck with me
>>292129 we get it ur a incel
>>292130 im the apple kingpin
>>292131 more like a pletard
https://youtu.be/HrQalXriLoQ >Dorset joins the Klan
>>292132 not optimistic about stalker 2 tbh hope it never gets finished
>>292079 spig?
There is evidence that the USAF used an AGM-88 HARM in Ukrainian air space on Russian ground targets. Ukies don't have the weapon systems to launch the missile being promised to them, it would require an aircraft with NATO standard hard points (F-16, Eurofighter, F/A-18 ect.)
Dead niggers. Floating down stream.
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>>292125 Good job I only coomed twice this morning to ex's insta thot pics.
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>>292139 only twice? CMON
lads sephiroth just killed aeris wtf
Balls like grease. A cock like gease.
>>292143 >Balls like grease. A cock like gease. Olivia Newton John from Grease died yesterday
>>292144 smh will have to re watch it in her memory luv grease tbh
Just saw a talmudvision with fake news on saying this >the FBI has raided former president trump's florida home >here's what they may have been looking for Not "here's what they found". But what they "may" have been "looking for". It's all so tiresome lads.
Crimea got hit, shit is going to get worse. It was Medvedev's red line.
>>292145 I was thinking that tbh
watched one of those CHINA IS COLLAPSING BRO 2 WEEKS BRO videos that steiner posted and now my youtube feed is full of falun gong propaganda
>>292144 She was fit, but she betrayed the Auslad race >>292145 tbh, maybe bins will do a film night
>>292146 the purpose of the news is to tell the npcs what they're supposed to be thinking the word "may" is a godsend to these creatures smh they can say anything and be shielded from any accusations of libel or slander journalists deserve the rope >>292147 wew that's taking it to the next level >>292149 watch some videos on interpretations of dengist thought to balance it out
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivia_Newton-John >Dame Olivia Newton-John AC DBE (26 September 1948 – 8 August 2022) was a British-Australian singer, actress and activist. >British-Australian There is no other kind of Australian.
>>292152 tbqh lot of people faking it though smh
>>292149 Anon, how can you possibly kid yourself into thinking China won't collapse. Let's just say for the sake of this discussion, they have the most efficient, powerful, and long-term designed economic system of all time. And let's just say that all of their competitors are permanently crippled by internal problems. There are degrees of truth in both these statements, but we'll take them to the most optimized situation for the China. Even if China is handed the world on a silver platter like this, they are STILL going to collapse simply because of demographics. Even America's dismal demographics of today are not as catastrophic as China, in terms of being able to maintain a continuity of government in perpetuity. We could easily survive forever, and granted, it would be more like Brazil than America, and all pretense of the Bill of Rights and the rights of our founding stock would be gone. But we could maintain a continuity of government without fracturing into warring states over food. We would just have a very squalid and shitty version of our country, if demographics were to continue down the racial freefall for the next 50 years. But China on the other hand, has a demographic problem that is much more threatening than even the racial nuke waiting to blast our country to 3rd world status: age. China's inverted demographic pyramid can only lead to collapse EVEN IF they have the most perfect system and no competitors. That is because they have no power if they have no people, and they have WAY the fuck too many old people. We will see China collapse within our lifetimes, because people that are already very elderly can't build, or maintain, or reproduce. All they can do is die quickly, and in China's case, that will mean the vast majority of their population will die in a short period of time. What's more is the gender thing. How is a nation with a population devastated by loss of numbers going to compel the 34 million permavirgins to fight even harder to maintain it? The only way China will have enough young people to not collapse would be to bring in hundreds of millions of young immigrants, and the only countries with young populations are in Africa. So they either collapse by suddenly not having anyone to man the ship, or they collapse by bringing in a number of niggers that is higher than the niggers of America and the UK combined. Hell, they would have to bring in more niggers than the total populations of our countries combined. The birth rate has actually gotten even lower than it was during the one child policy. This is because having even one child in China right now is even more financially suicidal than it would be for one of us. And that birth rate will only get lower. So as the elderly start becoming more infirm, and as the older become elderly, the financial burden on the young will skyrocket, which will turn children from financial suicide into a pipe dream. Shanghai already has the lowest birth rate in the world. For an authoritarian Socialist regime, China is really bad at dealing with inequality and social welfare. And one other serious problem in this witch's brew is the increasing wealth level of China as a whole. Even though it is one of the most unequal countries on earth per capita, everyone in China is seeing some modicum of wealth increase that is noticeable to them. Even the poorest have much more purchasing power than they had before China became an economic powerhouse. So of course this will be a problem. Wealth levels increasing has only ever resulted in lower birth rates for every country in the world. China simply, mathematically, cannot survive as we currently know it. By 2050, over a third of its population will be elderly. What's gonna happen when there are dozens of millions of 40 year old zoomer virgins who know they are NEVER getting pussy, and all they will ever do is make just enough money to have a job, a place to live, and pay taxes to keep those 800 million elderly fucks alive? China has collapsed into peasant revolts that caused genocides MANY times over offenses much less severe.
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Also, that wasn't even geopolitics keek. It was the internal, national politics of one country. Goddamn brainlets shitting up my board.
>>292158 *Donald
>Six months after applying to job >Got a phonecall just now >Our risk assessment has forced us to deny your application
>>292161 Do British boomers do the same bit they do here in America? >all you have to do is pull up your bootstraps, look them in the eye, and give them a firm handshake >you'll get hired and will start on the spot, and if you would just give up milk and bread more, you will even own a home this time next year >that's what I did!
>>292162 Used to be but you hear it less and less from the Boomers. Hopefully, I can sign on for bennies now though.
they're going to literally kill zonald zumpf and pretend nothing happened
>>292163 >Hopefully, I can sign on for bennies now though. Beats the shit out of wagecucking. Do you have a decent place to live? I've heard the council will stick you right in the darkest heart of Africa.
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>>292165 Living with mummy so should be safe for now, but in time I will have my vengeance on the Jews for this.
Steve is in the Donbass.
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>>292137 sounds like a conspiracy theory lad, must be a false flag from Putin
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*takes a hit from the seethe pipe* TIGHT. TIGHT. TIGHT.
>>292162 >just get a mortgage on some expensive houses in the Cotswolds or Cornwall and rent them out on airbnb to other alienated urbanites to have their holibobs in hollowed out tourist traps that were once communities, then you'll have enough money to buy a grotty flat in Blackpool
>>292170 Grim. Is Blackpool a fitting name for the town these days?
>ironically post hoof videos in the thread for a reaction >bins posts them back at me in the bongo >actually start watching them unironically ahhhhhhhhhhh https://youtu.be/npcYbDfIYoM
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>>292171 Whatever you're picturing it's worse, the only good days are when it rains, washes them off the streets.
Have you lads ever had someone you knew get done for noncing?
reminder to filter the yank on site, its incredible how hes worse than spic, reckon he might be a bot tbh.
>j-j-just filter the yank for no reason Get this newfag off my board. For fuck's sake, I have never witnessed a flag cause this much seethe in my life, and I live in a country where a guy went to prison for burning a poof flag, and several states changed their flags because of a mass shooter.
>>292171 I believe Blackpool is ironically one of the less wogged norfern towns actually. It's just incredibly poor because it's coastal town and they all went into irreversible decline for economic reasons beyond my comprehension. Blackpool will probably become an airbnb holiday hellhole for williamoids as well, assuming it doesn't sink into the sea first. >>292175 I believe a teacher at my school got imprisoned for shagging one of the lasses, if that counts.
>actually replying to the yank
I'm convinced it's the bbk he'll get bored and move on in a week
>(1) >scapeBBKing Confirmed bongoist.
>>292179 >I believe a teacher at my school got imprisoned for shagging one of the lasses, if that counts. How old was she? A teacher in my town got pinched for CP. From the day he showed up there, EVERYONE knew he was a nonce. And he worked there for years before there was any legally actionable evidence. The bloke got covid in prison and then died while intubated if I'm not mistaken. >292180 Stay mad homo.
want hard poo pellets, get poo with the consistency of toothpaste
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>>292184 eat mangos lad
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Joe's gone full civic
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>I'm brown, but 100% Irish
>>292184 Unironically, kratom. I'm not shilling my products here either, so you can trust when I tell you that any kratom will do it. It WILL give you hard poo pellets guaranteed.
>>292189 eat my arse nigger
>>292187 He was always a sell out. His pretence to know things he clearly knew nothing about was embarrassing. I'm glad he's getting exposed for the mong he is.
>>292191 Yeah yeah yeah. But seriously though, for the sake of hardening your stool, go to the local paki place and buy kratom, or do it online if you can in the UK. You will have much more solid stool.
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Success will be my revenge against the corporate scum. I want their fucking blood. I received a qualification this week to work on the other end. Every time I deal with my old company I'll punish them hard.
>lightheaded >eat more sweets >get more lightheaded noooooo
>>292196 You're probably not getting enough Maccees. I'd recommend starting small, perhaps a 20 piece McNuggets with large chips, or a Double Quarter Pounder with large chips, and then working your way up to a suitable amount for your nutritional needs.
>>292195 keeeeeeeek
>>292195 You gave away your Englishness when you said "person", m'Lord
>>292199 tbh he said bickers too apologies to the bumbum king but i was half right
tfw you want a housewife gf but don't even have a house
youll be lucky to even have a woman look at you, fat piece of shit
>>292202 smh why would you say that
Might have a cup of tea.
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>waiting for trump press conference to start
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>>292205 >party pizza
>>292205 The state of that trolley no wonder they're all fat fucks
>Only meat is a small pack of mince >No vegetables >No fruit >No mushrooms >No baked treats I'M SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETHING
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>Mossad has stated the supply of NATO weapons meant for Ukraine has been to the territory of Palestine via Romania >About 22 tons of weapons, in particular small arms and ammunition for it, walkie-talkies and body armour, about 45 stingers and 23 guns of Norwegian production
>>292187 Racists that renounce their beliefs could be treated like mafia informants.
>>292212 Many of them are, like Robbie Mullen (pictured)
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>>292215 keeeeeeeeeek how many bans is that now?
>>292215 keeeeek what didst thou do lad?
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Russia will declare war on Ukraine and Finish The Fight™ this winter.
*immediately makes new account with the same name because they don't give a fuck trying to keep banned people out* >>292218 dno. I say people look breedable sometimes as kind of a joke, but I have also made some crude comments about people's bodies, and I "harrass" single mums asking why they are the way they are and telling them to get back with their breeder
>>292220 fucking keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek you're inane abd based tbh Do you have to pay for badoo?
https://youtu.be/uKbPpKin0wI I hate her. And I love her . . .
>>292221 Yeah to send messages to people who don't want them. Think it's like 20 bongo bucks to initiate contact with 10 people who don't want contact
>>292201 If a wife can be a gf, then a house can be a flat.
>>292223 Je qeeq, tres bien Monsieur Stones.
>>292207 EXPOSED
Here's the thing, we're not voting our way out of this.
>>292226 He stopped posting right after he was exposed
>Incels >Williams >Gayists Yeah, I'm going to be siding with the incel lads.
>>292229 >receeding >diffuse hair loss He didn't stand a chance.
>>292229 Hon hon hon! Tres drole!
>>292231 average norge hairline
>>292234 average norge womban
Is it possible to be so White you start looking like a nigger?
>>292236 That lad has obvious sami admixture lad
>>292229 not looking bad tbh, nice big jaw, the sunglasses show he's fun and quirky and not afraid to have a laugh
>Domino's Pizza shuts down its last stores in Italy after failing to win over Italian consumers
>>292238 yeah thank god shadows exist or my jawline wouldn't exit
>>292240 fr fr though your jaw looks big boned which is good
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>>292104 you probably only have chicken breast then >>292136 yes >>292154 >China on the other hand, has a demographic problem that is much more threatening than even the racial nuke waiting to blast our country to 3rd world status: age oh please. this is the most retarded cope China is stable and prosperous, America is a third world shithole run by malevolent jews. China has a growing middle class and the wealth of the average Chinaman is poised to surpass that of the average European for the first time in history
>>292239 Hardly surprising given it tastes like greasy salt and nothing else.
>muh the chinks are the enemy, fellow goy >why? because le gommunism or something lmao
>>292244 Starting to like the chinks a little tbh. Also, filter this insufferable newyank on sight. It's what I've been doing the last few threads. Not like he's hard to spot. Starve it of attention fully and it will go away.
>Fdl topping the polls in Italy
>>292247 They're pretty Goyed up at this point. More so than RN in France smh
https://youtu.be/k6U_rnz5Weo Holy shit it's so fucking bad and dumb
>>292249 Sam Neill though
>>292250 remember in the third film where they cuck him for no reason?
Love me som Sam Neillerino growing up me. Made me sad I didn't see him in more filmerinos smh
>>292249 One of the recent ones ended with a little Greta Thunberg like character smugly deciding to release all the dinosaurs into the wild.
>>292251 can't really remember the third one much, last time I watched it was on VHS about 18 years ago >>292252 tbh great actor
>>292253 Yeah that was the one before this, this is the consequence. They allowed the dinosaurs to conquer the globe and they grew super fast since now that girl is like a teenager, but the dinosaurs are 40 year old size, and many. Also now every human has the ability to control raptors with their hands like some kind of magic, while in the first jurassic world they had to be trained from birth, and they still didn't always listen. So fucking dumb. Doesn't feel like the same world as jurassic park at all. Kind of feel slike the star wars sequels
>>292247 For me it's CasaPound or niente.
So what's happening with Trump? He loves to recruit from the swamp but the FBI do genuinely hate him, it's not kayfabe.
>>292254 >can't really remember the third one much, last time I watched it was on VHS about 18 years ago https://youtu.be/Ug-h86MCZEs They tease you pretending he bred her only to reveal that he didn't smh WHY?
hmm shouldn't have had that whole frozen pizza right before bed but I just wanted a small snack smh
>>292258 oh man that sucks
>>292244 You didn't get the memo, we're just hating them now because time passes.
>>292244 imperium is the future
These wasabi snacks really get into the nostrils. phwoar.
>Nigel Farage: 'I have never, ever been on a sunbed in the whole of my life' <Migrant crisis:Nigel Farage & Mark White react as plans to house migrants in Linton-on-Ouse scrapped
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Just got done with a quality pull workout (not pulling my dinkle I promise) Time for some cans.
>>292264 where exactly is this all leading, literally just fox news uk
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>>292187 It's actually impossible for me to be racist, me (the white male individual), can't inflict group preference upon the inalienable brown masses (group). In conclusion, white people today are so worthless it's impossible for me to be racially biased.
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>>292249 >>292255 The writers consulted paleontologists at the time of the first film who told them their ideas were innaccurate and stupid but they ran with them anyway. Seems they kept that the same. Featherless utahraptor called veloceraptor. Pack hunters despite total evidence to the contrary. T Rex good smell = nearly blind. Dilophosaurus still much smaller than it was and with those goofy cobra snake frills. At least the posion spitting is kind of cool even if it's a liberty. Hope there's no spinosaurids in the new movies. Top comfiest dinos ever. Big fish eating semi aquatic lads that never met and couldn't have killed t rex, but still my favourite from being a kid. Okay, thank you.
always thought joe was a mong but people on here didn't want to hear it, tbf it was mostly the brainlet SA who was pushing him.
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>>292266 Not to your taste?
>>292270 so many folds to fuck
>>292269 Tbh. He was saying refugees welcome from Ukraine because they're are white Christian brothers and sisters. As if that's all we'd be taking and not the non white intelopers in the general pool being processed by the entire European Union, as what's actually in the government agreement.
>>292249 dinosaurs are largely a meme developed by british and canadian petroleum geologists working for the rockefellers and standard oil based out of the university of chicago studying the permian traps in kansas originally and then barnum brown popularized it as a means to allow him a cover in studying petroleum geology abroad
>>292270 >My health issues are entirely because of my inbred family and not my weight
those kuwaiti girls did a number on joe
>>292276 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK "kuwaiti pussy got me acting civic"
>>292271 That big fat nigger wiping his forehead keek. Farage is a midwit grifter and always has been. Oh no this elderly man with alzheimers had a little trouble putting on a blazer. And calling shartica the leader of the free world. Cringe.
>>292265 goodlad, I too did a BIG pull workout today [in the sun] >>292270 manx can you put some godzilla footstep sfx over this as well as some jiggle/sloshing liquid sfx. and maybe a big BRAP at the end okthankyou
>>292274 I want to know more lad, is there somewhere I can read about what you're saying?
>>292270 There's music that would go great with this. But what?
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>>292281 banjo kazooie "mumbo mountain"
>>292280 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barnum_Brown https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinclair_Oil_Corporation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Hills_(Kansas) >Brown's extensive overseas fieldwork proved useful in a surprising way years later. During World War II, after he had been required (over his objections) to retire from AMNH, Brown went to work for the war effort in Washington, D.C., providing intelligence on various localities of interest to the U.S. military. https://www.strangescience.net/brown.htm
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>doubting the existence of tullimonstrum
>>292283 Death to all streamers. God I hate how the platforms have made everyone censor so hard.
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>>292284 PHWOAR. She's after those bananas
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>>292288 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>292285 thanks lad
>>292214 who is this guy? a HNH informant?
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>>292293 Daftie informants are worse than rats. At least in the mafia you're there almost purely for personal gain. These dafties are supposed to believe in something, they deserve the same fate as any snitch.
holy shit, 50 million now
>>292294 he looks like an absolute shit
This is the democrat judge that authorised the raid on Trump's house
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more like DEMONCRAP
>>292298 Looks like he could be one of Ivanka's in-laws.
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ate too much vision is blurry
>>292303 It was an apple, wasn't it? I already know.
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I know you lads will hate me but I'm but I'm proud to be Cornish. I'll never apologise for my people. I wish for a greater fashy britannia but I will always love my people. Let the cornish and english walk hand in hand.
https://youtu.be/MkWDKJjhbvw >>292306 I'll be sure to say hi when I pop down to my second home mate.
>>292298 huh, he looks jewish ngl
>>292308 you think?
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Just remembered that Cornish lad whose last post was about killing himself after his boy died of cancer and his marriage split up
>>292310 Was this in 2016 or am I thinking of another lad?
>>292310 He was fibbing.
>>292311 Yeah I think thats about right tbh I think he was the same one with the fancy biology job
>>292309 I mean maybe the jews seem to be pretty powerful in america but I could be wrong
I'm the only true Cornishposter here tbh. There's one lad on Newbrti who pretends to be cornnish, who is the same lad I suspect to be fibbing about killing himself. He even said he lived by smee, and I even offered to meet up with him and he declined.
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>>292314 sounds like some sort of conspiracy theory goy
>>292296 sounds about right >>292285 love the interesting little burger history snippets we learn here, you could make a second rumble channel Steiner Sells Out, presenting historical tales and get some nerds to animate them
Celtic Racial Discrimination tbh
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>>292319 tbh steiner needs to come home
more info on the Judge that got Trump's house raided
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guns don't shoot people, people do
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>>292320 our time will come
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https://odysee.com/@Fashbird2814:7/Nazi-German-Hell-March-HD-Color:9 Whatever happened to the old type of daftie, the strong and silent type of racist?
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>>292322 what is the purpose of this drill? to make it more likely for a burst to cause multiple casualties?
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think the new "yank" poster is actually a larper btw
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>>292331 good lad
>found choc ices in the freezer
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>>292332 tbh close enough is what I say
>>292331 good effort lad
off work
might have to smack a woman in the near future, idk
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>>292344 i'm being serious
ah that settles it
>>292347 keeeeeeeeeeek
Just learned the genital herpes is only so common now because of homosexuals
>>292349 probably why fags were (rightly) so hated throughout history
>>292296 according to my maths it's about 13m due to Texas' legal cap on punitive damages. any higher number reported is the nominal sum in the case but not the de facto amount
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>>292187 >he only cares about immigraiton in to Liverpool now that's LOCAL politics
>>292351 are Nige has been tanning
>>292358 jesus christ, they actually got him, for defending himself from a jogger
>>292358 should have taken the hint that niggers are a sacred caste
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>>292358 meanwhile mongs are still saying that we have freedumbs. in China, you can say nigger all you want
>>292358 smh I want to see weimart burn so bad
>>292363 fuck joe brandon
>>292351 smh I keep thinking nige is gonna say they are being sussy for big chungus
trump should fight crooked hilary in prison
then cook her with an oxy-acetylene torch
>>292293 He entrapped some NA lads nd got them sent down for 4 to 8 years. >>292306 Good lad, fuck anti-localist faggots.
I would like to make an announcement: WEW!! Feeling ill after the gym because I never went last week. Now, I must sleep. If I die, tell them "niggers out"!
>>292211 Based, death to Israel
sneethe smorning lads tattoo was just as awful as I was concerned about, they really did get niggers to rap and it was with explicit lyrics to an audience of mainly boomers too also really hate being in a city because there is a seemingly endless amount of buttmatrixing foids around every day that I can only ever look at and not touch >>292167 isn't that the same firing range set they used in the early weeks to larp some "fighters on the frontline" propaganda keeksmh, lazy cunts >>292211 guess there are some based arms dealers around still after all >>292358 serves him right for killing a totally innocent jogger tbh
full writeup on the weekend I guess but the tattoo was most noteable for faggot zog shart empire imperialism (the jewS marines doing nigger rap and other shit) and at the very end it was like some weird steinerian metaphysical statement with all of the uniformed bandsmen standing to attention and guarding the castle on which was being projected the visages of various poo eyed wogs (and a ukrainian at the very end, the only white person on the slideshow or whatever it was)
>>292373 smorning lad >they really did get niggers to rap and it was with explicit lyrics smh
>>292374 smh nightmarish
time for another annoying poo
Alright, it was me. I did 9/11 and got the schizos to blame it on the JEWS! whilst also getting the government to blame it on the Pakis. I am not sorry.
keeking at the way animals walk again
>>292379 aha yes mate classic
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>>292381 tbh, we need a 9/11 for trannies
Jewtube is offering me videos about the soyest of shit
>>292383 smh the algorithm has selected you to become a bugman
>>292378 >even 40 year old women get the "ick" its ogre >>292383 recently had to make a new yt account and the amount of nog and soy content they throw at you is humiliating
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>>292384 hehe yes it was the algorithm
>>292387 It's funny how everything being women happened in about 2 months so everyone could keep getting loan's from blackrock.
keeking at the way boomers defend suburbs to the death and hate trees for "stealing le sun". Also fucking reeing at them.
>>292373 >also really hate being in a city because there is a seemingly endless amount of buttmatrixing foids around every day that I can only ever look at and not touch use your brain to find out how to make a lot of money and then you can pay foids to get access to their bodies >>292389 suburbs are great, and trees are a key part of comfy suburbs. the best suburbs are the kind where it's basically a low density forest with houses
>>292387 >lad wearing yoga pants to force lasses to look at his todger after beating them absolutely grotty go on my son
>292390 Surburbs are an atrocity. The destruction of farmland and forestry so that the Bourgeois can live an autistic life. The excessive infrastructure required to maintain their ugly atomised, deracinated shithole existence has nothing but a negative effect. You know what trees are a key part of? English forestry full of badgers, boars, adders, lynx, beavers, gnomes. Death to the suburb. Death to the automobile. Long live the forest, long live the trains!
I retire for soup. When I return the suburb defenders better be gone.
https://youtu.be/MekjG-ZYys0 >Lifts >Is a cuckold who married a slag (step father) >Thinks it's weird for a 25 year old man to date a 19 year old What a fucking faggot, unsubbing tbh
massive depopulation is needed tbh
(2.64 MB 268x480 anti vaxx chad.mp4)

>all of the emails/phones/chats are automated by bots so i cant contact them for them to give me an invite to the interview something something uncle ted
>>292397 by design tbh
Secured to interviews. One for rNHS and the other for some admin swines.
reeeeeeeeeeee why do i keep missing letters tbh
>>292397 keek it's fucking grim lad
>>292399 good lad join the email sender caste
>>292402 tbh, I got a qualification to get into finance but I'm still unemployed so I'll take anything rn smh
>>292399 Wanted to do haemotology for rNHS but a fellow Anglo said there's very little Aryan blood being tested these days. Smh.
>>292405 How have you bean . . . Lincolnshire? I have your documents on file. Such is the power of administration.
>>292406 >Lincolnshire No.
>>292387 There are at least two skinny but fully grown men there
>>292387 so thats what styx has been up to
>>292409 keeeksmh
>>292373 >also really hate being in a city because there is a seemingly endless amount of buttmatrixing foids around every day that I can only ever look at and not touch its really bad in the big cities lad you should have known that, lots of middle class barbie types in Edinburgh
>remembering styx's wife
>>292412 Hey bud, remember gamergate? haha those were the times. anyway I'll be seeing you around.
>>292413 disgusting
Is poombs slipping?
>>292416 tbh boring gayists no thanks
>>292419 looks like a trustworthy fellow
>>292417 tbh subhuman weirdos, looks like some of them still lurk here too
>>292419 His physiognomy screams literal evil. Almost as bad as that witch Ginnsburg.
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>>292420 a trustworthy fellow white >>292422 ancestral memory tbh
Reminder that spig's anti-dog stance is anti indo-evropean. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bldupcptbE
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>>292211 >>292373 >22 tons of weapons le snuggled into palestine I wish that this were true, but you can hardly get a sandwich into Palestine without being cavity-searched by the kikes. They have the place walled in and the coast patrolled in the way we that should be handling the English Channel. Anything that does get in typically goes via GLA.jpg tunnels, and those get bombed out on a regular basis. If 22 tons of top-notch gear truly got in there, I would suspect that it came in with spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine). Stingers are too valuable to not be a false-flag.
>>292415 >would be fun seeing a tranny freak driving one of those things kek Dorshie
Yeah we wrote the map of the world it's called being FAUSTIAN, niggerfaggot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLpSeMlfZ60
>>292424 tbh tbh choon that
>>292373 >nigger rap in front of the boomers smh, they must pay for this degeneracy
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I'm actually an extremely faustian ass nigga.
>>292415 What bongo is that?
>>292427 Bean hatted little fucking faggot needs shooting
>>292432 fragment of newbrit
>>292433 tbh lad smh
There was a lug at the gym. Sick of him tbh, dropping 20kg like it's 200kg.
sneevening everyone left and it's just me and the boomers but they didn't want to go to any museums or galleries or anything so we just sat and watched the buttmatrix parade go by for most of the afternoon and now I am compooting all night because I am not going to go to some faggot zoomer nightclub or whatever people are supposed to do these days
>>292437 believe in him lad one day he'll be dropping 200kg like it's 2000kg >>292438 don't even know what normgroids do any more tbh
>Wessica enters the zoomer club >Sexy young lasses steal his clothes until he's stripped to his tidy whities or whatever >A huge crowd gathers around him forcing him to twerk his huge hulking mass >"SHAKE THAT MILK! SHAKE THAT MILK!" they chaunt in an American negro accent despite being 100% white >Tears, poo, and wee drip out of him as he weeps
>>292439 >believe in him lad one day he'll be dropping 200kg like it's 2000kg keek I should applaud next time he drops them
>>292438 you couldn't go to one of those yourself anyway, you should go to a museum yourself though, maybe a pilgrimage to Linlithgow to see where 'ar woes grew up
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get a pizza supper while you're in scotland
>>292442 >Linlithgow keeek it is actually quite close by I could leave some offerings at the famous garden gate >>292440 smh bet I will have lost another few kg after this been walking about the city with my chest hair out all day and pushing granny's wheelchair >>292443 can't smh, muh diet that being said the only thing I can afford is wetherspoons tonight unless I can find some of the stuff my sisters and their richfag enablers left behind in the hostel fridge
>wessex goes to club himself >dj tricks him into going onstage >everyone starts chanting >"WESSEX HAS A MANGINA WESSEX HAS A MANGINA"
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>292445 possibly the worst post I have ever seen
tried going into the castle but the jews are taking over and you need tickets now and they were booked up didn't need to last time when i visited the scots dragoon guards place, was hoping to complete it with the national war museum and the scot crown jewels
>>292415 >they still talk about me also my eyes are green under the brown, 22st's are blue probably >>292443 that looks atrocious
>>292448 Mine are green
>my eyes are green under the brown keeeeeeek filtered
>>292451 they are, I've seen it when shining a light into my eye. if only there were a way to dissolve the melanin
>>292449 hmm makes sense since you have reddishness in your facial hair. some ginge-viking blood in you, wonder if that's indigeneous to Nords or if your ancestor abducted some ginger and brought her home for breeding
>>292448 is this your new car pembs?
>>292454 I'm spic
>>292454 the ack-mobile
guess what, niggers eyes are blue underneath the melanin
>>292455 oh ok then, how are the workouts going?
>younger sister walking about wearing arse high shorts and an oversized t shirt which is clearly from her secret bf that she obvs thinks I don't know about god I hate women, christian sharia cannot come soon enough tbh, the level of disrespect men have to face.
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>>292432 Kaycord I think.
>>292457 that's different >>292458 alright. I want to change my routine to something more hypertrophy focused A: squat bench row dips B: dead pullup (close grip because I still can't do the wide grip for some reason even though the close grip is getting easy) overhead 5 minute dumbell forearm torture (also delt raises for good measure) I read 6-12 reps, like 8, is better for hypertrophy, I wanna increase the reps to at least 6 (from 5)
>>292459 mine were doing the same except without the secret part one of them is so deep into the foid internet network she spent almost all of the trip holding everyone up by stopping to take photos for likes every five minutes and told me "I am famous after all"
maybe I should do upper/lower or PPL but all I have is bar, power rack, calisthetics thing for pullup/chin/dip/leg raise, and loadable dumbbells. no pulleys
>>292463 if only she knew that you were the real celeb in the family
>>292465 tbh tbh
imagine having a sister. A breedhole so close yet out of reach smh
>>292447 Isn't Schotland under corona shite still
>>292467 kek yeah, feel a bit like elliot roger when he talked about having to deal with his thot younger sister, the thing that drove him over the edge was hearing her get fucked, thankfully I'll never have to deal with that but still. >>292469 no, why would you even think that.
looking through the files on this laptop and kekking >>292469 seen buses and shit not letting anyone on with big signs saying "NO PASSENGERS - SOCIAL DISTANCING" and stuff but only the occasional paranoid schizophrenic (but not in the based way) retard actually wears masks speaking of the 35yo cousin was here and he didn't greet me or talk to me unless absolutely forced to by social pressure because he was still seething and afraid of vaxxless chad me keeeeeeeeeek we went to a restaurant and we were helping granny around and I sneezed and he actually jumped back in fear
>>292471 >he actually jumped back in fear
>>292471 > I sneezed and he actually jumped back in fear KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK imagine being this much of a retard, honestly people like that should be euthanised for the sake of society
>>292471 keeeeek smh, is that the lad who fucked you over for Christmas dinner?
>>292475 yeah he refused to attend if I was there so I was forbidden >>292474 tbh, he is the only millenial who actually got a good job and became a richfag, I guess because he was lucky enough to do IT before the endless waves of pajeets, and presumably his working environment necessitates transforming into an ubersoyfag to survive
>The President of Estonia and her son.
>>292477 smh I guess the poor lads are about to get zogged extra hard now the fag empire plans for their nation were revealed
>>292477 incredible the level of disfunction you can have in a country of 1.3 million people, total fucking trainwreck.
>>292478 It's a good thing really, they won't wake up unless something happens to them personally.
>>292479 Yeah, the Baltics are fucked. They can't embrace nationalism because muh holocaust, nor Sovietism because my ebil Rushur. Only fag barbarism.
STEINMAN Tell me of Colorado.
the other thing about cities and this one in particular during peak tourist time I guess, is just how much fag shit there is going on I don't think I was ever ought of sight of some poster or advertisement for trannies or gays or what have you, all out in the open in front of children and promising explicit things etc one particularly disgusted me and had the tagline "circus for adults" or something, you just know it is horrific trannies getting naked and helicoptering their dingi and such in front of families and children
>>292481 Baltics are the only place where there was a genuine pogrom of Jews tbh hard to sympathise with Jews still though smh
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>Baltic Jews mentioned
>>292456 sensible_chuckle.gif
>>292415 Lucky that BBK character doesn't post there, he'd bully the trannies to death smh
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Inflation in the USA has come down from 9.1% to 8.7%. I call it the Vladimir's Value cut.
>>292488 isn't low inflation, non at all and negative good for people? I guess it might be hurting the zoggie banks a bit, although one can't forget that pootine is a WEF graduate and zog puppet himself
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>>292489 Deflation is good for people with savings, but so much of the western economy is built up on debt fuelled nonsense make-work, that if there were mass disinflation we would have mass unemployment. Deflation is when bankruptcies occur, debts go bad and therefore the money supply shrinks. Reduction of inflation is good for prudent hard working people that live within their means and save in the fiat currency. That doesn't describe most people, home owners benefit from inflation killing the value of their loan whilst raising property prices, and in theory even renters living beyond their means benefit when inflation eventually raises their wage to pay down debts. Problem is now the inflation is bad enough to trigger demand destruction. It in effect triggers a recession, since people simply cannot afford higher prices, and discretionary spending falls off a cliff. The central banks have been raising interest rates lately in response to inflation. This has led to a bond market selloff, however the bond market is also signalling expectations that central banks will reverse course soon. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/T10Y2Y (The most reliable indicator of recession) This is a coupling of expectations of lower inflation and lower economic activity. These two tend to go hand in hand, besides the 70s where economic stagnation and high inflation created a decade of "stagflation", which culminated in the US Dollar having a record high run in value against its peer currencies. This is certainly a nuclear option the FED could pursue should it wish to end inflation in the USA, it could export it to Europe through raising interest rates. However, lately the FED has decided only to raise by the expected 0.75%, this has alleviated pressure on Europe and led to a small selloff in the dollar lately. Which is a boon for risk assets. The EU is in a tricky situation with bonds at the moment, where they're forced to sell high quality expensive German bonds to buy junk tier Italian bonds, thus flattening the yields and reducing economic pain in the weaker areas of the EU. This is in effect a bailout once again funded by the Germans. This winter could upend any relief rally in the Euro and Pound, as the full extent of Natural Gas shortage becomes apparent. Currently UK / European natural gas infrastructure is running at maximum capacity, leading to increased chances of malfunction (which has already been happening in Norway and the USA). Currently the UK is in a position of relative privilege, with our excess "regasification" facilities, we can actually import LNG from Norway / US and export it as Natural Gas to Europe, sparing us some of the pain. Should the European economy take a turn for the worse, and the US enters a full blown recession alongside it, the best place to have your money should be long dated US Treasuries. However I personally would not own these because I don't trust the US as a debtor tbqh. You should buy gold if you have a chunk of savings, or get it out of crypto should you be into that. If China invades Taiwan we can expect gold to be bid disproportionately to US Treasuries, considering the Chinese are dumping US Bonds potentially in preparation for this we can expect intensified selling to counteract some of the safe haven demand. The likelihood of an invasion of Taiwan seems to be growing, though I wouldn't know enough to predict this.
>>292492 Excellent effortpost lad quality stuff
>>292492 tbh good post definitely a deflationchad me, fuck all the lion king helium wankers should probably spend on more things tbh but can't be arsed to do the kino autism stuff I want to like change my wardrobe to be entirely larp shit made out of proper natural materials
>>292484 >a genuine pogrom of Jews PHWOOOOOOARRRR
>mummy sends me a holiday snap of yesterday >family photo >lanky homosexual looking (french with a spiv tache keek I think he just started growing beard hair) stepbrother, two buttmatrixing sisters, and mummy the midge, then me >harv tier giant fat retard with AT-ST legs mogging everyone else with awful autistic clothes and stance
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>>292497 >awful autistic clothes What on earth are you wearing lad?
>>292499 tweed suit
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( • )( • ) vs ( ㅅ ) ? >>292494 >>292495 ඞ Thanks lods anytime
>>292500 It's going to be big retard shoes I know it.
>>292499 plaid shirt unbuttoned to the stomach and shapeless unironed rumpled trousers, both in the loudest colours I could get away with >>292502 keek I should get some big bouncy multiculoured velcro sneakers tbh currently it's mouldy looking black leather shoes because I can't find anywhere in town to buy bootblack and kit
you should dress like me lad
>>292504 the true scotsman hobbit look? I want to get this one probably homosexual german guy who makes 18th century clothes to do me a full purple woesian dilletant outfit tbh
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For me its black flame shirts, khaki 3/4 length cargo shorts and Heeleys tbh
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>>292508 absolutely based
>>292477 The current president of Estonia is Alar Karis, thats the old one Kersti Kaljulaid.
should pick up some cycling reflective sunglasses too though
>>292490 me pondering society
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summer wear - polo shirts, chinos/shorts, straw hat, sandals spring/autumn wear - shirts, corduroy, good shoes, maybe a straw hat in the spring if it is sunny enough winter wear - big jumpers, turtlenecks, jackets, big long coats, big furry hat jeans that fit just right are acceptable all year round, of course
for me it's trackies all year round
friday can't come soon enough tomorrow is doing a tour bus through the city but after that I have to kill time with the boomers until 4am to get a flight back
>>292516 ngl tbh
>>292517 tour buses are kino lad fuck off
bad vibes in edinburgh tbh it's built on plague pits
>>292519 yeah but it only lasts a few hours and I've got a whole day and night to kill the night will be at the airport but nothing much else to do during the day >>292520 it's certainly cursed by faggotry and furriners
madlad should go to woes' town and do a full expose by talking to all the baccy and sweetie shop owners etc
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>>292523 Don't do it lad.
>>292524 time to get the beer
>>292525 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTcb_33-DiI Good man, get the cans in. Lads lads lads.
might have a shower too a beer in the shower
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>>292528 HEY STEINER the mutt marines were at the tattoo and they did an autistic silent gook style routine where they threw their rifles with shiny bayonets about and then they started a proper march but ruined by having the one (1) nigger soldier rap explicit lyrics and at the end of the tattoo all of the zogbots lined up to guard giant projected pictures of nogs and towelheads who were rapefugees or something a fine example of american cultural imperialism tbh
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https://youtu.be/2pF0H8-ktoA >>292531 Blondie's let herself go
>>292530 wew that sounds really fucking cringe, most zog forces seem so cringe these days. the US seems autismally cringe but its also really sort of sad to see these old west european military traditions and then just seeing wogs and various gooks/shitskins dressed as french soldiers, austrians, highlanders, coldstream guards, etc etc.
its so funny that the shartican muhreens are like this branch that tries so hard to be relevant and rides entirely on the success of the pacific war. the old river boat navy of the 1860s was disbanded and they had river marines but somehow the normal muhreens are supposed to be americucks shock troopers or something
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night lahs, oie vie my chree
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called marines but probably never stepped foot on a boat eh
>>292534 yeah smh I was writing sneethenotes almost all the way through it, the traditional pipes, drums and highland dancer lasses were all sidelined for modern shite including some gay nightclub pop thing with a skrillex type on a laptop and a faggot in a pink kilt doing bagpipe solos keeksmh hate that the very people upholding trvdition aren't actually doing it for that reason and don't understand why it's important and all went along happily with the changes because it's like their normie lives in the big city and COOL and HIP seeing the dancer lasses in clubbing outfits and thigh highs was coombait though ngl
back to civ 5 where i am playing a space victory babylon often fighting a hyper aggressive japan
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currently exuding an absolutely grotty smell from so long in the same clothes and underwear might have to risk a public shower in the morning
>>292542 grotmax lad to dab on all the family.
this is why all fat people should be killed
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>>292543 >getting into the small enclosed air system space of the aeroplane on friday morning after five days of heavy sweating and exercise
might have to peanutmaxx too just in case there's a dysgenic wog aboard
>>292508 don't understand the hate against cargo shorts, what other kind of shorts is a man supposed to wear? jean shorts, khakis? those don't have pockets. pockets are taboo now? men don't carry purses so the pockets are great >>292515 metal band shirt black cargo shorts (or jeans) w/ leather stud belt black skateboarder shoes (or boots) w/ black socks >>292528 damn that's a big tit >>292538 yeah I never understood what 'marines' meant but apparently they're basically cannon fodder. army is the meat that they just put somewhere, marines do the dirty work
>>292548 the latest trends in mens shorts seem gay and faggy and everything is way too tight for people who actually move around
>>292549 >responding to spic
>spic is literally the steiner_360.jpg pic with the band shirt and the larpagan stuff
>>292549 bet it's the jewesses and homosexuals that run the fashion industry that gaslit people against cargo shorts. they don't want white men keeping their goyphones in a cargo pocket a foot and a half away from the testicles, they want that phone in the right pocket nuking the nuts
>>292550 good lad
https://youtu.be/FNhDRXALDig fresh cleaning mummy
in the ethnostate incels will go and brap huge massive shites and make a mess and then women will have to clean it up
>>292555 facts
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I'd put a tool up her crevice corrr PPHWWOOAAR
incel freaks
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>>292558 there was this thicc spicc 'Amy Delgado' on yt in the last that had a perfect bubble butt and made such videos. then she took them all down and directed people to patreon/onlyfans, but there are no leaks available, what a bitch actually there do seem to be leaks now that I checked, hmm
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it's too hot for cooming
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>>292559 >We may nnot have it all together, but together we have it all
>its going to get even hotter in the next few days and I'll just be being an incel inside as per usual
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>>292563 >>292565 I don't get why you lads don't just make this, assuming you already have a fan that'd be 20 pounds and an hour of labor for the means to cool down the room every summer
whats his game with constantly shilling that shite
>>292567 >every summer angloids complain about the heat >I offer a practical solution >nobody ever does it >repeat I made one of those things before when my AC broke down for a few days and it works great. just spits the condensation at you, so don't point it towards electronics and maybe put a towel down
just keep your back wet says spic
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Snight snids.
>tfw fuel bill going to be through the roof this winter because brandon and the sodomites with gayto wanted to btfo russia >we are just going to suffer through it though because we are in libtard version of 1920s soviet despotism
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why did Q abandon us lads?
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>>292576 all part of the plan
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bit worried about the state of things lads
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>>292579 can't believe they only get that tiny little space
>>292576 he chose a more righteous fight
sick of women tbh lads i know thats nothing new but it's the endless scrutiny from them that gets me. are you masculine enough? but not too masculine thats scary. are you tall enough? lol is your dick small? your dick must be small. are you broke? are you balding? are you creepy? are you into hobbies i approve of? it drives me fucking insane and you can't escape it. this is why we need male only spaces but theyve all been destroyed
>>292576 He's a goddamn hothouse flower, that's his problem
>>292580 wait till you see what 20something neets who live with their parents have to cram their whole lives into
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>>292582 Just stop caring what women think of you so much, they aren't the only form of validation.
>>292582 the best thing about boomer toil is being all grotty and filthy and then just grotting in public in your toil clothes and ruining the feminized perfumed spaces with the smell of sawdust and BO and dirty boots and femoids try to act like workmen are invisible but if there are enough of them they have to hide in their phones and the place becomes conquered by boomer toilers

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