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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3758: Lookin Good Edition Anonymous 08/16/2022 (Tue) 22:18:27 Id: 55a056 No. 294717
>Rwanda asylum scheme: Warning over political killings before UK flight https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62566194 >UK denies Moscow claims RAF jet entered Russian airspace https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62569404 >Greenford: Elderly man on mobility scooter stabbed to death https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-62570923
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>>294717 very good lad
this one lad who lived next door to my grandma on the great lakes who was a richfag who had a fishing boat as a kid who I knew and was about 34-35 randomly just died. smh vaxxoids
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allegedly biggest elephant ever recorded, 8 thousand kilograms
Give his grandma the big unvaxxed schlong
>>294728 All those darkies makes it look precolonial
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>>294426 >>294427 Sam has Anglo-American father, Portuguese mother, he's from Fall River. I saw a pic of his parents once but I can't find it >>294439 yeah? >>294442 it's not RT speculating that, they're quoting a yank >>294464 >this one iranian faggot was kind of aware of wignatism and he would tell me that sarmatians were in england at the end of the roman empire that's true though. also pre-islamic iranians were white >>294483 >we >>294491 >>294492 >even without making children doing the deed helps to bond a man and his wife >nothing wrong at all with sexual pleasure in the bond of marriage this. the whole thing is strict monogamy so that every man can have a virgin bride. once you're paired up, fuck all you want, there's literally nothing wrong with it- it's healthy, normal, and good. the problem is non-monogamy because that spoils wombs >>294540 >wish i could have been a fighter ace during world war one even WWI was zogshite, something something about Germany central bank while Britain and France were owned by the Rothschilds. not nearly as extreme as WWII though where it was obviously pure good vs pure evil, even at the time
please go away
>>294730 good lad
>>294731 truly terrible post lad, filtered.
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>>294735 shite version of the original
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>>294739 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK, these scum need to be liquidated so badly
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>>294731 wtf is this shit?
>chess was an african invention
>>294741 just some mong posting his word salad
>>294739 >bearded poof is a "social media influencer"
>>294745 We weren't even in Africa in the 1400's
>>294724 >one tusk suspiciously bigger than the other
>>294741 what about it? it's a reply to several posts. quote the relevant part that confuses you
>>294745 ayy niggas invented inventing fr y'all aint even think of this
>>294742 no it wasn't, who said that?
>>294748 didn't read it, looked horrible
>>294745 we can't coexist with these people, we really can't
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>>294754 this happened a week ago lad.
>>294755 just a couple of days ago I thought?
>>294754 actual fucking apes
it amazes me to no end how anyone on earth can truly be free of racist beliefs. like every single time blacks have moved to an area it's become worse, every majority black neighbourhood in europe or north america is a crime ridden shithole. every single one. no matter how wealthy they are they end up the same. afro-americans are wealthier than most of europe and yet have crime rates higher than central america.
Why do old people on Ocracoke Island, North Carolina just sound like some lad from Norfolk or Suffolk? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7MvtQp2-UA
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>>294759 >it amazes me to no end how anyone on earth can truly be free of racist beliefs. I don't believe people anymore when they say they are not racist. Everyone is racist. It's normal to be racist. The difference between people like us and them, is that we are honest with ourselves about it People who say they are not racist are in denial, or lying
>>294759 >>294761 most people are hypersocialized herd animals with no internal monologue, they are signalled "you are not allowed to be racist" by society and they obey that command because their fear of ostracism is greater than their fear of death. it's like if they put a lab rat in a cage with a shock collar that would give it a jolt every time it tried to take a bite of cheese, the rat would starve itself
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>finally sharted writing my 22nd century sci fi novel >wrote 2 pages time for gooming I did productive shite today
>>294760 sherman didn't kill enough of them in the war between the states
>>294764 how can you be anti-south? the north literally slayed hundreds of thousands of whites just to free the niggers. the south had the niggers enslaved, they were picking cotton, and the north rolled in and burned everything down and unleashed the niggers, and soon after they gave them voting rights and eventually civil rights and affirmative action. directly led to the modern day
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>>294762 >they are signalled "you are not allowed to be racist" I realise that, and this puts them in a state of constant internal conflict, because racism is instinctive they are constantly trying to deny their own natrural racism, or suppress it, but believe they are alone in doing this conversely, when someone else is revelaed as a racist, they overcompensate for their "secret" personal racism by vigorously condeming the outed heretic, as if so doing absolves them of their own guilt and shame It's a perfect way to suppress and control the herd, to make them police themselves and each other
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the south seceded from the federal government and fought for their independence from the federal government, demanding the freedom to keep niggers as slaves. that's based, you're wrong Steiner
>>294765 umm sweaty, the british empire outlawed slavery and the south wanted to expand slavery (i.e. infest all the new world with the stain of nigger) and ultimately join latin america, it was a fundamentally degenerate and unanglo-saxon enterprise run by rothschild bankers and other jewish insects
I love that song though
>>294768 it wasn't slavery that caused the nigger infestation, it was the end of slavery. enslaved niggers are useful, free niggers are the problem also you mention the british empire and then go 'muh south is rothschild'...
abolitionists were weird religious schizos like quakers that thought slavery was a sin, they were virtue signalling for the niggers saying it was mean. it wasn't motivated by racism, it was motivated by deranged hippy religious faggotry
slavery is degenerate breeding niggers for strength is gay and degenerate (buck breaking, thug hunting, etc. etc. all typical southern cultural artifacts compared to the chad northern totally ignoring and refusing to live around or interact with niggers until 1980s)
>>294771 this is incorrect, abraham lincoln stated openly that niggers were subhuman and should not live in the same society as white men this also meant as slaves because southerners would be buck breaking and getting their anus tonged by niggers
>>294772 >>294773 >breeding niggers for strength is gay and degenerate (buck breaking, thug hunting, etc. etc. all typical southern cultural artifacts >southerners would be buck breaking and getting their anus tonged by niggers ridiculous headcanon. worst they were truly guilty of is porking a big booty bed wench, blame the wife for being a prude that doesn't put out >abraham lincoln stated openly that niggers were subhuman and should not live in the same society as white men and how did that turn out?
>>294762 >>294766 this is a perfect example of what I am talking about a man on a mobility scooter is stabbed in West London, a comment asks for a description, and an anti-racist commentor immediately denounces him for racism because the anti-racist commentor assumes the attacker is black! The anti-racist is still racist, he's just in denial and projects
>>294774 well somebody did shoot him in the head lad so...
>>294775 yeah >>294776 so the loss of one guy was enough the collapse the north's benevolent nigger-shipping-back agenda... hmm...
How many burgers feel like this, I wonder?
>>294778 The number of people that are so profoundly subhuman that they don't feel that way is shrinking rapidly. Anybody who still supports that dementia case nonce at the end of this year is someone who will be killed immediately by their neighbors if America gets too fucked for Jews to prop it up any longer.
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I assume this was posted on tiktok, not bad by that platform's standards milk toast warning though
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>>294782 kek I miss the riotkino
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Still can't believe they stitched him up with the murder of Floyd.
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>>294786 >Still can't believe they stitched him up with the murder of Floyd. if they can steal an election they can rig courts too
>>294781 >tfw will never have bright-eyed, happy, redpilled Ausfag waifu My heart is destroyed lads.
They made the fentanyl inadmissible as evidence somehow.
drumpf at it again...
>>294790 I think jury intimidation was the main factor tbh
>>294791 >Here's how much it'll cost >500 billion in platinum plan payouts >14 Marshall plans worth of gibs >tens of thousands of jobs held by whites >20,000 kilos of marijuana per year >100,000 kilos of dope per year >1,000,000 gallons of malt liquor per year >365-366 days of paid leave per year >4 billion yearly for repairs after mostly peaceful protests
>>294781 yawn, women like this are always annoying irl
>>294794 >t. has never tasted the forbidden fruit of union with a colonial It's really something lad.
What's it like living in a comfy deanobox and brewing up a nice strong English breakfast cuppa while the rain pushes all the niggers out of the streets? The way I picture it seems lovely.
polio spreading in London, New York, and Jerusalem vaxxfags always go "muh polio" whenever you criticize vaccines. it'd be hilarious if they got polio because their immune system is compromised by vaxx https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/why-has-polio-been-found-london-new-york-jerusalem-how-dangerous-is-it-2022-08-15/
>>294763 good for you lad. i'm distracted as hell and can never write, i'm supposed to be penning a mad max esque fantasy novel about a band of lepers fighting their way across a desert but at this rate i've spent more times composing musical themes for it than writing
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this game was so kino anybody else played this?
>>294789 she literally has poo eyes
>>294800 White people can have poo eyes. We are the real people of color. We can have any combination of colors. >red hair, green eyes, fair and freckled skin >blonde hair, brown eyes, lightly tanned skin >black hair, blue eyes, pale skin >brown hair, brown eyes, tawny skin And so much more. For example, Americans used to have 90% blue eyes, but now we have only 15% blue eyes, because of all the swarthy Germans that came over and took over everything.
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>>294799 missed this one
>>294798 im at 1500 words rn but I need to go to sleep, some lad told me a bout write. as its easy and comfy
>>294801 yeah I know but she doesn't have bright eyes, she has shite eyes
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>>294801 >blonde hair, brown eyes wut not that it's impossible but the threshold for having light eyes is lower than that for having light air, so it's uncommon. your examples don't make sense as a result, if only you wrote "blonde hair, blue eyes, yellowish skin" >>294803 it was good, I might even get it for emulator and play it sometime idk https://vimm.net/vault/9639
>>294806 someone explained what that red hair hotspot in russia is before but i forgot
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>>294806 >blonde hair, brown eyes >wut Your own maps show areas in central Norway, Sweden, and Lapland where light hair is more common than light eyes lad.
>>294806 crazy how many lakes finland has tbh
Also here in the mutt ethnostate, light-hair dark-eye combinations are very common. My brother's wife is a redhead with brown eyes. There was a girl at my workplace in 2014 who EVERYONE wanted to fuck desperately, since she was fit as fuck which is as rare as gold here in America, and in addition to having a perfect physique, she also had blonde hair and brown eyes with a tawny complexion, creating a very distinctive look. Things like this aren't super rare in America though, because we are all European mutts. The people in Michigan's upper peninsula are various mixes of Anglo/Scots-Irish and Laplander.
>>294809 >crazy how many lakes finland has tbh You should see are Minnesota lad. Not as many, but they fill up much of the landscape. Someday are America will have the most lakes in the world when we rein in are Canada.
>>294811 yeah that's a lot of lakes tbh
>>294724 He's so BIG. He's so hot
>>294768 >the south wanted to expand slavery (i.e. infest all the new world with the stain of nigger) and ultimately join latin america I thought Mexico had outlawed slavery years before, that's why Texan settlers rebelled. Besides the current year thought is that the civil war wasn't even really about slavery, which was on its way out anyway because mechanisation was more economically effective. >>294770 >it was the end of slavery Arguably it was the failure to practice would the arab slavers had been doing for centuries, which was castrating their slaves. A master stroke in the modern context, nobody criticises the arabs for slavery because they didn't let their own own lands be flooded with the angry offspring of slaves.
>>294816 yeah what they could have done was just require the castration of all slaves and prohibit breeding them so it'd be the last generation of slaves. freeing them was absolute madness
>>294724 >>294814 8 tonnes compared to usual upper limits being 5.5 tonnes for reference.
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>>294781 shes just another woman that realised she could be more popular by becoming "anti-feminist" even though she is probably still a feminist whose had a bazillion willies in her i hate her fucking cunt kill ALL women every single one apart from sexy black tribal women in the middle of nowhere who know their place and are uncorrupted by this shite
>>294807 udmurts or some other uralic group i think, there are still quite a lot of them in western/central russia who failed to be russified for 1000 years, even some near moscow and further west some of them are clearly mixed with tartars but still have lots of red hair like this lass shes cute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqtMayMrrM0
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>>294781 literally just "i'm ready to settle down now" with added grift you cant just decide to become trad.
the hunt continues for a reluctant slapag to bear the fury of my rapisms
>>294817 It worked for the Arabs.
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look at these brazen, annoying thots. idk if they're both french or if one is german and the other turkette tbh https://youtu.be/i9FBGwMi6hQ and yes I found the video because I am looking to buy cologne. I tried buying cologne once, smelled half of the things in the store because I read that's what you're supposed to do, find what smells good to you and that will work well with your body scent. but then the stuff I bought, I looked up reviews online and people say it smells like artificial chemicals and body odor... basically trash. so now I start the process over all I know is to find something with 'hedione' in it because that stuff makes women horny as proven by science. and apparently these thots say to get something sweet, since the turkette blind-sniffed all of these smells in the video and she said the sweet ones smell sexy. makes sense because women like sweet things
I have poor balance rn for some reason... I had a good workout earlier, ate a good meal, then drank workout shake... idk why my balance would be bad. gonna eat a chicken wrap or two, then start getting ready for sleep
>>294825 >these thots say to get something sweet for me it's that choccy lynx spray tbh
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yeah I don't feel good., not gonna eat anything... all swimmy in the head, poor balance, maybe even slightly dizzy, wtf... it's not dehydration hope I don't throw up or anything
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>>294829 probably caught something tbh
>>294781 This is Auslad btw
>>294831 he caught the pox
>>294833 many such cases smh
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>>294829 where you lifting heavy lad? probably shot an embolism.
>>294835 yes I forced myself to increase the weights and push myself because I think I haven't been putting enough effort or increasing the weight fast enough. what's an embolism?
>>294836 nah was just trying to shit you up. you've probably just overdone it a bit, eat something sugary and have a lie down. your blood pressure might be low.
>>294836 Keep it slow tbh, I usually make sure I can maxout sets over three or four sessions before increasing weight.
https://youtu.be/y0qTrqTJtIs Sick of these Russian poochoobers attacking their own country
>>294837 >you've probably just overdone it a bit, eat something sugary and have a lie down. your blood pressure might be low. hmm why would it reduce blood pressure? sugary? hmm... wouldn't that increase blood sugar rather than blood pressure? >>294838 yeah I've only been increasing if I complete all 3 sets with acceptable form but today I increased everything anyway for at least the first set, as much as I could do rly
>>294839 yeah they basically set up their whole channel about russia and then leave when the war starts because putler is.. le bad and the west is.. le good but ive never seen Eli do that tbh shes a good lass
>>294841 Their criticisms of Russia are all applicable to Western countries too lmao
>>294842 they want russia to become as pozzed as the west
>>294840 Sugar usually just helps you feel better faster, and low blood sugar can make you feel like you are feeling right now. Low blood pressure (hypotension) can happen after strenuous exercise and can make you feel dizzy by reducing bloodflow to the brain.
>>294844 Are you haemotology lad?
>>294844 hmm I'm not keep on consuming sugar before bed but I'll eat some of that salmon jerky stuff that has some maple sugar in it, that ought to do the trick
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Just got a stiffy looking at blood . . . I THINK I'M A HAEMOSEXUAL!!
>>294846 >before bed What country are you from? Canadalad?
>>294848 burgerstan, I'm spig
>>294847 keeeek
>>294849 strangely quality posts from you yanks lately
Feel like we shouldn't have too much of an influx really. We were exiled for a reason.
>>294852 tbh, the naughty bullies must not be allowed to hurt us so bad
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the news
trying to understand what this book is trying to say, but it seems like complete nonsense i've been duped by literacy
>>294856 This isn't a book it's an imageboard . . .
https://youtu.be/Nbqrw4cKYpw Thought I was exaggerating when I said there were an endless amount of anti/narcissist youtubers but since I watched a few videos I keep getting new ones recommended kleeeeeeeeek. Wonder how many in the audience are actually narcissists. smh I guess this is their game
>>294860 bizarre dynamic
smh thread wasn't updating
>>294863 it's okay you haven't missed anything.
Going Belgrade now lads. Leaving Tirana.
>>294865 kill a serb on your way to start another war, m8
>>294866 Bought a greater Albania flag as well lad. It includes Crete.
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that catpic poster tranny pipeline
The reports from home have been a bit grim. Is the heat and inflation very bad lads?
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>>294871 smh what did he think was going to happen?
>>294872 He's not going to be doing much with that hand from now on.
>>294873 think it only got a finger or two tbh
>>294874 The way it tore it off probably caused alot more damage tbf.
>>294875 Keeeek le squirt. Then the whole nigger act afterwards. Fucking hell. So sick of them
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cannot stand football
>>294880 >23:33 >half hour
>>294880 >half hour >21:33
great I made a typo AHHHH NOOOOOOOOO
>two different channels >same subject matter and text colour
gangstalked by narcissists
cant believe he's gone...
>great grandfather had bread 13 times by the time he was my age
>>294886 he'll always be with us in spirit
>email sending officefoid bitches at the jobcentre are going to increase my appointments to twice a week, as if that will help me get a job faster >might be starting tard wrangling in schools like shartin did anyway
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HNNNNNGGGG was he vaxxed lads?
>>294889 smh they should just give you a job at the jobcentre tbh you're there often enough
>home alone for 5 days >up to the knees in rubbish
>>294892 still find it bizarre how some people can just be completely brainwashed like that tbh
>>294895 Anal penetration without lubrication... how is this even allowed to trend
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night lads >>294897 based
>>294896 22st is on to it should have guessed smh
>>294899 found bins
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>>294896 it's the UK, #drybumming is a conservative value and the next big Tory policy
>>294900 found b
HIV and syphilis and monkeypox. wow. Talk about an unlucky guy
>>294903 wow did he dry bum someone with monkeypoz using his entire nose
>>294903 hope his dog doesn't catch it too
lkeeeeeeeeeeeeeek forgot to spoiler. oh well
>>294906 Was going to say, you get one warning to remember to spoiler, then you're in the heckin filterino.
>>294907 JEJ Carrie does seem the type
well well well...
>>294903 the new gay plague
I wonder how long you can survive rotting from all those diseases.
Thinking about Woes walking up to the podium then doing a film review for an hour about a film about a homosexual groomer and his would be victims. Now that was kino
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https://youtu.be/2rubZXG3-bY yikes I just lost all respect for Captain America™
>>294916 Captain Incel, more like
>>294916 He wasn't just a virgin, but an incel. Imagine being a skinny asthema freak and instead of staying behind to slay 40s broads you do everything you can to enlist.
>>294918 he was also made by a jewish scientist "abraham erskine" like a metaphor for how jews made America a world power in the 20th C in order to use it for their own ends
>>294919 all superheroes are jewish constructs because of their fundamental alien nature in regards to american history. jews could not identify with the lone ranger or daniel boone or davy crockett or wyatt earp so they invented blank slate "le american" super heroes so that they could hide behind all the ellis island trash and plot their conquest of anglo america and as you say, use it to their own ends (which they ultimately failed in doing beyond engaging in an orgy of degeneracy, reminder that the idiotic kikes literally thought that after sept 11th they were going to make israel into a world superpower using american and british military to conquer mesopotamia and iran for them so they could larp as alexandros megas, but in reality the kikes couldn't even defeat the syrian arab army after 10 years of using zogs resources to divide syria into as many factions as possible.) death to the jews
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>>294920 trve brother
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>>294921 sol invicta brv
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https://youtu.be/4kHZREDrbJY the way he speaks keeek why did he say it like that
>>294925 its the posh leaf accent
>>294907 >not leaving a watch by the backdoor
>>294925 He's unironically inches away from a(nother) psychotic break.
>87 year old in a mobility scooter stabbed to death at random by a wog in London
>>294929 smh imagine how this would have been recieved in the 16th century
>>294871 Why did he let it go? Because it bit his finger so.
Having deja vu lads
>>294934 still tears me up.
>>294934 I thought you passed away in the floods
>>294939 just sneething alone in my flat tbh
>>294941 fucking keeeeeeeeeek I love him tbh
>>294871 kek lake boi was out of his element that wasn't some bass you could just pick up like that. my brother caught a big lemon shark like that 9footer by cape canavral and they had to have like 4 guys pull that beastie up out of the ocean. useless foid he was probably trying to show off for her
https://youtu.be/_In2SR4_k2E holy shit the cgi is atrocious
>>294875 keeek that nigger was skeletal and the spics just rekt him
>>294941 Assad is a trained doctor educated in the UK too he's a good man, while all our leaders are corrupt evil bastards - that's why they hate him
>>294946 is that movie supposed to be some black panther sequel or is every movie just like this nowadays, tribal blackwomyn girlboss shite. id laugh if it wasn't so depressing
>>294949 No this is another thing, the black panther sequel is still coming.
its fucking hilarious though how they want to convince westerners how beautiful and amazing black women are whilst at the same time showing them at their most standoffish, masculine, chest thumping and apelike at every turn.
I fucking hate drug dealers
>>294952 what's he doing with his thumb?
>>294953 deeds
holy schmoly just met my mentally retarded cousin for the first time since we were kids and she's so fucking hot now.
the way my cousin teases me with her milkerinos when breastfeeding her spawn ahhhhhhh
>>294957 bit weird lad.
smh thought you had my back lad
>>294903 damn maybe he shouldn't have put his nose into a human anus, looks like tempura
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>still getting this shite despite listening to 20 odd hours of lectures on Deng thought
>>294961 only twenty hours?
>>294916 why does virginity matter?
>>294961 china is collapse?
>when he's a virgin
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>>294957 >the way my cousin says she wants to freeze her eggs until she's 30
>>294968 30 isn't THAT old by today's standards. Some wait until 40 and 50. Some probably even longer
And some like Jocko and Luna freeze their cummies
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>when my slag cousin kept petting me and rubbing my shoulders when drunk at the wedding
>when your cousin fingered your vagina
>>294972 god I love boomer memes
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https://twitter.com/i/status/1532724881523081216 who does she mean by "they" lads?
https://youtu.be/qPt-BdzE760 >even mark collett is bantering troons now
smh meant felton
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https://youtu.be/gQJF6kYJEKo imagining I was in shermans army again lads
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>>294983 vile slag
>>294982 CLASSIC
>y'all >y'all >y'all
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it's better than that ropey cleaning slag
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literally watched like 2 hours of cleaning slag yesterday
>>294903 Arise O God and judge the earth.
https://www.unz.com/jtaylor/why-do-these-people-hate-us/ >>294990 good lad wish my teeth looked like that instead of bugs bunny teeth
>>294993 smh are jared is getting seethier
>>294994 he basically named the jews in his last piece.
He was so eatfilling it was fillmost barthetic
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>>294994 >all he wanted was to be a humble spreadsheet expert in a comfy high trust society https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAiZBUYNUBA
I truly despise the nature of sub-continentals, not necessarily their race or culture. Just the way they suck the dick of the man above them and spit on the man below. It's as contrary to christ-teachings as any culture on earth.
Constantly hearing "she" in reference to weird things online that take programming skill, and you just know half the time it's a tranny.
https://youtu.be/XrxDR50v1gI Sick of zoomer bitches and their bullshit. I saw one disgusted that a 23 year old was going out with [dramatic noise] 17 year old
>>295002 Keeeek great edit lad
>>295004 Dan "Get in the van" Schneider
>>295006 Dan "like a Pringles can" Schneider
https://youtu.be/e4-3MSnAsOs Drake from Drake and Josh isn't a nonce btw, the bitch got literally btfo in court by the judge for lying >>295006 Dan "the allegations against me are not substantiated" Schneider
>>295008 >>295007 Dan "The hymen divider" Schneider
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Putin been real quiet since this dropped
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Paradox are increasing their Flavour pack price x2 for CK3
>>295012 merrily... tis over
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They won't let tbbk on to the tranny discords in case he drives them to suicide
Manchester Evening News will not allow me to write "Given the prevalence of paedophilia in the LGDTQIA+ community I suggest these gr00mers be kept far away from children"
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>coom into tissue >imagine life with a woman while my seed grows inside her It's going to be living hell isn't it. all this work to even get to the starting point, and then when I finally make it I'll keep suffering as I have to entertain a lasserino or pay the consequences of failing to do so
STARTING SOON - DR STRANGE AND THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS (2022) https://app.kosmi.io/room/rk6c24 https://app.kosmi.io/room/rk6c24 https://app.kosmi.io/room/rk6c24
watching it again lads
>>295019 >shoots him for no reason bit rude
>>295017 Don't worry lad, you're literally too incompetent to get a woman never mind keep her around.
>>295022 why would you say that??
https://www.fish4.co.uk/job/13401652/bricklaying-gangs/?TrackID=795577 BARRATT HOMES MANCHESTER –BRICKLAYING GANGS REQUIRED
>>295023 stop arguing b, you're just having post fap regret come and watch the film https://app.kosmi.io/room/rk6c24 https://app.kosmi.io/room/rk6c24 https://app.kosmi.io/room/rk6c24
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>>295024 wahey!
>>295023 Because all you do is talk about how you're disgusted by even the most basic anatomy of a women never mind a completely childish lack of understanding re: relationships etc.
>>295025 you're right b, it tainted my view. Being with a lass won't be so bad. My ex made me a better b really
>>295026 i HATE this deano.
>>295027 who are you, lad? You don't know me at all
STARTING AT 9:15 - DR STRANGE AND THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS (2022) https://app.kosmi.io/room/rk6c24 https://app.kosmi.io/room/rk6c24 https://app.kosmi.io/room/rk6c24
>>295029 tbh disgusting
>>295031 b hold off a little. My za is ready at 9:20, then I need some time to slice it
>>295033 9:30 b?
STARTING AT 9:30 - DR STRANGE AND THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS (2022) https://app.kosmi.io/room/rk6c24 https://app.kosmi.io/room/rk6c24 https://app.kosmi.io/room/rk6c24
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>>295036 i dont like turning deano into something sinister. feels like a psyop
>>295038 This is a pro-William board
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>>295038 get yer dick out for the lads, wahey!
>>295030 It's me, Terrence. Fucking cunt doesn't even know his best friend's name.
>>295020 literally like Euripides out of Euripides
*literally like something out of euripedes
>>295042 >>295043 explain to a brainlet lad
>>295024 could I get a visa to do this shite?
>>295044 the bacchae, its like weird costumed women who are acting violent and rejecting motherhood
NOW SHOWING - DR STRANGE AND THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS (2022) https://app.kosmi.io/room/rk6c24 https://app.kosmi.io/room/rk6c24 https://app.kosmi.io/room/rk6c24
>>295045 We should form a brick laying gang and terrorise the country witch baberthin abodes Also, your unironically would probabl be able to
>>295048 good lad I just need one of the boomer foremen to train me on brick laying maybe in the next year then if shartica collapses I can go and get a house cleaner briton wife
although I would be trading 100k for a decent sized lot for 100k for a victorian chimney sweeps closet hovel
>>295050 100k would get you something decent up norf, you'd just be miles away from any work.
>>295051 Not anymore tbh, you'll be looking for something in the range of £130,000 for a good terrace and the prices just keep rising mysteriously
>>295052 Time to start rallying the minecraft server.
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Keeek what is this?
>>295054 poo eye cope
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>>295058 Are they just injecting pigments into the eyes? Is that even safe?
>>295058 >that facial hair
>>295058 real life isn't a skyrim mod smh if it was all women (sexy) would be nude when you go outside tomorrow
So they're literally just shoving an artificial pigment over the real one after slicing your eyes open with a laser.
>white people suck >mutilates body to look like white people shitskin bros...
>>295061 Must be some kind of hipster, smh >>295063 Yeah, like a tattoo I guess
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>>295058 >>295056 >immediately makes them look more trustworthy
>>295064 the police literally raid african beauty shops in the UK for selling skin whitening cream because they're full of nasty acidic shit. these nigga's out here killing themselves to be 0.1% whiter.
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Someone explain to me why they are reducing the size of the army yet also pumping out recruitment ads.
>>295068 someone explain why you're talking about something i was just thinking about.
are we a hivemind or are you lads in my walls?
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>>295068 It's cheaper to hire new people than pay the wages of veterans that have a rank above private?
>>295068 Send soldiers into meat grinder to reduce the army size, advertise for more soldiers so you have more meat to sacrifice to the Blood God.
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>>295058 >brown people >green eyes Thanks for sending smee searching for this meme
>>295017 >tissue Try cooming into a cup instead
>>295077 or a jar
>>295077 "that's the wrong gigachad"
>>295076 how dare you treat ar' cheds like that
>>295047 >Skyrooming so I missed soykino Rooo.
>>295068 surely it's just >whites out >wogs and women in
Dr Strange Multitude Of Madness is even worse than I imagines it could be It’s just fucking stupid beyond belief
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>>295088 good lad
>>295086 Oh. Glad I missed it then.
had a long sleep and blood pressure is still a bit low... >>294899 >he has profile pic of the kot from katzentatzentanz baste >>295054 I looked into it. looks fake asf and there's a risk of blindness >>295088 manateeists btfo once again
why can't they just destroy the melanin in the eye without harming the eye? they could make so much money off of this
>>295090 I can't recommend it honestly, even takng the piss out of it wasn't that much fun it was as if it was written by children, for children the only reason to watch it, would be so that you've seen it, so never have to watch it again
>>295089 >>295091 >>295092 smh was going to say theres always tomorrow but friday's an early toil day >>295095 >>295096 Good lads best not to acknowledge it at all though tbf
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>>295087 check out his most recent based video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcNSKyUuu_0
>>295099 this guy used to write for vice and be straight up antifa in 2015, now he makes videos complaining about adverts showing black and white couples. really shows how irresistible chud arguments are.
>>295100 you sure he isn't just a glowie?
>>295101 he's a divorced father of three who makes videos harassing antifa and troonjaks.
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>>295101 he did that bbc thing where he became a reformed conspiracy theorist and realised the official version of events for 911 where 100% true.
>>295104 So glowie.
>>295105 fr fr, controlled op tbh, like the boomer.
>>295106 >>295105 charlie veitch is based
>>295104 death penalty
he uses 4chan lingo and spends his time harassing socialist worker party pop ups, im pretty sure he's our guy but a mong at the same time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXLV7smZx5s
>>295107 as based as ben shapiro
>>295096 did the spics use FALs as well in the falklands war or were they using the cucked 5.56?
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Can't imagine how intoxicated she must have been to allow someone to stick a camera in her face like that
keeeek of course spic already looked into the poo eye removal service
>>295113 i fucked her btw
>>295109 I have never been in that kind of densely packed area, I always get nervous around that many people. one time when I went to chicago and all the people were on the streets i felt like I was some kind of a bug in a hive
>>295113 imagine if richard nixon did this
>>295112 they used FALs as well i think
>>295118 wew thats like ww2 levels of BIG LEAD flying around.
what kind of squad light machine gun was being used in falklands, it wasn't a bren, was it the M60 or were they already using the m240?
>>295120 yeah I think it was the fn mag
smh too bad you lads didn't have any of those dogshit air deployable sheridan tanks for on goose green, that was pretty much the design room tier situation where BMD/sheridan AIFVs would have been useful
I guess the scimitar looks like it would be air deployable
>>295114 yeah if I could get rid of my T40 eye melanin and get my natural green eyes with prominent limbal rings that'd be pretty good. or maybe I could just do one of them and have panty-wetting heterochromia but I can't, the soyence has failed us
yeah looks like the argies were using BM-59s and M14s as well
used to mix honey in water and drip that into my eyes thinking it'd make them lighter. bet if I were a foid I'd fall for 10 times as many memes
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>poo eye people literally put shite in their eyes your eyes are fine how they are
making fancy natural process ethiopian coffee in the french press, gonna have a big mug to try to normalize my blood pressure >>295128 light eyes are aesthetic. we must pursue maximum aesthetics (i.e. looksmaxxing) so that we can breed
sounds like both sides were using FN MAGs smh nato doesn't have kino MGs anymore, the PK and PKP are so much more kino
imagine the first thing people see when they make eye contact with you is the colour of shites
>>295130 I know you can't breed because it would a crime against the white race to perpetuate your chug admixture, but I am pure and therefore am obligated to sow my Aryan oats
>>295122 You can't get cargo planes out that far except from Argentina.
>im white guys >rn https://youtu.be/2klHx9bH1qw
>>295134 smh good point I guess they didn't do those tanker planes back then
>>295136 They did it took dozens flying in stages just to get our strategic bombers out there to knock out the airfield. It was called operation black buck if you're interested in seeing all the logistics that went into it.
>>295137 >operation black buck wew oh yeah didn't the south africans cuck out of helping you or did ronald reagan force them to cuck out or something to keep the russkies from getting involved?
good sneedvening
>>295138 Who knows, people say Reagan cucked on helping us but apparently he also ordered some light aircraft carriers be prepared in case we lost our carriers.
>>295138 theres loads of good vids and lectures and docs about the whole thing on yt, black buck was basically a waste of time since it only knocked the airport out for 24 hours so it was more a show of force, if the argies weren't retarded they could have totally btfo us tbh we were at the absolute limit of our logistical capabilities, lost loads of ships including the ones with the helis on them which was the reason the marines had to trek across 50 miles in terrible conditions to then fight on goose green
>>295140 I remember that shartica was giving out free access to CIAnigger satillites during falklands but I figured that the south africans would have allowed you lads to use their air strips or something but I guess the vulcan has somewhat lower operating ranged than the B-52 or the russkie tupolev brap bomber
>>295141 smh yeah the argies kind of got nervous when their ship got sunk. also seemed like their infantrymen didn't want to really slug it out for some soggy sheep farms
>>295142 Flying over the northpole to nuke each other is actually a lost shorter distance than flying from the equator to the falklands.
>>295144 oh yeah I guess you are right keeek
too bad the argies never came up with a operation buck breaker
>>295143 if they'd just kept doing those bombing runs on the ships they would've btfo us tbh but they were so retarded even the bombs they were using didn't go off because they hadn't set the fuses right.
> He calculated that for the quantity of fuel expended by Black Buck One to drop 21 bombs, which he estimated at 1,800,000 litres (400,000 imp gal) at a cost of £3.3 million, the Sea Harriers of the carrier force could have carried out 785 sorties that would have delivered 2,357 bombs. wew
>>295147 I imagine that if that happened americuck would have interviened in some way with material support because of the loss of prestige but idk that would have been fucked. I feel like in this century westoids won't face such incompetent shitskin forces, most of our foes are already here among us rn
South africa is about 130 miles further away from falklands than ascension island
the race war in leafland will be pretty quick though compared to amerishart because all the shitskins are maximized in 2 containment areas
>>295149 you probably would have buck broken us like at suez tbh
>>295147 didn't the french give us the disarm codes for their exocets in the end?
>>295153 yes but they were doing runs of the ships at close range which could be done with dumb bombs, theres footage of it on yt
>>295154 post the footage lass >>295152 >
https://youtu.be/7aEYkZjTBag https://youtu.be/hlFQ3k5JJPk https://youtu.be/aah86CK-eI8 https://youtu.be/Eo0BNYGgEV4 internet is so shite for finding stuff now smh theres better footage than this, internet is fucking useless now, just zogslop machine.
>>294941 wholesome. i'm going to talk to my girlfriend :3
morning lads
>>295156 smh don't like seeing spics acting up against anglos, smh they need to know their place. fucking cubans shooting boers during the 80s too
smh america would have lost falklands just because I don't think america has fought without air superiority since the spanish-american war
>>295159 fucking hate farage, stop posting him you mong, hes the most obvious shill and gate keeper there is, he serves no positive purpose
GB NEWS EXPOSING VACCINE CORRUPTION >Dr Malhotra on calling for vaccine data transparency: 'The information has evolved considerably' https://youtu.be/DWaYdDKKTXc
wew the argies still use the skyhawk to this day, that was an early vietnam war jet
>>295162 never knew about the spanish-american war tbh >President William McKinley ignored the exaggerated news reporting and sought a peaceful settlement. However, after the United States Navy armored cruiser Maine mysteriously exploded and sank in Havana Harbor on February 15, 1898, political pressures from the Democratic Party pushed McKinley into a war that he had wished to avoid. hmm
>>295167 yeah teddy roosevelt resigned his post as the secretary of the navy at 43 and acted as a colonel of a unit he rose personally and they almost got cut to shreds in cuba at san juan hill because the krauts had given the spanish early maxim guns and the sharticans didn't have time to place their cucked potato digger mgs
the pinoy rebels that the spanish unleashed on the sharticans led to the development of muh stoppin powa
>>295168 >acted as a colonel of a unit he rose personally pretty based tbh
>>295170 it was supposed to be a cowboys only regiment but roosevelt joined it an it became full of edwardian era hipsters However, after Roosevelt joined the ranks, it attracted an odd mixture of Ivy League athletes, glee club singers, Texas Rangers, and Native Americans.[3] All accepted into the regiment had to be skilled horsemen and eager to see combat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough_Riders
>>295171 keeeeeeek
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he a good lad, used to be a cringecel but then he self improved but then they bullied him because he cried when they trapped a black bear for him to shoot when he was president and then as banter his political opponents popularized teddy bears for kids to mock him. he was also friends with cecil rhodes, wonder if they ever met IRL.
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>>295159 GB News has actually got a lot better
smh 1895 was when the collapse started, smh as soon as the jameson raid failed it was over
>>295175 tbh that turn of the century period was the high water mark for the west
>>295164 what kind of british name is malhotra lads?
>>294739 >beardo masculinity influencer cliché man
hohols are firing American rockets at the coolant systems and nuclear waste storage at Zaphorozia nuclear plant, trying to cause another Chernobyl to blame Russia https://www.rt.com/russia/560971-ukraine-bombs-waste-containers-zaporozhye/
>>295179 even obama would have cut off the cockholes, brandon is just the biggest fucking faggot ever.
>>295174 Good to see pressure on the virus narrative, it's one of the most outlandish schemes. This guest is bringing up the crony capitalist side of the equation, too.
>>295183 The hanfu does look less obnoxious
gook bitches can fuck off
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>>295187 never understood the whole asian feets thing, but those do look very smooth and soft. I've heard asians smell weird though
What's your favorite thing about yanks lads?
>>295187 perfect feet on that webm tbh
auslad give the yank larper a temp ban for his tedious posting
>toil tomorrow >not showered or shaved or done anything for a week >sleep schedule fucked
>>295194 I don't agree with banning but I wish newyank would cease his whole 'pro-America' thing, nobody thinks it's funny and it's very unbased/cringe
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>>295192 fuck off
>j-j-just ban him for free already! PLEASE BAN HIM!!! Oh no, whatever will I do? Definitely wouldn't immediately reset my IP and go right back to posting about the splendor of are America.
>>295196 >reality isn't funny enough Anon...
>>295196 fuck off mong its a temp ban, you have no say since you are a spic foreigner
>>295198 yeah I'm sure you could handle the shart waddle to the router several times, you are probably bbk or some other larper or schizo anyway tbh
go sell kratom outside the gas station you fucking scum
so theres this shartican, steiner and spic then auslad, are there any actual brits still posting here fucking hell.
>>295200 >its a temp ban I'll say. If I was to get banned, it would be strictly temporary for the duration of my IP not being reset yet immediately.
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>go sell kratom outside the gas station you fucking scum
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He's filtered smee lads.
>>295203 auslad was born in the UK. there's also 22st though
miss schizo tbh
he'd either make me chuckle or ruin my evening entirely
>day one - we got a live one >week two - i hate newyank i'm gonna sneedthe and filter him and ask the janny to ban him for free >month 6 - i love newyank because he outs the newfags >year ? - miss newyank tbh
>295205 >295207 reeks of SA actually, is this a fresh attempt to destroy the board
>295212 Lad... I don't even know what "SA" is. I found this board recently by googling "vaxxsneed". Google it yourself if you don't believe me.
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>>295179 Oh good, so I get to hear even more from the soyim about how Russia is bombing nuclear power plants >>295177 What kind of British name is Steyn? >>295159 >muh house of lords Eh I guess but the Lords gives us the closest thing we have to a handful of competent politicians. It's the Commons that needs to be fixed, where the actual decisions are made. I swear if Nigger Elf pivots to making the Lords a shitty careerist bunch of yes men like the commons
>>295217 Pretty sure there was a meme like this a decade ago. Reminder to meme responsibly, especially on /brit/. We know not the power of our own memi magicks.
>>295216 keeeeeeeeeek pvre schizokino >>295219 have fun lad >>295220 tbh it always ends up coming true one way or another
ate some questionable pork a couple of days ago and been farting non-stop ever since smh anyway tonight's dinnero is yellow-stickered pork sausages and chips and veg
>>295222 that sounds like fuel to the fire.
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>>295223 what can i say lad i like to live dangerously
been thinking about that old "american enters the thread.webm" that used to get posted occasionally years back on old /brit/ tbh but i don't have it on this computer smh yank enters a british pub in wwii and goes around belittling everyone and telling them they should act more like americans do then tries to pay with dollars before insulting a group of scots guards for wearing kilts who then escort him out of the building for a quick lesson in etiquette used to think that was a comedic exaggeration smh
>>295225 wasn't that a public information film for GIs?
>>295226 keeeeeeeek was it really?
about the 5 minute mark
>>295225 >yank enters a british pub in wwii and goes around belittling everyone and telling them they should act more like americans do then tries to pay with dollars Is that what you lads think it is? Belittling? How is it insulting to encourage people who are already Americanized to continue Americanizing? I don't see how it's insulting to use the world currency either. >NOOOO YOU CAN'T JUST PAY WITH 10 AMERICAN DOLLARS! >YOU NEED TO PAY WITH 14 AND THREE SEVENTEENTHS OF THE QUEEN'S BLOODY NOBBERQUAVERS! People attribute malice or disrespect to common American behaviors, when there is clearly no such harm intended. We celebrate the differences of those who are not Americans, while reasonably expecting them to put some effort into not indulging the aspects of their cultures that are anti-American, especially while we are around. > a group of scots guards for wearing kilts who then escort him out of the building for a quick lesson in etiquette I bet they all felt really tough. It only took nine of them, but they finally showed one yank what's what. Give me a break lad. Nobody wants to inflict anything negative on you. We just want you to be more Americanized, and show us the due level of respect, which borders on deference. And we have the right to not take no for an answer.
don't remember him disappearing in a puff of smoke tbh could have sworn the two jocks picked him up one on each arm and carried him outside might be getting it mixed up with some police videos smh
>>295231 see this is exactly what we're talking about tbh
>>295231 America is trash. what we want is balkanization so there's no big fat JewSGay to push everyone around anymore
>>295233 I don't think it is. You're describing deliberate abuse and hostility. There is no such hostility in the real world. Nobody thinks kilts are gay. Most Americans even think they are Irish, and they think all Irishmen wear kilts every day, so of course they think kilts are cool. Americans are very respectful of the different traditions of foreigners, but unfortunately, foreigners have such deep disdain and malice toward Americans that we often have no choice but to defend our right to be who we are. And they consider that to be an attack against them somehow.
>>295235 talking about you specifically lad you come here and start talking down to use like we're just americans who haven't made the trip over the atlantic yet
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>>295234 What we want is expansion, because anybody who was no second amendment has neither the means nor the right to stop themselves from getting one.
off work for being a sicky sheepie
>>295236 Nobody is talking down to you. You are who you are. And that's different from every generation that came before. At one point, you were picts. And then you were also Danes and Swedes. And then you were Normans. And then you were classic brits. But now you are something new. You are Americanized Brits. That is something that self-hating Brits won't accept and think is bad somehow. What I'm saying is that it's good, and you should accept this.
>>295238 rip lad >>295239 you're doing it again smh acting like a) continued americanisation is inevitable and b) desirable we have our own distinct culture and identity tbh we don't want yours
>>295237 >muh 2A larp de facto repealed by the NFA, pathetic mental gymnastics cope to view deracinated jew-worshiping mutt shithole with consumerism for a culture in a positive light. the existence of the USA is a mistake, by separating from the British Empire it lost its belonging to a nation and doomed itself to becoming some sort of frankenstein's monster hodgepodge of mankind. look at the pie chart you posted! there's no identity but "American" which means NOTHING
smh would have replied earlier but i was making dinner
Lads back me up here, anybody can be a Roman not just an Italian? >>295240 Thanks lad
>>295228 >west of this line? >africa! >>295243 couldn't tell you tbh no idea how they viewed their non-italian holdings going to assume that their view on nationality was mostly similar to the modern view and that someone born to roman parents within the roman empire was roman but even that's a guess tbh they probably would've still been seen as provincial
>>295244 Thanks for the reply lad.
>>295245 no problem lad
>>295243 Originally you had to be born in Rome to besidered a Roman citizen. People from beyond the city were simply considered subjects of the Republic. It was only later that they opened citizenship up to but I think that was only for people that served in the legion.
>>295247 based history knower
That was it only citizens could serve in the legion but they scrapped that after Rome topped being sufficient to staff the legion as Rome expanded. So they opened it to subjects with the prospect of citizenship if they served 10 years.
had a good laugh at that bob hope bit
don't hate newyank tbh just wish he wouldn't put on that act
>>295253 I'm indifferent tbh I don't think I've interacted with him once and I'm not entirely convinced that it isn't some alt persona of bbk. Considering he posted like an hour ago and that would make it like 3 in the morning in texas.
>>295254 tbh jury's still out on that one
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>>295253 it makes me feel like a bully to say it but most of his posts are legitimately bad. it would be one thing if he were trying to assimilate and become an accepted poster, I get that he came from 4cuck and that place sucks, but he just spams his burger-patriotism LARP bullshit, which is just blatantly wrong. America is hostile to the white man, it is a jewish golem whose purpose is to serve as a battering ram against nationalism to create a One World Government run by the chosen >>295254 he could be a wagie
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*writes a massive post about roman citizenship but then deletes it*
can't stop watching wwii propaganda films lads smh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SOvr9fLHUM >>295256 >it makes me feel like a bully to say it tbh don't like calling lads out but he just does not come here with any intent to fit in if he's trying to establish a gimmick it's not working >>295257 quick lad ctrl+z it's not too late to recover it
>>295241 >word words words >pics pics pics You are going through an awful lot of effort for someone who's not seething.
>>295256 >he could be a wagie He's already talked about selling some plant from the Cambodia or something that's an opioid substitute
>>295257 That sounds like it would have been a good read.
>>295260 kratom, it's from Thailand/Malaysia/Indonesia. tried it before it was banned here and the effects weren't really worth how bad it tastes
>>295258 Was just a post about how one cannot generalise over 1000 years of history like some twats that say "everyone can be Roman :^)", Roman/Latin citizenship changed over time, how the Romans fought a massive bloody civil war to prevent Italians from getting citizenship, though ended up giving them it anyway, but pretty much only Italians had Roman citizenship until the mid/late empire by which time things were over. The Roman Republic was pretty much ethno-nationalist tbh
>>295263 Romans are from Rome tbh.
>>295263 smh would've been a good read anyway lad
>>295263 Do one for Byzantium citizenship.
>>295240 >we have our own distinct culture and identity tbh we don't want yours Every American state has its own culture. Maine is VERY different from Hawaii. We celebrate these differences while still acknowledging the importance of what we have in common. All of your pre-American culture is good and worth maintaining. But those values which oppose the fundamental concept of America, such as the Bill of Rights and devolved governance, have neither the right nor the capacity to survive. Those anti-American values will inevitably be replaced, simply because they are too illogical for white people to maintain in the face of evidence. And it is imperative that they be replaced, because it is illogical to "maintain the right to not have any rights". It's contradictory nonsense. The majority of Brits, Aussies, Southeast Aussies, and Leafs are Americanizing. This has been happening in most of the population for a long time. They are doing this by choice, therefor it is part of British culture. You can't support British culture if you're opposed to Americanization, which is deeply embedded in the culture now.
>>295262 >tried it before it was banned here and the effects weren't really worth how bad it tastes Try an extract lad.
Russia's Wagner mercenaries pushed the French out of Mali, now actual Russian troops are landing on Mali. both the Central African Republic and Mali have been removed from the French sphere of influence and added to the Russian sphere of influence
>>295267 >values which oppose the fundamental concept of America, such as the Bill of Rights and devolved governance
will Niger, with its extensive uranium reserves, be next? France has redeployed the troops they removed from Mali to Niger, which is much more important
>>295266 i know nothing about that
>>295271 I really don't keep up with France's interactions with it's pseudo empire.
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>>295273 well me neither but look at this map that some guy made which i don't know how accurate it is but imagine CAR and Mali are now Russia instead of France
>>295271 uranium is barely more important than granite tbh there's few countries who still keep nuclear power plants running and fewer still who aren't slowly winding that down whenever the opportunity arises with the eventual goal of complete reliance on russian gas renewable something something
>>295274 Wagner is only in Mali because the junta there hired them in response to France leaving. From what I've read they French Army got bogged down fighting a counter insurgency across all their west African colonies. It looks like a shitload of money and a series of internal coups later Marcon is willing to call it a day because of the massive cost and the never ending mission creep. It's Frances Afghanistan but much bigger and they have no NATO help.
>>295274 bit jealous of how france is much less ashamed of having overseas holdings smh
>>295275 France is one of the few countries that maintains nuclear power as an energy source.
>>295278 It's probably considered a strategic necessity for france to hold onto those Uranium deposits.
>>295274 That map is off, alot of Africa is under the Chinese sphere of influence.
>>295278 yeah tbh smh jealous of that too tbh stands to reason though that like every other fight that only france has had a stake in they'll be the only nato member who would actually care and they'll receive no assistance
>>295281 It's their empire to maintain tbh. France has always been like that as well, during the cold war it was a 50/50 of weather or not France would sit on their hands if the Soviet Union invaded Germany.
>>295280 yeah plus Iran and Saudi Arabia should have their own spheres, similar to how France does
>>295282 yeah tbh
got sad when the wwii propaganda films showed me a huwhite detroit going for a walk smh
>>295285 have a nice walk lad.
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Fin-lad at 4chan told me Sanna Marin has to take a drug test from her political party, since in the background of the leaks there is someone, or more than one person, yelling "team powder"!
>>295285 Smh. How the mighty have fallen, all that good quality land being swallowed up by la creatura
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>thought I was a cool darkwebber >the jews have us on their kike website even though the board is hidden
Why can’t chuds just leave her alone?
>>295294 Keeek looks more like jacinda Arden or even ocasio cortes. Something about politics just brings out the horse jaw in thin women
>>295294 >>295295 Can you twats at least give this a single "e" kek? >>295292
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Being told "you can't party" must have untold emotional consequences for this foid. Good heavens, so much schadenfreude when it comes to politicians. They really must do better
>>295294 she is literally the head of state, smh trying to imagine nixon, pinochet or deng xiaopeng taking selfies of them singing while drunk
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>>295299 please clap
chaos candidate
I wonder why she makes chuds seethe so much oh yeah: >owns russians subhumans >parties and has sex >normal social life >beautiful
>>295302 i wood shag her tbh
>>295302 >normal social life >37 and no kids >partying like a 19 year old
I walked up to her during a party and she honked of farts
w-what a women? who gets invited to parties? thats it, society has collapsed. IMPEACH NOW
Business idea: The Dildoscope! A glass dildo with a telescopic lens in the middle so that you can stick it up an arse then see the poos up close! You can make a variant with a hole in it so you can smell the poos too!
>>295307 I bet that would be popular in germany
>>295302 Cursed be any population which has a woman ruler tbh
>>295307 already exists, mate
>>295306 >crusius is le silly! Two indulgences have been deposited into your heretic account
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Where the 15 year old virgin sacrifices at?
>>295310 smdh, thanks for letting me know lad. i don't know much about these things unlike you smh
>>295313 well, a dildo with a camera on the end exists
>>295314 This is where you get your post ideas, you stick it up your bum and find poos to post
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https://youtu.be/LbqeOqjO0ZU They're made by an AI or what
>>295312 >le nonce dragon
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morning lads
>>295317 Just low IQ wogs tbqh
>>295319 afternoon lad
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officially made it to level 32 virginity lads
>>295322 it's your birthday?
smh found out I have the same birthday as nick fuentes fml
>>295299 great gif tbh saved
>>295322 are you actually 32 years old?
>new advice from uk police for kids approached by paki rape gangs
>>295322 maybe you will gain the power to incinerate women with your mind at level 40 >>295324 keeek smh
>>295328 yikes
best thing about getting older is you stop really caring about shite
>>295332 similar to death.
>>295333 not really its different thales said that death is no different than life though
>Mark Steyn takes aim at Britain's obsession with diversity and inclusion https://youtu.be/zI2OannbfYU
>>295331 tbh I don't know if uk police made that, not sure what the source actually is
looking forward to the end tbh >>295337 according to some wog on yt are police are armed and shartican tier now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPN8PLyLDxQ
oven baked chicken chopped up with some spaghetti and a homemade white sauce
would love to own a restaurant smh
restauranteur is a stressful profession
>>295338 looks like typical soros money BLM activist shite
>>295343 CHEESE
>>295346 >Red Ice keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek aren't they the mongy twats with Sinead or whatever her name was? They had that meltdown against michelle or whatever
>>295338 if you like people that criticise police you will like this channel, and he's a whiteoid https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUSL8poMxM_uXWzWExJaY-w
>>295348 > mongy twats with Sinead no that was fire starter media, who stopped ages ago how can you not know red ice?
>>295351 keeeeeeek fucking flat earther cunts, dont care about e-celebs i already know what i think tbh
>>295352 they aren't flat earthers either who the fuck are you?
filtered for being an ignoramus tbh I literally posted fresh crimebodge within the last 72 hours
red eyes sneedia keeeeeeeeeeeek
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wish i could be an explorer in the ancient world
>>295354 ffs lad some of us have lives outside the thread and don't read every post
>>295354 >>295356 >wish i could be an explorer in the ancient world you would have been pagan lad
>>295353 >either Firestarter was Flat earth though Consensus here was they were part of wignat infiltration to make everyone associated look unstable and lunatic fringe
>>295356 you would have died wanking, you're incompetent in our time and would be incompetent in ancient times simple as
>>295358 wrong >>295360 also wrong
>>295361 you wrote this while willy wanking
reminds me of that chinese guy who did pull ups off the side of a building and then realised he used all his strength and couldnt pull himself up
>>295361 >wrong the ancient world was pre-christian lad you could not have been an explorer in the ancient world and been christian
>>295359 >Firestarter was Flat earth though yeah they were, but red ice never were
>>295365 not an argument Christ existed and always has
>>295368 still seething over my parents doing this to me last year.
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millions must die
>>295367 >Christ existed and always has yes, and he used to manifest through paganism
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*puts on my fool beating gloves* >>295371 Alright, what's your point? Spit it out.
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TAKING REQUESTS FOR FILM NIGHT >what would you like to watch this weekend?
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>>295369 >Have one of those cunt friends that tells a waiter in secret that it's one of our birthdays and to come over and sing when its never anyones birthday >every single time you go for a meal it was funny the first time, fuck off
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>ywn live in ancient nubia
Supposed to be going to a barbeque but its absolutely pissing down
>>295377 oh no, rain!!!! :yawn:
>>295375 >>295377 >le throbbing forehead vein man
>>295377 bad luck lad
My real name is Daniel. That will be my new trip
>>295378 Are you retarded
>>295382 No, that's you, retard name
wow the tories might be in trouble lads
>>295383 You fear rain don't you Dormong? Your little micropenis shrinks away to nothing in it smh
was going to save the white race but it's a bit cloudy
>>295386 who the fuck is (((Daniel))) ?
Minecraft, Skyrim, or Civ 6?
Oh, is Daniel the fed that's bumming Jocko?
I'm voting Daniel.
>>295389 He's MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! >>295387 Yes, your wickle balls pop inside you because they're fwightened!
I'm Amy
>>295392 I miss daniels content
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>>295393 >MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Where is the "s"?
>>295395 Tbh but I'm glad at the same time because it hasn't gone stale/overdone
>>295394 fuck off 22
>>295393 >>295396 he said "meee" not "smee" clearly a spy
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>>295398 Amy is pembs isn't he?
here we fucking go again
>>295390 you tried the vox populi mod pack for civ 5?
the wignat movement is fracturing
>>295401 >here we fucking go again
>>295403 it's worth a go of you're bored. you should also get the LUA file that cuts turn processing times if you don't have it
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>>295404 is Martinez Perspective pro Zelensky?
what character should i make in skyrim
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>when they ask you if you're pro trans or pro women
>>295413 got any film requests lad?
film yourself breaking into and committing arson on a job centre please lad
Academic Agent - Proposals for a Sensible British Government #1: Introduction https://youtu.be/QzaDWRin6dA
3rd awful yellow liquid poo about to hit at least it's not black and green any more I guess
>>295415 is that your film request?
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>>295419 good lad
>>295419 but the tories might be in trouble, lad?
https://youtu.be/DMisSoDNWR4 damn first the leg pops and then the heel
>>295408 Mine at the moment is a nord called Svengence, who's tracking down all the Crimson Dirk bandits, but only using equipment from them, aside from the first he killed at dragon bride using a woodcutters axe because I couldn't hand to hand him. That way each knows Svengence has just killed the last one because he's wearing and weilding their gear.
>>295422 wow this one is great
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>>295426 looooooooooooooool
>>295426 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Anyone want to wath The Predator (2018) tonight?
>>295322 Happy Birthday lad. Will you treat yourself to anything nice?
>>295431 Smee.
>>295431 b time? yeah of course
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>>295322 happy birthday lad :)
all these wombs walking around not being impregnated smh
>>295417 You should do one of those at the toil office, it might make them think before demanding you come in so often.
A poo in the shoe is one out the loo
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found a really sexy black prozzie
>>295440 male or female? hirea black prozzie lass then hire a black prozzie man and shag the lass in front of hi while he plays bongos
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>>295440 based dorset monkey pox arc incoming
>>295441 >male or female? hirea black prozzie lass then hire a black prozzie man and shag the lass in front of hi while he plays bongos yeah, while he wears a grass skirt and a bone through his nose the black race will never recover
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>>295446 I think sargon has legit got more right wing since those days
*eats lotuses*
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>>295448 yeah, idk what "the lotus eaters" is referring to the ancient egyptians that ate lotus flowers?
mini pierce
Peak burger kino
>>295451 https://youtu.be/HXdcxRtPJVA Love Charlie Feathers tbh, hate the soyim going mental because he said niggers in this video
>>295451 gasser suspension is superior to low rider
based 1940s fords with big blocks
>bins is too much of a brainlet to know about the lotus eaters it's sargon literally shitting on his gullible retard viewers because lotus eaters are an indian parable about people who ate divine lotuses and got addicted to them to the point that they continued even after they began to turn into retards and die from starvation and stuff
>>295455 *tugs on your shirt* I've pood meself
>>295456 Finally, a movie about 22st!
https://youtu.be/Z0g0byod0qs now for some UK ford import dragsters
>>295455 that's a greek myth actualy lad
I'm fucking raging that our currency is pegged to the US dollar tbh
>>295459 highly based seen a lot of ford model Ts and that kind of thing down here recently, think it's a big boomer business to garage tinker on vintage cars
>>295460 >literally odysseus I've been done
>>295456 What time?
>>295459 keeek the wheelbase on that cunt, love it
>>295461 sure youre not just raging because youre pegged?
>>295464 The ancient Egyptians had a blue lotus flower they used for medicinal and hallucinogenic reasons. I wonder if Homer was referencing this, tying its use to the downfall of Egypt?
>>295465 some time after 8pm, I will post announces in the thread
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The British Pound is looking to take out the lows again soon. >>295450 Hello, my name's William Pierce. I used to want to kill all of these people, campaigning for against apartheid in south Africa, round them up into a mass grave and machine gun all of them. They have so little understanding of the harm they are causing. - (Can't find the quote anywhere) >>295451 yo how did they get to the gta v map irl
Legit hope that God is sending plagues to cleanse the world of sin the incel will inherit the earth
oh yeah forgot its gonna bet the detroit auto cruise this weekend where all the whites drive through the main road in classic cars
https://youtu.be/UPjH_SAVvLw keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>295463 You're a sex predator >>295467 What? You want to peg me with a double ended gay didlo?
>>295475 No I'm not smh. Not liking this Daniel character
>>295476 I have a list of your bans from dating sites. They say you were raping women left and right electronically
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As for me? I haven't raped anyone in hours!
>Ryan Giggs wrote shitpost tier poems to his lass >The Daily Fail now have a headline mocking him He has nigger blood so I don't care
https://youtu.be/ULfqhCNHQPA John Cleese chatting shite about something
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john cheese
>>295480 >2018
>>295482 fjiwepf dpi w JDPWFOQWEH WOJF #W bkfb vjab ;obreo bealjfdbc
>Gingerland >Booby Island keek Dorshit should smove to Snevis
(2.92 MB 350x620 zoomersaregay.webm)

why did you post that
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(1.51 MB 454x576 BEAR.webm)

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smh mummy was trying to buy me some new trainers for my birthday but all the trainers these days look like clown shoes combined with submarines or something so mummy just got me some BIG STOMPER workmen boots instead
>>295490 get those ones with human blood in
need some new boots again smh some proper wogstomping boots
>>295489 For me: >Gays (they're cunts but they don't breed which is the principle issue tbh) >Mexicans (they're a nationalist and can be any race, about 10% of Mexcrement is white) >Kikes (austral caucasoids by my personal racial classification) >Mulattos (sterlisation at least) >Eskimos >Chinks >Gooks >Niggers Ultimately they're all shades of shite and must be flushed out of our nation and its rightful imperial territories. Furthermore, keeeek at that bear
>>295493 >they're a nationalist *nationality
all the FBI agents are going to think steiner is such a square since he doesn't have the cool big boy trainers with velcro straps smh
>>295489 Keek that little black bear seemed as scared of her as she was of it. Silly foid.
(4.47 MB 5451x2800 Untitled.png)

Map of races based on indigenous status >White: Boreal Caucasoid >Pink: Austral Caucasoid >Purple: Australoid >Brown: Niggers >Yellow: Monogloid >Red: Sexy Pocahontases and Alcoholic Chinks
>>295495 tbh was gonna get some autism white colored trainers but mummy said those were grandpa shoes and I said I am too old for bright orange shoes, smh
gingerlass wears big white trainers
>>295499 Have you sniffed them yet?
>>295497 1 or 2 per cent admixture with other Caucasoids is fine but not desirable. Everything else? Purge them. One drop rule.
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>>295486 umm wtf and why is there no sound?
>>295500 I wish Bet her feet smell so good.
>>295505 *2018 no idea why I put 1984, that's wrong
>>295507 God I hate messing up formatting Sorry everyone
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>>295509 Wholesome
Found a sexy black tranny for 300 an hour. Hmm.
>>295505 Wow this film originally contained a real life predator, and argues that Autism is in fact the next step in human evolution.
>Jocko keek
>>295511 That's a black man with a benis playing dress up for 300 hard earned pounds.
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When the pound was falling alongside commodities this was just dollar strength, fair enough. Now perhaps we see it decline at a faster pace than commodities, as inflation remains embedded in Europe and not so much in the USA. When will the French bail us out by pressuring the US smh.
i need money so bad
>>295518 go on the game
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>>295523 hes gonna have to go through more shit, posting keys on the internet is an easy way to get them copied
been playin fallout 3 all day
Fallout: Jew Vegas more like
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>>295489 Dan Carver is great tbh can't get enough
>All the dressed-up faggots laughing at him in the first webm as a novelty quirky toy and he was right about everything
is this the predator short you recommended Mouse? https://youtu.be/dFbGV9UNSPw
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>have hot chocolate >1 spoon of sugar isnt enough >2 is too much
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>>295532 >carbs lad, why do you do this to yourself?
>>295533 Because I'm not a fat retard like you
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>>295534 I'm not fat and I'm not a retard
you are, and youre also a sad lonely incel
>>295536 >sad lonely incel no u!
first one to 100 has to make the new thread
>>295540 what stories shall I put in it?

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