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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3759: David Davis Edition Anonymous 08/18/2022 (Thu) 21:49:34 Id: 4b8fb4 No. 295542
>Rwanda asylum scheme: Warning over political killings before UK flight https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62566194 >UK denies Moscow claims RAF jet entered Russian airspace https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62569404 >Greenford: Elderly man on mobility scooter stabbed to death https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-62570923
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>>295546 see? this is what you get for eating carbs
>>295547 lad how much protein do you reckon is in a lindor milk chocolate ball?
>>295548 not very much tbh
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Not long now
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>>295552 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
kinda hoping they'd cancel each other out
>>295551 I had to close the tab because of this
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Every cat on one of its new lives can >(1) post everybody except Jesus
>>295322 >sharing a birthday with Spic Fuentes happy birthday though gramps https://kiwifarms.net/threads/nicholas-j-fuentes-birthday-8-18-22.127524/ >>295408 don't play that shit game, you're hurting yourself. play something good, like terraria, rimworld, factorio, or get an emulator and play some ps2 or n64 or something games. play jak 2, ty the tasmanian tiger, custom robo...
(521.45 KB 640x491 neko marin sniff.webm)

remember this? shame it doesn't have audio
the only based finngolian
>>295552 good one lad
fresh bidet looking more retarded than ever
I wasn't going to write this but . . . Poo
>>295567 Brave. Thank you.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc9V0jSS2d0 im going to work out to this
>>295570 why do you post this tart so much, canadalad?
>>295571 because she's beautiful
not clicking
>>295576 unfathomably based
>>295560 Would be great way to heckle her tbh. JAUHOJENGI Yaahhhh " 😪" 😋😋😋😋😋😋
willies & bums
>allah ACKbar
some based schizos in the wild on this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2bCVJYYLyw
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they found a 1500 year old arrow head in norway
>>295584 a complete arrow, i mean
>>295583 Has a steineresque visage
bruh a literal burka lass and the schizo start chanting about the talmud at a jewish antifa slag
In many threads today we have a situation where the yanks have quite literally become /brit/, a particular sort of daftie, nihilistic, wankster culture.
>>295587 show us lad
>>295588 we should solve this begin by banning spic
>>295582 probably written by some jerrycel
>>295589 25:30
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>>295593 make them scared
>>295587 lmao the look on the fat yid's face, she's absolutely bricking it
smorning lads >>295593 men are at work
>>295596 good morning
>>295597 hullo lad
Nonwhite women in America love to indulge the colonizer fetish. Is this true of Muslim women in the UK lads?
lads i discovered the answer lindts are 4.9% protein so if I eat 100 of them ill get 4900% proteins ultimate bodybuilding food = unleashed
me after lindtmaxxing
>>295599 no idea lad this is an I.N.C.E.L board
>>295603 keeek
>>295552 tfw no accordion dorset
>>295560 >>295561 WOW IS THAT A FEMALE IN POLITICS God I hate mutts and simps
Have I got the right board? Why is there a soi-disant bird here?
>>295608 have fun lad
>>295608 take a secrit pic of your jobby advisor lad and post here for the keks
Greggs for breakfast tbf
>>295612 based
killing myself for breakfast tbh
>>295612 Hope you were racist.
>>295614 you're supposed to kill somebody else for breakfast lad smh seven billion people to choose from and you manage to pick the only wrong answer
GOOD MORNING BRIT LODS https://youtu.be/GbDGab774Ao
>>295613 Thanks >>295615 I was racist and got a sosig roll ngl.
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>>295619 Forgive me.
>>295618 interesting concept tbh
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>>295622 based
PETER HITCHENS: Inside the E-Scooter training ground menace leaving chaos and death in its wake https://www.worldgreynews.com/details/234538/peter-hitchens-inside-the-e-scooter-training-ground-menace-leaving-chaos-and-death-in-its-wake
Man-made climate change is real tbh
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>>295627 Yes. Your meme even shows this you fucking mong.
>>295625 keeeeeeeeek >>295626 if it is we should build more nuclear power plants to cut down on emissions if it isn't we should do it anyway also bomb the entire developing world back into the stone age so they stop dumping plastic into the ocean
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>>295628 no it doesn't, it debunks a key principle of global warming which is that the temperature was always exactly the same until white people started using fossil fuels for energy after which it immediately began to skyrocket, resulting in infinity le ebil disasters
>responding to spic
>>295632 I am spic
yes, you fucking retard
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This lad
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>>295635 henlo
>>295636 Keeek are you neeting it up or something lad you've been posting since 7am
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>>295637 I've got Covid lad, so maybe keep a safe distance from my posts.
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>>295639 what are we thinking about today szhicho pepe?
(You) denial is responsible social distancing
>>295640 sexy kenyan women
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(You) denial toughens posters into a dopamine detox.
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keeeeek based
need a haircut smdh
https://youtu.be/CIeHLsXFIbU yeah I'll watch 3 hours of that
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>>295649 who watches this
>>295582 >Using Britons to besmirch the Anglo
had the last of the pork sausages for dinnero very tasty
got a youtube debate coming up in an hour.
>>295652 was pork on sale lad, you've been eating it none stop for days.
>>295653 against who lad? >>295654 yeah got lucky with the yellow stickers a couple of times in a row hoping for something different next time ngl
>Our men of the meme war, our men of 2016, the grim ranks of our kekistanis, again and again betrayed by e-celebs. They join hands with the new youth, the new generation who remember that liberalism is not dead.
>>295657 that flag capture was genuinely a kino moment tbh
>>295656 >hoping for something different next time ngl how about these bug burgers, or crickets?
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>>295661 >those related stories Not far off from the real thing tbh
>>295661 keeeeeeek good lad
>>295661 I don't know how a grown man can ride these tbh. Even if it goes fast it just looks like a faggot on a kick scooter.
>>295664 Looks incredibly dangerous to me
>>295666 not black enough
>>295667 She's a coon from Cameroon. How black do you want?
>>295668 congo to tanzania/kenya
>>295669 Why not fuck a dog while you're at it? Sick.
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I hate "fun"
>>295672 have sex, incel
>>295672 based
Tbh it really seems NATO is pressuring Finland to get rid of her "party girl" now that Russia is in hot war mode
Could even be the Finns themselves
out partying like that when you have been bred and have a man
>>295677 take a look at yourself mate
>>295678 lad you're literally looking for nigger tranny hookers
>>295675 would be pvre chudkino if they actually do it tbh
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I think about this a lot
>>295671 Wew, she's married too. Whore. Imagine this was your head of state.
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was reading about vantablack and eigengrau and closed-eye hallucination now going to play ffvii for an hour or two and then sleep goodnight lads
>>295688 Goodnight, my love x
>>295661 keek very nice lad
>>295688 Night lad
Mercury will be in retrograde tomorrow, take cation lads.
>>295693 This is like better call saul but for marvel
>>295695 Did Saul get blacked by a tinder date?
>>295690 I myself had a near death experience when a child scootered next to me, you may not be so lucky yourself. >>295688 Nini lass
>>295693 Nigger!
>>295699 Bravo.
>>295698 Tbf to Hitchens, it's an odd issue to take prominence in his column, but an 'e-scooter' is quite powerful, and it only seems to be knobs that use them. Wouldn't be surprised if the first death was recorded soon.
>>295701 I think once people start buying their own (Not so much a problem for rental ones), we'll see a LOT more house fires because the masses who don't do the research will buy whatever's cheapest with dangerous Chinese batteries. Most people just don't comprehend that these high energy density lithium batteries are basically hand grenades waiting to go off. And lithium fires are self-oxidising, you can't extinguish them with water. I guarantee you 95% of people would not pay triple the price for a reliable domestically made safe battery. They'll buy whatevers cheapest, charge it indoors overnight and die in their sleep as the house lights up. Lithium fires already make up nearly 50% of all UK waste fires, and there were something like 800+ battery housefires in China last year killing fuck knows how many people.
'antiwhite' has been trending on twitter for two days. victory is in sight. ncswc
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playing minecraft while drinking beer
>>295704 Was about to play minecraft and build a sheep farm myself tbh
>>295705 I spawned on an island in the middle of nowhere but it would be quite cool as a base, has a cave I use as a secret entrance, started with some sheep and pigs and chickens too going to build a castle or something on it then go explore
>>295706 Build thou an altar to GIngerlass
>>295707 keek good idea
Having a wank.
Gonna be difficult to stay teetotal tonight when bossman's got a open tab at the pub for everyone on the company card
>>295710 Err, why wont you drink?
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>>295711 The devil's drink
>>295712 >stopped discord >stopped drinking what else have you stopped lad
good lad alcohol is shite
It's been a while, lads. Just came to say I enjoyed Steiner's latest incel rant on the aesthetics of the low-status white male. How are we all doing, are all the usual mongoloids still hanging around here?
>>295715 fuck off
>>295715 how about I mongol your foid.
>>295717 keeeeeeek
>>295715 Hello lad.
>>295702 Driving will become a lot more interesting as we have to avoid self combusting wogs on scooters.
>>295685 great edit tbh should have included the scenes of him bashing in jew skulls with a hammer though
>>295720 >"SCOOTERS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this neighborhood before. There could be SCOOTERS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE SCOOTERS" he thought. Sweet Dreams are Made of These reverberated his entire car, making it pulsate even as the $9 wine circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of cheap lithium batteries after dark. "With a car, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.
reading Kojeve lads. Very interesting stuff
>>295720 >Driving Found the buffoon. Into the filter, land hog.
>>295724 I'm going to drive over you in all.
>reading Kojeve lads
>>295725 Try it. I have a bus pass. My vehicle benefits from economy of scale. We'll crush your atomised individualism with the weight of our public service. Now into the filter with you, I forgot the first time because I was enjoying my bus journey too much.
>>295727 You won't even make it to the bus stop before you are a smear on my windshield.
buses are good in theory but horrible in practice, they always feel like the dirtiest cheapest wobblyboxes guffing out great smoke clouds of warm putrid diesel fumes, rattling one's skull against the plexiglass window like some kind of medieval contrivance designed for torture. the tickets cost too much compared to how far they get you, and there are niggers on it
>He replied I'm on the top deck of life, buffoon, you are invisible to me.
>>295729 tbh, you never know he may enjoy being close to wogs.
cars are objectively more kino, you can take a woman with you, listen to your own music and feel her up. single women may be allowed to ride bicycles and hope that some Man will pick her up if she's pretty enough
>295729 Thanks for posting from the year 1980. Into the filter, window licker.
Cars have destroyed British towns and cities. Even the countryside is poisoned with their arrogance. The motorcar is the enemy of localism. It is the enemy of nationalism. It is the vehicle of the rootles cosmopolitan. Destroy all cars.
>>295733 window licking is what bus riders do, since their rattling heads can't keep their tongues in their mouths and they love to savour the taste of condensed nigger sweat that seeps into every grimy crevass and corner of the despicable wobblebox
True Aryans walk everywhere
>>295736 Tbh. Walkability is the golden rule of good urban design.
>public transport >being an urbanoid Filtered tbh.
>Deracinated, rootless cosmopolitan. Filtered and reported.
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>>295736 Are the faces done deliberately bad to lul us into a false sense of security that AI isn't that advanced? I'm sure AI that gets the likeness through rough proportions of the face must be possible, and you'd think anything like this would prioritise that.
>>295741 My pores just starting oozing soylent green milkshakes and now there are a dozen bugmen meowing like cats and licking it all up in my living room.
ok I’m back
>>295742 I've tried it a few times and it rarely gets faces right
>>295726 which on the introduction to hegel?
So, are cars based then?
>>295746 it's this lad >>295723
fucking state of this board as of late
>>295750 Good lad. Even after many years on, no one has spoken so lucidly against the Yids and their extensive control system in the West tbh.
>fucking state of this board as of late
>>295747 No, but drive if you must
>>295755 How's gym toil lad? Has it widened your horizon for your incel rants?
>>295757 I only really work there one day a week and its pretty shite hopefully this one lass comes back to work there this fall she was a good plane jane lass but idk other than that its mostly just me going on the gym computer and going on zerohedge keek
>>295742 >>295745 check out the results of DALL-E 2, that AI is much more advanced and scarily so https://www.reddit.com/r/dalle2/
>>295758 top lel tbh, boomer habits die hard. I stopped reading it when it became obsessed with yank political shit rather than the economics tbh. You still boomer toiling then?
>>295760 yeah I got a 20 percent raise as well so makeing good money doing boomer toil and got a new truck with a camper top on the back so I can live in it if I wanted to
>>295747 yes, in theory, in a homogenous and otherwise healthy society. but not in practice, in the society we have. the man and his machine are a solar ideal; but only in a truly free and open land, which is why america is so car centric now because that was the mindset which america was built upon
>steinhog living my dream life
>>295761 Glad to hear lad, hope you can redpill the normies epic style while they are doing their buttmatrix squats tbh. >>295762 Cars are the symbol of industrial autonomy in its crystalline form. "With a car, you can go anywhere you want" as the meme goes tbh.
>>295746 I am actually lad. Very interesting stuff although not much of it is about Hegel.
>shartica is so rich even a poorfag like steiner makes more money than any lad on brit
US 10 year almost at 3%. Dollar strength as weapon against Brics tbf. >>295702 Peter Hitchens will have his revenge.
>>295712 Hey lad good to hear you're resisting the devil's nectar tbf.
>>295722 Hahahah (kek)
>>295760 yeah I got a 20 percent raise as well so makeing good money doing boomer toil and got a new truck with a camper top on the back so I can live in it if I wanted to
>>295766 yeah its a good read. it gets kind of dense and it took me like 2 years to get halfway through it and I stopped around the part about time but its pretty decent introduction to western metaphysics for moderns
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>>295775 fucking hate slavs
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not just slavs but any of those europeans tbh
good lad I am getting sick of westoids in generally scapegoating all forms of degeneracy on anglos when the jews came from germany and france and the origin of their powerbase was in the netherlands not in UK
especially europeans that act all friendly but you can so obviously tell theyre faking it and will steal your shit as soon as you stop looking
>>295779 stop living around Albanians.
my favorite is how somehow kikeraine is sharticas entire fault when its probably mostly poles and krauts causing the issue while hiding behind shartica like kikes
>>295780 albanians,poles,hohols,balts, theyre all the same shite
>boomer hobby I go to might be shifting venue from an old church nobody attends, that is losing money and probably going to close down, to a Ukrainian club hall Not sure if I'll end up getting kicked for being anti hohol smh.
>>295783 a ukrainian club? wtf
>>295784 There are apparently Ukrainians settled in the norf west for as long as people from the UK settled over there, who still haven't become English keek smdh. Also lots of the new ukie refugees there. Read a comment recently on a joomer video from a guy from Boston who said ethnic tensions between the 'settled' Russians and Belarusians and the Ukie refugees has already erupted into violence in the streets that's basically ignored by msm. I can believe it. And smoothbrains Joe Owens thought actually getting ukies and not iraqis or afghans, which we're also getting from the EU deal, would be the best case scenario/good in itself for us.
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>>295785 went to a russian church the other week and felt like a complete outsider smh
Wants all of the non north western euros out of my Albion. No wogs, pakis, wops or slavs. Simple as.
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>>295789 honestly why the fuck would anyone want to kill themselves like that not even comparable to a good ole hanging or taking lots of pills
It's friday night and people are having casual sex
>>295791 Sex doesn't exist.
>>295793 Yeah, I'm trans
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>>295795 KEEEEEK i had spaghetti just now and broke it down into 4 pieces
>>295795 Italians just can't enjoy a big ol' American 'za tbh.
>>295794 Bins said it was Shartin tbh.
Or is everyone just contriving to confuse me again.
>>295758 Zerohedge has had a fair few good articles today tbf. That daft cabs one made a good point, resonates well. Feels as if the economic pendulum is swinging faster between inflation/deflation out of weakness smh.
Scared him off, no need to thank me.
>>295801 thanks
Lena Dunham has been given a film to direct that she has also written.
Nothing quite so satisfying as a midnight poo.
<Rwanda >High Court judge Lord Justice Lewis was told the official had written in a covering email: "There are state control, security, surveillance structures from the national level down... political opposition is not tolerated and arbitrary detention, torture and even killings are accepted methods of enforcing control too". OK boomer
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>listening to bassline >its a lottery as to whether you get sexy breathy slag vocals or niggers rapping
>>295807 The cg always reminds me of the first Alone in the Dark games
>>295807 Henlo I will retvrn just in 2 weeks
>>295810 Hey do what you gotta do lad no pressure
2 more weeks of holidays yes lads get in
MICHEAL GOVE HAS ENDORSED RISHI SUNAK FOR PM we really are going to get this brapmin pm fucking hell
>>295813 the BASED tory boomers would never vote a paki as pm lad, get real.
>we could have had mummy Penny as PM
>>295791 not me!
fellas. would you shag anne marie waters given half the chance?
>friday night why are you here?
Why don't I just filter you tbqh?
>>295821 hit a little too close to home tbh
>>295821 Good lad the filter is an all consuming fire
>>295822 No lad, it's just gay. I don't want to be accepted by invasive extroverts, they're faggots.
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>>295825 good lad
>we're looking for incel. you know them? >sure i do >lot of 'em around these parts...big movement
>log on to internet >new moral crusade against some bald mulatto "brainwashing da kids" >banned from social media
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>>295833 lmao owned zoggie
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>>295833 >muh poor zogbot that fought brutal jew war against baste jungle gook nationalists
>>295833 die ewige foid
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>>295837 ? sorry bud, I support nationalism, not jew globalism. don't care who it is, if they have chinky eyes or pray to allah or whatever
me? I support Israel
ooooUOououooooo so tired. home from work
average palestine supporter
>>295835 the vietminh were bad guys when they fought you lads though
>>295844 I think we lost like 40 soldiers, most of whom were Indian.
>they are making a movie about limonov
What's the take on the Finn PM being a slag 22st? Do Norwegians even care?
>>295848 she did nothing wrong
>>295849 Figured that would be their take, cunts. ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>295850 i was speaking for myself
>>295833 >POW for five years and his wife was fucking other men while he was in captivity >Released to find she divorced him via letter >Was still ordered by the courts to pay the ex-wife 43% of his military retirement pay once he retired from the air-force KEEEK
>>295849 yanoyengi!!!
read something that said she sat on 2 other guys laps in addition to the "pop star" that was giving her hickies on her neck. what a whore lmfao
>>295819 She stole Joe's party slogan and that's something I can never forgive her for tbh.
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cringecels sneething because they've never been to a cocaine party
>>295856 they're just called parties tbh william
>she's 36 and her eggs are rapidly drying up to nothing, last chance to get pregnant >her husband is a pathetic beta male her ovaries are screaming at her to get coomed in and she was probably ovulating at that club, that's why it happened
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>>295856 Isn't cocaine illegal? The hypocrisy is too thick, if she wishes to be above the law like this she needs to be officially coronated god-queen not be sitting her elderly cat cunny on the fence like this. But that won't happen, we will be forced to endure alliance with the hypocritical Finns, because not only the population supporting the tart but also the female politicians themselves are as a rule, weak weak weak! Obvious weak pawn of the oligarchy is obvious. Though maybe it's a blessing that the puppetry is on display like this, because it shines potentially a light on the puppetmasters. Really it stinks though like a pestilence, female rulers are a curse.
Jocko's bummer boyfriend tbh
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>>295853 Ayy lmao
>>295813 The Tory base hate Gove now though, ever since he backstabbed Boris, so endorsing Sunak is a poisoned chalace Liz Trus is just as shit though so it really does not matter at all
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Another cringer
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don't care about this finnish pm, it's trash tier tabloid news tbh not politics
LIZ TRUSS HAS APPEARED ON GB NEWS >that's quite a big deal considereing it's still quite a new "far right" news source that the left tried to cancel she's been having eloquotion lessons to lower her voice like thatcher did https://youtu.be/XymjXJ26PHY
>>295866 >lower her voice like thatcher did why? also, it's elocution
>>295866 oh she dunks on the BBC while on GB News and the audience fucking LOVES it based and trusspilled jk I know she's another WEF shill
>>295848 They're probably wondering why you care about their PM having a night out, but don't care about our former PM having 6 kids to two wives and a mistress
>>295867 >>lower her voice like thatcher did >why? Thatcher did it to convey more authority, I suspect Truss would do it for the same reason
>>295868 >WEF schizoing
>>295871 lad if you're not schizo and think we live in a time of politics as normal, then you really are not paying attention
>>295872 no im not a schizo im a racist. I hate JEWS and NIGGERS. idgaf about le WEF/Bilderberg/Illuminati sanitised faggot shit.
>>295866 >>295872 she really looks like she has negative IQ, if her ancestors went to yankistan she'd be 400lbs waddling around Walmart in a mumu
>>295873 >no im not a schizo im a racist. I hate JEWS and NIGGERS what about pakis?
>>295874 >she really looks like she has negative IQ yeah, she strikes me as a total div, but that's the kind of "leaders" we get these days
>>295876 hr branch manager phenotype. >>295875 yes lad now you're getting it.
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>>295877 >yes lad now you're getting it.
the finnish pm is just the typical lisa foid its all about expanding her comfort and power for interpersonal vanity and narcissism reasons, thats how women work, that whole country is run by women, complete fucking farce tbh.
more deano boxes
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>>295881 yes lad, we hate women, and we hate her, there really isn't much more to say about it
the MATRIARCHY is dying the ANDROSTATE must follow
fuck off bins
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>>295885 oh but the finnish pm is just a foid and she is doing foid things I hate her and she went to a party and maybe she did durgs that's not fair I hate parities but isn't she pretty wow look someone made her look like a cat oh but she is a woman and i hate women and anyway women shouldn't be in politics let alone be pm and why was she at a party she was at a party look at this video fo her at a party maybe she toook drugs she looks sexy I hate women etc. etc. etc.
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she has divine approval
death to trannies
>>295888 I knew a guy who tried to kill himself because he got diabetes so I guess that works out.
>>295888 oh boy year old seethe thanks bins, great content
>just found out about TWA Flight 800 why didn't I know about this
>>295888 this tranny is on the warpath. look at this classic cognitive dissonance when somebody suggests that LibsOfTikTok is right https://kiwifarms.net/threads/keffals-clara-sorrenti-lucas-roberts.115295/
actually it looks like all they were saying was "[libsoftiktok] aren't spreading misinformation, they just retweet stuff" something like that. even that is enough to cause a stuttering, head-shaking cognitive dissonance response
>>295892 >get a hobby CHUD >like watching 5 hours of twitch every day
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mary elizabeth winstead or MEW for short
twitch is really the saddest shit on the planet. /r9k/ robots are more socially well adjusted than any zoomer faggot who spends time there.
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>>295898 >dude look at this whacky reddit wall text thats totally real no i dont think i will... EVER
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Tell me the Devil isn't real
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>>295888 >when you seed a lass and then find out she has diabetes and your offspring may be inferior
>>295882 Evil cunt. Par for the course but still.
>>295888 >childhood grooming victim what a surprise
sneed chucks >>295903 keeek tbh
>>295864 She needs to lift smh
Boris Johnson for all his faults at least had character. Quite frankly the question I'd like to ask is who are you smh. Lizz Truss is too on the nose, I'll never trust lizards.
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>>295908 yeah bojo really had the endearing oaf act down to a tee tbh and i mean that sincerely
>>295896 This is true. I lost a friend to twitch trannyism, he became a bender. So sad because he used to be ukip and almost seemed ready to take the next step. He stepped into then out of the closet instead. I think it was a case of him becoming gay from anime overexposure and real woman underexposure.
>>295910 smh grim
amazing that probably 40% of my diet comes from the pussy and boobs of animals respectively. feelsgoodman
You know that Red Dwarf episode where Rimmer swaps bodies with Lister. I wonder if you could convince yourself that you've been hired to improve your own life. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/interest-payments-on-government-debt Look at this shart lads. Interest payments on UK Gov debt.
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>>295913 wonder why they're paying so much suddenly tbh probably not good news
>>295914 Interest rates have skyrocketed, look at the yield on government bonds. Also UK gov have taken on a lot of debt lately.
>>295881 the one good thing about women taking over is that there will be a lot more infighting globalism will unironically collapse
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>>295919 sirs please do not listen to toilet witch lies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhuIs-gh3LI >San Diego was doing drag queen story hour back in 2009 Smdh.
Venus is in retrograde. Try not wanking Dorset.
I mean Mercury smh
>>295921 keeeeeeeek >>295922 >>295923 >venus is in mercury that doesn't sound safe
>>295908 >at least he had character Fuck off, Russell Howard. Le buffoon uncle you'd enjoy a pint with wahey had zero redeeming qualities as a PM. I'd hang him by his own intenstines in minecraft.
>>295924 >that doesn't sound safe bad time for tade lad, don't buy shite
>>295925 It's not a redeeming quality I suppose, just meant he could be sold to the public. Everybody they wheel out now is a literally who.
Lads get the booster tbh. Makes it easier to see out the car.
>#pedoputin is trending on twatter >zero evidence >someone said that's why he probably radioactive assassinated lekslavnamewhocarestho in 2003
>>295926 doesn't it not start until the 9th next month? >>295928 keeeeksmh
>>295931 The ninth will be the midpoint of its retrograde, it will leave in mid October. Only one mumf of Summer left here too. Changes are coming. I predict 88 wanks from Dorset in accordance with the cycle of Mercury.
>>295932 >88 HH bruthurrrr
got a haircut today for the first time in over two years and i just can't get over how breezy my scalp feels smdh my head is constantly cold whenever i move around like how it looks though tbf
>>295934 shave it off
>>295935 no lad that would just make the cold scalp problem worse
deadlifted 265lbs for a set of 5 for the first time 3pl8 someday
>>295936 you live in fucking australia
>>295938 it's "winter" there and they get cold when it's under 60 degrees
the ukraine is shelling a nuclear power plant in zaphorozia oblast while accusing Russia of preparing to accuse them of causing a nuclear meltdown by shelling the plant...
>>295937 well done lad you'll get there soon >>295938 it's the dead of winter lad have mercy for example it's a frosty 8.9°C right now >>295939 thanks for understanding lad
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>>295940 ah, tobias ellwood
>>295940 smh nothing but warmongers no chance of a sane response where the west withdraws support from the pookraine for its reckless actions
>>295945 not into capeshit but i really hate she-hulk on a conceptual level tbh she's a literal mary sue character all the upsides of being the hulk and none of the downsides the incel male carries the crushing burdens and then the foid reaps the rewards and takes selfies
>>295947 tbh, it's foid powercoping.
bit cold tbh
>>295947 More like Sneed-Hulk. The actress was my waifu until she hit the wall.
>>295948 tbh >>295949 shave your head lad >>295950 don't even know who she is tbh
>>295951 >shave your head lad i do
>>295952 shave it closer lad we're talking razor and shaving foam close
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>>295951 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcnIQeWY6MA She was in a god awful tv show called Orphan Black with a faggot foster brother that literally had gay meth fuelled nightclub orgies and made a little boy left alone with him do drag one episode which is supposed to just be so heckin quirky and wholesome. One of her clone characters, the main one, also starts a b*sexual threesome to cuck some 22st hacker character. The evil clone femdom scenes with her heels destroying my some soldier's bollocks was kino though.
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>he dares judge smee
>>295954 shave closer lad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lbS4slyd8o closer >>295955 >gay meth fuelled nightclub orgies and made a little boy left alone with him do drag yeah lad that's what all gays do it's par for the course
imagine the smell
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kill them all
>>295960 sterilise them and award them as concubines to good lads after the war
>>295961 no, they are ugly
>>295962 yeah that's why you give them to someone else lad subjective value is the core principle of trade
>>295961 Tbh thought they were all asian at first glance of the thumbnail, just none are aesthetic.
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yeah that's right i have exceptionally high standards for women what of it?
>>295965 Lad I've never seen so many increadibly low value women in one photograph.
>>295966 High T voice. You must swallow a lot of protein, lad.
>>295966 >low class actually i am a william if you will or perhaps even a tarquin maybe >>295967 yes and i am rejecting them all despite labelling myself as involuntarily celibate (that's the joke)
>>295968 Not that much really. I go to Maccees a lot less than most Americans. Usually no more than twice a day.
thought about stealing a gimmick to farm (You)s but had an attack of conscience don't reply to this post
Brit is so multicultural tbf
>>295974 tbh unironically name a culture and chances are a lad here has already studied it in autistic detail tbh and if nobody has then someone soon will now that you've brought it to his attention
>>295892 the Left's inability to think, let alone engage in dialogue, actually makes them stronger meanwhile we still have "rightoids" that think we can save socitety by making concessions to the left and finding a middle ground
>>295910 publish his past chuddery and get him fired. no mercy for traitors.
>>295905 tranny cabals always work their way in to mod positions and destroy whatever platform they have control of
>>295976 tbh the right is full of mongs who expect the left to play by the rules or accept compromises or any other or any other fair play bullshit because they still think of the default human as being a clone of themselves instead of being some horrific retard creature that will consume everything and say anything that will allow it to consume more
>>295910 >This is true. I lost a friend to twitch trannyism I didn't evenknow there was such a thing as twtich trannyism until now
>>295979 >tbh the right is full of mongs who expect the left to play by the rules or accept compromises or any other or any other fair play bullshit because they still think of the default human as being a clone of themselves instead of being some horrific retard creature that will consume everything and say anything that will allow it to consume more tbh
>>295976 tbh all succesful movements in the past acted like SJWs. an indomitable will to dominate, never allowing the enemy any reprieve, always attacking and taking any tepid defence the enemy puts up as justification for more and crueller attacks.
>>295902 muh corporations smh xers, who runs the corporations
>>295940 so sick of boomer american jingoists
>>295984 keeeeeeeeeek
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>>295982 >an indomitable will to dominate, never allowing the enemy any reprieve, always attacking and taking any tepid defence the enemy puts up as justification for more and crueller attacks. this is how we win
>>295981 smh the enlightenment defeated the right by making them all assume their opponents were all rational actors who would act in their own self interest
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>>295988 >their opponents were all rational actors as soon as the Right thinks in terms of universalism and egalitarianism, it is no longer the Right imo
>>295989 hindsight is 20/20 lad
>>295977 He never even got to that level...
Fresh fascists slaughtered before they could blossom into a big racist flower.
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>>295984 quality
Hearing the chaps at GB News use the expression "being led down the garden path" fairly regularly. Think it's a good one as it succinctly describes the Huxleyite distraction from dystopia
>>295990 >hindsight is 20/20 lad some people still don't get that though smh
>>295993 hi lad how is your day going?
>>295997 hello its ok, i am cooking burger and chips while writing
>>295995 tbh feed people a nice story and keep their imaginations elsewhere >>295996 tbh they'll fall for it literally every single time because the right is the order faction
>>295999 times are ard and dubs are few check'd and a fucking (You)
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>>295998 late lunch or early dinner?
>>296002 1st dinner, will have another burger later for 2nd dinner
>>295999 jej. Scousers are too powerful. Not even Maggie could wipe them out during the Hillsboroughcaust
>>296004 >Not even Maggie could wipe them out during the Hillsboroughcaust scousers are basically Irish, they will fight to the death for their own right to wipe themselves out
night lads
>>296007 night lad, sleep well
https://youtu.be/ZCEbuuJeO80 god I wish this was me (the bear)
snaturday sninner tbh fesh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufM2No9A9bY also new half life mod coming out tonight https://store.steampowered.com/app/1583720/Entropy__Zero_2/ looks like a mix of kino and cringe >>296009 based and comfypilled
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cant stop watching minecraft videos
bullying medniggers on 4chud doing muh alexandros megas posting and talking about how anglos had our own xenophon 4 or 5 times over with captain cook, henry morton stanley, lewis and clarke and the mormon legion of 1847. keeeeeeeek then some meme flag seething dago muh spanish armada posts about how the spanish would have taken over england. smh why do medniggers seethe so much lads? also I doubt the spanish would have taken over england
>>296013 because the only thing of note theyve ever done was over 2000 years ago and got curbstomped after by a bunch of smelly illiterate germanic barbarians
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>>296012 >cant stop watching minecraft videos haha yeah, "minecraft" videos
>>295999 What are the odds...
>>296014 they seethed because I mentioned that almost right after alexander was assassinated that celtics just casually rekt and invaded greece and acted as their military masters for a decent amount of time https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1401/the-celtic-invasion-of-greece/
>>296013 looks to me like people on every side seethe
guess anglos seethe the least maybe
>>296016 The odds were about 50/50...
>>296016 Trips on a 0.1 post/per hour board Thats right I'm the man
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Cheese these dubs.
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crazy how similar i am to my grand father
hey, dorset. the times is reporting a magical hair replenishment treatment.
>>296026 yeah?
>>296027 https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/18/health/minoxidil-hair-loss-pills.html? >"No incentive for anyone to study ultra-low-dose oral minoxidil properly, and no generic company could legally sell this dose (1/20th of the approved dose for hypertension). Market failure." >"An Old Medicine Grows New Hair for Pennies a Day, Doctors Say"
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wholesome new chudjak just dropped
>>296032 >darkness wdhmbt
Usyk vs Anthony Joshua tonight lads
>>296013 I've heard classical Greeks were around 5-10% IE ancestry and today Greeks are significantly more IE than there ancestors because of both Celtic and Slavic invasions and settlements over the years. It's funny that during the Battle of Thermopylae the Persians were far more IE than the Greeks.
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Dorset is gearing up to fight his detractors. Watch out lads.
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Got a swiss cheese and caramelised onion burger on the grill. That's hot stuff, you can get that at my oven.
>>296021 Ahahah
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>>296042 Highlander
>>296043 we already watched that and it's a bit shit tbh hasn't aged well
How about a good film?
>>296045 yeah thatd be nice.
woah.. but it's american military shite so I don't give a shite. God I am so sick of military films
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>>296048 is Top Gun Maverick streamable yet?
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>>296050 =IT IS!!!==
>>296049 keeek love robojew
>>296051 its a bit shite tbh. But yeah whatever.
>>296053 I heard good things about it
>>296054 I mean its a perfectly fine capeshit movie.
But I haven't seen top gun. We can't watch a sequel
Let's watch poo based pornography
>>296057 Now you're talking.
>the west fashion for males is built on slavery... >collar, cuffs, neck-tie, short hair...
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>>296059 >when peter the great westernized his country he forcibly cut the beards and robes of the boyars and made them wear western european clothes it checks out
Want to watch matrix again without the green filter tbh look at this, someone remade the trailer using the uncropped 35mm film scan with the original normal colours and it looks nuts tbh
>>296062 wow the exact same film but different colours
Did we watch the trilogy before the new film came out? I forget
>>296062 Wow. That actually looks a lot better. Kinda wanna see the whole movie that way now.
>>296062 >>296063 Reminds me of some other films that got butchered on BluRay like the LOTR Extended Trilogy and The Sword in the Stone
holy fuck theres a tranny in the womens running race right now, not a single white woman, meanwhile the german team are all high quality blonde ponytailed cunny jesus fucking christ
female niggers are so disgusting to look at but the tranny is even worse
willies & bums
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>>296074 That reminds me. Cook was learning Russian. I wonder how far he got with it.
>>296056 We can watch that later b
>>296075 its a nice language tbh i am still learning the alphabet keek
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Gary Glitterus
https://youtu.be/HydvceA1PAI ALL I NEED IS THE SEED THAT I FEED
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is it bbk time already?
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https://youtu.be/SOF19AmBJoM *takes the ruby pill*
>>296088 Ruby is younger than that one would hope
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i want to punch her, filthy fucking little tart die
i want to punch her, filthy fucking little tart die
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Careful lads, he's been working out: >>296038
people dont fuck with me people dont fuck with me people dont fuck with me
>>296097 women, particularly
>>296098 i had sex with a woman but now i move on to the more exciting world of trannies
crap-in-a-bucket gang
just kidding
How could you turn your back on this beauty, Dorset?
dunno who that is mate
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>>296104 You just made Dorset horny and he shall now do wanks for our amusement
Going to get one of these and embroider esoteric symbols on it. Potato sack over me head and I'll be ready for the hangings
>>296106 hanging yourself?
>>296108 but lad, they're already hung
>>296106 Is it a chefs jacket?
>>296110 Cavalry jacket
>>296110 looks morelike a regular shirt with a shield-shaped piece of fabric buttoned over it
>>296109 >he's already bean with a tranny smh lad
>>296106 Are you the Zodiac Killer?
>>296114 not yit
Excuse me love isn't butterflies in your tummy, it's actually four specific greek words, let me explain...
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>>296116 actually, love is a corruption of the word lambrusco
A car bomb just went off in Moscow, the only facts are it was IED and a woman died driving a Land Rover. The rumour is it's Alexander Dugin's daughter, Daria. That was in the Land Rover.
>>296118 >Daria Must have been Beavis & Butthead
>>296120 theres one right here
>>296118 Ukies?
>>296121 that's OK, pardner, I see you have his weapon in hand
>>296123 yes, ive got yer willy in my hand
oh no it's real.
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>>296125 not based
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>>296125 Dugin Bros
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcSIodrQVlg Why are they playing KOTOR in the background?
NATO and the currant state of the west is so degenerate that they would kill a philosopher.
What are the political implications of this?
or try to anyway.
>>296131 think dugin is more important for russia than people realise its bad (for the hohols)
how important is dugin in rasha?
>>296134 Would be based if Russia just annexed the whole Ukraine on account of them doing terrorism or something or other
>>296135 some say he's just a prominent university professor, some say he's "the ideologue of the Kremlin"
>>296138 to us, he's the stig
Dugina was too peng for this world
He was just philosophy professor who wrote about geopolitics.
His daughter was presumably killed by the SBU which at this point is a SIS/CIA cut-out.
*greenlights my own political elite and their family members for assassination* Based CIA.
>>296062 kek you can see the boom mics at 1:34 >>296064 kys you tranny prick >>296144 tbh russia will need to respond in kind
>Her father was supposed to get into this car but left in another one. close call for dugin bros
>>296147 so is snorechan
>>296117 HAHAAHA made me laugh out loud
Also sorry to hear Dugins little girl got hit, if that is true. Come on declare war on ukraine now smh.
>>296125 Oh Christ. What can we do but pray
>>296152 you can come back to discord, lad
Poor Dugina.
>>296154 fuck off you bongo tranny freak
shitcord won't even load for me anymore, I get a white screen. seems they gave it some retarded update that made it incompatible with my browser. oh well, less data for them to mine
>bongoloids ITT
night lahs
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>>296159 tbh if only helmer had exterminated them all
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>>296164 good lad
>>296165 tbh it counts
Ironic how, only a few days ago, people here were questioning the value of philosophy.
film night?
lmfao you lads see anthony joshua get btfo by a ukie southpaw and chimp out in the wring.
>>296169 didn't South Park do this already?
>>296160 Nini lod
extreme lack of dopamine all of a sudden for some reason. layed in bed for maybe 15 minutes, then sat in chair just sitting there doing nothing for another 5 or so. took panax gingseng to see if it will help, hell I might as well take a st john's wort as well. remember I read something that made me stop taking those daily but I think occasionally when I get like this is fine
>>296173 Isn't St John's Wort for depression?
guess I could snoof some tobaccy snuff but I don't really feel like having brown shit in my nostrils >>296174 yeah
>>296146 fucking hol hols, too bad the eurasianist gestalt will blame atlantacists for this its too bad instead of agent smith looking CIAnigger anglos like H.W. bush its probably elissa slotkin looking ass kikes in powerpoint meetings where they have some incel read pol memes and then they decided that dugin was the next hitler so then the sbu cokeheads were like yeah well blow him up for coke
>>296147 damn reddit reads like USmil propaganda
>>296177 yeah its honestly unnerving the blood thirst you seem from soyboys now.
>>296179 yeah its this weird thing where normalfag tier soldiers and gen x/ early millennial normalfags have that 2003 era mentality but its with a nuclear armed adversary. its like the past 20 years of COD games made them thing russia is the bad guy
atleast it took claims of germans bayonetting belgian children for our ancestors to be mad, now its just because the russians are mean to le gays.
>>296178 kek yeah its clearly some dumb bimbo bitches like elissa slotkin just running off shitty intel of polfag menes using dugin. our nations are full of and run by giant cabals of lisa simpsons
>>296181 >its like the past 20 years of COD games made them thing russia is the bad guy yup they're the "ultranationalists" from cod4
wanked wept wtf help me lads
keek my short story is coming along decently. the story is gonna be in the 23rd century where the united sharts is over 100 years into a sort of restoration based around a "new republic" wherein only people who could trace lineage and have it certified by the dominion church of christ in north america (a radical revivalist prot presbyterian collective imitating the catholic church to enforce church over state) but the state is sort of able to function by not existing. the families who can trace lineage are called "citizens" or elector families. this story is where the main character is going on his first "election" (political headcount where factions descend on the county seat and fight it out over who gets the agreed vote by the locals) the issue is that mountainfags from appalachia are trying to spread into ohio "gerry mandering" (i.e. raiding for more tenants and political positions) and they have to keep the mountain people from crossing the ohio river.
keek my short story is coming along decently. the story is gonna be in the 23rd century where the united sharts is over 100 years into a sort of restoration based around a "new republic" wherein only people who could trace lineage and have it certified by the dominion church of christ in north america (a radical revivalist prot presbyterian collective imitating the catholic church to enforce church over state) but the state is sort of able to function by not existing. the families who can trace lineage are called "citizens" or elector families. this story is where the main character is going on his first "election" (political headcount where factions descend on the county seat and fight it out over who gets the agreed vote by the locals) the issue is that mountainfags from appalachia are trying to spread into ohio "gerry mandering" (i.e. raiding for more tenants and political positions) and they have to keep the mountain people from crossing the ohio river.
>>296186 I'd think in a post apocalyptic settlement a nation as big as america couldn't be kept together and rather there'd be battles over families claiming the governorship of whatever state as if it were a country.
>>296187 you've done him lad.
i like to think that in the future i could have sex and not be such a chud
>>296188 yeah thats the premise, they never leave the hocking hills because the entire nation is constantly at war with itself
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is most of it rape scenes?
>>296192 have you read a canticle for leibowitz? it follows a similar pattern.
Just weed on a spider tbh
>>296194 nah thats shite its some kike self inserting in american history
farted and the fan blew it into my nostrils >>296195 based
wew lad write.as just auto deleted like 5000 words of my story fml. I hate tech shite
I was think the plot would work best in Pennsylvania. Considering it's separated between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia by a mountain range, if the world collapsed to medieval like structure it would be an eternal struggle between various post-collapse feudal families residing in each city trying to force their claim as governor on the other city. >>296196 the guy who wrote it was a protestant who became catholic later in life.
I think I may genuinely be insane tbh lads
>>295984 Excellent quality lad. But if you can dial it back just a touch, you can sound exactly like a real Alabama hick/coon.
>>296197 It was startled but kept on moving. Safe to say he won't be crawling near me again.
>>296198 smh you should write it offline
>>296203 yeah fuck write.as
the damn mummer gave me too much salad, I'll be crunching on foliage for at least another 10 minutes and I'm already sick of it
>>296202 good lad, i forgot the spider memes of this board but imagine i referenced them in an amusing manner
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>tfw no vampire gf to suck my blood while I suck her feet
>need an account to use internet archive now
>>296210 now this post is what the white race needs
morning lads
<yankistan >Investigators later determined that Hider was living at a camp in the forest with the other woman, about half a mile from where Simjee and Paulus were held up. Deputies soon went to that camp, found the other woman there, and ordered her to the ground before her five-year-old son emerged from the woods holding a loaded shotgun. >“So that’s what I’ll do. I’ll try to fight every day to not leave our three cats, our fur children, behind, but this is and will be the hardest thing I’ve ever dealt with. No other scenario could match this pain. I wish I could hold your hand one last time. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/20/alabama-adam-simjee-talladega-national-forest-police
>>296214 >our three cats, our fur children
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>progs n wogs Smh if only Miss Paulus had gone trad instead of falling into a fetishisation of wogs that led her to date one and then try to help one at the side of the road, things could have been different
>>296214 kek coastcucks blown the fuck out by alabama forest rednecks
i guess its how it goes you reap what you sow i never tried in life and now i realise all the mistakes i made cannot be erased i cant bitch and moan i did this on my own who would have ever thought i'd end up this distraught when all i do all day is stay inside my brain i gave up on my life and now i realise i wasted all my time youth's gone i wanna die you do it to yourself dont need anybody's help you do it to yourself and now you're in hell you do it to yourself so watch your mouth you do it to yourself and now you're in hell
Despite having Jewish heritage, there is something about Israelis that makes me nervous being around them tbqh. More so then Hasidim.
>>296220 choon that >>296221 they're all horrid creatures in their own little way tbh
>296221 >Despite having Jewish heritage
Pondering whether orientals would be con >>296221
>'We didn't complete Brexit!' | Nigel Farage on the migrant crisis: 'The problem is us!'

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