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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3760: Franz Ferdinand Edition Anonymous 08/21/2022 (Sun) 05:49:28 Id: d6eebe No. 296225
Darya Dugina: Daughter of Putin ally killed in Moscow bomb - report https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62621509.amp British troops must be ready for war with Russia, top soldier warns: Army chief says UK is 'prepared to counter Putin's aggression' and urges soldiers to 'prepare our loved ones and families' for potential deployment https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11130877/British-troops-ready-war-Russia-soldiers-prepare-families-army-chief.html
Morning goys
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>>296227 shalom
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half price pork loin steaks wonder what i should do with them >>296229 many such cases
So Dugin's daughter did get firebombed.
>>296231 tbh poor lass
>banned from ANOTHER mc pvp server for racism really losing my patience tbh
>>296233 smh how far minecraft has fallen.
>appeal the ban on our discord >probably have to write some grovelling essay about how much I love niggers and kikes and ukrainians and that I love the soy admins and their wise decisions Its like dealing with SA but they are anti racist and soy so even more annoying, just want to liquidate them AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH
fuck off you fat yid cunt
still can't believe that annoying yank found us through googling vaxxsneed, auslad should ask the top jannies if theres a way to make the board truly unlisted.
love women me
>>296239 don't think that's even possible tbh
>>296241 how would you know? theres definitely ways to make things unlisted from google the jannies just probably haven't bothered, you should ask in the meta threads or something
been up all night again smh, may aswell try and fix my schleep schedule lads, crashed yesterday but I'll try today, fucking hate this shite, feel like absolute poo.
>>296243 buy yorself two/three litre bottles of boost from the local offy if yuve done a long one lass keeps me goin til after dindins
>>296236 which shitcord is this? they actually banned the room? I thought they just datamined in silence while the foolish goyim type away >>296242 it would be a sitewide thing
played the first bit of entropy zero 2 last night and it was pretty fun going through nova prospekt and playing tower defence
>>296246 looks kino tbh
I've been trying to pirate Dragon Commander without much success.
>>296248 smh rip lad
Hate how reddit is now a US Army outpost and there is no legal disclosure about the constant astroturfing. Obama changing the domestic propaganda law just swept under the carpet and lead to this obvious result tbh.
>>296250 pretty much everywhere's like that now smh
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>>296251 Yeah it seems to be the endpoint of the "internet" in the information warfare age.
OK roastie
>>296252 it's disappointing that people go along with it though smh there's too many people out there who are happy enough to be fed this week's opinions without ever really questioning it
Milk price surge soon fellow posters.
https://youtu.be/pAeoJVXrZo4 Some bloke BTFOs that other bloke one of you blokes posted
>>296239 i asked the other day. we'll see if they fix it
>>296256 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek don't bother watching. His conclusion is that although the other bloke is factually incorrect on literally every claim we should still feel guilty for being the master race. Fucking sick of faggots.
I wanted to do my PHD. Why didn't I? >I got seriously ill during my Masters Degree and zoned out of everything, working a normal job after university >The money is through grants and a straight white male like myself does not have many options available in that department >My political views make me a ticking time bomb, who knows when I'll call a tranny "he" instead of indulging their delusions >I would have to move around a lot and I unironically despise rootless cosmopolitanism I still keep up with things, maybe when I've made my money I'll go back and work part time for a doctorate. Going for a poo, see you in a while lads.
The point of that is to point out one of the reasons Academia is pozzed to fuck.
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This inflation narrative is just same old tired fiscal conservatism tbh. No its the "icky" socially conservative issues that are truly important. "So sorry bourgeois-affiliated Joe Average"
>>296261 Always thought that was sung by actual niggers unironically, until hearing this related song. Keeek. https://vk.com/videos361221392?z=video361221392_456239032
>>296257 did you get a reply?
real schizo energy ITT tbh
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Dorset, how's California going?
*blocks your path*
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>>296270 Are they supposed to be Dacians?
how am I supposed to get a wife if I find women so incredibly annoying even at the best of times, do I really have to pretend to like them just so I can breed.
>>296271 You've just served that broad I were ere ages before her so how come she got served before me?? I've been waiting like 10 minutes wot you think you'll pull just by serving birds first? They dont care mate theyre just giving you the smiles to get wot they want. dont let them manipulate you mate take it from me mate youre a good young lad youre better off g'aun yersel
>>296272 probably just celts that have had exposure to hellenic culture, maybe cisalpine gauls or celts in greek service. they have those linothorax type curasses instead of celtic chainmail
didn't dacians have those BIG SWORDS
dacians were a nothing burger in rtw and always got btfo by the other roman factions so i'll choose to disregard them tbh.
Its time for another wank dorsey
not again
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I always generally stick with the classic pigboy gauls and stomp the fuck out of the meds
https://youtu.be/ERvRzROCi-g smh 2 new victims for the basset hound inflation channel.
irish chud, english jak, is what i'm made of
>>296273 You unironically sound like a faggot.
>296285 bongo tranny
HEY STEINER Groyper Arrested For Planned TPUSA Attack | JFGT #612 https://odysee.com/@JFGTonight:0/jfgt612:0 Spic Fuente's Fighting Mulattos rise soon america will know fear and the second mexican empire will rise
>296286 closet homosexual
the obsession with breeding is why you won't breed
Its time for another wank dorsey
already done 8 today
>>296287 >another NA tier mong "terror plot" concocted out of thin air by glowniggers but it makes fuentes look bad so jf will just uncritically accept it though.
>>296287 keke latino zoomer was a nonce. everything associated with spic fuentes is just shitskin mutt cancer
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he gave it all for the white race.
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Nick's tradcath footsoldiers out there putting in work while steiner makes video diaries about being a loser
>>296296 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
its like pokemon episodes where every week theres a new thing that may FINALLY be the end to nick fuentes but every time its a nothing burger, he was supposedly falling apart about 2 months ago when all that drama was happening yet here we are.
>>296298 e-celebs are immortal.
You need the Jews if you're going to kill an e-celeb. Even then fat mongs like woes are used to being grot lords and will survive no matter what.
>>296300 Tbh the fat works to his advantage predictably enough
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its an e-celeb world you're just living in it.
>>296259 I'm doing a PhD on a scholarship. Don't discourage yourself from applying lad.
>>296259 >>My political views make me a ticking time bomb holy frickin based
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cannot wait to say goodbye to this SHITE world
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After insufflation "duties" alongside Team Powder, Sanna's jawline is much stronger--that's what stimulants will do to even the most babyfaced of foids. >new leaked photo reveals her status as "town bicycle" >>296302 Greyt beard, Sargon!
>>296304 He should name his project proposal "mailing hand-crafted boxes for achieving environmental conservation".
>>296306 He looks good for 40 something ngl. The kind of dad bod and looks are Ginnie would go for.
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put in a dimmer switch lads rate my leccy handywork for the day
>>296309 >dimmer switch Based.
>>296310 Its flickering because they're non dimmer bulbs and I haven't set a minimum load, but I like the flickering i think its hilarious
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internet etiquette
>>296309 kino tbh always thought they were very classy, only ever seen them with brass mountings and that sort of thing
Toil detected. Administering Morphine.
>>296309 >>296311 don't those take more power than regular on/off lights?
>>296316 What kind of faggot would pass on an opportunity to kill a nigger keek
The only country on earth to still call itself an empire is Morocco
>>296314 DOH STAHP NOH this is my NEETing spot, and I'm not leaving until the toil is drastically improved
>>296316 ¡Dios mío ejecutar negros!
>bins watching a gay film about zogbots doing volleyball without their shirts on quelle surprise
>>296320 Run to the forest and hills unironically. Agrarian society is the antidote for pathological urban decadence
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>>296322 >>bins watching a gay film about zogbots doing volleyball without their shirts on
How do I get an online shilling job for the WEF lads? seems like an easy gig tbh
>>296325 >How do I get an online shilling job for the WEF lads? seems like an easy gig tbh think you have to sell your soul to the devil first, lad...
>Wessexonian projection
>>296326 Actually stopped Skyrooming to check for film night anouncements. Can't be arsed as this looks like it will just be a chore. Smh.
>>296328 Wessica do be like that
>when you stalk her facebook and see that her surname is that of her mother instead of father, meaning she is being taken care of by her mother without fatherly protection
>>296329 not keen on top gun?
>>296332 The new one yesterday was giga cringe. Guessing the old one will be too.
>>296333 it got good eventually though
>>296333 I think the old one is probably better tbh
>>296327 i'd just be a mole tbh, properly vetting 100k all at once is not a realistic possibility.
I've just made a poo in m pantalons!
Top Gun? More like Top Kek!
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>>296341 ansum lad
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>>296343 He's too good for her
wew just checked out reddits reaction to dugins daughters death. these niggas are deranged. we're going to see a wave of reddit libtard mass shooters in a couple years.
>>296345 check out 4chans
>>296344 https://youtu.be/khCCtao0EFU WANKING ALL OVER THE WORLD!
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>>296266 one reply saying that the board is only unlisted from the rest of the site and not search engines. thread is slow so it might get more responses in time
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If you google vaxxsneed and find us I think it's fair play tbh, makes me keek everytime
>>296351 lol. it works
Can he slay his nemisis?
>>296353 keeeeeeeeeek based and thicc
Goose why did you leave?
>>296353 Some say the dragon is the reincarnation of the nonce Fred Talbot when he fell into the water at Alberto Dock
https://youtu.be/wq-vmb8Gem8 What's your lad's take on Andrew Tate? He's got nigger blood so I enjoy the thought of him being split in half by an axe
Baaa baaa :~: *is lost in the thread*
>forced to watch five ads in a row to continue watching my shitty tv show fuckers
>>296363 Is this on an actual television?
>>296364 haha no
>>296365 Then why aren't you pirating the program or using youtube-dl?
>>296366 it's easiest this way
>>296358 seems like a mong but it's weird how they've gone after him. spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) were involved as usual
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>>296367 If it's really that much easier then you'll just have to be a good goy and sit through the adverts
>>296346 Post 'em
>>296371 Didn't screencap 'em lad, there's just lots of demons in the threads. Place is full of trannies now.
>>296372 Off to 4chan I go
>>296345 Who is Dugin again? His daughter got mass sharted?
>>296370 fuck you, bombaclat
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toil already
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>>296376 Goodnight manx. Have a lovely toil.
>>296374 Dugin is a Russian political theorist that had some influence on the alt right/ dissident right
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcSIodrQVlg Reminder playing KOTOR is nazbol approved
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoUeMNzem9E >all the recent comments are celebrating her death
>>296381 I don't think any of us speak russian lad
>>296316 what is even happening in the blurred image is the nigger showing her a pic of all the dead hol hol soldiers she abandoned to be a slag in italy
Can any Russophile explain how Dugins daughter is named Dugina? Assuming the standard naming convenient of a child getting its father's last name, that would have made her Dugina Dugin, which is a really horrible set-up, no?
*naming convention
>>296386 surnames for females have an a at the end
>>296388 did you find anything good on 4chan lad?
>>296383 this was it bro they were working on a documentary bro pedo shit, pls bro epstein didn't kill himself. we live in demon world bro this doc was gonna blow the lid. people were gonna rise up bro
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>>296393 good lad
ear itches, gotta use the earwax dissolving stuff again
>>296392 smh shitskins ruined bob-lo island. fucking niggers ruin everything, every type of public space is ruined by niggers
Hope this doesnt bode ill >>296394 >>296395 Happy monday lads
>>296295 what's the chick's name in the corners?
>>296401 smh looks like some swarthoid larping as an anglo in their increasingly fake and gay cope forum for decadent black nobility banker zio-niggers who are in the process of self owning
>>296404 lad, he's an Israeli
>>296405 thats not a real county
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>>296408 tiktok to onlyfans pipeline is real
>>296409 to some extent yes, they can become popular for their appearance and then get comments saying "OF?" and start thinking about the money they could make. but mainly these thots are using tiktok as a method to advertise their onlyfans somebody please gimme the name of the chick in >>296295 I can't find it I've looked... Id: 265382 where did you find that image at least maybe that'd be a lead?
>>296345 >>296346 >>296374 This is who they killed
reminder that martin septim died a virgin
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dugin is a mong and basically a russian version of steve bannon but with higher IQ
>>296413 It would be such a shame though, if Russia began assasinating our rules in a tit for tat manner I'd be so upset
>>296414 I saw an article on RT of some SBU regional leader that got bumped off the next day but it seemed to be hoholic internal purging, he wasn't a big enough deal to serve as an effective counter-bump anyway
we cant keep losing Z bros....
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>>296416 not seeing this reported anywhere else tho
>>296413 Dugin's view on the West
>>296418 yeah he also is a based black man type of slavoid
>>296419 looks huwhite to smee
<English-language interview with Dugina https://youtu.be/Azn8X1e9xtE
>>296420 no I mean that he is pro nigger and says westoids are racist colonialist oppressors or something
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cba to care about slavshit, I bet it was the frogs who greased that bitch. frogs have been the ones funding most of the shite in this war
he's a literal who, revered by the alt shite and nazbol mongs. i'm out
>Eurasianism >Brics niggers
>>296424 tbh let me know when the patriots are in control, until then I am a collapsefag
>>296425 this I don't want to live in a world where anglos are slaves we kind of already are though
UK Government put sanctions against Darya Dougina for putting out "disinformation" regarding Ukraine https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/08/21/daughter-putins-rasputin-alexander-dugin-killed-mystery-moscow/
smorn lads >>296428 smh they used to have the decency to deny doing this and now they brag about it instead
>>296428 >newspunch Not a really reliable source, and I cannot find any legit statement from the WEF. However, I wouldn't put it past them to put out fake news through conspiranigger channels before actually doing it.
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>listening to Alex Jones on Dugina's killing now he points out that some Western outlets are trying to say the killins is a "false flag", and the blame lies with Putin that's almost certainly a sign that they actually did it
>>296428 why would they do this when they already control social media?
stop posting the most retarded boomer shite
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>>296433 >why would they do this when they already control social media? they fear us and what we are capable of
>>296428 >>296430 newspunch is a satire site ffs
>>296435 Do we have numbers of racially awakened non-tranny spergs to match them? >>296437 no, it's a conspiratard fake news outlet
>>296437 satire is just a slur used to discredit journalists who report the news a few years before it happens
so much of rw content is rwers falling for rw satire and getting really mad about it.
reddit screencaps that are obviously screencapped by the guy who made them, edited news article headlines that are obvious jokes or rage bait taken seriously, fakenews clickbait mills. nobody ever learns.
It's actually true, the link to the podcast was a bit buried and I missed it. https://soundcloud.com/world-economic-forum/seeking-a-cure-for-the
but it is the UN's Melissa Fleming saying this.
>>296445 Yeah so the article is wrong still, the information is misleading. What is real is that 110k people have been hired, but there is nothing about the WEF doing this like the original article implies.
>>296449 Volunteers
>>296450 you hire volunteers you dork
ignore my last post
>>296447 yes! thank you lad. I knew she looked familiar, saw her on tiktok before. what a hottie, I want to inseminate a cute latina so bad
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ah damn seems she scrubbed her online presence anyway 'cause of libtards doxxing and whining about her making milk toast right wing takes. shame
schmorn, had tattie scones, bacon, eggs and hot choccy for brekky, think I'll do some gooming now.
>>296455 smorn lad top breakfast that
uh oh, churka thots are about to get vaginally liberated
>40+ prisoners taken >URGENT NEWS: 2 of them are female!
>>296458 women have always been the primary victims of war lad men only have to deal with physical conflict while women suffer alone in their own homes against the uncertainty of potentially losing a loved one as if that wasn't enough now women have to fight just like men and suffer twice as much smh putler's list of crimes is long indeed
The German stock market is collapsing.
>>296457 Please God let Putler execute these thots live on Russian TV.
>>296455 >tattie scones should I fall for the tattie scones meme? how do you make it, is it like some frozen thing you just put in the toaster or do you prepare it fresh from scratch, and if so how?
hmmm looked at recipe, it says: mashed potatoes, flour, butter, and salt, and you fry it? that seems awfully inconvenient compared to slicing a few slices of bread and putting them in toaster and adding butter or jam
>>296239 It's too late lad. I've already spilled the beans to the most obnoxious yank in 4/po/'s brit general. It's only a matter of time.
morning lads.
>296463 >296464 >296465
>>296467 don't lump my goodposts in with his badpost, that's not fair
>>296468 You're importing my yank post right into your British computer right now. You WILL import the American-made goods, including my posts.
>>296466 morning lad
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winding down to go to sleepy-weepy tomorrow I will pump iron
kinda hungry.. I blame the mummer for making a dinner that's annoying to eat I will go to sleep so I can wake up and eat
>>296471 based
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another one of those days where everything goes wrong
>>296474 what happened lad?
>>296475 barbarians destroyed my civ in civ6 and mum and grandma once again went shopping without telling me, buying lots of food nobody eats
>>296476 Tell me she at least got your nuggies lad...
>>296477 No, not even them
>>296476 Thats what you get for playing a gay civilization instead of a domination one, youre the only one to blame here lad.
shut up you cretin you know nothing
>>296476 smh rip lad at least you can load an earlier save from back before granny went shopping tbh pity about your civ though
wait smh just saw it was both mummy and granny shopping at once smdh that's going to be a -6 penalty to fridge space for at least ten turns tbh probably more
British pound at lowest levels ever against the dollar. Not counting the 2020 panic low, and the 80s dollar spike.
The FSB just doxxed the bomber and the car she was using. Natalia Shaban, a Ukie officer who posed as a refugee. She rented a flat in the same block as Daria Dugin and has since fled to Estonia.
There is a very good chance that the Russian intelligence agencies let the Ukies carry the operation for political gain.
>>296483 smh >>296485 wouldn't be surprised tbh nothing quite like an attack on home soil to pull support away from the peaceniks
Why does the Russian government sneed so hard over the UK in particular? All of their military bloviating seems to be directed at you lads, rather than NATO as a whole or the Yank methnostate. Why? Why not single out the Netherlands or France or Australia or something? What did you lads do to them?
>>296487 Cuck them out of neo-byzantium during the crimean war.
>>296487 because our government are the biggest cucks of the USA in europe people in this country still suffer from empire delusion and think we just have to get involved everywhere but are unable to see theyre just pawns of the great satan
>>296487 the british government never wastes an opportunity to sabre rattle towards russia tbh been that way for ages think russia's just returning the favour >>296489 tbh smh
russia had barely set even a single foot in the ukraine before the uk was tripping over itself to offer weapons tbh think it's a hardwired reflex at this point there was all that novichok shite a few years back too
>>296489 >because our government are the biggest cucks of the USA in europe Really lad? How exactly do we have anything to do with this? Do you actually believe that if America collapsed tomorrow, and didn't drag you down with us (we would), that the average British citizen and elected representative and Royal would be in favor of war for Russian expansion? >great satan Don't even try to get this boring shite started again. Yeah, you quote a shitskin nigger seething over getting BTFO while trying to rob us, I tell you you're not white, you post elaborate paragraphs with four pictures each about how bad America is, I bask in the greatness of are America while denigrating China, yadda yadda. Hilarious, so much fun. Get new material nigger.
boring stale gimmick mate
>>296490 >been that way for ages It must have begun somewhere though. This is a retaliation cycle. They always begin somewhere. I don't know enough British history to wager where the seething started, but if I had to guess, I'd assume it had something to do with Russia trying to get something from Japan or the near east or something, and the bongs BTFO them, and they've been seething ever since. It's not in the Anglo character to hold multi-century long grudges against someone who bested you fairly while you were doing something questionable. Anglos aren't above besting someone, or getting bested, or doing anything questionable, but they definitely don't get beaten fair and square while plundering and then hold a grudge three centuries later. This kind of behavior is, however, VERY common in the far east. So that's what I would guess is happening here. When the UK is "sabre rattling", that's either defensive posturing against a vengeful lunatic, or it's a polite warning to not throw a tantrum they'll regret.
>no, YOU are boring Jesus christ...
auslad you seriously need to ban this prick, its one thing having steiner and spic but this literal 4cuck yank retard is ruining the board
>auslad you seriously need to ban this yank for free >we fill every thread with impotent requests to ban him, which you won't do because the futility doesn't warrant the hassle, but HE is the one ruining this board >we desperately beg you, ban him for free so this board won't be ruined for the next 45 seconds Give your balls a tug m8
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It's now confirmed that the covid "vaccine" damages immunity
>>296492 >that the average British citizen and elected representative and Royal would be in favor of war for Russian expansion? people hold the opinions that the media has told them they should hold most people wouldn't really care one way or the other if they hadn't already been pre-programmed with hatred for russia tbh it'd be like hearing about a new war in cameroon or tajikistan or somewhere tbh people would say "oh that's a shame" and immediately forget about it >>296493 tbh >>296494 honestly reckon it's just an out of touch ruling class who didn't get the memo that the cold war ended >>296496 just filter him lad he sticks to one id per thread filter evading is bannable just like ban evading
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>>296471 good lad
>>296499 >honestly reckon it's just an out of touch ruling class who didn't get the memo that the cold war ended Definitely a strong degree of that. Do you think it's like that in Russia as well?
aftersnoon quick break before jobcentretoil pensioner at voluntoil who came in earlier trailing three full blown ape nigglets a horrible reminder that we live in a society
>>296502 >three full blown ape nigglets they will help with the economy
>>296502 sneed chuck >trailing three full blown ape nigglets wew smh grim
>>296498 getting a bit tired of being right all the time tbh
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Looking up pics of nigs looting from the 2011 London riots - almost all the pictures have been scrubbed from google and all you can see is buildings on fire and police, but now who did it
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>>296506 You need to use yandex for searching anything politically sensitive. >Google: normie stuff, shopping >Bing: porn >Duckduckgo: just use fucking google, same exact shit now >Yandex, Swisscows, Gigablast: anything politically inconvenient for globohomo
>>296507 >500 million spoons in the UK >not a single one will be used against boat people
>UK inflation is on course to rise to 18.6% in January >German PPI has hit 37.2%
>>296511 bad time to be a jerry tbh wew
off the wwii propaganda films and on the wwii training films tbh kino
dammit I lied in bed for 2 hours and couldn't fall asleep ffs how is this possible.. I tried to go to bed earlier than last night too, it was only 7:30am or so. I try to do the right thing and it doesn't work out smh >>296483 Euro is below the dollar now >>296484 >that tattoo DUDE >>296487 the only countries arming the Ukraine in relevant quantities are the USA, UK, and Poland >>296507 >quality American grain-fed beef ah yes the "quality" factory farm meat with the antibiotics, isoflavones, fish genes, glyphosate, low omega 3, low protein... agree with his assessment of selling the meat for shitty plant matter though
is it "layed" or "lied"? layed in bed, I think it's layed, lied is when you tell a lie
lay in bed lie in bed layed in bed lied in bed hmm
abysmal posts as usual
>>296507 rayner retard wew that's fucking mental
>>296516 >abed quite
>>296515 it's lay i think tbh smh got me doubting myself now >>296518 tbh tbh
Russia is getting closer and closer to the remaining urban areas in the Donbass. once Krasmatorsk falls I think they're gonna start sweeping through fields again and the map painting will be exciting once more. by then so many Ukrainians will have died, you really have to wonder how long Zelensky can keep this grift up for. they're pouncing on people in gas stations and hauling them off to boot camp for 3 weeks and then sending them off to die to artillery, how stupid can the hohols be?
don't know why spic is even bothering to try and understand english when he could be posting in his native tongue on hispachan instead tbh
>>296522 you mean https://ptchan.org/index.html ? I don't speak it though sadly
>>296406 *SCREAMS*
>>296508 >yandex thanks I will have to look that up, hadn't heard of it before
>>296525 it's russian google
>>296521 >how stupid can the hohols be? did you see that video where someone put a picture of Zelensky in a public elevator, and lots of hohols spat on and defaced it? I don't think Zelensky is very popular anymore, but it doesn't matter at this point because he's basically banned all opposition
I've been using SearX, it's miles better than most stuff.
>>296521 would like the war to pull itself out of this slump tbh it's dragging on
>>296527 haven't seen it but you'd think they'd be smelling the coffee by now I read an article on RT about the 'Kraken' division or whatever, basically Azov survivors, executing dozens of hohol troops for abandoning their positions. nuts >>296528 I've tried searx but it never worked for me, how did you set it up? it seems like you need to configure it I just use startpage and occasionally try yandex if I can't find what I'm looking for
>two job interviews tomorrow >bought a suit >just realised then when my arms are relaxed the sleeves go past my knuckles >42 short I. Am. Going. To. Fucking. Ree.
>>296534 just don't relax your arms
>he bought a suit instead of getting one tailored
>>296536 Most tailors don't in fact, do much tailoring around here. They'll pretty much re-hem trousers and that's it.
Remember when Israel were doing military exercises in Cyprus. >Israel on high alert in fear of possible armed conflict with Lebanon This is over maritime disputes over gas fields, not only that but Eni and Total announced that there is 2.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas offshore south of Cyprus. On top off that Isreal gave Cyprus the Iron Dome system, that they refused to give Ukraine. Another flash point.
>>296534 just go full autism mode tbh
>>296534 Take the suit back and say it doesn’t fit
>"you look very handsome, lad"
>>296538 no shortage of gas for israel then keeek
>>296545 i will live to see him dead and i don't have to lift a finger anybody and everybody he appoints as a successor will betray his vision because they were all raised on the same propaganda his lot were feeding the rest of us rest your heads cupcakes, time is at work
>>296545 Jauhojengi !!
>>296511 Euro is not happy today, below parity again. US 10 year yield at 3% again, looks like slagflation again smh. Bonds signalling perhaps inflation will remain high despite recession.
one nice thing about the officefoid control matrix is that sometimes they are nice looking and wear low cut tops did my best during the interview but still got a few eyefuls tbh >>296539 based note how the seething po and journos did everything they could to make PA look like simultaneously weak and yet also evil and dangerous bad guys >>296546 same thing here, jewmer picks a really old photo of young bnp mark instead of a current one because it makes him look worse
shnight lads
>>296551 gnight cupcake
>>296551 Horrible nightmares to prepare you for the waking horrors to come, lad.
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>>296551 night night, sleep well
how dare she
>>296555 >politician tries to "score political points" no....
>politicians.... playing.... politics
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>>296555 "scoring political points" wow, that's worse than pointing out that migrants rape a lot
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>>296555 >based politicians posting blacked now
>>296560 it was literally a dude chasing and holding down a blurred out women in the middle of the street. stop watching porn.
do not post that again.
>>296563 puffy
jesus lad
hate how all adverts now are voiced by wogs
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>>296563 they're not meant to look like that
>>296542 Too late, I buggered up the alterations, I'll just wear the trousers and a tie with my faux sheepskin jacket. The second interview is over webcam so it won't matter so much. >>296563 keeeeeeek it's a circus at this point
Girl from my Primary School got shot. I had a crush on her smh sad times.
Time to bathe, panic, watch the match, make excuses not to sleep, get up late for my morning interview. Wish me look, m'lords.
>>296571 oh no
>>296570 You can always get it altered some more You really don’t want a suit jacket with arms that long
>>296571 She got shot??? Where do you live?
>look at clock >suddenly twenty to seven when it was noon mere moments before
Threadly reminder that we were all even any boomer posters born into a sci fi dystopia.
evropa... has... fallen
>>296581 yeah just a shit and boring one instead of a kino one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgwzpCBKLrc
only williams pay utility bills
just want the resonance cascade to start already
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We will never see Half Life: Full Life Consequences remastered
>>296588 very strange mix of feels to go back and see that the lads who made the video tried to become a youtube brand and speedran bankrupting a company almost a decade ago
>finally get half life 3 but instead of mystery meat mutt gf companion you get bothered by ghetto Eli Vance throughout the game
>>296590 would not be surprised still haven't bothered actually playing hl alyx and its reddit "humour"
>>296592 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>296591 It actually surprised me, but alyx remains unchanged in HL:alyx, shes still the same character, no pozzing.
>>296594 except they turned the darkness slider on her skin tone down several notches and made her look about mid-40s despite supposed to be about 18 in the game and late twenties in hl2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcdHTFGFT_Y just want beta punk alyx with skintight wetsuit tbh
>>296596 Theres an actual explanation for that. Her model is unfinished, youre not really meant to view her unlike gman, eli and gordon. her model lacks many details and parts of it arent even textured. So youre not looking at alyx as she would like like in HL3, youre looking at a placeholder.
>>296596 >>296598 Real Alyx Chads go for the HL2 Cinematic Mod Alyx
>>296598 >>296599 gamebanana thicc goth mossman and goth alyx tbh
>an Australian black ops mercenary whose mission to save an Indian drug lord's kidnapped son in Dhaka, Bangladesh goes awry when he is double-crossed.
>>296603 panzr recommended it
not a ringing endorsement tbh
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>two hour film >hosting at nine at night on a monday why can't you just do eight o clock like a reasonable person
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>>296609 when I do 8pm people often miss it because they are gooming they ask for it to be later when I do it at 9pm people say it's too late they ask for it to be earlier
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>they changed Alyx' skin tone
haven't even logged onto the goomer account today
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>>296611 why do men make these things
>>296605 keeek ye
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>296611 what the actual fuck
a film night on a fucking MONDAY
pretty sure 22st has been posting that webm for half a decade passe tbh, needs better material
>>296611 just makes me keek that I watched that and recognised Alyx' voice
>>296621 Good lad
It starts with ginge All I know It's so unreal Watch lass go I wanked so hard and came so far But in the end, it doesn't even matter I had to fall to empty my balls But in the end, it doesn't even matter
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gordorse wankman
>>296622 kek the guy has two lines of dialogue to work with
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This film is actually pretty good so far. Indian kid from a rich family is kidnapped by fake police when he’s put at a nightclub, his wealthy father hires a mercenary to get him back
shut up
smh just realised the line should have been "but in the end, I didn't even talk to her"
>>296631 i have talked to her
Haha now he’s killing loads of Indians
Haha you’d never get away with this in Hollywood, the film is literally a white John Wickes killing loads of poos
i am never clicking spoilers again
violets car is parked outside my house
>>296637 leave a note telling her you are watching her and to call your number
>>296638 good idea hehe
dorset genuinely seems like a character straight from a novel
>>296640 Wanknail & I
like he's puppeted by skrewtape or something, lol
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Amy because getting a name similar to my deadname would just cause me dysphoria
>>296644 Nobody asked, Pembs. Filtered for being a mentally ill freak, even by this board's standards.
>>296645 It's 22st, lad
>>296646 Then the filter was still justified.
>>296647 keeek ye
my hands smell strange, like plants.
>>296649 you are becoming one with the forest lad you may be a drvid
>>296644 Cute!
>>296649 what type of plants
>>296629 Tbh no mindfuckage or sentimental rubbish just Thor shooting wogs for the money simple as.
>>296654 rather have that lad over niggers tbh
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>>296649 Mordred was right
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cloudwatching tbh schnight
>>296657 goodsneed
>>296654 Suspect that lad is gay and lives with his boyfriend, who's appeared in other vids.
>>296659 >verified checkmark tells you everything you need to know tbh
>>296657 good lad, thats one of my favourite things to do
grumpy morning such bullshit that I tried to go to bed earlier and ended going to bed later. also retarded that anything is open during the day, nobody has any business being awake from 8am-4pm, when the horrible evil sun is blaring awful light and heat
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and into le filter he goes!
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>>296663 >can choose to be awake any time of the day >chooses to be active during the daylight hours when there's a big ball of fire in the sky that causes premature skin aging, browning, burning, and even skin cancer, plus if you look in the wrong direction you can go blind
>>296611 keek goodlad
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>>296666 err..lad..
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>>296663 Good lad
belly hurty rn
It's almost time
>>296671 sorry to hear
hello lads
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just ate some picza
not bad huh?
extreme racial warfare breaking out across the nation
>>296677 did bbk deface another mural?
the police are being overwhelmed
edged to feets but didn't coom because I need to work out gonna make the oats now
I'm from the future, don't have much time... Britain struck by missile fsb prince andrew inside job west scotland, milk riots breakup of england into milking zones. Groups Z O V mean 3 О В - 30B bra size corresponding to sleeper agent activation - these women are the threat to milk security. they can't find out about this place, they have me now codeword "vaxsneed" compromised
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>>296641 >Wanknail & I
when the time of trials comes we all have to get behind Gove
>'We didn't complete Brexit!' | Nigel Farage on the migrant crisis: 'The problem is us!'
Might as well post that lush Jewish lass if this thread is a fucking mess.
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>United States Government says it believes that Russia is preparing to step up a massive wave of attacks against Ukraine and its government, urges U.S. citizens to leave immediately from Ukrainian soil! >Temporary air space restrictions will apply to 11 Russian airports until August 29, 2022, the Federal Air Transport Agency reports. Russia is about to push shit.
pumped iron and made a wise quote- "He who convinces himself that he's not retarded, is the biggest retard of them all." gonna eat ground beef slop over pasta now >>296688 that's not "lush" at all, she's hideous, doesn't have a single attractive feature >>296689 hell yeah more dead hohols
>>296690 >that's not "lush" at all, she's hideous, doesn't have a single attractive feature if you can say a woman hasn't got a 'single attractive feature,' you've got problems. uh huh. gay problems.
>A economic depression not unlike the one the 1890s is imminent Very based.
>>296691 she's an ugly jew, she looks like shit. you just have low standards. you wanna see peng? I'll show you peng, if you dare to click the thumbnails...
>>296694 sorry, i don't click spoilers anymore.
>>296695 these particular thumbnails are a blessing for the eyes, but I respect your decision
>>296697 is this going to kill off the rest of the EU and us? just want the zog matrix to do a simba inflation and pop so that we can stop being vored by gimmigrants tbh
My Serbian nationalism Kosovo print t shirt is already peeling. Ahhhhhh I love only Albania nowwwww
>>296699 what are you doing wearing print shirts? are you nine?
>>296700 what are you supposed to wear then? plain shirts with nothing printed on them?
i hate being up this early
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Here's how you graffiti fight lads
>>296698 >is this going to kill off the rest of the EU and us? Kill the EU for sure.
>>296705 pretty poor showing tbh bbk should go over and show them what's what with an extended cockfisting campaign >>296706 waiting warmly
>>296706 but the germans have a budget surplus :^)
Don't understand why the USA hates Europe so much
France is just as fucked, they even have a shortage of tatties and milk.
Serbia and Albania have tiny populations. NHL we should just invade.
>>296708 PPI is 37.2% and the SPD/Greens are asset stripping industry saving the environment.
>>296712 they're still going to turn off the few nuclear plants that are still running, saying, "bah it'll only be a 2-4% difference, just shut them off, fuck it"
I still have the name "Coo/k/" filtered. I do not regret this. He was a terrible mod and he's a boring, midwit poster. Okay, thank you.
Not to mention French NPPs can't go full tilt due to low river levels as well, so no exporting to German and Spanish grids.
>>296714 cheap zero-emissions energy is evil lad
Is Cook Monarch?
>>296718 Monarch became imperium, or some other gookposter. Think cuck is ttpw tbph.
>>296716 hope they shut down tbh I alway sneethe when I remember that the frogs build their power plants on the north coast specifically so that if they melt down or fail it damages the UK too
>>296719 >tfw there are no new posters, just secret agent namefags
Especially the ones who post about wanking, homosexuality and trannies.
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>>296720 >it's true one on the German border too
>>296723 I still don't understand why we seemed to scuttle our own nuclear industry.
>>296723 >would only btfo London, Kent, Cornwall etc. in the souf >also btfo krauts France QUI. Blow the reactors asap.
>>296724 there is no argument against nuclear power, it's blatant sabotage. even withing the "global warming" hoax framework, it would logically be a solution for energy production, and yet they still oppose it... thus revealing that their intention is not some "green" bullshit, but economic sabotage what I don't understand though is why they're gutting the west economically, that just gives economic dominance to China, so now they don't have any leverage over China. if China doesn't want to play ball with the western globalist program, there is nothing they can do about it now. if they kept the USA as a powerhouse that can bully the world then their plan could have worked, but they chose to move the US industry to China and now China is stronger than the US and can do whatever they want
>The German Bundeswehr has ended the supply of weapons to Ukraine from its own stocks, effective immediately.
>>296727 I guess they finally ran out of Panzerfaust 3's to send
>James Webb telescope something something indicates big bang theory is probably wrong >THE SCIENCE does not approve
>>296726 their hatred for huwhite people overrides all else tbh the goal has always been to destroy the west wealth and power were just fringe benefits
the absolute state of Saints Row
>>296730 And there are still the odd wealthy white libtards that live comfortably and feel good about themselves with their army of private security in south africa. Imagine thinking Blair, Cameron, Bojo, or any of ours will ever face the consequences of their actions. They could live out their days on private islands with hired fighter jet security.
>>296729 >Indian express >scientists censor >a rejected paper It's nothing. Doubt the big bang and expanding universe tbh but as it happens the Catholic Church accepted it before the soyentific community because it's in line with the bible.
>>296732 smh >>296733 tbh would've thought they'd be ecstatic about disproving a singular creation event
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>Large amounts of long range anti-aircraft systems as well as full umbrellas of SHORAD systems are being amassed in Belarus, all in range to cover Ukraine. Belarusian airfields are showing high Russian Armed Forces activity. This suggests Russia is preparing for a large scale air attack on Ukraine. Second Kiev offensive soon.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIKCIIVA07A Fresh joomer. >nigger riot not newsworthy >another 9 year old girl killed, shot in liverpool this time Smh.
>The current drought in Europe, according to preliminary data, is the worst in the last 500 years.
>>296737 it's going on here too isn't it? there's been some rain but the whole country looked awfull brown when I was on the plane, and not just in the cities
>>296738 Do you reckon the Jews will take you away for experimentation once the UK fully breaks down?
St Wessex of Bodmin
>>296739 yes, but they won't be able to hold me
>>296740 went looking for other churches earlier since the big one has w*men "clergy" involved and found out that the local methodists are literal danger haired dykes
>anything but Catholicism kek you get what you deserve, sneed schmorning, tattie scones, eggs and sausages for brekky.
not really noticed a drought up here tbh, once again anglos will be begging for us to pump water down to them though, happy to do it though, for a price of course.
smh it's shame you lads can't just email a Rabbi.
the whole jew thing isn't funny, a literal kike is a janny here and auslad does nothing about it.
>>296746 he was rejected from the kikelhood lad it's okay
>>296747 yet he doesn't stfu about it, and his attempt to join shows what hes like, he should be demoded and permad the dirty mutt bastard.
any mod in addition to the BO is a liability, not an asset. demod all mods, Auslad
munching on a can of cod for the le ebin brotein did the Butt formula calculator thing and I can gain at least 20lbs more lean mass naturally, that's a long way to go
i hope i did badly in that interview, might have just pulled it unfortunately i want to die another interview at twenty to five for the museum
>>296751 >i hope i did badly in that interview, might have just pulled it unfortunately i want to die maybe retry this sentence again so it actually makes sense
>>296751 I wrote in my application for a museum job that I'd been to loads of museums all over the world but didn't have no fancy pants degree in museology. Course I got no response.
>>296752 It makes perfect sense, I don't want the job but I may have in fact achieved the job because the interview wasn't that bad >>296753 Job I'm going for is just mong tier to keep me in dragon dildoes until the race war starts tbh
I also compared a library to a book warehouse and said I fit the role as I'd worked in a lot of warehouses
>>296705 Or just clean up the fucking graffiti? >>296735 Based & kino.
>>296755 keeeeek not bad hate the bullshit you have to go through in interviews smh
I'm banned from the local poospaper for writing a song about niggers in the comments
Shite race saved.
m-maybe if Britain becomes poorer than Pakistan, the Pakis will leave?
>>296761 No, we'll go to Pakistan and rape their kids.
>>296762 like a boss
But then again they already rape kids there.
https://youtu.be/5hN6kbnJ-Zs jjovereats (j jove reats) used to be an hilarious little chubster. No he makes videos like this. I weep.
>>296765 >FreeBSD Chad tbh.
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>no no we'll cope cope cope words words words
stop assuming the gender of ships, shitlord
>>296761 They would but that's not how it's going to go, welfare for our guests will continue even as the natives freeze and starve in their own homes.
>>296767 beautiful tbh
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>>296729 based and redshift periodicity
>>296766 >Be welcoming. We strive to be a community that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to members of any race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, color, immigration status, social and economic class, educational level, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, size, family status, political belief, religion or lack thereof, and mental and physical ability. https://www.freebsd.org/internal/code-of-conduct/
>>296774 Smh, they ruin everything but as long as its FOSS they can't stop you doing whatever you want with it.
https://youtu.be/BbTcQHyik0Y not looking good for him had a seizure last week
poop my pants my pants poop my tent my tent
>>296778 microballs
>little girl killed in liverpool named as Olivia Pratt-Korbel >double barreled >Korbel comes from Bavaria >police chief slow-speaking condolonces said no mother, sister, or brother should suffer this loss >omitting the father possibly because he's not around? Gaurantee this is her foreign criminal boyfriend getting chased by another foreign criminal with a gun and she and her daughter (being a child, the only one who died) got caught in the line of fire. Thoughts, BBK?
>>296780 It was a stranger who ran into the house and was chased by some other drug dealer. Given the description of the wounds it sounds like the mother was trying to protect the child and held her hand out. I'd say this: Everyone involved in the drugs trade and everyone who knows someone in the drugs trade but hasn't grassed the scum up had a finger on that trigger. I'm not going to engage in some cope because she had Bayern blood. The fact is that it could have been anyone. My message? Shoot your local drug dealer.
>>296781 >Shoot your local drug dealer. Based. When I visited Denver, I saw some dopeheads just openly shooting up meth on a well-trafficked pedestrian area full of shops where people take children. Dopeheads are subhuman, and dope dealers inflict these animals upon all decent people.
>>296781 Is it confirmed a randomer ran in? Smdh. Mother was blameless then.
>>296780 was she cute?
>>296781 wow a good post for once. please post like this from now on instead of your weird racial fetishes.
>>296786 saw that and didn't even bother to post it earlier, yawn tbh.
>>296786 when byker grove and julius evola collide you get morgoth
>>296779 You wot?
I see boomer style posts are being praised
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>>296790 yes, millennial and zoomer posts are trash, quite frankly
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Cringe as fuck I should just be gayposting for the keks right now.
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The covid jab destroys immune systems and causes more deaths than any other vaccine in history
can't sleep for the second day in a row. but the silver lining is that I figured out why, it's from taking ginseng. says it can cause insomnia, I don't usually take it but I have the past couple days and then the past couple days I can't sleep. must be it shame 'cause I had a good workout and now when I eventually fall asleep it's not gonna be a good long sleep with lots of hours like I could have had 'cause the damn mummer is gonna be a cunt and wake me up at 6pm or something with the blah blah it's too late for breakfast bullshit, like shut up who fucking cares what time of the day it is that's completely arbitrary and meaningless
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>>296794 I cold have warned you about ginseng if you'd been in my server lid smh
>>296796 census results out?
>>296796 Is he bragging? Also, pretty sure 59 million is a gross underestimate of the current population. We probably passed 60 million by about 2010.
>>296798 no he's not bragging, he's an ex-UKIP MEP
>>296796 cant find a source. consider yourself debunked chud
>>296801 just did and he admits he lied to disrupt our democracy.
>>296802 >lied to disrupt are democracy what a filthy nigger
A refugee dinghy from France just flew over my house. Another one!
>>296804 shoot it down!
(1.36 MB 640x360 t24t6e.mp4)

>the sanna leaks continue
just a young woman of 36 by the way
I work for rNHS now lads. Clap for me.
>>296803 tbh, official stats don't come out until October
>>296806 if this is allowed to pass, which it probably will be, imagine what comes after it...
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one again the blairite bbc has shown its hypocrisy
Rowan Atkinson Announces Mr Bean's First Name Is Les
*screams after awkward social interactions*
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I am not crazy! I told her when to bring breakfast. I know it was 1am. An hour after my workout. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. She covered her tracks, she said she thought I wanted breakfast during my microneedling session. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? She's done worse. That ginseng! Are you telling me that I just happened to buy the extra strong caffeine enriched pills? No! she orchestrated it! Mummers! She got vaccinated and became a mutant! And I forgave her! And I shouldn't have. I let her into my basement! What was I thinking? She'll never change. She'll never change! Ever since I was 29, always the same! Couldn't stop opening the curtains and letting the fireball in! But not our mummers! Couldn't be precious mummers! Burning me blind! And she gets to be a hole? What a sick joke! I should've stopped her when I had the chance!
*should of
>>296814 No need for safari, subsahara is already here
>>296815 that's a heh from me
>>296818 >Bells >What appears to be a punch cigar Saved.
The police are taking it so seriously they are putting away the rainbow decorations till next year!
For educational purposes:
>>296821 niggers be cringe
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>>296821 >several white girls hanging around with the niggers makes me sneethe how often i see this shite
>>296822 Unruly pets of the bourgeois
>>296823 >white they're half castes lad
>>296825 The ones I see around town usually aren't but i will take whatever cope I can
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>>296826 smh, you have to dominate the niggers through battle
*Foreign-blooded pets of the bourgeois
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>>296828 There was some homeless looking one loitering outside my place looking into peoples windows the other day. if only the community would back me up and cover for me were i to minecraft him.
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>>296830 smh, you'd get grassed on immediately
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>>296832 attempted suicide
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>>296833 soo-oo-ooicide!
>green id thread
>>296834 ook ook
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>>296836 ack ack!
<Nigel Farage SLAMS police: 'What the HELL has gone wrong!?'
>>296838 Richard Madeley overtones
>>296838 YOUTHS
NYC is a murder capital again tho
>>296838 they should have shown some police dancing at gay pride parades to really bring home how callous and inept they are
>>296842 yeah they stopped stop and search because it was "racist" and crime went back up
>>296838 I know my English neighbours Christian names but I call y Polish neighbours simply as "the Poles"
It smells of elephants
iraq wasnt a war for oil but if it was i'd support it. the government exists to provide for its people. the only possible justifiable reason for war is one that materially benefits the population.
>>296252 yeah once the burger government openly entered the internet as a manager space it lost its "universal" aspect and in the future there will be various intranets. this is good for angloids and westoids since shitskins will make their own intranets and fuck off. thats what happened in my short story.
>>296848 are you far along enough to share it with us lad?
>>296849 only have 5 pages rn but once I get a big longer on I will share some its called the election of '37 and its just about some guys from their respective "elector citizen family" house being sent by the house patriarch to go and gerrymander a county for an election (raid the town of pomeroy and take it from the weaker family which has come under the influence of appalachian out of state house McCulloch) still trying to figure out how to introduce some of the worldbuilding shite and don't know how to incorporate Australia into a collapsed west scenario. the story just takes place in the hocking hills though so they don't really interact with people who live "over the mountains"
in France a militant royalist broke into the house of a leftist who runs a museum for Robespierre and beat him up along with his family members lmfao https://twitter.com/LeTweetRouge/status/1535344404604526593
>>296851 Action Francaise are unironically the most based organisation in Europe tbh
>>296852 i heard they werent le racist tho. we can all live together under out based king, kind of idea.
>>296850 sounds kino lad i finally got around to starting to writing a book the other day
>>296853 Where the fuck did you hear that keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek they're infamously anti-Semitic and hate niggers
>>296855 a french flag said so on 4/pol/. its confirmed.
the rocks represent rape
>>296843 This clip is from yesterday. I liked hearing the clear stance of the guest.
>>296850 will look forward to seeing it I guess australia would be overrun by chinks and maybe the surviving huwhites retvrn to based criminal ways
>>296819 Bells is shit
https://youtu.be/L11NFVbDGk4 the absolute state of shartica
>>296851 >Rémi Lesczczynski Couldn't it have been an actual Frenchman. Fuck sake.
>>296864 yeah tbh
>>296851 genuinely hilarious
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>>296870 >not just being thots, but b*sexual thots >their PM is probably a b*sexual too Russia needs to invade Finland next.
speaking of foids interestingly based for what k*rean dogs became in the modern day smh
>>296872 Tbh i always have reckoned that God gave them flat faces because they always hit their wives so much that strong features became a liability
wew just found out the movie A Time to Kill was based on a book about a real rape and beating of two white children by a nigger and they changed it in the movie to be about two literal white supremacists hunting for little black girls to rape.
>>296874 Keek every time
>>296875 the movie was made be two jews but the book which reversed the races was made by a white baptist former democrat politician who was actually in the court for the real case. he lives in charlottesville now too.
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Spotted this peak william in a landspeed vid
>>296879 keek think that lad is well into rupert territory though tbh
>>296880 keektbh
>>296879 keeeeek >the choccy orange order will never break the taig destruction record by barrelling into an IRA parade with jet-engine equipped shart carts
nobody on earth has suffered as much as him by being right about everything all the time but nobody caring. regardless he posts ever onwards
>>296882 One day...
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>>296885 shnila
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come on seacow
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>>296888 tbh could do with some good tidings
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>>296891 ominous tbh
>>296891 Good lad
>>296892 get a better seacow by turning your screen off, tbh
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>>296896 Ruined my holiday
>>296896 good lad
What the fuck tbh this sites clock must be at least 5 seconds fast
>>296899 Nice dubs lad, well done.
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>>296897 >>296901 smh >>296898 Thankee lad well be back on track soon
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Remembering when my foid cousin told me she moved branches in her lisa simpson job because a paki was racist against white people. Asked her why she would have to move and why the paki wasn't fired. Just mumbled "everyone thought it was for the best." Sneethe tight, last of the trve hu'white race.
not enough sleep, my poor gains >>296795 even if I had any desire to join your illegitimate server, I couldn't because shitcord no longer loads for me >>296815 keeeeeeeeeeek idk what that is about caffeine pills though, I only get caffeine from coffee/tea
Sanna Marin feet picture acquired
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>>296905 been out for a long time, nothing special
>>296907 Good lad
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wanna get a trailer and seal all the windows with blackout curtains, that'd be a good dwelling. finish looksmaxxing, get a trailer, then use dating apps to convince women to deliver themselves to my trailer for sex
>>296905 Smh people are saying that her trademark "fluoride stare" is due to her taking too many head meds
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just got done seething after boomer toil this poojeet richfag was telling all the boomer toilers how he was going to be in the UK for a while while we installed siding on his mcmansion shitbox shitskin colonist community pod
Yeah I go UK next veek. You rednecks ever been on airplane?
>>296914 >You rednecks ever been on airplane? no
>>296914 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek they just globe trot around the anglosphere like we are on their palatial plantations he said he also had family living in canada
mummy one time got tickets on the airtram to alabama and one time my grandpa paid for us to go to disneyworld in the united airlines but that was in like bill clinton times
never want to leave my province
I hate niggers
tim byrne is still uploading
>>296922 shut up about this guy nobody cares
love the way my stomach looks after a poo, nice and flat >>296923 rude
a horde of niggers attacks and harries a family of spics in the local shartmart pvp zone (car park) https://twitter.com/BodyNpc/status/1561678240510509056
>>296925 seems like jigs have been wilin' out a lot more recently, maybe it has something do do with the alignment of the stars or something? or maybe it's just summer
>>296921 wog steals stacks of Swedish Democrats voting slips from vooting venue
it's unreal how much hatred these apes have for us just for existing. the existence of a pale face makes them feel inferior
>>296917 Lad, i was at Disneyworld in 1990 and I remember thinking how there were people on the beach in Florida who looked dark and foreign and it troubled me. I was Seven years old. It was probably Nick Fuentes dad and his friends tbh
>>296918 Good lad
Those fuckers finally did it; >Ukrainian Authorities are reporting a rise of Radiation levels at a particular place around the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear power plant.
smorning lads >>296928 tbh
>>296931 what's their problem? is this an attempt to revitalize their dying human-trafficking industry?
>>296300 >woes tbh miss those days of youtube, seems there's not much of it anymore, none of the discussion groups and what have you. What ever happened to the lad with the massive chin that kept calling himself a brahmin?
>>296851 I remember this guy from Youtube.

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