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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3796: Early Halloween Edition Anonymous 10/30/2022 (Sun) 12:25:20 Id: 6d35c6 No. 323469
South Korea mourns after Halloween crush kills 153 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-asia-63442399
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:46:50.
ok i'll say it, poo.
>>323471 Said what we're all thinking tbh
>parents brother and niece and nephew went for a walk and left me behind smh just want to lie in a stroller mee
Should I go to Latin America lads? I can't speak Spanish but all that's left in terms of cheap interesting places is Africa or a repeat trip to Asia (but China's still closed and having testing and lockdowns in the cities)
hungover tbh
>>323469 At festivals: Westerners, as children, crushed for toys. Mature slavs and arabniggers crushed for politics and religion, respectively. But gookniggers at 20+ years of age crushed for pop culture celebrities K pop is exported everywhere, it's popular across the whole earth basically. Entertained to death, that is the plan.
>>323477 when u search korean crush, the results on youtube are now crushed koreans and not andrognous k pop men
>>323478 >andrognous k pop men Smh, sounds vile
Speaking of entertainment, considering how to redevelop my drinking habit while not getting banned off of Twitch chats. Everything in moderation, I suppose
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thinking about how the crushed koreans thought it was fun all up to the second where they stopped being able to breathe
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-63444231 check the bottom of the article
>>323483 Koreans seem to be in a lot of mass accident deaths
one of my neighbours has "candy" written over a bowl of sweets they left out
>>323486 destroy it
sickens internally
>>323488 what a rude thing to say to someone
nonce thread someone make a new one
Lads, why do Europeans make the best cemeteries?
>>323491 yeah this isn't good smh needs some deleting and banning a reminder that we are MORAL lads
I report their mothers for public indecency
>>323494 lad, sorry I'm going to be away for the next few days we can continue watching Gotham when I get back on tuesday
>>323488 Don't post anything like that again or I'll ban you lad >>323493 Nevermind.
>>323496 no worries lad have fun buying up all those properties and not housing incel polfaces in them smh
THE FIRE RISES Man hurls petrol bombs at migrant processing centre in Dover before taking his own life, claim witnesses https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11370593/Man-hurls-petrol-bombs-migrant-centre-Dover-taking-life-claim-witnesses.html >A man threw petrol bombs attached with fireworks at a centre for processing migrants in the southern English port of Dover on Sunday and then killed himself, witnesses said.
Edited last time by YTTB on 10/30/2022 (Sun) 13:13:00.
>>323499 >before taking his own life mong move tbh
>>323497 nicely done tbh >>323499 based except for killing himself we're outnumbered and can't afford such puny k/d ratios
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>>323499 And so, it begins...
suicide is a mortal sin, no matter how bad things are in the world its only temporary.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjWXvTeyp18&ab_channel=BillyBlue Cheap charlie went back to asia, truly asia malaysia in fact.
>>323504 >suicide is a mortal sin Only for christians
>>323507 >killing yourself is... LE GOOD
>>323508 being a hero is good putting your life at risk so others can live
>>323508 based eggy tbh if he goes it'll be in a blaze of incel glory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4exBwdU1tQ0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxuLSkq5i_w
>>323511 he died so we can live
his body may have died but his spirit is eternal
>Pop up on the curb like im Alek Minassian >Hoes suck my dick while I run over pedestrians
>>323515 change the url to nitter.net instead when posting shitter links lad, otherwise there are age blocks and other censorships
>doesn't even get the lettuce or whatever it was, just wanted to push the lad over some monkes are just born bad
>>323501 god forbid the conservative party actually be conservative.
>>323475 go to brazil and argentina
>323510 youre not a hero youre just some sad old man who will never do anything to actually save the white rice
>>323499 Comments are a bit of a whitepill >>323507 For all. You do no have a choice in the matter.
They deleted mine saying "Stop immigration. Start deportation" though smh
>Indian flags on 4chud claiming the Aryan invasion never happened
>>323519 You're probably right, reckon there would be some kino political stuff out there.
and of course a lot of bunda
I just said the n word keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
>tailbone hurts from gooming 5 unbroken hours again
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what the fuck I didn't know they all merged together as one being and had to be pulled apart
>>323528 whatchu gooming batman?
>>323527 based huwhite monke man
>>323529 They are returning to the hive.
>"'Fugees could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this coastal town before. There could be 'fugees anywhere." The Channel gale felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE 'FUGEES" he thought. There Is a Light That Never Goes Out reverberated his entire car, making it pulsate even as the £4 + VAT Bitter circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of wogs after dark. "With a car, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud. >>323529 IQ not so big when you should just pull from the top rather than the bottom
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>>323530 Skyrim again. Doing autistic things like seeing how quick I can master all magic skills with new characters, and without leveling too quick through other skills. Done restoration and enchanting first this time as they're the hardest/most grinding without training, and training is limited per level so I ended up getting to 70 rest by level 12 with no other skills upped thanks to duping east empire pendants to get half a million gold for training. Quickest way I've found to do it and it ups no skills at all.
Love Woes, just wish he'd take his role more seriously. He only has to make an effort and the lads would rally to supporting him again.
>>323535 the godrod giveth and the godrod taketh away.
>>323534 come and play wow with me lad
dead people on everest moment
>>323538 >when mummy tells you to put on a jacket because it's cold but you don't listen smh
>>323537 unless it's become free, not paying shekels monthly to goom
Did Sperg text u that she loved u after u had sex with her Dorset?
why do women wear those cattle style nose rings now?
>>323542 doubt they'd be able to answer themselves. I have asked a lot of women about tattoos and often I don't get an answer then either beyond them just liking it because
>>323542 for the breeding barn
>>323545 kind of hate this film tbh. What if his hearterino did give out? one thing is managing to do what despite what others tell you, anoher thing is risking other people's lives while doing it
>>323543 Thinking about the hairdresser lass who had a freebird tattoo because her dad went pen again.
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>>323546 i just love the dabbing on the neuros
>>323548 can find it attractive at a glance but only in a coomer way, can't imagine wanting a wife to have one >>323549 smh lad the autist eugenicist will get you
https://youtu.be/s8_mrX6oRWM they met on that site lads
*wallows in self pity for the 22nd year in a row*
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>>323553 rip lil nigga
>>323554 tbh he was a low status male who worked at a car wash who rose too high in the world and got bombed by some type of glownigger op well never know
>>323555 was he a donestkian?
>>323556 no but its hard to get fair information on him in english that isn't just hol hol propaganda
he was from rostov
>>323559 why don't you do this in one of your videos, lad?
>>323560 because I don't want to die
take some hookers cryptoid hunting it'll be gold content
>>323562 yeah that would be kino
>>323529 it seems so bizarre that this is an actual way to die tbh >>323541 sort of, she said she had feelings for me not anymore, obviously, horrid wench >>323542 sign of a submissive same with big hoop earings being whore hoops
why isn't the infamous Millenial Woes cleans up his community by picking up a traffic cone online anywhere?
>>323564 >it seems so bizarre that this is an actual way to die tbh tbh never going into crowded space again. So embarrassing
>>323566 fear of crowds is entirely justified tbh
>oh my sweet summer kike
>>323499 man at work
suffocating has to be a horrible way to die
>>323570 lasses seem to like it tbh
>>323571 did you choke sperg?
>>323574 why didn't you tie her up and keep her
stil keeking at that youtube videos comments with all the sad korean mune runes and 4chudders posting "THE WHITE MAN MARCHES ON"
>>323572 interesting. but i'll have to overrule since the deceased was black
>>323577 he became an übermensch
>>323580 do one where he's sharting on the gooks
>>323581 I prefer just copypasting 4chud content
>>323580 thought it was woes in the thumbnail keek
>>323583 don't think he has the strength or flexibility to get off the ground tbh
>>323585 >the wild woes in his native habitat, foraging for pistachios
>>323588 a miracle of nature
>>323585 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
It was too good to be true if you can't say the nigger word you wont be allowed to say anything
>>323591 Goddamn it *screams*
oh dear, how unforseen, who could have predicted this?
fuck up you smug smelly twat
it's okay it's still free speech all the people who were banned were just trolls haha!
>>323595 I'm serious, I looked around the usual micro-eceleb accounts and known faces and they were all going on about le based elon (as well as le based nigger) it was obvious nothing would change, redditlon is not a saviour of the shite race or even based in any way
>>323597 I know I was naively hoping he had genuine lolberg values
>a groomee steinered her sister smh
>>323599 she just openly told you that?
>steinered i dont want to know what this word means
>>323600 she's a coombrained retard >>323601 fingering someone related to you
not a literal retard of course
>The 2013 Rana Plaza factory collapse (also referred to as the 2013 Savar building collapse or the Collapse of Rana Plaza) was a structural failure that occurred on 24 April 2013 in the Savar Upazila of Dhaka District, Bangladesh, where an eight-story commercial building called Rana Plaza collapsed. The search for the dead ended on 13 May 2013 with a death toll of 1,134.[2] Approximately 2,500 injured people were rescued from the building.[4] It is considered the deadliest non-deliberate structural failure accident in modern human history, the deadliest garment-factory disaster in history and the deadliest industrial accident in the history of Bangladesh.[5][6][7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Rana_Plaza_factory_collapse a literal 9/11 tier mass casualty event caused by local officials petty corruption.
>>323460 I've played it a fair bit because I have such a strong affinity to map-staring games but it just sucks.. even ignoring the fact that the map is the worst paradox has ever done, the core 'gameplay loop' of trying to bring market prices to equilibrium by building factories, adjusting production methods and creating/deleting trade routes is TEDIOUS, annoying and not fun at all. that's 90% of the gameplay, just obnoxious micromanagement. it needs to be mostly automated but then there won't be much else to do >>323475 go to Cartagena, CULOmbia and get some thicc puss >>323542 so you can guide a fishing line along the ceiling of the house and connect it to the ring with a hook and when you want a bj just reel her in
Imagine being past puberty and unironically celebrating Halloween. Just an excuse to dress like a slag and party. Fuck em
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>>323608 halloween is the best holiday
the faggot gen xers who turned american halloween from a fun kids holiday where its wholesome and fun into a some degenerate slut dress up party scene belong in a death camp.
brazilian election happening >LEFTISTS ARE ALREADY CRYING ON TWITTER CALLING FOR COUP THE FEDERAL POLICE IS STOPPING MILLIONS OF CASES OF VOTE BUYING. THE SUPREME COURT ORDERED THE FEDERAL POLICE TO STOP THE OPERATIONS. THEY DIDN'T STOP. THE SUPREME COURT ORDERED THE PRISON OF THE FEDERAL POLICE DIRECTOR. >The federal police devised a plan to interdict Brazilian roads in the places where there is a greater number of voters for the corrupt Lula (northweast). The police were summoned by the Minister of the Federal and Electoral Supreme Court Alexandre de Morais (aka egg head), but heroically told him in legalese to go fuck himself. coincidentally, the northeast is the most backward region in Brazil in every way, economically, socially, educationally, HDI, violence and GDP per capita. It is also historically the most left-wing region in Brazil by far. The egg-head minister is known for doing legal advocacy in this election with decisions and malfeasance without benefiting the bandit Lula.
>>323611 can basedenaro win this one?
how do we know this brazilian Q-anon tier stuff.
ok im sick of niggerzilia and browngobzilian "people" already
the virgin blumpf "use code rudy20 on famoussmoke.com" the chad jair "the cops physically obstruct millions of niggers from voting"
why is spic doubleposting? actually, why is he posting at all?
>>323621 'cause
live noseley and meatybraps not talking about the electoral commission https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/Patriotic-Alternative-2022-Northern-Conference-Review:a
filtered tbh
ought to be banned for that tbh nobody wants to see foul wrinkly feet except deranged mutts
>>323626 if you don't wanna slobber all over those tootsies you're just a poof tbh
>The Daegu subway fire occurred on February 18, 2003, when an arsonist set fire to a train; 192 people died and 151 others were injured at the Jungangno station of the Daegu Metropolitan Subway in Daegu, South Korea. The fire had spread across two trains within minutes. It remains the deadliest deliberate loss of life in a single incident in South Korean peacetime history, succeeding the previous record set by a 1982 mass shooting. >The arsonist, Kim Dae-han (Hangeul: 김대한, Hanja: 金大漢), was a 56-year-old unemployed former taxi driver who had suffered a stroke in November 2001 that left him partly paralyzed. Kim was dissatisfied with his medical treatment and had expressed sentiments of violence and depression; he later told police he wanted to kill himself, but to do so in a crowded place rather than alone. By most accounts, on the morning of February 18, he boarded train 1079 on Line 1 in the direction of Daegok Station, carrying a duffel bag that contained two green milk cartons filled with a flammable liquid, possibly paint thinner or gasoline. >As the train left Banwoldang station around 9:53 a.m., Kim began fumbling with the cartons and a cigarette lighter, alarming other passengers who tried to stop him. In the struggle, one of the cartons spilled and its liquid contents caught fire as the train pulled into Jungangno station in downtown Daegu. Kim, his back and legs on fire, managed to escape along with many passengers on train 1079, but within two minutes the fire had spread to all six cars. The fire spread quickly in the insulation between the layers of aluminum that form the shell of the cars, the vinyl and plastic materials in seat cushions and strap handles, and heavy plastic matting on the floors,[1] producing thick smoke as it burned. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daegu_subway_fire Final Destination: the country.
>>323628 wouldn't happen in norf korea
>Transcripts show Choi Sang-yeol made three announcements advising passengers in train 1080 to remain seated while he attempted to reach superiors. Finally, he was advised "Quickly, run somewhere else. Go up... kill the engine and go." Choi then opened the doors and fled, but in doing so he removed the master key, which led to a shutdown of the onboard batteries that powered the train doors and effectively sealed passengers inside. Later investigation showed that 79 passengers remained trapped inside train 1080 and died there. autism: the coutnry
>>323610 the lass i was talking to on friday night was wear a black dress with fishnet stockings and black angel wings cor
Gotham soon, Penguin chads?
>>323632 bins is away until tuesday or so
>>323609 Christmas is the best holiday.
I occasionally have the urge to cut off all human contact and live somewhere remote alone. People are unreliable, vulgar, crude, undisciplined, lacking in introspection or long term rational planning. I have reached the point once more where dealing with them is a burden.
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Apparently the election is still going on
>>323636 2nd round lad
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Imagine voting a decrepit old commie that was convicted of corruption back into power
.>>323640 imagine being brazilian
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>less than one percent counted Unless it's not what it looks like
>>323640 imagine voting
imagine having sex
>>323643 keeeeek

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Forgive me, bvther...
>bolsochud dropping already
>my cousin has married a yankoid from North Carolina He seems based tbh, hates niggers
Race mixing cousin is now with a white aspie too
>>323649 ill treat her right la
>>323650 wouldn't mind one of you lads marrying her into your family tbh, will give her instagram out if she gets single again
any news?
>>323652 indian bridge collapse many dead
>>323652 brazil is rejecting incel transphobia racist chudsonaro
>>323653 >The 230-metre (754 feet) colonial-era crossing was built during British rule of India in the 19th Century. kek >>323654 threat to democracy
>Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on Twitter that he would be giving 200,000 rupees (about $2,400 USD) to families that have lost a member in the collapse, and that injured victims would receive 50,000 rupees (about $600 USD).[7] redeem'ed
>Everyone is writing RIP under the asylum bomber article =ENGLAND LIVES AND MARCHES ON EXCEPT THAT GUY==
>>323656 life is cheap
>>323657 im a bit afraid a chud might sperg out here and gets massive support online leading to more crackdowns.
>>323657 >Interesting that every report stated that the perpetrator was white. The skin colour of an offender is never normally reported nowadays.
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>>323644 Kind of a normal thing to do, lad
>>323657 He lives on IN US!
>>323657 the white race will not forget his sacrifice
>>323664 fuck Ukraine
>>323664 The atrocious grammar in that headline.
>>323632 Sorry lad I’m away until tuesday Honestly I’d rather by home watching Gotham with the lads rn, but can’t
I'm assembling a team to hunt and become friends
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lads just put in work at the gym today a nigger tried to flex on me when he was walking by with his little clique of niglets and called me "boy", said, "get a good workout in boy?" and I stood up and looked at him and said, "yeah, but i'm not a boy, don't ever call me boy" and he just y-you too'd and walked away made him look like a beta male and asseted white race dominance in the gym.
>>323670 *nods towards you respectfully*
>>323670 smh lad he was just afraid to say something wrong incase you were a tranny
>>323673 I find these things so weird how you can kill someone and just get away with it like that
>>323672 Keeeeeeeeek.
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>>323672 https://youtu.be/mdwLxOK7xLc we need to get back to peak performance tbh. niggers have no business running their mouths to white men in their own countries.
niggers shouldn't even be in the same gyms, towns and even countries as white men.
*maddogs you and calls you boy again and escalates the situation to a battle to the death* just nigger things
>>323673 zogbot privlege, GWOT veterans are pure cancer. if that was a veteran of the falklands or american vietnam vet he would have gotten death penalty or life in prison
>>323678 yeah he bitched out though I could tell it was a fake suburban wannabe niglet trying to act puffed up
tbh I like that, just saying no to being called "boy", it really is an obvious way of trying to demean you
>>323681 It can be friendly if they're elderly tbh.
>>323682 yeah if some old nigger called me boy I would probably not mind but not getting called boy at age 32 by some scrawny 16 year old
>>323670 Good lad. I stare down every nigger and paki I see because they are still kinda rare in my area >>323673 >Junior For da war
>>323685 >'kills himself' why do they do the quotes? tbh though i want to know how he apparently did it. sounds like the filth were there in minutes, not that easy to top yourself quickly in a car unless he had a gun.
oh nononononononoonno
so nervous about tomorrow, better to be awake for it, which means I'll just not go to bed haha
Poombs made IRL OC. Is there still hope?
>>323686 good lad make them feel uncomfortable, its how shitskins always say that western michigan "is creepy", based chuds making them not feel welcome. never let the shitskins feel like they are "british"
no fair
>>323632 Wtf is he talking about here though?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBTVP5XsQHE The start of this made me keek.
>>323700 Wessex, Bins and 22st watch goyslop together and nobody else is invited
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>>323702 Everyone is invited, it’s just that we three are the only ones that always show up
>>323708 based vaxxmaxxer
>>323708 trying not to laugh
Wow what a amazing story
>>323711 keeeksmh if only the germans weren't so autistc that they absolutely had to gas jews to death and no other method at all would do
>>323711 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lmao ran out of gas
I've ran out of gas and I need to cook some left over chicken that I didn't eat last night because I was getting distinct Eraserhead vibes from it after having a bout of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome.
>>323697 keeeek not quite yet
Just found out how the dover guy killed himself >After the attack the man tied a rope around his neck attached to a metal pole and drove off, killing himself, the Reuters photographer said. literally >"I HATE NIGGERAAAAAAAACK"
>>323717 was it an immigrunt or some sort of activist type?
https://twitter.com/THEanjemC The most based BRIT of all time and preacher of the word of Mohammed (pbuh) is back on Twitter. Are Anjem is as British as darkcore jungle and speckled mitzis.
>>323720 hate mudsharts like him that act hard but if they did not have westoid governments and a multitude of organizations protecting them they wouldnt last long
the gooks claimed another smh
>>323724 That cake looks amazing tbh.
how can anybody defend democracy when it enables niggerslums and electronic voting machines to overwhelm the will of the people? this is the worst method of determining government ever devised, and it's overwhelmingly dominant
also look at this. big if true
>>323718 don't like this meme, fuck niggers. niggers don't belong in the western canon
>>323718 Shemites are not better off than Japhethites. That's the meaning of Galatians 3: 28
jews, poos- bad news
sneed chucks cheese and mustard sandwich with pickled onions and tomato relish and it's very nice >>323731 smh sick and tired of this tbh
>>323687 apparently he tied a rope to a bar in the petrol station then drove forward with it noosed around his neck
Morning lads. Another day of molotoving shitskins ahead.
>>323735 morning lad
>>323726 What a fucking farce. They were rehashing the 2019 Trump talking points in tandem again yesterday. Le FAR RIGHT Bolsanaro is going to ignore the results
Called out and he bottled it. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-63451982
>>323737 keeeek
>>323724 good. internationalist middle class student cunt.
Unironically seething about Victoria 3 tbh, soyim are excusing it as an economic simulator. This game is to an economic simulator as draughts is to chess. You have one move. One economic type. You literally just spend hours meeting demands from industry. Great if you're playing a command economy. Not great if you're playing literally anything else.
Have to make a phone call
>>323743 call the police and tell them to arrest all of the illegal migrants in Dover
>>323742 good things don't get made any more lad it was never going to be good >>323743 smh rip lad
>>323745 Yeah, the only redeeming factor is the map
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>>323742 its an unfinished game, deliberately released unfinished the game is just spend constantly clicking building new buildings, establishing and cancelling trade routes war is pretty much entirely RNG diplomacy is so bad, i ended up annexing countries purely by accident lol at least its reviews on steam are getting more and more negative each day, last i checked it was 63%
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took 3 sleeping pills last night when only supposed to take one my limbs are numb and i can barely move
>>323747 Yeah, I saw Wales randomly emerge in 1880 from a civil war keek
>>323749 wish i was big brained enough to make a video game fuck paradox
>>323750 tbh, might get into chess tbh can't beat the classics
>>323751 might larp as a game designer today and come up with a cool new strategy game
>tfw never been away from mummy unless she was on holiday or something but now I might have to move away to work I LOVE WORKING I LOVE BOSSMAN I LOVE DOING THINGS I DON'T WANT TO DO TO PUT FOOD ON THE TABLE EVEN IF THAT TABLE IS HOURS AWAY FROM MUMMY BY CAR
>>323742 >>323747 >the game is just spend constantly clicking building new buildings, establishing and cancelling trade routes this, it's just tedious micromanagement >oh fuck something is +75% price, better queue buildings for it and do trade routes in the meantime >oh wait I can't because bureaucracy. need bureaucracy buildings that need paper >oh now that the buildings built now the resource they use is +75% so I have to do it all over again >oh I have new production method that uses more resources, now that resource is +75% >oh I need more bureacracy, need more bureaucracy building it's just this shit over and over again constantly going in a circle trying to bring market prices to equilibrium but at best you're gonna get -50% to +50%. not enjoyable. "economic simultator" just annoying micromanagement. that's not what people play these map staring games for, the diplomacy and war is the interesting thing supplemented by some actual strategic thinking with the internal development which this construction/market aspects of the game are absolutely not
the only somewhat enjoyable element is the politics, and even then it's not particularly deep. you just decide what laws you want passed (the based ones) and you suppress the intelligentsia because they are gay liberals
Aaaahhhhhh, so Oolong was right…
>>323756 don't understand what he' on about but that's a jewish name so I hate
>>323724 burn the rice pay the price
>>323760 Fucking hell, it's that scene in Idiocracy.
>>323761 so this is how the west...... falls
>>323760 the breeder finds a way tbh, just make them
its so cold my knees hurt so much
>>323765 put on a jumper
>>323757 Twitter's board and execs claimed having >95% of real humans as daily active users. Musk said it wasn’t true and pulled out. The SEC will probably look into this matter punish the previous Twitter execs hopefully There’s obviously a lot of bots
>>323765 Put a jumper on your knees
>>323767 based
>>323754 Yeah, my game is chugging at 1880 and it's weird that they made the petite bourgeoise the "fascist" pop. Suspiciously marxist name too.
>>323773 that meme exists solely so libs can justify niggers robbing and murdering small business owners tbh. not even historically true, the fascists biggest voting base was working class women.
/newbrit/ troons strike again
>>323776 based tbh hope they get btfo by palestinians
https://youtu.be/Z-3-vEJ2ON8 a new incel joins the ranks
>Cousin doing a PhD in dog psychology keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Some doggies are happy Some doggies are sad When doggies are growling That means they are mad!
are dog psychologists like regular psychologists except catering to women who still want to do munchausen's-by-proxy despite being childless or is it one of those purely academic memi fields where the only job after graduation is as a professor teaching the next batch of morons?
>>323782 It's dog training essentially, like that spic who makes naughty dogs stop biting people >>323783 I like dogs but a lot of people go overboard with this shit
>>323784 back in my day that was just called a dog trainer and it didn't need some fancy degree
voluntoil done found an interesting figure for /brit/ologists to research, Noel Pemberton Billing, who was described by soyim as "Britain's 20th Century Alex Jones" now for neet torture toil fresh poshlass: Red Ice Halloween Special https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFlUmqbT2Lo
>>323785 tbh, it's all bollocks
went out for milk and butter and a druggy lad got up from his begging spot, fistbumped me and said "how are you"
women who take pictures of themselves breast feeding are doing it to show their tits off. No fucking way would I want to see a picture of myself sucking my mothers tit - baby or not.
>>323788 That was SA. Times have been hard since he lost board ownership smh
>>323782 Honk honk
>>323788 you've made a friend lad congratulations !
>>323786 reading about him and he sounds based tbh
>>323779 reminder that she is choosing to do this instead of having children and being a neet mom purely out of lisa simpson programming psyops
>>323783 I am 32 years old and I have never had a woman who wasn't my mummy care about me or treat me nice but women will literally massage a lower life form of a different species
raining and foggy today so boomer toil is cancelled, hopefully skullet boomer doesn't kill himself since he can't toilmaxx today to hide from the collapse of the west
UK prison population by race and religion
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>>323795 they smell the squanto on you and get repulsed. women have very acute sense of smell
>>323797 what is our 13/60 then? >>323798 >larp as a man >but not the hard parts as usual smh they should force ftms to work in coal mines
>>323797 doing the tough jobs lazy brits don't want to do >>323798 smh ridiculous
>>323794 Yeah, she said she doesn't want kids. She's the one who gaslit my race mixing cousin into being a cunt then attacked me for cutting her off. She has aspergers or something I'd bet too. Woman aspergers where you don't get any of the benefits of male autism. For example, I said "niggers and jews belong in zoos" and she replied "well you must really love them then because zooz are actually really good for helping animals". I wanted to joke that she agreed they're animals but having dealt with aspergers women I just blocked the fat cunt. GAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH >>323800 it's like 4/12 or something
>323799 >spic
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>>323802 women just reflexively defend the state because they are all married to the state.
>>323798 >all the medical industry scum larping like their jobs are hard in the replies
>>323800 Muslims: 4% general population, 17% prison population Hindus: 2% general population, 0% prison population Blacks: 3% general population, 12% prison population
>>323806 tbh this is like a common experience for millennial/gen z men having to see the lisa simpsons casually torture dogs by locking them in boxes all day long. this video is gold holy fuck
>>323795 >but women will literally massage a lower life form of a different species lad, a woman literally offered to give you a massage...
>>323788 homeless cunts pretend to know you to extort 50ps or cider cans, mostly from hip students
>>323808 >>323802 insane tbh don't trust those gen pop figures either tbh bet it's way more nowadays smh >>323809 yeah it's my favourite of that channel so far
>when they made me wait 4 hours in ER when I smashed my hand with a hammer and I just got up and left and bandaged it myself and reattached the nail myself after just getting first aid stuff at a shartmart and then the ER still billed me for just signing in
>>323814 it's just good business
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>>323810 oh yeah keeeek she looked like a melted wax doll though
>>323797 I wonder if the Hindu numbers are so low because the distance from Hindustan screens out much of their lower and naturally rougher classes.
>>323818 dutty explained that hinpoos are the most successful invader race because of their caste and family systems, so they work within the zog structure instead of being (obvious) criminals
why they are conservative vooters politically, because they have a good thing going and don't want more immigration from non-poo countries
thank you based gangster police state for this hand crafted seethe made just to further harass innocent NEETcels that have already given up.
>>323821 where is that?
>>323822 killburn
>>323823 i know, i'm seething too, but where is it?
they left a perfect blank space to write "niggers!"
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>>323824 keeeeeek here's your (You) lad
>>323825 Kek! I know that I personally would not be able to regularly walk past such a monstrosity without "psychotically" at least putting up a sticky note for the benefit of conscience and of the angels' witness, probably with something innocuous like "DEGENERACY" written on it. I've done such in similar situations before.
*sticky notes
>>323821 whoever destroys or defaces this abomination should get a medal
schnafternoon, lots on the radio about that dover lad, shame he never actually managed to do any damage, whole things a bit embarrassing tbh.
>>323831 obviously some apolitical nutjob. probably driven by excessive marijuana consumption.
>40k people have arrived across the channel so far this year
>>323832 indeed
one of my mates smokes weed every day and he's progressively become the biggest seethemong i've ever met. like he has enraged facial expression everytime he speaks and goes off on the smallest things that dont matter and needs to be calmed down. its a crime how the peaceful stoner meme ever existed.
he isnt even political he's frozen in permaseethe.
>>323836 A man can only live on a diet of seethe for so long
>>323835 yeah weed makes you insane in heavy does over long periods of time
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big up all ganjaman https://youtu.be/28NxKiuHe2Q
>>323767 what a lad
>>323840 what a BAD lad.
>>323841 that's what I meant tbh
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>323843 >thumbnail
>>323844 These cunts are just surreal
>>323711 >>323731 >>323732 tbh >>323769 tbh >>323797 smh I wonder what fraction of the violent and sexual crimes are committed by that 4% >>323808 12 do 60 is violent crime tho, not prison pop
>>323848 >census will already be 2 years out of date when it comes out
>>323849 can you read, it'll be 1 year out of date
>>323850 im rounding up lad
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getting a pizza supper
>>323856 valid counterpoint tbf
https://youtu.be/SHs2QFcDK_8 TOMORROW WE RIDE, FOR DOVER
angrily seething at the world because I've met my carb limits for the day and am still hungry tbh the jews will pay for this
mfw i see a chud
>>323860 imagine steamrolling them
>>323860 What is the background of this? What is he saying?
you lads watching the news, they are going all in on this illegal migration stuff, its all reaching fever pitch, that lads cheeky molotovs may have actually pushed things over the edge, the migrants might start a riot
>>323863 >What is he saying? "you stupid fucking chud" >What is the background of this? I saw a chud
>>323864 would never subject myself to the MSM tbh but keep us in the loop la
>my ex has been bogged That's really fucking disturbing lads. Like, death mask levels of disturbing
>>323867 fakecel
>>323867 it's deano culture lad you wouldn't get it
>my ex
why are they trying so hard to oust the home secretary?
>>323871 just political panto for the normalfags tbh, there were call ins on the radio earlier saying shes the "far right of the far right" total clown country tbh
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>>323867 Bogged?
another mass sharting in london >Brixton shooting: Two men dead as police start hunt for gunman >A Deliveroo driver working near the scene told the PA Media agency he knew one of the victims, who had been making his last delivery of the day when he died. >Paulo Silva, 42, described him as a "good boy" and "young" and said he had been planning to go to Brazil in December. >Speaking at the cordon Ch Supt Colin Wingrove told reporters there is nothing to suggest the Deliveroo rider was an intended target. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-63451427
really dont reckon it'll be long before politics just explicitly becomes divided on ethnic lines tbh
>>323878 nah, they'll just be more open about ruling over us, the tories seem to be dropping even pretending to care about immigration
>>323878 unlikely, you'll always have based minorities and traitor whites. even in haiti you had whites supporting the slave revolt down until the moment they were massacred.
>>323864 Avoiding checkpoints by crossing in inflatable rafts is already riotous behaviour, tbh
i guess its over then..
> earlier this year Rotherham was named the ‘Children’s Capital of Culture’
>>323882 the first lebanese civil war in 1958 was between the rightist coalition and the leftist coalition. the second in 1975 was purely between ethnic/religious groups.
>>323883 deliberate propaganda effort aimed solely at demoralising indigenous britons tbh
>>323884 tbh..
>>323883 who decided and announced this award? add them to the list
>>323872 hello fellow lbc listener
>>323890 VGH..... MY QVEEN
>>323889 haven't listened since Farage left, myself
>>323893 I listen to this poison daily >Ferrari >O'Brian >turn it off
>>323890 who is she?
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we need an effortpost about lebanon like the algeria post
>people setting off fireworks on the high street >>323895 a BASED wombyn
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>pissing it down with rain so no fireworks
>>323898 how based are we talking? jq?
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>women >based in any way
>>323900 yeah listen to the video got her start protesting cancellation in universities and is now hairs away from wignat, she uploaded varg talking about white genocide keeke
>>323902 cheers based
>>323889 >ywn smash brainless o'potato's knackers in with your steelies
>>323907 Maybe LBC could have a competition with that as the prize.
>>323909 based
>>323909 >ZOGermans compiling a list of twatterers who might be worth following thanks retards, very cool!
>>323909 >richard spencer keeek
>>323915 that's it im going to brazil and sorting things out myself
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probably a nothingburger unless it destabalized the rio de la plata and gran chaco region then it will become a spic meatgrinder.
>>323916 Woah... Bolsonaro needs me? I'll do it. I'm Bolsonaro's top guy.
are bolsochuds doing anything violent? spics were making it sound like they were going to be all men at work if he lost
seems to show regional conflict in hueniggerland which is connected to the gran chaco claims since the bigger part of hueniggerland would never let the southern part leave since they would lose access to gran chaco and its petro
>>323919 just two more weeks
rest your heads cupcakes
>>323919 spics just imitate gringos I think so it will probably be just them coping online about they wouldn't try that in my favela
>>323923 its literally "they wouldnt try that in the south"
>>323925 keeek yeah they are posting exactly as you say on 4chud rn lmao. fucking hypocritical shitskin faggots.
breaking political gun battles breaking out across brazil, road blocks have been established in Sao Paolo by far right group Los Bolos de Copo and Lula is currently hiding deep in the Amazon. the murder rate remains the same.
Has anyone seen that video of a robber in brazil getting his moped stolen as he's sticking a place up?
probably more likely the election was fake in brownzil than america tbh.
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>>323929 why not both?
>>323931 because trump was actually just shitty the second time. shit campaign, promised a 100 billion to niggers and never talked about the issues people liked and largely had little to show for his first 4 years. that and the covid/blm riots just proved his uselessness.
>>323932 him being shite doesn't mean that there wasn't massive corruption and fraud going on, there's plenty of evidence for that
niggers (even by brazilian standards) are looting and rioting in celebration https://twitter.com/ENIAQUINO/status/1587164378100629505
Bolsonaro's blokes would easily win in a civil war tbh, he has countryside chuds and south Brazilian rich fags
yeah I bet those south brazilians are some tough SOBs probably real workin' man type guys.
looked up local news in Salvador, Bahia (where the video of the bolsonarists being lynched is supposedly from) and there's an article claiming "two deaths during celebratory gunfire".
>>323937 oh right I forgot for a moment that globalshites control everything and nothing fun or kino ever happens
>>323937 trust the suprasao plano
>>323940 >for a brief moment, visions of the /brit/brigade appeared in my eyes, os falklanders, legions of rosbif, ready for a scrap and a few tins of lager beer >gone immediately we're never ever going to have any fun again are we
>>323942 maybe a few minutes of individual quiet struggles against the zogsi patrols when it finally comes down to gulag time
thoughts on this guy?
>>323944 should make up with mark and lead the deniable asset daftie squadrons
According to news Bolsonaro is silent, also they're unanimously saying this Lula faggot will save Brazil's economy >>323944 He was a literal autist who was constantly apologetic for being a nationalist and got voted out of BNP leadership for constantly fucking up and becoming obsessed with gimics to the cost of most things
also he should sell cool capes at cost to all basedlads
>>323945 >>323946 >>323947 cheers, I'd vote for him again.
>>323948 He ran off to Poland just like Mosely ran off to France
>>323944 he did really well until he fucked it up completely and wasted all the money the BNP had on stupid shit like that TV channel and the radio etc, it could've been like FN in France etc but instead it just got sidelined
>>323949 Does he have a Polish trad wife?
>>323950 >TV channel and the radio pre Internet boomer thinking
>>323950 FN had people that took part in terrorist orgs in Algeria and included the 1961 coup plotters and one of their founders were assassinated by Mossad. Not really comparable to the UK situation.
>>323953 and dont forget a former Rottenführer in the Waffen-SS Charlemagne Division, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Bousquet
draw prediction for 2023
>>323944 needs to just release more comfy cooking videos tbh
lots of based white gen alpha kids coming and getting candy at mummies house rn
lots of ninjas and firemen and princesses
>>323958 based. it's been raining here so we only got two families
>>323944 He killed the BNP via a single question time appearance In recent years he's been a fantastic listen whether agreeable or not >>323912 keeeking everytime I see this soyjak a friend drew it of me, dunno who posted it but it's surreal to see it in the wild now
>>323960 tbh its a massive white pill literally all whitoids rn zero foreigners or shitskins, 'ate how normalfags tried to make american halloween into some degenerate coomer holiday when its really a middle classoid/working classoid white neighborhood trust building festival
>>323955 is that his boyfriend?
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>>323953 the BNP in the very beginning had support from ex collaborators and British socialites who flirted with the nazis and mosley, tyndall fucked it up by making it into a hooligan firm. The thing about the FN and the OAS is that it was full of regular, ordinary professionals from all class backgrounds, students, soldiers, artisans, etc. The OAS terrorists, even the right wing student mobs of cold war france, were full of bright young professionals, cultured thugs etc. Britain slipped into football hooliganism and gangsterism rather than building a cadre of hardcore professionals who could act effectively without needing a football game or a piss up to organise.
what's wrong with her belly?
>>323965 full of aryan cum
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>>323964 did BNP get gladio money like continental eurofag nationalist groups did? probably not
>>323964 Terrible grammar. Unless you really are a bluepilled normie.
>>323968 gladio wasn't money it was legal protection in most countries and an actual commando stay behind programme for countries it was believed the soviets would invade, mainly via paratroopers into countries like Turkey, Benelux, Italy, etc. It mutated into fascist militias and extreme government influence (In places like Turkey with the Grey Wolves) but since England was most likely to be subjected to strategic bombing rather than Soviet invasion and occupation, and England also had it's own gladio programme actually. Lord Selborne remarked to Clement Attlee in the late 1940s that he had British agents and sympathisers across the globe ready to do their duty for the Empire, to which Attlee informed him that he had 48 hours to discharge the operatives and shut down the network. There were countless operatives incorporated into bogus military units across Britian and the Commonwealth in the form of fake home guard, civil defence, search and rescue organisations, etc. In fact Gladio itself was partly inspired by said British experiences during the Second World War. >>323971 I'm having a wank fuck off
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>wanking as he effortposts
>>323972 keeeek lad
stop the invasion
>>323973 I'm always wanking, constantly keeping my cum at the ready for the moment I might have even the slightest chance of impregnating a lassie with the scion of arthur.
>>323972 I think that it was proven the IRA/PIRA was able to get some gladio connections in the form of weapons and funds though
still interesting factiod effort post
>>323975 Said by the BASED TORY TM facilitating it.
Even earlier toil than usual
>>323975 This is the face of the NATIONAL FRONT in government fifty years later, shame, shame, shame!
someone has a 360 view youtube livestream of the korean crush lmfao
>>323972 Gladio was defo money. Sent by CIA fronts to parties and orgs who opposed communists. It was also an ideological centrum.
this is the home secretary if Labour wins ge
>>323983 keeeking at this lad
he made that face just after somebody started screaming too
>>323985 Couldn't be worse.
i doubt if Suella is an improvement over mummy Patel
>>323989 neither of them have any business in political offices in britain though
fucking shitskin trash
>>323956 >muh boats meanwhile there are much more than 10 times as many LEGAL shitskin immigrants everything fucking sucks. Bolsonaro bitched out, Elon might not let us say nigger, Russia is STILL just holding the line. the Jews ALWAYS win, nothing good ever happens, they have some kind of magic power to just always win and all us goyim can do is suffer
>>323994 faggot
>>323995 dispute my point then
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>>323994 here goes my no nut november
>>323992 I hate her so much, precisely because she's exactly the kind of woman I'm attracted to. >>323956 Erm, like, pretty sure this is an invasion.
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>>324000 nice milk
look at the pavement slab of a face
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what's the point anymore, what's the point in preparing for nothing, what's the point in not having hedonistic fun to forget the fact that even if we somehow managed to have children, England wont be a country fit to raise them in, i'm so tired
now here is some proper milk
>>324003 never give up lad you just have to level up in this shitty incel warband grind and then you get to start a new game with a better setup
(2.53 MB 1984x997 0.png)

>>324002 yeah gooks/yayoi are quite ugly- flat, rectangular pan faces. jomon japs are more agreeable
>>324003 stop being a mong and try thinking on my IQ level and you'll figure it out
japs are the most handsome race of asians, one of the most handsome race of people on earth tbh up there with nords and italians
(3.00 MB 540x300 x9999.gif)

>>324007 *kills you with my mind powers*
>>323999 >I hate her so much, precisely because she's exactly the kind of woman I'm attracted to. Incel stereotype smh.
>>324006 >attempt to rename file to "jomon yayoi.png" and place into my Bioanthro folder >accidentally name file "jomon yaoi"
>>324011 faggotry confirmed
>>324010 It's true though, and I'm not even an incel. Just a failed pmc normie. I'm good-looking enough to attract women, just too much of an autistic extremist to keep them.
you would I know
>>324013 iktf as soon as I start talking its like their normalfag shields activate and form a barrier
>>324006 Interesting infograph. Didn't know there were japs on the left that close to huwhite.
>>324006 that yayoi in white could get it tbh she has an ice queen kind of vibe to her I want her to look upon me with disdain when I fuck her
>>324012 the y didn't press, it's because of the jews' magical power >>324013 >just too much of an autistic extremist to keep them. that's my concern. I want physical intimacy with a girl but I don't understand what to do with a gf and how to hide power level. like she's naturally going to be curious about what I spend my time doing and I can't just show her imageboards and be like, "yeah I do racisms and hate on everything, check out all of these le ebin memes, this one says nigger hahaha" >>324016 yeah it's the Ainu, indigeneous population of Hokkaido, Kurils, and northern Honshu, maybe the entire Japanese archipelago if you go far back enough. they're a racial anamoly with some similarities to Europeans, some say they are ancient Aryans and others just say it's a coincidence and that they are more similar to other Pacific islanders
>>324013 #MeToo
>>324017 tbh ww2 cosplay type shit get all sunburnt and sweaty and unshaven and get that gaijin smell all over her with my k-bar in my teeth looking for gold fillings in my gook bitch
>>324018 >it's a coincidence and that they are more similar to other Pacific islanders explain the blond maori
Ainu are most similar to Australian Aborigines.
>>324013 >autistic extremist never mention politics with a woman
>>324023 yeah there's no real reason to but I still don't get like what are you supposed to do and talk about? other than cuddle and have sex, there has to be some buildup to that and other things you do other than just small talk. anime is popular among zoomer foids so that's one thing to create a cuddle/fug environment, but what else? other than cliche date ideas like dinner, nature walk, zoo/aquarium
>>324024 just make her talk and make listening noises she will love it
>>324024 you should take them on 20 mile hikes through the Pennines
ask her if you can teach her wrestling moves
>>324026 women can't walk 20 miles. maybe a 5 mile hike, 10 if she's an athletic girl. then afterwards you can peel those sweaty socks off and get sniffin' and lickin', mmm
>>324028 10 mile hike at best
>>324030 sounds shit
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hmm this is still up on twitter, maybe Elon is doing something after all >>324031 no
I am calling O'Brien tomorrow and tell him to shut up when a woman of colour is speaking.
>>324033 OK nigger
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alright I nutted on halloween to prime myself for a successful No Nut November. you lads had better do NNN, don't want to see weakness from this board
Thank you for defending our democracy, Tyrone.
smorbing today's neet torture is a clownish variety event on "ways to cope with the cost of living crisis" I bet they will tell me to not sit on the computer all day, as if I have anything else to do in my life >>324036 reading the onionfarms thread on null made me keek a lot jewsh has a long history of being a complete fuckup ultrasperg even before the failed 8chan next gambit
had a dream i joined some cool prod cult and got a nice wife and saved the white rice
>>324043 smorbing lad smh sounds hellish >>324044 based
is spic permaban on sight yet? seems like most of his posts are about feet or something
>>324003 You're a talking cat?
another day another set of pointless UI changes to yidtube this time it's pointless highlighting and rounded boxes on everything
>>324040 *screams*
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We won't die quietly.
fresh other poshlass H.P. Lovecraft's Cat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSB8L6OYxlg
>daughter of albion *cringe*
>>324053 >wifyo divorcio
Wonder how many police helicopters this lot brought down
(2.59 MB 800x450 basedbasedbased.gif)

>take a pic of me talking with these animals it's not Greta
wish i was in paraguay at the end of the paraguayan war
>>324058 I know nothing about that but I assume it's because there was a lot of rape.
>>324059 something like 90% of their male population died during the war
>with the death of most of Paraguay's male population, the Paraguayan War distorted the sex ratio to women greatly outnumbering men and has impacted the sexual culture of Paraguay to this day. Because of the depopulation, men were encouraged after the war to have multiple children with multiple women, even supposedly celibate Catholic priests.
>>324040 so that's why he sounded like a troon.
>>324063 comfy boomer cowboy, you can't live a life like that anymore.
>>324061 That's one hell of a genetic bottleneck.
schmorn, cheese toastie and now choccy orange with milk, and its very nice
>>324067 good lad luv choccy oranges tbh
"cost of living" event predictably pointless govt has ditched even the pretence of council housing for benniebeasts and the only way you can get on the register is if you are a rapefugee/"person at risk of homelessness" (a darkie) >>324066 wouldn't the only male survivors be the rat cunts and cowards who fled instead of fought smh wonder what they are like as a demographic today
>>324069 Probably, I mean it's either that or the toughest lads that managed to survive such an apocalyptic scenario.
>>324069 >wouldn't the only male survivors be the rat cunts and cowards who fled instead of fought smh lad the country was led by a complete psycho dictator
>>324073 keeeeeeeeeek fucking cringe
fresh keeks think this lad comes from /brit/ but can't remember whomst https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb0t9yyXNEc
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>>324057 >it's not Greta You don't say!
>>324077 morning lad
Hey lil Dorsie! Did ginger lass ever get back to you!?
I've had a toilet accident!! 🤓🤓🤓🤓
not bussin frfr
>jews outraged at jewish home secretary Keeeeking hard at this plank’s twatter t/l tbh Wish they’d all fuck off https://twitter.com/Samfr
elites really showing their hand with this overt push for open borders
>>324084 Lol that foreign accent
>>324090 we are hitting the point in time where the tories become openly pro-invasion and any criticism of any kind of migration is illegal
>50b30c Filtered
>>324083 god i hate jews so much
>>324089 Who owns the Metro?
(20.21 MB 540x360 55 days at peking.mp4)

>An aggressively Jewish retard has been impersonating FIlthyFrank for several years and making ad revenue shekels from piggybacking on his past success
>>324100 honestly surprising it took this long tbh
>>324100 I don't get it, all available data but not country of birth and nationality?
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>>324100 feeling a bit daft
>>324104 don't think about it too hard, chuddy
>my boyfriend has a yeast infection i thought his cock tasted acidic smh
would be kino if rishi got btfo tbh it would be the year of the 4 pms and 2 monarchs, many happenings this year tbh
>>324110 >4 pms and 2 monarchs >not the slightest deviation in the way the country is run
>>324111 >4 gfs and 2 bfs in one year >not the slightest deviation in the way my orgasm is had
>>324113 Kys b*sexual degenerate.
>giving him (you)s c'mon mancs
*treats you to a delicious ice cream for saving the white race*
>>324116 how many scoops are that?
>>324114 i'll go and drown in pussy and thick black cock
BBK having another one of his "episodes"?
>>324086 keeek really?
Just found out Musk's first kid died, and one of the twins that came after is now a troomer that's disowned him. Imagine the range of emotions over the last 2 decades for him smh.
>>324113 >>4 gfs and 2 bfs in one year >not the slightest deviation in the way my orgasm is had umm, what?
*opens the thread* ... *leaves the thread*
breeders will inherit the world
sneeders will inherit the chuck
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*reads islamic occult book*
Demography data releases at 9:30 am tomorrow
fresh morgoth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD_WI11SLjU hitherto untapped morgoth resources https://morgoth.substack.com
>>324129 >hitherto untapped morgoth resources read 2 articles already actually
>>324130 good lad
>can just bypass the article paywalls on substack with archive.is Checkmate e celebs
>CT taking over the investigation on the dover "attack" hes been named too
(1.59 MB 974x1668 Demolition Job.webm)

Twitter and Facebook Had Regular Meetings with Feds on Censoring Americans >Executives from Facebook and Twitter, including the recently-fired head of trust & safety Vijaya Gadde, held regular meetings with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to discuss censorship on a wide range of topics, including the withdrawal from Afghanistan, coronavirus, and “racial justice,” according to leaked documents. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2022/10/31/report-twitter-and-facebook-had-regular-meetings-with-dhs-on-censoring-americans/
>>324134 leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel
>>324136 who woulda thought
>>324134 that garter tattoo is just so, so slutty
watched the first episode of welcome to the nhk
>Peter Hitchens' Half Hour | 31-October-22 https://youtu.be/WP10SLPWoSY
>>324136 But of course. It's an oligarchy
FARAGE LIVE ON GB NEWS 1ST NOVEMBER https://youtu.be/oV3scvsKRtM
*waits for wess*
>>324140 Good lad, been a long time since i watched it but i remember liking it a lot. Have you seen Usagi drop? Would recommend for being wholesome and Shinzo-pilled.
>>324147 no but looks good and similarly relies on premises that never happen in real life
chewed mastic gum for a good while, masseters are fatigued. I really need to figure out the tongue aspect of mewing though... I'm gonna start mouth-taping tonight to really make sure I don't mouth breathe at all anymore, that's the first step. it's so hard to keep tongue sucked up to roof of mouth for longer than 30 seconds
>start doing washing up >immediately drop and smash a mug
>324149 spic
>>324134 based at least they didn't bonk her on the head
>finished kitchentoil after cleaning up shattered shards >leave >step on shard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRq1Ksh-32g just have to hope my grotty footpad calluses are tuss enuss to prevent wounding
>>324160 and that's a good thing
get it together
reading about israel, did you guys know it was founded by a bunch of immigrants that just legally bought land from the ottomans and the ottoman authority brushed off local palestinian concerns????
>>324167 the fate of all spic posters
won't be a seacow in like, idk a week now
>>324169 dark times
This is how (((Time))) magazine portray Suella Braverman for her minute proposed changes to illegal immigrant policy
>>324171 fake news
>>324160 turning into weimart
JQ related hashtag is trending on twatter
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Security_Administration_(Yugoslavia) insane how many people these guys managed to kill overseas. from argentina to south africa 100+ yugoslav seperatists of all it's nations who lived abroad were murdered.
smorning lads >>324180 smh that's disgusting
>>324180 only the mosin nagant revolver really actually suppresses
I am a poorfag but also a rugerfag they are the only amerishit company that still makes decent guns for poorfags
>>324182 not a surprise to anybody tbh
>>324186 are lad

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