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Britain can be a lot better than this.

brit/pol/ #3800: Momento Mori Edition Anonymous 11/08/2022 (Tue) 19:53:52 Id: ce357c No. 326526
Comrades, the voices of the dead battalions, Of those who fell that Britain might be great, Join in our song, for they still march in spirit with us, And urge us on to gain the fascist state! Join in our song, for they still march in spirit with us, And urge us on to gain the fascist state! We're of their blood, and spirit of their spirit, Sprung from that soil for whose dear sake they bled, Against vested powers, Red Front, and massed ranks of reaction, We lead the fight for freedom and for bread! Against vested powers, Red Front, and massed ranks of reaction, We lead the fight for freedom and for bread! The streets are still, the final struggle's ended; Flushed with the fight we proudly hail the dawn! See, over all the streets the fascist banners waving, Triumphant standards of our race reborn! See, over all the streets the fascist banners waving, Triumphant standards of our race reborn!
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:48:06.
>wessie died 2 years ago
>>326526 >>326528 indeeeeeeeed
>>326526 good lad
how about some gook cartoons tonight
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>gook cartoons
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bitcoin crashing again lol
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fresh scambo teasing paywalled content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyjZ9WdiA2U
>>326532 The old man isn't bad lad. The plot centers on Jeff Bridges getting put on a hitlist for cucking some afghan leader during the soviet invasion.
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>>326532 whats on the menu
>>326532 we're already seen that
well we watched 99% of it together but then Bins and another lad decided to watch the last 2 episodes without me because they are cunts smh *screams*
>>326541 hm Jormungand perhaps, I think it's like black lagoon
>>326543 Didn't care for black lagoon. Stop suggesting things I say no to
>>326537 that ep came out like a month ago. ive seen every single episode for free and not parted with a single cent
>>326544 run out of decent things on my list then smh unless you want to try my chinky show I was skeptical of esports drama as a concept but it works Quanzhi Gaoshou The King's Avatar >Widely regarded as a trailblazer and top-tier professional player in the online multiplayer game Glory, Ye Xiu is dubbed the "Battle God" for his skills and contributions to the game over the years. However, when forced to retire from the team and to leave his gaming career behind, he finds work at a nearby internet café. There, when Glory launches its tenth server, he throws himself into the game once more using a new character named "Lord Grim."
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mummy gretchen finna facesit that whore tudor dixon and queef in her mouth
>>326547 it's goytham slop time tbh don't think
>>326485 watch mushoku tensei, it's the only truly good isekai >>326520 keeeek
>spic and his shit taste
toil complete and just voomted
>>326535 based, I considered buying some the other week seeing as it had levelled off a bit, but decided not to as it was still twice the price of 3 years ago and it could still go down further glad for being hesitant with that treacherous beast now I wonder how many people bought in during the last few months >>326504 maybe try and get a job with PA for your last year the worst that could happen is little zoggies slander your meatsuit in life and in death if reincarnation is real, you get to come back and kick their teeth in with a new one if reincarnation is fake and gay, then it won't matter either way >>326552 did they count it?
>>326552 goodlad hope you did it on someone else's car
>>326551 it's rated 8.37 on MAL so I can't be the only one that thinks it was good
>because other people like it and I like it that means it's good I knew it, spic is one of the niggercattle
wessie is dying
>>326556 it's good because I like it, but other people liking it is supporting evidence. like if you feel a hot burning pain on your foot then you foot is probably on fire and if you see that there are flames engulfing your foot then that is supporting evidence that confirms your hypothesis
thank God for filters
>spic just admitted he's a nonce wish I hadn't looked under that filter tbh
>>326560 Where
another family friend died yesterday it's the time of year smh
>>326561 326558 >>326562 smh COVID gets another
>>326560 it's not nonce, people are just sensitive soyim mongs that go on a moral crusade over cartoons
>A child molestation fantasy story decorated with some generic isekai elements. >The story begins portraying a horrible middle-aged pedophile with the main flaws being a recluse (hikikomori) + leech living off his parents (neet) + literal pedophile.
Going to need evidence
just go away spic for fucks sake
uh. yikes
>>326565 that's a gross mischaracterization by some leddit soyim. these are the people that think it's "creepy" for a guy in his mid 20's to date an 18 year old basically the first season of mushuko tensei, the loser neet gets hit by a bus and gets isekai'd into a baby in magic fantasy world. he enjoy sucking his mother's boobs and learns magic, all the while pretending that he's just a baby when he's actually a grown man in a baby's body. throughout the first season he grows up and sniffs the panties of his magic teacher, which is basically the extent of what these soyim are chimping out about saying that it's "nonce". it's a fucking cartoon then the second season continues the story with the protagonist all grown up and at this point the isekai element is almost gone and it's just a good fantasy anime
>>326553 start buying at the middle of this month
>>326567 tbh nobody here cares what he has tos ay
I'm not going to be opening those posts but you better be repenting spic >>326572 good advice, sounds legit, will follow and report back >>326573 tbh
wish I became a baby
>>326575 what is this from?
>>326576 wdhmbt? >>326577 I would also like to know this is it presented as a comedy or Britain is... le bad?
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>>326577 steiner posted it in the last thread
>girl complaning to me about period pains while I have incelitus
>>326582 tell her you will solve her period pains by making her pregnant
>>326582 tell her you can make the pain go away, then when she says 'how?' you say by getting her pregnant
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>>326582 shut her up with your willy
>>326583 see wessex? we have the same thoughts
NO I'm not like him he's NOT WHITE
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shut up incels
>>326582 rip lad tell her to check her female privilege before complaining next time
This whole wessie dying thing is like that episode of spongebob where he eats a pie and squid ward thinks hes going to die
>>326589 I'm pure white. you're just jealous because I have the southern european phenotype that women sexually select for
>>326593 wouldn't know because I don't watch children's cartoons
is that gook lover from the last thread still here, pathetic creature.
he should be permabanned for thinking dagos are somehow better than anglos in any way
>>326595 you didn't watch childrens cartoons when you were a child?
spic takes any opportunity he can get to shit on anglos
Wessies entire life story is being hoisted by his own petard
>>326598 we got sky tv but in frogland so everything was an hour behind I remember malcolm in the middle and the game show with the raven guy in it and that's it
>>326593 the one where squidward eats the krabby patties and his legs explode
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>>326597 butthurt
>>326581 saw he posted the gif but never the name of the source
spic filterd
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>>326605 i fucking hate him so much holy fucking shit he needs permabanning
>superior med genes that are so chad and sexy that he never dares to leave his basement in case a single ray of light touches him and he turns into a nigger
I like to imagine he opens his basement windows when women walk past in his mcsuburb and he shouts "COME TO MY BASEMENT SEXY JIRL I AM 100% EUROPEAN" from behind the blackout curtains
its always written in english because the last time dagos were relevant was in the 16th century over 500 years ago
>>326608 nonsense, opening his basement windows would mean potential sunlight damaging his skin, better not to risk it
>>326609 what was the vooting for lad?
>>326611 which CIA woman would be responsible for CBTing the entirety of the michigan white male population
seething so much about the end to the enterprise series. was watching it before bed after boomer toil to relax and the writers just randomly killed off the only good character in the series after ruining his character for a whole season. smh they should have just ended it after the xindi season. >>326611 governor, mayor, representatives, abortion shite in my state, term limits for legistators in my state congress, local zoning rules.
>>326607 just the other day I was walking and I saw these two attractive girls, one spicc in shorts with nice legs and the other pretty white with light eyes, I was checking them out and the pretty white one smiled at me
>>326613 They actually let you directly voote for legislation?
>>326615 it depends, most things are done by representatives but a few specific things are put on the ballot for some reason. for me it was authorizing spending taxpayer money on some bullshit
there was a poojeet runing for mayor who wasn't even a citizen I believe. fuck this gay earth. good thing he was a meme candidate compared to the leftist WEF chicago-obama-rahm emauel cabal faggots
>>326615 yeah whether it goes to the state legislature. the leftists in shitagain are trying to push a really radical baby killer rule through and voter shite voted no on both of them
>>326617 >who wasn't even a citizen Is that legal?
>>326612 dana nassel our state health authority cunt is literally mossad. same with elissa slotkin
>>326618 can the state legislature throw it out after it's brought before them?
>>326621 I think so but I think that is more national
>>326619 borders are racist
>>326620 nassel looks like such a stereotype. proper swarthy grinch look.
>>326624 What's the point even having a government at that point? What are they even governing?
>>326618 what was the baby killing law? Are they working their way to post natal abortion or something?
>>326626 I don't think it was a serious candidate but poojeets are doing this very heavily in north america now especially in canada
vhy yuo no vote me mayor? I coming america since 2 years
(1) Every individual has a fundamental right to reproductive freedom, which entails the right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to pregnancy, including but not limited to prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion care, miscarriage management, and infertility care. An individual’s right to reproductive freedom shall not be denied, burdened, nor infringed upon unless justified by a compelling state interest achieved by the least restrictive means. … “(2) The state shall not discriminate in the protection or enforcement of this fundamental right. * * * “(4) For the purposes of this section: A state interest is “compelling” only if it is for the limited purpose of protecting the health of an individual seeking care, consistent with accepted clinical standards of practice and evidence-based medicine, and does not infringe on that individual’s autonomous decision-making.
>>326630 'ate them simple as me and chudlet have been drawing cocks and swastikas on the building paper before we put up the siding on the house. also drawing skullet boomer shooting all the dems
>>326628 lad what is this from? >>326575
>>326632 keeek based
>>326633 I think its from a bollywood movie
>>326631 So basically they want free reign to electively abort kids to be protected by the state.
>>326632 based, if short-lived as an artistic movement because the houses will fall down within 10 years and the nigger hordes will not appreciate your æsthetic works within the rubble >>326635 probably
>>326636 yeah even partial birth
>>326635 poo movies are so cringe when they portray whites
>>326639 yeah colonel dyer did nothing wrong
>>326638 >halfway through pooing out a baby she decides the pain is too much effort and gets its head chopped off with giant scissors I bet predatory "health services" would take it further like women screaming MAKE IT STOP or IT'S SO PAINFUL or whatever copes they have when giving birth means that it's okay to get out the industrial strength whisking machine and put it into the vag and blend the baby up
>>326639 I wish we'd been that brutal, they'd be better off now because they wouldn't be stuck in the malthusian trap and blaming us for their lack of living standards.
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this is the sanpaku eyes psycho milf applying for mummy of my state, she's not gonna win though 'cause the nigger cattle are gonna vote for the gay jew like they do every time for why the fuck I have no idea why any whiteoid would vote for democrats
Trump should just demand to 1v1 Joe
>>326580 Kek very based
>>326645 Ok ty
>>326649 >English language text >English film and computer technology
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>>326652 this mong literally kill himself in front of his mom and family over a 5/10 bitch hope he burns in hell
>>326654 what did the woman do tbh
even if she was a 10/10 it was a mong move. diogenes was right about women obsessed faggots, they forget that the gods gave a gift to pan to cure him of his urge fapping
>>326655 dump him its one thing to just an hero but to do this lazy theatrical suicide over a bitch is peak GWOT zogbot faggot
at that point, why not just kidnap her and keep her in a rape dungeon
>>326657 theatrical is a good word for it tbh
hope his dog was okay
>>326659 yeah he waited until all this family was watching and then did the ultimate ego thing. if he was a real incel chad he would have just done it quietly because nobody would care. just a spoiled soft faggot hurting people who obviously care about him. all for a roasted hole. rather be a virgin forever than burn in hell over a roast
the beard tells you everything
tbh I would like to be able to go fast like him instead of writhing in pain for possibly months on a hospital bed or whatever
what the fuck. had no idea he did that tbh smh thought it was just SOCIETY that fucked him over but how he did it and why is just cringe smh
yeah he was just some pog zogbot who aged out of the free college boyscouts and realized the rest of his life wasn't school or the military so he probably did the typical normalfag thing and hid from developing hobbies or interests in life, or even the meaning of life itself in a rom-com head canon shite
>>326663 you still can. one last mission for the white race
>>326666 keek smh looking up post offices now
>>326664 yeah he was on zoom with his mom when he blew his head off lad I hope he is roasting in hell and stalin and pol pot are bumming him with a hammer drill
the incident still has some incel lessons in it tbh >male cries for attention result in actual suicide >female cries for attention result in hospital visits for cross-cuts and wine and pill overdoses
remembering that number one cause of death for white men across the anglosphere is suicide again
>>326672 The duat awaits you lad
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>>326677 lisa simpsons completely and utterly took over the museum profession
you will never get anyway in museums as a white man today especially a polface.
>>326679 Steiner what do they want us to do? https://youtu.be/SWSvcg6Z-qk
>>326678 >>326679 >>326680 I'm just watching it for titties
yeah she is decent lass hope she had kids.
>>326681 https://youtu.be/ge4ynDhFVsg we let the chorus become the main character lad, its over.
so many of the lisa simpson museum lasses just become cool wine aunts
>>326679 one of my voluntoils is in one and it literally is entirely women doing zoom calls and sending emails I thought I'd be allowed to do data entry in the office now they're on winter opening hours and are closed on my toilday but no keek I sat alone at reception to toil while they got yet another woman to help them in the office
>>326688 fucking bitch being a smug foid for no reason other than to shit on innocent history-enjoying autists
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>>326679 >>326679 >white man today especially a polface he made it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpe7fevbReA
>>326688 would be funny if he wrote "i didn't mean you, fatty ..." or "did i mention i'm rich?*
are there any based election night streams?
>chen and southern
>>326696 >carl and callum
>>326699 carl benjamin who wouldn't rape callum the travelling manlet
>>326700 don't know the second one, don't watch the first
Alex Jones live coverage https://tv.infowars.com/index/live
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>>326703 based
>>326703 >>326705 how JUSTed is he?
>promo code 1776 for your extra patriot points
>>326707 and 10% off
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>>326706 he just seems the same as ever tbh
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>>326708 need to get some more Super Male Vitality tbh
>>326711 based
Why are American elections so disorganised? Run out of paper?
>>326706 He played a bender in his most recent film so he is probably all kinds of messed up
>>326713 Because America isn't a democracy.
>>326713 yeah, elections here are so much more transparnet like with our elected leader Rish Sunak
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>>326654 >>326655 >>326657 >>326652 looks like she has downs
>>326654 >this mong literally kill himself in front of his mom and family over a 5/10 bitch what's this story ?
>>326719 he killed himself
no shut up I dont care about this attention whore faggot fuck off
are you praying for the transmission?
>>326720 in front of his mom?
>>326723 over a 5/10 bitch?
>>326723 >>326724 ok thank you that's enough
A neet autist old friend of mine that's 3 or 4 years younger than me has a qt ginger gf that he cuddles in public. Feels bad tbh
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Got a wile bad stomach tbh
>>326727 poor lad try eating some ginger
no excuses
>>326725 you listening to this rather attractive based anti-troon lesbian on infowars?
>>326726 he is rich and you aren't
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>>326728 No can do lad I'm feeling a good hour or two on the toilet tbh
>>326717 the eternal retort will be representative democracy and there is no election specifically for a prime minister.
>>326730 that's a better option than >>326695
>>326717 everyone who calls for GE now is a racist
Bowden was so based
he'd have stopped all this bloody woke nonsense
>>326733 >the eternal retort will be representative democracy and there is no election specifically for a prime minister. what was the point of that months long leadership election with its televised debates and interviews though? such a farce
>>326731 I'm richer than him and pretty much anybody I know under 40 in terms of cash. Been working for 7 years, live at home and don't waste money on expensive trinkets or international holidays. Didn't buy a gooming PC even though I wanted one. I just save.
>>326741 good lad, did you buy your own house?
>>326695 I fancy Lauren Southern so hecking much
>>326740 It's an internal election within the party so no idea. Maybe showing how democratic the internal election process is?
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>>326745 >Maybe showing how democratic the internal election process is? yeah but then they trew it all away and installed Rishi over a manufacured "market" panic
>>326742 No I live with parents lad. No point in buying a house if it's just me alone, even though I want one. I work nearby anyway so no need to move or pay for travel. Just saving for the future. >>326744 she's a disgusting poseur and slag
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About to take the biggest shite in my life
>>326746 holy shit we're all gonna make it
>>326746 good lad call in sick tomoro
>>326748 >she's a disgusting poseur and slag just my type
>>326746 a most fine manatee
>>326749 make sure to make comical straining noises lad it'll help
>>326747 Come on lad no one thinks about it, if at all, like that. Remember all the papers mocking her? I remember being told it was a minor hedge fund led faction got her elected and was ousted by the WEF faction almost immediately for daring to step in the way of the great reset.
>>326756 the mini-budget was in no way near as damaging to the economy as the shit Rishi did when he was chancellor, but for some reason the "markets" freaked out, the media flapped up loads of panic, and Truss was forced to resign and make way for the man that TRULY fucked the economy Rishi Sunak who immedately starts doing more WEF shit
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stuff was really built to last in the past
>>326758 The cut in taxes would have lead to a spike in inflation I'm guessing. Giving all the money you printed away hides the problem longer.
>>326761 it was a tiny cut in taxes though the inflation was done by Rishi himself to pay for lockdowns and furloughs that didn't need to happen
>>326762 Like I said lad I was guessing, I have no idea of the justifications.
>>326760 Fucking hell it doubled as a bollard.
>>326763 >Like I said lad I was guessing, I have no idea of the justifications. Rishi is the WEF's boy Truss was trying to take the Tories back to a Thatcherite small state low tax mindset, which the powers that be do not want
>>326765 Like I said before, I was just told it was internal factionalism and one won.
>>326748 saved saver
>>326766 when Rishi spends, the markets don't "panic"
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hows the midterms so far lads? will zumpf be reinstated?
>>326774 demoncraps are finished
im hearing chatter that donald trump will lynch joe 'nigger' brandon on the white house steps later this day.
>>326771 no alex
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>Man with a knife arrested in #WestBend polling place after yelling ‘stop the voting.’ https://twitter.com/Tr00peRR/status/1590088494785114112
>>326772 they're all shite
>>326691 is he a polface or just a williamoid?
>>326782 you already know lad.
bins can you fuck off with this facebook spam you're worse than SA at this point
It's a bloody #ClimateScam
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maga rising
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>>326790 based Trump2024
>>326776 tbh flyover shartica is actually waking up tbf, even waking up to the jews
>>326794 are the chuds making joe "pussy faggot" brandon wee himself yet?
>>326794 I was trying to explain to the mummer how jews control the media and she was like, "it's always all about the jews and the blacks and the gays, they're like 5% of the population, who cares?" thing is by the time these nigger cattle wake up and realize the gravity of the situation whites will be the ones that are 5% of the population
>>326796 I think brandon already does that just fine lass
>>326793 tbh SOON
oh and then I replied to it, "yeah they have this mindset that the whites should just die" and she laughed, seeming to not think it was serious. I explained that it was and she changed the subject
hope Trump '24 is 2016 on megasteroids
>>326801 tbh someone post the chudhopolite mene
>>326793 this lad gets it
>>326797 they will just jump on the bandwagon once it becomes based to hate kikes lad, just call them globalists or elites for right now it means the same thing
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>when you could go on youtube any night of the week and watch live multiple angles of civil unrest and street violence
>>326806 kino days lad may they come soon, preferably within wessies lifespan.
>>326803 >chudhopolite this one?
>republicans winning in Miami
>>326807 ty lad
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I can feel it the white race is winning
they let beady mike back on twatter keeeeeek
>>326807 <oh no they're back
>>326814 link lad?
>>326817 https://twitter.com/MPeinovichNJP he's been btfoing the jews epic style
>>326815 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>326815 he made 10 million dollars since this photo was taken
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>>326810 baste
>>326820 he has also saved ten million white races. bless him and all our fellow kekistanis on this day.
>>326820 nick IDF right on tim
>>326822 >what was it all for? lulz
CNN exit poll on race: White: 76% Black: 9% Latino: 10% Asian: 2% Native: 1% Other: 2% Significantly whiter electorate than in 2020 if these exit polls are accurate. https://twitter.com/SidKhurana3607/status/1590107539898699776
>>326818 looks like he's been enjoying himself.
>>326821 I'm going to Chile in January. Hope to ravage some local pussy.
this all feels like theater
>>326826 vote suppression is working
>>326826 yeah most of the lumpenproles only vote in the presidential elections
>>326828 CULOmbia better for puss than Chile.. but still, le ebin. allegedly Peru is Philippines-tier in terms of white worship but they are very indio and uggo
>spic piss off this is britpol fuck off to hispachan. nobody thinks swarthoids are anything but lower life forms for the anglo to make use of as undifferentiated mass
>>326832 I will try Peru next time if Chile is a success.
>>326833 pussy is pussy all slaver owners agree
i miss him tbh
>>326833 quit seethin', lad
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mogged by nordic women even dark phenotype ones
STEINER what site posts the results of elections live
>>326840 twitter
>>326840 https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/11/08/us/elections/results-senate.html
>>326842 thanks lad tyt is down
>>326840 idk I just ask mummy she is watching rn
nigger yid times just made me make an account to look at their gay zog propaganda.
is whitmer going to win? does anybody give a shit about her and those two lesbo kikes blatantly framing a bunch of chuds?
>>326848 when I went to vote there was an army of lisa simpsons in their little "business professional" slut attire, womongs are upset about the abortion shite, they are all so passionate about killing their babies for dionysus that they are voting for gretchen
>>326836 Not when it is domestic and so has a risk of breeding niglets in one's own homeland
>>326849 what about those lesbo kike glowies i forget their names.
>>326851 elissa slotkin and dana nassel
>>326852 nice looks like slotkin is losing
>>326853 based
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fresh dogman image from shitagain thread on 4chan
>As of 9:05 p.m. ET, 59 Republican candidates who denied the 2020 election results have won their midterm race. https://twitter.com/washingtonpost/status/1590163825604513792
>>326766 Rishi hurts the economy more, but “panics then markets” less
midnight manatee on time democraps btfo in midterms We have won the day lads
>>326837 why tbh? he was Israel's lapdog like every scumfuck for a century before him if he wins again it'll be on a campaign of "I won't kowtow to Israel this time" and then he'll kowtow to Israel
>>326860 im going to fucking kill you libtard
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RED MOON RED VOTES the memes are on are side once more
>>326865 based meme magick
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>>326866 red is a based colour in shartica
Awful lot of shit memes on twitter tonight
>mimicking yanks DISGUSTING
flossed, brushed, scraped tongue, rinsed. then I washed my face, applied retinol, and microneedled my hairline. letting the bleeding stop then I'll clean the blood off with wet Q-tips, then do red light therapy on my face and balls
morb couldn't sleep because I was thinking about dying when I finally started dozing the fucking fire alarm went off for some reason I'm tired and I want to sleep but I also want to spend my time doing anything but lying in bed and thinking job centre calling me in again today
>>326873 >forgot your growing exercises laaaad
fresh AUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH “We don’t need to persuade people, we can just change their memory” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CldvwGd4R4c
>>326876 smorb lad smh >>326878 it's sickening tbh especially how they like to target children with it
schmorn lads loud hailstorm outside, not long until peak comfy season
>>326880 schmorn lad jealous tbh it's too hot here
>>326882 salvini? looking fairly JUSTed smh
had some kino lightning just now but sadly it was too far away to hear any thunder smh
>>326776 >racism is always wrong *clears throat* no
>>326885 Wessex is going to Valhalla within the year
>>326889 based
Left Wing Nobhead Tries to Egg are King - Fortunately Throws Like a Girl https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11407409/Man-arrested-police-throwing-eggs-King-Charles-Queen-Consort.html >Couple were being welcomed to York by city leaders when man threw three eggs at them, all of which missed >Other people in the crowd started chanting 'God save the King' and 'shame on you' as the man was led away
>>326892 the majority of the seethium allocation for this event goes to the niggercattle who are aping royalist sentiments because the media taught them to
>>326892 >poombs grew a beard Oh wait he lasered it off so it's not possible smh
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>>326895 If women were smarter they would all be lesbians and that is obviously not God's design
Fucking incel
turns out the magatards got btfo bros...
>>326900 perhaps electoral politics in weimart is a dead end road
>>326901 seems like trump picked some truly awful candidates like a turkish muslim for pennsylvania and a wife beating nigger for georgia who is on record for having paid women to get abortions.
>>326902 guess he still hasn't learnt his lesson from the lowest black unemployment debacle
>In 1927, Byers injured his arm falling from a railway sleeping berth. For the persistent pain, a doctor suggested he take Radithor, a patent medicine manufactured by William J. A. Bailey.[4] Bailey was a Harvard University dropout who falsely claimed to be a doctor of medicine and had become rich from the sale of Radithor, a solution of radium in water which he claimed stimulated the endocrine system. He offered physicians a 1/6 kickback on each dose prescribed.[5] >Byers began taking several doses of Radithor per day, believing it gave him a "toned-up feeling", but stopped in October 1930 (after taking some 1400 doses) when that effect faded. He lost weight and had headaches, and his teeth began to fall out. In 1931, the Federal Trade Commission asked him to testify about his experience, but he was too sick to travel so the commission sent a lawyer to take his statement at his home; the lawyer reported that Byers's "whole upper jaw, excepting two front teeth and most of his lower jaw had been removed" and that "All the remaining bone tissue of his body was disintegrating, and holes were actually forming in his skull."[6] >His death on March 31, 1932, was attributed to "radiation poisoning" using the terminology of the time, but it was due to cancers, not acute radiation syndrome. >The Federal Trade Commission issued an order against Bailey's business to "cease and desist from various representations theretofore made by them as to the therapeutic value of Radithor and from representing that the product Radithor is harmless".[8] He later founded the "Radium Institute" in New York and marketed a radioactive belt-clip, a radioactive paperweight, and a mechanism which purported to make water radioactive.[9] bruh
>got one of those army type beds you can put together with metal poles >the cover isnt big enough
>>326904 trust the science
Hispanic women in Florida voted more right wing than white women.
>>326907 smh now he'l have a coonfidence boost and start posting coombait again
>>326907 Surprised they took time away from their fur babies to vote.
>>326904 >mfw the newest goyslop is released
hitchens did a debate on pookraine
>>326904 >The Federal Trade Commission issued an order against Bailey's business to "cease and desist from various representations theretofore made by them as to the therapeutic value of Radithor and from representing that the product Radithor is harmless".[8] He later founded the "Radium Institute" in New York and marketed a radioactive belt-clip, a radioactive paperweight, and a mechanism which purported to make water radioactive.[9] Fucking hell. No wonder the opium pushers today only receive fines (that don't even equal their profits, providing no deterrence at all) instead of hanging. Weimshart being the ancap meme, but still nanny state for plebs, ridiculous taxes and racial wealth redistribution, all in one, without any socialised healthcare for good chudlets. Truly a cursed nation even by our standards.
https://youtu.be/vAwOob2JgMs keeking at this snabies head
>>326900 Imagine being so stung by Crusius that you still post his caricature years after his arrest. Why are the repulsive slaves of the Jesuits so weak?
>>326907 >"White" >it's a difference of around 1% That's within the margin of error for what they will call "white" and could be wrong or right. You picked possibly the least significant difference there to comment on.
aryan baby vs spic baby https://youtu.be/_0cErYu3A8Q
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republicucks lost every competitive senate race and barely won Wisconsin. it says they're up in Nevada but that will probably narrowly flip based on the votes left to count, it's mostly Las Vegas. takeaway is, another Blumpf term is not happening, GOP is cooked >>326907 >>326908 keeeeeeeek what the fuck. if Florida weren't so hot and sunny with bugs and hurricanes I'd probably move there and get a spicc goddess to breed, fuck it. all the white women want to do is kill their own babies, so why even bother, we're fucked anyway especially in North America
Race Mixing Freak
>>326916 keeeeek >>326917 isn't the GOP fairly civic similar to how the tories are
>>326917 what a goddess
die bbk some sort of castizo nationalist floridian separatist movement seems to be the only hope for a predominately genetically european population to exist on the north american continent >>326918 >isn't the GOP fairly civic similar to how the tories are well yeah obviously it's totally zogged, what kind of question is that? when Trump started talking about illegal immigration, building a wall, etc. that was completely unheard of at the time. really the reason why they freaked out about him so much was because he was igniting nativist sentiment that had been dormant for decades as the US was quietly but rapidly turned into a non-white country. and they appear to have made the decision in 2020 that they're going to just shut down the republican party on a national level via fraud in purple state metro areas the democrats set the agenda of the state and the republicans put up mock resistance, inner party outer party, both part of the same system. used to be that they'd let republicans in every so often to drum up the war agenda but now they don't even need them anymore
Race Mixing Freak
>>326916 Me on the left.
>>326920 Your presence in this racist organisation is baffling given that you are simply not racist. Do not push race mixing anymore.
>jobcentre torture >have to check exactly when I went over the limit so I can be fined >they make me do it myself >february >nearly a whole year of what is probably classed as fraud or some shit >probably going to get credit balance transferred into oblivion by the DWP and HMRC >they will definitely demand an accounting once I am back on bennies as to where the money went if I spend KEEEEEEEK
>>326923 Say you gave it to homeless people around Bath.
just looked at boiler because that is an allowable expense >no on switch >one device, a "timeguard" electronic panel with one switch and one button, labelled "off/timed" and "boost/change" respectively >digital screen doesn't even turn on >look around for anything else that might help >back wall of the airing cabinet is covered in thick fluffy mould
>>326926 couldn't you move out or into a council house lad?
you get him bbk make that mutt run on back to 4shite >>326927 the prioritised waiting list of the housing register says I might get a placement in 40 years
Hmmph? Must have been the wind.
spic needs to be banned for filter and ban evading >326933 you are irrelevant and unwanted
>>326934 >filter evading that's BBK's fault actually
>>326935 He was doing that anyway
>>326934 are you going to attempt to get new kidneys lad?
fuck off spic you aren't welcome
All you have to do spic is not push for race mixing
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How did the Shartican mid-term elections go? Do we know yet?
>>326923 you fucking mong do the casino thing i told you about
>>326944 >republicans won house, lost every senate race except Wisconsin. 51-49 senate, had to be 49-51 for GOP control what does this smean in real terms?
>>326938 from spic? don't think we'd be compatible seeing as he's not white could be worth a try regardless >>326945 just waste it? I could do a little bit of light betting perhaps but to get bennies back an accounting of money use is required
this spam will surely win everyone round
you'd think he'd get the hint smh
Interesting tactic tbh >The election was stolen >there wasn't even lip service that the voting system had changed since then >but go vote for us this year anyway
>>326951 I wouldn't have to post it again if he'd leave it up
>hitchens debate was against a lisa simpson pookraine rapefugee don't think I'll be watching that seethe fuel. love how foreigners can show up in britain and make bold demands without fear of being harmed
>>326955 ill watch it
>>326955 Country of utter mugs tbh.
>>326954 Remove the bit where you support race mixing and it can stay up lad
don't want to hear it spic go away
the council's consensus is unanimous spicposter, you are banished to the melaninated realms
I was quite interested in hearing what he had to say about the election
>>326965 just wait patiently for steiner to give a rundown
schnafternoon, kinder choccy for pre sninner snack
>>326967 you are fat.
>>326966 >just wait patiently for steiner to give a rundown spig is like the schizo version of steiner
please just fuck off
Spic has destroyed any goodwill I had left for him, he is now Greenlit and BOS
smh he's causing (you)flation too with his worthless unasked-for linking
undo the 326973 ban madlad that was the OP
>>326981 do the crime pay the time
why can't he understand literally nobody here wants to read his posts
*climbs the deleted posts to a better thread
>>326987 >why can't he understand literally nobody here wants to read his posts this applies to about 70% of the posts here though, at least
Fuck off for a while spic.
BBK doesn't surprise me but I'm disappointed in Madlad tbh, I even defended him over the whole cum eating thing and now he stabs me in the back
>>326992 your spam made the thread unreadable, you are ruining my user experience
btw the way bans work, I don't think it has anything to do with the ip address, it's just session+cookie. so if you hop back and forth between the same 2 ip addresses and clear cookies, permabans are gone and you can keep reusing those ips. interesting tbh
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I spammed walls of text to overthrow a truly unjust tyranny. You spam walls of text to push miscegenation. We are not the same.
drank a whole 2 litre bottle of lemonade and burped my lungs into my dads ear while he was working on the morris when i went for a piss it split off into two archs, refusing to adjust trajectory, and made a watery mess all over the toilet rim i still havent cleaned it and i wont thats my dads gfs problem
>mRNA vaccination has been done in the veteranian field for nearly twenty years >its been tested for decades on millions of cows and sheep >we've been eating vaxxoid meats all along and were already contaminated
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>>326999 based put some really loud music on
spiccism in full effect
>>327003 I'm not bbk you mong.
>326873 Filtered retard.
Wait is spig so new he doesn't know about SA?
>>327008 of course I do, I'm the one that made this image. notice the (you) with the burger at the top
and fucking madlad read with your fucking eyeballs, I took out the part BBK was originally censoring for. leave it up and I'll stop (for now)
ban him some more lad go on
I don't take orders from you
>>326947 Go to a casino and take out everything you want saved in your bank accounts in chips then mess around for a bit then cash the chips and go home with the cash. do it a couple times to not raise suspicion.
engaging in good faith would be not being an annoying spamming cunt you filthy moor
drive him out
you can tell that spic is actually severely autistic, like not in the meme way. if you interrupt an autistic to say something and it becomes a new conversation they will just continue that conversation you cut them off from like 5 hours later, they literally cant help themselves. they need the closure otherwise they'll feel distressed and it ruins their day. i bet spic is sweating and heavy breathing right now trying his best not to freak out irl.
>>327021 keeeeek
>>327021 I believe it
>>327021 no, this is just about right and wrong, I will not be censored. if the white man cannot speak his mind on /brit/, then he cannot do so anywhere
>>327024 you have no mates, irl or here and you've never had sex. you have autism.
>the white man
>>327024 >. if the white man
>>327000 thank fuck rna can't transfer like that
>>327026 I got a bj once back in high school. had my back on an uncomfortable big rock though
>he's still going
notice how wessie completely ignored my perfect advice for all his problems that he will continue to woe is me about.
>>327038 I already explained that I have to provide accounts on resuming benefits and that going gambling and losing lots of money is not an allowable expense
You're our racial enemy. Fuck off
no point in engaging in good faith then, these mods need to be removed, there will no negotations now he's outright deleting posts to memory hole evidence of his crimes >>326922 >organization spook >you are simply not racist I obviously am, the context of my lust for latinas is obviously racialist in nature. I fetishize their primitive, r-selected thicc bodies with high libido and urge to actually breed (which for some reason white women have virtually no desire to do) and the fact that they're inferior and know it, and they want to worship and upgrade, and how ecstatic and excited and eager they'd be for my sperms, what they've always dreamed about... feeling desired and valued... don't pretend you don't get it. now, when I say things like that post you banned me for, it's 99% a LARP and I don't plan on actually doing that, I want to make white babies (SOMEHOW), I am loyal to my race, it's just memey funposting and you're being a faggot and banhammering to masturbate your ego and don't think I don't remember what a freak you are, it's rich for you to accuse me of not being racist enough knowing the filth you've posted. one of the few things that actually should be bannable. I post spicc booty and you virtue signal about how that's so le ebil when you've posted actual genocidal evil shit >>326932 I do >>326937 if I hop ips it's for some legitimate reason that has nothing to do with this site. I like having a long-running id and wouldn't hop just to evade filters, only bans >>326940 I don't do that though >>326943 republicans won house, lost every senate race except Wisconsin. 51-49 senate, had to be 49-51 for GOP control >>326946 means there was a ton of fraud, democrats are brute forcing elections now, GOP is permanently fucked and Blumpf is not getting in 2024. in fact he might even lose the republican primary now since there's a very strong narrative that DeSantis (ZOG puppet far worse than Trump) is a more viable candidate (which is probably true actually but he would still lose unless they deliberately let him win) >>326958 UH NO fuck off actually, there is no such part >>326965 GOP being done is a done deal. now the struggle is between the shills that say 'DeSantis 2024, it's Trump's fault we lose, there's no fraud, elections are real' and people that acknowledge that it's all rigged and that DeSantis is an establishment stooge >>326972 tell that to the m*d that's causing the problem. if he's just leave my post up you could just hide it if you don't want to look at it. now the board is half unusable >>326979 mhmm because I'm the problem, not the mod that's banning people and deleting posts >>326990 if they'd stop the banning and deleting this episode would be over with. I'm not going to back down >>327012 I defended you when everyone was bullying you for eating your cum. and this is the thanks I get >>327016 >attempting to make a post one (1) time by definition, not spam >>327036 til Auslad gets on to remove the mods I guess
he just can't stop
>>327040 simply not having anything in the bank account is beneficial lad. either way find a relative with a business, like a furniture business and have him charge you for super expensive furniture (or whatever, multiple times) on card and then hand you the same amount in cash.
global reported him for spam
Tbh hate when cunts IP jump, nothing clever about it
>>327045 buying expensive furniture isn't an allowable expense either at most I might be able to make reasonable upgrades to various things, which is good enough not honestly too fussed about any fines tbh it is all government money anyway which I'll get back anyway over time if I survive the coming year >>327046 >drawing attention to this hive of autism keek smh >>327048 yeah it's really annoying when madlad has a seethefit and I can't simply filter him
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>>327048 just gotta click that delete cookies button and break the session tbh
>>327050 lad complete 60 iq mongs with substance abuse problems raise families of 6 on bennies. take the mickey out of them and they'll consneed every time. pretend to have a gambling addiction.
>>327052 keeeek smh wish I were grotty and dishonest enough to tbh lad
>>327054 I swear to god if I ever see you woe as me post about this again wessie.
>>327056 I just like complaining okay
no point in engaging in good faith then, these mods need to be removed, there will no negotations now he's outright deleting posts to memory hole evidence of his crimes >>326922 >organization spook >you are simply not racist I obviously am, the context of my lust for latinas is obviously racialist in nature. I fetishize their primitive, r-selected thicc bodies with high libido and urge to actually breed (which for some reason white women have virtually no desire to do) and the fact that they're inferior and know it, and they want to worship and upgrade, and how ecstatic and excited and eager they'd be for my sperms, what they've always dreamed about... feeling desired and valued... don't pretend you don't get it. now, when I say things like that post you banned me for, it's 99% a LARP and I don't plan on actually doing that, I want to make white babies (SOMEHOW), I am loyal to my race, it's just memey funposting and you're being a faggot and banhammering to masturbate your ego and don't think I don't remember what a freak you are, it's rich for you to accuse me of not being racist enough knowing the filth you've posted. one of the few things that actually should be bannable. I post spicc booty and you virtue signal about how that's so le ebil when you've posted actual genocidal evil shit >>326932 I do >>326937 if I hop ips it's for some legitimate reason that has nothing to do with this site. I like having a long-running id and wouldn't hop just to evade filters, only bans >>326940 I don't do that though >>326943 republicans won house, lost every senate race except Wisconsin. 51-49 senate, had to be 49-51 for GOP control >>326946 means there was a ton of fraud, democrats are brute forcing elections now, GOP is permanently fucked and Blumpf is not getting in 2024. in fact he might even lose the republican primary now since there's a very strong narrative that DeSantis (ZOG puppet far worse than Trump) is a more viable candidate (which is probably true actually but he would still lose unless they deliberately let him win) >>326958 UH NO fuck off actually, there is no such part >>326965 GOP being done is a done deal. now the struggle is between the shills that say 'DeSantis 2024, it's Trump's fault we lose, there's no fraud, elections are real' and people that acknowledge that it's all rigged and that DeSantis is an establishment stooge >>326972 tell that to the m*d that's causing the problem. if he's just leave my post up you could just hide it if you don't want to look at it. now the board is half unusable >>326979 mhmm because I'm the problem, not the mod that's banning people and deleting posts >>326990 if they'd stop the banning and deleting this episode would be over with. I'm not going to back down >>327012 I defended you when everyone was bullying you for eating your cum. and this is the thanks I get >>327016 >attempting to make a post one (1) time by definition, not spam >>327036 til Auslad gets on to remove the mods I guess >>327046 it's not spam you mong, it's one post that keeps getting removed for no reason
>I fetishize their primitive, r-selected thicc bodies with high libido and urge to actually breed (which for some reason white women have virtually no desire to do) and the fact that they're inferior and know it, and they want to worship and upgrade, and how ecstatic and excited and eager they'd be for my sperms, what they've always dreamed about... feeling desired and valued... don't pretend you don't get it. This is the problem with your post spic. Simply remove it.
>>327059 I already tried that and they removed it anyway
severe autism narcissism egomania socially maladjusted and unaware obsessive-compulsive
>>327061 coomer brained.
>>327051 Hmm never knew it was so simple, thanks
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Just whack it to anime girls brah.
we did it lads greatest victory over spics since the Spanish American war
>aggnonce *immediately turns on him like a rabid dog BAAAAAAN NOOOOWWWW!!!!
>>327067 They're pulling out.
>>327067 we will never understand this move until our 81st birthday. the mind of this man is an enigma.
smh spic should had spent more time advising putin and less time spamming
I am not Aggnonce schizo.
>I am not aggnonce t.aggnonce
looks like spiclet gave in
>>327073 his SOVL was depleted and he has retired to uplift it
with pictures of latino feet
thanks a lot steiner
fresh and imminently live PA https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PWR183:c
Inductive reasoning is basically synonymous with a man's complacency
>>327078 >>327078 use your bennie money to ask a question about the EC
>>327080 consneedering it tbh but I don't want my bank account banned for supporting "terrorist organisations" or whatever is it they use as an excuse smnh
today's meals: -One portion of shreddies and a bit of milk -One cup of tea and three plain biscuits -One apple -Four portions of boiled mixed vegetables -One toasted sandwich, chicken and cheese -Popcorn to follow with goyslop already learning to live with the hunger pangs
>but I don't want my bank account banned for supporting "terrorist organisations" yeah whatever wessex
>>327083 the PA ecelebs have all had multiple accounts banned and supporters have been targeted by police seethemong
You are not an e celeb and nobody has ever been approached by the police over a superchat, you are just a fat indolent coward.
Is convinced he's going to die in less than a year and won't even send a superchat, truly a saviour of the shite race
I notice you're not offering
>>327087 Lad he's a jock. He wouldn't give money to someone he liked.
you're the one with 16 grand that needs to be spent you yid cunt
>>327088 keek tbh might pay his annual rent contribution for next year's parting gift, all £5 of it
he has 16k saved and people are calling me a greedy jock, dole dossing cunt, I've donated to eggy numerous times, who do you think asked him to watch the steiner vids
nasty disgusting crab scum, he'd betray anybody on here for pennies from CT or HnH
And I, I would betray you all if they could make my cute 2d big titted tomboy waifu real.
do you think the scot slaves from early yank colonial times were crab broken too?
>>327092 Lad even if you believe that to be true what would he actually gain with 11 months till complete renal failure?
Even without the renal failure he'd gain nothing now that I think about. Just increased isolation.
Maybe a vice documentary.
>>327097 maybe I could turn coat and hang out with robbie mullen before battering him to death with a sock full of frozen vegetables
>How I ousted a racist forum of 11 online nobodies
the fuck are you mongs even talking about, wessie is just an odious little cunt
>>327103 many things I may be, but I'm not little
https://youtu.be/ny_Cxd8GKVo This scene was based, film was good but its message was absolute reddit horseshoe theory bollocks
lads are there any genuinely useful/interesting uses of stable diffusion. beyond smut smh I've played around with it but can't seem to make anything that isn't a monster. everyone else seems to be able to make better stuff than i can.
>>327107 maybe generating character portraits for tabletop gaming or whatever just a gimmick imo tbh
>>327108 I think it could be quite useful for generating back ground images or textures for a video games
>>327107 its alright for coming up with ideas
>>327111 What episode are you on? Only caught up to 11 just now tbh.
>>327112 we are on ep10
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made a curt eye-contact and "thankyou" to cashier lass as I grabbed my tinnies, just to be polite. at my gaze she jittered from head to toe, she practically hopped; I must've scared her. time to drown my shame.
have to be more mindful of my expression, forgot to restrain my permanent scowl
>>327115 I'm sure it wasn't that bad.
rate me
>>327118 burzum fan/10
>327111 lad
Ukraine are cornering Kherson
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>string of breakins and attempted burglaries in my town recently >police haven't caught a single one of them lads.... what do i get to protect my christmas prezzies? A really big stick? A cricket bat? A giant silicone horse cock? I'm not going to get a sword because I don't want to stab someone and go to jail tbh
>>327123 better locks
>>327124 This isn't hitman lad they don't spend 30 mins outside your house playing with tweezers they wrench the cunt open with industrial prybars now
get a vicious dog
>>327123 just get a knife, stabe into the artery areas and drag the knife to kill them in seconds
>>327125 yeah smh considering some BIG bars around my windows tbh but then that'd draw more attention smh
Get a mini vibrating dorsey alarm which is kept in a cage at your front door to worn off intruders
>tfw you have to rescue wessie from the bennie house with iron bars on the window in your flying dafty van
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>>327127 >Sorry anon, but because you killed this bright young BAME teenager with an oxford education ahead of him, you must now go to jail 5ever >nevermind the fact he and his friends were armed to the teeth with crowbars and machetes and attempting to break into your private domicile Now if I bust some kneecaps and skulls it looks better in court than executing someone cartel style, plus all the recent burglaries in my town have been done by groups of people not individuals, a knife is too close, it'll get stuck in one of them and i'll be done for. I'll just get a cool baseball bat and pretend i'm a delinquent from my animays
>>327130 keeked tbh
>>327131 also put marbles on the floor at night and other whimsical traps tbh
>>327134 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>327134 >tfw you will never go to vanlad's school of windowfitting and druidry
went to the pub and with my dad and told him about gf i had when i was 16 now he wont stfu about it is this my penance for making a mess on the toilet smh
electric coins getting slaughtered again
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watching that bbc documentary about the kabul evacuation and holy shit american soldiers love crying on camera.
>>327141 its all the soy in the rations
>>327141 yeah I hate how we have to dicksuck them, vietnam veterans were so much more based than them
modern zogbots are just like white niggers and just scam disability with cpap machines and pretend they have PTSD from having to paint rocks at fort benning
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This incel thought he could badmouth American heroes and get away scot free
keek there is a little mini chudlet who is 14 and helps out sometimes on the jobsite and he wants to be a zogbot and keeps saying how we could have won in afghanistan and I just tell him to shut the fuck up turd and how he wasn't even sperm when osama bin laden (a CIA agent who didn't even do sept 11th) escaped into pakistan from tora bora in 2001 and that the "War" had no strategic objective that allowed victory. so then america did gay shit like guard opium fields and protect gay nonce warlords from the taliban who were the actual moral leaders of the country and protected children from faggots and ended drugs.
>>327147 based. i would have owned that kid way harder tho.
>>327078 keeeeeeeeekpic
>>327147 keeeek it's the same here, probably already said but I did some neettorture run by veterans and the youngest was from desert shithole and he did a presentation of "holiday photos" from his tour of duty and he literally was just walking around opium fields and so on massive amounts of cognitive dissonance I guess, or they just don't think about it
specifcally a photo of him and his patrol wading junk deep in chemical contaminated water to protect opium farms because mountainchads come down at night and bury landminds on the paths
>>327148 yeah I plan on shutting that faggot zoomer down anytime he tries to larp about zogbot shit. little faggots who think that doing 3 years painting rocks at some zogbase means they are like a 2003 GWOT veteran can fuck off tbh
>>327152 >oh you like war? >yeah i have this cool book about an epic war >here kid *hands over the turner diaries*
>>327152 he just wants to shoot baddies like in call of duty smh
>>327151 yeah they want you to think they are the good guys when they literally volunteered to invade some peoples country and murder them so that pro westoid warlords could grow drugs and engage in faggotry. taliban are mudshit faggots but they were the rightful leaders of that country
>>327153 next time I plan on showing him some reddit gore from ukraine and tell him to go fight in a real war
tbh even pat tilman back in 2006 or whatever knew the war was shite but dumb fags still volunteered to serve in it up until 2020.
republicuck abortion faggots like tudor dixon just doomed my state to 4 years a a hard leftist kike state legistlature that is openly saying they are going to import loads of shitskins. republisucks are the worst thing in the world. I fucking hate "democracy" https://www.mlive.com/politics/2022/11/michigan-senate-goes-dem-for-first-time-in-4-decades-with-the-aid-of-redistricting-abortion.html
>>327159 lmao so it was all women? why do michiganders love getting femdom'd so much?
>>327160 idk when I went to the polling place it was like it was underguard by the lisa simpson army because of how important baby killing is to women in america
tudor dixon was an obvious patsy to get women to vote because she said a bunch of prot autism crap about abortion instead of being more clever like a catholic about it. michigan politics is dominated by the UAW union (united auto workers) and the teachers union
>>327162 prot autism crap?
>>327163 like open in your face autism about abortion instead of just being quiet about it
like that 12 year olds that get raped should be forced to bear the child.
>>327165 well i guess if you get asked about it you do have to give an answer, and for you to keep to your principals you would have to say that abortions is bad no matter what, right
shni toil on the morrow time slipping away
>>327167 the world is your oyster lad
>>327166 no you should win the election so that leftoids can't import somalis for 4 years
>>327169 well yeah, but she's not us
>>327162 do you think there was any voter fraud this time lad
>>327171 yeah it doesn't matter that is just faggot republishite nonsense democracy has been fake and gay since andrew jacksons time. the bowery boys used to go around and beat up irish and germans and make them go vote for democrats back in the 1840s
>Election remains stolen >Russia BTFO out of Kherson >Rethuglicans BTFO in the mid terms >Wessie is about to die ZOGbros... its our year.
>>327173 I'm going to shiv you in the kidneys aggnonce.
>mfw twitter stalinists thought inflation and the public coffers being drained to support pookraine would swing the country red bc "muh material conditions" it's obvious the salient factor in determining the character or direction of the public consciousness is RELIGION (in today's case the Democrat "civil society" institutions: media-academia-NGO cultic social engineering apparatus)
>>327175 if elections are real that is.
>>327175 tbh yeah
smh been having incel pains lately
https://youtu.be/Sb_zA-hLMO4 >guy makes a "realistic" version of the t-rex from Jurassic park just to have it vore people smh
>>327180 at least he's not a feather cuck
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-63574461 former para gets btfo while larping in pookraine
>>327180 dinosaurs are such a meme I hate them
>>327185 tbh current marine animals are cooler
Not even marine ones even
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can't wait for future evolutions tbh
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>>327192 Keeeeeeeek I miss the stefather smh *doesn't go to his philosophytube to listen to him*
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just evolution things
>>327194 poor stefan nobody listens to him anymore and he used to be huge fucking sad
>>327196 tbh. makes me happy that Sam Hyde has honoured him at least
>>327197 >makes me happy that Sam Hyde has honoured him at least what do you mean?
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>>327198 oh thank god!
>>327199 not really in any official way just that he's mentioned it at least twice how he redpilled him and a lot of people
>>327198 >sometimes think its soy how boomer toilers soyface over powertools but then see videos like this of late 30s-early 40s guys playing with shite I thought was gay when I was 15
these lego youtubers preordering and buying out local lego shops so kids can't get their hands on them keeek. Going to need 20 of these 300 dollar lego sets so I can use the minifigs in my clone army
(1.87 MB 434x748 legdestroyer.webm)

(1.87 MB 434x748 legdestroyer.webm)

>>327201 >redpilled him and a lot of people it's true, that's why they got him I guess he was a stepping stone to deeper truths
a fox has been coming round my house once a night, every night for the past week screaming it's horrid banshee scream for 20 minutes straight at a time. need to get a BB gun
>>327203 I think they are the main people buying lego at this point kids don't play with lego anymore, they are all glued to touchscreen devices
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muskrat bros.........
can't find muskrat versus pitbull video anymore
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don't even know what a muskrat is
>>327212 >>327212 good lad a classic helmers webm
>>327213 I think some people call them nutrias
>helmer deader than that muskrat
>>327215 they're not something we get over here we just have ordinary Bri'ish rats
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>0:16-0:23 *pulls egg beater whisk from mouth* purfect
>>327217 you have comfy hedge hogs though
>In the UK, nutria escaped from fur farms and were reported in the wild as early as 1932. There were three unsuccessful attempts to control nutria in east Great Britain between 1943 and 1944. Nutria population and range increased, causing damage to agriculture in the 1950s. During the 1960s, a grant was awarded to rabbit clearance societies that included nutria.[77] This control allowed for the removal of 97,000 nutria in 1961 and 1962. From 1962 to 1965, 12 trappers were hired to eradicate as many nutria as possible near the Norfolk Broads. The campaign used live traps allowing non-target species to be released while any nutria caught were shot. Combined with cold winters in 1962 to 1963, almost 40,500 nutria were removed from the population. Although nutria populations were greatly reduced after the 1962–1965 campaign ended, the population increased until another eradication campaign began in 1981. This campaign succeeded in fully eradicating nutria in Great Britain. The trapping areas were broken into 8 sectors leaving no area uncontrolled. The 24 trappers were offered an incentive for early completion of the 10-year campaign. In 1989 nutria were assumed eradicated as only 3 males were found between 1987 and 1989 Total Anglo victory
and your squirrels are based still like midwestern fox squirrels though but grey squirrels are shite
I guess the nutria is different than the muskrat smdh
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red squirrel? grey squirrel? no... GROUND SQUIRREL
>>327223 yeah those cunts are based they vore so much farmers food and get splattered by BIG TRUCKS on the country roads kicking up dust
>>327107 If somebody could set up an algorithm with it that removes watermarks from shutterstock images, many lulz could be had. >>327108 >>327109 These are big developing uses of it so far, which are making (((real))) artists mega-seethe about it. >>327131 If you're that averse to the consequences of fucking up a burglar, don't even be the one to do it. Get yourself a pack of dogs. Not a dog, like a German shepherd or a rottweiler, which some diverse individual of peace could put down with the piece that came with them on the boat, nor two of them, but several jack russells that would eat the same amount of food. Just think, a good shooter might be able to hit one big dog, or a good fighter might be able to split their sternum, but I'd like to see anyone take out a swarm of land-piranhas before they are upon them and taking out chunks of their neck. This shit is Craiyon tbh, don't have the BIG card you need for SD.
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>>327220 based, would love a proper graphic of this
>327229 Filtered
>>327231 why lad, what did they ever do to you? also tbh
>>327232 >for there to be any hope of anything good ever happening what's the good that you think will happen from them giving up on politics?
Not politics, he said democracy
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thought he'd filtered smee....
Stephen Fry has left twatter because it's just so awful now Elon has taken it over but it's basically exatly the same as it was before
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Gets quiet here at night doesn't it
going bed
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>le kyke on a stick
sneed chucks
https://youtu.be/9-3Q7q9cFOU keeek you can send this boomer shite to his email and he reads it

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